Curriculum Vitae - Westminster College

Fatima Mujčinović, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
English, Gender Studies
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
Phone: (801) 832-2370
Fax: (801) 832-3102
Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of California at Santa Barbara
M.A. English Studies, Case Western Reserve University
B.A. English and Spanish (double major), Bluffton College
U.S. Minority Literatures
Modern U.S. Literature
Modern Latin American Literature
Theories of Feminism/Gender, Multiculturalism, and Postcolonialism
Literary Translation
Full Professor, Westminster College (2012-present)
Associate Professor, Westminster C. (2006-2012)
Assistant Professor of English, Westminster C. (2001-2006)
Chair of English, Westminster C. (2008-2010)
Chair of Gender Studies, Westminster C. (2005-2008)
Peer Reviewer for MELUS, Journal of Puerto Rican Studies, Latino Studies (2001-present)
Associate Instructor, Women’s Studies Department, UC Santa Barbara (2000-01)
Research Fellow, Rockefeller Border Studies Project, UCSB (2000)
Associate Instructor, Latino/a Studies Department, UCSB (1999-2000)
Graduate Student Peer Advisor, UCSB (1999-01)
Member, Project Crossroads: Integrating Diversity into the Curriculum, UCSB (1997-98)
Instructor of Ethnic Studies, Upward Bound Program, UCSB (1997-98)
Teaching Assistant, Comparative Literature and Spanish Departments, UCSB (1997-99)
Participant, Summer Seminar in Mexican Literature, Arizona State University (1996)
Participant, Summer Seminar in Composition and Rhetoric, Arizona State University (1995)
TEACHING EXPERIENCE at Westminster College
GNDR100: Introduction to Gender Studies
GNDR300: Human Trafficking (cross-listed with JUST, SOC, GLOB)
ENGL098: Introduction to Writing
ENGL110: College Composition and Research
ENGL110LC: Composition and Research, A Learning Community (w/ ECON and ANTH)
ENGL220: Introduction to Literature
ENGL220WS: Modern American Lit for Westminster Scholars
ENGL221: Textual Analysis
ENGL242: Survey of British and American Lit. after 1660
ENGL269: Introduction to Literary Studies
ENGL300: Theories of Sexuality (cross-listed with GNDR)
ENGL300: US Minority Literature (cross-listed with GNDR)
ENGL300: Theories of Multiculturalism (cross-listed with GNDR)
ENGL300: Feminist Theory (cross-listed with GNDR)
ENGL300: Magical Realism (cross-listed with HONR and SPAN)
ENGL300: Modern Argentine Literature (May Term trip, cross-listed with SPAN)
ENGL300: European Literature and Culture (May Term trip, cross-listed with SPAN)
ENGL330: Survey of Cultural Theories (cross-listed with GNDR)
ENGL331: The History and Structure of the English Language
ENGL339: Postcolonial Theory and Literature (cross-listed with GLOB)
ENGL348: British Modernism
ENGL352: American Realism and Modernism
ENGL353: American Literature after 1945
ENGL353: Latino/a Literature
ENGL356: U.S. Minority Literature
ENGL361: World Literature in Translation (cross-listed with SPAN)
ENGL403: Caribbean American Literature (senior seminar)
ENGL403: African American Literature (senior seminar)
Member, Promotion Advisory Committee (2014-present)
Affiliated Faculty, Gender Studies Program (2001-present)
Faculty Advisor, English Senior Thesis Projects (2001-present)
Faculty Advisor, English and Gender Studies Directed Studies (2002-present)
Faculty Advisor, English and Gender Studies Majors and Minors (2002-present)
Faculty Advisor, Undergraduate Research Projects (2011-present)
Panel Facilitator, Undergraduate Research Fair (2003-present)
Member, Faculty Search Committees (2002-present)
Affiliated Faculty, Westminster Scholars Program (2011-2015)
Member, Promotion Standards Committee (2012-2014)
Member, Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (2012-2013)
Member, Undergraduate Research Discussion Group (2010-12)
Chair, English Department (2008-2010)
Member, Diversity Dialogues Discussion Group (2007-08)
Member, Faculty Affairs Committee (2006-2008)
Chair, Gender Studies Program (2005-08)
Co-Coordinator, English Adjunct Faculty (2005-06)
Faculty Advisor, Honors Summer Research Grants (2005)
Member, Faculty Senate (2003-06)
Member, McNair Scholarship Selection Committee (2003-2006)
Faculty Mentor, McNair Scholars Program (2003-2006)
Member, McNair Grant-Writing Group (2002-03)
Member, College Curriculum Committee (2002-03)
“Genre Syncretism in Ana Castillo’s So Far from God.” XVII International Congress of
Hispanic Literature. Merida, Mexico, March 9-12, 2016.
