THE PROVINCIAL CANONS OF THE CHURCH OF THE PROVINCE OF UGANDA c The Church of the Province of Uganda 1997 These Church Canons have been produced by the Commission on Canon Law, Doctrine and Liturgy of the Church of the Province of Uganda. PREFACE The present first collection of 105 Canons of the Church of the Province of Uganda, embodies the four (4) Canons on Discipline, which were approved by the Provincial Assembly in 1973, and they appear under Section 3 as: Canon 3:25, Tribunal of the Church; Canon 3.26, Ecclesiastical Discipline: General; Canon 3.27, the Trial of Bishops; Canon 3.28, the Trial of Priests and Deacons. Thirteen (13) Canons on Baptism and Confirmation were also approved in 1975. They appear under Section 2, from Canon 2.16 to Canon 2.18. The rest of the Canons are the new Canons which were approved by the Provincial Standing Committee in December 1996. The Canons are arranged into five SECTIONS: The first number after the word Canon, refers to SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The second number after the Section number refers to the Canon number, i.e., 1.1. The number after the Canon number refers to the Subsection or paragraph of the Canon, i.e., 1.1.1. Glossary used in the document is provided at the end. ENDORSEMENT The Canons of the Church of the Province of Uganda have a mandatory effect and are part of the corpus of Ecclesiastical Law of the Province. These Canons were adopted by the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee in December, 1996, for the governance of this church. SIGNED:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Most Rev. Livingstone Mpalanyi Nkoyoyo ARCHBISHOP OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA 18]rmth August 1997 i Contents SECTION 1:0 THE CHURCH OF UGANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:1 THE NAME OF THE CHURCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:2 THE CHURCH OF UGANDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:3 THE ARCHBISHOPRIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:4 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:5 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA . . CANON 1:6 THE DEAN OF THE PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:7 PROVINCIAL OFFICERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:8 THE PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE CANON 1:9 PROVINCIAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES . . . . . . . . CANON 1:10 CHURCH TRUSTEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:10 CHURCH COMMISSIONERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:12 FINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:13 THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA . . . . CANON 1:14 THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:15 THE THIRTY NINE ARTICLES OF RELIGION . . . . . . CANON 1:16 THE STATE SOVEREIGNTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:17 SCHISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:18 TOLERANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:19 CORPORATE SEAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:20 RELATION WITH OTHER CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 1:21 EMPLOYMENT OF CLERGY AND LAITY OF OTHER CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 . . . 9 SECTION 2:0 DIVINE SERVICE AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF SACRAMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:1 CONFORMITY TO THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER . . . CANON 2:2 FLEXIBILITY OF THE DISCRETION OF MINISTERS IN CONDITION OF PUBLIC PRAYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:3 SUNDAYS AND OTHER DAYS OF SPECIAL OBSERVANCE . CANON 2:5 THE VESTURE OF MINISTERS DURING THE TIME OF DIVINE SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:6 MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER IN CATHEDRAL CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:7 MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER IN PARISH CHURCHES CANON 2:8 THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY COMMUNION . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:9 HOLY COMMUNION IN CATHEDRAL CHURCHES . . . . . . CANON 2:10 HOLY COMMUNION IN PARISH CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . ii . 10 . 10 . 10 . 10 . 11 . . . . . 11 12 12 12 13 CANON 2:11 THE RECEIVING OF HOLY COMMUNION . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:12 THE ADMISSION TO HOLY COMMUNION . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:13 BREAD AND WINE FOR HOLY COMMUNION . . . . . . . . CANON 2:14 SERMONS IN PARISH CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:15 THE HYMNS, ANTHEMS, AND MUSIC OF THE CHURCH . CANON 2:16 HOLY BAPTISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:17 GOD PARENTS AND SPONSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:18 INFANT BAPTISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:19 BAPTISM IN EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:20 THE CATECHUMENATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:21 THE BAPTISM OF THOSE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO ANSWER FOR THEMSELVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:22 REGISTRATION OF BAPTISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:23 ON FEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:24 THE SIGN OF THE CROSS IN BAPTISM . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:25 CATECHIZING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:26 CONFIRMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:27 THE REGISTRATION OF CONFIRMATION . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:28 THE RECEIVING OF PERSONS FROM CHURCH NOT IN COMMUNION WITH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, AND OR RECONCILING OF THEIR RETURN THOSE WHO HAVE LAPSED . CANON 2:29 MARRIAGE IN THE CHURCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:30 PREREQUISITE FOR MARRIAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:31 CERTAIN IMPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:32 CONSENT TO MARRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:33 DIVORCE AND THE MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PERSONS CANON 2:34 PERMISSION TO REMARRY ACCORDING TO THE RITES OF THE CHURCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:35 LICENSE AND PERMISSION OF MINISTER TO SOLEMNIZE MARRIAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:36 THE PLACE OF MARRIAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:37 THE ORDERING OF THE MARRIAGE SERVICE . . . . . . . CANON 2:38 DISCIPLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 2:39 THE BLESSING OF A MARRIAGE AS CIVIL MARRIAGE . . SECTION 3:0 MINISTERS, THEIR RECRUITMENT, PREPARATION, ORDINATION, OFFICE AND PRACTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:1 HOLY ORDERS IN THE CHURCH OF UGANDA . . . . . . . . CANON 3:2 DIOCESAN COMMISSION ON MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:3 POSTULANTS FOR HOLY ORDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:4 CANDIDATES FOR HOLY ORDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:6 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:7 THE ORDINATION OF PRIESTS AND DEACONS . . . . . . . CANON 3:8 THE QUALITY OF SUCH AS TO BE ORDAINED DEACONS OR PRIESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3: PRIESTS EXERCISING THEIR MINISTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:10 ADMISSION AND INSTITUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:11 INDUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:12 THE LICENSING OF MINISTERS UNDER SEAL . . . . . . . iii . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 . . . . . . . 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 . . . . . . 18 18 20 20 22 22 . 23 . . . . . 25 25 25 26 26 . . . . . . . 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 . . . . . 32 32 33 33 33 CANON 313 THE OATH OF OBEDIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:14 DIOCESAN BISHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:15 BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:16 DEANS OR PROVOSTS AND CANONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:17 ARCHDEACONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:18 PARISH PRIEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:19 THE RESIDENCE OF PRIESTS IN THEIR PARISH . . . . . . CANON 3:20 THE OCCUPATIONS OF MINISTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:21 SALARY OF PARISH PRIEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:22 ARCHDEACONRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:23 PARISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:24 RELINQUISHING OR ABANDONMENT OF THE MINISTRY CANON 3:25 TRIBUNALS OF THE CHURCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:26 ECCLESIASTICAL DISCIPLINE - GENERAL . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:27 THE TRIAL OF BISHOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:28 THE TRIAL OF PRIESTS AND DEACONS . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 3:20 THE TRIAL OF THE LAITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION 4:0 THE LAY OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA CANON 4:1 LAY READERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 4:2 WORKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 4:3 CHURCH WARDENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 4:4 SIDESMEN/SIDESWOMEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 4:5 OTHER PARISH OFFICERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SECTION 5:0 THINGS APPERTAINING TO CHURCHES . . . . . . . . CANON 5:1 THE FONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:2 THE HOLY TABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:3 THE COMMUNION VESSELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:4 THE COMMUNION LINEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:5 SURPLICES FOR THE MINISTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:6 THE READING DESKS AND PULPIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:7 SEATS IN CHURCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:8 THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER . . . . CANON 5:9 THE REGISTER BOOKS CUSTODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:10 THE REGISTER OR BOOK OF SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . CANON 5:11 THE CARE AND REPAIR OF CHURCHES . . . . . . . . . . . GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 35 35 36 36 36 38 38 38 39 39 40 43 44 46 46 48 48 48 50 50 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 55 SECTION 1:0 CANON 1:1 THE CHURCH OF UGANDA THE NAME OF THE CHURCH 1.1.1 The Church shall be called THE CHURCH OF UGANDA. 1.1.2 The name THE CHURCH OF UGANDA under this Canon shall be understood to mean ANGLICAN CHURCH, i communion with the See of Canterbury. CANON 1:2 THE CHURCH OF UGANDA 1.2.1 The Church of Uganda is an independent Ecclesiastical Province, established according to the Provincial Constitution. 1.2.2 The Church of Uganda is part of the one, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church worshiping the one true God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the Catholic Creeds, which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation. 1.2.3 The Church of Uganda is in communion with the World wide Anglican communion. CANON 1:3 THE ARCHBISHOPRIC 1.3.1 There shall be an Archbishop who shall be the presiding bishop of the Church of Uganda, and who upon assuming this office, shall be the metropolitan of the Church of Uganda and Bishop of the See of Kampala. 1.3.2 (i) The Archbishop shall be elected by the House of Bishops of the Province from among themselves. Her/She shall have reached the age of 50 or above and shall hold office until reigning or reaching the age of 65 or serving for ten years, whichever is the earlier. (ii) The Archbishop may resign at any time by written notice to the Dean of the Province, who shall thereupon submit the same to the House of Bishops. 1.3.3 The Archbishop shall have a pastoral relationship and authority over the whole province. In this connection the Archbishop may speak and act in the name of the Church, after consultation with, or in accordance with the policies of the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee or the Provincial Assembly and shall be charged with giving leadership in initiating and developing the policy and strategies of the Church, including the implementation of decisions of the Provincial Assembly throughout the Church of Uganda 1.3.4 The Archbishop shall be the Chief Overseer of the Provincial Secretariat staff and shall maintain an office at Namirembe, the National Headquarters of the Church. The Archbishop may delegate any of his/her Executive responsibilities to any Provincial Officer. 1.3.5 The Archbishop shall preside over the: Provincial Assembly, Provincial Assembly Standing Committee and the House of Bishops and may attend any other committee at his own discretion. 1 1.3.6 In the event of a vacancy i the office of Archbishop or illness or other incapacity of the Archbishop or during his absence from the Province, the Dean of the Province shall have authority to perform all duties of the Archbishopric and shall be Acting Archbishop. 1.3.7 The Archbishop, after consultation with the House of Bishops, may, subject to satisfactory provision of financial requirements, appoint a Bishop to the Ugandan Security Forces or any other institutions as may be determined from time to time by the Provincial Assembly. 1.3.8 In the event of a vacancy in a Diocese as result of death or illness or other incapacity of this Diocesan Bishop or where a Diocesan Bishop does not hand over the office upon attaining the age of 65 years, the Archbishop shall take over the see until a new Bishop is elected, consecrated and enthroned. CANON 1:4 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Organizational structure of the Church of Uganda shall consist of: (i) PROVINCE: A Province is, by definition, an Ecclesiastical unit formed by a group of Dioceses. (ii) Diocese: A Diocese is an Ecclesiastical unit formed by a group of Parishes. It is under the jurisdiction and Pastoral Care of a Bishop. (iii) Archdeaconry: An Archdeaconry is an Ecclesiastical unit consisting of a certain number of parishes. It is under the jurisdiction of an Archdeacon. (iv) Parish: A Parish consists of one or more congregations. It is under the jurisdiction and Pastoral Care of an Ordained and licensed clergy. (v) Sub-parish: A Sub-parish is under the pastoral care of a lay reader who works under the supervision of a Parish Priest. CANON 1:5 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA 1.5.1 The Provincial Assembly shall be the supreme governing authority of theChurch of Uganda. It shall speak and act on behalf of the whole Church of Uganda. 1.5.2 The Provincial Assembly shall consist of three houses: (i) The House of Bishops (ii) The House of Clergy (iii) The House of Laity 2 1.5.3 The delegates of every Diocese to the Provincial Assembly shall consist of representatives of houses of Bishops, of Clergy and of Laity, elected in accordance with these Canons. The delegation shall include at leat one Bishop, one Clergy, one Lay man, one Lay woman, and one youth. 1.5.4 The number of delegates of each Diocese to the Provincial Assembly shall be determined by the Assembly from time to time and any other number as shall e determined by the Provincial Assembly from time to time. CANON 1:6 THE DEAN OF THE PROVINCE 1.6.1 The most Senior Bishop, according to the date of consecration as Bishop or ordination as Priest shall be the Dean of the Province. 1.6.2 The Dean, in the absence of the Archbishop, shall exercise the functions and duties of the Archbishop as provided under the Constitution. 1.6.3 When the Office of Archbishop falls vacant due to retirement or death, or incapacity, the Dean shall act as the Archbishop until the appointment of the new Archbishop. CANON 1:7 PROVINCIAL OFFICERS The Provincial Assembly or the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee shall, acting on behalf of the Assembly, appoint the Provincial Secretary, the Provincial Treasurer, the Provincial Chancellor and other Officers according to the need and within the limits of its resources. CANON 1:8 THE PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE There shall be an Executive Committee,known under this Canon as the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee, appointed by the Provincial Assembly, to act on its behalf between the periods of its sitting. CANON 1:9 PROVINCIAL BOARDS AND COMMITTEES The Provincial Assembly shall have power to set up Boards, Commissions, and Committees to enable toe Church carry out its mission and services. CANON 1:10 CHURCH TRUSTEES 10.1.1 All Diocesan Bishops of the Church of the Province of Uganda, shall constitute the Board of the Church of Uganda Trustees. 10.1.2 All property shall be vested in the Trustees who shall be empowered to hold them upon any Trust which is approved and accepted by the Provincial Assembly or the Dioceses Synod concerned. 3 10.1.3 All Diocesan Bishops of the Church of the Church of the Province of Uganda, by virtue of being the Chief Administrators of their respective Dioceses, shall constitute the Board of the Church of Uganda Trustees. 10.1.4 All business of the Church of Uganda Trustees shall be executed through a body to be known as CHURCH COMMISSIONERS. CANON 1:11 CHURCH COMMISSIONERS 1.11.1 In accordance with article 18(b) of the Constitution of the Province of the Church of Uganda, there shall be established a business body for the Church affairs to be called CHURCH COMMISSIONERS. 1.11.2 The Church Commissioners, shall consist of persons with expert knowledge in business management and investment and shall advise the Board of Trustees in the development and administration of any Land or property held by them. 1.11.3 Membership of the Church Commissioners which shall include two Principal Commissioners, one of whom shall be a Bishop, and one lay expert shall be determined from time to time by the Provincial Assembly. 1.11.4 There shall be an Executive Secretary who shall be appointed by the Provincial Staff Board, and shall be responsible to execute all decisions and policies of the Church Commissioners. 1.11.5 The duties of the Church commissioners shall be: (a) To advise and assist the Provincial Trustees on all matters relating to the development, administration and management of all the lands vested in the Trustees by grant, purchase agreement and any lawful transaction whatsoever. (b) To execute and enforce the decisions and policies of the Trustees relating to the administration, management and development of all land vested in the Trustees. (c) To draw up plans and programmes for the proper and effective commercial development of the land and property vested in the Trustees. (d) To look after and maintain all the property, premises,buildings and all the lands vested in the Trustees. (e) To collect and receive all payment due to the Trustees on behalf of the Trustees. (f) To ensure that all Trust and permanent funds and securities are deposited with the banks or with agencies approved in writing by the Board of Trustees. (g) To keep detailed records of all funds, revenue and expenditures. (h) To ensure that Account books are maintained and are annually audited and a certificate of the Audit issued. (i) To ensure that all buildings and their contents are adequately insured. 