TIMES. COMBINING THE CROTON FALLS • • N E W S " AND "FOLIO." ( E S T A B L I S H E D IN 1878.) VOL. $1.50 KATONAH, N. V., FRfjMY, M A R C H 557, 1908. XXIX No. 45 C Vicinity Cctfrespondence the Difference LLLONS LVOE rustCompanies recognize in a practical w a y the fact that each Individual depositor Is concerned in the progress and success of the institution in which his or her account m a y be kept. » # » <1£ Look at Trie N e w s of Our Nftfahboring Villages and Hamlets Brlefljgbut Tersely Told. 6 GA1 OTHER. One-third of the paint-money goes for the paint, two-thirds fbr the painter. It all goes by the gallon; look out for the gallons. The leastgallons paint is Devoe. Some of our people attended the ;<Jairce at Somers on Friday evening '.".ast and report a very eujoyable even ing, although the attendance was not "'iu& large as is usual at the old ballroom ^presumably on account of the Lenten B E D F O R D STATION Fewer Gallons or No Pay Obtain Interest on y o u r dally balances b y opening an account w i t h The County Trust Company W h i t e Plains, N . Y . The merry crowd was entei by H . K. Griffin on Thursday evi 'season. of last week, and on Saturday eyi Mrs. Banks, liviDg juBt of the vil they gave Mrs.'Arthur Cornell » lage Is seriously ill, her condition beulne surprise party. Mrs. Cornell '•JK considered critical. Her husband entertaining her sister, Mrs. - B a a (HPII about a year ago. They are old Moore, and Eugene Cornell wheat? Obituary. i esidnnte of the town. party walked in. After all kIodf. F L. Dann is a busy man nowadays games, charades, etc., a bountiful lajaSM A L B I O N KEITH PARIS W A R N E R . YORKTOWN HEIGHTS was served and the guests '~' • - ' ^ * ,jm hp had his market and meat routes The death of Mr Warner at his o a'tend to as well as his duties in happy and gay. home, in Somers, on March 19,1908, jfegrthp lurv box at the county seat. There Now that springtime has arrived, aged nearly 88 years, removes an Mrs. Fred SeidelI is spending M T « » fie'lf trulv a hustler when cattle are allowed to be out of other landmark from upper West f [ , ,iring ' weeks with Mr Sdidel's parents, the last shower the telephone doors all day, the Yonkers milk in chester County. Many of y o u r read Mount Vernon. _ oles along Salem road were badly ers remember the fine old spruce spector has notified all the milk pro W e are glad to hear that Mrs, ObarMf •hnttered. especially wan this the case ducers who sell m(lk to YonKere that hedge fronting his place on the new they must have more air space in their Disbrow Is improviog. ri1|| £o the vicinity of the residence or Ira state road, just west of Purd3*8, for vnolds. between here and Salem barns fur the cows. H e has told them On Saturday afternoon, while merly owned by Dr. L e e . enter. that their barns must be changed Thompson was in K, A.. Sarles' sto: The water in tbe valley of the Croton A few facts may j o g the memories within nine days. I t is not strange his hoise took fright at the signal ere has been very high during recent i of some who might illuminate our that farmers are selling their farms and ran away, causiag some exi drains and thawing weather but has I local annals before their light goes and going out of the milk business ment as there were several jffinow subsided somewhat People who I out History is made up of count- when they are subjected to a lot of and children in the road, but noHtWrc hoars are anticipating much sport i less little rays, which t o o often refuse unreasonable orders of inspectors, age was done, the horse going u ^ l ' ) f t cominc »p««on Pnrdys has a t o shine Let us hear occasionally which cannot be complied with without Adams' shed. .number of fine waterscape views now. • from our oldest inhabitants. tearing down the barns and building Mrs. W m Gardner is vleitinsr for a \ new ones that will meet the views of A family from Porteheeter moi This unique 6prucp hedge was the Jew days the family of the Rev. Mr. the inspectors. into the Jamea Reynolds flat'1 speeiul pride of Mr Warner because 'iMlcley, on the