CURRICULUM VITAE Barbara Kirk Gold Edward North

Barbara Kirk Gold
Edward North Professor of Classics
Humanities Coordinator
Department of Classics
Hamilton College
Clinton, New York 13323
(315)859-4286; fax: (315) 859-4253; e-mail:
B.A. University of Michigan 1966
M.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1968
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1975
Special Interests:
Greek and Roman Literature (particularly Roman elegy, lyric, satire)
Medieval Literature/Culture/History
Comparative Literature
Women in the Ancient World
Feminist Criticism
Teaching Experience:
University of California at Irvine: (Lecturer, Acting Assistant Professor, 1971-75):
Elementary Latin and Greek, Herodotus, Plato, Lucretius, Greek tragedy, on
Translation, Mythology, graduate courses in literature.
University of Richmond: (Assistant Professor, 1976-77): Humanities; Greco-Roman
University of Virginia: (Assistant Professor, 1977-1978): Greek Civilization, graduate
courses in literature.
University of Texas: (Assistant Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, 19781986): all of the above, Latin and Greek Elements, Graduate Courses in
Comparative Literature, Plan II Honors Courses in Satire, and Literature, Society, and
Santa Clara University: (Associate Professor of Classics and Women's Studies, 19861989): Literature of the Western World; Women in Antiquity.
Hamilton College: (Associate Professor to Professor, Chair: 1989-1994; Leonard C.
Ferguson Professor of Classics, 1994-97; Professor of Classics and Associate Dean,
1997-2001); Professor of Classics (1989-present), Chair of Classics (2002-06);
Edward North Professor of Classics (2008-present)
Grants and Fellowships:
NDEA Fellowship (1967-68).
Duke University Mellon Fellowship (1978, declined; 1979, accepted).
B. K. Gold
University Research Institute summer fellowship (1979, 1981).
The School of Criticism and Theory (University of California, Irvine), fellowship,
(Summer, 1979, declined).
University Research Institute Special research grants (five from 1979-83).
University Research Institute grant for salary supplement (1980).
University Research Institute Research Grant (1984, for study at Oxford).
Thomas Terry Award, Santa Clara University (1988-89).
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 1992
Teagle Foundation, for “A Longitudinal Study of Critical Thinking and Postformal
Reasoning: Assessing Undergraduate Outcomes within Disciplinary Contexts”; grant
totaling $215,899.00. P.I. is Rachelle Brooks (assessment expert); I am on the faculty
advisory board.
Books and Volumes:
Literary and Artistic Patronage in Ancient Rome, edited by B. K. Gold (University of
Texas Press, 1982).
Literary Patronage in Greece and Rome (University of North Carolina Press, 1987).
Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition edited by B. K.
Gold, Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter (SUNY Press, 1997).
Vile Bodies: Roman Satire and Corporeal Discourse, special issue of Arethusa 31.3
(1998), ed. by Barbara K. Gold and Susanna Braund.
Roman Dining, co- ed. with John Donahue (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005)
Perpetua, A Martyr’s Story (Under contract with Oxford University Press for 2012/13)
A Companion to Roman Love Elegy, Editor (Wiley-Blackwell 2012)
Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception: Domina Illustris. Essays in Honor of Judith
Peller Hallett, ed. by Barbara Gold, Donald Lateiner, Judith Perkins (under contract
with Routledge, 2012/13)
Juvenal Satire Six, "On Women": Essays, Commentary, Translation, in progress.
Performance, Rhetoric and Subjectivity in Juvenal’s Satires, in progress.
Walter Allen, Jr. et al., "Martial: Knight, publisher, and poet," Classical Journal 65
(1970) 345-57.
Walter Allen, Jr. and the Horace Seminar, "The Addressees in Horace's First Books of
Epistles," Studies in Philology 67 (1970) 255-66.
"EUKOSMIA in Euripides' Bacchae," American Journal of Philology 98 (1977) 3-15.
"A Question of Genre: Plato's Symposium as Novel," Modern Language Notes 95
(1980) 1353-59.
"Labyrinths in Borges' House of Asterion," Helios 8 (1981) 49-59.
"Propertius 3.9: Maecenas as eques, dux, fautor," Literary and Artistic Patronage in
Ancient Rome (University of Texas Press, 1982) 103-17.
"Propertius 3.8: A Self-Conscious Narration," Quaderni Urbinati 17 (1985) 155-64.
B. K. Gold
"Joannes Secundus and His Roman Models: Shapes of Imitation in Renaissance Poetry,"
Renaissance Quarterly 35 (1982) 577-89 (with Clifford Endres).
"The Literary Misuse of Mythology: Propertius and Ovid," Stentor 1 (1983), 1-6.
"Pompey and Theophanes of Mytilene," American Journal of Philology 106 (1985) 31227.
"Time, Poetry and Immortality in Propertius (Propertius 1.8)," Classical Journal 81(1986)
"Dionysus, Greek Festivals, and the Treatment of Hysteria," Laetaberis, N.S. 6 (1988)
"Teaching Classics: The Jesuit Way versus the Big Business Approach" Classical
Journal 84.3 (Feb./March 1989) 253-59
"Openings in Horace's Satires and Odes: Poet, Patron and Audience," In F. Dunn, ed.,
Beginnings in Classical Literature. Yale Classical Studies 29, 161-85. Cambridge
"Mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur: Time and Nature in Horace's Odes"
Classical Philology 88.1 (1993) 16-31.
"But Ariadne Was Never There in the First Place: Finding the Female in Roman Poetry,"
in Feminist Theory and the Classics, N. Rabinowitz and A. Richlin, eds. (Routledge
1993) 75-101.
"'The Master Mistress of My Passion': The Lady as Patron in Ancient and Renaissance
Literature," in Woman's Power, Man's Game: Essays on Classical Antiquity in Honor
of Joy King, M. DeForest, ed. (Bolchazy-Carducci 1993) 279-304.
