Paediatrica Indonesiana November VOLUME 48 NUMBER 6 Original Article Detection of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia by pulse oximetry in neonates and children Sri Murni A. Ritonga, Ekawati Lutfia Haksari, Purnomo Suryantoro Abstract Objective To assess the validity of pulse oximetry for detecting hypoxemia and hyperoxemia in neonates and children. Methods This was a diagnostic test study conducted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The subjects of the study were QHRQDWHVRIGD\VDQGFKLOGUHQDJHGRQHPRQWKWR\HDUV LQ 3HGLDWULF ,QWHQVLYH &DUH 8QLW 3,&8 RI 6DUGMLWR +RVSLWDO Hypoxemia and hyperoxemia were obtained by using NellcorR SXOVHR[LPHWU\DWWKHVDPHWLPHDVEORRGJDVDQDO\VLVZDVREWDLQHG as a gold standard. Results 7KHUHZHUHQHRQDWHV DQGFKLOGUHQ enrolled in WKLVVWXG\3XOVHR[LPHWU\WHVWZLWKFXWRIISRLQWQHRQDWHV DQGFKLOGUHQIRUGHWHFWLQJK\SR[HPLDKDGVHQVLWLYLW\RI DQG VSHFLILFLW\ RI DQG SRVLWLYH SUHGLFWLYH YDOXHRIDQGQHJDWLYHSUHGLFWLYHYDOXHRIDQG SRVLWLYHOLNHOLKRRGUDWLRRIDQGDQGQHJDWLYHOLNHOLKRRG UDWLRRIDQG3XOVHR[LPHWU\WHVWZLWKFXWRIISRLQW QHRQDWHVDQGFKLOGUHQIRUGHWHFWLQJK\SHUR[HPLDKDG VHQVLWLYLW\RIDQGVSHFLILFLW\RIDQGSRVLWLYH SUHGLFWLYHYDOXHRIDQGQHJDWLYHSUHGLFWLYHYDOXHRI DQGSRVLWLYHOLNHOLKRRGUDWLRRIDQGDQGQHJDWLYH OLNHOLKRRGUDWLRRIDQG Conclusion 3XOVHR[LPHWU\KDVDIDLUO\JRRGYDOLGLW\LQGHWHFWLQJ hypoxemia in neonates and children and in detecting hyperoxemia LQFKLOGUHQWRKRZHYHULWLVQRWJRRGHQRXJKWREHXVHGWRGHWHFW hyperoxemia in neonates.[Paediatr Indones. 2008;48:346-9]. H ypoxemia is one of the causes that can increase the risk of mortality while hyperoxemia can be toxic leading to a condition that damages tissues. Blood gas analysis (BGA) is the gold standard of examination EXWVLQFHLWLVLQYDVLYHLWFDXVHVULVNDQGFRPSOLFDWLRQV due to needle pricks. 3XOVHR[LPHWU\LVDQRQLQYDVLYHWRROWRPHDVXUH oxygen saturation and is frequently used to replace BGA examination. It is inaccurate to be used in low saturation because it may give high biases; on WKH FRQWUDU\ KLJK VDWXUDWLRQ ZLOO JLYH VDWXUDWLRQ measurement by pulse oximetry that exceeds from the actual result.1 The results of the correlation between %*$ DQG SXOVH R[LPHWU\ YDU\ ZLWK U ZKLFK FRPSDUHG %*$ ZLWK SXOVH R[LPHWU\ LQ QHRQDWHV while pulse oximetry gives a high correlation result U LQ D VWXG\ E\ 5D]L DQG $NEDUL3 Those illustrated conditions become the background of this study to investigate the diagnostic value of pulse oximetry in assessing oxygen saturation. Keywords: blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, oxygen saturation, hypoxemia, hyperoxemia, diagnostic test )URP WKH 'HSDUWPHQW RI &KLOG +HDOWK 0HGLFDO 6FKRRO 8QLYHUVLW\ RI *DGMDK0DGD'U6DUGMLWR+RVSLWDO<RJ\DNDUWD,QGRQHVLD Request reprint to6UL0XUQL$5LWRQJD0''HSDUWPHQWRI&KLOG +HDOWK 0HGLFDO 6FKRRO 8QLYHUVLW\ RI *DGMDK 0DGD 'U 6DUGMLWR +RVSLWDO-O.HVHKDWDQ1R6HNLS8WDUD<RJ\DNDUWD,QGRQHVLD 7HO)D[ 346Paediatr Indones, Vol. 48, No. 6, November 2008 Sri Murni A. Ritonga