, . __ 'Partoersbip vVriP’k R 'vi whereof Aluri^Uvveen f o r )e‘6iur« i t tlife C<5u^f ffouSe oil .. of A n d r e w s ^ ' 7 0 iV . 1 |A i f c b » f N G » . B * i W A l l » l i r ‘ I A RE ® O ecR s StfiSliMAN, having ^ceiv ed ^ the Til ■ 'n* died aeizedr■, is this.day. oisso , gatd io S lb f." ’ » n K©w^ -far all st fakbions from T h e a r t ic le coj^.ied<frota th e Sta.t«ejjp|i:n,d< kinds of Gentleman’s Ga: respectT b ,h“»<>/» c , S “' « j f e -.«•’ J i a i e of Jfediso... tailing Major N o^;s fV aca^a||^t«ibm tbR^ infotriis his friends' ai^'the-/pubo fJ i in the tt on of Catsliill and V.,' . ”* ^ ’ ,rtoiiientof Majors account of the arair, to4iejncor/etM ]ic, stin;continues business Greene, .^iiiate in 'and near tlie viliafe/ ' ' ' hnvind d oT ft® ^^^„„.L i intnany essential pa¥lic,ti|a:c|. shop adjoining Mr. Thomas Limbrick’s ibertJattack was instjgatfl^%^divMeyil dj p ly (|ood Store, where all tho^e who will iWadfsOQj'.and within three miles of the the - , ' * posed persons, wh^^longedt fh.'tlxd Barikijon- ^voiup him with their custom may depend village of ;Catskill, containing about twd >a, to the se. . . spiracy •of J826, t.^^rom thi Majorca own bri having'4heir work executed in the mo‘st hundred and minfeteen acres of landj witfi r a r e ... Of-,; showing, welhooJ^think bis opse sufficiently fashionable, genteel and durable manner, a fare pr(toortion of Plough and W o o d - , serious aijd a premier suhject for the nosa com and on short notice, as he keeps none in land.—A ^ , the tavern stand, near the’ m ent. AAROi^s tn-the village of Madison, generalmittee. to whoso special protection we rocom- h « . " ' ; /JAME/Sf Wl ; Merino W o o t ,Schu?o™a„>o .avor^.* A u J mehdhim.' In the mean time, the Major X ” £ o n " ‘ The lumber business will be Co. StrrJj^°^0,}Vho the stone-iiore, formerly occupied by thi^ should crave the cpn.dolence-of Pi'ince John. of ^public patronage. by . JAME^SWOODEPFi? said Martin G. Schuneinan, together with ^ offered r Funeral C U T T IN G promptly attended to, tk e g ris t mill, know n a s th e m ill o f M a r C a t ^ k ^ m a y I, J 823. _■ . T8 •^Sxfmething^ <s’=wansieri—^An'-aU^ator,m.ea- ' M ila . at Who, sufing elpvOn rebt in longtbjwas caught at Lit and,waitanted to fit if properly made up. tin G. iS'chuneman, ^ co. in the village of which , for . terms a# they can tle Kockj on fh«> Arkan8ga,thel3ih ult.. but ^ ^ M i U t a r y la m e n ts o f all descrip Madison.—^For terms of sale, and situa y V YORK, respectfully inform^ his found equal to not^beSpre;nine/j®a« bails hadheeTii fired inicr tions ih%de agreeable to the statute of this tion of the property application may be friends hfid the public,lhat Mr'. A . •feis-eyes and other, parts Qf bis bald was he state. Hall m arket; and will 0*aent of oTerpowered 1l—i^tetesntfltft. - ' made to either o f the subscribers. has accepted the agency o f his buriness sale. or retail, on as goouCtttsMn,JuneA,l9)'2%,, , 26 W A T i. AB’M. A, SALISBURY, for the wllage of Catskill 5 and Messrs. be purchased els where. One door ieloto TWentyrthree and a half ppijtids of wool TFi: W ■A w i> •' * . near Madison village. Reed 55 Judson. of the village l?f CoxJust received, an asspi. raeejSming twelved^dhes in length was rec^tWM. SGHUNEMAN, Jr. sackie, whisre he offers for gale, a general Prime Buffiald Rohes, Men^s ^ Chilm m t ^ O O D B STORE. lysheared frott^'lit^erino sheep iir Pennsyi* Madison village. vaniia. ‘ ' ' ,------ th esai^ assortment of White and Tared Rope, Pur Caps of all descriptions— H atting ^ LY@N,from the city of ain«a8 _ _ __ _ ' JNO. V’N V E C H T E N , such as. is necessary for Sloops, and the Shipping Furs purchased. “ g tiBi- ftien* aC'*' the J E li York, having reopened his CatskilJ. Farmer *ttd Mercba nf. AIsq^ Bell; Cords, Catskill, Dec. 19, 182753 store of I3ry Goods in the village of Cats%*^fIiOlJSjE.