A hfiNrtifr GREECE, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 12, 1957 = = = a 5 = ss^ ^ S B B a * » To Install 1 ^ ^ fa slo r Tlief Sfaais Swaid The Rev.' John D. Mac Innes %111 be installed first minister of Johft Knox Presbyterian Church __jn_semces_Sunday_-at-R 4>^r4m-in•Itoe temporary church rooms at . Jtidgecrest Shopping Center. » ; Taking part in the service will lie the Rev. Mr. Mac’ Innes’ fa ther, the Rev, David Mac Innes, . -fxeeutive secreta^ pf thg Pres- hyterjan Synod- of New York; the; Rev, ■ - - Cothimmity tredllgHfi^ Set for Tomorrow Nightf Hundreds lighfs oh a 35*foot, community Chelstnias se-atHDewey^venue-and Stone-RwKhwitI rb«”swifch»d on J tomorrow at 8 p. m. to mark the 0|k»n1ng of the Christmas, . season. ^ a n , Bethany- Church; the Rev,; Gleh YJ. Morrow, executive secre tary of the Presbytery of Roches ter; the Rev. Daniel C. Galloway, Lakeside Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Richard Blair of Westminster Church, moderator of -the Presbytery, who will preside. The Rev. Mr. Mac innes, who has served as organizing pastor for the new congregation since last January,, was graduated from Hamilton College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He i^erved - as pastor for more than fom years at First Presbyterian Church, William Curley and Stuart Chapman ■ Stamford. N. Y. Two Kodak Park Works men wijll share equally in a $1,250 award Plans are underway for con struction of a church building for their suggestions which resulted in the redesign of packing cases next year. The tentative location for photographic film. is Ridge Road West, near North Stuart Chapman of 21 Hampton i 1941:L. Avenue, * Boulevard and William Curley of This year through November 3, 77 Windsor B^ad submitted ideas of red'esgin of vypoden packing the Kodak Park suggestion system has paid out over $223,000 in casts for rolls of raw photographic paper being shipped out of the awards. Of this amount, more than Chief Milton H. Carter requests country. The new cases are less $158,000 was paid for 1L600 adopt all I’esidents to be on the alert expensive to fabricate, yet provide ed suggestions and $65,000 for ap for prowlers, suspicious cars or adequate protection for the con- proximately 700 a ccep ted ideas which have qualified for addition iig|hts on in honms where the resi a l awards after having been in dent is supposed to be out. No Chapman and Curley are mem use one year. . matter how small or trivial it may seem 7 caR the police, he urges. bers of the Kodak Park baryta di \ The 59-year-old Eastman Kodak If a car is observed in a driveway vision, which coats photographic suggestions system, one of the oldof "a home and you think it should paper. Chapman Joined the com^ eSt in the country, rewards Konot be there, try to get the plate pany in 1925 and has been a mem dal^ people for ideas that improve number n f the car. Special pa ber of the baryta division since products or manufacturing meth trols are working night and day 1936. Curley has been a member ods, reduce costs or increase plant in an attempt to halt burglaries. of the same Kodak division sinc^e r o u c E Seat A fire at the home of Lester Cockbum, 118 Ridgedale Circle, was investigated by Officers Harry Seorse and Cyrille VerWeire. The . iire apppently was d&used by oil leaking through the floor of a ^Utility room. Barnard Fire Chief Nelson Pepper estimated damage at $300. ,: Polio Drive Chairmen Named Mrs. Charles F. Fitter, Monroe County 1958 March of Dimes campaign director )r, has announced the appointment of Mrs. Hugh A. Foreman of 50 Salmon Creek Drive, Hilton, and Mrs. Arnold W. Frear of 783 Stone Road as co-chairmen for the annual January fund drive in the Town of Greece. A March of Dimes volunteer for*^ seeing the drive to a Successful the last 15 years, Mrs, Foreman conclusion. It is indeed our good started out as a door-to-door cam fortune to have women such paigner. Mrs. Frear has had six these directing the . drive in years of volunteer service to the Greece.” March of Dimes. In previous years, she has been a canvasser Chief Carter and Sgt. Robert and district chaim an. Griffin investigated an accident in Mr^'-Foreman is active in many Greenleaf Road, sduth of Ling community groups, including the Road. Richard Er Fitzsimmons of G.B.A., in which she has held the i7 0 Sierra' Drive stated that he, offices of vice-president and treas -Was going south in Greenleaf Road Two m otoristr were finned for urer; Greece Council, Rochester 'when he was temporarily blinded Chamber of Commerce, of which passing standing school buses at by the lights of an oncoming she is a director, and a member last week’s session of -Town Court, car. He lost contruh of Ms car presided over by Peace Justice W. and hit a tree, suffering cuts' on of the library committee and- the Arthur Rickman, The cases: Beech Twig o f Lakeside Memor fhe^ifose ' arid' chest "injuries. ial Hospital, a group she*servcs Norman E. Lashley, SwedenW alkef Road, school bus violaAlan MSixon of 174 Laura Drive as chairman. reported to the Desk Officer Ron Mrs.