et al: Detection of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia by pulse oximetry Methods :HFRQGXFWHGDGLDJQRVWLFWHVWVWXG\WRLQYHVWLJDWH the diagnostic value of pulse oximetry with NellcorR in detecting hypoxemia and hyperoxemia in neonates and children. Capillary BGA was the gold standard for neonates and arterial BGA was for children. :HUHFUXLWHGFRQVHFXWLYHO\QHRQDWHVDJHG² days admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and children of one month to 14 years old DGPLWWHGWR3HGLDWULFV,QWHQVLYH&DUH8QLW3,&8RI Dr. Sardjito Hospital in need of BGA examination from $SULOWR-XQH:HH[FOXGHGSDWLHQWVZLWK VKRFN K\SRWHQVLRQ RU SHULSKHUDO YDVRFRQVWULFWLRQ FRQJHQLWDOKHDUWGLVRUGHUZRXQGRUSKOHELWLVRQWKH VNLQZKHUHSUREHZDVSXWDQHPLDJGORUWKRVH who declined to join the study. %HIRUH WKH VWXG\ ZDV FRQGXFWHG WKH ILHOG attendants (residents) were trained on how to use SXOVHR[LPHWU\SODFHSUREHDQGZULWHQRWHLQUHFRUGLQJ forms. They did not receive any explanation about the definition of hypoxemia or hyperoxemia intended by the investigators. The results were read and noted by other attendants. The neonates and children who needed BGA examination also underwent the assessment of oxygen saturation with pulse oximetry at the same time. Hypoxemia in neonate was defined DV3D2FDSLOODU\ZDVPP+J4 and in children ZKHQ 3D2 IURP DUWHULDO %*$ ZDV PP+J +\SHUR[HPLDZDVGHILQHGDV3D2 from capillary BGA RI!PP+J3 to whereas in children when arterial 3D2ZDV!PP+J By using Receiver Operator &XUYH 52& WKH FXWRII SRLQW RI K\SR[HPLD DQG hyperoxemia detection to get the best diagnostic was determined. Results During the period of April 1st ² -XQH th VSHFLPHQV RI QHRQDWHV FDSLOODU\ %*$ DQG specimens of children’s arterial BGA were collected. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the neonate JURXS2IVXEMHFWVZHUHPDOHZLWK PHDQRIDJHZDVVHYHQGD\VDQGWKHJUHDWHVWQXPEHU RI WHUP JHVWDWLRQDO DJH ZHHNV ZDV Table 1. Characteristics of the neonates Characteristics Sex (n/%) Male Female Age, days, mean (range) Gestational age (n/%) < 28 weeks 28 - < 37 weeks ŌŭYGGMU >42 weeks Pulse rate, per minute, mean (range) Respiratory rate, per min., mean (range) Temperature, °C, mean (range) Hemoglobin, g/dl, mean (range) Diagnosis, n (%) Asphyxia Meconium aspiration syndrome Pneumonia HMD (hyaline membrane disease) Apnea of prematurity ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) Hydrocephalus Aspiration 152 (63.3) 88 (36.7) 7 (0-62) 17 (7.1) 69 (28.8) 140 (58.3) 14 (5.8) 146 (100-213) 53 (30-98) 37 (36.5-40) 15.2 (10-21.6) 106 (44) 36 (15) 37 (15.4) 29 (12.1) 15 (6.2) 13 (5.4) 2 (0.8) 2 (0.8) The characteristics of children group are shown in Table 22IVXEMHFWVZHUHPDOH with mean age of 31.6 months. The most prevalent XQGHUO\LQJGLVHDVHZDVSQHXPRQLD )URPK\SR[HPLDSUHGLFWLRQYDULDQWVDWXUDWLRQ RI DQG JDYH IDLUO\ JRRG VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG specificity as the lowest cut-off points in determining