--The piibUc, are infaroied kill, on the 5th of May, and in addition has Catskill, May 3, 1828^ f 8 - Clothes, Fish and Chalk Lines, Twine, ■■ that this house situated near the sutninit just received ('May 26;} an elegant assort &C. _ BO O T & SH O E S T O R E . TO L E T , of the Catshill ^ o u n ^itis,is opened for the New York, acon.^ -Mih!New-Yarh* April s, 1-828, * 3m7S ment of fancy and staple dry goods, the fV U H E subscri Bfocits, of the latestfas. ' '^^pletQ, ROM the first of May season. jPhose who may think it^deara- same being purchased for cash at auc ;■ her respect are enabled to o ^ r to th e p .. ..... next the store at present ,bie tb^^end the Sabbath at this' jilaceTare tion, Will enable Mm to ofief^ them at very fully informs the assortment of Beaver, Castt. ____ •ccupfed fay A. & G. ;P. Sharpy, 4I|- Croix -and Jamaica rum^ Coghiac & respdcl^ly fafornrad, .ttiat in dddition to reduced prices. j^anish braindy, Holland and^Baliiniore ^inhabitants o f tlie Napt, Youth’s ^ Boys’ F E L T Enquire of *^ the usuk^cconmiddations, afrangettients He presumes the public has not forgot gin, Ilfaderia^ Calminar and Malaga wine, village o f Cats- Whidh will be manufactured at tb fir APOLLOS UOORE. .1 diave beenVaiade .for the^i^ihble obser-v- ten-U. L Y 0 N ^ CO’s, cheap store in this N^ew-Orffapjand Havana molasses, lump, Idtll and its vicin tory, where they employ none but eXpert1828. 71tf -anuo o f that day*, D iyim iervice will be village, about eight years since. It is re T^|(St>Cro^jrid NeW-Orleans sugar, Hyson, ity, that he has on e n c ^ workmen,'and will warrai 1 their regularly attended in ad adjojxJiBg baiiding^ sumed oit.th.e Same princi^ple, receiving TO l e t , Yoang^^^'flj^h, Hyson ^ i n , Pouchong, hand a general assortment o f Gentlemen’s work to be don© in the best mannet. They :fitt€^ nt’^iorthe' ^ p re s s purpose, The supplies from the city every few days. Nouchtmg And Bohea leas ; Java and fam and Ladies’ BOOTS AND SHOES, and assure the public that no exertions shalLh© IlfE Ludington House, exDirectofear© hap^% .the belief; Uiat/hese^ The folteWiug are in part the late recei . cepting the Grocery store ily cofi*^^ rice, nutmegs, keg an3 box rai that he still continues manufacturing Boots wanting on their part, to havefjustice done* ‘ 1-arrangepuents, While fnhy are .in aecofd- ved articles':-—A few pieces super blue and and Shoes o f avery description, at the shop to those who wiiliavorthem with their cu$s . pcfadpted by J.. Wilcox. E n sins, figl,'Aq. for; sdle by I-ance with the laudable efforts now making black cloths, do steel mix’d for Ladies habformerly occupied by A. Gillum; and in tom. ’ H.lC.bMFORT. M’E IN 5T R Y , D A T ^ CO. .for prompting t r ddd^bbseryance of tije itsi An elegant, assortment of silks for quire o f addition to his former stock, he has recei They have on hand a good assort-; Catskill, March 5,1828; 69tf :sabbathj will meet the general approbation Ladies dresses,^the most fashionable jcolved from New-York, a general assortment m entbf BUFFALO ROBES— Also F U lt ■of the ffiends pf virtue.and good Older. ours, plain, figured and striped batt^este T O I .E T , of Morocco, Kid, Prunella, Bueje Skih', CAPS. B y o rd er o f D irectors. and ba}Tages,an'assortrnent of gauze, Silk, Sfc.^c. suitable for the season-—together Catskill, May 2, 1827. 