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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012
ISSN 2250-3153
Relationship of Selected Kinematics Variables with the
Performance of Back Court Spike in Volleyball
Mr.Harish Kumar Tiwari
Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education, Gwalior
Abstract- The purpose of this study was to examine the
relationship of selected kinematics variables with the
performance of back court spike in volleyball. The subjects (5 M,
age 20 -24 years) who were participated in All India Inter
University of Volleyball. Pearson product moment correlation
was used to analyze the linear (Height of center of gravity of the
body & ball) and angular kinematics (Angles of Shoulder,
Elbow, Hip, Knee and Ankle joints) variables at the moment of
ball contact. The results have shown that the values of coefficient of correlation are at right ankle joint (-0.843), left ankle
joint (-0.651), right Knee joint (0.879), left knee joint (-0.593),
right hip joint (-0.298), left hip joint (-0.081), right elbow joint
(0.884), left elbow joint (-0.720), right shoulder joint (-0.560),
left shoulder joint (-0.815), Height of C.G. of body (0.112) and
height of C.G. of ball (0.497) whereas tabulated value of 3
degree of freedom at .05 level of significance is 0.87. Value of
coefficient of correlation in case of the Angle at right Elbow &
right Knee joint has shown the significant relationship where as
other selected biomechanical variables shown the insignificant
relationship at.05 level of significance.
he game of volleyball is most popular today, not only in
India but also in the whole world. For many people
volleyball is highly skilled game, which dominates the
competitive element for some it is sport for fun and recreation.
(Saggar 1994) Every sport activity needs certain movements,
procedure to tackle a particular task, which refers to technique.
Technique is mechanics or skill. Skill is series of gross
movement, fine movements and movements along with posture
necessary to perform a required physical task effectively. . They
combine the skill into patterns of increasingly greater specificity
and complexity. (Wick storm 1977) Jumping events present a
unique challenge to the earth bound human being. A challenge to
put strength skill and coverage against force of gravity, inertia
and momentum of different games and sports. Volleyball is one
such game where strength and power dominates and plays an
effective role. Because of this volleyball is also known as power
volleyball. (Philips & Horneck 1979)
Volleyball is no longer thought to be an easy game in
which the ball is simply slapped back and forth across the net.
Skill in volleyball may be considered as an important part of the
specific means necessary for the players to participate
successfully in the game. The most spectacular and joyous part
of volleyball is spiking or smashing and its contributes to about
44 percent of team’s success. Latest strategies insist on all
spikers and all defenders. The final aim of a team during a rally
is to ‘kill’ the ball. It is important to remember that the ball must
be hit at a minimum height of 2.43 m to clear the net and in
match it needs to be even higher in order to pass the blockers. .
(Khayambashi 1986)
Spike is the finishing touch to the team’s play. It is not
designed to win the rally for the team. As a result the spiker has
the spot light during the game and every player wants to be a
specialist spiker. Unfortunately the physical requirements of top
level spikers are more limited than for any other role in
volleyball. The players must be tall and have a good vertical
jump. (Murugesan 1981)
To identify a movement as an economic one, it is very
essential to analyses the movement first. Sometimes, it is very
difficult for a human eye to analyze the movement of all the body
segments and joints at the same time so, various instruments like
still camera, video camera etc. are used to analyze various
movements. The best method to analyze or evaluate is called
cinematography. This is a quantitative method which is very
accurate but at the same time costly and time consuming. The
role of cinematography in biomechanical research involved from
a simple form of recording motion to a sophisticated means of
computer analysis of motor efficiency. Over the years, now
techniques in filming and timing having been perfected to aid the
research in achieving accurate time measurements of both simple
and complex locomotion patterns. (Newton, Aronocher &
Abramson 1971)
Kinematics- It is the branch of biomechanics that is
concerned with describing the motion of the bodies. It deals with
such thing that how far a body moves, how fast it moves and how
consistently it moves. (James G.Hay 1973)
Back Court Attack - The back row attacker must jump to
hit from beyond the attack line. Contact may be made with the
ball in front of the attack line as long as the back court attacker is
still in the air or part of the ball is below the top of the net.
