ACT A PAL A EON T 0 LOG I C A POLONICA 1962 Vol . VII Nos. 3-4 ZOFIA KIELAN-JA WOROWSKA NEW ORDO VICIAN GENERA OF POLYCHAETE JAW APPARATUSES Five new Middle and Upper O rdovician ge ner a of polychaete jaw apparatuses from the erratic boulders of Poland are described. All are recorded within the superfamily Eu nicea , Atraktopri on n. gen. a nd Skalenop r ion n. gen . be in g of prionogn atha t ype, Kall oprion n. ge n . and Ramphoprion n. ge n . of labidognatha t ype, Xani oprion n. gen . represents a new, so far unknown type of a ppar at us . Some new terms are introduced and there is a di scu ssion on the numbering and homology of the jaws in some re cent and fo ssil eunicid apparatuses. Abstract. - INTRODUCTION In 1960 th e a uthor st art ed to investigate the Or dovicia n polychaete jaw apparatuses fr om the er ratic boulders of Poland, collected by P rofesso r Roman Kozlowski and kindly put at the writer's disp osal. A part of this coll ection has been ela bor ate d by Kozlo wski (1956), who descri bed th ree sp eci es assigne d to t he ge nera Polycha etaspis K ozlowski and Pol y cha etura Kozlowski. Moreover, the present writer described (1961) two spe cies assigne d to the genera V istulella Kielan-Jaworowska and Mochtyella Ki el an-Ja worowska. In 1961 (p. 237) the writer stated that in t he coll ect ion from the erratic boulder s : "The scolecodonts are espe cia lly well preserved, in cluding so me dozens of entire or nearly entire ja w assemblag es" . As t he bou lders h ave been cont in ually collected since that time by Prof. Roman Kozlowski, Dr A da m Urbanek a nd the writer, a nd systemat ica lly dissolved in hydrochlori c a nd aceti c acids, the coll ection of Ordovician polychaete ja w apparat uses has con sider ab ly inc r eas ed a n d it embraces now more than four hundred , more or less complet e jaw assemblag es . As the complete ela boration of this new m at erial must t ake some time, the wr it er decid ed to publish separately the descriptions of five new genera. The present paper has a preliminary character, a nd only the dia- 292 ZOFI A K IELAN-J A W O R O W S K A gnosi s of new gen er a a n d descr iptions of type sp eci es are given. The m ateri al concernin g t h ese for ms is much gr eater tha n t hat descr ibed a n d m ore dat a will b e published lat er. All t he genera h ere descr ibed, as we ll as t hose described before (Kozlowski, 1956, K ielan- J aworowska, 1961), are as sign ed t o the superfa m ily Eunicea. An erectio n of t he fa m ilies a n d subfamilies w ithin th e foss il eu n icid polychaet es will b e provided lat er. It wo u ld also be bey on d the scope of t he present pa per to publish h er e any ph y logenetic conside rat ions. The m ethod s a n d ter mi no logy are m ostly the sa me as descr ibed by K ielan-J aworowska (1961). Som e n ew ter ms a re int r oduced in t he pr esent paper a n d the discussion on the n um be r in g of t h e jaws in rece n t a n d foss il eu nici d a ppa ratuses is given . All t he spe cimens are hou sed in the P a laeozoological L ab or at or y of t he P olish Aca demy of Sci en ces in Wa r saw . T h e coll ec tion is num ber ed in t h e following wa y: e.g. No. 0.400/1 5 : 0 - m eans O rdovician, 400 giv es th e nu m ber of th e bou lder, 15 - giv es t he num ber of th e specim en in t he sam ple f rom this bou lder. Th us t he number of the sp ecimen shows, fr om w hich boulder it was et ched ou t. The characteristics of th e boulder s fr om wh ich t h e specim ens were prep ar ed h av e been ki n dly giv en by Prof. R. K ozlowski. The writ er is gr ea tly indeb t ed to Prof. Rom an Ko zlows k i and D r . Adam Ur banek fo r pl acin g the material coll ected by th em a t h er disposal. Dur in g t h e preparation of th e pa per , discussions with Prof. Kozlowski h a ve been of great valu e fo r the w ri t er 's invest igations . The fo llowin g persons k indly identified t he fo ss ils occ u r ri n g in t he pa rtic u la r boulders, an d this h as h el ped a gr eat deal in esti mati ng the age of t he bo u lders : Prof. Roman Kozlowski : Foramin ifer a, Hydroidea, Den droidea and Crustoidea ; Dr. A da m Urbanek : Gr aptoloid ea ; Dr. Gertruda Biernat : Brachiopoda ; Miss Zdzislawa Wolska : Conodontophor idia ; Dr. Francisz ek Ada m czak : a n os t r acod fr om the b oulder 0.39 8; Dr. Val dar Jaanusson (Uppsala Univ ersi ty) : a trilo bite from th e b oulder 0.366 . D r A n drew P ackard (Zoolog ic al St at ion , Napl es) kindl y corrected the Engl ish of th e pres en t paper. The accompanying drawings have been m ade by Mrs. Ewa Gadom sk a fr om t he writer's pencil sketches. The writ er wishes to expres s h e r t ha nks to all these persons. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOULDERS WITH A DISCUSSION OF THEIR AGE Boulder No. 0.59 , Wl adysl awowo (prov. of Gdansk). Light-grey o r ga no ge nic, fine -grain ed limestone which furnished : For am in ifer a : Buisuunmuna polymcrpha Eisen ack, Tuboidea , Gr apto lit h in a : Bu lm ani- NE W ORDOVIC IAN GENE RA OF POLYCHAETE JA W APPA RATUSE S 293 crusta latialata scu t elli fe ra K ozlowsk i. p olychaete jaw a ppa r at us es : Skal enoprion aui tu s n. sp., scole codo nts a n d Chitinozoa . No index foss ils wh ich coul d t h row light on t he age of t he boulder. Boulder No. 0.142 , Wyszog r6d-Zakroczym (prov. of War saw). Gr ey , coa r se-grained limeston e, yieldi ng Grapt oli thina: Climw cograptus cf. uplandicus (Wiman), an d C. ef . br evis mut abilis S trachan, polychaete jaw a pparat uses: X an ioprion borealis n. s p. a n d scol ecodonts. Bot h gr aptolites occur in Sweden , Tva r en , Sodermanland, in the Middle Ordovici an, Lower Ludibundus limestone, bein g an eq uiva le n t of the Kukruse stage ell of Est onian seq ue n ce. Boulder 0.142 is probably of t his ag e. Boulder No. 0.159, J arosl a wi e c (p ro v. of K osz alin). Compact limesto ne. similar t o Baltic limest on e (Ost seek alk), yiel din g unidentified F or aminifera an d iso la ted jaws of Skal en opri on alat u s n. sp. A ge of the boulder unknown. Boulder No. 0.174 , Wyszog r6d-Zakroczym (pro v. of Warsa w). Li ght fine-grained limestone, y ie lding unidenti fi ed F or aminifera and iso lat ed jaws of Skalenoprion alatus n. sp. Ag e of th e boulder unknown . Boulder No. 0.182. Mochty (prov. of Warsaw ). Coarse grained, ligh t-grey, orga n oge nic limest on e, yie ldi ng : Al gae : Gla eocapsomorpha prisca Za lessky , For am in ifer a: T asmanit es martinssoni Eisenack , Hydroid a : Rhabdohydra t rid ens Kozl., Diploh ydra salida Kozl. , K y stodendron longicarpus (Eis enack), Cylindrotheca subtilis Kozl. , Gon ot h eca Forma E Kozl., 1952, Grapt oli thin a: Ruedemannicru sta geni culata Kozl. , Den droid ea, Mastigograptu s sp., Climacograptus br evis mutabilis St r achan, Pseudoclimacog rap tu s sch are n bergi (L ap wor th), pol y cha ete jaw apparat uses: Moch ty ella cristata Ki el an-Ja worowska, Atrak to ption sp. a (h ere desc r ib ed) , K all oprion ova lis n . sp. a n d numer ous scolecodo nts. Pseudocium acoqrap tus sch ar enb ergi (L apw orth) h as a wi de st ratigraphic ra nge (Upp er Arenigian - Upp er Ca r adocian) , but Clim acoqraptus br evis mutabilis S tra ch an is known so fa r on ly f rom Tvaren , Sod errnanland , S w ed en - f rom t h e Middle Ordovician , Low er Ludibu ndus Li mestone (cf. S t r ach a n , 1959), eq uiva le nt of Kuk ruse stage (CII) of Estonian seq uence . The bo u lde r No. 0.182 is pr ob ably of this age, the sa me as t he boulder No. 0.142 . Boulder Nc. 0.2 79, Moch t y (pr ov. of Warsaw). Balt ic limestone, y ie lding Chitin ozoa, For aminifer a, Dasycla dac ea e?, Graptolithina : Cli macograptu s sp ., pol ych aet e jaw apparat uses : Xanioprion borealis n. sp. Ag e of the boulder unknown. Boulder No. 0,301 , Ustka (prov. of Kosz alin). Light grey, coarse-gr aine d limestone, y ie ldin g fr agm en tary Chitinozoa and scolecodonts, isol ated jaws of Skal en oprion ala tu s n. sp. am ong them. Age of t h e . bo u lde r unknown. 294 ZOF IA KIELAN -JA WO RO WSKA Boulder No . 0.3 66, Zak roczym (prov. of W arsa w). G r ey , coarse-grained limestone, consis t ing m ostly of f ragments of silici fied brachiopods, yieldi n g: Foraminifera: Ta smanit es m artinssoni (Eisen ack) , H y d roida: Rhabdohy dra t rid en s Ko zlowski, an d others, Br achiopoda : Clinambon an omalu s (Schlotheim), Sowerbyella sp., Trilobit a : A saphus (Neoasa phus) jewensis Schmidt , G r apto lithina : Mastig ograptus sp., Id iotu bu s s p ., W imanicru sta ur baneki K ozlow ski, G r a pt oblasti, P o ly chaete jaw apparatuses : Mochtyella cristata K iela n-J a wor ows k a , V istul ella k ozl owskii Ki el a n-J a wor ows k a , Poly ch aetaspis wyszogrode nsis K ozlow sk i, K auoprion ov alis n. sp. a n d num er ous scole codo nts. Cl in ambon an omalus (Schlotheim) a n d Asa phus (Ne oasaphus) je w ensis Schmidt are ch arac t erist ic of t he Middl e Ordov ici an of Estonia (Kukruse stage ClI, and Idaver e sta ge ClII of Est onian sequence). The boulder is probabl y of this a ge. Boulder No. O. 398, Mochty (prov. of Warsaw). Light-grey , compact, coarse-grained limestone, yielding Foraminifera, Crinoidea, Hydroida , Conodontophoridia: Amorphognathus ordovicica Branson & Mehl, Icriodella superba Rhodes, Panderodus gracilis (Branson & Mehl), Panderodus equicostatus (Rhodes), Ostracoda: Bolbina major (Krause), polychaete ja w apparatuses : Ramphoprion elongatu s n.sp. and scolecodonts. Bolbina major (Krause) is known from the Ordovician erratic boulders of Germany. Sarv (1959) described from the Middle Ordovician, (DII of Es tonian sequence), Bolbina lehmetsa.en sis Sarv, which, according to Jaanusson (1961) , is a synonym of B. m ajor (Krause). The conodonts y ielde d by the boulder are charact eristic of t h e Upper, or of the Middle and Upper Ordovician of the United States or Great Britain. Icriodella superba Rhodes and Panderodus equicostatus (Rhodes) occur in the Gelli-grin Limestone and P en-y-garnedd Limestone which belong to the Caradocian Series of Great Britain. It is thus possible that the age of the boulder corresponds to the Keila stage (DII of Estonian sequence). Boulder No. 00400 , Mochty (prov. of Warsaw). Grey , coarse-grained limestone which furnished Foraminifera: Tasmanites sp., silicified Brachiopoda : Dalmanella d. wesenbergensis Wysogorski, Platystrofia sp., Sowerbyella cf. opiki Roomusoks, Dinorthis sp., Crustoidea, poorly preserved fragment of a diplograptid, resembling Pseudoclimacograptus sch ar enb ergi (Lapworth) , numerous polycha te ja w apparatuses : Poly chaetaspis wysz ogrodens is K ozl owski , Polychaetura sp. , A traktoprion cornutus n. s p . Kalloprion ovalis n. s p ., Xanioprion borealis n. sp. Unfortunately , no cert ain index fossils were found in the boulder. The brachiopods (all identified tentatively) remained the assemblage .N E W ORDOVICIAN GENERA OF POLYCHAETE J AW A P PARA T U SES 295 characteristic of the Rakvere Stag e (E of Estonian sequence), belonging to the lowermost part of the Upper Ordovician. It is possible that the boulder 0.400 is of t his ag e. * * * Th e ag e of all t he boulders h er e discuss ed r anges fr om the Kukruse St ag e (ell) to the Rakvere Stage (E) of Estonian sequence, cor respo nding to the upper part of th e Middle Ordovician a nd the lowermost part of the Upp er Ordovician. Tentative stratigr aphic range of th e described spe cies* (correlation based on J aanusson, 1956, 1960) Geological Graptolite age succession Upper Ordovician - - - I Estonia S weden Pleurograp tus lineSlandrom t:: aris limestone C\I .~ CJ 1- - - - - 1- - D i cranograptus clingani - - E - Rakvere Stage + - -- 1- - - - 1-- + + - - -- - -- - ---- Macrourus Limestone + Middle Ordo- vician '0 CIl .... D iplograptus multidens + CIl U Nemagrap tus gracilis ell Kukruse Stage + + + * Stratigraphic range of Skalenoprion alatus n. sp, unknown. TERMINOLOGY (text-fig.I ) The terminology used in the present paper is mostly that of Kielan-Jaworowska (1961). Descriptions of the new jaw apparatuses here given require, however, the introduction of some new terms. In descriptions of the whole apparatuses and particular jaws the following a bbr eviations are used : long : - longitudinal , running ant ero- ZO FIA 296 KIELA N - J A WOROW SK A -post eri or ly , parall el to the plane of sym met r y of the animal (estimated by comparison with recent forms) , and consequently parallel to the plane dividing th e a ppar atu s in to two m ore o r less symm etrical parts, and tr. - transversal , perpendicular t o t he pl ane of symmetr y . L ength a n d width of th e bight are defined as sh own o n fig . 