GUIDELINE To inquire concerning a person's name using Adobe9 you can use the following procedure: When the selected Ivy Hill Cemetery Adobe (PDF) file is opened in Adobe 9, Choose the binoculars image or use the drop down menu "EDIT" then "FIND". Both of these options will present you with a small "window" into which you can key enter the name of the person you are inquiring. - Generally, the last or family name is keyed in to achieve an adequate response. - Adobe will then present you with a highlighted list of all occurrences matching your inquiry. - The list will be in the sequence in which they occur in the document file. - You may then move down the list by using the ENTER key. To further restrict the scope of an inquiry, add more data to your inquiry Key such as: 1- Smith = Will return all occurrences of Smith. (Last, Middle, Maiden etc.) 2- Smith, = All occurrences of Smith (with comma) as the last name. 3- Smith, John = All occurrences of Smith with the first name John. 4- Veteran = All know veterans. 5- Firemen = All known Firemen. NOTE: If you are new to using Adobe Reader, please refer to their HELP documentation included in Adobe 9. "Click" on the Help menu drop-down and then select "Adobe Reader 9 HELP". A detailed overview of all of Adobe 9 services will be presented to you. ---------- CIRCLE of HONOR Firemen's Memorial, Ivy Hill Inmemorium MARKER: 6-1A-1 IVY HILL Cemetery Co. GEORGE PLAIN ROBERT I. TAYLOR JOHN A. ROACH JAMES W. KEEN WILLIAM EVANS J. CARSON GREEN G. DAVID APPICH Firemen's Memorial, Ivy Hill Inmemorium MARKER: 6-1A-1 IVY HILL Cemetery Co. Circle of Honor and Friendship Fountain October 7, 1970 NOTES: CIRCLE OF HONOR The Firemen's Memorial is situated immediately inside the front (King Street) gate to the Cemetery. Its' primary purpose is to honor and commemorate those firemen who died in a fire that occurred in the City of Alexandria in the year 1855. The fire occurred on November 17, 1855 at the Dowell China Shop on King Street. Dynamite, which was being stored in the basement, exploded collapsing the walls onto the seven firemen. ********* 1OBVERSE OF THE TALL MONUMENT: ( Listing of men who gave their lives, in the line of duty, in the 1855 fire.) - George Plain - Robert I. Taylor - John A. Roach - James W. Keen - William Evans - J. Carson Green - G. David Appich ---------------------------------------------------------------------REVERSE OF THE TALL MONUMENT: " A tribute of respect by the Citizens of Alexandria to the Firemen who lost their lives in the discharge of their duty." ----------------------------------------------------------------------2- SLANT GRANITE MARKER AT THE FOOT OF THE TALL MONUMENT: BRONZE PLAQUE EMBOSSED: Dedicated to the men and women of the Alexandria Fire Department. October 8, 1992. ----------------------------------------------------------------------3- FLAT GRANITE MARKER TO IDENTIFY THE COMMEMORATIVE FOUNTAIN. INSCRIBED: Honor and Friendship Fountain. October 7, 1970. ---------------------------------------------------------------------4- REDEDICATION OF FOUNTAIN. 911 The numbers used to summons fire and emergency services have been given a terrible new significance by the terrorist attack on America. Today, October 12, 2001, We rededicate the friendship fountain and remember, with awed respect and humble gratitude, all from FDNY (Fire Department of New York) who gave " the last full measure" on 9-11-2001. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 1 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) 1-54-2 Aasen, Marianne Birth_Date 08/21/1922 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/14/1997 06/18/1997 08/17/1979 08/21/1979 AASEN MARKER: Peter Quentin Aasen Sept. 17, 1919 - Aug. 17, 1979 Marianne Aasen Aug.21, 1922 - June 14, 1997 1-54-1 Aasen, Peter Quentin 09/17/1919 AASEN MARKER: Peter Quentin Aasen Sept. 17, 1919 - Aug. 17, 1979 Marianne Aasen Aug.21, 1922 - June 14, 1997 Abel, Mary B MARKER: M-47-2 Mary B. Abel 1886 - 1971 Miles A. Abel Abel, Miles A MARKER: 1875 - 1926 M-47-3 Mary B. Abel 1886 - 1971 Miles A. Abel 01/01/1875 01/01/1926 01/01/1926 01/01/1915 01/01/1971 04/03/1971 05/21/1977 05/24/1977 04/08/1963 04/08/1963 1875 - 1926 T-VET-43-2 Abel, Oliver F 02/15/1971 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Oliver F. Abel 1915 - 1971 Susan M. Abel 1914 - 1977 Together Forever Abel, Susan M MARKER: T-VET-43-3 Oliver F. Abel 1915 - 1971 Susan M. Abel 1914 - 1977 Together Forever Abell, Christopher John E-BBY-66-67 04/07/1963 Infant MARKER: Abitz, George Abitz, Mary Brown Ablondi, Italo H. MARKER: Christopher John Abell P-56-5 P-56-1 31-28-1 ABLONDI April 7, 1963 - April 8, 1963 08/25/1925 06/16/2001 06/20/2001 02/28/1934 09/24/2001 09/28/2001 07/26/1916 12/15/1920 02/20/2006 05/05/1994 02/23/2006 05/07/1994 12/16/1937 07/01/2000 07/10/2000 12/16/1937 07/01/2000 07/10/2000 06/04/1933 11/10/2005 11/21/2005 09/21/1875 May 27, 1879 - May 21, 1956 10/24/1943 10/26/1943 05/21/1956 05/24/1956 Italo H. August 25, 1929 - June 16, 2001 Beloved Husband of Unalane 42-24-1 Abramson, Robert Paul Navy Lt. MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Robert P. Zeda S. Feb. 28, 1934 May 3, 1934 Sept.24, 2001 ABRAMSON Acampora, Dorothy A., Mrs. Acampora, Oneil L. U S ARMY MARKER: T-119-6 T-119-5 WW II - Veteran Oneil L. Acampora PFC US ARMY - WORLD WAR II Dec. 15, 1920 - May 05, 1994 Achille, Godfrey MARKER: 42-188-2C Godfrey Achille Dec. 16, 1937 - July 1, 2000 Achille, Godfrey MARKER: 42-188-2C MERVYN ACHILLE June 4, 1933 - November 10, 2005 GODFREY ACHILLE December 16, 1937 - July 1, 2000 Achille, Mervyn MARKER: 42-188-2A MERVYN ACHILLE June 4, 1933 - November 10, 2005 GODFREY ACHILLE December 16, 1937 - July 1, 2000 Acton, Charles R MARKER: R-40-4 Helen M. Acton CharlesR. Acton Acton, Helen M MARKER: R-40-5 Helen M. Acton CharlesR. Acton Sept. 21, 1875 - Oct. 24, 1943 05/27/1879 May 27, 1879 - May 21, 1956 Sept. 21, 1875 - Oct. 24, 1943 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 2 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Acton, Julie Houck MARKER: Burial_Date 01/07/1947 1866 - 1929 E-46-1 E-18-4 Julia Houck Acton 1874 - 1947 Richard E. Acton Acton, Virginia Livingston MARKER: Adams, Anna W. Adams, Charles Lewis Death_Date E-18-1 Julia Houck Acton 1874 - 1947 Richard E. Acton Acton, Richard Cortney Acton, Richard E MARKER: Birth_Date 10/01/1952 01/01/1929 1866 - 1929 E-46-2 07/15/1909 Virginia Acton July 15, 1909 - Sept. 21, 1980 B-30-5 08/04/1869 R-26-2 03/08/1876 09/21/1980 09/29/1980 09/25/1959 10/05/1944 09/28/1959 10/09/1944 03/03/1918 03/03/1918 T-32-3 09/04/1917 05/29/1974 Dorothy Evans Adams Sept 4, 1917 - May 29, 1974 F-3-1A 05/27/1888 To My husband Edwin M. Adams Died: May 27, 1888 06/01/1974 Freemason MARKER: Jean Louise Adams June 4, 1927 - May 11, 1969 Charles Lewis Adams Mar. 8, 1876 - Oct. 5, 1944 Eva Oswin Lewis Feb. 26, 1888 - Apr. 12, 1949 Elizabeth Palmer Adams July 26, 1909 - 11/21/1982 The Lord is my Sheperd I shall not want. Adams, Charles W MARKER: P-50-5 Francis M. Adams 11/20/1895 Dec 17, 1866 - Oct 18, 1913 Mittie Virginia Adams Dec 3, 1869 - Dec 6, 1961 Charles W. Adams Nov 20, 1895 - Mar 3, 1918 Mary Virginia Adams Apr 19, 1894 - Jly 9, 1895 Adams, Dorothy Evans MARKER: Adams, Edwin M MARKER: 05/27/1888 Aged 32 years - We'll meet to part no more. Ida M. Adams 1858 - 1940 Adams, Elizabeth Palmer MARKER: R-26-1 Jean Louise Adams 07/26/1909 11/21/1982 June 4, 1927 - May 11, 1969 Charles Lewis Adams Mar. 8, 1876 - Oct. 5, 1944 Eva Oswin Lewis Feb. 26, 1888 - Apr. 12, 1949 Elizabeth Palmer Adams July 26, 1909 - 11/21/1982 The Lord is my Sheperd I shall not want. Adams, Emily MARKER: G-118-3 Emily Adams 1832 - 1902 01/01/1902 She lived in the Leadbeater family for fifty-five years and ministered to five generations Well done good and faithful servant Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord Adams, Esther P Adams, Eva Oswin MARKER: M-53-2 R-26-3 Jean Louise Adams 02/17/1889 11/18/1983 02/26/1888 04/12/1949 June 4, 1927 - May 11, 1969 Charles Lewis Adams Mar. 8, 1876 - Oct. 5, 1944 Eva Oswin Lewis Feb. 26, 1888 - Apr. 12, 1949 Elizabeth Palmer Adams July 26, 1909 - 11/21/1982 The Lord is my Sheperd I shall not want. Adams, Francis M MARKER: P-50-4 Francis M. Adams 12/17/1866 Dec 17, 1866 - Oct 18, 1913 11/26/1982 11/21/1983 04/15/1949 10/18/1913 10/18/1913 10/14/1931 10/14/1931 Mittie Virginia Adams Dec 3, 1869 - Dec 6, 1961 Charles W. Adams Nov 20, 1895 - Mar 3, 1918 Mary Virginia Adams Apr 19, 1894 - Jly 9, 1895 Adams, Hattie S. MARKER: M-82-1 Hattie S. Adams 10/14/1931 Daughter of Robert E. and Annie F.Smith Rest in Peace Adams, Ida M MARKER: F-3-1B To My husband 01/25/1940 Edwin M. Adams Died: May 27, 1888 Aged 32 years - We'll meet to part no more. Ida M. Adams 1858 - 1940 Adams, Iris J. MARKER: 31-54-4 Iris J. Adams 07/07/1917 08/21/1997 08/25/1997 July 7, 1917 August 21, 1997 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 3 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Adams, Jack Vernon MARKER: T-197-2 Martha T. Adams Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/21/1977 1924 - 1976 Jack V. Adams 1918 - 1977 Together forever Adams, Jean Louise MARKER: R-26-5 Jean Louise Adams 06/04/1927 05/11/1969 June 4, 1927 - May 11, 1969 Charles Lewis Adams Mar. 8, 1876 - Oct. 5, 1944 Eva Oswin Lewis Feb. 26, 1888 - Apr. 12, 1949 Elizabeth Palmer Adams July 26, 1909 - 11/21/1982 The Lord is my Sheperd I shall not want. Adams, Jerry MARKER: 31-54-3 L. W. "Jerry" ADAMS 09/02/1950 05/14/1969 04/20/1990 04/23/1990 01/19/1963 01/22/1963 08/11/1976 03/15/1982 08/14/1976 07/09/1895 07/09/1895 12/06/1961 12/09/1961 11/13/2001 11/17/2001 12/11/1979 02/20/1950 Sept. 2, 1915 - April 20, 1990 Adams, Lelia Johnson MARKER: R-177-2 Roger Brooke Adams Feb. 18, 1950 His wife: Lelia Johnson Adams Jan. 19, 1963 Adams, Margaret K Adams, Martha T MARKER: T-185-6 T-197-1 Martha T. Adams 1924 - 1976 Jack V. Adams 1918 - 1977 Together forever P-50-6 Adams, Mary Virginia 04/19/1894 Child MARKER: Francis M. Adams Dec 17, 1866 - Oct 18, 1913 Mittie Virginia Adams Dec 3, 1869 - Dec 6, 1961 Charles W. Adams Nov 20, 1895 - Mar 3, 1918 Mary Virginia Adams Apr 19, 1894 - Jly 9, 1895 Adams, Mittie Virginia MARKER: P-50-1 Francis M. Adams 12/03/1869 Dec 17, 1866 - Oct 18, 1913 Mittie Virginia Adams Dec 3, 1869 - Dec 6, 1961 Charles W. Adams Nov 20, 1895 - Mar 3, 1918 Mary Virginia Adams Apr 19, 1894 - Jly 9, 1895 Adams, Paul H Adams, Roderick C Adams, Roger Brooke MARKER: 42-83-1 R-26-4 R-177-1 Roger Brooke Adams 12/24/1918 02/18/1950 Feb. 18, 1950 His wife: Lelia Johnson Adams Jan. 19, 1963 Adams, Thomas A. MARKER: B-30-4 12/28/1854 03/16/1938 Thomas Alma Adams Dec. 28, 1854 - March 16, 1938 03/16/1939 Born Leeds, England Died Alexandria, Va. Adams, William S Adams, Willis R MARKER: Adamson, James F MARKER: M-53-1 T-185-5 01/11/1907 03/08/1972 Willis Rudolph Adams Jan 11, 1907 - Mar 8, 1972 T-87-1 01/01/1917 01/01/1973 James F. Adamson 1917 - 1973 Cuevas L. Adamson 02/27/1973 (no dates) R-20-1 Adamson, James R. 08/01/1971 03/08/1972 06/02/1955 06/02/1955 06/04/1955 12/01/1990 12/06/1990 08/11/1981 08/14/1981 04/04/1945 Infant MARKER: Francis J. Latham, Sr. Dec. 16, 1900 - Mar. 5, 1986 Alice M. Latham Aug. 20, 1902 - Oct. 6, 1985 James R. Adamson died: June 2, 1955 Infant son of James & Cuevas (Adamson) Adelmann, Johanna W MARKER: 31-102-1 Johanna W. Adlemand 06/12/1902 1902 - 1990 Agner, Elsie W (Agnes) Agner, Mildred V MARKER: O-171-1 O-171-2 Robert L. Agner 1890 - 1956 Robert L. Agner, Jr 1913 - 1968 Robert L. Agner III 1938 - 1975 Mildred V. Agner 1914 - 1945 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 4 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Agner, Robert L., Jr. MARKER: O-171-4 Robert L. Agner Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/04/1968 1890 - 1956 Robert L. Agner, Jr 1913 - 1968 Robert L. Agner III 1938 - 1975 Mildred V. Agner 1914 - 1945 Agner, Robert L., Sr. MARKER: O-171-5 Robert L. Agner 03/05/1956 1890 - 1956 Robert L. Agner, Jr 1913 - 1968 Robert L. Agner III 1938 - 1975 Mildred V. Agner 1914 - 1945 Agner, Robert Lee, III MARKER: O-171-6 Robert L. Agner 02/21/1975 1890 - 1956 Robert L. Agner, Jr 1913 - 1968 Robert L. Agner III 1938 - 1975 Mildred V. Agner 1914 - 1945 T-146-4 Agnor, Earl Preston U S ARMY MARKER: 09/05/1926 05/08/1973 05/10/1973 WW II - Veteran Earl Preston Agnor Sept 5, 1926 - May 8, 1973 He loved, he cared - Our Dad NOTES: Agnor, Evelyn Leigh Head Doorman at the U S SENATE. March 02,2009: From Michael Agnor about his uncle. List of Earls brothers: George Henry B. Feb12, 1903, D. Aug 13, 1952; Paul Edward (Michael's Father) B. Dec 16, 1907, D Dec 18, 1981; Eugene Sterrette (infant) B. Sep 15, 1914, D Mar 31, 1915; Roscoe Elmer, B. 1916 (still living); Elwood Clarence, B. Feb 16, 1919, D. Mar 18, 2005; Joseph Davidson, B. Jan 24, 1923, D. Jan 13, 1996. T-145-6 05/30/1913 12/05/1971 12/08/1971 Alexandrian MARKER: Evelyn Leigh Agnor May 30, 1913 - Dec 5, 1971 God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. NOTES: Aguilar, Efren R MARKER: Religion Editor of the Alexandria Gazette. Wedding Anniversary Sept 5th. 2-1-2 11/05/1985 Efren R. Agulilar July 19, 1921 - Nov. 2, 1984 Family Rememberance Aidt, Catherine M MARKER: T-348-9 CATHERINE CALLAHAN AIDT 09/30/1890 09/02/1974 09/05/1974 09/30/1969 12/27/1973 10/01/1969 SEPTEMBER 30, 1890 SEPTEMBER 2, 1974 Aiwohi, Elsie Cook Akers, Edna MARKER: Akin, Baby T-72-4 T-147-2 11/10/1893 Edna Akers Nov 10, 1893 - Sept 30, 1969 E-BBY-66-145 03/16/1968 Infant Albany, Joseph P. MARKER: 42-48-3 ALBANY 12/30/1929 03/11/1998 03/14/1998 T-314-7 11/03/1873 04/23/1957 Lillie Lyons Albany Nov 03, 1873 - Apr 23, 1957 T-236-6 03/19/1904 01/24/1981 Frances V. Albert March 19, 1904 - Jan 24, 1981 42-182-4 09/26/1931 03/08/2003 ALBERT 04/26/1957 JOSEPH PATRICK ALBANY December 30, 1929 - MARCH 11, 1998 Sarah Wood (Space) Albany, Lillie Lyons MARKER: Albert, Frances Vivian MARKER: Albert, Martha Frances MARKER: Richard Francis November 12, 1929 May 7, 2006 Albert, Richard Francis MARKER: 03/12/2003 Martha Frances September 26,1931 March 08,2003 42-182-3 ALBERT Richard Francis November 12, 1929 May 7, 2006 01/28/1981 11/21/1929 05/07/2006 05/13/2006 Martha Frances September 26,1931 March 08,2003 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 5 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-100-1 A-17-4 ALE Albus, William L Ale, Emma MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1866 01/01/1920 11/19/1975 01/01/1920 05/08/1894 02/12/1975 02/15/1975 01/01/1863 01/01/1925 01/01/1925 07/12/1895 08/03/1968 08/06/1968 Emma H. Ale 1866 - 1920 Theodore Ale 1863 - 1925 A-18B-5 ALE Ale, Everett Burnett MARKER: Everett Burnett Ale May 8, 1894 - Feb. 12, 1975 Virginia Coakley Ale Jly. 12, 1895 - Aug 3, 1968, A-17-5 ALE Ale, Theodore MARKER: Emma H. Ale 1866 - 1920 Theodore Ale 1863 - 1925 A-18B-4 Ale, Virginia Coakley DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution ALE MARKER: Everett Burnett Ale May 8, 1894 - Feb. 12, 1975 Virginia Coakley Ale Jly. 12, 1895 - Aug 3, 1968, Ale, Walter B Ale, Walter. B., Mrs. Alexander, Alice Biddle MARKER: N-56-4A N-56-4B T-159-6 William Bruce Alexander Alice Biddle Alexander Alexander, C W MARKER: 05/12/1912 11/21/2002 Feb 21, 1907 - Jan 26, 1974 04/12/1961 06/16/1941 11/25/2002 May 12, 1912 - Nov 21, 2002 F-38-1 In Memory of C. W. Alexander 10/10/1861 10/10/1861 Died in 36th year of his age Oct. 10, 1861 Alexander, Elizabeth A MARKER: F-38-4 In Memory of: 08/18/1874 Elizabeth A. Alexander Died in her 84th year August 18, 1874 ". . . If we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so, them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him" Alexander, Elliot Alexander, J R MARKER: F-38-2 F-38-5 In memory of: 02/25/1872 02/25/1872 05/31/1859 05/31/1859 J. R. Alexander Died in his 39th year Feb. 25, 1872 "And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" Alexander, Robert MARKER: F-38-3 Sacred to the memory of: Robert Alexander Aged 72 years May 31, 1859 "Precious in the signt of the Lord is the death of His Saint Psalm CXVI.15v He has winged his hallowed flight From earth-born woe and care, And soared above the clouds of night His Saviour's bliss to share. May 31, 1859 G-302-5 Alexander, V. E. 10/02/1941 Infant T-159-5 Alexander, William Bruce 02/21/1907 01/26/1974 01/29/1974 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: William Bruce Alexander Alice Biddle Alexander Feb 21, 1907 - Jan 26, 1974 May 12, 1912 - Nov 21, 2002 T-100-5 Allan, Ada Belle 01/01/1895 01/01/1985 03/02/1985 01/01/1985 03/02/1985 05/18/2007 05/30/2007 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution ALLAN MARKER: Samuel James 1893 - 1956 Ada Belle 1895 - 1985 Jane Allan Holstein 1921 - 1973 T-100-5 Allan, Ada Belle 01/01/1895 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Allan, Mary MARKER: Ada Belle Allan - DAR Plaque COL 6-S2-15A ALLAN Mary 09/01/1921 Sept. 1, 1921 - May 18, 2007 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 6 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-100-4A Allan, Samuel James Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1893 01/01/1956 08/29/1973 Re-interred from Arlington Cemetery 1893-1956 T-74-2 03/24/1921 12/04/1977 12/07/1977 04/18/2009 11/12/1980 08/05/2009 11/14/1980 05/02/1977 05/05/1977 12/21/1939 12/20/1936 WW I - Veteran MARKER: ALLAN Samuel James 1893 - 1956 Ada Belle 1895 - 1985 Jane Allan Holstein 1921 - 1973 NOTES: Allardice, Corbin C US Cst Gd MARKER: Allardice, Sharon Marie Allegretti, Andree MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Corbin Allardice Mar 24, 1921 - Dec 4, 1977 T-74-3B2 07/21/1951 2-64-4 10/29/1899 Beloved Mother & Grandmother Andree O. Allegretti 29 October 1898 - 12 November 1980 R-118-2 Allen, Annabelle Butt 01/07/1915 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Annabelle Adams Jan. 7, 1915 - May 2, 1977 Wife of Charles G. Adams Allen, Carrie W. MARKER: A-75-5 Samuel David Allen 06/06/1869 aged 59 years June 23, 1866 - Nov. 23, 1925 Carrie W.Allen June 6, 1869 - Dec. 21, 1939 Allen, Charles Gilmore MARKER: R-118-3 Charles G. Allen 04/07/1982 "Papa" 1913 - 1982 Allen, Eliza Vianna MARKER: P-45-6 Eliza Vianna Allen 01/01/1902 1832 - 1902 Margaret Elizabeth Kearney 1870 - 1924 Edmund Allen Kearney 1886 - 1929 Allen, Ida H MARKER: R-163-2 01/01/1878 Father: James Wilmer Allen 1876 - 1941 01/01/1959 06/10/1959 12/23/1981 12/26/1981 01/01/1941 01/01/1941 Mother: Ida H. Allen 1878 - 1959 Son: Thomas Jackson Allen 1907 - 1940 Son: John Randolph Allen 1901 - 1950 Allen, Ila I MARKER: 2-57-3 01/04/1924 Ila I. Allen - Mother and Gradmother Oct. 2, 1906 - Dec.23, 1981 You did not go alone, part of us went with you the night God called you home. You are so Loved. Allen, James Wilmer MARKER: R-163-1A 01/01/1876 Father: James Wilmer Allen 1876 - 1941 Mother: Ida H. Allen 1878 - 1959 Son: Thomas Jackson Allen 1907 - 1940 Son: John Randolph Allen 1901 - 1950 Allen, John Randolph MARKER: R-163-4A Father: James Wilmer Allen 1876 - 1941 06/20/1950 Mother: Ida H. Allen 1878 - 1959 Son: Thomas Jackson Allen 1907 - 1940 Son: John Randolph Allen 1901 - 1950 Allen, Margaret Louise Yates MARKER: R-108-3 Charles B. Yates 09/25/1924 May 28, 1895 - May 26, 1953 06/01/1986 07/05/1986 05/19/2003 05/22/2003 Mary Louise Yates Oct. 10, 1902 - Oct. 28, 1943 Margaret Y. Allen Sept 25, 1924 - June 1, 1986 T-99-3 Allen, Margaret Woods 06/25/1915 ALLEN MARKER: Walter H., Sr. 1910 - 1973 (Masonic) Allen, Mary H. MARKER: Allen, Michael V. MARKER: C-8-5 Mary Helen Allen Margaret W. 1915 - 2003 01/05/1943 1888- 1943 Rest in Peace Robert O. Allen 1886 - 1958 R-108-6 Michael V. Allen 09/30/1959 Sept. 30, 1959 - May 17, 2002 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/17/2002 05/21/2002 Page 7 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Allen, Robert O. MARKER: C-8-4 Mary Helen Allen Rest in Peace Robert O. Allen Allen, Rose Marie MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/24/1958 1888- 1943 1886 - 1958 T-283-2 Rose Marie Allen 01/12/1933 Jan 12, 1933 - Dec 12, 1978 12/12/1978 12/15/1978 11/23/1925 11/23/1925 In God's Care Allen, Samuel David MARKER: A-75-3 Samuel David Allen 06/23/1866 aged 59 years June 23, 1866 - Nov. 23, 1925 Carrie W.Allen June 6, 1869 - Dec. 21, 1939 Allen, Thomas Jackson MARKER: R-163-3 Father: James Wilmer Allen 1876 - 1941 04/02/1940 Mother: Ida H. Allen 1878 - 1959 Son: Thomas Jackson Allen 1907 - 1940 Son: John Randolph Allen 1901 - 1950 Allen, Walter C. MARKER: Allen, Walter Herschel, Sr. 2-57-4 SON, BROTHER, UNCLE 12/20/1924 Walter C. Allen Dec. 20, 1924 - Nov. 29, 2008 "Our Sonny" He asked so little, He gave so much Our world is empty today, We love you Sonny Sun Rose 12-20-1924 - Sun Set 11-29-2008 T-99-2 11/29/2008 12/02/2008 03/19/1973 03/22/1973 Freemason ALLEN MARKER: Walter H., Sr. 1910 - 1973 (Masonic) Allender, Bessie Allender, J. E., Rev. MARKER: Margaret W. 1915 - 2003 F-31-6 F-31-4 Jennie S. Allender 1851 - 1902 01/01/1932 01/01/1903 Rev. J. E. Allender 1848 - 1903 Allender, Jennie S MARKER: F-31-5 Jennie S. Allender 1851 - 1902 01/01/1902 Rev. J. E. Allender 1848 - 1903 Allmang, Christianne Allred, Hazel K. MARKER: 42-214-2 02/23/1940 T-317-2 06/23/1890 Jess N. Allred Feb 28, 1889 - Dec 10, 1969 01/27/2007 11/19/1969 02/01/2007 11/21/1969 12/10/1969 12/13/1969 03/12/2000 03/20/2000 Hazel B. Allred June 23, 1890 - Nov 19, 1969 To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die. Allred, Jess N. MARKER: T-317-1 02/28/1889 Jess N. Allred Feb 28, 1889 - Dec 10, 1969 Hazel B. Allred June 23, 1890 - Nov 19, 1969 To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is not to die. Allyn, Delma R. MARKER: T-204-2A Delma R. Allyn 04/29/1904 April 29, 1904 - March 12, 2000 D-1-2B Almond, Allen Edgar 4' Depth 01/19/1940 Child D-1-1A D-1-2A D-1-3A N-157-6 Almond, Mary Virginia Almond, O. Almond, Walter Coat Alt, Baby 03/20/1945 Infant Altman, Jack A. MARKER: Altman, Rose E T-345-1 Jack A. Altman T-345-2 08/26/1897 Aug 26, 1897 - Jan 20, 1957 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/20/1957 01/24/1957 01/31/1981 Page 8 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Alves, Licino Antonia Batista MARKER: Birth_Date 33-37-1 A L V E S 11/28/1957 Death_Date 04/04/1995 04/10/1995 03/26/1970 01/03/1947 03/26/1970 Querido Esposo E Pai Licinio Antonio B. Nasceu em Nov. 28, 1957 - Morreu em Apr. 4, 1995 Eterna & Profonda- Saudade- Esposa & Filhos Ja Mais te Esqueceremos Alvis, Margaret Alvis, Marvin M MARKER: N-127-24 T-183-2 04/15/1900 Marvin M. Apr 15, 1900 - Mar 26, 1970 Mildred Alvis Shreve Alward, Isaac L. H. MARKER: Burial_Date 1910 - 1994 B-54-2 12/25/1872 05/22/1937 Father: Isaac L. H. Alward Dec 25, 1872 - May 22, 1937 05/25/1937 Mother: Jennie H. D. Alward March 26, 1886 - March 12, 1975 Alward, Jennie H. MARKER: B-54-3 03/26/1886 03/12/1975 Father: Isaac L. H. Alward Dec 25, 1872 - May 22, 1937 03/15/1975 Mother: Jennie H. D. Alward March 26, 1886 - March 12, 1975 T-26-1 Ames, John Lewis, Sr. MARKER: Margaret Kilbon March 16, 1915 Sept. 18, 1996 01/29/2005 03/16/1915 09/18/1996 09/23/1996 01/01/1864 01/01/1946 11/27/1946 AMES MARKER: Margaret Kilbon March 16, 1915 Sept. 18, 1996 John Lewis, Sr. July 15, 1912 Jan. 23, 2005 M-151-5 Amos, Charles Newton 01/23/2005 John Lewis, Sr. July 15, 1912 Jan. 23, 2005 T-25-3 Ames, Margaret K. 07/15/1912 AMES U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Charles Newton Amos 1864 - 1946 American Legion Marker Henrietta Shuck Amos, his wife NOTES: Amos, Chester Allen, M.D. MARKER: - American Legion Marker M-151-2 Chester Allen Amos, M.D. Lillian May Amos Amos, Henrietta Shuck MARKER: M-151-6 Charles Newton Amos 06/12/1934 1893 - 1934 1891 - 1966 02/01/1957 1864 - 1946 American Legion Marker Henrietta Shuck Amos, his wife Amos, Lillian May MARKER: M-151-1 Chester Allen Amos, M.D. Lillian May Amos Anazgo-Perales, Luis Eduardo MARKER: 1869 - 1957 1869 - 1957 01/06/1966 1893 - 1934 1891 - 1966 COL 6-S2-43 LUIS EDUARDO 12/28/1970 03/06/2005 04/20/2005 04/05/1922 02/15/2007 06/02/2007 07/13/1963 ANAZGO PERALES December 28, 1970 - February 6, 2005 2-79-4A E-BBY-66-77 Anderson, Alice T. Anderson, Baby (fetal) Infant Anderson, Barbara Ann Anderson, Charles B MARKER: N-54-2 G-168-2 Chas. B. Anderson 1855 - 1937 06/14/1938 01/01/1937 Nannie D. Anderson 1857 - 1932 Wife of Chas. B. Anderson Anderson, Charles C Anderson, Charles P. MARKER: R-72-4 R-72-5B ANDERSON 11/01/1907 12/04/1934 03/30/1974 02/15/1994 04/03/1974 03/01/1994 Nannie R. Anderson Oct. 23, 1883 - Dec. 23, 1962 Leon Lewis Anderson Nov. 12, 1879 - Mar. 14, 1944 Charles C. Anderson Nov. 1, 1907 - Mar. 30, 1974 Louise Anderson Neff May 5, 1905 - Jan. 12, 1992 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 9 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Anderson, Christopher Taylor MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 2-80-1 Christopher Taylor Anderson Burial_Date 01/12/1984 1951 - 1984 Son, Husband, Brother Psychologist Anderson, Edmund M Anderson, Effie P MARKER: N-50-2 A-54-3 ANDERSON Effie W Anderson Issac Anderson Effie P. Anderson Anderson, Effie W. MARKER: Anderson, Genevieve MARKER: 01/01/1928 07/11/1941 01/01/1928 01/01/1889 12/28/1963 12/31/1963 1889 - 1963 1890 - 1955 1890 - 1928 A-54-1 ANDERSON Effie W Anderson Issac Anderson Effie P. Anderson 01/01/1890 1889 - 1963 1890 - 1955 1890 - 1928 N-50-3 GENEVIEVE C. ANDERSON 01/10/1957 1868 - 1957 wife of EDMUND M. ANDERSON Anderson, Issac MARKER: A-54-2 ANDERSON Effie W Anderson Issac Anderson Effie P. Anderson 01/01/1955 07/25/1955 06/07/1956 07/20/1960 07/22/1960 1889 - 1963 1890 - 1955 1890 - 1928 T-227-3 Anderson, Jesse Staton 01/01/1890 Child MARKER: Jesse Staton Anderson June 7, 1956 - Jly 20, 1960 Son of Dr. Robert Harper and Valda C. Anderson Anderson, John Cleveland Army Sgt Anderson, John Henry MARKER: 42-35-1 02/28/2003 03/10/2003 E-43-6 05/17/1880 12/29/1934 John Henry Anderson May 17, 1880 - Dec. 29, 1934 01/01/1935 Lillie Jane Andeerson Anderson, Leon Lewis MARKER: 01/28/1947 U. S. Military Veteran June 10, 1879 - Sept. 2, 1952 R-72-1 ANDERSON 11/12/1879 03/14/1944 03/16/1944 E-43-5 06/10/1879 09/02/1952 John Henry Anderson May 17, 1880 - Dec. 29, 1934 01/01/1952 Nannie R. Anderson Oct. 23, 1883 - Dec. 23, 1962 Leon Lewis Anderson Nov. 12, 1879 - Mar. 14, 1944 Charles C. Anderson Nov. 1, 1907 - Mar. 30, 1974 Louise Anderson Neff May 5, 1905 - Jan. 12, 1992 Anderson, Lillie Jane MARKER: Lillie Jane Andeerson Anderson, Louise W Anderson, Mary Burrus MARKER: June 10, 1879 - Sept. 2, 1952 R-72-5A N-50-4 Mary Burrus Anderson 02/28/1977 03/11/1937 No inscription viewable. (July 01, 2002) Small rounded upright marker Anderson, Mary Burrus MARKER: N-50-4 Four Corner markers with the letter "A". 03/11/1937 ( July 01, 2003 ) Anderson, Nancy Wilson Anderson, Nannie Belle MARKER: 41-70-2 R-72-2A ANDERSON 02/08/1967 10/23/1883 Nannie R. Anderson Oct. 23, 1883 - Dec. 23, 1962 Leon Lewis Anderson Nov. 12, 1879 - Mar. 14, 1944 Charles C. Anderson Nov. 1, 1907 - Mar. 30, 1974 Louise Anderson Neff May 5, 1905 - Jan. 12, 1992 Anderson, Nannie D MARKER: G-168-3 Chas. B. Anderson 1855 - 1937 12/30/2009 12/23/1962 01/05/2010 12/27/1962 01/01/1932 Nannie D. Anderson 1857 - 1932 Wife of Chas. B. Anderson Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 10 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Anderson, Robert Harper, Dr., M.D. MARKER: Anderson, Roland Werner MARKER: Birth_Date T-227-1A ANDERSON 11/20/1923 Burial_Date 01/20/2006 01/26/2006 12/22/1917 07/10/2005 07/30/2005 02/16/1911 02/08/1999 02/11/1999 12/02/1968 07/24/2006 08/01/2006 Robert Harper - November 20, 1923 - January 20, 2006 ANDERSON 2-79-3A ROLAND ANDERSON Death_Date 1917 - 2005 Actor, Husband, Father, Grandfather Anderson, Ruby Redmon MARKER: R-72-3 Ruby Redmon Anderson February 16, 1911 February 8, 1999 Anderson, William W. Bill, III MARKER: Anderton, George Prior MARKER: 31-2-3A WILLIAM W. "BILL" ANDERSON December 2, 1968 - July 24, 2006 Extraordinary Man, Husband, Father,Son, Brother, Grandson and Friend. FAMILY, FRIENDS, JUSTICE, EARTH ... Forever better because of the love, determination, humor and commitment of this man. M-156-4A 04/10/1859 06/27/1931 Martha Moncrief Anderton Nov 16, 1865 - June 19, 1926 06/27/1931 and her husband George Prior Anderton Apr. 10, 1859 - June 27, 1931 My Faith Looks up to Thee Anderton, Martha Moncrief MARKER: M-156-5 11/16/1865 06/19/1926 Martha Moncrief Anderton Nov 16, 1865 - June 19, 1926 and her husband George Prior Anderton Apr. 10, 1859 - June 27, 1931 My Faith Looks up to Thee Anderton, Sadie Spiller MARKER: N-25-6 Sadie Tingler Anderton 05/01/1909 09/20/1978 09/22/1978 P-17-6 42-152-3 05/15/1900 Arthur Thomas Androus 1900-1997 09/01/1997 06/06/1936 09/04/1997 08/30/1957 10/10/1997 11/02/2003 09/10/1938 11/07/2003 10/10/1997 07/02/1992 07/06/1992 T-321-1 07/16/1902 05/10/1959 Carmen Andujar Jly 16, 1902 - May 10, 1959 A-74-2A 01/29/1882 10/15/1943 Addie Orie Angel (wife of) Jan 29, 1882 - Oct. 15, 1943 05/14/1959 Mar 1, 1909 - Sept 20, 1978 Andrews, Margaret Androus, Arthur Thomas MARKER: Audrey Shreve Androus 1912 - 1957 Androus, Audrey Shreve MARKER: 42-152-2 Arthur Thomas Androus 1900-1997 Audrey Shreve Androus 1912 - 1957 Androus, Theodore Androutsos, George MARKER: Andrus, Kathleen M. MARKER: 42-158-2 06/12/1939 42-158-4 01/01/1868 George A. Androutsos 1868 - 1938 32-26-2 10/04/1981 Kathleen McQuiston Andrus Kate - Our gentle and loving daughter, sister and friend. Oct 4, 1981 - July 2, 1992 Andujar, Carman MARKER: Angel, Addie O Campbell MARKER: 10/18/1943 William I. Angel May 7, 1874 - May 31, 1955 Virginia Ruth Angel (Daug. of W.I. & A.O. Angel) 1910 - 1926 Angel, Mabel E MARKER: (Front) A-87-5 ANGEL Charles G Rainey Bernice A Rainey 1922-1994 1926-1995 (Back) ANGEL Walter S. Mable E. Vera F. 1887-1951 1896-1949 1919-1927 Angel, Vera E MARKER: (Front) A-87-6 ANGEL 01/01/1896 01/01/1949 04/30/1949 01/01/1919 01/01/1927 06/24/1927 Charles G Rainey Bernice A Rainey 1922-1994 1926-1995 (Back) ANGEL Walter S. Mable E. Vera F. 1887-1951 1896-1949 1919-1927 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 11 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Angel, Virginia Ruth MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date A-74-1 01/01/1910 01/01/1926 Addie Orie Angel (wife of) Jan 29, 1882 - Oct. 15, 1943 Burial_Date 01/01/1926 William I. Angel May 7, 1874 - May 31, 1955 Virginia Ruth Angel (Daug. of W.I. & A.O. Angel) 1910 - 1926 MARKER: A-87-4 ANGEL 01/01/1951 09/16/1951 A-74-3 05/07/1874 05/31/1955 Addie Orie Angel (wife of) Jan 29, 1882 - Oct. 15, 1943 06/02/1955 Angel, Walter S (Front) 01/01/1887 Charles G Rainey Bernice A Rainey 1922-1994 1926-1995 (Back) ANGEL Walter S. Mable E. Vera F. 1887-1951 1896-1949 1919-1927 Angel, William I., Sr. MARKER: William I. Angel May 7, 1874 - May 31, 1955 Virginia Ruth Angel (Daug. of W.I. & A.O. Angel) 1910 - 1926 Angel, William Irby, Jr. A-74-4 08/22/1924 07/03/1986 07/07/1986 08/22/1924 07/03/1986 07/07/1986 12/08/1959 12/11/1959 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: AVILLION Marion A. 1918 - 1982 Angel, William Irby, Jr. William, Jr. 1918 - 1986 A-74-4 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: William Irby Angel Jr S Sgt US Marine Corp World War ll Aug 22, 1924 - Jul 3, 1986 Angelo, Allen L MARKER: M-91-6B O. Perry Angelo ( no dates) Allen L. Angelo (no dates) Mary Emma Angelo died Dec. 8, 1959 Angelo, Mary Emma MARKER: M-91-6C O. Perry Angelo ( no dates) Allen L. Angelo (no dates) Mary Emma Angelo died Dec. 8, 1959 Angelo, Oliver Perry MARKER: M-91-6D O. Perry Angelo 09/03/1940 ( no dates) Allen L. Angelo (no dates) Mary Emma Angelo died Dec. 8, 1959 Anker, Willard B. MARKER: 33-25-2 W.B.A. 10/20/1917 07/02/1994 07/06/1994 M-154-1 03/16/1871 11/24/1932 Richard D. Paul Ankers Jly 19, 1919 - Jly 10, 1974 11/24/1932 RIPOSA IN PACE 1917 - 1994 Ankers, Joseph Thomas MARKER: Ruth T. Ankers Nov 25, 1877 - Feb 23, 1927 Wife of Joseph T. Ankers Joseph Thomas Ankers Mar 16. 1871 - Nov. 24, 1932 Ankers, Richard D. Paul MARKER: M-154-3 07/19/1919 07/10/1974 Richard D. Paul Ankers Jly 19, 1919 - Jly 10, 1974 07/13/1974 Ruth T. Ankers Nov 25, 1877 - Feb 23, 1927 Wife of Joseph T. Ankers Joseph Thomas Ankers Mar 16. 1871 - Nov. 24, 1932 Ankers, Ruth T MARKER: M-154-2 11/25/1877 02/23/1927 Richard D. Paul Ankers Jly 19, 1919 - Jly 10, 1974 02/23/1927 Ruth T. Ankers Nov 25, 1877 - Feb 23, 1927 Wife of Joseph T. Ankers Joseph Thomas Ankers Mar 16. 1871 - Nov. 24, 1932 Anthony, Catherine Much MARKER: E-2-4 01/01/1920 Catherine M. Anthony 1920 - 1947 James H. Much Mary A. Much Peggy M. Morgan Antle, Marjorie Ann MARKER: 01/01/1947 06/13/1947 05/11/1989 05/13/1989 April 12, 1890 - Feb. 10, 1971 June 29, 1891 - Mar. 2, 1971 Mar. 31, 1930 - Aug. 27, 2009 31-45-3 Marjorie Ann Antle 02/08/1926 February 8, 1926 - May 11, 1989 "Loving mother, Poet, Writer" Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 12 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Apelt, Armin Otto MARKER: Apelt, Ella A Apitz, Elizabeth MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-223-5 03/29/1896 Armin Otto Apelt Mar 29, 1896 - Sept 11, 1967 T-223-6 T-109-5 07/01/1900 Elizabeth M. Apitz Jly 01, 1900 - April 20, 1999 Burial_Date 09/11/1967 09/15/1967 04/20/1999 02/12/1987 04/26/1999 02/27/1980 02/29/1980 06/13/1893 10/01/1977 10/05/1977 10/22/1913 10/16/1993 10/20/1993 05/17/1980 05/22/1980 11/11/1888 05/01/1986 05/05/1986 07/23/1916 11/29/1998 12/30/1998 Frederick W. Apitz Aug 25, 1898 - Feb 27, 1980 A P I T Z Apitz, Frederick W. MARKER: T-109-4 Elizabeth M. Apitz 08/25/1895 Jly 01, 1900 - April 20, 1999 Frederick W. Apitz Aug 25, 1898 - Feb 27, 1980 A P I T Z Apostolakos, Peter L MARKER: T-226-1 APOSTOLAKOS Peter L Tula Apostolakos, Tula MARKER: June 13, 1893 - Oct 1, 1077 Oct 22, 1913 - (space) T-226-2 APOSTOLAKOS Peter L Tula Apperson, Bentley MARKER: June 13, 1893 - Oct 1, 1077 Oct 22, 1913 - (space) A-31-1 Son of Carlton & Virginia July 20, 1916 - May 17, 1980 A-30-2A Apperson, Carlton Y. Alex-Business MARKER: Carlton Y. Apperson Nov. 11, 1888 - May 1, 1986 Apperson, Frances I. MARKER: T-351-4 FRANCES I. WILLIAMS APPERSON July 23, 1916 November 29, 1998 N-157-1 Apperson, James 10/18/1944 Infant Apperson, Katherine MARKER: A-30-2B Katherine M. Apperson 02/23/1910 01/21/2002 01/26/2002 06/30/1889 08/06/1989 08/09/1989 04/08/1918 02/07/1999 03/15/1999 03/01/1884 07/17/1956 07/20/1956 03/01/1884 07/17/1956 07/20/1956 01/22/1920 07/25/2004 07/31/2004 Wife of Carlton Y. Apperson Feb. 23, 1910 - Jan.21,2002 Apperson, Mary Elam MARKER: T-351-1 MARY ELAM APPERSON JUNE 21, 1889 - August 6, 1989 Apperson, Morton B., Jr. MARKER: T-351-5 Morton Buckner Apperson Jr. September 8, 1918 - February 7, 1999 Apperson, Morton Buckner MARKER: T-351-2 MORTON B. APPERSON March 1, 1884 August 17, 1956 "MIZPAH" Apperson, Morton Buckner MARKER: T-351-2 APPERSON Name on the Obverse and Reverse Cornerstones lettered "A" Apperson, Shirley M. MARKER: A-31-4A SHIRLEY M. APPERSON WIFE OF BENTLEY APPERSON Jan. 22, 1920 - July 25, 2004 Apperson, Virginia H. MARKER: A-30-3 Virginia H. Apperson 04/11/1954 Apr. 23, 1895 - Apr 9, 1954 There is no life except by death; There is no visiion but by faith Appleton, Evelyn Sheads B-47-5 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 03/04/1922 10/11/2007 10/16/2007 Page 13 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Appleton, Roger Wilmot, Sr. US NAVY MARKER: Birth_Date B-47-4 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/21/1918 07/02/2004 07/08/2004 06/13/2003 05/08/2004 05/14/2004 R-233-6 12/05/1895 12/14/1985 William Grafton Shreve Apr 19, 1931 - Sept 2, 1948 12/17/1985 WW II - Veteran ROGER WILMOT APPLETON Sr. Mar. 21, 1918 - Jul 2, 2004 Gunners Mate 1s - US NAVY - WWII Arbogast, Garrett MARKER: E-16-2C Garrett Alexander Arbogast June 13, 2003 - May 8, 2004 Gentle Conqueor Archibald, Ruth E MARKER: George Robert Smith Sept 12, 1864 - May 3, 1954 Rose Etta Smith Nov 20, 1872 - Jun 21, 1964 Arganbright, Helen L. MARKER: T-238-3 Helen Carroll Arganbright 10/23/1906 12/17/2001 12/20/2001 Born Oct.23, 1906 Died Dec. 17, 2001 Arington, Anne MARKER: A-28-3 Annie Arington 01/01/1857 Died Nov. 1857 Aged 61 years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Armistead, Helen C MARKER: 1-14-2 Helen C. Armistead 11/26/1911 04/28/1979 05/02/1979 07/15/1888 Jly 15, 1888 - Dec 8, 1944 12/08/1944 12/11/1944 06/01/1913 05/06/1992 05/08/1992 09/19/1883 Jly 15, 1888 - Dec 8, 1944 09/22/1967 09/25/1967 Nov. 26, 1911 - April 28, 1979 Armistead, Louis L MARKER: O-143-1 Louis L. Armistead Minnie H. Armistead Armistead, Louis L., Jr. MARKER: Sept 19, 1883 - Sept 22, 1967 1-14-1 Louis L. Armistead, Jr. June 1, 1913 - May 6, 1992 Armistead, Minnie H MARKER: O-143-2 Louis L. Armistead Minnie H. Armistead Sept 19, 1883 - Sept 22, 1967 A-61-1 N-166-18 Armstrong, Baby Armstrong, Baby 01/01/1927 05/12/1944 Infant Armstrong, C. Torrence "Torrey" US NAVY MARKER: 42-107-1 08/07/1945 06/23/2001 06/26/2001 01/01/1889 01/01/1975 11/17/1975 01/01/1902 01/01/1950 08/19/1989 01/01/1893 01/01/1966 06/08/1966 04/06/1902 01/03/1950 01/06/1950 U. S. Military Veteran ARMSTRONG Charles Torrence Armstrong August 7, 1945 - June 23, 2001 Armstrong, Dwight L MARKER: A-61-3 Lilla P. Armstrong D. Lee Armstrong Armstrong, Lal Cunningham MARKER: 1893 - 1966 1889 - 1975 E-41-1A ARMSTRONG Robert Francis 1902 - 1950 Lal Cunningham 1897 - 1989 Armstrong, Lilla P MARKER: A-61-2 Lilla P. Armstrong D. Lee Armstrong Armstrong, Robert Francis MARKER: 1893 - 1966 1889 - 1975 E-41-1B ARMSTRONG Robert Francis 1902 - 1950 Lal Cunningham 1897 - 1989 Armstrong, Ruthetta MARKER: 2-30-3 Ruthetta J. Armstrong 11/09/1984 1918 - 1984 Armstrong, Stanley Earl Jr. MARKER: 1-18-1 ARMSTRONG 11/19/1926 11/23/1978 11/25/1978 Stanley Earl, Jr. November 19, 1926 - November 23, 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 14 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Armstrong, Stanley Paul MARKER: Birth_Date 32-26-3 Stanley Paul Armstrong 08/26/1973 Death_Date 09/13/1992 Burial_Date 09/17/1992 Our kind and Godly son & brother. August 26, 1973 - September 13, 1992 Arnold, Alice M. Ticer MARKER: R-14-6 Harry Ebert Arnold 1876 - 1960 Alice M. Ticer DEVERS Arnold, Ann E MARKER: 04/07/1958 1879 - 1958 A-26-2 In Memoriam Our Mother 02/11/1817 03/03/1878 03/03/1878 