Hudson. week. Yorktown Grange No. 862, P. of H., The season of fishing imw npar it typified his e\ergreen state of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones nod hand as the digging for bait has bp- Maine, where he wus born a t Jay, on celebrated "Brothers' night" at the dren spent seveial days last wtekji i n . The past winter has seemed to the Androscoggin, in 1821, one year regular meeting, March 19th. Fifteen his father, Rufus H. Jones. > a close HPaenn for any catches here, after the Pine-tree state was admit new members weie voted on and eM r . and Mrs. W m . s none have bp»»n reportpd How ted. It's motto, " D i r i g o , " — I direct lected, ae follows The dancing club, which ha*,.^ D . Moore, Mr. and Mrs. A. P . Tomp i^he coming summer will —was his talisman through life, and kins, Mr and Mis. Aitbur Strang, j . dances every (wo we.aks during wiuter, h e l d their last one on Mo; he was named alter Keith Paris, then Lorlng Johnson, Harold and Bessie W . Ion. at. tbe home of Governor of Maine and who was as!| Btrang, W»N*ice Mercer, Mary Horton, night in firemen's b a l l . Apbgar, sociated with his,lather, Jonathau Lena M., Marjorle. John H . , and Ken The Arm of Clark & AveryJ Warner, ip developing her vast re neth Hankinson^. and Stephen B . Rey dissolved, I desire to announciv i/J»v. sources, such as-water-powers and nolds, Jr. A play was given by .._ if** Katonah and Croton Palls'. will be private a i d Interment E a r l y in the 19*6" c e n W r j , J b W Our spring line of carpets and wtBl be at, Mount Kisco. Kev. Mr. than and P a t t y Ball Warner mi the season and c o n s i s t e d ' r f ^ d a l l o j i w ^ mattings are now ready.—Hm r Clarke was pastor of the M. E. church g r a t e d from H a r v a r d , Sfass, and oysters, %alads of all kinds, Ice cream, atjtbis place about nineteen years ago BROTHERS C O M P A N ^ . cake and all kinds of side dishes. Aaod he and his family will be remem set up a saw- and grist-mill on the Music was furnished during the meal. beautiful Maine river, also cultivat bered bv our older residents. It was after l a m . when "Home, fThe firm of Clark & Avery being ing a farm there within sight of the Sweet H o m e " wae rendered and the SOMERS White Mountains. Their bumperdissolved. I desire to announce to mv members departed. frfands and the general public that I crop was fourteen children, of which Our spring lines of Carpets and will continue in business for myself at Mr Warner was number eight. Here Activity begins t o manifest its. u . Katonah andCmton Falls. Albion, the Briton, directed his Htnl- Mattresses are" now r e a d y . — H O Y T round the quarry where the ston is Respectfully yours, wart energies and became a carpen B R O T H E R S COMPANY prepared fur the state road and I is ARTHUR S AVERY. ter and builder, finally fetching up in now only a question of condition lie Gardner and Boston, Mass , in' 1862, fore the WQIK will be in active upa'u Resolutions. where for twenty years he manufac SOMERS CENTER tion. I t is said that Assembly uum tured furniture, the Burr folding-bed, "Jack" Yale, of Brewster, IB the mov The following resolutions were adop ing power in the matter of completion ted by unanimous vote at a meeting of and furnished the inside trim t o tbe There are some changes of residence of the contract. Supt. NevWsirlc still the official board o f the Purdy Station city hall. remains as the practical man at th- Methodist Episcopal church held on Another busy decade was spent in as usual when we near April 1st. Mr. Haight, of Mahopac, ocoupies one of head cf affairs, than which no bettu March '22nd, 1908New Y o r k city in the same business, the Teed cottages, being employed by choice could have been made. RESOL\ED, That it is with profound removing from the Hub t o the burn George Agor. Borrow that we learn of the passing ing Axle-tree of Uncle Sam's jaunt I Mrs. Sarah Barlow has returned t> Charles Quick, having changed his ' her home here after spending tha win away of Albion K . P Warner, our be ing caa, the Warner warerooms be plans, will not move to Cincinnati, as loved brother and associate as a Trus ing on 14th street, where his two ter in the city with her son, Tbaddei.