Permafrost, Phillips, Springman & Arenson (eds) © 2003 Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN 90 5809 582 7 Rock glacier distribution and paleoclimate in Italy F. Dramis Dept. Geological Sciences, “Roma Tre” University, Largo S. Leomardo M.1, Rome, Italy C. Giraudi ENEA- Casaccia, via Anguillarese, S. Maria di Galeria (RM), Italy M. Guglielmin ARPAlombardia, via Restelli 1a, Milano, Italy ABSTRACT: On the basis of radiometric datings of rock glaciers and other proxy data, the Authors reconstruct the evolution of permafrost in the Italian mountains since the Last Glacial Maximum. The minimum ages of active rock glaciers in the Alps range from 1100 to 2200 yr BP, even though younger ages are not excluded; instead, those of inactive rock glaciers range from 2300 to 5000 yr BP, but older ages are not excluded. In the Apennines, inactive rock glaciers indicate three different phases that started earlier than in the Alps (ca 8000 yr BP) and fit relatively well with the two younger phases of the Alps (3200–3700 yr BP and ca 1200 yr BP). Only one rock glacier in the Apennines is considered to be still active. Lake-level fluctuations and palinological records show that the minimum ages of rock glaciers are well correlated with dry climate stages. This suggests that changes in precipitation may play a fundamental role in the evolution of permafrost and related landforms. 1 INTRODUCTION 2 ROCK GLACIER DISTRIBUTION IN THE ITALIAN MOUNTAINS The term rock glacier relates to a tongue- or lobateshaped body of blocks with surface features such as furrows, trenches and ridges, indicating creep movement (Wahrhaftig & Cox, 1959; Haeberli, 1985; Evin, 1987; Barsch, 1992). The internal structure of rock glaciers is still poorly understood, even though some boreholes, drilled in the Alps and in North America (Barsch et al., 1979; Johnson & Nickling, 1979; Haeberli et al., 1988; Vonder Mühll, 1993; Clark et al., 1996; Guglielmin et al., 2001), have emphasized that the upper layer is always composed of open-work bouldery material, and that underneath frozen ground or massive ice can be found. Despite the ongoing debate on the origin of rock glaciers and the included ground ice, only few studies have taken into consideration the morphochronologicalpaleoclimatic history of permafrost in mountain areas (Kerschner, 1985; Calkin et al., 1988; Morris, 1988; Calderoni et al., 1998; Konrad et al., 1999; Haeberli et al., 1999; Guglielmin et al., 2001). However, such investigation could provide a source of climatic information at the millennial-scale, enabling the different geomorphologic roles of glacial and periglacial processes to be identified. In this paper, on the basis of radiometric ages of rock glaciers and other available proxy data, we try to point out some major paleoclimatic stages in the Italian Alps and Apennines since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The rock glacier inventory of the Italian Alps, compiled by Guglielmin & Smiraglia (1997) mainly from airphoto interpretation, shows the distribution of more than 1600 rock glaciers over a total area of 220 km2, with a density of 0.059 rg/km2. Only 20% of these rock glaciers are considered dynamically active, while over 80% consist of fragments of metamorphic rocks. This high percentage is obviously influenced by the prevailing rock types in the Italian Alps even though, as demonstrated in several Italian Alpine sectors (Guglielmin, 1997), the density of rock glaciers with respect to the outcropping areas of metamorphic rocks is at least twice that for carbonate rocks. Slope rock glaciers clearly prevail in the Graian, Pennine and Lepontine Alps, whereas cirque rock glaciers predominate in the Maritime, Cottian, Rhaetian, Atesine, and Carnic Alps. The mean minimum altitudes reached by the fronts of inactive and active rock glaciers in the various alpine sectors are shown in Table 1. Both, the active and inactive rock-glacier altitudes show vast differences in the various Alpine sectors. Also, the difference in altitude between active and inactive rock glaciers varies significantly, reaching a minimum value in the Maritime Alps (103 m), even though this value, as well as those found for the Lepontine and Dolomite Alps (where active rock glaciers are rare), has a low level of statistical significance. 