06/21/1898 07/08/1916 07/28/1917 06/24/1898 01/01/1876 01/01/1960 05/06/1960 12/09/1876 07/27/1954 07/30/1954 08/18/1863 08/28/1982 01/01/1898 08/18/1863 11/06/1856 11/06/1856 03/23/1811 01/20/1877 01/20/1877 A-27-4B Mary M Arnold Aged 2 years Died Dec 27, 1856 08/29/1839 08/29/1839 09/25/1946 09/27/1946 Ann Eliza Arnold Relict of John Arnold Born in Prince George Co., Md. Died in Alexandria, Va. Arnold, Cecilia A Arnold, E. Taylor Arnold, Georgia MARKER: A-27-3 A-26-4A A-26-4 Georgie A. Arnold 01/23/1824 06/25/1848 06/25/1848 June 8, 1847 - Aug 27, 1917 08/27/1917 Beloved Daughter of John & Ann E.Arnold Arnold, Harry Ebert MARKER: R-14-5 Harry Ebert Arnold 1876 - 1960 Alice M. Ticer DEVERS Arnold, Herbert Lee Arnold, Irene C MARKER: A-26-3 O-166-2 ARNOLD Father Leon Nov. 7, 1877 Sept. 25, 1916 Arnold, Irma E. C. Arnold, James Arnold, Jane MARKER: 1879 - 1958 Mother Irene C. Dec. 9, 1876 July 27, 1954 T-373-4 A-27-2 A-28-2 Jane Arnold Died Nov. 1863 Aged 94 years Arnold, Jane Elizabeth MARKER: A-27-4A 10/25/1817 William Arnold Mar 5, 1815 - Nov. 5, 1889 Born in Prince William Co., Va - Died in Baltimore, Md. Jane Elizabeth Arnold Oct. 25, 1817 - Nov. 6, 1856 Wife of William Arnold Arnold, John MARKER: A-26-1 In Memoriam Our Father John Arnold born in Prince William Co., Va. Died in Alexandria, Va. Arnold, Laura A MARKER: Laura A. Arnold Aged 1 Year Died Aug. 29, 1839 Children of William & Jane Arnold Arnold, Leon MARKER: O-166-1 ARNOLD Father Leon Nov. 7, 1877 Sept. 25, 1916 Arnold, Mary E MARKER: 11/07/1877 Mother Irene C. Dec. 9, 1876 July 27, 1954 G-162-2A Sol Arnold 1868 - 1951 06/03/1935 his wife: Mary E. Hausch 1867 - 1935 Muriel J. Arnold 1890 - 1937 Arnold, Mary K MARKER: A-27-5 Mary M Arnold Aged 2 years Died Dec 27, 1856 12/27/1856 Laura A. Arnold Aged 1 Year Died Aug. 29, 1839 Children of William & Jane Arnold Arnold, Mary Miller 42-151-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/17/1938 11/28/2006 12/01/2006 Page 15 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Arnold, Muriel J MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-162-3 Sol Arnold 1868 - 1951 Burial_Date 06/08/1937 his wife: Mary E. Hausch 1867 - 1935 Muriel J. Arnold 1890 - 1937 Arnold, Robert W MARKER: A-48-5 Robert W. Arnold 06/15/1857 June 15, 1857 - Feb. 13, 1911 02/13/1911 02/13/1911 01/01/1868 01/01/1951 05/26/1951 06/25/1848 07/28/1892 07/28/1892 11/05/1889 11/05/1889 08/27/1904 08/27/1904 08/10/1913 12/27/2002 01/02/2003 01/24/1901 10/16/1994 10/24/1994 01/15/1905 03/15/1991 03/22/1991 07/17/1942 10/16/1902 12/25/2009 10/12/1989 12/30/2009 10/14/1989 11/30/1930 03/20/2000 08/23/1895 04/29/1975 Aug 23, 1895 - Apr 29, 1975 06/29/1914 09/02/1986 03/24/2000 05/02/1975 Cecilia A. B. Arnold Jan. 23, 1824 - June 21, 1898 Born in Alexandria, VA died in Baltimore, Md. Arnold, Sol MARKER: G-162-1 Sol Arnold 1868 - 1951 his wife: Mary E. Hausch 1867 - 1935 Muriel J. Arnold 1890 - 1937 Arnold, T Fillmore MARKER: A-26-5 In Memory of T. Fillmore Arnold June 25, 1848 - July 28, 1892 A-27-6 Arnold, William 01/01/1815 C S A Veteran MARKER: William Arnold Mar 5, 1815 - Nov. 5, 1889 Born in Prince William Co., Va - Died in Baltimore, Md. Jane Elizabeth Arnold Oct. 25, 1817 - Nov. 6, 1856 Wife of William Arnold NOTES: Arnold, William E MARKER: Private, Co. F, 17th Virginia Infantry A-28-4 09/15/1849 William Edwin Arnold Sept 15, 1849 - Aug 27, 1904 Son of William & Jane Arnold Arnott, Julia A. MARKER: 42-194-4 Julia A. Arnott August 10, 1913 - December 27, 2002 Arrow, C. James MARKER: 1-50-4B ARROW C. James 1901-1994 Arrow, Helen Mick MARKER: 1-50-4A ARROW C. James 1901-1994 Artemel, Janice Gwen Finch Arteta, Mercedes MARKER: Helen Mick 1905-1991 Helen Mick 1905-1991 41-38-1 31-82-1C De Arteta Mercedes J. De Cisneros Oct 16, 1902 - Oct 12, 1989 Arteta, Yolanda Asberry, Mary A MARKER: Ash, Ara Russell, Jr. MARKER: 31-82-1A T-243-6 MOTHER: Mary A. Asberry 2-67-2A ASH Ara Russell June 29, 1914 September 2, 1986 Ash, Pauline Hymon MARKER: Ashby, Carroll W MARKER: 09/04/1986 Pauline Hymon July 12, 1913 December 10, 1999 2-67-3 ASH 07/12/1913 Ara Russell June 29, 1914 September 2, 1986 Pauline Hymon July 12, 1913 December 10, 1999 G-25-4 Carroll W. Ashby 1857- 1908 12/10/1999 12/13/1999 01/01/1908 Lillian W. Ashby 1903 - 1976 Harriet L. Ashby 1868 - 1959 Margaret McG.Ashby 1860 - 1949 Ashby, Elizabeth Gregory MARKER: G-8-1 12/19/1826 12/13/1892 Elizabeth Gregory Ashby Dec 19, 1826 - Dec 13, 1892 12/13/1892 Wife of Turner Wade Ashby Daughter of William and Margaret Bartleman Gregory Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 16 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Ashby, Harriett L MARKER: G-25-5 Carroll W. Ashby Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 10/26/1959 1857- 1908 Lillian W. Ashby 1903 - 1976 Harriet L. Ashby 1868 - 1959 Margaret McG.Ashby 1860 - 1949 Ashby, Margret McG. MARKER: G-25-6 Carroll W. Ashby 09/21/1949 1857- 1908 Lillian W. Ashby 1903 - 1976 Harriet L. Ashby 1868 - 1959 Margaret McG.Ashby 1860 - 1949 G-8-2 Ashby, Turner Wade 08/11/1811 04/20/1893 04/20/1893 08/20/1908 08/13/1993 08/16/1993 12/07/1902 02/09/1993 02/12/1993 C S A Veteran MARKER: Turner Wade Ashby Aug 11, 1811 - Apr. 20, 1893 Son of Thompson & Ann Menefee Ashby NOTES: Ashcraft, Lee Calvin MARKER: Major, Virginia State Militia T-35-2 ASHCRAFT Lee C. Aug. 20, 1908 Aug. 13, 1993 Ashcraft, Vera L. MARKER: T-35-3 ASHCRAFT Lee C. Aug. 20, 1908 Aug. 13, 1993 Ashton, Mary Dorsey MARKER: Astryke, Mildred Inmemorium MARKER: Vera L. Dec. 7, 1902 Feb. 9, 1993 Vera L. Dec. 7, 1902 Feb. 9, 1993 T-232-5 Mary Dorsey Ashton O-289-2A 11/24/1965 1882 - 1965 04/22/1999 04/22/1999 Memorial Only, Mildred not buried at Ivy Hill Cemetery. O-289-1 11/30/1892 09/13/1951 Raymond Astryke Nov 30, 1892 - Aug 13, 1951 01/01/1953 Raymond Astryke 06/25/1917 Nov 30, 1892 - Aug 13, 1951 Reubie I Astryke May 1, 1895 - Mar 14, 1964 Mildred Astryke June 25, 1917 - April 22, 1999 NOTES: Astryke, Raymond MARKER: Reubie I Astryke May 1, 1895 - Mar 14, 1964 Mildred Astryke June 25, 1917 - April 22, 1999 Astryke, Reubie Isabell MARKER: O-289-2 Raymond Astryke 05/01/1895 Nov 30, 1892 - Aug 13, 1951 03/14/1964 03/17/1964 02/19/1960 08/13/1940 02/19/1960 Reubie I Astryke May 1, 1895 - Mar 14, 1964 Mildred Astryke June 25, 1917 - April 22, 1999 Aten, William E Athey, Lulu B MARKER: Atkins, Baby N-108-1 T-258-4 09/30/1881 Lulu B. Athey Sept 30, 1881 - Feb 19, 1960 E-BBY-66-1 07/16/1958 Infant Atkins, Lela Mae MARKER: T-247-6 Tully Denton Atkins Lela May Atkins Atkins, Tully Denton MARKER: T-247-5 Tully Denton Atkins Lela May Atkins Atkinson, Eleanor R. MARKER: 06/01/1898 03/21/1980 May 24, 1898 - Jan 26, 1959 03/25/1980 June 1, 1898 - Mar 21, 1980 05/24/1898 01/26/1959 May 24, 1898 - Jan 26, 1959 01/28/1959 June 1, 1898 - Mar 21, 1980 N-181-1 Ellen Atkinson 1844 - 1880 01/01/1896 Mary B. Atkinson Died: 1858 Eleanor R. Atkinson Died: 1896 William G. Atkinson Died: 1899 Atkinson, Ellen MARKER: N-181-6 Ellen Atkinson 1844 - 1880 01/01/1880 Mary B. Atkinson Died: 1858 Eleanor R. Atkinson Died: 1896 William G. Atkinson Died: 1899 Atkinson, Irene Elizabeth Kearney MARKER: M-39-3 Elizabeth Stearns Kearney Atkinson 1892 - 1977 10/29/1977 11/02/1977 Wife of Arthur M. Atkinson Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 17 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Atkinson, Isabella C. MARKER: N-181-4 Thomas C. Atkinson Isabella C. Atkinson Atkinson, Mary B MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1873 1808 - 1858 1807 - 1873 N-181-2 Ellen Atkinson 1844 - 1880 01/01/1858 Mary B. Atkinson Died: 1858 Eleanor R. Atkinson Died: 1896 William G. Atkinson Died: 1899 Atkinson, Thomas C. MARKER: N-181-5 Thomas C. Atkinson Isabella C. Atkinson Atkinson, William G. MARKER: 01/01/1858 1808 - 1858 1807 - 1873 N-181-3 Ellen Atkinson 1844 - 1880 01/01/1899 Mary B. Atkinson Died: 1858 Eleanor R. Atkinson Died: 1896 William G. Atkinson Died: 1899 E-BBY-66-152 Audi, Baby 06/11/1960 Infant Aufrecht, Helen MARKER: Austin, Barbara Shaffer MARKER: B-80-5 Helen C. Aufrecht 32-11-4 MOTHER 11/07/1908 Nov. 7, 1908- Jan. 25, 1978 09/09/1923 01/25/1978 01/27/1978 02/20/1993 02/24/1993 01/01/1973 02/26/1973 Barbara Shaffer Austin September 9, 1923 - February 20, 1993 In Loving Memory Austin, Edmund Lally MARKER: Averill, Carl Avillion, Infant son T-85-3 Edmund Lally Austin G-159-1 A-74-2B 1940 - 1973 01/01/1940 AT PEACE 02/08/1937 01/01/1947 Infant MARKER: Baby Avillion April 4, 1947 Avillion, Marion Ora Angel MARKER: A-74-5A AVILLION Marion A. 1918 - 1982 U S ARMY 04/19/1982 07/25/1918 06/29/2009 07/10/2009 07/26/1926 06/22/1998 06/25/1998 WW II - Veteran 42-162-1 Ayala, Oscar Anibal 02/02/1982 William, Jr. 1918 - 1986 A-74-5B Avillion, William R, Jr. 05/06/1918 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: Oscar Anibal Ayala Cocian July 26, 1926 - June 22, 1998 Tu esposa e hija siempre te recuerdan Te quiero Papi NOTES: Aycock, Timothy Aylesworth, Marian L. MARKER: Founder and Past Secretary of the Inter-American Development Bank (1959) 42-58-1 11/08/1967 04/17/2003 04/23/2003 T-119-6A 01/15/1912 08/16/2006 08/23/2006 AYLESWORTH Phillip Foster Aug 29, 1905 - Aug. 6, 1967 Marian Lee Jan. 15, 1912 - Aug. 16,2006 Aylesworth, Philip Foster Dr. MARKER: T-120-6C AYLESWORTH 08/29/1905 08/06/1967 08/09/1967 04/13/1909 04/24/1999 04/28/1999 10/30/1901 02/07/1997 02/12/1997 06/01/1907 06/23/1946 06/25/1946 Phillip Foster Aug 29, 1905 - Aug. 6, 1967 Marian Lee Jan. 15, 1912 - Aug. 16,2006 Ayres, Dorothy M. MARKER: 1-14-3 Dorothy May Ayres Apr. 13, 1909 - April 24, 1999 Ayres, Dorothy V. MARKER: Ayres, George P. O-100-1 Dorothy V. Ayres O-101-4 1901 - 1997 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 18 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Ayres, Helen A. MARKER: O-101-2 William L. Ayres Birth_Date 01/15/1878 June 17, 1874 - Nov 18, 1952 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/02/1966 02/07/1966 08/17/1978 08/21/1978 11/18/1952 11/20/1952 T-369-3 03/18/1876 06/02/1957 Henry Baader Mar 18, 1876 - June 2, 1957 O-282-1 11/15/1880 06/22/1951 Father: Ashby Lee Baber Nov 15, 1880 - June 22, 1951 05/04/1957 William C. Ayres 1898 - 1978 Helen A. Ayres Jan. 15, 1878 - Feb 2, 1966 Ayres, William C MARKER: O-101-3 William L. Ayres June 17, 1874 - Nov 18, 1952 William C. Ayres 1898 - 1978 Helen A. Ayres Jan. 15, 1878 - Feb 2, 1966 Ayres, William L MARKER: O-101-1 William L. Ayres 06/17/1874 June 17, 1874 - Nov 18, 1952 William C. Ayres 1898 - 1978 Helen A. Ayres Jan. 15, 1878 - Feb 2, 1966 Baader, Henry MARKER: Baber, Ashby Lee MARKER: 06/25/1951 Mother: Bertie Helen Baber Nov 24, 1890 - Sept 14, 1963 James William Baber June 12, 1911 - Oct 19, 1962 Baber, Bertie Helen MARKER: O-282-2 Father: Ashby Lee Baber 11/24/1890 09/14/1963 Nov 15, 1880 - June 22, 1951 09/17/1963 Mother: Bertie Helen Baber Nov 24, 1890 - Sept 14, 1963 James William Baber June 12, 1911 - Oct 19, 1962 O-282-5 Baber, Charles L 06/29/1983 WW II - Veteran MARKER: CHARLES L. BABER 1916 1983 (EMBLEM: AAONOMS) FREEMASON NOTES: Baber, James B MARKER: Member of Masonic Lodge and AAONOMS. O-255-3 02/03/1918 James B. Baber Feb 3, 1918 - Sept 25, 1954 09/25/1954 09/28/1954 09/03/1992 09/22/1992 06/12/1911 10/19/1962 Nov 15, 1880 - June 22, 1951 10/23/1962 At Rest Baber, James K. MARKER: O-316-5B Rose Lee Hannon 03/31/1944 1900 - 1973 Edward T. Hannon 1906 - 1976 Gunnar S. Stiansen 1901 - 1976 James K. Baber 1944 - 1992 Baber, James William MARKER: O-282-3 Father: Ashby Lee Baber Mother: Bertie Helen Baber Nov 24, 1890 - Sept 14, 1963 James William Baber June 12, 1911 - Oct 19, 1962 Baber, Jean L MARKER: 1-33-2 JEAN L. BABER 05/08/1926 11/09/1978 11/13/1978 08/05/1949 08/08/1949 12/04/1982 12/16/1982 MAY 8, 1926 - NOVEMBER 9, 1978 Baber, Lacy E MARKER: O-255-1 09/08/1890 Lacy E. Baber Sept 8, 1890 - Aug 5, 1949 Rest in Peace Baber, Leslie B MARKER: 1-33-1 Leslie B. Baber 12/05/1923 December 5, 1923 - December 14, 1982 Baber, Mattie MARKER: O-255-2 Mattie Baber Sept 1, 1892 - Feb 9, 1985 02/12/1985 Rest in Peace O-283-3 Baber, Robert Eugene 11/25/1944 02/09/1985 02/11/1985 11/20/1912 08/10/1974 Nov 20, 1912 - Aug 10, 1974 08/13/1974 Vietnam War - Veteran MARKER: Robert Eugene Baber SP5 U S ARMY VIETNAM Nov 25, 1944 - Feb 9, 1985 Baber, Virginia Frances MARKER: Baby, O-283-1 Virginia Frances Baber N-124-13 09/07/1951 Infant Babylon, Thomas C. MARKER: 32-12-1 BABYLON Thomas C. 04/09/1914 01/08/1992 01/10/1992 April 9, 1914 - Jan 8, 1992 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 19 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Baca, Daniel Oswaldo (Baca-Quiroz) MARKER: 42-218-3A3 Daniel Oswaldo Baca Birth_Date 01/01/1943 Death_Date 05/29/2007 Burial_Date 08/01/2007 1943 - 2007 Carol Worth Baca 1950 - (space) his wife Hortencia Emelia Giurisich 1925 - 2004 Mother of Daniel Backus, Dorothy MARKER: T-73-3 BACKUS 10/22/1979 Dorothy Rust Backus April 15, 1916 - October 19, 1979 Beloved wife of William Mansfield Backus July 7, 1915 - March 28, 1998 Their Brother: Franklin Perkins Backus December 22, 1913 - October 7, 2007 T-73-2 Backus, Franklin P. US NAVY MARKER: T-73-2 US NAVY Backus, William M. MARKER: 10/11/2007 12/22/1913 10/07/2007 10/11/2007 WW II - Veteran BACKUS MARKER: NOTES: 10/07/2007 Franklin Perkins Backus December 22, 1913 - October 7, 2007 Backus, Franklin P. 12/22/1913 WW II - Veteran Dorothy Rust Backus April 15, 1916 - October 19, 1979 Beloved wife of William Mansfield Backus July 7, 1915 - March 28, 1998 Their Brother: Franklin Perkins Backus December 22, 1913 - October 7, 2007 October 31, 2007: Connection Newspapers Born in Washington DC, Franklin Backus had lived in Alexandria since he was 7 years old. Educated in Alexandria's public schools, he attended George Washington Univ. for his undergraduate education and then the University of Virginia Law School, where he earned his law degree in 1936. He served on two air craft carriers in WW II (1942-1946) and attained the rank of Lieutenant. He became Alexandrias youngest mayor at age 35 and served 1949 to 1952. T-72-1 07/07/1915 03/28/1998 04/02/1998 William M. Backus " BILLY" July 7, 1915 - March 28, 1998 Backus, William M. MARKER: T-72-1 BACKUS 07/07/1915 Dorothy Rust Backus April 15, 1916 - October 19, 1979 Beloved wife of William Mansfield Backus July 7, 1915 - March 28, 1998 Their Brother: Franklin Perkins Backus December 22, 1913 - October 7, 2007 Bagett, B F MARKER: P-29-2 V. W. Bagett 1869 - 1955 S. M. Bagett B. F. Bagett Bagett, S M MARKER: Bagett, Visah W MARKER: MARKER: 10/03/1913 10/06/1913 06/01/1931 06/01/1931 Died: June 1, 1931 Died: Oct 3, 1913 P-29-6 V. W. Bagett 1869 - 1955 S. M. Bagett B. F. Bagett Baggett, Benjamin F. 04/02/1998 Died: June 1, 1931 Died: Oct 3, 1913 P-29-3 V. W. Bagett 1869 - 1955 S. M. Bagett B. F. Bagett 03/28/1998 07/19/1955 Died: June 1, 1931 Died: Oct 3, 1913 T-295-6 Benjamin F. Baggett 06/21/1907 01/25/1996 01/31/1996 June 21, 1907 - Jan. 25, 1996 At Rest Baggett, Effie L. MARKER: R-208-4 Oscar F. Baggett 01/01/1949 1847 - 1907 Effie L. Baggett 1866 - 1949 Leslie Rae Baggett 1984 - 1917 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 20 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Baggett, George C MARKER: Birth_Date R-148-1 BAGGETT 05/31/1882 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/27/1956 11/13/1956 T-295-5 11/20/1980 Helen P. Paggett Mar 1, 1910 - Nov20, 1980 11/24/1980 George C. Baggett May 31, 1882 - Nov. 27, 1956 Mable Mason Baggett Feb 5, 1883 - Sept 29, 1960 Howard M. Baggett June 23, 1906 - Apr 18, 1974 Baggett, Helen Perry MARKER: Wife: at rest Baggett, Howard M MARKER: R-147-3 BAGGETT 06/23/1906 04/18/1974 04/20/1974 George C. Baggett May 31, 1882 - Nov. 27, 1956 Mable Mason Baggett Feb 5, 1883 - Sept 29, 1960 Howard M. Baggett June 23, 1906 - Apr 18, 1974 Baggett, Leslie Rae MARKER: R-208-5 Oscar F. Baggett 09/03/1937 1847 - 1907 Effie L. Baggett 1866 - 1949 Leslie Rae Baggett 1984 - 1917 Baggett, Mabel Mason MARKER: R-148-2 BAGGETT 02/05/1883 09/29/1960 10/01/1960 George C. Baggett May 31, 1882 - Nov. 27, 1956 Mable Mason Baggett Feb 5, 1883 - Sept 29, 1960 Howard M. Baggett June 23, 1906 - Apr 18, 1974 Baggett, Oscar F MARKER: R-208-6 Oscar F. Baggett 09/03/1937 1847 - 1907 Effie L. Baggett 1866 - 1949 Leslie Rae Baggett 1984 - 1917 Baggett, Rolfe M MARKER: R-148-4 Rolfe M. Baggett 03/11/1982 Sept 7, 1933 - Mar 8, 1982 Bailey, Edgar H MARKER: F-70-4 BAILEY 06/27/1889 08/31/1955 09/02/1955 05/29/1909 06/13/2004 06/17/2004 06/28/1976 07/01/1976 01/02/1980 01/05/1980 02/06/1997 02/11/1997 02/23/1934 02/26/1934 Lillye M. - May 25, 1889 - June 28, 1976 Edgar H. - June 27, 1889 - Aug 31, 1955 Bailey, Elizabeth Harvey Bailey, Harry Bailey, Herbert O. MARKER: F-12-2 F-12-3 33-29-1 BAILEY HERBERT OTIS MARY CHURCH Bailey, Lillye M MARKER: May 29, 1909 - June 13, 2004 Nov. 21, 1910 - Feb. 6, 1997 F-70-5 BAILEY 05/25/1889 Lillye M. - May 25, 1889 - June 28, 1976 Edgar H. - June 27, 1889 - Aug 31, 1955 Bailey, Margaret Finks MARKER: Bailey, Mary C. MARKER: D-34-3 01/02/1980 Margaret Finks Bailey Dec 15, 1891 - Jan 2, 1980 33-29-2 11/21/1910 BAILEY HERBERT OTIS MARY CHURCH Bailey, Missouri O. MARKER: May 29, 1909 - June 13, 2004 Nov. 21, 1910 - Feb. 6, 1997 F-70-2 BAILEY 10/18/1859 Missouri O. : Oct. 18, 1859 - Feb. 23, 1934 Theodore : June 14, 1837 - April 21, 1905 Bailey, Theodore MARKER: F-70-3 BAILEY 06/14/1837 04/21/1905 Missouri O. : Oct. 18, 1859 - Feb. 23, 1934 Theodore : June 14, 1837 - April 21, 1905 Bailey, Viriginia Bailey, William Bair, Jessie L. MARKER: F-12-4 F-12-1 T-89-2 JESSIE L. BAIR 12/18/1922 01/29/2005 02/03/2005 December 18, 1922 January 29, 2005 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 21 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bair, Paul Reuben MARKER: Baird, Charles, Jr. US Army MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-89-1 05/30/1922 Paul Ruben Bair May 30, 1922 - Jly 20, 1967 O-FH-15-1B 10/15/1888 Burial_Date 07/20/1967 07/24/1967 01/01/1970 06/12/1970 01/28/1989 02/02/1989 WW I - Veteran Charles Baird, Jr. 1888 - 1970 Son of Charles Baird and Lucy Allyn Voris of Akron, Ohio Capt. 6 F.A. Ist Inf. Div A.E.F. 1917 - 1919 And Ursula Fairfax Harrison 1897 - 1989 Daughter of Fairfax Harrison and Hetty Cary They were married Oct 16, 1920 - at Belvoir, Va. O-FH-15-1A Baird, Ursula Harrison US Army MARKER: 12/14/1897 WW I - Veteran Charles Baird, Jr. 1888 - 1970 Son of Charles Baird and Lucy Allyn Voris of Akron, Ohio Capt. 6 F.A. Ist Inf. Div A.E.F. 1917 - 1919 And Ursula Fairfax Harrison 1897 - 1989 Daughter of Fairfax Harrison and Hetty Cary They were married Oct 16, 1920 - at Belvoir, Va. Baish, Peter Charles MARKER: 2-49-3 BAISH 06/03/1983 Peter C. Linda K. 1932 - 1983 1944 Together Forever Baker, Anna Davison MARKER: T-304-2 Robert McGill Baker 10/19/1880 09/02/1973 Nov 15, 1870 - May 10, 1962 Anna Davidson Baker Baker, Anna Lukens MARKER: M-43-2 Anna Luken Baker 09/05/1973 Oct 19, 1880 - Sept 2, 1973 01/01/1956 1858 - 1956 Wife of Henry Judson Baker Henry Judson Baker 1857 - 1927 Mary Eugenia Baker 1890 - 1970 Baker, Arthur MARKER: R-63-4 BAKER 11/04/1904 06/21/1990 06/25/1990 01/01/1965 04/23/1937 11/20/1965 husband: Arthur Baker Nov. 04, 1904 - June 21, 1990 wife; Helen W. Baker Sept 18, 1901 - Apr 30, 1968 Baker, Bealle F Baker, Catharine Elliott MARKER: G-158-2 A-65-6 Catherine Elliot 1899 - 1965 01/01/1899 Wife of Oscar R. Baker Baker, Charles MARKER: Baker, Cleveland S., Sr. US ARMY MARKER: A-34-5 Charles Baker 42-42-1 Died July 10, 1859 07/10/1859 age 50 yrs. 04/03/1923 04/10/2009 07/10/1859 01/01/1846 01/01/1920 01/01/1920 10/06/1974 10/06/1974 04/23/2009 WW II - Veteran Cleveland Sanford Baker April 3, 1923 - April 10, 2009 Baker, Elizabeth C MARKER: F-5-3 In Memory of Frederick Baker 1826 - 1897 his wife Elizabeth C. Baker 1846 - 1920 Baker, Elsie Estes MARKER: N-95-5 Lewis Judson Baker Elsie Estes Baker Baker, Frances B MARKER: M-118-2 Edmonia Barley Barbara Davy Robert T Baker Frances Baker Mildred Baker Mary Baker 02/05/1892 Feb 21, 1885 - Feb 7, 1961 Feb 5, 1892 - Oct 6, 1974 05/05/1959 Nov 28, 1943 - (space) Dec 18, 1925 - (space) 1863 - (space) 1865 - May 1959 9/5/1906 - 6/12/1984 10/10/1897 - 9/16/1987 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 22 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date F-5-2 Baker, Frederick Death_Date 01/01/1826 01/01/1897 Burial_Date 01/01/1897 C S A Veteran MARKER: In Memory of Frederick Baker 1826 - 1897 his wife Elizabeth C. Baker 1846 - 1920 NOTES: Baker, Harry James MARKER: Sergent, Co. C, 2nd Maryland Cavalry. 1826-1897 M-118-4C Harry James Baker 1883 - 1951 Mary Eugenia Baker Baker, Harry James Jr. U S NAVY MARKER: 01/01/1951 1890 - 1970 T-36-4 01/17/1925 08/01/1974 08/05/1974 WW II - Veteran Harry James Baker, Jr. Jan 17, 1925 - Aug 1, 1974 Lt. JG U.S. Navy WWII Baker, Hazel Louise MARKER: O-42-1 BAKER 04/18/1918 11/21/2002 Marion Kate 1908 - 1946 Minnie G. 1882 - 1981 Hazel L. 1919 - 2002 in memory of Rowell ., Rowell C. Jr. and Wesley Baker Baker, Helen W MARKER: R-63-5 BAKER 11/26/2002 05/05/1988 husband: Arthur Baker Nov. 04, 1904 - June 21, 1990 wife; Helen W. Baker Sept 18, 1901 - Apr 30, 1968 Baker, Henry Judson MARKER: M-43-3 Anna Luken Baker 01/01/1927 1858 - 1956 Wife of Henry Judson Baker Henry Judson Baker 1857 - 1927 Mary Eugenia Baker 1890 - 1970 F-6-1 T-36-5 Baker, Henry Lee Baker, Jane S 03/12/1925 01/20/1990 10/17/1933 01/24/1990 Jane S. Baker Mar 12, 1925 - Jan 20, 1990 O-44-1 12/17/1909 BAKER 04/27/1998 05/02/1998 06/17/1985 10/19/1993 06/20/1985 10/23/1993 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Baker, Joel MARKER: Joel P. Dec. 17, 1909 April 27, 1998 Baker, Juanita Weaver Baker, Kathleen J. MARKER: Kathleen J. Jan. 28, 1910 Oct. 19, 1993 M-118-4A O-44-2 BAKER Joel P. Dec. 17, 1909 April 27, 1998 01/28/1910 Kathleen J. Jan. 28, 1910 Oct. 19, 1993 R-57-6 Baker, Kenneth J., Jr. Inmemorium Baker, Kenneth J., Jr. 08/25/1989 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: R-57-3C Kenneth J. Baker, Sr. Mary F. Baker Kenneth J. Baker, Jr. Baker, Kenneth James, Sr. MARKER: Baker, Lewis Judson MARKER: N-95-4 Lewis Judson Baker Elsie Estes Baker Baker, Lucy MARKER: 07/19/1989 08/25/1989 01/01/1903 01/01/1982 08/25/1989 02/07/1961 02/08/1961 07/10/1859 08/06/1879 03/22/2004 03/26/2004 1911 - 1982 1945 - 1989 R-57-3A Kenneth J. Baker, Sr. Mary F. Baker Kenneth J. Baker, Jr. 08/29/1945 1903 - 1982 1903 - 1982 1911 - 1982 1945 - 1989 02/21/1885 Feb 21, 1885 - Feb 7, 1961 Feb 5, 1892 - Oct 6, 1974 A-34-6 Lucy Baker Died Aug. 6, 1879 Aged 50 yrs. Wife of Charles Baker Formerly of Worcestershire, England Baker, Marian Pierpoint MARKER: 42-42-2 Marian Pierpoint Baker 09/30/1919 September 30, 1919 - March 22, 2004 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 23 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Baker, Marion Kate MARKER: Birth_Date O-42-3 BAKER 01/01/1908 Death_Date 01/01/1946 Marion Kate 1908 - 1946 Minnie G. 1882 - 1981 Hazel L. 1919 - 2002 in memory of Rowell ., Rowell C. Jr. and Wesley Baker Baker, Mary Eugenia MARKER: M-43-1 Anna Luken Baker Burial_Date 01/23/1946 10/08/1970 1858 - 1956 Wife of Henry Judson Baker Henry Judson Baker 1857 - 1927 Mary Eugenia Baker 1890 - 1970 Baker, Mary Frances MARKER: R-57-3B Kenneth J. Baker, Sr. 03/21/1911 12/31/1982 08/25/1989 M-118-3B 10/10/1897 Edmonia Barley Nov 28, 1943 - (space) 09/16/1987 09/22/1987 06/12/1984 06/21/1984 Mary F. Baker Kenneth J. Baker, Jr. Baker, Mary Marion MARKER: Baker, Mildred N MARKER: Baker, Minnie G MARKER: 1903 - 1982 1911 - 1982 1945 - 1989 Barbara Davy Robert T Baker Frances Baker Mildred Baker Mary Baker Dec 18, 1925 - (space) 1863 - (space) 1865 - May 1959 9/5/1906 - 6/12/1984 10/10/1897 - 9/16/1987 Barbara Davy Robert T Baker Frances Baker Mildred Baker Mary Baker Dec 18, 1925 - (space) 1863 - (space) 1865 - May 1959 9/5/1906 - 6/12/1984 10/10/1897 - 9/16/1987 M-118-3A 09/05/1906 Edmonia Barley Nov 28, 1943 - (space) O-42-2 BAKER Marion Kate 1908 - 1946 Minnie G. 1882 - 1981 Hazel L. 1919 - 2002 in memory of Rowell ., Rowell C. Jr. and Wesley Baker Baker, Oscar MARKER: A-65-5 Oscar R.Baker 1892- 1968 08/24/1981 01/01/1892 01/01/1968 12/13/1968 11/15/1870 05/10/1962 Nov 15, 1870 - May 10, 1962 05/14/1962 Husband of Catharine E. Baker Baker, Robert McGill MARKER: T-304-1 Robert McGill Baker Anna Davidson Baker Baker, Robert T MARKER: Baker, Thomas H Baker, Virginia Graeme Baldacci, Joseph L M-118-1 Edmonia Barley Barbara Davy Robert T Baker Frances Baker Mildred Baker Mary Baker Oct 19, 1880 - Sept 2, 1973 08/14/1868 Nov 28, 1943 - (space) 05/02/1931 Dec 18, 1925 - (space) 1863 - (space) 1865 - May 1959 9/5/1906 - 6/12/1984 10/10/1897 - 9/16/1987 G-158-3 42-108-3 E-BBY-66-37 10/28/1994 06/15/2002 08/28/1937 06/19/2002 08/22/1961 06/19/1856 06/19/1856 12/10/1955 12/13/1955 Infant Baldwin, William Newton G-122-7 Infant MARKER: Aged 5 months and 7 days Our Willie Son of Charles A. and Maria L. Baldwin. Died; June 19, 1856 Bales, Anna S MARKER: F-53-3 Their Son: Otto Rienecker 04/21/1876 1878 - 1888 Their Daughter: Anna S. Bales April 21, 1876 - Decc. 10, 1955 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 24 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) D-15-3B Bales, Betty Starley Birth_Date 03/07/1916 06/14/1997 06/18/1997 01/01/1877 01/01/1963 11/20/1963 11/08/1876 Nov. 8, 1876 - June 21, 1922 06/21/1922 06/21/1922 08/06/1961 08/08/1961 01/01/1926 01/01/1926 03/03/1981 03/05/1981 06/25/1998 07/01/1998 T-202-1 T-202-2 R-154-2 12/18/1909 05/07/1977 George Herbert Ballard July 25, 1908 - Nov. 16, 1946 12/28/1964 11/14/1985 05/11/1977 Richard Henry Horner feb 3, 1915 - June 25, 1998 his wife Betty Starley Mar 7, 1916 - June 14, 1997 Music: the greatest good that mortal know And all of heaven we have below MARKER: Burial_Date BALES MARKER: Bales, Christina E Death_Date A-77-2 BALES James W. Bales 1871 - 1926 Christina E. Bales 1877 - 1963 Magnus W. Bales 1903 - 1981 Bales, Harry A MARKER: D-15-1 Harry A. Bales Henrietta Horner Bales Wife of Harry A. Bales Bales, Henrietta Horner Dec. 5, 1872 - Aug. 6, 1961 D-15-2 12/05/1872 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Bales, James W MARKER: Harry A. Bales Nov. 8, 1876 - June 21, 1922 Henrietta Horner Bales Wife of Harry A. Bales Dec. 5, 1872 - Aug. 6, 1961 A-77-1 BALES 01/01/1871 James W. Bales 1871 - 1926 Christina E. Bales 1877 - 1963 Magnus W. Bales 1903 - 1981 Bales, Magnus Wellington MARKER: A-77-3 BALES James W. Bales 1871 - 1926 Christina E. Bales 1877 - 1963 Magnus W. Bales 1903 - 1981 Bales, Richard Henry Horner MARKER: D-15-3A 02/03/1915 BALES Richard Henry Horner feb 3, 1915 - June 25, 1998 his wife Betty Starley Mar 7, 1916 - June 14, 1997 Music: the greatest good that mortal know And all of heaven we have below Ball, August Ball, Lydia W Ballard, Barbara Roat MARKER: Barbara Roat Ballard Dec. 18, 1909 - May 7, 1977 George Herbert Ballard, Jr. Mar 6, 1938 - June 13, 1975 Asleep in Jesus. Ballard, George Herbert MARKER: R-154-5 07/25/1908 11/16/1946 George Herbert Ballard July 25, 1908 - Nov. 16, 1946 11/19/1946 Barbara Roat Ballard Dec. 18, 1909 - May 7, 1977 George Herbert Ballard, Jr. Mar 6, 1938 - June 13, 1975 Asleep in Jesus. Ballard, George Herbert Jr. MARKER: R-154-6 03/06/1938 06/13/1975 George Herbert Ballard July 25, 1908 - Nov. 16, 1946 06/17/1975 Barbara Roat Ballard Dec. 18, 1909 - May 7, 1977 George Herbert Ballard, Jr. Mar 6, 1938 - June 13, 1975 Asleep in Jesus. Ballard, William Roat MARKER: R-153-7 William Roat Ballard 06/16/1942 05/22/1994 05/26/1994 08/16/1988 08/18/1988 June 16, 1942 May 22, 1994 Ballenger, Claude Newton Inmemorium D-36-1A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 25 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Ballenger, Cora Lee Dewey MARKER: Ballenger, Cora Lee Dewey MARKER: R-231-2 Lonley the house and the hours Birth_Date Death_Date 11/01/1874 06/26/1960 06/29/1960 11/01/1874 06/26/1960 Feb. 20, 1875 - Feb. 3, 1943 06/29/1960 Since our dear one has gone But, oh, a brighter home than ours In heaven is now her Home. CORA LEE BALLENGER R-231-2 Peyton R. Ballenger Julia May Ballenger 1904 - 1928 Cora Lee Ballenger Peyton Thomas Ballenger Robert Hunter Ballenger Ballenger, Edna Davis MARKER: Burial_Date O-254-2 Edna Davis Ballenger 08/24/1896 11/04/1968 Aug 24, 1896 - Nov 4, 1968 11/07/1968 Thomas Hunter Ballenger Mar 27, 1895 - Jan 31, 1951 Ballenger, F S Ballenger, John Henry MARKER: M-97-2A R-18-4 03/17/1875 11/16/1942 John Henry Ballenger Mar 17, 1875 - Nov 16, 1942 Lou Emma Ballenger Ballenger, Julia May MARKER: Jly. 23, 1880 - Jan. 6, 1962 R-231-3 Peyton R. Ballenger 07/06/1906 01/01/1928 Feb. 20, 1875 - Feb. 3, 1943 Julia May Ballenger 1904 - 1928 Cora Lee Ballenger Peyton Thomas Ballenger Robert Hunter Ballenger Ballenger, Lou Emma MARKER: R-18-5 07/23/1880 01/06/1962 John Henry Ballenger Mar 17, 1875 - Nov 16, 1942 Lou Emma Ballenger Ballenger, Louise Cowhig, Mrs. Ballenger, Marian V Ballenger, Peyton Rowe MARKER: Ballenger, Peyton Thomas MARKER: Ballenger, Robert Hunter MARKER: Ballenger, Thomas Hunter 11/18/1942 07/28/1943 01/11/1962 Jly. 23, 1880 - Jan. 6, 1962 R-231-5 M-97-2B R-231-1 Peyton R. Ballenger 02/20/1874 02/03/1943 Feb. 20, 1875 - Feb. 3, 1943 Julia May Ballenger 1904 - 1928 Cora Lee Ballenger Peyton Thomas Ballenger Robert Hunter Ballenger R-231-4 Peyton R. Ballenger 01/20/1903 11/26/1953 Feb. 20, 1875 - Feb. 3, 1943 Julia May Ballenger 1904 - 1928 Cora Lee Ballenger Peyton Thomas Ballenger Robert Hunter Ballenger R-231-6 Peyton R. Ballenger 11/14/1898 05/20/1974 Feb. 20, 1875 - Feb. 3, 1943 Julia May Ballenger 1904 - 1928 Cora Lee Ballenger Peyton Thomas Ballenger Robert Hunter Ballenger O-254-1 03/27/1895 05/14/1955 02/27/1935 02/06/1943 11/30/1953 05/22/1974 01/31/1951 02/02/1951 G-7-2A 12/28/1865 08/06/1925 Elizabeth Aitken Balloch Dec 28, 1865 - Aug 6, 1925 08/06/1925 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Edna Davis Ballenger Aug 24, 1896 - Nov 4, 1968 Thomas Hunter Ballenger Mar 27, 1895 - Jan 31, 1951 Balloch, Elizabeth Aitken MARKER: Blessed are the pure in heart Balme, Kennard P MARKER: 2-69-3 Kennard Percival Balme 02/13/1917 02/04/1989 02/07/1989 02/22/1920 12/29/2002 06/06/2003 Feb. 13, 1917 - Feb. 4, 1989 Mary Johnston Balme Feb. 22, 1920 - Dec 29, 2002 Balme, Mary Johnston MARKER: 2-69-4A Kennard Percival Balme Feb. 13, 1917 - Feb. 4, 1989 Mary Johnston Balme Feb. 22, 1920 - Dec 29, 2002 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 26 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 42-207-5 MABEL RITA BANKS Banks, Mabel Rita MARKER: Death_Date 05/20/1930 Burial_Date 08/08/2006 08/14/2006 06/16/2001 06/20/2001 May 20, 1930 - August 8, 2006 Beloved sister of Mary Louise Burns and brothers Edward J. and John M. Banks. May her soul rest in peace. 42-172-1 BANNON Bannon, Robert MARKER: Robert W. Sept. 11, 1932 June 16, 2001 09/11/1932 Hessie B. May 19, 1929 2-12-1 BARBEE Barbee, Vilas Ward MARKER: Vilas W. 01/16/1982 1919-1982 B-BBY-48-57 Barber, Baby 12/04/1957 Infant Barber, Lois Jane MARKER: T-267-3 Lois Newberry Barber 07/09/1930 12/29/1975 Jly 9, 1930 - Dec 29, 1975 01/02/1976 'Til we meet again Barclay, Anna Dickey MARKER: Father N-120-5 Thomas Barclay 1884 - 1950 Anna Dickey Barclay 1890 - 1945 01/29/1945 N-120-4 Barclay, Edward R 01/01/1925 01/01/1945 05/05/1945 05/18/1837 12/25/1932 May 18, 1837 - Dec. 25, 1932 12/25/1932 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Edward R. Barclay 1925 - 1945 Pvt. 1 Cl, USMCR Guam M.I. Barclay, F G MARKER: A-67-5 Florence G. Barclay Born in Warwickshire, England Died in Alexandria, Va. Barclay, Thomas N-120-6 Thomas Barclay 1884 - 1950 Anna Dickey Barclay 1890 - 1945 MARKER: Father MARKER: N-110-3 In Memory of Barden, Lizzie Guill 12/20/1950 06/07/1891 01/01/1979 03/28/1979 Lizzie Guill Barden June 7, 1891 - 1979 Barker, Elinor Kay MARKER: G-140-3 ELINOR KAY BARKER 01/01/1938 06/10/1985 "in Loving Memory" 1938 - 1985 Barker, Eugene Russell Barkley, James L Barkley, James Lewis Bolling MARKER: 33-1-1A P-68-3C P-68-3A James Ernest Barkley 04/19/1895 05/14/1994 04/29/1959 01/01/1931 1857 - 1915 Sally Barker Barkley (his wife) 1862 - 1952 Lillian Barkley Whitmore 1885 - 1959 Sally Bell Barkley 1886 - 1887 James Lewis Bolling Barkley 1898 - 1931 P-68-2A Barkley, Sally Bell 03/03/1981 01/01/1887 Infant MARKER: James Ernest Barkley 1857 - 1915 Sally Barker Barkley (his wife) 1862 - 1952 Lillian Barkley Whitmore 1885 - 1959 Sally Bell Barkley 1886 - 1887 James Lewis Bolling Barkley 1898 - 1931 P-68-2C T-228-1 Barkley, Sally P Barlow, Nathaniel 04/29/1959 10/30/1974 Infant Barnes, Fanny Conway MARKER: G-30A-2 01/01/1822 Harrison Brockenbrough Barnes 1813 - 1887 01/01/1896 his wife Fanny Conway Barnes 1822 - 1896 Stafford Virginia John Moncure Barnes 1857 - 1921 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 27 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Barnes, Harrison Brockenbrough MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-30A-3 01/01/1813 Harrison Brockenbrough Barnes 1813 - 1887 Burial_Date 01/01/1887 his wife Fanny Conway Barnes 1822 - 1896 Stafford Virginia John Moncure Barnes 1857 - 1921 Barnes, Harry R Barnes, John Moncure MARKER: O-215-6 G-30A-1 01/01/1857 Harrison Brockenbrough Barnes 1813 - 1887 08/30/1961 01/01/1921 his wife Fanny Conway Barnes 1822 - 1896 Stafford Virginia John Moncure Barnes 1857 - 1921 Barnett, Harry T MARKER: O-173-3 BARNETT 01/05/1983 Kore L Sept 16, 1905 - Sept 27, 1982 Harry T Dec 13, 1907 - Jan 1, 1983 J. Humphrey April 4, 1918 - Feb 2, 2003 Barnett, Kore L MARKER: O-173-2 BARNETT 09/27/1982 10/02/1982 R-241-1 10/02/1888 04/23/1959 Rev. Carleton Barnwell Oct. 2, 1888 - Apr. 23, 1959 04/25/1959 Kore L Sept 16, 1905 - Sept 27, 1982 Harry T Dec 13, 1907 - Jan 1, 1983 J. Humphrey April 4, 1918 - Feb 2, 2003 Barnwell, Carleton, Rev. MARKER: Mary Janney Barnwell May 14, 1918 - Mar. 19, 1935 Here she dwelt thru all the singing seasons and ere the day of sorrow departed as she came. Barnwell, Daisey MARKER: G-91-2 Virginia Harrison 1833 - 1919 01/01/1898 Daughter Daisy Barnwell 1876 - 1898 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Barnwell, Louise Huff Barnwell, Mary Janney MARKER: R-241-2A R-241-3 05/14/1918 03/19/1935 Rev. Carleton Barnwell Oct. 2, 1888 - Apr. 23, 1959 03/04/1969 03/21/1935 Mary Janney Barnwell May 14, 1918 - Mar. 19, 1935 Here she dwelt thru all the singing seasons and ere the day of sorrow departed as she came. Baroody, Adele Agnes MARKER: 2-39-1 BAROODY 12/04/1901 02/28/2000 03/01/2000 2-39-1 12/04/1901 02/28/2000 William Joseph Baroody - January 29, 1916 - July 28, 1980 03/01/2000 (obverse) Baroody, Adele Agnes MARKER: Nabeeha Ashooh Baroody - March 19, 1918 - July 9, 1989 William Joseph Baroody, Jr. Nov. 5, 1937-June 8, 1996 Adele A. Baroody - Dec. 4, 1901 - Feb. 28, 2000 Baroody, Nabeeha A MARKER: 2-39-3 03/19/1918 07/09/1989 William Joseph Baroody - January 29, 1916 - July 28, 1980 07/12/1989 Nabeeha Ashooh Baroody - March 19, 1918 - July 9, 1989 William Joseph Baroody, Jr. Nov. 5, 1937-June 8, 1996 Adele A. Baroody - Dec. 4, 1901 - Feb. 28, 2000 2-39-2 Baroody, William J. Lt. USNavy MARKER: 01/29/1916 07/28/1980 08/01/1980 WW II - Veteran William Joseph Baroody - January 29, 1916 - July 28, 1980 Nabeeha Ashooh Baroody - March 19, 1918 - July 9, 1989 William Joseph Baroody, Jr. Nov. 5, 1937-June 8, 1996 Adele A. Baroody - Dec. 4, 1901 - Feb. 28, 2000 2-39-4 Baroody, William J., Jr. 11/06/1937 06/08/1996 06/11/1996 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: William Joseph Baroody - January 29, 1916 - July 28, 1980 Nabeeha Ashooh Baroody - March 19, 1918 - July 9, 1989 William Joseph Baroody, Jr. Nov. 5, 1937-June 8, 1996 Adele A. Baroody - Dec. 4, 1901 - Feb. 28, 2000 NOTES: Chairman (1994) of The Kahlil Gibran Memorial, Washington, D.C. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 28 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Baroudi, Matthew Tyler Birth_Date 32-76-4 01/22/2002 Death_Date 01/22/2002 Burial_Date 01/26/2002 Infant MARKER: MATTHEW TYLER BAROUDI January 22, 2002 Let the little children come to me, and hinder them not, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.Matt 19:13-15 Barr, Minnie O MARKER: T-233-3 01/23/1906 Paul C. Barr Dec 25, 1914 - Feb 27, 1962 Minnie O. Barr Barr, Minnie Payne MARKER: 12/15/1967 12/18/1967 Jan 23, 1906 - Dec 15, 1967 D-49-5 Thomas Barr 10/02/1934 Dec. 11, 1862 - March 21, 1925 of Birmingham, England Minnie P. Barr Oct. 12, 1857 - Sept 29, 1934 Barr, Paul C MARKER: T-233-2 12/25/1914 Paul C. Barr Dec 25, 1914 - Feb 27, 1962 Minnie O. Barr Barr, Rosa Deans Yeatman MARKER: 02/27/1962 02/27/1962 Jan 23, 1906 - Dec 15, 1967 D-29-2 Virginia Rosa Weaver Barr 08/31/1876 01/03/1926 Oct. 23, 1876 - Nov. 10, 1964 Requiescat in Pace Rosa Deans Barr July 31, 1876 - Jan. 3, 1926 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want Barr, Thomas MARKER: D-49-4 Thomas Barr 03/11/1925 Dec. 11, 1862 - March 21, 1925 of Birmingham, England Minnie P. Barr Oct. 12, 1857 - Sept 29, 1934 Barr, Virginia R MARKER: D-29-1 Virginia Rosa Weaver Barr 10/23/1876 11/10/1964 Oct. 23, 1876 - Nov. 10, 1964 11/13/1964 Requiescat in Pace Rosa Deans Barr July 31, 1876 - Jan. 3, 1926 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want Barrett, Barbara Faye MARKER: B-57-2 W. Faison Barrett Barbara F. Barrett Barrett, Carrie Moody MARKER: 05/03/1933 July 26, 1936 - Aug. 28, 1938 03/15/1942 03/17/1942 12/19/1973 12/22/1973 05/14/1976 01/17/1903 05/06/2002 06/04/1991 01/14/1943 05/15/2002 06/14/1991 10/01/1910 09/30/1991 10/04/1991 01/28/1923 02/20/2004 02/27/2004 02/28/1909 02/21/1998 02/24/1998 10/16/1982 03/17/1873 Feb 26, 1880 - Dec 19, 1973 07/29/1951 07/29/1951 02/08/1943 02/08/1943 08/07/2007 08/14/2007 May 3, 1933 - March 15, 1942 B-56-1 C. Moody Barrett 02/26/1880 Feb 26, 1880 - Dec 19, 1973 M.Hugh Barrett March 17, 1873 - July 29, 1951 Mayo Hugh Barrett, II June 20, 1942 - Feb 8, 1943 Barrett, Dangerfield Barrett, Donald G. Barrett, Evangeline G. MARKER: B-81-6 42-33-3 B-55-2 Evangeline Griesemer Barrett Sep 17, 1903 - Jun 4, 1991 Barrett, Faye B. MARKER: B-57-3 "Our Loving Mother" Faye Burton Barrett 1910 - 1991 Barrett, Mary Ellen MARKER: 31-19-2 BARRETT Mary Ellen Jan. 28, 1923 Feb. 20, 2004 Barrett, Maurice Gordon Barrett, Mayo Edwin MARKER: Ray E. Sept. 25, 1918 Feb. 26, 1990 T-350-5 B-55-1 Mayo Edwin Barrett Nov 1, 1905 - Oct 13, 1982 Barrett, Mayo Hugh MARKER: B-56-2 C. Moody Barrett M.Hugh Barrett March 17, 1873 - July 29, 1951 Mayo Hugh Barrett, II June 20, 1942 - Feb 8, 1943 B-56-3 Barrett, Mayo Hugh II 06/20/1942 Infant MARKER: C. Moody Barrett Feb 26, 1880 - Dec 19, 1973 M.Hugh Barrett March 17, 1873 - July 29, 1951 Mayo Hugh Barrett, II June 20, 1942 - Feb 8, 1943 Barrett, Mildred W. T-350-6 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/27/1918 Page 29 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Barrett, Raymond Edward MARKER: 31-19-1 BARRETT MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 09/25/1918 02/26/1990 03/02/1990 10/12/1907 03/15/1999 03/19/1999 08/28/1938 08/22/1938 B-55-5 11/06/1902 01/01/1938 Isabel Phillipa Wakefield Nov. 6, 1902 - Jan. 01, 1938 01/01/1938 Mary Ellen Jan. 28, 1923 Feb. 20, 2004 Barrett, Wilfred F. Birth_Date Ray E. Sept. 25, 1918 Feb. 26, 1990 B-55-3 W. F. "SWEET" BARRETT Oct. 12, 1907 - Mar. 15, 1999 Barrett, Wilfred F., Jr. MARKER: B-57-1 W. Faison Barrett Barbara F. Barrett Barringer, Isabel P. MARKER: 07/26/1936 July 26, 1936 - Aug. 28, 1938 May 3, 1933 - March 15, 1942 Wife of Thomas C. Barringer Barriosnuevos, Petra MARKER: 42-208-2 Petra "Susy" Barrionuevos 01/18/1913 12/07/2005 12/09/2005 January 19, 1913 - December 7, 2005 Con Carino tu hija y nietas Barron, H W MARKER: Barron, Ignacio Barry, Joanna M. D-47-3 Herbert Wharton Barron 32-1-4 T-303-2 11/22/1933 1877 - 1933 02/06/1945 01/03/1895 04/22/1997 05/24/2000 05/02/1997 05/27/2000 04/15/1993 04/22/1993 04/16/1946 04/16/1946 07/17/1957 07/20/1957 02/06/2001 04/08/1999 02/22/2001 05/27/1999 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: Michael H. Barry Joanna M. Barry NOTES: Barry, John (Brooks) James MARKER: 1889 - 1957 1895 - 2000 Longest lived buried in Ivy Hill to date. 1895-2000 R-245-2A 01/29/1939 John Brooks Barry Writer - Novelist Died April 15, 1993 Freedom from desire leads to inward peace Barry, John H MARKER: Barry, Michael H MARKER: R-245-1 09/22/1888 John H. Barry Sept. 22, 1888 - Apr. 16, 1946 T-303-1 01/01/1889 Michael H. Barry 1889 - 1957 Joanna M. Barry Barry, Patricia Bartlett, Draper, Jr. MARKER: Draper Jr. Aug 4, 1911 Apr 8, 1999 Bartlett, Eleanor Harding MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Bartlett, Joseph William MARKER: Eleanor H. Aug 3, 1916 June 3, 1982 06/07/1982 Eleanor H. Aug 3, 1916 June 3, 1982 R-147-4 12/25/1882 Frederick L.Bartlett Dec 25, 1882 - Feb 22, 1960 02/22/1960 02/25/1960 11/16/1905 06/27/1953 06/27/1953 R-147-5 06/23/1883 Frederick L.Bartlett Dec 25, 1882 - Feb 22, 1960 02/11/1971 02/11/1971 Sarah W. Bartlett Bartlett, Hull 10/29/1930 08/01/1911 2-12-4 BARTLETT Draper Jr. Aug 4, 1911 Apr 8, 1999 Bartlett, Frederick Lee 1895 - 2000 T-125-2A 2-12-3 BARTLETT June 23, 1883 - Feb. 11, 1971 F-42-8A Hull Bartlett (no dates) O-315-1 Joseph William Bartlett "Bill" Nov 16, 1905 - June 27, 1953 Bartlett, Sarah Whitton MARKER: Sarah W. Bartlett June 23, 1883 - Feb. 11, 1971 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 30 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Barton, Benjamin MARKER: E-5-1 Benjamin Barton Birth_Date Death_Date 04/08/1803 April 8, 1803 - Jan. 26, 1887 Burial_Date 01/26/1887 01/26/1887 05/02/1857 05/02/1857 03/24/1816 03/24/1816 04/16/1863 04/16/1863 08/25/1897 09/25/1897 E-5-5 02/21/1808 12/23/1885 Geo. Goodall Barton Feb. 21, 1808 - Dec. 23, 1885 12/23/1885 Eliza Douglass Barton Aug. 28, 1828 - Aug. 25, 1897 wife of Benjamin Barton E-5-2 Barton, Benjamin 08/28/1856 Infant MARKER: Children of Benjamin & Eliza Douglass Barton Benjamin Barton Aug 28, 1856 - May 2, 1857 Walter Barton June 17, 1860 - Dec 17, 1865 Grace Barton Aug 14, 1849 - April 16, 1863 E-6-5 Barton, Benjamin, Sr. 05/20/1764 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: Benjamin Barton, Sr. May 20, 1764 - Mar. 24, 1816 Mary Barton Apr. 16, 1769 - Feb. 16, 1858 wife of Benj. Barton E-5-3 Barton, Edwin 06/14/1862 Infant MARKER: Children of Benjamin & Eliza Douglass Barton Benjamin Barton Aug 28, 1856 - May 2, 1857 Walter Barton June 17, 1860 - Dec 17, 1865 Grace Barton Aug 14, 1849 - April 16, 1863 Barton, Eliza Douglass MARKER: E-5-4 Benjamin Barton 08/28/1828 April 8, 1803 - Jan. 26, 1887 Eliza Douglass Barton Aug. 28, 1828 - Aug. 25, 1897 wife of Benjamin Barton Barton, George Goodall MARKER: Geo. Kennedy Barton Aug. 28, 1864 - Nov. 7, 1870 Mary Barton March 1947 - June 19, 1901 Barton, George Kennedy MARKER: E-5-6 08/28/1864 11/07/1870 Geo. Goodall Barton Feb. 21, 1808 - Dec. 23, 1885 11/07/1870 Geo. Kennedy Barton Aug. 28, 1864 - Nov. 7, 1870 Mary Barton March 1947 - June 19, 1901 Barton, Grace MARKER: E-6-1 08/14/1849 Children of Benjamin & Eliza Douglass Barton 04/16/1863 04/16/1863 04/04/1999 04/08/1999 E-6-2 04/16/1769 02/16/1858 Benjamin Barton, Sr. May 20, 1764 - Mar. 24, 1816 02/16/1858 Benjamin Barton Aug 28, 1856 - May 2, 1857 Walter Barton June 17, 1860 - Dec 17, 1865 Grace Barton Aug 14, 1849 - April 16, 1863 Barton, Helen Erlene MARKER: 33-12-2A BARTON 02/27/1951 Helen Erlene 1951 - 1999 Barton, Mary MARKER: Mary Barton Apr. 16, 1769 - Feb. 16, 1858 wife of Benj. Barton Barton, Mary, Dr. MARKER: E-6-3 06/19/1901 Geo. Goodall Barton Feb. 21, 1808 - Dec. 23, 1885 01/19/1901 Geo. Kennedy Barton Aug. 28, 1864 - Nov. 7, 1870 Mary Barton March 1947 - June 19, 1901 Barton, Walter MARKER: E-6-4 06/17/1860 Children of Benjamin & Eliza Douglass Barton 12/17/1865 12/17/1865 Benjamin Barton Aug 28, 1856 - May 2, 1857 Walter Barton June 17, 1860 - Dec 17, 1865 Grace Barton Aug 14, 1849 - April 16, 1863 Basham, Johnny Wayne E-BBY-66-150 03/20/1969 Infant Bassist, Nina O Basso, Leone Marcelle MARKER: D-55-4 1-44-3 Yvonne Basso 05/19/1920 07/13/1985 02/15/1955 05/02/1986 May 19, 1920 - July 13, 1985 Mamy We Love You Batcheller, Baby T-322-4A 05/20/1960 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 31 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Batcheller, Coleman Carter MARKER: Batcheller, Coleman Carter MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-322-1 08/06/1882 12/02/1956 Coleman Carter Batcheller Aug 6, 1882 - Dec 2, 1956 T-322-1 08/06/1882 12/02/1956 BATCHELLER Burial_Date 12/05/1956 12/05/1956 (with two opposing stone vases) Batcheller, Doris C Batcheller, Helen Lucille Carter T-322-4B T-322-2 02/24/1889 09/17/1976 05/20/1960 09/20/1976 02/04/1915 07/02/1996 07/06/1996 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: LUCILE DOLAN BATCHELLER FEB. 24 1889 - SEPT. 17, 1976 (Order of the Eastern Star) Batcheller, John L. MARKER: T-302-4 John L. Batcheller February 4, 1915 - July 2, 1996 Mildred LeFevre Batcheller Batcheller, Mildred LeFevre MARKER: T-302-5 John L. Batcheller 07/28/1982 February 4, 1915 - July 2, 1996 Mildred LeFevre Batcheller Bateman, Patricia C. MARKER: 2-62-2 BATEMAN Thomas H. Jr. Aug. 16, 1926 Dec. 29, 2004 Bateman, Thomas MARKER: Bates, Ida M. MARKER: Bateson, Betty Bayne MARKER: Bateson, Richard H Bator, Constance O Bator, Patrick 10/30/1980 11/03/1980 08/16/1926 12/29/2004 01/03/2005 05/31/1959 05/31/1959 06/03/1959 Patricia C. Jan. 28, 1930 Oct 30, 1980 2-62-1 BATEMAN Thomas H. Jr. Aug. 16, 1926 Dec. 29, 2004 01/28/1930 Patricia C. Jan. 28, 1930 Oct 30, 1980 O-195-4 Ida M.Tyree Bates P-10-3 Betty Bayne Bateson P-10-6A T-144-2 T-144-1A 12/01/1971 1880 - 1971 12/18/1906 07/17/1910 04/22/1991 10/06/2002 04/05/1984 04/25/1991 12/04/2002 U. S. Military Veteran Bauernschmidt, Frederick MARKER: T-296-1 Frederick Bauernschmidt Hale P. Bauernschmidt Bauernschmidt, Hale P MARKER: 07/26/1906 07/03/1958 Jly 26, 1906 - Jly 3, 1958 Nov 3, 1904 - Jan 11, 1977 T-296-2 Frederick Bauernschmidt Hale P. Bauernschmidt 11/03/1904 01/11/1977 Jly 26, 1906 - Jly 3, 1958 Army (pfc) MARKER: 01/17/1977 Nov 3, 1904 - Jan 11, 1977 O-53-6B Baumert, Herbert Paul 07/05/1958 11/20/1916 06/17/2003 06/17/2003 O-53-6A 12/27/1918 02/28/1996 Herbert Paul Baumert Nov. 20, 1916 - July 4, 2002 08/01/1996 WW II - Veteran Herbert Paul Baumert Nov. 20, 1916 - July 4, 2002 Louise Talbott Baument Dec 27, 1918 - Feb 28, 1996 In graditude for your loving care. Baumert, Mary LouiseTalbott MARKER: Louise Talbott Baument Dec 27, 1918 - Feb 28, 1996 In graditude for your loving care. Baumgardner, Harry Baumgardner, Lloyd G. Inmemorium Baumgardner, Mary Elizabeth Baumgartner, Elizabeth M MARKER: N-29-3 N-29-5 Tree (Memorial) N-29-2 T-278-5 Raymond Baumgartner Elizabeth Baumgartner Baumgartner, Raymond MARKER: 01/06/1947 03/02/1945 T-278-4 Raymond Baumgartner Elizabeth Baumgartner 03/07/1949 10/27/1960 1881 - 1967 1877 - 1960 04/12/1967 1881 - 1967 1877 - 1960 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 32 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 31-129-1 Bavin, Clark R Death_Date Burial_Date 06/04/1937 07/15/1990 07/18/1990 06/04/1937 07/15/1990 07/18/1990 Chief of Law Enforment at US Fish and Wildlife Service. T-288-6A 12/25/1976 Virginia S. Bayasca 1902 - 1976 02/09/1977 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: Bavin, Clark R BAVIN 31-129-1 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: Clark Richard Bavin June 4, 1937 - July 15, 1990 NOTES: Bayasca, Virginia Sherwood MARKER: Donald A. Burkhilder Bayliss, Bessie Taylor MARKER: Bayliss, Catherine MARKER: O-163-2 Walter R. Bayliss 1926 - 1990 11/12/1977 1884 - 1951 Bessie L. Bayliss 1891 - 1977 R-160-5 Hillman Bayliss 1858 - 1938 03/30/1950 Catherine (his wife) 1861 - 1950 Jennie T. Bayliss 1891 - (space) R-159-3 Bayliss, David E., Jr. 10/05/1981 10/07/1981 Freemason MARKER: David Edward Bayliss, Jr. Elizabeth Duncan Bayliss Bayliss, David E., Sr. MARKER: R-159-1 BAYLISS David E. Bayliss his wife Effie Z. Simpson Bayliss, Effie Z. Simpson MARKER: MARKER: 11/23/1984 1889 - 1894 1892 - 1983 10/13/1983 1889 - 1894 1892 - 1983 R-159-4 David Edward Bayliss, Jr. Elizabeth Duncan Bayliss Bayliss, Emma Blanche 11/21/1984 R-159-2 BAYLISS David E. Bayliss his wife Effie Z. Simpson Bayliss, Elizabeth Duncan MARKER: May 12, 1910 - Oct5, 1981 Sept 17, 1914 - May 7, 1981 D-55-3 Frank A. Bayliss 05/07/1981 May 12, 1910 - Oct5, 1981 05/09/1981 Sept 17, 1914 - May 7, 1981 03/13/1853 Aug. 29, 1874 - Oct. 31, 1958 07/13/1926 Patrick H. Bayliss Mar. 17, 1877 - Nov. 1, 1945 Emma Blanche Bayliss Mar. 13, 1853 - Jly. 13, 1926 Bayliss, Frank Ashby MARKER: D-55-1 Frank A. Bayliss 11/03/1958 Aug. 29, 1874 - Oct. 31, 1958 Patrick H. Bayliss Mar. 17, 1877 - Nov. 1, 1945 Emma Blanche Bayliss Mar. 13, 1853 - Jly. 13, 1926 Bayliss, Hillman MARKER: R-160-4 Hillman Bayliss 05/10/1938 1858 - 1938 Catherine (his wife) 1861 - 1950 Jennie T. Bayliss 1891 - (space) Bayliss, Jennie T Bayliss, John Fahnline, Sr. MARKER: R-161-3 R-161-1 John F. Bayliss (daddy) 12/20/1896 03/05/1977 Dec. 20, 1896 - Mar. 5, 1977 07/26/1985 03/08/1977 Mildred C. Bayliss (mama) Apr. 12, 1897 - June 24, 1974 Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. Bayliss, Mildred C MARKER: R-161-2 John F. Bayliss (daddy) 04/12/1897 06/24/1974 Dec. 20, 1896 - Mar. 5, 1977 06/26/1974 Mildred C. Bayliss (mama) Apr. 12, 1897 - June 24, 1974 Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done. Bayliss, Patrick H. (Harry) MARKER: D-55-2 Frank A. Bayliss 03/17/1877 Aug. 29, 1874 - Oct. 31, 1958 11/03/1945 Patrick H. Bayliss Mar. 17, 1877 - Nov. 1, 1945 Emma Blanche Bayliss Mar. 13, 1853 - Jly. 13, 1926 Bayliss, Walter R MARKER: O-163-1 Walter R. Bayliss Bessie L. Bayliss Bayly, Jean Carter MARKER: O-122-2 Jean Carter Bayly 05/15/1951 1884 - 1951 1891 - 1977 03/25/1884 Mar 25, 1884 - Mar 6, 1976 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 03/06/1976 03/12/1976 Page 33 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bayly, Rozier Bayne, Alice Levering Crane MARKER: Birth_Date O-122-5 07/10/1915 02/26/2009 G-117-2 George H. Bayne, 2nd Aug 11, 1856 - Nov 21, 1905 Born in Alexandria, VA, Died at Nutley, N. J. Grant him, O Lord eternal, rest and let light perpetual shine upon him. Alice Levering Crane 1856 - 1926 Wife of George H. Bayne, 2d. Bayne, Charles MARKER: Death_Date P-10-2 Charles Bayne 11/05/1818 Nov 5, 1818 - Oct 18, 1885 Burial_Date 03/25/2009 01/01/1926 10/18/1885 10/18/1885 08/11/1904 08/11/1904 03/28/1858 03/28/1858 G-117-1 08/11/1856 11/21/1905 George H. Bayne, 2nd Aug 11, 1856 - Nov 21, 1905 11/21/1905 Son of Richard and Susan Pope Bayne of Westmoreland Co., Va. Bayne, Eliza Speiden MARKER: G-116-3 07/26/1829 Eliza Speiden Jly 26, 1829 - Aug 11, 1904 Wife of George H. Bayne and of Eben L. Childs Born in Washington, D.C. I shall be satisfied when I am with thy likeness She being dead yet speaketh Bayne, George H MARKER: G-116-1 Sacred to the Memory of 06/04/1820 George H. Baynes June 4, 1820 - Mar 28, 1858 Born in Westmoreland Co., Va. Died in the 38th year of his age Forever with the Lord, amen; so let it be Bayne, George H., II MARKER: Born in Alexandria, VA, Died at Nutley, N. J. Grant him, O Lord eternal, rest and let light perpetual shine upon him. Alice Levering Crane 1856 - 1926 Wife of George H. Bayne, 2d. Bayne, George H., III MARKER: G-117-4 George H. Bayne, 3d 1881 - 1923 Son of Alice Crane and George H. Bayne, 2d. Bayne, George H., IV MARKER: G-117-5 George H.Bayne, 4th 1917 - 1918 Son of George H. Bayne, 3rd. and Ruth Miller Bayne Bayne, Margaret S Bayne, Mary Ellen MARKER: G-116-6 P-10-1 Mary Ellen Bayne 06/14/1826 June 14, 1826 - Oct 2, 1869 10/02/1869 08/30/1938 10/02/1869 Daughter of Thomson and Ann Menefee Ashby, of Fauquier Co., Va. Wife of Charles Bayne Bayne, Nancy Carter Bayne, William Speiden MARKER: P-10-5 G-116-4 William Speiden Bayne 05/05/1912 04/01/1861 1854 - April1, 1861 Son of George H. & Eliza S. Bayne Born in Alexandria, Va. N-157-20 Bays, Baby 06/25/1946 Infant MARKER: Bays, Delbert H MARKER: Bays June 1945 T-129-1 01/04/1916 Delbert H. Bays Jan 4, 1916 - Feb 10, 1990 Mavis H. Bays Bays, Mavis H. MARKER: 01/06/1920 Jan 4, 1916 - Feb 10, 1990 12/31/1986 01/05/1987 Jan 6, 1920 - Dec 31, 1986 B A Y S R-93-1 Beach, Baby 02/14/1990 Jan 6, 1920 - Dec 31, 1986 B A Y S T-129-2 Delbert H. Bays Mavis H. Bays 02/10/1990 04/04/1967 Infant R-95-3A Beach, Baby 12/24/1956 Infant Beach, Clara Josephine MARKER: T-189-3 Clara Josephine Beach 07/30/1974 1879 - 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 34 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Beach, Coralie P. MARKER: R-250-6 B E A C H MARKER: Burial_Date 12/02/1999 12/07/1999 08/04/1915 06/21/2004 06/25/2004 E-34-4A 12/06/1867 11/17/1949 Elizabeth Grayson Carter Beach Dec. 6, 1867 - Nov. 17, 1949 11/19/1949 Coralie P. July 11, 1918 Dec. 2, 1999 R-250-5 B E A C H Edward L. Aug. 4, 1915 Jun. 21, 2004 Beach, Elizabeth Grayson MARKER: Death_Date 07/11/1918 Edward L. Aug. 4, 1915 Jun. 21, 2004 Beach, Edward L. Birth_Date Coralie P. July 11, 1918 Dec. 2, 1999 Morgan Hawley Beach Sept. 20, 1861 - Dec. 28, 1938 Lizzie Morgan Beach died Jan. 20, 1878 wife of S. Ferguson Beach R-93-5 Beach, George L. US Army MARKER: 12/11/1927 05/04/1992 05/07/1992 03/23/1945 03/27/1945 04/14/2006 04/19/2006 02/12/1957 02/12/1957 02/02/1966 02/05/1966 Korean War - Veteran George L. Beach SFC US ARMY KOREA Dec 11, 1927 - May 4, 1992 Beach, Goldie L. MARKER: N-84-2 Vernon O. Beach Goldie L. Beach Beach, Jacquelene Lorraine MARKER: 07/30/1894 June 18, 1886 - Apr. 14, 1971 Jly 30, 1894 - Mar 24, 1945 R-93-8 03/20/1935 JACQUELENE LORRAINE BEACH "Jackie" March 20, 1935 - April 12, 2006 Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunt T-349-1 Beach, James H., Jr. 05/15/1913 BEACH MARKER: James H. Beach, Jr. May 15, 1913 - Feb 12, 1957 Catherine B. Stockton Aug 24, 1917 - Oct 27, 1994 R-93-4 Beach, John S. 11/28/1901 U. S. Military Veteran R-93-3A Beach, John S. Inmemorium 12/28/1944 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: BEACH John S. Beach Nov. 28, 1901 - Feb 2, 1966 Nellie May Beach June 23, 1904 - Aug. 11, 1970 R-93-6 Beach, John S., Jr. US ARMY MARKER: 11/26/1922 07/25/1990 07/27/1990 11/26/1922 07/25/1990 07/27/1990 E-34-3A 01/20/1878 Elizabeth Grayson Carter Beach Dec. 6, 1867 - Nov. 17, 1949 01/01/1878 WW II - Veteran John S. Beach, Jr. PFC U S ARMY WORLD WAR II NOV 26, 1922 - JUL 25, 1999 R-93-6 Beach, John S., Jr. US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Family of JOHN S. BEACH William I. Apr 10, 1935 - Jan 16, 1989 John S. Jr. Nov 26, 1922 - July 25, 1990 Beach, Lizzie Morgan MARKER: Morgan Hawley Beach Sept. 20, 1861 - Dec. 28, 1938 Lizzie Morgan Beach died Jan. 20, 1878 wife of S. Ferguson Beach Beach, Morgan Hawley MARKER: E-34-1 09/20/1861 12/28/1938 Elizabeth Grayson Carter Beach Dec. 6, 1867 - Nov. 17, 1949 12/28/1938 Morgan Hawley Beach Sept. 20, 1861 - Dec. 28, 1938 Lizzie Morgan Beach died Jan. 20, 1878 wife of S. Ferguson Beach Beach, Nellie May MARKER: R-93-3 BEACH 06/23/1904 08/11/1970 08/11/1970 John S. Beach Nov. 28, 1901 - Feb 2, 1966 Nellie May Beach June 23, 1904 - Aug. 11, 1970 Beach, Nettie N-84-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/17/1983 Page 35 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Beach, Robert L. MARKER: Birth_Date R-93-7 ROBERT LEE BEACH 04/10/1935 Death_Date 01/04/2007 Burial_Date 01/10/2007 "Bobby" April 10, 1935 - January 4, 2007 ( ELKS) (EAGLES) Beach, S Ferguson MARKER: E-34-3 09/15/1893 Elizabeth Grayson Carter Beach Dec. 6, 1867 - Nov. 17, 1949 Morgan Hawley Beach Sept. 20, 1861 - Dec. 28, 1938 Lizzie Morgan Beach died Jan. 20, 1878 wife of S. Ferguson Beach Beach, Vernon Oliver MARKER: N-84-1 Vernon O. Beach Goldie L. Beach Beach, William L. "Billy" MARKER: 06/18/1886 June 18, 1886 - Apr. 14, 1971 04/14/1971 04/14/1971 Jly 30, 1894 - Mar 24, 1945 R-93-2 Family of JOHN S. BEACH 01/19/1989 William I. Apr 10, 1935 - Jan 16, 1989 John S. Jr. Nov 26, 1922 - July 25, 1990 Beagan, Henry J., Rev. MARKER: A-38-2 Blanche Hunter Nicklin 01/01/1862 01/01/1938 01/21/1938 01/01/1922 01/01/1922 09/14/1991 09/17/1991 12/11/1976 12/13/1976 1856 -1922 Wife of Rev. Henry J. Beagen, He knoweth his own. Rev. Henry J. Beagen 1862 - 1938 Beagen, Blanche Hunter Nicklin MARKER: A-38-3 Blanche Hunter Nicklin 01/01/1856 1856 -1922 Wife of Rev. Henry J. Beagen, He knoweth his own. Rev. Henry J. Beagen 1862 - 1938 Beagle, Edith Knight MARKER: T-361-5 Merrill V. Beagle 03/18/1905 June 27, 1903 - Dec 11, 1976 Edith K. Beagle Mar 18, 1905 - Sept 14, 1991 Katherine E. Beagle Mar 28, 1942 - (space) Beagle, Merrill V MARKER: T-361-4 Merrill V. Beagle 06/27/1903 June 27, 1903 - Dec 11, 1976 Edith K. Beagle Mar 18, 1905 - Sept 14, 1991 Katherine E. Beagle Mar 28, 1942 - (space) Beales, Claude B MARKER: O-87-4 03/12/1889 Claude B. Beales Mar 12, 1889 - Dec 12, 1944 12/12/1944 Ethel I. Beales June 13, 1894 - Sept 02, 1980 In Peaceful Sleep Beales, Ethel Idell MARKER: O-87-5 06/13/1894 Claude B. Beales Mar 12, 1889 - Dec 12, 1944 09/02/1980 09/05/1980 Ethel I. Beales June 13, 1894 - Sept 02, 1980 In Peaceful Sleep Beall, Bernice Kent MARKER: O-293-2 Bernice Kent Beall 01/05/1974 Horace Eugene Beall Beall, Horace Eugene MARKER: 05/31/1875 Horace Eugene Beall Beasley, Emily S MARKER: MARKER: 09/03/1957 07/25/1895 05/28/1967 Oct 12, 1899 - Apr 15, 1974 05/31/1967 Jly 25, 1895 - May 28, 1967 T-73-5 James W. Beasley, Jr. Emily S. Beasley 08/31/1957 May 31, 1875 - Aug 31, 1957 T-73-6 James W. Beasley, Jr. Emily S. Beasley Beasley, James W., Jr. May 31, 1875 - Aug 31, 1957 O-293-1 Bernice Kent Beall 10/12/1899 04/15/1974 Oct 12, 1899 - Apr 15, 1974 Jly 25, 1895 - May 28, 1967 N-166-6 Beaton, Baby 04/18/1974 07/21/1943 Infant Bechtold, Loretto K. MARKER: B-80-4 Loretto K. Bechtold 05/05/1898 09/09/1995 09/12/1995 02/08/1919 06/24/1990 07/05/1990 May 5, 1898 Sept. 9, 1995 Beck, Dorothy N MARKER: 31-64-1A BECK Robert E. 1919-1994 Dorothy N. 1919-1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 36 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Beck, Robert E. MARKER: 31-64-1B BECK Robert E. 1919-1994 Beckelman, Albert Fred MARKER: Beckelman, Doris F. MARKER: Birth_Date 06/17/1919 MARKER: Burial_Date 02/09/1994 02/18/1994 01/24/1918 01/16/1971 Jan 24, 1918 - Jan 16, 1971 05/14/1922 06/20/1997 01/20/1971 Dorothy N. 1919-1990 T-259-1 Albert F. Beckelman T-259-6 At Rest DORIS F. BECKELMAN MAY 14, 1922 JUNE 20, 1997 Beloved Daughter, Mother & Grandmother Becker, Gary Ernest Death_Date 31-33-1 Gary E. Becker 06/24/1997 04/14/1953 05/22/1987 05/26/1987 12/31/1924 02/20/1991 02/23/1991 April 14, 1953 + May 22, 1987 "I have a friend in Jesus" 31-32-3 Becker, Harold Harvey USMC WW II - Veteran D-1-1B Beckert, Frank, Jr. Child B-BBY-48-36 Beeton, Baby Boy 03/10/1956 Infant 33-36-2 Beier, Ann Catherine MARKER: 09/26/1937 04/01/1998 04/06/1998 04/04/1916 02/03/2008 Jan 27, 1910 - Mar 25, 1964 02/07/2008 BEIER Emerson H. Ann C. Oct. 8, 1934 Sept. 26, 1937 (space) Apr. 1, 1998 ( 23rd PSALM) "from this end comes a new beginning" Beigbeder, Ingeborg MARKER: T-168-3 Paul Alfred Beigbeder Ingeborg Linnea Beigbeder Beigbeder, Paul Alfred MARKER: T-168-2 Paul Alfred Beigbeder Apr 4, 1916 - Feb 2, 2008 01/27/1910 03/25/1964 Jan 27, 1910 - Mar 25, 1964 Ingeborg Linnea Beigbeder Beitzel, Dorothy Tolbert Inmemorium MARKER: Beitzel, James Edward Inmemorium MARKER: NOTES: MARKER: 03/26/1923 08/13/1982 07/09/1921 12/12/1996 12/21/1923 02/10/2006 02/15/2006 03/25/2010 05/10/2010 08/02/1967 08/05/1967 Dorothy Tolbert March 26, 1923 August 13, 1982 Ashes scattered at sea M-94-5 BEITZEL Dorothy Tolbert March 26, 1923 August 13, 1982 Ashes scattered at sea. M*94*5 2-13-2 BELCHER Jane December 21, 1921 - February 10, 2006 Beloved Wife and Mother Philip George May 18, 1924 - (space) Beloved Husband and Father Belcher, Philip George MARKER: 2-13-1 BELCHER 05/18/1924 Jane December 21, 1921 - February 10, 2006 Beloved Wife and Mother Philip George May 18, 1924 - (space) Beloved Husband and Father Belew, Mack W MARKER: 08/16/1982 BEITZEL James Edward July 9, 1921 Dec 12, 1996 Belcher, Jane H Apr 4, 1916 - Feb 2, 2008 M-94-4B James Edward July 9, 1921 Dec 12, 1996 NOTES: 03/28/1964 O-233-1 BELEW 09/27/1884 Mary Jane Belew Apr 23, 1893 - Nov 4, 1948 Marg. Kemp Mar 29, 1910 - Oct 25, 1980 Mack W. Belew Sept 27, 1884 - Aug 2, 1967 Christine C. Klatko Oct 22, 1918 - Feb 1, 1995 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 37 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Belew, Mary Jane MARKER: O-233-2 BELEW Birth_Date 04/23/1893 Death_Date 11/04/1948 Mary Jane Belew Apr 23, 1893 - Nov 4, 1948 Marg. Kemp Mar 29, 1910 - Oct 25, 1980 Mack W. Belew Sept 27, 1884 - Aug 2, 1967 Christine C. Klatko Oct 22, 1918 - Feb 1, 1995 Bell, Etta Merlin Belt, Berta R. MARKER: D-43-3 R-221-4 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 MARKER: R-221-3 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 05/12/1948 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) Belt, Joseph R MARKER: R-221-1 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) Belt, Pauline M MARKER: R-221-6 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 11/10/1956 10/25/1910 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) Belt, Ralph W MARKER: R-221-5 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 09/08/2004 09/27/2004 06/09/1989 06/13/1989 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) Belt, Ruby M MARKER: R-221-2 Berta R. Belt 1891 - 1953 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) 33-40-2 Beltz, Robert C. US NAVY MARKER: 11/08/1948 01/04/1948 09/29/1953 Elizabeth P. Belt 1895 - 1948 Ruby K. Belt 1896 - 1935 Joseph R. Belt 1891 Ralph W. Belt 1916 - 1989 Pauline M. Belt 1918 - (space) Belt, Elizabeth P Burial_Date 07/06/1935 08/22/1934 08/27/1995 08/30/1995 Chief Operating Officer at Ivy Hill Cemetery. P-80-3 03/17/1920 T-188-4 12/14/1899 Charles B. Bender May 8, 1897 - Aug 30, 1961 02/16/1999 09/18/1974 02/22/1999 09/23/1974 08/30/1961 09/09/1961 WW II - Veteran Robert Charles Beltz US NAVY World War II Aug. 22, 1934 - Aug. 27, 1995 NOTES: Bendall, Elizabeth Poss Jones Bender, Annie E MARKER: Annie E. Bender Bender, Charles B. MARKER: Annie E. Bender Bender, Diane Elizabeth Dec 14, 1899 - Sept 18, 1974 T-189-6 Charles B. Bender 05/08/1897 May 8, 1897 - Aug 30, 1961 Dec 14, 1899 - Sept 18, 1974 T-188-6 12/02/1971 Child Bender, Gardener C MARKER: 2-35-3 BENDER 08/05/1981 Gardner Gragg - March 12, 1908 - August 3, 1981 Mildred Carr- June 4, 1912 -- March 16, 1998 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 38 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bender, George K., Sr. Bender, George T MARKER: Birth_Date B-72-1 B-29-6 BENDER Death_Date 07/11/1871 Burial_Date 07/17/1964 07/20/1964 06/11/1983 03/06/1999 03/08/1999 George Thomas Bender April 2, 1902 - June 8, 1983 Mae Gertrude Bender May 26, 1906 - March 6, 1999 Bender, Mae Gertrude MARKER: B-29-6A BENDER 05/26/1906 George Thomas Bender April 2, 1902 - June 8, 1983 Mae Gertrude Bender May 26, 1906 - March 6, 1999 Bender, Mary E. Cragg MARKER: B-72-2 Mary E. Cragg Bender 1874 - 1935 04/30/1935 Wife of Geo. K. Bender Bender, Michael Cragg MARKER: 2-35-1 BENDER 12/23/1948 01/27/1990 01/31/1990 Michael Cragg - December 23, 1948 - January 28, 1990 Vicki L. Wise - October 20, 1957 - (space) Bender, Mildred Carr MARKER: 2-35-4 BENDER 03/20/1998 Gardner Gragg - March 12, 1908 - August 3, 1981 Mildred Carr- June 4, 1912 -- March 16, 1998 Benedict, Ella J Benedict, Marie Clara Heindrich MARKER: T-310-5A T-39-5 Sister - Friend 04/03/1924 10/18/1993 01/08/1986 10/22/1993 Helene Heindrich Franke March 26, 1910 - June 28, 1983 Wife - Mother Marie Heindrich Benedict April 3, 1924 - Oct 18, 1993 Benedict, Robert Walter MARKER: T-310-5B Robert W. Benedict 08/24/1945 09/23/1946 Aug 24, 1945 - Sept 23, 1946 11/07/1958 William C. Benedict Aug 18, 1942 - Oct 5, 1958 Benedict, William C MARKER: T-310-4 Robert W. Benedict 08/18/1942 10/05/1958 Aug 24, 1945 - Sept 23, 1946 10/08/1958 William C. Benedict Aug 18, 1942 - Oct 5, 1958 32-77-8 Benjamin, Francisco 12 wks old Benkelman, Katharine L. MARKER: 07/15/2006 N-101-2 Alvin C. Benkelman MARKER: Bennett, Christopher C Bennett, Clara L MARKER: 10/30/1940 MARKER: 1902 - 1940 T-306-4A 01/05/1909 Arthur R. Bennett Jan 5, 1909 - Feb 16, 1964 M-75-2 O-245-2 09/02/1892 William H. Bennett Nov 13, 1887 - Nov 18, 1964 Clara L. Bennett Bennett, Clifford D., Jr. Bennett, George O MARKER: MARKER: Bennett, Rosa I MARKER: 02/19/1964 04/15/1965 10/30/1950 04/18/1965 Sept 2, 1892 - Apr 15, 1965 T-306-4B Dorette Decker 1885 - 1971 11/10/1940 07/18/1950 06/17/1975 06/25/1975 M-75-1 O-66-4 05/20/1873 01/04/1948 Robb O Bennett May 20, 1873 - Jan 4, 1948 M-112-2 04/09/1876 07/03/1938 Thomas J. Bennett, Father Apr 8, 1870 - Apr 20, 1946 01/01/1933 01/07/1948 Marion E. Bennett Bennett, Minnie Bennett, Robb O 02/16/1964 N-20-4 M-112-3 08/25/1903 07/16/1950 Thomas J. Bennett, Father Apr 8, 1870 - Apr 20, 1946 Husband of Rosa I. Bennett Rosa I. Bennett, Mother Apr 9, 1876 - Jly 3, 1938 Wife of Thomas J. Bennett George O. Bennett Aug 25, 1903 - Jly 16, 1950 Bennett, Marion E 07/19/2006 1895 - Katherine L. Benkelman Bennett, Arthur R. 07/15/2006 Infant 1912 - 1975 07/05/1938 Husband of Rosa I. Bennett Rosa I. Bennett, Mother Apr 9, 1876 - Jly 3, 1938 Wife of Thomas J. Bennett George O. Bennett Aug 25, 1903 - Jly 16, 1950 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 39 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bennett, Thomas J MARKER: Bennett, William Henry MARKER: MARKER: Death_Date M-112-1 04/08/1870 04/20/1946 Thomas J. Bennett, Father Apr 8, 1870 - Apr 20, 1946 Husband of Rosa I. Bennett Rosa I. Bennett, Mother Apr 9, 1876 - Jly 3, 1938 Wife of Thomas J. Bennett George O. Bennett Aug 25, 1903 - Jly 16, 1950 O-245-1 William H. Bennett 11/13/1887 Nov 13, 1887 - Nov 18, 1964 Burial_Date 04/24/1946 11/18/1964 11/21/1964 12/28/2000 01/03/2001 T-182-5 02/16/1900 01/31/1975 MOTHER: Olive Ann Benzies Feb 16, 1900 - Jan 31, 1975 02/03/1975 Clara L. Bennett Benzies, Aileen C. Birth_Date Sept 2, 1892 - Apr 15, 1965 31-7-3a AILEEN C. BENZIES 07/15/1935 July 15, 1935 - December 28, 2000 Beloved Mother & Grandmother Benzies, Olive Ann MARKER: DAUGHTER: Olive ScottBenzies Sept 6, 1924 - May 9, 1978 Benzies, Olive Scott MARKER: T-182-6 09/06/1924 05/09/1978 MOTHER: Olive Ann Benzies Feb 16, 1900 - Jan 31, 1975 05/12/1978 DAUGHTER: Olive ScottBenzies Sept 6, 1924 - May 9, 1978 Bergheim, Donna F. Berkey, Jennie M MARKER: 42-216-3 07/13/1925 P-71-5 03/25/1899 Jennie M. Berkey Mar 25, 1899 - Jan 22, 1963 03/27/2010 01/22/1963 04/02/2010 01/25/1963 03/02/1975 03/04/1975 11/10/1919 05/02/1991 05/06/1991 05/16/1920 12/13/1996 12/18/1996 01/01/1910 01/01/1985 10/05/1985 07/30/1962 12/18/1956 08/01/1962 10/30/1988 04/19/2007 04/26/2007 08/22/1959 08/25/1959 09/23/1960 08/25/1959 O-316-1 T-200-1 03/04/1921 Willie C. Berry March 4, 1921 - Nov 16, 1964 11/16/1964 07/14/1953 11/20/1964 John M. Berkey Jan 3, 1895 - Mar 2, 1975 Berkey, John M MARKER: P-71-4 01/03/1895 Jennie M. Berkey Mar 25, 1899 - Jan 22, 1963 John M. Berkey Jan 3, 1895 - Mar 2, 1975 32-63-3 Berler, Seymour WW II - Veteran MARKER: SEYMOUR BERLER U S ARMY World War II Nov 10, 1919 - May 2, 1991 Berman, Freda Elizabeth MARKER: T-VET-13-2 Henry Freda E. 1925 - (space) 1920 - 1996 USMC BERMAN Together Forever Bernhard, Freida K MARKER: T-37-5 SLIGHT Russell W. 1908 - 1991 Grace K. 1908 - 1995 Fredric W. 1946 - 2006 Freida Kicherer Bernhard 1910 - 1985 Berry, Bruce Berry, Eva Nell MARKER: N-48-3 R-120-6 William Warry Berry 1876 - 1951 Eva Nell Berry 1877 - 1962 Mercedes Berry Simpson 1909 - 1967 Mercedes Rhyno 1879 - 1962 Berry, Gregory Joseph MARKER: 41-53-3 Greg J. Berry October 30, 1988 - April 19, 2007 He raised you up on eagle's wings. And holds you in the palm of HIS hand N-48-1 E-BBY-66-15 Berry, Jessie Berry, Susan Marie Infant Berry, William Berry, Willie C. MARKER: Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 40 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Berryman, Richard B., Jr. Birth_Date 1-41-1 Death_Date Burial_Date 08/26/1923 05/04/1979 05/14/1979 10/12/1906 10/11/1981 11/09/1981 01/01/1909 11/05/1969 11/07/1969 01/01/1927 02/22/1983 02/25/1983 WW II - Veteran MARKER: BERRYMAN Richard B., Jr. PHM2 U.S. Navy WWII Aug. 26, 1923 - May 4, 1979 Bertsch, Ellen B MARKER: T-336-5A HOWARD ELLEN 1909 - 1969 1906 - 1981 BERTSCH Bertsch, Howard MARKER: T-336-4 HOWARD ELLEN 1909 - 1969 1906 - 1981 BERTSCH 2-11-4 Bess, Jean Courtney BESS MARKER: Loving wife and mother Jean C. Jan 1, 1927 - Feb. 22, 1983 Bettis, Alice L MARKER: Bettis, C Bettis, Carrie MARKER: B-45-1 Alice S. Bettis March 15, 1905 - March 12, 1989 D-56-6 N-2-5 BETTIS 03/14/1989 04/07/1942 03/25/1942 Cumberland C. Bettis 1867 - 1952 Carrie C. Bettis 1867 - 1942 Rest in Peace Bettis, Cumberland C. MARKER: N-2-4B BETTIS 01/01/1952 Cumberland C. Bettis 1867 - 1952 Carrie C. Bettis 1867 - 1942 Rest in Peace Bettis, Georgie A MARKER: T-362-2 Georgie A. Bettis 02/27/1898 04/17/1955 04/21/1955 Feb. 7, 1898 - April 17, 1955 Bettis, James F MARKER: T-362-1 James F. Bettis, Sr. 04/28/1986 Feb. 20, 1907 - April 25, 1896 T-362-3 Bettis, James F., Jr. 10/01/1927 03/24/1965 03/26/1965 WW II - Veteran MARKER: James F. Bettis, Jr. Virginia - AS U.S. Navy World War II World War II Oct. 1, 1927 - March 24, 1965 Bettis, Maurice L. MARKER: B-33-6A Maurice Lockwood Bettis Minnie Alberta Bettis Bettis, Minnie Alberta MARKER: MARKER: 1886 - 1937 B-33-6B Maurice Lockwood Bettis Minnie Alberta Bettis Beuchert, Ellamae P 08/06/1956 1886 - 1956 02/05/1937 1886 - 1956 1886 - 1937 T-15-2 BEUCHERT 04/17/1910 09/01/1990 09/04/1990 10/25/1977 10/29/1977 02/25/2006 03/24/2006 John THeodore Oct 2, 1907 - Oct 25, 1977 EllaMae Prewitt Apr 17, 1910 - Sept 1, 1990 The victory of life is won, The song of triumph has begun. Beuchert, John T MARKER: T-15-1 BEUCHERT John THeodore Oct 2, 1907 - Oct 25, 1977 EllaMae Prewitt Apr 17, 1910 - Sept 1, 1990 The victory of life is won, The song of triumph has begun. Beyer, James C., M.D. MARKER: 33-9-2B BEYER 06/02/1918 Joan B. 1920 - 2004 James C. 1918 - 2006 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 41 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Beyer, Joan B. MARKER: Birth_Date 33-9-2A BEYER Death_Date Burial_Date 05/10/1920 08/21/2004 08/27/2004 07/20/1981 07/23/1981 11/18/2003 11/13/2003 11/18/2003 Joan B. 1920 - 2004 James C. 1918 - 2006 Beyer, Kyle S. MARKER: 33-4-3 BEYER William F. September 14, 1951 - November 13, 2003 Our Son Kyle S. July 20, 1981- July 23, 1981 Beyer, William F. MARKER: 33-4-3A BEYER 09/14/1951 William F. September 14, 1951 - November 13, 2003 Our Son Kyle S. July 20, 1981- July 23, 1981 E-BBY-66-135 Biancardi, Baby 03/23/1967 Infant Bibb, Benjamin A MARKER: R-67-4 08/10/1900 Benjamin A.Bibb Aug 10, 1900 - Sept 27, 1944 Elsie H. Bibb Ernest L. Bibb Bibb, John A., Jr. MARKER: T-215-2 John A. Bibb, Jr. MARKER: John A. Bibb, Jr. Meredith H. Bibb Biddle, Elsie G MARKER: 04/22/1898 08/19/1971 Apr 22, 1898 - Aug 19, 1971 05/27/1931 08/21/1971 Jly 4, 1916 - Feb 6, 1971 May 27, 1931 - Feb 15, 1995 @T 215 3: Meredith Hansen Bibb: Born, May 27, 1931, Greenville, Michigan, Died, Feb. 15, 1995, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her interment is in the Little Denmark Cemetery, Gowen, Michigan. Funeral - Committal Services 2:00PM February 18, 1995. Brown-Teman Funeral Home Officiating: Rev. Harry Johnson Information submitted by letter dated April 21, 1995 from her devoted friend, Louise S. Yambor, 502 Lawrence Street Muskogee, OK 74403 (918-687-1876) T-159-3 09/15/1888 10/02/1989 10/04/1989 George A. Biddle Jan 23, 1887 - Jly 11, 1969 Elsie G. Biddle Biddle, George Anthony MARKER: 02/07/1971 May 27, 1931 - Feb 15, 1995 MARKER: NOTES: 02/06/1971 07/04/1916 Jly 4, 1916 - Feb 6, 1971 O-253-6 Margaret E. Iden Bibb T-215-3 Bibb, Meredith Hansen Inmemorium 09/29/1944 Dec 5, 1904 - (space) Dec 7, 1894 - (space) Meredith H. Bibb Bibb, Margaret E. Iden 09/27/1944 Sept 15, 1888 - Oct 02, 1989 T-159-2 George A. Biddle Elsie G. Biddle 01/23/1887 Jan 23, 1887 - Jly 11, 1969 4 months MARKER: 07/14/1969 07/23/1996 07/30/1996 03/14/1936 10/06/1947 03/16/1936 03/19/1956 03/22/1956 Sept 15, 1888 - Oct 02, 1989 O-FH-15-10 Biddle, Ursula F.H. 07/11/1969 03/12/1996 Infant Ursula Fairfax Harrison Biddle March 12, 1937 - July 23, 1996 Leaves With Love To Carry On. John Hunter - Dora Lee Francis Burton Harrison Jason Fairfax - Elisabeth Anne Biffa, Baby Bigelow, Edward M MARKER: N-127-28 R-46-1 Edward M. Bigelow Died: Mar 14, 1936 Beloved Husband of Nettie Rohr Nettie Rohr Died: Mar 19, 1956 R-46-2 Bigelow, Nettie Rohr DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Edward M. Bigelow Died: Mar 14, 1936 Beloved Husband of Nettie Rohr Nettie Rohr Died: Mar 19, 1956 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 42 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bigelow, Veronica Frances Birth_Date Death_Date E-BBY-66-163 Burial_Date 11/06/1972 Infant MARKER: Biggers, Bobbie C. MARKER: Veronica Frances Bigelow burial Nov. 6, 1972 B-27-6C 12/01/1882 Fannie G. Biggers (MOTHER) 1855 - 1938 06/02/1969 06/04/1969 02/15/1953 02/17/1953 10/10/1938 10/12/1938 J. W. Biggers March 1, 1878 - Feb. 15, 1953 Bobbie C. Biggers Dec. 1, 1882 - June 2, 1969 Biggers, James W. MARKER: B-27-5 03/01/1878 Fannie G. Biggers (MOTHER) 1855 - 1938 J. W. Biggers March 1, 1878 - Feb. 15, 1953 Bobbie C. Biggers Dec. 1, 1882 - June 2, 1969 Biggers, Josephine Fannie Garland MARKER: B-27-4 01/01/1855 Fannie G. Biggers (MOTHER) 1855 - 1938 J. W. Biggers March 1, 1878 - Feb. 15, 1953 Bobbie C. Biggers Dec. 1, 1882 - June 2, 1969 Biller, Steve A. MARKER: 2-78-4 Beloved Son 10/09/1984 STEVE BILLER April 21, 1954 - Oct. 5, 1984 We will always remember the happiness. Bird, Alice Betty MARKER: COL 6-S2-33 Alice Betty Bird 03/21/1951 09/05/2007 09/08/2007 06/26/1869 04/17/1931 JUNE 26, 1869 - APRIL 17, 1931 04/20/1931 Mar. 21, 1951 - Sept. 5, 2007 Bird, Hugh S MARKER: A-18A-2 Hugh Stockdell Bird his wife Margaret Willard Smith Birge, Margaret Cooke MARKER: P-1-8 Margaret Cooke Birge Warren Riley Birge Birge, Warren Riley Birge, Warren Riley Sr. MARKER: MARKER: 01/09/1903 10/12/1970 Jan 9, 1903 - Oct 12, 1970 10/12/1970 Feb 3, 1898 - Jan 12, 1973 P-1-13A P-1-9 Margaret Cooke Birge Warren Riley Birge Bishop, Arthur V Feb. 19, 1869 - Jan 1, 1928 04/18/1928 11/07/1999 02/03/1898 01/12/1973 Jan 9, 1903 - Oct 12, 1970 12/22/1999 01/12/1973 Feb 3, 1898 - Jan 12, 1973 G-138-1 Pearl Hoffman Bishop 01/08/1955 Died:Dec 25, 1961 Arthur Vaughn Bishop 1883 - 1955 Bishop, Ellen Pearl Hoffman MARKER: G-138-2 Pearl Hoffman Bishop 12/25/1961 12/27/1961 Died:Dec 25, 1961 Arthur Vaughn Bishop 1883 - 1955 Bisson, Ernest C. MARKER: N-160-1 William Bisson 11/15/1943 1836 - 1905 Sarah Frink Bisson 1845 - 1918 Ernest C. Bisson 1888 - 1943 Bisson, Sarah Frink MARKER: N-160-3 William Bisson 01/01/1918 1836 - 1905 Sarah Frink Bisson 1845 - 1918 Ernest C. Bisson 1888 - 1943 Bisson, William N. MARKER: N-160-2 William Bisson 01/01/1905 1836 - 1905 Sarah Frink Bisson 1845 - 1918 Ernest C. Bisson 1888 - 1943 Bitzer, Harriet H. Sadowski MARKER: G-163-6B Ralph Gardner Bitzer 07/19/1908 04/01/1982 04/07/1982 02/06/1862 01/20/1938 01/22/1938 01/29/1900 02/21/1948 02/26/1948 Jan. 29, 1900 - Feb. 21, 1948 his wife Harriet Sadowski July 19, 1908 - Apr. 1, 1982 Bitzer, Mary E. Gardner MARKER: G-163-5 Mary Gardner Bitzer Feb. 6, 1862 - Jan. 20, 1938 Bitzer, Ralph G MARKER: G-163-6A Ralph Gardner Bitzer Jan. 29, 1900 - Feb. 21, 1948 his wife Harriet Sadowski July 19, 1908 - Apr. 1, 1982 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 43 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Black, Bessie Graham Hobson MARKER: Birth_Date 42-78-6 B L A C K 09/28/1922 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/07/2000 04/12/2000 09/29/2007 10/09/2007 09/05/1965 09/08/1965 10/15/1996 03/13/1948 10/21/1996 12/14/1909 03/27/1993 04/02/1993 01/01/1906 12/22/1954 12/25/1955 03/26/1892 03/22/1893 Bessie Graham Hobson Sept. 28, 1922 - April 7, 2000 Hugo Lafayette, Jr. Forever in Love. Black, Hugo L, III MARKER: 42-86-4 HUGO L. BLACK III 07/15/1953 July 15, 1953 - September 29, 2007 IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER Black, John Erma MARKER: R-83-4 Mary Davis Black John Erma Black Black, Maggie Black, Mary Davis MARKER: MARKER: Aug 28, 1895 - Sept. 5, 1965 A-19-2A R-83-1 Mary Davis Black John Erma Black Black, Tabitha Stattler 08/28/1895 June 21, 1905 - Oct. 15, 1996 06/21/1905 June 21, 1905 - Oct. 15, 1996 Aug 28, 1895 - Sept. 5, 1965 32-35-4 Tabitha Stattler Black December 14, 1908 March 27, 1993 Blackburn, K Wilde