“Reimaging Space and Self in Contemporary Caribbean Literature.” 38th Annual Conference
of the UK Society for Caribbean Studies, University of Glasgow. Scotland, July 2-5, 2014.
“Reworking Nature and Culture: Ethnographic Parody in Latina Literature.” 44th Annual
Conference of the College English Association. Savannah, Georgia, April 4-6, 2013.
“Racial Geopolitics and Violence in Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven.” 36th Annual
Conference of the UK Society for Caribbean Studies, University of Oxford. England, July 3-6,
Keynote Speaker, “US Latino/a Literature: Writing from the Margins, Mapping New
Identities.” Confutati 2012: An Interdisciplinary Symposium, University of Utah. Salt Lake
City, April 12-14, 2012.
“Claiming the Continent: Jose Marti’s Anti-Colonial Imperative.” The Twelfth International
Conference on Caribbean Literature. Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba. November 1-7,
Chair, “Edwige Danticat and Earl Lovelace: The Political Implications of Poetics.” The
Twelfth International Conference on Caribbean Literature. Casa de las Americas, Havana,
Cuba. November 1-7, 2011.
“Revisions of the American Dream in US Latina Literature.” 42nd Annual Conference of the
College English Association. St. Petersburg, Florida, March 31-April 2, 2011.
“Edwige Danticat’s The Farming of Bones: Countering Linguistic and Epistemic Violence.”
The Eleventh International Caribbean Conference. University of the West Indies, Port of
Spain. Trinidad, November 3-6, 2010.
Chair, “Fractured Histories, Healing Narratives.” The Eleventh International Caribbean
Conference. University of the West Indies, Port of Spain. Trinidad, November 3-6, 2010.
“Demetria Martinez’s Mother Tongue: A Testimonial Voice of Protest and Resistance.” 41st
Annual Conference of the College English Association. San Antonio, Texas, March 25-28,
“The Primacy of Male Homosociality and Heterosexuality in A Streetcar Named Desire.” The
2009 National American Culture Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana, April 811, 2009.
“The Motorcycle Diaries: Individual and Communal Discoveries.” VII International Congress
of Hispanic Literature. Cuzco, Peru, March 2-6, 2008.
“Judith Ortiz Cofer’s Silent Dancing: Recreating the Past through Diasporic Storytelling.”
The Ninth International Conference on Caribbean Literature. Castries, St. Lucia, November
7-9, 2007.
“Ortiz, Kingston, and Cisneros: Marginal Voices and Hybrid Literacies.” 20th Annual MELUS
Conference. Florida Atlantic University. Boca Raton, Florida, April 27-30, 2006.
Chair, “Navigating the Mainland and the Margins.” 20th Annual MELUS Conference. Florida
Atlantic University. Boca Raton, Florida, April 27-30, 2006.
"Getting Home Alive: Creating a Feminist Cross-National Consciousness." The Sixth
International Conference on Caribbean Literature. University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix.
U.S. Virgin Islands, November 3-6, 2004.
"Negotiations of Diasporic Identity in Julia Alvarez's Novels." Mid-American Conference on
Hispanic Literature. University of Colorado, Boulder. October 2-4, 2003.
“The Mixquiahuala Letters: A Postmodern Feminist Literacy.” Rebellious Reading: The
Dynamics of Chicano/a Cultural Literacy Conference. University of California at Santa
Barbara. May 17-19, 2002.
Chair, “Laughing Matters: Play and Resistance in Chicana/o Culture.” Rebellious Reading:
The Dynamics of Chicano/a Cultural Literacy Conference. University of California at Santa
Barbara. May 17-19, 2002.
“Teaching Latino/a Literature across Ethnic Boundaries: Class Pedagogy and the
Challenges of Identity Politics.” 16th Annual MELUS Conference (Pedagogy, Praxis, and
Politics: Multiethnic Literature in US Education). University of Washington. Seattle, April
12-15, 2002.
“The Problematics of Exile in Julia Alvarez’s How The García Girls Lost Their Accents.” The
Third International Conference on Caribbean Literature. La Universidad Catolica, Ponce.
Puerto Rico, November, 1-3, 2000.
"Articulations of Exile in U.S. Latina Literature.” The Dissertation Fellows and Scholars
Colloquium. University of California at Santa Barbara. May 9, 2000.
