RespirationPhysiology(1979)n, 16l-172 @ Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press A STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE HUMAN TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY T.T. SOONGT,P. NICOLAIDEST,C.P. YUr and S.C. SOONG2 I Facuhyof Engineeringand Applied Scimces,Stote University of New York at Buffalo, Buffato, NY 14214 and2 WittiamsvitleEastHigh School,E. Amherst,NY 1405t,U.S.A. Abstrect.Most physiologicalstudieswhich makeuseof lung geometryhave utilizedaveragedeterministic modelsof the tracheobronchialtree geometry,suchas Weibel's Model A (1963).However, as shown by morphometric studies, it is well known that there are significant inter-subject and intra-subject variabilitiesin the structuralcomponentsof the human lung. Hence, inherent inaccuraciesexist when deterministicdimensionsfor lung geometryare used.In this paper, a statisticaldescriptionof the lung geometryispresented, Using Weibel'sModel A asthe underlyingaveragemodel,probability distributions for the lengthsand the diametersof ainrays and for the number and volume of alveoli are proposed basedon morphometric data. As a check for consistency,the probability distribution of the functional residualcapacity is derived from thoseassociatedwith airways and alveoli and it is comparedwith reporteddata. Resultsof this comparisonare favorable,suggestingthat the statisticaldescriptionpresentedherein representsa selfconsistentmodel for lung geometrywhich can be used for studiesof problemsrelated to pulmonary physiology. Airways Lung Alveolar volume Functional residualcapacity Lung volume Morphometry An accurateknowledge of themorphometryof the respiratorytract is of fundamental importancein the studyof a wide spectrumof problemsin pulmonary physiology, rangingfrom generalanatomicinterestin the tracheobronchialtree itself to particle depositionand gasdiffusionproblemsin the lung. The first carefulmorphometric studyof the humanlung was caried out by Weibel (1963),which was followed by numerousstudiesin order to establishan accurategeometricmodel for the tree structure.More recently,Lfr extensivelung morphometry tracheobronchial studywasundertakenby Raabeet ol. (i976), which presentsthe most extensive Acceptedfor publication 20 Febrwry 1979 l 6l t62 T.T. SOONG er al measurements to date of the lung geometryfrom the tracheadown to and including the tersrinalbronchiolesfiorhurnanand other rnammalianspecies. It is clear from thesemorphometric studiesthat great inter-subjectvariabilities exist in the geometric descipcion of the tracheobronchial tree. Furthermore, variabilities of dimensionsand branchingsamong individual airway branchesand alveoli in a gven zubjectprecludethe constructionof a simple yet accurate lung model.Hence,to adcrpta simplemodelsuchaslVeibel's23-generation model(1963), variationsof geometriesof individual airwayswithin eachgenefirtionare significant and a quantitativedescriptionof the variationsis helpful towardsconstructng a more realistichacheobronchialtree structure. Basedupon availablemeasurements, this paper presentsa statisticaldescription of thehumantrachrcbronchialtree.Probabilitydistributiors of airwaysand alveoli are presented,which in turn iead to a probabilistic descriptionof the functional residualcapacity (FRC). The FRC distribution is shown to be consistentwith availableFRC measurements. These distributions are formulatedon the basis that Weibel's model of the human lung with dichotomy providesan adequate averagestructure. Weibel'sModel for fluman Tracheobronchial Tree The tracheobronchialtree(Model A) derivedby Weibel (1963)basedupon careful anatomic measurements has been widely used by hcalth physiciststo represent the overalltree geometryof an averageadult human lung. It is also usedhere as the basic averagemodel upon which the statistical descriptionis based. This averagemodelassumesthat the respiratorytract is partitioned into 23 generations of dichotomousbranchingsfrom thetracheato thelast order of terminalbronchioles. ln orderto describetherespiratorytract in a statisticalframework,it is noteworthy to discussthe principalcomponentsof the