University of Ibadan 2010 and 2011 Research Report

Published by
Ibadan University Press
University of Ibadan
© University of Ibadan, 2013
First Published 2013
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978 – 978 – 8456 – 05 – 6
Printed by:
Royal Bird Ventures Ltd.
08033255586, 08090720530
Globally, the importance of research is widely recognized by govern-ments,
industries and other stakeholders as a major driver of social and economic
development. The contribution of higher education institutions to the
generation of new ideas and knowledge cannot be overemphasized. In
accordance with the vision of the University of Ibadan to impact societal
needs, academic research activities are directed towards know-ledge creation,
innovation and dissemination, to achieve industrial development.
Currently, evidence of research activity and research publication output are
key indices for the ranking of universities. Therefore, it is essential to
constantly update the database of the research output of our institution. The
2010 and 2011 research report documents the publication citations of the
researchers at the University of Ibadan. This document provides insight into
the research activity and the contribution to knowledge by the academic staff in
the various departments and institutes of the University during the stated
period. Worthy of note are the large numbers of research publications across
the spectrum in the fields of sciences and the humanities. A number of these are
related to the Millennium Development Goals, sustainable development and
issues addressing relevant societal challenges. Evidently, the University of
Ibadan continues to demonstrate its role as a leading research institution in
Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.
However, there is a lot of room for improvement in the University of
Ibadan's research performance. To this end, efforts are being made to develop
researchers' capacity to access funding for future research, improve research
infrastructure, train early career researchers and facili-tate south-south and
north-south research collaborations. The recently established University of
Ibadan Research Foundation will provide excellent opportunities for accessing
research funding, supporting collaborative research and will ultimately
enhance research output in the coming years. The Research Management
Office (RMO) will also play its oversight role by providing support for
researchers to conduct cutting-edge research while ensuring that good research
administrative practices are maintained.
The roles of the Director, RMO, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
in bringing this novel effort to reality deserve commendation.
Professor Isaac F. Adewole FAS
22 June, 2013
ADENEGAN, Kemisola Omorinre (Nee Akinterinwa)
Fadiran, T.P., Ogbumike, F.O. and Adenegan, K.O. (2010) Evaluating relative
efficiency of insurred banks in Nigeria Journal of Banking, Vol. 4 No.1
Pp 77-93.
Oladokun, Y.O.M. and Adenegan, K.O. (2010) Credit utilizations among rice
farmers in three selected Local Government Areas in Oyo State,
Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development Vol. 7 No. 1. Pp. 11-18.
Yusuf, T.M., F.Y. Okunmadewa Adenegan K.O. and A.S. Oyekale (2010)
Productivity of women farmers in the derived savannah zone of
Nigeria: Panacea to food crisis. Journal of Research in Agriculture..
Vol. 7 No. 2. Pp. 21- 27.
Nwauwa, L.O.E., Akintunde, O.K. and Adenegan, K.O. (2010) The consumption
pattern of goat meat in Ilorin metropolis of Kwara State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Sustainable Develop-ment. Vol. 4 No. 1. Pp.
Akinpelu, A.O. and Adenegan, K.O. (2011) Performance of sweet potato
marketing system in Umuahia market, Abia State, Nigeria. Continental
Journal of Agricultural Economics 5: 7 – 13.
Adenegan, K.O. and I.B. Adeoye (2011) Fruit Consumption among University of
Ibadan Students, Nigeria. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and
Biological Science. Vol. 6, No. 6.
Ajibola, A.O. and Adenegan, K.O. (2011) Rural livelihood in South-West Nigeria:
Strategies, assets ownerships and the non-farm income research.
Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (5): 344-348.
ADEOTI, Adetola Ibidunni
Cofie, O., Adeoti, A., Nkansah-Boadu, F. and Awuah, E. (2010) Farmers
perception and economic benefits of excreta use in southern Ghana.
Resources,Conservation and Recycling Vol. 55:161-166.
Oyekale, A.S. and Adeoti, A.I. (2010) HIV/AIDS and Efficiency of food
production in the rainforest belt of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable
Development in Africa. Vol. 12(4).
Rahji, M.A.Y. and Adeoti, A.I. (2010) Determinants of agricultural credit
rationing by commercial banks in, Nigeria. International Journal of
Finance and Economics. Vol. 37:7-14
Adeoti, A.I., O.E. Olayide and A.S. Coaster (2010) Flooding and fishers' welfare
in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology Vol. 32(3) 161167.
Takeshima, H., Adeoti, A. and Salau, S. (2010) Measuring the effect of
transaction costs for investment in irrigation pumps: Application of unobserved stochastic threshold model to the case of
Nigeria. IFPRI. Nigeria Strategy Support Program (NSSP) Working
Paper No. 15 July 2010.
Takeshima, H., Adeoti, A., Silas, O., Salau, S. and Valerie, R. (2010) Demand
characteristics of small scale private irrigation technologies:
Knowledge gaps in Nigeria. IFPRI. Nigeria Strategy Support
Program (NSSP) Working Paper No. 18 October 2010.
Adeoti, A.I. and O.A. Oni (2011) Demand for immunization and child mortality
in Nigeria. African Journal of Economic Policy Vol. 18 (1) 63-95.
Adeoti, J.O. and Adeoti A.I. (2011) Technology capability, innovation capacity
and agro-industry development in Nigeria. African Journal of
Science, Technology , Innovation and Development. Vol. 3 No. 2 pp
Adeoti, A.I., Oladele, O.I. and O. Cofie (2011) Sustainability of livelihoods
through urban agriculture: Gender dimensions in Accra Ghana. Life
Science Journal. Vol. 8(2): 940-948.
Awoyemi, T.T., Adeoti, A.I. and Abdul-Quadir, M.I. (2011) Optimum
replacement age of date palm for profit maximization in Nigeria.
Savannah Journal of Agriculture Vol. 6:1 pp 85-92.
Gani, B.S. and Adeoti, A.I. (2011) Analysis of market participation and poverty
among farmers in northern part of Taraba State, Nigeria. Journal of
Economics Vol. 2(1) pp23-36.
Oyekale, A.S., Adeoti, A.I. and T.O. Oyekale (2011) Income redistribution,
growth and poverty dynamics during the period of economic reforms
in Nigeria. The IUP Journal of Applied Economics Vol. X (2) 5-27.
Hiroyuki Takeshima, Adeoti, A.I. and Sheu Salau (2011) Measuring the effect of
transaction costs for investment in irrigation pumps: Application of
unobserved stochastic threshold model to the case of Nigeria. African
Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics Vol. 6 (2) pp 118-143.
Adeoti, A.I., Olufunke Cofie and Oladele Idowu (2011) Sustainability of urban
agriculture in Ibadan, Nigeria: Gender analysis of live-lihoods.
Chapter in Urban in Remi Adeyemo (ed), Agriculture, Cities and
Climate Change. pp 250-255. Gottingen: Cuvillier Verlag, 2011.
ADEPOJU, Abimbola Oluyemisi (nee Adesanoye)
Adepoju, A.O., Yusuf, S.A., B.T. Omonona and F.Y. Okunmadewa (2011)
Vulnerability profile of rural households in South-West, Nigeria.
Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 3, No. 1 pp 128-139.
AWOYEMI, Taiwo Timothy
Kehinde, A.L., Awoyemi, T.T., Omonona, B.T. and J.A. Akande (2010)
Technical efficiency of sawnwood production in Ondo and Osun
States, Nigeria. Journal of Forest Economics 16 pp. 11-18.
Awoyemi, T.T. and Olowa, O.W. (2010) Determination of loan repay-ment
potentials of group borrowers in Oyo state of Nigeria. Agricultural
Journal 5(1) 12-18.
Odozi, J.O., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona B.T. (2010) Household poverty
and inequality: The implication of migrants remit-tances in
Nigeria. Journal of Economic Policy Reform Vol. 13 No. 2 pp 191199.
Awotide, Amoke Bola, Awoyemi, T.T. and Ojehimon Titilayo Ebiohomon
(2010) Farm-level constraints and adoption of improved rice
varieties in Nigeria. Learning Publics. Journal of Agriculture and
Environmental Studies Vol. 1 (2) 12-29.
Adofu, Ilemona and Awoyemi T.T. (2010) Population density, resource
degredation and migration in Nigeria. International Journal of Social
Science Vol. 2 (9), 5-8.
Awoyemi, T.T. and Olowa, O.W. (2010) Determinants of loan repayment
potentials of group borrowers in Oyo State of Nigeria. Agricultural
Journal 5 (1): 12-18.
Awotide, B.A., Diagne, A., Awoyemi, T.T., Vivian Ebiohomon, and Titilayo
Ojehomon (2010) Farm level constraints and adoption of
improved varieties in Nigeria. Learning Publics. Journal of
Agriculture and Environmental Studies 1(2): 12-29.
Awoyemi, T.T. and Oluwatayo, I.B. (2010) “Gender mainstreaming of ICT
projects: Lessons from rural South-West, Nigeria” Libyan
Agriculture Research Center Journal International 1 (2): 65-69.
Awoyemi, T.T. (2010) Rural non-farm income and poverty reduction in Nigeria.
African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Nairobi, Kenya.
Awoyemi, T.T., Oluwatayo, B.I. and Adewusi, A.O. (2010) Inequality,
polarization and poverty in Nigeria. Poverty and Economic Research
Network (PEP) Universite Laval, Quebec: Canada.
Awotide, B.A., Aliou D., Awoyemi T.T. and Ojehomon, V.T. (2011) Impact
of access to subsidized certified improved rice seed on poverty reduction:
Evidence from rice farming households in Nigeria. International
Conference on Sustainable Development
2011 Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort, Putrajaya, Malaysia. March 22, 2011
Ref# 033/MAL/11/SSH.
Awoyemi, T.T., Obayelu, O.A. and H.I. (2011) Effect of distance on utilization
of health care services in rural Kogi State, Nigeria. Journal of
Human Ecology, 35 (1): 1-9.
Idowu, A.O., Awoyemi, T.T., Omonona, B.T. and Falusi, A.O. (2011) Non-farm
income diversification and poverty among rural farm households
in Southwest Nigeria”. European Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (1):
Adigun, Grace Toyin, Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona B.T. (2011) Determinants of
economic growth differential in rural Nigeria. New York Science
Journal, 4 (4): 50-58.
Adigun, G.T., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona, B.T. (2011) Estimating economic
growth and inequality elasticities of poverty in rural Nigeria.
International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development
4 (1).
Awoyemi, T.T., Adeoti, A.I. and Abdu-Qadir M.I. (2011) Optimum
replacement age of date palm for profit maximization in Nigeria.
Savannah Journal of Agriculture 6(1) 85-92.
Awoyemi, T.T. and Ajiboye, A.J. (2011) Analysis of profitability of fish
farming among women in Osun State, Nigeria. Journal of
Economics and Sustainable Development 2(4) 1-8.
Olatomide, W.O., Awoyemi, T.T., Omonona, B.T. and Olowa, O.A. (2011)
Remittances, inequality and social welfare in rural Nigeria.
Agricultural Economics VIII(4) 7-29.
OBAYELU, Oluwakemi Adeola
Obayelu, O.A. and Awoyemi, T.T. (2010) Spatial dimension of poverty in rural
Nigeria. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. Vol.
2(6) June 2010: 231-244.
OLAJIDE, Oluwafunmiso Adeola
Olajide, O.A. and W. Doppler (2010) Gender and food security in rural areas A comparative analysis. In farming and rural systems
economics (Eds) W. Doppler Vol. 115 Weikersheim: Margraf Verlag.
Olajide, O.A. and W. Doppler (2011) Family income and cash flow of rural
households in South-east Nigeria: A comparative and gender-based
analysis. International Journal of Agricultural Management and
Development. Vol. 11, 49.
Olajide, O.A. (2011) The nature of household water shortage among rural
households in Imo State of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture,
Food and Environment Vol. 7(3).
OLUWATAYO, Isaac Busayo
Oluwatayo, I.B. (2010) Microcredit and household poverty status in rural
Nigeria: Experience from selected agencies in Ekiti State.
International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2(1):7790.
Oluwatayo, I.B., B.W. Olute and A.B. Sekumade (2010) Seasonal variability in
production and availability of fish and fish products in rural Nigeria.
In Biotechnology Development and Threat of Climate Change in
Africa: The Case of Nigeria. (2): 189-200. Odunayo C. Adebooye,
Kehinde A. Taiwo and Andrew A. Fatufe (eds). Gottingen, Cuvillier
Verlag Publishers, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-86955-403-7.
Sekumade, A.B. and I. B. Oluwatayo (2011) Economic analysis of plank
production in Gbonyin Local Government Area of Ekiti State,
Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural
Development, 4(1): 36-42.
Oluwatayo, I.B. (2011) Climate change and adaptive capacity of women to
water stress in urban centers of Nigeria: Emerging concerns and
reactions. In Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate
Change Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010, Local
Sustainability. K. Otto-Zimmermann (eds.) Vol. 1, Part 2, 69-78,
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0785-6_7.
OMONONA, Bolarin Titus
Kehinde, A.L., T.T. Awoyemi, B.T. Omonona and J.A. Akande (2010)
Technical efficiency of sawnwood production in Ondo and
economics (Eds) W. Doppler Vol. 115 Weikersheim: Margraf Verlag.
Olajide, O.A. and W. Doppler (2011) Family income and cash flow of rural
households in South-east Nigeria: A comparative and gender-based
analysis. International Journal of Agricultural Management and
Development. Vol. 11, 49.
Olajide, O.A. (2011) The nature of household water shortage among rural
households in Imo State of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture,
Food and Environment Vol. 7(3).
OLUWATAYO, Isaac Busayo
Oluwatayo, I.B. (2010) Microcredit and household poverty status in rural
Nigeria: Experience from selected agencies in Ekiti State.
International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2(1):77-90.
Oluwatayo, I.B., B.W. Olute and A.B. Sekumade (2010) Seasonal variability in
production and availability of fish and fish products in rural Nigeria.
In Biotechnology Development and Threat of Climate Change in
Africa: The Case of Nigeria. (2): 189-200. Odunayo C. Adebooye,
Kehinde A. Taiwo and Andrew A. Fatufe (eds). Gottingen, Cuvillier
Verlag Publishers, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-86955-403-7.
Sekumade, A.B. and I. B. Oluwatayo (2011) Economic analysis of plank
production in Gbonyin Local Government Area of Ekiti State,
Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural
Development, 4(1): 36-42.
Oluwatayo, I.B. (2011) Climate change and adaptive capacity of women to water
stress in urban centers of Nigeria: Emerging concerns and reactions. In
Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change
Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010, Local Sustainability. K. OttoZimmermann (eds.) Vol. 1, Part 2, 69-78, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-0070785-6_7.
OMONONA, Bolarin Titus
Kehinde, A.L., T.T. Awoyemi, B.T. Omonona and J.A. Akande (2010)
Technical efficiency of sawnwood production in Ondo and
Osun States, Nigeria. Journal of Forest Economics. Vol. 16 (1) pp 11-18 Elsevier
Omonona, B.T. and Egbetokun, O.A. and Akanbi, A.T. (2010) Farmers resource
– Use and technical efficiency in cowpea production in Nigeria.
Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 40 No. 1, March 2010. Australia.
Omonona, B.T., Alonge, O.A. and Ashagidigbi, W.M. (2010) How cassava
exportation policy affects household consumption of cassava food
products in Nigeria. Journal of New Seeds. 11:1–18.
Omonona, B.T., J.O. Amao and R.I. Onoja (2010) Determinants of participation
of children in income-earning activities among households in Ibadan
North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Social
Sciences. Vol. 23 No. 3 pp 197-205.
Odozi, J.C., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Household poverty and
inequality: The implication of migrant's remit-tances in Nigeria.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Vol. 13 No. 2 pp 191-199.
Omonona, B.T. and Adeoye, I.B. (2010) Palliative impact of harvested rainwater
on households in suburban neighborhood of Ibadan City, Nigeria.
Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences 4: No. 1 pp 20- 25.
Akinpelu, A.O., Asumugha, G.N., Omonona, B.T. and Olojede, A.O. (2010)
Response of livingstone potato (Plectranthus Esculen-tus) to different
NPK 15:15:15 application rates. Journal of Sustainable Development
Vol. 7 No. 1 pp 52-55.
Ayantoye, K., Yusuf, S.A., Okoruwa, V.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010)
Determinants of food insecurity status among rural households in
Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and
Apicultural Research. Vol. 6 Nos. 1 and 2. pp 10-23.
Babalola, D.A., Makinde, Y.O., Omonona, B.T. and Oyekanmi, M.O. (2010)
Determinants of post harvest losses in tomato production: A case
study of Imeko-Afon Local Government Area of Ogun State. Acta
Satech Journal of Life and Physical Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 2 pp 14-18.
Omonona, B.T., Lawal, J.O. and Oyinlana, A.O. (2010) Determinants of credit
constraint conditions and production efficiency amon
Osun States, Nigeria. Journal of Forest Economics. Vol. 16 (1) pp 11-18 Elsevier
Omonona, B.T. and Egbetokun, O.A. and Akanbi, A.T. (2010) Farmers resource
– Use and technical efficiency in cowpea production in Nigeria.
Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 40 No. 1, March 2010. Australia.
Omonona, B.T., Alonge, O.A. and Ashagidigbi, W.M. (2010) How cassava
exportation policy affects household consumption of cassava food
products in Nigeria. Journal of New Seeds. 11:1–18.
Omonona, B.T., J.O. Amao and R.I. Onoja (2010) Determinants of participation
of children in income-earning activities among households in Ibadan
North Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of
Social Sciences. Vol. 23 No. 3 pp 197-205.
Odozi, J.C., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Household poverty and
inequality: The implication of migrant's remit-tances in Nigeria.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Vol. 13 No. 2 pp 191-199.
Omonona, B.T. and Adeoye, I.B. (2010) Palliative impact of harvested rainwater
on households in suburban neighborhood of Ibadan City, Nigeria.
Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences 4: No. 1 pp 20- 25.
Akinpelu, A.O., Asumugha, G.N., Omonona, B.T. and Olojede, A.O. (2010)
Response of livingstone potato (Plectranthus Esculen-tus) to different
NPK 15:15:15 application rates. Journal of Sustainable Development
Vol. 7 No. 1 pp 52-55.
Ayantoye, K., Yusuf, S.A., Okoruwa, V.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010)
Determinants of food insecurity status among rural households in
Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and
Apicultural Research. Vol. 6 Nos. 1 and 2. pp 10-23.
Babalola, D.A., Makinde, Y.O., Omonona, B.T. and Oyekanmi, M.O. (2010)
Determinants of post harvest losses in tomato production: A case
study of Imeko-Afon Local Government Area of Ogun State. Acta
Satech Journal of Life and Physical Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 2 pp 14-18.
Omonona, B.T., Lawal, J.O. and Oyinlana, A.O. (2010) Determinants of credit
constraint conditions and production efficiency amon
Osun States, Nigeria. Journal of Forest Economics. Vol. 16 (1) pp 11-18
Elsevier Publishers.
Omonona, B.T. and Egbetokun, O.A. and Akanbi, A.T. (2010) Farmers
resource – Use and technical efficiency in cowpea production in
Nigeria. Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 40 No. 1, March 2010.
Omonona, B.T., Alonge, O.A. and Ashagidigbi, W.M. (2010) How cassava
exportation policy affects household consumption of cassava food
products in Nigeria. Journal of New Seeds. 11:1–18.
Omonona, B.T., J.O. Amao and R.I. Onoja (2010) Determinants of
participation of children in income-earning activities among
households in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State,
Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 23 No. 3 pp 197-205.
Odozi, J.C., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Household poverty and
inequality: The implication of migrant's remit-tances in Nigeria.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Vol. 13 No. 2 pp 191-199.
Omonona, B.T. and Adeoye, I.B. (2010) Palliative impact of harvested
rainwater on households in suburban neighborhood of Ibadan City,
Nigeria. Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences 4: No. 1
pp 20- 25.
Akinpelu, A.O., Asumugha, G.N., Omonona, B.T. and Olojede, A.O. (2010)
Response of livingstone potato (Plectranthus Esculen-tus) to
different NPK 15:15:15 application rates. Journal of Sustainable
Development Vol. 7 No. 1 pp 52-55.
Ayantoye, K., Yusuf, S.A., Okoruwa, V.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010)
Determinants of food insecurity status among rural households in
Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and
Apicultural Research. Vol. 6 Nos. 1 and 2. pp 10-23.
Babalola, D.A., Makinde, Y.O., Omonona, B.T. and Oyekanmi, M.O.
(2010) Determinants of post harvest losses in tomato
production: A case study of Imeko-Afon Local Government
Area of Ogun State. Acta Satech Journal of Life and Physical
Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 2 pp 14-18.
Omonona, B.T., Lawal, J.O. and Oyinlana, A.O. (2010) Determinants of
credit constraint conditions and production efficiency amon
g farming households in Nigeria. The Social Sciences. Vol. 5 No. 4 pp 326-321.
Fajimi, F.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Women participation in agro-allied
small and medium scale enterprises and its impact on poverty
alleviation in Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of American Science Vol. 6
(12) pp. 771-780.
Adesope, A.A.A., Awoyemi, T.T., Falusi, A.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010)
Willingness to pay for safety label on sugar and vegetable oil among
households in Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research.
Vol. 10, No.1 pp155-165.
Nwauwa, L.O.E. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Efficiency of vegetable production
under irrigation system in Ilorin Metropolis: A case study of fluted
pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis). Continental Journal of Agricultural
Economics. Vol. 4 No. 1 pp 9-18.
Busari, A.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Resource-use efficiency among rice
farmers in derived savanna zone of Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of
Agricultural Science. Vol. 1 No. 2 pp 89-93.
Omonona, B.T. and Akinpelu, A.O. (2010) Water, environment and health:
Implications on cassava production. Continental Journal of
Agricultural Science Vol. 4 No.2 pp 29 – 37.
Amao, I.O. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Household water security: A case study
of Ibadan South-West Local Government. Continental Journal of
Social Sciences Vol. 3 pp 18 – 23.
Coster, A.S. and Omonona, B.T. (2010) Economic impact of water hyacinth
infestation on riverine communities of Ogun Waterside Local
Government, Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Environmental Science, Vol. 6 No. 2 pp 71-78 (Nigeria).
Adepoju, A.O., Yusuf, S.A., Omonona, B.T. and Okunmadewa, F.Y. (2011)
Vulnerability profile of rural households in south-west Nigeria.
Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 3, No. 1; pp ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760.
Adigun, G.T., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona, B.T. (2011) Determinants of
economic growth differential in rural Nigeria. New York Science
Journal, Vol. 4 No. 4. pp 50-58.
Balogun, O.L., Yusuf, S.A., Omonona, B.T. and Okoruwa, V.O. (2011) Social
capital and microcredit effects on poverty among the rural households
in south-west States, Nigeria. Asian Research Publishing Network
(ARPN) Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. Vol. 6, No. 3
pp 48-59.
Adewunmi, I.O., Awoyemi, T.T., Omonona, B.T., and Falusi, A.O. (2011) Nonfarm income diversification and poverty among rural farm
households in southwest Nigeria. European Journal of Social
Sciences. Vol. 21 No. 1 pp163-176.
Ayantoye, K., S.A, Yusuf, Omonona, B.T. and J.O. Amao (2011) Food insecurity
dynamics and its correlates among rural households in Nigeria.
International Journal of Agricul-tural Economics and Rural
Development (IJAERD) Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 43-55.
Adigun, G.T., Awoyemi, T.T. and Omonona B.T. (2011) Estimating economic
growth and inequality elasticities of poverty in rural Nigeria.
International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural
Development (IJAERD) Vol. 4, No. 1 pp 25-35.
Omonona, B.T. and Fajimi, F.O. (2011) Households willingness to pay for
improved water supply services in Ibadan metropolis of Oyo State,
Nigeria. New York Science Journal 2011, Vol. 4 No. 4 pp 72-76
Marsland Press Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Akinlade, R.J., Suleiman, A.Y., Omonona, B.T. and Oyekale, A.S. (2011)
Poverty alleviation programme and pro-poor growth in rural Nigeria:
Case of Fadama II Project. World Rural Observations 3(1) pp.27-33
Ologbon, O.A.C. and Omonona, B.T. (2011) Technical efficiency of rice-based
farming systems under selected soil conservation practices in Ogun
State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 3 No. 4 pp.
121-129. Nigeria.
Omonona, B.T. and Ajiboye, A.J. (2011) Linking poverty incidence to water
resource use: Policy implications and remedies using Nigeria as a case study.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. Vol. 2 No. 4 pp 154-162.
Akinlade, R.J., Yusuf, S.A., Omonona, B.T. and Oyekale, A.S. (2011) Impact
of Fadama II on income and inequality of rural households in
Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science Vol. 6 No.
7. pp 39-52.
Awoniyi, O.A., Omonona, B.T. and Falusi, A.O. (2011) Determinants of
educational inequality among rural households in Nigeria.
Report and Opinion. Vol. 3.
ONI, Omobowale Ayoola
Oni, O.A., Adepoju, A.O. and Opawole, O. (2010) Socioeconomic
characteristics, microcredit and technical efficiency of poultry
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Development Vol. 3:77-87.
Ajibade, A.O. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2011) Acute toxicity of Calotropis procera
(Ait.) to Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Journal of Applied Aquaculture
Vol. 23 284 – 288.
Adesina, B.T. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2011) Potential of Moringa oleifera (Lam.)
fresh root-bark extract as an organic piscicide in aquaculture pond
management. Egyptian Journal of Biology. Vol. 13: 8-13.
Omitoyin, B.O. (2010) The Ideal Fish Feed. Invited Technical Paper
Presented at a day seminar organized by CHI Ajanla Farms for fish
farmers in Osun State held at Osogbo City Hall, Osogbo Osun
State 30 January, 2010.
Omitoyin, B.O. (2011) Aquaculture Practices in Management of Fish
Diseases. Invited Technical Paper Presented at a day seminar organized by
CHI Ajanla Farms for fish farmers in Osun State
held at Osogbo City Hall, Osogbo Osun State 29 January, 2011.
Omitoyin, B.O. (2011) Causes and Prevention of Nutritional Fish Diseases. An
invited technical paper presented at the training workshop on
Prevalence of Farmed Catfish Diseases in Nigeria. Organised by
Dabob Fish Farm Ventures Ibadan, at Federal Department of
Fisheries Field Office Monatan, Ibadan, 26 -27 July, 2011.
Omitoyin, B.O. (2011) Overview of Fish Diseases and Health Manage-ment in
Nigeria. An invited technical paper presented at the training
workshop on Prevalence of Farmed Catfish Diseases in Nigeria.
Organised by Dabob Fish Farm Ventures Ibadan, at Federal
Department of Fisheries Field Office Monatan, Ibadan, 26-27 July,
FALAYE, Augustine Eyiwunmi
Falaye, A.E., Grimm, A.S.G. and Nwanna, L.C. (2010) The effects of varying
dietary protein level on the growth and nutrient utilization of the
Malawi Tilapia (Oreochromis Karongae). World Aquaculture
41(1): 20-23.
Falaye, A.E., Omoike, A., Ajani, E.K. and Kolawole, O.T. (2011) Replacement
of fishmeal using poultry offal meal in practical feeds for fry of the
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus).The Israeli Journal of
Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, IIC.63:542-547.
AYODELE, Ibukun Augustine
Ijeomah, H.M. and Ayodele, I.A. (2011) Contributions of ecotourism destination
towards poverty alleviation in Plateau State, Nigeria. Asia Pacific
Journal of Rural Development, Vol. XXI or 21. Pg 45-55.
Ndiemele, P.E., Kumolu-Johnson, C.A. and Ayodele, I.A. (2011) Heavy metal
content of water, sediment & fish (Oreochromis niloticus) from Ologe
Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
(USA). (in press)
Adewunmi, A.A., Ayodele, I.A. and Lameed, G.A. (2011) Lean meat for 21
Century: A case study of Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae (Le
Souef 1907). Journal of Agricultural Science and
Technology.USA: ISSN 1939-1250, 5:12; 2011.
Ajani, E.K., Akinwole, A.O., and Ayodele, I.A. (2011) Fundamentals of fish
farming in Nigeria. Ibadan: Walecrown Ventures,.ISBN 978 – 245
– 543 – 1, pp 158.
LAMEED, Gbolagade Akeem
Lameed, G.A. (2010) Habitat utilization and seasonal variation of birds: A
case study of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
(IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2 Biennial National
Conference of the Forest and Forest Product Society held in
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. Edit. by J.C.
Onyekwelu, V.A. Adekunle and D.O. Oke. Pp. 505-512.
Lameed, G.A. (2010) Land use pattern and fauna composition in the relics of
Maba forest, Ogun State, Nigeria. International Journal of
Biodiversity and Conservation Vol. 2(9) September, 2010 ISSN
2141-243X, Academic Journals. pp. 233-242.
Lameed, G.A. (2010) Loss of wildlife diversity in newly proposed integrated
farm land at Eruwa Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Obeche Journal 28
(2): 59-69, ISSN 0078-2912.
Lameed, G.A. and Ayodele, A. E. (2010) Effect of quarrying activity on
biodiversity: Case study of Ogbere Site, Ogun State, Nigeria.
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
(AJEST) Vol. 4(11), ISSN 1991-637X Academic Journals. pp. 740750.
Lameed, G.A. and Olujide, M.G. (2010) Assessment of biodiversity laws and
policies in protected areas: Case study of Cross River National
Park, Kainji Lake National Park, and Old Oyo National Park,
Nigeria. Journal of Zonas Áridas 14(1).
Lameed, G.A. and Uloko, I.J. (2011) Growth Response of Grasscutter
(Thryonomys swinderiamus) to Selected Plant Feeds. Obeche
Journal 29 (2), ISSN 0078-2912 315- 318.
Lameed, G.A. (2011) Species diversity and abundance of wild birds in Dagona Waterfowl Sanctuary Borno State, Nigeria. African Journal of
Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST) Vol. 5(9), ISSN
Academic Journals. 1996-10786. (USA)
Lameed, G.A. (2011) Environmental sensitivity mapping of the coastal areas in
the zone of Nigeria: Anthropogenic influences on fauna. Biodiversity.
Vol. 12, No. 3, 1–16. (USA).
Adewumi, A.A., Ayodele, I.A. and Lameed, G.A. (2011) Lean meat for 21
Century: A case study of Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae (Le Souef
1907). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, A I. ISSN
1939 – 1250.
AJANI, Emmanuel Kolawole
Ajani, E.K., Akinwole, O.A. and Ayodele, I.A. (2011) Fundamentals of fish
farming in Nigeria. Ibadan: Vision Publishers, Nigeria. 119pp.
Ajani, E.K. (2011) “Best Management Practices in Catfish Farming in Nigeria”.
In Catfish Health Management in Nigeria. Omitoyin B.O. (ed.)
Federal Department of Fisheries workshop on farm raised catfish
diseases in Nigeria. 8 – 15pp
Ajani, E.K. (2011) “Water Quality and Catfish Health in Nigeria”. In Catfish
Health Management in Nigeria. Omitoyin B.O. (ed.) Federal
Department of Fisheries workshop on farm raised catfish diseases in
Nigeria. 20 – 24pp
Ajani, E.K. and Ayoola, S.O. (2010) Acute toxicity of piscicidial plant extract
(Adenia cissampeloides) on Tilapia (Sarotherodon galilaeus)
juveniles. Iranica journal of Energy and Environ-ment 1 (3): 246 –
Ajani, E.K. and Oyebola O.O. (2010) Growth performance of blue mussel
(Mytilus edulis) in Ofiki river, Oyo state, Nigeria. African Journal of
Livestock Extension 8: 40 – 46.
Ajani, E.K., Oyebola, O.O. and Setufe, S.B. (2010) Effect of crowding stress
on growth performance and carcass quality of juvenile
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed varying crude protein levels. African
Journal of Livestock Extension 8: 67 – 71.
Ajani, E.K. and Akpoilih, B.U. (2010) Effect of chronic dietary copper
exposure on haematology and histology of common carp (Cyprinus
carpio L.). Journal of Applied Sci. Environ. Mgt. 14 (4): 39 – 45.
Ajani, E.K. (2010) Water quality requirements and measurements in cage
culture. Workshop on Capacity Building in Cage Culture
Management in Nigeria (Federal Department of Fisheries and
University Consultancy service). 15 - 22pp.
Ajani, E.K. (2010) Species selection in Cage culture. Workshop on Capacity
Building in Cage Culture Management in Nigeria (Federal
Department of Fisheries and University Consultancy service). 3038pp.
Falaye, A.E., Omoike, A., Ajani, E.K. and Kolawole, O.T. (2011) Replacement
of fishmeal using poultry offal meal in practical feeds for fry of the
African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fry. Israel Journal of
Aquaculture 63: 50 -56.
Folorunsho, S.B., Ajani, E.K. and Ogunbanwo, S.T. (2011) Use of lactic acid
bacteria as probiotic for promoting growth and nutrient utilization in
Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. African Journal of Livestock
Extension 9: 55 – 63.
Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani, E.K. and Oyebola, O.O. (2011) Cold shocking at 5 C
and 7oC in triploid production: Effects on embryonic development,
hatchability and fry performance in Clarias gariepinus. African
Journal of Livestock Extension 9: 13 - 18.
Ajani, E.K. and Setufe, S.B. (2011) Effects of stocking density on
haematological functions of juvenile African catfish (Clarias
gariepinus) fed varying crude protein levels. African Journal of
Food Science. Accepted April 2011.
Ajani, E.K. (2011) Ecological Assessment of the Health status of River
Ogun and Yewa, Nigeria. In River Health Status of Ogun and
Yewa River. Paper submitted to Ministry of Water Resources – Nigeria River
Basin Authority Abuja. 30pp.
Ajani, E.K. and Akinwole, A.O. (2011) Prevalence of farm raised catfish
diseases in Nigeria. Paper submitted to Federal Department of
Fisheries, Abuja, Nigeria. 102pp.
OLUKUNLE, Oyinkansola Aduke
Olukunle, O. (2010) The growth performance and survival of Clarias
gariepinus fry raised in homestead concrete tanks. Ansa, E.J.,
Fashina-Bombata, H.A. and P.E. Ndimele (eds.). Proceedings of the
25th Annual Conference and Fair of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria
(FISON) held in Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON)
Topo, Badagry Lagos 25th – 29th October, 2010.
Olukunle, O., Oshoke Justina and Ajayi, I.A. (2010) Evaluation of different
dietary oil sources on growth and nutrient utilization of Clarias
gariepinus juveniles. In press: FISON Journal of Fisheries, Nigeria.
Olukunle, O. (2011) Adaptation Strategy Technical Report – Developing
Climate Change Scenarios for Nigeria and Sectorial Studies:
Infrastructure, Agriculture, Natural Resources. A Compendium of
Studies Commissioned by Building Nigerians Response on Climate
Change Project (BNRCC) for Nig. Environmental Study Action
(NEST), Nigeria.
Pelleting machine locally fabricated from a pepper grinding machine. Accepted
and in press at Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre in Bodija.
Nigeria for patency. It is being used presently on the University Fish
Farm and in Wildlife Unit for Fish and Cane rat feed preparation)
(Contribution 100%).
FREGENE, Bernadette Tosan
Fregene, T., Inyang, I. and Awolumate, S. (2011) Operational attributes of
urban aquaculture systems in Ibadan municipal, Oyo State,
Nigeria, Urban Agriculture, Cities and Climate Change, p.173178, Gottingen: Cuvillar Verlag, Germany.
Fregene, T. and Nwogu, C. (2010) Adoption of fishing and aquaculture
technologies in Lagos State, Proceedings of the 15 Annual National
Conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON)
JENYO-ONI, Adetola
Owodeinde, F.G., Ndimele, P.E., Jenyo-oni, A. and Onyenania, O.B. (2010)
Survival, growth and feed utilization of the reciprocal hybrids of
Clarias gariepinus BURCHELL, 1822) and Heterobranchus
bidorsalis (GEOFFROY, 1809) in concrete tanks. Proceedings of the
25th annual conference and fair of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria
(FISON).E.J. Ansa, H.A. Fashina-Bombata and P.E. Ndimele (Eds).
Oct. 25-29 2010. 292-297
Lameed, G.A. and Tola Jenyo-Oni (2011) Salt lick utilization by herbivores in
Borgu sector of Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria. In Forest: Nature
at your Service. Proceedings of the 4th annual conference of the
environment.Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria. June 28
Ndiemele, E.P., Jenyo-Oni, A. and C.C. Jibuike (2010) Comparative toxicity of
crude oil, dispersant and crude oil - plus - dispersant to Tilapia
guineensis. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 4 (1) 1322, 2010. Academic Journals Inc.
Ndiemele, E.P., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Jibuike, C.C. (2010) Investigation of acute
toxicities of Nigerian crude oil, dispersant, sodium dodecyl sulphate
and a mixture of crude oil - plus - dispersant to Desmocaris trispinosa.
American Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 2 (2): 100-107.
Ndiemele, E.P., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Ayodele, I.A. (2010) Phytoremedation of
crude-oil polluted environs by water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes
[Mart] Solms) Journal of Livestock Extension. Vol. 8 July 2010.
Jenyo-Oni, A. (2010) Planktonic biodiversity and physico-chemical
parameters of Awba Reservoir, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Nigeria Journal of Livestock Extension. Vol. 8 July 2010.
Adetoro, A.O., Lawal, M.S. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2011) Biodiversity
conservation and community participation in Kainji Lake National
park, Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences Research
Vol. 2(2) 218-226.
Jenyo-Oni, A., P.E. Ndimele and S. Onuoha (2011) Acute toxic effects of
endosulfan (organochlorine pesticides) to fingerlings of African
catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822).American Eurasian
Journal of Toxicological Sciences 10 (5): 884-892.
OLAIFA, Flora Eyibio
Olaifa, F.E. and Bello, Olusola Sunday (2010) Effect of differently processed
african yam beans Sphenostylis stenocarpa Harms on performance
of African catfish Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Accepted for
publication in Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, Bamidgeh on 13th
August, 2010.
Bello, O.S., Olaifa, F.E. and Emikpe, B.O. (2011) The effect of walnut
(Tetracarpidium conophorum) leaf and onion (Allium cepa) bulb
residues on the growth performance and nutrient utiliza-tion of
Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Accepted for publication on 8th
November, 2011 in the Journal of Agricultural Science
AKINWOLE, Ayoola Olusegun
Ajani, E.K., Akinwole, A.O., and Ayodele, I.A. (2011).Fundamentals of Fish
Farming in Nigeria.Ibadan: Walecrown Ventures,.ISBN 978 – 245 –
543 – 1, pp 158.
Chapters in Books already published:
Akinwole, A.O. (2011) “Design, Operation and Management of Recirculating
Fish Production System”. In Book of Reading in Forestry, Wildlife
Management and Fisheries. Aiyeloja, A.A. and Ijeomah, H.M. (eds)
Lagos: Topbase Nig.Ltd/Green
Canopy Consultants, PortHarcourt. ISBN 978-978-919-624-1:905-914.
Akinwole, A.O., Omitoyin, B.O. and Amole, J.O. (2010) Evaluation of Growth
Performance of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles in Static Water
Exchange and Water Reuse Culture Facilities. Proceedings of the
E i g h t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e re n c e o n R e c i rc u l a t i n g
Aquaculture.August 20-22,2010 –Roanoke, VA, United States of
Akinwole, A.O. and Omole, A.O. (2010) Highlights of the Potentials of Bamboo
in Reducing Operational Cost of Fish Farming in Nigeria.
Proceedinsg of the 2nd Bi- Annual Conference of the Forest and
Forest Products Society of Nigeria, Akure, Ondo State , Nigeria. April
26-30, 2010.
Akinwole, A.O. and Popoola, O.C. (2011) Investigation of the Prospects of
Algae for Biofuel Production in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 34th
Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria. 05-10 December,
Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria.
Akinwole, A.O., Hall, S.G., Belion, K.K. and Davis, T. (2011) Development of a
Low Cost Recirculating Fish Holding System. Proceedings of the
International Conference of the World Aquaculture Society,
Aquaculture America 2011. February 28 –March 3, 2011-New
Orleans, LA, United States of America.
Adesina, B.T., Omitoyin, B.O., Oguntuga, O.A. and Akinwole, A.O. (2011)
Organic coagulants as turbidity removal in water treatment and their
toxicity to freshwater fauna: A review. International Journal of
Organic Agriculture Research & Development Vol. 3:50-58.
Akinwole, A.O. (2011) Fish Diseases Quarantine Procedures. An invited
technical paper presented at the training workshop on Prevalence
of Farmed Catfish Diseases in Nigeria. Organised by Dabob Fish
Farm Ventures Ibadan, at Federal Department of Fisheries Field
Office, Ibadan, Nigeria. 26 -27 July, 2011.
Akinwole, A.O. (2011) Fish Farm Biosecurity and Facilities Maintenance. An
invited technical paper presented at the training workshop on
Prevalence of Farmed Catfish Diseases in Nigeria. Organised by
Dabob Fish Farm Ventures Ibadan, at Federal Department of
Fisheries Field Office, Ibadan, Nigeria. 26-27 July, 2011.
ABDUL-RAHMON, Mufutau Oloyede
Abdul-Rahmon, M.O. (2010) The Future in Our Footprints; A Case Study of
Professor I.A.B Balogun: 3 Memorial Lecture in Honour of
Professor I.A.B Balogun. (IAB Balogun Islamic Foundation, Lagos).
NOIBI, Mubarak Ademola
Noibi, M.A. (2010) Political corruption and the Nigerian democratic
environment: The Role of Religion. JOAS, Journal of Oriental and
African Studies, No.19, Athens Greece, pp. 233-243.
OLADOSU, Afis Ayinde
Oladosu, A.A. (2010) Races. v Encyclopedia of African Thought (Oxford
University Press)
Oladosu, A.A. (2010) Beyond 9/11: Histories and Spaces of Terrorism in Africa
in Securing Africa: Post 9/11 Discourses on Terrorism (ed) M. Smith,
London: Ashgate, Publishers) p. 51-67.
Oladosu, A.A. (2011) On Muslim unity: Theory, philosophy, reality in alHikmah Vol. 1 No. 1 (2011) (Malaysia) p.1-25.
Oladosu, A.A. (2011) Between the honey and the poison: Corruption and its
panacea in Islamic Hermeneutics. ICR Journal Vol. 2 No. 3 (Kuala
Oladosu, A.A. (2011) Amnesia, nostalgia and the North African literature. alShajarah: Journal of Islamic Thought and CivilizationVol. 16. No. 2
Oladosu, A.A. (2011) Islamic literature: A necessity, Kuala Lumpur:
International Islamic University Press, 2011)
Oladosu, A.A. and Oladosu-Uthman H. (2011) “The Cross, The Crescent and the
Media in Nigeria: An Islamic Critique” In Sacred Rumblings:
Perspectives on Christian-Muslim Relations in Contemporary
Nigeria. (USA: Peter Lang).
UTHMAN, Ibrahim Olatunde
Uthman, I.O. (2010) “Muslim Women and Domestic Violence in Nigeria: The
Position of the Shari'ah” In Beyond the Veil: Muslim Women in Sub
Saharan Africa, AbdulRazaq Kilani [ed.], Nigeria: Global Da'wah
Communications, ISBN no: 978-36049-0-2, pp.50-96.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) “Muslim Women Organization and Islamic Activism in sub
Saharan Africa: A Case Study of FOMWAN” In Beyond the Veil:
Muslim Women in Sub Saharan Africa, AbdulRazaq Kilani [ed.],
Nigeria: Global Da'wah Communi-cations, ISBN no: 978-36049-0-2,
pp. 152-194.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) Muslim and science: Contributions of Islamic universities
to professional ethics. AJISS: American Journal of Islamic Social
Sciences Vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 54-73.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) Muslim and contemporary philosophical issues in
postmodernism Ife Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 187198.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) A triadic re-reading of Zaynab al-Ghazali and the feminist
movement in Islam. Islamic Studies Vol. 49 No. 1, 65-79.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) A comparative study of academic teaching of Islam in
Nigerian universities. Al-Ijtihad, Journal of Islamization of
knowledge and Contemporary Issues Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 30-47.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) The Muslim women elites in Yoruba land, the Islamic law
and lessons from Islamic Malaysia Journal of social sciences, Vol. 4,
No.1, pp. 165-189.
Uthman, I.O. (2010) “Muslim/Christian Encounter in Nigeria and Yoruba
Muslim Educational Jihâd” In Sacred Rumblings: Perspectives on
Christian-Muslim Relations in Contemporary Nigeria, Prof. Akinade
Akintunde [ed.], Peter Lang].
