D EPOSITED BY THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES AND RESEARCH Mc.?C{ILL UNIVERSITY LIBRAR.Y ACC. NO. OATH THE PREPARATION & PROPERTIES OF PURE HYDPOGET~ PER.OXIDE THESIS A. C. CUTHBERTSON. Presented in part fulf11~ent of the requirements for the degree of ::raster of Science. McGil1 University :tay, 1927. -000- This work has been carried out under the supervision of Dr. O. Maass. The author desires to express his appreciation for much helpful advice and criticism. THE PREPARATIO:~ AND' PROPERTIES OF PURE HYDRCG1N PEROXIDE PART I Introduction The subject matter of this thesis deals with the preparation of pure hydrogen peroxide and the subsequent use of this pure product for the re-determination of the density End melting point, as well as the deter-· mination of the partition coefficients of hydrogen peroxide between ether and water. In connection ~ith tte latter, theories of solution are discussed. The reas·on that the re-determinat ion of the density and melting po.intwere attempted was because they serve as the criteria of purity and the original values did not appear to be sufficiently accurate for this purpose. A number of determinations oOf the partition co- efficients has been made by other workers between ether and water, as well as other solvents, but the maximmn concentration dealt with was only about 30 per cent. This work deals with the whole range of concentrations. 'r.he. ofreparati~ 'Of _oPur_~ H202' - General Remarks The preparation of pure hydrogen peroxide has been published in detail so that only a short account need be given here. The pure product is now obtained by start- ing with a 30 per cent. solution marketed by the Laurentian Laboratories. This unfortunately contains a great many im- purities, both organic a.nd inorganic, as well as a fraction -2- of a per cent. of sulphuri'c acid. Due to the presence of the latter the raw product must first be distilled in alkaline solution under vacuo at about 75°0. The distillate is an almost pure water solution of about 28 per cent. This pure water solution of peroxide is then concentrated under vacuo using as in the former case a sulp~uric acid pump which simultaneously evacuates and absorbs the water vapour. The principle of this pump is exactly the same as the first with the exception of its dimensions which are considerably sma.ller, but at the same time it possesses a much larger absorbing surface. Evaporation is carried on till a 75-80 per cent. solution is reached, when in order to avoid serious losses it is removed to a vacuum system where some of the peroxide and most of the water are condensed in an ice salt bath leaving in the vessel a 98 per cent. solution of peroxide. Three fractional crystallizations very carefully carried out usually suffice to give a pure product. The estimation of the strength of the peroxide is carried out with potassium permanganate in acid solution, The llelting Point of Pure HZOz. A permanganate titration was run giving a value of 99.97 per cent. peroxide. placed in the crystals,about A Beckman thermometer was ~/5 of the mass being frozen. -3A carefully corrected reading gave a value of .89°0. The Beckman thermometer was. standardized at 0°0. by placing it in supercooled water, freezing sa~e and noting the height the mercury finally rose to. The Density of H202 over the whole Temperature Range. The dilatometer method was used for this determination. To a bulb of about 6 c.c. capacity, a capillary tube was sealed and. a scale from a broken Beckman thermometer was rigidly fastened to the tube, but of course was 80 fastened that it could be wasily removed for weighing of the tube. A bath of carbon dioxide and ether in an unsilvered dewar could be kept constant by judicious stirring to 1/10 of one degree and the readings were taken with the aid of a magnifying glass. The tube was first calibrated with water.. 'Va.ter is preferable as it has the same type of meniscus as peroxide. rIVat er was placed in the tube to a certain height, weighed and the reading on the scale at a definite temperature was noted. Five such readings were deemed sufffcient for the purposes of calibration. Knowing the volume of water which could be obtained from the tables from tbe weight, and also the number of scale divisions corresponding to these volumes the volume of one scale division is obtained, and is equal to .001515 0.0. The first attempt to accurately density was most unsuccessful. deter~ine the The di1atometer was made -hI of soft glass and the bulb was blown on the end of the capillary tube. It was only a