. ":.:'.;.'., • , .. .. 7. Immobile (I m6'bal) 1"ifJartI- e words for this Unit pronouncEld, defined. and ..llal·vv\.rodts~.op.cC:)ln. used ir sentences at www.\I;.· .•;.·.b~ , Note carefully the spelling, pronunciation, part(s) of speech, and deflnltlon(s) of each of the following words. Then write the word In the blank space(s) In the illustrative sentence(s) following. Finally, study the lists of synonyms and antonyms given at the end of each entry. (af'IO ans) (n.) wealth, riches, prosperity; Education, succeed 8. Impasuble (1mpas' i bil) (a4'.) blocked portable, great abundance. oan raise a person plenty desire from poverty want, destitution, 8. Innovation after the storm. (n.lsomethlng new, a ohange: method, Idea, devloe, etc. debts; an unfinished habits and unexpected the aot of Introduolng a new Ourrurnaoe haa an energy-aaVlng -------that turns the heat em and Off at oertaln Intervals. soarclty aunt in modernization, new wrinkle duty expenses 10·lovlal 06/vI left my _ SYNONYMS: In default, barrler to to SYNONYMS: novelty, Bad spending can go through an olosed, Impenetrable AN'IONYMS: lJnblooked, clear, open, fit for travel SYNONYM: opulenoe (n., pl.) unpaid or overdue nimble, agile so that nothing Fallen trees formed across the highway (I n& vII/ shan) 2. arr'.r. (a rDrz? >==: Models must remain for a long time In order for an artist to drawor paint tr ••••,. acourately. SYt()NYMS: fixed. statlOl"l&rY, unmoving, rooted SvtlONYMS: hard work. and a very strong ANTONYMS: poverty, not moving AN1ONYMS: moVable, D{~~~t1. affluence (ac4.) not movable: (adj,) gOOd-humored, 81) My friend Is very entertaining and I. alway' In the red, late, overdue In high spirits: merry the life of the party. SYNONYMS: Jolly, oheerful, 3.oasoade (kaskid' (n.) a steep, narrow waterfall; something failing or rushing forth In quantity; (v.) to flow downward (like a waterfall) We were thrilled produced a Jangling coins. when we hit the Jaokpot, ANTONYMS: 11. maneol. which (man/, kal) of lOUdly festive gloomy, morose, metaf'¥)holy, cheerle.s (fl., usually pl.) a handouff. anything ohaln or restrain (as with handouffs) The kidnapper. I watohed the clear, sparkling down the mountainside, SYNONYMS: ANl'ONYMS: water their _ {I (krinJ) clamped prIsoner My father told me to be brave and not to when the doctor vaccinated me. . ANTONYMS: the to the chair, (v.) put unohaln,set Inohaln., free, fetterEl'nanclpate, _ 12. martial (m8r'shel) release duck, cower, fawn (ad}.) warlike, fond of fighting; relating to war, the army, or military life The army band playa as the troop. strut, swagger formally SYNONYMS: military, music maroh past the vIsiting general . hostile, bellicose peaceable, AltlTONYMS: peaoe-lovlng, (adj.) cranky, llI-tempered;' It Is unfortunate that the teacher most asked me to work with the partner 13. minimum (mln'amam) In the class. (n.) the sma.IIEtst possible amount (ad}.) the lowest permissible I need to sleep a hours every night. (n.) the size. shape, or arrangement Sixteen Is the driver's license of something of the website SYNONYM: makes it easy for users to find Its key features. SYNONYMS: layout, unwarllke. IXISSlble grouchy, crabby, disagreeable ANTONYMS: sociable, friendly, agreeable, amiable The clear pacific, full of odd whims SYNONYMS: grumpy, 6. format (f6r'mat) on (v.) to shrink baok or hide In fear or submissiveness SYNONYMS: flinch, 6. crotchety (krich' a t~) .•.•.•• The guards were told to (v.) plunge, rush. tumble (n.) drip, drop; (v.) trickle, ooze (v.) to hoatlgll, S~NONVMS: ANTONYMS: 4. cringe that ohalns or conflnesi ANTONYMS: design 92 El Unit B of seven age to get a In this state. (adj.) least (n.) maximum; (adj.) highest. most or
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