JABATANPEI-/IJAMN JOHORJA rlt 4MNroHoRrA ,$& ffi j;;9GiA1 i'nuunnonn 1ffi|}fu, roHoRJA ffiliffiK, zELATAMN JABATAN JOHORJA JABATANPELAJARAN wvionon JABATANPELAJAPI^|I^-- pELAJAil4'N J JABATAN ld 'ffiHm i{ \ffir' { JOHORJABATANPELAJAMN JOHORJABATAN ,,t9^12: STPMZOO9iil i,Iwnv^PERGUBAAN ,.^.n,^r P_E_LAJ:4R:ay.J9y_9Ir!yy rroHoRTABATAN P,ELAT:AY4y t roHoRTABATAN -r9!9:r!,y,yy, PELAJAMNJoHoRJABATAN { JoHoR JABATAN .,BATAN GHEMISTRY (KlMlAl ^^ . t/D /4llf PELAJAMNJ)H0R,IABATAN JoHoRJABATAN zELAJAMN s,ar.aN BATANPELAJAMN JOHORJABATAN JABATANPELAJARANJ v)LTnRJABATAN t^t DEr /t f ',tD PELAJAMNJOHORJABATAN JOHOP rnD/11-/t^r JABATANPELAJARAN PELAJAMN JoHoR JABATAN JABATANpELAten q'xjonot, PAPER { (KERTAS { ) 'RJABATAN JABATAN JABATAN PELAJAMN JOHOR JABATAN \ELAJARAN JOHO| 1)trDArtTtv r Lr-ArAAAtv ,t<trr<)R PELAJAMN JOHOR JABATAN JABATAN PELAJAMN r.,nLtrr'E (ANEKA 'PELAJAMN J2HORJABATAN MULT|PLE-CHO|CE [ArtEn'' PILIHAN) JABATAN PELAJARAN .IOHOR .IABATAN PET,A'IARAN'IOHOR JABATAN JABATAN PET,A,IARAN.IOHOR.IABATAN PEI,A.IARAN roHo! JABATAN JABATAAone hour and forty-five minutes (Satujam empat puluh lima minit) --' ' JOHORJABATAN JABATAA JOHORJABATANPELAJAMNJOHORJABATAN JOHORJABATANPELAJARAN JABATANPEL.AJARAN JABATAN PELAJARAN JOHOR sIJtLTINGGIPERSEKoLAHANMALAYSIA Instructions to candidates: DoNoTOPENTHISQI,ESTIoNPAPERUNTILYOUAREToLDToDoSo. afrrwersare given' Thereme fifty questionsin thispaper. For eachquestion,four suggested and indicate it on the multiple-choiceanswersheetprovided. Chooseonecorrect i^rt, Readall instructionson the multiple-choiceanswersheetvery carefully, Answer tll questions.Marfts will not be deductedforwrong an$4)ers' This questionpaper consistsof 33 printed pages' STPM9621r is over. *Thisquestionpaperis GONFIDENTIAL until theexamination CO}TFIDENTIAL* 2 CONFIDENTIAL- SectionA Four suggesfed ansurerslabelledA, B, C and D arc givenfor each question.Chooseone corrcctanswer. 1. Whichof the followingsketchesshowpartof the massspectrumof the refrigerant, 1'c, ttF,tuc,ttcll CF2C!I? flhe isotopesare : A abundance abundance B D abundance abundance 120 122 r24 ry'e ratio 2. Theunitcellof a metalM is shownbelow.Giventhe volumeof the unitcellis Vr cm3and thevolumeof 1 molof M atomsis V2cm3.Whatis the valueof theAvogadroconstant? A. Y zlV t B. ( VzlVr ) x4 c. Nz lYi x7 c. M/Vr ) x14 CONFIDENTIALSb, is in Group15 of the PeriodicTable.The ion belowhasa square-based Antimony, 3. pyramidalshape. F I ,r,pry' Deducethe totalnumberof electronsaroundthe antimonyatomandthe valueof n? valueof n Total numberof electrons A 10 1 B 10 2 c 12 1 D 12 2 4. GaseousparticleX hasa protonnumbern anda chargeof +1.GaseousparticleY hasa protonnumberof (n+1)and is isoelectronic withX. WhichstatementcorrectlydescribesX and Y? C X hasa largerradiusthanY X requiresmoreenergythanY whenthe secondelectronis removedf fromeachparticle X releasesmoreenergythanY whenan electronis addedto eachparticle D X andY belongto thesamegroupInthe PeriodicTable A B H ^o or| L \o HLe -ao$Ln I valuesof the bondanglesin Whichof the followingSrr""tly describesthe approximate the moleculeabove? 