moment after the peroxide had been placed in the dilatometer that decomposition made itself apparent to a very marked degree. As the tube had been very carefully cleaned the decomposition appears to be due entirely to the glass surface. Pyrex was then substituted and it was found the decomposition could be considerably reduced especially when tubing of the required size was sealed to the capillary tube, rather than blowing a bulb, as it appeared blowing a bulb strains the gla.ss. A certain amOllnt of local decomposition is probably due to point surfaces. Hydro- fluoric acid was run in and run out again as quickly as possible in order to remove any points without actually etching the glass. It is difficult to say how success- ful the method is and until more experiments are carried out it is not to be recomr.1ended. It must not be overlooked, however, that the actual volume of gas is small. So far as a capillary tube is concerned it will nevertheless introduce a serious error in a reading. The decomposition is so slight relative to the weight of the peroxide that over a period of 2 hours no change was noted in the weight. The following method was used which (as will be shown subsequently) was checked by actually measuring the volume as formed. f fter ~ei 1 I rn attaching t e scale the tube was "mmersed On t e c rbon dioxide ethe b tb t C. The tube was ' llow ed to come to the temper- ture of the b~th took place. uring whic The bulb, now was tapped caus"ng t time slight decomposition the temperature of the bath, he trapped gas to rise and tlen t e menisc s rea ing was imle iately taken. e aCC1Jracy of this method was proven by t .1.e follow'ng P oce ure. e i ram in ica e B A t1e met od . -6- The open end of the dilatometer (B) was attached by means of a flexible rubber tubing to one arm (A). of a manometer A reading on the diIatometer scale was taken and, then by raising the mercury level in the other arm the pressure (measured by the difference in height of the two arms)was applied to what bubbles were present. By means of a formula the vol~rne of the bubbles at atmospheric pressure can be calculated and this volume subtracted from the volume of the liquid at the height the reading under formula for the at~·!lospheric calcu~ation pressure was taken. The of the volume of the bubbles is deduced in the following way_ Let PI = atmospheric pressure Let P2 = pressure applied when the mercury level is raised. Let~v~ = volume n Then assu~ing scale R2 Now V2 :: " = difference -- " If in the two readings on the volume of one division. x where RI " Baylets Law, V2 Also VI - of bubbles at pressure PI reading at PI = If Pl Vl P2 n P2 Vl- V2 = (RI - R2 ) K. -7- VI - PI V1 = P2 or VI (1 - PI - p~ ': (RI - R2) K (RI - R2) K The values of the density of pure H202 are given b-elow. The tube was in all cases tapped. A comparison with Dr.Hatcher's figures is included, as well as the cal- culated values from the equation for the curve. Temperature Density Density in 0C. Experimental Calculated 1.4855 1.4791 -19·7 -13·5 -9·5 -4.9 -2·3 0.0 2.9 1.4619 1.4791 1. 474S 1.4701 1.4673 1.464-9 1.4619 1. 4~1b 1.454-41.4519 1.1+744- 1.4701 1.4669 1.4649 1.4569 1.4543 7·7 10.0 12.4 1.4.97 1.44-75 1.4455 1.443 0 1.440 3 1.4-33 1 11+.1 16.2 l~.O 20.4- 23·3 30 .1 32.2 34.0 1. 4309 1.42~~ 1.4273 35·6 39.9 1·4g56 1.4232 1. J+t168 1·4500 1.44-79 1.4460 1.4435 1.4404 1.4333 1.4311 1.4290 1.4275 1.4231 The equation is D - Difference Hatcher's Values .,.. .0001 .0000 .,.. .0004 .0000 .,.. .0004.0000 .0000 -.0001 .,.. .0001 -r .0003 ..,. .0003 .,. .0004 of- .0005 1.4747 1.4693 1. 4669 1.4630 1.4596 1.4547 1.4520 1.44-92 1.44-76 1.4451 1. 443~ + .0005 .,.. .0001 .,.. .0002 +- .0002 -r .0002 + .0002 -.0001 1.4649-r.00105t D = density of pure H202 t = temperatl1re in oC. In order to check the accuracy of the density at zero the densities of peroxide solutions at zero were also obtained and in this case the volume of gas ·was calculated by means .of the formula above and the necessary corrections applied. The results are tabulated below. t1!, ;'- H2P2 Readings Atmos.Pressure Reading 9.7·02 96 101 104-·5 9497 !\~ean 93·61 Density 124- cm. 1.4-4~9 1.4486 1. 