24 = CALI^BDAYSec^ry. |H E Dwelling-House now for salifl^t I5s. per, doZ. by w^stedy Barrage Handkerchiefs, elegant with a generakassortment o f ^ o em ak ers \ \ Catskill JunS; 25^1828., 85tf . ^ “4 bikhobbinett veils, 5-4 do lace for Veils, occupied by Samuel A. AMOS CORNWALL. Saddle &, Harness Making. Findings, Blacking, ^c. ^_ Baker.’ Possession given on March, 12th, 1828. ^70 H A K K S ^ LaCe, goods of every description, hand He returns thanks for the encourage fTBNHE subscriberssome light and daik plaid and striped Cal (he first day of April next. Also, Jhe store W A ftE U O U lp :. ment already received, and as he has se have opened a J J ^ 3 l ^ d L U T j e W . . T H E G O . icoes, sup. pongees-, for dresses, ladies & room in the same, building. Possession ‘J lected the first rate, workmen, and works Subscriber has taken shop in the village o f R A R TN ER SIflP of the subscri given on the first day of -May next. misses htiskid ^oves, fancy ribands, Genm th e shop recently occupied niler the t Durham and also onip bers, Uimer name and firm of James none but the best o f stock, hopes tO merit . JA M ES POW ER A tjjem.en Ladies black English Silk hose, and secure a, share o f public patronSge. by Deotonl^ Brueeyinthe village of Cai in the village of CaisT& Priest &;Co. is tjhis day dissoIwwLbx mu.-' Catskill, Feb. 2D, 1828. £^lF bfack and white cotton hose, black and ^All orders fpri|Ji.4he-country thankfully rero, w here h e h as com meneed. th e "aboy# ;; tual co iii^t. for the acCommoda>• white plaid batteste, ginghams, light fancy '^ceived and'^jHihi^ually attended to. business In all its various branches. . JAMES PRIEST^ ofthe public in ev do fine bombazines Gentlemen^ batteSte. ;• ^ - v l^ ^ ^ T E P H E N ^ H A I T ., ery thing pertaining to the various branch ness’s. Saddles^ Trunks^ Caps and MiUtd^ Cravats and vestings, furniture dimity, bon , JO H N ADAMS. GatakiU, Julr#5,._1827. ' 37tf C a t M , March 29,1828. es of their business. Harness’s^ Saddles,. ry Eg'Mipment&pertaining to his line of bu net muslin, fine 3 and 4-4 bleached mus R TJS S E L L S siness, m.^nuflctured in the latest style, lin, |ackonct,7mull muslins, a few boxes of T h # Paper Manufactory wiU be contin StlJAM BOA T RICHMOITD, ^ Trunks, made in the most approveds style and of the best materials, kept con and o f flig' materials, he will keep flowers, pink';! green and white sarcenets, ued by the subscribers, yd^-jhaariog lately TOM Ac H B iiT E R S i -constantly fof.^l;q .^upon the most -liberai ^ A t S K l L L A N D stanlly on band and for- sale upon the most commenced Hot-Pressing, feel confid^t) Sonnet wire, fancy buttons &c. terms, with s a s s o r t m e # ^ ? " trimNew-York Steam liberal terms, With every variety of trim* fT|N H ESE celebrated Bitters are compos that tfiey win be able to give full satisfac Cat.skili; May 28,1828. 81 laings, ana artielb?'propetly belonging to Boat.-The Steamboat mings and sadlery. ■ - ed- purely of Vegetables of the most tion to;ali their customers. the bn,sine3s. Coaches and Carriages trimmeo ana i%» CLOTHING EBIPOKIUM. innocent, yet specific virtues. They are J A M E S P R IE S T , ^ Richmond, will run this season, from Catspaired'at the shortest notice. M. B, Carriages trimmed and repaired kill to New-York, commencing on Tues recommended' particularly for restoring G E O R G E M ORE. JG H m P D E C K E R . at the shortest notice. .A share of public DENTON & BRUCE. weak constitutions, cleansing and strength C at^ ill, A prii 2 , 1828; , day the 25th inst. as follows; ■ J ® As. just rec^ved from New York, a ening the stomach,'and increasing the ap Cairo July 11 ,1827. ______ 35tf -pairoiuibe is respectfully solicited. Leave Catskill every Tuesday and F ri jO tg^neraL