4 (j) To carry on any other functions which may be conferred upon them from time to time by the Trustees, Provincial Assembly Standing Committee or the Provincial Assembly. (k) Subject to the Provisions of the Constitution, the Provincial Assembly or the Trustees may give directions of a general or specific nature of the Church Commissioners. (l) The power to develop and manage the lands vested in the Church of Uganda shall rest with the Church Commissioners provided that any Diocese in Uganda may initiate development projects on the land within its jurisdiction subject to the approval of the Church Commissioners and the Provincial Trustees, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided further that a representative of a Diocese shall be present when the Church Commissioners discuss the land development plans concerning a particular Diocese. (m) It shall be the responsibility of the Commissioners to formulate and implement resolutions and decisions of the trustees in respect of all the lands and property vested in the Trustees and to carry out the day-to-day administration of the affairs of the Trustees on behalf of the Trustees and to coordinate land policies and development programmes between the Dioceses. 1.11.6 (a) On the death or resignation or removal of a Church Commissioner the Trustees shall appoint a new Commissioner in his/her place. (b) The Trustees may at anytime remove a Church Commissioner for misbehaviour or inability, by a majority vote of all the members. (c) A Church Commissioner may retire at any time by giving at least three months notice to he Archbishop. 1.11.7 Meetings of the Church Commissioners (a) The first Principal Commissioner shall preside over all the meetings of the Church Commissioners and in his absence, the Commissioners present shall appoint one of their own number to preside over the meeting of the Commissioners. (b) The Executive Secretary to the Church Commissioners shall keep proper records of the minutes of meetings of the Commissioners under the direction of the first Principal Commissioner and Trustees and he/she shall handle and keep all its correspondence of the Commissioners. CANON 1:12 FINANCE 1.12.1 The Church of the Province of Uganda draws largely for its financial support from: (i) Human resource of almsgiving/tithing and special contributions, Investments in land, buildings, Institutions and other property ownership, (ii) Donations from Churches, organizations and friends both from home and abroad in partnership with her. 5 1.12.2 The Provincial Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Church. As such, it shall have responsibility to ensure faithful and healthy stewardship and the equitable administration of material resources in the whole Province. It shall also have the responsibility of directing a just and equitable contribution and distribution of these resources for the benefit of the Church as a whole to the glory of God. 1.12.3 In the fulfilment of the obligations, the Provincial Assembly shall: (i) Enact laws and policies from time to time which are binding on the whole church to promote accountability, transparency and resourceful investment of Church funds and property. (ii) Develop met5hod for Church livelihood, and guide dioceses in stewardship teaching of the faithful and using of their talents for the enrichment of Christ’s Church. (iii) To defend the Church against oppressive and exploitiveelements/forces both internal and external which are detrimental to the faithful investment, distribution and utilization of the Church’s resources. (iv) Ensure that congregations, parishes, Archdeaconries, Dioceses and Provincial Secretariat and other Church Institutions are well equipped financially for the discharge of their duties. (v) Have authority to discipline organs within the Church structure in particular, dioceses and Provincial Boards, who may contravene or disobey and neglect laws and policies enacted under these canons. (vi) Enact a law which puts all financial resources of the Church under the accountability/responsibility of the Provincial Board of Finance. (vii) Use the art of delegation by use of Boards Commissions and Committees in the administration of its resources. 1.12.4 THERE SHALL BE A PROVINCIAL BUDGET CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: (i) ASSESSMENT The amount each Diocese is required to pay on its assessable expenditure for: (1) Provincial Secretariat Administration (2) Archbishop expenses (3) Provincial Assembly Assessment (a) Standing Committee (b) Boards, Committees, Commissions, etc., as set by the Provincial Assembly or Standing Committee (ii) PROVINCIAL AND WORLD OUTREACH The amount to be paid by each Diocese for: 1. Anglican World Mission 6 2. WCC and ACC, etc., membership 3. Theological Training 4. Social Services 5. Such other purposes as may be approved by the Provincial Assembly or the Standing Committee, etc. 1.12.5 Subject to instructions from the Provincial Assembly, the Standing Committee shall have the control, management and Administration of all funds an assets of the Provincial Assembly and shall have power to delegate. 1.12.6 A formula for determining the annual financial assessment against the Diocese shall e fixed by a regular Provincial Assembly, which regulation shall be altered or amended only by the Assembly. 1.12.7 The Provincial Treasurer shall notify the Diocesan Treasurers of the details of the Budget of the Province for the following year as soon as it has been approved by the Finance Board or Committee and Standing Committee. 1.12.8 The assessment shall be paid to the Provincial office in at most three (3) equal installments 1.12.9 Each Board, Department, Committee and Organization requiring an amount to be included in the Provincial Budget shall deliver to the Provincial Treasurer a detailed statement of such requirements together with estimated receipt and expenditures for the current year and the financial statements for the preceding year. No amount for the Board, Department, Committee or Organization shall be included in the Provincial Budget unless the Provincial Treasurer has been consulted in the preparation of such statement. 1.12.10 The Diocese that shall fail to meet her obligation to the Provincial Budget and Provincial institutions in the current year shall carry forward the debt to the following year. Any failure for two years,the Diocese shall forfeit all expenses reimbursable for the work of the Province, like attending Provincial Boards, Committees, etc. CANON 1:13 THE DOCTRINE OF THE CHURCH OF UGANDA (i) The doctrine of the Church of Uganda is founded in the Holy Scripture, and in such teaching of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the scripture. (ii) The Scripture by this Canon shall be understood to refer the thirty-nine books of Old Testament and the twenty seven of the New Testament and taken as Canonical. (iii) Other books, referred to as apocrypha, shall be read for example of life and instruction of manners; but shall not apply them to establish any doctrine. CANON 1:14 THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 1.14.1 The Church of Uganda accepts the Principles of worship contained in the Book of Common Prayer, as not being contrary to the Word of God. 7 1.14.2 The form and manner of worship as contained in the Book of Common Prayer as much as they are agreeable to the word of God, may be used by all members of the Church of Uganda with a good conscience. 1.14.3 Any new form of Liturgies, apart from experimental occasional liturgpa.ies permitted by a diocesan Bishop, shall be approved by the Provincial Assembly. CANON 1:15 THE THIRTY NINE ARTICLES OF RELIGION As much as the Thirty nine articles do not contravene the Doctrine of the Church of Uganda, it shall be held as a guide in the Church of Uganda teaching. The Provincial Assembly may review these articles to suit the situation of the Church of Uganda. CANON 1:16 THE STATE SOVEREIGNTY The Church of Uganda acknowledges the sovereignty of state and conceives itself as the conscience of society. CANON 1:17 SCHISM From the inception the Church of Christ has been intended to be on unified of Christ. Because of human sin ad selfish desires, there have been schisms and separations that have divided the Church affecting the unity and witness of the Gospel. It is the obligation of the Bishops, Clergy and Laity to do all they can by God’s Grace to avoid occasions of difference, disagreement but seek in penitence and brotherly and sisterly love, reconciliation and heal such divisions. In case of seemingly unreconcilable difference, God’s will for the common good should be sought within the fellowship of believers, the Church and not to secular institutions of law which in themselves are human. CANON 1:18 TOLERANCE Christians and spiritual societies in ministry who exhibit and express various spiritual gifts in ministry shall be tolerated and accommodated as long as they do not divert from the fundamental doctrine of the Church of Uganda. CANON 1:19 CORPORATE SEAL 1.19.1 There shall be a corporate seal of such design to contain the Provincial Church Emblem as approved by the Provincial Assembly. 1.19.2 The Provincial Secretary shall have the care and custody of the same and is hereby authorized and empowered to effect the same to all deeds and documents on behalf of the Province pursuant to 8 any resolution thereof or of the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee or any of the Committees, councils,Boards or Commission thereof when such resolution is passed in regard to matters with the authority of such committees, Board or Commission. 1.19.3 All such deeds and documents shall be signed by two or more of the following: (i) The Archbishop; (ii) The Provincial Secretary or; (iii) The Chancellor or; (iv) The Provincial Treasurer. CANON 1:20 RELATION WITH OTHER CHURCHES 1.20.1 The Church of Uganda and the members of the Church of Uganda shall foster, encourage and work with other Churches in matters that spread the Good News of salvation and the social economic and political needs for the wellbeing of the society. 1.20.2 On special occasions, events, church holy days and special feasts, feasts of the Church year, ministers or lay persons baptized an in good standing of their church may be invited to speak, preach, conduct a seminar, or workshop to the Church of Uganda congregation. 1.20.3 Clergy or Ordained Ministers from non Episcopal tradition who have had full graduate ministerial training in a credited theological institution will have to undergo at least twelve months training in manner, teaching, and forms of worship of the Church of Uganda. He/She shall be prepared to subscribe to all teaching Canons, that govern the Administration, ministry, worship and discipline of the Church of Uganda 1.20.4 In cases where orders of the ministry in his/her former Church are not recognized, he/she shall be ordained according to the Church of Uganda Ordinal. For the avoidance of doubt,no person under this Canon who is not a member of the Church of Uganda shall officiate, administer sacraments, etc.,without any license from the Diocesan Bishop, after fulfilling all conditions required by the Canons in Section 3 of Ministers, Their Recruitment, Ordination, Function and Practice. 1.20.5 The Church shall continue to be open to Christian unity as it is commanded her by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:21-22) and our relationship with the Protestant church members of the World Council of Churches and Lausana and in taking into consideration the Vatican II with the Roman Catholic Church. CANON 1:21 CHURCHES EMPLOYMENT OF CLERGY AND LAITY OF OTHER 1.21.1 Church of Uganda recognizes all member churches of the Anglican Communion. Any Clergy/Laity recommended by their home church may be allowed to work for the Church of Uganda in areas that require his/her ministry. 9 1.21.2 Members from non-Anglican Communion, may be in consultation with the Church authorities and on the advice of the Provincial Assembly Standing Committee and other Committees, employed as consultants, advisors and staff on contract in areas of their specialties which are not available to our church members. 1.21.3 Church Councils shall use their discretion in employing no-Christians. SECTION 2:0 DIVINE SERVICE AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF SACRAMENTS CANON 2:1 CONFORMITY TO THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER 2.1.1 Every Priest of the Church of Uganda shall follow the use and observe the orders, rites and ceremonies prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer and reading of Holy Scripture as in administration of the Sacraments, and none other, except so far as shall be ordered by lawful authority. 2.1.2 Nothing in the said Canon shall prejudice or limit the use of any form of service from time to time enjoined or authorized by a Diocesan Bishop for local use or by Provincial Assembly for experimental use in Dioceses. CANON 2:2 FLEXIBILITY OF THE DISCRETION OF MINISTERS IN CONDITION OF PUBLIC PRAYER The Priest may at his/her discretion make and use variations which are not of substantial importance in any form of service presented by the Book of Common Prayer. 2.2.2 Subject to any regulations made from time to time by the Provincial Assembly, the Priest may, on occasions for which no provision is made in the Book of Common Prayer, use forms of services considered suitable by him for those occasions. 2.2.3 All variation in forms of service and all forms of service used or made under this Canon shall be reverent and seemly and shall be neither contrary to, nor indicative of any departure from doctrine of the Church of Uganda. CANON 2:3 SUNDAYS AND OTHER DAYS OF SPECIAL OBSERVANCE 2.3.1 Sundays as the Lord’s Day, shall ever be celebrated as a weekly memorial of our Lord’s resurrection and kept according to God’s holy will and pleasure, particularly by attendance at divine service, by deeds of charity, and by abstention from all unnecessary labour and business. 2.3.2 The Table of Feasts which are to be observed in the Church of Uganda is contained in the Book of Common Prayer; whereof the principal are Christmas Day, Epiphany, The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsunday, Trinity Sunday and All Saint’s Day. 10 2.3.3 Good Friday is ever to be observed by prayer with meditation on the death and passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by self-discipline, and by attendance at Divine Service. 2.3.4 It is lawful for the Provincial Assembly to approve Holy Days which may be observed provincially, and, subject to any directions of the Synod of the Diocese, for the Ordinary to approve Holy Days which may be observed locally. 2.3.5 The Church of Uganda shall provide for recognition of the Saints in the Province and from time to time make a calendar for memorial services of these Saints. CANON 2:4 THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF FEAST DAYS AND FAST DAYS The Minister shall give notice every Sunday publicly during the time of Divine Service, by notice affixed at the Church door or otherwise, so that the same may best be brought to the knowledge of the people, of the Feast Days which are to be observed in the week following, and of the time of the Service thereon. CANON 2:5 THE VESTURE OF MINISTERS DURING THE TIME OF DIVINE SERVICE 2.5.1 At morning and evening prayer the Priest shall wear Cassock, a Surplice, and a Scarf; and for the occasional offices a Cassock and a Surplice with Scarf or Stole, or a Surplice with a Scarf. 2.5.2 At the Holy Communion the celebrant, as also the gospeller and the epistler, if any, shall wear with the Cassock either a Surplice with Scarf or Stole, or a Surplice or Alb with Stole and Cope, or an Alb with the customary vestments. 2.5.3 On any appropriate occasion a Cope may be worn at the discretion of the Priest. 2.5.4 When a Scarf is worn, the Priest May also wear the hood of his Degree. 2.5.5 The Church of Uganda does not attach any particular doctrinal significance to the diversities of vesture permitted by this Canon, and the vesture worn by the Priest in accordance with the provisions of this Canon is not to be understood as implying any doctrines other than those now contained in the formularies of the Church of Uganda. CANON 2:6 MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER IN CATHEDRAL CHURCHES In every Cathedral Church the Common Prayer shall e said or sung, distinctly, reverently, and in audible voice, every morning and evening, and the litany on the appointed days, the officiating minister and others of the Clergy present in choir being duly habited. 11 CANON 2:7 MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER IN PARISH CHURCHES 2.7.1 In every Parish Church, except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop of the Diocese, Morning and Evening Prayer shall be said or sung at least on all Sundays and other principal Feast Days, and also on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Each service shall be said distinctly, reverently, and in an audible voice. 2.7.2 On all other days the minister of the Parish, together with all other ministers licensed to serve in the said parish, being at home and not otherwise reasonably hindered, shall resort to the Church Morning and Evening, and, warning being given to the people by a sound of a drum or the tolling of the bell, say or sing the Common Prayer and on appointed days the Litany. 2.7.3 Lay Readers and such other Lay persons as may be authorized by the Bishop of the Diocese may, at the invitation of the Priest of the parish or, where the cure (parish) is vacant or the Priest is incapacitated, at the invitation of the Church Wardens, say or sing Morning and Evening Prayer except for the Absolution; and in the case of need where no person in Holy Orders or Reader or Lay Person authorized as aforesaid is available, the Priest or failing him the Church Wardens shall arrange for some suitable Lay Person to say or sing Morning and Evening Prayer except for Absolution. CANON 2:8 THE MINISTRY OF THE HOLY COMMUNION 2.8.1 No person shall consecrate and administer the Holy Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper unless he/she shall have been Ordained Priest by Episcopal Ordination in accordance with the provisions of Canon 3.1. 2.8.2 Every Priest, as often as he/she shall celebrate the Holy Communion, shall receive that Sacrament himself or herself. 2.8.3 No person shall distribute the Holy Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper to the people unless he/she shall have been ordained in accordance with the provisions of Canon 3.1, or unless he/she has been specially authorized to do so by the Diocesan Bishop acting under such regulations as the Provincial Assembly may make from time to time. 2.8.4 Subject to the general directions of the Bishop, the Epistle and the Gospel may at the invitation of the Priest be read by a Lay person at the celebration of the Holy Communion. CANON 2:9 HOLY COMMUNION IN CATHEDRAL CHURCHES 2.9.1 In every Cathedral Church the Holy Communion shall be celebrated at least on all Sundays and other Feast Days, on Ash Wednesday, and on other days as often as may be convenient, according to the statutes and customs of each Church. It shall be celebrated distinctly, reverently, and in audible voice. 