treegeometryas'givenby Weibel'smodel. Beginningat the trachea(generation0) there are23 generationsof aimvayswhose averagelengths,diameters,areas,and volumesare modelledby empiricalequations. The modelalso predictsthe averagenumberof alveoli adheredto eachof the last sevenairwaygenerations. Weibel'sanatomic measurements consistedof those from a singleplastic cast of largerainrays and histologicalsectionsfrom smallerones.Thesesectionswere inflated to the equivalentexpansionof 4800cm3lung volume of 314total lung capacity(TLC) ascitedby Weibeland Gomez(1962)and Weibel(1963).The dead spaceand alveolar ductsa@ountfor approximatelyll3 of the total lung volume with the remainingvolume due to the alveolarair spaces.The linear dimensions of the airways,the voluo6, and the numberof alveoli for eachgenerationas grven by Weibel'sModel A are summarizedin table l. 163 HUMAN TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY TABLE I Dimensions of Weibel'sModelA Generation Number of branches Diameter (cm) Length (cm) Volume (cm3) 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 il I 2 4 8 t6 32 64 t28 256 512 1024 2W &96 8192 16384 32768 65536 13t072 262rU 524288 1M8576 2097t52 4t94n4 8388608 1.800 t.220 0,830 0.560 0.450 0.350 0.280 0.8a 0.186 0.154 0.t30 0.t09 0.095 0.082 o,o74 0.066 0.060 0.054 0.050 0.047 0.045 0,043 0.041 0.041 12.0w 4.760 1.900 0.760 r.270 t.070 0.900 0.760 0.640 0.5/m 0.460 0.390 30.500 n.250 3.970 t.520 3.&0 3.300 3.53 3.8s 4.45 5.t7 6.21 7.56 9.82 t2.45 t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t7 t8 19 20 2l 22 23 o$a 0.270 0.230 0.200 0.165 0.141 0.n7 0.099 0.083 0.070 0.05e 0.050 rc.q 2t.70 29.70 4t.80 6t.10 93.20 r 39.50 224.30 350.00 59t.00 Number of alveoti(105) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2A 60 2lo 4t5 840 t430 Strrrtural Distributions PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS OFAIRWAYS UsingWeibel'sModel A as the basicstructure,the first major task in establishing a probabilisticmodelfor eachgenerationof ainrays is to estimatefrom available morphometricmeasurements sorneof the statisticalparametersof eachdistribution. FiguresI and 2 presentestimatesof olp, the coefficientof variation (ratio of standarddeviationto mean),of diametersand lengthsof ainvaysas functionsof aiway generation on thebasisof datasetsdueto Weibel(1963),Raabeet al. (1976), Jesseph andMerendino(1957),Parkeret al. (1971),andHansenandAmpaya(1975). Oncethe meanvaluesfor the generationdiametersand lengthsare givenin table l, the respective standarddeviationsinay be easilye,alculated from the ratios. In the presentanalysis,the numberof airways per generationare not varied from the dichotomyof Weibel'smodel. t& T.T. SOONG er aL ! llm.ctl€?s| O &itlglr(l$7l g o-7 -9 0.6 € L ^ct > 05 b C' ItO or C' eoz Fig. l- Coefftcientsof variation for 23 generationsof airway diameter: data and curve fit. I t - C' b s rts G' .ll b o G' (, + Fig' 2. Coellicients of variation for 23 generationsof ainvay length: data and curve fit. In addition to the meanvaluesand standarddeviations,probability dis6ibutions of airwaydiametersand lengthsfor eachgeneratnncan be postulated.On physical as well as mathematicalground,natural candidatesfor their distributionsare lognormal and sammadistributionswhich preservepositivity of thesequantitiesand 'reflifot the factiGiihe randomness in thesedimensionsis a result of many random sourcesof variabiiity. Thesedistributionswill be presentedfollowing a discussion on the lung volumeadjustment. \ - - - - a- - - *f u - 5 HUMAN TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY 165 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS OF ALVEOLAR VOLUME AND NUMBER In addition to airway variability, the variability of the alveolar volume was also were usedto establishan average investigatedby Weibel. Histological measurements alveolar volume of 1.05x l0-t cm3.The male adult subject data of that study were used to obtain a coefficient of variation of 0.2 which, together with the average volume, yields the required standard deviation. Since random tissue sampleswere usedin the lVeibel study, all alveoli in the presentmodel