I HEADQUARTERS' DMC(ME) OFFICE Fax: 011-23234537 Tele/Fax: 011-23234685 E-Mail: dmc-dl@esic.nic.in VOIP No: 10011079 EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAVAN: C.I.G. ROAD: NEW DElHI-ll0002 (ISO 9001-2000 Certified) Website - www.esic.nic.in Date: 2151:April, 2016 No: L-ll/12/3/2015/DOP-Deans/MEC MEMORANDUM' SUB: Delegation of Powers to Deans of ESIC Medical Education Institutions The undersigned is directed to refer to the captioned subject and to inform as under: 1. Deans appointed on regular basis have been delegated with the administrative/financial powers. 2. Deans of 'Green-field' ME Institutions have been delegated existing powers of Medical Superintendents of ESICHospitals. 3. The delegated powers are to be exercised after following due procedure and instructions issued from time to time by HQ Office. 4. The 'Delegation of Power' (DOP) is annexed 5. This is issued with apprdval of Director General, ESIC /tn~ Dr. Deepak Kumar Sharma Dy. Medical Commissioner (ME-I) ., To All Deans and Medical Superintendents - ESIC Medical Colleges; Dental Colleges . • PGIMSRs 4::?-.······· " .. -:- ".. . .. \ . -1DOP of Deans of ESIC Medical! ANNEXURE Dental Colleges and PGIMSRs These are to be exercised after following procedure and instructions issued from time to time by HQ Office. Column (I) of the Tables has the serial number of the DOP. A. Creation of Posts I Appoinbnent etI:. I All Al2 I Al3 Al4 A/5 Al6 A{l Al8 Al9 m D To fill following posts as per sanction exclusively for Medical/Dental College - Dissection Hall attendant - Mortuary attendant - Health Assistant! Educator - PHN - Chair-side Assistant - Tutor To engage part-time / contractual staff for Medical College - Veterinary Officer - Photographer - Physical Instructor To condone break irJ service in respect of posts to which Dean is competent to make appointment. (Group C & D Employees) To define additional sphere of duty, for an employee' of above cadres as in All & Al2. To impose any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (ix) of Regulation 11 of ESIC staff and conditions bf service regulation in respect of staff for which Dean is the appointing Authority. To grant all kinds of leave to staff for which Dean is appointing authority To grant leave in Malical CoIlegelPGIHSRslDentaI Tutors and Teaching faculty for relevant departments in the hospital, in consultation with the Medtcal Superintendent To grant casual leave up to 4-5 days in one spell to staff as mentioned above in Nl; 2 and Al7 To decide whether a particular absence is 'absence on duty' in respect , to staff as mentioned above Full powers after getting sanction from Head quarter office Full powers after getting sanction from Head quarter office subject to the condition that such part-time official is engaged for remuneration not exceeding Rs. 1500 per visit and 10 visits per month or as permitted by HQ Office. FuH powers subject to conditions of Recruitment Rules. Full powers Full powers Full powers 1. Full powers for maternity / paternity leave/CCl 2. Up to 45 days (beyond which issue would be referred to Hqrs Office) for other kind of leaves Full powers Full powers A -2All 0 To permit counting of extra ordinary leave towards increment in respect to group C employees appointed by Dean ANNEXURE Full powers Nll To grant leave on recommendation of the Medical Board in respect to group C employees appointed by Dean Full powers N12 To waive proviso(a) t~ SR 209 allowing an employee to prefix and suffix holidays while proceeding on leave , in respect to staff for whom Dean is competent to grant leave Full powers A/13 Medical Certificates in respect to staff for whom Dean is competent to grant leave a) To require medical certificate of fitness before return from leave on medical ground b) To accept medical certificate/cert;ificate of fitness signed by registered medical practitioner or authorized medical officer Full powers B. Pay and Allowances (in respect of all the staff / college staff appointed by Dean) I 8/1 II To fix pay in respect of employees to posts for which Dean is the appointing authority I 8/2 8/3 B/4 B/5 B/6 B/7 B/8 To sanction annual increment to all employee for which Dean is the appointing authority To withhold increment with respect to staff for which Dean is the appointing authority/disciplinary }uthority. To grant subsistence allowance to an employee under suspension in respect to the post to which Dean is the appointing authority Travelling Allowances of 1. Staff appointed by Dean 2. Tutors and Teaching faculty To decide shortest or cheapest of the two or more routes To permit mileage allowance by a route other than the shortest or cheapest To restrict the frequency and duration of journeys m Full powers in accordance with provision of FRs and SRs , excluding FR 27, in consultation with the Rn. & Accounts. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers ~ -,3ANNEXURE 8/9 To countersign TA biHs of staff mentioned above and himself 8/10 To act as controlling officer for purpose of TA, CA, HRA etc. To sanction reimbursement of charges to touring officers for stay in Guest house I Rest house etc. maintained by Govt. agency To sanction reimbursement of actual conveyance charges To grant conveyance ~lIowance to handicapped To permit drawl of TA for a journey to attend examinations To relax conditions governing the grant of lTC 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 B/16 B/17 8/18 8/19 To allow reimbursemept of cancellation charges on unused raitway ticketsl bus tickets To verify rent receipts in terms instructions issued from time to time from Min. of finance and HQ. Office To undertake tours within head quarter where he is posted. To sanction reimbursement of tuitions feel children's educational allowance c. Full powers Full powers Full powers Full Powers as per extant Rules of ESIC /Govt. of India on the subject Full powers in consultation of Accounts Full powers Full powers as per extant rules/instructions Full powers Full powers Full powers Full powers as per extant Rules of ESIC IGovt. of India on the subject Advances (with respect to the staff appointed by Dean and under direct administrative control) U 1 C/1 C/2 C/3 l To sanction festival advance all staff as mentioned above To sanction leave salary advance to all staff as mentioned above To sanction tour advance by Dean for himself I C/4 To sanction HBA I I C/5 C/6 To sanction non refundable withdrawal of PF To sanction temporary advance from PF 1 m Full powers as per extant Rules of ESIC IGovt. of India on the subject Full powers as per extant Rules of ESIC IGavt. . of India on the subject Full powers provided the tour program is already approved subject to ex-post facto approval of the controlling officer Full powers to authorize payment in lump sum or in installments ( in consultation with Finance & Account s)of advance sanctioned by Hqrs. Off. on satisfaction of the conditions laid down for such payments Full powers in consultation with the Rnance & Accounts Full powers jrt., -4- ANNEXURE D. Contingent Expenditure for College only [Departments located in Academic Blockl I 011 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 0/9 0/10 0/11 II To make petty purchases such as rubber stamps stationery items exclusively for college, Identity Cards, library cards for Students, printing of answer sheets etc. To sanction expenditure of miscellaneous Icontingent character (Non recurring and recurring) To sanction purchase of reagent I chemicats for college iaboratories exclusively for UG I PG college use. To sanction repair, AMC I CMC & maintenance and replacement of parts of college equipments To write off of losses due to theft, fraud , negligence etc. To condemn and sanction write off of irrecoverable value of college stores (medical & non-medical) etc. provided that 1. The loss is not due to theft , fraud 2. It does not disclose in rule or procedure, the amendment of which require the orders of a higher authority; and 3. There has not been any negligence on the part of any employee which may call for disciplinary action To sanction expenditure on repair and maintenance of college furniture (medical & non-medical). To sanction payment of Statutory fees to University /MO or other statutory bodies To sanction expenditure on each occasion on 'college function', seminar / conferences held in the college, with prior approval of HQ office To sanction expenditure on tea/coffee/ cold drinks and light refreshment in connection with fQrmal bonafide meetings and interdepartmental meetingsTo sanction expenditure on the purchase of college equipments, stores, furniture for the exclusive use UG / PG college. ID Full powers up to Rs.l0000/- per quarter Full powers subject to upper limit of Rs. 1 lac per annum Full powers subject to budget provision in consuftation with Medical superintendent and concurrence of Rnance & Accounts Full powers Up to Rs. 5000/- in individual case in consultation of Rnance & Accounts Full powers, individual case wise, in consultation with Rnance & Accounts Full powers provided the total expenditure of repair does not exceed 2/3rd of the present cost of the furniture Full power up to Rs. 5 lacs in consultation of Rnance & Accounts Full power in consultation of Rnance & Accounts to the extent of Rs. 01 lac per function subject to a maximum of Rs. 05 lacs per year beyond which Hqrs approval may be taken. Full powers up to Rs 25/- per head for tea /coffee/ cold drinks etc. and Rs. 501 per head for light refreshments Full powers up to 10 lacs (unit cost) in consultation with Rnance & Accounts A
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