2.8.2 In every Cathedral Church, the Dean or Provost, the Canons residentiary, and other priests of the Church, being in Holy Orders, shall receive the Holy Communion every Sunday at the least, except when they have a reasonable cause to the contrary. 12 CANON 2:10 HOLY COMMUNION IN PARISH CHURCHES 2.10.1 In every Parish Church, except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop of the Diocese, the Holy Communion shall be celebrated at least on all Sundays and Principal Feast Days, and on Ash Wednesday. It shall be celebrated distinctly, reverently, and in an audible voice. 2.10.2 In Churches and Chapels dependent on a Parish Church, the Holy Communion shall be celebrated as regularly and frequently as may be convenient, subject to the direction of the Ordinary. CANON 2:11 THE RECEIVING OF HOLY COMMUNION 2.11.1 It is the duty of all who have been confirmed to receive the Holy Communion regularly, and especially at the festivals of Christmas, Easter and Whitsunday. 2.11.2 The Priest shall teach the people from time to time, and especially before the festivals of Christmas, Easter and Whitsunday, that they come to this Holy Sacrament with preparation as is required by the Book of Common Prayer. CANON 2:12 THE ADMISSION TO HOLY COMMUNION 2.12.1 There shall be admitted to Holy Communion Members of the Church of Uganda who have been confirmed in accordance with the rites of the Church. 2.12.3 Baptized persons who are communicant members of other Churches which subscribe to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, and who are in good standing within their own churches, may be admitted to Holy Communion as well. 2.12.3 If any person by virtue of sub-paragraph 2.12.2 above regularly receive the Holy Communion over a long period which appears likely to continue indefinitely, the priest shall set before him/her the normal requirements of the Church of Uganda for communicant status in that Church. 2.12.4 Where any priest is in doubt as to the application of this Canon, he shall refer the matter to the Bishop of the Diocese. CANON 2:13 BREAD AND WINE FOR HOLY COMMUNION 2.13.1 The Church Wardens of every parish, with the advice and direction of the priest, shall provide a sufficient quantity of bread and of wine for the number of communicant that shall from time to time receive the same. 2.13.2 The bread, whether leavened or unleavened, shall be of the best wheat flour that conveniently may be gotten, and the wine of the fermented juice or the grape good and wholesome. 2.13.3 In the absence of grape wine, well boiled banana juice wine or pineapple or passion fruit wine nay be used, in consultation with the Bishop. 13 2.13.4 The bread shall be brought to the Communion table in a paten, or convenient box and wine in a convenient container. CANON 2:14 SERMONS IN PARISH CHURCHES 2.14.1 In every parish church a sermon shall be preached at least once each Sunday, except for some reasonable cause approved by the Bishop of the Diocese. 2.14.2 The Preacher shall endeavour himself/herself with care and sincerity to minister the word of truth, to the glory of God and to the edification of the people. 2.14.3 Since its foundation in Uganda, the Christian Church has actively participated in education with vigour and continues to do so today. The purpose has been and is to put in place a system through which the young can be nurtured. This Cardinal aim is central to the Church of Uganda’s participation in forma education and governance of the church founded schools and institutions. The Church of Uganda shall safeguard her interest in education at all levels. CANON 2:15 THE HYMNS, ANTHEMS, AND MUSIC OF THE CHURCH 2.15.1 In all Churches, Cathedrals and Chapels, it belongs to the Minister to direct when the organ or other instruments shall be played and when it shall not be played, and to decide what parts of the service shall be sung. 2.15.2 Where there is an organist or choirmaster, the Minister shall pay due heed to his advice in the choosing of the chants, hymns, anthems, and other setting and in the ordering of the music of the Church; but at all times this final responsibility and decision in these matters rests with the priest. 2.15.3 It is the duty of the Minister to ensure that only such chants, hymns, anthems, and other setting are chosen as are appropriate, both the words and the music, to the solemn act of worship and prayer in the House of God as well as to the congregation assembled for that purpose, and to banish all irreverence in the practice and in the performance of the same. CANON 2:16 HOLY BAPTISM 2.16.1 No person shall be counted a member of the Church of Uganda who has not been baptized. 2.16.2 A baptized person is one who has been dipped in water or has had water sprinkled upon him/her in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit with the intention of baptizing him/her a Christian. 2.16.3 Baptism shall in no case be repeated. If there is any doubt as to whether a person has been truly baptized, the Minister baptizing him/her shall say, “If you have not been baptized, I baptize you in the Name of God the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” 2.16.4 An ordained minister of the Church shall normally baptize but any lay person may lawfully baptize a person in danger of death. 14 CANON 2:17 GOD PARENTS AND SPONSORS 2.17.1 God Parents and sponsors shall be confirmed and communicating members of the Church of Uganda or a Church in Communion therewith. 2.17.2 No person shall be allowed to be a God parent who is under ecclesiastical discipline or who is openly known to live in notorious sin without repentance or who has serious quarrels with his neighbours without being reconciled. 2.17.3 Every infant shall be given at least three God parents at Baptism, of whom one must be of the same sex as the child to be baptized and shall not be the child’s parent. 2.17.4 In the vent of the absence of God parents, his or her place may be taken by a proxy, who must be a baptized member of the Church as in 2.17.1 above. CANON 2:18 INFANT BAPTISM 2.18.1 Baptism shall be administered to any child for whom it is desired provided that all the requirements of Canon 2:17 are fulfilled. 2.18.2 Children born before the Baptism of their parents, unless they are old enough to receive baptism instruction, may be baptized in infancy as soon as both parents are baptized. 2.18.3 All children under the age of five (5) years shall be regarded as infants when brought for baptism. 2.18.4 Except in the case of extreme urgency, the Parents or guardians of an infant to be baptized (or at least one of them) shall undertake, as far as they are able, to fulfil the same responsibilities, as are required of the God parents. If the Minister shall refuse or delay to baptize an infant within his/her cure who is brought to the Church to be baptized, provided that due notice has been given and the provisions of Canon 2.17 are obeyed, the parents or guardians may appeal to the Bishop of the diocese whose decision shall be final and binding. 2.18.5 No priest may baptize an infant whose parents do not reside within his/ehr cure without the previous consent of the priest of the parents’ parish, and confirmation that there is nothing to prevent the baptism, except in case of emergency. CANON 2:19 BAPTISM IN EMERGENCY 2.19.1 In spite of the other provisions of these Canons, Baptism shall not be denied when it is desired for those in danger of death. 2.19.2 In case where a person has been baptized in danger of death, those present shall inform the minister of the parish, and if the person recovers, the minister shall publicly receive that person in the form laid down, subject to any necessary warnings or disciplinary measures. 15 CANON 2:20 THE CATECHUMENATE The Bishop shall lay down the course of instruction for those who want to join the catechumenate; the form of service for admission, and the course of instructions to be followed thereafter and prior to baptism for those who are old enough to answer for themselves. CANON 2:21 THE BAPTISM OF THOSE WHO ARE OLD ENOUGH TO ANSWER FOR THEMSELVES 2.21.1 Children who are old enough to receive baptism instruction must not be baptized as infants, but must be prepared for baptism as adults. 2.12.2 None shall be accepted as a candidate for adult baptism until they have been properly instructed in accordance with these Canons and have been examined by the Minister or Lay reader in his/ehr place after any consultation with the Church Council or Committee which he/she thinks necessary. 2.21.3 When any persons who are old enough to answer for themselves are to be baptized, the names of all the intending candidates shall be announced in Church on the Sunday before baptism. CANON 2:22 REGISTRATION OF BAPTISM 2.22.1 Every priest shall, as soon as possible after a public or private baptism within his Parish, record and enter in a Ledger Book and with permanent ink in the appropriate register book the names of the baptized persons. In every case the Baptism must be registered within seven (7) days except when this cannot be done because of illness or for other unavoidable reasons. 2.22.2 Whenever any baptism is performed in any place other than a Church of a Chapel which provides for its own distinct Register Book and the Priest who performs the baptism is not the minister of the parish or ecclesiastical district, who shall then record and enter the same in the appropriate Register Book. 2.22.3 In the case of a Baptism in any place where there is a Church building and which is not included within any Parish, the Priest who performs the baptism shall within a month of the baptism send record of the baptism to the priest of the parish immediately adjoining such place. On receiving the record, the priest shall enter it in the appropriate Register Book of his/her parish and it shall form part of it. 2.22.4 Every priest who baptizes any infant who is brought to the Church to be baptized, whose parents reside outside the boundaries of his/her cure, shall as soon after the baptism as possible send to the priest of the parents’ or ecclesiastical district in which the parents live the name and address of the infant who has been baptized. 2.22.5 The register of the baptisms shall be in the control and custody of the priest. It shall be kept in a Chest or Safe to protect it against damage by fire or damp and from wrongful interferences. 2.22.6 Where a Diocesan record office has been established, any priest having a cure of souls within a diocese, with the consent of the Bishop and Local Church Councils, may deposit any such register, 16 no longer in actual use, to be kept and to remain in the control and custody of the Chief Officer of the office, unless or until the Bishop orders the register to be returned. The Bishop may at any time direct that any register be transferred to the Diocesan office. CANON 2:23 ON FEES It is not lawful to demand any fees for the administration of Holy Baptism, nor for its registration, but those who are baptized ought to give thank offerings gladly. CANON 2:24 THE SIGN OF THE CROSS IN BAPTISM The Anglican Church has always held and taught, and holds and teaches still, that the sign of the cross used in Baptism is not an essential part of the Sacrament; but because the remembrance of the cross is very precious to those who truly believed in Jesus Christ, it has retained the sign of it in baptism. In doing so, it follows the custom of the primitive and apostolic Church and considers it a meaningful sign that the person who has been baptized is dedicated to the service of Him w3ho died on the cross. CANON 2:25 CATECHIZING 2.25.1 Every Priest shall take care that the children and young people in his/ehr cure are instructed in the doctrine, Sacraments and discipline of Christ as the Lord has commanded, and as they are received and set forth in the Anglican Church. To this end, he/she, or some godly and competent person appointed by him/her, shall regularly and diligently teach them. 2.25.2 All parents and guardians shall send their children to such classes. CANON 2:26 CONFIRMATION 2.26.1 The Bishop of every Diocese or some other Bishop lawfully deputed in his stead, shall hold confirmation services throughout his Diocese as often and in as many places as shall be convenient, laying his/her hands upon children of a suitable age and adults who have been baptized after such a course instructed in the Christian faith. 2.26.2 No person shall be presented for confirmation until he/she has received such course of instruction as the Bishop may require. 2.26.3 Every Priest shall regularly remind his people that everyone who has been baptized and is old enough to be confirmed but has not been, should offer him/her to be confirmed by the Bishop when he comes. To all who wish to be confirmed at that time he/she shall carefully teach them the Christian faith, as set forth in the Church Catechism and in the Book of Common Prayer. 2.6.4 the Priest shall only present to the Bishop those who can say the creed, the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments, and can give an account of their faith according to the Catechism. 17 2.26.5 The Priest, either before or at the time of the confirmation, shall give to the Bishop the names of those to be presented, together with their apparent ages and suitable evidence of their baptism. 2.26.6 If any person who is to be confirmed desire to take an additional Christian name, the Bishop may confirm him/her by such name, which thereafter shall be one of his recognized Christian names. None shall normally be presented to the Bishop for confirmation under the apparent age of twelve years. CANON 2:27 THE REGISTRATION OF CONFIRMATION 2.27.1 Every Priest shall record in the Register Book of confirmation belonging to his/her Church that confirmation of every person whom he/she presented to the Bishop and who was confirmed. 2.27.2 The Chaplain of any school or any other institution (or other appointed responsible person) presenting candidates for confirmation from the school or institution shall give the minister of the parish in which each candidate normally resides two months’ notice of his intention of doing so and pay heed to any comment which the priest may make. He/she shall report the fact of confirmation to the priest concerned as soon after the confirmation as possible. CANON 2:28 THE RECEIVING OF PERSONS FROM CHURCH NOT IN COMMUNION WITH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH, AND OR RECONCILING OF THEIR RETURN THOSE WHO HAVE LAPSED 2.28.1 Lay persons who have already been baptized and confirmed by a Bishop recognized as such by the Anglican Communion may e received or reconciled into membership of the Anglican Communion by a Priest appointed by the Bishop for that purpose in such form as the Bishop himself shall require. 2.28.2 Any such person who is not already confirmed by a Bishop recognized as such by the Anglican Communion shall be admitted or readmitted by confirmation and such other form of reception as the Bishop shall direct. CANON 2:29 MARRIAGE IN THE CHURCH 2.29.1 In this Canon and any Regulations made hereunder the following expressions shall except, where the context otherwise requires, have the meanings hereunder: (a) ‘Married under Customary Law’ shall mean married in accordance with the requirements of the traditional law and customs. (b) ‘Civil Court’ shall man a Court of Competent jurisdiction in the Country in which Civil Proceeding for the dissolution of marriage have been instituted. (c)) ‘Priest’ shall mean any ordained person who is authorized by the Bishop and licensed according to the laws of the State to solemnize marriages. 18 (d) ‘Polygamy’ shall mean cohabitation by the man with more than one woman in such circumstances as shall indicate that a permanent engagement ha been entered into between such man and such women, and those words ‘Polygamous’ and ‘Polygamist’ shall be construed accordingly unless the contrary appears from the context. 2.29.2 The Church of Uganda affirms, according to our Lord’s teaching as found in the Holy Scripture that marriage is in its nature a union, permanent and life long in faithful love, and that marriage vows are a commitment to this union, for better or worse to the exclusion of all others on either side, until they are separated by death. The purpose of marriage is mutual fellowship,support and comfort, and the procreation, (as the case may be) and nurture of children, and right direction of natural instinct and affections for personal fulfilment in a community of faithful love. The vows are made in the presence of God, families, friends as witnesses and of an authorized Minister. 2.29.4 The Church, having in many cultures and in contact with many different systems of law, has sought in its rites and Canons to uphold and maintain the Christian ideal. This standard and these rites and Canons pertain to the selection of marriage partners, preparations for marriage, the formation of a true marriage bond, the solemnization of marriage, the duties of family life, the reconciliation of alienated spouses, and to the dissolution of marriage and its consequences. 2.29.5 It shall be the duty of the clergy to prepare a couple for marriage, to have pastoral care of families, to encourage reconciliation of estranged spouses and to have pastoral care of those spouses whose family ties have been broken or interrupted by death,sickness,poverty, enforced absence,human weakness, or by wilful act. 2.29.6 The Laity as members of the Church shall, according to their general circumstances, share with the clergy the responsibility for upholding family life, in particular: (i) by their presence with friends, and neighbours at weddings to bear witness to their support of those who marry; (ii) to safeguard the legality of marriages by readiness to allege promptly any cause or just impediment which might make a proposed marriage unlawful; (iii) to promote and encourage the use of professional skills that serve family life; (iv) as spouses, to be faithful to their own marriage vows; (v) as parents, guardians, god parents, teachers, or other fully qualified persons,to guide children and young persons in preparation for family life; (vi) as neighbours, mutually to promote the welfare of families and to seek the reconciliation of any whose family is impaired or broken; (vii) as communicants, to seek the restoration to communion of any who have become alienated or are excommunicated; and (viii) as citizens, to work for the maintenance of just laws for the welfare of family life. 19 CANON 2:30 PREREQUISITE FOR MARRIAGE 2.30.1 It shall be the duty of the Priest, when application is made to him/her for marriage to be solemnized in the Church of which he/she is the Priest, at least 90 days before the day proposed for the wedding, to explain to the two persons who desire to be married the Church’s Doctrine of Marriage as herein set forth, and need of God’s grace in order that they may discharge their obligations as married persons. 2.30.2 Before solemnizing any marriage the Priest shall make inquiry and satisfy hiself/herself that there is no impediment of consanguinity, affinity, or status; reference being made to the Table of kindred and Affinity set forth in the Canons and that neither party to the intended marriage has been divorced from one who is living at the time. 2.30.3 Where it is the responsibility of the Priest to do so,he/she shall assure himself/herself that all prerequisites including notices, consents, and forms, as required by the civil have been given, obtained and completed. 