Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. JEPPESEN MEXICO CITY, MEXICO 10-1R 7 APR 06 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL IFR MINIMUM VECTOR ALTITUDE CLEARANCE R1 23 ^ 15 N M 12000' 20 NM 18 5 NM 00 0' 14000' ^ 30 R2 17000' 13 3 000 N ' M 13000' 13500' R1 20 ^ 12000' 11000' R255^ N19 21.1 W099 34.3 114.3 TLC TLC 2 30N M D TOLUCA 40 NM 14000' NM 20 0' 0 0 12 R1 10 ^ R1 15 ^ 12500' 2^ R23 13000' 6 NM ^ 40 R0 13500' 11000' 0^ R15 14000' 15000' Lic Benito Juarez Intl 7316 11200' MEXICO 11000' 10 N N19 26.4 W099 04.0 11200' 115.6 MEX M D 0N R28 0^ 13000' NM 30 11000' ^ 56 R0 NM 40 MEX 0 R3 05 ^ M NM 1 15 N 14500' 5^ R33 10 N M 13000' 3N M R2 00 ^ 12000' 4^ R15 R185 ^ 2 CHANGES: Altitude added. ^ 34 3^ ^ 20 R3 13 N M ^ 17 R3 ^ R340 25 NM R350^ M R1 R19 11200' R102 ^ R0 72^ (Does not raise any Airway MEA) 2 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Coordinates, new format. ^ NOT TO SCALE V3104 16000 D (GABT 13000 18 SMO MATEO 112.1 SMO MEXICO (M 120700 160^ 14000 8 ARRIVALS RWYS 05L/R 14,800' 0^ 04 340^ 16000' GABTU ONE (GABTU1), LUCIA ONE (SLM1), MEXICO ONE (MEX1) EXPECT to cross at or below N19 26.4 W099 04.0 115.6 MEX MEX 340^ D SLM LUCIA 116.6 SLM N19 44.6 W099 01.8 D D8 MEX N19 41.0 W099 07.3 256^ D15 MEX (SLM1) 12 E LUCIA ON NE CO O MEXI EX1) EXPECT to cross at 12000' 12000 N19 33.3 W099 13.7 D N19 43.1 W099 14.4 D12 SLM N19 42.8 W099 16.3 RADEL JEPPESEN ARRIVAL Leave GABTU and continue on PTJ R-075 to RADEL and descend GABTU ONE to 13000'. At D28 PTJ turn RIGHT. 14000'. Leave SLM on SLM R-256 to RADEL and descend to LUCIA ONE At D12 SLM turn LEFT. Leave MEX on MEX R-340 and descend to 14000' until D8 MEX. MEXICO ONE Continue descending to 12000', at D15 MEX turn LEFT to intercept SLM R-256 to RADEL. At D12 SLM turn LEFT. ROUTING Intercept SMO R-340 to SMO or in accordance with ATC instructions and EXPECT authorization to proceed with approach procedure. 075^ ^ ONE GABTU U1) N19 42.6 W099 18.5 D28 PTJ EXPECT to cross at 16000' 10-2 MM(R)-103 298 EXPECT to cross at 16000' MM(P)-113 MM(R)-112 .STAR. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Trans level: FL 195 Trans alt: 18500' 1. These arrival instructions can be changed in accordance with ATC ATIS Apt Elev instructions by means of RADAR vectors and/or speed changes. If due to aircraft performance your aircraft cannot adjust to the speed 127.65 7316' 2.restrictions, please inform ATC as soon as possible the speed that you will be using so that the proper aircraft separation can be maintained. 3. All segments and speeds should be flown as closely recommended as possible. 22 OCT 04 N19 38.7 W099 47.9 114.5 PTJ PASTEJE PTJ D 118 15 00 0 GABTU N19 40.1 W099 37.4 11 NM Direct distance from SMO to: Lic Benito Juarez Intl MMMX/MEX 0^ 13 MM(R)-100 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. .Eff.28.Oct. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO 12,100' 0^ 22 19,400' MSA MEX VOR R340^ | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX MEXICO CITY, MEXICO JEPPESEN 10-2A .STAR. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Trans level: FL 195 Trans alt: 18500' 1. These arrival instructions can be changed in accordance with ATC ATIS Apt Elev instructions by means of RADAR vectors and/or speed changes. If due to aircraft performance your aircraft cannot adjust to the speed 127.65 7316' 2.restrictions, please inform ATC as soon as possible the speed that you will be using so that the proper aircraft separation can be maintained. 3. All segments and speeds should be flown as closely recommended as possible. 22 OCT 04 .Eff.28.Oct. ARRIVAL RWYS 23L/R 0^ 13 12,100' OTUMBA THREE (OTU3) 14,800' 0^ 04 0^ 22 19,400' MSA MEX VOR MM(R)-112 182^ 196^ 002^ 1 2000 MM(R)-100 D OTU OTUMBA 115.0 OTU 110 7 00 N19 41.0 W098 46.6 Direct distance from D7 OTU to: Lic Benito Juarez Intl 16 NM ^ 232 D7 OTU N19 34.5 W098 49.5 2^ R05 D 115.6 MEX MEX MEXICO NOT TO SCALE N19 26.4 W099 04.0 ROUTING Leave OTU on OTU R-196 and descend to 11000'. At D7 OTU turn RIGHT to intercept MEX R-052 and continue with approach procedure. CHANGES: New format. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL 7316' Apt Elev Trans level: FL195 MM(R)-112 MM(R)-100 13 0^ .5 MAINTAIN VISOS N19 50.1 W098 21.6 1 R248^ NE S O 1) SO OS VI (VIS 5 D31 MEX R EE N TH APA FA AL 3A) (APN 3 1 D13 APN D 10-3 .SID. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO .Eff.9.Jun. JEPPESEN 3 JUN 05 DEPARTURES RWYS 05L/R APAN THREE ALFA (APN3A), CUAUTLA ONE (CUA1), TOLUCA ONE ALFA (TLC1A), VISOS ONE (VISOS1) SPEED: MAX 200 KT UNTIL VASOS 114.8 APN APN N19 38.2 W098 23.9 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of: APAN THREE ALFA: 320' per NM to 14000'. CUAUTLA ONE and TOLUCA ONE ALFA: 290' per NM to 15000'. VISOS ONE: 240' per NM to 14000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 240' per NM 300 400 600 800 1000 1200 290' per NM 363 483 725 967 1208 1450 320' per NM 400 533 800 1067 1333 1600 171^ CUAUTLA ONE (CUA1) 27 ALTITUDE MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D13 APN MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D15 MEX or D27 CUA MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D15 TLC MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D31 MEX | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID INITIAL CLIMB APAN THREE ALFA Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn RIGHT to intercept APN R-248 to APN. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn RIGHT to intercept OTU R-197 to D21 OTU, turn LEFT to CUAUTLA ONE intercept CUA R-351 to CUA. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn RIGHT to TOLUCA ONE ALFA intercept OTU R-197 to D21 OTU, turn RIGHT to intercept TLC R-085 to TLC. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, continue on MEX R-052 and proceed to VISOS. Turn LEFT to VISOS ONE intercept APN R-003. ROUTING Proceed via assigned route or in accordance with ATC instructions. 15000' Until crossing D13 APN APAN 1. In case of failure of MEX and other navaids involved in each procedure, EXPECT RADAR vectors. 2. These SIDs can be changed in accordance with ATC instructions by means of RADAR vectors and/or speed changes. OTUMBA 115.0 OTU OTU 21 25 N19 41.0 W098 46.6 15000' 068^ N19 22.0 W098 55.3 D21 OTU ^ 052 Until crossing D31 MEX MAINTAIN D Trans alt: 18500' VASOS N19 29.2 W098 59.0 .5 D5 ^ 052 265^ 15000' TO TAM 120.5 0^ MM(P)-113 MEXICO 115.6 MEX MEX 15000' MAINTAIN Until crossing D15 MEX or D27 CUA CUAUTLA N22 17.4 W097 51.8 MEXICO Terminal (R) (DEP) 22 19,400' 12,100' 14,800' ^ D D15 TLC N19 26.4 W099 04.0 (TLC1A) 15 TOLUCA ONE ALFA MAINTAIN Until crossing D15 TLC D15 MEX D27 CUA D 116.3 CUA CUA N18 47.1 W098 54.0 UV14J11995 D 12 003^ 0 04 TOLUCA R085^ MSA MEX VOR D 114.3 TLC TLC NOT TO SCALE N19 21.1 W099 34.3 CHANGES: None. 197^ R351^ Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. 0^ 120.5 MEXICO Terminal (R) (DEP) 22 13 0^ 19,400' 12,100' ^ 14,800' 0 04 TTM 167 TOW099 46.1 N22 58.0 E ON J47 <U (EM D28 S L A F A A) TU AL LAS1 (TU 10 5 340^ 7 D2 ^ 317 A N19 44.4 W098 50.5 D30 OTU ONE RA EMI IRA1) D29 OTU MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL A 15000' PACHUCA 112.7 PCA PCA N20 07.9 W098 41.1 15000' MM(R)-100 D23 PCA N19 46.3 W098 49.8 287^ OTUMBA Until crossing D30 OTU MAINTAIN Until crossing D29 OTU MAINTAIN 4^ D 115.0 OTU OTU N19 41.0 W098 46.6 10-3A .SID. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO .Eff.9.Jun. JEPPESEN 3 JUN 05 DEPARTURES RWYS 05L/R EMIRA ONE (EMIRA1), POTSI ONE ALFA (POTSI1A), RIOJA TWO ALFA (RIOJA2A), TULAS ONE ALFA (TULAS1A) SPEED: MAX 200 KT UNTIL VASOS APAN 114.8 APN APN These SIDs require a minimum climb gradient of 250' per NM to 13000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 250' per NM 313 417 625 833 1042 1250 D N19 38.2 W098 23.9 ALTITUDE MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D30 OTU MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D29 OTU MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D52 APN MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D29 OTU | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SID INITIAL CLIMB Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn LEFT to EMIRA ONE intercept PCA R-194 to D23 PCA, turn LEFT to intercept OTU R-334 to EMIRA. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn LEFT to POTSI ONE ALFA intercept PCA R-194 to D28 PCA, turn LEFT to intercept OTU R-304 to POTSI. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn LEFT to RIOJA TWO ALFA intercept PCA R-194 to D25 PCA, turn LEFT to intercept APN R-287 to RIOJA. Climb via MEX R-052 to VASOS, turn LEFT to TULAS ONE ALFA intercept PCA R-194 to D25 PCA, turn LEFT to intercept OTU R-321 to TULAS. ROUTING Proceed via assigned route or in accordance with ATC instructions. N19 41.7 W098 51.7 D28 PCA 30 334^ 1^ 32 VASOS D 1. In case of failure of MEX and other navaids involved in each procedure, EXPECT RADAR vectors. 2. These SIDs can be changed in accordance with ATC instructions by means of RADAR vectors and/or speed changes. N20 14.6 W098 58.9 EMIRA Trans alt: 18500' TULAS N20 07.5 W099 18.8 POTSI 11 A (P A SI O TSILFA ONE 1A ) LUCIA 116.6 SLM SLM ^ 052 N19 29.2 W098 59.0 .5 D5 MM(R)-112 N19 44.6 W099 01.8 D25 PCA D D29 OTU PO T N20 13.8 W099 08.4 FL 200 GND MM(R)-101 ZONE E Trans level: FL195 FL 520 GND MM(R)-101 ZONE W P .8 SL 55 O 00 7 T W1 1515.4 N22 AT W 7316' Apt Elev RIO J (RIO O A JA2 LF 1 3 A) A D52 APN 15000' MEXICO 115.6 MEX MEX MM(P)-113 Until crossing D52 APN MAINTAIN < U J 81 TO MSA MEX VOR N20 5 3 3 QE T D3 1 301 ^ NOT TO SCALE D N19 26.4 W099 04.0 R194 ^ < V 7.1 W JU 51-34-22100 11.6 3 RIOJA N20 04.1 W099 27.6 CHANGES: RIOJA departure. 14 2 V11 D30 357^ 014^ 3 108 N22 02.3 W098 48.5 TO TMN Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL 120.5 0^ 13 0^ 7316' Apt Elev Trans level: FL195 FL 200 GND MM(R)-101 ZONE E P .8 SL 55 O 00 7 T W1 1515.4 N22 J47 <U 340^ D24 SMO Trans alt: 18500' LUCIA 116.6 SLM SLM 7 D2 10 E POTSI ON BRAVO (POTSI1B) 317 ^ RIO 24 BRAV O TW 2B) JA (RIOJA ^ 322 O 24 D APAN 10-3B .SID. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO .Eff.9.Jun. JEPPESEN 3 JUN 05 DEPARTURES RWYS 23L/R APAN ONE BRAVO (APN1B), MEVIL TWO (MEVIL2), POTSI ONE BRAVO (POTSI1B), RIOJA TWO BRAVO (RIOJA2B), TOLUCA ONE BRAVO (TLC1B), TOLUCA ONE CHARLIE (TLC1C), TULAS THREE BRAVO (TULAS3B) MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-322 MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D15 TLC MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D9 TLC MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-305 MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-293 MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D21 MEX ALTITUDE MAINTAIN 15000' until crossing D13 APN SPEED: MAX 180 KT UNTIL D4 MEX Climb via MEX R-232 to D11 MEX, turn RIGHT to intercept TLC R-085 to TLC. 114.8 APN APN 345^0^ 33 N19 38.2 W098 23.9 R160^ MM(R)-158 340^ 9000 GND ^ 138 O W L T 2) VI VIL ME (ME 1 D2 11000 GND MM(R)-114 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2004, 2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MM(R)-102 These SIDs require minimum climb gradients of: APAN ONE BRAVO: 280' per NM to 15000'. MEVIL TWO: 260' per NM to 15000'. POTSI ONE BRAVO, RIOJA TWO BRAVO, TOLUCA ONE BRAVO & TULAS THREE BRAVO: 320' per NM to 15000'. TOLUCA ONE CHARLIE: 370' per NM to 15000'. Gnd speed-KT 75 100 150 200 250 300 260' per NM 325 433 650 867 1083 1300 280' per NM 350 467 700 933 1167 1400 320' per NM 400 533 800 1067 1333 1600 370' per NM 463 617 925 1233 1542 1850 Climb via MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn RIGHT to TULAS THREE intercept SMO R-160 to SMO, continue on SMO BRAVO R-360 to TULAS. ROUTING Proceed via assigned route or in accordance with ATC instructions. TOLUCA ONE CHARLIE SID INITIAL CLIMB MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn LEFT to APAN ONE BRAVO Climb via APN intercept R-236 to APN. Climb via MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn LEFT to MEVIL TWO intercept MEX R-138 to MEVIL. Then intercept CUA R-001 to CUA. Climb via MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn RIGHT to POTSI ONE BRAVO intercept SMO R-160 to SMO, continue on SMO R-345 to POTSI. Climb via MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn RIGHT to RIOJA TWO BRAVO intercept SMO R-160 to SMO, continue on SMO R-330 to RIOJA. Climb via MEX R-232 to D4 MEX, turn RIGHT to TOLUCA ONE BRAVO intercept SMO R-160 to SMO, turn LEFT to intercept TLC R-040 to TLC. NOT TO SCALE 1. In case of failure of MEX and other navaids involved in each procedure, EXPECT RADAR vectors. 2. These SIDs can be changed in accordance with ATC instructions by means of RADAR vectors and/or speed changes. MM(R)-100 15000' Until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-322 MATEO 112.1 SMO SMO MM(R)-112 D MEXICO D13 APN 15000' VO RA R236^ EB ON 1B) AN (APN 3 AP 1 15000' Until crossing D13 APN MAINTAIN MAINTAIN Until crossing D21 MEX (MEVIL) N19 08.9 W098 51.1 MEVIL N19 26.4 W099 04.0 D 115.6 MEX MEX N19 33.3 W099 13.7 At or above 11200' D4 MEX ^ 232 N19 24.2 W099 07.6 MAINTAIN N19 44.6 W099 01.8 D N20 13.8 W099 08.4 TULAS D28 9 MM(P)113 30 5^ D24 SMO U J 81 POTSI N20 07.5 W099 18.8 D3 1 301 ^ 293 ^ 0^ 22 VO RA B ) NE B O LC1 (T 7 ^ 056 CUAUTLA 116.3 CUA CUA N18 47.1 W098 54.0 D N19 20.4 W099 14.3 D11 MEX 1 67 M TO TT58.0 N22 6.1 W099 4 FL 520 GND MM(R)-101 ZONE W MEXICO Terminal (R) (DEP) 22 19,400' 12,100' ^ <V U J51-34-22 3 14,800' 0 04 N 11 .6 2 0 53 37 TO . 1 W1QET 00 RIOJA 15000' D24 SMO N20 04.1 W099 27.6 MAINTAIN 15000' Until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-305 MAINTAIN 15000' CA LU Until crossing D24 SMO or SLM R-293 MAINTAIN Until crossing D9 TLC TOLUCA TO D9 TLC 4 265^ (TULAS3B) 17 24 MSA MEX VOR D 114.3 TLC TLC N19 21.1 W099 34.3 9 D15 TLC 15000' ^ 40 TOLUCA ONE CHARLIE R0 R085^ (TLC1C) 15 MAINTAIN Until crossing D15 TLC CHANGES: RIOJA departure. 181^ UJ2129 R001^ TULAS TH RE BRAVO E 360^ Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL 11-1 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 121.2 TM ATIS 127.65 LOC 052^ 7316' Apt Elev (CONDITIONAL) TDZE 8755'(1439') 7600'(284') Ground 118.7 7316' to intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Trans level: FL 195 Trans alt: 18500' 00 90 157^ NOT TO SCALE MM(P)-9 10 7743' 357^ SLM LUCIA 116.6 SLM 0^ MSA MEX VOR 11000 10203' MM(R)-112 8853' MISSED APCH FIX 177^ 112.1 SMO SMO MATEO 800 0 D 22 19,400' 0^ 04 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum manuvering speed from the IAF. 9840' 12,100' 14,800' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, turn LEFT Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 121.85 ^ 109.1 ILS DA(H) GS PLAZA Final Apch Crs IMWX MEXICO Tower 118.1 0 13 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ILS DME-1 or LOC Rwy 05R JEPPESEN 11 AUG 06 9416' (IAF) 8137' 8039' 0 MM(P)-15 5 M370 WMW 7989' 4 D1 22 0^ 0 7750' 8800 ^ 2 5 0 00 0 IMWX 052^ 109.1 IMWX MM (P)-14 D6.0 8840' MM(P)-7 00 90 SMO ^ 12.1 145 1 8071' MM(P)-10 99-10 Within 8 NM from VOR 9500' 9318' 99-00 R-220 D6.0 MEX9500' 9500' m 052^ 8800' 8800' 3.00^ IMWX D1.8 MEX GS 7600' ILS DA(H) A/B C 70 90 100 120 140 160 377 484 538 645 753 861 TDZE ALS out 12 34 D ALL Non Skd DA(H) 7666'(350')-1 CHANGES: Procedure title. 