44~g 99 value for density 262.5 1.4320 270.0 26 1.431 9 1~ean 26~.O .1 value for density .0086 .0156 .021tt 1.44g~ 267.9 26~.5 Vcl.of gas in c. c. 1.431~ .0211 .0215 .0235 1.4319 The equation for this curve taking the density at OOC. for 100 per cent. peroxide as 1.4649 is D D = density A = ~. = .94~6~.005163A peroxide The fact that the density of H202 obtained by merely tapping the tube agrees so far as the curve is concerned with the two values obtained by the "pressure" method seems to warrant accepting the value at OOC. correct to at least one part in 7000. -9- THE PREPARATION AND PROPERTI~S PART OF PUPE ~-ryJRC'\}~~: PEROXIDE II The Distribution of H202 between Water and Ether. Introduction The dream of a universal solvent goes back to the very beginning of chemistry and so far as the history of the science is concerned is second only in importance to the transmutation of metals. "Solution" then, as now, was shrouded in mystery and the early alchemist seemed to think that if an explanation for it could be found a most important step towards his ultimate goal would ensue. Investigations on solutions today bear much the same relation to chemistry as a whole that the search for the universal solvent bore centuries ago to alchemy. Theo- ries of solution admit of little or no generalization. We can make the statement that "like dissolves liken but the significance of it depends on whether or not we can determine the criteria of similarity. The term solubility is one of wide scope, depending on both the physical and chemical properties of the molecu- lar species involved. Surface tension, heat of solution, change of volume on mixing of liquids, internal pressure and polarity are all intimately connected and inter~ependent on what the solubility of one sUbstance in another may be. A consideration of the number of factors involved and their -10- individua.l complexity make it at once evident that nothing more than empirical relationships are to be expected. It has been mentioned. above that a large nUlTIber of factors appear to govern the solubility of any particular molecular species in another. All these factors are usually summed up in the expression molecular forces of attraction. Attractive forces exist between the molecules of the solute, the solvent, and also between the solute and solvent. In other words in the simplest case of solution the minimum number of attractive forces is three. The system which was investigated deals with a two phase three component system consisting of ·water, hydrogen peroxide and ether, i.e. the distribution of hydrogen peroxide between water and ether. The concentration of peroxide could be accurately determined in each phase over tbe whole range of concentrations and at two temperatures 25°0. and oOe. For each temperature of course time had to be allOVlred for equilibrium to be established before the concentration in each phase could be determined, and the results obtained are probably important because they tend to show the complexity of the factors involved in any heterogeneous equilibrium. EquilibriQ~ is generally considered to belong to one of two classes, viz. homogeneous or heterogeneous. The former is much simpler and lend.s itself fairly readily to eit"':1er an experimental or theoretical approach. It is defined -11- as an equilibrium confined to one phase, while the .latter, i.e. heterogeneous is concerned with two or more. The system to be described is obviously a case of heterogeneous equilibrium and we define it in two ways. The qualitative expression is known as the phase rule, while the quantitative one is known as the distribution law. It is with the latter that we are concerned here. The first attempt at any sort of generalization regarding the above is due to from ~:1illia.m Henry in 1905, when on the equilibrium between a gas and its ex~eriments solution in a liquid he deduced that the mass of gas dissolved by a given volume of liquid was proportional to the pressure of the gas for any given temperature, or expressing it mathematically we have, m P ~ K, m - mass of gas per c.c. p = pressure K a constant for any This equation can be Let of the gas Cl - eX~Tessed te~,erature in another form, concentration of gas in the liquid phase = m grams per unit volume Let 02 = concentration of gas in the gaseous pha.se, Substitution then gives Cl = K. This is the general 02 expression for the Distribution Law. In 1~55 Bunsen subjected this law to a. rigorous -12- test and found it held quite accurately at moderate pressures and these results were in turn verified by later investigators. In l~72 Berthellot and Jungfleisch continued the research on the system liquid - liquid with reference to the partition of iodine between carbon disulphide and water and pointed out that over the concentrations possible the law of· Henry could be satisfactorily extended from systems gas-liquid to systems liquid-liquid. Actually, however, the "Law of Henry" is strictly applicable to either ideal