-* previously stated, but will occupy one tee and a Steward in our church. sons, Llewellin and Charles, folded Barlow, and family. RESOLVED, That we have found in the rising generatipn in their patent of the Merritt residences. Again we record the death of one i f him a faithlul brother and wisp coun George Tompkins will move into Mr. the older residents of the village, l'i sellor and one who always had the beds. I t was in the year of the great Cook's newly acquired residence in blizzard, 1888, that the man from the person of Mrs. Abigail Sunderlm, best interest8 of our church at heart. Maine selected wild Westchester as town. widow of the late Qeorge Sundcrli-, RESOLVED, That we extend to the Our spring line of Carpets aud who passed away last Monday evenicg bereaved family and friends our sincere an ideal home for his declining years, and here lie filled the full span of the Mattresses are now r e a d y — H O Y T after a long 'illuess. Mrs. Sunderliu sympathy in their great sorrow four-score and more, surrounded by B R O T H E R S COMPANY had been ajnember of this communitv RESOLVED, That t h e s e resolutions Oilier parties inquiring fur accom for many years. She had lived beyon I be spread upon our miuTites and that children and grandchildren in happy the allotted period of man's age ami i.i a copy be sent t<> the family | profusion. The latch-string of the modations are unable to find r<>nins to all her goings out and in before th.s j | old homestead still hangs outside in ^rent. L A ItoiiniNs Paistnr. people she had performed faithful y the nan e of his daughter, Mrs Rollo Mr aud Mrs. George Tompkins are EDWARD MK/UER, President the duties of a good wife, mother ir 1 I Barber One of the substantial enjoying a viiit from their sister, Miss H n n r d "f Trustees friend. Her friends were many m •! W B LANDHINK, Secretary. i tombs in the Somers burying ground Barrett, of Yorktown her life influence wus « o o d , she \ .is is the last resting place of this old Both Mrs George W . Mathews and warmly loved in all her intimate f a m patriarch sister, Miss Mary W o o d , are afflicted ily and social relations. Mrs. SundtiAnnouncement. But t h e s t o r y of this Knglieh Abra with severe colds, Mrs, Mathews' tak lin wa2 a native of Bedford, a sister f TJJTE are pleaded t o announce to ham runs into tesFrench sequel m the ing tbe form uf a very sore threat. the late Horace Miller, and in e w ' y t o our j i a l r u n s a n d the public person of his wifejElizabeth L«»M >Rier Rev S J. McOiu heon, who for the life was united in marriage to her 1..U3 past year has acted as pastor of this husband, since which time she n is t h a t Air W I L L I A M I ! I ' L A R K , of K a ! of Mobile, Alabama—''Here w e r e s t been a member of this communry. tonah, N Y . , ILLS a - M i.i 'd himself Her father came over with Lafayette^ chinch in connection wi h his work at ' One sou, George, was the result of • ie with our com pun v a n d t h a t our fur ; after the Revolutionary W a r , a n d Yoiktown Heights, n°es to Conference I union. He and his wife" passed a ^ »y niture, carpet a m i u p h e l s t P r i n g de I she may have been sent North, l i k e next, week in New York city. Each before either o f his parents, a m ' a partments will lie u n d e r his personal | George Francis Train, during o n e .if church hne given him a unanimous call ' granddaughter, a y o u D g lady, ie ' ie supervision those terrible yellow fever epidemics to return I sole survivor of the immediate fumi y. Miss Emma Merritt is being treated We also imiinunrv t hat he will have The root of this French word " M o n " • Since the death of her husbaud, - , the care aud e h i m of a l l work as , means " m y , " <md she was his, to di- hy Ui Hitchcock for grip. Her many Suuderlin haH been an invalid anil I as" rect and protec', and here she lies b y f r i e n d s are hoping that her recovery I been carefully cared for by her u e p h w, funeral dI li0r \eTi t ol'.KOT'lKIIS C O M l ' A N Y . | tiie side o f her William, the Conquer may be both rapid and permanent, , Dr. Miller. T h e funeral w a s I Id or I t j ' " hi * a step across the chan- i Prof W . F Wilson is also on the i from her late residence and b u r i a l t J k i nel that divides Albion from Gaul jtick list and was not able on Sunday place in Bedford. ' England and Franco fought for cen last to be present at tbe session of the turies, watering the soil of our migh Suuday School, from which place he The firm of Clark & Avery ! » • og was greatly missed. He is superin t y nation with their b e s t blood One dissolved, I desire t o announce t<' my tendent of the school and organist in sows, another reaps {i lends and the general public tit i t I E have just reI "Blessed is ti.e man * * * that d e - both church and school His many will coutinue in business formystii'at friends are hoping to see him out soon. received a fine Katonah and Croton F a l lighteth in the law of the Lord * * * The finn of Clark & A v e r y being carload of Potatoes. He shall be like a tree plan' -d by t h e Re.-pectfully ycui.. dissolved, I desire to announce to my rivers of w a t e r * * * His leaf a l s o AUTHtJK S. Av'EltN . ' They are now on sale ! shall not wither, und whatsoever h e fri-nds a ' d the general public that I will c.iniiniiein Imsinpss for myself at at our store. d o e t h s h a l l prosper " K.itonah and Croton Falls. PURDY STATION GEORGE I ) C L I K T , M I) Respectfully yours, St v Paint half of your house with any other paint; paint half with Devoe. The other-paint half will take the most gallons; if not, we will make no charge for Devoe. A YEAR ( rr r ; % Wears Longer or No Pay Here's another offer. Paint half of your house with lead-andoil: the other half with Devoe lead-andzinc. In three years the lead-and-oil half will need repainting, while the Devoe half will be about like new. If not, we will give you the paint for the whole house. L A 1 KELLOGG & M E A D ,~ Hardware N. Y. Katonah, c Hoyt Brothers Company funeral Directors and Licensed Maimers General Department Store .*. Otir FURNITURE DEPARTMENT is being stocked with the latest and tip-to-date goods in all its branches. TJiis year we promise the most emphatic, the most demonstrative values we have ever offered. d 3 l 1 We ?vill harc fo)• yoar in our inspection Carpet Department* a full line of the latest designs of CARPETS, UMS, Etc, of RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, from Lift OLE MATTINGS the well known house TV. & J. SLOANE, of New York. HOYT EmS. COMPANY Katonah, N. Y . V l 9 r 1 Potatoes for Sale. W One of the peibistent bounds o l spriDg hereabouts is the fish horn, and. another sign, digging worms for bait. So we have concluded spring has come The streets In the village this year have been almost impassible for even foot travellers, and conditions have as yet but slightly cleared. Our spring lines of Carpets ancl Mattresses are now r e a d y . — H O Y T ^0 BROTHERS C O M P A N Y . Green Brothers, GOLOENS Agent Purd.vs, N Y . 1 Kx-lhstnct Attorney J Addison receiver of the White I'lams, Mount Vernon, T a r r y t o w n a n d Mamaroncck Trolley Companny, h a s been chosen by the i o n a o f Sout beast attorney t o succeed Abrum J as „ Miller in the matters now pending, in wMch the town is defeuding the acts oi the assessors thereof i L fixing val uations on lands and superstructures and levying a tax on the valuations so fixed. B R I D G E i Young, Wanted 1 .01 truits 40 cents, n up, sheet pictures frames 10c. one cent eac. iron can make 400 per cent, profit, or $36.00 per week. Catalogue an., sa.npl"^ free.—FRANK 1GX20CIJ\ W . "WILLIAMB Co , 1208 W . Taylor street, Chicng. I I I . , 1 ARTHUR S AVERY CHAPPAQUA Ii t h o v. iter of the coi.imunieation recei.ed this week from Clmppaqua will send his or he. name to tbe editor of the TIMES we will publish the com munication in our next issue. W e can not publish anonymous contributions. —Editor KATONAH TIMES.
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