7316' 0.7 SALS MEX on PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY05R 7600' (284') TCH 52' 052^ 4.4 3:46 2:56 2:38 2:12 1:53 1:39 PLAZA to MAP 11000' D0.9 D4.5 IMWX D5.4 MEX GS 8755' 3.6 Gnd speed-Kts VOR 200^ PLAZA to FULL 9056' 00 80 8268' MM(P)-16 110 00 GS 8399' ILS DME MM (P)-17 MM(R)-8 7856' 7973' 7974' ^ 052 MEX 95 00 8000 MM(P)-3 10630' 5 11 D4.5 IMWX D5.4 MEX 8845' MEX ^ 232 MM (P)-12 PLAZA MM(P)-1 IMWX D1.8 MEX MM(P)-6 8128' MM(P)-2 D0.9 MM(P)-11 D6.0 ^ 052 7730' 8465' 19-20 MEX M115.6E X MEXICO ^ 800 D 200 19-30 337^ 8108' 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND LOC (GS out) MDA(H) 34 11 4 11 2 1 1 2 7900'(584') ALS out 1 11 2 13 4 1 3 Max Kts 90/120 140 165 MDA(H) 7960'(644') -1 7960'(644')-1 3 4 7960'(644') -2 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL 11-2 11 AUG 06 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 121.2 TM ATIS 127.65 LOC 052^ (CONDITIONAL) 7316' Apt Elev 8755'(1439') 7600'(284') TDZE 7316' Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Trans level: FL 195 04 Trans alt: 18500' 5 0 8000 MW 8840' MM (P)-14 11000 357^ 8399' MM(P)-7 8268' 8071' MM(P)-16 7856' MM(P)-10 99-10 8800' 9056' 9318' 99-00 VOR D0.9 D4.5 IMWX D5.4 MEX GS 8755' IMWX D1.8 MEX GS 7600' Gnd speed-Kts 70 3.00^ 377 ILS DA(H) 90 100 120 140 160 484 538 645 753 861 ALS out 34 7666'(350') -1 CHANGES: Procedure title. 7316' SALS MEX PAPI on STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY05R 7600' (284') 1 2 DA(H) TDZE 0.7 4.4 3:46 2:56 2:38 2:12 1:53 1:39 PLAZA to MAP FULL TCH 52' 052^ 3.6 D 177^ IMWX D4.5 IMWX D5.4 MEX m ALL Non Skd 00 052^ 109.1 IMWX 370 MW PLAZA C 7974' 7973' 10630' A/B MEX ILS DME MM (P)-17 PLAZA MM(R)-8 110 00 GS D6.0 ^ 052 32^ 00 80 00 90 19-20 337^ 00 88 0 2 0 11 7750' 52^ 19,400' 0^ 7743' ^ 052 7989' MM(P)-3 IMWX D1.8 MEX MM (P)-12 D9.2 8845' D0.9 MM(P)-6 8128' MEX 248^ 115.6 MEXICO 115.6 MEX 7730' MM(P)-11 MM(P)-2 MM(P)-15 MM(P)-1 D 9.2 160^ 8465' MEX 8039' 9700 0 800 th or Wi ctor R Ve RADA 19-30 9416' 8108' 8137' 5 800 0 S112.1M SMO O D 0^ NOT TO SCALE MM(P)-9 MATEO 22 157^ (IAF) SLM LUCIA 116.6 SLM 00 90 0 10 MM(R)-112 340^ 1200 160^ 8853' MISSED APCH FIX 10203' 12,100' MSA MEX VOR 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum manuvering speed from the IAF. 9840' 121.85 14,800' Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, turn LEFT to intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. MISSED APCH: Ground 118.7 ^ 109.1 ILS DA(H) GS PLAZA Final Apch Crs IMWX MEXICO Tower 118.1 0 13 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ILS DME-2 or LOC Rwy 05R JEPPESEN 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND LOC (GS out) MDA(H) 34 11 4 11 2 1 1 2 7900'(584') ALS out 1 11 2 13 4 1 3 Max Kts 90/120 140 165 MDA(H) 7960'(644') -1 7960'(644')-1 3 4 7960'(644') -2 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 TM LOC 109.1 052^ ILS DA(H) GS PLAZA 118.7 Apt Elev 7316' (CONDITIONAL) 8755'(1439') 7600'(284') TDZE 121.85 7316' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, turn LEFT Trans level : FL 195 04 Trans alt: 18500' MM(P)-9 MEX MEXICO D IMWX 115.6 MEX ILS DME 8465' 10 052^ 109.1 IMWX 2^ 5 0 184^ MEX m 99-10 D17.0 1400 0 .J .V--1251.. 29.9 00 12927' MEX 8000 MEX 004^ 0 10 5 (IAF) D12.0 10368' 11000 12000 9318' D10.0 5. 12000 0 112.0 500 9000 12304' MM(P)-10 TEQUIS VOR 99-00 PLAZA D4.5 IMWX D5.4 MEX GS 8755' 8800' GS IMWX D1.8 MEX GS 7600' 0 52^ TCH 52' 70 90 100 120 140 160 3.00^ 377 484 538 646 753 861 PLAZA to MAP DA(H) 7600'(284') ALS out A/B 12 34 D ALL Non Skd DA(H) TDZE 0.7 SALS PAPI on 4.4 3:46 2:56 2:38 2:12 1:53 1:39 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 7666'(350') -1 CHANGES: Procedure title. MDA(H) 34 11 4 7316' MEX 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND 05R LOC (GS out) ILS C VOR D0.9 3.6 Gnd speed-Kts 9056' 8268' MM(P)-7 00 80 00 80 NOT TO SCALE MISSED APCH FIX 8840' 8071' MM(P)-16 8 DM 7856' M EX E A r 95 VO c 00 R 7973' 0 370 MW D4.5 IMWX MM(P)-14 MM(R)-8 D5.4 MEX 19-20 11580' MW ^ 052 MM(P)-17 PLAZA ^ 232 ^ 0 22 8 80 0 5 MM(P)-3 IMWX 7750' D1.8 MEX LUCIA 116.6 SLM ^ 337 8845' D0.9 7989' MM(P)-12 SLM ^ 157 MM(P)-1 7974' 0 00 11 MM(P)11 MM(P)-15 MEX ^ 052 ^ 232 7730' MM(P)-6 8128' MM(P)-2 D6.0 177^ 8039' 19-30 000 8 19,400' 0^ 337^ 8108' 8137' ^ MSA MEX VOR 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum maneuvering speed from the IAF. 9416' 0 22 14,800' to intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 12,100' 0^ Final Apch Crs Ground 118.1 13 IMWX MEXICO Tower 121.2 11000 127.65 BRIEFING STRIP 11-3 357^ LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ILS DME-3 or LOC Rwy 05R JEPPESEN 11 AUG 06 7900' (584') ALS out 1 11 2 11 2 13 4 11 2 1 3 Max Kts 90/120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 140 7960'(644')-13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) TM 127.65 MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 IMEX 232^ 109.7 121.2 GS D4.4 IMEX (1395') 8711' Ground 118.1 118.7 121.85 