OLOSO, Kamil Koyejo
Oloso, K.K. (2010) Manual of Muslim manners. College Press & Publishers Ltd.
ISBN: 978-978-53000-3-1.
Oloso, K.K. (2010) “The EVolution and Development of Islamic Religion in
Nigeria Since Independence” In 50 years of Nigerian Project:
Challenges and Prospects. I.B. Bello-Imam College Press and
Publishers Ltd. (ISBN: 978-2194-92-1) pp. 270-283.
Oloso, K.K. (2011) “Shariah Requirements in Islamic Banking” In Global
Financial Crisis: Islamic Banking as a credible Alternative System.
R.O.C. Somoye [ed]. Crescent University Press (ISBN: 978-978-914309-2). pp 65-87.
Oloso, K.K. (2010) Unity and uniformity amongst Muslims in Nigeria: The
religious dimension. The Islamic Quarterly Vol. 54. No. 4, 4th Quarter
pp. 293-308.
Oloso, K.K. (2010) Terrorism: Its quintessence and embellishment. The Islamic
Quarterly Vol. 54 No. 1 1st Quarter pp. 39-54.
Oloso, K.K. (2010) Western interest-based banks versus Islamic banking: Which
way out of Nigeria's economic woes? Spring Board Journal Vol. 2 No. 1
pp. 40-51.
Oloso, K.K. (2011) Religious values and political mandate. Al-mirgat. The
Publication of Muslim Association of Nigeria Vol. No. 2, pp.42-48.
Oloso, K.K. (2011) Religious values and political mandate. The Islamic Quarterly
Vol. 55 No. 1 1st Quarter pp. 39-52.
Oloso, K.K. and Uthman I.O. (2011) The application of Al-Uqubat (Islamic
Criminal Law) in the contemporary Nigerian society: Current issues
and the way out. International Journal of Advanced Legal Studies and
Governance. Vol. 2, No. 1 (ISBN: 2141-6701).
Oloso, K.K., Uthman, I.O. and Abbas, L.O. (2011) Contributions of Islamic
scholars to sustainable human and environmental development. Islam
Hadhari and future development of Muslim Countries. International
Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development
Vol. 2 Issue 1. pp 17-29.
Oloso, K.K. and Uthman, I.O. (2011) The Application of Al-Uqubat in the
contemporary society: A re-examination using the Maqasid alshariah based schemes. Journal of Islamic Law Review. Vol. 7, No. 1
ISSN 0973-2918 P. 125-155
OMOFOYEWA, Kazeem Adebayo
Omofoyewa, K.A. (2010) “Cruelty Towards Animals: Islamic Pers-pective” In
Religion and Environment. Yahya Oyewole Imam (ed.). Ibadan:
Book Wright Publishers. (ISBN: 978-978-49740-2-8). pp. 93-106.
Omofoyewa, K.A. (2010) Al-Qalqashandî and his Subh al-A'shâ: Lessons
for, and Challenges to Nigerian Arabic Prose Writers. JOAS,
Journal of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 19, Athens - Greece,
pp. 267-274. (ISSN: 1105: 3518).
Oyewo, O.O. and Oyewo, O.M. (2010) Information seeking behaviour and
needs among pharmacists in Oyo State Nigeria. Journal of
Communication and Media Research Vol. 2 No. 2 pp 127 – 145.
Oyewo, O.O. and Obidiegwu U. Augusta (2011) Portrayal of Arabs in post
9/11 American Films: A study of The Kingdom and The Traitor:
African Journal for the Psychological Studies of Social Issues, Vol.
14 No. 1 and 2.
Oyewo, O.O. and Ajibola O. Moshood (2011) (Already accepted for
publication) Media Challenges in Climate Change Communication in Africa. Fort Hare Papers. Vol. 19. No 1.
Umana, E.A. and Ojebode, A. (2010) Nigerian newspapers as sources of sickle
cell education: What is there to read? Literacy and Reading in Nigeria
12(2): 31-41.
Togunde, D., Ojebode, A. and Amanda Vocke (2010) “Media Representation of
America and Youth Migration Intentions” In Across the Atlantic:
African Immigrants in the United States Diaspora Yewa, E. and
Togunde, D. (eds) USA: Common Ground Publishers, Pages 7-38
Edidiong Umana and Ojebode, A. (2010) The failure of radio to communicate
knowledge of sickle cell disorder in Nigeria African Communication
Research 3(2), 235-252.
Opubor, A., Akingbulu, A. and Ojebode, A. (2010) Broadcast Media Policy in
Nigeria across many Dispensations. African Commu-nication
Research 3(1), 61-84.
Ojebode, A., Togunde, D. and Adelakun, A. (2010) Beyond money and gifts:
Social capital as motivation for cross-generational dating among
tertiary school female students in south-west Nigeria. International
Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 5(4): 169-182.
Anthony Olorunnisola and Ojebode, A. (2010) The Press and politics of
constitutional reforms in Nigeria International Journal of Social and
Management Sciences 3(2):15-34.
Ojebode, A. (2010) Cultural functions and dysfunctions of media in Nigeria.
International Journal of Social and Management Sciences 3(2): 88111.
Agboola, O.M. and Ojebode, A. (2010) Effectiveness of indigenous
communication methods in promoting children's immunisa-tion.
Journal of Arts and Education 4(1): 1-13.
Ojebode, A. (2011) Nigerian Freedom of Information Act: Provisions, strengths
and challenges. African Communication Research 4(2): 267-284.
Ojebode, A., Dimeji Togunde and Abimbola Adelakun (2011) Secrecy, security
and social exchange: New media and cross-generational dating in
Nigeria. International Journal of Sociology of the Family 37(2) 307327.
Ojebode, A. (2011) Nigerian Former Guerrilla Journalists Ten Years into
Democracy: Reformists and ReVolutionaries. Fort Hare Papers Vol.
18: 19-40.
Shoki, G.O. (2010) Publishing in Africa since 1973: An Assessment, Scholarly
Publishing in Africa. Solani Ngobeni (ed) Pretoria: African Institute
of South Africa pp 51-68.
Ifeduba Emmanuel and Shoki, G. (2010) Patterns of adoption of electronic
publication innovation among Nigerian publishers: World Libraries
Vol 18:1.
EGBOKHARE, Olayinka A.
Egbokhare, O.A. (2010) Deception in advertising: Ethical and legal imperatives.
Olatunji, R.W. and Laninhun, B.A. (eds.) Senegal: Amalion
Egbokhare, O.A. and Oyelude, A.A. (2010) Storytelling across cultures;
Engendering literacy the Papa Rudy way Information Develop-ment,
Vol. 26:2.
Ojebuyi, B.R. (2011) Using reading to de-stigmatise people living with
HIV/AIDS: An experiment from Nigeria. Saarbruken: VDM Verlag Dr.
Muller GmbH & Co.
Ojebuyi, B.R. (2011) (Book Review) Media and communications industries in
Nigeria: Impacts of neoliberal reforms between 1999 and 2007.
Olorunnisola, A.A. (ed.). Critical Arts. Vol. 25, No. 2. Pp. 316-321.
SUNDAY, Adesina Bukunmi
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Symposium on Recent Advances in Environ-mental Health
Research. Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA.
Book of Abstracts p 55.
SHOKUNBI, Matthew Temitayo
Iyun, O., Ademola, P., Oluwatosin, O., Adewoye, O., Malomo, A.O. and
Shokunbi, M.T. (2011) Pressure sores in patients with spinal
cord injuries. International Wound Journal. in press.
ODUNOLA, Oyeronke Adunni
Badmus, J.A., Odunola, O.A., Obuotor, E.M. and Oyedapo, O.O. (2010)
Phytochemicals and in vitro antioxidant potentials of defatted
methanolic extract of Holarrhena floribunda leaves. Afr J.
Biotechnol. 9(3) 340-346.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Odunola, O.A. (2010) Aqueous and ethanolic leaf
extracts of Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) protects against sodium
arsenite-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats. Nig. J. Physiol. Sci.
25 (1): 29-36.
Badmus, J.A., Adedosu, O.T., Fatoki, J.O., Adegbite, A.V., Adaramoye, O.A. and
Odunola, O.A. (2011) Lipid peroxidation inhibition and antiradical
activities of some leaf fractions of Mangifera indica. Acta of Poloniae
Pharmaceutica-Drug Res. 68 (1): 2011.
Akinwumi, K.A., Odunola, O.A. and Olashore, H.O. (2011) The toxicity of
methanolic extract of Icacina trichanta leaves in Wistar rats. J. Food,
Agric & Environ. 9 (2): 145-147.
Odunola, O.A., Akinwumi, K.A. and Ibegbu, M.D. (2011) The influence of garlic
and Spondias mombin on sodium arsenite induced clastogenicity and
hepatogenicity in rats. Pacific J. Sci and Technol. 12(2): 401-409.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Odunola, O.A. (2011) An assessment of the effects of
Aloe vera on sodium arsenite-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar
rats. J. Sci. Res (in press).
Akinwumi, K.A., Odunola, O.A., Olawale, O.T., Dosunmu, A.N., Nwajei, I.U.,
Osifeso, O.O. and Ajayi, J.O. (2011) Carbon tetrachloride induced
hepatotoxicity: Mitigating effect of RauVolfia vomitora. J. Sci. Res (in
Owumi, S.O., Odunola, O.A. and Aliyu, M. (2011) Co-administration of sodium
arsenite and ethanol: Protection by aqueous extract of Aframomum
longiscapum. Pharmacology Res. (in press).
Gbadegesin, M.A., S.E. Owumi, and Odunola, O.A. (2010) Effects of Aloe vera
on sodium arsenite treated Swiss Albino Mice. Proc. of the 2nd
Unibadan Conference of Biomedical Research; Theme:
Biotechnology for Health & Development, Faculty of Basic Medical
Sciences. College of Medicine, July 7–9, Conference Center,
University of Ibadan. Ibadan.
Ola-Davies, O.E., Odunola, O.A. and Mata, J.E. (2010) Antiproliferative
activity of Spondias mombin. L. (Anarcadiacea) leaf extract on
human colon cancer cell lines. Proc. of the 2nd Unibadan Conference
of Biomedical Research; Theme: Biotechnology for Health &
Development, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. College of
Medicine, July 7 – 9, Conference Center, University of Ibadan.
Moyib, O.K., Mkumbira, J., Odunola, O.A., and Dixon, A.G. (2010) Genetic
diversity analysis of Hydrocyanogenic Potential (pHCN) of root
among improved clones of cassava (Manihot esculenta, crantiz.)
using simple sequence of repeat markers. Proc. of the 2 Unibadan
Conference of Biomedical Research; Theme: Biotechnology for
Health & Development, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. College
of Medicine, July 7 – 9, Conference Center, University of Ibadan.
Owumi, S.E. and Odunola, O.A. (2010) Protective effect of Kolaviron on
Sodium Arsenite induced toxicities in the presence and absence of
ethanol. Proc. of the 2nd Unibadan Conference of Bio-medical
Research; Theme: Biotechnology for Health & Development,
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. College of Medicine, July 7 – 9,
Conference Center, University of Ibadan. Ibadan.
Badmus, J.A., Odunola, O.A., and Gbadegesin M.A. (2010) Protection against
sodium arsenite-induced toxicities by Holarrhena floribunda
(G.DON) methanolic lead extract. Proc. of the 2 Unibadan
Conference of Biomedical Research; Theme: Bio-technology for
Health & Development, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. College
of Medicine, July 7 – 9, Conference Center, University of Ibadan.
Owumi, S.E. and Odunola O.A. (2010)The fourth Comprehensive Cancer
Research Training Program (CCRTP), Quadrus Conference Center,
Stanford University. September 13-17.
Owumi, S.E., Odunola, O.A., Gbadegesin, M.A., Nulah, K.L., Mohammed, A.,
Oloye, C.O., Oloidi, A.C., Obadare, M.O. and Oladeji, O.O. (2010)
Chemoprotective properties of some African spices on sodium
arsenite-induced toxicities in albino Wistar rats. Cancer Prevention
Research 3(12): B61.
MADUAGWU, Emmanuel Ndubisi
Alaneme, F.O. and Maduagwu, E.N. (2010) N-nitrosation of the juicy extracts
of some tropical edible vegetables. Malawi Med. J. (in press).
ABOLAJI, Amos Olalekan
Abolaji, A.O., Eteng, M.U., Ebong, P.E., Brisibi, A., Shakil, A., Erum, S. and
Choudhary, M.I. (2010) Standardisation of Artemisia annua using
Reversed Phase High Performance
Liquid Chro-matography
(RP-HPLC). Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2(7): 143-147.
Adebayo, A.H., Abolaji, A.O., Opata, T.K. and Adegbenro, I.K. (2010) Effects of
Ethanolic Leaves Extract of Chrysophyllum albidum G. on
biochemical and haematological parameters of albino Wistar rats.
African Journal of Biotechnology 9(14): 2145-2150.
Eteng, M.U., Ekwe, A.O., Abolaji, A.O., Eyong, E. U., Ibekwe, H.A. and
Osuchukwu, N.C. (2010) Biochemical and haematological changes
in pregnant malaria patients and pregnant non-malaria women.
Journal of Scientific Research and Essays 5(9): 1009-1013.
Adebayo, A.H., Abolaji, A.O., Kela, S., Ayepola, O.O., Olorunfemi, T. and
Taiwo, O.S. (2011) Antioxidant activities of the leaves of
Chrysophyllum albidum G. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceuti-cal
Sciences. 24(4): 545-551.
Adebayo, A.H., Abolaji, A.O., Roseline Kela, Oluremi, S.O., Owolabi O.O. and
Ogungbe, O.A. (2011) Hepatoprotective activity of Chrysophyllum
albidum against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic damage in rats.
Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 5(3): 1597-1602.
ADARAMOYE, Oluwatosin Adekunle
Adaramoye, O.A. (2010) Protective effect of kolaviron, a biflavonoid from
Garcinia kola seeds, in brain of Wistar albino rats exposed to ãradiation. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin Vol. 33. No. 2,
Adaramoye, O.A., Popoola, B.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Effects of Xylopia
aethiopica (Annonaceae) fruit methanol extract on ã-radiationinduced oxidative stress in brain of adult male Wistar rats. Acta
Biologica Hungarica Vol. 61. No. 3, 250–261.
Adaramoye, O.A. and Almeida, M.M. (2010) Vasorelaxation induced by
amodiaquine in rat superior mesenteric arteries: In vivo and in vitro
studies. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica-Drug Research Vol. 67. No
5, 529-536.
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A., Popoola, B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010)
Extract of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) protects against
gamma-radiation induced testicular damage in Wistar Rats. Journal
of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology Vol. 21. No. 4,
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Possible
ameliorative effects of kolaviron against reproductive toxicity in
sub-lethally whole body gamma-irradiated rats. Experimental and
Toxicologic Pathology.
Adaramoye, O.A., Okiti, O.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Dried fruit extract
from Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) protects Wistar albino rats
from adverse effects of whole body radiation. Experimental and
Toxicologic Pathology Vol. 63. No. 7-8, 635-643.
Adaramoye, O.A. and Aluko, A. (2011): Methanolic Extract of Cnidoscolus
aconitifolius attenuates renal dysfunction induced by chronic
ethanol administration in Wistar Rats. Alcohol and Alcoholism Vol.
46. No. 1, 4-9.
Adaramoye, O.A., Aluko A. and Oyagbemi A.A. (2011) Cnidoscolus
aconitifolius leaf extract protects against hepatic damage induced by
chronic ethanol administration in Wistar rats. Alcohol and
Alcoholism Vol. 46. No. 4, 451-458.
Adaramoye, O.A., Sarkar, J., Singh, N., Meena, S., Changkija, B., Yadav, P.P.,
Kanojiya, S. and Sinha, S. (2011) Anti-proliferative action of Xylopia
aethiopica fruit extract on human cervical cancer cells. Phytotherapy
Research, doi: 10.1002/ptr.3551.
Adaramoye, O.A., Adesanoye, O.A., Adewumi, O.M. and Akanni, O. (2011)
Studies on the toxicological effect of nevirapine, an antiretroviral
drug, on the liver, kidney and testis of male Wistar rats. Human and
Experimental Toxicology, DOI:10.1177/0960327111424304
ADESANOYE, Omolola Abidemi
Ekor, M., Odewabi, A.O., Kale, O.E., Oritogun, K.S., Adesanoye, O.A. and
Bamidele, T.O. (2011) Pharmacologic inhibition of the reninangiotensin system did not attenuate hepatic toxicity induced by
carbon tetrachloride in rats. Hum Exp Toxicol. 30 (11):1840-1848.
Adaramoye, O.A., Adesanoye, O.A., Adewumi, O.M. and Akanni, O. (2011)
Studies on the toxicological effect of nevirapine, an antiretroviral
drug, on the liver, kidney and testis of male Wistar rats. Hum Exp
Toxicol. Oct 25. [Epub ahead of print]
Ekor, M., Odewabi, A.O., Kale, O.E., Adesanoye, O.A. and Bamidele, T.O.
(2011) Celecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor, lowers
plasma cholesterol and attenuates hepatic lipid peroxidation during
carbon tetrachloride associated liver injury in rats. Drug and Chemical
Toxicology Vol. 35 (Accepted).
GBADEGESIN, Michael Adedapo
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Odunola, O.A. (2010) Aqueous and ethanolic leaf extracts
of Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) protect against sodium arseniteinduced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats. Nigerian Journal of
Physiological Sciences 25: 29-36.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Beeching, J.R. (2010) Enhancer/Suppressor Mutator
(En/Spm)-like transposable elements of cassava (Manihot esculenta
Crantz) are transcriptionally inactive. Genetic and Molecular
Research 9(2): 639- 650.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Beeching, J.R. (2011) Highly heterogeneous Ty3/Gypsylike
retrotransposon sequences in the genome of cassava
(Manihot esculenta Crantz). African Journal of Biotechnology
10(20): 3951- 3963.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Beeching, J.R. (2011) Isolation and partial
characterisation of root specific promoters for stacking multiple traits
into cassava (Manihot esculenta CRANTZ). Genetic and Molecular
Research 10(2): 1032-41.
Gbadegesin, M.A. and Beeching, J.R. (2011) Analysis of heterogeneity of Copialike
retrotransposons in the genome of cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences (in
Gbadegesin, M.A., O.A. Odunola and S.E. Owumi (2011) Chemo-protective
activity and toxicity of Aloe vera in sodium arsenite treated Swiss
Albino Mice. Journal of Science Research (in press).
Owumi, S.E., Odunola, O.A., Gbadegesin, M.A., Nulah, K.L., Mohammed, A.,
Oloye, C.O., Oloidi, A.C., Obadare, M.O. and Oladeji, O.O. (2010)
Chemoprotective properties of some African spices on sodium
arsenite-induced toxicities in albino Wistar rats. Cancer Prevention
Research 3(12): B61
OLAIYA, Charles Ojo Openiyi
Soetan, K.O., Aiyelaagbe, O.O. and Olaiya, C.O. (2010) A review of the
biochemical, biotechnological and other applications of enzymes.
African Journal of Biotechnology 9(4): 382-393.
Olaiya, C.O., Soetan, K.O. and Ogunkolade, N.S. (2010) Evaluation of the
biochemical effects of auxins on the nutritional quality of tomato
(Solanum lycopersicon), genotype JM 94/47. African J. Fd Sci 4(2):
Olaiya, C.O. and Adebisi, J.A. (2010) Phytoevaluation of the nutritional values
of ten green leafy vegetables in Nigeria. Int. J. Nutr & Wellness Vol. 9
No. 2, ISSN: 1937-8297.
Olaiya, C.O. and Adigun, A.A. (2010) Chemical manipulation of tomato growth
and associated biochemical implications on flavonoid, lycopene and
mineral contents. African J. Plt Sci 4(6): 167-171.
Olaiya, C.O. (2010) Pre-sowing bioregulator seed treatments increase the
seedling growth and yield of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon). Journal
of Plant Growth Regulation 29(3): 349-356. DOI: 10.1007/s00344010-9142-3.
Olaiya, C.O. (2010) Influence of auxin bioregulators on physiological changes
and shelf-life of tomatoes. Veg Crops Res Bull. 72: 129-136. DOI:
Olaiya, C.O. (2010) Enzyme activity in bioregulator-treated tomato (Solanum
lycopersicon) genotypes. African J. Biotechnology 9(22): 3264-3271.
Soetan, KO., Olaiya, C.O. and Oyewole, B.O. (2010) The importance of mineral
elements for humans, domestic animals and plants: A review. African
J. Fd Sci 4(5): 200-222.
Adebisi, J.A. and Olaiya, C.O. (2010) Chemical analysis of castor seed (Ricinus
communis) and oils from eight species of melon (Cucumeropsis
mannii). Research Communications in Food Science 1 (4): 33-38.
Olaiya, C.O. and Bello, M.A. (2011) Comparative content and antioxidant
nutritional quality of some bioactive compounds in commonly
consumed fresh fruits in Nigeria. Int. J. Biotech & Biochem. 7 (5):
Olaiya, C.O. (2011) Bioregulators favourably affect the content of vitamin and
sugars in tomato fruit tissues. Veg Crops Res Bull. (in press).
ADEDARA, Isaac Adegboyega
Farombi, E.O., Adedara, I.A., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Teberen, R. and Ehwerhemuepha,
T. (2010) Nigerian bonny light crude oil disrupts antioxidant systems
in the testes and sperm of rats. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology 59:166–174.
Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Induction of oxidative damage in the
testes and spermatozoa and hematotoxicity in rats exposed to
multiple doses of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. Human and
Experimental Toxicology 29(10):801-12.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Adedara, I.A., Saba, A.B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Role of
oxidative stress in reproductive toxicity induced by co-administration
of chloramphenicol and multivitamin-haema-tinics complex in rats.
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 107(3):703-708.
Adedara, I.A., Owumi, S.E., Uwaifo, A.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Aflatoxin
B1 and Ethanol Co-exposure induces Hepatic oxida-tive Damage in
Mice. Toxicology and Industrial Health. 26 (10):717-724.
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A., Popoola, B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Extract
of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) protects against gammaradiation induced testicular damage in Wistar Rats. Journal of Basic
and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 21(2): 295-313.
