10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub (http://twitter.com/lithub) (http://facebook.com/thelithub) (http://lithub.tumblr.com) (http://instagram.com/thelithub) L I T R A R Y H U ( H T T P : / / L I T H U . C O M ) SEARCH (http://lithub.com) OOK MARK (HTTP://LITHU .COM/ OOKMARK /) F ATUR (HTTP://LITHU .COM/CAT GORY/F ATUR /) XC RPT (HTTP://LITHU .COM/CAT GORY/ XC RPT /) OOK H LF (HTTP://LITHU .COM/ OOK H LF/) LIT HU DAILY (HTTP://LITHU .COM/CAT GORY/LITHU _DAILY/) A OUT (HTTP://LITHU .COM/A OUT-LIT RARY-HU /) http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ 1/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub WHAT DO IT M AN TO A PO T IN TH FAC OF VIOL NC ? ON LACK ODI , M TAPHOR, AND MOURNING Augu t 30, 2016 Adriana . Ramírez (http://lithu .com/author/adriana-e-ramirez/) ok.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of0Does%20It%20Mean%20to%20Be%20a%20Poet%20in%20the%20Face%20of%20Violence%3F) ntent/tweet? 0Does%20It%20Mean%20to%20Be%20a%20Poet%20in%20the%20Face%20of%20Violence%3F&url=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhatet-in-the-face-of-violence%2F) om/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence%2F) hat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/#print) More What role doe poetr pla in re pon e to violence? Can poet write a out racialized violence without rein cri ing it on other ? – u an . A. omer -Willett ere i a od di cu ed on the new toda , I’m ure of it. A lack od —one killed over hi tor and kin. A od that ore the weight of immigration, coloniali m, and fear. imple fear. A od , who e life ended ecau e another hand felt the trem le of the other ide of that fear, of the unknown, of it own hi tor and kin. I n’t that what we all are, hi tor orn out on kin? I will tart telling ou where m od i from. I wa orn in Mexico Cit to a half- Mexican, half Colom ian father, and a Colom ian mother. M famil immigrated to the United tate , u ine owner with legitimac tamped in our pa port onl to pend our live cro ing order . I am from the liminal. I will tart telling ou what thi od i . I took an ance tr DNA te t and found m elf a melting pot of wrong made od . I looked at the re ult and marveled at the hi tor pla ed out on m e h: here i the ve percent that come from laver , here i the thirt percent that come from conqui ta, here i the ixt - ve percent that i colonizer http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ 2/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub thirt percent that come from conqui ta, here i the ixt - ve percent that i colonizer and en laver. Which i to a , in m od there are metaphor . I will give ou more odie , more metaphor. ere i a o I aw in Pitt urgh. An Afro-Latino o . One who looked enough like me to take m reath. Killed a gang, tra ullet in a turf war. Or o I wa told. Alwa a u - od , in erting m elf into thing that onl omewhat involve mine. And here wa thi o . i od . Two week later, I read on Face ook a out a o in Colom ia, a friend of a friend, the kind of mile I’d een in the ackground at a part , a tra ullet in a turf war putting an end to the dance. I am thinking a out the mile etween Pitt urgh and arranquilla. A out the interconnected corp e that litter the corridor of m countrie . I am thinking a out the tem we upport, how I keep acking awa onl to ee that thi pro lem i igger than the civilian who pa the price. I am thinking a out the odie that look like me. A out the odie we talk a out. A out the odie we don’t. Here i a igger picture: A war on drug that pan continent , ut till affect the darker one , the lack and rown children of povert and temic crime. And the admit to it now, the admini tration , how the war on drug wa engineered to reak our odie . To incarcerate, control, manage, and oppre . ecau e melanin i melanin, and one drop i enough to poi on the well. I am intere ted in di cu ing and di ecting odie toda . e kind of odie we ee on the new , a tracted odie . odie no longer living. odie that have een reduced to collateral in a much larger war. I’ve een tr ing to unravel what it mean to e a poet in the face of violence. If poetr ha n’t alwa een, to ome degree, a oftening of the low. A wa to undo the narrative of the impo i le—the violence of war, the death of children, the lo of lim or oul or po i ilit —and render it palata le, a di tant memor , like a tree een through a train window, pa ed hour and land cape ago. http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ e wa the ong of Roland, eowulf, and3/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub window, pa ed hour and land cape ago. e wa the ong of Roland, eowulf, and Homer tell me of war—nece ar , inevita le, romantic. Like that tree we pa ed o long ago. omewhere in the horizon, a mall dot, a reminder of the ugl part of our elve turned eautiful. ere’ a rea on our memorie live in epia. at our memorial are covered in pla tic ower , immune to the truth, removed from what happened. “Dulce et decorum e t…” A no ilit to eing remem ered in a poem that almo t ju ti e the hi tor that made it po i le. What i Tro if not a tor for u to repeat and marvel at? A love tor . A hero’ tor . A calamit to e repeated. A Trojan woman, Ca andra-ing her wa into hi tor , eating her che t in front of the odie that once elonged to her and now onl exi t a metaphor. I am cared we are lo ing odie in our poetr . What i a od ? At the memorial, the od i a tatue, a