Broad jumping is very effective for back row attackers because a
broad jump enables them to fly through the air contacting the ball
closer to the net. Possessing great volleyball skills for attacking
from the back court can often be an effective way to score
1. It gives a setter another attacking option.
2. It is often a more difficult hit to block because it's
harder to time the jump to block.
Opposing blockers may jump with the front row attackers
which may leave more areas open for attacking.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012
ISSN 2250-3153
The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship
of selected kinematic variables with the performance of back
court spike in volleyball.
Five male volleyball players of Lakshmibai National
University of Physical Education participated in the interuniversity Competition were the subjects of the study. The age of
the subjects was 18-24 years. The subjects were good players and
have been practicing the technique of back court spike for quite a
considerable time. The subjects were explained about the filming
procedure and asked to provide full cooperation during the
The test for performance of the technique of back court
spike was conducted outdoors on the Volleyball court of
LNUPE, Gwalior. On the word of command “go” the subject
passed the ball to the settuper and goes for the spiking technique
taking 3 - 5 strides. Photographs were taken for the selected
moment only. Height of centre of gravity of player and ball at
moment of contact and angles of ankle joint, knee joint, hip joint,
shoulder joint and elbow joint were recorded. Each individual
was given 3 trials and the best trail was used by the researcher
for analysis purpose of this study.
The digital photography was used as a technique for
kinematic analysis of back court attack in volleyball. A standard
motor driven camera, i.e. Nikon D - 100 was used to obtain
photo sequences of selected moment during spiking.
The camera was mounted on a tripod stance at a height of
1.32 m from the ground. The camera was placed perpendicular to
the initial line and parallel to the horizontal plane. The filming
zone was set at 6.35 m within which the photographs were taken.
After obtaining the photographs by digital photography
which is an important method for analyzing the movements, the
stick figures were drawn from the photographs by the help of
joining of joints. The centre of gravity of each body segment and
the whole body was determined by segmentation method as
suggested by James G. Hey (1993). The step-wise analysis was
done as follows:
The various joints were marked on the photograph as
the reference point associated with each segment.
Stick figure was obtained by ruling straight line between
appropriate reference points. The trunk line was
obtained by joining the midpoint of the line between the
right and left hip joint to the midpoint of the trunk at the
level of suprasternal notch.
The length of the each segment was measured and
divided into various lengths into appropriate ratio as
indicated in table 1. The point of division of each
segment line serves as the center of gravity for each
Table – 1:
Location of Center of Gravity of Body Segment
Upper arm
C.G. location expressed
total distance between
reference points
46.4% to vertex;53.6% to chinneck intersect
43.8% to suprasternal notch;56.2%
to hip axes
49.1%shoulder axes
;50.9% to
elbow axes
41.8% to elbow axes;58.2% to
wrist axes
82% to wrist axes ;18%to knuckle
40% to hip axes ; 60% to knee axes
41.8% to knee axes;58.2% to ankle
44.9% to heel;55.1% to hip of
longest toe
Two arbitrary axes (OY & OX) were drawn, one to the
left and one below the stick figure.
Form was prepared such as that shown in Table 2 and in
column 1 entered the weight of the segment taken from
Table 2.
Fig. 1 Back Court Spike (Moment Contact)
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012
ISSN 2250-3153
Table – 2:
Weight of the Body Segments Relative to the Total Body Weight
Upper arm
6. For each of the segment measured the perpendicular
distance from the center of the gravity of the
line OY, and entered this in the appropriate
place on the form (Table 3, Column 2).
7. To find the moments about OY, the weight of each
segment were multiplied by the distance of its
center of gravity from the line as shown in
column of table.
8. The total sum of moments about OY was found by
adding all the moments about OY.
9. A line O’Y’ was ruled parallel to OY at the distance of
the total sum of moments about OY. The
center of gravity of the whole body lies on
this line.