2.30.4 The Priest shall also assure himeself/herself that the Banns of the persons to be married have been published as required by this Canon or in lieu of such publication, a license has been obtained from the proper authority. 2.30.5 Banns of marriage shall be published in the Church on three Sundays during Divine worship, after the accustomed manner, and in conformity with the requirements of civil law. 2.30.6 Where either or both of the parties are accustomed to worship in a Church or Churches other than their own Parish Church, the Banns may be called in the Church or Churches in which they worship, provided that the Civil law allows such procedure. 2.30.7 When the Banns are to be published, the Priest shall say, together with such additions as the civil law may require: “I PUBLISH THE BAN OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN (Name) of . . . . . . . . . and (Name) of . . . . . . . . . . If any of you knows of cause or just impediment, why these two should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are to declare it. This is the first (or second or third) time of asking.” 2.30.8 After the final call,their publication shall be recorded as required, and if the marriage is to be solemnized elsewhere the appropriate certificate shall be forwarded to the officiating Priest. CANON 2:31 CERTAIN IMPEDIMENT TO MARRIAGE 2.31.1 No person who is under 16 years of age shall marry, and all marriages purported to be made between persons one of whom is under 16 years of age are null and void. 2.31.2 No person shall marry within the degree expressed in the following Table and all marriages purported to be made within the said degrees are null and void. 20 A man may not marry his: A woman may not marry her: 1. Mother 2. Step-mother 3. Mother-in-law 4. Daughter 5. Son’s Daughter 6. Step-daughter 7. Sister 8. Grandmother 9. Wife’s grandmother 10. Wife’s grandmother 11. Grand-daughter 12. Wife’ grand-daughter 13. Grandson’s wife 14. Aunt 15. Niece 16. God mother 17. Mother by adoption 18. Adopted daughter 19. Sister by adoption 20. Close Clan’s woman 1. Father 2. Step-father 3. Father-in-law 4. Son 5. Step-son 6. Son-in-lw 7. Brother 8. Grandfather 9. Grandmother’s husband 10. Husband’s grandfather 11. Grandson 12. Husband’s grandson 13. Grand-daughter’s husband 14. Uncle 15. Nephew 16. God father 17. Father by adoption 18. Adopted son 19. Brother by adoption 20. Close Clan’s man 2.31.3 A minister shall not solemnize matrimony or allow matrimony to be solemnized in his/her Church except between two persons both of whom have been baptized. 2.31.4 In the case of a marriage proposed between unbaptized person, the solemnization of Holy Matrimony by the rites of the Church shall only take place after the baptism of the unbaptized intending partner. 2.31.5 No person who has formally renounced his membership of the Christian Church may have his marriage solemnized by a Priest of the Church of Uganda. 2.31.6 Where two baptized persons without other partners, who have been married under customary law or civil law wish to have their marriage blessed in the Church,they may apply to the Bishop for such a blessing and thereafter may be admitted to Holy Communion. 2.31.8 No person who has already been married whether by the rites of the Church of by civil process or in accordance with customary law, but whose marriage has been dissolved by secular authority shall be married by any priest of the Church of Uganda so long as the husband or wife to whom that person was previously married is still alive. 2.31.9 In cases in which a marriage which is valid in accordance with customary law but contrary to the provision of the Table in this Canon has been contracted by the two persons prior to their baptism, dispensation may be granted by the Bishop and permission given for such persons to be baptized and their marriage recognized. 2.31.10 The Church recognizes the fact that among certain communities there are customs that are more restrictive than the prohibition set out in the said Table. The Church, while not encouraging 21 individuals to marry contrary to such customs, affirms that all marriages contracted and performed in accordance with the provision of these Canons are valid. CANON 2:32 CONSENT TO MARRY 2.32.1 Consent to marry is not present where: (a) One of the parties is, at the time of contracting the marriage, incapable by reason of mental defect, mental illness or alcoholic intoxication, of understanding the nature and purpose of the ceremony; (b) One of the parties has been induced to consent by duress, by coercion or by fear; (c) One of the parties gives consent after having been abducted and before being set free; (d) One of the parties at the time of Covenant of Marriage was deceived by misrepresentation, concealment act of deception with respect to any matter which threatens life or adversely effect or endangers health or which is seriously detrimental to the establishment of the covenant, including among other things, misrepresentation; concealment or acts of other deception relating to: (i) Venereal Disease, AIDS; (ii) addiction to drug or alcohol; (iii) pregnancy, except as a result of intercourse with the marriage partner; (iv) violence, sadistic conduct, or other abnormal practices; (e) either party is incapable of consummating or unreasonably refuses to consummate the marriage by sexual intercourse. 2.32.2 Nothing contained in this Canon shall authorize the solemnization of a marriage known to the priest or by either of the parties to be invalid by civil law. 2.32.3 The officiating priest must obtain the consent of the incumbent of the parish in which the marriage is to be solemnized if he/she is not licensed to minister in that parish. CANON 2:33 DIVORCE AND THE MARRIAGE OF DIVORCED PERSONS 2.33.1 Since the Church regards marriage as a life long contract of loyalty between two persons, it can regard divorce only with disapproval and regret. 2.33.2 If the prior marriage is not questioned under this Canon, the application for permission to marry according to the rites of this Church may be made only when it has been dissolved or terminated by a civil court or by another act or event according to the law applicable thereto. 2.33.3 The parish priest shall investigate the application as thoroughly as possible and forw3ard it together with the report to the Bishop who shall convene the Bishop’s Court or Ecclesiastical Court that may have been established for the purpose. 22 2.33.4 The application shall be made in writing and signed by both applicants and shall contain the following information: (a) The full name and place of residence and religious affiliation, if any. of each applicant. (b) the date and place and solemnizing Pastor of any former marriages of each applicant with a person now living and the present marital status of the applicant and the ages of the parties immediately before such marriage.‘ (c) The full name, and the place of residence, of the other party to the ceremony,a t the time of the application. (d) Full particulars of any proceedings in any Court of Ecclesiastical Tribunal or Commission in which the validity of the marriage or purported marriage was questioned directly or indirectly and the results of such proceedings. (e) Full particulars of any proceedings in any Court or legislature, or of any other act or event by which the marriage was or is alleged to have been dissolved or terminated. (f) Whether there have been children of the marriage or purported marriage and, if so, the full name, age, place of residence and present marital status of each child now living. (g) If any child of the marriage or purported marriage is a minor or under any disability or otherwise dependent on one or both of the parties to the marriage or purported marriage, a statement showing who has the custody or is directly or indirectly responsible for the care and maintenance of the child and full details of present financial and other arrangements and future plans for the care, maintenance, education, and advancement of the child. (h) A statement showing what provision has been made by the applicant for the present and future maintenance of the former spouse, or purported spouse, or an explanation as to why there is no such provision; (i) Any other facts that would assist the Bishop or Commission. 2.33.5 The Parish Priest or other persons responsible for interviews and investigation shall attend to the question of Pastoral care of the former partners who are not applicants and ensure, where needed and possible, that Pastoral Care is provided from an appropriate source. CANON 2:34 PERMISSION TO REMARRY ACCORDING TO THE RITES OF THE CHURCH 2.34.1 Permission to remarry according to the rites of this Church, notwithstanding the marriage or marriages of either or both applicants to another person or persons now living, should be based on a reasonable belief that the applicants understand the nature of Christian marriage as stated in these Canons and intend to enter into such a marriage, and reasonable hope that they will continue in that relationship during their joint lives. Permission may be granted by the Diocesan Bishop0 to the applicants if he/she is satisfied that: 23 (a) any prior marriage in question has been validly dissolved or terminated in accordance with the law properly applicable thereto; (b) the applicant concerned tried in good faith before dissolution to effect reconciliation with the other party; (c) adequate provision has been made for a former spouse of a divorced applicant, according to the means and needs of he applicant and the needs of the former spouse; (d) proper provision has been made for the care, maintenance, education and advancement of minors, disabled or other dependent children of any prior marriage. (e) If the children of a prior marriage are to live with the applicants, there is a reasonable prospect that the family relationship will be satisfactory; (r) the applicants understand the Christian Doctrine of marriage as defined in this Canon, and intend to enter into such a marriage, and believe on reasonable grounds that they have the capacity to enter into and sustain the marriage during their joint lives. 2.34.2 Refusal of Permission (a) If permission is not granted, the Bishop shall, subject to subsection (c) of this section, dismiss the application, giving reasons in writing which shall be communicated to the applicants through the incumbent parish priest. (b) On being notified of the dismissal of the application, the applicants, may within 30 days after receipt of notice, apply in writing to the Commission for reconsideration of the application. On such reconsideration the applicants may appear personally before the Commission and submit further information and reasons why the application should be granted or may submit such information and reasons in writing. On such reconsideration, the Commission may grant the application or confirm its previous decision. If the Commission confirms its previous decision, it shall give reasons in writing which shall be communicated to the applicants through the incumbent priest. (c) If an application is dismissed and the decision is confirmed by the Commission and the Bishop, or if the applicants do not exercise their rights under subsection (b), the application may not be renewed before any Commission unless further information is provided. 2.34.3 Special Cases (a) If the Commission is satisfied that efforts towards reconciliation between the parties to a former marriage would have been ineffective as a result of the fault of either party or for any other reason, the requirement of Canon 2.34.1 (b), above may be dispensed with. (b) If either applicant has entered into two or more marriages have been dissolved, the Commission shall not grant permission unless special circumstances justifying permission are proved. (c) If the incumbent of a parish declines for reasons of conscience to solemnize a marriage pursuant to permission given under this Part, the said incumbent shall refer the applicants to another priest designated by the Bishop for investigation and report and permit that priest or another priest to solemnize the marriage in his or her Church. 24 CANON 2:35 MARRIAGE LICENSE AND PERMISSION OF MINISTER TO SOLEMNIZE 2.35.1 (a) Every priest who solemnizes a marriage must, where the civil authorities make such a requirement, hold a valid license or permit to officiate at marriage in the place. (b) The priest must also have the license or authority of the Bishop of the Diocese in which the marriage is to be solemnized. (c) The officiating priest must have obtained the consent of the incumbent of the Parish in which the marriage is to be solemnized if the officiating priest is not licensed to minister in that parish. (d) The discretion of a priest to decline to solemnize any particular marriage shall not be abrogated by this Canon. 2.35.2 The priest shall ensure that all the requirements of the civil law of the state have been met and shall ensure in particular that all requisite notice, medical certificates, and consents of parents, guardians, or other, have been respectively given, completed and obtained. 2.35.3 The couple intending to enter marriage shall make the following declaration: We, . . . . . . and . . . . . . , hereby declare that we entered into marriage which we acknowledge to be a union in faithful love, to the exclusion of all other on either side, for better or worse, until we are separated by death. We undertake to prepare ourselves for the exchange of vows at our wedding, recognizing that by this mutual exchange our union in marriage will be established. CANON 2:36 THE PLACE OF MARRIAGE Marriage shall be solemnized in the body of the Church except for sufficient cause, in the face of the congregation and of the friends and neighbours of those who come to be married. Every marriage shall be solemnized in the presence of at least five witnesses in addition to the officiating priest. CANON 2:37 THE ORDERING OF THE MARRIAGE SERVICE (a) When Holy Matrimony is to be solemnized in any Church, it shall be the duty of the Minister concerned to advise what music shall be played, what hymns or anthems shall be sung, or what furnishings or flowers shall be placed in or about the Church for the occasion, and whether, and to what extent, cameras, tape-recorders and other apparatus may be used within the Church during the actual solemnization of the marriage. (b) No priest shall be required, without his consent, to make his Church available for the solemnization of any marriage by another priest provided that if he/she shall refuse consent, the aggrieved parties may appeal to the Bishop whose decision shall be final. 25 (c) No priest who is not the Parish Priest in charge of the Church where it is intended that a marriage be solemnized shall officiate at such marriage unless he/she shall first obtain the permission of the Parish Priest. CANON 2:38 DISCIPLINE 2:38.1 No person who has married according to the secular law but who has a former wife still living or who is marriage according to that law to a person who has previously been married to a husband who is still living shall be admitted to Holy Orders or any office of the Lay Minister. 2.38.2 A baptized person who becomes a polygamist has hereby automatically deprived himself of the right and privileges of full membership of the Church. It shall be the duty of the Parish Priest concerned to report the facts to the Bishop who then upon the fact being established, shall issue a sentence of deprivation of the right and privileges of full membership and shall send a copy of the sentence to the person concerned and to the Parish Priest. The right and privileges of which a polygamist has deprived himself are: (i) Participation in Holy Communion; (ii) Standing as Sponsor in baptism; (iii) Office or membership of any parish council or any diocesan synod or Standing Committee; and (iv) Burial with the full rites of the Church. NOTE: 1. If the state of polygamy comes to an end, the Bishop, on application from the person concerned, may at his discretion restore such person to full membership in the Church. 2. A baptized member of the Church who marries a polygamist shall not be admitted as candidate for confirmation, and a communicant member who marries a polygamist shall be suspended from Holy Communion as long as such union exists. 3. Subject always to the provision of the last preceding paragraph of this Canon, the wives of a polygamist shall not solely, on account of her marital status, be refused admission to Holy Communion. CANON 2:39 THE BLESSING OF A MARRIAGE AS CIVIL MARRIAGE If any persons have contracted marriage before the civil Registrar under the provisions of the Statute law, and shall afterwards desire to have their marriage blessed according to the right from time to time in force in the Province, the priest of the parish or other area where in such persons dwell or where the name of one of them is entered on the Church Electoral Roll, may if he sees fit, perform the said rite in any Church or any other place authorized by the Bishop within his 26 cure, without the publication of Banns or any license or certificate, provided that the priest is duly satisfied that there is no canonical impediment to the marriage of the parties. No such ceremony of blessing shall be entered by the Priest in the Register Books of Marriage provided by the Registrar General, but it shall be duly noted in the Registrar of Services and on the reverse of the certificate of Marriage issued by Civil authority. REGULATIONS 1. (a) There shall be a Bishop’s court (hereafter called the Bishop’s Court) for the purpose of issuing judgements relating to cases of nullity of Marriage and the granting or withholding, as the case may be, of permission for the solemnization of matrimony in the case of a person whose marriage or marriages has or have been declared null and void by a Civil Court. (b) The Bishop’s Court shall consist of the Bishop and of such members, not being less than two (2), as the Bishop shall in the circumstances of the case consider it desirable to appoint. (c) The decision of the Bishop’s Court shall be that of the majority of the members thereof either sitting or obtained by the Bishop by correspondence with all the members. 2. The members shall consist of: (a) the Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry in which one or other of the parties resides or if there be no Archdeacon, a Senior priest of the Diocese appointed by the Bishop. (b) the Chancellor or Registrar of the Diocese or if there be none, some other Communicant Christian learned in the law. (c) such other Communicant Christians not exceeding two (2) in number as the Bishop shall in his discretion appoint. 3. No case shall be considered until a period of six (6) calendar months shall have elapsed from the date of which the decree of the Civil Court became final. 4. Application shall be made to the Bishop not less than three (3) calendar months before the date of the contemplated marriage. 