"Sexual Harassment in the Classics Profession: Interpreting the Testimony," Women's
Classical Caucus Newsletter 20.1 (Spring 1993) 48-53.
"Feminism and Classical Studies," Democratic Culture 2.1 (Spring 1993) 12-13.
"Patronage," Encyclopedia of Social History (New York: Garland, 1994) 548-49.
"Humor in Juvenal's Sixth Satire: Is It Funny?," in Laughter Down the Centuries, Vol. I,
Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, series B, vol. 208, ed. Siegfried Jäkel and Asko
Timonen (Turku, Finland: Turku Yliopisto, 1994-95), 95-111.
In Search of the Feminist Optimates, a response to John Heath, Self-Promotion and the
'Crisis' in Classics, Classical World 89.1 (1995) 25-27.
"Hrotswitha Writes Herself: Clamor Validus Gandeshemensis," (in and Gender in
Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition, ed. B. Gold, P. A. Miller, C.
Platter [SUNY Press, 1997]) 41-70.
"Feminism and Classics: Framing the Research Agenda," Brief Mention, American
Journal of Philology 118.2 (Summer 1997) 328-32.
"Cross-Dressing in Roman Comedy: The Case of Plautus's Casina," Annales
Universitatis Turkuensis, in Laughter Down the Centuries, Vol. III, Series C, ed.
Siegfried Jäkel and Asko Timonen (Turku, Finland, 1997) 99-108.
" 'Vested Interests' in Plautus's Casina: Cross-Dressing in Roman Comedy, (Helios,
special issue on The Construction of Gender and Genre in Roman Elegy and Comedy
25.1(1998) 17-29 (reprinted in volume on Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient
World, ed. Toohey and Golden, Edinburgh University Press, 2002).
“The Perception of Urban Life in Juvenal’s Satires,” in The Shapes of City Life in Rome
and Pompeii: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Richardson jr (New Rochelle, New York:
Aristide D. Karatzas, 1998) 53-69.
B. K. Gold
"‘The House I Live In Is Not My Own’: Women’s Bodies in Juvenal’s Satires," Arethusa
31.3 (Fall 1998) 369-86 (in a special issue of Arethusa co-edited by myself and
Susanna Braund).
“She Heard the Gates of the Temple of Learning Clang as They Closed,” Classical
World 94.1 (2000) 67-71.
“Feminist Studies and Classical Philology,” Kathimerini, September 2001.
“Diversifying the Curriculum: What Do Students Think?,” AAC&U Diversity Digest
(Winter 2001).
“Ut Responsurae Singula Verba Iace: Natural and Unnatural Silence in the Elegies of
Propertius,” published in abstract (forthcoming elsewhere in toto) in The Language of
Silence (Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Vammala, Finland, 2001).
“Accipe Divitias et Vatum Maximus Esto: Money, Poetry, Mendicancy and Patronage in
Martial,” in Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text, ed. A. Boyle and W. Dominik
(Brill, Fall, 2003)
“My Sister’s Words are Swallowed up by the Next Wave.” Online publication for Diotima
(refereed) for panel (organized by Gold and Rabinowitz) on Changing Lenses: The Politics
and Discourse of Feminism in Classics (Feminism and Classics IV conference, University
of Arizona, 2004)
"Classics, the Atom Bomb, and the Environment: Team-Teaching Multidisciplinary
Courses from a Classics Point of View," Classical Outlook 83 (2006) 132-35.
“How Women (Re)Act in Roman Love Poetry: Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful
Mothers in Propertius’s Elegies,” Helios 33.2 (2006) 165-87.
“The Natural and Unnatural Silence of Women in the Elegies of Propertius,” Antichthon
41 (2007) 54-72.
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in Propertius’ Elegies, 2006 Trendall
lecture of the Australian Humanities Academy, published in the proceedings of The
Australian Academy of the Humanities 2007, 133-154.
“Patronage: Literary Patronage,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome
(OUP 2009-10)
“Patronage: The Ancient Book,” Oxford Companion to the Book, ed. Michael F. Suarez
and HR Woudhuysen (OUP, January 10)
“Maecenas,” The Virgil Encyclopedia, ed. J. Ziolkowski and Richard Thomas
(Wiley/Blackwell 2010)
“Patronage, Literary,” Encyclopedia of Ancient History, ed. A. Erskine (WileyBlackwell, January 2012)
“Gender Fluidity and Closure in Perpetua’s Prison Diary,” in Eugesta 1: 1-15 (a new
international classical journal published in several languages, online and in print)
(December 2011)
“Patronage and the Elegists: Social Reality or Literary Construction?,” in A Companion to
Roman Love Elegy, ed. Barbara K. Gold (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) 303-17.
“Introduction,” in A Companion to Roman Love Elegy, ed. Barbara K. Gold (Wiley-Blackwell,
“The Corpus of Juvenal’s Poetry,” in A Companion to Persius and Juvenal, ed. Susanna Braund
and Josiah Osgood (forthcoming Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)
“The Natural and Unnatural Silence of Women in the Elegies of Propertius,” reprinted in Oxford
Readings in Propertius, ed. Ellen Greene and Tara Welch (Oxford University Press 2012).