^ Frear is president of the tidn,. $10; Ronald J, Merrill, Brock, ald-Bark&r that when he came out Barna&-Brittoh' PTA, a member Of p o rt,. school bus; violation, $19; Of 41^ Ridge Road school he the Auxiliary o f Barnard Fire DO- James L. KendHck, 497 Flower tliscdyorod that someone had paitment and 'president o f thp City .Park, allowing" an taken h i ^ blke»^ The bicycle is Monroe Couftty ! Yohihteer Fi re-, ... —jnewood Avev alu ed a t $38, , men's Auxiliary Marching JJhit Associatioh., $ h e ^ s e ~ h a a served iiUe, junior operator’s license vio lation, $101 Franklin k Sgt. -GerjoM Paul, aud oMcer; in many fu n d -r a i^ g drives. Norm Stuart of Caldwell & ■Cook reported- to Officers Glen Goodno and Algird Zemaitis that , someone entered a new house in Lawson Road and took a gander and cable router valued at $180; Two D nyas-fii^r^ The tre e , d o n ated by Mf. and Mrs. C arlton N. B oyer of 30 D esm ond R oad, was s e t u p by th e G reece B usiness Asao* ciation, w hich la u n ch ed th e com m unity Y ule tre e p ro ject as an annuajl affair a y ear ago. « S anta Claus w ill b e on h an d to hand o u t candy to th e . y o ungsters an d th e B arn ard D rum Corps w ill play. The Cl.B.A*., h ea d ed by G eorge K ujaw a, held a C hrist m as d in n e r p arty fo r m em bers and th e ir wives an d friends last Sunday at th e B arn a rd E xem pts Club. Hearing Called on W ater Plan A h earin g on a p etitio n fo r Extension NtL l A o l i h e Con^. solidated W ater D istrict has been scheduled fo r Tuesday a t 8 p. m. a t th e Tow n Hall. The p ro je ct, fo r which a limit of $35,000 has been set, is p lanned to serv e Mill Road betw een N orth A venue and Lx)ng P ond Road. G reece Wins National Award Top aw ard in th e national school im provem ent contest w ent to G reece C en tral School D istrict this w eek fo r its o u t standing h ig h school p rogram . P resen ta tio n o f th e $1,000 aw ard was m ade a t a d in n e r in the W aldorf-A storia H otel in New Y o rk City. It w as^b aseT ^ on a .re p o r t of th e G reece d istrict’s crash p ro g ram fo r a new hig h school, su b m itted by Wilho Salm inen of*^Flynn Road, m em b er of th e d istrict B oard of Education. Dr. L aw rence G. D erthrick, U. S. C om m issioner of education, m ade th e p re s entation. A w eek ago, S alm in en ’s rep o rt was selected fo r one of fo u r reg io n al aw ards. Road Widening Project Listed T he S tate D ep artm en t of Public W orks has announced th a t Dewey A venue b etw een B ritton and L atta ro ad s will be w idened fro m th re e to fo u r lanes next S um m er. T he p ro je c t w ill include th e resu rfacin g of th e one-m ile stretch . Aide Named for Elm Disease Fight The Town Council has appointed C harles E. Schmaiz, G reece resid e n t and ch airm an of th e R ochester A rea Citizens C om m ittee fo r D utch Elm Disease Control, to organize and head a com m ittee of town residents to com bat th e tre e dis ease. Schmalz said th a t th e effo rts of the town, sta te an d in dividuals w ill be coo rd in ated in fighting th e disease by rem ov ing in fected trees. W inter Sports Layout Planned S upervisor G ordon A. Howe announced th e Town Council has au thorized th e leasing to n a Road andvR idgew ay A venue w ith W inter The 10-acre p ro p erty is ow ned by F ra n k beck. th is w eek th a t of land a t Larecred tio n use. an d Rose Lie- ,site^^by-WiUiam- J.-B u b r J r., tow n recreatio n su p erin ten d en t. of Town Words Scheduled In School Bus Cases Chortlng The w o rk o f dividing th e Town of G reece in to fo u r w ards p robably w ill g et u n d erw ay in F eb ru ary o r M arch, JElectioirts' \C bm m issioner R obert W. N o rth ru p has announcedG reece v oters adopted a D em ocratic-sponsored pro p o sal fb r a w ard systiem of selecting town councilm en in a r e f e r endum in . co n n ectio n w ith l a s t m o n th ’s electio n , /. N o rth ru p said th a t th e jo b has b ee n delay ed b ecau se his. e i s r s t i i r b n ^ “ w1th pdsT-election p a p e r w ork. Ojfenlng of Bids Slated Tonight \Bids ph co n stru ctio n o f th e new P ad d y H iirF ire h o U se w illS e p p h e id to n ig h t ^ N o rth G reece fire com misrionS^s. , T h e fire h o u se w ill b e ere c te d at^Latta R o ad a n d M t Bend,: Boulevardit^"’ - ---^ ‘ " A $ p l0 Q 0 ^ o n d issue f o r th e p r o j ^ t w as ap p ro v ed b y . * ...... -27B— ^ShmfeacrdnHDriver^harged* in maklnj__ihfc_himo0a®gei^ .with—speeding, no appearance; =j3a»a Acker^ 830 Long Pond Road^ l a d t ld r s T F R ie r t ili^ - Ridge Road West and Stona Roadj Rad been Irplken infe -^ cigatet le a s e d io have*both Mrji,.JfOr^^ charged w ith speeding an d ' atop , , macMhe was broken into.. About Mah and M rc Frear d r leaders ^ Sign violation, adjourned to th is Dirchard Mrebabie was taReh frmn the' m g - W dfk,:ahd MarrF \-k m ..Attitude LeglGn Auxilicny Books N.: Y,, 4 ia rg # < ljv lth schoot .p. m .,at theppBt hom^^^ a^pearanc.^^ W # - bus vioJdhon* ; Air ^ at 2 W m ^ Ziz: ,
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