“Geopoliticized Identities: Entering the Public Space.” The Conference on Women and
Development. University of California at Santa Barbara, May 5, 2000.
Keynote Panelist, “Cross-Cultural Practices and Political Alliances in The Mixquiahuala
Letters.” Latinos 2000: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Millennium. Dartmouth College.
Hanover, New Hampshire, February 3-6, 2000.
“Dialogism in Dreaming in Cuban.” The Second International Conference on Caribbean
Literature. Bermuda College. Bermuda, November 3-5, 1999.
“Strategic Hybridity as a Method of Female Resistance and Emancipation.” Global Justice /
Women’s Rights: The Ninth Annual Women’s Studies Conference. Southern Connecticut
University. New Haven, October 1-3, 1999.
“Cultural Hybridity in Latina Narratives.” Dissertation Projects on Latino/a Literature: An
Annual Presentation. Chicano Center, University of California at Santa Barbara. November,
Melina Kameric. “Select Vignettes from Shoes for the Oscars.” Translation from the Bosnian.
Metamorphoses: A Journal of Literary Translation (Spring 2015): 16-21.
“Self-Expression and World-Expression: Critical Multicultural Literacy in Maxine Hong
Kingston and Sandra Cisneros.” The CEA Critic 76.1 (Spring 2014): 98-113.
Pedja Kojovic. “Select Poems.” Translation from the Bosnian. Absinthe: New European
Writing (Spring 2011): 42-47.
"The Mixquiahuala Letters: A Postmodern Feminist Literacy." Rebellious Readings. Ed. Carl
Gutierrez-Jones. USCB Chicano Center, Spring 2007. 61-75.
Postmodern Cross-Culturalism and Politicization in U.S. Latina Literature. New York: Peter
Lang, 2004.
Irfan Horozovic, "The Dagger Store." Translation from the Bosnian. Absinthe: New European
Writing (Fall 2004): 81-87.
"Multiple Configurations of Exile in Latina Literature: Confronting Exilic Absence and
Trauma." MELUS 28.4 (Winter 2003): 167-186.
“In Search of Bernabé: Politicized Motherhood.” Ethnic Studies Review 13.1 (Winter 2002):
Karim Zaimovic, “The Secret of Raspberry Jam.” Translation from the Bosnian.
Metamorphoses: A Journal of Literary Translation (Fall 2001): 288-300.
“Hybrid Latina Identities: Critical Positioning In-Between Two Cultures.” Journal of Puerto
Rican Studies 13.1 (Spring 2001): 45-59.
Vasko Popa. “Seduciendo las rocas.” Translation from the Serbo-Croatian. Ventana Abierta:
Revista Latina 3.9 (Fall 2000): 70.
Jorge Luis Borges. “Prologue to Cemetiere Marin.” Translation from the Spanish (coauthored with Pablo Brescia). Bulletin des Etudes Valeryennes (March 2000): 21-25.
“Cross-Cultural Practices and Political Alliances in The Mixquiahuala Letters.” Latinos 2000:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Millennium. Conference Proceedings. Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, February 2000.
“Culture Clash: A Reader.” Project Crossroads: Integrating Diversity into the Curriculum,
UCSB Publishing, 1997.
“Gabriela Mistral’s Unpublished Poems.” Translation from the Spanish. Grand Street
Magazine 61 (Summer 1997): 247-248.
Francisco Baldó. “Shadows.” Translation from the Spanish. Amics de la poesia (Fall 1995):
Gore Individual Summer Research Grant, Westminster College (2013)
Gore Course Release Grant, Westminster College (2012)
Merit Leave, Westminster College (2008)
Gore Individual Summer Research Grant, Westminster College (2005)
Gore Individual Summer Research Grant, Westminster College (2003)
Professional travel awards, Westminster College (2002-present)
Dissertation Fellowship, Latino/a Studies, UC Santa Barbara (1999/00)
Graduate student travel awards, UC Santa Barbara (1999-2001)
Regents Fellowship from the University of California (1996/97)
Academic Fellowship from the College of Arts and Sciences, Case Western University
George Soros Grant (1994-98)
President’s Fellowship, Bluffton College (1994)
Best Scholar in Spanish, Bluffton College (1994)
Honorary Society Pi Delta
Honorary Society C. Henry Smith
Modern Language Association
College English Association
Society for Caribbean Studies
MELUS (The Multiethnic Literature of the US)
International Writers and Artists Association