are assumedto have the samecoefficientof variation irrespectiveof their correspondinggeneration. A major obstacleencounteredin the counting of alveoli in a tissue sample with two-dimensionaltechniquesis the relative inability to distinguish between alveoli and their adjoining sacsand ducts as pointed out by Weibel (1963).Due to these visual uncertainties,a coefficient of variation of 0.07 is used for the number of alveoliper generation;a somewhathigher figure than that reported by Weibel. The flusttwo central momentscan be calculatedfor the airway lengths, diameters, number of alveoli and alveolar volume using the coefficients of variation shown in figs. I and 2 and the averagevalues given in table l. These moments may be verified by deriving an expression for a widely documented respiratory measure, namely,the functional residual capacity (FRC). FORFRC DERIVED DISTRIBUTION The normal FRC is the volume of gps which is present in the respiratory system at the beginningof quiet inhalation. In order that the FRC may be formulated, a specificconfiguration for the ainvays is required to calculate the volume for each generation. For many flow calculations,a complicatedpathway may be treatedas if it were composed of simple cylinders. Althougilr the airway branches are not cylinders, the useof a cylindrical approximation alleviatesthe need for statistical parameters for the airway volumes beyond those found for the linear dimensions.In addition, the accuracyof this approximation may be assessedfrom Weibel's data. Given dichotomy of Weibel's Model A, the calculated ainvay volume of the ith generationmay be approximated as 2. vft'= T (rEl4)d?u,ltu (t) k- l whered* and l,* representthe kth ainuay diameterand length for the ith generation, respectively.Given the cylindrical configuration, the FRC is defined as 21 23 FRC: I vfq+ I u"oo, i= 0 i= 1 7 o (2) lffi T.T. soo NG et at. where vfo is given by eq- l, v" is the average alveolar volume ancl n", is the number of alveoli in generation i. since the alveolar volume is assumed to be independent of generation, q. 2 may be given by FRC: 23 ufo v'\ ,Io * (3) where \ denotes the total number of alveoli in the lung. A substitution of the average model values and the average atveotar volume into eq. 3 yields a FRc which is about 99% of weibel's Model A at il4 TLc. In the present analysis, rhe variables in eq' 3 are random with derived statistical moments, and hence the FRC is a random variable. From Appendix A, the expectedvalue of FRc given by q. 3 is found to be F,[FRq : 23 E QtnH)Qt',, + o|)n, * I;".FN. (4) wherep and o denote the mean and the standard deviation of the subscripted randomvariables'It is noted that q. 4 is obtained by assuuingthat (. and 1,, are independentrandomvariablesfor each i. This assimption is in part justified by weibel's observationthat the length-to-diameter ratios of individual aimray elementsvaryover averywiderange.An examinationof the lengrh-diameter scatter diagnms for generations5 through t0 grvar by weibel (1963)showsthat the approximation ElditiJ = E[dlJE[t,J (s) is adequate'calculationsusingtable I and standarddeviationsfound from figs. I and2 yield an expectedvalueof 4Tg4.6 cm3. The varianceof FRC lies betweenthe two extremesas givenby eqs.A6 and Az. Considerthe caseof qymmetricaldichotony in which Ju Ja* _ di and lu = l* = li, eq.A7 in AppendixA gves var[FRQf : e'ttl4)'{@1, + 6pl,ol)Qrl+ o?,) - Qrl,* o))rr?,lf [,fl + lQrl.+oj.)?t'*.+ oi,.)- @!,yr*.)J (6) yielding,after substitutioninto e9. 6, a standarddeviationof 9g6.3cm!. Thedimensionsgivenin table i ure basedupon a FRC at 3l4TLc as computed previously'It is known that expectedvalue of FRC is about l 12 TLc -normally (3200cm3usingweibel's model). Thus,tne aimensionsand statisticsof the present modelneedto be corrected. If uniform expansionand contraction are assumedto take placein the airways andalveoliof the lung,thena linear scalefactoris usedto scalethe 3l4TLc data. Although uniform ainvay compliance is iir*rr..t throughoutthe lung as reported r67 HU MA}{ TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY by Marshall and Holden (1963), there is evidencethat volumetric changes are proportionai to the cube of linear dimensionsas discussedby Hughes et al. (1972) and Witson et al. fi974). We define the linear scalefactor, s' as (7) s : (320014784.6)rt3 such that the linear dimensions and alveolar volume along with their standard deviationsare correctedto maintain the coefficientsof variation previously stated. The results are summarizedin table 2. The present correction factor corresponds to a uniform linear contraction of 12.5%which is quite close to the appropriate i' ; ' ' - t ' { 2 x b'8?b of variation (olpl corresponding Linearairway dimensions,volume calculationsand coelTicients to a FRC of 3200cm3 Generation Diameter (cm) oltt oltt 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 t.574 1.067 0.726 0.490 0.394 0.306 0.245 0.201 0.163 0.t35 0.1l4 0.095 0.083 0.072 0.065 0.058 0.052 0.047 0.04 0.Ml 0.039 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.10 0.125 0.15 0.t75 0.20 0.23 0.275 0.325 0.35 0.42 0.50 0.575 0.66 0.675 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 o.22 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.098 t0.494 4.t6t 1.662 0.665 Llll 0.936 0.787 0.665 0.560 0,472 0.402 0.341 0.289 0.236 0.201 0.r75 0.r& 0.123 0.102 0.087 0.073 0.061 0.052 0.04 c 20.43 7.M3 2.750 1.002 2.t61 2.203 2.372 2.703 2.977 3.444 4.t82 4.985 6.fi8 7.812 10.839 14.995 20.48 28.308 40.277 60.227 92.575 t42.579 218.510 370.355 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.35 0,425 0.50 0.575 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.81 0.775 0.725 0.65 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.225 0.175 0.t5 0.rI 0.10 olp Source Alveolusvolume(cm3) Number of alveoli FRC (cm3) Volume (cml) Length (cm) 7.022x l0-6 2.981x lOt 3.200x 103 2.0 x t0-l 7.0 x lO-2 2.1 x lO-2 t68 T.T. SOONG et at. 0.4 o.t 2m no 320 3ro +n rrc sao $o Funclimol (cmtrlOl Rctiduol Copocrty Fig' 3' c-omparisonof thecumulativedistriburion functions for the postulatedFRC normal distribution, N(3200.0,619.6ir,and subject dala,. scalingcorrection for thenonhomoBEneous caseasreportedby Marshalland Holden (1963)and Pedleyet al. (t970). TheFRC dataforadurtmaresreportedby Heyder et (1975), oI. Bakeet ar. (rg74), saidelet al' (l97ll and Palmeset al. (19i3) were usedio **p are apostulated normal distribution with the FRC statistics($ = 32w cD!, o ='659.65lmr) after the sourcedatais scaledto correspondto 32a0cmr, The datastandarddeviationis 649'6cfr3, quite closeto that for the derivedFRc. A plot of the cumulative rr.fc o20 0 050 1.00 J0 2n 2.n AirroyDiometer (cml Fig- 4. log-normal density functions for airway diametersby generation. HUMAN TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY 0.800.t2 0J3 c 169 0.80 t.20 t.80 AirwoyLength(cml Fig. 5. Log-normaldensityfunctionsfor airway lengths by generation. distributionsfor the postulatedFRc distribution and the data are shown in fig. 3. The fit appearsto be good despitethe small number of subjectsin the study group. Basedupon this preliminary fit the FRC appears to have a normal distribution for the adult male population. It is also noted that the normality assumptionis reasonablefrom the theoreticalpoint of view. Since the FRC is given by eq. 3 as a sumof a large number of independentrandom variables,it is expectedto have a normal distribution on the basisof the central Limit Theorem. As was discussedearlier, the distributionsfor the airway lengthsand diameters may be adequatelyapproximated by log-normal or gammadistributions. Given lung volume corrections,both tpm yirro similar shapesfor the distributions. Figures 4 and 5 give the probauitity density funoion, ro, aimvaylengths and diametersper generationusinglog-normaldistributions. Conclusions We have presenteda statistical descriptionof the human tracheobronchial tree that is compatiblewith measurementsreported in the literature. using weibel,s 23'generationmodet as a basis for the irrrug model, statistics associatedwith airwaysand alveoliare obtained.Thesestatistics are in turn used in the derivation of a probability distribution for FRC, which is shown to be consistenrwith FRc measure'monts' This verificationsuggests that the resultsconstitutea self-consistent statisticaldescriptionof the human tracheobronchial tree. It is noted that, since the statistical information is presentedin the form of standard deviaticn'to'rnean ratios, an average model other than that of weibel could also be used.The choiceof weibel's Model A is made for conveniencesince it has beenusedwidely in deterministicstudies. na T. T. SOONGer sl. In lieht of inter-subject variabilities observed in studies of lung geomerry, statistiel approaches to many related subjects, such as gas diffusi.rn and particle deposition in the human lung becomeincreasinglyneces*ty. physiological problems which incorporate deterministic models suchas weibelt moael may aliow additional studies to quantify the effect of a random geometry on various functions of the human lung- This is espec:rrlly true in studies wnict rely on the comparison of predicted results with observed subject data in order to the acceptability of a particular model. "rr"r, Acknowledgerents This work was supported by Grant No. ES l23g from the Nationar Institute of Environmental Health Scienceand Grant No. ENG 7612269from the Nationar ScienceFoundation. AppendixA From eq- 3 the functional residual epacity(FRc) 23 is defined as 2l FRc=,Iop,t"nalt;1+v"\ (At) where d1 and lil Nrc,respectivcly, the kt?r ainay dbmeter and lengh in gencrationi and dichotomy is assumedfor the arway structure. For each i' the random varhbles dir and-liv aftas3unred to be identiallydietriburcd with respective meansFa, and Ft, a'ndvarianceso'0, . some conelation is expccted to cxist bctween d;; and d1 ^\d.of 0*k)' betweenliiandl*6*k), and ueiiueendiiandt;1. Becauseof hck of informa:.ion on thcse correlations, two extreme casescan be assumed;.ihe tini assumescomptete statistical independence among all random variables d;1 and l;1 and, in the secendcase,drj and d1 are perf*tly conelatd with d;;: dik = di, similar assumntl.onrr3rds for l;; and l;1, but sa'tistlcal inoepe' dence bewo,n dii and l;1. The secondcaseimplies random Uut symm.irieal dichotomy. Additional assumptions are nede.d on statistical interdependenccamong airway geometries in different generations' In what foltows, statistical independenceis assumed among aiway diameters and lengthsin ditferent generations, Taking erpectationof both sidesof eq. Al and usingeqs.Bl-84, we havc 23 2l EtFRcl=,Io lrrt"nntdit*l + E[v"\1 #{2) Assuming that d;1 and l;1 are independent and that the alveolar volume is indepurdent of the number of alveoii, eq.A2 becomes 23 EtFRq:,I^ 2l .E.unetdAlEtt*l + E[v"]E[NJ i= 0 k- l E[FRql = .I^ Qh1+y1rt1, + o|,Jpt,*#v.rrN. i= 0 (,{3) (44) HUMAN TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE GEOMETRY I7I wherep and d denote the meanand varianceof the corresponding subscriptedvariables. Assumingthat the total airway volume is independentof the totar alveolar volume, the varianceof FRC is given by : var[FRQI + varlva\l "".[f, fi ,*,oroe,,-] (A5) using eq. 86. For the lirst casewherestatisticalindependenceis assumedfor airway diametersand lengths in a given generation,eq. A5 gives,usingeqs. 86-89, var[FRQf : 23 ,!o 6pj,o3,l@?, F'hr4r2{Qtf,,+ + oi,l- Qre,+o|)1i;) + [@3.+ o|.)@k-+ oir.)-,J (A6) In the secondcase'when d,i = dft: di, l;1= l;1= l;, oDd d; and l; are independent,the varianceof FRC takesthe form var[FRQI= 23 ,Io l?hlq2 fttf,,+ 6p],o3,lta?, t o2t,) + 62il2r1,1J - QrA, + f@1.+o2".)@k.+ dft.)- p?Jrk.) (A7) AppendixB kt X andY berandomvariables andlet c bea constant. Then[see,for example, Meyer(lg7z)) l. E[c]= c 2. EtX+Yl= Etxl + E[y] 3. E[cX] = cE[X] 4. E[XYI = E[X]E[yJ; X,y independenr 5. var[cX] = cfuar[X] 6. var[X+ Y] = var[X] + var[y]; X,y independent 7. varlXl EfX2) - nztXl 8' lf x hasmeanp andvadanc'e d andY=h(x), thenexpanding h(X) aboutthemean of X approximarcs thernoments of y as EtYl =h($) + (U2)*G2h1dx\1*_o var[Y] = o2(dhld)()2lx _o (Bl) (821 (83) (841 (Bs) (86) (87) (88) (Be) References Bake'B" L' wood, B. Murphy,P.T-Macktemand J. Milie-Emili(1974). Effectof inspiraroryflow ratcson regionaldistributionof inspiredgas.J. 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