MARKER: Blackford, Anna Mason T-355-1 K. Wilde Blackburn M-5-3 1906 - 1954 Infant MARKER: Anna Mason Blackford Mar 26, 1892 - Mar 22, 1893 Daughter of L.M. and C. A. Blackford Without fault before the thone of God Blackford, Eliza Chew Ambler MARKER: M-5-4 12/06/1856 Eliza Chew Ambler Dec 6, 1856 - Nov. 19, 1935 11/19/1935 11/23/1935 05/23/1914 05/26/1914 Wife of L. M. Blackford Blackford, Launcelot Minor M-5-5 02/23/1837 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Blackford, Loula M MARKER: Launcelot Minor Blackford Feb 23, 1837 -May 23, 1914 24th Virginia Infantry, CSA Principal of the Episcopal High School, 1870-1913 The Servant of the Lord, Gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient Private, 24th Virginia Infantry C.S.A. Principal of Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA (1870-1913). M-8-1 04/25/1913 Wyndham Robertson Blackford Aug 1, 1858 - Feb 1, 1924 04/28/1913 Loula M. Blackford died: April 25, 1913 Aged 38 years, wife of Wyndham R. Blackford Blackford, Wyndham Robertson MARKER: M-8-2 Wyndham Robertson Blackford 08/01/1858 02/01/1924 Aug 1, 1858 - Feb 1, 1924 Loula M. Blackford died: April 25, 1913 Aged 38 years, wife of Wyndham R. Blackford Blackman, Harold MARKER: 1-34-1A BLACKMAN Harold S. 1902 - 1980 Blackman, Ruth M. MARKER: Blackwelder, James Wilson Blackwelder, Louise Blackwell, Jill H MARKER: 01/01/1980 11/07/1986 05/21/1908 01/18/1996 01/25/1996 01/09/1949 06/22/1914 01/01/1919 11/03/2005 10/31/2006 01/01/1981 11/06/2006 11/06/2006 10/28/1982 Ruth M. 1908 - 1996 1-34-1B BLACKMAN Harold S. 1902 - 1980 01/01/1902 Ruth M. 1908 - 1996 D-33-6A D-33-6C 1-59-4A Blackwell Jill 1919-1981 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 44 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Blackwell, Joseph Scott MARKER: R-216-4 BLACKWELL Joseph Scott, Sr. Roberta May Blackwell, Joseph Scott, Jr. MARKER: Birth_Date 09/05/1874 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/19/1943 01/21/1943 12/01/1999 12/03/1999 11/20/2006 11/27/2006 Sept. 5 1874 - Jan 19, 1943 Oct 15, 1875 - Aug 25, 1953 R-216-6A BLACKWELL 11/24/1908 Joseph Scott, Jr. Nov. 24, 1908 - Dec. 1, 1999 Phila Belle July 14, 1912 - Nov. 20, 2006 Blackwell, Phila Belle MARKER: R-216-6B BLACKWELL 07/14/1912 Joseph Scott, Jr. Nov. 24, 1908 - Dec. 1, 1999 Phila Belle July 14, 1912 - Nov. 20, 2006 Blackwell, R Reynolds MARKER: R-216-1 Robert Reynolds Blackwell 11/20/1986 Dec. 15, 1900 - Nov. 18, 1986 Blackwell, R Reynolds MARKER: Blackwell, Roberta May Anderson MARKER: R-216-1 BLACKWELL R-216-5 BLACKWELL Joseph Scott, Sr. Roberta May Blackwell, Wilna Clendenin MARKER: Bladen, Annie Hawkins MARKER: 11/20/1986 10/15/1875 08/25/1953 08/27/1953 01/01/1983 08/23/1983 02/01/1926 02/01/1926 Sept. 5 1874 - Jan 19, 1943 Oct 15, 1875 - Aug 25, 1953 R-216-2 01/01/1901 Wilna Clendenin Feb 11, 1901 - Aug 19, 1983 M-51-5 08/21/1870 Charles Ashby Bladen Jly 30, 1866 - Oct 7, 1962 his wife: Annie Hawkins Bladen Aug 21, 187- = Feb 1, 1926 Daughter: Virginia Ann Bladen Dec 25, 1905 - Nov. 16, 1963 Bladen, Betty J MARKER: 31-98-2 BLADEN 01/01/1927 01/01/1989 12/22/1989 10/07/1962 10/09/1962 Thomas E. Betty J. 1925 1927 - 1989 In Gods loving care. Bladen, Charles Ashby MARKER: M-51-4 07/30/1866 Charles Ashby Bladen Jly 30, 1866 - Oct 7, 1962 his wife: Annie Hawkins Bladen Aug 21, 187- = Feb 1, 1926 Daughter: Virginia Ann Bladen Dec 25, 1905 - Nov. 16, 1963 Bladen, Virginia Ann MARKER: M-51-6 12/25/1905 Charles Ashby Bladen Jly 30, 1866 - Oct 7, 1962 11/16/1963 11/19/1963 his wife: Annie Hawkins Bladen Aug 21, 187- = Feb 1, 1926 Daughter: Virginia Ann Bladen Dec 25, 1905 - Nov. 16, 1963 M-51-5A Bladen, William 01/01/1942 01/01/1947 01/01/1947 09/11/1928 06/01/1997 06/05/1997 06/08/1859 06/11/1859 03/30/1943 07/30/1982 08/05/1982 03/27/1911 05/13/2008 06/05/2008 Child Blaich, Evelyn Mary MARKER: 32-55-4 BLAICH Oswald P. Evelyn M. March 6, 1924 Sept. 11, 1928 (SPACE) June 1, 1997 "Love can be forever" Blaind, Charles Henry MARKER: F-1-1 Affectionate Rememberance Charles Henry Bland Died: June 8, 1859 Son of the late Thomas Bland Esq. Newark upon Trent England, Aged 75 years The deceased was a member of the Episcopal Church, esteemed in youth and respected in old age. Blair, Chester T. MARKER: C-36-1 Chester T. Blair 1882 - 1946 Mable Munger Blair 1886 - 1948 Alice Alma Munger 1861 - 1938 Blair, David M MARKER: 1-47-2A David Morgan Blair Mar. 30, 1943 - July 30, 1982 Blair, Gertrude 1-47-2B Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 45 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Blair, Mabell M. MARKER: C-36-2 Chester T. Blair Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 05/04/1948 1882 - 1946 Mable Munger Blair 1886 - 1948 Alice Alma Munger 1861 - 1938 Blair, Smith, Jr. MARKER: 1-47-1A BLAIR Smith Blake, Alize Katherine MARKER: 07/02/1913 01/17/1992 01/17/1992 09/03/1965 09/07/1965 07/02/1970 07/02/1970 1913-1992 R-62-3 Thomas E. Blake 1872 - 1939 Alize K. Blake 1875 - 1965 Thomas E. Blake, Jr. 1904 - 1953 Blake, Reba L. MARKER: O-72-2 09/05/1900 Reba L. O'Neal Sept 5, 1900 - Jly 2, 1970 Beloved wife of William J. Blake, Jr. June 27, 1901 - April 29, 1983 Auf Wiedersehn Blake, Thomas Edward MARKER: R-62-2 Thomas E. Blake 03/11/1939 1872 - 1939 Alize K. Blake 1875 - 1965 Thomas E. Blake, Jr. 1904 - 1953 Blake, Thomas Edward Jr. MARKER: R-62-1 Thomas E. Blake 10/21/1953 1872 - 1939 Alize K. Blake 1875 - 1965 Thomas E. Blake, Jr. 1904 - 1953 Blake, Timothy Edward E-BBY-66-89 11/20/1963 Infant Blake, William J., Jr. MARKER: O-72-1 06/27/1901 Reba L. O'Neal Sept 5, 1900 - Jly 2, 1970 05/02/1983 Beloved wife of William J. Blake, Jr. June 27, 1901 - April 29, 1983 Auf Wiedersehn 32-58-2 Blakeslee, George Allan 02/20/1924 01/29/1997 02/03/1997 09/22/1958 05/24/1991 05/28/1991 08/25/1916 01/09/2000 01/24/2000 03/20/1932 06/16/2007 06/20/2007 12/08/1996 12/11/1996 06/22/2000 06/26/2000 02/03/1936 11/18/1939 Feb 3, 1936 - Nov 18, 1939 11/22/1939 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: George Allen Blakeslee Feb. 20, 1924 - Jan. 29, 1997 Beloved Father and Husband Blakeslee, Greg A. MARKER: 32-58-1 Greg Andrew Blakeslee Sept. 22, 1958 - May 24, 1991 beloved son and brother. Blakistone, Anna Marie Kelley MARKER: M-86-5A BLAKISTONE Anna Kelley 1916 - 2000 Blanchard, Eileen K. MARKER: 33-51-2 BLANCHARD Wilfred E. Jr. Nov. 11, 1931 - Dec. 8, 1996 His wife Eileen Kelleher Mar. 20, 1932 - Jun. 16, 2007 Blanchard, Wilfrid E, Jr. 33-51-1 11/11/1931 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: BLANCHARD Wilfred E. Jr. Nov. 11, 1931 - Dec. 8, 1996 His wife Eileen Kelleher Mar. 20, 1932 - Jun. 16, 2007 Blandy, Harry Herbert, Jr. MARKER: 42-162-4 Harry Herbert Blandy, Jr. 01/08/1921 Jan. 8, 1921 June 22, 2000 Blaylock, Byron LeRoi MARKER: N-39-3 Byron LeRoi Blaylock Son of L. B. & A. J. Blaylock N-67-3 Bliss, Gordon Verne 09/29/1977 09/29/1977 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Bliss, Martha Rose Gordon Verne Bliss N-149-4 Sept 29, 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 06/08/1944 Page 46 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bliss, Verne E Blue, Susie Johnson Blunk, Evon C., Sr. MARKER: N-67-1 E-62-1A 42-62-2 BLUNK Birth_Date 10/12/1918 12/29/1920 Death_Date 03/22/2001 01/17/2007 Evaon Conley, Sr. Loretta Fay Dec. 29, 1920 Apr. 4, 1930 Jan. 17, 2007 (space) (Two corner carvings of dogwoods.) Blunt, Gladys Pierpoint MARKER: B-74-3 Gladys Pierpoint Blunt 09/29/1910 04/30/1977 Sept. 29, 1910 - April 30, 1977 Burial_Date 05/08/1943 03/29/2001 01/19/2007 05/03/1977 Bessie Pierpoint 1882 - 1938 Walter Pierpoint 1873 - 1942 Bobbitt, Sarah A MARKER: D-45-3A SARAH A. BOBBITT 05/21/1968 05/23/1968 06/30/1944 07/02/1944 02/18/1950 02/20/1950 01/22/1979 01/22/1979 08/10/1957 04/28/1978 05/01/1978 10/18/1889 Sept 12, 1888 - Jly 13, 1966 03/08/1974 03/11/1974 03/03/1934 05/23/2005 05/27/2005 09/15/1920 05/15/1979 05/17/1979 Ralph Heny Bogle, Jr. Sept 15, 1920 - May 15, 1979 T-129-3 09/12/1888 07/13/1966 07/16/1966 1878 - 1968 Bode, Bessie Crismond MARKER: R-164-2 BODE : Eugene Bode February 18, 1950 Bessie Crismond Bode June 30, 1944 Eugene Bode, Jr. January 19, 1979 " Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee Bode, Eugene MARKER: R-164-1 BODE : Eugene Bode February 18, 1950 Bessie Crismond Bode June 30, 1944 Eugene Bode, Jr. January 19, 1979 " Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee Bode, Eugene. R., Jr. MARKER: R-164-3 BODE : Eugene Bode February 18, 1950 Bessie Crismond Bode June 30, 1944 Eugene Bode, Jr. January 19, 1979 " Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee Bogle, Douglas F MARKER: T-128-3 Douglas F. Bogle (Doug) Aug. 10, 1957 - Apr. 28, 1978 Bogle, Helene Scull MARKER: T-128-1 Ralph H. Bogle Helene M. Bogle Oct 18, 1889 - Mar 8, 1974 Bogle, Phyllis J. MARKER: T-128-2 PHYLLIS J. BOGLE ( P.J. ) March 3, 1934 - May 23, 2005 T-129-6 Bogle, Ralph H., Jr. US Army MARKER: Bogle, Ralph Henry, Sr. WW II - Veteran Alex-Business MARKER: Ralph H. Bogle Sept 12, 1888 - Jly 13, 1966 Helene M. Bogle Oct 18, 1889 - Mar 8, 1974 Bogue, Bertha May MARKER: M-111-6 Marion V. Bogue Oliver B. Bogue Ida V. Bogue Bertha May Bogue Oliver D. Bogue Bogue, Ida V MARKER: M-111-2 Marion V. Bogue Oliver B. Bogue Ida V. Bogue Bertha May Bogue Oliver D. Bogue Bogue, Marion MARKER: M-111-5 Marion V. Bogue Oliver B. Bogue Ida V. Bogue Bertha May Bogue Oliver D. Bogue 04/10/1958 1902 - 1974 1861 - 1936 1862 - 1938 1886 - 1958 1898 - 1955 01/03/1939 1902 - 1974 1861 - 1936 1862 - 1938 1886 - 1958 1898 - 1955 09/21/1974 1902 - 1974 1861 - 1936 1862 - 1938 1886 - 1958 1898 - 1955 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 47 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bogue, Oliver B MARKER: M-111-1 Marion V. Bogue Oliver B. Bogue Ida V. Bogue Bertha May Bogue Oliver D. Bogue M-111-4 Bogue, Oliver D., Jr. Inmemorium Bogue, Oliver D., Jr. Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 03/26/1936 1902 - 1974 1861 - 1936 1862 - 1938 1886 - 1958 1898 - 1955 04/14/1936 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: M-111-3 Marion V. Bogue Oliver B. Bogue Ida V. Bogue Bertha May Bogue Oliver D. Bogue Boguess, Ella Barbara MARKER: 09/22/1955 1902 - 1974 1861 - 1936 1862 - 1938 1886 - 1958 1898 - 1955 R-53-1 Thomas P. Boguess Ella B. Boguess Boguess, Thomas P MARKER: 11/10/1975 Mar. 11, 1893 - Nov. 2, 1975 R-53-2 Thomas P. Boguess Ella B. Boguess Bohlayer, Edwin Arthur MARKER: 03/11/1893 11/07/1975 Nov. 12, 1891 - Mar. 12, 1976 11/12/1891 03/12/1976 Nov. 12, 1891 - Mar. 12, 1976 03/16/1976 Mar. 11, 1893 - Nov. 2, 1975 P-56-4 Edwin Arthur Bohlayer 11/05/1893 03/09/1985 Nov 5, 1893 - 03/09/1985 09/24/1985 Mary Mayhew Bohlayer Mar 4, 1895 - May 26, 1970 Bohlayer, Mary Mayhew MARKER: P-56-7 Edwin Arthur Bohlayer 03/04/1895 05/26/1970 Nov 5, 1893 - 03/09/1985 05/29/1970 Mary Mayhew Bohlayer Mar 4, 1895 - May 26, 1970 Bohlayer, Rosa Abitz MARKER: Bohlayer, William Henry Sr. Bohlayer, William Henry, Jr. MARKER: Bohlayer, William Henry, Jr. MARKER: P-56-6 Rosa Abitz Bohlayer 11/07/1867 05/24/1937 Nov 7, 1867 - May 24, 1937 William Henry Bohlayer, Jr. July 19, 1855 - Oct 23, 1928 P-56-3 P-56-2 William Henry Bohlayer 07/19/1955 10/23/1928 01/25/1989 Jan 25, 1889 - May 24, 1901 Beloved son of Wm. H. & Rosa Bohlayer P-56-2 Rosa Abitz Bohlayer 01/25/1989 Nov 7, 1867 - May 24, 1937 William Henry Bohlayer, Jr. July 19, 1855 - Oct 23, 1928 2-73-3 Bolenbaugh, Arthur E US ARMY MARKER: 05/24/1937 04/10/1908 12/12/1982 12/17/1982 WW II - Veteran Arthur E. Bolenbaugh 1st Sgt. U.S. Army World War II April 10, 1908 - Dec. 12, 1982 Bollman, David L MARKER: R-187-4 David L. Bollman 12/15/1941 1907 - 1941 Ruby Gilliam Bollman 1908 - 1944 (wife of David L. Bollman) Bettie Lee Bowman (Mother) 1866 - 1963 Isaac Louis Bowman (Father) 1868 - 1953 Bollman, Ruby Gilliam MARKER: R-187-5 David L. Bollman Ruby Gilliam Bollman 1908 - 1944 (wife of David L. Bollman) Bettie Lee Bowman (Mother) 1866 - 1963 Isaac Louis Bowman (Father) 1868 - 1953 Bombino, Angel MARKER: 04/27/1944 1907 - 1941 42-208-3 BOMBINO 12/22/1924 09/30/2005 10/04/2005 07/15/1998 11/22/2002 05/12/1972 12/09/1960 07/18/1998 11/26/2002 Angel D. - 1924 - 2005 Bertha - 1937 - Bond, Julia Poston Bond, Morris Bonner, Margaret L. Booher, Mary Allen C-34-2 C-34-1 31-5-3 31-114-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/20/1919 09/17/1919 Page 48 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 31-114-1 Booher, Robert Lee, Sr. Army MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 04/24/1924 02/23/1988 02/27/1988 04/24/1924 02/23/1988 02/27/1988 02/09/1884 Feb 9, 1884 - Sept 15, 1971 09/15/1971 09/17/1971 06/13/1965 06/16/1965 01/04/1996 01/09/1996 P-35-1 02/02/1898 09/15/1964 Gardner lloyd Booth, II Feb 2, 1898 - Sept 15, 1964 T-62-2 01/27/1908 10/14/1974 Roy J. Booth Jan 27, 1908 - Oct 14, 1974 09/15/1964 WW II - Veteran B O O H E R "I am the resurection and the light, he that believeth in me... Shall not die." 31-114-1 Booher, Robert Lee, Sr. Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran Robert Lee Booher, Sr. April 24, 1924 - February 23, 1988 Book, David C. MARKER: T-236-1 David C. Book Elva K. Book Beloved Book, Elva K. H MARKER: T-236-2 David C. Book Elva K. Book Beloved Booth, Beulah E. MARKER: Sept 12, 1890 - June 13, 1965 Sept 12, 1890 - June 13, 1965 T-62-3 10/26/1909 Roy J. Booth Jan 27, 1908 - Oct 14, 1974 Beulah E. Booth Booth, Gardner Lloyd, II MARKER: Booth, Roy J MARKER: Beulah E. Booth Boothe, Ann MARKER: 09/12/1890 Feb 9, 1884 - Sept 15, 1971 G-83-3A Jeremiah Boothe Oct 26, 1909 - Jan 4, 1996 10/16/1974 Oct 26, 1909 - Jan 4, 1996 01/01/1793 Died: Oct. 29, 1821 03/06/1876 03/09/1876 12/17/1968 12/19/1968 05/26/1991 06/12/1991 05/03/1964 05/05/1964 10/29/1821 11/01/1821 11/06/1966 11/09/1966 03/20/1914 05/02/1985 03/23/1914 03/20/1914 03/23/1914 aged 31 years, 6 mo. his wife: Ann Boothe Died: Mar 6, 1876 Aged 83 years and 3 mo. Boothe, Eleanor Carr MARKER: R-239-3A BOOTHE 02/19/1881 Gardner Lloyd June 1, 1872 - May 3, 1964 Eleanor Carr February 19, 1881-December 17,1968 Gardner L, Jr. November 13, 1912 - May 26, 1991 Boothe, Gardner L., Jr. MARKER: R-239-3B BOOTHE 11/13/1912 Gardner Lloyd June 1, 1872 - May 3, 1964 Eleanor Carr February 19, 1881-December 17,1968 Gardner L, Jr. November 13, 1912 - May 26, 1991 Boothe, Gardner Lloyd MARKER: R-239-2 BOOTHE 06/01/1872 Gardner Lloyd June 1, 1872 - May 3, 1964 Eleanor Carr February 19, 1881-December 17,1968 Gardner L, Jr. November 13, 1912 - May 26, 1991 Boothe, Jeremiah MARKER: G-83-3B Jeremiah Boothe Died: Oct. 29, 1821 aged 31 years, 6 mo. his wife: Ann Boothe Died: Mar 6, 1876 Aged 83 years and 3 mo. Boothe, Lucy Lee MARKER: G-82-5 03/27/1874 William J. Boothe, Jr. June 3, 1870 - Jly 13, 1937 Lucy Lee Boothe Mar 27, 1874 - Nov. 6, 1966 Boothe, Margaret Moncure Boothe, Mary G. MARKER: P-35-2 G-82-2 William J. Boothe 1818 - 1894 08/22/1839 Death is swallowed up in victory Mary G. Boothe Aug 22, 1839 - Mar 20, 1914 Numbered with the saints in Glory everlasting. Boothe, Mary G. MARKER: G-82-2 Numbered with the saints in Glory 08/22/1839 everlasting Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 49 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Boothe, William J MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-82-1 William J. Boothe 1818 - 1894 Burial_Date 01/01/1894 Death is swallowed up in victory Mary G. Boothe Aug 22, 1839 - Mar 20, 1914 Numbered with the saints in Glory everlasting. Boothe, William, Jr. MARKER: G-82-4 06/13/1870 William J. Boothe, Jr. June 3, 1870 - Jly 13, 1937 07/13/1937 07/13/1937 Lucy Lee Boothe Mar 27, 1874 - Nov. 6, 1966 Borden, Anne Annie MARKER: Borden, Shelden E MARKER: Bornscheuer, George MARKER: Borrasca, Barton A. MARKER: N-94-2 Anne E. Borden 1874 - 1946 Shelden E. Borden 1872 - 1939 N-94-1 Anne E. Borden 1874 - 1946 Shelden E. Borden 1872 - 1939 01/31/1946 08/25/1939 G-202-2 George Bornscheuer 33-23-2 Barton Anthony 01/22/1873 06/04/1948 Jan. 22, 1873 - June 4, 1948 12/05/1946 09/19/1996 06/07/1948 09/21/1996 BORRASCA December 5, 1946 - September 19, 1996 God watches over His holy ones, Wisdom 4:15 Bortz, Henry V MARKER: Bosta, Nicholas E. MARKER: N-16-1 05/29/1900 Harry V. Bortz May 29, 1900 - Dec 4, 1943 33-4-4A 12/24/1908 BOSTA 12/04/1943 12/07/1943 10/04/1989 10/04/1998 02/28/1931 06/12/2001 06/15/2001 02/28/1931 06/12/2001 06/15/2001 09/26/1983 09/30/1983 08/21/1991 08/23/1991 Nicholas Eberle December 24, 1908 - October 4, 1989 Bostetter, JoAnne Rushworth MARKER: Bostetter, JoAnne Rushworth MARKER: 31-121-2 BOSTETTER 31-121-2 Joanne R. Bostetter February 28, 1931- June 12, 2001 Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother Bostic, Daisy B. Irby MARKER: B-69-2 WILMER MOTHER: Daisy B. Oct 13, 1896 - Sept 26, 1983 SON: James T. Aug 2, 1910 - May 8, 1956 Bostock, Violet MARKER: 31-44-1 Violet I. Bostock 08/21/1905 1905 - 1991 Boston, Annie H MARKER: G-81-8 Annie H. Boston 1873 - 1963 M. Belle Boston Boston, M. Belle MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 01/01/1966 08/02/1963 01/21/1960 1875 - 1934 1872 - 1960 M-81-1 Mat M. Bostwick Ella M. Bostwick Boswell, Annette V. 01/01/1875 1875 - 1966 G-81-5 M-81-2 Mat M. Bostwick Ella M. Bostwick Bostwick, Mat M 01/01/1963 1875 - 1966 G-81-7 Annie H. Boston 1873 - 1963 M. Belle Boston Boston, Nancy Hart Bostwick, Ella M 01/01/1873 01/19/1934 1875 - 1934 1872 - 1960 42-45-2C Annette V. Boswell 05/24/1908 01/10/2000 01/13/2000 May 24, 1908 - January 10, 2000 Beloved Mother Boswell, George Boswell, Isabel Gregory MARKER: G-10-4 G-24-2A Isabel Gregory Boswell 1869 - 1928 John S. C. Boswell Boswell, Jean Frederick USAF 12/30/1910 01/01/1928 1906 - 1954 42-45-2A 04/26/1933 04/24/2004 06/03/2005 U. S. Military Veteran Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 50 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Boswell, John Seabury C. MARKER: MARKER: Burial_Date 10/11/1954 1906 - 1954 G-24-2B US ARMY Death_Date G-24-3 Isabel Gregory Boswell 1869 - 1928 John S. C. Boswell Boswell, William F. Birth_Date 10/06/1896 10/01/1943 10/04/1943 03/08/1967 03/11/1967 05/20/1978 05/24/1978 11/17/2005 11/22/2005 12/07/1978 12/11/1978 03/14/1936 03/17/1936 09/03/1953 09/03/1953 09/03/1953 09/03/1953 42-183-4B 02/11/1942 08/13/2008 GRAVLEY Carmen M. Bouchard 07/19/1962-03/07/2000 08/18/2008 WW I - Veteran William F. Boswell Oct 6, 1896 - Oct 1, 1943 Sgt. U.S. Army, World War I R-176-3A Boteler, Bunky 03/08/1967 Infant MARKER: BOTELER George Z. Boteler, Sr. May 5, 1896 - Dec. 7, 1978 Eva V. Boteler Jan. 1, 1901 - May 20, 1978 June A. Boteler Jly. 5, 1927 - Mar. 14, 1936 "Bunky" Born and died March 8, 1967 Stephen Kent Boteler Dec. 18, 1949 - Sept. 3, 1953 Boteler, Eva V. MARKER: R-176-2 BOTELER 01/01/1901 George Z. Boteler, Sr. May 5, 1896 - Dec. 7, 1978 Eva V. Boteler Jan. 1, 1901 - May 20, 1978 June A. Boteler Jly. 5, 1927 - Mar. 14, 1936 "Bunky" Born and died March 8, 1967 Stephen Kent Boteler Dec. 18, 1949 - Sept. 3, 1953 Boteler, George Z., Jr. MARKER: R-176-4 BOTELER 10/15/1925 George Z. Jr. Oct 15, 1925 - Nov 17, 2005 Caroline W. Aug 19, 1927 - (space) Stephen K. Dec 18, 1949 - Sept 03, 1953 R-176-1 Boteler, George Z., Sr. 05/05/1896 Freemason MARKER: BOTELER George Z. Boteler, Sr. May 5, 1896 - Dec. 7, 1978 Eva V. Boteler Jan. 1, 1901 - May 20, 1978 June A. Boteler Jly. 5, 1927 - Mar. 14, 1936 "Bunky" Born and died March 8, 1967 Stephen Kent Boteler Dec. 18, 1949 - Sept. 3, 1953 Boteler, June A MARKER: R-176-3B BOTELER 07/05/1927 George Z. Boteler, Sr. May 5, 1896 - Dec. 7, 1978 Eva V. Boteler Jan. 1, 1901 - May 20, 1978 June A. Boteler Jly. 5, 1927 - Mar. 14, 1936 "Bunky" Born and died March 8, 1967 Stephen Kent Boteler Dec. 18, 1949 - Sept. 3, 1953 Boteler, Stephen Kent MARKER: R-176-6 BOTELER 12/18/1949 George Z. Jr. Oct 15, 1925 - Nov 17, 2005 Caroline W. Aug 19, 1927 - (space) Stephen K. Dec 18, 1949 - Sept 03, 1953 Boteler, Stephen Kent MARKER: R-176-6 BOTELER 12/18/1949 George Z. Boteler, Sr. May 5, 1896 - Dec. 7, 1978 Eva V. Boteler Jan. 1, 1901 - May 20, 1978 June A. Boteler Jly. 5, 1927 - Mar. 14, 1936 "Bunky" Born and died March 8, 1967 Stephen Kent Boteler Dec. 18, 1949 - Sept. 3, 1953 Bouchard, Maria MARKER: Love is something that you can leave behind you when you die . It is that powerful. We will always cherish that love. Your family and friends. "Ich Liebe Dich". BOUCHARD SCHEIBER Maria E. February 11, 1942 - August 13, 2008 Loving Mother, Oma, Sister and friend. We will never forget you. "Mit unserer ganzen Liebe" Ihre Kinder Bouchette, Anne N MARKER: Bouchette, Doward M., Jr. MARKER: Bourgeois, Lizzie E T-59-2 08/07/1926 04/17/1991 Anne N. Bouchette August 7, 1926 - April 17, 1991 T-59-1 03/27/1925 03/31/1974 Doward M. Brouchette, Jr. Mar 27, 1925 - Mar 31, 1974 G-112-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/19/1991 04/03/1974 10/20/1982 Page 51 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Boush, Clara MARKER: Birth_Date G-125-5 Sacred to the Memory of Death_Date 12/12/1846 Burial_Date 12/17/1846 Clara Boush Departed this life: Dec 12, 1846 Daughter of Nathaniel & Jane Boush Died in Norfolk Aged 22 months Boush, Constance MARKER: G-126-1 Constance Boush 1856 - 1936 01/01/1936 Daughter of Nathaniel & Jane Boush Rich in good works A gracious woman retaineth honor Boush, Effie Irving MARKER: G-126-3A Effie Boush Irving 12/25/1850 Dec 25, 1850 - Dec 27, 1892 12/27/1892 12/30/1892 Beloved Wife of Roland C. Irving and Constance W. Irving, her only child Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Boush, Fannye MARKER: G-126-2 Fannye Boush 1848 - 1896 01/01/1896 Daughter of Nathaniel & Jane Boush The fruit of the spirit is gentleness Boush, Jane MARKER: G-126-5 01/18/1818 Jane Boush Jan 18, 1818 - Feb 11, 1903 02/11/1903 02/14/1903 07/19/1841 07/19/1841 02/15/1873 02/18/1873 Wife of Nathaniel Boush Boush, Mary Frances MARKER: G-125-6 Sacred to the Memory of Mary Frances Boush departed this life Jly. 19, 1841 Daughter of Nathaniel & Jane Boush Aged 2 years, 1 mo. and 1 day Boush, Nathaniel MARKER: G-126-6 Nathaniel Boush 1809 - Feb 15, 1873 Born on the Buckhorn Estate, Southampton Co., Va. Died in Alexandria, Va. B-BBY-48-13 Boutilier, Baby 05/18/1954 Infant R-232-4 Bowen, 05/09/1975 Infant Bowen, Richard C Bowers, Edgar V MARKER: R-125-6 O-253-3 Edgar Virgil Bowers 12/24/1877 05/28/1955 Dec 24, 1877 - May 28, 1955 08/19/1954 05/31/1955 And there shall be no night there Bowers, Lottie V. MARKER: Bowers, Olive E. MARKER: G-204-3 02/10/1908 Lottie V. Bowers Feb. 10, 1908 - Aug. 16, 1946 M-129-6 07/11/1899 Olive E. Bowers 08/16/1946 08/16/1946 05/21/1992 05/23/1992 01/01/1939 06/16/1939 04/26/1960 04/28/1960 08/30/1960 09/20/1960 11/06/1967 11/09/1967 03/03/1995 03/07/1995 July 11, 1899 - May 21, 1992 A-71-4A Bowie, Baby Infant MARKER: Bowie, Marianne Drischler MARKER: Bowie, Virginia C MARKER: Marianne Drischier Bowie 1906 - 1939 A-71-4B 01/01/1906 Marianne Drischier Bowie 1906 - 1939 R-39-2 05/02/1887 William C. Bowie Apr. 21, 1881 - Aug. 30, 1960 Virginia C. Bowie Bowie, William J MARKER: R-39-1 William C. Bowie Virginia C. Bowie Bowles, John D. MARKER: May 2, 1887 - Apr. 26, 1960 04/21/1881 Apr. 21, 1881 - Aug. 30, 1960 May 2, 1887 - Apr. 26, 1960 B-67-1 BOWLES 11/26/1910 John D. Bowles Nov 26, 1910 - Nov. 6, 1967 Marion R. Bowles Feb 19, 1903 - Mar. 3, 1995 Bowles, Marion Rector MARKER: B-67-2 BOWLES 02/12/1903 John D. Bowles Nov 26, 1910 - Nov. 6, 1967 Marion R. Bowles Feb 19, 1903 - Mar. 3, 1995 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 52 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bowman, Bettie Lee MARKER: Bowman, Clayton L., Dr., Sr. R-187-2 David L. Bollman Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 06/19/1963 1907 - 1941 Ruby Gilliam Bollman 1908 - 1944 (wife of David L. Bollman) Bettie Lee Bowman (Mother) 1866 - 1963 Isaac Louis Bowman (Father) 1868 - 1953 R-186-1 10/13/1896 09/01/1973 09/04/1973 Alexandrian MARKER: Clayton L. Bowman , Sr. Oct. 13, 1896 - Aug. 1, 1973 June Mulberry Died July 3, 1986 NOTES: Bowman, Clayton Lawrence, Jr. MARKER: Owner & Druggist, Bowman Drug Store, Del Ray section of Alexandria. Member Masonic Lodge. R-186-3B 11/11/1924 06/12/2007 11/10/2007 BOWMAN Clayton L. Jr, Nov 11, 1924 June 12, 2007 Bowman, Isaac Louis MARKER: Leota Dodson June 25, 1925 June 14, 2004 R-187-1 David L. Bollman 06/27/1953 1907 - 1941 Ruby Gilliam Bollman 1908 - 1944 (wife of David L. Bollman) Bettie Lee Bowman (Mother) 1866 - 1963 Isaac Louis Bowman (Father) 1868 - 1953 Bowman, Jessie E MARKER: Bowman, June Mulberry MARKER: G-202-8 Jessie E. Bowman 1893 - 1954 R-186-2 Clayton L. Bowman , Sr. 05/04/1954 07/03/1986 07/07/1986 06/14/2004 11/10/2007 M-74-5 M-74-4 09/28/1889 04/05/1968 William E. Bowman Sept 28, 1889 - Apr. 5, 1968 R-78-1A T-325-1 06/26/1884 05/03/1964 William T. Boyce, Sr. June 26, 1884 - May 3, 1964 P-65-3 02/11/1918 11/21/1994 BOYD 04/10/1984 04/09/1968 Oct. 13, 1896 - Aug. 1, 1973 June Mulberry Died July 3, 1986 Bowman, Leota Dodson MARKER: R-186-3A BOWMAN Clayton L. Jr, Nov 11, 1924 June 12, 2007 Bowman, Margaret Merchant Bowman, William E MARKER: Bowyer, Margaret D Boyce, William, Sr. MARKER: Boyd, Mary Nell MARKER: 06/25/1925 Leota Dodson June 25, 1925 June 14, 2004 11/13/1952 05/07/1964 11/26/1994 William E. Boyd, Sr. Apr 30, 1918 - Dec 24, 2005 Mary Nell Boyd Feb 11, 1918 - Nov 21, 1994 P-65-4 Boyd, William E. 04/30/1918 12/24/2005 12/31/2005 04/27/1979 04/27/1979 12/26/1977 12/28/1977 04/27/1962 04/30/1962 01/11/1943 01/13/1943 BOYD MARKER: William E. Boyd, Sr. Apr 30, 1918 - Dec 24, 2005 Mary Nell Boyd Feb 11, 1918 - Nov 21, 1994 Boyer, E Louisa MARKER: T-215-6 Ernest R. Boyer E. Louisa Boyer Boyer, Ernest R MARKER: MARKER: Mar 1, 1902 - Apr 27, 1979 T-215-5 Ernest R. Boyer E. Louisa Boyer Boyer, Hattie M 03/01/1902 June 6, 1904 - Dec 26, 1977 06/06/1904 June 6, 1904 - Dec 26, 1977 Mar 1, 1902 - Apr 27, 1979 R-78-2 Morgan D. Boyer April 15, 1871 - Nov. 11, 1952 Hattie M. Boyer Feb. 29, 1878 - April 27, 1962 Boyer, J. Leonard Sr. MARKER: R-78-4 J. Leonard Boyer, Sr. 03/18/1882 March 18, 1882 January 11, 1943 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 53 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Boyer, Morgan D. MARKER: Birth_Date R-78-1B Morgan D. Boyer Death_Date Burial_Date 04/15/1871 11/11/1952 11/13/1952 12/31/1943 09/25/1998 09/30/1998 T-137-1 08/07/1905 03/15/1970 Stanley Fuller Brading Aug 7, 1905 - Mar 15, 1970 G-47-2 01/01/1863 C. C. BRADLEY 03/18/1970 April 15, 1871 - Nov. 11, 1952 Hattie M. Boyer Feb. 29, 1878 - April 27, 1962 Bradbury, Larry C. MARKER: 42-75-1 BRADBURY LARRY C. 1943-1998 Brading, Stanley Fuller MARKER: Bradley, C. C. MARKER: JACQUELINE J. 1943 - MOLLIE BROWN BRADLEY 1863 -1930 CORA BROWN (NO DATES) LOUSIA BRADLEY SKINNER 1895 - 1937 Mary E. Jones 1918 - 1999 Bradley, Carolyn P. MARKER: N-4-4 BRADLEY 01/01/1930 05/19/1939 Carrie Bradley 1877 - 1939 James T.Bradley 1875 - 1970 Bradley, Charles Francis, Jr. MARKER: M-119-3 Charlie Boy 12/19/1930 08/05/1938 08/08/1938 01/20/1904 01/21/1983 01/26/1983 08/21/1960 05/25/1932 04/04/2008 11/17/1965 06/10/2008 11/20/1965 May 25, 1932 -Nov 17, 1965 09/01/1933 05/18/1989 05/22/1989 Charles Francis Bradley Dec 19, 1930 - Aug 5, 1938 Son of C. F. and L. L. Bradley Bradley, Charles Francis, Sr. MARKER: M-119-1 Charles F. Bradley Jan 20, 1904 - Jan 21, 1983 At Rest Bradley, David Wesley, Jr. Bradley, David Wesley, Sr. M-119-5A M-119-5 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Bradley, Donald D., Sr. David Wesley Bradley, Sr. M-119-7 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Donald D. Bradley Sept 24, 1933 - May 18, 1989 Bradley, James T MARKER: N-4-5A BRADLEY 12/29/1970 Carrie Bradley 1877 - 1939 James T.Bradley 1875 - 1970 M-119-4 Bradley, Jon Wallace Army MARKER: 10/06/1941 09/25/2003 09/30/2003 01/01/1912 02/19/1996 02/22/1996 01/12/1986 01/16/1986 U. S. Military Veteran Jon W. Bradley Oct. 6, 1941 - Sept. 25, 2003 At Rest Bradley, Lorraine H. MARKER: M-119-2 Lorraine H. BRADLEY Jan. 1, 1912 - Feb. 19, 1996 At Rest Bradley, Mrs. Mollie Brown MARKER: G-47-3 C. C. BRADLEY MOLLIE BROWN BRADLEY 1863 -1930 CORA BROWN (NO DATES) LOUSIA BRADLEY SKINNER 1895 - 1937 Mary E. Jones 1918 - 1999 Bradley, Selina Maria MARKER: 31-79-4 BRADLEY 06/18/1964 Selina Marie June 18, 1964 - January 12, 1986 "Beloved Daughter and Sister". Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 54 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bradley, Staci C. Lumpkin MARKER: 31-117-4 Staci C.L. Bradley Birth_Date 02/17/1970 Death_Date 02/22/1988 Burial_Date 02/25/1988 Feb. 17, 1970 Mt. Pleasant, Texas FEB. 22, 1988 Alexandria, Virginia To have known her was to love her. TC Williams, Class of 88 Bradley, Staci C. Lumpkin MARKER: Bradley, Thomas Daniel MARKER: 31-117-4 02/17/1970 Placed in memory of Staci C. L. Bradley. 2-100-2 Thomas Daniel Bradley 02/22/1988 02/25/1988 09/29/1987 1940 - 1987 B-38-3 Bradshaw, Mary J. 06/02/1856 06/05/1856 04/25/1951 04/30/1951 12/20/1943 12/24/1943 11/24/1943 11/29/1943 03/31/1937 07/26/1940 11/08/2001 01/14/1904 09/27/1977 09/29/1977 01/08/1906 10/29/2001 06/13/1989 11/08/2001 5 months MARKER: In Memory of Mary Jane Wright Bradshaw Died June 2, 1956 Wife of H. K. Bradshaw. Aged 23 years and 5 mo. Brannin, Grace G MARKER: G-169-5 James Brannin Grace Brannin Brannin, James Marvin MARKER: Nov 20, 1868 - Apr. 25, 1951 G-169-4 James Brannin Grace Brannin Brannin, James W Brannin, Kate C Branson, Elizabeth Egerton 11/20/1868 Oct 16, 1879 - Dec 20, 1943 10/16/1879 Oct 16, 1879 - Dec 20, 1943 Nov 20, 1868 - Apr. 25, 1951 G-169-1 G-169-2 T-287-2B Infant MARKER: Branson, Joseph Holmes Jr. MARKER: In Memory of Phoebe Fuller Branson Jan. 8, 1906 - Oct. 29, 2001 Elizabeth Egerton Branson Nov. 24, 1943 - Nov. 29, 1943 T-287-1A In Memory of Joseph Holmes Branson, Jr Jan 14, 1904 - Sept 27, 1977 Branson, Joseph Holmes, III Branson, Phoebe Fuller MARKER: T-287-1B T-287-2A In Memory of Phoebe Fuller Branson Jan. 8, 1906 - Oct. 29, 2001 Elizabeth Egerton Branson Nov. 24, 1943 - Nov. 29, 1943 Brant, Ethel Cushing MARKER: N-65-4A 11/22/1882 02/26/1941 In Memory of: Ethel Cushing Brant Nov 22, 1882-Feb 26, 1941 Born New York City - Died St. Thomas V.I. Only Daughter of George Mitchell Cushing and Ada Ostrander Cushing. HER CHILDREN: Gerald Clark Brant, Jr, Virginia Brant Freeman Philip Delano Brant. Brant, Gerald Clark Jr. MARKER: N-65-2 G. Clark Brant, Jr. 03/12/1941 12/06/1985 son of Ethel C. & Gen. G. C. Brant July 27, 1905 - Dec 2, 1985 N-65-1 Brant, Lillian Shott 01/28/1897 07/11/1964 07/20/1964 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: In Loving Memory of: Lillian Shott Brant Jan 28, 1897-Jly 11, 1964 - Born Bluefield, W. Va. Married Gerald Clark Brant, June 16, 1934. Died at sea near Reykjavik, Iceland, Jly 11, 1964 on North Cape Cruise. Only daughter of US Senator Hugh Ike Shott & Mary Chisholm Shott. Her brothers: James H. Shott & Hiugh I Shott Died at sea near Reykjavick, Iceland, July 11, 1964 on North Cape Cruise. Only daughter of U.S. Senator Hugh Ike Shott and Mary Chisholm Shott. Married Gerald Clark Brant, June 16, 1934. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 55 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date E-31-2 Brashear, Dennis F 01/10/1821 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/08/1881 04/08/1881 08/08/1985 08/29/1985 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Brashears, Kenneth W. MARKER: Dennis F. Brashear Jan. 10, 1821 - Apr. 8, 1881 Aide-de-Camp - General John B. Magruder O-254-4A 04/30/1910 Kenneth Wesley Brashears Apr 30, 1910 Margaret Ballenger Brashears Beloved Wife of Kenneth Brashears, Margaret Ballenger MARKER: O-254-5 Kenneth Wesley Brashears Margaret Ballenger Brashears Beloved Wife of Kenneth Apr 23, 1910 - Apr 7, 1973 04/23/1910 Apr 30, 1910 - 04/04/1973 Apr 23, 1910 - Apr 7, 1973 E-BBY-66-30 Bratcher, Richard K. 04/11/1973 01/31/1961 Infant Braun, Mary Byrd MARKER: T-27-1 MARY BYRD BRAUN 08/27/1973 07/04/2006 07/10/2006 05/16/1887 06/29/1917 04/18/1943 11/06/1926 04/10/1943 T-339-1 Lawrence H. Brawner May 19, 1911 - Feb 2, 1957 N-85-2 03/03/1895 12/28/1960 Kneeling Henry Roach Oct 5, 1878 - Jly 3, 1945 02/05/1957 August 27, 1973 - July 4, 2006 Beloved wife and mother Brawner, C Edwin MARKER: Brawner, C. Conway Brawner, Charlotte Nichols G-134-6 C. Edwin Brawner G-171-4 G-171-2A 1882 - 1931 Possible Alternate spelling of name MARKER: Charlotte Nichols Brawner June 29, 1917 - Nov 6, 1926 Daughter of C. Conway & Mae Nichols Brawner Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Brawner, Lawrence H MARKER: Brawner, Mable Clara Roach MARKER: Mabel Clara Roach Mar 3, 1895 - Dec 28, 1960 T-294-2 N-124-3 Bray, Ruth Beth Breeden, Baby 12/29/1960 04/11/1967 07/23/1949 Infant Bremer, Elizabeth M Bremner, Bess L MARKER: T-154-4 T-131-5 01/07/1901 Bess L. Bremner Jan 7, 1901 - May 10, 1966 07/27/1973 05/10/1966 07/30/1973 05/13/1966 Of herself she gave much to many. N-124-2 Bremoz, Baby 06/18/1949 Infant Brenner, Mary Virginia MARKER: T-37-1 BRENNER Robert Asbury Mary Virginia Brenner, Robert A. MARKER: Breslin, Mary Catherine MARKER: 02/24/1995 02/28/1995 March 7, 1907 - August 9, 1999 June 7, 1906 - Feb 24, 1995 T-36-3 BRENNER Robert Asbury Mary Virginia 06/07/1906 03/07/1907 08/12/1999 March 7, 1907 - August 9, 1999 June 7, 1906 - Feb 24, 1995 42-31-4 Mary Catherine Breslin 08/02/1944 01/29/2002 02/02/2002 02/07/1930 07/15/2006 07/28/2006 07/04/1924 03/01/2006 03/10/2006 08/01/1922 12/14/2001 12/21/2001 Aug. 2, 1944 - Jan 29, 2002 COL 6-S2-18B Brettschneider, Carl US Navy MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran BRETTSCHNEIDER Elizabeth & Carl NOTES: Brettschneider, Elizabeth L. MARKER: US NAVY COL 6-S2-18A BRETTSCHNEIDER Elizabeth & Carl Brewer, Charlene T. MARKER: 32-5-3B BREWER Frank H. 1915 - 2006 Charlene T. 1922 - 2001 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 56 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Brewer, Elsie H MARKER: Birth_Date T-260-5 BREWER Seth T. August 1, 1914 July 8, 1995 Burial_Date 07/14/1986 Elsie H. Jan 12, 1914 July 11, 1986 1-8-1 Brewer, Everette M. Death_Date 11/17/1910 10/11/1996 10/16/1996 09/11/1950 04/24/2006 05/04/2006 09/07/1945 11/02/1904 06/18/2003 01/12/1980 06/23/2003 01/16/1980 U. S. Military Veteran BREWER MARKER: Everette M. Nov. 17, 1910 Dec. 11, 1996 Brewer, Frank H. MARKER: Mary Bibb Nov. 2, 1904 Jan. 12 1980 32-5-3A BREWER Frank H. 1915 - 2006 Charlene T. 1922 - 2001 42-117-4 1-8-2 Brewer, Katherine T. Brewer, Mary Bibb DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution BREWER MARKER: Everette M. Nov. 17, 1910 Dec. 11, 1996 Brewer, Norma R MARKER: Brewer, Ralph MARKER: Brewer, Seth T. MARKER: R-74-6 Norma R. Brewer 1893 - 1960 T-233-1 Ralph Brewer 1912 - 1972 T-260-4 BREWER Seth T. August 1, 1914 July 8, 1995 Bridge, Edward William, Sr. Mary Bibb Nov. 2, 1904 Jan. 12 1980 02/17/1960 01/01/1912 01/01/1972 04/01/1972 08/01/1914 07/08/1995 07/11/1995 09/18/1921 03/23/1974 03/26/1974 Elsie H. Jan 12, 1914 July 11, 1986 T-136-2 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Edward William Bridge Sept 18, 1921 - Mar 23, 1974 Virginia Capt. US Army WWII Bridge, Maxine Deister MARKER: T-130-2 MOTHER: Maxine Deister Bridge 12/11/1919 08/28/1974 08/30/1974 05/18/1968 05/20/1968 06/30/1973 06/30/1973 Feb 26, 1892 - June 30, 1973 12/11/1982 12/12/1982 07/03/1973 Dec 11, 1919 - Aug 28, 1974 Bridges, Effie Louise MARKER: T-170-3 Effie Louise Bridges Vivian H. Bridges Bridgett, Marie L. MARKER: Bridgins, Katherine Hunt 01/05/1901 Jan 5, 1901 - May 18, 1968 Oct 1, 1921 - (space) B-55-6 Marie Louise Bridgett 1-59-2A 09/07/1984 Infant MARKER: Katherine Hunt Bridgins Dec. 11, 1982 - December 12, 1982 Briel, Catherine A MARKER: R-70-5 Henry J. Briel 05/27/1876 Jan 6, 1873 - Apr. 8, 1955 03/01/1945 03/03/1945 04/08/1955 04/11/1955 05/27/1934 03/30/1996 04/04/1996 07/05/1935 05/22/2008 05/22/2008 Catherine A. Briel May 27, 1876 - Mar 1,1945 Briel, Henry J MARKER: R-70-4 Henry J. Briel 01/06/1873 Jan 6, 1873 - Apr. 8, 1955 Catherine A. Briel May 27, 1876 - Mar 1,1945 Briel, John Robert MARKER: 33-18-1 BRIEL John R. "Bobby" May 27, 1934 March 30, 1996 Briggs, Geraldine W. MARKER: N-98-3A M. Arnold Briggs, Jr. March 29, 1931 - May 30, 2004 Geraldine W. Briggs July 5, 1935 - February 22, 2008 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 57 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Briggs, Marcellus Arnold, Jr. MARKER: Birth_Date N-98-3C M. Arnold Briggs, Jr. Death_Date Burial_Date 03/29/1931 05/30/2004 06/04/2004 11/24/1949 02/24/2002 10/25/1950 03/23/2002 March 29, 1931 - May 30, 2004 Geraldine W. Briggs July 5, 1935 - February 22, 2008 Brill, Bruce Brill, Catherine E MARKER: 2-86-4A O-263-3 Frances R. Brill 1889 - 1954 Catherine E. Brill 1884 - 1950 Hazel I Brill 1891 - 1957 Brill, Frances R MARKER: O-263-2 Frances R. Brill 05/25/1954 1889 - 1954 Catherine E. Brill 1884 - 1950 Hazel I Brill 1891 - 1957 Brill, Hazel I MARKER: O-263-1 Frances R. Brill 12/30/1957 1889 - 1954 Catherine E. Brill 1884 - 1950 Hazel I Brill 1891 - 1957 Brill, Laura Emily Brill, Rosa Lee Moss MARKER: Brinton, James W MARKER: Brinton, Queenie M. MARKER: Brisben, Anna Thurman Brisben, William Edward MARKER: Briscoe, Hattie Lonice MARKER: T-29-3 12/12/1977 O-263-6 Rose Lee Moss Brill 1880 - 1954 31-10-2 01/01/1910 01/01/1986 James W. Brinton 1910 - 1986 31-10-3 11/04/1912 12/26/1997 Queenie M. Brinton 1912 - 1999 N-95-1 05/22/1916 01/25/1990 N-95-6 11/07/1915 04/16/1978 William Edward Brisben Nov 7, 1915 - Apr 16, 1978 N-46-5 John P. Briscoe 1873 - 1939 12/15/1977 04/05/1954 10/09/1986 12/30/1997 01/29/1990 04/26/1978 07/30/1962 Hattie L. Briscoe 1881 - 1962 Briscoe, John P MARKER: N-46-4 John P. Briscoe 1873 - 1939 11/13/1939 Hattie L. Briscoe 1881 - 1962 Bristow, Bruce Wynidon N-157-2 11/22/1944 Infant Bristow, Edward M. MARKER: G-146-4 Edwin M. Bristow Emma H. Bristow Bristow, Emma Hazel MARKER: MARKER: 03/30/1935 04/02/1935 11/18/1962 11/21/1962 Jan 8, 1898 - Nov 18, 1962 G-146-5 Edwin M. Bristow Emma H. Bristow Britt, James Duncan 02/18/1888 Feb 18, 1888 - Mar 30, 1935 01/08/1898 Feb 18, 1888 - Mar 30, 1935 Jan 8, 1898 - Nov 18, 1962 P-1-11A Beloved Son 10/03/1955 04/23/1986 03/23/1907 06/27/1986 James Duncan Britt Britt, Margaret Birge Hume MARKER: P-1-10 Devoted Mother Margaret Birge Britt Britton, Alfonso Broaddus, Frederick J MARKER: 42-70-3 D-32-3 Frederick J. Broaddus Neta Hanks Broaddus Jennerfer Broaddus Broaddus, Jennerfer MARKER: D-32-1 Frederick J. Broaddus Neta Hanks Broaddus Jennerfer Broaddus Broaddus, Neta Hanks MARKER: D-32-2 Frederick J. Broaddus Neta Hanks Broaddus Jennerfer Broaddus 03/19/1945 11/02/2006 11/09/2006 07/25/1972 1902 - 1972 1884 - 1950 1874 - 1925 1902 - 1972 1884 - 1950 1874 - 1925 10/13/1950 1902 - 1972 1884 - 1950 1874 - 1925 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 58 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date O-221-2A Brock, Jenifer Alan 1 m, 28 dy Death_Date Burial_Date 10/23/1945 12/21/1946 12/23/1946 03/09/1908 03/14/1984 03/17/1984 04/27/1906 10/22/1996 11/01/1996 06/18/1984 11/04/1984 11/07/1984 01/01/1914 05/20/1986 05/23/1986 ??