5. Before a favourable judgment is rendered, the Bishop and a majority of members shall be satisfied: (a) that the applicants comply with the prior provision of this Canon; (b) that no facts exist which could make the proposed marriage bigamous; (c) that both parties do intend to have a Christian marriage; (d) that in the case of Nullity of Marriage, one or more of the facts set forth i the Schedule to this paragraph of this Canon are shown to have existed in the previous relationship of the man or woman whose marriage has been declared null and void which manifestly establish that no marriage bond such as is recognized by the Church exists; or (e) that in the case of divorced persons there has, during the course of the marriage which has been dissolved, taken place any act or series of acts of such nature as to nullify the essence of marriage as defined in Canon of these Canons and that consequent upon that such act or degree of divorce granted thereupon has been granted by the Civil Court. 27 6. No such judgement shall be construed as reflecting in any way upon the legitimacy of the children or the civil validity of the former relationship in case of marriage terminated by a Decree of Divorce. 7. Every judgement rendered under the provisions of the preceding sub-paragraph shall be in writing, and copies thereof shall be lodged in both the Diocesan Registry and the Provincial Registry. 8. In the case of Nullity of Marriage, a person in whose favour a judgement has been granted under the foregoing provisions of these Regulations may have his marriage blessed by a Priest of the Diocese in which the judgement is given. If the marriage is to be blessed in a Diocese other than that which is given, the said judgement just have been previously submitted and approved by the Bishop of that Diocese. 9. In the case of a Decree of Divorce, a person in whose favour a judgement has been granted under the foregoing provisions of these Regulations may not be married by any Priest of the Province in any Church in the Province but if called upon to do so, the Parish priest concerned may, with the permission of the Bishop of his Diocese, hold prayers with the couple who have made a civil marriage and call down the blessing of God upon their union using such form of service as may from time to time be approved by the Bishop. 10. The Church recognizes as valid grounds for the granting of Decree of Nullity by a Civil Court any one of the following conditions: (a) Where either party was permanently impotent, or incapable of consummating the marriage, at the time of the marriage; or (b) where there has been wilful refusal on the part of one party to consummate the marriage; (c) where the parties are within the prohibited degree of consanguinity (whether natural or legal) or affinity; or (d) where either party at the time of the marriage was of unsound mind or subject to recurrent fits or insanity; or (e) where the former husband or wife of either party is living at the time of the marriage, ad the marriage (including a marriage under customary law recognized as valid by the law of the country in which the same took place) with such previous husband or wife was then in force; or (f) where there was defective form in the marriage itself, that is to say, if both parties had knowingly and wilfully acquired in its celebrations: (i) In any place other than the office of a Registrar of marriage of licensed place of worship or other place specifically or generally authorized by law for the solemnization of marriage; or (ii) Under false names; or (iii) by a person, not being a Priest or religious lawfully authorized in that behalf to officiate in the place where the marriage was solemnized or a registrar of marriages;or (iv) without the Registrar’s Certificate of Notice or Special License duly issued in the case of marriages celebrated under the African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act, without publication of Banns in the manner provided for by the rubric prefixed to the office of Matrimony in the Book of Common Prayer; or (v) in the case of a marriage outside Uganda without such public notice as is required by the law of the country where it took place. 28 SECTION 3:0 MINISTERS, THEIR RECRUITMENT, PREPARATION, ORDINATION, OFFICE AND PRACTICE CANON 3:1 HOLY ORDERS IN THE CHURCH OF UGANDA 1. The Church of Uganda affirms what Anglicanism has always upheld, namely the normality of the threefold pastoral ministry of the Bishop, Priest and Deacon. No person shall be admitted to the office of Bishop, Priest or Deacon in theChurch of Uganda, or allowed to execute any of the said offices, except he/she be called, tried, examined,, and admitted thereunto according to the ordinal or any form of service alternative thereto approved by the Provincial Assembly under Canon or has formerly had episcopal consecration or ordination in some Church whose orders are recognized and accepted by the Church of Uganda. 2. No person who has been admitted to the order of Bishop, Priest, or Deacon can ever been divested of the character of his/ehr order, but a Bishop, Priest or Deacon may either by legal process voluntarily relinquish the exercise of his/her orders and resort to his/her previous status as a layman/laywoman, or may by legal and canonical process be deprived of the service of his/ehr order or deposed finally therefrom. 3. Any Clergy who has received authority to be a Priest or Deacon in any Diocese owe Canonical Obedience in all things lawful and honest to the Bishop of the same, and the Bishop of each Diocese owes canonical obedience in all things lawful and honest to the Archbishop of the Province. CANON 3:2 DIOCESAN COMMISSION ON MINISTRY 3.2.1 There shall be in every diocese, a Commission on Ministry composed of clergy and laity. 3.2.2 The Commission on Ministry shall assist the Bishop in matters relating to the selection, examination, interviewing and screening of applicants for admission as candidates for the ordained ministry and for ordination to the order of Deacon and priesthood. 3.2.3 The Commission shall assist and advise the Bishop in determining the requirements for the present and future ministry in the Diocese, and with regard to the manner of selection of persons for ministry and guidance of all postulants and candidates for Holy Orders. CANON 3:3 POSTULANTS FOR HOLY ORDERS 3.3.1 Every person desiring to be admitted a Postulant for Holy Orders shall consult his/her Pastor of the Parish where he/she has been a resident for 3 years, who will assist in determining whether the applicant has all necessary physical, intellectual, moral, emotional and spiritual qualifications. 3.3.2 On the advice and recommendation of the Pastor, the applicant may apply to the Bishop of his Diocese supplying the following information: (i) His full name, date of birth and marital status 29 (ii) The length of time he has been resident in the Diocese (iii) When, and by whom, he was baptized (iv) When, and by whom, he was confirmed (v) On what grounds he is moved to seek the Holy Orders (vi) The level of education which he has attained with degrees earned, if any, and areas of specialization. 3.3.3 When the Bishop is satisfied, he/she shall send the application to the Commission on Ministry, who will review the application, and prepare recommendation. 3.3.4 A certificate from the Parish Priest and Parish Council of which the applicant is resident and communicant, indicating the suitability of the applicant to be admitted as Ordinand for Holy Orders, shall be signed by both the Parish Priest and Secretary of the Parish Council. 3.3.5 (a) When the applicant has been admitted by the Bishop as a Postulant and wants to do theological studies leading to the aware of a degree, he/she must lay before the Bishop and the Commission on Ministry satisfactory evidence that he/she is a holder of an accredited degree together with academic transcript or that he?she is a holder of an accredited Diploma, or that he is the holder of A-level certificate with 2 Principal Passes. (b) If the candidate is not a graduate, or holds a Diploma or has 1A’ level Certificate and he/she is over 25 years and has shown such proficiency in his/her occupation or profession as gives promise of usefulness in the ministry, he/she shall be examined in (i) English Grammar and composition, (ii) History and (iii) Mathematics. (c) The applicant must satisfy the Bishop and the Commission on Ministry that he possesses the intellectual ability and competence to enable him to pursue a theological course preparatory to the work of the ministry. CANON 3:4 CANDIDATES FOR HOLY ORDERS 1. A candidate for Holy Orders shall be enrolled in a theological College or in some other programme of preparation for the Ordained ministry approved by the Bishop and the Commission on Ministry for at least 3 years, and received the evaluation and recommendation of the College of his/ehr personal qualification for the ordained ministry. 2. No Bishop shall consider accepting as a candidate any person who has been refused admission as a candidate for Holy Orders in any other Diocese. 3. A candidate must remain in Canonical connection with his/her sponsoring Diocese. 4. An annual report which contains an evaluation both of his/her academic standing and his/her personal spiritual qualifications to exercise the office of the Ordained ministry. shall be given to the Bishop and the candidate. 30 5. Every candidate for Holy Orders shall communicate with the Bishop or Diocesan authorities, personally or by letter, four times a year, in the ember weeks, reflecting on his/her academic experience and his/her personal and spiritual development. 6. Every candidate for Holy Orders must before Ordination to the Deaconate, pass examinations set by the Board of Examination Chaplains, in the following subject matters; (i) The Holy Scripture (ii) Church History (iii) Christian Ethics, and moral Theology (iv) Christian Theology (v) Studies in contemporary society (vi) Liturgies; Christian worship, and contents and use of the Book of Common Prayer. (vii) Theory and Practice of Ministry: (a) The office and work of Deacon (b) The conduct of public worship 7. If the candidate for the Holy Orders is from other Christian churches, he/she shall also be examined in writing on those points of Doctrine, Discipline, Policy and worship. 8. Before a Deacon is ordered to Priesthood, the Commission on ministry shall satisfy themselves that the candidate is qualified in the subject-matter set forth in this Canon. 9. Examination at any theological institution shall not supersede any Canonical Examination, nor shall any certificate of graduation or Diploma be sufficient ground for dispensing with any part of the Canonical examination, except as provided in this Canon. CANON 3:6 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS 1. No person shall be consecrated Bishop unless he/she has attained 45 years of age and is holder of a Bachelors degree in theology or a first degree in any other field with an additional qualification in theology. 2. No person shall be consecrated to the office of Bishop by fewer than three Bishops present together and joining in the act of consecration, of whom one shall be the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda or a Bishop appointed to act on his behalf. 3. The consecration of a Bishop shall take place upon a Sunday or Holy Day, unless the Archbishop for urgent and weighty cause, shall appoint some other day. CANON 3:7 THE ORDINATION OF PRIESTS AND DEACONS 1. Ordination of Priests and Deacons shall be in the Cathedral Church of the Diocese, or other Church or Chapel at the discretion of the Bishop. 31 2. One of the Archdeacons or other Priest in his/her stead, shall present to the Bishop every person who is to be ordained. 3. The Priests taking part in an ordination service shall together with the Bishop lay their hands upon the head of every person who receives the order of priesthood. 4. No person shall be made Deacon, except he/she be at least 25 years of age. 5. No person shall be ordained both Deacon and Priest upon one and the same day. 6. If a Deacon has been found faithful and diligent, and has satisfied the Bishop that he/she is sufficiently versed in the things belonging to the ministry, he/she may be admitted by the Bishop to the Order of Priesthood at the Ember seasons, or any Sunday or Holy Day, in the manner and form prescribed in the Ordinal. 7. If any great crime or impediment be alleged in respect of any candidate for ordination, the Bishop shall refrain from ordering that person, until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of that crime. CANON 3:8 THE QUALITY OF SUCH AS TO BE ORDAINED DEACONS OR PRIESTS 1. Every Bishop shall take care that he/she admit unto Holy Orders only such as he knows either by himself/herself, or by sufficient testimony, to have been baptized and confirmed, to be sufficiently instructed in Holy Scripture, and in the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of the Church of Uganda, and to be of virtuous conversation and good repute and such as to be a wholesome example to the flock of Christ. 2. No person shall be admitted unto Holy Orders who shall not have had at least 3 years training in Holy Scripture, Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Church of Uganda. 3. No person shall be admitted unto Holy Orders who is suffering or who has suffered form any physical or mental infirmity which in the opinion of the Bishop will prevent him/her from ministering the word and Sacraments or performing the other duties of the Priestly office. 4. No person shall be refused ordination as a Deacon or Priest on the ground that he/she was born out of a lawful wedlock. CANON 3: PRIESTS EXERCISING THEIR MINISTRY 1. No Priest shall exercise his/her ministry until the Bishop of a Diocese confers such authority either by instituting him/her to a benefice or by admitting him/her to serve within his/her Diocese under his/her hand and seal, or by giving him/her written permission to officiate within the same. 2. No Minister who has authority to exercise his/her ministry in any Diocese shall do so in any place in which he/she has not the cure of souls without permission of the minister having such cure, except at the homes of persons whose names are entered on the electoral roll of the Parish which he/she serves, or in a University, College, School, hospital, or public or charitable institution in which he/she is licensed to officiate. 32 3. No Minister who has been ordained prist or deacon by a Bishop in a Church overseas or within the country not in communion with the Church of Uganda shall exercise his/her ministry in the Church of Uganda without the permission of the Archbishop of the Province and without fulfilling all their requirements in accordance with Canon 3.3. CANON 3:10 ADMISSION AND INSTITUTION 1. No person shall be admitted or instituted to any benefice before such time as he/she shall have been ordained priest by episcopal ordination in accordance with the provision of Canon 3.1. 2. No Bishop shall admit or institute to a benefice any Priest who has been ordained by any other Bishop, except such prist first shows unto him the letter of Orders of other sufficient testimony, if the Bishop shall require it, of his/her former good life and behaviour and lastly, shall appear on due examination to be of sufficient learning. 3. The Bishop, when he gives institution, shall read the words of institution from a written instrument having the episcopal seal appended thereto; and during the reading thereof the Priest who is to be instituted shall kneel before the Bishop holding the seal in his hand. 4. If the Bishop for some grave and urgent cause is unable to give institution himself/herself, he/she shall delegate power to some commissary in Holy Orders to give the same on his/her behalf. CANON 3:11 INDUCTION 1. The Bishop, after giving institution to any Priest, shall issue directions for induction to the Archdeacons or other person to whom induction belongs, who shall thereupon induct the said Priest into possession of the temporalities of the benefice. 2. The Archdeacon or other such person, when he/she makes induction, shall take the priest who is to be inducted by the hand and lay it on the key or upon the ring of the Church door, or if the key cannot be had and there is no ring, on the wall of the Church, at the same time reading the words of induction after which the priest who has been inducted shall sound the drum to make his/her induction public and known to the people. 3. The Bishop, when he/she gives institution shall read the words of institution from a written instrument having the episcopal seal appended thereto; and during the reading thereof the Priest who is to be instituted shall kneel before the Bishop holding the seal in his/her hand. 4. If the Bishop for some grave and urgent cause is unable to give institution himself/herself, he/she shall delegate power to some commissary in Holy Orders to give the same on his/her behalf. CANON 3:12 THE LICENSING OF MINISTERS UNDER SEAL 1. A license, granted by the Bishop under his/her hand and seal to any minister to serve within his Diocese, shall be in the form either: 33 (a) of a general license to preach or otherwise to minister subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Canon 3.10 in any Parish. (b) of a license to perform some particular office, and a license granted to an assistant curate may be in a form which specifies the term of years for which the license shall have effect. 2. No Bishop shall grant any such license to any minister who has come from another Diocese, except such minister first shows him/ehr letters of Orders or other sufficient evidence that he/she is ordained, and bring him/her testimony from the Bishop of the Diocese where he/she has come, of his/her honesty, ability and conformity to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Church of Uganda. 3. The Bishop of a Diocese may by notice in writing revoke summarily and without further process, any license granted to any Priest within his/her Diocese for any cause which appears to him/her to be good and reasonable after having given the minister sufficient opportunity of showing to the contrary; and the notice shall notify the minister that he/she may, within 30 days of the date on which he/she receives the notice, appeal to the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda. On such an appeal, the Archbishop may either hear the appeal himself/herself or appoint a person holding the office of Diocesan Bishop or Suffragan Bishop in the Province (otherwise than in the Diocese concerned) to hear the appeal; in his/her place and after receiving a report in writing from that Bishop, the Archbishop may confirm, vary or cancel the revocation of the license as he/she considers just and proper; and there shall be no appeal from the decision of the Archbishop. CANON 3:13 THE OATH OF OBEDIENCE 1. Every person whose election to any bishopric is to be confirmed, or who is to be consecrated bishop or translated to any bishopric, shall first take the oath of Canonical Obedience to the Archbishop and metropolitical of the Church of the Province of Uganda wherein he/she is to exercise the episcopal office in the form and manner prescribed in the Ordinal. 