1 A. In th e right fo r ce ps (MI) o f Skalenoprion n . gen. there occur t wo r idges of denticl es: o ne, situat ed longitudinally a lo n g the internal marg- aL A ar tr B _ ._ - - - - - - - - - - - F ig. 1. - A MI ri g h t of A t rakto p rion , in ven t ra l vie w ; B MI righ t of Skal en op rio n, in dors al vi ew ; C MIl left of Atraktopr ion , in d orsal v iew Tr t r ansve rsal dir ect ion , long. longitu d inal d irection , I length o f t he b ig ht , w w i d t h o f t h e b igh t . b bel t , m s lll..lsci e s car , fa at ta chrnen t la m e ll a ; mr m ain r .idse, aT a aditional ridge . in of the jaw and called h ere th e m ain ridge, syno nym of dentary (Cron eis , 1941) , a n d a shorter (long.) ridge, parallel to the main one, si t ua ted in the posterior part of the jaw, called the additional ridge . The additional r idge in Skalenoprion m ay be more o r less prominent, denticulated or smooth. In the ventral view of MI, th e opening of th e pulp cavity is delimited fr om th e dentary by the more or le ss narrow part of the jaw w a ll , for which th e word belt is suggested. The belt may be oblique with respect to the dorsal wall of the jaw. or may be subparallel to it, in t he NI2 W O R D O V I C I AN G E N ER A 01' POLYCHAETE JAW A PPARA TUSES 297 prolonga ti on of th e ve ntra l wa ll of the jaw. In MI in some gen er a, opposit e t he a nt erior par t of the openi ng, is a m or e o r less large depr es sion in t he dor sa l wa ll , pro ba bly correspondin g to a muscula r a tta ch ment . Usu ally no sw ell ing is visib le o n t h e dorsal si de of t he wa ll , as sociate d w it h t his dep r essio n , which is caused by a r eduction of the wa ll t hi ckness o nly . It is s uggested that t his dep r essio n b e call ed muscle scar. Oft en t h e interna l borde r of t he jaw is pro long ed into a la mella, whi ch m ay be very la rge, dir ected perpendicularly to t h e do rsal s ur fa ce of t he ja w. Th is lam ella is usually m or e delicat e t ha n t he rest of the jaw, mor e t r ansparen t , with a so mewh at coarse s urface . The n ame att achm en t lam ella, is su ggeste d for it. Kozlowski (19 56) in Poly cha etaspis w ark ae Kozlo wski describ ed t w o t eeth, called by him lat eral teet h (dents lateral es) cov ering right and left forceps (MI) dor sall y , sit uated o bliq ue ly behind t he so mewhat infl a ted a n tero -la ter a l borders of MI. In the auth or's collection there are n um ero us so far undescrib ed s pe cimen s of Pol y chaeta spis w it h lateral teeth. In Ramphoprion boreali s n . s p. described her e a simil ar tooth on the r ight side of t he a pparat us occur s. By a nalogy wit h P . warkae K ozlowski c n e can ass ume that th ere were two la t er a l teeth in Ram.phoprion as we ll, t he right one o n ly bei ng pr eser ve d in t he desc r ibed specimens . REMA R K S O N THE NU MBERI NG A ND H OMOLO GY O F J AWS I N SOME RECE NT AN D F OSSIL AP P ARA T US ES (t e x t - fig. 2 a nd 3) P articular ja ws in rece nt a n d fossil jaw a pparat uses h ave been cal led different names by va rio us a ut hors a n d, as h as been a lrea dy stated by t he present w r iter (196 1), t h e most conveni en t seems to be the m et ho d used by Fa uv el (1923), H artman (1944) a n d ot hers, of numberin g t he m by s u ccessiv e Rom an numeral s fr om back to f r ont as MI - MV . Th is m ethod is gen er a lly a dopt ed in t h e present paper , h oweve r the e labor ati on of th e new fossi l forms has m ade it necessary to in t r oduce som e emen dat io ns. L ab id ognatha ty pe Recen t labidcgnatha for m s (ca m p. Ehlers, 1864-68) em brace t hr ee lines, grouped into t hree famili es : Onuphidae, Eunicidae a n d Lumbr in er id ae. Th e Lumbrin eridae a r e ch a racterized by a symmetrical ja w a ppa r at us , composed cf 4 paired ele ments. In Onuphida e a n d Eunicida e th e jaw a pparat use s are asymmetrical , MIll . left being single . Lange 298 ZOFIA KIELA N-J A WOROWSK A (1949 , p. 58) h as po inted out that t he Dev onia n Paulinites describ ed by him: " ...sho u ld be regarded as r epresenting a primitive condition of t he form s now included in to the famili es Onuphidae and Eunicidae". In a dditio n to Paulinites, one labidognatha fossil genus w as described by Snajdr (1951) : Kettnerites Zeb era, 1935, emen d. Snajdr, 1951, two by Kozlowski (1956): PoLychaetaspis Kozlowski a n d PoLychaetura Kozlowski, an d two more: Ramphoprion n . gen. and KaHoprion n . gen. it I1lr A Fi g. 2. - B Diagrammatic sk etc h es of re cent and fo ssil labidognatha a ppa r at us es : A Onuphis eremita Audouin & Mil ne-Edwards, recent ; B gatus n . gen ., n. sp., Ordovician Cr carrie rs , Bp b a sa l p la te , L t la t e r al t o o t h, M I -M V .par ticul a r maxillary p l a t e s , ri gh t a nd left (MIV a n d MV in Ram phoprion e!onga t u s unkn own .). Ramphoprio n el on- NEW ORDOVICIAN GENERA OF POLYCHAETE JAW APPARATUSES 299 are desc r ib ed in t he pr esent paper. It seems t hat the above cited stat ement of Lange is more or less true for all these genera. It should be st r esse d that neither any of the fossil labidognatha apparatuses hitherto known, nor any in the author's collection so far u n descr ibe d, represent th e condition characteristic of recent L umbrineridae . That is why in the present considerations of homology, this family cannot, for the time being, be taken into account . In Devonian Paulinites paranaensis Lan ge, Lange (1949) noted the occur r en ce of one additional right piece, called by him the basal piece. Kozlowski (1956) in Or dovicia n Pol y chaet asp is wyszogrodensis Kozlowski noted t he occur rence of a small tooth, situated in front of t he basal pl ate, ca ll ed the intercalary toot h, and in P . warkae Kozlowsk i t he presence of two teeth called lateral teeth. It is h er e suggested t hat t he basal pl at e, inter calary tooth a n d th e lat eral teeth be called by n ames on ly, wi thout numbering t hem by successive numeral s. Thus, t he manner of numbering t he jaws in r ecent lab idognatha apparatuses can be a do pte d withou t ch anges for fos sil a ppa rat uses of t he same type, a n d t he elements r eg arded h ere as homologous in fossil an d r ecent forms w ill r ec eive t he same numerals (see fig. 2). Prionognatha ty pe Within t he recent p r ionognat ha fo r ms (not takin g in to accou nt t he Dorvilleida e w hi ch have t he jaw a pparatuses consisting of large numbers of denticulated pl at es, arra nged in t wo longitudinal series on ea ch sid e, an d which in t he pr esent writer's opinion sho u ld be excl ude d from pr ionognath a type) there occur two diff er ent types of jaw appa r atuses : 10 Cha r ac t eristic e. g. of A glauri d es fulgida S av ignyt , Halla parthenopeia (Delle Chiaj e), N oto cirru s caHforniensis Hartman and Arabella geniculat a Claparede, in w h ich the first pl ate on t he right side is n ot hooked and distinctly sm a ller than the next one. 20 Ch aracteristic e. g. of Arabella iricolor Montagu, A. setosa Treadwell a n d A. maculosa Verill, in which both r ight and left first pl ates are hooked a n d more or less of sim il a r size. The discussion on th e inter pr et at ion of par t icular ja ws i n thi s t ype w ill be publish ed later. 1 Th e apparatus in A . fulgida Sav igny is u su all y asymmetrical, but som etimes sp eci mens with sy m metrical jaw apparatuses w ere fo un d within this species (cf. Fauvel 1919, 1953, Crossland , 1924, Hartman, 1944). T he interpretation of the occu rrence of symmetrical jaw apparatuses in this species will be published later, and for the moment the writer restricts her considerations to the most common a symmet r ical apparatus. 300 ZOFIA KIELA N -JAWOROWSKA With r egard to th e first t y pe, it was a p r acti ce generall y ac cepted by t he specialists in eu nici ds t o match a ll t he su ccessive jaws of the right a n d left sides in rece nt apparatuses in pairs, in spite of t he considerabl e differences in siz e a n d sh ape of t h e jaws matched as a pair. The fossil evide nce is st r ongly against t h is interpretation. As has be en a lready pointed ou t by Kozlowski (1956) , the fi r st plate on the right side in r ec ent e.g. Hall a parthenopeui (Delle Chiaje) situ a t ed in the bight o n th e posterior ma rg in of th e next larger plate, is, as to shape an d position, very like the b asal plate of fossil forms, such as Paulin ites, Ket tnerites , Pouj cn aeuxsp'« and Po lychaetura . Fo ssil pr io n ogna t h a a ppa r a t us es have not been hitherto known, but some isolated fo r ce ps with stro ng ho oks, described under the na m es of Arabellites Hin de, Protara be llites St au ff er or Ildr ait es Eller (d . H in de, 1879, Stauffer, 1933, Eller , 1936) cou l d be int erpr et ed as bel on gin g to p ri onognatha typ e. In t he pr esent p ap er th e foss il pr ionogna tha ap pa ratu ses are describe d for t he first time. They a re recorded h ere as t he genera : Atrakt opricn n. gen. an d S k al en oprion n . gen. Let us compar e Atraktoprion cornutus n . gen . n . sp. w ith t h e jaw a ppa r a t us of recent Aglaurid es fulgid2 Savigny (asymmetrica l for m). The sim il ar ities between the apparat uses of t w o species are so striki ng (comp. text-fig . 3) th at the present au thor believes that she is entire ly justified in ca llin g the first right jaw in A. fulgid 2 - basal pl a t e, and su bse q ue n tly in n um ber in g the r emaining jaws by the n umerals in di cated in t ext-fig. 3. Th e manner of numbering the plates in A . fulgida adopted h er e differs fr om that used so far by zoologi sts in , that when th e first right small jaw is call ed the basal pl ate, then the secon d ri ght jaw and th e first lef t becom e th e MI p air , a n d this is st ron gly s u ppor t ed by their size and shape . Then t hird right and second left ja ws become paired as MIl, th e third left jaw form s a si ng le jaw M Ill, a n d in front there a r e sym met ri ca l MIV and symmetrical MV developed usua ll y as single te eth . The patt ern cf jaw apparat us, characteristic of t he Ordovi cian Atrakto prion, seem s to be very conservative, as we find it persistin g a lmost w it ho ut cha ng e in r ec ent Agl'lurides fu lgida a n d other r ec ent prionognatha eu nicids. In the recent fo r ms discu ssed h ere the for ce ps (MI) are n ot so distinctly h ook ed as in Atraktoprion, but ot herwise the number of t he jaws an d th eir arrangement are t he same. Al so t he carriers of Atrakto pr ion are pair ed , lo n g, fi liform, as is .cha ra cteristic of r ecent prionognaths. Th e u npaired ventr a l pie ce in t he carrier s, occurring in m ost rece nt pr ion ogn at h a fo r m s, could hardly hav e been pr eserv ed to gethe r in fossi l a pparat us es in case it existed t here. NEW O RDOV ICIAN G E N ER A OF POLYC H A E T E JAW APPARATUSES 301 Cr - A B pr ionognat ha a pparatuse s: Diagr a mm atic sketches of recent and fo ssil A A gl au ri d es f u lg ida (Sav igny), r ecent ; B Atr aktoprion corn u t u s n. gen.7'··n. sp. Ordovician Fig. 3. - Cr ca r r-ie rs. Bp b asal plate . M I · MV particu lar maxillary plates. righ t and left. 302 ZOFI A KIEL AN- J A WOROWS KA Comparison ot labidognatha and prionoqnatha types If one agrees wit h th e int er pretation of some r ecen t prionognatha apparatuses suggested above, it appears t hat the differences between t he prionognatha and labidognatha apparatuses a r e smaller t ha n was generally believed. The m ain difference concerns the lack of the basal plate in r ecent labidognatha forms , which occurred in Palaeozoic re presentatives of this line, but disappeared more recen tly. In prionognatha forms, at least in some of t he m discussed h ere, t he basal plate persisted until the pres ent da y. The secon d difference concerns the fact that the fo r ceps (MI) in recent labidognatha for ms are smooth, whereas they are denticulated in prionognatha forms. This ho wever was not the cas e in fossil forms, where in the labidognatha type MI are denticulated as well, but no t so distinctly hooked as in fossil prionognath a for ms. Otherwise, generally (exc ept th e Lumbrineridae) in both types MI and MIl a r e paired, MIll single left , MIV paired and MV if present a re also pai r ed and develop ed as single t eeth. On e sh ould however m enti on that in bo th types m odi ficat ions of the a bove desc ribed gener al patt erns, concerning the lack or the appeara nce of addi tio na l jaws a r e ofte n found . Ot h er ty pes As has already been mentioned above, t he Dor vill eid ae are characterized by jaw apparatuses unique withi n the Eunicea an d, in the pr esent writer's opinio n, they sho ul d be exclu ded from the pr ionognatha type. In the collection elaborated by the writer, are n u mero us , so far un descri be d jaw ap paratuses, similar to those occurring in recent D orvillea P ar fitt. Neither Mochty ella Kielan-Jaworowska and Vistulella K iel an-Jawcrowska , nor Xanioprion n. gen. h er e descr ib ed, could be re cor de d withi n lab id ogn atha or prio nognatha types (cf. text-fig. 4 on p. 320). Th ese new types of ja w apparat uses, as well as t hose of t he Dorvilleidae w ill be discussed in det ail in t he fort hcoming paper, and n ew names for t heir types of a pparat uses will be coin ed . When describing the genera Vistul,ella and Moch t y ella , t he pr esent writer (1961) n umber ed their jaws by Arabic instead of Rom a n num erals, in order to avoid suggestions on the homology with t he la bidognatha and prionognatha types. The same method is adopted in the present paper with regard to the Xanioprion n . gen., as a discussion on homology of these new, so far poorly known types, requires m or e detailed comparative studies and the elaboration of the whole materi al from the writer's collection. NEW ORDOVICIAN GENERA OF P OLYCHAETE JAW APPARATUSES 303 DESCRIP TIONS Super fam il y Eunicea Gen us Atraktoprion n. gen. Type spec ies : Atraktoprion cornutus n. sp. Occur r enc e: Or dov ician erratic boulders of Poland. Der i vation of name: Gr . atraktos - arrow, prion - saw , on account of the arrow-like carriers. Diagnosis. - As ymmetrical jaw apparatus of prionognatha type . Car r iers pair ed, filiform. Basal plate pr esent , subtrian gular, usuall y wider t han long. MI with strong, cur ved hooks , MI r igh t with a bight alo ng t he post er ior bor der, corresponding to the place fo r t he basal plate. MIl symmetrica l, with long (t r .), transverse sha nk. MIll sing le , left 2 , either subtriangular or w it h transverse shank. MIV subtr iangular plat es with up to 3 denticl es or single teeth. MV if p r esent - single teeth . MIl - MV p rovided with lar ge attach ment lam ellae. Pulp cavity of MI slightly enclosed, in t he remaining jaws gaped. Imperfectl y known par agnathes or small plates in fro nt of MV. Mandibles, preserved in one specimen with smooth anterior edges, provided with a se micircular reticulated surface on the ventral si de of the transverse branch forming a circle together with the semicircular surface of the opposite mandible. Discu ssion. - Atraktoprion n. gen. here described is r epresented in the author's collection by six or so sp eci es, m ost of wh ich have to remain for the time being undescribed. -Th e sp ecies recognized by the a uthor differ mostly in the shape and arrangement of t he anterior jaws (MIl - MV), and only in some of them MI are al so char acteristic of a species . Oft en two species differing distinctl y in sh ape of MIl - MV , have MI almost identically shaped. Th erefore, when isolated MI right a nd left of A traktoprion usually allow an identification at the generi c level on ly . Al so the assem blages composed of MI , MIl, basal pl at e an d the carriers, are usually hardly enough to allow a spe cifi c identification. In addition to A. cornutus n . sp . - a type sp eci es, the presen t author describes here an asse m blage r ecorded as Atraktoprion sp. a, as it is so far the only as sem bla ge of this genus in the a uthor 's collection, in which the mandibles a r e preserved. A traktoprion is th e only fossil ap pa r at us of prionognatha t ype which is known in a ll details and well defined . Amon g fossi l appar at use s described so far, only Ildraite s Eller, 1936, fro m the Up per Devo nian of New York, seems to be of prionognatha type . Ild raite s is 2 T he re is some eviden ce that in one so fa r undescri bed sp ecies of Atr ak- toprion MIll is p aired. 