Biological 30uml .f the Linnean Society (1992),47: 49-60. With 6 figures Morphological and genetic differences in ecologically distinct populations of Petrosia (Porifera, Demospongiae) GIORGIO BAVESTRELLO AND MICHELE SARA Istituto di <oologia dell'llniversitci, Via Balbi, 5-I 16126 Genova Received 7 August 1990, accepted for publication 8 3anuory 1991 The taxonomic status of two sponge morphotypes living sympatrically in Mediterranean caves and usually ascribed to PctroszaJiciformis was elucidated on the basis of morphological, morphometric and genetic features. The two morphotypes, spherical and cylindrical, showed differences in the shape and size of spicules and in the morphology of the aquiferous system. Electrophoretic analyses demonstrated that the two morphotypes are reproductively independent and so they should be considered as distinct biological species. The spicular features allow attribution of the cylindrical morphotype to P.&iformLr and the spherical one to P. clauata. For these two species parasympatric speciation is proposed. KEY WORDS:-Polymorphism - morphometry marine sponges - Mediterranean Sea. - electrophoresis - parasympatric speciation - CONTENTS Introduction . . . Materials and methods Results . . . . External morphology Aquiferous system. Spiculation . . Electrophoresis . Discussion. . . . References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 .50 .51 .51 .52 .52 .55 .56 .59 INTRODUCTION The traditional taxonomy of sponges, based on spicule morphology, often seems inadequate. Anatomical, histological, cellular, reproductive and chemical characteristics are utilized additionally to delimit super-specific taxa (Bergquist & Wells, 1983; Bergquist, 1980; Simpson, 1969; Levi, 1956, 1973). The inadequacy of traditional taxonomic criteria is particularly evident for some groups, such as the Haplosclerida and allied orders, because of the paucity and variability of the available characters (De Weerdt, 1985). Therefore, a more comprehensive approach may be used utilizing traditional spicular features and also such features as the architecturae of aquiferous system (Sara & Manara, 1991; 0024-4066/92/090049 + 12 SOS.OO/O 49 0 1992 The Linnean Society of London 50 G. BAVESTRELLO AND M. SARA Bavestrello, Burlando & Sara, 1988) and the electrophoretic analyses of genetic markers (Sol&-Cava & Thorpe, 1986, 1987; Soli-Cava & Thorpe, 1991; Soli-Cava, Thorpe & Manconi, 1991; Sara etal., 1989; Stoddart, 1989). A similar approach has been utilized successfully in different groups of marine invertebrates (for example, see Shaw, Beardmore & Ryland, 1987; Carter & Thorpe, 1981; Manwell & Baker, 1963; Grassle & Grassle, 1976). I n this work morphological and electrophoretic analyses were carried out to elucidate the taxonomic status of the morphotypes usually ascribed to Petrosia j c i f r m i s (Poiret) living in Ligurian marine caves. Sara & Vacelet ( 1973) described two different morphotypes of Petrosia living in sheltered habitats: cylindrical, creeping specimens living under overhanging rocks and spherical, small specimens living in dark caves. A third morphotype comprising mushroom-like specimens lives on rocky cliffs exposed to high levels of water movement and solar radiation. Usually, all the Mediterranean Petrosia as ascribed to P.Jiciformis but in a recent work on Mediterranean demospongiae, Pulitzer-Finali ( 1983) identified three samples recorded from the Bay of Naples and from Portofino as P. clauata, a species synonymous with P.Jici$ormis according to Topsent (1934).This species is distinguished from P.jciformis by the smaller spicule size and by the lack of short reniform oxeas and strongyles. The present study aims to clarify the biological status of these species on the basis of morphological and genetic characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples of ten specimens of both cylindrical and spherical morphotypes of Petrosia were collected by SCUBA diving in August 1988 at Paraggi, Zoagli and Bergeggi (Ligurian Sea) (Fig. 1 ) . All the specimens were taken in the same period in order to reduce the spicular variability caused by seasonal growth patterns (Jones, 1987; Fry, 1968). Cylindrical specimens were collected from the lighter parts of caves whereas spherical ones came from the dark parts. In the intermediate areas of the caves exist overlapping zones where both morphotypes are