Table 2. Basic characteristics of the children Characteristics Sex, n (%) Male 176 (65.7) Female 92 (33.3) Age, mo, mean (range) 31.6 (1.5-156) Heart rate per minute, mean (range) 153 (92-205) Resp. rate per minute, mean (range) 42 (20-80) Temperature, °C, mean (range) 37.6 (36.5-40) Systolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (range) 113 (80-160) Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg, mean (range) 66 (40-114) Mean arterial pressure, mmHg, mean (range) 82 (52-126) Hemoglobin, g/dl, mean (range) 11 (9-20) Diagnosis, n (%) Pneumonia 58 (24.2) Bronchial asthma 43 (16) ARDS (acute resp. distress syndrome) 33 (12.3) Encephalitis 40 (16.7) CLD (chronic lung disease) 26 (9.7) Meningoencephalitis 19 (7.1) Wheezy infant 15 (5.6) Intracranial bleeding 14 (5.8) Bronchiolitis 12 (4.5) Renal failure 6 (2.3) Pleural effusion 2 (0.7) Paediatr Indones, Vol. 48, No. 6, November 2008347 Sri Murni A. Ritonga et al: Detection of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia by pulse oximetry K\SR[HPLDLQQHRQDWHVDQGVDWXUDWLRQRIDQG JDYH EHWWHU VHQVLWLYLW\ DQG VSHFLILFLW\ DV WKH highest cut-off points in determining hyperoxemia in neonates. The sensitivity and specificity in neonates are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Prediction of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia in neonates Lowest cut-off 95% 95% Sensitivity 5RGEKſEKV[ point SpO2 %QPſFGPEG %QPſFGPEG (%) (%) (%) Interval (%) Interval (%) 90 70 58 to 82 81 75 to 87 91 81 70 to 91 79 73 to 85 92 84 70 to 91 77 73 to 85 Highest cut-off point SpO2 (%) 94 64 56 to 72 82 75 to 90 95 78 71 to 95 66 56 to 75 96 82 76 to 88 63 53 to 72 97 88 82 to 93 59 50 to 69 Capillary BGA was used as reference ,Q FKLOGUHQ VDWXUDWLRQ RI DQG presented fairly good sensitivity and specificity as WKHORZHVWFXWRIISRLQWLQGHWHUPLQLQJK\SR[HPLD DQG VDWXUDWLRQ DQG H[KLELWHG EHWWHU sensitivity and specificity as the highest cut-off point in determining hyperoxemia. These can be seen in Table 4. Table 4. Prediction of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia in children 95% 95% Lowest cut-off Sensitivity 5RGEKſEKV[ %QPſFGPEG %QPſFGPEG point SpO2 (%) (%) (%) Interval (%) Interval (%) 89 69 58 to 80 96 93 to 99 90 80 58 to 80 95 93 to 99 91 77 67 to 87 95 91 to 98 Highest cut-off point SpO2 (%) 96 73 65 to 81 88 82 to 93 97 81 74 to 88 79 72 to 86 98 89 84 to 95 67 59 to 74 Arterial BGA as gold standard the oxyhemoglobine dissociation curve (OHDC) in each infant and children after a blood gas analysis result we should take into account some of the factors ZKLFKDOWHULWVVKDSHVXFKDVWHPSHUDWXUHDFLGEDVH VWDWH+EIHWDO+E0HW+E&2+EDPRXQWRI&2 DQG'3*7KHSRVLWLRQRIWKH2+'&PD\PRYH frequently in an individual infant and child because RIWKRVHIDFWRUVIRUH[DPSOHVRPHRIWKHLQIDQWVLQ the study would have received red cell transfusion. Therefore this may have affected the position of the OHDC by altering the amount of