(a selection of the best work on Propertius over the past 30 years)
B. K. Gold
“Teaching Ancient Comedy: Joking about Race, Ethnicity and Slavery,” in Teaching
Uncomfortable Subjects in the Classics Classroom, ed. F. McHardy and N. Rabinowitz
(forthcoming, Ohio State University Press 2012/2013)
“ ‘And I Became a Man’: Gender Fluidity and Closure in Perpetua’s Prison Narrative,” in
Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception: Domina Illustris. Essays in Honor of
Judith Peller Hallett, ed. B. K. Gold, D. Lateiner, J. Perkins (under contract with
Routledge, 2012/13)
“The Remaking of Perpetua: A Female Martyr Through a Male Gaze,” forthcoming in Sex in
Antiquity: New Essays on Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World, ed. M. Masterson,
N. Rabinowitz, J. Robson (forthcoming Routledge 2103)
“Comedy in Ancient Greece and Rome: What Was Funny, Whose Humor Was It, and How Do
We Explain Jokes Without Killing Them?,” in Women and Comedy, ed. P. Dickinson, S.
Swagerman, P. St. Pierre, D. Solomon (forthcoming Farleigh Dickinson University Press,
Review of Michael von Albrecht, Römische Poesie (Heidelberg: Lothar Stiehm, 1977) in
American Journal of Philology 100 (1979) 449-51.
Review of Jackson I. Cope, Joyce's Cities: Archaeologies of the Soul (Baltimore: The
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), in Classical and Modern Literature 3 (1982)
Review of Daniel A. Dombrowski, The Philosophy of Vegetarianism (Amherst:
University of Massachusetts Press, 1984), The Classical Outlook 63.2 (1985-86) 70.
Review of John Edwards, The Roman Cookery of Apicius (Point Roberts, Washington:
Hartley and Marks, Inc., 1984), The Classical Outlook 64.2 (December/January 198687) 66.
Review of Ross Kilpatrick, The Poetry of Friendship, Horace, Epistles I (Edmonton:
University of Alberta Press, 1986), Classical World 81.4 (1988) 319-20.
Review of Eva Cantarella, Pandora's Daughters: The Role and Status of Women in
Greek and Roman Antiquity (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press,
1987), Classical World 82.6 (1989) 454-55.
Review of David Sansone, Greek Athletics and the Genesis of Sport (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1988), Classical World 83.6 (1990) 542.
Review of Anne Carson, Eros the Bittersweet: An Essay (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1986), American Journal of Philology 111.3 (1990) 400-403.
Review of Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, ed. Patronage in Ancient Society (New York:
Routledge, 1989), Classical Outlook 68.2 (1990-91) 70.
Review of C. Ransmayr, The Last World (New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1990),
Women's Classical Caucus Newsletter 17 (1991) 44-47.
Review of R. J. Baker, Propertius I. University of New England Teaching Monograph
Series (Armidale, Australia 1990), Classical Outlook 70 (1993) 75-76.
Review of P. duBois, Torture and Truth (New York: Routledge, 1991) Bryn Mawr
Classical Review 4.1 (1993) 19-22.
B. K. Gold
Review of E. Gruen, Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome (Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1992), The American Historical Review (October 1993) 1195-98.
Review of S. Dixon, The Roman Family (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992),
forthcoming in The Women's Classical Caucus Newsletter 23 (Spring 1995) 16-22.
Review of W. R. Johnson, Horace and The Dialectics of Freedom: Readings in Epistles I
(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993), The American Journal of Philology 117.3
(1996) 335-38.
Review of Guy Lee, trans. Propertius, the Poems (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994),
Classical World
Review of Elaine Fantham, Roman Literary Culture: From Cicero to Apuleius.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996, Classical Outlook 1999.
Review of Thomas N. Habinek, The Politics of Latin Literature: Writing, Identity, and
Empire in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998 The
American Journal of Philology 123.4, Winter 2002), 645-48
Review of Kirk Freudenburg, Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to
Juvenal (Cambridge UP 2001), The International Journal of the Classical Tradition
10.1 (2003-04) 139-41
Review from American Journal of Philology 1990 (of Ann Carson, Eros the Bittersweet)
reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism 185 (2004) (an index to criticism)
Review of A.J. Woodman and D. Feeney, eds., Traditions and Contexts in the Poetry of Horace
(Cambridge 2002) Classical Review 55.1 (2005) 125-27
Review of Jeri Blair DeBrohun, Roman Propertius and the Reinvention of Elegy (University of
Michigan 2003) , Classical Philology April (2005) 202-207
Review of K. Freudenburg, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Roman Satire (Cambridge, 2005)
Classical Review 57.1 (Spring 2007).
Review of Sarah Culpepper Stroup, Catullus, Cicero, and a Society of Patrons (Cambridge
2010), Classical World (forthcoming 2012).
Work in Progress:
Vibia Perpetua: A Martyr’s Story (Oxford UP 2012)
Blackwell’s Companion to Roman Elegy (Wiley/Blackwell March 2012)
Edition and Commentary on Juvenal's Sixth Satire (on Women) (in preparation): Juvenal
Satire Six, "On Women": Essays, Commentary, Translation
Book on Roman Satire: Performance, Rhetoric and Subjectivity in Juvenal’s Satires, in
Invited Papers and Talks
Propertius and Maecenas, American Philological Association, December 1974.
EUKOSMIA in Euripides' Bacchae, Philological Association of the Pacific Coast,
November 1975.
Labyrinths in Borges' House of Asterion, Florida State Comparative Literature
Symposium, January, 1977.
B. K. Gold
The Unity of Propertius 3.8, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April,
Plato, Agathon and Gorgias: Plato's View of the Sophists, Mountain Interstate Foreign
Language Conference, October, 1977.
Tragedy and Comedy in Plato's Symposium, University of Florida Conference on
Comparative Drama, March, 1978.
Propertius 1.8: Dream and Reality, Classical Association of the Middle West and South,
April, 1978.
Tragedy, Comedy and Satyr-Drama in Plato's Symposium, American Philological
Association, December, 1978.
A Question of Genre: Plato's Symposium as Novel, American Philological Association,
December, 1979 (and chaired panel on subject).
M.M. Bakhtin and Novelistic Truth in Plato's Symposium, Associazione Psicanalitica
Italiana, Paris, May 1980.