6 v o A 900 1900 900 B 1050 1800 900 c 1200 1050 10go D 1200 10go 10go { CONFIDENTIAL* 6. is the permanent In whichpairof molecules dipolein molecule/ greaterthanthatin molecule ll? It/, Acrcl t' \,/ C =C /\ CHS B CHS CH3CHzCI f cl ,rc\ C CHs cH3cHcl2 CI d"' c D CI 6. CI CI I' I cl 7. The rateequationfor the decompositionof hydrogenbromide 2 H B (g ))H z(9 )+B r z( 9) is: Rate= k[HBr]2 Whichof thefollowingconclusions canbe drawnfromthis information? A Thevalueof k dependson the concentration of HBr. B The rateof appearance of Brzis halfthe rateof disappearance of HBr. C Doublingthe concentration of HBrwilldoublethe rateof reaction. D The presenceof a suitablecatalystwill increasethe valueof k. CONFIDENTIAL* \'lirrhmeg{*nrruen fnnnod the decomposition 8. In thediagramabove,curveXwas obtainedby observing of 100cm3of (lV)oxide. catalysed by manganese 1.0moldm-3hydrogenperoxide, Whichalteration to theoriginalexperimental condition wouldproducecurve)? A Addingwater B peroxide Addingsome0.1 moldm-3hydrogen C Usinglessmanganese(lV) oxide D Loweringthe temperature 9. Thegraphbelowshowsthe variationof pHvaluewithvolumeof baseaddedin an acidbasetitration. l4 l3 t2 ll l0 9 8 pH7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 Volumeof baseadded/crn3 is not true aboutthetitrationabove? Whichof thefollowingstatements A Theacidandbaseusedin the titrationmayprobablybe ethanoicacid respectively. andsodiumhydroxide B ThepK"of the acidusedis equalto 4.7. hydrolysis to produceOHC Thesaltformedin the titrationundergoes ions. for the abovetitrationis methylorange. D A suitableindicator 10 CONFIDENTIAL" 10. The pH of a 1.0 mol dm-3solutionof a weak monobasicacid is 5. What is the dissociationconstant of the weak acid? B 1.0x 10a moldm'3 1.0x 10 8 mol dm-3 C 1.0x 10 to mot dm-3 D 1.0x 10la moldm-3 A 11. Hydrogensulphidereactswith water accordingto the followingequation. H2s(aq) + 2Hzo(aq) +' 2Hao*(aq) + S'- (aq) Whichof the followingaqueoussolutionswhenaddedwouldcausethe systemat to shiftto the left? equilibrium A Ammoniumchloride B Sodiumcarbonate C Sodiumethanoate D Ammonia at 600oC,at 1 PCl5(g)is in equilibrium Whenthe systemChG) + PCls(g) +' atmpressure,the valueof the equilibriumconstant,Kois 30. 12. \Nhatis the valueof t$ at a pressureof 2 atmat the sametemperature? A 2 0 8 3 0 C .6 0 D 1 0 0 A solute,S exists in the same molecularstate when dissolvedin ether and water. of soluteS in ethersolutionis 6 Whenthe two solutionsare in equilibrium,the concentration A solutioncontaining14.0g of S in 240cmsof timeshigherthanthat of the aqueoussolution. 13. wateris extractedwith40 cm3of ether.Calculatethe totalmassof S extractedfromwater. 2 .0 9 A B 6 .0 g C 7 .0 9 D 8 .0 g t2 CONFIDENTIAL- diagramsrepresentsa mixtureof Whichof the followingboilingpoint- composition waterand hydrogenchloride. 