ILS DA(H) Apt Elev (CONDITIONAL) (200') RWY 23L 7516' 7316' 0^ Final Apch Crs LOC MEXICO Tower 13 BRIEFING STRIP 11-4 11 AUG 06 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ILS DME-1 or LOC Rwy 23L JEPPESEN MMMX/MEX 7316' turn LEFT to intercept inbound MEX VOR R-200 to MEX VOR to the minimum holding altitude or in accordance with ATC instructions. Trans level: FL 195 0 04 Trans alt: 18500' 9056' 9840' 800 10 7743' 10203' 800 0 D10.0 MEX 9416' 5 D0.6 IMEX D1.3 MEX M370 WMW ^ 020 5 99-10 VOR 9056' 8268' from IMEX D5.0 MEX GS 8711' 232^ 2 8700' 3.8 0.5 70 90 100 120 140 160 484 538 646 753 861 SALS PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY23L DA(H) FULL 7516'(200') CIRCLE-TO-LAND MDA(H) 7680' (364') ALS out 1 D 1 11 4 ALL Non Skd 1 1 34 1 2 DA(H) 7566'(250') -1 CHANGES: Procedure title. 1 Max Kts 90/120 34 C MW 115.6 370 R-232 LOC (GS out) ALS out A/B MEX on 4.2 3:36 2:48 2:31 2:06 1:48 1:35 ILS VOR 32^ 5.0 3.00^ 377 FAF to MAP Within 10000' 12 NM D4.4 TCH 50' 7316' 98-50 MEX IMEX D1.3 MEX GS 7516' GS 99-00 D10.0 D0.6 Gnd speed-Kts 8840' MM(P)-7 MM(P)-14 036^ 11000' RWY 23L 9000 MM(P)-17 PLAZA D5.4 MEX 8399' 00 80 7750' 7989' ^ 052 20 0 ^ 0 ^ 232 MM(P)-6 IMEX D5.0 MEX 0 ILS DME 232^ 109.7 IMEX D4.4 00 11 MEX IMEX 7974' 7730' MM(P)-12 MM(P)-11 MM(P)-1 03 6^ M115.6E MEX X 8128' ^ 232 8039' (IAF) MM(P)-15 8596' D10.0 MEXICO MM(P)-2 0 8629' 9000 MM(P)-9 D 19,400' ^ MM(R)-112 19-30 0^ MSA MEX VOR 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum maneuvering speed from the IAF. 8108' 22 14,800' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-232 to MW LOM/D5.4 MEX, Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 12,100' MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 140 7960'(644')-1 3 4 165 7960'(644') -2 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. 119.7 121.2 232^ 109.7 8711' ILS DA(H) 118.1 118.7 121.85 Apt Elev 7316' (200') RWY 23L 7316' (CONDITIONAL) 7516' 0^ IMEX GS D4.4 IMEX (1395') Ground 13 Final Apch Crs LOC MEXICO Tower 0 04 turn LEFT to intercept inbound MEX VOR R-200 to MEX VOR to the minimum holding altitude or in accordance with ATC instructions. Trans level: FL 195 8000 10 7743' 8629' (IAF) D16.0 800 0 9000 MEX 0 6. 10 ^ 232 9416' 8108' 0 00 8596' 5 D10.0 M115.6E MEX X MEXICO MM(P)-12 0 MM(P)-11 MM(P)-15 ^ 232 MM(P)-6 7750' 7989' 8399' MM(P)-17 M370 WMW ^ 020 5 D4.4 0 ILS DME 232^ 109.7 IMEX IMEX D5.0 MEX ^ 052 PLAZA D5.4 MEX IMEX 7974' 00 80 MM(P)-1 00 11 MEX 9000 8128' D0.6 IMEX 7730' D1.3 MEX 20 0 ^ MM(P)-2 ^ 232 8039' (IAF) D 9056' 7 9840' 19-30 19,400' ^ MM(R)-112 MM(P)-9 99-10 8840' MM(P)-7 MM(P)-14 0^ MSA MEX VOR Trans alt: 18500' 10203' 22 14,800' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-232 to MW LOM/D5.4 MEX, Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 12,100' OTUMBA VOR TM MEXICO Approach (R) 9 6^ MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) 127.65 BRIEFING STRIP 11-5 11 AUG 06 110 .4 1 00 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ILS DME-2 or LOC Rwy 23L JEPPESEN MMMX/MEX 99-00 9056' 8268' VOR 98-50 D10.0 MEX 10000' D4.4 IMEX D5.0 MEX GS 8711' D0.6 IMEX D1.3 MEX GS 7516' TCH 50' RWY 23L 7316' Gnd speed-Kts GS 232^ 3.8 0.5 2 8700' 5.0 70 90 100 120 140 160 3.00^ 377 484 538 646 753 861 SALS PAPI STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY23L ILS DA(H) FULL 7516'(200') CIRCLE-TO-LAND MDA(H) 7680' (364') ALS out 1 D 1 11 4 ALL Non Skd 1 1 34 1 2 DA(H) 7566'(250') -1 CHANGES: Procedure title. 1 Max Kts 90/120 34 C MW 115.6 370 R-232 LOC (GS out) ALS out A/B MEX on 4.2 3:36 2:48 2:31 2:06 1:48 1:35 FAF to MAP 32^ MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 140 7960'(644')-1 3 4 165 7960'(644')-2 4 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL 13-1 11 AUG 06 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 121.2 TM ATIS 127.65 VOR Final Apch Crs 115.6 052^ MEX Minimum Alt PLAZA (1484') MDA(H) 7900' (584') 8800' MEXICO Tower 118.1 7316' Apt Elev Trans level: FL 195 10 8137' 8039' 0 800 8465' 5 MM(P)-15 MEX M370 WMW PLAZA MM(P)-1 D5.4 MEX 7989' MM (P)-12 ^ 052 7750' 11 0 8845' 7730' MM(P)-6 0^ 22 MM(R)-8 8000 5 99-10 8 NM from VOR 9500' 11000 357^ ^ 052 8399' MM (P)-14 8840' MM(P)-7 8071' 9318' MM(P)-10 99-00 VOR 11000' 200^ m PLAZA 8800' 052^ D5.4 MEX APT. 05L 4.1 05R 4.4 0 Rwy 05L REIL PAPI-L Rwy 05R SALS PAPI B 7900'(584') 1 ALS out 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY05L/R MDA(H) 7316' MEX on MAP at VOR A 9056' 8268' MM(P)-16 D6.0 R-220 MEX MEX9500' 9500' to 8800' 0 00 MO 7973' 7974' 00 80 00 7856' 10630' Within MEX MEX MM (P)-17 D6.0 ^S 12.1 145 1 95 4 D1 00 90 19-20 8800 MM(P)-3 D6.0 ^ 052 ^ 232 115.6 MEX MM(P)-11 8128' MM(P)-2 (IAF) MEXICO D 200 ^ 19-30 7743' 337^ 9416' MM(P)-9 Max Kts 90 120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 C 11 2 140 7960'(644')-13 4 D 13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 CHANGES: None. 19,400' 157^ NOT TO SCALE 8108' 0^ MSA MEX VOR LUCIA 116.6 SLM 00 8853' SLM 90 MM(R)-112 177^ SMO 10203' MATEO 112.1 SMO 800 0 D 0^ 04 Trans alt: 18500' MISSED APCH FIX 22 14,800' 