199 (Pre Boreal). After the LGM, the Apennine climate underwent a warming trend (Giraudi & Frezzotti, 1997) with peaks of aridity and wetter periods. The oscillations of Fucino Lake show a negative hydrologic balance between 20,000 and 17,000 yr BP and between 15,000 yr BP and the early Holocene (Giraudi, 1998). The Holocene evolution of climate in the Mediterranean area does not show marked changes in temperature. Much more important were changes in the hydrologic balance (Orombelli & Ravazzi, 1996; Alley et al., 1997). Several proxy data, such as lake level records or the sequences of aggradation/degradation phases of travertine dams and soils, indicate widespread fluctuations in the precipitation regime (Vinken, 1968; Cilla et al., 1996; Giraudi, 1998; Ricci Lucchi et al., 2000). In the Apennines, the early Holocene after 8900 yr BP was generally warmer than the present according to pollen data (Brugiapaglia, 1995), but the hydrologic balance of the lakes was not positive before about 7000 yr BP (Giraudi, 1996). The sedimentary sequences of travertine-dammed swampy-lacustrine deposits in the Apennine valleys, as well as the flora record from peaty sediments in the Alps, indicate warm and wet conditions until 5000–4600 yr BP, when a strong decrease in precipitation was recorded at some localities of the Alps (Burga, 1987; Stumbock, 1996) and Apennines (Giraudi, 1998). The greatest peaks of aridity, coupled with a drop in air temperature (Röthlisberger, 1986), were recorded between 3700 and 3200 yr BP (Calderoni et al., 1998; Giraudi, 1998; Ricci Lucchi et al., 2000), while a cold and dry episode occurred in the Alps between 1100 and 1200 yr BP (Denton & Karlen, 1973). At least some of the main dry episodes recorded in the Mediterranean area seem to have occurred at a more global scale as well. Karlen (1998) found four aridity peaks at 9500, 8200, 3800, and 1200 yr BP from lake level changes in Sweden, while Dramis & Umer (2000) reported four peaks of aridity at about 8000, 5000, 3500, and 1200 yr BP from travertinedammed swampy sequences of northern Ethiopia. The latter dates are well correlated with the Holocene fluctuations of lake levels in the Main Ethiopian Rift (Street, 1979). Comparable stratigraphic sequences of climatic events have also been observed in Egypt (Kröpelin, 1987) and Morocco (Alley et al., 1997). Table 1. Summary of rock glacier characteristics in the Italian Alps and Apennines. Mountain sector Number of RG 1 2 3 Maritime Alps Cottian Alps Graian Alps Pennine Alps Lepontine Alps Rhaetian Alps Atesine Dolomites Carnic Alps Northern Apennines Central Apennines Southern Apennines 66 48 126 199 79 581 370 105 20 0 40 1 2230 2631 2679 2573 2228 2510 2594 2366 – – 2540 – 2127 2285 2288 2340 2107 2128 2281 2106 1744 – 1570 1750 103 346 391 233 181 382 313 260 – – 970 – Legend: 1 – minimum mean altitudes of the active rock glacier fronts; 2 – minimum mean altitudes of the inactive rock glacier fronts; 3 – difference between 1 and 2. About 40 rock glaciers could be identified in the Apennines (Giraudi, 2002), almost all located along the eastern side of the Central Appenines, and in particular on the Gran Sasso Massif (2912 m a.s.l.), the Maiella Massif (2793 m a.s.l.), and Mt. Velino (2486 m a.s.l.). These rock glaciers are all inactive except for a small talus-derived feature located on the north-facing slope of Mt. Amaro (2793 m a.s.l.) with its front at an altitude of 2540 m a.s.l. This rock glacier is considered to be active on the basis of its geomorphological appearance (Dramis & Kotarba, 1992) and of BTS measurements (Dramis & Guglielmin, in preparation). The difference in altitude between active and inactive rock glaciers is very great compared to the Alps, and seems to be determined by the older age of the relict rock glaciers found in the Apennines. 