2. Every person who is to be ordained priest or deacon, or instituted to any benefice, or license either to any lectureship, preachership, or to serve in any position, shall first take the oath of Canonical Obedience to the Bishop of the Diocese by whom he/she is to be ordained, instituted, or licensed, in the presence of the said Bishop or his/her commissary which shall be in the following form: (a) For a Bishop THE OATH I N, . . . . . . . . . , swear by Almighty God that I will pay true and Canonical obedience to the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda in all things lawful and honest. So help me God. THE DECLARATION I N, . . . . . . . . . , declare that I will be bound by the Constitution of the Church of the Province of Uganda and any amendments or additions to the said constitution as may be accepted by the lawful authority. 34 THE UNDERTAKING I N, . . . . . . . . . , Undertake to offer my resignation of the Service of . . . . . . . . . to the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda if requested to do so by a two thirds (2./3) majority of the Diocesan Bishops. (b) For Clergy I N, . . . . . . . . . , do swear by Almighty God that I will pay true and Canonical obedience to the Bishop of . . . . . . . . . and his/her successors in all things lawful and honest; so help me God. CANON 3:14 DIOCESAN BISHOPS 1. Every Bishop is the Chief Priest of all that are within his Diocese. Laity as well as the Clergy, and their Father/Mother in od. It appertains to his/her office to teach and to uphold sound and wholesome doctrine, and to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange opinions; and, himself/hserself an example of righteous and godly living, it is his/her duty to set forward and maintain quietness, love, and peace among all men and women. 2. Every Bishop has within his/her Diocese jurisdiction a Ordinary except in place and over persons exempt by law and custom. 3. Every Bishop is, within his/her Diocese, the Principal minister, and to him/her belongs the right save in places and over persons exempt by law or custom, of celebrating the rites of Ordination and Confirmation and Conducting, Ordering, Controlling, and authorizing all services in Churches, Chapels, church yards and consecrated burial grounds; of granting license for all alterations, additions, removals, or repairs to the walls, fabric, ornaments, or furniture of the same; of consecrating new Churches, Church yards, and burial grounds, of instituting to all vacant ecclesiastical offices; of holding visitation at times limited by law or custom to the end that he/she may get some good knowledge of the state, sufficiency, and ability of the Clergy and other persons whom he/she is to visit; of being president of the Diocesan Synod. 4. Every Bishop shall reside within his/her Diocese. CANON 3:15 BISHOPS SUFFRAGAN 1. Every Bishop Suffragan shall use, have, or execute only such jurisdiction or episcopal power or authority in the Diocese as shall be licensed or delegated or assigned to him/her to use, have, or execute by the Bishop of the same. 2. Every Bishop Suffragan shall reside within the Diocese of the Bishop to whom he/whe shall be suffragan, except where he/she have a license from that Bishop to reside elsewhere. 35 CANON 3:16 DEANS OR PROVOSTS AND CANONS 1. No person shall be eligible to receive appointment as Dean, Provost or Canon until he/she has completed ten years of service as a Priest case of a Canon attached to any professorship, headship, or other office in any University. 2. The Dean or Provost of every Cathedral and the Canons of the same, shall take care that the statutes and all customs of their Church, the statutes of this realm concerning ecclesiastical order, and such as shall e enjoined by the Bishop of the Diocese in his visitation, according to the statutes and customs of the same Church, and ecclesiastical laws of the realm, shall be diligently observed. CANON 3:17 ARCHDEACONS 1. No person shall be eligible to receive appointment of Archdeacon until he/she has been 10 years complete in Priests’ Orders. 2. Every Archdeacon shall within his Archdeaconry carry out his duties under the Bishop and shall assist the Bishop in his pastoral care and office and particularly he/she shall see that all such as hold any ecclesiastical office within the same perform their duties with diligence, and shall bring to the Bishop’s attention what calls for correction or merits precision. 3. Every Archdeacon shall within his/her Archdeaconry hold yearly visitations; he shall also survey in person or by deputy all Churches, Chancels, and Church yards and give direction for the amendments of all defects in the walls, fabric, ornaments, and furniture of the same; he shall also, on receiving the directions of the Bishop, indict any priest ho has been instituted to a parish. CANON 3:18 PARISH PRIEST 1. Every Priest who is in charge of a Parish, unless prevented by sickness or other urgent cause, is to say daily the morning and evening prayer wither privately, or openly in the Church. In the latter case, it is desirable that the drum should be sounded in order that the people may come to take part in the Service, or at least may lift up their hearts to God in the midst of their occupations. 2. Every Priest who is in charge of a Parish, shall celebrate, or cause to be celebrated, the Holy Communion on all Sundays and on Ash Wednesday, and shall diligently administer the Sacraments and other rites of the Church. 3. The Priest shall have charge and be responsible for the Services including the musical part thereof, and of the organ, or drums or other musical instruments, as also the fixing of the hour of Service, the sound of drum, and such like matters. 4. The Parish Priest and the Church Wardens shall act jointly in matters concerning the use of the Church Buildings and grounds and neither shall act without the approval of the other. 36 5. The Parish Priest shall be Chairperson and Ex-official member of all meetings of the Parochial Council and other committees. 6. He/she shall summon regularly the meetings of the Councils of each congregation in his/her parish, and may call special meetings whenever he/she thinks it necessary. It shall be his/her duty to call a special meeting when requested in writing to do so by the Church Wardens or by at least 6 of the members of such Council. 7. He/she shall present a report to the Parish Council on the state of the Church in the Parish, and such other matter as he/she considers advisable. 8. He/she shall give necessary assistance to the Church Wardens in compiling the statistical returns to the Diocese as may be required from them. 9. The Parish Priest shall be primarily responsible for the work of Religious Education in his/her parish, for its initiation, character, organization, and control. The superintendent of the Sunday School, and all other officers shall act under his/her direction. He/she shall have supervision of all organizations having as their purpose the care or adornment of the sanctuary, the Chancel, or other portions of the Church buildings; also of organizations for devotional, social or athletic purposes, carried on in the name of the Church or upon its property. 10. He/she shall prepare and forward to the Diocesan office: (a) The Certificate of election of Lay Members of Synod and the names and addresses of the Church Wardens for the current year. (b) Statistical returns regarding the congregation or congregations, the services of the Church, the Sunday School, all other organizations as required by the Synod. 11. He/she shall place before the congregation or congregations the special appeals for contributions ordered by the Synod. 12. By failure to comply with one or more of the provisions of sections 10 and 11 above, a Parish Priest shall forfeit his/her right to sit in the session or sessions of the Synod and to election or appointment as a member of any Committee of the Synod for that year. 13. The Parish Priest shall keep proper records in books provided by the Church Wardens of all Services of Holy Communion, and of Morning and Evening Prayer, and shall keep an accurate record of Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriage and Burials. 14. (a) He/she shall not be absent from the charge or duties to which he/she is licensed for longer than one month in any year, unless he/she has obtained leave of Absence in writing from the Bishop. (b) No leave of absence shall be granted for longer than two years. 15. Every Parish Priest shall preach, or cause to be preached a Sermon in his/her church at least once every Sunday. 16. He/she shall carefully prepare, or cause to prepare, all such as desire to be confirmed and if satisfied of their fitness, shall present them to the Bishop for confirmation. 37 17. He/she shall be diligent in visiting his/her parishioners, particularly those who are sick and infirm and shall provide opportunities whereby any of his/her parishioners may resort unto him/her for spiritual counsel and advice. 18. He/she and the parochial Church Council shall consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish. 19. Any Priest or Deacon under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Diocese who desires to remove from the Diocese, shall apply to the Bishop for LETTERS BENE DECESSIT. 20. If the applicant is of good standing in the Diocese, the Bishop shall grant the said application, but in case of refusal, he/she shall assign his/her reasons for such refusal in writing delivered to the applicant. CANON 3:19 THE RESIDENCE OF PRIESTS IN THEIR PARISH 1. Every Priest shall have a suitable house of residence provided for by the parish. 2. He/she shall not be absent from his/her parish, or from the house of residence, for more than three months, except he/she has a license to be absent, granted by the Bishop of the Diocese. 3. If the Parish has no house, or no fit house of residence, the Parish Priest may be licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese to reside in some fit and convenient house, although not belonging to that Parish, provided that such house is within three miles of the Church of the Parish, or if the house be in any town or city, should be within to miles. CANON 3:20 THE OCCUPATIONS OF MINISTERS 1. No minister holding ecclesiastical office shall engage in trade or any occupation in such manner as to affect the performance of the duties of his/her office. CANON 3:21 SALARY OF PARISH PRIEST 1. The amount of the salary to be paid to the Parish Priest shall be arranged by the Bishop and the Church wardens, and Lay members of Synod who are members of the congregation or congregations of the Parish at a Conference, at, or prior to, the time of appointment. The sources from which the salary is to be derived, and the various amounts. 2. Before making an appointment to a parish the Bishop shall secure evidence satisfactory to himself that such parish is able and willing to provide the necessary salary, in addition to meeting other regular financial obligations. 3. The Parish shall pay the Priest’s expenses of fuel, water, electricity if any and telephone services. 4. The Parish shall supply a house or pay a reasonable rental allowance in lieu thereof. 5. The Parish shall pay the Parish Priest reasonable traveling allowances which shall not be considered part of his/her salary. 38 CANON 3:22 ARCHDEACONRIES 1. The Church of the Province of Uganda recognizes the Bishop’s right in consultation with the Diocesan Council to: (a) Create Archdeaconries and alter or adjust their boundaries. CANON 3:23 PARISH 1. The Church of the Province of Uganda recognizes that a Parish is a basic unit of the Church and of the Diocese; before a congregation is established into a Parish Church the following must be put in place: (a) A congregation of at least 250 mature and committed Christians. (b) The financial stand of the congregation for at least the previous 3 years right to show that it can support the financial needs of the Priest, a lay reader, programmes and the assessment of the Diocese. (c) Evidence showing that the members of the Church are endeavoring to establish a reliable means of income that can sustain the financial needs of the Parish. (d) The church should have enough land for its development. (e) The area should have reasonable Church building for worship. (f) They should have a good residential house for the Priest. (g) A house for the lay reader. (h) Evidence showing that the financial status of the rest of the Parish from which the new one is being carved/created is sound and that it is capable of sustaining its programmes. (i) The decision must be supported by two thirds members of the Church Council at a duly convened meeting of the Council. (j) The decision must be supported by both the Planning Board and the Diocesan Standing Committees. 2. Dissolving a Parish A Parish may be dissolved on the following grounds: (a) When the Parish Church can no longer pay the Priest’s salary, nor meet the costs of running the Parish activities. (b) such Churches (congregations) within the dissolved Parish can be merged back to the original Parishes as deemed necessary by the Bishop. (c) Churches may, in agreement with their Archdeacon, choose to which Parishes they can be merged. 39 CANON 3:24 RELINQUISHING OR ABANDONMENT OF THE MINISTRY 1. Relinquishment (a) Any Priest or Deacon wishing to relinquish the exercise of the ordained ministry may so declare in writing according to the form prescribed in Schedule A. The form of relinquishment duly signed and witnessed, shall be delivered to the Bishop of the Dioceses in which the Priest or Deacon is registered. (b) The Bishop, having consulted personally, where possible, with the priest or deacon shall communicate in writing to the person so declaring, acceptance of the relinquishment. (c) The Bishop shall give notice of the relinquishment to the Archbishop and all diocesan Bishops of the Church of Uganda according to the form prescribed in Schedule B. (d) Relinquishment of the exercise of the ordained ministry removes from the priest or deacon the right to exercise that office, including spiritual authority as a minister of the word and Sacraments conferred in ordination. Any license held for which it is an indispensable qualification for such person to have such ministry shall thenceforth become null and void. 2. Abandonment (a) Any Priest or deacon, who has not relinquished the exercise of the ordained ministry and has: (i) abandoned the Church of Uganda either by public renunciation of its doctrine or discipline, or by formal admission to another religious body, or in any other manner. (ii) abandoned the practice of the ordained ministry of word and sacraments for a period of two years, unless prevented from doing so by illness or other reasonable cause including retirement, shall be presumed to have abandoned the exercise of the ordained ministry. Notice to this effect shall be sent to the priest or deacon, co-signed by the Bishop and the Diocesan Chancellor. (b) (i) IT shall be the right of the priest or deacon to submit to the Bishop within six months either: (1) a statutory declaration that the facts alleged in the notice are untrue, or (2) a retraction of the acts and declarations which constitute a renunciation of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of Uganda, or which led to admission into another religious body or other act of abandonment, or (ii) The Bishop shall then make due enquiry into the matter. If he/she is of the opinion that the circumstances set forth in the notice are true, or that the retraction or undertaking, if any, is unacceptable. The Bishop shall confirm in writing that the priest or deacon has abandoned the exercise of the ministry. If the Bishop is of the opinion that the circumstances set forth in the notice are not true, or if the retraction or undertaking is acceptable, then the notice of abandonment shall be revoked in writing. (1) Should the priest or deacon not oppose the notice in writing within six months from the date thereof, the Bishop shall then affirm that the priest or deacon has abandoned the exercise of the ordained ministry and notify the person in writing of this decision. 40 (2) The Bishop’s affirmation of abandonment of the exercise of ordained ministry removes from the priest or deacon the right to exercise the office, including the spiritual authority as minister of Word and Sacraments conferred in ordination. Any license held for which it is an indispensable qualification for him or her to have such a ministry shall be null and void. (3) The Bishop shall give notice of the abandonment of the exercise of the ordained ministry to the Archbishop and Diocesan Bishops of the Church of Uganda according to the form prescribed in Schedule D. (4) On application of the priest or deacon the Bishop or his/her successor in the See may restore such priest or deacon to the exercise of the ordained ministry. Notice thereof shall be communicated to all the Archbishop and Diocesan Bishops of the Church of Uganda. (5) A Priest or deacon may appeal an affirmation of abandonment of the exercise of the ordained ministry or a refusal of reinstatement to the Archbishop. The Archbishop shall attempt to mediate between the parties, and if unsuccessful in resolving the matter, shall refer the request to the Provincial Court. If the Bishop affirming the abandonment of the ordained ministry shall be the Archbishop, the appeal shall be made to the Dean of the Province. 3. Bishops (a) The Provisions of parts 1 and 2 of this Canon shall also apply to Bishops of the Church of Uganda. In such cases the Archbishop shall perform the functions assigned by these sections to the Bishop in the case of members of the clergy. In the case of the Archbishop, the Dean of the Province shall perform the functions assigned by these sections to the Bishop in the case of members of the clergy. (b) The right of appeal defined in section 2 (e) of this Canon shall lie in the case of a Bishop with the Provincial Court of appeal. SCHEDULE A: Relinquishing of the Exercise of the Ministry I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . having been admitted to the office of Bishop/Priest,Deacon of the Church of the Province of Uganda, have voluntarily relinquished the exercise of that ministry according to the terms of Canon 3.23 of the Provincial Assembly of the Church of the Province of Uganda. Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SCHEDULE B: Notice of Relinquishment of the exercise of the Ministry This is a notification that the . . . . . . . . . . . . having been admitted to the office of Bishop/Priest,Deacon in the Church of the Province of Uganda, has voluntarily relinquished the exercise of that ministry according to the terms of Canon 3.23 of the Provincial Assembly of the Church of the Province of Uganda. The date from which this relinquishment is effective is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCHEDULE C: Notice of Presumption of Abandonment of the Exercise of the Ministry To the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is to advise that under the terms of Canon 3.23 of the Provincial Assemblyof the Church of the Province of Uganda you are presumed to have abandoned the exercise of the ministry to which you were ordained. This notice is based on the following facts: Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bishop of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chancellor SCHEDULE D: Notice of Abandonment of the Exercise of the Ministry This is a notification that the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . having been admitted to the office of Bishop/Priest/Deacon in the Church of the Province of Uganda, has abandoned the exercise of that ministry according to the terms of Canon 3.23 of the Provincial Assembly of the Church of the Province of Uganda. Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CANON 3:25 TRIBUNALS OF THE CHURCH (a) There shall be established provincial Diocesan Tribunals. (b) The Provincial Tribunal shall consist of the Archbishop as the President, and all the Diocesan Bishops of the Church of Uganda. (c) f the Archbishop is absent or unable to attend any meeting of the Tribunal or is a party of a subject of disciplinary proceedings, the Dean of the Province shall act as President. (d) The Provincial Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine disciplinary proceedings against any Bishop of the Province in respect of all cases concerning the application of Church laws, the organization and administration of the Province, the preservation of the doctrine and the order of worship affecting the Province. (e) Both the Provincial and Diocesan Tribunals shall take decisions by a majority vote, and two-thirds of the total membership of each Tribunal shall constitute a quorum. (f) The Diocesan Tribunal shall consist of the Diocesan Chancellor, as president, and eight other members elected by the diocesan synod of whom four shall be senior priests and four shall be senior lay people. (g) Subject to the provisions of the constitution and this Canon the jurisdiction of the Diocesan Tribunals shall be limited to hearing and determining disciplinary and other cases or proceedings against clergy within the diocese and such litigations as affect the internal interest of the Diocese. (h) Appeals shall lie from the Diocesan Tribunals to the Appeal Tribunal established under paragraph (i) of this Canon. (i) There shall be a Provincial Appeal Tribunal which shall consist of the Chancellor, as President, three Diocesan Bishops unconnected with the case before the Tribunal elected by the House of Bishops, two clergy elected by the House of Clergy, and two lay people elected by the House of Laity. (j) No appeal shall lie from the Provincial Tribunal to the Provincial Appeals Tribunal. (k) The quorum of the Provincial Appeal Tribunal shall be two-thirds of the total membership. (l) There shall be a vice-president of the Provincial Appeal Tribunal who shall be the vice chancellor of the Province. (m) There shall be no appeals, other than appeals on the interpretation of doctrines in article 2 of the Provincial constitution, on any grounds whatsoever from the Provincial Appeals Tribunal to any other Tribunal body or authority.0 (n) The Provincial Appeals Tribunal may make such regulations as may be necessary for the conduct of its proceedings. 43 CANON 3:26 ECCLESIASTICAL DISCIPLINE - GENERAL Any Bishop, Priest or Deacon of the Province against whom a charge shall be brought shall be tried in accordance with the provision of this Canon. (a) The following are the charges or accusations on which any Bishop, Priest or Deacon in the Province may be presented for trial: (i) Any offence which has led to conclusive conviction in a Court of law in Uganda and is considered serious by the Archbishop or the Diocesan Bishop, as the case may be; (i) Conduct giving just cause for scandal or offence; (iii) Heresy or false doctrine; (iv) Schisms; (v) Apostasy from the Christian faith; (vi) Willful violation of the Constitution and Regulations of the Province or Diocese; (vii) Disobedience, that is to say, willful contravention of lawful orders, rules, regulations, either of the Provincial Assembly or the Diocesan Synod of the Diocese in which he/she holds office or, in matters of Faith and Order, of the House of Bishops; (viii) Neglect of the duties of his office. (b) No original proceedings shall be instituted before any Tribunal of the Province or Diocese if more than two years have elapsed since the date of the alleged offence, except with leave given by the Archbishop under his hand. (c) All charges shall be made in a document signed by the presenters and specifying all the particulars of time, place and circumstances alleged by them and intimating the name and address of the person if any, acting as the agent of the presenters. (d) Any charge of heresy or false doctrine must be to the effect that the accused has taught and published or otherwise publicly promulgated some doctrine or opinion repugnant to or at variance with the Faith and Doctrine of the Church as contained in the Fundamental Declarations and must specify the particular passages of these standards and formularies to which the said accusation refers; as well as the particular statements of the accused which may be the subject of the charges. (e) The accusation shall be entitled “Articles of Presentment” and a copy shall be provided free of charge to the accused by the presenters or their agent. (f) With the Article of Presentment, the presenters shall transmit a minute of reference and agreement to the effect that the judgement of the Tribunal in all matters contained in the Articles of Presentment shall be held to be final in the cause, saving such rights of appeal as may be allowed by the Provincial Constitution or Canons made under it. (g) (i) The accused may, if he wishes, have the aid of counsel or an agent and may submit his defence in writing. The presenters also may be aided by counsel and be represented by an agent they may appoint. 44 (ii) No testimony shall be received at the trial except from witnesses who shall, before giving their evidence, make an affirmative answer to the following question: “Do you promise, in the presence of Almighty God, that you will speak the truth, the whole truth whether in the declaration which you shall make or in the answers to the questions you may be asked?” (h) Where it is necessary to take the testimony of an absent witness or witnesses such testimony shall be taken in the form and manner above provided, by a Commissioner or Tribunal in which the proceedings are instituted and the evidence shall be reduced in writing and forwarded to the Tribunal, which evidence shall be read and used at the trial, provided that no application for the appointment of such Commissioner or Commissioners shall be made by either party to the Tribunal except after at least twenty-four hours notice in writing, given by the one to the other, of his or their intention so to apply. (i) The proceeding shall be public, unless the President/Chairman of the Tribunal hearing the charges shall deem it advisable on the grounds of public morals or in the general interest of the Church that they should be private and the accused does not object. In case of objection by the latter the President’s/Chairman’s ruling shall be final. (j) In any case where a charge has been brought against any person, being a Bishop, Priest or Deacon in the Province, if such person shall tender his resignation to the appropriate person or authority as the case may be before the determination of the proceedings, and the resignation is accepted, the acceptance of resignation tendered by such person shall not in any way be a bar to the proceedings pending before any Tribunal in respect of such person. (k) If at any period in the course of the proceedings the accused shall in writing make an admission of guilt, and offer to submit to whatever sentence may be pronounced against him, the Archbishop or Bishop, as the case may be, shall have power to dispose of the case, on the basis of the admission made, in such a way as shall seem appropriate to him, provided always that no sentence pronounced under such circumstances shall exceed that which the Tribunal would have pronounced had the accusation been proved to the extent of the admission made, after a trial regularly concluded. (l) Every sentence passed shall be in writing, and in the case of a sentence from a diocesan Tribunal, subject to confirmation by the Bishop. (m) The Provincial Appeal Tribunal shall be competent to review any finding of or sentence passed by any diocesan Tribunal or hear any party aggrieved by the decision of any diocesan Tribunal in respect of any disciplinary proceedings. If the accused dies or appears on the day appointed by Tribunal for hearing the charges brought against him/her and sufficient reason is given for the absence, the Tribunal shall proceed with the trial, considering such written defence as may be available to it, and determine the case in the light of the evidence or otherwise available to it, unless the President/Chairman of the Tribunal shall see fit to order a fresh hearing date. (n) ‘Every Tribunal shall keep a full record of its proceedings, including the Articles of presentment, with the name of the presenters and the accused, the evidence, and the judgement of the tribunal. 45 CANON 3:27 THE TRIAL OF BISHOPS (a) (i) A Bishop of the Province shall, where charges are brought against him/her, be tried by the Provincial tribunal. (ii) Should the Archbishop be the accused, the Dean of the Province shall preside and the sentence of the Provincial tribunal shall be signed by him/her and at least three other Bishops, provided that no trial of the Archbishop shall take place unless there be presentation of at least 2/3 of the House of Bishops including the Dean of the Province, excluding the accused Archbishop. (iii) No Bishop offering any testimony for or against an accused Bishop or Archbishop shall sit as a member of the Tribunal trying an accused Bishop or Archbishop. (b) No charge shall be brought against a Bishop of the Province unless it be preferred by at least three Priests of the Diocese and two lay representatives in the Synod of the Diocese of the accused Bishop. (c) (i) The Articles of Presentment against a Bishop of the Province shall e delivered to the Archbishop, except in the case where the Archbishop is the accused, in which case they shall be delivered to the Dean of the Province. (ii) The Archbishop or the Dean of the Province shall, on receipt of the Articles of Presentment, cause copies of the same to be transmitted to the accused and to each of the other Bishops of the Province. The said copies shall be deemed to have been duly served on all the Bishops if forwarded by registered post to their addresses or the headquarters of their respective Dioceses. (iii) The trial shall take place within one month of the receipt of the Articles of Presentment by the Archbishop or the Dean of the Province, as the case may be, unless owing to the difficulty of communication or some other stated difficulty, it appear to the Archbishop or the Dean of the Province necessary to postpone it to a later day, provided the trial takes place within one year of the date of his/her receipt of the Articles of Presentment. (d) (i) In the trial of a Bishop, the sentence if the accused be found guilty, shall be either admonition,censure, suspension or deprivation, fie or excommunication, due regard being paid to the seriousness of the charge proved. (ii) The Provincial Tribunal through its President shall cause the sentence passed to be known to every clergyman under the jurisdiction of the Bishop tried. CANON 3:28 THE TRIAL OF PRIESTS AND DEACONS (a) (i) Where cases arise concerning ecclesiastical disciplines of Priest and Deacons the cases shall be tried in the Diocesan Tribunal. (ii) No person offering testimony for or against the accused or who is presenter or one of the presenters shall be appointed as member of the Diocesan Tribunal in the case against the accused. (b) The Diocesan Tribunal shall determine any questions brought before it and make such findings and pass such sentences as the evidence before it justifies. 46 (c) Any charges against a Priest or Deacon if the Province must proceed from a Priest of the Province or two church wardens of the parish in which he is serving or from at least five communicants of at least twenty-one years of age. The Bishop of the Diocese may, if he shall see fit, proceedings to be commenced against a Priest or Deacon of his Diocese and in such case it shall be sufficient for one presenter appointed by the Bishop to deliver the Articles of Presentment. The Articles of Presentment shall be laid before the Bishop, who shall decide, in the first place,whether they are proper to be admitted or not. A refusal by the Bishop to inquire into or to hear the charges laid in the Articles of Presentment shall be made in writing giving reason for the refusal. The presenters shall be entitled to appeal against the Bishop’s refusal to the Provincial Appeals Tribunal, whose decision shall be final. (d) The Bishop shall cause a copy of the final Articles of Presentment to be served on the accused person together with the names of the persons comprising the Diocesan Tribunal to hear the case at least thirty days before hearing of the case. (e) Any Priest or Deacon of the Province, if accused or reported guilty of immoral conduct,may be suspended from the exercise of ministerial duties by the Bishop should it appear to the Bishop necessary for the presentation of scandal, provided that the accused shall have right to a trial and such trial shall take place within three months. (f) If a Priest or Deacon against whom a finding or sentence shall have been pronounced by any diocesan tribunal shall feel aggrieved by such finding or sentence, it shall be lawful for such person to appeal to the Provincial Appeals Tribunal within thirty days of the date of confirmation of the sentence by the Bishop. (g) In case of an appeal, sentence shall be suspended during the appeal and the appeal tribunal may affirm, modify or amend finding of sentence appealed against or make any other finding or sentence in place of or in addition to the finding or sentence appealed against. (h) (i) Any Priest or Deacon found guilty after due trial shall be subject to any of the following sentences: admonition, suspension, deprivation, fine or with recommendation to the Bishop for depositioning (ii) A Bishop may at his discretion withdraw his license from a clergyman who is suspended or deprived of the charge of his/her office. (i) Interpretation of the sentence mentioned above: 1. “By formal admonition” is meant a written admonition delivered either in public or private as circumstance may seem to the Bishop to require. 2. “Suspension” means the removal of a clergyman from a named charge or office for such a period as may be determined in the sentence or suspension. 3. “Deprivation” means the final removal of a clergyman from a named charge or office. 4. “Deposition or permanent inhibition” means the withdrawal from a clergyman of all power to exercise his sacred calling either publicly or privately within the Church of the Province. A sentence of deposition shall of its own force cancel the license of the deposed clergyman. 47 CANON 3:20 THE TRIAL OF THE LAITY The following shall be deemed to be ecclesiastical offenses, triable in the Tribunal established by this Canon, the commission of any of which, when proved, shall be sufficient to justify the infliction of the various penalties afterwards set forth: 1. OFFENSES OF THE LAITY (a) Conviction of any indictable offence. (b) Schism, that is, seceding or withdrawing from the communion of the church. (c) Immorality. (d) Conduct causing scandal. (e) Negligence in performance of official duties. (f) Impugning the formularies of the church. (g) Violating of any lawful constitution or Canon of the Church whether of a Diocese or Province by which the person is bound. (h) Contemptuous or disrespectful conduct towards the Bishop of the diocese and the Archbishop of the Province in matters pertaining to the administration of the affairs of the Province, diocese or a Parish. (i) Disobedience to the Bishop to whom such person has sworn Canonical obedience. (j) Contempt of Tribunal. 2. PENALTIES APPLICABLE TO LAITY (a) Admonition (b) Penance (c) Suspension from the exercise of ministry or office (d) Excommunication SECTION 4:0 UGANDA CANON 4:1 THE LAY OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH OF LAY READERS 1. Lay readers of the Church may be appointed and licensed by a Bishop of the Diocese. 2. Every lay reader of the Church shall be licensed to minister in charge of the congregation of which he/she is a member, and he/she shall be under the jurisdiction and direction of the minister in the performance of his/her duties i the parish and be at call of the Bishop or his/her representatives to act as lay reader of the Church in any part of the Diocese. 48 3. The lay reader, during the time of divine service, shall read Morning and Evening Prayer, except for Absolution, publish bans of marriage, read the word of God, preach, catechize the children, and receive and preset the offering of the people. 4. He/she shall visit the sick, read and pray for them, teach in Sunday school and elsewhere, and generally undertake such pastoral and educational work and give such assistance to any minister as the Bishop may direct. 5. The Bishop may also authorize a lay reader to bury the dead or read the burial service in each case, with the good will of the persons responsible and at the invitation of the minister of a parish. 6. The Bishop of every Diocese shall keep a register book wherein shall be entered the names of every person whom he/she h as either admitted to the office of reader or licensed to exercise that office in any place. 7. No person shall be admitted to the office of lay reader in the Church of Uganda except it be found on examination, held by the bishops or competent persons appointed by the bishop for this purpose, that he/she possesses sufficient knowledge of Holy Scripture and of the doctrine and worship of the Church of Uganda as set forth i the Book of Common Prayer; that he/she is able to read the services of the church plainly, distinctly, audibly, and reverently, and that he/she is capable both of reading and preaching. 8. In view of section 7 above of this Canon, every lay reader shall have at least two years of theological training. 9. The Bishop shall admit a person to the office of lay reader by the delivery of the New Testament,but without imposition of hands. 10. The Bishop shall give the newly admitted lay reader a Certificate ofhis/her admission to the office; and the admission shall not be repeated if the reader shall move to another diocese. 11. No person who has been admitted to the office of lay reader shall exercise his/her office in any Diocese untilhe/she has been licensed to do so by the Bishop thereof; provided that, when any reader is to exercise his/her office temporarily in any Diocese, the written permission of the Bishop shall suffice. 12. The Bishop of the Diocese may, by notice in writing, revoke summarily and without further process, any license granted to a lay reader within his diocese for any cause which appears to him to be good and responsible, after having given the lay reader sufficient opportunity of showing reason to the contrary; and the notice shall notify the lay reader that he/she may, within three months from the date on which he/she receives notice, appeal to the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda. 13. No Bishop shall license any lay reader to receive any salary in any place until he/she has satisfied himself that adequate provision has been made for the salary of the said lay reader ad all other benefits due to him/her. 14. The lay reader shall use a cassock, surplice and blue scarf when conducting service. 