PEge ll Octeber 51 1975 OF UINUMS Otr A SPECIAT}ISBII}IG OF TEE 3OA.RD rEU,sxEEs0F $IE lollN OF CRi3FI1U, INDIAM HELp0N 0C10BEn5. 1975 &e Board of, lt'usteeg of tJte T.w! of ontlffith h€ld a specLal noetjlog ln tlle T.r.B lial1 ija said iet'n on tlle gth day of oct ber, WS 8L 6 P.M'. the neetlng Ires called to ord€r b|' the preal-dirg ofilocr. On oal-I of the !eLL, the n€nb€rs of, t}re B.ard of bustees vere shovtr to be ples€drt aDd abseDt as foL].oraB! Prosettt! AbseNxi: Dalald E. eerde Rl.chatd G. oelanb.s Sudd L. Fartrts uerLe D. Colhy Catl ,t. troDopasek s&d pr.of, 1116C16lk-lbe4gurer plesented the'nirtd.ce of special neetltg of serrl,oe tlrereef j-u t'he f,.th of tlre aff,l&vit ef tbe Chlef, .f Palice, that he deL1lBred aad Eerved oa oetober 3' 1975, t*E nctlce of neetLag atteched t to tlre Lesldcne€ addlesses .f eaoh of tihe bls 4f,tldavlt board nslbers 1! accgrdanc€ Elth Cbapter 31r SectLon 31.22 of tthe ]hlnlclpaL Code of the Tor{s of Qt'L:f, tte Clelk-Tr€ssurer .t"t"u flt-32 ' present€d to the B.ard cf, &usteee a p!.tr osed f.dr $Aabrlllg t th6 cr€atlon of an Ec.udtrlc bve].luelt rea eranLned b5duea&ers .f tlre Board cf It{steee s.ud flas tlad h ful1 cn f:irst ?nretee tr Dqrasek n ved ta auspend tle nt].es tc 41L!t pa66age oD fllst !€adLDg. Xhts nc+,Lor was €ecoadod bJr tftst€s traa catried bJr t}|e fcllewlrg ' AfEsi l{AYg! Colby on call ef tJre roll v.t€!. Xtlrsteea PBF18, Kollopasek and Colby NoNE Trastoe Colby noved that ord.!8,!se #?5-32 entd.tled "Au ordlra.Ece to Create tlle loononlc Dev€Lotrmentco@l-aBlolr! be fir811y passed on flrst t'eadn8. Xhls lrotLoB rrae secoad€d by Tltustse l(onopas€k aDd aartted by &e fouolthg vote i 4YEs! Tnrsteeg Farrl8, MYgr " Ksnq)a8€k aid Colhy none It lras theD a@oultcedthat ordlranqe #19-32 hed bee& drly paasedand adopted. oRrlEaANcE NO. 75-32 AN ORDINANCB TO CREA1ETEEORIFITTII 3ocNo.{IcoE\rBpR{rNlcot0{Isslo{ IIIIEROAS, tt Iflt&In ts hereby f,ound and declared tll€ State of Indlana Lrsuff,l,oleBt, dlversff,Loatlon i! tllat Otdfflth nhl.ob tJ1€r6 ars irsufllclelt of bdrstr:r, bsuf,flel-eDt t6 ai! urbeE area €Mploy[ent opportunttl€s, aba+@ent or coatrol of PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor DT Page 98 Octobot ! 5 1975 poLlutLoDi . e'rd lJgmEAs, the above dBgcllbed perity, econonlc ctabt1lty ffimEAs, the leael.lg tt and general ltel,fare deeLarod that l,F ftrrtler to otllers thereof 1€ harnf,1r1 to th€ health, conditLon tlle above de8orLb€d qondltlon $IAt the Grlf;f,ltll ErJEuant to th6 honotloD 8nd of tlre toflD of G'rffith, tl16 acquisltloD arrd of factu-t'les tur order to ovElEdtre blr tlre Iofir of Grtffltt! l,e a pubLld. pr4)osei $ou ntmEFoRE, BE rT oRDAf,NEDBr TI{A BOARD0F lI[tSXmS 0RII'I"aE pros- 0F ?EE IOtsN 0!' DeoDddc Develogtrent Cdnnl-ssio! autlrod-zed by and Act 6f 1973r Acts of Indj.ala of, Egotlcmic Dlelogrclt Gelreral lasembLy L9?3' Pubuc lar. 182, (I.0. L8-6)1.5) ' ls hereby adopted fnl' a9 fo11on€ t Seotlo! I. Xter€ Ls hereb:r cr€ated aa egoncdl.c d€v€lolrdelt oomlig6ioa to be tdtdint as the Gti.ffL+,h Eoonolllic Develotrsent C@l.ssion for tho ?or{n of cdefltt! rhich shall oonsist of ard be rlrder tbe coEtrol- of a board of th'Ee (3 ) nenbers . g!d!g-a. lbe nenberB of saLd 0dmLs6LoD Bha11 be appol-Dtedby tlle Plesldeni of the Towa Eoard of the IorEt of Or{f,f,lth as follofiat ode (1) t0emberso appoturted shall be selected by the Ple81d€Nltt oae (]-) shatl be ncmLlated by tbe Coulw CouncL-Lof Iake oounty, a.Ddoli€ (].) shaLl be nonl-lated by the Board of lYustees of the Tovn etfffltb. Xlre nontuatl-ons nads bJr t'he County 0ouDc11alid +,he Board of Tfu.tees sholI b€ tn€ndd.tted to tlte Plesldelt dtld! t€n (10) dByB af,ter noit.?lcation thLs ordtuance. l-E wrLtjrng of, th6 f:tnaL passage of l{oni.uees, lf qual|f,led, Ehal1 be appol-at€d f,orth- D'Ith io toros of of,lice &s bercLuafter provided. fiectd.op 3, The Comrdasioueas shalL take o*flce upon thel! and the:,a appoLlrtrcnt 4nd thelr appol-Dttrert tenns shaD. nrn the follorafug nrDer of l gars frcm februatT 1 f,oLlorLug tJre ot'LgtnaJ. appolttiment. The co@l.asloner nddlrated ty the Board of Tftrstees, b'o (2) years; the Ccoo|ljstoner ncefuatad try tlle County oouDcLl, one (1) yeary the C@oEs6ione" selected by the Preslde[ot sball be apllofrt€d to thr€e (3) year tems. the elq'iJatl-or At of, the respectdle t€rms of eaah of t&e Cc@dasLoners otj.8tna11y appol-utede the r€speotLve auccesaor shal:- be selected aid ncraLnatod la the samertrElner a!, t&e ordgba.l aFpollt€e. nember sha.lL 6erve for a terr of four ([) years. appotirt€d as Collnl.saloller sha11 fail after Each succedlrg Io tlte ovelt arsr person to quall..qy l'lthl-a tea (10) <bys tbo nallJyrg to btn of tlrc notLce of hls appollrlnelt, m€nbc! after sbau d16, l€slgn, or if or va,cete such ofelce, a,aJr or be PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor DT P4e 99 october 5, 1975 r€o,rovgd, a ner ne@ber shall h be ohosen and appol,ltted to f!11 the ssme !r4!trer aE proylded for Co@dEsiotsers shall of tll€ vecated tg]u. the tensLode! tenls of tbet tlre ead.ratl-o! utrtlL sal,arJr bu! Bhe.n be €ntltiled Ln the perfolldance Segtion lr. No perso! un,rr r€celve no f,or alsr elgrenaes uecessad.\r d1tl,es. of thelr 69 hold ovg! eft6r Srch Cc@Lrgl-oaers shall to reLtqtqtsdnent a6!ve for aucoeaso!6 have been respeqt"lvs thelr &rlf/ appolEt€d aBd hav€ queLltled. fueurred to 1.h@ soch tbe ld€lobea LD rsEpect and {the ndnber so choseN! aDal appoLnt€d shall vacaney oqcura, E[sb vaca.ncy euch aE a e,ofinlaoLoaor udeEs "ppol.!Ld of, tlre coulty lJr lrld"qh tlre Tow'l 10 locat€d or t&e perBo4 be a lssident If any ovre! of a br8laess l|t tlre counbr Lo rhich tihe lowE i5 loestcd. Lu one of t'he above oatago$.es, hts Comdsgto!€r shalL cease to qirauly appolntnent on EeLd board Bha11 thereby tetld.nat€ alrd bls offlce Ehall beocmevacaat. Secu-ou 5. lbe ComdssLon sball have all ald &tJ-ea created under the h@otL@ of flrc suttlollw, obl18atdon6, of Econonlc lbreloFEeut Act of In3t Acte of, Indlans Ge|teral A€senbly 1973r Publ1o Ist L82, vblch Ls !tt!6 18, Ar-ticle 6, cbapt€r lr, s€ctl,ons 1 tl].dugh 25 of the lttdiarla Code of ]-9?1, *'-.| a6 anendod s.!d EupplemeEted, and 6hsll havs the rigbt ponetE 6et forth Seci,Loa 6. ther€ln. Ih16 ord-leDce ehal]- be lrl ftll Al]- 1225. to exsrclse au. foro€ €nd eff,ect 0!-!939!995- appoitrtoents shall be eff€stLve as of said dete. Alt!.ng ordtuances or portione of ordbsnseE 1! qodllct &EEg3 her$rlth ere hereby repealed to ilte slrt€&t of such aodLLclr. ADoPIEDlE' t&e Board of lYleteeg o.f, the Tofli of Grr.f,' trrdl,atlg, 2 - ey of tbJ.s Oaa-. 'fn5. (elsled) Bqdd L. Fara'i-g (slsed) Carl J. EoBopasek (Et"aed) l6Brle D. colbv AITEST! !:Lor'@oe E. trseeebellt Clerk-lbeasur€r lxe Pr€std€nt (si.ened) th€D proceedsd to t'ho nAtter of, 0o@lsslon6rs. of the orlgljral be Harvey !'out!taLa. was seoondgal The trotioa Colby and ca.r.!i.ed by the aye vot€ of, af,l nenbsrd presetrt. trarr{.s noted tllat Boald Trustee trolropasek [ov€d tJlat the appoLnareat of tll€ Board of Tnrsteee of, the To$n of ot c.ffith by lbustee of appolntaeats ttre 'lc&lJlee of t$e County Counsel n&5 one, Joh I. PresLd€Dt oiordl.alll, Jr. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor DT PEle l0O ociqbcc 5, 1975 &€!eqro!, th6 he6ldart b€ Ralr .t. hd€k. lFpoLulrgEts ot Orljlr.eoc. &c of the Eosrd of Xrugt€e6 stated hcqkfet $o!J'd th€d a@oE'!o3d tlte tolLorlrgr !66p€ct{vs 4al ti! bfu 4lrlrol.lh@t t6llls thalsof, i! aooordanoe! the to]!6 fl5-32. Ray.t. haLk lor a 3-yra! t€tu E&rvsJr Fount8l-! fo! a 2-tsar teriE Joh I. olotdLqlor, rt!. f,or E 1*rr lbere berrg !o ftr"th6r tlurLroE€, tano t&6 [e6tt-!g tres adJoErttod. (614ed) 8.L. Ifar"fi.s P!6q1dL!a offLoEr Attest! {Lorcso€ E. Ka.gcbeb Clsr&-lheraEre. (etaed) PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor DT
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