gases or very dilute solutions and many other investigators had noticed deviations from this law which even from a theoretical point of view could not be explained. condit ion unt il The matter remained in an unsatisfactory ~Ternst showed thatr: deviat ions could be partially explained by realizing the restrictions the very nature of the problem imposes on the validity of the law. Gases at high pressures - the partition of a third substance at high concentrations bore no such simple relationships. Nernst pointed out that substances behaved ~ifferent- 1y in different solvents regarding association, dissociation and compound -formation and the law was therefore limited to the statement that lithe concentrations of any single molecular species in two phases at equilibrium bear a constant ra.tio to each other for a given temperature". It is evident therefore that in order to obtain -13- a mathematically constant ratio for the conoent~ations in a system involving a heterogeneous equilibrium we must know the following facts. (1) The extent of association in the phases. (2) The extent of dissociation in the phases. (3) The extent of compound formation. ( 4) The ext ent of dissociation of the compound formed. :Humber (2) refers to the partition of an electro~:umbers 1yte and can be eliminated in this case. (1), (3) and (4) may be met with in any system. In a great number of cases, these factors would be extremely difficult if not impossible to ascertain but where such information is available, valuable facts concerning equilibrium can be ascertained. Let a t\~O phase system be considered in each phase of which an equilibrium exists according to the following scheme: ---'~'" " , NI Al"'-:~2 A +--:,;-_u. ~:l AI""'" :,1 2 t A2' A1, A2, A1, NIl !:2' Ni, A' -1-- ....•• 2 2 represent mo 1 ecu1 ar species and and N~" represent the stoichiometrical coefficients, re~resent the concentrations of these molecular species in the one phase at equilibrium and and 82 the concentrations in the second phase. 61 e2 a{ The mass law equations for these equilibria will be: enl 1 , C~2 , C{nl C·2 n2 = K a,nd cnl 1 , Cl'nl n c2 2 O 'n2 2 -- Kl -14- Each of these molecular species is distributed between the two phases, which fact is represented by a series of distribution ratios. - = c'2 er2 = By division of the first two equations an equation results: K Kl -- ~l 1 ~2 K!ni K n2 1 2 t 1 2 This equation shows that knowing the equilibrium constants in one phase and the distribution constants of all the known molecular species the equilibrium constant in the second phase can be calculated. If the distribution ratio is to be constant a most important assumption is made, viz. that the two liquids are insoluble in each other, or do not have their mutual solubility affected by the distribution of the substance. This condition, of course, is never realized either from the standpoint of the insolubility of the two: liquids themselves or the mutual solubility not being effected by the presence of a third substance. If the distributed phase aotually lowers the solubility of the two liquids it is probable it may at high concentrations reduce it to a negligible amount. On the other hand the distributed substance may increase the solubility to a considerable extent and in such a case there -15- is more and more tendency for the and a true solution results. t~o layers to disappear In such a case the par.t''ition coefficient will gradually drop, until at consolute concefttrations the ratio is unity. Considering the problem from this point of view then, only when the distributed phase is present in infinitely small amounts can we expect no effect on the mutual solubility. In other words, the dis- tribution law can only successfully be used. when the concentrations are very dilute. The term dilute is a function of the system under consideration because the lowering or iner-easing of the mutual solubility is dependent on the characteristics of the two liquid phases a.nd on the distributed Therefore for a given substeJnce, it may be substance. capable of much greater concentrations than another without greatly affecting this mutual solubility. Hydrogen peroxide appears to increase the mutual solubility of the water and ether to a marked degree and some experiments were carried out mn just this effect. If one ands alcohol to an ether water solution it takes much less alcohol (about 1/5) to produce miscibility of a 52.5~ solution of peroxide and ethpr than in the case of ether and water alone. This indicates that the process of reaching consolute concentrations has