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum maneuvering speed from the IAF. 9840' 121.85 12,100' MISSED APCH: Climb on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, turn LEFT to intercept SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Ground 118.7 0^ 13 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO VOR DME-1 Rwy 05L/R JEPPESEN MMMX/MEX | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX 13-2 19 NOV 04 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) TM MEX Final Apch Crs 115.6 052^ MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 121.2 Minimum Alt PLAZA MDA(H) MEXICO Tower 118.1 118.7 intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Trans level: FL 195 04 Trans alt: 18500' 9 .2 80 00 8039' D 8128' D9.2 MM(P)-15 0 248^ 7730' 7989' 88 00 ^ 2 5 0 7750' D5.4 MEX 8000 m 00 8399' MM(P)-17 PLAZA MM(R)-8 MM(P)-14 8071' 8840' MM(P)-7 PLAZA 80 99-00 052 ^ APT. Rwy 05L REIL PAPI-L Rwy 05R SALS PAPI B 1 ALS out 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05L/R 7900'(584') 7316' MEX on MAP at VOR A Max Kts 90 120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 C 11 2 140 7960'(644')-1 3 4 D 13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 CHANGES: None. 00 VOR 05L 4.1 05R 4.4 MDA(H) 9056' 8268' 0 00 D5.4 MEX 8800' 7974' ^ 052 M370 WMW 99-10 ^ 052 ^ 2320 11 MM(P)-6 MM(P)-3 19-20 9482' MEX MM(P)-12 MM(P)-1 8845' 5 MEX 115.6 MEX MM(P)-11 MM(P)-2 D6.0 MEXICO 8 970 8465' 300 ^ 160^0 5 8108' 8137' 337^ SMO 9416' 112.1 SMO 80 00 357^ 00 NOT TO SCALE MATEO 19-30 7743' MM(P)-9 (IAF) D SLM 19,400' 157^ 340^ 8853' LUCIA 116.6 SLM 800 0 80 10 00 MM(R)-112 177^ 80 0 1200 160^ 800 0 0 900 10203' 11000 MISSED APCH FIX 0^ MSA MEX VOR 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum maneuvering speed from the IAF. 9840' 0^ 22 14,800' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX turn LEFT to Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 121.85 12,100' 7316' Apt Elev 8800'(1484') 7900'(584') Ground 0^ 13 VOR BRIEFING STRIP 127.65 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO VOR DME-2 Rwy 05L/R JEPPESEN | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. 13-3 19 NOV 04 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 121.2 VOR Final Apch Crs 115.6 052^ Minimum Alt PLAZA MDA(H) 7900'(584') 8800'(1484') Apt Elev Trans level: FL 195 04 Trans alt: 18500' 80 00 MSA MEX VOR NOT TO SCALE MM(P)-9 10 11000 LUCIA 116.6 SLM D5.4 MEX 7989' 0 8845' 10000 D M 7856' M E 95 E X A rc 00 7973' 00 80 0 9000 10630' 7974' 00 ^ 052 7750' NOT TO SCALE (IAF) 1D10.0 MEX MM (P)-17 MM (P)-14 8071' 8840' D12.0 MEX MM(P)-7 MM(P)-10 9318' D8.0 80 MEX 1 D10.0 MEX (IAF) 99-10 m 11 MM(R)-8 MM(P)-16 8 19-20 5 ^ 052 0^ 22 88 0 0 MM(P)-3 MM (P)-12 ^ 2. 5 M370 WMW PLAZA MM(P)-15 MM(P)-1 052 ^ 2320 7730' MM(P)-6 8128' MM(P)-2 MEX 115.6 MEX 0040^ 1 8465' MEX MEXICO 5.0 D MM(P)-11 110 0 D6.0 184^ 80 00 00 8039' 19-30 004^ 1 80 8108' 7743' 337^ 9416' 8137' 19,400' 0^ 357^ SLM 0^ 157^ 8853' 177^ 10203' MM(R)-112 800 0 MISSED APCH FIX 800 0 0 900 22 14,800' 1. Restriction: Max approach speed 160 KIAS or minimum maneuvering speed from the IAF. 9840' 121.85 12,100' 7316' MISSED APCH: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, turn LEFT to intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Ground 118.7 0^ 13 MEX MEXICO Tower 118.1 1500 TM ATIS 127.65 2000 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO VOR DME-3 Rwy 05L/R JEPPESEN MMMX/MEX 00 D17.0 MEX 99-00 PLAZA D5.4 MEX 8800' VOR 052^ 05L 4.1 05R 4.4 APT. Rwy 05L REIL PAPI-L Rwy 05R SALS PAPI MEX on MAP at VOR A B 7900'(584') 1 ALS out 115.6 D6.0 R-052 MEX CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 05L/R MDA(H) 7316' Max Kts 90 120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 C 11 2 140 7960'(644')-13 4 D 13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 CHANGES: IAF at D10.0 MEX. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS TM 22 OCT 04 .Eff.28.Oct. 13-4 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) 127.65 MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 MEX 232^ 115.6 121.2 Minimum Alt D5.0 (1384') 8700' 118.1 118.7 121.85 MDA(H) 7900'(584') Apt Elev 7316' MISSED APCH: Climb on MEX VOR R-232 to MW LOM/D5.4 MEX, turn LEFT in accordance with ATC instructions. Trans level: FL 195 Trans alt: 18500' 12,100' 22 14,800' 0 04 to intercept MEX R-200 to MEX VOR to the minimum holding altitude or Alt Set: IN (MB on req) Ground 0^ Final Apch Crs VOR MEXICO Tower 13 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO VOR DME-1 Rwy 23L/R JEPPESEN MMMX/MEX 19,400' ^ MSA MEX VOR MM(R)-112 9056' 8000 9840' 0^ 10 7743' 8629' 10203' 800 0 9000 (IF) D10.0 MM(P)-9 9416' (IF) 5 8108' (IAF) MM(P)-2 8128' MM(P)-12 MM(P)-11 MM(P)-15 0 11 ^ 232 MM(P)-6 7750' 7989' MW PLAZA ^ 020 5 D5.0 00 ^ 052 8399' MM(P)-17 370 MW D5.4 MEX 7974' 99-10 VOR 11000' 8840' MM(P)-7 MM(P)-14 99-00 8268' 9056' 10000' ^ 232 8700' 23L 4.2 23R 4.6 7316' 98-50 D10.0 036^ D5.0 APT. 00 80 MM(P)-1 7730' 9000 115.6 MEX 03 6^ MEX MEXICO 20 0 ^ D 0 ^ 2 3 2 8039' 19-30 5.0 Rwy 23L/R SALS PAPI MEX on MAP at VOR MDA(H) B 7900'(584') 1 ALS out MW 115.6 370 R-232 CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY23L/R A 8596' D10.0 Max Kts 90 120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 C 11 2 140 7960'(644')-13 4 D 13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 CHANGES: Contours. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS TM 13-5 .Eff.28.Oct. MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) 127.65 MEXICO Approach (R) 119.7 115.6 232^ 121.2 Minimum Alt D5.0 (1384') 8700' Ground 118.1 118.7 121.85 MDA(H) Apt Elev 7900'(584') 7316' MISSED APCH: Climb on MEX VOR R-232 to MW LOM/D5.4 MEX, turn LEFT 12,100' 22 ^ MEX Final Apch Crs VOR MEXICO Tower 0 13 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO VOR DME-2 Rwy 23L/R JEPPESEN 22 OCT 04 14,800' 0 04 to intercept MEX R-200 to MEX VOR to the minimum holding altitude or 0^ 19,400' ^ in accordance with ATC instructions. 10 9840' 7743' 8629' 10203' 800 0 9000 (IAF) D16.0 MEX 2^ 3 2 MM(P)-9 D10.0 9416' 8596' 5 8108' 9056' 7 8000 MM(R)-112 OTUMBA VOR MSA MEX VOR Trans alt: 18500' 96^ Trans level: FL 195 110 .0 1 00 Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 8039' 19-30 MEX 115.6 MEX MM(P)-12 7750' ^ 052 8399' MM(P)-17 M370 WMW 020 ^ PLAZA D5.4 MEX 0 00 80 7989' ^ ^ 232 MM(P)-6 200 0 MM(P)-11 00 11 9000 8128' MM(P)-15 5 7974' 7730' MM(P)-2 MM(P)-1 D5.0 MEXICO D 99-10 8840' MM(P)-7 MM(P)-14 99-00 9056' 8268' 98-50 D16.0 D10.0 D5.0 VOR 11000' 232^ 10000' 8700' APT. 23L 4.2 23R 4.6 7316' 5.0 6.0 Rwy 23L/R SALS PAPI MEX on MAP at VOR CIRCLE-TO-LAND STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 23L/R MDA(H) A B 7900'(584') 1 ALS out Max Kts 90 120 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 C 11 2 140 7960'(644')-1 3 4 D 13 4 165 7960'(644')-2 CHANGES: Contours. MW 115.6 370 R-232 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2002, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX 27 FEB 04 LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL ATIS 119.7 RADAR 121.2 Minimum Alt MDA(H) No FAF Refer to Minimums By ATC Ground 118.1 118.7 121.85 Apt Elev TDZE-See below LUCIA 00 80 TPX 00 9056' 10 340^ 160^ IMWX 8465' 0 D MEX MEXICO 115.6 MEX 8039' 8128' MM 19-20 M370 WMW D4.5 IMEX D5.4 MEX 99-10 10400' IMEX ILS DME 7717' D4.4IMEX 7974' D5.0MEX ^ 232 00 0 11 ^ 052 232^ 109.7 IMEX 13000 8399' MM(P)-17 MM(P)-14 8840' MM(P)-7 9056' 8268' 99-00 00 80 ^ 052 7750' PLAZA OTU 0 00 12 11000 10000 0 900 MM(P)-6 MM(P)-15 MM(P)-12 MM(P)-1 8845' 7989' 80 00 OTUMBA 115.0 OTU ^ 232 8596' MM(P)-11 MM(P)-2 MM(P)-3 8629' 10203' 052^ 109.1 IMWX 19-30 D 7743' 8108' ILS DME 8137' 0 10170' 359 TPX 8531' MM(P)-9 9416' 80 0 MSA MEX VOR 90 S112.1M SMO O 0 1200 8853' 19,400' TEPEXPAN MATEO D 9840' 8000 0^ MM(R)-100 MM(R)-112 19-40 0^ MM(R)-100 116.6 SLM 0 900 20 SLM D 22 14,800' Trans alt: 18500' MM(R)-112 5 12,100' 04 Trans level: FL 195 MM(R)-113 00 80 5 7316' Missed Approach-See below Alt Set: IN (MB on req) 15 MEXICO Tower 0^ 13 Final Apch Crs RADAR All Rwys MEXICO Approach (R) 8000 TM 18-1 MEXICO Terminal (R) (APP) (70NM to 20NM) 127.65 BRIEFING STRIP MEXICO CITY, MEXICO JEPPESEN 13520' 98-50 MISSED APPROACH: Runways 05L/R: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-052 to D6.0 MEX, then turn LEFT and intercept inbound SLM VOR R-157 to SLM VOR to 11000' and expect ATC instructions. Runways 23L/R: Climb outbound on MEX VOR R-232 to MW LOM/D5.4 MEX, then turn left and intercept inbound MEX VOR R-200 to MEX VOR to the minimum holding altitude or in accordance with ATC instructions. LOST COMMUNICATIONS: If no transmission has been received for more than 1 minute during vectors to final approach or for more than 30 seconds on final approach complete a visual approach. If a visual approach is not possible, proceed direct to MEX VOR at last assigned altitude or climb to 11000', establish yourself in the holding pattern at MEX VOR and try communicating with ATC, using other frequencies if necessary. RWY 05L RWY RWY 05R TDZE 7309' ASR 05L/R MDA(H) A B C D CHANGES: Procedure. 7316' RWY 23L TDZE 7900'(584') TDZE 7316' STRAIGHT-IN LANDING Lighting Refer to Airport Chart RWY 23R 7311' CIRCLE-TO-LAND ASR 23L/R MDA(H) 7900' (584') ALS out 1 1 11 2 13 4 11 2 13 4 Max Kts 90 120 140 165 MDA(H) 7960'(644')-1 7960'(644')-13 4 7960'(644')-2 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2001, 2004. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHANGES: Diagram. 