Validation of a Method for the Determination of Residues of ß-Lactam ß Lactam Antibiotics in Milk by y LC-MS/MS LC MS/MS D A D. A. Bohm Bohm, S S. Mönch and J. J Mankertz Introduction The ß ß-lactam lactam antibiotic groups penicillins and cephalosporins are prevalently used in the therapy of infectious diseases of animals. Maximum residue limits (MRL) in different food matrices were established by European Regulation 470/2009/EC [1] and subsequent modifications to ensure human food safety. y With regard g to this aim,, methods for the determination of antibiotics should be developed p in the range g of the MRL. The p presented method is able to quantify and confirm penicillins and cephalosporins in cow milk between 0.5 0 5 and 2.5 2 5 x MRL. MRL Applying a factor-comprehensive factor comprehensive in-house in house validation concept, p , merelyy eight g runs on different concentration levels need to be analysed y in order to g gain extensive knowledge g about the reliability, y, robustness and performance of the method [2]. [2] The validation was carried out in accordance with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC [3]. [3] The relevant validation parameters like the critical concentrations ((CCα p (CC and CCβ), CCβ) β), the repeatability, p y, the within-laboratoryy reproducibility p y and the recoveryy were calculated. E p i Experimental t l R Results l T bl 2 Table 2: V Validation lid ti parameters t off ß-lactam ßl t antibiotics tibi ti iin milk ilk att MRL Sample and Spiking - weigh in 2 g of cow milk - add spike solution for validation and internal standards - wait for 10 min Extraction - add 6 ml of acetonitrile - vortex sample for approximately 1 min - centrifuge at 3800 g for 5 min at 5 °C C - collect ll the h supernatant p - evaporate to dryness at 40 °C C under nitrogen - redissolve di l iin 5 mll off buffer b ff solution l ti (McIlvaine pH=4 pH 4.00 + 00.11 M Na2EDTA) Clean-up Clean up by solid-phase solid phase extraction - condition di i OASIS HLB cartridge idg (6 ( ml,l, 200 mg) g)) with 6 ml of methanol and 6 ml of water - apply l th the buffer b ff solution l ti onto t th the cartridge t id - wash with 6 ml of mix water/methanol 95/5 (v/v) - dry under air stream for 10 min - elute with 6 ml of methanol under vacuum - evaporate the eluate to dryness at 40 °C C under nitrogen S b Substances MRL MRL [ /k ] [µg/kg] CCα CCα [ /k ] [µg/kg] CCβ CCβ [ /k ] [µg/kg] RSDr* [%] [%] RSDwR** [%] [%] Recovery Recovery [%] [%] Penicillins Penicillins A Amoxicillin i illi Ampicillin ll Penicillin G Cloxacillin Cloxacillin Dicloxacillin Dicloxacillin Nafcillin Nafcillin O illi Oxacillin Penicillin V (no MRL) Cephalosporins p p Cefalexin Cefalexin Cefquinome Cefquinome C fti f Ceftiofur Desfuroylceftiofur Cefapirin p Desacetylcefapirin Desacetylcefapirin Cefoperazone Cefoperazone Cefalonium Cefalonium Cefazolin f l 4 4 4 4 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 100 100 20 20 100 100 100 60 60 60 50 50 20 20 50 4 33 4.33 4.81 4.44 33.8 33.8 36 3 36.3 35 5 35.5 35 3 35.3 11.8 121 121 24 7 24.7 121 121 126 69.2 73.4 73.4 58 5 58.5 22 7 22.7 56.8 4 89 4.89 6.42 5.18 40.6 40.6 48 7 48.7 45 6 45.6 46 0 46.0 15.3 160 160 33 1 33.1 160 160 183 85.2 101 101 74 0 74.0 27 4 27.4 68.7 39 3.9 7.0 5.8 5.1 5.1 78 7.8 74 7.4 59 5.9 7.0 66 6.6 88 8.8 61 6.1 10.1 6.5 9.2 9.2 80 8.0 62 6.2 6.4 42 4.2 10.0 5.8 6.2 6.2 10 1 10.1 90 9.0 86 8.6 8.8 10 1 10.1 11 1 11.1 99 9.9 12.6 7.4 11.5 11.5 84 8.4 67 6.7 6.7 99 99 100 98 104 104 102 102 109 109 109 109 102 100 100 99 99 98 98 99 103 99 99 104 104 96 96 99 * ) RSDr = relative repeatability; p y; **)) RSDwR = relative within-laboratory y reproducibility p y Reconstitution - redissolve di l iin 00.55 mll off mix i