Pompey and Theophanes of Mytilene: An Hospitium Arrangement, Classical
Association of the Middle West and South, March, 1980.
Pindar: Economics and Poetry, Classical Association of the Middle West and South,
April, 1981.
Non faciet capiti dura corona meo: Propertius and the Epic Tradition, invited paper at
the American Philological Association, December 1981.
The Literary Misuse of Mythology: Propertius and Ovid, invited paper at the Classical
Association of the Middle West and South, April, 1982.
Temporis Arma: Passage of Time in Ovid Tristia 4.10, American Philological
Association, December, 1982.
Dea, magna dea, Cybebe: the End of Attis, Classical Association of the Middle West
and South, April, 1983.
Truth, Reality and Fiction in Ancient and Modern Satire, invited paper at conference on
Truth and Reality at Brown University, November, 1983.
Satire and Distortion, invited paper at University of California at Irvine, November,
I quaeso et tristes istos compone libellos (Propertius 1.9), Classical Association of the
Middle West and South, April, 1984.
Cicero and Caelius: Boats or Emetics?, Classical Association of the Middle West and
South, April, 1985.
Powerful Women in Roman Literature: The Lady as Patron, invited paper at symposium
on Women in the Ancient World at Trinity University in February, 1986.
Time in Ovid's Tristia, invited paper at Texas A & M, February, 1986.
Powerful Women in Roman Literature, invited paper at Santa Clara University,
February, 1986.
Female Patrons in Antiquity and the Renaissance, Women's Studies Research Seminar,
University of Texas, March, 1986.
Pindar: On Lying, Excellence and Consistency, Classical Association of the Middle
West and South, April, 1986.
Ovid's View Reconsidered: Mythological Paradigms for Role Reversal in the Amores,
Classical Association of the Middle West and South - Southern Section, October,
The Mistress as Patron in Ancient Rome, Philological Association of the Pacific coast,
November, 1986.
B. K. Gold
Changing the Look of the Profession, American Philological Association, December,
1986 (and chaired panel on the subject).
Reversible Boundaries and Explosions of Force: The Greek Theater and Festival as
Female Therapy, invited lecture at Illness & Healing, a NEH-sponsored series of
lectures at Johns Hopkins sponsored by the Committee on Cultural and Social
Affairs of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, March 9, 1987; made part of their
permanent video library of selected lectures.
Teaching Classics: The Jesuit Way vs. the Big Business Approach, Classical
Association of the Middle West and South, April, 1987 (and chaired panel on
Bakhtin, Derrida & Plato, a comment on papers at Interpreting Plato: An
Interdisciplinary Conference, University of California at Santa Cruz, May 8-9, 1987.
Propertius' Monobiblos: Unspeakable Emotion and the Power of Language, Philological
Association of the Pacific coast, November, 1987.
Unspeakable Emotion and the Power of Love: Propertius' 'Monobiblos', invited paper at
University of California, Irvine, March, 1988.
Powerful Women in Roman and Renaissance Literature: The Lady as Patron, invited
paper at University of California, San Diego, March, 1988.
Dionysus, Greek Festivals, and the Treatment of Hysteria, Classical Association of the
Middle West and South, April, 1988.
Coping with Life as a Faculty Member in a Smaller Classics Department and Liking It,
paper given at a panel on Smaller Classics Departments: Strategies for Success at
the meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, September, 1988.
Mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur: The Fragility of Beauty and Strength of
the Rose in Horace's Odes," Classical Association of the Middle West and South,
March, 1989.
Lectures on patronage and the Roman family at NEH Institute on The Roman Family: a
Bridge to Roman Culture, Values, and Literature (Marshall University, July, 1989).
"The Master Mistress of My Passion": The Lady as Patron in Ancient and Renaissance
Literature, invited paper at Haverford College, February, 1990, University of
Arizona, April 1990, University of New Mexico, April, 1990.
Dissonance in Vergil's Eclogues and Georgics, Classical Association of the Middle West
and South, April, 1990.
So Long, Big City: The Perception of Urban Life in Juvenal's Satires, invited paper
presented at a conference on The Shapes of City Life in Rome and Pompeii, Duke
University, October 12-13, 1990.
Hrothswitha of Gandersheim: The Representation of Gender in Medieval Drama,
invited paper presented at a conference on The Representation of Gender in Classical
& Renaissance Literature, Texas A & M University.
The Woman in the Text: Male Construction and Objectification of the Female in Roman
Poetry, paper presented at a panel on Feminist Theory and the Classics at the annual
meeting of the American Philological Association, December, 1990.
Openings in Horace's Satires and Odes: Poet, Patron and Audience, Classical
Association of the Middle West and South, April 5, 1991.
So Long, Big City: City Life in Juvenal's Satires, Classical Association of the Atlantic
States, April 26, 1991.
B. K. Gold
George Eliot's Middlemarch: Is Latin and Greek Good for Women?, Classical
Association of the Atlantic States, September 27, 1991.
A Foot in the Door, paper at panel on Women and Classical Education, sponsored by
the Committee on the Classical Tradition at the annual meeting of the American
Philological Association, December, 1991.
But Ariadne Was Never There in the First Place: Finding the Female in Roman Poetry,
Gettysburg College, March, 1992; College of the Holy Cross, April 1992; University
of North Carolina, October 1992.
'Clamor Validus Gandershemensis': Depictions of the Feminine in Hrotsvitha of
Gandersheim, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April, 1992.
St. Margaret of Cortona: Secular and Religious Control of a Woman's Sanctity, with
Kristina Ferrare, Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Villanova, April 1992.
Taking a Crack at Old Jokes and Stereotypes in Satire 6: Resisting Juvenal, paper
presented at conference on Feminism and Classics, University of Cincinnati,
November 7, 1992.