been increased by the peroxide and that in this case the quantity of alcohol to is complete it, i.e., make the distribution unity less/than re~lired in the case where no third component was originally present. -16- In this c.a.se a closed tube v.:i th a magnetic stirrer was used and small quantities 0: the absolute alcohol were added by means of a burette fitted through the cork. ~ The experiment was intended only for rough comparative pur;oses and no quantitative data are available. It might be well to mention here that certain fa.ctors govern the choice of a system for in\restigation. They are as follows: (1) Ease of determination of the distributed substance. (2) Concentrations can be varied over wide limits. (3) Purity of materia~s. In the first place accurate volumetric estimation can be ma.de by using standard potassium permanganate in acid solution. For dilute ethereal solutions difficulty was ex- perienced in titrating because of lack of a definite end point. In order to overcome this difficulty a definite large volume of the ether layer was placed in a flask fitted with a, trap and the ether was boiled off under reduced pressure, after which the residue wa.s titrated. Secondly hydrogen peroxide is miscible with water in all proportions so that concentrations from 1 to 100 per cent. could be obta.ined. Thirdly water and ether are compar- atively easy to obtain in a pure state while the method of preparation of peroxide leaves little doubt that in this connection it compares favoura.bly with either of the former • D.e. ® The apparatus used in this connection was extremely si~ple, the diagram being almost self-explanatory. Earlier investigators like / a.lton and Le is shook a mixture of hydrogen peroxide water end ether in glass stoppered bottles at a constant temperature. able as peroxide Sh0~S This iO.ea was not consi ered advisa distinct tendency to decompose at ground glass surfaces and in order to minimize this difficuI ty an ent irely different idea was used. A glass tube (A) about 16 cm. long and 2.5 cm. in diameter was drawn out to th~ diameter of the neck of a 250 c.o. -18- graduated flask. T,his neck W2"S sealed on providing a means of having the tube closed with a tightly fitted glass stopper. At the bottom and about ~ cm. from the bottom capillary tubes (F) we.re sealed in the tube (A). a glass stirrer was inserted Eefore the bottom wa.s sea.led cons~.sting of three glass spirals spaced about 4 cm. apart and to the top of which a light~ron nail enclosed in a glass tube was sealed. The liquids were stirred, at a constant temperature for about an hour by means of a magnetic stirrer. Around the neck of the tube as indicated in the diagram a solenoid(~} bell wire was placed, connected in series with a bank of lamps. In parallel with the solenoid a. circuit breaker (C) was connected to raise and lower the stirrer. stirrer (E) ~Hcts The movement of the in this way made dependent on the periodic variation of the current in the solenoid and not in the actual making and breaking of the circuit. It was found c four litre beaker (D) filled with water could satisfactorily control the temperature to onetenth of a degree with the judicious use of a bunsen flalJle end stirring the water continuously with air. The experimental procedure was as follows: An aqueous solution was poured into the tube till its level was about that where the second capillary tube we.s sealed in • On top was placed an equal volume of ether which had been purified by washing, standing over calcium chloride and subsequent distillation, after sodium he.d been da.ys. allo\~'ed to react for some two or three Rubber tubes fitted with glass plugs were placed over -19- the ends of the capillary tubes and. the glass stopper put in place. The mixture was stirred at ~constant temperature when after an interval of one to one and one-half hours equilibrium was reached. Portions of each phase were then r-emoved in the following manner. A hollow ground glass tube was inserted in place of the stopper after attaching a rubber tube to it. The liquid layers were then blown out through the capillary tubes into 25 c.c. specific gravity bottles, the first portions in ecch case being neglected. A definite volume of each layer was then titrated, or if one c.c. of the layer required too large a quantity of permanganate then one c.c. was diluted to 25 c.c. in a graduated flask and a definite volume of the dilute solution was titrated. In order to reduce errors to a minimum the same pipette was used for both layers. In order to obta.in concordant results one of