PLATTSBURGH DAILY PRESS PAGE SIX THURS., JAN. 29, 1931' Figures in Nidit Club Gun Battle was decided to let them come. With the feeling of a patriotic, "And we'll raise the price of adduty well done, the Port Authority mission and refreshments, too," then put on his hat. and went home said Ginger. "If the food is cheap to bed. Around midnight his telethey'll eat us out of house a n ! phone began ringing and it didnt' home. We don't know them— sease for five days. It seems everyHOLLYWOOD—Closeups, more one i from the Battery to Yonker.s i there's no reason why we shouldn't ©/19S0THEBQBBS-MEKRRL. CO what he is. Plays the piano, plays make money on them. Double rates precious than gold to most screen desired to call his attention to th? mean, anyhow?" BEGIN HERE TODAY the violin, plays the banjo, and for outsiders. Members of the club actors, formed part of the pay is-fact that New York already has fun the 'Oh, it means happiness—th? Because- life was so slow in warbles like a little Italian angel. and their guests deserve a reduc- sued to John Loder and Henry a George Washington bridge a t ' of living—have a good time, and all Wlk- town of Red Thrush, Iowa, Victor, English players, in the pic- 181st street and the Harlem river., j He's pretty as a picture, looks more tion." that sort of thing." she explained. GINGER. ELLA TOLLIVER conture "The Seas Beneath." And in the printed cards that The repentant and harassed Port like a girl than a boy. Just a kid. ceived the idea of a Junior Coun- "How do you pronounce it?" , The director has visualized a Authority has announced that an- I were sent out acknowledging the He was playing in a beer garden or try Club to save the younger sel "Zshwa dii voev'r." she enunciatGerman sub, sinking to other ns,me will be selected for the chestra and took on some outside reservations the terms of operation .'torpedoed from utter boredom. It was to lieed slowly. were briefly stated—that parents.!11?5 d e a t h w i t h t h e officers stand- new bridge. "Palisades" is the work without reporting it and got "I don't like it," he complained exclusive—no parents allowed, no A.M. i i n £ o n t h e submerging decks, sal- most popular candidate at the mo- i in bad with the union. He wasFor Ginger's Sake babies. Accordingly, she arranged again. "Why not just say, 'Have a utlng their flag ment. [ preachers and babies were barred. ' laid off for three months. for the purchase of the Mill Rush good time,' and be done with it. If "For we are purely a worldly or-' 'Whether suction might imperil They could just as well call it 1 farm, a 10-acre tract with an oldthat's what it means? Seems hon- "He'd look great sauntering up the t w 0 a o t o r s was not known. Lo- the Hop Skip and Jump bridge, i and down among the tables in the ganization," Ginger explained firm| house on it, and proceeded, with ester somehow." 1 1 d e r a n d v i o t O T t o o k a e h a n c e bofch though, because everyone is going\ tamwm'"stouniinln^ 'hisVanjo" a n d * *° Bard, "and all uplifting is ' to But Ginger was not to be disthe assistance of her friends, singing Italian love songs. He strictly taboo." . « « a to safety, and m gratitude to call it the Hudson River bridge, overhaul and furnish it. suadrd and on Saturday nights for the director gave each a half doz- as they are doing now. Ginger was the daughter of a. great many weeks thereafter Iry wears velvet trousers and a sash, On Saturday morning—the morn ™ additional closeups in other and knives llasrtcd, bullets spattered agtuhit the walls chans minister- and the stepdaughter of \ stood with his old cab at the north and a velvet tarn. Oh, he's a picing of the Saturday which wasi sc f nes EJivme Noncsensc and crockery flew through the air—and 80 patrons of New Yoiks smait a very wealthy woman, the former east corner of the Square, his col-ture!" However, it was noted that in CiugAlley fled from the dance floor. When the smoke of the gang A song writer postcards, pi'ob'How much would it cost?" Gin-' to open the summer's series of inPHIL VAN DOORN, who was a lege flags flying in the wind, while affray cleared away, police learned that Arthur "Dutch" Schultz (right) true film-hero style, both sank ably pust to annoy us, that formal dances at Joie de Vivre—a his stentorian voice proclaimed to ger was always practical, tolerant person and crazy about from sight facing, not the enemy, word in the English language can alleged bc?r racketeer, had been shot and ttabbed and then spirited a delightful audience: away to an underworld hide-out. Authorities questiond Mavis King "Why, I think he would come for tired but happy Ginger sat at Ginger. be rhymed' except the word I ilefli. pretty cigar:t girl, who brought to a hospital Charles "Chick" his expenses until he is reinstated breakfast, her parentsand her but me camera. "Taxicab to the Jaw da Veever. One day, while the rehabilitaMagazine stands, book stores and "orange." Three days of contem- j Sherman, Broadway gamblsr, also wounded in the fight, tion of the club house was going Right this way, ladies and gents— I'm sure he would, because he is) ai'tist grouped about her. Her b r a n e s e x e o t a business plation have brought no results. It 1 on. an'artist called at the kitchen j bus to the Jaw da Veever. Only I only marking time there. We could' thoughts were pleasantly engaged b" m a sa r ePs u l t f a b a*f* n . on bridge probably could be handled by Og- j of the Tolliver home and offered tOj two bits; to the Jaw de Veever." keep p him for a Week or two if we 'With the sureness of success which ! °°a aa tt » « * °oo ff ' hh ee The den Nash, the poet who rhymes ! ' h h t i t P > ^ » « * ' do a portrait in exchange for a liked and then send him back. He'd ' her prophetic nature had promised "" on Madison avenue, you've meal; After he had shaved off his From friendly lips to interested get you off to a stunning• start." !*« evening. „ . the » jfctonno tv,«And iminnas„*ifT_from m™^ I ly spent most of their time between got a good job, havenu?" beard Ginger found to her sur-ears flew the news that Ginger The fare to Chicago is Six-sev- > SJeat distance the voice of Iry Ford, . . , , , prise that he was good looking. Tolliver had a French painter I enty-flve. He could sleep in one of i out faintly through her sweet ab- j ™^f The game was found to be too He had studied in Paris and hisdrawing pictures on the walls at \ the gable rooms in the attic; heav- straction. absorbing, the desire to finish play Mill Rush, and immediately'upon j en knows we'll never have any "Ginger! Hey, Ginger!" name was BARD HOLLOWAY. ing a hand often winning out over Dld their release from school that after other use for them. And we could' " somebody call Ginger?" Ginger, who was never at a loss the assistant director's request that noon, ardent prospective Junior! sort of feed him around from hand wondered Phil. for ideas, thought it. would be a they return to places before the good on= if Bard remained for a! Clubbers took the road, and count-' to mouth wherever we happen to | Hamill appeared at the door.. while in Red Thrush, instead of I less were the eager hands to carry! be." i "Excuse me," he said apologetical c a m e l a wandering about the country like up the furniture that Ginger and' "He could cook his own meals. ly, "but Mr. Ford wishes to see Heart Problem .Miss Ginger—Mi'. Ford is— not aa hobo. He could pick up some Patty had collected in advance. All Italians can cook." Maureen O'Sullivan, sailing for a "He woudn't be very expensive' lone, if I may say so." "Gosh, you certainly get things money painting portraits for fammontMs vacation at her Dublin ilies who would be flattered— done," said Bard, amazed and ad-then. But are you sure he would "Oh, it must be Nicolo," said home after 15 months in Bard. "May I go out with you, Gin I come?" especially if the Tqllivers s^)n- miring. ger? isn't it great he got here this im a d e flve P l c t u r e s d u r i n g * * sfcay sored him. And he could do the "I do my best," was the modest morning?" ' a n d broke a t least a nalf-dozen mural decorations in the new club answer. hearts—without the least bit of en house, for Ginger was bound it The presence and the fascinating "I think he would be crazy' They ran down the hall to the couragement on her part. be! He's front door, Comfortably pleased about it. He should labors of Bard Holloway incited thfi would be a success. doing a thing there—except a that their brilliant plan had no£ In the meantime her own heart So Ginger gets her stepmother, nearest approach to a rebellion' lnot received a crack which film-city ittle among her followers that she had, bank messenger bootlegging, miscarried. Now was the success, Phil, to invite him to stay with experts say wan't be healed for a Y the Tollivers. The artist demurs experienced. Her assistants were all| i n°u'd better include an extra fiver'of their opening doubly sure, long time. check if you can because one! But at the end of the driveway, but Phil makes him accept. Gin- too eager to lend a hand. There o £ the "He" is engaged to another girl, nis instruments'is usually in where the decrepit old taxi with' and while he doesn't love her, plans ger explains to him about the was plenty of paint and there were' I hock. ] its bright college fllags was disclub, and she takes him out to a dozen untouched panels. for the marriage are going ahead "If we send him a letter tonight creetly parked, restrained by sheer inspect