14. .A Boilingpoint 0%Hp r00%Hp B 0EoHrO D Boilingpoint \Arhichof the followingstatementsis not truefor a standardcell whichconsistsof the two half-cellsgivenbelow? Ee=+1.52V MnOr- + 8H* + 5e- ) Mnz*+ 4H2O Ee=+0.77V Fe3*+d ) Fe2* {S. A Thee.m.f. of the cellis 2.29V B oxidation. The MnOr /Mn2*cellundergoes Electronsflowfromthe electrodein the MnOr'/Mn2*cellto the electrodein the c cell. Fe3*/Fe2* D cellwillincrease. ionsin the Fe3*/Fe'* of Fe3*(aq) Concentration CONFIDENTIAL* l4 it is possibleto usea verysmallmagnesium of cardiacpacemakers, tnthe construction are whichcreatesan electricalcellwiththe inhaledoxygen.The relevanthalf-cells electrode 16. as follows. Mg'** 2e ) Mg E0 = '2.38V 1/zO2+2H*+ 2e ) HzO E0 = +1.23Y the celle.m.fwouldbe 3.61V, but in the bodya potentialof 3.25V Understandardconditions, of thislowere'm.f? is moreusual.Whatis the bestexplanation A B C D electrode Thesmallsizeof the magnesium the magnesiumelectrode of Mg2*ionssurrounding The low concentration the electrodes. of the bodyfluidssunounding Thehighresistance the electrodes. ThepH between7 andI of the bodyfluidsunounding aregivenby the followingequations. 17. Theenthalpychangefor two reactions 2Fe(s)+ 3l"Oz(gl) FezOa(s) ; ) CO(g); C(s)+ %C,z/6,l aH = - 822 kJ mol-l AH= -110kJ mol-1 Whatis the enthalpychangefor thefollowingreaction? ) 2Fe(s)+ 3CO(g) 3C(s)+ Fe2O3(s) A B C D iB. +712kJmo1'1 +492kJmo1-l - 492 kJ mot-1 - 712kJ mol-1 ionic Whichvaluewouldbe requiredto estimatethe latticeenergyfor the hypothetical MgH? compound, A The electronaffinitYof hYdrogen C energyof hydrogen Thefirstionisation bondenergy Themagnesium-hydrogen D of MgHz Thestandardenthalpychangeof formation B CONFIDENTIAL* t6 and9.0g of required16.0g of oxygenfor completecomb*ustion 4.0g of a hydrocarbon waterwas producedin the reaction.Whatwasthe massof carbondioxideproduced? atomicmassof 0=16, C=12,H=11 [Refative B 9.0g 4 .0 9 A D 22.0g 1 1 .0g C 19. 20. Thevaluesof pK6of severalsubstancearegivenbelow. Substance PKu NHg 4.75 CHsNHz 3.36 cH3cH2NH2 3.27 CsHsNHz 9.38 Whichof the followingis the strongestacid? B NHO* A D CH3CH2NH3* C CHSNHS* CeHsNHs" Gonsiderthe sequenceof oxidesgivenbelow.Whichseriesshowsan increasingorder of meltingpoint? 21. A B C D AlzO.,SOs,SiOz ClzOz, SiOz AlzOg, SOs,ClzOz, SiO2,AlrO. SOg,ClzOz, SOs ClzOz, SiOz,AlzOg, a metalin a suitable consistsof partiallydissolving Theprocessof chemicaletching solvent.By carefulmaskingof the metal,it is possibleto producea patternin or on the metal. couldbe usedto etcha patternin aluminium? Whichof thefollowingaqueoussolutions 22. A Ethanoicacid B Dilutenitricacid C Sodiumhydroxide nitricacid Concentrated D CONFIDENTIAL* l8 \Mrichof the followingstatementsregardinglead(lV)oxideis nottrue? 24. A lt is amphoteric B C lt easilydecomposeswhenheated lt hasionicbondingwithcovalentcharacteristics. D lt is formedby heatingstronglylead(ll)oxidein oxygen \ /hich reactionof ammoniadoes not involvethe non-bondingpair of electronson the nitrogenatom? A NHs(g)+ GHsl(g)+ CHsNHg.l-(s) B NHs(g) + HCI(g) --+ NHrCI(s) c 2NH3(l) + 2Na(s) + D 2NHg(aq)+ Ag.(aq) + 2NaNH2(s)+ H2(g) [Ag(NHa)z].(aq) P-ionis P, Q, andR arethreeelementsin Group17.Q is a solidat roomtemperature. the weakestreducingagentamongP-, Q- and R25. of the elementsin increasingintensityof colour? Whatis the arrangement A P ,R ,Q B R ,Q,P C P ,Q,R D Q,R ,P Whichof the followingcomplexesdoesnot exhibitopticalisomerism? A [Cr(GzOr)z(HzO)zf B [Cr(CzOr)slL C lCo(en)zClz] D [Co(NHs)s(NOz)sl speciesformedin the mechanismof the reactionbetweenmethane The intermediate andchlorinein the presenceof lightis D .CH2C| C CHCI3 B Cr A CHs* 27. 