Sexual Harassment in the Classics Profession: Interpreting the Testimony, paper given at
a panel on Sexual Harassment in the Classics Profession, American Philological
Association, December 29, 1992.
Humour in Juvenal, invited paper for a conference on The Phenomenon of Laughter in
the Ancient and Modern World, University of Turku, Finland, July, 1993.
Juvenal Satire Six: Taking a Crack at Old Jokes and Stereotypes, Philological
Association of the Pacific Coast, Seattle, November, 1993.
Juvenal Satire Six: Toward an Interpretive Commentary, Classical Association of the
Middle West and South, Atlanta, April, 1994.
Vested Interests in Plautus's Casina: Cross-Dressing in Roman Comedy, at a panel on
Constructions of Gender and Genre in Roman Comedy and Elegy, American
Philological Association, Atlanta, December, 1994.
Feminists and Satire: An Uneasy Mix, invited lecture at University of California at Santa
Cruz, March, 1995.
Cross-Dressing in Roman Comedy, Classical Association Conference, St. Andrews,
Scotland, April, 1995.
Feminism and Satire: An Uneasy Mix?, invited lecture at SUNY-Buffalo, May, 1996.
Hrotswitha Writes Herself: Clamor Validus Gandeshemensis, at the Thirty-First
Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May, 1996.
'Vested Interests' in Plautus's Casina: Cross-Dressing in Roman Comedy, Conference on
The Phenomenon of Laughter in the Ancient and Modern World, III, University of
Turku, Finland, July 1996.
Teaching Race, Gender and Classical Studies, address at the joint meeting of the
Classical Association of the Empire State and the Ontario Classical Association,
Toronto, November, 1996.
Fear and Loathing of Women's Bodies in Roman Satire, to be delivered at a conference
on Feminism and Classics: Framing the Research Agenda, Princeton University,
November, 1996.
She Heard the Gates of the Temple of Learning Clang as they Closed, paper delivered at
a panel on Feminist Pedagogy and Classics, American Philological Association, New
York, December 1996.
B. K. Gold
'The House I Live in is Not My Own': Fear and Loathing of Women's Bodies in Roman
Satire, plenary address presented at a conference on French Feminism Across the
Disciplines and invited talk at The University of Texas at Austin, Jan./Feb. 1997.
Who Cares about Race, Gender and Classical Studies?, paper presented at a panel on
Race, Gender and Classical Studies in the United States: A View From the Former
Colonies, University of London, Royal Holloway, April, 1997.
The Future of Latin Literary and Roman Cultural Studies, presented at the CAAS/CANE
meeting, Fairfield, CT. (in my absence), April, 1998.
The Personal Voice in Classical Scholarship, American Philological Association,
Chicago, December 1998.
Feminist Theory, Transvestism, and the Atom Bomb: The Struggles of a Classicist to
Stay Afloat, Distinguished Scholar Lecture in the Humanities, University of
Delaware, March, 1998.
Fear and Loathing of Bodies in Roman Satire: How Juvenal Plays It, invited lecture at
Oberlin College, April, 1998.
Love, Death and Silence: Voices From the Grave in Propertius, Pacific Rim Latin
Literature Seminar, Christchurch, New Zealand, June, 1998.
“Ut responsurae singula verba iace”: Voices from the Grave in Propertius’s Elegies,
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, New York, October 1998 and The
American Philological Association, Washinton, DC, December, 1998.
Natural and Unnatural Silence in the Elegies of Propertius, conference on The Language
of Silence, University of Turku, Finland, July, 1999.
Which Juvenal?: Performing Subjectivity, panel on The Speaking Subject in Rome,
American Philological Association, Dallas, Texas, December, 1999.
The Nun and the Comic: Who’s in the Kitchen Hugging the Pots and the Pans, keynote
address at Hrotsvit 2000 (a symposium on Hrotsvit of Gandersheim), Santa Clara
University, February, 2000.
Feminist Theory, Transvestism and the Atom Bomb: The Struggles of a Classicist to Stay
Afloat, Ninth Annual Belser Lecture, University of South Carolina, April, 2000.
Latin in the New Jersey and New York Secondary Schools, 1940-2000: Remembering
and Honoring Our Own Latin Teachers, CAAS meeting, Princeton University, April
Which Juvenal? Rewriting Rome in the Early Empire, Conference on “Rewriting Rome,”
University of Hobart, Tasmania, June, 2000
From the Administrator’s Swiveling Chair: What Can Classics Contribute to Diversity?,
panel on Classics, Educational Institutions and Diversity, American Philological
Association, Philadelphia, January 2002.
The State of Roman Poetry Studies Today, panel on Recognition, Subjectivity, and
Gender in Roman Poetry, Classical Association of the Middle West and South,
Austin, Texas, April 2002.
Journals, Publishing, Refereeing, and Senior/Junior Faculty: Duties and Responsibilities,
American Philological Association, New Orleans, Jan. 2003
The Organization of Classics in North America, invited member of the 2003 Presidential Panel,
gave an overview of the state of classics in North America today and spoke about ideas for
cooperation among the various Classics groups in North America, including the Classical
Ass'n of the Atlantic States (of which I was then president), at the American Philological
Association annual meeting, New Orleans, Jan. 2003.
B. K. Gold
Writing an Abstract for Professional Presentation, panel at the Classical Ass'n of the Atlantic
States, Wilmington, Delaware, Oct., 2003.
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in Propertius’ Elegies, at a panel on Matria
Potestas: Roman Literary and Historical Constructions of Mothers in the First Centuries BCE
and CE., Classical Ass’n of the Middle West and South, St. Louis, April 2004.
Preparing a Dossier for Tenure and Promotion in the Field of Classics, panel at the Classical
Ass’n of the Atlantic States, NYC, April, 2004.