the most important things noted was the efficiency of the stirring. A stirring stroke of 5 cm. usually suffices but in any case the interfacial layer between the two phases must be continually broken. Probably the main reason for care in this direction lies in the fact that peroxide solutions, especially those of higher concentrations~ are much heavier than ether. This pre- caution applies equally well when diluting a sample of the layer to a known volume. Vigorous stirring is necessary to ensure homogeneity. The results obtained in the experiment are expressed -20- in mol fractions of hydrogen peroxide per c.c. of the original water and ether layers obtained in the following way. ~[ol-fraction no.of c.c.KMn04- per unit volume x K = Uol. wt. of H202 = C. c. K~.~n04 per c. c. layer x .0042~7 34 Temp. Water Mol. fraction Ether .0351+4- .01890 .03227 .02952 .013 1 4- .02900 .02282 .016~9 .01573 .01194 .009416 .009374- .005106 .004709 .004166 .002~3g .001934.001231 .0005090 -.0002571 Grms. per c. c. Water layer Partition Coefficient .01563 .01261 .008gS0 .02410 .01053 .005930 .001442 • 9850 .002531 .0013~5 ·3220 • 001 324- .0005~73 .0004097 .000353 0 .0002062 .0001252 .00007017 .00003 0 70 .00001525 Mol. fraction Ether .03740 1.205 1.097 1.0030 · 7700 ·5744.5134 .4061 .005294.004610 Temp. Water 25°C. .0241g .01023 ·3115 .1697 .1610 .1415 .09650 .0657S .04186 .01731 • COg·74 1·~7 2.06 2.23 2·30 2.57 3·19 ~:~~ 6.95 7.06 10.95 11·55 11.82 13·73 15·42 10.13 16·55 16.~3 OoC. Grms. per c. c. Aqueous layer 1.2740 .• 8213 .002846 .0009394 ·35S3 .2016 .0001540 .04902 Partition Coefficient -20a- Ct/rve s X.% TlI ~ ,C'\ o :z:: - o () ()) o ~A TU I'... t c5 ° C. @ I'-..O L0 .)0 0 lIeS ~ I >0 laic. CD TtM F ~ T tM r t~AT ~ ~ t I\@ (Doe. ~:\ ~~ ~ >~~ ~ "" ~ ~\ ~ ~ (l + ~ ~ ~ t-- ;--.. '- / 1-/ r ~ \:7 0 .1 0-2 0 -3 0·4 G~ A M 0 112. 02. 0 -5 Pt ", 0 -6 0 -7 0 ·8 0 ·9 1-0 1-1 1 c.c_ A Q., UtOU 0 L Ayt "'-., l -~ 1-2. e tJ /-V (" 6 0 tu ()t , ;s= o 1/ r / 0 0 f\> ID T U f"-. t - @ TtN rt"'-.A ru,,- t - T t Af t ~A o'e c..ye. (D 0 Q / - t-- -~ ~ / / ~ /Iij ~ 9) V@ ~. V ~ (0 0-0 0-000:) hi. () L 0-01 r~ A CTI 0-01.5 O -Oc 0/11 0 ft"'-- cc- ODI::5 AG...-UtOU:) 000 0-036 LAY t "'-- -21- Temp. l~oC. N. De Kolossowsky, Bull. Soc.Chim. 4me.Ser.Tome 37 • .. 0000518 • 0'')07194• 0011 514 .0000856 .0016376 .000 1 300 .002223g .0026626 .0038937 .0001932 .0002421 .0003821 .001+9528 .0005456 .00071 56 .0059249 .007 4557 .0010620 • 001 5103 .0090157 .0244 .0414- .0557 .0756 .0902 .1417 .1684 .2015 • 2530 ·3°65 13.~~ 13·~ 12.60 11·51 11.00 10.19 9.08 8.28 7·02 5·97 Discussion of Results It is at once evident that them partition coefficients show no constancy in value. The first part of the curves I, 11, III, drop quite sharply with a later tendency to become almost horizontal to the x axis at higher concentrations. It would appear had Kolossowsky worked through the whole range of concentrations his curve would have been between I and lIT for higher concentrations. For very dilute solutions the curves I, II and III all show a slight bend but without actually determining values for concentrations of the order of .1 and .05 per cent. we are not justified in assurning that they become asyntotic to the x axis. If any generalization regarding the distribution law is possible it appears to be at high concentrations and seems to represent not the distribution of hydrogen peroxide between water and ether but rather the distribution of -22- water bet~een hydrogen per,oxide and ether and" of course for almost 100 per cent. peroxide we really have en infinitely small .amount of water present. The general shape of Curve IV tends to bear out this idea. The first part of the curve might be considered as representing the distribution of th~ last part the distribution of the water. peroxide while the Of course, at very high concentrations we really have the question of the solubility of hydrogen peroxide in ether as the predominating factor. The impossibility of making any quantitative predictions about such a system is easily made evident. In the first place even water and ether are by no means immiscible and we have seen that the distributed perexide increases this solubility so that one of the basic assump- tions for obtaining the distribution law cannot be realized. Therefore the extent of the deviations for any system will partly at least depend on the deeree of mutllal solubility of the two phases as well as the influence of the distributed subs~ances on it. Besides this we have to deal wit~the number of molecular species which are in equilibrium with one