Adedara, I.A., Teberen, R., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Ehwerhemuepha, T. and Farombi,
E.O. (2010) Induction of oxidative stress in liver and kidney of rats
exposed to Nigerian Bonny Light crude oil. Environmental
Toxicology (in press).
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Possible
ameliorative effects of kolaviron against reproductive toxicity in sublethally whole body gamma-irradiated rats. Experimental and
Toxicologic Pathology
doi:10.1016/j.etp.2010.10.002 (in press).
Farombi, E.O., Akintunde, J.K., Nzute, N., Adedara, I.A. and Arojojoye, O.
(2011) Municipal landfill leachate induces hepatotoxicity and
oxidative stress in rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health DOI:
10.1177/0748233711416947 (in press).
Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Chemoprotection of ethylene glycol
monoethyl ether-induced reproductive toxicity in male rats by
kolaviron, isolated biflavonoid from Garcinia kola seed. Human and
Experimental Toxicology DOI: 10.1177/ 0960327111424301(in
Adedara, I.A., Ebokaiwe, A.P. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Tissues distribution of
heavy metals and erythrocytes antioxidant status in rats exposed to
Nigerian Bonny. Light crude oil. Toxicology and Industrial Health
DOI: 10.1177/0748233711427049 (in press).
NWOZO, Sarah Onyenibe
Iwegbue, C.M.A., Nwozo, S.O., Overah, L.C. and Nwajie, G.E. (2010) A survey
of trace elements composition of commercial infant formulars in
Nigerian market Food Additives and Contami-nants (Accepted).
ID/TFAB 97502) Part B Vol. 3, No. 3, pg 163-171.
Nwozo, S.O., Orojobi, F. and Adaramoye, O.A. (2010) Hypolipidemic and
antioxidant potentials of Xylopia aethiopica seed extract in
hypercholesterolaemic rats Journal of Medicinal foods JMF(Accepted). 2008-0168.
Nwozo, S.O., Ibironke adetolu Ajayi and Margaret Obadare (2010)
Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of 10 medicinal
seeds from Nigeria. Medicinal And Aromatic Plant Science And
Biotechnology (Accepted).
Nwozo, S.O., and Bosede F. Orojobi (2010) Hypolipidemic and antioxidant
effects of Tetrapleura tetraptera fruits, including seeds in
hypercholesterolaemic rats (SSB10-2010) Seed Science
Biotechnology. Global Science Books, Japan (Accepted).
OWUMI, Solomon Eduviere
Adedara, I.A., Owumi, S.E., Uwaifo, A.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010): Aflatoxin
B1 and ethanol
co-exposure induces hepatic oxida-tive damage in
mice. Toxicol Ind. Health 13. PMID 20837563.
Owumi, S.O., Odunola, O.A. and Aliyu, M. (2011) Co-administration of sodium
arsenite and ethanol: Protection by aqueous extract of Aframomum
longiscapum. (in press)
FAROMBI, Ebenezer Olatunde
Abarikwu, S.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) “Reproductive Toxicity and
Tumour-Promoting Properties of the Chloro-S-Triazine Herbicide,
Atrazine in the Vertebrate Male and Female Animals” In Advances
in Environmental Research. Vol. 6; ed. Justin A. Daniels, New York:
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-61728-163-1.
Abarikwu, S.O., Oyejola, T.O., Adesiyan, A.C. and Farombi E.O. (2010)
“Quercetin Potentiates Oxidative Stress in the Liver of Rats
Exposed to the Herbicide, Atrazine”. In Advances in Environmental
Research. Vol. 6; ed. Justin A. Daniels, New York: Nova Science
Publishers, Inc. New York ISBN: 978-1-61728-163-1.
Farombi, E.O. (2011) “Bitter kola (Garcinia kola) Seeds and
Hepatoprotection”. In Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease
Prevention (1 ed.) ed. V.R. Preedy, R.R. Watson, V.B. Patel (pp.
221-228). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press, an
imprint of Elsevier. ISBN: 9780123756886.
Abarikwu, S.O., Adesiyan, A.C., Oyeloja, T.O., Oyeyemi, M.O. and Farombi,
E.O. (2010) Changes in sperm characteristics and induction of
oxidative stress in the testis and epididymis of experimental rats by a
herbicide, Atrazine. Archives of Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology 58: 874-882.
Adesanoye, O.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Hepatoprotective effects of
Vernonia Amygdalina (Compositae) in rats treated with carbon
tetrachloride. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology (Germany)
62: 197-206.
Ekor, M., Emerole, G.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Phenolic extract of
Soybean (Glycine max) attenuates cisplatin-induced nephro-toxic
acute renal failure in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology 48: 10051012.
Owoeye, O., Yousuf, S., Akhtar, M.N., Qamar, K., Dar, A., Farombi E.O.,
Onwuka, S.K. and Choudhary, M.I. (2010) Another anticancer
elemanoide from Vernonia amygdalina Del. Inter-national Journal
of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4: 226-234.
Akinmoladun, A.C., Obuotor, E.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Antioxidant
and free radical scavenging capacities of some medicinal plants from
Nigeria: A comparison of seven methods. Journal of Medicinal
Foods (New York) Apr; 13(2): 444-51.
Farombi, E.O., Adedara, I.A., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Teberen, R. and
Ehwerhemuepha, T. (2010) Nigerian Bonny Light crude oil disrupts
antioxidant systems in the testes and sperm of rats. Archives of
Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 59(1):166-74.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Adedara, I.A., Saba, A.B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Role of
oxidative stress in reproductive toxicity induced by coadministration of chloramphenicol and multivitamin-haematinics
complex in rats. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
(Denmark) 107(3):703-8.
Adaramoye, O.A., Popoola, B.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Effects of Xylopia
aethiopica (Annonaceae) fruit methanol extract on -radiationinduced oxidative stress in brain of adult male wistar rats. Acta
Biologica Hungarica 61: 250-61.
Akinloye, O., Akinmoladun, A.C. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Modulatory effect
of Psidium Guajava Linn and Ocimum Gratissimum Linn on lipid
profile and selected biochemical indices in rabbits fed high
cholesterol diet. Journal of Complementary and Integrative
Medicine 7:1-11.
Adedara, I.A., Ehwerhemuepha, T., Teberen, R., Ebokaiwe, A.P. and Farombi,
E.O. (2010) Reproductive toxicity of Nigerian Bonny Light crude
oil upon withdrawal of treatment in male rats. Toxicology Letters
196S: S37–S351.
Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Induction of oxidative damage in the
testes and sperm and hematotoxicity in rats exposed to multiple
doses of ethylene glycol monoethyl ether. Human and
Experimental Toxicology 29(10):801-812.
Adedara, I.A., Owumi, S.E., Uwaifo, A.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Acute
Aflatoxin B1 and ethanol co-exposure synergistically exacerbates
hepatic injury in mice Toxicology and Industrial Health (USA) 10:
Akinmoladun, A.C., Obuotor, E.M., Barthwal, M.K., Dikshit, M. and Farombi,
E.O. (2010) Ramipril-like activity of Spondias Mombin Linn against
NO-Flow ischemia and isoproterenol-induced cardiotoxicity in rat
heart. Cardiovascular Toxicology 2010 10(4):295-305.
Adaramoye, O.A., Okiti, O.O. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Dried fruit extract
from Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) protects Wistar albino rats
from adverse effects of whole body radiation. Experimental and
Toxicologic Pathology (Germany) 63(7-8):635-643.
Abarikwu, S.O., Farombi, E.O. and Pant, A.B. (2010) Cytotoxic effects of
atrazine on sertoli-germ cell co-culture and the protective potential of
quercetin. International Journal of Andrology, 33 (Suppl. 1): 39-63.
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Possible
ameliorative effects of kolaviron against reproductive toxicity in sublethally whole body gamma-irradiated rats. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2010
Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print.]
Okeola, V.O., Adaramoye, O.A., Nneji, C.M., Falade, C.O., Farombi, E.O. and
Ademowo, O.G. (2011) Antimalarial and antioxidant activities of
methanolic extract of Nigella sativa seeds (black cumin) in mice
infected with Plasmodium yoelli nigeriensis. Parasitology Research
Adedara, I.A., Teberen, R., Ebokaiwe, A.P., Ehwerhemuepha, T. and Farombi,
E.O. (2011) Induction of oxidative stress in the liver and kidney of
rats exposed to Nigerian Bonny Light crude oil. Environmental
Toxicology Feb 9. doi: 10.1002/tox.20660
Owoeye, O.E., Farombi, E.O. and Onwuka, S.K. (2011) Gross morphometric
reduction of rats' cerebellum by gamma irradiation was mitigated by
pretreatment with Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract. Romanian
Journal of Morphology and Embryology 52(1):81-8.
Owoeye, O., Adesida, A., Onwuka, S.K and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Gamma
radiation effects in the brain of rats: antioxidant and
radioprotective properties of Vernonia amygdalina leaf extract.
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (in
Adaramoye, O.A., Adedara, I.A., Popoola, B. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Extract
of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) protects against gammaradiation induced testicular damage in wistar rats. Journal of Basic
and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology (Israel) 21: (2) 295-313.
Adesiyan, A.C., Oyejola, T.O., Abarikwu, S.O., Oyeyemi, M.O. and Farombi,
E.O. (2011) Selenium provides protection to the liver but not the
reproductive organs in an atrazine-model of experimental toxicity.
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 63: 201–207.
Abarikwu, S.O., Farombi, E.O. and Pant, A.B. (2011) Biflavanone-kolaviron
protects human dopaminergic SH-SY5Y cells against atrazine
induced toxic insult. Toxicology in Vitro, 25: 848–858.
Abarikwu, S.O., Farombi, E.O., Kashyap, M.P. and Pant, A.B. (2011)
Kolaviron protects apoptotic cell death in PC12 cells exposed to
Atrazine. Free Radical Research (London) 45(9):1061-73.
Abarikwu, S.O., Farombi, E.O., Kashyap, M.P. and Pant, A.B. (2011) Atrazine
induces transcriptional changes in steroidogenesis marker genes in
primary cultures of rat Leydig cells Toxicology in Vitro (Oxford)
Farombi, E.O. (2011) Recent advances in nutrition research: Nutraceuticals,
nutrigenomics and chemoprevention. Tran-sactions of the Nigerian
Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1(1):44-65.
Farombi, E.O. and Owoeye, O. (2011) Antioxidative and chemopreventive
properties of Vernonia amygdalina and Garcinia Biflavonoid.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
(Basel, Switzerland) 8: 2533-2555.
Farombi, E.O., Ekor, M., Adedara, I., Tonwe, K.E., Ojujoh, T.O. and Oyeyemi,
M.O. (2011) Quinine-induced Testicular toxicity in male Wistar rats:
Ameliorative effects of Quercetin. Journal of Basic and Clinical
Physiology and Pharmacology (Israel) (in press).
Farombi, E.O., Akintunde, J.K., Nzute, N., Adedara, I.A., and Arojojoye, O.
(2011) Municipal landfill leachate induced hepatotoxicity and
oxidative damage in rats. Toxicology and Industrial Health (USA).
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Adedara, I.A., Ebokaiwe, A.P. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Tissues distribution of
heavy metals and erythrocytes antioxidant status in rats exposed to
Nigerian Bonny Light crude oil. Toxicology and Industrial Health
(USA). (in press)
Adedara, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) Chemoprotection of ethylene glycol
monoethyl ether-induced reproductive toxicity in male rats by
kolaviron—an isolated biflavonoid from Garcinia kola seeds.
Human and Experimental Toxicology (London). in press
Igado, O.O., Olopade, J.O., Adesida, A., Aina, O.O. and Farombi, E.O.
(2011) Morphological and biochemical investigation into the
possible neuroprotective effects of Kolaviron (Garcinia Kola
Bioflavonoid) on the brains of rats exposed to vanadium. Drug
and Chemical Toxicology (USA). (in press)
Abarikwu, S.O., Kashyap Adedara M., Pant, I.A. and Farombi, E.O. (2010)
Kolaviron inhibits apoptotic cell death and prevemts oxidative
damage in PC12 cell line exposed to Atrazine. XII International
Congress of Toxicology (IUTOX) July, 19-23, 2010, BarcelonaSpain.
Farombi, E.O. and Owoeye, O. (2010) Bioefficacy, Antioxidative and
Chemopreventive Properties of Novel Plant-Based Phytochemicals - A Case For Epivernodalol and Kolaviron. Seventh
International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environ-mental
Health Research – September 12-15th, 2010, Marriott Hotel,
Jackson, Mississippi, USA (Plenary Lecture).
Abarikwu, S.O., Farombi, E.O., Pant, A.B. (2010) Cytotoxic Effects of Atrazine
on Sertoli-Germ Cell Co-Culture and the Protective Potential of
Quercetin. 6 European Congress of Andrology, 29 September-1
October 2010, Athens, Greece.
Farombi, E.O. (2010) Recent Advances in Olumbe Bassir's First love:
Nutraceuticals, Nutrigenomics and Chemoprevention. 2010 Olumbe
Bassir Memorial Annual Lecture, Nigerian Society of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology Conference, October 24 - 27 2010, Aliero,
Kebbi State. (Invited Guest lecture)
Farombi, E.O. (2011) Chemoprevention with selected Antioxidative
Phytochemicals. 2011 Joint International Research Conference-4th
Walter Sisulu University International Research Conference, 8
International Conference of the Society for Free Radical Researchst
Africa, 31 African Health Sciences Congress, 4 International
Conference of the Promotion of Traditional Medicine. 17-19
August, 2011 hosted by Walter Sisulu University at International
Convention Centre, East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Guest
Abarikwu, S.O., Pant, A.D. and Farombi, E.O. (2011) The effect of oxidative
stress generated by 4-hydroxynonenal in human SH-SY5Y cells. 31
Annual Conference of Nigeria Society of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology (NSBMB), University of Ibadan, Nsukka, October
31-November 3 Pp 137.
OLORUNSOGO, Olufunso Olabode
Olorunsogo, O.O. (2010) From the power house to pumps: Memoirs of a
mitochondriac: An Inaugural Lecture delivered at the University of
Ibadan on Thursday, 25th February, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press.
Salako, T.A., Adisa, R.A., Alao, O.O., Adeniran, O.O. and Olorunsogo, O.O.
(2010) Effects of methanolic and chloroform extracts of leaves of
Alstonei boonei on rat liver mitochondrial membrane permeability
transition Pore. Afri.J.Med Med.Sci. 39,109-116.
Adisa, R.A., Ajewole, I., Omolohunnu, I. and Olorunsogo, O.O. (2010)
Induction of membrane permeability transition pore opening by
Buccholzia coriacea (Linn) seeds in vitro in rat liver mitochondria.
Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. 39,129-138.
Adisa, R.A., Choudhary, M.I., Adewoye, E.O. and Olorunsogo, O.O. (2010)
Hypoglyceamic and biochemical properties of Cnestis ferruginea. Afr J.
Tradit Complement Altern Med.3:
Odewusi, A.F., Oyeyemi, M.O., Olayemi, F.O., Emikpe, B., Ehigie L.O., Adisa,
R.A. and Olorunsogo, O.O. (2010) Effects of the leaf decoction of
Mormodica chorantia (Bitter melon) on mito-chondrial membrane
permeability transition pore (MMPT) and fertility in normal male
albino rats. 39:47- 59.
Adisa, R.A., Choudhary, M.I. and Olorunsogo, O.O. (2011) Hypoglycemic
activity of Buchhoizia coriacea (Capparaceae) seeds in
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and mice. Exp Toxicol Pathol,
63: 619-625.
Fafowora, M.V., Atanu, F., Sanyo, O., Olorunsogo, O.O. and Erukainure, O.L.
(2011) Effect of oral coadministration of artesunate with ferrous
sulfate on rat liver mitochondrial membrane perme-ability transition.
Drug Chem Toxicol. 34: 318-323.
Adisa, R.A., Abass, Khan. A., Oladosu I., Ajaz, A., Choudhary, M.I.,
Olorunsogo, O.O. and A. Ur Rahman (2011) Purification and
characterization of phenolic compounds from the leaves of Cnestis
ferruginea (De Candolle): Investigation of Antioxidant Propert.
Research Journal of Phytochemistry 5: 177-189.
Anyasor, G.N. and Olorunsogo, O.O. (2011) Evaluation of selected biochemical
parameters in renal and hepatic functions follow-ing oral
administration of Artesunate to albino rats. Researcher: 3 (7) 30- 34.
Igunnu, A., Osalaye, D.S., Olorunsogo, O.O., Malomo, S.O. and Olorunniji, I.J.
(2011) Distinct metal ion requirements for the phosphomonoesterase
and phosphodiesterase activities of calf Intestinal Alkaline
phosphatase. The Open Biochemistry Journal 5, 67-72
ARINOLA, Ganiyu Olatunbosun
Olaniyi, J.A. and Arinola, O.G. (2010) Nitric oxide and trace metals in relation
to HbF concentration in Nigerian sickle cell disease patients. Turkish
Journal of Medical Sciences. 40(1):109-113.
Ogunbileje, J.O., Akinosun, O.M., Arinola, O.G. and Akinduti, P.A. (2010)
Immunoglobulin classes (IgG, IgA and IgM) and liver function tests
in Nigerian cement factory workers. Researchers. 2(4): 55-58.
Olaniyi, J.A., Obikoya, M., Akinosun, M.O. and Arinola, O.G. (2010)
Leucocyte counts, humoral immunity and nitric oxide level in
Nigerian consumers of alcoholic beverages. Report and Opinion.
2(6): 67-70.
Arinola, O.G., Akinosun, O.M. and Oniye, A.H. (2010) Metal binding proteins
and immunoglobulin classes in the serum of Nigerian Cassava
Processors. Nature and Science. 8(11): 27-34.
Arinola, O.G., Idonjie, B., Akinlade, K. and Ihenyen, O. (2010) Essential trace
metals and heavy metals in newly diagnosed schizo-phrenic patients
and those on medication. Journal of Research in Medical
Sciences.15(4): 1-5.
Olaniyi, J.A., Arinola, O.G. and Odetunde, A.B. (2010) Foetal haemo-globin
(HbF) stuatus in adult sickle cell anaemia patients in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine 8(1): 30-33.
Lasisi, A.O. and Arinola O.G. (2010) Acute phase reactants in immune related
inner ear disease. African Journal of Biomedical Research 13: 113117.
Akiibinu, M.O., Arinola, O.G. and Afolabi, K.A. (2010) Assessment of acute
phase proteins and oxidative stress status of Nigerians using
bleaching agents. Journal of Medical Sciences. 26(4): 860-863.
Mabajoye, V.O., Akanni, E.O., Arinola, O.G. and Hassan R.O. (2010) Plasma
transferring and caeruloplasmin levels in Nigerians with diabetes
mellitus. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 5(1): 6-9.
Arinola, O.G. and Rahamon, S. (2011) Biochemical nutritional parameters in
breast-milk and plasma of HIV infected lactating Nigerian
mothers on anti-retroviral therapy. Sierra Leone Journal of
Biomedical Researches. Accepted for publication. (in press).
AGBEDANA, Emmanuel Oluyemi
Fabian, U.A., Charles-Davies, M.A., Adebuyuyi, J.R., Ebesunum, M.O.,
Ajobo, B.M., Hassan, O.O., Adigun, K., Oyewole, O.E., Owolabi,
M.O., Olaniyi, J.A., Fasanmade, A.A., Akinlade, K.S., Arinola,
O.G. and Agbedana, E.O. (2011) Leptin concentration in African
Blacks with Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus.J.US-China Medical Science (in Press).
ANETOR, John Ibhagbemien
Iyanda, A.A., Anetor, J.I., Adeniyi, F.A.A. and Iheakanwa, C.I. (2010) Effect
of methionine on hepatic indices in male Wistar rat dosed to
acetaminophen formulation. African Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmamacology (in press)
Ogunbileje, J.O., Akinosun, O.M., Anetor, J.I., Akinduti, J.A., Ejilude, O.,
Nwobi, N.L. and Akinbo, J.A. (2010) Effects of different cement
factory sections and products on immunoglobulin levels and some
biochemical parameters in Nigerian cement factory workers. New
York Science Journal, 3: 102-106.
Onyeaghala, A.A., Anetor, J.I., Nurudeen, A., Oyewole, O.E. (2010) High
urinary iodine content (UIC) among primary school children in
Ibadan, Nigeria: A public health concern. Journal of Toxicology
and Environmental Health Sciences 2(7): 93-96.
Iyanda, A.A., Anetor, J.I. and Adeniyi, F.A.A. (2010) Effects of methionine
containing paracetamol formulation on serum vitamins and trace
elements in male rats. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 25
(in press).
Iyanda, A.A., Anetor, J.I., Adeniyi, F.A.A. (2011) Altered copper level and renal
dysfunction in Nigerian women using skin-whitening agents.
Biological Trace Elements Research (in press, epub ahead of print).
Anetor, J.I., Anetor, G.O., Adeola, A. and Esiaba, I. (2011) “Chemical
Carcinogenesis: Risk Factors, Early Detection and Biomedical
Engineering”. In Biomedical Engineering Ghista DN (ed). Book 5,
ISBN 979-953-307-029-1Croatia: Intecch Open Access Publishers
University Campus Rijeka, (in press).
Ikaroaha, C.I., Oforofuo, I.O.A., Anetor, J.I. et al. (2011) Blood lead calcium and
phosphorus in women with eclampsia in Edo state, Nigeria. Archives
of Environmental and Occupational Health (in press).
Iyanda, A.A., Anetor, J.I. and Oparinde, S. (2011) Serum levels of minerals and
vitamins in two categories of female alopecia subjects using hair
relaxer. Dermatologica Sinica. (in press)
AKINLADE, Kehinde Sola
Ganiyu Arinola, Idonije Blessing, Akinlade Kehinde, and Ihenyen Olubisi
(2010) Essential trace metals and heavy metals in newly diagnosed
schizophrenic patients and those on anti-psychotic medication. JRMS
2010:15: 1-5.
Banjoko, S.O. and Akinlade, K.S. (2010) Acetylation pharmacogenetics and
renal function in diabetes mellitus patients. Ind J Clin Biochem. 25:
Akinlade, K.S. (2011) Oral glucose tolerance testing outcomes among women at
high risk for gestational diabetes mellitus. J. Clin. Pathol
CHARLES-DAVIES, Mabel Ayebatonyo
Umoh, U., Charles-Davies, M.A. and Adeleye, J. (2010) Serum testosterone
and lipids in relation to sexual dysfunction in males with metabolic
syndrome and type2 diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 2(12) 402-412.