304 ZO FI A K IELA N-J A WO RO WS KA howev er poorly kn own a nd r econstruc ted by Ell er (1936 , p l. 11) so that a m or e det ailed com parison is im possible . With regar d to the detached jaws, the car r iers describ ed by Eisenack (1939) as Ort ho pelta mucronata Eisenack and O. syncli nalis Eisenack are arro w-like, fili form, simila r to those in Atrakto prion . Sim ilarl y sha pe d carriers a re ch ar act er istic of numerou s recent prionogna t ha gener a an d it seems evide nt that in prionognat ha fo r ms t h ey can not be regarde d as a feature ch a r act er istic at ge ne r ic level. One can state that th e car riers of Orthop elta m uc ronata a nd O. synclinalis are of prion ognatha ty pe, b ut one cannot be sure whet her they are con ge ne r ic with Atrakto prio n . Numer ous detach ed MI sim ilar to t hose of Atrakto prion were describ ed by va r ious a uthor s as diff er ent spe cies of the ge ne ra Arabellites Hinde, Protarabellit es Stau ff er a nd Ild rait es Ell er , and the detach ed MIl as L eodicites Ell er a n d Eunicit es Ehl er s (Hinde, 1879 , 1880, 1882 ; Ell er, 1934 , 1935, 1943 , 1945, 1955, 1961 ; Stauffer, 1939 ; Syl vest er , 1959 ; S eid el , 1959 ; Walliser , 1960). Simila rl y , as in the case of the ca r ri ers , one ca n state that MI a nd MIl above cited are ~f pri on ogn a tha type, but one ca nnot sta te with a ny cert ain t y wh et her so me of t he m a r e congener ic with Atra kto prio n . Comparison s with Skalenopri on n. ge n. - see p. 307/308. Atraktoprion cor nutus n . sp. (pl . I ; text- fig. 3B) Ty pe sp eci men: E n t ir e , slightly depre ssed jaw a p parat us fig ured on p l. L No . O. 400 /1. T y p e h ori zon an d l ocality : P ro bably low e r m ost part of t he U pp er O r dov icia n cor r es p on d ing to the R akve r e stage (E) of E sto n ia n division . Errat ic boulder f ound in Mo ch ty , W arsaw d istr ict. D er i vat i on of name: L a t. corn u - hor n , co r nu t u s - prov ided w ith horn s, on account of large , ho rn-like den ti cle s in M Il - M IV. Diagnosis. - Basal plate subtriangula r, wider tha n long, wit h a base directed transversel y. Hook in Ml right occupying 1/ 3 of the jaw length, in Ml left - a little more. MIll single. MIl - MIV with large, transverse sha nks, convex anteriorly and with the first denticles hook-like, distinctly larger and 3-4 times longer than the r emaining ones. Pulp cavities in MIl - MlV op en. MV single t eeth. Denticles fo rmula: 7? Basal pl a te 1 +6 1 +8 Ml 1 +5 1+ 5 MIl MIll 1 +3 1 l (or 2?) MIV 1 1 MV NE W O RDOV I CIAN G EN ER A OF P O L YCHAETE JA W APPA RATUSES 305 Mat erial. - Type spe cimen o n ly, bein g t he enti re ja w a pparat us comp osed of th e carri ers, par tl y brok en off and fastened obliquel y a lo ng t he dorsal side of the left MI, ba sal plate, r ight and left : MI a n d MIl , single left: MIll, ri ght an d left : MIV a n d MV. In front of MV there a re some indistinct t races of th e a n ter ior teet h. The ri ght si de of t he a ppa r at us is disp laced for wa rds with r esp ect to t he left. The a ppar atus is slight ly depr essed , the jaws bein g stron gly cemented by a siliceo us m ateria l which cov er s large areas of the ve n tral side . Description. - Carriers, imperfectly preserved, of the p att ern ch a r act eristic of th e genus. Their length seems to exc eed that of th e appa r at us. Basal piate subtriangular, wider than long , with 7(?) denticl es. A very short (long.) interval between the ant erior denticl e and the n ext ones. P ost erior m argin directed transversel y, at right angl es to th e dentary . Ant erior m argin runs from the dentary in an arch convex an ter iorly , then obliquely p ost ero-laterally and then nearly transverse ly, r eaching the po st erior margin at the right angle. Post ero-latera l corner tapers into a narrow (long.), transverse, pointed process. Ml right - h ook occu pies a little more than 1/3 of th e jaw length. 8 denticles or so in the dentary . Outer m argin r uns postero-I at erally to the ro u n ded post erior corner. Bight wi de r t ha n long, its length occupying a bo ut 1/3 that of t he jaw. In vent ra l view belt comparative ly n arrow (tr.), ope n ing oc cu pies more t han half o f the jaw length. Opposite the ant er ior part of t he o pe nin g th e ja w is delicate a n d m or e tr ansparent, in dica ti n g th e presence o f rounded muscle sca r, indistin ct on acco unt of t he coat ing of sil icate. Ml left - hook longer t han in the right ja w, occupyi ng n early half of the ja w length, dentary shor ter (long.) w it h a bout 6 denticles. P ost erior margin transv erse at first, t he n running ant ero-Iaterally , lateral m argin directed po ster o-Iater ally . In ventr al vi ew: opening oc cupies m or e t ha n half of t he ja w length, belt w ide (t r .), narro wing pos terio rly. Muscl e sca r su bcir cu lar, fo ll ow in g the o u tl ine of the o pe n ing in the anter ior part , pr oduced pos teriorly into a t aper in g prolo ngatio n, direct ed post er o-Iat erally . MIl right - se t sq uare sha pe d, provid ed w it h a wi de (lo ng.) and long (tr.) sha n k, fo r m ing an a r ch convex anterio rl y . Length of shan k eq ua l to about 2/3 that of the ja w; 6(?) denticles ex ten ding th e length of jaw, first one hook -like, m ore than 3 t im es longer than r emaining ones. MIl left r ight one. si m ilarly sha pe d, si tuated f ur t her b ackward th an th e MIll , single le ft jaw, w it h a wide (long.) a n d long (tr.) sha n k, n early 2 A cta P alaeonto logica Polonica N r 2- 4 306 ZOFI A K I E L AN- J A WOROW SK A as long (tr.) as the length of th e ja w (long.). 4 denticles, t he first hooklik e, 4 ti mes longer than the la st one. MIV right - sickle shaped jaw, wi t h a large shank, convex anterio rly , as long (tr.) as t he length of t he jaw (long.). One very long, hookli ke denticle, ex ten d ing n early the length of th e jaw, the presence of the second one not certain. MIV lef t - slightly larger t han t h e right o ne, similarly shaped, situated a little further for ward than t h e right one. MV righ t and left - t h in , long teeth, sharply pointed, with large bases, covering somewhat MIV right and left r espectivel y from the dorsal side. Attachment lamellae of MIl - MIV incompletely preserved, produced anteriorly in front of MV into a long cone-like longitudinal projection, on which some poorly known anterior teeth are preserved. Atraktoprion sp. a (pl. II) Typ e h ori zon and l ocality: Middle Ordovician , corresponding to the Kukruse stage (e n ) of Estonian division . Erra tic boulder found in Mochty (pr ov . of Warsaw). Mat erial. - One specimen N o. 0.1 82/1 consisting of carriers, basal plate, MI r ight and le ft, MIl left o n ly, and t he mandibles. Denticles fo r m ula : Basal pl at e 7 MI 1+8 1+8 MIl 6 unkno wn MIll MV unkno wn unknown Descrip tion. - Carriers form two narrow (tr.) arrows , rounded ant eriorly , t apering post eriorly . They are w idest across the r ou n de d ant erior part. L ength of t h e carriers seem s to ex cee d that of t he apparatus. Basal plate is . subtriangular, w ide r t h a n long, with 7 denticles, first o ne being indistinctly larger than the others. Internal , denticulated m argin directed posteriorly, po st erior margin directed at first transversel y , then a ntero- later ally. Ant erior margin directed a t firs t postero-la t er al y , th en forming an a r ch an d directed almost transversely, sligh tly ' a nt ero- Iat er ally. Distal part of the plate much s hor ter (long.) than th e proximal, produced into a narrow (long.) , elon gated (tr.) shank. Ventr al vi ew: belt comparativel y w ide (tr.) ant eriorly , narrowing pos t eri orly , its lateral margin forming an arch surrounding the large opening, oc cu pying th e rem ai n ing part of th e ja w. MI right - h ook occupies abo ut 1/ 3 of the jaw length, 8 denticles, the fi rst o ne situated w it hin the bas e of the hook, sma ller than the o t hers. Next 7 denticles arranged in a longitudinal row , sharply pointed, NEW ORDOVIC IAN GENERA OF POLYCHAETE J AW APPARATUS ES 307 diminish ing in siz e post er iorl y. Ou ter margin direct ed poster o-lat er al ly. P ostero-la ter al corner ro u n de d. Bigh t wider t han long, occ upying less t ha n one third of the jaw length . Ventral view: the opening occu pies a little more than half the jaw length. Opposit e t he anterior pa r t of t he op ening there is a rou nde d, la r ge m uscle scar. MI left - hook a little longer than in t he r ight jaw. 8 sharply pointed denti cles, two post erior bei ng somewhat smaller tha n others. Round wi ng along t he o uter m argin . In ventral view t he op ening occupies abo ut half the jaw length. Oppo site t he a nter ior pa r t of the op ening the re is a la rge, rounded, muscle scar. MIl left - set sq ua re shape d, wit h 6 denticles, t he fi rst of w hich is pr eceptibly larger than the others. Shank di r ected transversel y , at t he distal end ben t somewhat post eri or ly. The i nner margin produced into a lar ge attach me nt lam ell a . The who le ve ntral side occupied by the opening. Mandibl es are in the shape of two set sq uares, touchi ng ea ch other a nt eriorly with t ransverse (shorter) branch es. The length (long.) of the t ransverse ant eri or par t is slig htly m or e than one t hir d of th e mandibl e, t he wi dt h (t r .) ab out t wice as great as t hat of t he longitudinal p ost erior branch. Longitudin al b r anches, dir ect ed post er iorly , r u n su bparal lel to each other, rounde d at the posterior e n ds. Anterior edges a re smooth a nd ro unded. On the ventral side each m andible is provided with a semicircular, reticulated surface, occ upying the m a jor ity of t he transverse br a nch. Th e reticulated surfaces of two m andibl es to uch each other, fo rming a subcircular surface, situated in the middle of the a nterior pa rt. Skaleno prion n.gen. Type specie s: Skalenopr ion alatus n. sp. O ccu r r en ce: Or dovicia n erratic boulders of Poland . D er i v at i on of nam e: Gr. skalenos - uneven , prion - saw, on ac count of the uneven surface of the ri ght MI , provided w ith an add itional rid ge. Diagn osis. - Jaw apparatus of prionognatha type. No basal plate. Righ t MI a compound jaw with a strong curved hook , occ upying half or more of. the jaw length, with a row of denticles (main ridge) a nd a short (long.) additional ridge, smooth or denticulated, par allel to t he main ridge, situated close to it in th e posterior par t of the jaw. L eft MI si ng le jaw of similar outline, but withou t an a dd itional ridge. MIl symmetrical, elongated plate with a very narrow (long.) shank, perpendicular to the dentary. The carriers and MI ll - MV unknown. Discu ssion. - The material is incomplete (MI and MIl only), b ut MI is so well characterized by the presence of an additional ri dge which does not occur in any other k nown recent or fossil ap paratuses of pr io2 • 308 ZOFIA KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA nognatha t ype , that the writer has dec id ed to describe it as belonging to a separate genus. Skalenop rion is cl osely comparable with Atra ktoprion n.gen. h ere described, and differs from it in the lack of the basal plate and consequently in the lack of bight in the posterior margin of MI , which is a compound jaw. T he additional ridge in a compo u nd MI is r egarded here as homologous to the basal plate of Atraktoprion. With regard to the detached jaws in Skalenoprion , it is possible to distinguish onl y right MI with any certainty. When isolated MI left of S k alen opr ion appears similar to that in Atraktoprkm , and n eit h e r this piece, n or the MIl pieces a llo w a fresh identification at generic level. Num er ou s det ached MI right and left of p r ionog n atha type h ave been descri bed by vario us authors, but in no ne of them, ju dg ing fr om t he figures a n d desc r iption , was the additiona l ri dge characteristic of t he right MI in Skalen op rion p rese nt . H owev er in Arabellite s hamilton en sis (Stauffer ), desc ri be d by Sylveste r (1959), t he ri ght MI is provid ed w ith a post ero-lat er al wi n g a nd t here is no bight a lo n g it s p oster ior border. On t he rather in dist in ct photogr aph of t his ja w in dors al view (I.e., p I. 5, fig . 36), t here appea r s a n indistinct t ransverse li n e in th e posterior pa rt of the jaw w hi ch, if it is really pr esent on t he object, could be interpreted as a line of f usion of two jaws. In the descr ipti on the author does not mention its presence, nor t h e presence of any st r uct u r e w hich could be compared with the a dditio nal ridge. T he specimens recorded earlier as A. hamil tonensis (Stauffer, 1939 , Ell er, 1941) r epresent the left MI and could not throw any light on th e question. Anywa y th e apparatus, t o which the ja w in qu estion, figur ed by S ylvester (1959), bel onged , is of prionognatha t yp e, the basal plat e be ing lacking. In this r espect it r es embl es o u r genus S k alen oprion , but without se eing the spe cime n it is impossible to decide whether it was congen eric or n ot . It sho u ld be no ted that the disc ussed Arabellit cs hamiltonensis described by S ta uff er occu r s in the Upper Devonian and L ower Mississippian b eds, much later than Ska len oprion described here. Skale noprion alatus n.sp. (pl. III an d IV) Ty p e speci m en : The spe cimens No. 0.59/1 composed of MI ri ght and left, a n d MIl ri ght an d left, preserved together, fi gured in pl . III . T ype h or i zon and l ocality : Or d ov ician err ati c boulder of unkn own hor izo n , found in Wladyslawowo, provo of G dansk. Derivat ion of nam e: Lat. ala wing, prov id ed with w in gs in the posterola te ral co rners of MI. Diagn osis. - A dditional ri dge in the right MI smooth, occupy ing le ss thar.. 1/3 of the length of th e m ain ridge. Fusion furrow indistinct, NE W OR DOVIC I A N GENERA OF P O L YC H A ETE JAW APPARA TUSES 309 perpendicular to th e main ridge. Distinct notches in the po st erior parts of the exter na l m argins, producing the wings in the postero-lateral corners. MI righ t sti n ct crenulat ions. cles, produced into into the transv erse 12 denticles, MI left - 8-9 denticles an d 2-3 indiMIl symmetrical, elon gated (long.), with 7- 8 dentia sh ort spine at the posterior end, and a n te r ior ly sh ank, at r ight angl es to t he den tary. Mat er ial. Nc. 0.59/1 ty pe spe cimen, descr ib ed above, in w h ich ri ght a n d left sides became separated at the time the drawing w as made; No. 0.159 /3 left MI ; No . 