it before he starts to and he just doesn't know how to go Many of them frankly announhe could be here in three days, physical effort on the part of Iry work on it. The name of the club. ced their unequaled excellence in Just in time for the dance on Satur from making a concerted rush upon about getting out of it. it is decided, is to be "Joie de doing turkeys on the blackboards day. And if I know little Nicolo, the house, they saw—not one, slim, Vivre." for Thanksgiving, heads of George he'll be here. I did some sketching pretty Italian as they had expected Mammy! j NOW GO OjV WITH THE STOEV for the birthday of the Father of of him in Chicago. Really, he's pic —but what appeared to be a large Al Jolson has a half-million dol- I l a r s our Country, and United States turesque." CHAPTER. SIII company of them, gesticulating e x - , that he hasn't, earned yet. i But Ginger went first of all to a flags at half-mast for Decoration "But be sure and make it very citedly, hot in noisy argument in 1 H « w a s to have been starred by , his friend, Joseph Schenck, in sign painter and arranged for Day. The responsibility of keep-. plain," cautioned Ginger anxiously their native tongue. an iold, presumably wrarm-eaten ing his supplies from depletion and. "that we can only give him a little "Fascisti—upon us!' gasped Gin- "Sons O' Guns," and Al went on a I salary said been $30,000 a signpost with a colonial lantern to his art from propsitution at the [spending money and his expenses, ger Ella. l id to t have h b $30000 swing below it, proclaiming to the hands of her loyal coherts was very We can't pay him a regular salary.' "Listen!" roared Iry Ford Iw e e l c ' when preparations began, world that Joie de Vivre had taken great. _ ...... "He'll eat it u p - I know he will."' "Wait, I tell you, wait for Ginger! The weeks went by with Al still on SMU •up residence at Mill Rush on Rab-' "I wish I had brought Nicolo said Bard. clamoring- to'-teU all." Daisy'~Devoe is shown" here "in the Los AnYou can't go in unless you're asked. the payroll, and finally the picture , Accused of stabbing his father with bit River. Calleno out with me,' Bard said as Now the fame of the Joie d e Miss Phil wouldn't like it!" was called off. ' a flsll s p e a f Wneti tne laaer ai- Beie^ comity juu after her conviction on charges of robbing Clara Bow, . After-Jolson .gets, through play-(Jacked him in. a-quarrel at their-'-"-?1 fnrme,y.,.ei-4pl;iyev, a .^,C35.. Thc.uupet,.picture.,shews,..hw./wjljh.. a, Iry-'Pord-was particularly inter- they were driving back to town. Vivre and its unique conception (To Be Continued) i»ff in a stage show he has under Mount Clemens, Mich., home. while, fcclcv.-. is afioin do:cup or hur the bars. of Note.her ested in the selection of. a name, "He wanted to come, but I didn't had spread like wildfire through denim uniform, a far cry tna liir cwtbahind she was accused buying tave Tilchi. 19, :.ho<vn abova Guawith matron, ] consideration, he will return to the weapon, was held by police. hnrmivn hp wanted tn ha\4 a coupl? lmow wlivrv I wan yoing nor when the countryside ,and letters were \.it'i Clara'.; money. make "Sons C Guns" or some ^ The father was not expected to live.' of large "college flags" made up to I'd be going back and I was afraid pouring in from couples and cliother picture. inform the public that his taxi was to run the risk.* He'd create a sen- ques of young people, 20 and 30 the best if not the only means of sation out here. Joie de vivre miles away, asking for reservations transportation to that delectable re exudes from his every pore." for the Saturday night opening sort. "Who i; ly?" dance. Ginger talked it over with I * e iclan Ginger printed out the nams lor ' ' Ben and ' y < ! «• Alford Ben and Jenky Brooks—Patty and him and he perused it frowninglyi "He's a little Italian lad in Chi- Bard were there, too, and were al- 1 I t s e e m s to be a general principle "I don't like that name," he said, cago, a sort of waiter, sort of lowed an opinion, which in no way O t l l v i n s s t r u o t u r e s to migrate in "Looks furrin to me. What's it musician — I don't really know dissented from the others'-and it t h e d i r e o t l o n f r o m w h i o h t h e y a r e stimulated. This principle explains why the head contains so NEW YORK—The social hour is many sense- organs and also so being inaugurated by some of our local merchants to inspire business much of the brain. It "is "said" that the pounding of a n d m a k e more pleasant the rela' lights, sounds and smells on the tions with their customers. Once a week a prominent bank heads of original living forms aci counts for the presence in the is serving tea so that tellers and more head of the eyes, ears and