ADEDAPO, Kayode Solomon
Adeyemo, A., Adeosun, A. and Adedapo, K.S. (2010) Unusual cause of thyroid
abscess. African Health Sciences. 10(1): 101-103.
Oladapo Olayemi, Donna Strobino, Adedapo Kayode, Aimakhu Christopher,
Akintunde Odukogbe and Salako Babatunde (2010) Influence of
previous abortions and new paternity on the risk of hypertension in
nulliparous parturients in Ibadan: A cohort study. Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Review. 2010; 36(5) 965-969.
Oladapo Olayemi, Donna Strobino, Christopher Aimakhu, Kayode Adedapo,
Aderemi Kehinde, Akintunde Odukogbe and Babatunde Salako.
(2010) Influence of duration of sexual cohabitation on the risk of
hypertension in nulliparous parturients in Ibadan: A cohort study.
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology;
50(1): 40-44.
Oladapo, O.O., Salako, L., Sodiq, O., Shoyinka, K., Adedapo, K. and Falase,
A.O. (2010) A prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors among a
rural southwestern Nigerian population: A population based study.
Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. 21(1): 26-31
Adedapo, K., Fadiji, I.O., Orunmuyi, A.T., Ejeh, J.E. and Osifo, B.O.A. (2011)
Public Health in Nigeria (Thyroid cancer management in Ibadan,
Nigeria): A need for health insurance. Hell J Nucl. Med. 14(1): 8S.
Kehinde, A.O., Adedapo, K.S., Aimakhu, C., Odukogbe, A.A., Olayemi, O. and
Salako, B.O. (2011) Urinary pathogens and drug susceptibility
pattern of urinary tract infections among pregnant clinic attendees in
Ibadan, Nigeria. The Journal of O&G Research. (in press)
Kuti, M.A., Abbiyesuku, F.M., Akinlade, K.S., Akinosun, O.M., Adedapo K.S.,
Adeleye, J.O. and Adesina, A. (2011) Oral glucose tolerance testing
outcomes among women at high risk for gestational diabetes mellitus
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Adedapo, K.S., Olayemi, O., Aimakhu, C., Kehinde, A., Odukogbe, A. and
Salako, B.O. (2011)
Increased oxidative stress in women in
Nigeria with preeclampsia. South African Journal of O&G; 17(2) :5051.
Ejeh, J.E., Adedapo, K.S., Akinlade, B.I. and Osifo, B.O.A. (2011) Gamma
camera intrinsic uniformity in an unstable power supply environment.
Hell J Nucl. Med. 14(2):146-148.
Adedapo, K.S. and Vangu, M.D.T. (2011) Data on elevated serum thyroglobulin
with negative iodine-131 whole body scan in patients with
differentiated thyroid cancer, in a 24 months follow-up study.
Hellenist Journal of Nuclear medicine; 14(2):131-134
Otegbayo, J.A., Akingbola, T.S., Akinyemi, J.O., Adedapo, K.S., Taiwo, B.O.,
Odaibo, G.N., AkenÓva, Y.A., Olaleye, D.O., Adewole, I.F., Murphy,
R. and Kanki, P. (2011) Immunovirological and biochemical changes
in Nigerian patients on combined antiretroviral therapy. WJA; 1: 3136
Kehinde, A.O., Adedapo, K.S., Aimakhu, C.O., Odukogbe, A.A., Olayemi, O.
and Salako, B.L. (2011) Significant bacteriuria among asymptomatic
ante natal clinic attendees In Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Medicine and
Health; 39 (3):73-76. (Japan)
Adedapo, K.S., Afolabi, A.O., Orunmuyi, A. and Fadiji, O. (2011) Stitch abscess
masquerading as recurrent thyroid cancer. WAJM. (in press)
Adedapo, K.S., Arinola, O.G., Shittu, O.B., Kareem, O.I., Okolo, C.A. and
Nwobi, L.N. (2011) Diagnostic value of lipids, total antioxidants and
trace metals in benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer. Nig. J.
Clin. Pract. 2011. (in press)
ABBIYESUKU, Fayeofori Mpakaboari
Akinloye, O., Abbiyesuku, F.M., Oguntibeju, O.O., Arowojolu, A.O. and
Truter, E.J. (2011) The impact of blood and seminal plasma zinc and
copper concentrations on spermogram and hormonal changes in
infertile Nigerian men. Reprod Biol.; 11(2):83-98.
Kuti, M.A., Abbiyesuku, F.M., Akinlade, K.S., Akinosun, O.M., Adedapo,
K.S.,Adeleye, J.O. et al. (2011) Oral glucose tolerance testing
outcomes among women at high risk for gestational diabetes
mellitus. J Clin Pathol. ; 64(8): 718-21.
OLANIYI, John Ayodele
Olaniyi, J.A. and Arinola, O.G. (2010) Nitric oxide and trace metals in relation
to haemoglobin F concentration in Nigerian sickle cell disease
patients. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences; 40(1): 109-113.
Olaniyi, J.A., Obikoya, M., Akinosun, O.M. and Arinola, O.G. (2010)
Leucocyte counts, humoral immunity and nitric oxide level in
Nigerian consumers of alcoholic beverages. Report and Opinion
2(6): 67-70.
Olaniyi, J.A., Arinola, O.G. and Odetunde, A.B. (2010) Foetal Haemo-globin
(HbF) status in adult sickle cell anaemia patients in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medical Journal. Vol 8(1): 30-33.
Oluwasola, A.O., Olaniyi, J.A., Otegbayo, J.A. and Ogun, O.G. (2011) Titi
S. Akingbola, Cornelius O. Ukah, ffiong E.U. Akang, and
Yetunde A. Aken'Ova: A fifteen year review of lymphomas in a
Nigerian tertiary healthcare centre. J Health Population Ntr
(JNPN); 29(4): 1-7.
Olaniyi, J.A., Oluwasola, A.O. and Ibijola, I. (2011) Outcome of therapy of a Tcell rich B-cell lymphoma in Ibadan, Nigeria. Mediterr J Haematol
Infect Dis; 3: 310-316.
Arinola, O.G., Akinosun, O.M. and Olaniyi, J.A. (2011) Passive- and activecigarette smoking: Effects on plasma levels of anti-oxidant
vitamins, immunoglobulin class and acute phase reactants. Afri J
Biotechnol; 10(32): 6130-6132.
Olaniyi, J.A., Olomu, S.A. and Finomo, O.A. (2011) Lupus anticoagulant in
pregnant women with recurrent fetal loss. Journal of blood
Medicine; 2: 1-4.
Olaniyi, J.A. (2011) Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of haematological
malignancies: The way forward in Nigeria. Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine International; 3: 17-24.
Fabian, U.A., Charles-Davies, M.A., Adebusuyi, J.R., Ebesunun, M.O., Ajobo,
M.T., Hassan, O.O., Adigun, K., Owolabi, M.O., Oyewole, O.O.,
Olaniyi, J.A., Fasanmade, A.A., Akinlade, S.K., Arinola, O.G. and
Agbedana, E.O. Leptin concentrations in African blacks with
metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetic mellitus. (accepted)
Olaniyi, J.A. and Arinola, O.G. Interferon g, Interleukin 4, Immunoglobulin
classes and Nitric Oxide in Nigerians with acute leukaemia. Seirra
Leonian Journal of biomedical Research[accepted]
Arinola, O.G. and Olaniyi, J.A. Antioxidant status of acute leukaemia patients in
Nigeria. Seirra Leonian Journal of biomedical Research[accepted]
Olaniyi, J.A. and Arinola O.G. (2011) Humoral immunological factors and
Nitric Oxide levels in HIV patients with low CD4+ T-Lymphocytes
counts below 500 per microliter blood. Int J Health Res; 4(1).
AKEN'OVA, Yetunde Adebisi
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Aken'Ova, Y.A., Olaleye, D.O., Adewole, I.F., Murphy, R. and
Kanki, P. (2011) Immunological and biochemical changes in Nigeria
with Hepatitis B coinfection on anti-retroviral therapy. World Journal
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can we learn and how can we help in improving diagnosis, managing
patients and fostering translational research. British Journal of
Haematology doi: 10. 1111/j. 1365-2141. 08772.x
Olayowola, O.A., Olaniyi, J., Otegbayo, J.A., Ogun, G.O., Akingbola, T., Ukeh,
C.O., Akang, E.E.U. and Aken'Ova, Y. (2011) A fifteen year review
of lymphomas in a Nigerian Tetiary Hospital. The Journal of Health,
Population and Nutrition, Vol. 29, No. 4, page 310-316.
FASOLA, Foluke Atinuke (Nee Fatile)
Anetor, J.I., Ajose, O.A., Adeleke, F.N., Olaniyan-Taylor, G.O. and Fasola, F.A.
(2010) Depressed antioxidant status in pregnant women on iron
supplement: Pathologic and clinical correlates Biol Trace Elem Res
AKINGBOLA, Titilola Stella
Oluwasola, A.O., Olaniyi, J., Otegbayo, J.A., Ogun Gabriel O., Akingbola, T.S.,
Ukah, C.O., Akang, E.E.U. and Y.A. Aken'Ova (2011) A Fifteen-year
review of lymphomas in a nigeria tertiary healthcare centre. The
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. Vol. 29, No. 4, pp 310316.
Ogunsakin, O.S., Iwara, K. and Akingbola, T.S. (April 2010). The role of blood
transfusion in management of trauma. Dentiscope Vol. 17 PP 23-28.
Okunlola, M.A., Abimbola, O.A., Okonkwo, N.S. and Akingbola, T. (2010)
Pattern of contraceptive use among women with sickle cell disease in
Ibadan, south-west Nigeria. The Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, 30(02), pp.171-174.
SHOKUNBI, Wuraola Adebola
Shokunbi, W.A. (2011) Bleed Not, My Son: Inaugural Lecture at the University
of Ibadan. Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. pp 1-86.
Shokunbi, W.A., Dorusinmi, M.A., Aken'Ova, Y.A., Olatunji, O.O., Akanmu,
A.S., Wakama, T.T., Fasola, F.A., Olaniyi, J.A., Nwauche, C.A.,
Akingbola, T.S., Mamman, A., Enosolease, M.E., Abjah, U.M.A.,
Ocheni, S. and Eteng, K.I.I. Lymphoma Treatment Guidelines for
Nigeria. Compiled by NSHBT.
Shokunbi, W.A., Ajuwon, A.J. and Ojelade, O.A. eds. (2011) Abuja bus and
Yossy's dilemma. Ibadan: K. Olayoku Agencies Pp 1.46.
Shokunbi, W.A. and Ajuwon A.J eds. (2010) Supplement to training workshop
manual: Peer education for HIV-AIDS prevention among UI
students. Ibadan: Nonesuch House Publishers.
Onakoya, P., Nwaorgu, O.G.B. and Shokunbi, W.A. (2010) Hearing impairment
in persons with the haemoglobin SC genotype. ENT. Vol. 89, pp 306310.
FAYEMIWO, Samuel Adetona
Jegede, A.S. and Fayemiwo, S.A. (2010) Cultural and ethical challenges of
assisted reproductive technologies in the management of
infertility among the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. African
Journal of Reproductive Health. Jun 2010; 14(2): 115-127.
Fayemiwo, S.A., Muller, E.E., Gumede, L. and Lewis, D.A. (2011) Plasmidmediated penicillin and tetracycline resistance among Neisseria
gonorrhoeae isolates in South Africa: Prevalence, detection, and
typing using a novel molecular assay. Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, Vol. 38, No. 4, 329-333.
Fayemiwo, S.A., Odaibo, G.N., Ajayi, A.A., Oni, A.A., Bakare, R.A. and
Olaleye, D.O. (2010) Genital ulcer diseases among female
commercial sex workers in Ibadan. Nigeria. Accepted for publication
in the African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.
Muller, E.E., Fayemiwo, S.A. and Lewis D. (2011) Characterization of a novel
beta-lactamase-producing plasmid in Neisseria gono-rrhoeae:
Sequence analysis and molecular typing of host gono-cocci. Journal
of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (Accepted).
BAKARE, Rasheed Ajani
Fayemiwo, S.A., Adesina, O.A., Ayede, I.A., Oni, A.A., Bakare, R.A. and
Adewole, I.F. (2010) Prevalence of congenital syphilis in UCH ,
Bakare, R.A., Sanusi, A.A., Fayemiwo, S.A., Akinyemi, A.A., Osinaike, A.A.
and Olubanwo, A.A. (2010) Nosocomial Infections in Intensive care
Unit ( ICU).
DADA-ADEGBOLA, Hannah Odunola
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OGUN, Olufunmilola A.
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study. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice.
Adeleye, A.O., Ogun, O.A. and Ogun, G.O. (2010) Solitary Fibrous Tumour:
Another rare case from Africa International Ophthal-mology; 30(3):
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Ogbole, G.I., Adeyinka, O.A., Okolo, C.A., Ogun, A.O. and Atalabi,
O.M. (2011) Low field MRimaging of sellar and parasellar
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Impairment in Heterozygous SC disease patients. Ear, Nose and Throat
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Fasunla, J.A., Adeleye, A.O., Onakoya, P.A., Okolo, C.A. and Nwaorgu, G.O.
(2010) Recurrent nasal polyp and pansinus mucopyocele associated
with bilateral blindness: A case report. Ghana Medical Journal 44: 165
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Adeyemo, A., Adeosun, A. and Adedapo, K. (2010) Unusual cause of thyroid
abscess. Afr Health Sci. 10 (1):101-3.
Salisu, A., Adeosun, A.A., Emma-Nzekwue, N.H. and Abubakar, S.B. (2010)
Novel management of cervical necrotising fasciitis in a developing
country: A case report. J Laryngol Otol. 2011 Jan; 125(1):93-5.
Fayemiwo, S.A., Ogunleye, V.O., Adeosun, A.A. and Bakare, R.A. (2010)
Prevalence of otomycosis in Ibadan: A review of laboratory reports.
Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. 39, Suppl. 219-222.
Fasunla, A.J., Adeosun, A.A., Afolabi, A.O. and Nwaorgu, O.G. (2011)
Usefulness of behavioral test of hearing as a rapid public health
screening tool for infants. J Pediatr Neurol; 9:29-33
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) “Fibreoptic Endoscopic Guided Endotracheal Intubation”
In Advanced Airway Support for Patients with Inhalation Injury
Edited by Iyun A.O. pages 49-52. ISBN 978-245-589-X
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) “Cricothyrodotomy” In Advanced Airway Support for
Patients with Inhalation Injury Edited by Iyun A.O. page 53-57. ISBN
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) “Tracheostomy” In Advanced Airway Support for
Patients with Inhalation Injury Edited by Iyun A.O. page 58-61.
ISBN 978-245-589-X
FASUNLA, Ayotunde James
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Tracheostomy Decanulation: Suprastomal Granulation Tissue in
Perspective. East and Central African Journal of Surgery. 15(1): 8186.
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(2010) Recurrent nasal polyp and pansinus mucopyocele associated
with bilateral blindness: A case report. Ghana Medical Journal; 44(4):
165 – 168.
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Usefulness of behavioral test of hearing as a rapid public health
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Ibekwe, T.S. and Nwaorgu, O.G.B. (2011) Classification and manage-ment
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Fasunla, J.A., Ibekwe, T.S. and Nwaorgu, O.G. (2011) Migraine associated
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Adeyemo, A., Adeosun, A. and Adedapo, K. (2010) Unusual cause of thyroid
abscess. Afr Health Sci. 10 (1):101-3.
Salisu, A., Adeosun, A.A., Emma-Nzekwue, N.H. and Abubakar, S.B. (2011)
Novel management of cervical necrotising fasciitis in a developing
country: Case report. J Laryngol Otol. 2011 Jan; 125(1):93-5.
Fayemiwo, S.A., Ogunleye, V.O., Adeosun, A.A. and Bakare, R.A. (2010)
Prevalence of otomycosis in Ibadan: A review of laboratory reports.
Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. 39, Suppl. 219-222.
Fasunla, A.J., Adeosun, A.A., Afolabi, A.O. and Nwaorgu, O.G. (2011)
Usefulness of behavioral test of hearing as a rapid public health
screening tool for infants. J Pediatr Neurol 9:29-33.
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) Fibreoptic endoscopic guided endotracheal intubation in
Advanced Airway Support for Patients with Inhalation Injury Edited
by Iyun A.O. pages 49-52. ISBN 978-245-589-X
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) Cricothyrodotomy in Advanced Airway Support for
Patients with Inhalation Injury Edited by Iyun A.O. page 53-57.
ISBN 978-245-589-X
Adeosun, A.A. (2011) Tracheostomy in Advanced Airway Support for Patients
with Inhalation Injury Edited by Iyun A.O. page 58-61. ISBN 978245-589-X
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Adeleye, A.O., Okolo, C.A., Akang, E.E. and Adesina, A.M. (2011) Cerebral
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and Leoncini, L. (2011) Lymphomas in sub-Saharan Africa - what can
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patients and fostering translational research? Br J Haematol. doi:
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Ukah, C.O., Akang, E.E. and Aken'Ova, Y.A. (2011) A fifteen-year
review of lymphomas in a Nigerian tertiary healthcare centre. J Health
Popul Nutr.; 29(4):310-6.
OKOLO, Clement Abu
Cadmus, S.I.B., Oluwasola, A.O., Okolo, C.A. and Ngwu, B.A.F. (2010) Pattern
of tuberculous lymphadenitis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration
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Adeolu, A.A., Balogun, J.A., Adeleye, A.O., Adeoye, P.O., Okolo, C.A. and
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Technologies and Molecular Imaging for Cervical Neoplasia: A
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OGUN, Gabriel Olabiyi
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OLUWASOLA, Abideen Olayiwola
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Soyemi, T.O. (2010) Mammographic Breast Pattern in Nigerian
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Ogunbosi, B.O., Oladokun, R.E., Brown, B.J. and Osinusi, K. (2011) Prevalence
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s t u d y. I t a l i a n J o u r n a l o f P e d i a t r i c s , 3 7 : 2 9 .
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of Malaria Control Measures by Pregnant and Newly Delivered
Mothers in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Health Sciences, IDWKR02010-04-0068.R1 (Accepted)
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infection. Journal of Infectious diseases and Immunity. (Accepted)
OMOKHODION, Samuel Ilenre
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Kigbu,A., Oladejo,O., Ajayi,S.O., Adeoye,P.O., Ogunkunle O.O.,
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foreign body with associated intra-atrial clot. African Annals of
Thoracic Surgery. (Accepted)
BROWN, Biobele Jotham
Brown, B.J., Okereke, J.O., Lagunju, I.A., Orimadegun, A.E., Ohaeri,
J.U. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Burden of healthcare of
carers of children with sickle cell disease in Nigeria. Health and
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pattern of HIV-positive women in a prevention of mother-tochild transmission (PMTCT) programme.AIDS careMar 12:17.
Oladokun, R.E., Awolude, O., Brown, B.J., Adesina, O., Oladokun, A.,
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and Kanki, P. (2010) Service uptake and performance of the
prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences; 39:81-87.
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Oladokun, R.E., Adejokun, E., Brown, B.J. and Osinusi, K. (2010)
HIV/AIDS in 3 generations: Case series. Journal of International Association Physicians in AIDS Care (Chic); 9:353-7.
Brown, B.J., Oladokun, R.E., Odaibo, G.N., Olaleye, D.O., Osinusi, K., and
Kanki, P. (2011) Clinical and Immunological Profile of Pediatric
HIV Infection in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of International
Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chic); 10(1):49-53.
Lagunju, I.A., Brown, B.J. and Famosaya, A.A. (2011) Childhood stroke in
sickle cell disease in Nigeria. Journal of Pediatric Neurology; 9:
Brown, B.J., Oladokun, R.E., Osinusi, K., Ochigbo, S., Adewole, I.F. and
Kanki, P. (2011) Disclosure of HIV status to infected children in a
Nigerian HIV Care Programme. AIDS Care. 5:1-6.
Ogunbosi, B.O., Oladokun, R.E., Brown, B.J. and Osinusi, K.I. (2011)
Prevalence and clinical pattern of Paediatric HIV infection at
the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria: A pros-pective
cross-sectional study. Italian Journal of Pediatrics; 16: 37: 29.
Oladokun, R., Kolude, B., Ogun, G., Brown, B. and Osinusi, K. (2011)
Kaposi Sarcoma in HIV Positive Nigerian Children: A Case
Series. World Journal of AIDS; 1:63-69.
Oladokun, R.E., Brown, B.J., Jacob, N.E. and Osinusi, K. (2011) HIV
infection in orphanages in south-west Nigeria. Nigerian Journal
of Paediatrics; 38:4-8.
OGUNKUNLE, Oluwatoyin Oluwafunmilayo
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dysfunction in HIV infected children in a sub-Saharan African
country: Comparative, observational cross-sectional study. Journal
of Tropical Pediatrics. doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmr009 First published
online: February 3, 2011
Fasunla, A.J., Onakoya, P.A., Ogunkunle, O.O., Mbam, T.T. and Nwaorgu,
O.G.B. (2011) Routine Electrocardiography Request in
Adenoidectomy: Is it necessary? Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and
Head & Neck Surgery DOI:10. 1007/s12070-011-0264-0. (Published
online May 2011)
Falade, C.O., Tongo, O.O., Ogunkunle, O.O. and Orimadegun, A.E. (2010)
Effects of malaria in pregnancy on newborn anthro-pometry.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries Vol 4:448-53.
Ogunkunle, O.O. and Animasahun, B.A. (2011) Intracardiac bron-chogenic cyst
in a 2-year-old Nigerian boy. BMJ Case Reports
LAGUNJU, IkeOluwa Abiola
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Doppler Ultrasonography in Primary Stroke Prevention in
Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Our initial experience.Arch Dis
Child Vol. 95. Supplement No. 1. A63-64.
Atalabi, O.M., Lagunju, I.A., Tongo, O.O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Cranial
Magnetic Resonance Findings in Kwashiorkor. Inter Journal
Neurosci Vol. 120 23-27.
Brown, B.J., Okereke, J.O., Lagunju, I.A., Orimadegun, A.E., Ohaeri, J.U.
and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Burden of healthcare of caregivers of
children with sickle cell disease in Ibadan. Health Soc Care
Community Vol. 18. 289-295.