/??/1902 06/05/1988 06/09/1988 Infant BROCK MARKER: Wallace Donald May Duncan Howe Apr 27,1906 Mar 9 1908 Oct 22, 1996 Mar 14, 1984 George Howe Jenifer Alan Nov 17, 1940 Oct 23, 1945 (space) Dec 21, 1946 Brock, Mary Duncan Howe MARKER: O-221-2B BROCK Wallace Donald May Duncan Howe Apr 27,1906 Mar 9 1908 Oct 22, 1996 Mar 14, 1984 George Howe Jenifer Alan Nov 17, 1940 Oct 23, 1945 (space) Dec 21, 1946 Brock, Wallace Donald MARKER: O-221-1 BROCK Wallace Donald May Duncan Howe Apr 27,1906 Mar 9 1908 Oct 22, 1996 Mar 14, 1984 George Howe Jenifer Alan Nov 17, 1940 Oct 23, 1945 (space) Dec 21, 1946 Broertjes, Erin Chrystal 3 Months MARKER: 1-34-3A Infant Erin Chrystal McCann Broertjes June 18, 1984 - Nov. 4, 1984 Little Darlin' your in God's place our love transcends all time and space. Bromley, Frances E MARKER: 31-22-2 BROMLEY Frances E. 1914 - 1986 Bromley, Haworth MARKER: 31-22-1 BROMLEY Frances E. 1914 - 1986 Bromwell, John Edward MARKER: Haworth P. 1902 - 1988 Haworth P. 1902 - 1988 F-26-2 John Edward Bromwell 1839 - 1917 Because I live ye shall live also. Brooke, George Doswell MARKER: G-10-1A 09/09/1909 10/30/1910 George Doswell Brooke Sept. 9, 1909 - Oct 30, 1910 Son of Sue Herbert and George Dosewell Brooke Brookes, Alex Powell Jr. D-14-2 02/11/1917 05/11/1927 05/11/1927 09/28/1879 11/18/1942 Sept. 28, 1879 - Nov. 18, 1942 11/20/1942 Infant MARKER: A. Powell Brookes Sept. 28, 1879 - Nov. 18, 1942 D. Elizabeth Brookes June 30, 1889 - Mar. 31, 1952 A. Powell Brookes, Jr. Feb 11, 1917 - May 11, 1927 Brookes, Alexander Powell MARKER: D-14-3 A. Powell Brookes D. Elizabeth Brookes June 30, 1889 - Mar. 31, 1952 A. Powell Brookes, Jr. Feb 11, 1917 - May 11, 1927 Brookes, D Elizabeth MARKER: D-14-1 A. Powell Brookes 06/30/1889 03/31/1952 Sept. 28, 1879 - Nov. 18, 1942 03/31/1952 D. Elizabeth Brookes June 30, 1889 - Mar. 31, 1952 A. Powell Brookes, Jr. Feb 11, 1917 - May 11, 1927 Brookes, Ester Fowles MARKER: P-5-5 Lucy L. B. Packard 01/20/1964 1875 - 1939 William F. Brookes, Jr. 1878 - 1960 Esther F. Brookes 1871 - 1964 Brookes, Florence P MARKER: P-5-2 William F. Brookes Florence P. Brookes 01/01/1921 1847 - 1928 1847 - 1921 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 59 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Brookes, George C MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date P-34-6 George Dashfield Brookes Burial_Date 01/01/1913 Aged 62 years Died: July 1913 Brookes, John Daingerfield MARKER: P-5-1 John Daingerfield Brookes 08/10/1873 06/05/1901 aug 10, 1873 - June 5, 1901 05/05/1901 Beloved Son of Wm. F. & Florence P. Brookes God be gracious unto Thee, and give thee Peace, both now and evermore Brookes, John St.Clair MARKER: P-34-5 John St Clair Brookes 02/25/1849 04/25/1921 Feb 25, 1849 - Apr 25, 1921 04/25/1921 Christ's faithful soldier and Servant unto his life's end Brookes, John St.Clair, Jr. MARKER: P-34-1 Ruth Lewis Brookes 04/02/1888 10/13/1959 Nov 20, 1917 - Nov 30, 1961 In Loving Memory John St. Clair Brookes, Jr. In Loving Memory Brookes, Lucy Newton MARKER: P-34-4 Lucy Newton Brookes 10/16/1959 Apr 2, 1888 - Oct 13, 1959 07/29/1857 Jly 29, 1857 - Feb 9, 1931 02/09/1931 02/09/1931 11/20/1917 11/30/1961 Nov 20, 1917 - Nov 30, 1961 12/03/1961 Well done thou good and faithful servant Brookes, Ruth Lewis MARKER: P-34-2 Ruth Lewis Brookes In Loving Memory John St. Clair Brookes, Jr. In Loving Memory Brookes, William F MARKER: P-5-3A William F. Brookes Florence P. Brookes Brookes, William F., Jr. MARKER: Apr 2, 1888 - Oct 13, 1959 01/01/1928 1847 - 1928 1847 - 1921 P-5-4 Lucy L. B. Packard 01/11/1960 1875 - 1939 William F. Brookes, Jr. 1878 - 1960 Esther F. Brookes 1871 - 1964 Brooks, Alonzo V MARKER: Brooks, Anita R MARKER: M-78-4 Alonzo V. Brooks 07/06/1868 Jly 6, 1868 - Oct 14, 1938 Margaret E. Brooks Dec 23, 1883 - Oct 12, 1959 10/19/1938 09/19/1970 09/19/1970 10/27/1975 10/29/1975 02/23/1997 02/27/1997 01/01/1901 01/01/1990 06/01/1990 11/05/1908 01/12/1986 01/15/1986 07/10/1979 07/10/1979 11/04/1969 11/07/1969 10/12/1959 10/15/1959 T-306-1 Anita R. Brooks 10/22/1917 Oct 22, 1917 - Sept 19, 1970 Joseph V. Brooks Oct 16, 1918 - Jly 10, 1979 A-62-5 Brooks, Cecil Vaden 10/14/1938 10/08/1894 Freemason MARKER: Cecil V. Brooks Oct.8, 1894 - Oct. 27, 1975 Katherine V. Brooks Nov. 17. 1899 - Nov. 4, 1969 R-88-4 Brooks, Charles Ervin Army Medic MARKER: 12/18/1907 WW II - Veteran BROOKS Charles Ervin Dec. 18, 1907 - Feb. 23, 1997 Elizabeth H. Nov. 5, 1908 - Jan. 12, 1986 Brooks, Elizabeth MARKER: 31-91-4 Elizabeth Brooks 1901 - 1990 Brooks, Elizabeth (Betty) Hepburn R-88-5 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: BROOKS Charles Ervin Dec. 18, 1907 - Feb. 23, 1997 Elizabeth H. Nov. 5, 1908 - Jan. 12, 1986 Brooks, Joseph V MARKER: Brooks, Katherine V (Katie) T-306-2 Anita R. Brooks 10/16/1918 Oct 22, 1917 - Sept 19, 1970 Joseph V. Brooks Oct 16, 1918 - Jly 10, 1979 A-62-6 11/17/1899 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Cecil V. Brooks Oct.8, 1894 - Oct. 27, 1975 Katherine V. Brooks Nov. 17. 1899 - Nov. 4, 1969 Brooks, Margaret E MARKER: M-78-5 Alonzo V. Brooks 12/23/1883 Jly 6, 1868 - Oct 14, 1938 Margaret E. Brooks Dec 23, 1883 - Oct 12, 1959 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 60 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Brophy, Robert Thomas Birth_Date 32-25-1 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/18/1938 11/07/1993 11/12/1993 12/27/1895 11/30/1995 12/07/1995 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Robert Thomas Brophy U S Navy Sep. 18, 1938 - Nov. 7, 1993 Brower, Dorothy F. MARKER: O-314-3B Dorothy F. Brower 1895 - 1995 Ruth B. Souders her Daughter 1918 - 2008 Brown, Alice M MARKER: 2-7-1 R. I. P. 12/31/1983 Alice M. Brown (MOMOO) 1902 - 1983 Brown, Alma T MARKER: A-62-3A Samuel Brown 07/18/1896 09/27/1926 09/30/1926 12/31/1912 02/04/2005 02/10/2005 10/09/1895 09/16/1967 09/20/1967 02/02/1966 02/07/1966 1958 - 1940 Audrey V. Brown Oct.9, 1895 - Sept. 16, 1967 Alma T.Brooks Brown July 18, 1896 - Sept 27, 1926 Louise A. Brown Oct. 8, 1900 - Apr. 17, 1982 Brown, Andrew Hutton MARKER: 31-28-3 Margaret Gordon Brown January 9, 1921 - March 9, 1989 Andrew Hutton Brown December 31, 1912 - February 4, 2005 Brown, Aubrey Vinson MARKER: A-62-2A Samuel Brown 1958 - 1940 Audrey V. Brown Oct.9, 1895 - Sept. 16, 1967 Alma T.Brooks Brown July 18, 1896 - Sept 27, 1926 Louise A. Brown Oct. 8, 1900 - Apr. 17, 1982 Brown, Bessie T. MARKER: C-4-6 Robert Lee Brown 12/12/1884 July 25, 1879 - May 23, 1941 Bessie T. Brown Dec. 12, 1884 - Feb. 2, 1966 Marjorie B. Sathmary July 15, 1915 - July 11, 1967 Brown, Carlton Lawson M-81-6A 01/14/1924 01/28/1924 03/13/1935 12/27/1979 12/31/1979 10/26/2000 02/25/1974 05/05/1941 10/26/2000 Child Brown, Carole Ann Flanagan MARKER: 1-15-2 BROWN Albert G. August 15, 1931 (space) Brown, Catherine E Brown, Charles L Brown, Charlotte M. Brown, Cora MARKER: Carole F. March 13, 1935 Dec. 27, 1979 N-47-5 G-303-7A 42-166-6 G-47-1 C. C. BRADLEY 01/13/1944 MOLLIE BROWN BRADLEY 1863 -1930 CORA BROWN (NO DATES) LOUSIA BRADLEY SKINNER 1895 - 1937 Mary E. Jones 1918 - 1999 Brown, Dale Wallis MARKER: Brown, Dominick N. Brown, Dorothy Virginia MARKER: 1-42-3A 07/21/1932 01/31/2008 Dale Wallis Brown July 21, 1932 - January 31, 2008 O-180-1A M-81-6B 11/13/1930 11/22/1934 Dorothy Virginia Brown Nov 13, 1930 - Nov. 22, 1934 04/18/2008 11/24/1934 Daughter of William and Nellie Brown Daddy's sweetheart, Mama's sunshine, Bubber's pal Brown, Edward Madison Brown, Elonzo B MARKER: B-18-4 A-40-6 Husband Alonza B. Brown At Rest 10/22/1872 06/09/1928 04/12/1985 01/09/1928 Oct. 22, 1872 - June 9, 1928 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 61 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date A-40-5 03/17/1875 Burial_Date 05/08/1937 05/08/1937 01/01/1889 01/01/1972 11/24/1972 O-87-1 04/11/1876 George G. Brown Apr 11, 1876 - Dec 7, 1945 T-185-2 11/30/1912 BROWN 12/07/1945 12/14/1945 11/25/2001 11/30/2001 02/06/2007 02/12/2007 11/11/1985 11/13/1985 Brown, Fleta S MARKER: Death_Date Mother Fleta S. Smith March 17, 1875 - May 8, 1937 Wife of Elonza B. Brown At Rest Brown, Florence M MARKER: T-236-5 Lawrence A. Brown Florence M. Brown Brown, George G MARKER: Brown, Gertrude MARKER: 1889 - 1961 1889 - 1972 William Adrain Gertrude Helton June 1, 1912 November 30, 1912 February 28, 2000 November 25, 2001 (Masonic Blue Lodge and Eastern Star Medalions.) Brown, Guynell Cely MARKER: T-51-2 BROWN 07/12/1920 Harold David March 16, 1914 - Nov. 11, 1985 Guynell Cely July 12, 1920 - Feb. 06, 2007 Brown, Harold David, Sr. MARKER: T-51-1 BROWN 03/16/1914 Harold David March 16, 1914 - Nov. 11, 1985 Guynell Cely July 12, 1920 - Feb. 06, 2007 Brown, Henry Brown, Henry W. MARKER: G-63-4 N-176-4 Henry W. Brown 1846 - 1904 01/01/1857 01/01/1904 Margaret H. Brown 1852 - 1920 Brown, James W. MARKER: Brown, Janie E MARKER: B-17-3 James Walter Brown 1892 - 1959 O-180-2 08/24/1875 03/28/1946 Nicholas Brown - Aged 50 Years Died: May 13, 1918 05/04/1959 03/29/1946 Beloved Husband of Janie E. Brown Janie E. Brown Aug 24, 1875 -Mar 28, 1946 Brown, Joseph H., Sr. Brown, Julian K Brown, Kenneth Gordon MARKER: Brown, Lawrence A MARKER: Brown, Linwood E MARKER: Brown, Louise A Brown, Louise A. MARKER: T-262-4 B-34-3 G-303-7B 11/11/1932 05/02/1941 Kenneth Gordon brown Nov. 11, 1932 - May 2, 1941 T-236-4 01/01/1889 01/01/1961 Lawrence A. Brown 1889 - 1961 Florence M. Brown 1889 - 1972 O-194-3 Linwood E. Brown A-40-6A A-62-4 Samuel Brown 09/27/1895 Sept 27, 1895 - Mar 21, 1951 10/08/1900 06/15/1967 05/05/1941 11/03/1961 03/21/1951 03/24/1951 10/08/1900 04/17/1982 04/20/1982 03/09/1989 03/13/1989 1958 - 1940 Audrey V. Brown Oct.9, 1895 - Sept. 16, 1967 Alma T.Brooks Brown July 18, 1896 - Sept 27, 1926 Louise A. Brown Oct. 8, 1900 - Apr. 17, 1982 Brown, Margaret Gordon MARKER: 31-28-4 Margaret Gordon Brown 01/09/1921 January 9, 1921 - March 9, 1989 Andrew Hutton Brown December 31, 1912 - February 4, 2005 Brown, Margaret H. MARKER: N-176-5 Henry W. Brown 1846 - 1904 01/01/1920 Margaret H. Brown 1852 - 1920 Brown, Margaret J. MARKER: T-209-2 BROWN Bernard Jan. 10, 1930 (space) 03/23/1937 08/19/2007 08/24/2007 Margaret J. Mar. 23, 1937 Aug. 19, 2007 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 62 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date O-180-2B Brown, Martha Ann 06/22/1904 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/29/1904 Infant MARKER: Infant: Martha Ann Brown June 22, 1904 - June 29, 1904 At Rest. Brown, Mary Ada MARKER: A-40-2 Mary A. Brown 10/05/1906 Oct. 5, 1906 - Dec. 14, 1974 12/14/1974 12/16/1974 Russell L. Brown Dec. 22, 1905 - May 11, 1971 Brown, Nicholas MARKER: O-180-2A Nicholas Brown - Aged 50 Years 05/13/1918 Died: May 13, 1918 Beloved Husband of Janie E. Brown Janie E. Brown Aug 24, 1875 -Mar 28, 1946 E-BBY-66-157 Brown, Paul M 02/04/1971 Infant Brown, Penelope Carlton MARKER: M-81-5 William Henry Brown 07/24/1893 10/02/1994 10/05/1994 05/23/1941 05/26/1941 05/11/1971 10/17/1956 05/11/1971 1895 - 1949 Penelope Carlton Brown (no dates) Sleep on and take your rest. Brown, Robert L. MARKER: C-4-5 Robert Lee Brown 07/25/1879 July 25, 1879 - May 23, 1941 Bessie T. Brown Dec. 12, 1884 - Feb. 2, 1966 Marjorie B. Sathmary July 15, 1915 - July 11, 1967 B-BBY-48-44 A-62-2B Brown, Ross L Brown, Russell 12/22/1905 Infant Brown, Russell L MARKER: A-40-3 Mary A. Brown 05/12/1971 Oct. 5, 1906 - Dec. 14, 1974 Russell L. Brown Dec. 22, 1905 - May 11, 1971 Brown, Ruth Bryant MARKER: F-55-1 07/04/1881 Ruth Bryant Brown Jly 14, 1881- Feb 27, 1909 02/27/1909 02/27/1909 01/01/1940 06/24/1940 08/09/1945 11/21/2000 11/27/2000 06/01/1912 02/28/2000 03/02/2000 Wife of Lt. Wilson Brown, Jr., U.S. Navy Brown, S E MARKER: A-62-1 Samuel Brown 01/01/1858 1958 - 1940 Audrey V. Brown Oct.9, 1895 - Sept. 16, 1967 Alma T.Brooks Brown July 18, 1896 - Sept 27, 1926 Louise A. Brown Oct. 8, 1900 - Apr. 17, 1982 Brown, Susan J. MARKER: 42-147-3 Susan Johnson BROWN August 9, 1945 November 21, 2000 Brown, William A. MARKER: T-185-1 BROWN William Adrain Gertrude Helton June 1, 1912 November 30, 1912 February 28, 2000 November 25, 2001 (Masonic Blue Lodge and Eastern Star Medalions.) Brown, William Henry MARKER: M-81-4 William Henry Brown 11/12/1949 1895 - 1949 Penelope Carlton Brown (no dates) Sleep on and take your rest. Browne, Amy Partlow MARKER: R-73-5 Victor H. Browne 02/03/1884 Oct. 26, 1879 - Jan. 19, 1943 01/17/1970 01/21/1970 Amy Partlow Feb. 3, 1884 - Jan. 17, 1970 Wife of Victor H. Browne Browne, Mary Aneida MARKER: F-76-1 William Rollo Browne 06/14/1937 1855 - 1927 his wife: Mary Aneida Sayler Browne 1856 - 1937 Browne, Victor H MARKER: R-73-4 Victor H. Browne 10/26/1879 Oct. 26, 1879 - Jan. 19, 1943 01/19/1943 01/21/1943 Amy Partlow Feb. 3, 1884 - Jan. 17, 1970 Wife of Victor H. Browne Browne, William Rollo MARKER: F-76-3 William Rollo Browne 1855 - 1927 his wife: Mary Aneida Sayler Browne 1856 - 1937 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 63 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date E-BBY-66-10 Browning, Baby Burial_Date 03/09/1959 Infant Browning, Evelyn MARKER: T-32-2 Evelyn Winifred Milnes Browning 11/29/1982 Jan 16, 1895 - Nov 2?, 1982 Beloved Wife and Mother T-32-1 Browning, Frank P Air Corp. MARKER: 01/01/1890 04/16/1974 04/19/1974 01/01/1880 01/01/1967 06/29/1967 01/01/1883 01/01/1968 11/16/1968 WW I - Veteran Frank P. Browing 1890 - 1974 SFC U S ARMY WORLD WAR I Brownlee, Anne B MARKER: T-346-5 W. Arthur Brownlee Anne B. Brownlee Brownlee, William Arthur MARKER: MARKER: Bruce, Carol L. MARKER: 1880 - 1967 T-346-4 W. Arthur Brownlee Anne B. Brownlee Bruce, Blanche Dewitte 1883 - 1968 1883 - 1968 1880 - 1967 E-58-2 Charles Gillette Bruce 1888 - Blanche DeWitte Bruce 1887 - 1951 05/14/1951 42-118-3C BRUCE 09/30/1938 03/13/2003 03/18/2003 02/17/1937 12/19/2009 03/15/2010 02/13/1913 04/10/2000 04/14/2000 Carol L. James H. 1938 - 2003 1937 - 2010 She lived with Dignity and Beauty Bruce, James H. MARKER: 42-118-3A BRUCE Carol L. James H. 1938 - 2003 1937 - 2010 She lived with Dignity and Beauty Bruch, Truman MARKER: T-241-2 BRUCH Truman Elwood Virginia Irene Feb 13, 1913 May 26, 1921 April 10, 2000 (space) Dearly Beloved The heavens declare the glory of God Bruderer, Conrad Bruderer, Helen Grob MARKER: N-75-5 N-75-4 Helene Grob Bruderer 02/23/1890 06/07/1942 Feb 23, 1890 - June 7, 1942 02/18/1959 06/09/1942 Wife of Conrad Bruderer Auf Wiederschen Brueckner, Guenter E. MARKER: 31-69-3 BRUECKER 12/26/1934 07/11/1998 07/15/1998 04/02/1883 07/20/1976 07/23/1976 Guenther E. 1934 - 1998 Bruin, Charles M MARKER: G-175-6 Charles M. Bruin 1854 - 1918 His Wife Ellen Rust Bruin Bruin, Edith Y MARKER: G-176-6 James O. Bruin Edith Y. Bruin Bruin, Ellen Rust MARKER: 1879 - 1933 1883 - 1976 G-176-4 Charles M. Bruin 01/01/1939 1854 - 1918 His Wife Ellen Rust Bruin Bruin, Frances G. MARKER: 1854 - 1939 T-256-5A James Chilton Bruin 1854 - 1939 11/06/1915 10/08/1997 Oct 19, 1914 - Dec. 20, 2000 11/06/1997 Frances Gaines Bruin Nov 6, 1915 - Oct 8, 1997 Bruin, James C. MARKER: T-256-4a James Chilton Bruin 12/20/2000 12/27/2000 Oct 19, 1914 - Dec. 20, 2000 Frances Gaines Bruin Nov 6, 1915 - Oct 8, 1997 Bruin, James O MARKER: G-176-5 James O. Bruin Edith Y. Bruin 01/01/1933 1879 - 1933 1883 - 1976 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 64 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bruin, Jos T. MARKER: Birth_Date B-71-2 BRUIN Death_Date 05/28/1877 05/08/1943 05/10/1943 01/01/1900 01/01/1970 01/26/1970 09/09/1879 11/16/1963 11/19/1963 05/15/1997 05/20/1997 Joseph T. May 28, 1898 - May 8, 1943 Ruth A. Sept 9, 1879 - Nov. 16, 1963 Doris Jewell Perry Oct 2, 1900 - Mar 27, 1940 Eula Bruin Guckert May 14, 1910 - Dec 12, 1942 Ernest W. Wengart May 13, 1898 - Dec 23, 1953 Bruin, Mackall Rust MARKER: T-147-1A MACKALL RUST BRUIN Burial_Date 1900 - 1970 RUTH F. BRUIN 1905 - 1997 Bruin, Ruth Ann MARKER: B-71-3 BRUIN Joseph T. May 28, 1898 - May 8, 1943 Ruth A. Sept 9, 1879 - Nov. 16, 1963 Doris Jewell Perry Oct 2, 1900 - Mar 27, 1940 Eula Bruin Guckert May 14, 1910 - Dec 12, 1942 Ernest W. Wengart May 13, 1898 - Dec 23, 1953 Bruin, Ruth F. MARKER: T-147-1B MACKALL RUST BRUIN 09/30/1905 1900 - 1970 RUTH F. BRUIN 1905 - 1997 N-166-11 Brumbach, Baby 01/06/1944 Infant Brumfield, Dorothy Bryan MARKER: T-71-5 12/01/1912 09/25/1994 10/05/1994 BRUMFIELD Herman Sanders Brumfield Sept 13, 1907 - Jan 12, 1972 Dorothy Bryan Brumfield Dec 1, 1912 - Sept 25, 1994 Brumfield, Herman Sanders Army T-71-4 09/13/1907 01/12/1972 01/15/1972 U. S. Military Veteran BRUMFIELD MARKER: Herman Sanders Brumfield Sept 13, 1907 - Jan 12, 1972 Dorothy Bryan Brumfield Dec 1, 1912 - Sept 25, 1994 Brundage, Belva B MARKER: M-127-6 Lawrence O. Brundage Belva B. Brundage Brundage, Belva B MARKER: Brundage, Lawrence O MARKER: M-127-6 BELVA M-127-3 Lawrence O. Brundage Belva B. Brundage Brus, Ustia Kelnik MARKER: 06/07/1917 - Aug 20, 1975-March 6, 1991- 06/07/1917 03/06/1991 03/09/1991 08/20/1975 08/23/1975 07/22/1997 07/26/1997 04/23/1977 04/27/1977 06/06/1975 06/13/1975 04/29/1974 05/03/1974 -March 6, 1991- 09/17/1910 Sept. 8, 1929-March 19, 1981 9-17-10 - 7-22-97 T-38-5 Bruther, Baby Boy 03/09/1991 - Aug 20, 1975- 2-41-4 In Memory of: Peter Reiser Ustia Brus 03/06/1991 Fetus MARKER: Jennifer Lynna Bruther Apr 18, 1974 - Apr 29, 1974 Infant Girl Bruther June 6, 1975 Matthew James Bruther (INFANT) Mar 29, 1976 Infant Boy Bruther April 23, 1977 T-38-6B Bruther, Girl Infant MARKER: Jennifer Lynna Bruther Apr 18, 1974 - Apr 29, 1974 Infant Girl Bruther June 6, 1975 Matthew James Bruther (INFANT) Mar 29, 1976 Infant Boy Bruther April 23, 1977 Bruther, Jennifer Lynna T-38-6A 04/18/1974 Infant MARKER: Jennifer Lynna Bruther Apr 18, 1974 - Apr 29, 1974 Infant Girl Bruther June 6, 1975 Matthew James Bruther (INFANT) Mar 29, 1976 Infant Boy Bruther April 23, 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 65 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date T-38-6C Bruther, Matthew James Burial_Date 03/29/1976 03/31/1976 07/02/1923 07/02/1923 Infant MARKER: Jennifer Lynna Bruther Apr 18, 1974 - Apr 29, 1974 Infant Girl Bruther June 6, 1975 Matthew James Bruther (INFANT) Mar 29, 1976 Infant Boy Bruther April 23, 1977 Bryan, Albert MARKER: E-33-6A 06/29/1855 Marion Beach Bryan Apr. 14, 1860 - Feb. 2, 1939 wife of Albert Bryan Albert Bryan June 29, 1855 - Jly. 2, 1923 Bryan, Albert V., III MARKER: E-42-3 ALBERT VICKERS BRYAN, III 10/03/1962 03/07/1993 07/23/1899 03/13/1984 October 3, 1962 - March 7, 1993 Bryan, Albert Vickers , Judge, Sr. E-42-1A 03/13/1984 LAW ENFORCEMENT ALBERT VICKERS BRYAN MARKER: July 23, 1890 - March 13, 1984 NOTES: Bryan, Ann Cabell Inmemorium Bryan, Baby Alexandria City Attorney 1926. Commonweath's Attorney 1928. US District Court for Eastern Virginia 1947; 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals 1961. M-147-5 B-BBY-48-30 05/18/1939 06/08/1955 Infant Bryan, Blanche Overdeer MARKER: O-237-5 James William Bryan 05/12/1889 05/14/1967 Nov 25, 1882 - June 27, 1952 05/17/1967 His Wife Blanche Overdeer Bryan May 12, 1889 - May 14, 1967 E-33-6B Bryan, Ferguson C 11/22/1922 Infant MARKER: Ferguson Cabell Beach Oct. 27, 1922 - Nov. 22, 1922 Son of Ferguson Beach & Anne Cabell Bryan Bryan, James William MARKER: O-237-4 James William Bryan 11/25/1882 06/27/1952 Nov 25, 1882 - June 27, 1952 06/30/1952 His Wife Blanche Overdeer Bryan May 12, 1889 - May 14, 1967 Bryan, Marian Beach MARKER: E-33-5 04/14/1860 Marion Beach Bryan Apr. 14, 1860 - Feb. 2, 1939 02/02/1939 02/04/1939 05/17/1900 08/30/1991 09/04/1991 01/22/1928 06/11/2001 wife of Albert Bryan Albert Bryan June 29, 1855 - Jly. 2, 1923 Bryan, Marie Gasson MARKER: E-42-2A MARIE GASSON BRYAN MAY 17, 1900 - AUGUST 30, 1991 Bryan, Marilyn Morgan Inmemorium MARKER: E-42-4A ALBERT V. BRYAN, JR. Nov. 8, 1926 - (space) Marilyn M. Bryan Jan. 22, 1928 - June 11, 2001 Bryant, Arthur H. MARKER: M-163-2 Arthur Herbert Bryant 11/15/1878 04/13/1952 Nov 15, 1878 - Apr 13, 1952 04/13/1952 Beloved husband of Geraldine Mason Taylor. All who knew him have been strengthened M-163-5 Bryant, Arthur H., Jr. US NAVY MARKER: Bryant, Baby 08/01/1917 04/14/1956 04/24/1956 WW II - Veteran Arthur Herbert Bryant, Jr. Commander, U.S. NAVY July 1, 1917 - April 14, 1956 He was at home where there was truth, Courage and Compassion. M-161-6 02/15/1951 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 66 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Bryant, Carrie Virginia MARKER: Birth_Date T-191-5 BRYANT 01/01/1895 Death_Date 07/21/1969 Burial_Date 07/24/1969 John R. 1887 - 1961 his wife Carrie V. 1895 - 1969 Bryant, Ernest E MARKER: T-258-5 Ernest Eugene 02/05/1960 BRYANT 1900 - 1960 Bryant, Geraldine M. Bryant, Herbert MARKER: M-163-3 F-54-2A Herbert Bryant aged 51 years Oct. 23, 1887 10/23/1887 05/01/1986 10/26/1887 12/31/1983 01/03/1984 04/11/1914 04/11/1914 A noble life and peaceful death Bryant, John Carlyle Herbert Colonel Bryant, John Carlyle Herbert M-161-1 WW II - Veteran F-54-2 05/19/1843 C S A Veteran MARKER: In Memory of: HERBERT BRYANT May 19, 1843 - Apr. 11, 1914 Capt. & Adjutant of 17th Virginia Infantry, CSA Aide-de-camp to Brig. Gen. M.D. Corse NOTES: Bryant, John Rubin Captain, Adjutant Co. A, 17th Virginia Infantry; Adjutant on the staffs of Generals M. D. Corse, James Longstreet, and W. R. Terry. T-191-4 01/01/1887 08/26/1961 08/28/1961 Alexandrian MARKER: BRYANT John R. 1887 - 1961 his wife Carrie V. 1895 - 1969 NOTES: Bryant, Pamela E. MARKER: Owner of a "Crab House" in Alexandria. He would go crabbing as well as catch other fish and shellfish in the river and Bay. He would then sell his catch both fresh and in his restaurant. Per his grandson Charles V. Dawaon. 31-68-3 06/06/1956 05/15/1998 Pamela E. Bryant 05/20/1998 June 6, 1956 - May 15, 1998 Glad to be in the service Bryant, Ruth Clagett MARKER: F-54-3 Ruth Clagett Bryant 06/28/1848 10/25/1888 10/25/1888 F-55-6 F-55-2 12/09/1874 Sacred to the Memory of William Bryant 09/17/1911 09/17/1911 04/14/2007 04/19/2007 11/19/1901 07/08/1972 Jly 6, 1898 - May 30, 1973 07/08/1972 Wife of Herbert Bryant June 28, 1848 - Oct. 25, 1886 Bryant, William Bryant, William MARKER: Born Dec. 9, 1874 - Died, August 17, 1911 Buchan, Donald Lynwood MARKER: 41-60-3 Donald Lynwood Buchan 11/21/1936 November 21, 1936 - April 14, 2007 Beloved Father and Grandfather Buchanan, Luby Mae MARKER: T-33-2 Rufus Wallace Buchanan Luby Mae N. Buchanan Buchanan, Rufus Wallace MARKER: Luby Mae N. Buchanan Buck, Alice R MARKER: Nov 19, 1901 - Jly 8, 1972 T-33-1 Rufus Wallace Buchanan 07/06/1898 05/30/1973 Jly 6, 1898 - May 30, 1973 06/01/1973 Nov 19, 1901 - Jly 8, 1972 T-184-1 Sacred to the memory of 06/18/1984 06/22/1984 11/22/1992 11/28/1992 Alice Ritta Buck June 2, 1920 - June 18, 1984 Bucuvalas, Michael P. MARKER: 32-41-3 07/31/1943 Beloved Husband, Son brother,uncle Michael P. Buculalas July 31, 1943 Nov. 22, 1992 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 67 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Buddin, Florence G Buddin, George Ramsey MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date N-134-2 N-134-1 George Ramsay Buddin 1881 - 1941 Burial_Date 05/27/1959 08/04/1941 Husband of Florence Guess Bull, John MARKER: P-52-1 John Bull June 9, 1884 06/09/1884 06/09/1884 11/10/1903 11/10/1903 Son of Joseph Born in Canandaigua, N.Y. Died in Washington, D.C. Bull, Mary Alice MARKER: P-52-2 Mary Alice Bull Nov 10, 1903 Daughter of Robert Hunter Wife of John Bull Born in Fairfax Co., Va. Bullock, Emily Pearl Bullock, Eva Tannehill MARKER: Bullock, John T Bumbrey, Theodore W. MARKER: O-177-5 O-177-6 Eva Tannehill Bullock O-177-4 COL 6-S2-45A BUMBREY 12/11/1945 08/15/1957 09/06/1922 11/21/2004 12/16/1968 12/04/2004 08/21/1944 07/09/2005 07/23/2005 T-229-1 02/13/1870 05/16/1959 Elizabeth Gilmore Bumgarner Feb 13, 1870 - May 16, 1959 05/19/1959 Theodore W. Bumbrey, Theodore William, Jr. MARKER: 03/19/1899 08/13/1957 Mar 19, 1899 - Aug 13, 1957 1922 - 2004 COL 6-S2-46 Theodore William Bumbrey, Jr. August 21, 1944 - July 9, 2005 Bumgarner, Elizabeth Gilmore MARKER: Bumgarner, Elizabeth Gilmore MARKER: Wife of Jacob U.Bumgarner T-229-1 SHOMO 02/13/1870 05/16/1959 05/19/1959 01/03/1917 09/10/2001 09/13/2001 --BUMGARNER Bundick, Frederick Page MARKER: T-134-6 Bundick Frederick Page Jan. 3, 1917 - Sept. 10, 2001 Burba, Anna MARKER: Burch, Elisabeth B. MARKER: Burch, Hill McAlister MARKER: Burch, Hill McAlister Jr MARKER: R-61-3 BURBA T-119-3 12/14/1906 BURCH T-119-1 03/07/1900 Hill McAllister Burch Mar 7, 1900 - June 23, 1973 05/30/2006 06/02/2006 06/23/1973 06/25/1973 T-119-2 11/03/1939 09/04/1973 Hill McAlister Burch, Jr Nov 3, 1939 - Sept 4, 1973 09/06/1973 Born March 7, 1900 Nashville, Tenn. Died June 23, 1973 Fairfax, VA. Wife and sons Ada Elisabeth Bruncke; Hill, Jr.and Cordell. Pslams 116;15 Born Nov. 3, 1939 Washington DC. Died Sept. 4, 1973 Fairfax, Va. Our beloved son Bill Boy Afflicted in life but now whole in Heaven. "A little child shall lead them". Isaiah 11:6 R-119-5 Burchell, Bessie S. 08/24/1936 04/17/1898 04/04/1995 04/07/1995 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Lloyd F. Burchell Bessie S. Burchell Burchell, Edwin H MARKER: Burchell, Elwood Earl MARKER: Burchell, Frances Lee Potts MARKER: Aug. 19, 1895 - June 3, 1973 April 17, 1898 - April 4, 1995 O-67-2 Edwin H. Burchell Nov 2, 1905 - Aug 5, 1981 O-67-6 05/01/1909 Elwood E. Burchell May 1, 1909 - Nov 10, 1967 O-67-3 04/20/1906 Frances Lee Potts April 20, 1906 - Feb 1, 1977 08/08/1981 11/10/1967 11/13/1967 02/01/1977 02/04/1977 Wife of Edwin H. Burchell Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 68 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Burchell, Helen G. Peyton MARKER: O-67-1 Helen G. Peyton Birth_Date 01/23/1910 Jan 23, 1910 - Sept 6, 1946 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/06/1946 09/06/1946 06/03/1973 06/06/1973 05/26/1963 06/13/1989 06/17/1989 01/11/1953 03/10/1968 12/16/2003 09/25/2003 10/01/2003 09/25/2003 10/01/2003 Wife of Edwin H. Burchell R-119-4 Burchell, Lloyd F 08/19/1895 Freemason MARKER: Lloyd F. Burchell Bessie S. Burchell Burdette, Charlton Lisa D. MARKER: Aug. 19, 1895 - June 3, 1973 April 17, 1898 - April 4, 1995 2-36-2 Lisa D. Burdette Daughter of Vonda and Carlyle Charlton May 26, 1963 - June 13, 1989 Burdette, Cynthia MARKER: 42-6-4 Cynthia Joyce Burdette 1953 - "Cindy" - 1968 Burdette, Lawrence MARKER: Burdette, Lawrence MARKER: 42-6-2 BURDETTE 42-6-2 Lawrence Charles Burdette 1928 - "Dick" - 2003 Burgess, Charles L MARKER: R-21-4 Charles L. Burgess Mollie V. Burgess Mary B.Southcomb Burgess, Florence Watkins MARKER: MARKER: Burgess, George M., Jr. MARKER: Mar. 28, 1893 - Oct.7, 1961 Apr. 15, 1893 - July 13, 1970 T-342-2 B U R G E S S Florence W. Wilson H. Burgess, George M., Jr. 01/19/1945 Jly 3, 1889 - Jan 17, 1945 07/19/1921 05/20/2004 05/25/2004 05/10/1897 08/29/1955 08/31/1955 05/10/1897 08/29/1955 08/31/1955 July 19, 1921 - May 20, 2004 Oct. 2, 1916 - June 2, 2007 T-371-1 B U R G E S S T-371-1 George M. Burgess, Jr. May 10, 1897 - Aug. 29, 1955 Burgess, Mollie V MARKER: R-21-5 Charles L. Burgess Mollie V. Burgess Mary B.Southcomb Burgess, Stella Roberts MARKER: 10/10/1961 Jly 3, 1889 - Jan 17, 1945 Mar. 28, 1893 - Oct.7, 1961 Apr. 15, 1893 - July 13, 1970 T-371-2 Stella Roberts Burgess 08/14/1893 08/11/1958 09/13/1958 10/02/1916 06/02/2007 06/06/2007 10/18/1984 10/22/1984 Serial # 306896. WW I Sargent, 3rd Co. ORST. T-127-5 10/30/1903 01/07/1967 Vaughtie Carroll Burhans Oct 30, 1903 - Jan 7, 1967 01/10/1967 Aug. 14, 1893 - Aug 11, 1958 T-342-1 Burgess, Wilson H. USN Seabee MARKER: WW II - Veteran B U R G E S S Florence W. Wilson H. July 19, 1921 - May 20, 2004 Oct. 2, 1916 - June 2, 2007 T-127-4 Burhans, Nathaniel C 01/26/1893 WW I - Veteran MARKER: BURHANS Nathaniel Charles, PhD Jan 26, 1893 - Oct 18, 1984 Served in France, WWI NOTES: Burhans, Vaughtie Carroll MARKER: Greater love hath no man Burke, (Brother) of G.W. Burke, Agnes Alexander Spencer Burke, Alexander G. MARKER: M-19A-1 R-203-11 33-68-1 Alexander G. 11/16/1918 11/13/1974 09/14/2009 10/16/1995 05/14/1959 09/21/2009 10/20/1995 BURKE November 13, 1974 - October 16, 1995 Beloved Son & Brother Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 69 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Burke, Alice Adelaide Anderton MARKER: Birth_Date M-28-1B Julian Thompson Burke, Jr. Death_Date 09/25/1983 Burial_Date 09/28/1983 April 15, 1887 - Nov. 4, 1936 Alice Anderton Burke July 23, 1890 - Sept. 25, 1983 Burke, Bertha M MARKER: M-19A-4 09/02/1904 Fanny V. Burke Sept 1, 1892 - Jan 19, 1951 Thomas G. Burke Mar 24, 1894 - Dec 27, 1947 George W. Burke Apr 5, 1896 - Nov 8, 1966 Bertha M Burke Sept 2, 1904 - Jly, 1986 Isabelle H. Burke June 18, 1861 - June 3, 1946 M-26-3a Burke, C. S. Taylor, Jr. US ARMY MARKER: 01/30/1924 07/05/1986 01/11/2001 01/15/2001 WW II - Veteran Charles Sinclair Taylor Burke Jr. Jan. 30, 1924 - Jan. 11, 2001 Til we cast our crowns before thee Lost in wonder, love and praise NOTES: Burke, Charles Sinclair Taylor MARKER: 01/11/2001 - 1st Lt in the U S ARMY. 1924-2001 - Burke and Herbert Bank and Trust Co., R-242-2 12/09/1880 04/07/1941 In Memory of: 04/10/1941 Charles Sinclair Taylor Burke Dec. 9, 1880 - Apr. 7, 1941 Into Thine Hand i commend my spirit. Burke, Charles Stuart Sanders MARKER: M-28-6 Charles Stewart Sanders Burke 11/22/1960 06/08/1967 12/21/1967 06/07/1963 08/25/2006 08/31/2006 06/07/1963 08/25/2006 08/31/2006 07/16/1885 08/06/1946 08/20/1946 12/29/1975 12/31/1975 Dearly beloved son, brother, child. November 22, 1960 - June 8, 1967 Burke, David Moncrief, Jr. USAF MARKER: T-212-4A U. S. Military Veteran BURKE David Moncrief, Jr. June 7, 1963 - August 25, 2006 Precious in the Sight of the Lord. Burke, David Moncrief, Jr. USAF MARKER: Burke, Elizabeth Atkinson MARKER: Ps 116:15 T-212-4A U. S. Military Veteran BURKE R-203-8 In Memory Of Elizabeth Atkinson Burke July 16, 1885 - Aug. 6, 1946 Beloved wife of John Woolfolk Burke, M.D. We thank God for every rememberance of thee. Burke, Ellen Coolidge MARKER: B-44-5 John Muse Burke 05/10/1901 1849 - 1908 Ellen Coolige Burke May 10, 1901 - Dec. 29, 1975 Henry Randolph Burke 1864 - 1947 Burke, Esther Dashiell Taylor MARKER: M-30-5 01/01/1854 Julian Thompson Burke 1854 - 1916 01/01/1924 and his wife Esther Dashiell Taylor 1854 - 1924 "Their children shall rise up and call them blessed. Burke, Fanny M. MARKER: B-41-4 03/25/1861 01/20/1933 Fanny Maury Burke Mar. 25, 1861 - Jan. 20, 1933 01/20/1933 Virginia Randolph Burke 1867 - 1953 Jane Revere Burke 1859 -1907 God is Love. Burke, Fanny Virginia MARKER: Burke, Florence M. Burke, George Anderton (Andy) US Army AC MARKER: M-19A-3 09/01/1892 Fanny V. Burke Sept 1, 1892 - Jan 19, 1951 Thomas G. Burke Mar 24, 1894 - Dec 27, 1947 George W. Burke Apr 5, 1896 - Nov 8, 1966 Bertha M Burke Sept 2, 1904 - Jly, 1986 Isabelle H. Burke June 18, 1861 - June 3, 1946 R-146-3 M-28-2A 03/11/1922 01/01/1916 01/19/1951 01/22/1951 01/16/2004 04/04/1985 01/23/2004 04/08/1985 WW II - Veteran George Anderton Burke November 2, 1915 - April 4, 1985 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 70 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Burke, George W MARKER: Birth_Date M-19A-5 04/05/1896 Fanny V. Burke Sept 1, 1892 - Jan 19, 1951 Thomas G. Burke Mar 24, 1894 - Dec 27, 1947 George W. Burke Apr 5, 1896 - Nov 8, 1966 Bertha M Burke Sept 2, 1904 - Jly, 1986 Isabelle H. Burke June 18, 1861 - June 3, 1946 Burke, Helen M. MARKER: R-146-5 BURKE 01/21/1904 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/08/1966 11/12/1966 03/07/1997 03/11/1997 John S. 1902 - 1983 Helen M. 1904 - 1997 Mary P. 1924 - (space) Burke, Henry Randolph MARKER: B-44-4 John Muse Burke 11/24/1947 1849 - 1908 Ellen Coolige Burke May 10, 1901 - Dec. 29, 1975 Henry Randolph Burke 1864 - 1947 Burke, Ida Mason MARKER: R-242-5A Ida Mason Burke 10/17/1939 10/20/1939 03/09/1895 09/20/1950 09/23/1950 M-19A-2 06/18/1861 Fanny V. Burke Sept 1, 1892 - Jan 19, 1951 06/03/1946 06/06/1946 Wife of C. S. Taylor Burke entered more abundant life Oct. 17, 1939 I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Burke, Irma M. Iden MARKER: O-253-5 BURKE Irma M. Iden Burke Mar 9, 1895 - Sept 20, 1950 Burke, Isabelle H. MARKER: Thomas G. Burke Mar 24, 1894 - Dec 27, 1947 George W. Burke Apr 5, 1896 - Nov 8, 1966 Bertha M Burke Sept 2, 1904 - Jly, 1986 Isabelle H. Burke June 18, 1861 - June 3, 1946 Burke, Jane F. MARKER: B-41-3 Fanny Maury Burke Mar. 25, 1861 - Jan. 20, 1933 01/01/1920 Virginia Randolph Burke 1867 - 1953 Jane Revere Burke 1859 -1907 God is Love. Burke, Jane Revere MARKER: B-42-2A Jane Revere Burke 1871 - 1965 06/18/1966 Wife of Nicholas P. T. Burke They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength Burke, John M MARKER: R-146-1 John N. Burke 1870 - 1946 12/26/1946 Mary Ella Burke 1870 - 1939 Burke, John Muse MARKER: B-44-3 John Muse Burke 01/01/1908 1849 - 1908 Ellen Coolige Burke May 10, 1901 - Dec. 29, 1975 Henry Randolph Burke 1864 - 1947 Burke, John S MARKER: R-146-4 BURKE 01/03/1902 04/22/1983 04/25/1983 09/19/1915 08/13/1986 08/16/1986 01/21/1825 11/08/1907 11/08/1907 John S. 1902 - 1983 Helen M. 1904 - 1997 Mary P. 1924 - (space) Burke, John W., Jr. MARKER: R-203-10 John Woolfolk Burke, Jr. September 19, 1915 August 13, 1986 B-41-1 Burke, John Woolfolk Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: John Woolfolk Burke Jan 21, 1825 - Nov. 8, 1907 Born; Ivy Mount, Carline Co., Va. Died: Alexandria, Va. Son of John Muse Burke and Sophia Woolfolk J.W.B. Jr. Feb 9, 1863 - Aug. 1, 1865 M. J. E. - June 28, 1903 Son of John Muse Burke and Sophia Frances Woolfolk. Born at Ivy Mount, Caroline Co. VA. Died Alexandria, VA. Member of the banking firm of Burke & Herbert Bank, Alexandria, VA. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 71 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Burke, John Woolfolk MD MARKER: Birth_Date R-203-3 In Loving memory of Death_Date 10/07/1884 10/05/1959 Burial_Date 10/05/1959 John Woolfolk Burke, M. D. Oct. 7, 1884 - Oct. 5, 1959 There was healing in his hands and humanity in his heart. Burke, Julian Thompson MARKER: M-28-1A Julian Thompson Burke, Jr. 01/01/1936 April 15, 1887 - Nov. 4, 1936 Alice Anderton Burke July 23, 1890 - Sept. 25, 1983 Burke, Julian Thompson, Sr. MARKER: M-30-4 01/01/1854 Julian Thompson Burke 1854 - 1916 01/01/1916 01/01/1916 08/08/1915 08/08/1915 and his wife Esther Dashiell Taylor 1854 - 1924 "Their children shall rise up and call them blessed. Burke, Martha Jefferson Trist B-41-2 05/08/1826 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Burke, Mary E MARKER: Martha Jefferson Trist Burke May 8, 1826 - Aug. 1, 1915 Wife of John Woolfolk Burke Daughter of Nicholas Philip Trist and Virginia Jefferson Randolph Born: at Monticello, Albemarle Co., Died: Alexandria, Va. Martha Jefferson Trist Burke wife of John Woolfolk Burke. Daughter of Nicholas Philip Trist and Virginia Jefferson Randolph. Born at Monticello, Albemarle Co. VA. Died at Alexandria, VA. R-146-2 John N. Burke 1870 - 1946 09/18/1939 Mary Ella Burke 1870 - 1939 Burke, Nicholas Browse T. MARKER: B-43-5 Nicholas Browse Trist Burke 1899 - 1930 01/01/1930 Rosella Trist Burke 1869 - 1945 Burke, Nicholas P. T. MARKER: B-42-2B Nicholas P. T. Burke 1859 - 1907 01/01/1907 I am the resurrection and the Life. Burke, Olive L. Patten MARKER: R-203-4 In Memory of: 02/16/1887 04/30/1968 05/02/1968 Olive Latimer Patten Burke Feb. 16, 1887 - Apr. 30, 1968 Beloved wife of John Woolfolk Burke, M. D. Her vital and radiant spirit enlivened the world around her. Burke, Rosella Trist MARKER: B-43-6 Nicholas Browse Trist Burke 1899 - 1930 03/05/1945 Rosella Trist Burke 1869 - 1945 Burke, Thomas E. MARKER: 33-52-3 BURKE 09/21/1935 04/22/1994 04/27/1994 12/27/1947 12/30/1947 07/01/1996 07/06/1996 Thomas E. Burke Sept. 21, 1935 - April 22, 1994 his wife ; Marilyn W. Burke Burke, Thomas G MARKER: M-19A-6A 03/24/1894 Fanny V. Burke Sept 1, 1892 - Jan 19, 1951 Thomas G. Burke Mar 24, 1894 - Dec 27, 1947 George W. Burke Apr 5, 1896 - Nov 8, 1966 Bertha M Burke Sept 2, 1904 - Jly, 1986 Isabelle H. Burke June 18, 1861 - June 3, 1946 Burke, Thomas Robert MARKER: 33-68-2 BURKE Thomas R. Burke, Virginia Randolph MARKER: 12/20/1938 Dec. 20, 1938 - July 1, 1996 B-41-5 Fanny Maury Burke Mar. 25, 1861 - Jan. 20, 1933 12/31/1953 Virginia Randolph Burke 1867 - 1953 Jane Revere Burke 1859 -1907 God is Love. Burke, William Michael Burkholder, Donald MARKER: O-103-1 T-288-6B Virginia S. Bayasca 1902 - 1976 Donald A. Burkhilder 1926 - 1990 03/25/1946 07/22/1926 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/14/2004 02/04/1990 11/19/2004 02/06/1990 Page 72 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Burnell, Annie E MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-25-2 BURNELL 11/17/1939 Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 Burnell, Caleb MARKER: Burnell, Carleton S., Sr. MARKER: R-25-1 BURNELL 11/21/1939 Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 R-25-5 BURNELL 10/26/1972 Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 O-164-6A Burnell, Darrell Burial_Date 07/27/1954 Infant Burnell, Gladys Lowder MARKER: R-25-3 BURNELL 02/06/1981 Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 Burnell, Harold W., Sr. Burnell, John Milton MARKER: O-164-5 R-25-4 BURNELL 05/19/1986 11/12/1952 Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 Burnell, Lillian M MARKER: Burnell, Stephen Thomas R-25-6 BURNELL Caleb Burnell 1844 - 1928 Annie E. Burnell 1862 - 1939 John MIlton Burnell 1890 - 1952 Carleton S. Burnell, Sr. 1895 - 1972 Lillian B 1897 - 1985 Gladys L. 1899 - 1981 O-164-6B 10/12/1946 02/10/1981 02/06/1985 11/15/1946 11/15/1946 Infant MARKER: Stephen Thomas Burnell Oct 12, 1946- Nov 15, 1946 Son of Harold W. & Dorothy Burnell Burnette, Florence MARKER: 42-19-4 BURNETTE Douglas W. Florence M. Burnham, Francis Simmons MARKER: 09/09/1932 09/27/2006 10/02/2006 01/01/1901 09/17/1968 09/17/1968 05/17/1929 12/13/2007 12/17/2007 09/19/1897 05/09/1952 Sept 19, 1897 - May 9, 1952 05/12/1952 1934 - (space) 1932 - 2006 O-83-1 BURNHAM Francis Simmons 1901 - 1968 Burns, Mary Louise MARKER: 42-207-6 Mary Louise Burns May 17, 1929 - December 13, 2007 Beloved wife of Robert F. Burns May her soul rest in peace. Burr, Fannie Lou Rector MARKER: O-286-2 Fannie L. Rector Burr Floyd F. Burr Burr, Floyd F MARKER: Floyd F. Burr Burr, Richard E. Oct 26, 1883 - Aug 15, 1956 O-286-1 Fannie L. Rector Burr 10/26/1883 08/15/1956 Sept 19, 1897 - May 9, 1952 08/18/1956 Oct 26, 1883 - Aug 15, 1956 O-286-1A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/28/1920 04/04/2003 04/14/2003 Page 73 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) R-218-2 BURROUGHS Burroughs, James H MARKER: James H. Mary P. MARKER: James H. Mary P. MARKER: Burtoff, Martha MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 07/06/1882 01/13/1936 01/15/1936 08/13/1892 04/25/1984 04/27/1984 05/03/1939 05/05/1939 07/16/2008 07/21/2008 July 6, 1882 - Jan 13, 1936 Aug 13, 1892 - Apr 25, 1984 R-218-1 BURROUGHS Burroughs, Mary P Burrus, Jennie Haynes Birth_Date July 6, 1882 - Jan 13, 1936 Aug 13, 1892 - Apr 25, 1984 N-113-3 01/05/1967 Jennie Haynes Burrus Jan 5, 1867 - May 3, 1939 41-61-4 10/29/1926 Martha Burtoff 1926 - 2008 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Burton, Carlton K MARKER: T-179-2 Frances C. Burton 12/09/1988 June 21, 1911 - Aug 17, 1975 Carlton K. Burton Burton, Frances C MARKER: T-179-3 Frances C. Burton 06/21/1911 08/17/1975 June 21, 1911 - Aug 17, 1975 08/20/1975 D-16-2 08/11/1933 08/11/1933 Mother; Maud V. Hummer Burton Mar. 21, 1891 - Jly. 26, 1923 08/11/1933 Carlton K. Burton Burton, Judson M MARKER: Wife of Judson M. Burton At Rest Father: Judson M. Burton At Rest Oct. 7, 1884 - Aug. 11, 1933 T-VET-8-4A 09/25/1980 09/27/1980 D-16-1 07/26/1923 07/26/1923 Mother; Maud V. Hummer Burton Mar. 21, 1891 - Jly. 26, 1923 07/26/1923 Burton, Mary Beth Jones 06/19/1952 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Burton, Maud V. Hummer MARKER: Cullen B. Jones, III "HAP" Dec. 23, 1948 - Dec. 8, 1996 Mary Beth Jones Burton June 19, 1952 - Sept. 25, 1980 BROTHER SISTER Wife of Judson M. Burton At Rest Father: Judson M. Burton At Rest Oct. 7, 1884 - Aug. 11, 1933 Bush, Martha Virginia Duncan MARKER: R-180-2 Martha Virginia 09/17/1914 12/06/1994 12/08/1994 Duncan Bush Sept. 17, 1914 - Dec. 6, 1994 N-127-40 Busie, Charles D. 02/16/1949 Infant Butcher, Charles L MARKER: Butcher, Dianthia Mae MARKER: T-350-1 Charles L. Butcher DIED: Jan 19, 1957 N-13-5 07/02/1919 Dianthia Mae Butcher Jly 2, 1919 - Feb 16, 1967 01/19/1957 01/22/1957 02/16/1967 02/18/1967 04/27/1986 10/29/1987 05/03/1986 04/27/1986 05/03/1986 Maude E. Butcher Ray Jly 29, 1878 - Dec 27, 1943 T-350-2 T-332-2A Butcher, Margaret A Butcher, Ronald L MARKER: Ron, All the words I find still seem inadequate and few to tell you how much love there is in every thought of you. Gary Butcher, Ronald L MARKER: T-332-2A BUTCHER Ronald Lee Gary Wayne Butler, Alfred M MARKER: May 14, 1943 - April 27, 1986 June 6, 1940 - (space) M-117-1 Alfred M. Butler 01/04/1971 1903 - 1971 E. Virginia Butler 1920 - 1978 Butler, Alice Loving MARKER: T-376-2 07/10/1894 Alice Loving Butler Jly 10, 1894 - Oct 9, 1977 10/09/1977 10/19/1977 Mother of Harriett Butler Ridgely and John Jarvis Butler IV Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 74 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Butler, Belle B Butler, E. Virginia MARKER: M-117-2 M-117-5 Alfred M. Butler Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 08/29/1984 10/30/1978 1903 - 1971 E. Virginia Butler 1920 - 1978 Butler, Effie S MARKER: R-89-5 William H.Butler Ekkie S. Butler Butler, Estelle Eva Johnson, Mrs. MARKER: 09/17/1956 1877 - 1920 1879 - 1956 T-VET-45-2 William P. Butler 02/07/1920 Estelle E. Butler 03/23/2004 03/26/2004 06/18/1953 01/22/1953 1917 - 1992 1920 - 2004 LOVE, FAITH, HOPE R-70-1 Butler, Eustace W Butler, Joseph L. MARKER: 04/04/1900 BUTLER MARKER: Lola C. Butler Eustace W. Butler Dec 28, 1901 - Feb 27, 1984 Apr. 4, 1900- June 18, 1953 M-116-5 Joseph L. Butler 1901 - 1945 Llewellyn Butler Minnie L. Butler Butler, Llewellyn MARKER: 02/14/1945 1875 - 1958 1883 - 1937 M-116-1 Joseph L. Butler Llewellyn Butler Minnie L. Butler 10/11/1958 1901 - 1945 1875 - 1958 1883 - 1937 R-70-2 Butler, Lola C Butler, Minnie J. MARKER: 12/28/1901 03/01/1984 BUTLER MARKER: Lola C. Butler Eustace W. Butler Dec 28, 1901 - Feb 27, 1984 Apr. 4, 1900- June 18, 1953 M-116-2 Joseph L. Butler 1901 - 1945 Llewellyn Butler Minnie L. Butler 04/27/1937 1875 - 1958 1883 - 1937 N-16-2 R-89-2B Butler, Rose P. Bortz Butler, William H. 08/20/1984 Freemason MARKER: William H.Butler Ekkie S. Butler NOTES: Butler, William Powell 1877 - 1920 1879 - 1956 Two virtual burial spaces 2B and 2C were added to the database to accomodate recordkeeping as follows: -Sec R,Lot 89, site 2B is for William H. Butler and Sec. R, lot 89, site 2C is for Sara A. Matter. The remains of both individuals were disintered at Bethel Cemetery and reinterred beneath the Foundation of the monument on this site. T-VET-45-1 04/28/1917 04/01/1992 04/04/1992 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: William P. Butler Estelle E. Butler 1917 - 1992 1920 - 2004 LOVE, FAITH, HOPE Butt, Elizabeth MARKER: A-43-5 ELIZABETH BUTT JULIA R. CONNOR Butt, George MARKER: R-118-1A Stephen W. Davis 02/22/1912 Jan. 1, 1888 - Aug. 2, 1948 03/13/1944 03/16/1944 03/09/1977 03/12/1977 09/01/1956 04/06/2001 04/09/2001 Etta Lewis Davis Nov. 17, 1885 - (space) George E. Butt Feb. 22, 1912 - Mar. 13, 1944 FAIRFAX on stone , but no names M-52-3 M-52-1 M-52-2 A-41-6 Butts, Frank Butts, John Butts, Nellie J Byers, Baby Infant Byram, Courtney O. MARKER: 42-63-2 Couetney O. Byam 05/04/1909 May 4, 1909 - April 06, 2001 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 75 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 42-63-1 Byram, William E. 09/11/1908 Death_Date 05/12/2000 Burial_Date 05/15/2000 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: William E. Byram September 11, 1908 - May 12, 2000 NOTES: Cabell, Charles Ellet Inmemorium Cabell, Charles Ellett, II MARKER: Arlington County Sheriff's Office. M-147-4 05/18/1939 Spanish Am.War, Vet. M-147-6 Charles Ellet Cabell, II 07/14/1910 11/07/1948 11/10/1948 01/01/1871 01/01/1934 01/01/1934 Jly 14, 1910 - Nov. 7, 1948 Cabell, Charles Ellett, MAJ. M-147-1 Spanish Am.War, Vet. MARKER: Charles Ellet Cabell 1871 - 1934 Major, US V. Infantry S. A. War I have fought a good fight NOTES: Cabell, Nannie C Cabell, Nannie P. McCormick U.S. V. Infantry, Spanish American War.. M-147-3 M-147-2 05/18/1939 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Nannie P. McCormack 1872 - 1939 wife of: Charles Ellet Cabell He giveth his beloved sleep NOTES: Cable, Delia Jane MARKER: Cable, Nellie M Cady, Mary W Cahill, Annie Bissell MARKER: Wife of Charles Ellet Cabell. DAR MEMBER # 178457. M-38-3 Delia Jane Cable Jan 1856 - Jly 1940 N-48-2 O-184-2A D-46-1 07/24/1892 03/10/1964 CAHILL Charles Dudley Aug. 7, 1887 March 24, 1929 Cahill, Catlin Margaret MARKER: 07/03/1940 04/05/1939 08/03/1976 03/14/1964 Annie Bissell July 24, 1892 March 10, 1964 33-66-4 Catlin M. Cahill 07/19/1961 07/04/2008 07/12/2008 02/18/1921 03/13/2004 03/17/2004 06/25/1959 11/04/1994 11/07/1994 05/19/1975 08/25/1920 03/28/2010 07/29/1998 04/01/2010 07/31/1998 09/08/1977 01/28/2009 02/03/2009 03/08/1996 03/06/1990 03/14/1996 03/09/1990 10/22/1982 10/26/1982 July 19, 1961 July 4, 2008 Cahill, Charles Dudley MARKER: D-46-2 CAHILL Charles Dudley Aug. 7, 1887 March 24, 1929 Cahill, John Cornelius, Sr. MARKER: Annie Bissell July 24, 1892 March 10, 1964 42-87-1 John Cornelius Cahill, Sr. Feb. 18, 1921 - Mar. 13, 2004 Cahill, John J., Jr. MARKER: 33-66-3 John J. Cahill, Jr. June 25, 1959 Nov. 4, 1994 Cahill, Julie A. Cahill, Mary J. MARKER: 42-193-4 42-87-2 Mary Jane Cahill Aug. 25, 1920 - June 29, 1998 Cai, Xiaofan, Dr. MARKER: 41-53-1A Dr. XIAOFAN CAI September 6, 1977 - January 28, 2009 Our Loving Daughter. You are always in our Hearts. Cairns, Mary Rebecca Calder, Frances B MARKER: Calder, George Cliff MARKER: R-51-2B M-141-2 Francis Bales Calder M-141-1 George Cliff Calder 03/17/1918 10/03/1905 1905 - 1990 1907 -1982 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 76 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 31-10-4 Caldwell, Alex C. Army Maj. MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 08/12/1915 01/30/2007 02/06/2007 08/23/1910 12/15/1971 12/15/1971 08/24/1992 09/19/1992 WW II - Veteran ALEX CRAIG CALDWELL 08/13/1915 - 01/30/2007 Army Major - WW II Caldwell, Edward M MARKER: 6-13-1A CALDWELL EDWARD M. 1910 - 1971 MILDRED D. 1913 - 1992 M-40-2A Caldwell, Mary Luther Inmemorium MARKER: 01/01/1879 John William Earnest 1879 - 1926 his wife: Mary Luther Caldwell Caldwell, Mildred D. MARKER: EDWARD M. 1910 - 1971 Cale, George W MARKER: Cale, Winifred M Calfee, Bertha S 1879 - 6-13-1B CALDWELL 01/28/1913 MILDRED D. 1913 - 1992 T-314-1 George W. Cale T-314-2 R-23-1 06/25/1956 1895 - 1956 01/28/1891 12/27/1975 04/08/1986 12/31/1975 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Calhoun, Leonard Jesse MARKER: Callahan, Charles Aubrey MARKER: B. Marie Calfee Jan. 28, 1891 - Dec. 27, 1975 T-216-1 05/11/1901 11/12/1963 Leonard Jesse Calhoun May 11, 1884 - Nov 12, 1963 G-24-6B Julia G. B. Callahan 1894 - 1980 C. aubrey Callahan Callahan, Julia Gregory MARKER: 02/04/1981 1893 - 1981 G-24-6A Julia G. B. Callahan 03/19/1894 12/08/1980 02/04/1981 02/15/1895 12/21/1995 12/27/1995 T-208-2 02/07/1884 Adelaide Camacho Feb 7, 1884 - Dec 20, 1976 D-39-5 31-39-1 09/29/1918 AZUCENA M. CAMERO 12/20/1976 12/22/1976 12/02/1989 03/11/1968 12/05/1989 04/30/1904 04/30/1904 08/28/1880 08/28/1880 N-142-6 09/12/1832 10/12/1877 In Memory of Rachel W. Camp Sept 12, 1832 - Oct 12, 1877 10/12/1877 C. aubrey Callahan Callaway, Patrick Henry MARKER: 11/12/1963 1894 - 1980 1893 - 1981 T-231-3 CALLAWAY Patrick Henry Callaway February 15, 1895 December 21, 1995 Camacho, Adelaide MARKER: Camden, Mary L Camero, Azucena Maria MARKER: Sept. 29, 1918 - Dec. 2, 1980 Camp, Botsford MARKER: Camp, Elmer E MARKER: N-142-4 10/26/1819 Botsford Camp Oct 26, 1819 - Oct 12, 1977 N-142-5 07/22/1861 In Memory of : Elmer E. Camp Aged 19 yrs. Loved in life and regretted in death Camp, Rachel W MARKER: Born in New Jersey Campbell, Arthur F. MARKER: R-225-4 Arthur F. Campbell 01/01/1950 1893 - 1950 Evelyn M. Campbell Campbell, Evelyn M MARKER: 1891 - 1977 R-225-5 Arthur F. Campbell 01/01/1891 Evelyn M. Campbell Campbell, George Lee 01/01/1977 02/08/1977 1893 - 1950 1891 - 1977 E-BBY-66-94 01/11/1964 Infant Cannaday, Elinor Ballenger MARKER: R-75-2 Henry Fairfax Cannaday His wife Elinor H. Ballenger 09/06/1893 Feb 22, 1895 - July 16, 1944 12/12/1978 Sept. 6, 1895- 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 77 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cannaday, Henry F MARKER: R-75-1 Henry Fairfax Cannaday His wife Elinor H. Ballenger Canterbury, Iva B Canterbury, Ray W Cantrell, Dorothy Kearney MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 02/22/1895 07/16/1944 Feb 22, 1895 - July 16, 1944 Burial_Date 07/18/1944 Sept. 6, 1895- 1978 R-40-3A R-40-3B 33-12-4 Beloved Mother 09/08/1924 03/08/1994 06/26/1951 01/01/1953 03/12/1994 Dorothy K. Cantrell Sep. 8, 1924 - Mar. 8, 1994 Capers, Jannie Buckner MARKER: Caperton, Kenneth Eugene MARKER: M-168-2 Mother: Jennie Buckner Capers 1847 - 1937 T-88-1 10/09/1942 06/24/1966 Kenneth E. Caperton Oct 9, 1942 - June 24, 1966 02/23/1937 06/28/1966 He was a Devoted Husband, a Loving Father. G-303-8 Capps, Baby 03/05/1943 Infant Caputo, Richard Phillip MARKER: 42-176-5 CAPUTO 12/19/1937 09/13/1997 09/18/1997 01/01/1966 03/26/1966 "Charlie", President and Editor of Alexandria Gazette, 1922-1966 R-179-1 04/08/1866 10/04/1938 10/07/1938 Richard Philip December 19, 1937 - September 13, 1997 Tu non sei morta, Ne' di te morto e' il sovenir! La Bohe'me Carlin, Charles Creighton, Jr. R-179-4A 01/01/1900 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Carlin, Charles Creighton, Sr. Charles Creighton Carlin, Jr. 1900 - 1966 "Charlie" President and Editor of Alexandria Gazette, 1922 - 1966 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 Alexandrian MARKER: Charles Creighton Carlin, Sr. 1866 - 1938 Member U.S. House of Representatives 1907 - 1919 Lillian Broders Carlin 1867 - 1945 NOTES: Carlin, George B MARKER: Member U.S. House of Representatives 1907-1919. F-78-1 CARLIN 01/01/1928 George B. Carlin 1848 - 1928 Kate Pattison Carlin wife of Geo. B. Carlin 1852 - 1917 Carlin, George B MARKER: Carlin, George B MARKER: Carlin, Kate Pattison MARKER: F-78-1 FATHER F-78-1 "C" F-78-2 CARLIN 01/01/1928 01/01/1928 01/01/1917 George B. Carlin 1848 - 1928 Kate Pattison Carlin wife of Geo. B. Carlin 1852 - 1917 Carlin, Kate Pattison MARKER: Carlin, Lillian Broders MARKER: F-78-2 MOTHER R-179-2 Charles Creighton Carlin, Sr. 01/01/1917 05/21/1945 1866 - 1938 Member U.S. House of Representatives 1907 - 1919 Lillian Broders Carlin 1867 - 1945 Carlton, Aileen E MARKER: R-16-6 CARLTON 01/01/1916 08/14/1989 08/17/1989 Mae Hilda Carlton 1894 - 1982 James Longstrreet Carlton 1890 - 1944 James W. Carlton, Sr. 1912 - 1976 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 78 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Carlton, James Longstreet MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-16-2 CARLTON Burial_Date 02/07/1944 Mae Hilda Carlton 1894 - 1982 James Longstrreet Carlton 1890 - 1944 James W. Carlton, Sr. 1912 - 1976 Carlton, James W., Sr. MARKER: R-16-5 CARLTON 09/18/1976 09/22/1976 07/25/1971 02/21/2008 02/25/2008 06/12/1919 02/23/2004 09/08/1982 02/26/2004 Mae Hilda Carlton 1894 - 1982 James Longstrreet Carlton 1890 - 1944 James W. Carlton, Sr. 1912 - 1976 Carlton, Jeffrey Charles MARKER: R-22-4A Jeffrey Charles Carlton July 25, 1971 February 21, 2008 R-16-3 R-22-5A Carlton, Mae H Carlton, Walter E., Sr. Army Air C MARKER: WW II - Veteran CARLTON Walter Edward June 12, 1919 Feb. 23, 2004 Carmalt, Catherine I MARKER: Amy Bohlayer Aug. 28, 1923 (space) E-64-3 Robert S. Reynolds 10/25/1956 1881 - 1950 his wife: Eveline M. Reynolds 1892 - 1975 Catherine I. Carmalt 1885 - 1956 Carney, Henrietta DiPaolo MARKER: COL 6-S2-42A CARNEY 03/23/1907 01/07/1999 04/15/2004 07/09/1929 10/28/1996 09/26/2008 04/13/1937 12/27/2003 04/15/2004 04/23/1903 01/10/1975 04/15/2004 Ralph James April 23, 1903 - January 10, 1975 Henrietta D. March 23, 1907 - January 7, 1999 Carney, Norman Francis MARKER: COL 6-S2-29 Norman Francis Carney July 9, 1929 - October 28, 1996 Carney, Patricia Maxine MARKER: COL 6-S2-41 Patricia M. Carney April 13, 1937 - December 27, 2003 Carney, Ralph James MARKER: COL 6-S2-42B CARNEY Ralph James April 23, 1903 - January 10, 1975 Henrietta D. March 23, 1907 - January 7, 1999 2-7-2 P-21-5 Caron, Mary S Carpenter, Edgar, Rev. 05/25/1984 01/01/1931 Alexandrian MARKER: Rev. Edgar Carpenter 1867 - 1931 Pastor of Grace Church for 26 years Grant him, O Lord, eternal rest and let light perpetual shine upon him NOTES: Carpenter, Eula N MARKER: Pastor of Grace Church for 26 years. R-81-6 10/25/1901 CARPENTER 02/22/1980 02/25/1980 William Shelby Carpenter May 29, 1877 - June 12, 1943 Grace Elizabeth June 4, 1905 - Sept. 22, 1974 Eula N. Carpenter Oct 25, 1901 - Feb 22, 1980 Carpenter, George Ross, Sr. MARKER: D-57-2 William McDoughall 09/04/1944 1882 - 1932 George Ross Carpenter, Sr. Carpenter, Grace Elizabeth MARKER: 1944 R-81-4 CARPENTER 06/04/1905 09/22/1974 09/25/1974 William Shelby Carpenter May 29, 1877 - June 12, 1943 Grace Elizabeth June 4, 1905 - Sept. 22, 1974 Eula N. Carpenter Oct 25, 1901 - Feb 22, 1980 Carpenter, Oscar B., Jr. MARKER: 31-47-3 Oscar B. Jr. 01/01/1909 01/01/1987 07/06/1987 Marian Jane 1909-1987 1916 - (space) CARPENTER Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 79 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Carpenter, William Shelby MARKER: Birth_Date R-81-5 CARPENTER Death_Date 05/29/1877 06/12/1943 Burial_Date 06/15/1943 William Shelby Carpenter May 29, 1877 - June 12, 1943 Grace Elizabeth June 4, 1905 - Sept. 22, 1974 Eula N. Carpenter Oct 25, 1901 - Feb 22, 1980 Carr, Caroline Stanton Carr, Catherine Virginia Carr, James Alfred MARKER: Carr, William G., Sr. Carrico, Edith S. Carrico, Eldon C. MARKER: Carrigan, John William US Navy MARKER: T-320-5 F-10-2 T-320-4 01/12/1914 James Alfred Carr Jan 12, 1914 - June 30, 1966 F-10-4 B-45-6 B-45-5 01/05/1896 Eldon C. Carrico Jan 5, 1896 - Jan 10, 1976 32-10-4 01/15/1912 MARKER: MARKER: Carroll, Thomas J 07/02/1966 03/21/1962 02/28/1996 01/10/1976 03/24/1962 03/05/1996 01/13/1976 09/26/2003 09/29/2003 09/26/2005 09/30/2005 07/29/1946 07/29/1946 CARRIGAN Regina M. June 16, 1918 Sept. 26, 2005 32-10-3 CARRIGAN John W. Jan. 15, 1912 Sept. 26, 2003 Carroll, Ruth Westley 06/30/1966 WW II - Veteran John W. Jan. 15, 1912 Sept. 26, 2003 Carrigan, Regina M. 02/21/1989 06/16/1918 Regina M. June 16, 1918 Sept. 26, 2005 O-106-6 Ruth Westley Carroll Died: Jul 29, 1946 N-157-13 08/18/1945 Infant Carroll, Wilhelmina M. MARKER: Carscaddon, Oliver C., Jr. US AIR FOR MARKER: 42-138-1 CARROLL, Wilhemina M. 01/22/1940 07/24/1999 07/27/1999 06/12/1918 01/27/1953 02/02/1953 T-101-2 03/12/1907 Martha W. Carta Mar 12, 1907 - June 17, 1973 D-38-5 09/17/1856 Lucy Cotesworth Carter 1890 - 1995 06/17/1973 06/20/1973 03/11/1947 03/14/1947 Born- Jan. 22, 1940 (Netherlands) Died- July 24, 1999 Beloved wife of Thomas. Loving Mother of Nicole and Kristine. We loved her very much. May she rest in peace. R-144-1 WW II - Veteran Oliver C. Carscaddon, Jr. Virginia - Major U.S. Air Force WWII Carta, Martha W MARKER: Carter, Anna Davison MARKER: George William Carter, MD Feb. 15, 1855 - Jly. 20, 1939 Anna Maury Carter 1881 - 1963 Anna Davidson Turner Sept. 17, 1856 - Mar. 11, 1947 Carter, Anna Maury MARKER: D-38-6 Lucy Cotesworth Carter 01/23/1963 1890 - 1995 George William Carter, MD Feb. 15, 1855 - Jly. 20, 1939 Anna Maury Carter 1881 - 1963 Anna Davidson Turner Sept. 17, 1856 - Mar. 11, 1947 Carter, Beulah R MARKER: T-240-4 CARTER Brother Paul O. 1915 - 1983 Carter, Carroll MARKER: 02/28/1900 05/15/1990 05/17/1990 05/13/1906 02/18/1994 02/22/1994 03/14/1990 03/17/1990 Sister Beulah M. 1900 - 1990 O-163-4 CARTER Carroll F. May 13, 1906 - Feb 18, 1994 Margaret B. June 6, 1909 - November 9, 1988 Carter, Christian A.Blakeslee 1-44-2 07/28/1988 Infant MARKER: Christian Arthur Blakeslee-Carter July 28, 1988 - March 14, 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 80 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Carter, Dolores S MARKER: 2-40-3 CARTER Roy Edward 1918-1983 Aloha Carter, Douglass P. MARKER: Carter, George W MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 01/01/1931 01/01/1986 Burial_Date 07/22/1986 Dolores S. 1931-1986 B-50-3 Douglas P. Carter 1920 - 1937 D-38-4 02/15/1855 Lucy Cotesworth Carter 1890 - 1995 10/16/1937 07/20/1939 07/22/1939 01/10/1970 01/13/1970 10/17/1922 11/13/1990 11/16/1990 08/10/1910 Aug 10, 1910 - Jly 29, 1973 07/29/1973 08/06/1973 09/28/1995 10/19/1995 George William Carter, MD Feb. 15, 1855 - Jly. 20, 1939 Anna Maury Carter 1881 - 1963 Anna Davidson Turner Sept. 17, 1856 - Mar. 11, 1947 Carter, Grace K. MARKER: O-50-2 Rosser C. Carter Grace K. Carter 09/14/1883 Oct 25, 1891 - Nov 28, 1952 Sept 14, 1883 - Jan 10, 1970 1-25-3 Carter, Jerome D U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Jerome Donald Carter October 17, 1922 - November 13, 1990 Things are moving forward with vigor. (Porcelain picture) Carter, Jessie Keyton MARKER: T-369-5 Jessie E. Keyton George F. Keyton Carter, Lucy Cotesworth MARKER: Jly 15, 1876 - Sept 28, 1966 D-38-3 Lucy Cotesworth Carter 01/24/1890 1890 - 1995 George William Carter, MD Feb. 15, 1855 - Jly. 20, 1939 Anna Maury Carter 1881 - 1963 Anna Davidson Turner Sept. 17, 1856 - Mar. 11, 1947 Carter, Margaret B MARKER: O-163-5 CARTER 11/12/1988 Carroll F. May 13, 1906 - Feb 18, 1994 Margaret B. June 6, 1909 - November 9, 1988 Carter, Mary Z. MARKER: N-132-6 Mary Zella Carter 02/20/1913 06/29/2001 07/05/2001 M-73-6 07/08/1871 Nannie F. Carter Jlly 8, 1871 - Dec 29, 1946 T-239-6 CARTER 12/29/1946 01/02/1946 February 12, 1913 June 29, 2001 Carter, Nannie F MARKER: Carter, Paul O MARKER: Brother Paul O. 1915 - 1983 Carter, Rosser C MARKER: Sister Beulah M. 1900 - 1990 O-50-1 Rosser C. Carter Grace K. Carter Carter, Roy E MARKER: MARKER: Carter, William E MARKER: 10/25/1891 Oct 25, 1891 - Nov 28, 1952 11/28/1952 MARKER: T-189-4 02/05/1906 08/01/1961 Una Franklin Carter Feb 5, 1906 - Aug 1, 1961 F-44-1 10/04/1877 10/04/1877 In Memory of my Beloved Husband William E. Carter T-182-3 William H. Carter 07/05/1983 Dolores S. 1931-1986 OCT 4, 1877 Who departed this life in the 36thyear of hisage Blessed are they who die in the Lord. Dearest Beloved, Thou hast left me, I, thy loss, most deeply feel. Butt 'tis God that hath bereft me, He will all my sorrows heal. Carter, William H 12/01/1952 Sept 14, 1883 - Jan 10, 1970 2-40-2 CARTER Roy Edward 1918-1983 Aloha Carter, Una Franklin 08/20/1983 08/04/1961 10/04/1877 11/04/1974 1904 -1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 81 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Carter, William Russell MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 2-40-1 RUSS CARTER Burial_Date 01/09/1982 1964-1982 Bon Voyage Carts, Sylvia S. MARKER: 41-27-1 Sylvia S. Carts 12/31/1931 06/10/2009 06/15/2009 ??/??/1854 01/01/1854 Beloved Wife, Mother, Teacher 31 Dec 1931 - 10 June 2009 Cary, Archibald MARKER: Cary, Clarence O-FH-1-2 Archibald Cary Died : Sept 1854 O-FH-11-4 Aged 40 03/18/1845 08/27/1911 C S A Veteran MARKER: In Memory Of: Clarence Cary Mar 18, 1845 - Aug 27, 1911 Beloved Son of Archibald and Monimia Fairfax Cary NOTES: Cary, Constance Private; Midshipman: Co. A, 17th Va. Inf. C.S. Navy. O-FH-15-11 01/01/1843 01/01/1920 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: NOTES: Cary, Elisabeth Miller MARKER: Constance Cary 1843 - 1920 Daughter of Archibald Cary and Moninia Fairfax They were married Nov. 26, 1867 and left three sons to honor their Father and their Mother. R.I.P. Cary Harrison Died : Mar 1876 Aged 11, Months "Betsy Ross of the Confederacy". The organization :"Sons of Confederate Veterans" has established a camp in Endicott, New York and named the camp for Constance. CONSTANCE CARY CAMP #1911 (Charter celebration July 08, 2000), CARY CAMP IS THE SECOND NEW YORK CAMP TO BE CHARTERED BY THE SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS. THE CAMP IS NAMED FOR CONSTANCE CARY HARRISON, A RESIDENT OF NEW YORK CITY AND "BETSY ROSS OF THE CONFEDERACY". ( Information from Dave Frantum; May 31, 2000) O-FH-11-5 10/16/1945 10/16/1945 Elizabeth Miller Cary Nov 25, 1856 - Oct 16, 19454 Daughter of Howard and Louisa Potter Wife of Clarence Cary Cary, Falkland MARKER: O-FH-1-1 Falkland Cary Died: June 1858 ??/??/1856 Eldest son of Archibald and Monimia Fairfax Cary Age 16 O-FH-9-4A Cary, Guy Fairfax, Jr. 07/11/1923 11/15/2004 05/09/2005 11/15/2004 05/09/2005 Army Air C MARKER: IN MEMORY OF Guy Fairfax Cary 1879 - 1950 son of Clarence Cary and Elisabeth Potter Cary O-FH-9-4A Cary, Guy Fairfax, Jr. 07/11/1923 Army Air C MARKER: In Memory of Guy Fairfax Cary, Jr. 1923 - 2004 Son of: Guy Fairfax CAry and Cynthia Burke Roche Cary Cary, Howard MARKER: O-FH-11-3 05/03/1906 Howard Cary Dec 24, 1881 - May 3, 1906 05/03/1906 Dearly Loved Son of Clarence & Elisabeth Cary Cary, Nellie Hope MARKER: N-55-2A Samuel C. Cary 07/02/1888 Feb 27, 1887 - Apr 9, 1941 12/18/1973 12/20/1973 04/09/1941 04/12/1941 Nellie Hope Cary Jly 2, 1888 - Dec 18, 1973 Cary, Samuel C MARKER: N-55-1A Samuel C. Cary 12/27/1887 Feb 27, 1887 - Apr 9, 1941 Nellie Hope Cary Jly 2, 1888 - Dec 18, 1973 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 82 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Casamento, Anita MARKER: Casamento, Rosario Reilly MARKER: Birth_Date Sec-41 35-1B CASAMENTO 12/04/1929 ROSARIO REILLY Sept. 11, 1919 - Aug. 8, 2006 ANITA THOMMEN Dec. 4, 1929 - July 14, 2009 In Loving Memory CASAMENTO Sec-41 35-1A CASAMENTO 09/11/1919 ROSARIO REILLY Sept. 11, 1919 - Aug. 8, 2006 ANITA THOMMEN Dec. 4, 1929 - July 14, 2009 In Loving Memory CASAMENTO Cash, Mary J MARKER: Cash, William J. Cash, William Jeffrey Jr. N-92-2 11/19/1909 Mary J. Cash Nov 19, 1909 - Mar 9, 1979 N-92-3 11/07/1907 N-92-1 06/05/1931 Death_Date Burial_Date 07/14/2009 08/01/2009 08/08/2006 08/01/2009 03/09/1979 03/13/1979 11/20/1994 02/13/1933 11/23/1994 03/24/1942 Child MARKER: Wm. Jeffrey Cash, Jr. June 5, 1931 - Feb 13, 1933 Infant son of Wm J and Mary J. Cash Only Sleeping Billy Boy Cason, Hazel Virginia Cassedy, Jay Everett MARKER: 6-32-4 R-12-1 Jay Everett Cassedy 01/01/1971 04/21/1877 06/17/1945 Apr. 21, 1877 - June 17, 1945 11/03/1971 06/20/1945 Susan Virginia Roberts June 9, 1883 - April 15, 1944 Wife of Jay Everett Cassedy Cassedy, Richard Henry MARKER: Cassedy, Susan Virginia Roberts MARKER: R-12-3a Richard Henry Cassedy 12/07/1912 02/03/2001 03/20/2001 06/09/1883 04/15/1944 Apr. 21, 1877 - June 17, 1945 04/18/1944 December 7, 1912-February 13, 2001 Chapin Ruffner Leinbach February 8, 1913-January 5, 2002 Companions for 54 years R-12-2 Jay Everett Cassedy Susan Virginia Roberts June 9, 1883 - April 15, 1944 Wife of Jay Everett Cassedy N-157-8 Cassidy, E. 06/20/1945 Infant Castell, Druscilla Johansen MARKER: T-157-1 Druscilla Johansen Castell 06/24/1917 05/04/1965 June 24, 1917 - May 4, 1965 05/07/1965 Peace at last Castell, Helen Castell, William J. MARKER: Cataldo, Bouio G US ARMY MARKER: T-157-5 T-157-4 William J.Castell T-VET-9-3 08/08/1940 Died: Jly 10, 1978 01/01/1914 10/14/1993 07/10/1978 10/18/1993 07/13/1978 01/01/1975 02/26/1975 WW II - Veteran Bouio G. Cataldo 1914 - 1975 U S Army World War II Cathcart, Frank H. Cathcart, Son Caton, Adele Ogden MARKER: P-18-3A P-18-3B P-70-4 Harry Bernard Caton Adele Ogden Caton Caton, Anne MARKER: 11/07/1939 10/09/1881 03/29/1962 Dec 23, 1878 - Apr 26, 1946 04/02/1962 Oct 9, 1881 - Mar 29, 1962 O-53-5 Anne Talbott Caton 06/03/1915 07/13/1993 07/16/1993 12/23/1878 04/26/1949 Dec 23, 1878 - Apr 26, 1946 01/01/1962 wife of Paul T. Caton June 3, 1915 - July 13, 1993 Caton, Harry Bernard MARKER: P-70-3 Harry Bernard Caton Adele Ogden Caton Caton, Paul Thomas MARKER: Cauble, Bonnie Oct 9, 1881 - Mar 29, 1962 O-53-4 Paul Thomas Caton ov 9, 1915 - June 4, 1983 E-BBY-66-114 06/07/1983 12/02/1964 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 83 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 32-76-10 Ceesay, Michael C. Death_Date Burial_Date 11/26/2005 11/26/2005 11/30/2005 02/22/1974 10/09/2000 10/14/2000 04/01/1908 06/30/1995 09/30/1995 02/20/1916 12/20/1992 09/30/1995 G-123-5 07/27/1832 01/31/1858 Ann Cornelia Chamberlain Jly 27, 1832 - Jan 31, 1858 01/31/1858 Infant MARKER: OUR BABY MICHAEL C. CEESAY NOV. 26, 2005 Centeno, Nelson A. MARKER: 42-168-3 Nelson A. Centeno February 22, 1974 - October 9, 2000 (Bible) and (cross) emblems Cerny, Emma MARKER: T-232-3B CERNY Father Joseph Dec.20,1992 Cerny, Joseph MARKER: T-232-3A CERNY Father Joseph Dec.20,1992 Chamberlain, Ann Cornelia MARKER: Mother Emma June 30, 1995 Mother Emma June 30, 1995 Wife of James L. Chamberlain I am not lost but gone before. They Faith hath saved thee. Chamberlain, Baby Chamberlain, Ella Jane MARKER: N-127-38 G-123-4 Our Ella 12/01/1948 08/22/1854 Ella Jane Chamberlain Died: Aug. 22, 1854 Daughter of J.L. & A.C. Chamberlain Aged 2 yrs., 5 mo., 6 days C-5-4 G-123-6 E-BBY-66-44 Chamberlain, Marie L. Chamberlin, James L Chambers, Baby 01/19/1962 04/06/1962 Infant MARKER: CHAMBERS Infant Son of Marshall & Mary Chambers died April 4, 1962 Chambers, Louise T Chambers, Marilouise C MARKER: G-133-2 G-133-3 MARILOUISE 10/07/1924 03/24/1951 10/07/1924 01/01/1911 01/01/1983 10/07/1983 31-41-4 10/16/1929 M-69-2 10/11/1872 Paul L Chapin Sept 3, 1904 - Jly 2, 1971 03/10/1995 10/25/1959 03/17/1995 10/27/1959 03/02/1930 03/02/1930 07/02/1971 07/06/1971 11/04/1907 CHAMBERS NOV.4, 1907 - Oct, 7, 1924 Daughter of Frank Ross & Louise Grandall Chambers Chan, Yan-Sin MARKER: 6-48-4 YAN SIN LUK CHAN 1911 - 1983 Chandler, Lois A. Chapin, Alyce K. MARKER: Paul Chapin Apr. 9, 1863 - Mar 2, 1930 Alyce K. Chapin Oct. 11, 1872 - Oct. 25, 1959 Chapin, Paul MARKER: M-69-3 Paul L Chapin 04/09/1863 Sept 3, 1904 - Jly 2, 1971 Paul Chapin Apr. 9, 1863 - Mar 2, 1930 Alyce K. Chapin Oct. 11, 1872 - Oct. 25, 1959 Chapin, Paul Lynn MARKER: M-69-1 Paul L Chapin 09/03/1904 Sept 3, 1904 - Jly 2, 1971 Paul Chapin Apr. 9, 1863 - Mar 2, 1930 Alyce K. Chapin Oct. 11, 1872 - Oct. 25, 1959 Chapman, Jessie Maude MARKER: G-24-5 Pearson Chapman 1870 - 1937 03/02/1936 Jessie Maude Chapman 1861 - 1936 wife of Pearson chapman Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 84 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Chapman, Pearson MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-24-4 Pearson Chapman 1870 - 1937 Burial_Date 07/24/1937 Jessie Maude Chapman 1861 - 1936 wife of Pearson chapman Chapman, Sarah Malloy G-72-3 12/20/1892 12/20/1892 Infant MARKER: Sarah Malloy Chapman died Dec. 20, 1892 Infant Daughter of John B. and Mary Chapman Chappelle, Alice M. Chappelle, Margaret S. MARKER: T-327-3 C-44-2 CHAPPELLE Robert Keith Chappelle Margaret S. Chappelle US ARMY MARKER: 05/18/1901 June 6, 1895 - Dec 8, 1972 May 18, 1901 - April 27, 1988 C-44-1 Chappelle, Robert 01/19/1956 05/02/1988 06/06/1895 12/08/1972 12/08/1972 WW I - Veteran Robert Keith Chappelle June 6, 1895 - Dec. 8, 1972 Mech. 1 Co. 116 Infantry World War I Two marble cornerstones at foot marked " C 44" C-44-1 Chappelle, Robert US ARMY MARKER: 12/08/1972 12/08/1972 CHAPPELLE Robert Keith Chappelle Margaret S. Chappelle Chappelle, Thomas T Charles, Carlton Clement MARKER: 06/06/1895 WW I - Veteran June 6, 1895 - Dec 8, 1972 May 18, 1901 - April 27, 1988 T-327-1 P-31-4 Carlton Clement Charles 04/11/1955 08/20/1964 1885 - 1964 Mary Agnes Reed Charles 1888 - 1967 Charles, Mary Agnes Reed MARKER: P-31-5 Carlton Clement Charles 12/30/1888 1885 - 1964 08/13/1967 08/15/1967 05/16/1935 05/20/1935 07/12/1980 07/15/1980 Mary Agnes Reed Charles 1888 - 1967 Charlier, Leon MARKER: G-160-1 05/16/1935 Father,In loving memory of my beloved husband Leon Charlier Oct 29, 1881 - May 16, 1935 Born Brussels, Belgium Died Sandy Spring, Md. Mon Leon que j'ai taint aime, si j'aurais pu te suivre, j'aurais ete si heureuse Ta Lie qui ne t'oubliera jamais. 2-36-1 Charlton, Carlyle D US ARMY MARKER: 02/22/1928 WW II - Veteran Carlyle D. Charlton Feb. 22, 1928 - July 12, 1980 Charney, Thomas John MARKER: 2-91-3 CHARNEY Thomas J. 1928 - 1985 Charshee, Jessie Grimes MARKER: 04/06/1985 Margaret A. 1929 Together forever A-84-3B Ethel Grimes 1887-1962 09/21/1892 01/28/1987 02/20/1987 09/24/1916 04/25/2000 05/01/2000 04/28/1915 07/07/1991 07/10/1991 04/28/1915 07/07/1991 07/10/1991 07/11/1877 07/11/1877 Jessie Grimes Charshee 1892 - 1987 Charuhas, Elpie E. MARKER: 31-127-2 Elpie E. 1916 - 2000 Charuhas, John J. MARKER: Charuhas, John J. MARKER: 31-127-1 CHARUHAS 31-127-1 John J. 1915 - 1991 Chase, Eliza MARKER: N-165-2 At Rest with Jesus Aged 77 years Eliza Chase Died Jly 11, 1877 Daughter of Isaac & Elizabeth Dawes Wife of John Chase Is not e'en death a gain to those whose life to God was given? Gladly to earth their eyes they close, To open them in Heaven. Their toils are past, their work is done ... and they are fully blest. They have fought the fight, the victory won, And entered into rest. Chase, Helen M N-165-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/05/1950 Page 85 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Chase, Herbert R Chase, Kora Mason MARKER: Chatham, William MARKER: Birth_Date T-209-6A N-165-5 Kora Mason Chase 1847 - 1928 G-124-2 08/11/1829 William Chatham Aug. 11, 1829 - Aug. 21, 1860 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/09/1977 01/01/1928 08/21/1860 He is not dead but sleepeth Chauncey, Drusilla Youler MARKER: P-82-2 Joseph Edgar Chauncey II Drusilla Youler Chauncey Chauncey, Edward C MARKER: 10/09/1896 01/15/1974 Aug 26, 1896 - Nov 7, 1965 01/18/1974 Oct 9, 1896 - Jan 15, 1974 D-35-3 CHAUNCEY 01/06/1905 08/22/1971 08/23/1971 01/01/1929 01/01/1929 Edward C. Jan 6, 1905 - Aug 22, 1971 Margaret W. Feb. 8, 1906 - Sept. 12, 1996 Chauncey, Elizabeth MARKER: A-76-3A Elizabeth Chauncey 01/01/1895 Daughter of Thomas and Frances 1895 - 1929 (Stone marker positioned on head of site seven.) Chauncey, Frances M. Croson MARKER: A-76-2 Frances M. Chauncey 04/05/1934 wife of Thomas Chauncey 1863 - 1934 Chauncey, Helena Cowling MARKER: F-29-6 07/31/1866 10/30/1947 Father Julian F. Chauncey Aug 16, 1858 - Apr. 13, 1918 10/30/1947 his wife Helena Cowling Chauncey Jly. 31, 1866-Oct. 30,1947 Chauncey, Iva F. Walker MARKER: A-76-4 Iva Florence Walker Chauncey 01/01/1868 01/01/1950 04/13/1950 08/26/1896 11/07/1965 Aug 26, 1896 - Nov 7, 1965 11/10/1965 Wife of Thomas Chauncey 1868 - 1950 Second wife Chauncey, Joseph Edgar, II MARKER: P-82-1 Joseph Edgar Chauncey II Drusilla Youler Chauncey Chauncey, Julian F. MARKER: Oct 9, 1896 - Jan 15, 1974 F-29-5 08/16/1858 04/13/1918 Father Julian F. Chauncey Aug 16, 1858 - Apr. 13, 1918 04/13/1918 his wife Helena Cowling Chauncey Jly. 31, 1866-Oct. 30,1947 Chauncey, Julian F., III MARKER: F-29-4 08/29/1926 09/15/1926 Julian F. Chauncey, III Aug. 29, 1926 - Sept. 15, 1926 09/15/1926 Son of Julian F., Jr. and Elmo M.Chauncey Chauncey, Julian Fairfax MARKER: Chauncey, Margaret W. MARKER: D-35-1 Julian F. Chauncey D-35-6 CHAUNCEY 12/13/1900 05/10/1962 Dec. 13, 1900 - May 10, 1962 02/08/1906 09/12/1996 05/14/1962 09/16/1996 Edward C. Jan 6, 1905 - Aug 22, 1971 Margaret W. Feb. 8, 1906 - Sept. 12, 1996 Chauncey, Mary Elmo MARKER: Chauncey, Morgan Smith MARKER: D-35-2 05/22/1983 Mary Elmo Chauncey April 13, 1901 - May 22, 1983 A-76-3B 01/01/1897 01/01/1953 Morgan Smith Chauncey 05/25/1983 12/30/1953 son of Thomas and Frances 1897 - 1953 A-76-1 Chauncey, Thomas 02/03/1945 Alexandrian MARKER: Thomas Chauncey 1864 - 1945 A-76-1 Chauncey, Thomas 02/03/1945 Alexandrian MARKER: CHAUNCEY (front) CHAUNCEY (back) Cheeke, Raymond H MARKER: A-64-2 Raymond H. Cheek, Sr, 09/09/1899 10/04/1952 10/04/1952 Sept. 9, 1899 - Oct. 4, 1952 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 86 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cheeke, Robert H MARKER: A-64-5 04/06/1863 Robert H. Cheeke Apr. 6, 1863 - Feb. 25, 1926 His Wife Sallie K. Cheeke Cheeke, Sallie K MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 02/25/1926 02/26/1926 01/05/1928 01/05/1928 07/29/1993 08/02/1993 Dec. 27, 1870 - Jan. 5, 1928 A-64-6 12/27/1870 Robert H. Cheeke Apr. 6, 1863 - Feb. 25, 1926 His Wife Sallie K. Cheeke Chelchowski, Andrew Michael Birth_Date Dec. 27, 1870 - Jan. 5, 1928 32-42-1 02/08/1956 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: Andrew Michael Chelchowski February 8, 1956 - July 29, 1993 (Alexandria City Police Officer) NOTES: Chen, Nancey MARKER: Cheshire, Elizabeth Childress MARKER: Alexandria Police Officer. Andrew M. Chelchowski was born on February 8, 1956, in Manhasset, NY. The son of a united Nations worker, Andy graduated from High School in Pakistan in 1974. He later attended Suffolk County Community College where he earned a degree in criminal justice. On June 8, 1977, he became an Alexandria Police Officer. Officer Chelchowski worked as a field Training Officer and in June of 1983, he become a memberon the K-9 unit. He also became a member of the Special Operations Team and as part of the tactical unit, responded to drug raids, hostage-takings and barricades. On March 22, 1989, Officer Chelchowski and Corporal Charles W. Hill were partners on the Special Operstions Team when they responded toa hostasge situation in the 3000 block of Hopkins Court. The hostage taker had escaped from a halfway house in Washington, DC and was at the home in Alexandria to collect a drug debt. The suspect emerged from the residence with one hostage, holding a shotgun tothe youth's head. A police marksman fired and struck him. But before he was incapactated, the gunman, high on drugs managed to fire twice. The first round killed Corporal HIll and the second struck Officer Chelchowski in the leg. Police opened fire and the suspect was killed. Officer Chelchowski endured months of recoveryand rehabilitation. He returned to light-duty status later that year and assumed his full duties with his K-9 partner in 1991. He remained in that assignmentuntil his death in Prince William County on the morning of July 29, 1993. Officer Chelchowski, 37, was survived by his wife Sherry, a former Alexandria Police Officer, Three step-children Patrick, Stephanie, and Joshua, his father Michael and his sisters Maia, Eva, Ania and Yvonne. O-140-3A 08/30/1953 09/02/1953 Nancy Chen Aug 30, 1953 N-116-2 09/11/1971 09/14/1971 Henry L. Cheshire 1871 - 1942 Elizabeth C. Cheshire 1897 - 1971 Henry A. Cheshire 1914 - 1960 Cheshire, Henry A MARKER: N-116-4 Henry L. Cheshire 10/25/1960 1871 - 1942 Elizabeth C. Cheshire 1897 - 1971 Henry A. Cheshire 1914 - 1960 Cheshire, Henry L MARKER: N-116-1 Henry L. Cheshire 03/30/1942 1871 - 1942 Elizabeth C. Cheshire 1897 - 1971 Henry A. Cheshire 1914 - 1960 Chesser, Margaret B MARKER: 6-55-4 MARGARET B. CHESSER 01/01/1914 01/01/1983 01/22/1983 1914 - 1983 Chevalier, Samuel Chevalley, Clementine E N-156-3B N-156-2A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/08/1900 03/21/1890 Page 87 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Chevalley, Eulalia E MARKER: Birth_Date N-156-5A John H. Chevalley Died : Oct 1, 1881 Also His Wife Eulalie E. Chevalley Died: Nov 14, 1887 Chevalley, Eulalia E. Chevalley, John H Chevalley, John H. MARKER: N-156-3A Chevalley, Samuel Burial_Date 11/14/1887 Aged 75 yrs. Aged 74 yrs. N-156-5B N-156-6A N-156-6B John H. Chevalley Died : Oct 1, 1881 Also His Wife Eulalie E. Chevalley Died: Nov 14, 1887 Death_Date 11/14/1887 10/01/1881 10/01/1881 Aged 75 yrs. Aged 74 yrs. 11/20/1841 05/08/1900 05/11/1900 01/28/1973 01/28/1973 01/01/1885 08/03/1937 08/03/1937 07/17/1844 04/16/1926 04/18/1926 07/17/1844 04/16/1926 04/18/1926 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Chilcott, Mildred P MARKER: Samuel Chevalley Dec 20, 1841 - May 18, 1900 Private, Co. D, 2nd Virginia Infantry, CSA. T-203-5 06/08/1915 CHILCOTT Mildred P. June 8, 1915 Jan. 28, 1973 Chinn, Alice B MARKER: D-60-5 ALICE BUCK CHINN at rest August 3, 1937 D-60-1 Chinn, Benton C S A Veteran MARKER: Confederate States of America Iron Cross D-60-1 Chinn, Benton C S A Veteran MARKER: BENTON CHINN July, 17, 1844 - April 16, 1926 Co. H. 6th VA. Cav., C.S.A. NOTES: -Private, Co. H, 6th Virginia Cavalry & 43rd Bn Virginia Cavalry C.S.A.. August 12, 2006 - Ancestral Tribute by Mary Custis Lee. 17th Virginia Regiment, United Daughters of the Confederacy. Benton Chinn was born July 17, 1844 at Marshall, VA the son of Hugh and Emily Chinn. On September 29, 1862 he enlisted in Co. H, 6th Virginia Cavalry. During the later war years he was also involved as a Scout with the 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, Mosby's Command. He was paroled on April 25, 1825 at Winchester, Virginia. After the war, Mr. Chinn resided in Upperville, Virginia and lived with his father. In 1877 he married Miss Elizabeth Buck of Front Royal, Virginia and later moved to Alexandria. Mr. Chinn was a well-known Alexandria resident and for many years Mr. James Rector Smoot employed him as a bookkeeper. Mr. Chinn was a member of the R. E. Lee Camp, Confederate Veterans. A daughter Alice Chinn born in 1885, lived at home and was a filing clerk for the U.S. Treasury. Chinn, Elizabeth Buck MARKER: Mr. Chinn died at his home on April 16, 1926. Attending pallbearers were: H. R. Burke, Arthur Herbert, Edgar Warfield, Harry Hammond, Dr. J. H. Bitzer, and William Greenan. D-60-2 11/11/1850 09/02/1940 Elizabeth Buck Chinn 09/02/1940 Nov. 11, 1850 Sept. 2, 1940 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 88 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date B-BBY-48-48 Chipchase, Baby Burial_Date 02/05/1957 Infant Chipchase, James H. (twin) B-BBY-48-61b 06/11/1958 Infant Chipchase, William A. (twin) B-BBY-48-61 06/11/1958 Infant Chisholm, John Chitwood, Daniel Reed MARKER: G-159-2 2-93-4 Daniel Reed Chitwood 07/14/1967 05/17/1988 09/25/1941 05/21/1988 01/12/1906 05/07/2004 05/10/2004 07/26/1915 01/21/2001 01/24/2001 08/17/1920 06/21/2001 06/25/2001 01/01/1816 01/01/1852 01/01/1852 July 14, 1967 - May 17, 1988 Choi, Chai C., Dr. MARKER: 42-174-2 CHOI Chai Chang January 12, 1916 May 7, 2004 Choi, Soon Hak MARKER: 42-174-1 CHOI Chai Chang January 12, 1916 May 7, 2004 Christakos, Marian V. MARKER: Soon H. July 26, 1915 January 21, 2001 Soon H. July 26, 1915 January 21, 2001 42-190-4 Marion V. Christakos Augusat 17, 1920 June 21, 2001 " Rest in Peace" Christian, William Armistead Purser USN MARKER: F-46-2 U. S. Military Veteran Wm A. Christian -The remains of William A. Christian, U.S.N. removed from Gibraltar in March 1887 and re-interred here. NOTES: Christian, William Armistead, II MARKER: The remains of Wm. A. Christian, U.S.N removed from Gibralter in March 1887 and re-interred here. F-46-1 02/23/1844 William A. Christian, Purser USN 1816 - 1852 06/15/1912 06/15/1912 son of W A Christian, Jr. & Elizabeth Armistead. Born in New Kent Co., Va., 1816 Married Louisa Jane, Daughter of John and Louisa Warren, 1842. Died at Gibraltar, 1852 Christian, William Armistead, II MARKER: F-46-1 Wm. Armistead Christian 02/23/1844 06/15/1912 Feb 23, 1844 - June 15,1912 06/15/1912 Son of W A and Louisa J. Christian Born in New Kent Co, Va. Christinides, James A. MARKER: Chusid, Anna Kathryn McCool MARKER: T-290-4 08/30/1883 04/03/1960 James A. Christinides Aug 30, 1883 - Apr. 3, 1960 32-4-2B 07/11/1917 03/23/1991 Joseph George Chusid 1914 - 2001 04/05/1960 05/10/2001 Anna Kathryn McCool Chusid 1917 - 1991 32-4-2A Chusid, Joseph George Army Air MARKER: 08/23/1914 03/23/2001 05/10/2001 10/12/1915 10/01/2000 11/03/2000 12/19/1908 12/19/1908 12/19/1908 05/03/1906 05/03/1906 05/04/2005 05/09/2005 U. S. Military Veteran Joseph George Chusid 1914 - 2001 Anna Kathryn McCool Chusid 1917 - 1991 Cipione, Ruth Edna Money MARKER: B-35-4a Belle P. Sexton June 10, 1895 - Nov. 22, 1970 Ruth Edna Money Cipione Oct. 12, 1915 - Oct. 01, 2000 N-152-5 Civalier, Myra Lee DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Myra Lee Civalier Myra Lee Civalier 2nd Civalier, Myra Lee 2nd MARKER: N-152-6 Myra Lee Civalier Myra Lee Civalier 2nd Cizek, Dorothy MARKER: Nov 9, 1841 - Dec 19, 1908 Jan 1, 1872 - May 3, 1906 05/03/1906 Nov 9, 1841 - Dec 19, 1908 Jan 1, 1872 - May 3, 1906 T-273-5 DOROTHY 01/08/1917 is in heaven Gardening for God Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 89 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Claessen, Joseph Lynden Birth_Date 42-131-3 08/23/1924 Death_Date 12/31/2003 Burial_Date 01/05/2004 WW II - Veteran CLAESSEN MARKER: J.P.Lynden Aug. 23, 1924 - Dec. 31, 2004 Beloved Husband, Father & Grandfather. Clapdore, Fannie E MARKER: G-64-3 10/03/1857 Fannie E. Clapdore Oct. 3, 1857 - Dec. 3, 1947 12/03/1947 Marion Estelle McAbee Aug. 7, 1888 - Jan 4, 1966 C. Emerson Woomert Dec 25, 1885 - Feb 26, 1917 Clapdore, John E MARKER: G-65-1 11/27/1857 John E. Clapdore Nov 27, 1857 - Nov 28, 1940 11/28/1940 James M. Dickerson Oct 3, 1885 - Dec 13, 1964 Effie C. Dickerson Mar 7, 1884 - Oct 16, 1967 C-23-6 Clark, Aubrey C. 11/07/1898 02/18/1976 02/21/1976 01/10/1899 01/19/1997 01/24/1997 12/22/1936 12/22/1936 Freemason MARKER: Aubrey C. Clark November 7, 1898 - February 18, 1976 Clark, Belvia Phillips MARKER: C-23-7 Belvia P. Clark January 10, 1899 - January 19, 1997 Clark, Charles C. MARKER: Clark, David B-32-4 Charles C. Clark Died Dec. 22, 1936 E-BBY-66-126 08/16/1966 Infant Clark, Edward Remington, Jr. MARKER: Clark, Edward Remington, Sr. B-62-1 CLARK 02/16/1920 Edward Remington, Jr. Feb 16, 1920 - Oct 26, 1984 R-251-1 10/26/1984 10/30/1984 02/01/1894 11/14/1951 11/17/1951 03/08/1866 01/28/1946 01/30/1946 Freemason CLARK MARKER: Edward Remington Feb. 01, 1894 Nov. 14 1951 Clark, Ella Virginia Gill MARKER: Grace Ballard Aug. 11, 1892 Sept. 24, 1969 C-23-3 Ella V. Clark March 8, 1866 - January 29, 1946 E-BBY-66-98 Clark, Eric D 01/24/1964 Infant Clark, George S. MARKER: T-223-1 James A. Clark 05/26/1979 05/26/1979 Aug 30, 1940 - Aug 9, 1965 George S. Clark Died: May 26, 1979 George S. Clark, Jr. Aug 6, 1906 - Dec 6, 1978 Clark, George S., Jr. MARKER: T-223-2 James A. Clark 08/06/1908 Aug 30, 1940 - Aug 9, 1965 12/06/1978 George S. Clark Died: May 26, 1979 George S. Clark, Jr. Aug 6, 1906 - Dec 6, 1978 Clark, Grace Carver Ballard MARKER: R-251-2 08/11/1892 Edward Remington Feb. 01, 1894 Nov. 14 1951 Clark, Idilla M. MARKER: 09/24/1969 09/27/1969 CLARK B-15-3 Idella M. Clark Grace Ballard Aug. 11, 1892 Sept. 24, 1969 07/24/1940 1870 - 1940 She died as she lived, a Christian Clark, James A. MARKER: T-222-3 James A. Clark 08/30/1941 Aug 30, 1940 - Aug 9, 1965 08/09/1965 08/12/1965 05/27/1973 03/28/1911 05/27/1973 06/22/1999 05/30/1973 06/25/1999 09/10/1884 09/27/1962 09/29/1962 George S. Clark Died: May 26, 1979 George S. Clark, Jr. Aug 6, 1906 - Dec 6, 1978 Clark, Louise McMenamin Clark, Mary Elizabeth Hatsell MARKER: C-1-7 M-24-5 Mary Elizabeth Clark "Liz" Mar. 28, 1911 - June 22, 1999 Clark, Sadie Jane C-41-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 90 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date G-42-5A Clark, Vera Ward 05/21/1924 Death_Date 05/18/1994 Burial_Date 05/26/1994 CLARK MARKER: Vera Ward Clark May 21, 1924 - May 18, 1994 Harry Leon Clark (no dates) Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you. Clark, William A., Sr. MARKER: 31-1-4 William A. Clark, Sr. 01/01/1917 01/01/1988 02/13/1988 07/14/1886 12/02/1862 01/19/1955 01/15/1927 01/21/1955 01/18/1927 12/02/1862 01/15/1927 01/18/1927 01/23/1907 03/31/1968 04/03/1968 1917 - 1988 Clark, William Leon, Jr. Clark, William Leon, Sr. MARKER: Clark, William Leon, Sr. MARKER: Clarke, Andrew Wilkerson MARKER: C-1-6 C-23-2 William L. Clark December 2, 1862 - January 15, 1927 C-23-2 CLARK T-136-4 CLARKE Andrew Wilkerson Margaret Harrison Clarkson, Cora Clarkson, James E MARKER: Jan 23, 1907 - Mar 31, 1968 Jan. 3, 1906 - Mar. 16, 1996 A-19-5 T-323-5 James E. Clarkson Virginia E. Clarkson 01/18/1944 09/29/1984 09/11/1905 Sept 11, 1905 Mar 18, 1909 - Dec 29, 1996 A-19-3A E-BBY-66-7 Clarkson, Mr. Clarkson, Robert Allen 12/17/1958 Infant Clarkson, Virginia E. MARKER: T-323-6 James E. Clarkson Virginia E. Clarkson Clayton, Emily Bell MARKER: Clayton, Fannie Emrick MARKER: 03/18/1908 12/29/1996 01/02/1997 Sept 11, 1905 Mar 18, 1909 - Dec 29, 1996 D-53-3 Emily B. Clayton aug 17, 1893 - Jan 8, 1984 D-53-2 James Winston Clayton Sept. 24, 1895 - Dec. 14, 1953 01/14/1984 01/01/1935 Nathaniel V. Clayton 1858 - 1945 Fannie Emrick Clayton 1868 - 1935 Clayton, James Winston MARKER: D-53-4 James Winston Clayton 09/24/1895 12/14/1953 Sept. 24, 1895 - Dec. 14, 1953 12/17/1953 Nathaniel V. Clayton 1858 - 1945 Fannie Emrick Clayton 1868 - 1935 Clayton, Nathaniel V MARKER: D-53-1 James Winston Clayton 07/30/1945 Sept. 24, 1895 - Dec. 14, 1953 Nathaniel V. Clayton 1858 - 1945 Fannie Emrick Clayton 1868 - 1935 Cleary, Paul MARKER: 42-21-2 Paul E. Cleary 10/22/1930 12/29/2001 01/05/2002 11/10/1893 03/16/1987 03/18/1987 October 22, 1930-December 29, 2001 Cleaveland, Louise Virginia MARKER: P-22-2 LOUISE V. CLEAVELAND 1893 - 1987 Cleaveland, Luther I MARKER: P-22-4 LUTHER I. CLEAVELAND 04/24/1930 1890 - 1930 Cleaveland, Luther L MARKER: P-22-6 LUTHER CLEAVELAND 01/17/1936 1860 - 1936 The middle initial "L" was intentionally left off the stone. Cleaveland, Mary A MARKER: P-22-5 MARY A. CLEAVELAND 07/24/1941 1863 - 1941 Cleaveland, Shirley A P-22-1 10/08/1936 Infant Clem, Florence Irene Kleysteuber MARKER: R-134-2 W.R.A. Kleysteuber Irene Kleystuber Clem 01/14/1893 02/27/1971 03/01/1971 1888 - 1930 Jan. 14, 1893 - Feb. 27, 1971 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 91 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Clement, Elizabeth C MARKER: 6-37-2 ORRIN W. Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1883 01/01/1976 06/02/1976 01/01/1901 01/01/1971 11/04/1971 ELIZABETH C. 1901 - 1971 1883 - 1976 (TOGETHER FOREVER) CLEMENT Clement, Orrin W MARKER: 6-37-1 ORRIN W. ELIZABETH C. 1901 - 1971 1883 - 1976 (TOGETHER FOREVER) CLEMENT Clements, Effie V MARKER: R-27-5 02/26/1886 Walter W. Clements Feb 27, 1886 - Feb. 21, 1944 Effie V. Clements Clements, Walter W MARKER: MARKER: 1958 R-27-4 02/27/1886 02/21/1944 Walter W. Clements Feb 27, 1886 - Feb. 21, 1944 Effie V. Clements Clemons, Clell R. Feb 26, 1886 - 01/08/1958 Feb 26, 1886 - 02/23/1944 1958 C-2-2 Father: Clell Richardson Clemons 01/25/1984 May 29, 1905 - Jan 21, 1984 Clemons, David Wayne MARKER: C-2-3 David Wayne Clemons (son) 12/26/1940 11/21/1978 11/25/1978 07/14/1914 05/07/2009 05/11/2009 Dec 26, 1940 - Nov. 21, 1976 Clemons, Ellen Ridgely MARKER: C-2-1 MOTHER Ellen Ridgely July 14, 1914 - May 7, 2009 P-7-3 Cleveland, Albert Inmemorium 10/04/1919 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: Albert Cleveland Oct 04, 1919 ( Memorial Tree) Cleveland, Albert H MARKER: P-7-2 Mollie Cleveland 03/20/1954 03/23/1954 08/20/1956 08/24/1956 08/10/1902 06/29/1976 Mar 6, 1907 - June 26, 1973 07/02/1976 June 19, 1919 Albert H. Cleveland Mar 20, 1954 Archie A. Cleveland Aug 20, 1956 Julia A. Cleveland Dec 1, 1974 Cleveland, Annie Cleveland, Archie Albert MARKER: P-54-2 P-7-5 Mollie Cleveland June 19, 1919 Albert H. Cleveland Mar 20, 1954 Archie A. Cleveland Aug 20, 1956 Julia A. Cleveland Dec 1, 1974 Cleveland, Arthur Cleveland, Arthur F Cleveland, Harry Cleveland, Harvey D MARKER: P-54-1 P-54-4 P-54-3 T-105-6 Rosalee G. Cleveland Harvey D. Cleveland Cleveland, Julia Anna MARKER: P-7-4 Mollie Cleveland Aug 10, 1902 - June 29, 1976 12/01/1974 12/04/1974 June 19, 1919 Albert H. Cleveland Mar 20, 1954 Archie A. Cleveland Aug 20, 1956 Julia A. Cleveland Dec 1, 1974 Cleveland, Mamie S MARKER: B-67-4 CLEVELAND Mamie S. Cleveland, Mary Jame Cleveland, Mary W MARKER: March 25, 1885 - October 11, 1987 P-55-2 P-55-3 Mollie W. Cleveland William J. Cleveland Cleveland, Mollie MARKER: 10/14/1987 P-7-1 Mollie Cleveland 08/03/1882 Aug 3, 1882 - Dec 19, 1954 12/19/1954 12/19/1954 06/19/1919 06/19/1919 Apr 12, 1880 - (space) June 19, 1919 Albert H. Cleveland Mar 20, 1954 Archie A. Cleveland Aug 20, 1956 Julia A. Cleveland Dec 1, 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 92 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cleveland, Ray S. MARKER: D-55-6 Sallie E. Cleveland Ray S. Cleveland Cleveland, Rosalee G MARKER: Cleveland, Sara (Sallie) E. MARKER: MARKER: 09/21/1869 May 2, 1872 - Jly. 17, 1955 MARKER: Burial_Date 02/12/1950 02/14/1950 03/06/1907 06/26/1973 Mar 6, 1907 - June 26, 1973 06/29/1973 Harvey D. Cleveland Aug 10, 1902 - June 29, 1976 D-55-5 Sallie E. Cleveland 05/02/1872 May 2, 1872 - Jly. 17, 1955 07/17/1955 07/20/1955 Sept. 21, 1869 - Feb. 12, 1950 P-55-1 P-55-4 Mollie W. Cleveland William J. Cleveland Clewell, B Franklin Death_Date Sept. 21, 1869 - Feb. 12, 1950 T-106-4 Rosalee G. Cleveland Ray S. Cleveland Cleveland, William Cleveland, William J Birth_Date 04/10/1880 Aug 3, 1882 - Dec 19, 1954 04/11/1973 Apr 12, 1880 - (space) N-19-1 09/15/1874 B. Franklin Clewell Sept 15, 1874 - Jan 29, 1953 01/29/1953 01/29/1953 01/10/1955 01/12/1955 03/28/1902 12/07/1990 12/11/1990 R-119-1 08/21/1881 Charles B. Clift Aug. 21, 1881 - Jly. 29, 1944 07/29/1944 08/01/1944 12/02/1956 12/05/1956 Mary Virginia Clewell Apr 21, 1876 - Jan 10, 1955 Wife of B. Franklin Clewell Clewell, Mary Virginia MARKER: N-19-3 04/21/1876 B. Franklin Clewell Sept 15, 1874 - Jan 29, 1953 Mary Virginia Clewell Apr 21, 1876 - Jan 10, 1955 Wife of B. Franklin Clewell Cliff, Betty Mildred MARKER: 32-47-4 Betty Mildred Cliff Born: London, England March 28, 1902 Died an American, December 7, 1990 Clift, Charles B MARKER: Lucie G. Clift Clift, Lucie G MARKER: Oct. 31, 1883 - Dec. 2, 1956 R-119-2 10/31/1883 Charles B. Clift Aug. 21, 1881 - Jly. 29, 1944 Lucie G. Clift Oct. 31, 1883 - Dec. 2, 1956 D-44-1 CLINE Cline, Laura V MARKER: 01/01/1930 1866 Robert W. 1928 1868 Laura V. 1930 Cline, Lillie B. MARKER: O-177-2 William Henry Cline 10/29/1895 May 7, 1888 - Nov 27, 1948 09/03/1982 Lillie B. Ckine Oct 29, 1895 - Sept 1, 1982 D-44-2 CLINE Cline, Robert W MARKER: 01/01/1928 1866 Robert W. 1928 1868 Laura V. 1930 Cline, William H., Sr. MARKER: O-177-1 William Henry Cline 05/07/1888 May 7, 1888 - Nov 27, 1948 11/27/1948 11/30/1948 Lillie B. Ckine Oct 29, 1895 - Sept 1, 1982 B-66-6A Clinkscale, Baby 03/25/1949 Infant MARKER: Father Samuel J. Clinkscale Mar 25, 1888 - May 24, 1943 Mother Marie D. Clinkscale May 1, 1886 - Apr. 16, 1935 B-66-6 Clinkscale, Marie D. MARKER: 05/01/1886 04/16/1935 04/18/1935 05/24/1943 05/27/1943 Father Samuel J. Clinkscale Mar 25, 1888 - May 24, 1943 Mother Marie D. Clinkscale May 1, 1886 - Apr. 16, 1935 B-66-5 Clinkscale, Samuel Jones 03/25/1888 Freemason MARKER: Father Samuel J. Clinkscale Mar 25, 1888 - May 24, 1943 Mother Marie D. Clinkscale May 1, 1886 - Apr. 16, 1935 Cloniger, Baby B-BBY-48-60 02/11/1958 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 93 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 42-33-4C CLORE Clore, Winifred MARKER: 11/11/1927 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/07/2004 03/12/2004 07/26/1983 08/03/1983 Winifred Agnes Nov. 11, 1927 - Mar. 7, 2004 Edward, Jr. Jan. 16, 1924 - A-63-2A Clutt, Larry G Infant 1-45-2 Coady, Jonathon William 07/25/1983 Infant MARKER: Jonathan William Coady July 25-26, 1983 Coates, Emma R MARKER: R-86-2 T. Hamilton Coates Emma R. Coates Coates, Thomas Hamilton MARKER: MARKER: Cobb, Hugh Hunter, Sr. USNR MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Cobean, Annie Venitia MARKER: 1876 - 1959 09/05/1946 09/05/1946 01/01/1988 01/13/1988 01/01/1983 08/08/1983 O-64-2 Mabel Alsop Cobb July 1, 1896 - Sept 24, 1986 R-33-1 09/10/1904 10/15/1978 Junius E. Cobean, Sr. Mar 1, 1902 - Dec 25, 1968 09/26/1986 WW II - Veteran Hugh Hunter Cobb, Lt. Cdr. USNR 1911 - 1988 1913 - 1983 T-VET-41-6 01/01/1913 Hugh Hunter Cobb, Lt. Cdr. USNR 1911 - 1988 Jane Brooke Cobb Cobb, Mabel E 05/10/1943 1870 - 1943 O-64-1 03/14/1876 Charles S. H. Cobb Mar 14, 1876 - Sept 5, 1946 T-VET-41-5B 01/01/1911 Jane Brooke Cobb Cobb, Jane Brooke 1876 - 1959 R-86-1 T. Hamilton Coates Emma R. Coates Cobb, Charles S. H. 05/04/1954 1870 - 1943 1913 - 1983 10/18/1978 Annie Venitia Cobean Sept 10, 1904 - Oct 15, 1978 Cobean, Edna R Cobean, George Ralph MARKER: Cobean, Junius E., Sr. MARKER: O-129-2 R-34-3 George R. Cobean 1904 - 1981 R-33-2 03/01/1902 12/25/1968 Junius E. Cobean, Sr. Mar 1, 1902 - Dec 25, 1968 03/30/1946 10/22/1981 12/28/1968 Annie Venitia Cobean Sept 10, 1904 - Oct 15, 1978 Cobean, Mary Ellen MARKER: R-34-5 MARY ELLEN COBEAN AUG. 6 1904 Cobean, Ray B., Jr. MARKER: 12/10/1992 12/10/1992 12/15/1992 01/04/1900 04/27/1971 04/27/1971 DEC. 10 1992 R-34-4 Ray B. Cobean, Jr. Jan 4, 1900 - Apr. 27, 1971 Cobean, Ray Bell MARKER: R-34-1 Ray Bell Cobean 1875 - 1944 Cobean, Savinia H MARKER: R-34-2 Ray Bell Cobean 1875 - 1944 05/11/1944 Savinia H. Cobean 1874 - 1939 04/18/1939 Savinia H. Cobean 1874 - 1939 B-BBY-48-45 Coble, Baby 11/13/1956 Infant Coburn, Elsie H. MARKER: R-103-2 Elsie H. Coburn 1904 - 1996 Coburn, George H MARKER: R-103-1 Elsie H. Coburn 1904 - 1996 Cochran, Courtenay Marshall MARKER: R-213-2 Courtenay Marshall Cochran 06/16/1904 George H. Coburn 01/02/1996 01/05/1996 1903 - 1942 08/27/1942 George H. Coburn 1903 - 1942 05/15/1982 July 2, 1886 - May 13, 1982 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 94 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cochran, Thomas, Dr. MARKER: Birth_Date R-213-1 Thomas Brackenridge Cochran Sept. 8, 1874 - Dec. 16, 1945 Cochran, Thomas, Dr. MARKER: Cochran, William Eugene R-213-1 COCHRAN 32-49-1 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/08/1874 12/16/1945 12/18/1945 09/08/1874 12/16/1945 12/18/1945 03/09/1932 03/08/1996 03/11/1996 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Willaim E. Cochran March 9, 1932 - October 2, 2001 Beloved Father & Brother Cochran, William Warren, II E-BBY-66-40 11/22/1961 Infant Cockrell, Alice Rose MARKER: R-144-5 C. Norman Cockrell Alice E. Cockrell Cockrell, Carrie May MARKER: June 2, 1892 - O-211-2 Thomas W. Cockrell Carrie May Cockrell In God we trust Cockrell, Charles B MARKER: 08/23/1985 Dec. 9, 1890 - Mar. 2, 1978 02/19/1891 03/05/1950 Sept 26, 1890 - April 16, 1969 MARKER: R-144-3 Charles B. Cockrell R-144-4 C. Norman Cockrell Alice E. Cockrell 11/09/1852 10/17/1937 Margaret L. Cockrell 10/19/1937 Dec 8,1862-Oct 27, 1940 MOTHER 03/04/1978 Dec. 9, 1890 - Mar. 2, 1978 June 2, 1892 - 1985 R-144-6 Cockrell, Charles N. Inmemorium Cockrell, Margaret L 03/08/1950 Feb 19, 1891 - Mar 5, 1950 Nov 9, 1852 - Oct 17, 1937 FATHER Cockrell, Charles N 1985 10/26/1937 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: R-144-2 Charles B. Cockrell 12/08/1862 10/27/1940 Margaret L. Cockrell Nov 9, 1852 - Oct 17, 1937 FATHER Cockrell, Mary Chauncey MARKER: 6-10-2 W. Walter 10/29/1940 Dec 8,1862-Oct 27, 1940 MOTHER 12/09/1894 01/10/1990 01/13/1990 09/26/1890 04/16/1969 Sept 26, 1890 - April 16, 1969 04/19/1969 Mary C. 1894 - 1972 1894 - 1990 COCKRELL Cockrell, Thomas William MARKER: O-211-1 Thomas W. Cockrell Carrie May Cockrell In God we trust Cockrell, William Walter MARKER: 6-10-1 W. Walter Feb 19, 1891 - Mar 5, 1950 01/01/1894 01/01/1972 06/26/1972 10/20/1955 10/08/2004 04/30/2005 06/20/1994 06/24/1994 09/22/1937 12/24/1955 Sept 22, 1937 - Dec 24, 1955 04/24/1917 11/27/2003 12/31/1955 Mary C. 1894 - 1972 1894 - 1990 COCKRELL Coda, Michael John MARKER: 42-190-2A CODA Michael John : October 20, 1955 - October 8, 2004 Karen Elizabeth Perkins: Coe, Carolyn MARKER: Coe, Nelson W III (Butch) MARKER: Coe, Nelson W., Jr. US Navy MARKER: T-324-1A Carolyn T. Coe "MOM" Apr. 18, 1917 - June 20, 1994 Nelson W. Coe, Jr. "DAD" Apr. 24, 1917 - Nov. 27, 2003 T-324-2 Nelson W. Coe III "Butch" T-324-1B 06/20/1994 12/05/2003 WW II - Veteran Carolyn T. Coe "MOM" Apr. 18, 1917 - June 20, 1994 Nelson W. Coe, Jr. "DAD" Apr. 24, 1917 - Nov. 27, 2003 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 95 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Coffman, Charles Samuel MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date C-10-3B John R. Dunn 1907 - 1966 Charles R. Dunn 1926 - 1952 Infant Dunn Born and Died 1941 Charles S. Coffman 1877 - 1933 Coffman, Edna May MARKER: O-230-1 COFFMAN Edna M. Coffman Lloyd G. Coffman Coffman, John Henry MARKER: 12/08/1902 08/14/1985 Dec 8, 1902 - Aug 12, 1985 May 11, 1901 - July 30, 1985 R-123-1 John Henry Coffman 1872 -1957 02/04/1957 Lillian Estelle Calvin Coffman 1871 - 1957 Annabel Coffman Kippenrock 1904 - 1935 Coffman, Lillian Calvin MARKER: R-123-3 John Henry Coffman 1872 -1957 10/31/1957 Lillian Estelle Calvin Coffman 1871 - 1957 Annabel Coffman Kippenrock 1904 - 1935 Coffman, Lloyd G. MARKER: O-229-3 COFFMAN Edna M. Coffman Lloyd G. Coffman 05/11/1901 Dec 8, 1902 - Aug 12, 1985 May 11, 1901 - July 30, 1985 C-10-5 Coffman, Mary 10/28/1979 10/31/1979 10/01/1961 10/05/1961 09/19/1931 04/18/1962 Aug 19, 1931 - Apr 18, 1962 04/21/1962 COFFMAN MARKER: In Loving Memory Ruby Dunn Patton Feb. 20, 1906 - Dec. 28, 1977 Mary R. Coffman 1883 - 1978 Mary E. Dunn Smith 1935 - 1984 Coffman, Pauline MARKER: 08/02/1985 R-17-6 10/13/1898 MOTHER - Pauline Coffman - Rest in Peace Oct. 13, 1898 - Oct. 1, 1961 Coffman, Robert Allen MARKER: T-198-4 Robert Allen Coffman Rest in Peace Cogan, John A Coil, Everett Johnstone MARKER: N-103-1 O-244-1 Everett Johnston Coil Mary Louise Coil Coil, Mary Louise MARKER: MARKER: 1907 - 1950 1920 - 1963 O-244-3 Everett Johnston Coil Mary Louise Coil Colbert, Baby Colbert, Leavelle S. 09/28/1942 10/16/1950 02/14/1963 1907 - 1950 1920 - 1963 N-127-27 B-40-8A LEAVELLE SISSON COLBERT 07/17/1908 06/15/1994 07/09/1947 07/16/1994 08/22/1945 09/06/2001 09/12/2001 03/04/1891 11/22/1962 June 7, 1885 - Apr 13, 1961 11/24/1962 1908 - 1994 Colby, Angela Marie MARKER: 42-164-4 Angela Marie Colby Cpt. U S Army August 22, 1945 - September 6, 2001 Cole, Elsie Petitt MARKER: T-352-5 George Chester Cole Elsie Petitt Cole Cole, George Chester MARKER: Elsie Petitt Cole Cole, Kenneth A. Colegrove, Lucille E MARKER: Mar 4, 1891 - Nov 22, 1962 T-352-4 George Chester Cole 06/07/1885 04/13/1961 June 7, 1885 - Apr 13, 1961 04/17/1961 Mar 4, 1891 - Nov 22, 1962 42-40-1 T-207-6 Lucile E. Colegrove 03/03/1927 06/08/1999 05/22/1928 12/28/1965 May 22, 1928 - Dec 28, 1965 06/14/1999 01/01/1966 She was a kind and affectionate Wife, a loving Mother Coleman, Griffin B MARKER: Coleman, Kate Duncan MARKER: O-191-6 Griffin B. Coleman 1894 - 1950 E-19-2 Kate Duncan Coleman 1844 - 1929 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/11/1950 01/01/1829 Page 96 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Coles, Margaret V MARKER: Birth_Date F-60-4 To the memory of: 06/18/1854 Margaret V. Coles June 18, 1854 - Jan. 16, 1899 Daughter of Rev. T E Locke and Lucy A Nelson Married T. S. Coles, son of John Coles & Salina Skipwith Feb. 1, 1898 Collard, Helen MARKER: A-15-5 11/25/1847 J. Samuel Collard Feb. 21, 1845 - Mar.14, 1925 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/16/1889 01/16/1889 01/25/1912 01/25/1912 03/14/1925 03/14/1925 01/26/1912 01/26/1912 05/04/2001 06/04/2001 Virginia Collard Nov. 4, 1835 - Jan. 26, 1912 Helen Collard Nov. 25, 1847 - Jan 25, 1912 Collard, Samuel J. MARKER: A-15-6 02/21/1845 J. Samuel Collard Feb. 21, 1845 - Mar.14, 1925 Virginia Collard Nov. 4, 1835 - Jan. 26, 1912 Helen Collard Nov. 25, 1847 - Jan 25, 1912 Collard, Virginia MARKER: A-15-4 11/04/1835 J. Samuel Collard Feb. 21, 1845 - Mar.14, 1925 Virginia Collard Nov. 4, 1835 - Jan. 26, 1912 Helen Collard Nov. 25, 1847 - Jan 25, 1912 Collier, Margaret Ann Ridgely MARKER: R-150-3A Margaret R. Collier 04/11/1920 Apr. 11, 1920 - May 4, 2001 Collins, Bessie J MARKER: G-158-5 Bessie Meredith Collins 10/12/1938 Died oct 28, 1978 Joseph Blair Collins, Sr. Aug 12, 1887 - Oct 16, 1970 Collins, Clarence W. MARKER: 1-30-1 Clarence W. Collins 01/01/1945 04/17/1990 04/21/1990 07/13/1909 04/21/2001 04/25/2001 06/26/1947 06/26/1947 04/26/1965 04/26/1965 1945 - 1990 Collins, Edna MARKER: O-34-3 EDNA PRESTON COLLINS (PAT) July 13, 1909 - APRIL 21, 2001 Collins, Elsie D. MARKER: Collins, Faye Scott MARKER: Collins, John William MARKER: O-232-2 10/09/1918 Elsie D. Collins Oct 9, 1918 - June 26, 1947 E-13-1 06/10/1899 Faye Scott Collins June 10, 1899 - Apr. 26, 1965 R-74-4 J. William Collins 1880 - 1943 VioletteP. Collins Collins, Joseph B., Sr. MARKER: 05/20/1943 1882 - 1953 G-158-4 Bessie Meredith Collins 08/12/1887 Died oct 28, 1978 10/16/1970 10/16/1970 G-147-1 07/22/1913 10/28/1978 Joseph Blair Collins, Jr. Jly. 22, 1913 - Oct 28, 1978 10/31/1978 Joseph Blair Collins, Sr. Aug 12, 1887 - Oct 16, 1970 Collins, Joseph Blair Jr. MARKER: Mary Lou Dilley Collins Nov 1, 1911 - Mar. 8, 2001 Collins, Margaret M. MARKER: 42-183-2 COLLINS, Margaret Boyd 08/12/1950 08/13/1998 08/15/1998 G-147-2 11/01/1911 03/08/2001 Joseph Blair Collins, Jr. Jly. 22, 1913 - Oct 28, 1978 03/10/2001 August 12, 1950 - August 13, 1998 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Ps. 116:15 Collins, Mary Lou MARKER: Mary Lou Dilley Collins Nov 1, 1911 - Mar. 8, 2001 Collins, Myrtle Goods MARKER: Collins, Robert R. Collins, Teresa Gray US ARMY MARKER: O-34-1 02/13/1886 Myrtle G. Collins Feb 13, 1886 - Jan 18, 1972 32-57-1 04/28/1933 T-VET-7-4 01/01/1918 01/18/1972 01/18/1972 12/06/1991 01/07/1978 12/09/1991 01/12/1978 WW II - Veteran Teresa Gray Collins 1918 - 1978 1st Lt. U.S.Army World War II Collins, Violette P. MARKER: R-74-5 J. William Collins VioletteP. Collins Colom, Jose L Colom, Juana M 01/01/1953 1880 - 1943 1882 - 1953 R-127-1A R-127-1B Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 03/01/1967 06/09/1954 Page 97 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date B-BBY-48-50A Colpe, Baby Burial_Date 05/03/1957 Infant B-BBY-48-50B Colpe, Bobbie Sue 05/03/1957 Infant MARKER: Bobbie Sue Colpe (Baby May 1957) Colprit, Dorothy Patteson MARKER: 31-37-4 Dorothy Patteson Colprit 10/09/1921 04/15/1990 04/19/1990 October 9, 1921 - April 15, 1990 Colvin, Clinton R MARKER: D-47-5 Mother: Katie B. Colvin 1872 - 1931 FAther: Clinton R. Colvin Colvin, Colby (Buck) MARKER: Colvin, Evelyn Simpson MARKER: R-173-2 Colby S. Colvin R-173-3 Evelyn S. Colvin 06/25/1941 1869 - 1941 04/20/1982 1911 - 1982 07/06/1913 08/21/1997 08/25/1997 07/07/1880 Jly 7, 1880 - Apr 5, 1965 04/05/1965 04/08/1965 1913 - 1997 Colvin, Howard T MARKER: O-174-4 Howard T. Colvin Katie L. Colvin Colvin, Katie B MARKER: Jan 15, 1867 - Nov 27, 1956 D-47-4 Mother: Katie B. Colvin 1872 - 1931 FAther: Clinton R. Colvin Colvin, Katie L MARKER: O-174-5 Howard T. Colvin Katie L. Colvin Colvin, Mildred M MARKER: 01/01/1930 1869 - 1941 01/15/1867 Jly 7, 1880 - Apr 5, 1965 11/27/1956 11/30/1956 05/01/1911 May 1, 1911 - May 24, 1966 05/24/1966 05/27/1966 09/16/1943 05/06/1987 05/09/1987 03/05/1890 03/17/1892 Jan 15, 1867 - Nov 27, 1956 T-130-1 Mildred M. Colvin May she rest in peace "Midge" R-173-1 Colvin, Robert Mason US ARMY MARKER: Vietnam War - Veteran Robert Mason Colvin PFC US ARMY Sep 16, 1943 - May 6, 1987 Combs, Edith Randolph A-5-4A Child MARKER: Combs, J. Catesby Eddington In Memory of Edith Randolph Combs Mar. 5, 1890 - Mar. 17, 1892 Infant daughter of Rev. L R & Minnie r. Combs (He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in His bosom. - Malachi XL II A-5-4 08/15/1895 08/02/1897 Child MARKER: J. Catesby Edrington Combs Aug. 15, 1895 - Aug. 2, 1897 Infant son of Rev. L,R. & Minnie R. Combs And they shall be mine with the hosts in that day when I make my jewels. Malachi III, 17 Condit, Karen Elizabeth MARKER: 31-67-4 CONDIT 07/27/1943 01/01/1989 12/20/1989 03/18/1888 10/30/1950 11/01/1950 06/17/1892 03/01/1989 03/04/1989 06/17/1892 03/01/1989 03/04/1989 Karen Elizabeth 1943-1989 Condrey, Arthur J MARKER: E-62-2 CONDREY Rosa V. Condrey June 17, 1892 - 1989 Arthur J. Condrey Mar. 18, 1888 - Oct. 30, 1950 Condrey, Virginia Rosa MARKER: E-62-1 Susie Johnson BLUE Oct. 12, 1918 Mar. 22, 2001 Condrey, Virginia Rosa MARKER: E-62-1 CONDREY Rosa V. Condrey June 17, 1892 - 1989 Arthur J. Condrey Mar. 18, 1888 - Oct. 30, 1950 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 98 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Conley, Eugene Joseph, M.D. US NAVY MARKER: 33-10-2A 08/06/1933 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/25/2006 06/02/2006 04/30/1908 08/08/1987 02/26/1972 08/18/1981 12/16/1981 08/11/1987 04/30/1908 08/08/1987 08/11/1987 U. S. Military Veteran CONLEY Eugene J., M.D. (space) Conlin, Genevieve M Conner, Anita G Conner, Edward J Conner, Florrie Allen Otis Birth_Date 1933 - 2006 T-141-3 T-134-3 T-134-2 R-162-5 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Conner, Florrie Allen Otis MOTHER R-162-5 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: James R. Conner, Sr. Florrie A. Conner Conner, James R. (Jimmy), Sr. Oct. 21, 1903 - Oct. 10, 1973 Apr. 30, 1908 - Aug. 08, 1987 R-162-4 10/21/1903 10/10/1973 10/13/1973 Freemason MARKER: James R. Conner, Sr. Florrie A. Conner Conner, Leonidas H. MARKER: Oct. 21, 1903 - Oct. 10, 1973 Apr. 30, 1908 - Aug. 08, 1987 C-1-8 Leonidas Hall Conner 02/21/1893 01/18/1954 Feb. 21, 1893 - Jan. 18, 1954 04/21/1955 Winnie Magee Conner March 18, 1892 - July 10, 1973 Conner, Margaret Susan MARKER: T-365-2 Stokes D. Conner 01/26/1965 01/29/1965 12/23/1961 12/26/1961 1876 - 1954 Margaret S. Conner 1880 - 1965 Paul T. Conner 1905 - 1961 Conner, Paul Thomas MARKER: T-365-3 Stokes D. Conner 1876 - 1954 Margaret S. Conner 1880 - 1965 Paul T. Conner 1905 - 1961 Conner, Stokes D MARKER: T-365-1 Stokes D. Conner 12/08/1954 1876 - 1954 Margaret S. Conner 1880 - 1965 Paul T. Conner 1905 - 1961 C-1-10 Conner, Tulip 11/19/1915 07/16/1993 07/29/1993 03/18/1892 07/10/1973 Feb. 21, 1893 - Jan. 18, 1954 07/12/1973 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Tulip Conner Nov. 19, 1915 July 16, 1993 (DAR) Conner, Winnie M. MARKER: C-1-9 Leonidas Hall Conner Winnie Magee Conner March 18, 1892 - July 10, 1973 Connolly, Marie L. Connor, Julia R MARKER: T-56-1 A-43-6 ELIZABETH BUTT 05/27/1921 01/15/2009 01/23/2009 12/01/1944 JULIA R. CONNOR Conradus, August MARKER: F-9-4 August Conradis 1872 - 1948 11/29/1948 His Beloved Wife Gertrude Conradis 1868 - 1941 F-9-1 Conradus, Baby Infant MARKER: August Conradis 1872 - 1948 His Beloved Wife Gertrude Conradis 1868 - 1941 Conradus, Gertrude S MARKER: F-9-5 August Conradis 1872 - 1948 03/04/1941 His Beloved Wife Gertrude Conradis 1868 - 1941 Conroy, James Matthew MARKER: 31-56-3 Matthew James 01/01/1941 01/01/1989 06/14/1989 CONWAY 1941 - 1989 Beloved Husband and father Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 99 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Consoli, Salvatore MARKER: T-52-5 CONSOLI 12/13/1929 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/11/1977 09/15/1977 C-3-2 C-3-1 01/29/1868 11/09/1941 James S. Constantinople Jan. 29, 1868 - Nov. 9, 1941 G-171-2 Charlotte Nichols Brawner 10/12/1959 11/11/1941 Salvatore Dec. 13, 1929 Sept. 11, 1977 Constantinople, Georgia Constantinople, James S. MARKER: Conway, Charlette Nichols MARKER: Birth_Date Marthe (space) (space) 01/01/1926 June 29, 1917 - Nov 6, 1926 Daughter of C. Conway & Mae Nichols Brawner Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Cook, Bertha Schwarzman MARKER: R-172-1 William Hough Cook 1871 - 1941 03/20/1954 Bertha Schwarzman Cook 1873 - 1954 William Herbert Cook 1900 - 1955 R-128-1 Cook, Charles B 02/11/1976 Freemason COOK MARKER: Charles B. Cook 1893 -1976 Cook, Clarence Albert MARKER: Dorothy Cook 1896 - 1941 T-325-2 Clarence A. Cook Edna K. Cook Cook, Corliss Rebecca MARKER: 06/28/1963 1889 - 1963 1893 - P-36-2 George Wythe Cook 01/12/1976 1846 - 1928 His Wife: Rebecca Lloyd Cook 1856 - 1928 Corliss Rebecca Cook 1927 - 1976 Cook, Dorothy Fetzer MARKER: F-8-1 11/02/1907 Dorothy T.Cook Nov. 2, 1907 - Aug. 18, 1974 08/18/1974 08/22/1974 (Gramio) Cook, Dorothy Finch MARKER: R-128-2 COOK 08/12/1941 Charles B. Cook 1893 -1976 Cook, Edna K MARKER: T-325-3 Clarence A. Cook Edna K. Cook Cook, Edna Synal MARKER: Cook, Elizabeth M. MARKER: Cook, Ernest H MARKER: Dorothy Cook 1896 - 1941 01/01/1893 1893 - T-151-4 03/08/1908 Edna Synal Cook Mar 8, 1908 - Apr 2, 1973 T-304-6 Elizabeth M. Cook (space) - Oct 13, 1978 N-82-1 Ernest H. Cook 1877 - 1942 Lena A. Noakes 04/02/1973 04/06/1973 10/13/1978 10/13/1978 05/11/1942 1895 - 1970 F-8-2 P-36-1 Cook, George W Cook, George Wythe 06/19/1981 1889 - 1963 01/01/1928 10/28/1980 01/01/1928 03/18/1916 12/30/1995 01/02/1996 10/22/1925 12/23/2002 12/27/2002 T-184-4 05/11/1909 Irvin H. Cook May 11, 1909 - Sept 2, 1984 09/02/1984 09/05/1984 01/01/1846 C S A Veteran MARKER: George Wythe Cook 1846 - 1928 His Wife: Rebecca Lloyd Cook 1856 - 1928 Corliss Rebecca Cook 1927 - 1976 NOTES: Cook, Geraldine Mae MARKER: Private, Co. E, 7th Virginia Cavalry. R-16-1 Geraldine C. Cook Beloved Wife of Russell L. March 18, 1916 - Dec. 30, 1995 Cook, Helen M. MARKER: 31-112-2 Helen M. Cook October 22, 1925 - December 23, 2002 Cook, Irvin H MARKER: Nellie H. Cook Oct 15, 1894 - Sept 10, 1976 In Loving Memory Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 100 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cook, Lena Noakes MARKER: N-82-2 Ernest H. Cook Lena A. Noakes Cook, Mildred Abel MARKER: Cook, Nellie Hale (Woodson) MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/29/1970 1877 - 1942 1895 - 1970 T-304-4 01/30/1868 Mildred Abel Cook Jan 30, 1868 - May 29, 1959 T-184-5 10/15/1894 Irvin H. Cook May 11, 1909 - Sept 2, 1984 05/29/1959 06/02/1959 09/10/1976 09/13/1976 T-326-1 01/01/1891 01/01/1965 Ora Earle Cook 1891 - 1965 T-281-1 01/14/1905 05/23/1957 Raymond Slusser Cook Jan 14, 1905 - May 23, 1957 P-36-3 George Wythe Cook 1846 - 1928 11/06/1965 Nellie H. Cook Oct 15, 1894 - Sept 10, 1976 In Loving Memory Cook, Ora Earle MARKER: Cook, Raymond S MARKER: Cook, Rebecca Lloyd MARKER: 05/27/1957 His Wife: Rebecca Lloyd Cook 1856 - 1928 Corliss Rebecca Cook 1927 - 1976 Cook, Richard Eugene MARKER: 31-113-1 Richard Eugene Cook 11/02/1961 11/17/1989 11/21/1989 06/02/1914 06/27/1999 07/02/1999 02/22/1920 11/16/1987 11/20/1987 November 2, 1961 - November 17, 1989 R-16-4 Cook, Russell L. Army MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Russell L. Cook Beloved Husband of Geraldine C. June 2, 1914 - June 27, 1999 Cook, Thelma Marie MARKER: 31-66-4 Thelma Marie Cook Feb. 22, 1920 Nov. 17, 1987 A loving mother Cook, William Herbert Jr MARKER: R-172-3 William Hough Cook 1871 - 1941 12/05/1955 Bertha Schwarzman Cook 1873 - 1954 William Herbert Cook 1900 - 1955 Cook, William Hough MARKER: R-172-2 William Hough Cook 1871 - 1941 07/15/1941 Bertha Schwarzman Cook 1873 - 1954 William Herbert Cook 1900 - 1955 Cooke, Alice Hume MARKER: P-1-18 10/29/1872 09/05/1968 The Rev. Thomas Worthington Cooke Apr 26, 1872-Nov 9,1930 Son of Samuel and Ellen Worthington Cooke Born in Providence R.I.; Died in Wash. DC when Rector of the Church of the Ascension.Radiant in spirit, tireless in Service, he entered into the joy of his Lord. Beloved wife: Alice Hume Cooke Oct 29, 1872 - Sept 5, 1968 1-44-4 Cooke, Katherine Joss 04/23/1902 11/01/1991 09/07/1968 11/07/1991 Alexandrian MARKER: COOKE Katherine Joss April 23, 1902 - Nov. 1, 1991 NOTES: Cooke, Mary Katherine Cooke, Thomas Worthington, Rev. MARKER: Docent at the Boyhood home of Robert E. Lee on Oronoco Street. Columnist of "Senior Scene" for Alexandria Gazette. Author of 1989 autobiography "The House that Grew". 