3 PALEOCLIMATE EVOLUTION DURING THE LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE IN ITALY The LGM was not a synchronous event in all the Italian mountains, being dated between 21,000 and 23,000 yr BP (Giraudi & Frezzotti, 1997). Subsequently, glacial conditions persisted in the Alps and partially on the Apennines until 11,000–11,500 yr BP, even though interrupted by two recessional phases (Bölling & Alleröd). The beginning of the Younger Dryas climatic fluctuation was well reflected by the lowering of lake levels, indicating above all an increase in summer aridity rather than cooling of winter temperature (Huntley et al., 1996; Wick, 1996). The Younger Dryas was characterized by important changes in humidity conditions until the sudden increase of temperature and precipitations that marked the transition to the Holocene 4 ROCK GLACIER AGES The relative dating of rock glaciers can be achieved with indirect methods such as the analysis of stratigraphic relationships with other dated deposits and landforms, or a comparison between the minimum altitude of the rock glacier fronts and the equilibrium line (ELA) of 200 Table 2. 14 C ages of active and inactive rock glaciers from the Alps and Apennines. Rock glacier 14 Activity degree Lab. code Source La Foppa 1 La Foppa 1 La Foppa 2 Foscagno Foscagno Monte Castelletto Campo Valley Cima Rossa Pasquale Valley Rhemé Valley C. Imperatore Val Maone Val Maone 790 60 1120 60 5000 70 2200 60 2700 70 3430 70 1340 65 2710 70 2650 50 3965 140 8035 140 3180 40 780 40 Active Active Uncertain Active Inactive Inactive Active Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive Rome-200 Rome-375 Rome-204 Rome-208 Rome-209 Rome-206 Rome-207 Rome-376 BA-2335 GX 14742 UD-399 BA145529 BA145529 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 C age (yr BP) Source: 1 – Calderoni et al., 1998; 2 – Guglielmin, unpublished data; 3 – Mortara et al., 1993/1992; 4 – Giraudi & Frezzotti, 1997; 5 – Giraudi, 2002. All the available 14C ages (conventional ages, before 1950 AD) for the Italian rock glaciers are reported in Table 2; their location is represented in Fig. 1. All the ages of the Alpine rock glaciers were obtained by dating the upper part (1–2 cm) of a paleosoil buried by the rock glacier front. Instead, the Apennine rock glacier ages were determined using the presence of dated soils, lacustrine deposits, tephra layers and loess deposits overlapping the rock glacier surface. 5 PALEOCLIMATIC SIGNIFICANCE OF ROCK GLACIERS Figure 1. Location of the studied rock glaciers. The black stars indicate the location of the aged rock glaciers: 1 – La Foppa-1, La Foppa-2, M. Castelletto, Foscagno; 2 – Campo Valley; 3 – Cima Rossa; 4 – Pasquale Valley; 5 – Rhemé Valley; 6 – Val Maone, Upper Val Maone; 7 – Campo Imperatore; 8 – M. Amaro. In literature, permafrost aggradation is related to cold and dry climate conditions (e.g. Haeberli, 1985). On the contrary, permafrost degradation is generally linked to warm and wet periods, even though thick snow covers can increase ground temperatures, and thus induce permafrost degradation (Goodrich, 1982; Williams and Smith, 1989). However, most investigators consider rock glacier movement as being due only to permafrost creeping (e.g. Haeberli, 1985), and therefore during permafrost degradation periods the movement should end. The rock glacier ages of the Alps are “antequem” ages and they indicate the minimum ages of the downward movement of the rock. Considering that permafrost aggradation can occur over a very short time (Lunardini, 1993), we can reasonably assume that these ages are also the indication of a permafrost aggradation phase. Instead, the rock glacier ages of the Apennines are “postquem” ages as they indicate the minimum age of the end of the rock glacier movement. Therefore they should indicate the beginning of permafrost degradation or a no-permafrost phase. glaciers (Titkov, 1988; Kerschner, 1985). Absolute ages of rock glaciers can be obtained through 14C dating of soils or