0.159 /3 right MI ; No. 0.159 /4 right MI; No 0.174 /1 r igh t MI ; No. 0.301 /1 r ight MI. D es cr iption. - The ar ran gement of particular jaws is as follows: The m ain r idges of MI ri ght a n d left sit uated o pposite ea ch other, in ch ewing position t hat of the left MI covering the right one somew h at dorsally , an d post eriorly embraced by the right main ridge a n d th e a ddit io na l ri dge . MIl sy m metri ca l, sit uate d bel ow the hooks of MI. M I ri ght - a n elonga te d (lo ng.) com po un d jaw, extendin g fo rwar ds in to a stou t, r ecurved hook . Length of the hook ex cee ds h alf the length of t h e ja w. Al ong t he inner m ar gin a r ow of 12-13 denticles, decreas ing i n size backw ards. First 8 denticles conical , shar p an d larg er than t he pos terior 4- 5, oppos ite t he a ddit iona l r idge , w hi ch are small er , r ou n ded, a n d in some speci mens lac k in g. Addit iona l r idge in dorsal view in distinct, wit h a slope on t he left si de o n ly, t he righ t slo pe being a lmost enti rely fla tten e d. In dorsal v iew it somewhat covers t he m ain ridge. In left si de vi ew it is m or e prominent: a distinct ro u n ded ridge, se pa r ated fr om t he m ain ri dge by a deep furrow. From the anterio r corner of t he a dditiona l ridge th er e r uns t r an sv er sel y through h alf t he jaw w idt h a n indist in ct fa int fu rrow. P ost erior mar gin somew hat irregular, r un ni ng obliq u ely fro m the end of t he m ain ridge antero-laterally . Ext ernal m argin direct ed posteriorly, p rovided in th e po st erior part wi t h a distinct a ng u lar n otch, producing a ch aracteristic wing in th e pos ter o- la tera l corner of the jaw. In v entral view , the o pen ing of th e pulp ca vity occupies less th an half the jaw len gth. Pulp cavit y sim p le, provided with a sha llo w, cu r ved furrow in the post erior part , associat e d with the addit ional ridge. Mu scl e scar r ounded , large. Belt narro w (tr.), bel ow it in the pulp cavity o ne can see a ro w of pits, correspo n ding to the denticles of th e m ain r id ge. . MI left - is n ea r ly th e m irror ima ge of t he right o ne. Main ridge is some wha t sh orter, provided with 8-9 denticles and som e indistinct cr enulation s in t he post erior p art. The m ain difference concerns the lack of an additional ridge in th e left MI. In the place corresponding to th e additional ridge th ere is a distinct, deep longitudinal furrow 310 ZOFIA KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA that becomes shallow anteriorly. In the ch ewing position the additional ridge of the right MI comes into thi s furrow. MIl right - is a longitudinal narrow pl at e, w ith a row of 8 denticles. Th e longitudinal part of t he ja w is produced posteriorly into a spine. In the anterior part the jaw is produced transversely into a shank, at r ight angles to the dentary . Th e sha n k is thin (long). , tapering peripherally . The length (t r .) of the sha nk is less than a half of th e jaw length (long.) . Pulp cavity op en, t he ent ire ventral si de being occupied by the op ening. On th e ve ntra l side one can se e a row of distinct pits, corresponding to th e denticles. MIl left - is almost a mirror image of MIl right, only being a little longer. Th e anterior part of the inner m argins of both jaws are produced into the attachment lamellae which (as preserved in one specimen) are fuse d together. The attachment lamellae are irregular , large, directed perpendicularly to the jaw surface and standing out somewhat a nt er ior ly . Kalloprion n.gen. Typ e speci es: Kall oprion ovalis n .sp . O ccurr enc e: Ordovician erratic boulders of Poland. Derivation of name : G r . kallos - b e autifu l, p r io n - saw. Diagnosis. - Asymmetrical jaw apparatus of labidognatha type. Carriers paired, arrow shaped, in length equal more or less to MI. Basal plate subtriangular, longer than wide. MI with first denticle somewhat stronger than the rest. Large bight along the posterior border of MI right . MIl paired with rounded anterior part, produced ext ernall y into a short shank, directed posteriorly, and internally into an elongated part, provided with a ridge of denticles. MIll single, left, subtriangular with a concave posterior border, provided externally and internally with longitudinally directed short shanks. MIV poorly known with 4-5 denticles. MV - imperfectly known teeth. Discussion. - Kalloprion n .gen. here described, though recorded above as a labidognath, displays some features characteristic of prionognaths, and is in some ways intermediate between these two types. In all known fossil and recent labidognaths, the carriers are comparatively short and wide, in prionognaths - on the contrary - they are arrow-like, elongated. In Kalloprion the carriers are arrow-like but not as long as is usually characteristic of prionognatha type. Otherwise the shape of MI and arrangement of MIl - MIll is more like those in the la bidognaths. Kalloprion n.gen. differs from Polychaetaspis Kozlowski and Polychaetura Kozlowski mostly in having differently shaped carriers and in the shape of MI and the basal plate, which in the new genus are pro- NEW ORDOVICIAN GENER A OF POLYCHAETE J A W APPARATUSES 311 vided with wide, transverse bases, whereas in Polychaetaspis and Polycha etura they taper posteriorly. Moreover the openings of the pulp ca vities in MI of Kalloprion are smaller a n d MIl - MIll are differently sh aped. Lateral teeth characteristic of Polychaetura a n d Pol ychaetaspis h ave not b een found in K alloprion. From Paulinites L ange the new genus differs in h aving t he carriers mo re elon gated, the basal plate larger a n d subtriangular (wh ereas it is subr ectangular in Paulinites), MI differently shaped with the first denticle no t developed as a dist inct hook and larger o pe nin gs of t he pulp cavit y , and in having MIl distinctly smaller and- differently sha p ed. Similar differences concern Kettneraspis Zeb era (see Zeb era, 1935 , and Snajdr, 1951) which is a genus closely relat ed to Paulinites L ange. A comparison with Ramphoprion n .gen, is given on p. 314/315 . With regard to the detached jaws, very few plates similar to those of Kalloprion have so far been described. The carriers described by Eisenack (1939) as Orthopelta navis Eisenack, are somewhat similar to those of Kalloprion , but they have different proportions being comparatively longer with regard to their width, and it is doubtful whether they are congeneric. Protarabellites dub ius Stauffer (Stauffer, 1933) shows similarities to the right MI in Kalloprion, but differs in having the posterior prolongation of the denticulated ridge less thin and not bent outside, as is characteristic of Kalloprion. As the jaw was not figured in ventral view, it is difficult to decide how great are the similarities. The jaws described by Hinde (1879) as Arabellites lunatus and A. cristatus, show some similarities to MIl (right and left) of Kallopr ion, but they are too poorly known to venture an opinion, whether they could be regarded as congeneric. Much the same is true of Leodicites acclivis Eller (Eller, 1943) which shows similarities to the left MIl in Kalloprion. Kalloprion ovalis n .sp, (pl. V-VII) Type sp eci men: Nearly entire apparatus, No. 0.400/15 fi gured on pl . V. Typ e horizon and locality : Probab ly lowermost part of the Upper Ordovician , corresponding to the Rakvere stage (E) of Estonian division. Erratic boulder of Mochty, Warsaw district. Stratigraphic ra nge: Middle Ordovician (Kukruse stag e) - Upper Ordovician (Rakvere stage) . D er i vation of name: Lat. ov ali s - oval, from the su bov al sh ape of MI ri ght and left, when preserved to gether. Diagnosis. - As for the genus. Material. - No. 0.400/15 t ype specimen: carriers, basal plate, MI right and left, MIl right and left, MIll single left, MIV right and left, and imperfectly preserved, uncertain MV; No. 0.400/229 basal plate 312 ZOFIA KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA and MI right; No . 0.366/3 basal plate, MI right a n d left , MIl right and left, MIll left; No. 0.366/43 MI left, MIl left, MIll left ; No . 0.182/39 MI left ; No. 0.182/40 M left. R emark. - In addition to the apparatuses cited above, two assembl ages of Kall oprion were found in th e sample from th e b oulder No. 0.39 8 ; these differ from K. ovalis n .sp. m ostly in the sh a pe o f th e bas al plate, which is narrower and mo r e elo n ga te d than in K .ovalis. It is probable that th e s pe cimens from th e boulder N o. 0.39 3 r epres ent a no ther species of Kalloprion, which w ill be elaborated lat er. D enticl es formula: S as al pl ate 9- 10 1+l C-13 1 + 11- 13 MI 7-10 MIl 9 8-9 MIll MIV 6 4? I? MV I? Description . Carri ers preserved in o ne specime n o n ly (No. 0.400/ 15) a re displaced fr om their n ormal p osi t ion and sit uated o b li quely n earl y perpendicularl y with respect t o the length of th e a p p a r atus. Th ey form two arrows rounded a n ter io rly, tapering posteriorly . Th ey a re widest a cross the a n terior r ounded part. L ength t o m aximal w idth ratio of a single carr ier is about 5.3. On th e d or s al side th ere are in di sti n ct, s u b lon git u d inal thread-like lin es, bent somewhat o u t side . L en gth o f t h e carri ers is m ore o r less eq u a l to that of MI. Basal plat e is s ubt r ia n gu la r, longer t h a n wide, u sually w ith 9 d enticl es, the first o f which is s ligh tly la r ge r than the rest. P osterior bor del' is directed a t first transversely , then anterc-laterally . Anteri or b order directed postero-I aterally , m eeting t h e posteri or b order at the p oste r ior en d o f th e jaw. In one specimen N o. 0.366/3 (d. pl. VI) th e basal plate is so mewhat differently shape d, anterior and po sterior b order s mee ting each other h alf w a y along the jaw. These differences are due to th e fact th at th e di stal, narrow (long.) part , which is thinn er and m ore transparent than the r est of the jaw, m ay b e easil y broken o ff. MI right - is elo n ga t ed longitudinally , 2.5 times longer than wide. First denticl e is so mew h a t stronger th an the r est which are si tuated . behind it without an interval. Most often 12 d enticles d ecreasing in size po st eriorly. B ight so mew h a t longer than wide, o ccu pyin g more than o ne third of the jaw length . Intern al m argin directed posteriorl y, the m ost poste r ior, narrow p a rt of th e jaw, op posite the bight bent posterolat er ally. Ext ernal m argin directed p ostero-laterally, th en posteriorly. Th e m iddl e part of the jaw, behind the first denticle, so m ew h a t concave . Al ong the e x ter n al margin, in the prolongation of the first den ticle, the jaw is slightly inflated, forming an indistinct border, pro- NE W O R DOV IC I AN GENERA OF POLYCHA ETE JA W APPA RATUS ES 313 duced into a short (long.) rounded shan k, in t he postero-lateral corn er. Ventral vie w : th e open ing occu pies 4/5 of the ja w length. Belt na r row, a long it t here run a deep fur row with a ro w of pits. In th e middl e part of the o pe nin g ther e is a s ubtria ng u lar swelling, associa te d w it h the deep ening o n t he dor sal side. A long the external m argin th e wa ll of t he jaw is t h icker. In some s pecimens at t he internal m ar gin a remna nt of a n at t ach m ent la mella is preserved. Ml left - is elongat ed lon gitudin all y , 2.5 times longer tha n wi de. First den ti cle so mewhat la r ger t han t he ot hers. Int ern al m a r gin dir ecte d at first poster ior ly , t h en postero-lat er al ly . A row of about 12 denticl es decreasin g in size posteriorly. P ost er ior m argin dir ect ed a t fi r st tra nsversely, t h en b ent a n d dir ect ed a ntero-latera lly. E x ternal margi n dir ect ed post e ro-lat er ally . Postero-latera l corner situ ated a quarter of t he way a long t he ja w fr om behi n d . In t he posterior part of t he ja w a deep, longitu di na l f urrow, para llel to t h e dent a r y , sit uated cl ose to it , ru nning t hro ug h one t hird of t he ja w lengt h. Ex t ernal bo rder , in t he prolongation of the first denticle, es pe cia lly in t he a nterior part somewhat inflated . Vent ral vi ew : op ening occupies 4/5 of t h e jaw len gt h . P arall el t o the inte rna l m argin , a r ow of pits, corresp ondi ng to th e denticl es, is distinctl y seen . In th e midd le pa rt of the op enin g t her e is a large su bt r ia ngu lar swelling. MIl right - a nte rior part of t h e jaw is subcircular, produced posterior ly into two shanks, internal one longer , directed poste r iorly, with th e r ow of denti cles, and extern al one m u ch sh or t er, dir ect ed som ewha t postero-later a lly. 9 den ticl es, 5 of which ar e lar ger and sha r p, n ext small er an d r ounde d. P ost er ior margin between two shanks concave. Al ong the ant erior a n d ex te r na l m a r gin s, in the prolongati on of t he first denticl e, there r uns a som ewhat swollen bor der , pr oduced into t he ext erna l sha nk. Th e wa ll of t h e jaw b ehind this border is somewhat concave. Ventral vi ew : th e opening occupi es t he m a jorit y of t he ja w, the n ar ro w belt of t he jaw be ing pr es er ved along t he a nterior a n d interior m ar gins. In t he mi ddle of t he ope ning t here is a n inflat ion o n the jaw , associated w it h t he concavity on the dor sal si de. Alo ng th e inter nal m a r gin , a m or e o r less large attach me nt lamella is pr eser v ed. MIl left - is n earl y a m irro r image of MIl right. M Ill lef t - is similar in shape to MIl left , b ut sma ller and wit h shorter (lon g.) sha n k s. Attach ment lamella prese rved. M I V righ t - is im perfectly known, preser ve d in one specimen in abnor ma l posit ion and som ewhat da maged (see pl. V) with about 4 den ticl es . MlV left - sim ila rl y imperfec tl y k no w n, ja w rounde d anter io rly with 6 denticl es, t he first o ne s omewh at longer t han t he ot her, ext erna l m a rg in produced into a short sha nk. 314 ZOFIA KIELA N- J A W O R O W S K A MV righ t - in fro nt of MIV ther e is, pres erved in one sp ecimen only, an imperfectly known