Changing Lenses: the Politics and Discourse of Feminism in Classics, Feminism and Classics IV
conference, Tucson, Az., May 2004.
Which Juvenal?: Rewriting Rome in the Early Empire, Cornell University, October, 2004
Classics, the Atom, Bomb, and the Environment: Team-Teaching Multidisciplinary Courses
from a Classical Point of View, Presidential panel (Mix and Match: Interdisciplinary and
Team-Taught Courses) at the American Philological Ass’n, Boston, Jan. 2005.
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in Propertius’ Elegies, Arts and Humanities
Lecture Series, February, 2005
Feminist Theory, Transvestism and the Atom Bomb: The Struggles of a Classicist to Stay Afloat,
Duke University, April, 2005.
Institutional Pressures: The View from the Dean's Office at a panel entitled "Age-Discrimination
and the Classics Job Market" sponsored by the APA Committee on Professional Matters and
on the Status of Women and Minority Groups, December 2005.
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in Propertius’ Elegies, 2006 Trendall lecture of the
Australian Humanities Academy and keynote address at the Australasian Classical Society,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, February 2006.
Rhetoric and Auctoritas in Juvenal’s Satires, Australasian Classical Society, Hobart, Tasmania,
Australia, February 2006.
Integrating Scholarship on Vergil and Augustanism, workshop at the annual meeting of the
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Towson, Maryland, October 2006.
How Women (Re)Act in Roman Love Poetry: Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in
Propertius’ Elegies, invited lecture at the University of Kansas, October 2006.
Which Juvenal: Rewriting Rome in the Early Empire, invited lecture at the Hall Center for the
Humanities, Pre-1500 Humanities series, University of Kansas, October 2006.
One Hundred Years of Scholarship and Pedagogy: The American Journal of Philology, presented
at a panel on “A Century of Developments in Classical Scholarship and Pedagogy” at the
centennial meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, October 2007.
The Past as Prologue: the Role of Classics in a Liberal Education, introduction and comments at
a panel co-organized by myself and Michael Arnush at the centennial meeting of the
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, October 2007.
Classics and the Changing Climate of Higher Education, introduction and comments at a panel
co-organized by myself and Lee Pearcy at the annual meeting of the American Philological
Association, Chicago, January 2008.
The Meanings of Silence: Keeping Women In and Out,” presented at the Feminism and Classics
V Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2008
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mothers in Propertius’s Elegies: A Consideration of Roman
Mothers and Some Remarks on Their Colonial American Counterparts, invited lecture at
University of Massachusetts- Amherst, December 2008.
The Martyr Perpetua: Athlete of God, invited lecture at Victoria University, Wellington, New
Zealand; University of Auckland (New Zealand), University of Canterbury (Christchurch,
New Zealand), September-October 2009
B. K. Gold
Inhuman She-Wolves and Unhelpful Mother’s in Roman Poetry: A Consideration of Roman
Mothers and Some Remarks on their Colonial American Counterparts, invited lectures to
Classical Associations at University of Auckland (New Zealand), University of Otago
(Dunedin, New Zealand), September-October 2009
‘And I Became a Man’: Perpetua, Athlete of God, invited lecture at Columbia University, April
Perpetua Athlete of God: gender, race and class in the Passio Perpetuae", invited lecture at NEH
seminar on “St. Augustine and Perpetua: Autobiography in its Roman African Context,”
Carthage, Tunisia (July 2010)
Teaching Ancient Comedy: Race Matters, presented at a panel on “Teaching Difficult Subjects
in the Classics Classroom” at the annual meeting of the American Philological Association,
San Antonio, Texas, January 2011
“Thrown to the Beasts: Perpetua’s Martyrdom in Roman Africa,” public lecture at The Other
Side, Utica, NY, in Imagining America series, March 2011.
‘And I Became a Man’: Gender Fluidity and Closure in Perpetua’s Fourth Vision, annual
meeting of the Classical Association, Durham, England (April 2011)
Comedy in Ancient Greece and Rome: What Was Funny, Whose Humor Was it, and How Do
We Explain the Jokes Without Killing Them?, invited paper at an interdisciplinary, grantfunded conference, “Women and Comedy: History, Theory, Practice” at Simon Fraser
University, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 2011.
“Comedy: Now and Then,” Hamilton College Bicentennial Weekend Lecture, September 2011
Juvenal: The Idea of the Book, presented at the annual meeting of the American Philological
Association, Philadelphia, January 2012
A Woman’s View of War: Simone Weil and the Iliad, presented at a conference on “Classical
Greek and Roman Literature: Gendered Perspectives in Reading and Reception (University
of Maryland, grant-funded by NSF, April 1, 2012)
Panels and Symposia Organized:
"Literary and Artistic Patronage in Ancient Rome," a symposium at The University of
Texas at Austin, Fall, 1979. Speakers were Barry Baldwin, Jasper Griffin, Eleanor
Winsor Leach, Michael Vickers, Peter White, Gordon Williams, T. P. Wiseman, and
James Zetzel. Published in 1982 by the University of Texas Press.
"Plato's Symposium," a panel at the 1980 meeting of the American Philological
Association. Speakers were Diskin Clay, G L. Plochmann, L. Woodbury, and
"Ethical Values in the Ancient World and Their Interpretation in the Twentieth Century,"
a panel at the 1986 meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and
South. Speakers were Kenneth Reckford, Carl Rubino, Susan Ford Wiltshire, and
"Minorities and the Classics: a Re-formation of our Profession," a panel at the 1986
meeting of the American Philological Association. Organized with Shelley P. Haley.
Speakers were Albert Baca, John Butler, Shelley Haley, Marion Polsky, Joseph
Russo, and myself.
B. K. Gold
"Understanding Classical Antiquity: A Practical View," a panel at the 1987 meeting of
the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Speakers were Meyer
Reinhold, J. K. Newman, Lois Hinckley, and myself.