water/acetonitrile t / t it il 90/10 ((v/v) /) - vortex and centrifuge at 3800 g for 5 min at 5 °C C - transfer the supernatant into insert of LC vial Measurement - measure with LC LC-MS/MS MS/MS (ESI+) in MRM mode LC-MS/MS measurement: LC p parameters: t 1290 ((Agilent (Agil t Technologies) T h l gi ) Column “Aqua” Aqua from Phenomenex (150 mm x 2 mm, mm 3 µm) with adequate guard; mobile phase: A = water (0.1 (0 1 % formic acid) and B = acetonitrile (0.1 (0 1 % formic acid); ); g gradient p program: g 0 min = 10 % B,, 1 min = 10 % B,, 12 min = 60 % B 15 min = 60 % B, B, B 16 min = 10 % B, B 25 min = 10 % B; flow: 0.3 0 3 ml/min; oven t temperature t = 30 °C; °C injection i j ti volume l = 10 µl;l sampler l temperature t t = 10 °C. °C MS/MS parameters: QTRAP 6500 (SCIEX) Ionisation mode = ESI+; scan type = MRM-scheduled; MRM scheduled; resolution Q1 and Q3 = unit;; g gas 1 = 70 p psi;; g gas 2 = 70 p psi;; curtain g gas = 30 p psi;; collision g gas = high; g ; ion spray voltage = 5500 V; source = 400 °C C. Validation In accordance with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC the validation of the samples was accomplished with concentrations of 0.5, 0 5 1.0, 1 0 1.5, 1 5 2.0 2 0 and 2.5 25x MRL or with ith 5, 5 10, 10 15, 15 20 and d 25 µg/kg /k for f Pen P V. V The Th selection l ti off substances b t was made in agreement with the German Residue Control Plan. The study was performed applying a specific design on the basis of an in-house in house concept with f t l factor-level l combinations bi ti [[2]] - 6 factors f t on two t l levels l ((see Table T bl 1). 1)) The Th calculation of the validation data was carried out with the help of the InterVal software (QuoData, (QuoData Dresden, Dresden Germany). Germany) Table1: Factor-level combinations ((runs)) for milk with 6 factors on 2 levels Fig 1: LC-MS/MS Fig. LC MS/MS chromatograms of ß-lactam ß lactam antibiotics in milk at MRL C clusio s Conclusions Co The validation of the method was successfully accomplished with an optimal number b off 40 samples l att the th necessary concentrations. t ti Th calculated The l l t d relevant validation parameters like the decision limit CCα, CCα the detection capability CCβ, CCβ the repeatability (3.9 (3 9 - 10.1%), 10 1%) the within-laboratory within laboratory reproducibility p y ((4.2 - 12.6%)) and the recovery y ((96 - 109%)) are satisfying y g and in the ranges required by Commission Decision 2002/657/EC [3] . Run Storage time Lot of SPE Status of Duration before of sample cartridge LC column measurement LC-MS/MS MRM mode Operator 1 2d days B old ld di tl directly scheduled-advanced h d l d d d G 2 2 days y B new directly y scheduled M 3 2 days A old after 12 h scheduled-advanced M 4 2d days A new after ft 12 h scheduled h d l d G 5 1 dayy B old after 12 h scheduled G 6 1 day B new after 12 h scheduled-advanced scheduled advanced M [ ] Commission Regulation [1] g 470/2009/EC,, Off. J. Eur. Commun. L152 ((2009)) 11. [2] S. Uhlig, P. Gowik and W. Radeck, Anal. Chim. Acta, 483 (2003) 351 – 362. [3] Commission Decision 2002/657/EC, 2002/657/EC Off. Off J. J Eur. Eur Commun. Commun L221 (2002) 8 8. 7 1 da day A old directl directly sched led scheduled M 8 1 day A new directly scheduled-advanced G Acknowledgement g References: Special p thanks to Ms. M. Jüsgen g for p proofreading. g Detlef D tl f A A. B Bohm, h ,S Sabine bi Mö Mönch h and d Joachim J hi Mankertz M k t NRL for Residues of Pharmacologically g y Active Substances • Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety y Mauerstr 39 Mauerstr. 39-42 42 • 10117 Berlin • Germany • NRL TAM@bvl bund de EuroResidue VIII • Egmond aan Zee • 23 - 25 May 2016 • Poster No No. 6
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