19-25 99-04 1000 1000 3000 4000 1500 5000 99-03 19-25 119.7 500 2000 118.7 Meters 0 Feet 0 118.1 99-05 TERMINAL 2 Bldg Area Following twys restricted to aircraft bigger than 118' (36m)(B737-900 with winglets): B-4 between Rwy 05R and Twy E; C1; C2 between Twy B and Twy C; E between Twys PH and A4; and H1. AIS/MET 19-26 Tower 99-06 K PH Control Tower Taxiway B4 weight bearing capacity PCN 100/F/C/X/T. Ground Bldg Area B3 A4 E E E2 10-9 Taxiway A between Runway 05R and Taxiway B3 restricted to aircraft with wingspans equal to or less than DC10-30. A B3 E1 E E 121.85 0505R2^ A1 B4 A5 B7 E2 JEPPESEN Elev 7290' 0505L2^ A1 B3 12 B4 B6 ARP D Emergency Platform 2323L2^ 122.1 B2 B3 7' 0 9 , B7 m 00 H B D MEXICO Clearance A2 B B2 B5 m 34 39 B7 795 , 2 1 39 G B H 3 NOV 06 Elev 7292' Blast fence located 1499' 457m from head rwy 05L 10' (3m)high. B B6 B B E2 VOR E F H1 Elev 7295' 99-03 N19 26.2 W099 04.3 19-26 TERMINAL 1 B C2 B9 B 2323R2^ Elev 7294' 127.65 C C1 C C3 B8 C Taxiing of aircraft weighing same or more than a B-757 can not use taxiway C-2 between taxiways C and B. ATIS 7598' E2 Fuel Tanks Twy C2 between Twy B and Rwy 05L/23R 75' (23m) wide. 99-05 Apt Elev 07^E MMMX/MEX 7316' All acft that leave positions 1, 2 or 3 should be towed to position 4. B1 Bldg Area Airport closed to piston/turboprop aircraft with cruising speeds less than 250 kts. Runways 05R/23L do not have runway margins. Position number 35 of commercial apron restricted, only for aircraft which are towed for overnight due to difficulties with the mobile gate vehicles. 99-06 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL MEXICO CITY, MEXICO MEXICO Terminal (R) (DEP) 120.5 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX JEPPESEN 3 NOV 06 10-9A MEXICO CITY, MEXICO LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL CAUTION: Birds in the vicinity of airport. All civil aircraft that operate within a radius of 100NM of MEX VOR should have automatic transponder and altitude transmitter. ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION RWY 05R USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Glide Slope Threshold TAKE-OFF WIDTH 11,302' 3445m 12,795'3900m 148' 45m 12,795' 3900m 12795' 3900m HIRL SALS PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) 23L HIRL SALS PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) 05L PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) 11,388'3471m 11,266'3434m 23R HIRL SALS PAPI-L (angle 3.0^) 11,266'3434m 11,388' 3471m HIRL REIL 148' 45m TAKE-OFF Rwys 05L, 05R Rwys 23L, 23R SCHEDULED AIR CARRIER ONLY If Weather Below Landing Minimums, Take-off Alternate Airport Required. Pilot is required to report existing visibility of at least 7 HIRLS and RCL along the rwy in the take-off direction. If differences exist between reported visibility and Pilot visibility, the Pilot's report will be given preference. 2 Eng 3&4 Eng 14 Other 1 &2 Eng 500- 1 700- 1 3&4 Eng 12 500- 1 FOR FILING AS ALTERNATE Precision Non-Precision A B C 600-2 1000-3 D CHANGES: Lighting, usable lengths, note. | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A2 B CHANGES: Diagram. A1 A A1 B2 B2 A4 E K B4 B T7 T4 T1 T8 T5 T2 T9 T6 T3 A5 B6 B6 B E1 B7 E B7 29 36 35A 30 35 31 33 34 31 32 33A A B B7 C 38 37A 37 E E2 E2 E2 51 50A 50 49 48A 48 E2 C1 39 41 42 39A 41 40 A E 13 H E2 B H 31 47 C2 C2 46 A E C3 B8 D E C G F 10-9B H8 H7 C 43 44 45 46 3 NOV 06 TERMINAL 2 PH B4 B5 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 9 28 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 JEPPESEN 55A 57A 58 57 56 55 58A 59 54 69 6867 53 60 66 70 52A 61 52 71 65 64 62 72 73 63 74 B3 B3 B3 B3 32 1 4 5 6 8 MMMX/MEX 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 B1 S8 S7 S3 S5 S4 S6 TERMINAL 1 Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL MEXICO CITY, MEXICO | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Licensed to BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC, . Printed from JeppView disc 23-06. Notice: After 07.12.2006 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. MMMX/MEX MEXICO CITY, MEXICO JEPPESEN 3 NOV 06 10-9C LIC BENITO JUAREZ INTL PARKING GATE COORDINATES GATE No. COORDINATES GATE No. Terminal 1 Terminal 2 52, 52A 53 thru 56 57, 57A, 58 58A 59 thru 62 N19 N19 N19 N19 N19 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.4 W099 W099 W099 W099 W099 04.7 04.7 04.8 04.7 04.7 05.0 04.9 04.8 04.7 04.7 63, 64 65, 66, 67 68 69, 70 71 thru 74 N19 N19 N19 N19 N19 25.3 25.4 25.4 25.3 25.3 W099 W099 W099 W099 W099 04.8 04.8 04.9 04.9 04.8 N19 26.2 W099 04.6 N19 26.3 W099 04.6 N19 26.3 W099 04.7 75, 76 77 thru 81 N19 25.2 W099 04.8 N19 25.3 W099 04.9 N19 26.0 N19 25.9 N19 26.0 N19 26.0 N19 26.0 W099 05.2 W099 05.2 W099 05.2 W099 05.1 W099 05.0 17, 18 20, 21, 22 23 thru 28 29, 30 31, 31A, 32 N19 N19 N19 N19 N19 W099 W099 W099 W099 W099 33 33A, 34 35, 35A, 36 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13 15,16 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.2 North Remote Platform 37, 37A, 38 39, 39A, 40 N19 26.4 W099 04.5 N19 26.4 W099 04.4 N19 N19 N19 N19 Orient Platform 48, 48A, 49 50, 50A 51 N19 25.9 W099 04.0 N19 25.9 W099 04.1 N19 26.0 W099 04.1 Heliport Customs 41, 41A, 42 43, 44 45 46, 46A, 47 COORDINATES 26.5 26.5 26.5 26.6 W099 W099 W099 W099 04.4 04.3 04.2 04.2 25.9 25.8 25.9 25.8 W099 W099 W099 W099 05.4 05.4 05.3 05.3 H7 H8 N19 25.9 W099 03.8 N19 25.9 W099 03.9 South Platform S3, S4, S5 S6 S7 S8 N19 N19 N19 N19 Tango Platform T1 thru T6 T7, T8 T9 CHANGES: Gate coordinates. N19 25.7 W099 04.6 N19 25.7 W099 04.7 N19 25.6 W099 04.6 | JEPPESEN SANDERSON, INC., 2000, 2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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