"Aspects of Women in the Ancient World," a panel at the 1991 meeting of the Classical
Association of the Empire State. Speakers were Shelley Haley and myself.
Sexual Harassment in the Classics Profession," a panel at the1992 meeting of the
American Philological Association co-chaired with Judith Hallett. Speakers were
Ruth Colker, Valerie French, Judith Ginsburg, Judith Hallett, Diana Robin, James
Wallace, and myself.
"Jane Ellen Harrison: Stripping Away the Mask," a panel at the 1993 meeting of the
Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Speakers were Christina Baker,
Marcia D.-S. Dobson, Kristina Passman, and myself.
"Vile Bodies: Roman Satire and Corporeal Discourse," panel co-organized by myself and
Susannah Braund (University of Bristol), at the American Philological Association
meeting, December, 1995.
“Administrators and the Classics: An Interesting Partnership,” panel presented at the
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Lafayette College, October, 1999.
“Only Connect: After the First-Year Program,” invited panel organized and chaired for
the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities,
including colleagues from Hamilton, Princeton University, and Davidson College,
Washington, DC, January, 2000.
“Smashing Our Heads on the Glass Ceiling: Classicists, Feminists, and Administration,”
organized, chaired and spoke at panel at the Third Feminism and Classics
Conference, University of Southern California, May, 2000.
“The Word on the Street: Classics from the Perspectives of the Academic and Popular
Presses,” panel co-organized and chaired with C. Rubino, Classical Association of the
Atlantic States, October 2000.
“Doubleday Classicists: Classicists Who Teach in High School and Colleges,” Panel
Chaired at the Classical Association of the Atlantic States, October 2001.
“Journals, Publishing, Refereeing, and Senior/Junior Faculty: Responsibilities and Duties,”
panel co-organized and chaired with Sharon James (UNC-CH), American Philological
Association, January 2003.
“Changing Lenses: the Politics and Discourse of Feminism in Classics,” panel co-organized with
Nancy Rabinowitz, Feminism and Classics IV conference, Tucson, Az., May 2004.
“The Past as Prologue: the Role of Classics in a Liberal Education,” panel co-organized with
Michael Arnush at the centennial meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic
States, October 2007.
“Classics and the Changing Climate of Higher Education,” co-organized with Lee Pearcy at the
annual meeting of the American Philological Association, Chicago, January 2008.
“Crossing Borders in the Classroom and Beyond: Transgressive Teaching and Mentoring in
Publics and Privates in the United States, U.K., and New Zealand,” panel organized for the
6th triennial Feminism and Classics conference, Brock University, Hamilton, Ontario, May
Editorial and Review Boards:
B. K. Gold
Editorial Board, Helios, 1981-present; American Journal of Philology, (1989 - present);
Associate Editor, 1999-2000; Editor, 2000-2008.
International Board, Spirali (Milano) (1978-80).
Referee for many journals including American Journal of Philology, Transactions of the
American Philological Association, Classical Philology, Helios, Classical World,
Classical Outlook, Phoenix and Classical Journal (approximately 20 articles per year).
Referee for The University of Texas Press, Pennsylvania State University Press, Ohio
State University Press, University of California Press (declined)
National Endowment for the Humanities panelist (1983, 1986, 1999, 2007 – Divisions of
Education, Humanities Focus Grants, Summer Stipends.
Co-editor, Women's Classical Caucus Newsletter (1990-94) (I edited 2 issues)
Referee for Berkshire Conference of Women's Historians (1991-92), National
Humanities Center (1991-94) and American Council of Learned Societies (1992-94).
National Program Committee, Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, June, 1996.
American Philological Association, Program Committee, Colloquium Series for
"Ideology and Poetic Form" (1995-97) and "The Personal Voice in Classics" (199597)
External Reviewer, University of Oklahoma Department of Classics, (1993-94);
Skidmore College (1996), University of Oklahoma; Wheaton College (2005);
Williams College (2007); John Carroll University (12/2007); Rhodes College (2010),
College of the Holy Cross (2011)
Referee for NEH, ACLS, National Humanities Center (current)
Editor, American Journal of Philology (2000-08); In that capacity, won award from the
Association of American Publishers (the nationwide trade group for all publishing, not just
scholarly): in the 2003 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division Annual Awards
Competition: WINNER, Best Single Issue of a Journal, For: American Journal of Philology
Vol. 124, No. 3; By: Barbara K. Gold, Editor, John F. Donahue, Guest Editor.
Administrative Experience and Committees:
American Philological Association, Placement Committee (1979-83); Committee on the
Status of Women and Minority Groups (1983-85, 1991-98; Chair, 1997-98, Presider
over sessions, 1999-2002; Vice President for Outreach and member of Board of
Directors, 2004-08; nominated for President, 2010; TLL Committee (2010-13)
Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Resolutions Committee (1982-83);
Nominating Committee (1983-84).
Eta Sigma Phi, Classics national honorary society, National Scholarship Committee
National Endowment for the Humanities, review panel on "Humanities Instruction in
Elementary and Secondary Schools," Washington, D.C. (1983); review panel on
subventions to publishers (NEH Research Division) (1986), referee for grants (1990present); Referee for Summer Stipends, 1995-97, 2007.
Classical Association of the Middle West and South - Southern Section, Executive
Committee (1984-86).
B. K. Gold
Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, Section Chair, Latin (1988)
Women's Classical Caucus, Steering Committee (1990-93); Co-Chair (1991-92).
Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies in Athens (1990-present).
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Regional Representative, Central New York,
Executive Committee (1993-96); Hahn Rome-Athens Scholarship Committee (199497); President, 2002-03; ad hoc committee on Undergraduate Research Sessions,
Chair (2011)
Teachers for a Democratic Culture, National Steering Committee (1992-1996).
