2014 new to the nursery Latin Name Common Name Zone Description deciduous trees Betula platyphylla ' Parkland Pillar' Parkland Pillar Birch Quercus macrocarpa 'Urban Pinnacle' Urban Pinnacle Bur Oak 3 columnar selection, attractive white bark and golden-yellow fall colour 2/3 a narrow and upright version of bur oak, more suited for smaller yards tree forms Euonymus bungeanus ' Verona' Tree Form Pr. Radiance Winterberry T/F 3 a small, compact tree with brilliant fall colour Hydrangea paniculata 'DVPpinky' T/F Pinky Winky Hydrangea T/F 3 huge 14-inch cone shaped blooms that start out cream and turn dark pink Rosa x Hansa Tree Form Hansa Rose Tree Form 2 our hardy Hansa Rose in a tree form with fragrant, double, dark pink roses Cornus alba 'stdazam' Strawberry Daiquiri Dogwood 3 a green-white variegated shrub with strawberry red stems and red fall colour Forsythia x 'NIMBUS' Show Off Sugar Baby Forsythia 3 the first to bloom in spring, intense yellow on a compact shrub Hydrangea paniculata ' SMHPFL' Fire Light Hydrangea 3 late summer and fall blooms go from pure white to pomegranate-pink Lonicera periclymenus 'Inov 86' Peaches'n'Cream Honeysuckle 4 a vigorous vine with summer flowers of pink & yellow, attract hummingbirds Physocarpus opulifolius 'Burgundy Candy' shrubs Burgundy Candy Ninebark 3 deep burgundy textured foliage on a compact dense form, pink blooms late spring Physocarpus opulifolius 'Red Baron' Red Baron Ninebark 3 bronze new growth ages to burgundy-black foliage, pink-white blooms late spring Physocarpus opulifolius 'SMPOTW' Tiny Wine Ninebark 3 an exceptional burgundy ninebark, most compact, very upright in habit Potentilla fruticosa 'Monsidh' Frosty Potentilla 3 showy, large frost-white flowers, blooms June to September Potentilla fruticosa 'Morden Snow' Morden Snow Potentilla 2 remarkable double white flowers on a compact plant, very hardy Potentilla fruticosa 'Setting Sun' Setting Sun Potentilla 3 unusual peach coloured flowers with darker peach-red eye, blooms all summer Rhododendron x 'Amy Cotta' Amy Cotta Rhododendron 4 rich lavender-pink blooms in June and July, very floriferous Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor Gold' Glow Girl Spirea 3 an outstanding shrub with bright lemon-lime foliage, pure white spring flowers Spiraea japonica 'Tracy' Big Bang Spirea 3 bright yellow summer foliage shown off by huge bright pink flower clusters Spiraea japonica 'White Gold' White Gold Spirea 3 spring foliage of coppery-bronze turns pure gold for the summer, white blooms Syringa x 'SMSJBP7' Bloomerang Dk Purple Lilac 3 loaded with showy, fragrant, deep lilac blooms in spring and late summer Syringa x 'Red Pixie' Red Pixie Lilac 3 fragrant, reddish-purple blooms in spring turn to soft pink Syringa vulgaris 'Paul Thirion' Paul Thirion Lilac 3 blooms from mid to late spring, double purplish-pink and highly fragrant blooms Weigela 'Bokrafive' Merlot Rose Weigela 3 masses of tubular, merlot rose coloured blooms pop against dark bronze foliage Weigela florida 'Sonic Bloom Pearl' Sonic Bloom Pearl Weigela 3 flowers open white with yellow throat and change to pink, masses of blooms 1 of 2 2014 new to the nursery Latin Name Common Name Zone Description roses Rosa x 'Canada Blooms' Canada Blooms Rose tender roses Clean'n'Easy Series Rosa x 'KORtutu' Archbishop Desmond Tutu™ Tender sparkling red blooms all season long, glossy dark green foliage, med. fragrance Rosa x 'KORassenet' Brothers Grimm™ Tender strong fragrance, flashy orange with yellow reverse, very full bloom Rosa x 'KORcoluma' Grand Amore™ Tender high-centered blooms of shiny, intense red, very fragrant Rosa x 'KORfriedhar' Poseidon™ Tender beautiful lavender-blue cupped blooms (50+ petals!), cover this plant Rosa x 'KORsouba' Souvenir de Baden Baden™ Tender shades of pink with a fresh fruity scent and long stems make great cut flowers Rosa x 'KORbatum' Winter Sun™ Tender very fragrant, light yellow, classic-shaped blooms all season 3/4 very fragrant with large pink blooms similar to a hybrid tea rose evergreens Thuja occidentalis 'Yellow Ribbon' Yellow Ribbon Cedar 2 golden foliage all year, tall and narrow form, 8 - 10 ft. tall x 2 -3 ft. wide Asparagus 'Purple Passion' Purple Passion Asparagus 3 dark purple spears turn green when cooked, a sweet and nutty flavour Hippophae rhamnoides 'Askola' Askola Seaberry 2 orange fruit high in anti-oxidants and vitamins, a large shrub with silvery foliage Hippophae rhamnoides 'Leikora' Leikora Seaberry 2 a superfruit on a hardy shrub with silvery foliage Hippophae rhamnoides 'Pollmix' Pollmix Seaberry 2 a great pollinizer for Seaberries, drought and salt tolerant Lonicera caerulea 'Aurora' Aurora Honeyberry 2 a sweeter honeyberry with large fruit, ripens mid to late July Lycium barbarum 'Firecracker' Firecracker Goji Berry 3 juicy and sweet superfruit, self-pollinating, blooms mid-summer Malus x Northern Arrow TreasuRed TreasuRed Apple 2 a University of Saskatchewan introduction, grows to 15 ft. tall but only 4 ft. wide Rubus x 'Heritage' Heritage Raspberry 2 hardy raspberry fruits on new wood late summer through fall, excellent fruit Rubus x 'Royalty' Royalty Raspberry 3 ripens late July, dark purple-red berries, large delicious fruit Vaccinium Brazelberry Jelly Bean Brazelberry Blueberry 3 ornamental and edible, delicious berries mid-summer, red fall colour Vaccinium vitis-idaea 'Susi' Lingonberry 3 related to the blueberry and cranberry, a new superfruit Vitis x 'Brianna' Briana Grape 3 delicious eaten fresh and used for making white wine edible 2 of 2
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