tri ute to unful lled promi e. Michelangelo’ Pieta, a o in the arm of hi mother. e od removed from the context that killed it, holding the ecret of it own death. e o i now a metaphor— et I worr when the poet make thi od too lovel , thi war too eautiful. e poet can nd the eaut in thi dead o , and in doing o we can tr to make our elve ee the traged of what once wa living, while at the ame time a tracting that which i too clo e, too real. o here we are, poet looking at corp e and guring how to turn lood into an accepta le dirge, an image worth the time it take to tare. I’m cared a out what happen when we don’t make metaphor. When we don’t peak, when we leave it to pundit in tead of poet . I worr a out what happen when we forget one another’ torie . When I don’t point out that # rownpeoplearegettingkilledtoo. at #Mexican o deadthi morningonthenew that # outhtexa queerkidkilled cop that #mentalillne get ou killed too. at #our odie ear urden. I’m cared I ound like All Live Matter, like I’m creaming “ een the tundra latel ?” at a “ ave the World” rall focu ed on the Amazon. How can I explain that we’re all lo ing thi war together? at the o in Pitt urgh to me i a chapter from the ame ook a the o in Colom ia, a other o in Mexico, a me, going to jail for moking a little weed at 19. ere I wa , cheming m wa out of # rownprivilige with #education. Which i to a , I am a metaphor too. Which i to a , I don’t know how to look at odie an more without http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ 4/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub metaphor too. Which i to a , I don’t know how to look at odie an more without eeing the metaphor in tead of the per on. Which i to a , I don’t know how to reconcile m own od . Which i to a , I’m not ure I can a an more. o I’ll tart again telling ou that thi i a od . A od that ear the weight of it maker . A od that’ tr ing to tell a tor , without making it prett , ut thi i perhap where poetr fail me, ecau e we want the eaut in language. o I’ll a k ou in tead to look. To look at the face and torie that once made o , that once made woman, that once made u per on . And in looking, we can hopefull egin to under tand tor from reath, idea from one, politic from poem, od from metaphor. i e a i adapted from a panel at AWP 2016 in Lo Angele . Adriana Ramirez (http://lithu .com/tag/adriana-ramirez/) lack odie (http://lithu .com/tag/ lack- odie /) AWP (http://lithu .com/tag/awp/) lack Live Matter (http://lithu .com/tag/ lack-live -matter/) odie (http://lithu .com/tag/ odie /) hi tor (http://lithu .com/tag/hi tor /) panel (http://lithu .com/tag/panel /) poetr (http://lithu .com/tag/poetr /) politic (http://lithu .com/tag/politic /) race (http://lithu .com/tag/race/) raci m (http://lithu .com/tag/raci m/) violence (http://lithu .com/tag/violence/) ok.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of0Does%20It%20Mean%20to%20Be%20a%20Poet%20in%20the%20Face%20of%20Violence%3F) ntent/tweet? 0Does%20It%20Mean%20to%20Be%20a%20Poet%20in%20the%20Face%20of%20Violence%3F&url=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhatet-in-the-face-of-violence%2F) om/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Flithub.com%2Fwhat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence%2F) hat-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/#print) More Adriana . Ramírez (http://lithu .com/author/adriana-e-ramirez/) http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ 5/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub Adriana . Ramírez i a Mexican-Colom ian non ction writer, tor teller, digital maker, and performance poet a ed in Pitt urgh, where he i writing a ook a out her death fanta ie , the War on Drug , and the wa we tell torie around violence. he’ the (http://lit winner of the 2015 P N/Fu ion merging Writer’ Prize and teache in the ngli h hub.com/ Department at the Univer it of Pitt urgh. author/a driana-eramirez/) YOU MIGHT AL O LIK HOW TH YUGO LAV WAR HAP D A G N RATION OF WRIT R (HTTP://LITHU .COM/HOW-TH -YUGO LAV-WAR HAP D-A-G N RATION-OF-WRIT R /) ON NVY, TH INT RN T, AND DIANA RO (HTTP://LITHU .COM/ON- NVY-TH -INT RN T-ANDDIANA-RO /) Octo er 6, 2016 Literar Hu Octo er 7, 2016 Lidija Dimkov ka (http://lithu .com/author/lidija-dimkov ka/) (http://lithu .com/author/literar -hu /) PR AD TH WORD: ON MALL PR AND TH FIGHT FOR PU LICITY (HTTP://LITHU .COM/ PR ADTH -WORD-ON- MALL-PR -AND-TH - FIGHT-FOR-PU LICITY/) http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ HOW I H LP D LMOR L ONARD R ARCH G T HORTY (HTTP://LITHU .COM/HOW-IH LP D- LMOR -L ONARD-WRIT -G THORTY/) 6/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub 0 Comments Recommend Literary Hub 1 Login Sort by Best ⤤ Share Start the discussion… Be the first to comment. ✉ Subscribe d Add Disqus to your site Add Disqus Add Privacy R R - PO T (HTTP://LITHU .COM/F LIT RARY HU D/) CR AT D Y GROV ATLANTIC AND L CTRIC LIT RATUR MA TH AD (HTTP://LITHU .COM/MA TH AD/) (HTTP://TWITT R.COM/LITHU ) (HTTP://FAC OOK.COM/TH LITHU ) (HTTP://LITHU .TUM LR.COM) (HTTP://IN TAGRAM.COM/TH LITHU ) TWITT R http://lithub.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-a-poet-in-the-face-of-violence/ 7/8 10/7/2016 What Does It Mean to Be a Poet in the Face of Violence? | Literary Hub Tweets by @lithub Literary Hub @lithub "They’d been caught in the gears of war..." 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