49 CANON 4:2 WORKERS 1. A Lay person who is baptized and confirmed and a regular communicant of the Church of Uganda and has had proper training and has other necessary qualification may be admitted and licensed by the Bishop as a Lay worker of the church. 2. A Lay worker may in the place where he or she is licensed to serve and under the direction of the minister, lead the people in public worship, exercise pastoral care, evangelize, instruct the people in Christian Faith, and prepare them for reception of the Sacraments. CANON 4:3 CHURCH WARDENS 1. Every Parish Church shall have two church wardens. 0 2. Church Wardens shall act as a corporation; they shall be responsible for the temporal affairs of the congregation and represent their interests. 3. Church Wardens as a corporation shall and may sue or be sued, answer and be answered unto, in all manner of suits and actions whatsoever, and may prosecute indictments, presentments, and other proceedings for and in respect of such church and all matters and things appertaining thereto. 4. One Church Warden shall be elected by the Parish Church Council and another appointed by a Parish minister at the annual Parish Church Council meeting. 5. A Church Warden shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Parish Church Council of which he/she was a member when appointed to such Parish Church Council, except on failure to perform the duties of his office, when a special meeting of the vestry shall be called for the purpose of declaring the office vacant and of appointing a successor. 6. A Church Warden wishing to resign shall do so by placing his/her written resignation in the hands of the Parish Priest. The Priest shall forthwith notify the congregation to which such Church Warden belonged of the fact, and call a special meeting of the vestry at which the vacancy shall be filled. 7. The two Church Wardens, being a corporation, cannot exercise their corporate powers separately. Neither can act without the consent of the other. 8. The Church Wardens are empowered to appoint three sexton, the Organist, and any other subordinate lay officers of the church. 9. The Church Wardens shall present a financial report for the previous financed year to the Parish Church Council at its annual meeting. This report shall include a Certificate of auditors appointed by the Parish Church Council, and shall set out in detail all moneys received, including moneys received by the pastor or Church Wardens from endowments of every nature and kind, and all disbursements made. It shall also include a statement of assets and liabilities, capital and current; the amount of all insurance carried, and the amount of the diocesan budget for the past year, with payments made thereupon 50 10. The Church Wardens, before retiring, shall also present at the Annual meeting a budget of the financial requirements for the current year, including the diocesan budget. Such budget shall be presented to the Advisory Board or Parish Executive Committee for review prior to the Annual vestry meeting. Such Budget, as adopted, with or without amendments, by the Parish Church Council, shall govern the operation of the Church Wardens during such year, unless changed at a subsequent meeting of the Parish Church Council. 11. Church Wardens, or in their absence, their substitutes for the time being, assisted, if necessary, by the sidemen and women, shall collect the offerings of the congregation at each Service of the Church, and shall count and enter and initial the amount of such offerings in the book provided for this purpose, immediately after such service, in the presence of the Parish Priest or some other witness. Care should be taken to deposit the funds in the Bank as soon as possible. 12. Church Wardens shall be signatories of all parish cheques on behalf of the congregation. 13. The statistical and financial returns required of Church Wardens by the Diocesan office shall be forwarded to the diocesan treasurer. 14. Church Wardens shall keep a record of all deeds, mortgages, insurance policies and other documents of importance pertaining to church buildings and lands, with full particulars regarding any trusts under which such property is held. Title deeds and mortgages shall be deposited in the Diocesan storage room for reference and safe-keeping. 15. They shall be responsible for the care of the land and buildings, furnishings and effects belonging to the Church, and for keeping such buildings, furniture and effects adequately insured against loss by fire in some responsible Insurance Companies. 16. They shall make provision for the conduct of the Service of the Church as follows: (a) A Flagon or Cruet for the wine, a Chalice or cup, a Paten or Plate, and fair Linen for the Service of Holy Communion. (b) Sufficient bread and of good wine for the Lord’s Supper. (c) An offertory dish or basket and collection plates, basket or bags for the offerings. (d) A Bible, a Book of Common Prayer, and Registers for Services, baptisms, confirmations and burials. 17. They shall take care that due reverence is observed both within and without the church during divine service. 18. They shall be responsible for ventilation, air conditioning, and cleaning of the church and its furnishing, and shall not allow it to be used for plays, entertainment, or other profane purposes. 19. In the event of the Church Wardens being unable to agree regarding any question coming within the scope of their duties, the matter in dispute shall be referred by either of them or the Parish Priest to the Executive Committee of the Synod for adjudication, and the decision of any consequential direction of the Executive Committee shall be final and binding upon those concerned. 51 CANON 4:4 SIDESMEN/SIDESWOMEN 1. At each annual meeting of the Parish Church Council of a congregation there shall be appointed a committee to be known as Sidemen and women, one half to be nominated by the Parish Priest and one half to be elected by the Parish Church Council. 2. In general, the duties of sidemen and women shall be to assist the parish Pastor and the Church Wardens, and to discharge such duties as are assigned to them by the Parish Church Council. 3. They shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Parish Church Council following their appointment. 4. The special duties of sidesmen/sideswomen shall be: (i) To make an annual survey of the Parish in order to provide a list with addresses of all families professing to be members of the Church of Uganda. (ii) To assist the Parish Pastor, by securing and reporting the names of newcomers and strangers, by seeking out men/women and families in need, by visiting homes of men, women and families habitually neglecting divine worship. (iii) To assist the Church Wardens: (a) In making every member canvass for the support of the work of the church. (b) In receiving and seating the congregation in church. (c) In taking up the offertory and, if necessary, in counting the offertory on the conclusion of the service. (d) In maintaining order in and about the church during divine service. CANON 4:5 OTHER PARISH OFFICERS In any Parish in which the services of a parish clerk, sexton, verger, or other officer is required by the Priest, the Parish Church Council may in accordance with the law and (appoint?) proper person to these offices to perform such services upon such terms and conditions as they may think fit. SECTION 5:0 CANON 5:1 THINGS APPERTAINING TO CHURCHES THE FONT 1. There shall be provided a decent font with cover in every church and chapel. 2. The font traditionally stood near the principle entrance of the church. By this Canon the font shall be set in a spacious and well-ordered surrounding as possible, as directed by the Parish Priest. 3. The font bowl shall only be used for the water at the administration of holy baptism and for no other purpose whatsoever. 52 CANON 5:2 THE HOLY TABLE 1. In every Church and Chapel a convenient, decent table, of wood, stone or other suitable material, shall be provided for the celebration of the Holy Communion, and shall stand in the main body of the Church or in the Chapel. 2. The Holy Table as becomes the table of the Lord, shall be kept in sufficient and seemly manner, and shall be covered in the time of divine service with a covering of silk or other decent material, with a fair white linen cloth at the time of the celebration of the Holy Communion. CANON 5:3 THE COMMUNION VESSELS 1. In every Church and Chapel there shall be provided, for the celebration of the Holy Communion, a chalice or cup for the wine and a paten or plate or other vessel for the bread. There shall also be provided a basin or a basket for the reception of the alms and other devotions of the people, and a convenient cruet or flagon for bringing the wine and water to the communion table. There shall be a lavabo bowl. 2. It is the duty of the Priest of every Church ro Chapel to see that communion place is kept washed and clean and ready for the celebration of the Holy Communion. CANON 5:4 THE COMMUNION LINEN In every Parish Church and Chapel, there shall be provided and maintained sufficient number of fair white linen cloths for the covering of the Communion Table and of other fair linen cloths for the use of the Priest during the celebration of Holy Communion. These may include the following: The corporal, the pall, the post communion veil, the purificator, the lavabo towel. (See Glossary) CANON 5:5 SURPLICES FOR THE MINISTER There shall be surplices provided in every church and chapel for the use of the minister. They should be maintained in a clean condition. CANON 5:6 THE READING DESKS AND PULPIT There shall be provided in every Church and Chapel convenient desks for the reading of prayers and God’s word, and unless it be not required, a decent pulpit for the sermon, to be in a convenient place. 53 CANON 5:7 SEATS IN CHURCH 1. In every Church and Chapel there shall be provided seats for the use of the parishioners and others who attend services. 2. It is the duty of the Church Wardens to allocate the seats amongst the parishioners and others in such a manner as the service of God may be best celebrated in the Church or Chapel; saving the right of the minister to allocate seats in the Chancel. 3. Such allocation of seats to non-parishioners shall not interfere with the rights of the parishioners to have seats in the main body of the Church. CANON 5:8 THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER The Parish Church shall provide a Bible and a Book of Common Prayer for the minister to use and for the Preacher. CANON 5:9 THE REGISTER BOOKS CUSTODY In every Parish Church and Chapel where baptism is to be administered or matrimony solemnized there shall be provided register books of baptism, banns, and marriage, respectively, and a register book for confirmation. CANON 5:10 THE REGISTER OR BOOK OF SERVICES There shall be a register book in which shall be recorded every service of public worship, together with the name of the officiating minister and the preacher (if be he/she. . . than the officiating minister), the number of communicants, and the amount of any alms or other collection and, if desired, notes of significant events. CANON 5:11 THE CARE AND REPAIR OF CHURCHES 1. The Parish Priest and the Church Wardens shall take care of churches and buildings of the Parish, the grounds. They should constantly be kept repaired and well maintained, to keep a place of worship of God in decent beautiful manner that reflects the glory of God. 2. There shall be no structural changes, extensions of churches and furniture, unless the measure is approved by the diocesan authorities. 54 GLOSSARY ABANDONMENT OF: When a Deacon/Priest/Bishop ceases to exercise the ministry of the Church or openly renounces the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Church. ALB: A long white linen garment with straight sleeves. It is usually tied with a GIRDLE and worn under a CHASUBLE. Today this garment has been modified in light of liturgical renewal into wide, surplice Alb-cassock with wide sleeves; i.e., Three-in-one. It can be used alone without CHASUBLE, GIRDLE or SURPLICE, but only with a STOLE. ASSESSMENT: This is an amount of money to be paid by Dioceses for the expenses of the Province of the Church of Uganda. BISHOP, HOUSE OF: This is a meeting of Bishops of the Church of the Province of Uganda. BISHOP, CO-ADJUTOR: This is a bishop who is elected by a Diocesan Synod to assist a bishop of a Diocese. A Co-adjutor bishop has the right of succession. BISHOP, SUFFRAGAN: This is a bishop elected by a Diocesan Synod to assist a Diocesan bishop but with no right of succession. BISHOP, ASSISTANT: This is a bishop appointed by a Diocesan bishop to assist him in his duties and functions but without jurisdictions or right of succession. BURSE: A case consisting of to squares of stiffened material (usually varying i color according to season) in which the CORPORAL, PALL and PURIFICATORS may be kept. Often placed on top of the vessels before the prayer of consecration. CANON(S): Laws or decree of the Church; also Ecclesiastical title given to the clergy belonging to a Cathedral. CASSOCK: A long black garment with narrow sleeves. Originally it was a usual ordinary outdoor garment. It is now worn by clergy, lay readers, servers, choristers and others. A bishop wears a purple or violet or scarlet one to signify his rank. CATHEDRAL: A Church where a Bishop’s Chair or throne called CATHEDRA is placed. It is also a centre of religious work in a Diocese. CHANCEL: A section o=between the sanctuary and Nave. It is sometimes known as the choir. CHANCELLOR: This is a judge or barrister who is appointed to provide legal advisory services to the Archbishop or to the Diocesan Bishop. CHAPTER: A governing body of a Cathedral. CHASUBLE Eucharistic vestment, worn over the Alb. CHIMERE: Silk or Satin sleeveless gown, black or scarlet, worn by Anglican Bishops and Doctors of Divinity. Originally a short cloak was worn by bishops when riding horseback in longer form, part of the customary attire of bishops at both liturgical and civil functions. It would be wrong to wear a chimere under chasuble or cope. CINCTURE: White rope worn around the waist of the Alb. Also known as a GIRDLE. 55 COLOUR, LITURGICAL: To mark seasons in the ecclesiastical calendar many churches follow a colour sequence for vestments and other liturgical objects. The standard sequence is: 1. Purple/Violet — used during Advent, Lent, Ember Days, Rogation Days and some vigils. It symbolises a penitential season. 2. White — used t Easter, Christmas, Baptism, Marriage, Ascension, Trinity Sunday, All Saints Day and other Saints’ Days who are not martyrs. It symbolises purity, holiness and joy. It reminds us of redemption in Christ. 3. Red — symbolises the power of the Holy Spirit, the Passion of Christ and martyrdom. It is the colour of blood and fire which shows the nature of God’s love in Christ. 4. Green — signifies hope, regeneration, growth. It is used in Epiphany and Trinity seasons. 5. Blue — In recent years,the colour Blue has been revived by congregations who observe Advent as a time of hopeful expectation. COMMISSION: A group of people appointed to undertake a particular task for the Church. COPE: A long semi-circular cloak, used for procession, or at solemn office. It is worn by bishops for Confirmation, Ordination, Holy Communion, and for solemn procession. It is worn over a rochet. Priests may wear a cope in procession on festivals. CORPORAL: A place of white linen, usually 20 inches square, on which the chalice and paten are placed during the Eucharistic consecration. CURATE: An Assistant Priest. One responsible for care of souls. CURE: Spiritual charge; care of souls; the office or work of the curate. CROZIER: The pastoral staff of a Bishop. DEAN: A Priest in charge of a Cathedral without a parish. A Head of a Chapter at a Cathedral; a minister appointed to oversee a group of pastors of a locality. DEPOSITION: TO divest a person of the office and character conferred by Ordination. DIOCESE: The area or district under the jurisdiction and pastoral care of a Bishop. ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE: A group of dioceses forming ecclesiastical unit under the jurisdiction of an Archbishop. EMBER DAYS: Origin uncertain, possibly from “quattuor tempora” (Latin, four seasons). Originally associated with agriculture. The Ember Days are observed as the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, four (4) times a year according to the seasons of the year: 1. In spring after the first Sunday in Lent 2. In summer after Whitsunday (Pentecost) 3. In the fall after the Holy Cross Day, September 14 56 4. In winter after December 13. FAIR LINEN CLOTH: The principal white linen cover for the Holy Table at Holy Communion service (as required by BCP opening rubric). INCUMBENT: A Priest appointed by the bishops to a parish or other office of the Church. INDUCTION: Introducing a person into an office or position. INSTITUTION: The office of authorization for new Priest of a Parish. LAVABO: A basin for use in the washing of the priest’s hands during Holy Communion service. LAVABO TOWEL: A linen cloth, about 12 by 18 inches for cleansing of the priests’ hands during Holly Communion service. LETTERS BENE DECESSIT: A forma document by a Bishop to a Bishop, Priest or Deacon in good standing upon transfer to another diocese. METROPOLITAN: An Archbishop having jurisdiction ad pastoral oversight of an Ecclesiastical Province. MITRE: A Bishop’s official head-dress, worn with cope or vestments. PALL: A square white linen cloth used to cover the chalice during Holy Communion service, sometimes stiffened; also a cloth used to cover a coffin. PARISH: The Ecclesial unit of an area, with self-contained congregation under the care of a Pastor. It is a basic unit of the Church and of a Diocese. PROVOST: A Priest in charge of a Cathedral that is also a Parish. PURIFICATOR: A linen cloth of about 11 or 12 inches square, used to cleanse the rim of the chalice during administration and to dry the chalice and other4 vessels during ablutions. RELINQUISHMENT OF: An act or deed whereby a Deacon, Priest or Bishop surrenders or renounces his/her exercise of the ministry of the Church. SCHISM: Strong disagreement over doctrine resulting i one group stopping to recognise the authority of the other. SEAL: A design stamped on a place of wax, lead or other soft material and attached to a document to show that it is official and genuine. SEXTON: One appointed to the material care of a church. STOLE: Strip of material worn over the shoulders by clergy; deacons wear it over the left shoulder and tied under the right armpit. It usually matches the liturgical colours. It is worn over Alb or Surplice in Holy Communion service, Baptism and Matrimony. SURPLICE: (Latin, superlliceum, over a fur garment). A white wide-sleeved vestment worn over the cassock by both clergy and lay persons. SYNOD: The governing Council of a Diocese. 57 TRIBUNAL: A court of justice especially one set up to deal with a particular kind of problem. VEIL: A covering for the chalice usually of seasonal colour. VERGER: An assistant to the Sexton. VESTMENT: An ecclesiastical garment worn by clergy at worship. VISITATION: The official visit of the Bishop to a Parish. WAFER: A thin disk of unleavened bread used at the communion. WAND: The staff of office of a Church Warden. WARDEN, CHURCH: The lay officer responsible for the temporal affairs of a parish. 58
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