tooth which seems to be composed of a single t aperin g to oth, di r ect ed longi tudinally , a nd a tra nsverse , long (tr .) shan k at it s base, sit uate d a t right angles. The tooth is however very poorly kno wn a nd t he a bove desc r ip ti on is tentative only. MV left - only a rem na nt of it is preserved in one specime n, but it is too poo r ly known to be p rop erl y descr ib ed . Anterior t eet h - t he r e is som e evide nce based on the spe cim en . No. 0.400/15 t hat in front of MV th ere wer e some paragn aths, which are t oo poor ly known to be discuss ed. Variation. - The sp ecimens r ecorded by the author wit hi n Kalloprion ovalis n. sp. diff er in some det ails. Th e differences concern mostly th e sh ape of the basal plate (se e p. 312). Mor eov er, MI of t he spe cimen No. 0.366/ 3 differ from the other specimens in having t he first a nd second denticles in both right and left jaws of almo st eq ual siz e, whereas in the remaining specimens the first denticl e is distinctly larger (see pl . VI). Otherwise, the sp ecimen No. 0 .366/3 is almost identical with t he others and it se ems to the present writer that the above cited differences m a y b e r eg a rded as du e to individual va riation . Ramphoprion n. gen. Typ e specie s: R amphoprion elo ngat us n . sp . Occurr enc e: Ordovi ci an erratic b oulde r s of Poland , Ordovician (T r en t on) of Onta r io , Qu ebec and New York, Upper Ordovician of United states (Mirnnesota ). D eri vat ion of name: Gr. ram phos be ak, p ri on - saw , on a ccount of the be ak-like a n ter ior denticle in MI. Diagnosis. - Asymmetrical jaw apparatus of labidognatha type. Carriers very small, short (long.), equal to one third of MI length. Basal plate su btr ia ngu lar, longer than wide. Strong right lateral tooth (left one so far never preserved). MI narrow, elongated jaws with strong first denticles a n d numerous small behind it . Th e op ening occupying less than a half of th e jaw length. MIl paired jaws elongated longitudinally, with rounded anterior part, produced ext er nall y into a short shank and internally into an elongated part with a ridge of d enticles . Left MIl somewhat larger, situated further backwards than right MI. Openings in MIl occupying less than half the length o f the anterior part. MIll single left, distinctly smaller than MIl, a n t er ior margin rounded, posterior concave, opening small. Discussion. - The new genus here described differs from all known fossil labidognatha genera in having very small, short (long.) carriers, and st rongly elongated MI. Similarly shaped carriers occur in Paulinites Lange and Kettnerites Zebera, in Ramphoprion they are however shorter. N EW ORDOVIC IA N GEN ERA OF P O L Y C HAET E JA W A PPAR AT U S E S 315 Moreov er, the basal plate is in the new genus longer, the lateral tooth, lacking in Paulinit es a nd K ettn erite s, is her e present, a nd lastl y MIl are in the new ge n us comparativel y smaller a nd di ff er ently shape d. Ramph oprion diff er s fro m Pol y cha etaspi s Kozlowski and Poly ch aetura K ozlowski in having differ en tl y shaped carriers, ba sal pl at e shorter in comparison w it h the length of MI, and in having pulp cavit y of MI st rongly enclosed, wh erea s in both Polych aetura and Polyehaetaspis the ope nin gs are ver y large, t he pulp cavities being slig h t ly enclose d. The sim il arit ies between Ramphoprion and Pol y ehaetaspi s concern the pr esence o f lateral t eeth. From Kalloprion n. gen. above d esc r ib ed Ra mphoprion n. ge n . diff ers mostly in the sha pe of the carriers and th e basal pl at e, w hich in K ail oprion is comparativel y sho r ter a nd differently shape d, an d in having differently shaped MI, with much smaller openings of th e pulp cavities. MIl and MIll are somewhat similar in both genera, but in Kallopr ion they are distinctly concave on the dorsal side and ventrally provided with much larger openings of the pulp cavities than in Ramphoprion. As Ramphoprion is comparatively poorly known, the assemblage of only one sp eci es being found so far , it is difficult to decide with any certainty what is the range of var iability of particular jaws within this genus. The isolated MI right and left, which could be attributed to Ramphoprion, have be en described a nd figured by vari ou s authors, and they are discussed below. The following list has, however, a tentative character only, showing that some isolated ja ws ar e similar to those in Ramphoprion, without stating with certainty that they are congeneric. Protarcbellites glenwoodensis Stauffer (Stauffer, 1933) may represent left MI of Ramphoprion n .gen., Nereidavus proeurvus Eller (Eller, 1943) - left MI , Oenonites eonterminus Eller (Eller, Lc.) may represent left MI , but as the jaw is figur ed only in side view, it is possible that the similarities are here illusory. longae Eller and L. angustifossus Eller (Eller, 1945) may represent right MI. Lastl y in the same paper Eller described some jaws, recorded by him as belonging to Nereidavus (e.g. N. avinoffil Eller and N. alatus Eller , d. Eller, 1945), which though differing in details, show som e similarities to MI left of Ramphoprion. Ramphoprion elongatus n.sp. (pl. VIII, IX, X; te xt - fi g. 2B) Type sp eci men: The apparatus composed of the carriers, basal pl ate , MI ri ght and left, ri ght lateral tooth, MIl ri ght and le ft , and MIII single, left, No . 0.398/1, figured on pl. VIII. ZOFIA 316 K I E LAN- .JA WOROWS K A T yp e ho ri zo n and loca lit y : Mid dle Ord ov ici a n , co r re s p :mding t o th e K eila stag e (DIll of E st on ia n d iv is ion. Er r a tic b ould e r fou n d in Mocht y , provo of Wa r sa w . D i agn o si s: A s for t h e gen us. D er i vat i on of n a m e: L a t. el o n ga t us - on accou nt of t h e s t rongly elon gate d ML Mat eri al. - No. 0.398 /1 - t ype specimen ; 0.398/2 - bas al plate , MI r ight , a n d rig h t lat er al tooth ; 0.3 98/12 - MI r ight; 0.398/14 - MIl left ; 0.398/ 15 - M I left, strongly depressed. Denti cl es for m u la: Basal pl a t e 13 Ml 24-26 18-20 IVIII 12 ? Mill ? uk nown MIV , MV uknown D escripti on . - Carri er s sm a ll , eq ua l t o a bo u t o ne third the length of MI. Eac h ca r r ier is su bt r ia n gu la r , widest anteriorly, tapering po st- er ior ly, wid th t o len gth r atio bein g ab ou t o ne to four. Carrier s t ouch each o t h er a lo ng t hree quart ers o f th eir length. Ba sal pl at e s u bt ri a n gu la r in o u t lin e , longer tha n w ide , w it h 13 denti cl es o f n e ar ly eq ua l siz e. A nterio r m argin direc t ed at firs t pos ter olaterally, then t ransversely . P osterior m argin short (tr.) di r ec t ed transversel y . Outer m ar gin d ir ec t ed at fi rst (fr om behin d) ant eriorl y , then a n terc - Iater a ly. Prox imal part of th e pl at e mu ch longer (lon g) . than t h e distal o ne, w hich is distinctl y t r ia ng ular . In vent ral vi ew t he b elt is ccmparativ e ly n ar row, wider a n ter io r ly, narro wing posteriorly . L at eral t ooth is a st ro ng t oot h , bent a n ter io r ly , terminating wi t h a sha r p point, eq ua l t o m or e th an o n e third the length o f MI. Open in g at t he base, o ccu pi es a little less than one third of th e t ooth le ngt h . In specim en N o. 0.39 8/1 th e too t h comes close to MI d orsally , its opening bei n g o n the dor sal si de. In sp ecimen No. 0.39 8/2 the t ooth is o u tt u rned , f ast ened t o t he right MI laterally , th e o pen in g being sit uated ventrally , th e point direc t ed o utside . By analogy w it h numerous, so far undescrit e d specimens of P ol y chaetaspis , in which lateral t e eth a re preserved cl ose to MI , with t he op en in gs a rran ge d dorsally, it seems that the po sition of the tooth in s pecim en No. 0.398 /1 is natural. MI right - elo n gate d jaw, bottle sh a ped in d orsal vi ew, a bo u t 3 ti mes longer than wi de , with 18-20 denticles. First denticle d istinctly lar ger t ha n th e ot h er , sit uated ou tside the prol ongation o f the dentary. First 6-7 d enticl es com parat ively s m a ll, increasing in si ze p osteriorly, next 6-8 la rger , conical , dir ected backw ards, m ost p osterior 6-7 d ent icl es sm a ller , decreasing again in siz e posteri orly , rounded. Bight occup ying o ne third o f the jaw length, longer than wide, its anterior border direct ed transv er sely . Outer margin runs from th e first denticle at first posteriorl y , th en postero-Iaterally t o the triangular po stero-lateral NE W O RDOVICIAN GENE RA OF POL YCHAETE J AW APPARATUSES 317 corner, th en transversel y , surrounding the bight an d postero-mediall y to the r ounded en d of the jaw. Th e internal margin r uns at first post eri orly , th en fo r ms an ar ch convex externally and runs poster c -rned ial ly . The maximal width of t he jaw is in fro n t of the bigh t, across th e postero -Iater a l corner. The left slope, steep a n te r ior ly, bec omes fl at t ene d hal f way a long t he ja w, w here t he ja w is at its w idest . The right slope is m od erat el y steep a nterior ly, becomes very steep in front of t he bight a n d a lso opposit e t he bight , where there is a deep su btriang u la r de pressio n in th e dorsal w all of th e ja w . In left later al vie w the jaw is n arr ow, five t imes longer than wi de, fi r st denticle distinctly larger than t he r emaining, dir ected at r ight a ngles to t he length of t h e dentary . The diffe r ences in th e size of dent icles are plainly vi sible in thi s vi ew. In t he middle of th e ja w length, t he p ost erior part of the openin g is vi sible. In right la t eral v ie w, fir st den ticl e is sim ila rly promin ent. Proportio ns ar e like those in th e left vi ew . Posteriorly a large part of th e ope ning is vi sible an d one can se e th at t he v entral side of t he po stero - Iat eral corner, occu pie d by th e op ening, is distinctly convex. In ventral view , m ore th an half of the jaw length is occupie d by the ope nin g. In th e m iddle of th e ope nin g there is a distinct s ubt r iang u lar infla tio n, corresp onding to t he subtri angular dep r ess ion on t he dorsa l side. This swelling is sur ro u n de d on t he right side by a deep longit udin al furro w wi th a row of pits at the bottom, corresp onding to th e dent icl es, a n d on t he left si de by th e o bliq ue ly dir ect ed fur r ow , ru n ni ng from th e m iddle anterior part of t he o pe ni ng to t he en d of the pos terolat eral corner. The an ter ior part of the post er o-l at eral cor ner in front of t he fur row forms a dis ti nct, elongated swelli ng . MI le ft - is bot tle sha pe d in dor sal view, th r ee an d a h alf times lon ger than wid e, w it h abo ut 24 denticles. First den ticl e distinctly larger than t he rest, sit uate d ou ts ide th e prolon ga tion of the de nta ry. As in th e r ig ht ja w, t he den ticl es a re la r gest in t he m iddle of t he jaw , de creasi ng in size both anter iorly a n d post eriorly . The o u ter m argin is directed at first postero -Ia tera lly, th en forms a n arch convex exter nally an d directed post er o-medi all y , t o t he transverse, short p ost erior m ar gin. Th e interior ma r gin runs in t he a nter ior part qu it e cl ose t o t he den t ar y , so that th e anterior part of the r ig ht slope is not visib le in dor sal view, t he n it t urns o utwa r ds and r uns post ero-Iat erally to t he corner, situate d a qu ar ter of the way alo ng the jaw from beh ind, turns o nce m or e an d runs post ero-m edially to t he t ra ns versal poster ior m ar gin. T h e left slope, comparativel y fl att en ed a nter ior ly, bec om es very steep in the po st erior part. The right slope is al so st eep po st e ri orly, where the den ta ry is elevated. From th e posterior margin there runs anteriorly a ve ry deep , distinc t f ur row, si t uated close to the den t ary on its le ft si de, 318 ZOFIA KIEL A N - J AWOROW SKA t hrough a bo ut a quarter of the ja w length. Outside t his furrow, par alle l to it, there is a longitudinal inflation. In both right and left later al vi ews th e jaw is very narrow, first denticle arranged at right angles to th e dentary, denticles well visible. In ventral vi ew the op ening is somewha t shorter (long.) than in MI right, occupying less than half the jaw length. Along the opening, on the left side, there runs a very deep, longitudinal furro w , with deep pits, corresponding to the denticles. MIl left is a jaw rounded anteriorly, with a concave dorsal wall and a row of 12 denticles along the internal margin, de creasing in size posteriorly. In both specimens: No. 0.398/1 (where MIl is preserved in an assemblage) and No. 0.398 /14 (representing detached MIl) the denticles are large and flat , distinctly worn out. The outer margin of the jaw extends into a short, longitudinally directed pointed shank. Posterior m argin, enclosed between the shank and the ridge of denticles, is concave. In ventral view the opening covers the shank, the interior prolongation with pits corresponding to the denticles and one third of the a n ter ior part of the jaw. Along the elongat ed part with pits, a part of the dorsal wall of the jaw is visible on the left side. It is produced into an -irnper fect ly preserved attachment lamella. MIl right - is shaped similarly to MIl left, somewhat shorter (long.). As it is preserved only in an ass emblage (No. 0.398/1) , hidden som ew h at under MI r ight, it is difficult to estim ate the exact number of denticles an d to describe it in det ail. MIll left - is a subtriangular jaw, produced ex te r nally into a short, posterc-laterally directed shank and internally into a short prolonga- . t ion wit h denticles. Its anterior m argin is convex, th e posterior one concave. Th e opening occupies ab out one third or more of the jaw length. As in MIl r ight, the exa ct number of denticles is difficult to as certain. X anioprion n .gen. T y pe species: X an i opri on bor ealis n .sp. O ccurren ce: Ordovician erratic boulders of Pol and. D er i v at i on of n ame: Gr. xanion comb, prion - saw, on accoun t of t he comb - like struct u re of M2. Diagnosis. Nearly sym met r ica l jaw a ppa rat us, consisting of th ree jaws on each side and some im pe r fe ctly kno wn anterior t eeth. Carriers unk nown. Mi elongat ed jaw, arranged internally , M3 in its a n terior prolongation, anteriorly bent outwar ds. M2 narrowly open ja w, parallel to Miand to t he longitudinal part M3, coveri