present. The studied populations are represented by a low number of randomly distributed specimens without evident formation of groups of clonema tes. For the morphometric analyses of the spicules two slides were prepared from each specimen. Spicules were measured by light microscope using a camera lucida and ‘Graphtec’ digitizer (Jones, 1987). The average spicule size in the populations was calculated and the differences tested by t-test. For oxeas, the most abundant category of spicules, the width/length ratio was calculated. Some specimens of each morphotype were used for production of corrosion casts (similar to those commonly used in anatomical studies of vertebrate vascular organs) of the aquiferous system. This technique provides for the injection of a plastic resin through the oscules (Bavestrello, Burlando & Sara, 1988). T h e casts were analysed by stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy in order to obtain a detailed reconstruction of the canal system. The specimens utilized for spicular studies (from Paraggi and Zoagli) were also analysed by Cellogel electrophoresis for 15 enzyme systems. This last analysis was not carried out on the Bergeggi samples because we obtained only fixed material, unsuitable for electrophoretic analysis, from this population. DIFFERENCES IN POPULATIONS OF PETROSZA PBergeggi . _. P 51 -- . ...--a. LIGURIAN SEA Figure 1. Localities sampled. Only nine loci could be recorded consistently for all populations. This is probably due to the low concentration of enzymes in sponge tissue (Sol&Cava & Thorpe, 1987; Solt-Cava, Thorpe & Manconi, in press). The methods employed are similar to those described by Richardson, Baverstok & Adams (1986) and used for sponges by Sara et al. (1989). The loci scored were GPgd, Mpi, Hk, Mdh, Pgi, Es, Ak, Got and Tr. Allelic frequencies and Nei's (1972) I and D indices were calculated. RESULTS External morphology T h e main morphological features of the collected specimens are summarized in Table 1. T h e volume of spherical specimens is quite constant while cylindrical specimens show wider dimensional variation. This may be due to the tendency of these specimens to form an anastomosing network in which different individuals can be fused. T h e volume/oscular area ratio is relatively constant in both morpho types. TABLE I. External morphology. Based on 10 specimens of each morphotype at each locality Locality morphotype Bergeggi Zoagli Paraggi - Spherical Cylindrical Spherical Spherical Cylindrical ~ Volume (ml) Oscular area (mm') No of oscules Density (g ml-') Silica contents (%) Colour 4.552.5 7.27i5.04 1-2 0.066 45.2k8.7 White 21.45+ 14.01 21 k12.34 3-5 0.063 52.3k9.1 Whi te-viole t 10.9f9.57 9.86k8.39 1-2 0.06 50.4f 16 White 13.07k4.9 1 1.35 f4.25 3-6 0.082 47+ 16 White-violet Cylindrical ~~ 6.9+ 1.9 7.61k3.15 1-2 0.068 53 k9.8 White 6.75k 1.48 11.97k5.22 4-9 0.072 55+18 White 52 G. BAVESTRELLO AND M. SARA Figure 2. Diagram showing the architecture of the main inhalant canals in the two morphotypes. A, Spherical morphotype. B, Cylindrical morphotype. The dashed line indicates the sponge surface. Arrowheads: incurrent canals. Arrows: subdermal spaces. Aquiferous system Bavestrello et al. (1988) described the canal system of mushroom like morphotypes of Petrosia ficiformis. This morphotype shows an anastomatic, superficial network of canals in communication with ostia, determining a subdermal space (Simpson, 1984). A system of canals distributes the water from the superficial network to the choanosome. The excurrent system is a series of modules radiating from the atrial cavity and branching in the choanosome. Large incurrent canals frequently merge with the excurrent ones deep inside the sponge body and at the superficial level. Spherical specimens, coming from the dark part of caves (Fig. 2A), show little variation in the structure of the aquiferous system while greater variability can be detected in the canal system of the cylindrical morphotype. The latter does not show the incurrent network surrounding the whole sponge but single tree-like incurrent organs which are separate structures at the surface of the sponge (Fig. 2B). For this reason the cylindrical specimens d o not show, in section, the typical subdermal space of the other morphotypes. Spiculation Spicular composition The spicules found in the genus Petrosia comprise distinct categories of