20 CONFIDENTIAL- wereburntcompletelyin oxygen,240 cm3of carbon When60 cm3of a hydrocarbon Whatis the molecularformulaof-the dioxideand0.0125molof waterwereproduced. The molar at roomconditions. (Ihe volumesof all gasesweremeasured hydrocarbon? ZB. is 24.0dm3) volumeof anygasat roomconditions B CSH, A CzH. 29. D CgHs C CoHro Whichtypeof isomerismis shownby eachof the followingorganiccompounds? A B c D 30. hasthe highestpKuvalue? Whichoneof thefollowingcompounds A @*t, B @-*r,ruH, c cH3-N-cH3 D ozN-@-ruHz I CHs 3i. Lacticacidcan be formedfromethanolas shownin the rea-cti; schemebelow. sbDI cqcqoH: *cpII c4cHo5* stcPltr Q-.*L Namethe typesof reactionthat occurin step - I f" - c =o J*. I andstep lll. Step I Steplll A Oxidation Hydrolysis B Reduction Esterification c Condensation Oxidation D Dehydration Condensation 22 CONFIDENTIAL* 32. is formedwhenethanoylchlorideis reactedwith Whichof thefollowingcompound HN<O-cHzoH OH A HN{O-cHzococH, B HrNI{d-cHzoH t1' ao" ococH3 c HN<O-cHzococHr 1o.o.", D cHrcoHN{O>cH2ococFr2 -1 OCOCH. 33. is shownbelow. Thestructureof cyclohexanone an* .-. is true aboutcyclohexanone? Whichstatement A lt is an aromaticketone. B lts molecular formulais CeHrzO. C lt canbe oxidisedto benzoicacid. with2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. lt will givea precipitate D Naturalrubberis a polymermadeup of isopreneunitswiththe structuralformula = CHz. Whichof thefollowingis not trueaboutthis statement? CH2= C(CH3)CH A The IUPACnamefor isopreneis 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene 34. B C D molecules Naturalrubberis madefromunsaturated Naturalrubberbecomeshardwhenvulcanized andtranspolymers Naturalrubberis a mixtureof cis polymers 24 CONFIDENNAT X reactswithsodiumto give off hydrogen 35. X, Y andZ arethreedifferentcompounds. gas.X andY reactto forman ester.X andZ alsoreactto formthe sameesterbutat a much Y is probably slowerrate.Compound propan-1-ol A B propana C propanoic acid propanoyl chloride D 36. the compoundbelow? is incorrectregarding \Mich of the followingslatements cH3(oH)cHcH2cocH3 A B C D manganate(Vll). acidifiedpotassium lt will decolourise lt canreactwithalkalineiodineto givea yellowprecipitate. active. lt is opticallY withFehling'ssolution. lt will producea brick-redprecipitate are andCH2BTCH2OH 97. WhenX (a gas)reactswith Y, a mixtureof CHzBTCH2BT produced. X and Y are ProbablY x A Ethene Brominewater B Ethene Sodiumbromidesolution C HB(g) Ethene D Br2vapour Ethene hydrogen, by mass.Carbon,64.30/o; A compoundQ hasthe followingcomposition solutionto copper(l)oxide.0.1 mol Q reactswith oxygen,28.6To. Q reducesFehling's 7.1o/ai 38. gasat s.t.p.withnickelas catalyst.Q is 4480cm3hydrogen dm3at s.t.p.l mass:H, 1; C, 12iO,16. 