n g them somewhat dorsally, in the a n ter ior pa rt bent outwar ds , following the course of M3. Dis cussion. - Among the fos sil a n d recent eu nicid apparatuses, only Vistul ella Kielan-Jaworowska invites comparison (see fig. 4). NEW OR DOVICI AN GENERA OF POLYCHAETE JAW AP PARATUSES 319 Xanioprion and Vistulella are alike in the presence, in the posterior part of the apparatus, of two parallel jaws on each side, the external one somewhat covering the internal one dorsally. The main difference concerns the fact that the apparatus of Vistulella is strongly asymmetrical, wh ereas it is almost entirely symmetrical in Xanioprion. Th e right side of Xanioprion recalls the right side of Vistulella in the arrangement of Mi , which in both genera are elongated, with open pulp cavities. However M~ is in Xani'oprion much shorter (long.), occupying a half or less of the apparatus, whereas in Vistulella it occupies nearly three quarters of the apparatus. M2 in both forms is similarly sit uat ed, covering Mi somewhat dorsally, however in Xanioprion the denticles of M2 are more distinctly separated from each other, particularly so in the anterior part, whereas in Xanioprion they are very large, each provided with its own pulp cavity. The main differences concern the r emaining jaws, as in Xanioprion in front of Mi there is one jaw, called here M3, situated in the prolongation of MI, whereas in Vistulella there are two jaws in front of Mi, both bent somewhat outside anteriorly , but it would be be yond the scope of the present pa per to discuss wh ether one of them should be regarded as homologous with M3 in Xanioprion. With regard to the left side of Vistulella, the similarities are still clos er. This side in Xanioprion consists of three jaws, but only two in Vis tul.ella . However, in th e pl ace occupied by M 1 and M3 in Xanioprion , Vistulella has an elong at ed jaw, anteriorly bent outwards, very similar in shape a nd ar r an ge ment to M 1 and M3 of Xanioprion, if th ese we r e fu sed together. The a r r a ngem ent of M2 is in both genera id entical. With regard to t he detached jaws, so far described, only Leodicites su blun atus Walliser, from the Ludlovian of the Canadian Arctic A rchipelago shows sim ila r it ies to M3 in Xanioprion. Walliser (1960) , describing Le odicit es sublunatus, compared it wi th several spe cies (see Walliser, 1960, p. 24). All t he jaws cited by him, have a denticula ted ridge, straight or bent somewhat ant eriorl y, in none howev er does the ri dge exten d onto the shank, to the lateral corner of th e jaw. In M 2 of Xanioprion the denticulated ridge follo ws the curvatur e of t he jaw, exten ding as a cr enulat ed ridge to the lateral extrem ity of t he jaw. Judging from the illustration of Leodicites sublunatus (Walliser, 1950, pl. 5, fig. 4 a, b), t he r idge (smooth or sligh t ly crenulat ed) r eaches t he la teral extremity of th e ja w, as is characteristic of Xanioprion. Otherwise, as far as t he wr it er knows, no jaws which could be regar de d as congeneric with particular jaws in ' Xanioprion have ever been described . "" ,-:> o N o ::J ~ ~ t'1 r~ ~ .... ;p $J o :u o $J in ~ ~ /11 r A B Fi g. 4. - Dia gr ammatic sketc hes of th e jaw appa r at us es : A Xan iopr i on borealis n . ge n., n. sp., B V i stu l ell a koz lowskii Kie la n-Jaworow ska . Both species fr om the Or dovi cian errati c bou lders of P ola nd. Anterior jaws on t he ri ght side in V i stul ella not numbered, as their hom ology with those of Xaniopr ion is not cle ar. NEW ORDOVICIAN GENER A OF POLYC HAETE JAW APPARAT USES 321 Xanioprion borealis n. sp. (text-fig. 4; pl. XI , XII , XIII) Ty pe specim en: Th e apparatus No . 0.400/140 fi gured on pl. XI. Type hori zon and locality: Probably lowermost part of the Upper Or dov i- cian, corresponding t o the Rakvere st ag e (E) of Estonian divisio n; e r r at ic boulder found in Mochty, provo of Warsaw. Stratigraphic r an ge: Mi dd le Ordovician (Kukruse st age) - Upper Ordovici an (Rakvere st age). Deri vation of name: La t. bo re a s - north wi nd , boreali s com ing from the north. Diagnosis. - As for the genus. Material. - No . 0.400 /140 - type sp ecimen, consisting of right a n d left MI. M 2 and M 3 , and two left anterior t eeth ; No. 0.142 /2 - t igh t M 2 and M 3 ; No. 400/140 - right M I and M 2 ; No . 0.279 /3 - right M2. Descript ion. - Right side. M I right elongated jaw, tapering post eriorly . Anterior margin d irected transversel y , pulp cavity open. 9-11 sh arp denticles decreasing in siz e posteriorly. Right and left sl opes comparativel y steep . On the left slope th er e a re indistinct furrows , being the prol ongations of the boundaries betw een the denticles, which do not r each the m argin of the jaw. M z right - elon ga ted jaw, compressed lat erally with pulp cavit y nar r owly ope n , consisting of 15-21 small denticles in the p osterior p art and 6 larger teeth anteriorly . Anterior part of jaw, consisting of individual t eeth, which are provided with sep arate pulp cavities , is much wider (tr.) than the posterior. As however, eve n in the detached M 2 , they are a lways preser ved t og ether with the post erior part of the jaw , it seem s r easonable to t he pres ent writ er to describe b oth anterior and poster ior parts tog ether, as one jaw. The posterior part is arranged longitudinally, the anterior one m ay be bent somehow o ut wa r ds, follo wing the bow of M 3 , which covers it p artl y dorsally. In th e dorsal view of the apparatus, the ridge of denticles forms the left margin of the jaw. The particular t eeth of the anterior part of the jaw are distinctl y separated from ea ch ot her, so met imes one partl y cov ering anoth er. First and second t eeth are usuall y small er th an t he third and fourth , which are the largest. N ext two t eeth are smaller again, e spe cia lly the six t h, which is sli ghtly larger than the first denticles of the posterior part of the jaw. The siz e of t eeth in particular jaws may vary . T eeth a re long (tr.) and sharply pointed, each provided with a r ectangular opening into the pulp cavity , arranged laterally , best se en in side v iew . In ventral vi ew a part of the openings is seen. Anteriorly the jaw is produced into a longitudinal, pointed prolongation, running from the base of the first denticle anteriorly. In cross section it is convex dorsally, concave ventrally . The points of the teet h are bent upwards , 3 Acta Pa l aeontologica Polonica Nr 3-4 322 ZOFIA KIELA N-J A WOROWSKA following the right slope of M a. The largest teeth of the anterior part of the jaw are about three times longer (tr.) than the denticles of the posterior part. In the posterior part the denticles are directed transv ersely, their tips being bent posteriorly. On both right and left slopes the boundaries between the denticles are visible and reach the margin of the jaw. The left slope comparatively narrow anteriorly, widens posteriorly, causing the somewhat curved course of the posterior part of the denticulated ridge. The posterior margin of the jaw forms an undenticulated ridge, directed transversely, somewhat postero-rnedially. The right slope is somewhat wider than the left one. At the base of denticles it extends into a thin pellicle, often broken off. Posteriorly this pellicle separates from the jaw as a longitudinal thin ridge, running parallelly to the jaw and following its course in the posterior part, bent postero-medially behind the jaw, reaching the middle posterior point of the apparatus, where M 1 and M 2 right and left meet each other. The pulp cavity in the posterior part of M 2 is best seen in lateral view and is divided into several large pits, associated with particular denticles, fused however into one compound pulp cavity. M 3 right - a jaw in the form of an arch , with a row of 12-16 denticles and with a gaped pulp cavity. The posterior part of the jaw, arranged in the prolongation of Mr, is directed longitudinally; the anterior, subtransversal part forms an arch convex anteriorly, its distal, tapering part being bent postero-Iaterally. The deriticles are compressed laterally and are the largest in the longitudinal part, where they are sharply pointed, directed posteriorly. Anteriorly, the denticles decrease in size somewhat, but in the transversal part they are still comparatively large. Laterally, in the tapering distal part, the denticles decrease in size significantly, forming only more or less distinct crenulations along the ridge. The number of larger denticles varies between 8 and 11, the number of crenulations between 5 and 8. The denticulated ridge divides the jaw between the concave right and convex left slopes. The denticles directed posteriorly overhang the right slope. On the left slope there are furrows forming the prolongations of the boundaries between the denticles. They are more distinct in the longitudinal part of the jaw, where they reach the base of the jaw. In the anterior transversal part they may disappear. Left side - is more or less a mirror image of the right side. In one specimen (No. 0.400/140), where right and left sides are preserved together, there are some differences in the shape of particular teeth and in the number of denticles of right and left M 2 , as well as in the shape of right and left M a. The differences between the right and left sides in this specimen are not, however, greater than between the parti- NEW ORDOVICIA N GENERA OF POLYCHA ETE J AW APPAR ATUS ES 323 cular specimens of the right side, and they r a nge within the individual variation. specimen No. 0.400/140, the differences between the right and left sides are partly due to the state of preservation (e. g. right M 3 is slightly compress ed). Anterior t eeth - in specimen No . O. 400/140 there are two anterior teeth, preserved in front of the left M 3 • Th e first , smaller one, is a jaw consisting of two pointed branches, at right angl es to each other. One shorter is dir ect ed longitudinally, slightly bent and covers M3 dor sall y with its pointed en d. The transversal branch is directed along t he ant erior margin of M3 . Anteriorly a remnant of the attachment lamella is seen. The ventral side is poorly known, as it is covered by t he next tooth. The second to oth is larger than the first one, situated below and in front of it. Its posteriorly directed branch is narrow and curved, touching M3 with its point. Th e transversal branch is subtriangular, dir ect ed transversely, and provided on the ventra l side with the op ening of the pulp cavity. An imperfectly preserved attachment lam ella embraces the anterior edge of the tooth. In Palaeozoolog ical Laboratory of the Poli sh Academy of Sci enc es Warszawa, March 1962 REFERENCES CRONEIS , C. G. 1941. Micropaleontology - past and future . Petrol. Ge ol., B u l L, 25, 7, 1208-1 255, Tulsa . Amer. Assoc . CROSSLAND , C. 1924. Polychaeta of . 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Scolecodonts, Conodonts a nd Vertebrates In : Boucot , Martinsson et ali i, A late Silurian fa u na f r om the Sutherland River Formation , Devon I sl an d, Canad ian Arct ic Arch ip elago . - Bull. C eol. S ur v. Canada, 65, 21- 39, Ottawa. ZEBERA , K. 1935. L es Conodontes et le s Scolecodontes du Barrandien. - Bull. i nt o A cad. Sci. B oMme, 1-8, P r a gue. ZOFI A K IELAN-JA WO RO WS K A NOWE RODZAJE ORDOWICKICH APARATOW SZCZE;KOWYCH WIELOSZCZETOW (ANNEL ID A , POLYCHAETA) Str eszczen i e W roku 1960 au torka przystapila do opra cowywania kolekcji aparat6w szcz ekowych wieloszczet6w z ordowickich gla z6w narzutowych Polski. Czesc tej kolekcji zostala opracowana przez Kozlowskiego (1956), kt6ry opisal 3 ga tu nki, nale zace do rodz aj6w POlychaetaspis K ozlowski Polychaetura Kozlowski, oraz przez Kielan-Jaworowsk q (1961), kt6ra opi sala dwa ga tunk i, nalezace do r odzaj6w Mochtyella Ki elan-J aworowska i Vistulella Kielan-Jaworowska. W roku 1961, op isujac rodzaje Vistulella i' Mochtyella, autorka nadmienila, ze kolekcja apar at6w szczeko w y ch wielosz cze t6w z gla z6w narzutowych , przekazana JeJ do opr acow a n ia przez Profesora Romana Kozlowskiego, obejmuje wiele tysiecy izolowan y ch szczek oraz kilkadziesiat aparat6w szczek ow y ch. Poniewaz oct tego ezasu gla zy narzutowe byly nadal zbierane przez Prof. Koztowskiego, Doc. Urbank a i autorke oraz sys t em aty ezn ie ro zpuszezane w kwasaeh soln ym i oetowym w Zakladzie P aleozoologii PAN w Warszawie , opra cowywana kolekeja wzrosla zn a cznie, tak ze obejmuje on a obecn ie ponad 400 mniej lub bardziej kornpletnyeh ap ar a t6 w szc zek ow y ch wielosz ezet6w. Poniewaz opraeowanie ealej k olekeji musi zaj qc dluzszy okre s cza su , au t or ka zde eyd ow a la sle opublikowac osobno opi sy pieciu nowy ch rodzaj6w, wyro znion ych dotyehe za s w toku bad ail . Wszystkie opi sane tu rodzaje zalie zone sa do nadrodziny Euni ee a. Ustalenie mniej szych jednostek sys t em atyc znye h takieh , j ak rodziny i podrodzrny, w obrebie kopal nych Euni ee a zos t a n ie dokonane p ozniej. Wsrod wyro znionych tu 5 rod zaj6w, dwa : Atraktopri on n. gen. i Skal en opr ion n . gen. sa typu prionognatycznego . Znalezienie ieh jest interesuiace z te go wzgledu , ze prionognatyczne apar aty szcze k ow e nie byly doty ehezas znane w st a n ie kopalnym. Tylko pojedyneze szc zek i, opi sywane pod n azwami rodzajowym i Arabellites Hi nde, Protarab ellites Stauffer i Ildra ites Eller, wydaja sie przed st awiac maxille pierwszej pary (MI) apa r a t6w priono gnaty czny ch . Rodzaj Atraktopri on st a n ow i aparat sz czek ow y, 326 ZOFIA KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA zlozony z dluglch, p ar zysty ch podpor, nieparzys te j p rawej p ly tki bazalne], par zysty ch MI , op atrzon y ch d u zy m i, za gietymi k olca mi prze dn imi, parzysty ch MIl w f or mi e ka t ownicy, n iepar zy ste j lewej MIll , niewielki ch t r 6jkqtny ch p a r zy st ych MIV ora z pa rzys tyc h MV, stanowiacych u opisanego t u Atr aktoprion corn u t u s n.sp. po je dy n cze ze by . J ezli p or ow n ac aparat szczek owy A . corn utu s n. sp. z apar a tem szczekowy rn dz is ie js zyc h wieloszczet6w 0 szczekach prio no gn atyczn y ch taki ch , jak n p. Aglaurides fu lgid a Savi gny, H alla p art henopeia (Delle Ch iaje) i inn ym i (por. f ig. 2), to po do b ienstwo dotyczace liczby , ksztalt u i ukla du po szczeg6lnyc h plytek w aparatach jest tak uderzai ace, ze wydaje sie, iz sa w szelkie p od st awy, a by po sz czeg6ln e szczek i u dz