megasclere with respect to both size and type: oxeas, styles and strongyles isodiametric large and thick, short and reniform oxeas and strongyles are always present (Bergquist & Warne, 1980; Pulitzer-Finali, 1983; De Weerdt, 1985; Desqueiroux-Faundez, 1987). DIFFERENCES IN POPULATIONS OF PETROSZA 53 50 0 Cyl. Spher. Spher. PARAGGI Oxeas 0 Figure 3. Spicular composition Styles Cyl. ZOAGLI Cyl. BERGEGGI Spher. Strongyles (yo)of the two morphotypes from the sampled localities. In our study we divided the spicules into three categories: oxeas, styles and strongyles. In each spicule slide we counted the number of spicules belonging to each type. Oxeas were always the main category (80-99%) (Table 2), styles and strongyles were either sparse or well represented. At Paraggi and Bergeggi the percentage of oxeas is greater in the spherical morphotype (Fig. 3) but this difference is statistically significant only at Paraggi (t-test, 0.05 > P > 0.01). At Zoagli the two morphotypes showed the same spicular composition. Size of spicules This study, based on about 600 spicule measurements for each population, shows a complex pattern of differences among localities and morphotypes (Table 2). The spicules of specimens from Bergeggi were bigger than those from the other localities (Fig. 4), while the Paraggi and Zoagli specimens showed similar spicule size. In spite of this interpopulation variability, differences in size between the two morphotypes were always detected (Fig. 4).The size of spicules of the cylindrical morphotypes is consistently greater in all the localities studied. The lack of significance of some differences regarding strongyles is probably due to the small number of such spicules in our slide. The average volume of oxeas, calculated according to Jorgensen (1944), is 5004-8746 pm3 for the spherical morphotype and 12 977-23 568 pm3 for the cylindrical. Since the amount of silica is quite constant in the two morphotypes (Table 1) the spherical morphotype has, in the same volume, 1.5-4.5 times the number of spicules found in the cylindrical morphotype. Widthllength ratio This ratio is useful in that it gives a comprehensive description of the general shape of monoaxonic spicules. The average values of the ratio in each length class, plotted against the length of spicules, allows us to compare the shape differences at each developmental stage (Fig. 5). In Bergeggi and Paraggi the values of the ratio are greater in the cylindrical morphotype than in the spherical one while, in Zoagli, no significant differences between the two morphotypes were detected (Fig. 5). In Bergeggi and Paraggi the differences are particularly strong in the small classes of spicules. This is due Volume of oxeas (pm3) (yo) 5339f 1318 12 82 6 6.18k2.51 7.88 f 2.46 7.66f2.57 Width (pm) Oxeas Styles Strogyles Types of spicules Oxeas Styles Strogyles 177.81 k51.93 178.66k41.42 93.23k 57.55 k n g f h (pm) Oxeas Styles Strogyles Spherical Cylindrical 11968f3432 69 11 20 8.66f 5.41 9.14f 2.99 8.54k 2.74 203.53+ 70.88 190.88k55.97 93.18f60.62 Paraggi 9370f2410 86 4 10 8.28+ 2.30 7.97k2.10 8.40f 3.12 174.lOk47.13 118.65f44.73 83.69539.45 Spherical Cylindrical 13697k3750 86 9 5 8.92 k 3.19 10.39k2.48 9.81 f2.19 219.30k61.56 215.19f64.19 174.78f80.2 Zoagli TABLE 2. Morphometry of spicules 7638 f2061 1 95 4 6.95 f3.02 8.01 f2.64 8.53f2.17 201 6 2 k 5 1 . 7 0 197.65f45.41 1 15.46k62.2 Spherical Cylindrical 24877 f5629 91 2 7 11.30 k 3.92 10.63+2.40 10.52f 2.65 248.27 f79.28 150.84k68.80 134.51 f53.43 Bergeggi 3.. P 5 3 rP t; Er 2 c c, DIFFERENCES IN POPULATIONS OF PETROSIA Strongyles Oxeas 40( Length T T I I T 0 Width 15 c 55 I T PAR ZOA Cyl ind r ica I 1I BER Width PAR ZOA BER 0 Spherical Figure 4. Average sizes of oxeas and strongyles in the two rnorphotypes from the sampled Iocalities; bar represents & standard deviation; (*) L-test, 0.05 > P > 0.01. to the presence of the short and thick oxeas that Pulitzer-Finali (1983) considered typical of P.Jic$orrnis: these were lacking in Zoagli specimens. Electrophoresis Loci where all the tested specimens gave reliable results are listed in Table 3. The data show that all populations are monomorphic for the same allele at three loci (Es, Mpi and Tr) while the other loci show varying amounts of polymorphism. The 6Pgd and the Ak loci are monomorphic for different alleles in the two morphotypes for Paraggi and Zoagli. The genetic