Lagunju, I.A., Okereke, J., Adebayo, A. and Eni-Olorunda, T. (2010)
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and risk factors. Archives of Ibadan Medicine Vol. 11 No. 1. 31-35.
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newly-diagnosed epilepsy. Afr J Med med Sci
ASINOBI, Adanze Onyenonachi
Ngoundou-Landji, J., Nwuba, R.I., Anumudu, C.I., Odaibo, A.B., Matondo Maya,
W.D., Awobode, H.O., Okafor, C.M., Morenikeji, O.A., Asinobi, A.,
Nwagwu, M., Holder, A.A. and Ntoum, F. et al. (2010) Fine specificity of
anti-MSP119 antibodies and multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum
Mero-zoite Surface Protein 1 types in individuals in Nigeria with submicroscopic infection. Malaria Journal, 9:287
Akuse, R.M., Eke, F.U., Ademola, A.D., Fajolu, I.B., Gbelee, H.O., Ihejiahi, U.,
Bugaje, M.A., Anochie, I.C., Asinobi, A.O., Okafor, H.U., Adeleke, S.I.
and Audu, L.I. (2011) Diagnosing renal failure due to diethylene glycol
in children in a resource constrained setting. Pediatric Nephrology 2011
AYEDE, Adejumoke I.
Ayede, A.I., Falade, A.G., Sowunmi, A. and Jansen, H. (2010) An open randomized
controlled trial in comparing two artesunate-based combination
treatments artesunate/sulfamethoxy-pyrazine/ pyrimethamine (FDC
over 24 hours) and artesunate/ amodia-quine (FDC over 48 hours)] on
Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Nigerian children. Malaria Journal.
Ayede, A.I., Adewuyi, G.O. and Abafe, A.O. (2011) Development and validation of
a thin layerchromatographic method for the simultaneous determination
of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, artemether-lumenfantrine its
metaboliteand artesunate+ amodiaquine metabolites in human urine.
International Journal of Chemistry VOL 21 (1), 41 – 53
Agunloye, A.M., Ayede, A.I. and Omokhodion, S.I. (2011) The Role of
Routine Post-natal abdominal ultrasound for newborns in a
resource-poor setting: A longitudinal study. BMC Paediatrics,
11: 64 doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-11-16
Adewuyi, G.O., Abafe, A.O. and Ayede, A.I. (2011) Development and
validation of a thin layerchromatographic method for the
determination of Artesunate and Amodiaquine in tablet
formuilations (accepted May 2011). African Journal of
Otegbayo, J.A., Ayede, A.I. and Ogunbiyi, J.O. (2011) Accuracy of clinical
diagnosis of liver diseases at Ibadan. West African Journal of
Ayede, A.I. (2011) Achieving optimal feeds for preterm babies, recommendations and realities in practice: Nigerian perspective. Annals
of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine. (Accepted)
Ayede, A. I. and Akingbola, T.S. (2011) Pattern, complication and review of
Neonatal Blood transfusion in Ibadan, southwest Nigeria. Annals of
Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine.
TONGO, Olukemi Oluwatoyin
Tongo, O.O., Okafor, O.O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Detection of fever in
children emergency care: Comparisons of tactile and rectal
temperatures in Nigerian children. BMC Research Notes Vol. 3. 108
– 113.
Falade, C.O., Tongo, O.O., Ogunkunle, O.O. and Orimadegun, A.E. (2010)
Effects of malaria in pregnancy on newborn anthro-pometry.
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. Vol. 4. No.7. 448 –
Akinbami, F.O., Hamzat, T.K., Orimadegun A.E., Tongo O.O., Oyeyemi, L.,
Okafor, O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Body mass composition: A
predictor of admission outcomes among hospitalized Nigerian
under 5 children. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol.
19. No 3. 295 – 300.
Atalabi, O.O., Lagunju, I.A., Tongo, O.O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Cranial
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Kwashiorkor.
International Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 120. 23–27.
Fawole, A.O., Shah, A., Tongo, O., Dara, K., El-Ladan, A.M., Umezulike, A.C.,
Alu, F.E., Eniayewun, A.B., Fabanwo, A.O., Adewunmi, A.A.,
Adegbola, O., Adebayo, A.A., Obaitan, F.O., Onala, O.E., Usman, Y.,
Sullayman, A.O., Kailani, S. and Sa'id, M. (2011) Determinants of
perinatal mortality in Nigeria. Inter-national Journal of Gynecology
and Obstetrics. Vol. 114 (1). 37 – 42.
Eyelade, O.R., Orimadegun, A.E., Akinyemi, O.A., Tongo, O.O. and Akinyinka,
O.O. (2011) Esophageal, tympanic, rectal and skin temperatures in
children undergoing surgery with general anaesthesia. Journal of
PeriAnaesthesia nursing. Vol. 26 (3). 151 – 9.
Adetola, A.O., Tongo, O.O. and Osinusi, K. (2011) Neonatal mortality in an urban
population in Nigeria. Pediatrics and Neonatology. Vol. 52 (5).
Tongo, O.O., Orimadegun, A.E. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2011) Utilisation of
malaria preventive measures during pregnancy and birth outcomes in
I b a d a n , N i g e r i a . B M C P re g n a n c y a n d C h i l d b i r t h
ADEMOLA, Adebowale Dele
Akuse, R.M., Eke, F.U., Ademola, A.D., Fajolu, I.B., Gbelee, H.O., Ihejiahi,
U., Bugaje, M.A., Anochie, I.C., Asinobi, A.O., Okafor, H.U.,
Adeleke, S.I. and Audu, L.I. (2011) Diagnosing renal failure due to
diethylene glycol in children in a resource constrained setting.
Pediatric Nephrology (Accepted)
Ademola, A.D., Asinobi, O.O., Oladokun, R.E., Ogunkunle, O.O., Okolo, C.A.
and Ogbol, G.E. (2011) Kidney disease among admitted HIV positive
children in Ibadan, South West Nigeria sent to the African Journal of
Medical Science
Ademola, A.D., Asinobi O.A., Ogunkunle. O.O., Yusuf B.N. and Ojo O.E.
Peritoneal dialysis for childhood acute kidney injury: Experience in
south-west Nigeria. Submitted to the Peritoneal Dialysis
AKINYINKA, Olusegun Olusina
Fehintola, F.A., Scarsi, K.K., Qing Ma, Parikh, S., Morse, G.D., Taiwo, B.,
Akinola, I.T., Adewole, I.F., Lindegardh, N., Phakderaj, A.,
Ojengbede, O., Murphy, R.L., Akinyinka, O.O. and Aweeka, F.T.
(2011) Nevirapine-Based Antiretroviral Therapy Impacts Artesunate
and Dihydroartemisinin. Disposition in HIV-Infected Nigerian Adults
Eyelade, O.R., Orimadegun, A.E., Akinyemi, O.A., Tongo, O.O. and Akinyinka,
O.O. (2011) Esophageal, tympanic, rectal and skin temperatures in
children undergoing surgery with general anaesthesia. Journal of
PeriAnaesthesia nursing. Vol. 26 (3). 151 – 9.
Tongo, O.O., Orimadegun, A.E. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2011) Utilisation of
malaria preventive measures during pregnancy and birth outcomes in
I b a d a n , N i g e r i a . B M C P re g n a n c y a n d C h i l d b i r t h
Akinbami, F.O., Hamzat, T.K., Orimadegun, A.E., Tongo, O.O., Oyeyemi, L.,
Okafor, O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Body mass composition: A
predictor of admission outcomes among hospitalized Nigerian under
5 children. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 19. No 3.
295 – 300.
Atalabi, O.O., Lagunju, I.A., Tongo, O.O. and Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Cranial
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Kwashiorkor.
International Journal of Neuroscience. Vol. 120. 23–27.
Akinbami, F.O., Orimadegun, A.E., Tongo, O.O., Okafor, O.O. and Akinyinka,
O.O. (2010) Detection of fever in children emergency care: comparisons of
tactile and rectal temperatures in Nigerian children. BMC Research Notes Vol.
3.108 – 113
Brown, B.J., Okereke, J.O., Lagunju, I.A., Orimadegun, A.E., Ohaeri, J.U. and
Akinyinka, O.O. (2010) Burden of health-care of carers of
children with sickle cell disease in Nigeria. Health Social Care in
the Community 18(3): 289-295.
FALADE, Adegoke Gbadegesin
Ayede, A.I., Falade, A.G., Sowunmi, A. and Jansen, H. (2010) An open
randomized controlled trial in comparing two artesunate-based
combination treatments artesunate/ sulfamethoxy-pyrazine/
pyrimethamine (FDC over 24 hours) and artesunate/amodia-quine
(FDC over 48 hours)] on Plasmodium falciparum malaria in
Nigerian children. Malaria Journal.
Ayanniyi, O., Mbada, C.E. and Iroko, O.P. (2010) Neck pain occurrence and
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of self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among computer and noncomputer users in a Nigerian population: a cross sectional study. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders 11, 177, 1-9
ADEGOKE, Babatunde Olusola Adeleke
Adegoke, B.O.A. and Fapojuwo, O.A. (2010) Range of active hip motion in low back
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Adegoke B.O.A. and Ezeukwu A.O. (2010) Pain intensity, self-efficacy and physical
performance in patients with chronic low back pain. International Journal of
Therapy and Rehabilitation 17 (10): 524 – 534.
Johnson, O.E., Adegoke, B.O.A. and Ogunlade S.O. (2010) Comparison of four
physiotherapy regimens in the treatment of long-term mechanical low back
pain. Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association 13: 9-16.
Adewale, L. Oyeyemi, Adegoke, B.O.A., Adetoyeje, Y. Oyeyemi, Sallis, J.F. (2010)
Perceived environmental correlates of physical activity and walking in
African young adults. American Journal of Health Promotion (Accepted,
April 6, 2010)
Adegoke, B.O.A. and Oyeyemi A.L. (2010) Physical inactivity in Nigeria young
adults: prevalence and socio-demographic correlates. Journal of Physical
Activity and Health (Accepted, August 3, 2010).
Rufus, A. Adedoyin, Chidozie E. Mbada, Adaobi M. Odiachi, Babatunde O.A.
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muscles' fatigability for smoking and non-smoking athletes. Isokinetics
and Exercise Science 18(3): 149-155.
ODOLE, Adesola Christiana
Gbiri, C.A., Akinpelu, A.O. and Odole, A.C. (2010) Prevalence, pattern and impact of
depression on quality of life of stroke survivors. International Journal of
Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 14(3): 198-203.
Akinpelu, A.O., Odole, A.C. and Odejide, A.S. (2010) Prevalence and Pattern of
Musculoskeletal Pain in a Rural Community in southwestern Nigeria.
Internet Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 8 No. 2
Akinpelu, A.O., Iyor, F.T. and Odole, A.C. (2010) Pattern of Motion Restriction in
Nigerian Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. African Journal of
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, 2 (1) 6-9
FABUNMI, Ayodeji Ayodele
Tinubu, B.M.S., Mbada, C.E., Oyeyemi, A.L. and Fabunmi, A.A. (2010)
Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Nurses in
Ibadan, south-west Nigeria: A cross-sectional survey. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders, 11:12
Fabunmi, A.A., Omamogho, P.O. and Igbanugo, V.C. (2010) Hand Grip
Strength: Relationship with body composition and body dimension
in non professional Tennis players. Proceedings at the 52nd
ICHPER.SD World Congressin Doha, Qatar between May 8-12,
2010. Theme: Quality Physical Activity Education and Science for
All: A Gateway to Health and Olympic Caliber Performance
Ayanniyi, O., Fabunmi, A.A. and Akinpelu, O.O. (2010) Gender effect on
physicalactivity levelof teachers in selected secondary schools in
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Ghana Journal of Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Dance (GJOHPERD). Vol. 2 No. 2: 14-19.
Fabunmi, A.A. and Ochonma, C.B. (2010) “Maximal Grip Strength:
Handdominance and 10 % rule”. In Optimal Health performance: The
basis of Human Movement Education in the 21 century. Department
of Human Kinetics and Health Education, University of Ibadan,
Nigeria. 52-63.
ODUNAIYA, Nse Ayooluwa
Odunaiya, N.A., Ayodeji, O. and Oguntibeju, O.O. (2010) Physical activity level
of adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria.West Indies Journal of medical
AKINPELU, Aderonke Omobonike
Gbiri, C.A., Akinpelu, A.O. and Odole, A.C. (2010) Prevalence, pattern and
impact of depression on quality of life of stroke survivors.
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 14: 193-203
Akinpelu, A.O., Odole, A.C. and Odejide, A.S. (2010) Prevalence and pattern of
musculoskeletal pain in a rural community in southwestern Nigeria.
Internet Journal of Epidemiology (accepted for publication).
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ADEYEMI, Abigail Tokunbo Nee Ajayi-Obe
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Adeyemi, A.T. and Kolawole, K. (2011) Attitude of Nigerian dentists towards
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Adeyemi, B.F., Ogun, G.O. and Akang, E.E.U. (2010) A review of intra-oral
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Adeyemi, B.F., Kolude, B. and Akang, E.E.U. (2011) A retrospective
histopathological review of oral squamous cell carcinoma in a
Nigerian teaching hospital. Afr J Med Med Sci; 40:153-58.
Lawal, A., Kolude, B., Adeyemi, B.F., Lawoyin, J.O. and Akang, E.E.U. (2011)
Social profile and habits of oral cancer patients in Ibadan. Afr J
Med Med Sci; 40: 247-51.
Adisa, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F. Oluwasola, A.O., Kolude, B., Akang, E. E.U. and
Lawoyin, J.O. (2011) Clinico-pathological profile of head and neck
malignancies at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Head
& Face Medicine, 7:9.
Kolude, B., Adeyemi, B.F., Taiwo, J.O., Sigbeku, O.F., Eze, U.O. (2011) The
role of forensic dentist following mass disaster. Annals Ib
Postgraduate; 8(2): 111-7.
Lawal, A.O., Kolude, B., Adeyemi, B.F., Lawoyin, J.O. and Akang, E.E.U.
(2011) Social profile and habits of oral cancer patients in Ibadan.
Afr J Med Med Sci; 40: 247-51.
Lawal, A.O., Kolude, B., Adeyemi, B.F., Lawoyin, J.O. and Akang, E.E.U.
(2010) Relationship between serum albumin and oral epithelial
cancers in patients seen in a tertiary institution. Afr. J. Biomed Res.;
Adisa, A.O., Lawal, A.O., Olusanya, A.A. and Arotiba, J.T. (2010)
Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma: Report of a case. Nig Dent J; 18:
Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O. and Lasisi, T.J. (2010) Florid cemento-osseous
dysplasia: A report of two cases seen at the University College
Hospital Ibadan. Ann Ibd Pg Med 2011; 9(1):45-47.
Adedapo, H.A., Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O. and Adeyemi, B.F. (2010) Nondoctor consultations and self medication practices in patients
seen at a tertiary dental center in Ibadan. Indian Journal of
Dental Research (Accepted)
Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O. and Sigbeku, O.F. (2011) Cysts of the Oro-facial
region: A review and classification of 92 cases. Journal of Oral
and Maxillofacial Pathology, JOMP (2012) (Accepted).
Olusanya, A.A., Arotiba, J.T. and Lawal, A.O., Akinmoladun (2010) Trends in
oral cancer in Ibadan. Nig Dent J.; 18: 24-27.
Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O., Olusanya, A.A., and Adeyemi, B.F. (2011) Hybrid
ameloblastoma: A report of two cases. Afr J Med Med Sci (Accepted)
Lawal, A.O., Kolude, B.M., Adeyemi, B.F., Lawoyin, J.O. and Akang, E.E.U.
(2011) Serum antioxidant vitamins and the risk of oral cancer in
patients seen at a tertiary institution in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria.
Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice (Accepted)
Adeyemi, B.F., Adisa, O.A., Fasola, A.O. and Akang, E.E.U. (2010)
Keratoameloblastoma of the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Pathol;
Adeyemi, B.F., Oluwasola, A.O. and Adisa A.O. (2010) Congenital Epulis of the
newborn: A case report and immuno-histochemical analysis. Indian J
Dent Res; 21: 292-4
Adisa, A.O., Oluwasola, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F., Kolude, B., Akang, E.E.U. and
Lawoyin, J.O. (2010) Immunohistochemical analysis of
undifferentiated and poorly differentiated head and neck malignancies
at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Head and Neck Oncology, 2: 33.
Adisa, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F., Oluwasola, A.O., Kolude, B., Akang, E.U. and
Lawoyin, J.O. (2011) Clinico-pathological profile of head and neck
malignancies at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Head &
Face Medicine, 7: 9.
Adisa, A.O., Lawal, A.O., Olusanya, A.A. and Arotiba, J.T. (2010)
Hemangiomatous ameloblastoma: Report of a case. Nig Dent J;18:
Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O. and Lasisi, T.J. (2011) Florid cemento-osseous
dysplasia: A report of two cases seen at the University College
Hospital Ibadan. Ann Ibd Pg Med 2011;9(1):45-47.
Adisa, A.O. (2011) Temporal mandibular joint synovial chondromatosis:
Disease review. Ann Ibd Pg Med; 9(1): 48-50.
Olusanya, A.A., Adeyemi, B.F. and Adisa, A.O. (2011) Concurrent cementoosseous dysplasia and osteogenic sarcoma: Report of two cases.
Case Reports in Medicine (Accepted)
Adedapo, H.A, Lawal, A.O, Adisa, A.O. and Adeyemi, B.F. (2010) Nondoctor consultations and self medication practices in patients
seen at a tertiary dental center in Ibadan. Indian Journal of
Dental Research. (Accepted)
Agaku, T.I., Adisa, A.O. and Omaduvie, U.T. (2011) Evaluation of factors
influencing intention to quit tobacco use among youths in
Nigeria. J Natl Med Assoc. (Accepted)
Lawal, A.O., Adisa, A.O. and Sigbeku, O.F. (2011) Cysts of the oro-facial
region: A review and classification of 92 cases. Journal of Oral
and Maxillofacial Pathology. (Accepted)
DOSUMU, Elizabeth B.
Dosumu, O.O. and Dosumu, E.B. (2010) Relationship between tooth colour,
skin colour and age: An observational study in patients at the Ibadan
Dental School. Afr. J Biomed Res, 13; 9-14.
Dosumu, O.O. and Dosumu, E.B. (2010) Gingival tissue color related with facial
skin and acrylic resin denture base color in a Nigerian population. Afr.
J. Biomed. Res. 13; 107-111.
OKE, Gbemisola A.
Ibiyemi, O., Oketade, I.O., Taiwo, J.O. and Oke, G.A. (2010) Oral habits and
tooth wear lesions among rural adult males in Nigeria. Archives of
Orofacial Sciences5(2):31-35.
Ibiyemi, O., Bankole, O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) Assessment of Atraumatic
Restorative Treatment (ART) on permanent dentition in a primary
care setting in Nigeria. International Dental Journal. 61(1): 2-6.
Bankole, O.O., Ibiyemi, O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) A dental health education
video for Nigerian children in the Yoruba language Afr. J. Biomed Res
14(1): 77-79.0
Ibiyemi, O., Bankole O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) Survival rates of two
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) types in occlusal carious
permanent teeth after two years. African Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences (Accepted).
Oke, G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and Ibiyemi, O. (2010) Textbook on Oral Health for
Community Health Workers. First edition Ibadan: Ola Oluseye
Printing Press (Accepted).
Oke, G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and Ibiyemi, O. (ed) Common Dental Diseases – Dental
Caries. Textbook on Oral Health for Community Workers. First edition
Ibadan: Ola Oluseye Printing Press pp 12-15 (Accepted)
Nwhator, S.O., Ayanbadejo, P.O., Arowojolu, M.O., Akhionbare, O., Oginni,
A.O. and Lung, Z.H.S. (2010) Awareness of Link between smoking
and periodontal disease in Nigeria: A comparative study. Research and
Reports in Tropical Medicine; 1:1-7.
TAIWO, Juliana O.
Kolude, B.O., Adeyemi, B.F., Taiwo, J.O. and Sigbeku, O.F. (2010) The role of
forensic dentist following mass disaster. Annals of Ibadan
Postgraduate Medicine 2010; 8; 2:111-117.
Ibiyemi, O., Oketade, I.O., Taiwo, J.O. and Oke, G.A. (2010) Oral habits and
tooth wear lesions among rural adult males in Nigeria. Archives of
Orofacial Sciences 5(2):31-35.
Oke, G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and Ibiyemi, O. (2010) Textbook on Oral Health for
Community Health Workers 1st edition. Ibadan: Ola Oluseye Printing
Press (accepted)
Taiwo, J.O. “Anatomy of the Oral Cavity”. Textbook on Oral Health for
Community Health Workers, 1st Edition Ibadan: Ola Oluseye Printing
Press Ibadan (accepted)
Taiwo, J.O. (2011) “Periodontal Health”. Textbook on Oral Health for
Community Health Workers, 1st Edition Ibadan: Ola Oluseye Printing
Press Ibadan (accepted 2011)
Taiwo, J.O. (2011) ed. Oral Health in the Elderly 1 Edition UK: Research
Signpost Publishers (accepted)
Taiwo, J.O. (2011) “Periodontal Health of the Elderly”. Oral Health in the
Elderly, 1st edition. Ed. Taiwo J.O. UK: Research Signpost Publishers
UK (accepted).
Taiwo, J.O. (2011) “Prevention of Periodontal Disease in the Elderly”. Oral
Health in the Elderly, 1 Edition ed. Taiwo J.O. UK: Research Signpost
Publishers UK (accepted).
Bankole, O.O., Taiwo, J.O. (2011) Quality of care at a paediatric dental Clinic in
Ibadan, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice (accepted).
Ibiyemi, O., Oketade, I.O., Taiwo, J.O. and Oke, G.A. (2010) Oral habits and
tooth wear lesions among rural adult males in Nigeria. Archives of
Orofacial Sciences 5(2):31-35.
Ibiyemi, O., Bankole, O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) Assessment of Atraumatic
Restorative Treatment (ART) on permanent dentition in a primary care
setting in Nigeria. International Dental Journal. 61(1):2-6.
Bankole, O.O., Ibiyemi, O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) A dental health education video
for Nigerian children in the Yoruba Language. Afr. J. Biomed Res
14(1): 77-79.