and Well selected .assortment petite'; also a preventive against the cbol, fllR A M W. BtIRHANS. day^ at 11 o’clock A. M. and New-York, P lD u g h s, C a stin g s, & c . of blue, Jilack, dive,' green, mixed and era-morbus, removing nausea,.vomithing, Cairo, Jime 25th 1828. every Thursday at 10 o’clock A. M. and scgrlet cloths and Cassiraeres,—also. Nan fB N H E Subscribers, A Saturday, at 6 o’clock P. M. She will re O F F A T C O S T ! ! keens, brown jdrihings, striped bombazines heart-bfirn, weakness of the breast, pain fo r the Hudson: I J L gents . ceive and land passengers at the different ' W f K C. M’KINSTRY, now offers his. silk, camblets and ducks, a complete as in the stomach, and other symptoms of __ _ ___ Air Furnace, will keep-for landings on the River, and take all kinds W W #stock of fancy goods at cost I sortment of vestings, hangup cords, stock flatulence and indigestion.* One box will sale,a supply of the various kinds of Ploughs of Live Stock on Deck, and what light coiisistiog of calicos,} ginghams, batteste, ings gloves, stocks, handerchiefs, with a tincture a gallon of spirits-• Castings and Extra Shares, generally u^ ;Cr. u c m o t t , h a t i i t o Freight may be offered, at the customary Frice25 Cents per box. Kibhon Laces, crapes, pongee, Swiss mull full supply of first quality trimmings of ed in this and the ad joining counties. iiXeceivod the appointment of Auc prices. and-'book muslins, cambric and sarcenet every description. —ALSO—They ‘^have now on hand shares for , The Richmond, being a very large boat, tioneer for the county o f Greene, will.atcambric, tambor’d ' Work, dress hdkfs, R U S S E L L ’S IT C H O IN TM EN T. J. P; D. has'just received tlje latest Fouk’s, Butcher’s, Ring’s, Chamberlain’s k h d personally to the sale of real and per- can accommodate Fifteen Hundred head braids, cords, ^ c . wifaich were mostly pur- and most approved fashions from England This choice and safe Ointment is said -soaii^j|aopeR]^sfock,&c.&«, W any pa)^4<)f smaU aDdJffl^e..,stQi^wJuch wilLpre-119*1 €jhased sprin^,'i^-VOTy redn<^d prices. ^ d N6W York, for'; Ffdck CoMs, Coats, to be superior to any now in usS) iorlfial ’^ Persons wishing to supply themselves, Surtouts, ClodkSi Great Coats, Vests disagreeable and loathsome disease, the of the County,-on reasonable terms. Per- ventaiiy disappointment to Drovers, and Woods, 3 A. 1 1-2 B. ^and 2 B. ----- 1— i he public can rely on the boat leaving ^ ^ sons haying property to dispose Of, will with any of the above-articles, and many and Pantaloons. Itch. It is so certain in its operation, that ' ‘ - ' 1 1-2 D. 2 D. 2 1-2 D. & 3 1-2 D. find it for tneir interest to call on thq sub the hours above stated; and having been not mentioned, will do well to avail them They will also furnish all kinds of Casi-' He will keep on hand a gob J assortment no person, troubled with the above dis scriber. at great expense in fitting hpr up for freight , selv es o f this opportunity. ease ought to be without it. It is a w of ready made clothing, such as coats, and Passengers, with a view to accommo ings to order, delivered at Catskill, with Na I'HAN G. ELLIOTT, , t.-W. C. offers hia grateful acknowl- frock coats. Cloaks, surtouts, pan medy for cutaneous eruptions, scorbutic charge; for transportation, Auctioneer. date theFarmeraand the public generally, out any fdgpfrSnts to the public, and . particulary taloons, Vest^shirts, drawers, of substan affections of the head, saltriieum, ''chil PO R TER , CO IT & TAPPAN. hopes to m erit a sh a re o f th e ir patronage. 