identity within the same morphotype is high ( I = 0.903 between spherical populations of Zoagli and Paraggi and I = 0.956 between cylindrical populations of Zoagli and Paraggi), while it is low between the two morphotypes ( I = 0.62 between cylindrical and spherical populations) (Fig. 6). These facts suggest reproductive isolation and a high genetic divergence between the examined morphotypes. G. BAVESTRELLO AND M. SARA 56 O’I4r IA Bergeggi - 320 0.2 L Zoaqli - 01 40 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30C Figure 5. Average values of oxeas width/length ratio in each class of length in the two morphotypes from the sampled localities; bar represents the standard deviation; ( * ) t-test, 0.05 > P > 0.01. DISCUSSION We show that in the Ligurian sheltered habitats two reproductively isolated forms of Petrosia distinguishable by morphological and spicular features are present. The genetic distance shown by the electrophoretic analysis suggests that these two forms may be considered as different biological species. In Table 4 the specific characteristics of P.jciformis and P . clavata described by Pulitzer-Finali (1983) are compared with the features of the cylindrical and spherical morphotypes. Differences in spicule size and composition as well as DIFFERENCES IN POPULATIONS O F PETROSIA 57 I I 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.6 $ 3 - a .- CTZ I 0 0. II 0.2 I I 0.3 I 0.4 I 0.I6 0.5 0.7 I D Figure 6. Dendrogram of genetic distances ( D ) and identities ( I ) from enzyme electrophoresis data for the two morphotypes from Paraggi and Zoagli. presencelabsence data for short and reniform oxeas and strongyles make it possible to ascribe the cylindrical morphotype to P.Jiciformis and the spherical one to P. clavata. The intraspecific spicular variability shown by both species is probably due to phenotypic plasticity induced by the environment. This variability, which TABLE 3. Allelic frequencies in the populations of Petrosia from Paraggi and Zoagli Spherical Paraggi GPgd a b N Mpi a N Hk a b N Mdh pg; 10 0.3 0.7 10 I 0 1 10 1 10 1 10 10 0.62 0.38 a 0 1 0.4 0.6 10 1 10 1 10 10 0.8 0 0.2 10 0.2 0.8 0 10 I 0 0 10 LO a 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 a b 1 0 10 1 0 0 I 10 0 I 10 0 1 10 0 a x a b x x Got 1 10 0 1 10 I 0 10 C Ak I 0 10 Cylindrical Zoagli 0.6 10 N Es 1 0 10 Cylindrical Paraggi 0 1 10 a b N TT Spherical Zoagli a b x 0.29 0.71 7 0.4 10 0.36 0.64 7 1 1 0 10 1 10 0.6 0.2 0.2 I 10 G . BAVESTRELLO AND M. SARA 58 TABLE 4. Spicular features P e h s i a jctjormis Cylindrical morphotype (from Pulitzer-Finali, 1983) Spicules Spicule size Short and reniform spicules Oxeas in part transformed into styles and strogyles 260 x 12 pm Always present Oxeas, styles and strogyles 200-250 x 5- 12 pm Frequently present Spherical morphotypr Petrosia clauata (from Pulitzer-Finali, 1983) Spicules Spicule size Short and reniform spicules Oxeas 140-200 x 4.5-6 pm Absent Oxeas and seldom styles 170-200 x 6-8 pm Absent may be considered as developmental modulation (Smith-Gill, 1983), is known for many species of sponges under different environmental conditions such as water temperature (Hentschel, 1929; Hartman, 1958), water movement (Palumbi, 1986), silica concentration (Jorgensen, 1944, 1947; Elvin, 1971) and the annual cycle (Jones, 1987). The existence of a reproductive barrier between the two forms of Petrosia living in different zones of the same cave is indicated by the two diagnostic enzyme loci. This independence could have had its origin in a shift in the reproductive cycle due to the different environmental conditions in which the two forms live. Shifts in the reproductive cycle of congeneric species living sympatrically are known in other Porifera (Siribelli, 1961; Chen, 1977). A mechanism of parasympatric speciation may be envisaged for the separation of these two Petrosia species from a common ancestor in relation to the uprise of new ecological requirements. In the Porifera this mechanism may explain the frequent occurrence of groups of congeneric species, ecologically distinct, living in contiguous areas (Sara, 1988). A typical abiotic factor to which sponge shape is often related is water movement (Bidder, 1923, 1937; Fry, 1979) which removes the exhaled water coming from the oscule with its reduced 0, and increased CO, concentrations. 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