Ibiyemi, O., Bankole, O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011) Survival rates of two
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) types in occlusal carious
permanent teeth after two years. African Journal of Medicine and
Medical Sciences (Accepted).
Ibiyemi, O. and Ibiyemi, T.S. (2011) Quality and contents of referral letters from
peripheral health centers to the Dental Centre of a Teaching Hospital,
southwestern Nigeria. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica (Accepted).
Oke, G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and Ibiyemi O. (2010) Textbook on Oral Health for
Community Health Workers. 1 edn. Ibadan: Olaoluseye Printing Press
Ibiyemi, O. (2010) “Common dental diseases – Dental Caries”. In Textbook on
Oral Health for Community Workers. 1 edn. Oke,
G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and Ibiyemi, O. (ed.) Ibadan: Olaoluseye Printing Press
Ibadan. pp: 12-15 (Accepted).
Ibiyemi, O. (2010) “Oral Health care Services Available”. In Textbook on Oral
Health for Community Workers. 1 edn. Oke, G.A., Taiwo, J.O. and
Ibiyemi, O. (ed.) Ibadan: Olaoluseye Printing Press Ibadan. pp: 7982 (Accepted).
Ibiyemi, O. (2010) “Dental Caries in the Elderly”. Taiwo, J.O. (ed.) Oral
Health in the elderly. USA: Research Signpost/Transworld
Research Network (Accepted).
DOSUMU, Oluwole Oyekunle
Arigbede, A.O. and Dosumu, O.O. (2010) Opinions of Nigerian Dental
Consultant on Ideal Content, Current Quality and Attitudes to
Referrals. Niger J Clin Pract 2010; 13 (1); 70-73.
Arigbede, A.O. and Dosumu, O.O. (2010) Characteristic feartures of impacted
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Dosumu, O.O. and Dosumu, E.B. (2010) Relationship of tooth color, skin colour
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Afr J. Biomed Res 2010; Jan(13) : 9-14.
Dosumu, O.O. and Dosumu, E.B. (2010) Gingival tissue colour related with
facial skin and acrylic resin denture base color in a Nigerian
population Afr J. Biomed. Res 2010; May13:133-117.
Bankole, O.O., Iyun, O.I. and Dosumu, O.O. (2010) Non-syndromic oligodontia:
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Arigbede, A.O., Dosumu, O.O. and Shaba, A.P. (2010) Ozone therapy and
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Hospital, Ibadan prepared. Niger J Clin pract (Accepted)
AJAYI, Deborah Mojirade
Ajayi, D.M., Denloye, O.O. and Solanke, I.M.F. (2010) The unmet treatment
need of traumatized anterior teeth in selected secondary school
children in Ibadan, Nigeria. Dental Traumatology; 26: 60-63.
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Arigbede, A.O., Ajayi, D.M. and Onyeaso, C.O. (2010) Knowledge and practice
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Restor. Dent. 1(2): 123-127.
ABIODUN-SOLANKE, Iyabode M. Funmilayo
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treatment need of traumatized anterior teeth in selected secondary
school children in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Dental Traumatology
Vol. 26, 60-63.
Abiodun-Solanke, I.M.F., Agbaje, J.O., Ajayi, D.M. and Arotiba, J.T. (2010)
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auxillaries in south-western Nigeria. Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. Vol. 39,
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(1): 20-26.
Ajayi, D.M., Abiodun-Solanke, F.I.M. and Olaide, G.S. (2011) Reattachment of
fractured anterior tooth: A 2-year review of a case. Int. J Prostho &
Restor Dent. 1 (2): 123-127.
OGUNRINDE, Tunde Joshua
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HIV/AIDS and Clinical Dentistry: Assessment of knowledge and attitude
of patients attending a University Dental Centre. Nigerian Journal of
Medicine: 20: 90 – 95.
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activity of Leaf essential oil of Acalypha ornata (Hochst). Advances in
Enviromental Biology 5(1): 188-193.
Onocha, P. A., Oloyede, G.K. and Afolabi, Q.O. (2011) Cytotoxicity and free
radical scavenging activities of hexane fractions of Nigerian specie of
African pear (Dacryodes edulis). International Journal of Biological
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investigation, cytotoxicity and free radical scavenging activities of
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Investigation of methanolic fractions of Acalypha ornata (Hochst)
leaves for antioxidant and toxicity activities.Journal of Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Research 3(1):457-466.
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Antileishmaniasis and Phytotoxicity of three Nigerian Acalypha
species. Archives of Applied Science Research, 3 (6):1-5.
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Antileishmaniasis and Phytotoxicity of three Nigerian Acalypha
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Hepatoprotective activity and flavonoids of Alchornea laxiflora
Leaves Extract. Research Journal of Phytochemistry 5(4): 190-200.
Oloyede, G.K., Onocha, P.A. and Oke, J.M. (2011) Mannich Synthesis of 2Thiazol-4-yl)-1H-benzimidazole-2-methylene Piperazinyl (2,5 Diamino-1,3,4-thiadiazolyl) Oxamide and Evaluation of the
Filaricidal Activity American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific
Research 6 (2): 116-122.
Oloyede, G.K., Onocha, P.A. and Abimbade, S.F. (2011) Chemical Composition,
Toxicity, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activity of Leaf and Stem
Essential Oils of Dieffenbachia picta (Araceae). European Journal of
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environment. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable
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FALANA, Ayodeji
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Electrical Circuits. International Journal of Science and Technology
(IJST), Vol. 1, No. 3, Pg. 136-139
Salau, T.A.O. and Ajide, O.O. (2011) Investigating Duffing Oscillator using
Bifurcation Diagrams. International Journal of Mecha-nics
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Ajide, O.O. and Adegbola, A.A. (2011) Equipments Maintainability Using
Simulation. Global Journal of Researches in Engineer-ing (GJER),
Vol. XI, Issue VI, Pg. 9-16
Adegbola, A.A. and Ajide, O.O. (2011) Discrete Vortex Modelling of Turbulent
Flow in Two Dimensions. Global Research Publish-ing.
ABU, Rahaman
Oladejo, K.A., Abu, R., Olaniyan, A. and Adewale, M.D. Demonstrating
Effective Modeling and Simulation of Heat Conduction Study with
FEA Package; The Technology Interface Journal, the e-Journal of
Engineering Technology.
AKINTOLA, Sarah Abidemi
Olafuyi, O.A., Ikhouria, A.A. and Akintola, S.A. (2011) Electrical Resistivity
Measurements of Downscaled Homogenous Rocks for Network
Model Validation Nigerian Journal of Tech-nology, Vol. 30 No. 2,
June 2011, Pg 7 – 17.
SULAIMON, Aliyu Adebayo
Sulaimon, A.A. and Falade, G.K. (2010) A New Thermodynamic Approach for
Predicting Wax Deposition during Petroleum Production Global
Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 (3).
Sulaimon, A.A., Falade, G.K. and DeLandro, W. (2010) A Proactive Approach
for Predicting and Preventing Wax Deposition in Production Tubing
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Engineering, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 26-36.
Akinpelu, L. and Iwayemi, A. (2010) Appropriate Gas Price determina-tion in
the Emerging Nigerian Gas Market – NAICE 2010 SPE Paper
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Indigenous Participation in the Implementation of the Nigerian Gas
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FALODE, Olugbenga Adebanjo
Akinpelu, L.O., Omole, O.A. and Falode, O.A. (2010) Exploring Opportunities
for Indigenous Participation in the Implement-ation of the Nigerian
Gas Master Plan. 34th Annual SPE International Conference and
Exhibition in Tinapa-Calabar, Nigeria, July 31st, August 7th, 2010.
SPE 136987
Falode, O.A. and Afolabi, F.A. (2011) Simulation study of polymer flooding
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Falode, O.A. and Udomboso, C. (2011) Predictive Modeling of Gas
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ISEHUNWA, Oloruntoba Sunday
Isehunwa, S.O. and Harry, Y. (2011) Effect of Operating Conditions on
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Isehunwa, S.O. and Uzoalor, E. Ifeoma (2011) Evaluation of True
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Nigerian Oil Industry. Australian J. Basic & Appl. Sci. 5(3), pp
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Eng. Sci. and Tech., Vol. 2(9) ISSN 0975-5462, pp 4380-4388.
Isehunwa, O.S. and Mumuni, O.T. (2010) Rheological Properties of Treated
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Tech., Vol. 2(4) ISSN 0975-5462, pp 777-782.
ADENIKINJU, Adeola Festus
Iwayemi, A., Adenikinju, A. and Babatunde, A. (2010) Estimating Petroleum
Products Demand Elasticities in Nigeria: A Multi-variate Co
integration Approach. Energy Economics.
Adenikinju, A. (2010) Public Private Partnership in Electricity Sector in West
Africa: The Case of Nigeria. Report submitted to UNECA, West Africa
Adenikinju, A. (2010) The Nigerian Petroleum Sector since Independence:
Structure, Conduct and Performance forth-coming in a Special Book
on Nigeria's 50 Anniversary
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Structure, Conduct and Performance. Forth-coming in a Special Book
on Nigeria's 50 Anniversary
Adenikinju, A. (2010) Developing Domestic Gas Market in Nigeria: The Role of
Appropriate Pricing Policies. Paper Delivered at the Third Annual
NAEE/IAEE International Conference, Abuja
OYINLOLA, Mutiu Abimbola
Oyinlola, M.A., Adeniyi, O. and Omisakin, O.A. (2011) Oil Price Shocks and
Economic Growth in Nigeria: Are Thresholds important? OPEC
Energy Review, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp: 308-333
Oyinlola, M.A., Adeniyi, O. and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2011) Purchasing Power
Parity: Further Evidence from African Countries. The Empirical
Economics Letters (EEL),Vol.10 (10)
Oyinlola, M.A., Adeniyi, O. and Omisakin, O.A. (2011) Exchange Rate and
Trade Balance in West African Monetary Zone: Is there a J-Curve. The
International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance (IJAEF),
Vol. 5(3): 167-176.
Oyinlola, M.A. and Ajide, K.B. (2011) Exchange Rate Pass-Through to
Domestic Prices in Nigeria: A Dynamic Investigation (with
Egwaikhide, F.O.), The Social Sciences. Vol. 6(2): 87-95.
Oyinlola, M.A., Adeniyi, O. and Omisakin, O.A. (2010) Responsiveness of
Trade Flows to Changes in Exchange rate and Relative prices:
Evidence from Nigeria”. International Journal of Economic
Sciences and Applied Research (IJESAR), Vol.3 (2).
Oyinlola, M.A., Adeniyi, O. and Omisakin, O.A. (2010) Relative
Responsiveness of Trade Flows to Changes in Exchange Rate and
Prices in Selected ECOWAS Countries: Does Orcutt Hypothesis
hold. Journal of Economics and International Finance (JEIF),Vol.
2(6): 102-108.
OGUNKOLA, Emmanuel Olawale
Perry, G., Ogunkola, O., Olivera, M. and Fowowe, B. (2011) Oil and Institutions
Tale of two cities: Nigeria and Colombia. GDN Working Paper
Series. Working Paper No. 44 June (GDN: Global Development
Oyeranti, O.A., Babatunde, M.A. and Ogunkola, E.O. (2011) An Analysis of
China-Nigeria investment relations Journal of Chinese-Economic
and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS). Vol. 4 No. 3.
Ogunkola, E.O. (2010) Nigeria: From Customs Exceptions to a Regional Trade
Policy. Grain de Sel No. 51: July-September. Also available in French
as Le Nigeria, entre exception douaniere et politique commercial
regionale, Inter-reseaux Development rural
Oyeranti, O.A., Babatunde, M.A. and Ogunkola, E.O. (2010) The Impact of
China- Africa Investment Relations: The Case of Nigeria, Policy
Brief No. 8: AERC Collaborative Research China-Africa Project.
Ogunkola, E.O. and Adewuyi, A.O. (2010) The Future of Intra-regional trade in
West Africa in the context of EPA negotiations”. A research Report
Submitted to ENDA, Third World, Dakar, Senegal.
Ogunkola, E.O. (2010) “Issues in the development of Nigerian agriculture”.
Being a Country Issue Note (CIN) prepared for the Global
Development Network (GDN), New Delhi, India and Presented at 11
GDN Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, January 14, 2010.
FOWOWE, Babajide
Babatunde, M.A. and Fowowe, B. (2010) International Trade and Financial
Development Link: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa”, Journal of
Economic Management, Vol. 7 No. 1. Jan.
Fowowe, B. (May, 2010) Financial Liberalisation and Financial Fragility in
Nigeria, Central Bank of Nigeria Economic and Financial Review.
FOLAWEWO, Abiodun Oluwole
Folawewo, A.O. (2010) The Informal Economy and National Develop-ment.
Chapter 5 in D. Irele and A.B. Ekanola (eds.) The Development
Philosophy of Emmanuel Onyecher Osigwe Anyiam-Osigwe, Vol. 3:
Economic Existence, Awareness and Responsibility, Nigeria: Hope
Publications: 67 –90.
Folawewo, A.O. and Solomon A. Olakojo (2010) Determinants of Agricultural
Exports in Oil producing Economy: Empirical Evidence from
Nigeria. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4 (4): 84-92.
Ogunkola, E.O., Fowowe, B. and Folawewo, A.O. (2011) Monetary Policy and
Inflation Performance: Evidence from Different Exchange Rate
Regimes in Nigeria. African Journal of Economic policy. (Accepted).
OLANIYAN, Olanrewaju
Olaniyan, O., Saheed Olayiwola and Sunkanmi Odubunmi (2011) The Impact of
Health Expenditure on the Elderly in Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of
Social Sciences 8 (4) pp 211-218
Olaniyan, O., Bankole, A.S. and Oyeranti, O.A. (2010) GATS and Higher
Education in Nigeria: A Preliminary Investigation of the
Indicative Patterns of Consumption Abroad by Nigerians.
Journal of Higher Education in Africa Vol. 8, No. 1 pp. 99–122
Olaniyan, O.A., Bankole, S., Oyeranti, O.A. and Faseyi, A.S. (2010)
Determinants of Child Nutrition in Nigeria in Covenant Journal of
Social Sciences Vol. 3 Nos. 1 and 2
Soyibo, A., Olaniyan, O. and Lawanson, O. (2011) The structure of generational
public transfer flows in Nigeria; Chapter 25 in Lee, Ronald and
Andy Mason (eds.) Population Aging and the generational
economy (Edward Elgar)
Olaniyan, O. (2011) The Determinants of Child Schooling in Nigeria. AERC
Research Paper 217, African Economic Research Consortium
(AERC), Nairobi, Kenya
Mason, A., Olaniyan, O. and Soyibo, A. (2010) Population and Economic
Progress in NigeriaResearch report submitted to Harvard School of
Public Health, Harvard University, January available at
AREGBEYEN, Omoaregba Omoniyi
Aregbeyen, O. and Mbadiugha, S.O. (2011) Factors Influencing Investors
Decisions in Shares of Quoted Companies in Nigeria. The Social
Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 205-212
Aregbeyen, O. and Olufemi, Jumoke (2011) The Impact of Recapitaliza-tion
and Consolidation on Banks Cost of Equity Capital. International
Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 159-165
Aregbeyen, O. and Folarin, K.J. (2011) Business Re-engineering and
Organizational Performance in Nigeria: A Case Study of First Bank
Nigeria Plc. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 11, No.1, pp.1830
Aregbeyen, O. (2011) Quality of Teachers and Students Performance: Evidence
from Schools in Ibadan Metropolis in Nigeria, Qzean Journal of
Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 163-175.
Aregbeyen, O. and Periola, O. (2011) Determinants of Capital Structure of
Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria Social and Management Science
Review, Vol .6, No.1, pp.54-63.
Aregbeyen, O. (2010) Students Perception of Effective Teaching and Effective
Lecturer Characteristics at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria,
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 2, Pp. 62-69
Aregbeyen, O. (2010) Firms Size and Growth Relationship: Evidence from
Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Securities and Finance, Vol. 15, No. 1,
SALISU, Afees Adebare
Olofin, S., Kouassi, E. and Salisu, A. (2011) Testing for Cross-sectional
Dependence in a Random Effects Model. Open Journal of Statistics
Salisu, A.A. (2011) Comparative Performance of Volatility Models for the
Nigerian Stock Exchange. The Empirical Economics Letters
Olusanya, E.O., Salisu, A.A. and Ajide, K. (2010) Modelling Church
Collections in Nigeria. Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4, No. 3,
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Salisu, A.A. and Ogwumike, F.O. (2010) Aid, Macroeconomic Policy
Environment and Growth: Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa.
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 59-64.
Salisu, A.A. and Ajide, K.B. (2010) The Stock Market And Economic Growth in
Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Economic Theory,
Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 65-70.
LAWANSON, Akanni Olayinka
The CDI Study Group (2010) Community-directed interventions for priority
health problems in Africa: Results of a Multicountry study. Bulletin of
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Lawanson, A.O., Soyibo, A. and Olaniyan, O. (2011) The Structure of
generational public transfer flows in Nigeria. In Ronald Lee and
Andrew Mason, editors. Population Aging and the Generational
Economy (Edward Elgar, forthcoming, in August 2011).
Lawanson, A.O., Soyibo, A. and Olaniyan, O. (2011) Consumption and Income
over the Lifecycle in Nigeria, African Population Studies, Vol. 25, 1
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Udoh, E. and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2010) Income Distribution, Central bank
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Babatunde, M.A. and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2010) Explaining Nigeria's Import
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Egwaikhide, F.O. and Ogunleye, E.K. (2010) Globalisation and Macroeconomic Covergence in the WAMZ, West African Journal of
Monetary and Economic Integration, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 89-130
Egwaikhide, F.O. (2010) Taxation and State-Building in a Democratic
System, Nigerian Taxation, Vol. 11, No.1. Pp. 35-57
Oyinlola, Mutiu A. and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2011) Exchange Rate PassThrough to Domestic Prices in Nigeria: A Dynamic Investigation, The Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 87-95
Oyinlola, Mutiu A., Oluwatosin Adeniyi and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2011)
Purchasing Power Parity: Further Evidence from African
Countries, The Empirical Economic Letters, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp.
Egwaikhide, F.O. (2010) “A Review of Vertical Revenue Formula in Nigeria”, A
research report submitted to Federal Ministry of Finance, Abuja,
BANKOLE, Abiodun Surajudeen
Oyejide, T.A. and Bankole A.S. (2010) Aid for Trade and Regional
Integration in West Africa, A Paper prepared for discussions at the
ECA Experts Forum, Addis Ababa, 31 May – June 2 2010.
Bankole, A.S. (2010) Services Trade Liberalisation and Negotiation for
Development within the GATS Framework, presented at the
Training Workshop organised by the Nigeria Export Promo-tion
Council, Lagos and Port Harcourt.
BABATUNDE, Musibau Adetunji
Babatunde, M.A. (2010) A Bound Testing Analysis of Wagner's Law in Nigeria:
1970-2006. Applied Economics. DOI:
Iwayemi, A., Adenikinju, A. and Babatunde, M.A. (2010) Estimating Petroleum
Products Demand Elasticities in Nigeria: A Multi-variate
Cointegration Approach with Energy Economics. Vol. 31 (1).
Babatunde, M.A. and Busari, T.D. (2010) Global Economic Slowdown and the
African Continent: Rethinking Export-Led Growth. International
Journal of African Studies. Issue 2.
Babatunde, M.A. and Egwaikhide, F.O. (2010) Explaining Nigeria's import
demand behaviour: A Bound Testing approach. Inter-national
Journal of Development Issues. Vol. 9, No. 2, Pp 167 – 187.
Babatunde, M.A. and Olaniran, O. (2010) Capital Structure and Value Of
Nigeria Corporate Firms: A Theoretical Analysis. Corporate
Ownership and Control Journal. Vol. 8, Issue 2, July 2010.
Babatunde, M.A. and Laoye, O. (2010) Assessing the Effects of Employee
Turnover on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises
in Nigeria. Journal of African Business (Accepted).
Babatunde, M.A. (2010) Economic Analysis of the Demand for Male Condoms
and Implication for the Prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Pakistan
Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 7 Issue 2.
Babatunde, M.A. and Biala, M.I. (2010) Externality Effects of Sachet Water
Consumption and the Choice of Policy Instruments in Nigeria:
Evidence from Kwara State. Journal of Economics. Vol. 2(1)
Babatunde, M.A. and Shuaibu, M.I. (2011) Money Supply, Inflation and
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and Econometrics. Vol. 11, No. 1.
Babatunde, M.A. and Busari, T.D. (2011) Adjustment Reforms and Agricultural
Export Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Social Science. Vol. 6(2).
Babatunde, M.A. (2011) Keeping the Lights On in Nigeria: Is Power Sector
Reform Sufficient? Journal of African Business. Special Issue.
Babatunde, M.A. (2011) Africa's Growth Strategies: A Critical Review. African
Development. CODESRIA. Accepted for Publication.
Babatunde, M.A. and Shuaibu, M.I. (2011) The Demand for Residential
Electricity in Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences.
Babatunde, M.A. and Shuaibu, M.I. (2010) The Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis
and Oil Price Shocks in Nigeria. Accepted in the book of proceedings
in the forthcoming conference of the NAEE/IAEE at Abuja, Nigeria
on April 19 and 20.
Oyeranti, O.A., Babatunde, M.A., Ogunkola, E.O. and Bankole, A.S. (2010)
China-Africa Investment Relations: A Case Study of Nigeria. A Final
Report Submitted to the African Economic Research Consortium
(AERC), Nairobi, Kenya.
Ogunkola, E.O., Bankole, A.S., Adewuyi, A., Babatunde, M.A. and Oyeranti,
O.A. (2010) Export Supply Response Capacity Constraints in
Nigeria. A Final Report Submitted to the African Economic Research
Consortium (AERC), Narobi, Kenya
ADELEKE, Adegoke Ibrahim
Adeleke, A.I. (2011) Macroeconomic Policy and Stock Market Performance in
Nigeria Being a paper presented at African Econometric Society
(AES), 16th Annual Conference on Econometric Modelling for Africa,
held at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi, Kenya, 13-15
July, 2011.
Ogunkola, E.O. and Adeleke, A.I. (2010) The Effects of Dropout Syndrome on
Child and the Society Being a paper presented at All Nigeria
Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS),
2010 National Congress, Abeokuta, 8 December, 2010.
Adeleke, A.I. and Ogunkola, E.O. (2010) Economic Distortions and Stock
Market Performance in Nigeria Being a paper presented at the
Nigerian Economic Society, 2010 Annual Conference, Abuja, 25-27
October, 2010.