another. The partition coefficient as ordinarily determined is not the ratio of the concentration of a molecular species in one laye"r to the concentration of the same molecular species -23- in another but rather a mean of a number of them in each layer involving probably three or four equilibria. Henry's Law as pointed out by :'Ternst does not deal with such cases. ~e have reason to believe that per- oxide possesses considerable additive power and shows a tendency to associate and therefore introduces new molecular species but a quantitative determination of them is almost impossible. Due to the distinct differences of water and ether this additive power is different for each phase so that if the mass law constant for the water complex = KI of the ether K2- =K2 KI is either less tr~n and that or greater than In the sruae way the degree of association is probably largely dependent on the solvent. Due to the fact that accurate qua.untitative data have not been obtained for this system the mathematical exp.ressions for these correction fa.ctors have been purposely omitted. The question still remains as to whether it is possible in this system to make any qualitative predictions about the distribution of peroxide and offer an explanation for the observed facts. A consideration of the polarity of liquids seems to be the only way. The basis of the idea of polarity is that the field of molecular forces of attraction do not necessarily -24- proceed from the centre of the molecu.les but may be concentrated in one part of it, i.e. in one of the atoms composing the molecule. Such a molecule which is not surrounded by a symmetrical field of force is called a polar molecule. It would now be in place to consider to which of the two classes of substances the under discussion belong. com~onents of the system Surface tension and heat of vapor- ization have always been looked upon as giving one some idea of the forces of attraction in liquids. The more strongly the molecules are held together the more energy is required either to form a new surface or separate them from one In the case of water and peroxide the surface ten- another. sions of the pure sUbstances and their solutions are to all intents and purposes the same. much less. In the ca.se of ether very In other words, we will call water and peroxtde polar sUbstances and eiher) either a slightly or non-polar substance, the distinction being one of degree tatber than kind. It is at once evident from the foregoing that the attractive forces between water - water molecules: forces between peroxide peroxide mols = attractive attractive forves between water peroxide molecules and that any of these forces are greater than the forces acting between ether cules. ether mole- As mentioned above, the criteria of "likeness" must be defined. From this point of view the degree of "likeness" or similarity means the degree of polarity and when we say -2~..; "like dissolves like" we mean that polar substances dissolve polar substances. We assume then we are justified in assuming that the components of this system fall into two distinct classes. In the case of hydrogen peroxide and water the physical constants of these sUbstances tend to point to xhe fact that their fields of force are not symmetrical and that the degree of unsymmetry is approximately the same. Ether falls in the other class, ·viz. its physical constants point to symmetrical fields of force and it is therefore a representative of that group· of substances kno~n as non-polar, Let us now consider an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide from a kinetic point of view. Both water and per- oxide molecules are cor..tinually freeing themselves from the main body of the liquid and since all three sets of attractive forces in the liquid (as menti;Jned above) are nearly" equal the chances of either a water or a peroxide molecule returning is also about the same. If we place over this solution pure ether then both these types of molecules will bombard the ether layer. For dilute solutions of peroxide it will be chiefly the water molecules wnich will be doing this ~nd the chances are the few peroxide molecules which do enter are not very likely to come near to one another. As however the concen- tration is increased there becomes a preponderance of hydrogen peroxide molecules escaping into the ether layer. NOW, we -26- should not expect large attractive forces to be exerted between ether and peroxide or of water but at high concentrations there must be sufficient numbers getting into the ether phase to make it possible