circulating hemoglobin F. Although this theoretically affects WKH2+'&LWKDVQRWEHHQVKRZQWRKDYHDPDMRU HIIHFWFOLQLFDOO\DQGLVXQOLNHO\WRKDYHDIIHFWHGRXU results. The magnitude of sensitivity and specificity to detect hypoxemia and hyperoxemia tended to be lower in neonates in our study. This might be because the gold standard that was used was not from the analysis of arterial blood gas that described the actual level of 3D2LQEORRGEXWIURPWKHDQDO\VLVRIFDSLOODU\EORRG gas while it was known that the correlation between DUWHU\DQGFDSLOODU\YDULHGIRU3D2U 11U DQGU 4 ,QFRQFOXVLRQSXOVHR[LPHWU\KDVDIDLUO\JRRG validity in detecting hypoxemia in neonates and FKLOGUHQDQGLQGHWHFWLQJK\SHUR[HPLDLQFKLOGUHQ KRZHYHULWLVQRWJRRGHQRXJKWREHXVHGWRGHWHFW hyperoxemia in neonates. Reference 1. Discussion 7RSUHYHQWSRWHQWLDOPRUELGLW\LQLQIDQWVDQGFKLOGUHQ DVVRFLDWHGZLWKHSLVRGHVRIFKURQLFK\SR[HPLDDQG RU K\SHUR[HPLD ZH VWXGLHG WKH YDOLGLW\ RI SXOVH oximetry for detecting hypoxemia and hyperoxemia. 7KHRUHWLFDOO\EHFDXVHRIUHODWLRQVEHWZHHQ3D2 and arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SaO) in sick LQIDQWVDQGFKLOGUHQYDU\UHFDOFXODWLQJWKHVKDSHRI 348Paediatr Indones, Vol. 48, No. 6, November 2008 Resuscitation of babies born preterm. In: American Academy RI3HGLDWULFVFRPPLWWHH7H[WERRNRIQHRQDWDOUHVXVFLWDWLRQ th HG:DVKLQJWRQ$PHULFDQ$FDGHP\RI3HGLDWULFV S %HJLQ $9 9DOXH RI FDSLOODU\ EORRG JDV DQDO\VLV LQ WKH management of acute respiratory distress. Am Rev Respir 'LV 'XUDQG '- ,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ RI EORRG JDVHV ,Q 6LQKD 6. 'RQQ60HGLWRU0DQXDORIQHRQDWDOUHVSLUDWRU\FDUH1HZ <RUN)XWXUD3XEOLVKLQJ&RPSDQ\S (VFDODQWH.57DQWDOHDQ'-&DSLOODU\EORRGJDVLQDSHGLDWULF LQWHQVLYHFDUHXQLW$P-'LV&KLOG *XSWD5<R[DOO&:6XEHGKDU16KDZ1-,QGLYLGXDOLVHG pulse oximetry limits in neonatal intensive care. Arch Dis Child )HWDO1HRQDWDO Sri Murni A. Ritonga et al: Detection of hypoxemia and hyperoxemia by pulse oximetry .DPDW 9 3XOVH R[LPHWU\ ,QGLDQ - $QDHVWK 0DUWLQ/3XOVHR[LPHWU\,Q3HUF\3HGLWRU$OO\RXUHDOO\ QHHG WR NQRZ WR LQWHUSUHWH DUWHULDO EORRG *DVHV nd ed. 3KLODGHOSKLD /LSSLQFRWW :LNOOLDPV :LONLQV S 5D]L($NEDUL+$FRPSDULVRQRIDUWHULDOR[\JHQVDWXUDWLRQ measured both by pulse oximeter and arterial blood gas analyzer in hypoxemic and non-hypoxemic pulmonary GLVHDVHV7XUNLVK5HVSLUDWRU\-RXUQDO 6FKXW]6/2[\JHQVDWXUDWLRQPRQLWRULQJE\SXOVHR[LPHWU\ In: American association of critical care nurses. AACN 3URFHGXUHPDQXDOIRUFULWLFDOFDUH6DLQW/RXLV0RVE\ S 6XGKD % .DQW $5 .XPDU *& Hypoxemia in children ZLWKSQHXPRQLDDQGLWVFOLQLFDOSUHGLFWRUV,QGLDQ-3HGLDWU 8JUDPXUWK\65DWKQD1DLN6'.XUWNRWL66&RPSDUDWLYH study of blood gas and acid base parameters of capillary with DUWHULDOEORRGVDPSOHV,QGLDQ-$QDHVWK <DQGD6/XELV0<XVURK<&RPSDULVRQRIR[\JHQVDWXUDWLRQ measured by pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas analysis in QHRQDWHV3DHGLDWU,QGRQHV Paediatr Indones, Vol. 48, No. 6, November 2008349
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