nose. depositors may become chummy. One producer announces The organs moved toward the source of the greatest "stimulation, that the stars in his show will give The same sort of migration takes a toidS« a « d backgammon party place in the nervous system. The tack-stage every week. Evteryonei ' principle has been m te n s i v e iy, who buys a ticket to the show iwll studied in Holland and given the, 1 * 3 Siven an invitation. pretentious name of neuobiaxtaxis j I n t h e Pennsylvania station they —the biological pulling of nervous have installed a pipe organ and radio to soothe the nerves of waitstructures. Neurobiotaxis may account for ing passengers. Up to the mothe size of brain. In the course ment, no merchant has followed j Mrs. Myrtle Tanner Elacklidge. former U. S. collector of internal revof ages the eyes, ears ana nose the example of Jean Patou, the) Parisian style expert, and installed Walter A. Jcssup. above, president enue a I Chicago, is shown receiving nourishment from Hazel Sullivan, from which the majority of nervof Iowa University for the past 14 nurse al Chicago Memorial Hospital, where she is recuperating from a a cocktail bar. ous impulses come have pulled years, is the object of an attack threatened breakdown. Mrs,. Blacklidge resigned her federal post as a It all gets down to the fact that by Governor Dan Turner, who has climax to the publicity lecelved when she lest 450,000 in a faro swindle many nervous structures into their lit. Springfield, III. ' merchants are realizing that if aiked the legislature to investigate vicinity. then can make business something the university administration. Foes The result is of course increased of a party, customers will be in I charge that Jes&up is responsible efficiency. The brain becomes a a more pleasant frame of mind | for Iowa's ouster from the Western ' Conference, for many noted faculty, ' headquarters where important ac- and probably buy more goods. members leaving and for the waivtivities are carried on in proximity It is an idea that could be ex-ing of $26,762 in interest due the to one another.. the Rockefeller panded. Subways, as the ferries university from Foundation Furthermore, as they move the atoeBd d0 migllt have m u s a structures arrange themselves into j * ' f ™ m e r r y t u n e s t h r o u B h t tlle clusters, those with the same duties t o ^ getting together. Th.2se clusters cars. That is, if the musicians form the so-called centers each of can find a place to stand. Taxpayers could be invited over which performs a certain duty. for tea and crumpets by Mayor The brain of man, therefore, con Walker. Miget golf courses could tains much that in lower animals be installed oin night courts, s is located in the spinal cord. prisoners may while away their What the spinal cord has lost the time waiting for their cases to be brain has gained and hence hu- called. mans have the large and complex It seems that the social hour will organ. rout depression. Will the head some day be so large that it will be necessary to Municipal Problem prop it up with a high starcht™ AT.orr. BACK SEAT DPlUlKlGr. collar? Will the brain produce This department, which cun't sublime thoughts but lack the back mind it' own business, is much bone to put them into practice? concerned with a problem which Those are the questions being has come up before the Port Authority. !asked. C. H. Oliver, Pres. The new bridge across the Hudf»on river is ntaring completion, and, naturally, it must have a THIS IJAKGK capeline for rename. The other day the Port Flowering Plants 57 Clinton Street and mid-summer wear Is ot Cyduinen. begonias, prinm:!i'«, Authority called a meeting. _and wirt runsh natural straw with circles (Phone 16) Pittsburgh, N. Y. It ia popular among (Jlrl SOOUIH tills unison to go "pioncerta«" 'and cinncrarlos. Also cut flowars. after serious deliberation officially of whits beads scattered over its (lie new deep-wood.-, uniform, width not only pormita complete Carlisle's 9 Rugar St. Tel. 950. -idv christened it as the George Wash- surface and a straw colored velvet in fri'i-cUim* of movement lint ensures warmth., lFlannel shirt. want j u m e l shirt, ribbon band and bow»f (J27-SS' ington memorial bridge. j tirereJfes, leather Juda-t oiui .Sr;mdiiuivlair boota guarantee protection uuBiuist Jack rrosu SAKE Screen Life in Hollywood . ETHBL HWS1W HO WfctAt itl^llVO (X^U K C U I O ^ X III. OVUU Alt' WUULUf fcJUlfUrl4»J^ Xk\j •**-» | *-* * —.—-- —_w- ^ 1• 1 i_ Clara's Secretary Behind Bars Spears Father "$50,000 Loser in Hospital HEALTH A New Yorker At Large OUT OUR WAY - By Williams C. H. Oliver Co., Inc. ^tisS ¥T fXf • g*% ¥ Insurance Head ofIowa U. Is Under Fire
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