10. The above steps were repeated from 5 to 9, taking
moment about OX instead of OY. The center
of gravity of the subject on his O’X’ drawn
parallel to OX and at the distance of the total
sum of moments about OX. The point of
interaction of the two lines i.e. O’Y’ and
O’X’, served as the center of gravity of the
Since the C.G. lies on both O’Y’ and O’X’ and these two
lines have only one point in common (the point where they
intersect), it is here that the centre of gravity of the subject is
situated.(Appendix G –K)
The height of centre of gravity was obtained by calculating
the distance from the court and the centre of gravity of the body
of the players (Appendix –M)
The height of centre of gravity of the ball was also obtained by
the same way. (Appendix L)
The selected angles of ankle joint, knee joint, hip joint,
shoulder joint and elbow joint were obtained by measuring with
the help of protector from the stick figures.
The relationship of selected kinematic variables with the
performance of Volleyball Players in Back Court Spike was
calculated by using Pearson’s product moment correlation and
for testing the hypothesis the level of significance was set at .05.
Pearson’s product moment correlation was used to find out
the relationship of selected biomechanical variables to the
performance of male volleyball players in back court spike. The
level of significance in order to check the relationship was set at
The score of each independent variable linear and angular
biomechanical variable were correlated with performance of
subjects in back court spike in volleyball. In order to ascertain
the relationship of selected biomechanical variables namely
angle of shoulder joint (right & left), elbow joint (right & left),
hip joint (right & left), knee joint (right & left), ankle joint (right
& left) and height of centre of gravity with the performance of
Back Court Spike, the Pearson’s product moment correlation was
calculated. The values of co-efficient of correlations are
presented in Table no. 3.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012
ISSN 2250-3153
Relationship of Selected Biomechanical Variables to the Performance of Back Court Spike
Co-efficient of
Correlation ‘r’
Angle of right ankle joint(Deg.)
Angle of left ankle joint (Deg.)
Angle of right Knee joint (Deg.)
Angle of left Knee joint (Deg.)
Angle of right hip joint (Deg.)
Angle of left hip joint (Deg.)
Angle of right elbow joint (Deg.)
Angle of left elbow joint (Deg.)
Angle of right shoulder joint (Deg.)
Angle of left shoulder joint (Deg.)
Height of C.G. of Body (Mtr.)
Height of C.G. of Ball (Mtr.)
signified at 0.05 level.
Table - 3 reveals that the value of co-efficient of
correlation of selected angular kinematics variables at moment
of back Court spike were right ankle joint (-0.843), left ankle
joint (-0.651), right Knee joint (0.879), left knee joint (-0.593),
right hip joint (-0.298), left hip joint (-0.081), right elbow joint
(0.884), left elbow joint (-0.720), right shoulder joint (-0.560),
left shoulder joint (-0.815), Height of C.G. of body (0.112) and
height of C.G. of ball (0.497) whereas tabulated value for 3
degree of freedom at .05 level of significance is 0.87.
As shown in the table 3 that only two variables that is
angle at right elbow and right knee joint of subjects, which
happen in back court spike of a right handed spiker has exhibited
a significant relationship at the selected level of 0.05.
However, other angular kinematic variables ankle joint (left and
right), knee joint left, hip joint right and left, shoulder joint right
and left, elbow joint left, and height of C.G. of body and height
of C.G. of Ball did not show significant relationships.
The results of the study have shown that only in case of
right elbow and knee joint of subjects had shown a significant
relationship with the performance in back court spike while other
selected biomechanical variables have shown the insignificant
relationship with the performance of back court spike.
Therefore, the hypothesis as stated earlier that there is
significant relationship between the angles at different joints and
height of C.G. with performance in back court spike is accepted
in case of right elbow and knee joint of the subjects and rejected
in case of other selected variables at the .05 level of significance.
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First Author – Mr.Harish Kumar Tiwari, Lakshmibai National
University of Physical Education, Gwalior., Email: