Towards High wt%, Room Temperature Reversible, Carbon -Based Hydrogen Carbon-Based Adsorbents Yufeng Zhao, Yong-Hyun Kim, Anne C. Dillon, Michael J. Heben & Shengbai Zhang The Current Situation CH4 4.0 eV Ch it on p r o s i em Metal Hydride 1.0 Physisorption Room T Reversible Storage Window outside either physisorption or chemisorption regime (0.2-0.6 eV/H2) Need material that chemically binds H2 non-dissociatively Some Interesting Experimental Observations Non-dissociative H adsorption on single wall (20 kJ/mol) [Dillon et al., Nature (1997)] and multiwall nanotubes (54 kJ/mol) (Dillon et al., Mat. Res. Soc. Proc.) Despite numerous recent efforts, however, high weightpercent hydrogen storage in pure carbon nanotubes and/or fullerenes is yet to be demonstrated The removal of the TM catalysts that were present in the original samples is correlated with a reduction in the amount of hydrogen being adsorbed (Dillon et al.) Organometallic Molecules Ligand 1: C-C Fischer and Jira, J. Organometallic Chem. 637, 7 (2001). cyclopentadienyl (Cp) ring Ligand 2: H-H Kubas, J. Organometallic Chem. 635, 37 (2001) H-H M C--C H2 loaded organometallic molecule ? Scandium & Cp Ring: The Binding Mechanism Binding Energies Configurations CpSc Sc Sc + Cp one electron transfer -> Coulombic ScCp + H2 Sc H C 3.76 eV/Sc d orbitals Cp Cp[ScH2] H CpSc 1.3 eV/H2 coupling between two nearly degenerate states 2H Cp[ScH2(H2)] ScCpH2 + H2 coupling between two states energetically distant 0.29 eV/H2 Cp[ScH2] H2 Consecutive H2 Loading to Maximum 6.7 wt% Cp[ScH2(H2)] 0.29 eV Cp[ScH2(H2)2] 0.28 eV Cp[ScH2] Cp[ScH2(H2)3] 0.46 eV Polymerization of ionic molecules Cp[ScH2] chain Cp[ScH2(H2)4] 0.23 eV Consecutive binding of H2 Consecutive H2 Binding in All Cp/3d Transition Metals Sc Binding Energy (eV/H2) 1.6 3d14s2 Ti V Cr 3d24s2 3d34s2 3d54s1 Mn Fe Co Ni 3d54s2 3d64s2 3d74s2 3d84s2 H-H Bond Lengths (A) 1.2 0.8 Sc 4x0.80 Ti 4x0.85 V 3x0.9 Cr 3x0.96 Mn 3x0.94 0.4 Fe 2x0.95 Co 2x1.10 Ni 1x0.94 0.0 Full width open bar for dihydride (2H) Solid bars for dihydrogen (H2) Half width open bar for monohydride (H) 1st H2 2st H2 st 3 H2 4st H2 5st H2 Maximum H2 Loading in Cp/3d Transition Metals Dihydride Cr Mn Monohydride V Ti Fe Co Dihydrogen Sc Ni The 18-Electrons Rule Concerning CpM-nH nv + NH + 5 = 18 nv: number of valence electrons of the TM NH : number of the H atoms the TM can bind 5: number of the π electrons in a Cp ring nv NH Eb(eV) Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni 3 10 3.76 4 9 3.87 5 8 3.47 6 7 2.30 7 6 2.69 8 5 2.97 9 4 3.27 10 3 3.02 Sc has the second largest Eb From Cp Ring to Larger Carbon Molecules Transfer the Cp-metal-H clusters onto a buckyball to eliminate the dipole induced polymerization 12-ScH2 Loaded C60: 7.0 wt% Storage Capacity H Sc C60[ScH2]12 48H2 C60[ScH2(H2)4]12 Very similar binding energies to those of a Cp ring for the hydrides and the H2 molecules 12-ScH Loaded C48B12: 8.8 wt% Capacity C48B12[ScH]12 60H2 C48B12[ScH(H2)5]12 One more electron is transferred from each Sc to the corresponding pentagon, which enhances both the Sc-C60 binding and the hydrogen storage capacity Three-Dimensional View of the Complexes C48B12[ScH(H2)5]12 C60[ScH2(H2)4]12 Formation Energy of the Organometallic Buckyballs Energy of carbon molecules F = ( Etot − ε − nH µ H ) / nM − ε M Total energy Cohesive energy of metal crystal 1 2 µ H (T , p) = µ H (T , p 0 ) + kT ln( Reuter and Scheffler, PRB 65, 035406 (2001). p ) 0 p Reversible Storage at Room Temperature -0.18 -0.16 Sc H 3 Energy (eV/Sc) -0.12 µH (eV) -0.14 3 (H ) 2 6 [ScH3]3 2 Sc[H3(H2)6] C60[ScH2]12 C60 [Sc 1 C48B12[ScH]12 H2 (H ) 2 4 ]12 C48 B 12 [ScH ( 0 H2 ) ] 5 12 Cp[ScH2] -1 Cp[ScH 2 0.18 0.86 4. 07 (H2 ) ] 4 19.3 PH2 (atm) [ScH3 ] 3 Dissociation via small hydride cluster formation is unlikely The energetics dictates favorably the charging and release of H2 at near 1 atm and T = 300 K Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Host Stability T = 1000K t = 10000 x 0.4 fs after 4500 time step preheating H Storage in Light Metal Doped Fullerenes C36 C36Li C36F C35N 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.06 C35B C35Be C35Li 0.39 0.65 0.14 Unit: eV/H2 Exceptionally large binding energy for B and Be Dihydrogen Binding to Localized Empty p Orbital H2 σ state and impurity pz state are strongly affected as a result of dihydrogen binding A more localized Be pz orbital (single peak) gives larger EB H Storage in Other Organometallic Systems Metallocarbohedrenes (MetCar) Titanium Carbide Nanocrystals β-Ti γ-Ti 15.5 31.8 dihydrogen C Ti 61.7 137 hydride α-Ti 18.3 β-Ti 19.3 36.7 γ-Ti 17.4 C Ti 126.4 85.9 (kJ/mol-H2) Total Capacity @ Full Hydrogen Sorption MetCar 6.1 total wt% Ti carbide nanocrystal 7.7 total wt% H sorption may not depend on the TM incorporation details, as long as abundant empty d orbitals are made available Experimental Relevance Metal-coated nanotubes MetCars & nanocrystals Ti Zhang & Dai, APL 77, 3051 (2000) Pilgrim & Duncan, JACS 115, 9724 (1993) Conclusion Transition metal (TM) empty orbitals are good “containers” for non-dissociated H2 Buckyballs and other carbon-backbone materials could be superior for separating TM atoms for H storage Sc, Ti, V have more empty d-orbitals, strong binding to the carbon backbones, and nearly ideal binding energies with H2 NREL References 1. 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