68tf‘ February 5^7, 1828. ' tO-thfescitizens o f Catskiil, for the kind en tial fabrics, and workmasship, at low rates. blains, or any other breaking out, which aApril 3, 1827.- _____ 21 For Freight or Passage, apply to Wil couragement, ho has received from theni Military garments made according rtses from the sharp humors of the blood. lard Cowan, or Merrick ^ w a n , or to the D IS S O L U T IO N ’ D ISSO LU T IO N . in his past business, and very respectfully to the statute. Cutting promptly attended Price 25 Cents per box, Agent on Board. ■' F j|n |H E Partnership heretofore existing solicits a continuance of the same.—As to. f HE copartnership o f Palen,Goodwin A fresh supply is just received and for Catskill, March 22,1828. 72 between the subscribers,'under the he now intends paying his whole attentioo "^'4" Co. was dissolved by the death o f Orders-ftoni his friends in the country sale by Doct’s. Croswell^ Brace & Boot. to the Tailoring and Clothing business, gratefully acknowledged and punctually D. MeUen ^ co. Catskill. Sold also in firm o f Edwards Ingersoll, is tbis day Egbert F . Goodwin, on the 13th Noyem? A EC TIO IY S A L E S . dissolved by mutual cohserit. The ac and to keep a complete,assortment of rea executed. ber 18^7’ New-York, Albany, and most of the prin counts of the late firm will be adjusted at T H E /Subscriber dy made clothing, cloths’ kersiraers, ves T h e ta n n in g bu sin ess o f th e c o n c e rn He has removed two doors above A. C. cipal towns in the United States. having received the the old -stand by either of the parties. tings, shirtings hosiery, gloves &e. all of Hall, to the building lately occupied by will in fu tu re be Conducted by su b scri appointment of auc Dec. 12,1827. ' 57ylepw. .All persons indebted to them are re mhich will be sold low as ustiaL Thomas B. Cooke, where he has fitted up tioneer, for the bers; UUdcr the firm of Palen &‘Goodwin. quested to malte immediate payment at BOARDl?5G Catsldll, June 18, 1828, ^ JO N A TH A N PALEN, ah elegant ,shop, and furnished if with a county of Greene, the .same place, JAMFS R. GOODWIN. AND DAY SCHOOL, splendid assortment of soods appertain will attend to all calls in the line of hi-s J . T E U E S D A I L ’S W ILLIAM EDW ARDS, Palensyille. Jan. 23,1828. 6stf ^ T R O N G L Y solicited by some viling to his line of business, and suited appointment, in any part of the county on O T T ER Y . 55 EXCHANGE 0 ? DAYID INGERSOLL. lage patrons, and having ample ac^ reasonable terms. R EM O VAL. ■ A PICEjCsdskiil—^New-York Conso to the season, which he will sell and H u n ter, N ov. 2 3 , 1827. commodations with the best assistance-make up in the most approved style, at GORDON DICKSON. lidated Lottery-^Yafes l^ M’lntyre ManTOHN P. DARROW, M is s PALM ER, proposes at. the com m a n u p a c t t t b ’d m a r b l e . Athens, April 30, 1828. agers— ClaasNo. 6, for 1828,to be drawn the lowest prices. Watch Maker, Silver mencement of her next Term, which will Catskill, M ay 28, 1828. 81 the 1st o f Jn?y, 1828 -r—54 numbers 8 r m H E Subscriber, Smith ^ Jeweller, be on the second Monday in August next, SA L T . drawn ballots.One, prize of ■ Agent for • an , SW EEBES m O N . rem oved to h is n ew to adm it an B ushels E ^ 3tern,.seven Eastern Afanufactory, 4 TON^S-jof Sweedes w aggon tire Iro n building, nearly oppo>“ hundred bushels Syra Elementary Class, at pr. qr. f 3 00 ' will receive proposals cuBse, and one hundred 2 tonsr o f Sweedes English square site th e C u tsk iil House.., sa c k s blow n salt, Junior Class, at $4 00 at his store in Catskill a n d .ro u n d Iro n , assorted from - 1 -4 to 1 and directly opposite the Catskill Bank;, Senior Class, at . f 6 00 for the delivery of for sale by 1-2 inch, 1 ton of old and new Sable Iron, w here h e .will b e happy to wait upon hi^ . l-B rize o f {^10.000 |* 4P rize o f ‘‘ 1,000 PO R TE R , CO IT ^ T A PP AN; Senior Xllass entitled, as usual, to all Monumenfs, Tablets friends and customers. 1 g&OOi 4 500, forsaleby October S t, 1827. the privileges of the school, in the depart Tomb-Stones & Buil M’KPNSTRY DAY ^ Co. 1 20001 *5 300 \ . Catskill, Nov. 15,1826. ' 1 tf ment of English science, with use of maps, 1 ’ 1200 I ,10 ' 200 ding Marble. All or June 18th, 1828. . M O LJSSE S. astronomical and geographical. ' 1 1022-.1- 10 ' 150HARDW ARE STORE.^ ders will be executed HH DS. heavy, sweet, retailing \ 20,100; 46, 40; 46. 30 ; 56, 25 ‘ MSO, 8 ; Board and Tuition in English } N O T IU E . from the best materi Molasses, for sale by branches pr. qr. ‘ $30 00. als, in as good style, Tickets ,at $4- Halves ,^2,00. -.starters :||f LL the debts and claims due to the ' Washing pr. doz. M’K IN STRY & DAY. >■ 50. late firm of Edwards and Ingerloll, and on as reasonable terms as, as at any #1;00. ’ Nov. 20,1827. 9 ptj N. B. Boarders will be received a t any manufactory in the state. Jiave fapen assigned to William Edwards, For sale in a great variety o.f numbers at o J. T E U E 8 DAIL’S Office.; to be paid t* him or his authorised agent time.—-Music and French taught-fiy the Coarse &, Fine Salt. JAM ES G. E L L IO T T . o best masters,—with Latin and painting I B y only, imd by his stipulations with said firm Catskill April 2, 1828. 73tf O ' GOOD L U C K !!!! . into Bushels Syracjse salt, 300 V -. for such as desire them. muM he speedily closed. Payment in bark, 02 [9 do F a lm o u th do, SOO do -Drawn numbers of the'New-York Coh~: grain Catskill J u n e 5 ,1 8 2 8 . 3w 83 TO BACCO . or labor will be received, if satisfac Turks Island dp^ 100 do Liverpoo Blown r i l H E Firm of T . B: COOKE & C 0 | solidated Lottery, 8 th C la ss,& r 48 2 8 . ElLL^S P IN E CUT ^ SMOKING do, for sale b y tory arrangements are made with him by Scott’s Life of Napoleon. is changed to COOKE, WILSON a, 42, a7, the lOth of July, ensuring punctual per J lI ^ Tobacco, b y the barrel or larger M’KIN.<?TRY ^ DAY. & GRIGGS, who are now opening a larg^ Which gives the following p o s i n g re- formance of the stipulations proposed..^' W U S T received & for sale at N. G. EL- quantity.—-ALSO Macabpy Snufij by the L IO T T ’S Book-store, the Life pf Na- Jar, fororip at the New-York prices, by suit at TrUesdail’s Office, v iz : y r O U N D S . —A N Y PERSO JN and handsome assortment o f JErarol-IF(ffr€, On the 10th o^ July, all demands not so (One quarter o f 9, 34, 27, a prize o f pqleoff Buonaparte, by . the author of Wain,want of a few choice hounds of Hollow-Ware^ Cutlery, Saddlery, Nails, AMOS CORNWALL, provided for, will be placed in the hapdaof verley & c.. '■ the first blood, may find it worth their Glass, Tin, Iron.-^ Steel, of recent impor Henry Goslee, Esq. for collection.' Those feept.5,l82f. 43 i R O O O , Catskill August 22,1827. 41tf while to apply to Mr. Thomas .Ackley’s tations, which they offer for sale, wholesale having claims against said firm are reques T k ISSOLUTION.--NOTICE -soldte a-ybung.getttleifflan ofthis village f alL iv in g sto n , C olom bia co. o r a t th is of and retail, at the lowest Now-York prices. ^ A U G E R T I E S AlYD R E D ,so,-cembinati0BS-8,3<Al, a price -of $1000 ; ted to present ?B»em for settlement. 9 ia hereby given th a t the C opartner PLGtJGHS & PLGUGH CASTINGS, W ILLIA M EDWARDS. ^ HOOK Horse F erry ,—By ah act ot ship heretofore existing under the firm of fice. «,42.51,.a pVrae oT^QO; 3,37,42,-100; 3, of every description, kept constantly on Livingston, May 14, 1828, Hunter, June 11, 1828. 3w83. 42, 5i,-r:»l00 ; and a host o f $50, 4Q,.20, and the Legislature, a company has been form- H. Dickertoan ^ Co. is this day dissolved hand'. AlO prizes^^ I‘ C f R A B E E S A N D S C Y T H E S . tned, and established a Horse Ferry, from b y m utual consent. Catskill, August 8,1827. - 39tf T h e a b o v e p riz^e s w e r e a ll a c tu a lly so ld ST. C R O IX RUS|;, ' Red Hook to Saugerties Landing. They ALIS’S cradles with HARRIS’S H E Z E K IA H d i c k e r m a n . and pnid at X TRUESDAIL’S Office. A F E W Hhds. choice St. Cioix Rum, C hristian A lm anacs F o r 18.28 The next Lottery, draws' on the 1st day of scythes, a few dozen H a rris ’s g rass have ,:procHied' an excellent Horse Boat, ALBERT E. BABCOCK. j 3L , just received by July next, capital paize 10,000, price of tick and cradle scythes, a few dozen Barton’s sufficiently large to take on board at*least - Windham, May 27, 1828. IIN O R sale, at-^3 50 per hundred, 50 JAMES G. ELklOTT. J F cents per dozen, by , «ts only $4. for the captal prizes^pply pt ' g ra s s an d crad le scythes, a few d o z. Royd eight loaded waggons, or a large drove of The-M ercantile b u sin ess will in future Dec. 20,1827. 6l ■ J . T R U E S D A I L ’s O ffice. N. G. E L L IO T T , Seller. and ThayrO’s grass and cradle Scythes, for cattle, et cet. and is now iituomplete ope be conducted by Zadock Pratt Jr. and Al C a t M Jane 18.18^8. ' U » T R E C E I V E B j & F O R Catskill, Sept;-19, 1827. 45 ration. .They wifi -Jfea 3 ^e 4 i,ed Hook Lanexander C. Van Valkenburgh, under the D ra w n numbers o f the Nem York Consol sale b y sale, by N. G. Elliot,Tales of a Grand cing, every day at 7? anci half past U o^- firm of Pratt, Jr. & Co. M T O S T R Y D A Y & C o. idated Lottery E d ra Class No. 3. ‘ father, by tb e au th o r o f W av e rly , 2 vols. "4ij*^RE S H T E A S .—^ 2 0 c b e '^ s o f hyson, clack. A. JMf. and a t 4 o’clock P . M. 5 and Ju n e l8 th , 182.8. ZADOCK PR A T T , Jr. JM young hyson and hyson skin teas, of 2y, 45} 28, 18, 84,'. 32. leave Saugerties Landing at 9 o’cloclt A* A- C. VAN VALKENBURGH. Price $1,50. Youth and Manhood of ^y- a v e ry su p erio r quality, for sale b y .- ^ w a n t e d . per. or-/ M. qnd at 1 and 6 o’clock P. M. T ic k e t combination^ 1 8 ,4 4 ,4 5 , a p r iz e rll Thornton, Blue /Stocking Hall, Flifta; Windham, May 27, 1828. , 82 M’KINSTRY & DAY. ion, &c. o f 300 dollars was sold at ^ 0 0 0 der, SIX h u n d r e d They have also procured small row boats ___________ TrucidaU’s Office. March, 12tb, 1828. 70 DOLLARS Greene County Bar^. Notes, to be in readiness at intermediate hours, 4 SET OF ROLLIIV’S ANEastern, Western, Northern and south ALSO. TWO HUNDRED.DOLLARS for foot passengers. j^ fc C lE N T h i s t o r y , in quarto, with Deeds, Mortgages, Justice’s andAttorD L A N K S !! B U A N K l^ n ! ern B ank notes bought- at^a small dis Franklin Bank, Jersey City Notes, at J. plates, elegantly bound in calf, and id two B y order o f the Board o f Directors. nies Blanks kept constantly on handand 4 Complete assortment of Blanks jostprpTruesdail’s Lottery and Exchange Office. volumes, for s^ e at this office. count a t j . TrM sdm iy L o tW y and ExJ. C U TW A TER , President. ixL ted and for sale,at the Office o f the for sale at the office of the Greene Conn June 11; 1828. Catskill} October 9J1327• 48 June7. 1828. ^w83 phange ^* ty Repubicau. ' Greene County Republican,CatikilU Thursday-eyetting'SCt^'iilfttaijl^at 8 o’clock. J JL ■ - ' , I I I . . , I I I I. , II I , I . . . . JL., M JEM
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