1 molgasoccupies22.4 atornic [Relative = CHCH= CHCHO C CH3CH A CH2= CHCHC = CHCH= CHOH D CH3COCH B CH = CCHzOH CONFIDENTIAL* is boiledwith aqueoussodiumhydroxideand the reaction An organiccompound,1,4/, mixtureis allowedto cool..Upon cooling,compoundX and compoundY (an alcohol)are produced. X is converted to compoundZ (CaH6O2). compound CompoundY On acidification, 39. givesa positivetriiodomethane(iodoform)test. Compoundt4l is likelyto have the structural formula 40. A CftCH2COOCH3 B CH3COOCHs c cHscH2coocH2cH3 D CH3CH(OH)CH2COCI ' Whichof the followingpairsof reactantsWillnot producethe compoundwiththe formulashownbelow. structurat CHa I :-C-CHzCHs I OH A c D cH3cH2MgBr and €)-cocn. CHs and I CH3CH2-C=O @-nase' @aocHzcHs and 6\-cnrcHsMgBr and cH3MgBr cH3cHo 28 CONFIDENNAL- SectionB For each questionin this section,one or moreof the threenumbercdstatemenfs1 to 3 may be conect.The rcsponsesA to D shouldbe selectedas follows: A B c D { only I and2 only 2 and3 only 1,2and3 is conect are correc't are correct are correct- diagramfor a hydrogenatomshowsseveralelectronictransitionswith 41 The energy-level f1,f2,fs,fq andfs. frequencies n=qo n--4 n=3 n=2 n=l Whichof the followingstatementsis/aretrueof the abovediagram? faandfsr€pl€sentlinesin the Balmerseries. 1. 2. 3. 42. Whichof the followingmixtureswouldproducea solutionof pH greaterthan7. and25 cm3of 1.0moldm4CH.COOH(aq). 25 cm3of 1.0moldm-3NaOH(aq) 1. 2. 3. 43. The linesrepresentedby f1,f2andfgare non-visible. fsG?nbe usedto calculatethe ionisationenergyof hydrogen. and25 cm3of 1.0moldm€ NH.(aq). 25 cm3of 1.0motdm-3NHrCI(aq) 25 cm3of 1.0moldm{ NaOHand25 cm3of 1.0moldm4CH.COONa. ? by usinga massspectrometer Whichof the followingcan be determined 2. massof an organiccompound The relativemolecular Theaccuratemassof a nuclide(isotope) 3. element The protonnumberof an unidentified 1. 30 CONFIDENTIAL" A B c D I only is correct 1 and2 only are correct 2and 3 only are correct 1,2and3 are correct by the celldiagrambelow. A cellis represented Fe2*(aq) c(s) ll Cf.(aq) ll Fe3*1aq1, lp(t) \Arhich of thefollowingwill increasethe e.m.fof the cell? 2 of Cf* Increasethe concentration of Fe2* Decreasethe concentration 3 of Fe3* tncreasethe concentration 1 45. idare TheelementXhasa protonnumberof 25.Whichof the followingstatements true of X? 1 46. 47. 2 ThemetalXhasa highdensitY X formscolouredcomplexions 3 The highestoxidationnumberof X in its ionis +7 Whichof the followingelement(s)has/havethe abovearangementof atomsin its 1. diamond 2. silicon 3. boron Whichof the foltowingreagentsreact(s)withbothbenzeneand methylbenzene? aluminiumchloride of anhydrous Chlorinegasin the presence 1 2 3 acidon reflux sulphuric Concentrated on reflux manganate(Vll) Acidifiedpotassium 32 CONFIDENTIALA B c D 1 only is conect 1 and2 only are correct 2and 3 only are correct 1,2and3 48. are correct cn =cu-@-cHgBr Whattype(s)of reactionwouldthe abovecompoundundergo? Nucleophilicsubstitution 1. addition Electrophilic 2. 3. Freeradicalsubstitution A compoundP decolourisebrominewateranddoesnotform a whiteprecipitatewith P is silvernitratesolution.Compound ethanolic 49. 1 ./ 92_CH=CHz cl 3. CHr=gggtr"' Al "o-(u /\-r, cooH I OH S0. \Mich of the followingstatementsis/aretrue regardingthe compoundabove? 1. 2. 3. homopolymer. lt canformcondensation light. lt canrotatethe planeof plane-polarised wouldreactwithsodiumto produce2 moles 1 molof the compound of hydrogengas.
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