for them to come in contact with one another and, ha.ving no great attraction for the solvent eth.er, they tend to be attracted to themselves forming aggregates of molecules in that phase. The extent ef aggregation is not necessarily directly proportional to the number of peroxide molecules entering the ether phase as the curves indicate. Once these aggregates are formed it will be much more difficult for it to return to the water phase because the larger a molecule becomes the more difficult it will be to force itself between th~ st~ongly attracted waterk!1'..ole-cules. As a result the tendency appears to be for them to remain in the ether layer. Thus, the increase of peroxide in the ether layer causes the concentration per unit volume to increase and in turn continues to decrease the ratio of concentrations in the two layers. The additive power of peroxide must not be entirely overlooked. It shows much more tendency to form addition compounds than water and although polarity plays an important part, loose molecular aggregates with ether are by no meass improbable, but this does not invalidate the statement that aggregates do fo.rm; rather it helps to confirm it. ~e are now in a. position to sum up the attractive forces in the system from a standpoint of their relative magnitude. -27- Let TI W represent the attractive forces existing between water -water molecules. P P the forces between peroxide peroxide molecules. W P the forces between peroxide water molecules. E E the forces between ether eth~r molecules. E W the forces between ether water molecules. E P the forces between et~er peroxide molecules. From surface tension measurements and tbe fact that peroxide is miscible ir.. all proportions of v:ater we can write ~w I' = •• p p = p ~.Y The forces E E must be small in comparison for it does not require much energy to separate them from one another. i.'!;ater and ether are for this purpose considered to be immiscible. Hence it is evident forces W E are less than E E. Peroxide and ether are fairly soluble and as we assumed that from a purely physical point of view the degree of polarity is about the same, the additive power of peroxide must account for the difference, greater than w I. P.E forces appear to be T:'" ..:2J. vVe then have the following qualitative relationship: 7! 1~~ .1 = P W - '0 .I. P > ZE > P E > E ~.~.~ It is to be noted that P E is considered to be greater than E i,".·. If peroxide and water exhibit a.bout the same degree of polarity then we should expect approximately the same solubility for both. To explain these differences compound formation has to be resorted t~ and as pointed out above is probably quite justified. An alternative explanation would be that surface tension measurements are not sufficiently indicative to allow a decision to be made. The determination of the di- electric constant which is looked upon as being one of the important physical constants in so far that a high value usually indicates polarity, will probably help to decide which point of view is correct. So far as this system is concerned we cannot satisfactorily apply the distribution law due not only to the lack of knowledge of the equilibria existing between the molecular species concerned, but also because the partition of a third substance profoundly affects the mutu.al solubility of the phases between which it is distributed. -29- REFERENCES Bulletin de la Societe Chimique 1925·, 4 me Ser. Tome 37. Recherches sur le Phenomene de Part age par Nicolas De Kolossowsky Ostwald Van't Hoff. Vol. XXXVIII. ~oer Zeitschrift fftr Physikalische Chemie, die Akalisa1ze des Hydroperoxyds in Wasseriger losung, van Harry Thornton Calvert. American Chemical Society Journal, Vol.~, Pt.I, 1916. The Partition Coefficients of Hydrogen Peroxide between Water and certain Organic Solvents. Reference Books Hildebrand - Solubility Colloid Symposium !:!ono.graph, Vol. II, 1924. Part I Introduction The Point of Pure H2 0 2 • Density of H2 0 2 over the whole Temperature Range. ~elting (a) Experimental methods employed. (b) Values obtained (1) Experimental (2~ Calculated ((3 Hatcher's Values, J.A.C.S. Vol.XLII,Fo.12,Dec.l920. 4 Verification of the Value obtained at ooc. Pa. rt II The Distribution of H202 between Water and Ether Introduction Theoretical Considerations of the Distribution Law. Experimental Procedure. The Values obtained for the Distribution of H202 between water a.nd ether at 0° and 26? A Comparison with Kolossowsky's Figures at 18° with Curves. Discussion of the Results.
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