isie jszych prioncgn atycznyc h aparat6w numerowac w spos6 b w yka za n y na fi g. 2. W inte r p retacji tej , pierwsza plytk a szcze k ow a z p r aw e j strony uznana jest za ho mo logiczna p ly tce bazaln ej i n ie jest nu merowana, n atom ia st um ieszczona przed n ia duza pl ytka (dr uga), po do bna ks zta ltem i wielkoscia do pierwszej p lytki z lewej st r on y, u zn an a jes t za M I za p a r e p ierwszej szczek i z lew e j strony. Nastep n ie ot rzyma my u f orm dzisiej szych , podobnie jak u k opal ny ch , parzyste M Il, nieparzys ta MIll or az p arzyste M IV i MV. P r zy je cie t ej inte r p r et a cji p ozw oli na oznaczanie w j edn olity s pos6 b kopalnych i dzis iejszych szczek , i to zar6wno w t yp ie p rionog natycznym , [ak i labidognatycznym , w skazui ac , ze roznice miedzy dzisiejszymi prionognatycznymi i Iabid ogn aty czn ym i apa r atami sa znacznie m ni ej sze , n iz p r zy jmow an o d ot y chczas, i po legaia na zani ku plytki bazalnej u dzisiej szy ch for m lab idogn a t y czn y ch (por. fi g. 3), p lytki, k t 6r a wystepu ie je dn ak u k opaln yc h a parat6 w t ego typu. Sk a l en opr i on n.gen. d rugi z opi sanych w niniejszej p r ac y aparat6w prio no gnatycznych , je st mniej poznany ; n ajbardziej k ompletny ze sp 6l sklada sie z M I prawej i lew ej oraz M Il praw e j i Ie w e j , U r odza j u te go n ie w ystepuje p ly tka bazalna i obie szczek i MI sa prawie sy m et r y czn e, jednak w prawej szc zece M I n a d ole w y st epu je dod a tk ow y rzad za bkow (kt6ry niekiedy , jak n p. u opisanego t u Sk a l en opr i on alatus, m oze bye gla dk i i tworzyc tylko wypukla list ewke). A u t or- ka uwaza , ze dod at k ow y r za d zabkow u Skalenoprion m ozn a uznawac za h om ologiczny plytce bazalnej A t raktop rion i innych aparat6w p rionognatycznych. K a l l opr i on n .gen. i Ramphopri on n . przedstawiaj a aparaty typu lab id o- gnatycznego, K all opr i on , m imo ze za liczony do typu Ia bidogn aty czne go, wykazu je pewne cechy charakterystyczne dla aparat6w prioriognatycznych, mianowicie obecnosc dlu gic h podp6r , zblizonych do tych, [akie wystepuia u kopalnych i dzisiejszych fo rm prionognatycznych . U Kallop rion [ednak podpory te sa stosunkowo kr6tsze i szersze, niz w t ypie prion ognatycznym. P oza tym apa rat te n sk lada sie z p lytki bazalnej , parzystych M I i M Il, po jedyn czej M Ill oraz par zyst y ch , st osunkowo sla bo poznanych MIV i MV. Ramphopr ion prze ::lstawia aparat prionogriatyczny charakteryzujqcy sie obec- noscia bardzo kr6tki ch , tr6jkqtnych podp6r i bardzo dlugich M I. U kla d szczek je st tu typowy dla form Ramphoprion stw ie r dz on a labidognatycznych, Cecha charakterystycznq ro dzaju je st wystepowan ie zeba przez K ozlow sk ie go (1956) lateraln ego , u ktorego Polychaetaspis ob ecnosc warkae zostala K ozl ow sk i. BRYOZOA FROM THE O R D O V I CI A N ERRATIC BOULDERS 327 U P . w arkae zeby lateralne wystepuja syme t ry cznie, umieszczone sk osn ie w przednich czesciach MI , przykrywajac je od strony gr zbie tow ej. U Ramphoprion st w ie r dzono obe cnosc tylko je dnego (prawego) zeba lateralnego , sadzac jednak z podobienstwa do P . warkae m ozna przypuscic, ze i w t ym rodzaju wystepowaly dwa parzyste zeby. Xanioprion n.gen, przed stawia typ budowy aparatu szczekowego k t6r y ni e moze by e zaliczony ani do typu prionognatycznego, ani do labidognatycznego. Zda niem autorki , rowniez i dzisiej szy rodzaj D or v illea P a r fi tt przedstawia typ budowy odmienny, ni z wymienione tu typy, i p owinien bye wyeliminowany z ty - pu prionognatycznego, do kt6rego byl dotychczas zaliczany. Opisuja c rodzaje Mochtyella i Vistulella , K iel a n- J aw or ow sk a (1961) stwierdzilar6wniez, ze ni e m ogq bye one zaliczon e do typu prion ognatycznego , badz lab id ognat ycznego. W materiale opracowywanym przez autorke istnieje w iec e] zblizonych typ6w apa rat6w, k t6 r e zost ana opi san e poznie] i w6 wczas beda utworzon e nazwy dl a typ6w budowy, charakte ryzujqcyc h Xa n i opr i o n i inne w ymienione t u ro dzaje. Rod zaj Xanioprion zbl iza sill najbardziej do rodzaju Vistu l el la, od kt6rego rozn i sill tyrn , ze m a apa rat praw ie ca lk owicie sy metryczny, gdy t ym czasem V i st ulella ch arakteryzu je sill silnie asymetrycznym aparatem szczek owym (po r . fig. 4). Cec h a wspolna obu typ6w aparat6w je st obecnosc dw6ch pod luznych, r6wnoleglych SZCZllk z kazde] st r ony, przy czyrn zewnetrzna przykrywa nieco wewnetrzna od strony gr zbietowe j, oraz zagiecie SZCZllk wewnetrznych w przedniej cze sci aparatu n a zewnatrz, tworzacych charakterystyczne luki. Zdaniem autorki , nie mozna w obecnym sta nie wiedzy przeprowad zic homologii szczek w aparatach Vi stulella czy Xa n ioprion ze szczek ami t ypu prionognatycznego i labidognatycznego. Dlatego te z autorka zastosowala numerowanie SZCZllk u rodzaju Xan ioprion cyframi arabskimi, zamiast rzymskich , przyjetych dl a kopalnych i dzisiej szych a pa rat6w prionognatycznych labidognatycznych, ab y uniknac sug es t ii 0 homologii. OBJASNIENI A DO ILUSTRACJI Fi g. 1 (p. 296) A Atraktoprion, pr aw a MI , od st r ony brz usznej ; B Sk a l en opri on , prawa MI, od st r ony grz biet ow ej; C Atraktopr i on, lew a MIl , od st r ony grzbietowe j; tr kierunek poprzeczny, l ong . k ie r unek podluzny, 1 d lugosc zatoki , w szerokosc zatoki b pa s, ms odci sk mies niowy, mr gl6w ny gr zebien, ar dodatkowy gr zebie n, Fi g. 2 (p. 298) Schematyczne rysunki dzi siej szy ch i kopalnych aparat6w labidognatycznych : A Onuphis eremita Audouin & Milne-Edward s, dzi siej szy ; B Ramphoprion elon gat us n .gen. , n.sp ., ordowicki ; Cr podpory , Bp plytka ba zalna , Lt zab boczny, M I - M V poszcz egol ne szczeki, prawa i lewa (MIV i MV u Ramphopri on nieznane ). Fi g. 3 (p. 301) Schematyczne r ysunki dzi siej szych i kopalnych aparat6w prionognatycznych: A A glau ri d es ful gida (Sav igny) , dzi siej szy ; B Atraktoprion cornutus n.gen., n .sp . 328 ZOFIA KI ELAN-J A WOROWSKA ordowicki ; Cr po dpor y , Bp plytka bazaln a , M I-MV poszczeg61ne szc zek i, prawa i lewa. Fi g. 4 (p. 320) S chematyc zne rysunki aparat6w sz czek owyc h : A Xaniop rion borealis n.gen., n .sp. ; B Vi stul ella ko zl owsk i i K ielan-Jaw orowsk a . Oba rod zaje z ordowickich gla zow n arzutowych Polski. Przednie szczek i z prawej st r ony a p a r a t u u V istu le lla ni e n u m e r ow a n e , gdyz ic h homolo gia ze szcze k a m i u Xanioprion jest niejasna. PI. I h olotyp , No . 00400 /1 , g laz narzutowy z M ocht (w oj. w ars z.), przypuszczalnie wieku g6 rn o- or d ow ick ieg o (p ietro Rakvere). A od stron y g r zbie t ow e j , B od s t r on y brzusznej . Prawie ko mpletny, n ieco splaszczony okaz, kt6rego prawa strona przesunieta je st k u przodowi w st os u n k u d o le w e j . Podpory cze s ci ow o u lamane i przytwierdzone sk os n ie wzd luz grzbie towej strony MI. Stron a brzu szna cze s ciow o pokryta osadem krzemionkowym . A t r ak t o p ri on co rn u t u s n .sp. - PI. II Atr aktoprion sp . a , No . 0.18211, g la z narzutowy z Mo ch t (woj. warsz.) , w iek u srodkowo-ordowickiego (pietro Kukr u se ). A tylna czesc aparatu od st ron y g r zbieto wej , z zachowanym i mand ibulami ; B ten sam okaz od st r on y brzusznej; C le w a strona te goz aparatu (odizolowana p o wykonani u rysun k6w A i B ), w idziana b ardziej z bo k u, w znacznym p owieksze ni u ; D izo lo wana pl ytk a b a zalna te go s a m e go aparatu, od strony grzbietowe j i b rzusznej , w ty rn ze powiekszeni u, co fig. C. P I. II I ho loty p , No . 0.59/1 , g laz n a r zut ow y z Wl a dy sl a wowa (woj. gdansk ie) , n ie zn a ne go w ieku. Oka z ztoz ony z M I i MIl (p rawych le w y ch ), A od st r on y grzbi etowej , B od strony brzuszne j. Skalenoprion ala tus n .sp. - P I. IV Skalenoprion a la t u s n. sp. A lewa M I N o. 0.59/3, g la z narzutowy z Wl a d ysl a - w ow a (w oj . gdanskie), nie zn a ne go wieku ; A I od s tr ony grzb ie to we j, At od s trony brzusznej. B prawa M I , No . 0.174/4, glaz narzutowy z Wyszog rod u - Zak roczy m ia (wo]. warsz.), nieznanego w ieku ; B I od strony g r zbie t ow e], B t z b oku , z lewej str ony, C od strony b r zu s znej , PI. V ho lotyp No . 00400/15 , rme jscowosc I poziom j a k d la pI. I. Prawie k om pletn y okaz, z podporam i um ieszczonym i skosnie i z p rzedn imi s zczek a mi nieco sp la s zczon ym i i r uszonymi z norrnal nego po loze n ia . A od st r on y grzbietowej , B od st r on y brzuszne] , C z b oku , z le w e j str ony, D p r aw a st ro na a paratu (oddzie lona po wyk onani u r y su nk6w A - C), z bo ku z lewej strony ni ece skosnie od strony brzusznej , E le w a M I V t egoz okazu , F' lew a M I ll t egoz okazu. Kallop rion ova lis n .sp , - PI. VI Ka lloprion o val i s n.sp. n ie ko mpletny aparat zlozony z 6 s zcze k , N o. 0.366/3, g la z narzutowy z Zakr oczym ia (wo j. warsz .), wieku srodkowo -ordowickiego ( p i ~ tro Ku k r u se lub Id a v e r e ). A od str on y grzbietowe j, B od strony b rzuszn ej , C z b ok u z prawe j strony , D z boku z le w ej str ony, E i F oddzielone: le w a M I ll i p r awa MIl tego sa m ego aparatu , w znacznym powiekszeniu , w dwu po lozenia ch , P I. VII Kall o pr ion o val is n .sp., A okaz zlozony z 3 szcze k, kt6re rozpad ly si e podczas rysowania ; No . 0.366/43, m ie j s cowos c i poziom jak dla pl. VI. Al od d zielona le w a MIl , od strony grzbietowe] , At oddzielona , n ie co sp laszczo na le w a MIll tegoz okazu , A a oddzielona lewa M I tego z ok azu , z prawej strony z bok u , lewa s tr ona NEW ORDOVICIAN GENERA OF POLYCH AETE JA W APPA RA TUSES 329 szcze k i .n ie co ul amana ; B prawa MI z plytka bazalna, od st r ony gr zb iet ow e j, przednia cze sc M I u lama n a i zagi eta : No. 0.400/229, miejscowosc i poziom - jak dla pI. I ; C lewa MI , widziana z czterech st r on, No. 0.182/39 , poziom i miejscow osc - j ak dla pI. II. PI. VIII n.sp . holotyp, prawie kompletny ok az , zlozony z podp6r i 6 szczek, No . 0.39811 , glaz narzutowy z Mocht (w oj. warsz.), wieku sr od ko w o- or do w ic ki ego (pi etro Keil a) . P o:lpory, przesu ni ete ku przo:low i, przyk r ywaja n ieco lewa MI i pl ytke bazalna od st r on y gr zb ie t owe], przednia CZE; SC pl ytki b az al nej i przed nia cze sc prawej MI nieco pokryte osadem krzemionkowym, A ad st r ony gr zbiet ow e], B z baku z lewej st r ony, C ad st ron y brzusz nej , D z baku z prawej st rony. Ramphopr i on elongatus PI. IX Ramphoprion el ongatus n. sp. , prawa MI , No . 0.398/12, poziom i m ie jscow osc jak dl a pl. VIII. A od strony gr zb iet ow e j, B ad strony brzu sznej , C z prawe j st r on y z bo ku , D z lewej st ro n y z bo k u . PI. X Ramphoprion elo ngatus n. sp., poziom i mieiscowosc - jak dla p l. VIII. A l lewa MIl - od st r ony grzb ie to w ej, A 2 t en sa m oka z od str on y brzuszn ej , No.0.398/14 ; B zesp6 1, ztozony z praw ej M I , plytki baz al ne j i ze ba bocznego, kt6r y zostal w yruszony ze sw ego norrnalnego potozenia, B I od st ro ny grzbiet owe j , B 2 ad strony br zus zne j; No. 0.398/2. PI. XI holotyp, zlozony z 6 szczek , No. 0.400/140, m ie jjak dla pl . I. A od st r on y grzbi etowej , B ad st r ony b r zu szn e j. Xanioprion borealis n.sp. - sc ow osc i poziom - PI. XII Xan ioprion borealis n. sp ., Al prawa M2 i M;I od st r on y gr zb iet ow ej, A2 ten sam okaz 0:1 str on y b rzusznej, No. 0.142/2, glaz narzutowy z Wyszogrodu - Za kroczym ia (wei . warsz.), wieku srodkowo-ordowickiego (pietro Kukr use); B I od d zie lon a p rawa M 2 - od st r on y gr zb iet ow e], B2 tenze okaz ad st r on y brzusznej (ni eco z bo ku), No . 0.379/3, gla z narzutowy z Mocht (woj . w arsz.), wiek glazu nieznany. PI. XII I Xaniopr i on bo realis n. sp. , okaz zlozony z prawej M2 i M 3 , No. 0.400/ 145, rrue jsc ow osc i poziom - jak dla pl . I; A od strony brzusznej , B z bo k u z lewej st ro - ny , C od st ro ny gr zb ie t ow e j. Skroty u zywan e na rysunkac h p la ns z Cr pod po ry , M I-MV p oszczeg6lne szczek i aparat6w w t ypie prion ogn a ty cznym lab ido gn atycznym M j-M;I po szczeg6lne szczek i aparatu u Xaniop rion boreali s n.sp. r prawy, I lewy, Bp ply tk a bazalna , pc jama mi ekisz owa, Md mandibule, al blaszka laczaca, ar dodatkowy gr zeb ieri, at przedni za b, It boczny zab, ZOFI A 330 KI EL A N-J A WORO W SK A 3 0<Z> H H KEJI H H - H B O P O B C K A HOBhIE PO,lJ;hI OP,lJ;OBJ1KCKJ1X qEJIIOCTHhIX AIIfIAPATOB MHOrOI.IJ;ETH HKOBhIX KOJIhqElJ,OB P e:n O.lle B 1960 r oziy a a r o p npacrynnn K x e.nroc'rmsrx 06pa6oT Ke K OJI JI eK I..\H H armaparon MHOrOll..\eTMHKOBhI X K OJIb q el..\OB H3 0 Pl\ORHK CK H X B a JIyHoB IIOJIhWK q~CTb :HOt'! I{QJIJIeKI..\MH o6pa6oTaHa npodi . K03JIOBCKHM P olycha.etal'pis K p0J.\ a M (1961) , p OB CK Ofi KOTop aH Ki elan-Jaworowska V ist ulella M OnJICaJIa V istulella M ochtyella , (1956) , }I.B a 811J.\a y nox rn ny,n , MHOrOll..\eTHHK OBhIX K OJIb'I CI..\0 B , rtep ezmmra n 3aK JI IO qaeT MHoro TbICR q OT HoCR lI..\HeCR 'ITO 3 BHJ.\a OT H OCR lI..\MeCH K u zl o w s k i , a T aKJKe K e JIRH-H B O- K OJIJI eKl..\l1H eti: J.\JI H K 1961 Ki elan-Jaworo wska. B a B T Op H K OTOpbIti: On H Ca JI P o1y cha et ura K o zl o w ski H p OJIa M M ochtyella r ozty , onHCbIBaR pOP,h I qeJIIOCT H b iX a n nap a ro n o6pa6oT KM n porp , K 0 3JI OBCKH M, IB OJJHpOB a HHbiX qCJIIOC Teti: H HeCK OJIbKO J.\e CHTKOB 'ICJIIOCT- r: HbiX a rma p a r o a. BBHJ.\y r oro, ' ITO aa n y a st o r oro RpeMeH H n OJ.\BepraJIMCb n ansneti- urexiy cfiopy np ocp. K 03JIOB CKHM, J.\0l..\. Yp 6 flHKOM H a B TopOM, 11 p a cr aopemno B c ormH o fi H yKCy CHO ti: K HCJI OT a X B OTJIeJICH HI1 II flJl e 0 3 0 0 JIO rHH IIOJIb CK o i'i B Bapuraae, J.\epJKJl T 0 6 paoaTbIBae:vra H K OJlJIPKI..\ IUI ClIJIbHO Y BeJI H q11 .lIaCb cns nue 400 60JI ee H JI H Mcuee n OJI H biX qCJIIOCTHbi X K OBblX K OJIbqel..\OB . J1 MeR B B lIJ.\Y, 'ITO ofipa fior x a np0J.\OJlJKHTeJlbHOrO Bpe M eHH , a B TO p a srzten enasrx H OBbl X P0J.\OB, B ce 6 0Jle e onncaaasre MeJl K MX 5 P 0J.\OB, J.\B a - THq eCKOr O T OJlbKO H a x oznca or n em.n s re He MX -r emo c r u , Hind e , Protarab ellites CHJlJlbi n epsoa n ap st (MI) B c c fI K OJI Jl eKI..\ HH n orpe fiy er oOJl e c HU .llC eMei1c TBY TUKHX, Skalen opr i on nnr epe c n a ,l\O CH X B B H J.\Y nop ormc sra aeaare Stauffer H K aK 6Y.lleT COBeplUeHO n . ge n. H 6bI JI H K ennuau E uriicea , Atraktopri on a n napar sr Ildrait es n03J.