tephra layers buried by the rock glacier or overlaying the rock glacier surface (Calderoni et al., 1998; Johnson, 1998; Giraudi, 2002). They can be achieved also by other methods such as lichenometry (Calkin et al., 1988) or dendrochronology (Shroder & Giardino, 1988), as well as by evaluating the weathering degree of the surface blocks (Kirkbride & Brazier, 1995). Only two 14C ages of rock glacier ice (2250 yr BP in both cases) are available: from the Murtel I rock glacier, in Switzerland (Haeberli et al., 1999), and from Galena Creek, in USA (Konrad et al., 1999). In order to compare absolute ages with other proxy data (e.g. those from pollen analysis, speleothems, travertine), we used only the minimum ages for the selected rock glaciers. 201 The Alpine rock glaciers fit into the 5000, 3700– 3200 yr BP and 1200 yr BP dry periods, while only the Apennine rock glaciers relate to the dry 8000, 3700– 3200, and possibly 1200 yr BP phases. The absence of ages older than 5000 yr BP in the Alps does not exclude possible phases of permafrost aggradation in the Early Holocene. In fact, it is conceivable that the wider glacial extension in the Alps destroyed or buried previous rock glaciers or other permafrost features. At the same time, it must be emphasized that the main phases of slope instability in the Italian Alps are related to the wetter and warm periods of the Holocene. The abovementioned 3700–3200 yr BP phase of rock glacier formation seems to have occurred at a global level, as reported from different parts of the world, such as Alaska (Calkin et al., 1988), Colorado (Morris, 1988), and Tien Shan (Titkov, 1988). The 1200 yr BP phase was reported also by Humlun (1998) from Antarctica. It is important that all the minimum ages of rock glaciers follow warm and wet periods in which slope instability was likely to have been high, at least in part as a consequence of permafrost degradation (Dramis et al., 1995; Davies et al., 2001; Harris et al., 2001). The occurrence of landslides or an abrupt increase in debris supply from the slope due to climate-induced permafrost degradation may provide an explanation for the bouldery top layer of rock glaciers. It is also remarkable that, apparently in the same morphologic and climatic conditions (e.g. altitude, aspect), some rock glaciers can be affected by more than one phase of permafrost degradation, such as in the case of La Foppa. In fact, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the La Foppa I rock glacier was interested by a first permafrost aggradation phase before 5000 yr BP and there are no reasons to think that the area could not have undergone permafrost degradation between 5000 and 3700 yr and/or between 3200 and 1200 yr BP. Therefore we can hypothesize that, at least somewhere, the rock glacier creep was discontinuous and followed a step-like trend. The relationships between precipitation regime and rock glacier occurrence are also shown by the present distribution of active rock glaciers, as compared with the Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT) in several Alpine and Central Apennine sectors. The MAAT, calculated with a 0.6°C/100 m adiabatic gradient for the mean altitudes of active rock glaciers (MAF), is not always the same at the altitude of the rock glacier fronts, a datum which reveals a possibly significant role of precipitation and, in particular, of snow cover. In fact, the Maritime Alps, Lepontine Alps and Dolomites, where rock glaciers reach altitudes lower than the 1°C isotherm (Fig. 2), are the wettest sectors of the Italian Alpine range (Guglielmin & Dramis, 1999) The apparent decrease of MAF in correspondence with areas where there are greater precipitation can be explained 2800 0 -1 2600 Permafrost -2 2200 -3 2000 -4 M ar iti m e Co tti an G ra ia n Pe nn i Le ne po nt in e Rh ae tia n A te sin Ce D e ol nt o ra l A mite s pe nn in es 2400 MAF (m) MAAT (ºC) Figure 2. Relationships between MAAT and minimum altitude of the active rock glacier front (MAF). 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