Classical Association of the Empire State, Executive Committee, (1993-96).
Director, Classical Association of the Atlantic States Summer Institutes on "Race,
Gender, and Classical Studies," Skidmore College, 1996-97.
Chair, panel on "The Ancient Construction of Status: Gendered Discourses and
Documents," at the trienniel Berkshire Conference of Women Historians, Chapel Hill,
NC, June, 1996.
Author of major survey of all Classics Departments in U.S. and Canada for the
Committee on the Status of Women and Minority Groups, American Philological
Association for the APA Newsletter 19.2 (April 1996 and April 1997).
Member of 25th Anniversary Committee of the Women's Classical Caucus.
Referee for APA Three-Year Colloquium on The Subject in Antiquity (1998-2001)
Referee for Promotion to Full Professor, Tenure and Pre-tenure Candidates at various
colleges and universities.
Classical Association of the Atlantic States, President, 2002-03; Chair of Nominating
Committee, 2003-04; Program Committee (1995-present except 2009); Presidential
Initiative Grants Committee (2009-present); annual presider at sessions
Founder and Chris of Chairs of Classics Departments at Liberal Arts Colleges (meets
annually at the APA meeting), 2003-present
Faculty Advisory Committee Member of Multi-Year Teagle Foundation Assessment
Grant, “Assessing Undergraduate Outcomes Within Disciplinary Contexts: A
Longitudinal Study of Critical Thinking and Post-Formal Reasoning,” 2005-13.
American Philological Association: Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Committee (2010-13)
American Philological Association: Professional Matters Committee (2011-14)
Eugesta (international journal, pub. In France), on the “Committee Scientifique”
(Editorial/Governing Board)
University of Texas:
Rhodes-Marshall Scholarship Committee (1981-82).
Parking and Traffic Committee (1983-85).
Graduate Fellows Advisor (1983-85).
College of Liberal Arts, Plan II Honors Program Faculty Council (1984-86).
College of Liberal Arts, Plan II Honors Program Fiftieth Anniversary Planning
Committee (1985-86).
Comparative Literature Program: Chair, Colloquium Committee (1981-82); Qualifying
Exam Committee (1982-84); Graduate Advisor Committee (1986). Nominated as
Graduate Advisor, 1984.
Classics Department: Coordinator of Undergraduate Latin program (1979-84);
Undergraduate Studies Committee (1979-83); Committee on Colloquia and Visiting
B. K. Gold
Lecturers (1979-82; Chair, 1980-82); Course Committee (1982-83); Computer
Committee (1980-81); Undergraduate Scholarship Committee (1980-82); Hiring and
Recruitment Committee (1981-82); Advisor to Eta Sigma Phi, Classics National
Honorary Society (1978-86); advisor to the University Classics Association (197886).
Santa Clara University:
Faculty Forum Committee (1987-1989).
Faculty Personnel Committee (1987-1989).
Advisor to Eta Sigma Phi, Classics National honorary society and Classics Club (19871989).
Participant in panel on The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom (November,
Truman Scholarship Committee (1988-89).
Women's Studies Program Committee (1988-89).
Participant in Roman Module (November, 1988).
Participant in panel on "The State of the Humanities Today," (on ACLS report
"Speaking for the Humanities") (May, 1989).
Hamilton College:
Associate Dean of Faculty (1997-2001) with all attendant responsibilities (Personnel,
Strategic Planning, Curriculum Reform, Budget and Finance)
Chair of Classics Department (1989-94, 2002-6)
Committee on Appointments - 4 terms (1991-92; 94-97; Chair, 1996-97; 2005-08, Chair
2006-08; 2010-13, Chair 2010-12)
Women's Studies Committee (1990-97).
Chair of Ancient Mediterranean Civilization Program (1989-94).
Class of 1963 Teaching Award Committee (1990-91).
Honorary Degree Committee of the Board of Trustees (1991-97).
Committee on Equal Opportunity (1991-present).
Facilitator for all-campus workshop, "Our Cultures, Ourselves: Working with
Difference" (February 3, 1995).
Hamilton-Colgate Mellon Grant Committee (1995-present).
Pew Higher Education Roundtable, pre-planning committee and committee (1995-96).
Facilitator at Pre-College Conference (August, 1995).
Chair of tenure committee, Hong Gang Jin, and chair of constituted department
committee, De Bao Xu (1995-97).
Member of ad hoc Promotion Committee, Margaret Gentry (1996-97).
Anti-Hazing Task Force (1997-present).
Elderhostel, Women's Roles in the Ancient World (1997-present).
Dramaturge, Lysistrata (April, 1997).
Committee on Academic Policy, Curricular Review Committee on Distribution
Requirements (1996-97).
Committee on Academic Policy (ex-officio), (1997-2001).
On-Campus Planning Committee (1998-2001).
B. K. Gold
Selection Committee for Media Relations Director, 1998.
Selection Committee for Director of Multicultural Affairs, 1998.
Enrollment Management Committee, 1998
Admissions Committee, ex-officio, 1997-2001
Proseminar Development Committee, 2000-01
Information Technology Committee (1997-2001)
Year 2000 Committee (1998-2000).
Moderator of panels for alumni events
Chair, Middle States Steering Committee for Hamilton College Accreditation Review,
Hewlett Grant, co-author of successful proposal (2001)
Chair, Diversity Task Force; author of Diversity Task Force Report
Student Prize Committee, 2003-present
Kirkland Project (Diversity and Social Justice Project), Coordinating Committee (1995present) and Executive Committee (Spring 2005)
Humanities Coordinator (2009-13)
Hiring Committees for Medieval Historian (2010) and for Hispanic Studies Department
American Classical League
American Philological Association
American Conference of Academic Deans
American Association of Colleges and Universities
Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Classical Association of the Empire State
Classical Association of the Middle West and South