Bankole, A.S. and Adeleke, A.I. (2010) ETLS Revenue Losses and
Compensation Arrangement in the ECOWASBeing a paper
presented at the Economic Community of West Africa States
(ECOWAS), Workshop on ECOWAS Policies and Protocols, Lagos,
7-8 October, 2010.
Bankole, A.S. and Adeleke, A.I. (2010) Impacts/Gains of ETLS on
Nigerian Economy: Manufacturing Sector in Perspectives
Being a paper presented at the Economic Community of West
Africa States (ECOWAS), Workshop on ECOWAS Policies and
Protocols, Lagos, 7-8 October, 2010.
AFOLAYAN, Adejumoke Alice
Afolayan, A.A., Ikwuyatum, G. and Abejide, O. (2011) Internal and
International Migration of Traders in Nigeria. Ibadan: University of
Ibadan Press. A MacArthur Sponsored Project & International
Migration Institute, University of Oxford, 193 Pages.
Afolayan, A.A. (2010) Nigeria: Experiences of Immigrants in Nigeria. In
Immigration Worldwide: Policies, Practices, and Trends. eds. Uma
A. Segal; Doreen Elliot and Nazneen S. Mayadas. Oxford: Oxford
University Press (2010): Pages 393-409.
Afolayan, A.A. (2010) Institutional Framework for the Management of
Migrants, Data and Information in Africa. In International Migration
within, to and from Africa in a Globalised World. Aderanti Adepoju.
(ed.) Legon-Accra: Sub-SaharanPublishers, Ghana. Pg 209-237.
Afolayan, A.A. (2011) Dynamics of Mobility of International Traders in
Nigeria: Economic Crisis, Globalization and Visa Situation. A
Paper Presented at the IV International Symposium Inter-national
Network on Migration and Development (INMD) on “Global Crisis
and Migratory Strategies: Redefining Migration Policies: May 1820, 2011; Facultad Latino-americana de Ciencias Sociales –
FLASCO Ecuador Campus. Quito, Ecuador.
Afolayan, A.A. (2010) Youth Migration, Urbanization and Development of
Informal Employment in Africa. A Paper Presented at Congress of
the 4th Latin American Population Association (Asociación
Latinoamericana de Población –ALAP), the Hotel Nacional, La
Habana, Cuba, November 16-19, 2010
Afolayan, A.A., Layi Egunjobi and Ikwuyatum, G. (2010) International
Migrations, Territorial Re-composition and Development within
Nigeria's Borderland. Project Report. Submitted to Centre Population et Developpment (CEPED), Paris, FSP “Migrations
internationals, recomposition territoriales et développement dans les
pays du Sud”.
DADA, Frederick Omoniyi Ajide
Dada, F.O.A. (2010) Influence of English Language on Geographical Names on
Nigeria's Maps: Acase of Yoruba Land; in Yoruba: Journal of Yoruba
Studies Association of Nigeria. Vol. 6 No. 4. Pp 69-84.
AJAYI, Dickson 'Dare
Ajayi, D.D. (2011) Nigeria's Industrial Development: issues and Challenges in
the new millennium. In Sustainable Development and Planning V,
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Brebbia, C.A.
and E. Beriatos (eds), Vol. 150, pp. 711-723.
Ajayi, D.D. (forthcoming), Man's Natural Environment, Natural Resour-ces
and Resource Systems
Ajayi, D.D. (forthcoming), Opportunities for Entrepreneurs, Forms of Business,
Staffing Marketing and the New Enterprise
TAIWO, Olalekan John
Taiwo, O.J., and Areola, O. (2010) A Spatial Temporal Analysis of Wetland
Losses in the Lagos Coastal Region, Southwestern Nigeria, using
Multi-date Satellite Imagery. Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium,2009 IEEE International, IGARSS 2009.
Agbeja, B.O. and Taiwo, O.J. (2010) Impacts of Abandoned Gebu Forest
Escarpment Reserve in Kogi State of Nigeria on Climate Change:
Need for Forest Institutional Measures. Nigerian Journal of Ecology.
Vol. 11 Pp 20-28.
Taiwo, O.J. (2010) Analytical Hierarchical Process of Soil Erosion Risk
Assessment in Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Science Research. Vol.
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Taiwo, O.J. (2011) Farmers' Choice of Wetland Agriculture: Checking Wetland
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ADESINA Olubukola Stella (Nee Akintola)
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LAFENWA, Stephen Akinyemi
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Lafenwa Akinyemi (2010) Administrative Power in Local Government
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JOHNSON, Idowu Adetayo
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YAGBOYAJU, Dhikru Adewale
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AKANLE, Olayinka
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Human Condition.Nigeria: Faculty of Social Sciences and
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Akanle, O. (2010) Homosexuality in Nigeria: A Pragmatic Discourse. ReproMat: Reproductive Rights Matters. 12.1. Pp. 8-9.
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ONWUZURUIGBO, Ifeanyichukwu
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Onwuzuruigbo, I. Researching Ethnic Conflicts in Nigeria: The Missing Link,
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Onwuzuruigbo, I. Horizontal Inequalities and Communal Conflicts: The
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Onwuzuruigbo, I. Old Wine In New Bottle: Civil Society, Iko Mmee And
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Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Curcumin: From Food Spice
to Cancer Prevention. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 10, 963-967.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Molecular targets of [6]gingerol: Its potential roles in cancer chemoprevention. Biofactor,
Vol. 36, No. 3, Pages 169–178.
Azeez, O.I., Oyagbemi, A.A., Odetola, A.A. and Oyeyemi, M.A. (2010)
Ameliorative effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius on the toxicity of
alloxan in Wistar rats. Journal of African Health Sciences Vol. 10 (3):
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Antidiabetic and haematinic
effects of Parquetinanigrescens on alloxan induced type-1 diabetes
and normocytic normochromic anaemia in Wistar rats. Journal of
African Health Sciences Vol. 10 (3): 276-282.
Soetan, K.O., Azeez, O.I. and Fafunso, M.A. (2010) Investigations on sorghum
bicolor saponin-induced changes in osmotic fragility of human and
bovine erythrocytes.Folia Veterinaria, 54, (1): 3 – 8.
Iji, O.T., Oyagbemi, A. A. and Azeez, O. I. (2010) Assessment of chronic
administration of Aloe vera gel on haematology, plasma biochemistry,
lipid profile and erythrocyte osmotic resistance in Wistar rats.
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Society, Vol. 25 (2): 107-113.
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Amelioration of carbon
tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity and haemato-toxicity by aqueous
leaf extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifoliusin rats. Nigerian Journal of
Physiological Society, Vol. 25 (2): 139-147.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Odetola, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Antidiabetic properties of
ethanolic extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifoliuson alloxan induced
diabetes mellitus in rats. Afr. J. Med and Med Sci. 39, Suppl.: 171-178.
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of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and /lactation on blood
parameters in young male wistar rats offspring. Nig. J. Exp and Appl.
Biol., 12 (1): 59-63.
Azeez, O.I., Oyagbemi, A.A., Soetan, K.O., Ojuri, M.A., Olayemi, F.O. and
Oyeyemi, M.O. (2011) Diurnal variation in the rectal temperature and
respiratory rate in the West African Dwarf does as influenced by Age,
Sex and Pregnancy Status (In press) Bulletin of Animal Health and
Azeez, O.I., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Oyewale, J.O. (2011) Erythrocyte membrane
stability after transportation stress in the domestic chicken as
modulated by pretreatment with Vitamins C and E. Journal of Animal
and Veterinary Advances, 10 (10): 1273 – 1277.
Azeez, O.I., Olayemi, F.O. and Olanrewaju, J.R. (2011). Age and Sex Influences
on the Haematology and Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility of the
Nigerian Turkey. Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 4: 43 - 49.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Ogunleye, A.O., Lawal, T.O. and Azeez, I.O. (2011) The effects
of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius to multi-drug resistant micro-organism
(in vitro). African Journal of Biotechnology, 10 (3): 413 - 415.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Odetola, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2011) Phytochemical
Investigation and Proximate Analysis on the Leaves of
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius. Journal of Medicinal Foods, 14 (3): 322 324.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I., Soetan, K.O., Ajala, A.T., Olayemi, F.O., Oyeyemi,
M. O. (2011) Assessment of the effects of different concentrations of
ethylene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) on erythrocytic indices of
Nigerian white Fulani Cattle and West African Dwarf Goat. Tropical
Animal Health and Production. 43 (5): 1015 - 8.
Iji, O.T., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2011) Prolonged oral exposure of
commercial cockerels in Nigeria to disinfectant (calcium
hypochlorite) induced liver and kidney damage, increased
oxidative stress and depleted antioxidant defense system. Journal
of South African Veterinary Association (Accepted).
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I. and Iji, O.T. (2011) The effect of prolonged oral
exposure of cockerels to disinfectant (Iodosteryl®) on induction of
oxidative stress and liver damage. Experimental and Toxicologic
Pathology. (Accepted).
EGHIANRUWA, Kingsley Izin-Egbe
Eghianruwa, K.I. and Anika, S.M. (2010) Effects of Dimethyl Sulphoxide and
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Eghianruwa, K.I. and Obidike, R.I. (2011) Comparative Effects of
Antioxidants - Ascorbic Acid, DMSO, Tocopherol and Selenium on Organ Masses and Hematology Following Diminazene
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Animal Production Research Advances. 7(2): 134 – 140.
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Eghianruwa, K.I. and Anika, S.M. (2011) The Effects of Dimethyl Sulfoxide
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Rats. International journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Advances.
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Eghianruwa, K.I., Anika, S.M. (2011) Efficacy of Diminazene Aceturate with
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Eghianruwa, K.I. and Anika, S.M. (2011) Levamisole effects on hematology,
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Eghianruwa, K.I. Comparative effects of antioxidants and immuno-modulator
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OLA-DAVIES, Olufunke E.
Oloye, A.A., Oyeyemi, M.O., Ola-Davies, O.E. and Innamah, O.A. (2011)
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spermiogram of wistar rats. Bull. Anim. Hith. Prod. Afr 59: 95 – 99.
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Spondias mombin.L. (Anarcadiacea) leaf Extract on Human colon
cancer cell lines. African Journal of Biomedical Research. In press.
ORIDUPA, Olayinka Ayotunde (Nee Tomori)
Saba, A.B. and Oridupa, O.A. (2010) Search for a novel antioxidant, antiinflammatory/analgesic or anti-proliferative drug: cucurbitacins hold
the ace. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4 (25): 2821 - 2826
Saba, A.B. and Oridupa, O.A. (2010) Changes in the haematological profile of
the West African Hinge-Backed tortoise (Kinixys erosa)
anaesthetized with ether or thiopentone sodium. Journal of Cell and
Animal Biology 4 (11): 158-162.
Saba, A.B., Oridupa, O.A., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Alao, E.O. (2010) Serum
biochemical changes accompanying prolonged administration of
ethanolic extract of whole fruit of Lagenaria breviflora (Benth)
Roberty in Wistar rats. African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (42): 7128
– 7133.
Oyewusi, J.A., Saba, A.B., Oridupa, O.A. (2010) The course of trypanosomosis
in laboratory rabbits following experimental infection, treatment and
re-infection: Hematological study. European Journal of Scientific
Research 42 (3): 411-419.
Ajibade, T.O. and Oridupa, O.A. (2011) Pharmacogenomics, the art of
personalized therapies: A review. Tropical Veterinarian 29(2): 1-11
Oridupa, O.A., Saba, A.B., Sulaiman, L.K. (2011) Preliminary report on the
antiviral activity of the ethanolic fruit extract of Lagenaria breviflora
Roberts on Newcastle disease virus. Tropical Veterinarian 29(1): 2233
Onasanwo, S.A., Saba, A.B., Oridupa, O.A., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Owoyele,
B.V. (2011) Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of the
ethanolic extract of Lagenaria breviflora whole fruit in rats and mice.
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences
Onasanwo, S.A., Neetu Singh, Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A., Oridupa, O.A. and
Gautam Palit (2011) Anti-ulcerogenic and antioxidant activities of
Lagenaria breviflora (LB) whole fruit ethanolic extract in the
laboratory animals. Pharmacognosy Research 3(1): 2-8
OLAYEMI, Funsho Olakitike
Olayemi, F.O. (2010) A review of some causes of male infertility. African
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Olayemi, F.O., Raji, Y., Adegoke, O.A. and Oyeyemi, M.O. (2010)
Haematological profiles in male rats treated with methanolic
extract or chromatographic fractions of Cnestis ferruginea (de
Candolle). Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4:1678-1681
Olayemi, F.O., Raji, Y., Adegoke, O.A. and Oyeyemi, M.O. (2010) Effect of
acute and chronic administration of the methanol extract of the
roof of Cnestis ferruginea on the haematological and some
biochemical profiles of male rats Tropical Veterinarian28, 11- 19
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I., Soetan, K.O., Ajala, A.T., Olayemi, F.O. and
Oyeyemi, M.O. (2011) Assessment of the effects of different
concentrations of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) on
erythrocytic indices of Nigerian White Fulani cattle and West
African Dwarf goat. Tropical Animal Health and Production,43,
Azeez, O.I., Olayemi, F.O. and Olanrewaju, J.R. (2011) Age and sex
influences on the haematology and erythrocyte osmotic fragility
of the Nigerian turkey. Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences.
DOI.103923 (Published in Pakistan)
Olayemi, F.O., Raji, Y., Adegoke, O.A. and Oyeyemi, M.O. (2011) Effect of
Methanol root extract of Cnestis ferruginea (De Candolle) on some
reproductive parameters of male rats Tropical Veterinarian29: 1 – 11
(Published in Nigeria)
OYAGBEMI, Ademola Adetokunbo
Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, I.O. (2010) Capsaicin: A novel
chemopreventive molecule and its underlying molecular
mechanisms of action.Indian Journal of Cancer 47 (1): 53-58.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, I.O. and Saba, A.B. (2010) Hepatocellular carcinoma
and the underlying mechanism(s) of action. African Health Sciences;
10 (1): 93 – 98.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Molecular targets of [6]gingerol: Its potential roles in cancer chemoprevention.
Biofactors. 36(3):169-178
Oyagbemi, A.A., Adedara, I., Saba, A.B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Role of
oxidative stress in reproductive toxicity induced by coadministration of chloramphenicol and multivitamin-haema-tinics
complex (Chemiron ) in rats. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol.
Oyagbemi, A.A. and Odetola, A.A. (2010) Hepatoprotective effects of
ethanolic extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius on paracetamol
induced-hepatic damage in rats. Pakistan Journal of Biological
Sciences.13 (4): 164-169
Saba, A.B., Oridupa, O.A., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Alao, E.O. (2010) Serum
biochemical changes accompanying prolonged administration of
ethanolic extract of whole fruit of Lagenaria breviflora (Benth)
Roberty in Wistar rats. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(42):
Azeez, O.I., Oyagbemi, A.A., Oyeyemi, M.O. and Odetola, A.A. (2010)
Ameliorative effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius on anaemia,
erythrocyte osmotic fragility, and abnormal sperm morpho-metry in
alloxan-treated Wistar rats. African Health Sciences, 10(3): 283 –
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Antidiabetic and
haematinic effects of Parquetina nigrescens on alloxan induced
Type-1diabetes and normocytic normochromic anaemia in Wistar
rats. African Health Sciences, 10(3): 276 – 283.
Iji, O.T., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Assessment of Chronic
Administration of Aloe veraGel on Haematology, Plasma
Biochemistry, Lipid Profiles and Erythrocyte Osmotic Resistance in
Wistar Rats. Nigerian Journal Physiological Sciences. 25:107-113.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Odetola, A.A. and O.I. Azeez (2010) Antidiabetic properties
of ethanolic extract of Cnodoscolus aconitifolius on alloxan induced
diabetes mellitus in rats. African Journal Medicine and medical
Sciences. 39, Suppl. 171-178.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Ogunleye, A.O., Lawal, T.O. and Azeez, I.O. (2011) The
effects of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius to multi-drug resistant microorganism (in vitro). African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(3): 413415.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Odetola, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2011) Phytochemical
Investigation and Proximate Analysis on the Leaves of
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius. Journal of Medicinal Foods, 14(3):322324.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I., Soetan, K.O., Ajala, A.T., Olayemi, F.O.,
Oyeyemi, M.O. (2011) Assessment of the effects of different
concentrations of ethylene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) on
erythrocytic indices of Nigerian white Fulani Cattle and West
African Dwarf Goat. Tropical Animal Health and Production.
Onasanwo, S.A., Neetu Singh, Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A., Oridupa, O.A. and
Gautam Palit (2011). Anti-ulcerogenic and anti-oxidant activities of
Lagenaria breviflora (LB) whole fruit ethanolic extract in the
laboratory animals. Pharmacognosy Research. 3(1): 2-8.
Onasanwo, S.A., Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. (2011) Anti-inflammatory and
analgesic properties of the ethanolic extract of Cnidoscolus
aconitifolius in rats and mice. Journal of Basic and Clinical
Physiology and Pharmacology. 22 (1-2): 37–41.
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2011) Amelioration of carbon
tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity and haemotoxicity by ethanolic
leaf extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (EECA) in rats. Nigerian
Journal of Physiological Sciences.25:139- 147.
Onasanwo, S.A., Saba, A.B., Oridupa, O.A., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Owoyele, B.V.
(2011) Anti-nociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties of the
ethanolic extract of Lagenaria breviflora whole fruit in rat and mice.
Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 26:071-076.
Onasanwo, S.A., Singh, N., Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A., Oridupa, O.A., Palit,
G. (2011) Anti-ulcerogenic and in vitro antioxidant activities of
Lagenaria breviflora (LB) whole fruit ethanolic extract in laboratory
animals.Pharmacognosy Res.3(1):2-8.
Adaramoye, A.O., Aluko, A. and Oyagbemi, A.A. (2011) Cnidoscolus
aconitifolius leaf extract protects against hepatic damage induced by
chronic ethanol administration in Wistar rats. Alcohol and
Alcoholism. 46(4):451-458.
Majekodunmi, S.O., Oyagbemi, A.A., Umukoro, S., Odeku, O.A. (2011)
Evaluation of the antti-diabetic properties of Mucuna pruriens seed
extract. Asian Pac J Trop Med.4 (8): 632-636.
Azeez, O.I., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Oyewale, J.O. (2011) Erythrocyte
Membrane Stability after Transportation Stress in the Domestic
Chicken as Modulated by Pretreatment with Vitamins C and
E.Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 10: 1273-1277.
Iji, O.T., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2011) Prolonged oral exposure of
commercial cockerels in Nigeria to disinfectant (calcium
hypochlorite) induced liver and kidney damage, increased
oxidative stress and depleted antioxidant defense system. Journal
of South African Veterinary Association (In press).
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I. and Iji, O.T. (2011) The effect of prolonged oral
exposure of cockerels to disinfectant (Iodosteryl®) on induction of
oxidative stress and liver damage. Experimental and Toxicologic
Pathology. (In press).
SABA, Adebowale Bernard
Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Capsaicin: A novel
chemopreventive molecule and its underlying molecular
mechanisms of action. Indian Journal of Cancer. 47 (1): 53-58.
Saba, A.B. and Oridupa, O. A. (2010) Search for a novel antioxidant anti
inflammatory/analgesic or anti-proliferative drug: Cucurbi-tacins
hold the ace. Journal of Medicinal PlantResearch 4 (25): 2821-2826.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Azeez, O.I. and Saba, A.B. (2010) Hepatocellular carcinoma
and the underlying mechanisms. African Health Sciences 10 (1): 93 –
Oyewusi, J.A., Saba, A.B. and Oridupa, O.A. (2010) The course of
trypanosomosis in laboratory rabbits following experimental
infection, treatment and re-infection: Heamatological study.
European Journal of Scientific Research. 42 (3): 397-405.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Saba, A.B. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Molecular targets of [6]gingerol: Its potential roles in cancer chemoprevention. Biofactors 36
(3): 169-178.
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Amelioration of carbon
tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity and haemotoxicity by
aqueous leaf extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius in rats. Nigerian.
Journal. Physiological. Sciences. 25: 139 – 147.
Saba, A.B. and Oridupa, O.A. (2010) Changes in the haematological profile of
West African hinged-backed tortoise (Kinixys erosa) anaesthetized
with ether or thiopentone sodium. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology
4 (11): 158-162.
Saba, A.B., O.A. Oridupa, A.A. Oyagbemi and E.O. Alao (2010) Serum
biochemical changes accompanying prolonged administration of
ethanolic extract of whole fruit of Lagenariabreviflora (Benth)
Roberty in Wistar rats. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9 (42):
Lawal, T.T., Saba, A.B., Ewuola, E.O. and Iyiola-Tunji, A.O. (2010)
Haematological responses of adult male rabbits to prolonged
administration of Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) extract. African
Journal of Animal and Biomedical Sciences 5 (3): 118-122
Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A. and Azeez, O.I. (2010) Antidiabetic and haematinic
effects of Parquetina nigrescens on alloxan-induced Type-1 diabetes
and normocytic normochromic anaemia in Wistar rats. African Health
Sciences 10 (3): 276-283.
Oyagbemi, A.A., Adedara, I.A., Saba, A.B. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Role of
oxidative stress in reproductive toxicity induced by coadministration of chloramphenicol and multivitaminhaematinics complex in rats. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
and Toxicology 107: 703-708.
Onasanwo, S.A., Singh, N., Saba, A.B., Oyagbemi, A.A., Oridupa, O.A. and
Palit, G. (2011) Antiulcerogenic and in vitro antioxidant activities of
Lagenaria breviflora whole fruit ethanolic extract in laboratory rats.
Pharmacognosy Research 3 (1): 2-8.
SOETAN, Kehinde Olugboyega
Nwokocha, L.M., Soetan, K.O. and Williams, P.A. (2010) A study of the
properties of starch isolated from three varieties of Lablab purpureus
seeds. Carbohydrate Polymers 79: 685-693.
Soetan, K.O., Aiyelaagbe, O.O. and Olaiya, C.O. (2010) A Review of the
Biotechnological, Biochemical and other applications of Enzymes.
African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9(4): 382-393. Available
online at
Olaiya, C.O., Soetan, K.O. and Ogunkolade, N.S. (2010) Evaluation of the
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