\Hee. J1 3 n . g en . Toro , H3BeCTH b i n on n e p e ,l\HMMH 60JIb WHX TyT umrraxra, napm-rx MIl n . sp . J1 (D e lle C h iaje) COCTOR HM H. Arabell ites A tra kt opri on n apnsrx M a Knpezt - nozmopo x, n erta p- CH a OJK e H H bl X 60JIb lIlHMH 3a r H Y TbIM H rrenoa napnsrx MV, n p en r-r anrrmount x MIll, HC- y onaca anoro n .s p , OT,l\eJlhHblE' :1y 6 b I. E CJll.1 cpaBHH T b ' l E'.lIIOCTH hlC ann a - coapeuemrsrx lIH IO r Oll..\e TlI H K o B h I X J1 npy rux ( CM . cj:mr . K OJIb'lCI..\0B IIaU a T O CX O;:lCT BO B OT How e H HH ' IHCJIa , CTOJIb IlOp a 3 YlT e Jl b H O, ornem.nsrx -reruocrea a rm ap a r ax c nocofiosr llp vlB e A e llH biM n a C n p YlOH O- Sa vig ny , Agla u ri des fu lgida 2), cP OP M bi H p a cn OJl OJK e HH R OTJ.\e JlbH b i X nJiaCTHHOK B a rm a para x 'ITO HMelOT CH a c e OCHO BamUl }I.JIff Hy;'vlepal..\I1H 'leJiIOCTHb i X n pHOH Or H a T H q eCKH C H CK ona e M OM P0,l\OB bIMH H W3Ba H MRMH rHa TH'leCKYlMYl q e Jl lO ('TRMlI T aKHX, KaK n a npusrep pa rt h enopeia BbIJ.\eJleHHbIX ryT B BYl :je n ayrom.amca, nenapnou 11 n o .n.c e M e ti:cTB il , Elle r , n p e ,l\CT a B JIR IOT n OBJ1J.\11M OM Y n ap n sr x MI r p eyron sm.rx n apnsrx IVn V A t r aktop rion corn ur us 'ITO B Y CT aHOB Jl e Hy.e H RBJlRIOTCR npaoaorua- npHOHOrHaTH'le CK HX a r maparos . P OJ.\ 6a3a JIb Hoti: n Ji a CTHHKI1 , parer A . co rnutus E u nice a . c eMeti:cTBa CT aBJIHeT q eJIIOCT HbIti: a nrra p ar, C O CTO ~1I \M i1 113 J.\JIHHHbIX , HOti: rr paaon CO- MHoroweTHU - p e WHJI o n y6J1HKoBaTb OT J.\eJl b HO On HCa H l1e n RTH cr necom.r CMCT eMaTIl'lC'CKHX THn a. 'leJiIOCTHbi e annap aros H a yx cea-ra c noxa BO BpeMH o6pa6oTKH. TyT P 0J.\b I B npene n ax H CKonaeM b l X AK a J.\eIllHH TaK , 'ITO q, H r . B COBpe M e HHb l X 2. Cor rra cn o T aKo fi MHTe p - N EW ORDOVICIAN GEN ER A OF POLYCHAETE J A W 331 AP P AR ATUSES n pera u a a , n epa aa 'leJIIOCT HaR n JIa CTM HK a C npa a o ii CT OpOH bl npasnaaa K a K r OM OJIOrI1- a y xrepoa ana, x ecxaa Oa3a JIbHOH n JIaCTMHKe M H e a p acnonoxceuaa a an epe na OOJIblllaH ( a r opaa) n JI a CTMHKa , CXOl\HaH n o rp o p xr e H BeJIM'lMHe C n e pBOI1 n JIaCTMHKOI1 C JIeBOI1 MI - CTOpOHb l , p aC ClIJa TpMBa eTCH K a K P OHb!. Y r .e . K aK n apa n epao tr COBpeMeHHblX ¢ OP M lJOJIy'1l1M cx 'leJIlOCT M c rreaon COOTHOllleHHH, K aK y n apnsre MIl, nena payro M Ill M rt ap n sr e M I V M MV . IIp MHH T Ife TaKoH n03BOJI MT 0 003 Ha'laT b 'le JIIO CTM, T aK Ol\H MM M T e lll n p Mo H OrHaTH'leCKOrO cnocofiost m e K aK M CTO - nc aonaesu. rx M Hl'epnpeTa ~1ll1 coepeveu ns re M MCKO na eMbIe rrm a , n ox a asr s a a , JIaOl-ll\OrHaTM'le CK OrO 'lT O pa3JIM'l MH Meml\Y COB p e M eHHblM M lJ p MOH OrHaTM 'leCKM M lI 11 JIa OIfAO rHa TM'leCKMIIlM an n a p a rasm r op a ano M eHblllMe , 'leM 3TO Ob lJIO n pMHHTO C'lMTaTb no CMX n o p. P a 3 JIH'lMH 3TM 3a KJI IO'laIOTCH (CM . ¢Mr. 3) B JIaOMlIOrH aTM'leCKI1X ncxortaesnsrx Oa 3 aJIbH0l1 nJIaCTMHKM , K OTopaH MM e e T CH Ol\HaKO B cPOp M a rma pa - aroro TMn a . Ta x Skalen oprion COCTOMT M3 on n ca mr s rx n. g en. _.- B TO p OH M3 TM'leCKMX armaparoa , n OJIHhI H COCT a B a coapesrenasrx MC'le3H OB eHMM y B H a CT oHll1e M TpYl\e npaonorn a- H CI13B CCTHblH ; B o oe 'leJIlOCTM MI prion alatus, HBJIH eTCH r JIa llKM M If l\00a B04 H b ll1 p Hl\ 3YO'lI1KOB Atr akt oprion n rr a crmnce K a ll opr ion n . gen . M c aojrcraa ofipaayer Ra m ph opri on H aJIM'l Me lIJIMHHblX non nopox naxo- Skalen o- K aK r Oll\ OJIOrM'l H bl l1 Oa 3 a JIh H Oii armaparoa, n , gen . n peACTa BJI P'IOT a rm a p a ms t n a tinn orua- 113 y n o M HHyTbl X x a paxr epn s re onacanno r o T yT asmyxn yro nJIa H O'lKy . ABT Op C'!MTaeT, MO >!t H O T OJIKOB aTh M ll PYQ~ n p1101l0rU aTl-1'le CKI1 X T M'leCKOrO TM na, X OTH nep na a aexo rops re MI nO'lTM CI1MMeTpM'lHbl, Ol\HaKO BHM3Y npaao ji 'leJIJOCTI1 l\I1TCH l\06aBO'lHblii: pHl\ 3YO'l MKOB , K OTOphl11 MHorAa , KaK y 'lTO ofipaaua x Hal16 0JI e e nOJIHblX rrpaasrx M JIeBblX MI M MIl. Y sroro p ona H eT 6 a3aJIbH0l1 nJI a CTMHKM, l\JI ~ cPOP M oO Hapy mMBaeT Ol\HO B peMeHH O npI10HOrHa1'l1'leCKMX OJIlI3KI1Y. T eM, KaKMe MMelOTcn y MeHHblX npMOHor HaTM 4eCKH X ¢ Op lll . O ,!\I Ia K O Y K aHopri on a n napar o a , M~leHH O a MCKon aeMbl X M COBpe- nozmop xn :l 1'M OTH OCH T e JIb - HO x opo x e 11 umpe . ' Je M 9 npJ10HOrI-laTM '!CCKOM TMn e . KpOM C Toro, 31'01' a rma par CTOMT M3 Oa3aJI b H0l1 n JI a CTlIHKM, cpaB Hl1 TeJI b HO CJIaOO M3Y'leHHhI X Ramph opr i on CyTcTBMeM O'leH b MI napnsr x MI V M M MIl, ellMHM'l Hoi1 MIll M MV . n p el\CTa B JI H e T npMOHOrHa TH 'leCKI1i1 annapar, OTJIWlalOll1MHCH n p uK Op OTKl1X rpeyrom. ua rx nozmopox 11 o-rem, lIJII1HHh l X MI. Pacrro- JI OmeH l1e 'l eJIIOCTe H Tl1nl1 'IHOe l\JIH cPOPM JIaOH l\OrHa T I1'leCKl1 X . X apaKTepHOH p ona Ra mp hopri on H B JIHeTCR yCTa HO B JIeHO K 0 3 .'l oB CKI1 M narepamsn s re 'laCTHX 'l l1 e MI, TOJIbKO P. UJa rkae :ly6 bl npacyrcrna e n arepa msnoro (1956) y Polycha eta sp i s warka e asrcryn aror CMM ~.tCTPI1'lHO, KOCO n p axpsma a I1X co cmHlHOH CTOpOH b !. Ol\HOrO (npaaoro) JIaT epaJIbHOrO MomHO nonycrrrrr., 'ITO M X an iop r i on CO- rrapmsix. Y ay fia, K o zl o w ski. p ac n o zroxc enasre Y Ramphorion 3yoa . H a JII1 'll1 e C Y A il -r e p r on xoroporo Y P . w ark ac B n e p enanx y CT a H OB JI CH O Ha.'lI1 - O,!\Ha KO no llOllOOMIO na sroro poaa I1MeJIMCb zma napnsrx 3 y 6a. n . g en . npt',!!,CTa B JI HeT TIm CTpOeHI1H 'ieJIIOCTHOr o a n rra p a ra, KOTOpb!l1 He 1II0meT Ob l Tb OT Hec e H HI1 K np I10 H OrHL!TI1'leCKoMy. H H K JIaOMl\OrH<:lTI1'leCK OlllY 1'l1 n y . ITo lIIHCUl110 a a ro p a, ra xace M COBp e M eHHblH P Oll D orv illea Parfitt lIp ellCTaBJIHeT MHO ri Tl1n c rpoenna, qeM yxa a n s nue. 11 non xcen OblTb I1CKJIlO'leH 113 U pI10HOrHaTM'leCKOrO nma . K xcroposry ero n o cnx n op npH'lI1CJIH JIM . O n n csta a a p o rns r M ochtyella ZOFIA 332 KIELA N-J A WOROWSKA (1961) YCTa Ho BuJla TO:lKe, 'ITO U 3TU cPOPMbl He srorvr npnonor-narrrvecxoxry U.'1I1 Jla6UAorHaTI1'Ie CKOMY Tuny. B 0 6paGa- U V i stu [ella ,KemlH-flBopoBcK a UbITb OTHece HbI K TbI Ba ellI OM a BTo pOM Ma TepU<lJle U ~l e (,T CH o OJl~ mee 'lUCJlO arm aparoa nOA06Horo rnna . K OTOpbIX o n ncaa a e 6YAeT 1I. aHo AJIH Tun OB crpo eaaa p. 6Y .T\yu~ellI, cnoncme nno ro U TorAa 6YAYT YCTa HoB Jle Hb i Ha 3BaHUH X a n i opr i on n epe-racnenasm U llPyrl1M TyT V is t ul ella , 01' x orop oro p OAa M. P OA Xan i o p r i on 60 JIee pccro npH6J1 u :lKaeT CH K P O}:lY OTJII1'l a eTCH r esr, <ITO ero a n n a p ar n O'lTI1 n OJlH OCTblO CI1MMeTpU'lHbIH, B TO Bp e ~IH K aK y V ist ulella 'leJlIOCTHb l l1 a n napar n OJlHOCTblQ a CUMIIICTPI1'lHb li1 (cp. cPl1r . 4) . 06ll.\l1M '::Boi1cTBOIII a n naparoa OOOUX Timo n HE.TlHCTCH a amr-nre ,11By X npon onsm.rx n apanrr ernsHblX 'leJllQcTei1 C K a:lKAOH CTOpOHh l , npn 'leM uapyxcaa a npmcpsmaer HeCKOJlbKO BHyTpCHHlO1O CO cnl1HHoi1 CTOpOHbl , a rarox e u3rl16 a apyxcy B p a ra BHyTpeHHI1X IT o MHeHUIO nepennek xac'rn anna - -rernoc retl, 06pa 3YI{)U\I1X xapaxrepnsre nyrn. aaropa, npn COBpellI eHH OM COCTOHHI1U nponccru rOMOJlOrl11O -remocren B ann aparax 3Ha HUH, HeT B03MO:lKHOCTlI Vistulella 11.1111 Xanioprion 11 xenrocrea npI10HOrHaTI1'leCKOrO 11 Jl a611J:\orHRTI1<le cKoro Tl1na. IT O::JTOMy TO aBTOp. BO 113Uen~aHl1e BHymeHI1H 0 rO:\IO.'JOrHI1, npl1l1I eHI1J1 0603I1a<!eHI1C 'leJlIOCTel1 Y porta Xanioprion apafi - CKI1MI1 l:(l1cPpaMI1 BlIIeCTO PllMCKI1X, npHHHTbl X AJIH I1CKOnaClIIblX 11 con p eueaasrx n p n oHOrHaTI1'leCKI1X H Jla6I1AOrHUTI1'leCKI1X armaparoa, PLATES Abbrevi ations u sed: Cr carriers MI - MV particular jaws of the apparatuse s in labido gnatha and prionognatha types M, - M 3 particular jaws of the appa ra tus in Xani opr ion borealis n. sp. r ri ght I left Bp ba sal pl at e p c pulp cavity Md mandibles a l a tta chmen t lamella ar additional rid ge at anterior tooth It lateral to oth PI. I Atraktoprion cor n ut us n. sp . Type spe cim en , No. 0.400!1, e rratic boulder from Mochty (prov. of Warsaw), probably of Upper Ordovician a ge (Rakvere stage) . Nearly entire , sligh tl y depressed specimen, with right side mooved forward with regard to the left one. Carriers partly broken off and fa stened obliquely alo n g the dorsal side of MI. Ventral side partly covered by siliceous m aterial. A dorsal view, B ventral view. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA. VOL . VII Z. KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA. PL . /1Vr /1JVr MJVI / 1101- PC _ nlr ~ /1/1 Bp -------- MI I PC \ " )~ cr ~ '-': O,2 mm A B I ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA P O L O N I CA. VOL . VII z. KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA . PL . II P I. II Atrak topr io n sp. a Specimen No. 0.182/1, e rratic boulder from Mochty (pr ov. of Warsaw) , of Middle Ordovician age (Kukruse stage): A po sterior part of the apparatus, in dorsal view, preserving the mandibles, B the same, in ventral view, C lef t side of t he same apparatus (isolated when the drawings A and B were made), in mo re lateral view, in greater enlargement, D isolated basal pl ate of the ap pa ra t us in dorsal and ventral views, the same enlargement as fi g. C. P I. III Ska l eno pr i on al at us n. sp . Spe cim en No. O. 59/ 1, errati c boulder f ro m Wl a dy sl awowo (pr ov . of G dansk ), of unknown a ge. Type sp ecim en con si sting of MI and MIl (both ri gh t and left) A dorsal v iew, B ventral v ie w . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA , VOL . VII Z. KIEL AN-JAWOROWSK A . PL . III ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA . VOL . VII or Z. KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA, PL . IV PI. I V Skalenoprion alatus n. sp. A spe cime n No. O. 59/3, erratic boulder from Wladysl awowo (prov. of Gdansk ), of u n k n ow n age A i left M I , in dorsal view, A 2 the B same, in ventral v iew, r igh t MI , No . O. 174/4, erratic boulder from Wy szo gr6d- Zakroczym (prov. of Warsaw) , of u n k n ow n age, B 1 in dorsal view, B 2 in left side view, B 3 in ventral v iew . 4 Ac t a P al a e ont ol ogic a Polonica N r 3- 4 PI. V K alloprion ovalis n . sp. Type specimen No. 0.400/15, e r r ati c boulder fr om Mochty (p r ov . of Warsaw) , probably of Upper Ordovi cian ag e (Rakvere st ag e ). Nearly entire sp e cim en with carriers preserved obliquely an d an te r ior j aws somew h at compressed a nd removed from t heir n atu ral po sition B dorsal v iew, the sam e, ventral view, C the sa m e , in left side v iew , A D right sid e of the apparatus (is ola te d when the drawin gs A-C were made) in left si de, somewhat ventral v iew, E F isolated MIV left of the sa m e sp ecim e n, isol a ted MIll left of the sa m e s pecim en . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA . VOL. VII Z. KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA . PL . u w o V ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA , VOL. VII Z . KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA . PL . VI nUll E c A aI (, ' al __ < I /., (1 11/1 pC F Bp 1'1lt DC B D P I. VI Kallopr ion oval is n . sp. Incomplete apparatus con sisting of six jaws, No. 0.366/3, erratic boulder from Zakroczym (prov. of Warsaw) , of Mid dle Ordovician age (Kukruse stage or Idavere stage ) A the as semblage in dorsal view, B the sa m e, in ventral view, C the same, in ri ght side view, D the same , in left side view, E, F isolated MIll left and MIl r ight of the sa me apparatus in greater enlarge ment, in two views. 4' PI. VII Kallopr i on ov al is n. sp , A in complete appa ratus con sisting of three jaws isolated dur in g the drawin g ; A1 No . 0.366/3, erratic bo ulder from Z ak r oczym (prov. of Warsaw) , of Middle Or dovician a ge (K ukruse stage or Id av er e st ag e) isolated left M Il in dorsal view, A 2 isolated , som ew h at compressed left MIll of th e sa m e s pe cim en, A 3 isolated left MI of the sam e specimen , in ri ght sid e v iew, left slope of the jaw som ew h a t broken off, Bright MI with basa l plate , in dorsal v iew, a n t er ior part of M I partly broken off ; No . 0.400/229, errati c boulder fr om Mo chty (prov. of Warsaw), probably of Upper Or dov icia n age (Rakvere sta ge), C isolated left M I in four views ; No. 0.182{39, erratic boulder fr om Mo chty (prov. of Wa r saw ), of lVI idd le Ordovi ci an ag e (Kuk ruse st ag e) ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA . VOL . VII z. KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA . PL . VII I Bp T pc B ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL . VII Z . KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA , PL . VIII o u PI. VIII Ramphoprion elongatus n . sp. T ype specimen, consisting of the carriers a nd six jaws; No. 0.398/1, erratic boulder from Mochty (prov. of Warsaw), of Middle Ordovician age (Keila stage) . The carriers are moved forward , covering MI left and basal plate somewhat dorsally, anterior part of the ba sal plate and anterior part of the right MI are covered somewhat by a siliceous material A dorsal view, B left side view, C ventral view, D right side view. PI. IX Ramphopri on elong at u s n . s p. Isolated ri ght MI ; No. 0.398/12 , erratic boulder from Mochty (prov. of Warsaw) , of Middle Ordovician age (Keila stage) A dorsal view, B ventral view, C ri gh t side view, D left si de view. ACT A PALAEONTOLOGICA P O L ONI C A. VOL . VII Z. KIELAN- J A WOROWSKA . PL . IX o u « PI. XI Xan iopr ion bo real is n. sp. T y pe s peci m en, consisting of . six jaw s ; No . 0.400{140, errat ic boulder f r om Mochty (prov. of Warsaw ), probably of Upper Ordovici a n age (R ak v er e stage) A do r sal view, B ven tral v ie w . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA, VOL . VII Z. KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA , PL . XI « ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA , VOL . VII t Z . KIELAN- J A WOROWSKA . PL. XII PI. XII Xaniopr i on borealis n. sp. Specimen No. 0.142 /2 , erratic boulder from Wyszo gr6d-Zakroczym (pr ov . of Warsa w ), of Middle Ordovician age (Kukruse stag e) A l ri ght M2 and M3, in dorsal view, A 2 the same, in ventral view. Sp eci men No . .0.279{3, errati c boulder f rom Mochty (prov. of Warsaw) , age of the boulder unknown B I isolated ri ght M 2 , in dorsal view, B 2 the sam e, in ventral view (som ew hat laterally) . PI. XIII Xanioprion borealis n. sp. Right M2 and M3; No . O. 400/145 , erratic boulder from Mochty (prov. of Warsaw), probably of Upper Or d ov icia n age (Rakvere stage) A ventral view, B left side view, C dorsal view. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA . VOL . VII Z . KIELAN-J A WOROWSKA, PL. XIII u
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