1-34-3B 11/17/1937 10/01/1990 10/13/1990 P-1-17 04/26/1872 11/09/1930 11/09/1930 The Rev. Thomas Worthington Cooke Apr 26, 1872-Nov 9,1930 Son of Samuel and Ellen Worthington Cooke Born in Providence R.I.; Died in Wash. DC when Rector of the Church of the Ascension.Radiant in spirit, tireless in Service, he entered into the joy of his Lord. Beloved wife: Alice Hume Cooke Oct 29, 1872 - Sept 5, 1968 Cooksey, Delia Redmon MARKER: R-106-3 COOKSEY 12/26/1891 09/28/1972 09/28/1972 Robert P. Cooksey May 8, 1881 - Feb. 16, 1954 Delia I. Cooksie Cec. 26, 1891 - Sept. 28, 1972 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 101 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date R-106-5 Cooksey, Genevieve S. 12/09/1925 Death_Date 11/29/2006 Burial_Date 12/04/2006 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution COOKSEY MARKER: Thorne Cooksey Lachine - July 6, 1913 - June 12, 1995 Genevieve S. Cooksey - December 9, 1925 - November 29, 2006 DAR Hugh Carlton Cooksey April 7, 1924 - June 19, 1998 R-106-6 Cooksey, Hugh Submariner MARKER: 04/07/1924 06/19/1998 06/22/1998 06/19/1998 06/22/1998 WW II - Veteran HUGH CARLTON COOKSEY U.S.S SEA CAT - U.S.S. TINOSA Names of USNavy Submarines served on in WWII R-106-6 Cooksey, Hugh Submariner 04/07/1924 WW II - Veteran COOKSEY MARKER: Thorne Cooksey Lachine - July 6, 1913 - June 12, 1995 Genevieve S. Cooksey - December 9, 1925 - November 29, 2006 DAR Hugh Carlton Cooksey April 7, 1924 - June 19, 1998 T-192-6 Cooksey, John P 5 months MARKER: 08/04/1961 01/27/1962 01/30/1962 Infant John P. Cooksey Aug 4, 1961 - Jan 27, 1962 Beloved Son of Dean and Joan Cooksey Cooksey, Robert Clinton MARKER: R-106-1 COOKSEY Robert C. Cooksey, Robert P MARKER: 01/12/1984 June 12, 1918 - Jan 8, 1984 R-106-2 COOKSEY 05/05/1881 02/16/1954 02/18/1954 Robert P. Cooksey May 8, 1881 - Feb. 16, 1954 Delia I. Cooksie Cec. 26, 1891 - Sept. 28, 1972 T-84-1 T-83-3 E-BBY-66-55 Coons, Elisabeth Coons, Terrill Cooper, Baby 12/01/1986 08/18/1982 10/30/1962 Infant 2-2-3 Cooper, Bruce R. U S NAVY Cooper, Elizabeth B MARKER: 2-55-4 COOPER Maynard R. April 28, 1914 April 18, 2005 Cooper, James A Cooper, John M Cooper, Lelond A., Sr. MARKER: Cooper, Maynard Rathbone, Sr. MARKER: MARKER: O-129-5 N-17-1 O-129-4 L. A. Cooper, Sr. 2-55-3 COOPER MARKER: Copeland, Jimmie A. 11/12/2003 05/22/1915 05/20/1981 05/22/1981 01/01/1891 01/01/1963 11/08/1980 11/11/1943 03/11/1963 04/28/1914 04/18/2005 04/20/2005 04/23/1924 11/25/1978 08/01/1986 11/29/1978 11/28/2001 09/24/1980 12/01/2001 1891 - 1963 Elizabeth B. May 22, 1915 May 20, 1981 T-67-1 1-24-2 COOPER Albert M. Nov. 17, 1926 (space) Cooper, Shirley M Cooper, Viola 11/10/2003 Elizabeth B. May 22, 1915 May 20, 1981 Maynard R. April 28, 1914 April 18, 2005 Cooper, Okey G., Sr. Cooper, Olive C-E 01/28/1922 WW II - Veteran Olive C-E April 23, 1924 Nov. 25, 1978 T-156-4 T-67-2 09/01/1927 Viola Cooper Sept 01, 1927 - Nov 28, 2001 B-BBY-48-27 05/17/1955 Infant Copia, Fredy MARKER: 32-29-4 FREDY COPIA 01/08/1930 10/14/1996 10/16/1996 1930 - 1996 Corbett, Charles B. O-103-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 07/31/1946 Page 102 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Corbin, Donald Richard US ARMY MARKER: 6-41-1 Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 09/13/1926 08/22/1999 08/26/1999 05/31/1925 12/28/1996 12/31/1996 WW II - Veteran Donald Richard Corbin Cpl US Army - World War II Sep 13, 1926 - Aug 22, 1999 Corbin, Grace C. MARKER: G-161-6 Beloved Mom Grace C. Corbin May 31, 1925 - Dec 28, 1996 Corbin, Peggy Lee Cornelius, Andrew MARKER: G-161-1 R-246-2 Andrew Cornelius Mary C. Cornelius Cornelius, Mary C MARKER: R-246-3 Andrew Cornelius Mary C. Cornelius Cornelius, Violet Frances MARKER: 10/09/1968 06/29/1960 1881 - 1960 1889 - 1946 04/22/1946 1881 - 1960 1889 - 1946 R-82-4 In Memory of our Darling 07/18/1930 02/11/1944 02/11/1944 05/16/1920 04/03/1994 04/06/1994 09/17/1883 Apr 1, 1885 - Sept 18, 1939 01/02/1964 01/04/1964 VIOLET F. CORNELIUS Jul. 18, 1930 - Feb 11, 1944 Daughter of Leonard F. & Isabella F. Cornelius Cornell, Clifdene S. MARKER: 31-24-2 CORNELL Clifdene S. Thomas E., Jr. May 16, 1920 July 27, 1920 April 3, 1994 Jan. 2, 1986 Cornell, Susie L MARKER: N-5-2 William Cornell Susie L. Cornell Sept 17, 1883 - Jan 2, 1964 Cornell, Thomas E., Jr. MARKER: 31-24-1 CORNELL 01/06/1986 Clifdene S. Thomas E., Jr. May 16, 1920 July 27, 1920 April 3, 1994 Jan. 2, 1986 Cornell, William MARKER: N-5-1 William Cornell 04/01/1885 Apr 1, 1885 - Sept 18, 1939 09/18/1939 09/20/1939 11/21/1926 06/24/1996 06/19/2002 06/29/1996 06/22/2002 09/04/1925 09/17/2000 09/20/2000 N-1-2 04/13/1875 05/20/1940 Earnest Lee Cornnell, FATHER Apr 13, 1875 - May 20, 1940 05/22/1940 Susie L. Cornell Sept 17, 1883 - Jan 2, 1964 Cornish, William Theodore Cornnell, Betty D. MARKER: 31-60-1 32-62-2 David B. Betty D. 1925-2000 1926 - 2002 -ALWAYSCORNNELL Cornnell, David B. MARKER: 32-62-1 David B. Betty D. 1925-2000 1926 - 2002 -ALWAYSCORNNELL Cornnell, Ernest Lee MARKER: Susie Anne Cornnell, MOTHER May 30, 1873 - Aug 9, 1939 Cornnell, Flora E Cornnell, Joseph M. MARKER: T-353-6 B-73-1 Milton J. Cornnell Sarah E. Cornnell Joseph M. Cornell Cornnell, Joseph W. Cornnell, Milton Jennings MARKER: B-73-5 B-73-4 Milton J. Cornnell Sarah E. Cornnell Joseph M. Cornell Cornnell, Sarah A. 02/26/1875 07/06/1941 01/02/1985 07/08/1941 06/15/1903 10/30/1896 05/12/1960 03/10/1944 05/16/1960 03/13/1944 11/13/1914 11/04/1967 11/06/1967 1896 - 1944 1874- 1941 1875 - 1941 1896 - 1944 1874- 1941 1875 - 1941 B-73-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 103 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cornnell, Sarah Emma MARKER: B-73-2 Milton J. Cornnell MARKER: 04/02/1874 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/07/1941 04/09/1941 N-1-3 05/30/1873 08/09/1939 Earnest Lee Cornnell, FATHER Apr 13, 1875 - May 20, 1940 08/11/1939 Sarah E. Cornnell Joseph M. Cornell Cornnell, Susie Anne Birth_Date 1896 - 1944 1874- 1941 1875 - 1941 Susie Anne Cornnell, MOTHER May 30, 1873 - Aug 9, 1939 Cornnell, William H MARKER: T-353-5 WILLIAM H. CORNNELL 01/01/1909 03/04/1969 1909 - 1969 E-BBY-66-47 Cornwell, Baby 05/21/1962 Infant Cornwell, Mary Ann Corse, Douglas Corse, Douglas MARKER: M-65-6 02/08/1933 02/15/2010 N-150-2 N-150-1 11/12/1861 01/08/1886 In Memory of: Douglas Corse Nov 12, 1861-Jan 8, 1886 02/27/2010 07/30/1858 01/08/1886 Son of Wilmer and Margaretta Corse Corse, Douglas W., Jr. MARKER: N-151-3 Douglas Corse, Jr. 05/09/1858 May 9, 1858 - Jly 30, 1858 07/30/1858 07/30/1858 N-150-3 01/12/1853 12/30/1874 In Memory of; Fitz John Corse Jan 12, 1853 - Dec 30.1874 12/30/1874 Son of Douglas & Lucy Corse Corse, Fitz John MARKER: Eldest Son of Wilmer D. &Margaretta Corse Neale (stonemason) G-7-3A Corse, Hugh S. 9 Months MARKER: 03/01/1848 11/14/1848 11/14/1848 Infant Hugh Smith Corse Died: Nov 14, 1848 Son of Richard Corse and Elizabeth A. Smith age9 mo. Corse, Isabel Douglas MARKER: Corse, John Douglas MARKER: Corse, Julia Montgomery MARKER: G-7-1 Isabella Douglas Corse 1866 - 1918 G-5-2 07/17/1819 Sacred to the Memory of 01/01/1913 07/20/1902 John Douglas Corse July 17, 1819 -July xx, xxxx, Eye has not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. G-7-2B Julia Montgomery Corse 1869 - 1945 07/20/1902 04/28/1945 I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith. Corse, Lucy E MARKER: G-5-1 Sacred to the Memory of 12/09/1831 04/09/1897 04/09/1897 12/04/1925 12/03/1925 N-150-5 06/16/1828 07/01/1890 In Memory of: Margaretta Corse June 16, 1828 - Jly1, 1890 07/01/1890 Lucy Elizabeth Corse Dec. 9, 1831 - Apr. 9, 1897 Wife of John Douglas Corse Corse, Lucy G Corse, Lucy Grenville MARKER: G-5-3A G-6-1 Lucy Grenville Corse 03/11/1860 Wife of William J. Marshall Now abideth faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is Love. Corse, Margaretta MARKER: Wife of Wilmer D. Corse Corse, Margaretta Fitzhugh MARKER: N-150-6A 12/21/1857 04/30/1890 In memory of: Margaretta Fitzhugh Dec 21, 1857-Apr 30, 1890 04/30/1890 Daughter of Wilmer D & Margaretta Corse Corse, Wilmer D MARKER: N-151-6 03/10/1826 07/27/1896 In Memory of: Wilmer D. Corse Mar 10, 1826-Jly27, 1896 07/27/1896 Died in Jacksonville, Florida Chauncey (Stonemason) Corson, Job, CAPT. MARKER: G-70-7 In Memory of 01/26/1861 01/26/1861 Corson, Capt. Job Aged 56 years, Departed this life Jan.26, 1861 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 104 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Corson, Permelia MARKER: Birth_Date G-70-8 In Memory of Death_Date Burial_Date 11/05/1887 11/05/1887 06/13/2007 09/14/2007 04/14/1975 04/16/1975 Pamela Corson Aged 75 years, Died Nov. 5, 1887 Cosby, Barbette S. MARKER: T-294-6A 10/24/1916 BABETTE CHRISTIAN STEPHENSON COSBY OCTOBER 24, 1916 - JUNE 13, 2007 T-294-5 Cosby, Robert Taylor US NAVY MARKER: NOTES: Costello, Elaine Ruth Costello, Mary Louise Howard MARKER: 03/13/1916 WW II - Veteran Robert Taylor Cosby Mar 13, 1916 - Apr 14, 1975 Supply and Disbursing U.S.S. Chiwawa. Accounting Officer Naval Supply Center, Guam. Chief Accounting Officer, Fiscal and ManagementControl Office of the Secretary of the Navy. 41-8-4 09/20/1940 02/21/2010 03/06/2010 E-13-2 01/01/1952 COSTELLO Mary Louise Howard 1897 - 1952 Councill, Georgiana Bonney MARKER: P-41-5 Rev. J. G. Councill 1821 - 1916 His Wife: Georgiana Bonney Asleep in Jesus Councill, J. G., Rev. MARKER: Coupland, Marguerite T. MARKER: 1841 - 1908 P-41-4 Rev. J. G. Councill 1821 - 1916 His Wife: Georgiana Bonney Asleep in Jesus 01/01/1908 01/01/1821 01/01/1916 01/01/1916 05/14/1996 06/04/1996 1841 - 1908 1-21-2 COUPLAND 11/25/1914 Robert Saunders October 21, 1905 - November 6, 1978 Marguerite Timberlake November 25, 1913 - May 24, 1996 Coupland, Robert Saunders MARKER: 1-21-1 COUPLAND 10/21/1905 11/06/1978 11/08/1978 Robert Saunders October 21, 1905 - November 6, 1978 Marguerite Timberlake November 25, 1913 - May 24, 1996 Couples, Joseph Cousins, Hilaeria Covel, Alonzo J. MARKER: G-202-3 G-301-7 B-31-5 COVEL Alonzo J. Covel Jean C. Covel Covel, Jane C. MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 09/02/1967 1907 - 1995 1912 - 1967 F-37-5 C. Milford Cowling 1874 - 1950 01/19/1975 01/22/1975 1883 - 1975 F-37-6 C. Milford Cowling 1874 - 1950 Annie Brown Cowling 02/20/1950 1883 - 1975 F-28-2A Cowling, Charles 01/11/1944 01/25/1995 1907 - 1995 1912 - 1967 Annie Brown Cowling Cowling, C. Milford 01/17/1995 B-31-6 COVEL Alonzo J. Covel Jean C. Covel Cowling, Annie Brown 11/13/1907 01/01/1928 Infant MARKER: Ernest C. Cowling Aged 21 months Charles C. Cowling Aged 1 Month Children of Edw. & M.E. Cowling Cowling, Edward MARKER: F-28-1 Edward Cowling 1833 - 1910 Mary E. Cowling 1837 - 1901 Beloved Wife of Edward Cowling "The Lord is my shepherd" Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 105 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date F-28-2B Cowling, Ernest C Burial_Date 01/01/1928 Infant MARKER: Ernest C. Cowling Aged 21 months Charles C. Cowling Aged 1 Month Children of Edw. & M.E. Cowling Cowling, Eva E. MARKER: F-28-5 John R. Cowling 1860 - 1928 01/01/1931 Eva E. Cowling 1858 - 1931 Cowling, John R MARKER: F-28-4 John R. Cowling 1860 - 1928 01/01/1928 Eva E. Cowling 1858 - 1931 Cowling, Mary E MARKER: F-28-6 Edward Cowling 1833 - 1910 01/01/1901 Mary E. Cowling 1837 - 1901 Beloved Wife of Edward Cowling "The Lord is my shepherd" E-BBY-66-86 Cox, Baby 10/30/1963 Infant Cox, Bena D MARKER: R-113-2 James F. Cox Bena D. Cox Cox, Bertha MARKER: 12/01/1953 1877 - 1944 1878 - 1953 M-21-5 Robert H. Cox 01/01/1931 1866 - 1952 Bertha Cox 1869 - 1931 Wife of Robert H. Cox Cox, Bettie E MARKER: B-81-2 Bettie E. Cox 06/12/1944 1883 - 1944 Evelyn P. Cox 1912 - 1996 Cox, Beverly O. MARKER: 42-191-4 COX Beverly O. 1936 - 2000 Cox, Caroline Green MARKER: 03/20/1936 08/23/2000 08/25/2000 Robert E. 1932 - G-139-3 Charles Edward Cox 1854 - 1943 01/01/1927 Caroline GreenCox 1856 - 1927 Cox, Carrie Lee MARKER: M-22-6 Carrie Lee Cox Mary B. Cox Cox, Cecilia Ann MARKER: 02/19/1943 02/22/1943 Died: Feb 19, 1943 Died: May 23, 1952 M-21-2 Reginald Francis Cox,M.D. 01/01/1928 Jan 4, 1890 - Apr.20, 1920 American Legion Marker Cecelia Ann Cox 1901 - 1928 Cox, Charles Elwood MARKER: G-139-2 Charles Edward Cox 1854 - 1943 11/16/1943 Caroline GreenCox 1856 - 1927 Cox, Ella A MARKER: M-92-2 Ella A. Cox 1866 - 1932 01/01/1932 Wife of John B. Cox Cox, Emma Odessa MARKER: R-131-2 10/07/1893 Emma Odessa Cox Oct. 7, 1893 - Oct. 25, 1943 Jones Cox Cox, Ethelyn A MARKER: 10/25/1943 10/28/1943 01/27/1908 01/10/1988 01/14/1988 07/04/1912 07/15/1996 07/19/1996 Aug. 2, 1893 - Nov. 7, 1969 T-294-1 Ethelyn A. Cox January 27, 1908 January 10, 1988 Cox, Evelyn Pauline MARKER: B-81-3 Bettie E. Cox 1883 - 1944 Evelyn P. Cox 1912 - 1996 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 106 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cox, Francis A., Dr. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date D-24-7 07/12/1978 07/12/1978 William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 D-24-7 Cox, Francis A., Dr. 07/12/1978 07/12/1978 Mary Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - July 11, 1976 wife of:Dr. Francis A. Cox August 21, 1885 - July 12, 1978 C O X MARKER: 07/14/1978 07/14/1978 C O X MARKER: Cox, Hugh B Burial_Date T-293-3 Hugh B. Cox 09/03/1905 10/20/1973 10/25/1973 R-193-4 11/22/1928 10/07/1959 Hugh M. Cox (Bud) November 22, 1928 - October 7, 1959 R-113-1 01/01/1877 01/01/1944 10/08/1959 Sept 3, 1905 - October 20, 1973 Cox, Hugh M(Bud) MARKER: Cox, James F. 03/29/1944 WW I - Veteran MARKER: James F. Cox 1877 - 1944 Bena D. Cox Cox, Jane Lesley MARKER: Cox, John B MARKER: 1878 - 1953 G-139-6 Jane Lesslie Cox 1895 - 1985 M-92-1 John B. Cox 1864 - 1942 03/02/1985 10/05/1942 At Rest R-131-4 Cox, Jones 08/02/1893 11/07/1969 11/10/1969 12/22/1993 12/28/1993 05/23/1952 05/26/1952 D-24-8 07/11/1976 07/11/1976 William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 07/14/1976 American Legion MARKER: Emma Odessa Cox Oct. 7, 1893 - Oct. 25, 1943 Jones Cox Cox, Joyce Miller MARKER: Aug. 2, 1893 - Nov. 7, 1969 32-61-4 Joyce M. Cox 04/07/1927 1927 - 1993 "May the angels lead you into paradise." Cox, Mary B. MARKER: M-22-5 Carrie Lee Cox Mary B. Cox Cox, Mary P. Moncure MARKER: Cox, Reginald Francis, M.D. Died: Feb 19, 1943 Died: May 23, 1952 Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 M-21-1 01/04/1890 04/20/1920 04/23/1920 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Reginald Francis Cox,M.D. Jan 4, 1890 - Apr.20, 1920 American Legion Marker Cecelia Ann Cox 1901 - 1928 Cox, Robert H MARKER: M-21-4 Robert H. Cox 01/14/1952 1866 - 1952 Bertha Cox 1869 - 1931 Wife of Robert H. Cox E-BBY-66-117 Cox, William H 05/28/1965 Infant Cox, William T. MARKER: B-81-1 William T. Cox 1878 - 1936 Alvin R. Keys Cox, Winnie W MARKER: Cragg, Alice Roberta MARKER: 1907 - 1958 G-139-5 Winnie W. Cox 1893 - 1983 T-356-3 Alice R. Cragg 1882 - 1962 George M. Cragg Cragg, Earl M MARKER: 07/05/1983 01/01/1882 01/01/1962 01/15/1962 04/30/1978 05/02/1978 1876 - 1956 T-356-5 Earl M. Cragg 1906 - 1978 Ruth C. Cragg 04/14/1936 1907 - 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 107 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cragg, Emma Jane Tyler MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date O-178-2 07/11/1870 Emma Tyler Cragg Jly 11, 1870 - Jan 21, 1949 01/21/1949 Burial_Date 01/24/1949 William Edward Cragg Jly 28, 1869 - Jly 1, 1950 Herbert T. Cragg Jan 4, 1900 - Nov 8, 1966 Cragg, George M MARKER: Cragg, George M MARKER: Cragg, Herbert T MARKER: T-356-2 Alice R. Cragg 1882 - 1962 George M. Cragg 1876 - 1956 10/16/1956 T-356-2 CRAGG O-178-3 01/04/1900 Emma Tyler Cragg Jly 11, 1870 - Jan 21, 1949 10/16/1956 11/08/1966 11/11/1966 08/13/1977 08/16/1977 07/01/1950 07/06/1950 05/14/1902 01/01/1928 07/19/1993 01/01/1979 07/22/1993 07/03/1979 01/01/1922 01/01/1986 10/28/1986 William Edward Cragg Jly 28, 1869 - Jly 1, 1950 Herbert T. Cragg Jan 4, 1900 - Nov 8, 1966 Cragg, Ruth Chauncey MARKER: T-356-6 Earl M. Cragg 1906 - 1978 Ruth C. Cragg Cragg, William E MARKER: 1907 - 1977 O-178-1B 07/28/1869 Emma Tyler Cragg Jly 11, 1870 - Jan 21, 1949 William Edward Cragg Jly 28, 1869 - Jly 1, 1950 Herbert T. Cragg Jan 4, 1900 - Nov 8, 1966 M-42-1 1-46-3 Craghill, James R. Craig, Eugene Mitchell WW II - Veteran MARKER: Eugene M. Craig Tec. 5 U.S. Army World War II 1928 - 1979 Craig, Patricia E. MARKER: 1-46-2 Patricia E. Craig 1922-1986 Wife of Eugene Craig Craighill, Alexander Lee MARKER: M-46-1 Ellen Lee Craighill 01/01/1964 1882 - 1965 Alexander Lee Craighill 1903 - 1964 M-16-1 Craighill, Cornelia Laird 07/11/1881 07/13/1923 07/13/1923 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: Cornelia Laird Craighill Jly 11, 1881 - Jly 13, 1923 Wife of G. Peyton Craighill NOTES: Craighill, Ellen Lee MARKER: Taken from the Washington Post: Mrs. Craighill wife of G. Peyton Craighill, rector of St. James Episcopal church died suddenly a Goshen Pass, VA. She was a direct descendant of Richard Henry Lee, Attorney General under George Washington. M-46-3 04/14/1882 01/21/1965 01/23/1965 Ellen Lee Craighill 1882 - 1965 Alexander Lee Craighill Cramer, Catherine S. Cramer, Robert M Crandall, Clarinda Tillotson Crandall, James Fry Craven, Robert K USNR MARKER: 1903 - 1964 T-93-2 T-93-1 G-132-2 G-132-1 T-173-3 11/08/1917 08/09/2005 08/11/2005 06/08/1981 01/01/1909 01/19/1916 07/25/1971 07/26/1971 01/16/2005 02/20/1932 04/15/2005 02/20/1932 WW II - Veteran Robert K. Craven Jan 19, 1916 - Jly 25, 1971 Maine Engisn USNR World War II Craven, Virginia W. Crawford, Angus McDonald T-174-1A M-4-7 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/10/1922 03/02/1881 Page 108 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date M-4-11 Crawford, Angus, Rev. Death_Date 06/05/1850 09/05/1924 Burial_Date 09/08/1924 Alexandrian MARKER: In Memory Of: Angus McDonald Crawford Mar 2, 1881 - Feb 20, 1932 Elizabeth Lewis Worthington Mar 25, 1883 - May 24, 1921 Wife of Angus McD. Crawford M-4-11 Crawford, Angus, Rev. 06/05/1850 09/05/1924 09/08/1924 Alexandrian MARKER: Angus Crawford June 5, 1850 - Sept 8, 1924 Born in Cobourg, Canada Died in Theological Seminary, Va. NOTES: Crawford, Charles Baron MARKER: Dean of the Virginia Theological Seminary for 30 years (circa 1900). M-4-12 08/04/1848 10/07/1929 10/07/1929 Charles Baron Crawford Aug 4, 1848 - Oct 7, 1929 Born in Cobourg, Canada Crawford, Charles Brown Crawford, Elizabeth Lewis MARKER: Died in Biloxi, Miss. M-4-2 M-4-8 In Memory Of: 05/07/1884 03/25/1883 03/17/1951 05/24/1921 03/19/1951 05/24/1921 Angus McDonald Crawford Mar 2, 1881 - Feb 20, 1932 Elizabeth Lewis Worthington Mar 25, 1883 - May 24, 1921 Wife of Angus McD. Crawford M-4-1 Crawford, Hugh Angus 01/15/1922 03/30/1922 03/30/1922 Infant MARKER: Hugh Angus Crawford Jan 15, 1922 - Mar 30, 1922 Son of Charles B. & Joyce Crawford Crawford, Susan Brown MARKER: M-4-10 01/04/1860 12/13/1929 Susan Brown Crawford Jan 4, 1860 - Dec 13, 1929 12/18/1929 Born in Mt. Holly, N.J. Died in Lynchburg, Va. Wife of Angus Crawford Crazz, William Crean, Cynthia Joan MARKER: O-178-1A COL 6-S2-23 Cynthia Joan Crean 08/06/1957 03/23/2007 07/05/1950 07/06/2007 August 6, 1957 - March 23, 2007 Creed, Ary Luvenia Bontz MARKER: N-174-5 Ary Lovenia Bontz 09/30/1845 09/29/1906 Sept 30, 1845 - Sept 29, 1906 Wife of John Creed Mother dear, a short farewell That we may meet again above And rove where angels love to dwell Where trees bear fruits of love Creed, George W MARKER: N-174-1 06/13/1870 George Creed June 13, 1870 - May 8, 1925 10/01/1906 05/08/1925 05/11/1925 05/18/1872 12/26/1942 May 18, 1872 - Dec 26, 1942 12/29/1942 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow Creed, John Thomas MARKER: N-174-2 John Thomas Creed Lewis D. Creed Creed, John W MARKER: Creed, Lewis D. MARKER: Nov 26, 1882 - Apr 29, 1964 N-174-4 08/18/1842 10/09/1927 John W. Creed Aug 18, 1842 - Oct 9, 1927 N-174-6 11/26/1882 04/29/1964 John Thomas Creed May 18, 1872 - Dec 26, 1942 Lewis D. Creed 05/02/1964 Nov 26, 1882 - Apr 29, 1964 E-BBY-66-116 Creel, Andrew Corbin 10/12/1927 03/24/1965 03/24/1965 03/27/1965 Infant MARKER: Creel, Laura A Andrew Corbin Creel Born & Died March 24, 1965 E-BBY-66-147 04/05/1968 Infant R-184-1 Creighton, Frank C 01/01/1874 01/01/1964 09/02/1964 Freemason MARKER: Frank C. Creighton 1874 - 1964 Helen B. Marshall (his wife) 1886 - 1955 DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 109 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date R-184-2 Creighton, Helen Marshall 01/01/1884 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1955 02/24/1955 07/24/1958 07/29/1958 01/01/1986 09/02/1986 01/21/1975 01/28/1975 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Frank C. Creighton 1874 - 1964 Helen B. Marshall (his wife) 1886 - 1955 DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) Crenshaw, Elizabeth J. Lloyd MARKER: F-14-5 Elizabeth Lloyd Crenshaw Marion Lloyd Crenshaw Crenshaw, Jack L MARKER: died: July 24, 1958 June 16, 1895- Jan. 21, 1975 2-71-1A Jack L. Crenshaw 01/01/1935 1935 - 1986 Till we meet again good friend Crenshaw, Marion Lloyd MARKER: F-14-6 Elizabeth Lloyd Crenshaw Marion Lloyd Crenshaw Cricher, Charles E MARKER: G-42-1 Charles E.. Cricher Semolie H. Cricher Cricher, Semolia H MARKER: MARKER: Crisp, Willard E., Jr. Critcher, Catherine Carter MARKER: Critcher, Elizabeth Tomasia Whiting MARKER: June 16, 1895- Jan. 21, 1975 02/27/1985 Dec 9, 1897 June 24, 1891 - Oct 27, 1963 G-42-3 Charles E.. Cricher Semolie H. Cricher Crilly, Harry J. 06/16/1895 died: July 24, 1958 10/27/1963 Dec 9, 1897 June 24, 1891 - Oct 27, 1963 O-121-1 FATHER Harry J Crilly R-113-3 P-9-4 Louisa Kennon Critcher 01/01/1894 1894 - 1947 09/13/1868 1866 - 1939 Catherine Carter Critcher 1868 - 1964 P-9-2 Lt. Col. John Critcher, 12/01/1830 1820 - 09/27/1901 Of Westmoreland Co., Va. 15th Va, Cavalry,CSA His wife: Elizabeth Whiting 06/11/1964 01/17/1955 06/13/1964 01/01/1903 01/01/1903 09/27/1901 09/27/1901 1829 - 1903 P-9-1 Critcher, John, LT. COL. 01/01/1947 01/01/1820 C S A Veteran MARKER: Lt. Col. John Critcher, 1820 - 09/27/1901 Of Westmoreland Co., Va. 15th Va, Cavalry,CSA His wife: Elizabeth Whiting NOTES: Critcher, Julie K MARKER: Catherine Carter Critcher Critcher, Louisa Kennon MARKER: Crittenden, Samuel E. MARKER: Crocker, Mary Lee Crocker, Paul Noyes Crockett, Emma Virginia Inmemorium MARKER: 1829 - 1903 Lt. Col., Co. C, 9th Va. Cav. & 15th Virginia Cavalry. Attorney and Judge P-9-3 09/28/1939 Louisa Kennon Critcher 1866 - 1939 1868 - 1964 P-9-1A Louisa Kennon Critcher 1866 - 1939 Catherine Carter Critcher 1868 - 1964 T-207-1 Samuel E. Crittenden T-288-4B T-288-4A R-151-1C 06/11/1909 06/16/1970 June 11, 1909 - Aug 16, 1970 07/07/1922 07/01/1997 06/10/1897 MARKER: 07/05/1997 05/26/1989 07/22/1898 Infant CROCKETT Wellington May 6, 1873 - June 26, 1932 Ruth May Sept 24, 1874 - Oct 3, 1965 James W. Nov 12, 1905 - Nov 29, 1984 Mildred T. May 5, 1900 - Feb 14, 1989 Daughter: Emma Virginia June 10, 1897-July 22, 1898 Crockett, James W 08/17/1970 R-151-3 CROCKETT 12/01/1984 Wellington May 6, 1873 - June 26, 1932 Ruth May Sept 24, 1874 - Oct 3, 1965 James W. Nov 12, 1905 - Nov 29, 1984 Mildred T. May 5, 1900 - Feb 14, 1989 Daughter: Emma Virginia June 10, 1897-July 22, 1898 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 110 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Crockett, Mildred T MARKER: Birth_Date R-151-2 CROCKETT MARKER: R-151-1A CROCKETT 09/24/1874 Wellington May 6, 1873 - June 26, 1932 Ruth May Sept 24, 1874 - Oct 3, 1965 James W. Nov 12, 1905 - Nov 29, 1984 Mildred T. May 5, 1900 - Feb 14, 1989 Daughter: Emma Virginia June 10, 1897-July 22, 1898 Crockett, Wellington MARKER: R-151-1B CROCKETT 05/06/1873 Wellington May 6, 1873 - June 26, 1932 Ruth May Sept 24, 1874 - Oct 3, 1965 James W. Nov 12, 1905 - Nov 29, 1984 Mildred T. May 5, 1900 - Feb 14, 1989 Daughter: Emma Virginia June 10, 1897-July 22, 1898 Croft, Albert Stables MARKER: M-88-3 Albert Stables Croft Burial_Date 02/16/1989 Wellington May 6, 1873 - June 26, 1932 Ruth May Sept 24, 1874 - Oct 3, 1965 James W. Nov 12, 1905 - Nov 29, 1984 Mildred T. May 5, 1900 - Feb 14, 1989 Daughter: Emma Virginia June 10, 1897-July 22, 1898 Crockett, Ruth May Death_Date 10/01/1929 Oct 1, 1929 - Apr 22, 1932 10/03/1965 10/06/1965 06/26/1932 06/29/1932 04/22/1932 LaVerne Stables Croft Jly 2, 1904 - Nov 7, 1965 Lester Wynne Croft Nov 23, 1935 - Feb 24, 1937 Marth H. Croft MAR 3, 1911 - Apr 5, 1997 Croft, Lavern Stables MARKER: M-88-5 Albert Stables Croft 07/02/1904 Oct 1, 1929 - Apr 22, 1932 11/07/1965 11/10/1965 02/24/1937 02/26/1937 04/05/1997 04/09/1997 08/05/2008 08/11/2008 11/30/2009 12/07/2009 LaVerne Stables Croft Jly 2, 1904 - Nov 7, 1965 Lester Wynne Croft Nov 23, 1935 - Feb 24, 1937 Marth H. Croft MAR 3, 1911 - Apr 5, 1997 Croft, Lester Wynne MARKER: M-88-2 Albert Stables Croft 11/23/1935 Oct 1, 1929 - Apr 22, 1932 LaVerne Stables Croft Jly 2, 1904 - Nov 7, 1965 Lester Wynne Croft Nov 23, 1935 - Feb 24, 1937 Marth H. Croft MAR 3, 1911 - Apr 5, 1997 Croft, Martha Harris MARKER: M-88-6 Albert Stables Croft 03/03/1911 Oct 1, 1929 - Apr 22, 1932 LaVerne Stables Croft Jly 2, 1904 - Nov 7, 1965 Lester Wynne Croft Nov 23, 1935 - Feb 24, 1937 Marth H. Croft MAR 3, 1911 - Apr 5, 1997 F-21-3 Crom, Anne Randolph 12/23/1921 CROM MARKER: William Hampton Apr 27, 1923 - Nov. 30, 2009 Beloved wife Anne Randolph Dec 23, 1921 - Aug 5, 2008 Crom, William Hampton F-21-5 04/27/1923 WW II - Veteran CROM MARKER: William Hampton Apr 27, 1923 - Nov. 30, 2009 Beloved wife Anne Randolph Dec 23, 1921 - Aug 5, 2008 B-BBY-48-38 Cross, Baby 04/23/1956 Infant Cross, Catherine H. MARKER: R-31-5 CROSS 04/15/1981 Cecil J. - April 27, 1911 - Dec. 25, 1967 Catherine H. - April 27, 1915 - April 13, 1981 (Monument shared with Haynes.) R-31-4 Cross, Cecil J 04/27/1911 12/25/1967 12/28/1967 04/25/2000 04/28/2000 Freemason MARKER: CROSS Cecil J. - April 27, 1911 - Dec. 25, 1967 Catherine H. - April 27, 1915 - April 13, 1981 (Monument shared with Haynes.) Cross, Lauretta O. MARKER: 6-44-3 LAURETTA O. Cross 12/28/1917 1917 - 2000 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 111 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 6-44-2 Cross, Leslie H., COL. U S ARMY MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 05/07/1916 11/01/1993 11/03/1993 01/01/1812 01/01/1868 01/01/1868 01/01/1810 07/12/1860 07/12/1860 12/20/1979 12/22/1979 06/08/1898 10/03/1984 10/06/1984 04/22/1903 11/22/1943 11/24/1943 11/01/1967 11/04/1967 WW II - Veteran LESLIE H CROSS 1916 - 1993 COL. U S ARMY Cross, Mrs. E. A. MARKER: A-25-2 Mrs. E. A. Cross Jan. 1, 1868 aged 56 years. Cross, Richard Y MARKER: A-25-1 In Memory of Richard Y. Cross Died Jly. 12, 1860 in the 50th year of his age "Thy Gentleness is hushed in death, But oh! why should I weep; Without a struggle, sigh or groan You calmly fell asleep. Crouch, Laura V MARKER: R-136-2 Russell B. Crouch 1872 - 1967 Laura V. Crouch 1888 - 1979 C-15-4A Crouch, Lillian US NAVY MARKER: WW I - Veteran Lilian Matilda Crouch Y3 US NAVY World War I Jun 8, 1898 - Oct 3, 1984 Crouch, Margaret Elizabeth MARKER: G-302-9 Margaret E. Crouch Apr. 22, 1903 - Nov. 22, 1943 Crouch, Russell Boone MARKER: R-136-3 Russell B. Crouch 1872 - 1967 Laura V. Crouch Crouch, William E. MARKER: 1888 - 1979 C-15-4B Geo. H. Schwarzmann 1867 - 1930 02/25/1934 Matilda Schwarzmann Jan. 18, 1980 - Feb. 10, 1963 Irvin G. Schwarzmann 1889 - 1956 William Butler Crouch 1898 - 1934 Crowe, Ella D. MARKER: Crowe, George F. MARKER: Crowell, Chester Theodore MARKER: Crump, Hazel E. MARKER: 1-54-4A CROWE 02/19/1910 03/17/2000 04/15/2000 06/05/1908 04/06/1998 04/11/1998 G-302-6 Chester Theodore Crowell 1888 - 1941 B-50-5 James C. Crump Dec 16, 1890 - Sept 17, 1957 12/26/1941 12/30/1941 Dad George F. June 5, 1908 April 6, 1998 Mom Ella D. February 19, 1910 March 17, 2000 Dad George F. June 5, 1908 April 6, 1998 Mom Ella D. February 19, 1910 March 17, 2000 1-54-3 CROWE Hazel K. Crump Crump, James C. MARKER: B-50-4 James C. Crump Hazel K. Crump Crump, Susanna Grimes MARKER: 08/20/1960 May 23, 1894 - Aug 17, 1960 12/26/1890 Dec 16, 1890 - Sept 17, 1957 09/17/1957 09/20/1957 11/28/1961 Apr 25, 1888 - Sept 18, 1964 12/02/1961 May 23, 1894 - Aug 17, 1960 O-41-2 William Norton Crump Susanna Grimes Crump (space)- Nov 28, 1961 Beloved Wife of W. Norton Crump Crump, William Norton MARKER: O-41-1 William Norton Crump 04/25/1888 09/18/1964 Apr 25, 1888 - Sept 18, 1964 09/19/1964 Susanna Grimes Crump (space)- Nov 28, 1961 Beloved Wife of W. Norton Crump Crump, William V Crutchfield, John Watson MARKER: O-145-4 T-248-4 John Watson Crutchfield Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/31/1927 01/29/1972 Dec 31, 1927 - Jan26, 1972 11/23/1953 01/26/1972 Page 112 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Crux, Elsie V MARKER: Birth_Date A-57-1 Elsie V. Smarr Crux 01/01/1895 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1985 05/20/1985 03/27/1964 04/02/1981 08/10/1957 03/30/1964 01/13/1991 04/20/1991 08/14/2006 11/28/2008 10/31/1912 12/05/2005 12/09/2005 01/01/1905 01/01/1986 12/01/1986 05/24/1909 03/24/1999 03/27/1999 04/14/1985 04/17/1985 02/01/1911 01/18/2006 01/23/2006 01/11/1916 12/21/1999 12/27/1999 12/03/1954 1954 - 2009 03/15/2009 03/21/2009 05/09/1983 05/12/1983 05/10/1998 05/23/1998 05/06/1955 04/14/1970 05/07/1955 09/06/1952 09/08/1952 1895 - 1985 Cruz, Humberto P Crymes, Carlton L. Crymes, Katherine G. MARKER: 2-36-3 T-301-1 T-301-2 Katherine G. Crymes James Carlton L. Crymes Culbertson, Joseph L MARKER: 01/01/1880 01/01/1881 1907-1999 1880 - 1957 32-17-1A 01/05/1922 CULBERTSON, Joseph Livingstone Born Kansas City, Mo; Jan 5, 1922 Died McLean Va.; Jan 13, 1991 Mary Stanley; Born Orange N.J. July 3, 1925 ; Died August 14, 2006 Culbertson, Mary S. MARKER: Cullen, Gwendolyn Maurine MARKER: 32-17-1B 07/03/1925 CULBERTSON, Joseph Livingstone Born Kansas City, Mo; Jan 5, 1922 Died McLean Va.; Jan 13, 1991 Mary Stanley; Born Orange N.J. July 3, 1925 ; Died August 14, 2006 31-106-4 Gwendolyn M. Cullen 1912 - 2005 Cullen, Joseph W MARKER: 31-106-3 Joseph W. Cullen 1905 - 1986 Cultice, Alice C. MARKER: 1-44-1B CULTICE James Marvin September 6, 1908 - April 14, 1985 Alice Copenhaver May 24, 1909 - March 24, 1999 Cultice, James Marvin MARKER: 1-44-1A CULTICE 09/06/1908 James Marvin September 6, 1908 - April 14, 1985 Alice Copenhaver May 24, 1909 - March 24, 1999 Cumbee, Bertha J. MARKER: 2-27-3 HAROLD R. BERTHA E. 1916 - 1999 1911 CUMBEE 2-27-2 Cumbee, Harold R. Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran HAROLD R. BERTHA E. 1916 - 1999 1911 CUMBEE Cumberland, William G. MARKER: 41-65-3C William G. Cumberland Holly Vorhies Cumberland Cummings, Carolyn Grace 1956 - (space) 2-86-3A 06/02/1977 Child MARKER: Cummings-John, Franklyn K. MARKER: CUMMINGS Carolyn Grace June 2, 1977 - May 9, 1983 Beloved Daughter. Diane Bennett Brill Oct. 20, 1955 - (space) Loving Mother 32-30-1 IN LOVING MEMORY 04/01/1946 FRANKLYN K. CUMMINGS-JOHN APRIL 1, 1945 - MAY 10, 1998 R.I.P. Cunningham, James M Cunningham, John W MARKER: N-130-3 N-130-1 John W. Cunningham Mary E. Cunningham Cunningham, Mary E MARKER: N-130-2 John W. Cunningham Mary E. Cunningham 10/08/1869 Oct 8, 1869 - May 6, 1955 June 30, 1870 - Sept 6, 1952 06/30/1870 Oct 8, 1869 - May 6, 1955 June 30, 1870 - Sept 6, 1952 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 113 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Cunningham, William Clifton MARKER: M-132-4 William Clifton Cunningham Lillie Cunningham Gaines Curran, Linda Marie Long Carroll MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 01/01/1886 1886 - 1952 Burial_Date 01/01/1952 01/01/1952 08/21/1942 04/21/1993 04/24/1993 11/09/1907 02/07/1997 02/11/1997 1895 - 1967 32-9-1 CURRAN Linda Marie Long Carroll August 21, 1942 - April 21, 1993 Curran, Marie R. MARKER: T-99-6 Thomas F. Curran 1908 - 1974 Marie R. Curran 1907 - 1997 Curran, Thomas F MARKER: T-99-5 Thomas F. Curran 07/15/1974 1908 - 1974 Marie R. Curran 1907 - 1997 Currie, Lillian Schulze MARKER: Curtin, Jacqueline Howdershell MARKER: N-64-6 Lillian Schulze Currie R-157-4 CURTIN 05/28/1945 05/28/1945 May 24, 1923 - May 28, 1945 06/05/1922 01/25/2005 Jacqurline Howdershell June 5, 1922 - January 25, 2005 John Waldon May 7, 1918 - October 7, 2006 John Dexter February 17, 1944 - (space) CURTIN R-157-5 Curtin, John W. S/Sgt Army 05/07/1918 10/07/2006 10/12/2006 06/01/1966 06/03/1966 09/15/1946 09/18/1946 04/04/1930 04/07/1930 12/04/1943 12/08/1943 CURTIN Jacqurline Howdershell June 5, 1922 - January 25, 2005 John Waldon May 7, 1918 - October 7, 2006 John Dexter February 17, 1944 - (space) CURTIN MARKER: 01/28/2005 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Curtis, Annie L. 05/30/1945 M-73-4 05/27/1892 Fred J. Curtis Sept 14, 1898 - Aug 15, 1946 Annie L. Curtis May 27, 1892 - June 1, 1966 Mary E. Curtis Apr. 22, 1902 - Apr 4, 1930 Curtis, Fred J MARKER: M-73-5 09/14/1898 Fred J. Curtis Sept 14, 1898 - Aug 15, 1946 Annie L. Curtis May 27, 1892 - June 1, 1966 Mary E. Curtis Apr. 22, 1902 - Apr 4, 1930 Curtis, Mary Ellen MARKER: M-73-2 04/22/1902 Fred J. Curtis Sept 14, 1898 - Aug 15, 1946 Annie L. Curtis May 27, 1892 - June 1, 1966 Mary E. Curtis Apr. 22, 1902 - Apr 4, 1930 Curtis, Ruth Glenn MARKER: N-19-6 RUTH GLENN CURTIS 05/26/1925 May 26, 1925 Dec 4, 1943 N-166-8 Custer, Carol Ann 10/02/1943 Infant Dabney, Gladys V. MARKER: B-18-2 DABNEY William A. Nov 17, 1914 May 12, 1987 Dabney, William A. MARKER: MARKER: 02/21/1992 02/25/1992 Glayds V. Aug 24, 1915 Feb 21, 1992 B-18-1 DABNEY William A. Nov 17, 1914 May 12, 1987 DaCosta, Genevieve M 08/24/1915 05/15/1987 Glayds V. Aug 24, 1915 Feb 21, 1992 31-100-4 Genevieve M. DaCosta 03/10/1896 10/14/1985 10/17/1985 10/29/1990 10/19/2004 10/23/2004 1896 - 1985 Dahlberg, Julia Ann MARKER: 42-70-4 JULIA ANN DAHLBERG October 29, 1990 - October 19, 2004 "Let the children come to me... for to such belongs the Kingdom of God" Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 114 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dail, Elias E MARKER: Birth_Date T-270-6C 09/18/1904 Elias E. Dail; Sept. 18, 1905 - March 8, 1961 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/08/1961 03/14/1961 07/21/1953 11/17/1976 Jly 21, 1953 - Nov 17, 1976 10/16/1922 07/02/1990 11/20/1976 Mary W. Dail Dula; Aug. 24, 1914 - May 19, 2003 Dailey, Janet Gagnon MARKER: Dain, Robert N MARKER: T-224-5 Janet Gagnon Dailey 31-42-1 Robert N. Dain 07/06/1990 October 16, 1922 - July 2, 1990 Daingerfield, Hariett Mackall MARKER: M-60-4 Harriet Mackall Taylor 01/01/1928 1850 - 1928 Wife of William Bathurst Daingerfield And made a sunshine in the shady place William Bathurst Daingerfield, Jr. 1879 - 1934 Daingerfield, William B., Jr. MARKER: M-60-5 Harriet Mackall Taylor 08/20/1934 1850 - 1928 Wife of William Bathurst Daingerfield And made a sunshine in the shady place William Bathurst Daingerfield, Jr. 1879 - 1934 Dakita, Josefino Sayas MARKER: 42-184-3 DAKITA 04/17/1944 01/08/2001 01/12/2001 05/25/1934 03/09/1988 03/14/1988 12/25/1953 01/01/1895 11/10/2009 01/01/1983 11/17/2009 01/15/1983 01/01/1892 01/01/1978 10/09/1978 08/22/1920 12/29/2006 01/19/2007 08/22/1920 12/29/2006 01/19/2007 08/23/1942 09/10/2002 09/13/2002 Josefino S. April 17, 1944 January 8, 2001 Dale, David Arthur MARKER: 2-92-2 David A. Dale may 25, 1934 - Mar. 9, 1988 Dale, Howard Christopher Dales, Lillian E MARKER: 42-193-1 1-35-4 DALES Wallace 1892-1978 Dales, Wallace MARKER: Lillian E. 1895-1983 1-35-3 DALES Wallace 1892-1978 Lillian E. 1895-1983 42-125-3A D'Alessandro, Anthony Mer Marine MARKER: WW II - Veteran Anthony G. D'Alessandro January 28, 1944 - (space) Beloved Son, Father, and Brother 42-125-3A D'Alessandro, Anthony Mer Marine WW II - Veteran D'Alessandro MARKER: Anthony Aug.22, 1920 Dec. 29, 2006 Dalgarno, James R. MARKER: Mary C. Dec. 6, 1922 (space) 31-6-3A DALGARNO James R. 1942 - 2002 "Forever Loved" Dalkin, Baby E-BBY-66-108 08/24/1964 Infant Dalkin, Ethlyn Lorraine MARKER: 2-75-4 DALKIN 10/22/1915 09/10/1991 09/13/1991 William H., Jr. E. Lorraine 1917-1984 1915-1991 together forever Dalkin, William Henry Jr. MARKER: 2-75-3 DALKIN 01/07/1984 William H., Jr. E. Lorraine 1917-1984 1915-1991 together forever Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 115 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) 42-28-5A Dalkin, William Henry, 3RD USAF, Lt. Birth_Date 11/20/1939 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/25/2001 03/30/2001 07/24/1877 01/01/1894 07/24/1877 11/10/1967 11/13/1967 U. S. Military Veteran DALKIN MARKER: William Henry III November 20, 1939 - March 25, 2001 G-138-4A N-146-1 Dalton, Douglas Dame, Susie Meade Child MARKER: Susie Meade Dame Died: Jul 24, 1877 Aged 5 yrs. and 7 days Only and Beloved Daughter of Rev. Wm. M. and Susie M. Dame N-63-6 Dameron, Glenn Weldon 07/09/1910 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Glenn Weldon Dameron Jly 9, 1910 - Nov. 10, 1967 Florida SPQI USNR WWII Dampier, Katie Canard S. MARKER: 2-51-4A Katie Canard Dampier 02/17/1914 09/02/1980 09/13/1980 09/23/1951 03/17/2003 03/19/2003 04/29/1927 03/25/2007 04/14/2007 Feb. 17, 1914 - Sept. 2, 1980 Beloved Mother of Carol 42-68-3 DANCU Dancu, Alexander MARKER: Alex : Sept. 23, 1951 - Mar. 17, 2003 Emilia : April 29, 1927 - Mar. 25, 2007 " In loving memory of my Son" 42-68-4 DANCU Dancu, Emilia MARKER: Alex : Sept. 23, 1951 - Mar. 17, 2003 Emilia : April 29, 1927 - Mar. 25, 2007 " In loving memory of my Son" Danforth, Barbara Jacobs MARKER: 2-74-4 Babara Jacobs Danforth 08/09/1982 Nov. 4, 1935 - Aug. 5, 1982 Daniel, William McCue MARKER: N-75-1 William McCue Daniel Mary B. Daniel 07/06/1942 1882 - 1942 1890 - 1966 C-35-3 Daniels, Bettie M. 11/25/1938 Infant Daniels, Frank Daniels, Herbert B MARKER: C-35-1 T-118-1 08/02/1909 Herbert B. Daniels Aug 2, 1909 - Sept 20, 1963 09/20/1963 01/01/1954 09/20/1963 Mildred E. Daniels June 4, 1917 - September 10, 1978 Daniels, Irving W Daniels, Mildred E. MARKER: T-67-3 11/28/1920 T-118-2 06/04/1917 Herbert B. Daniels Aug 2, 1909 - Sept 20, 1963 10/16/1972 10/17/1972 09/13/1978 09/27/1985 09/30/1985 10/28/1920 03/30/2009 04/03/2009 08/08/1916 07/18/2001 07/20/2001 Mildred E. Daniels June 4, 1917 - September 10, 1978 31-106-1 Danker, Leslie W USAC Leslie W. Danker MARKER: CPL Daquila, Conchita MARKER: 11/15/1924 WW II - Veteran US Army Air Corps WW II Nov. 15, 1924 - Sep 27, 1985 42-25-2 Conchhita E. Daquila October 28, 1920 - March 30, 2009 Daquila, Pablo N. MARKER: 42-25-1 PABLO N. DAQUILA AUGUST 8, 1916 - JULY 18, 2001 E-BBY-66-8 Darby, Baby 01/15/1959 Infant Darkow, Jerrell Henry MARKER: 31-83-2 Jerrell Henry Darkow 10/04/1963 09/16/1996 09/20/1996 Oct. 4, 1963 - Sept 16, 1996 "In Gods loving care." Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 116 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Darkow, Warren Walter MARKER: 42-32-2 DARKOW MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 12/16/1923 04/19/2002 04/23/2002 11/21/1933 01/03/2004 04/08/2004 R-194-5 09/17/1977 J. Earl Darling 1905 - 1977 T-221-5 T-200-2 06/20/1928 04/05/1972 Henry Charles Darmstader, Jr. June 20, 1928 - Apr 5, 1972 T-221-6 06/09/1985 D-3-1 08/18/1899 01/28/1990 Anne Darnell 1899 - 1990 D-3-2 Minnie B. Pettit Darnell 1892 - 1928 09/20/1977 Mary C. October 9, 1929 (blank) Darling, Joan Earl Birth_Date Warren W. December 16, 1923 April 19, 2002 R-193-5A JOAN EARL DARLING ( Cox, Clark ) Nov. 21, 1933 - Jan. 3, 2004 "Avid TV Watcher" Darling, John Earl MARKER: Darmstadter, Henry C., Sr. Darmstadter, Henry Charles Jr. MARKER: Darmstadter, Madeleine Darnell, Anne Barnwell MARKER: Darnell, Harry L MARKER: 05/05/1985 04/08/1972 06/12/1985 01/31/1990 01/07/1939 Wife of Harry L. Darnell Harry L. Darnell 1892 - 1939 Darnell, Minnie B.Pettit MARKER: D-3-3 Minnie B. Pettit Darnell 01/01/1928 1892 - 1928 Wife of Harry L. Darnell Harry L. Darnell 1892 - 1939 Davidson, Ellen V. Munday MARKER: C-12-1 M U N D A Y (oblisk) 03/02/1981 03/05/1981 09/11/1997 09/15/1997 01/20/1957 11/12/2007 12/29/2007 03/28/1942 08/23/2004 08/27/2004 01/01/1872 ??/??/1951 05/17/1951 04/25/1888 Apr 25, 1888 - Jan 4, 1943 01/04/1943 01/06/1943 07/03/1972 07/04/1972 06/10/1964 09/04/2002 03/24/1959 06/13/1964 09/07/2002 Charles E. Munday 1893 - 1932 Ellen Munday Davidson Nov 20, 1895 -March 2, 1981 Davidson, Floyd O. MARKER: 42-12-1 FLOYD OWEN 01/17/1924 MARGARET FRANCISCO DAVIDSON DAVIDSON JAN 17, 1924 JUNE 25, 1924 SEPT.11, 1997 (space) "AND FLIGHTS OF ANGLES SING THEE TO THY REST" C-12-4 Davidson, Peggy Joyce Infant Davidson, Robin Jay MARKER: 31-6-4A ROBIN J. DAVIDSON January 20, 1957 - November 12, 2007 Belovid Husband, Father, Friend Davie, Audrey Ann MARKER: 42-135-1 AUDREY A. DAVIE March 28, 1941 - August 23, 2004 If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. Davies, Ada B. Tatspaugh MARKER: R-10-5 ADA B. DAVIES 1872 - 1951 Davies, Harry B MARKER: N-18-5 Harry B. Davies A devoted Husband and loving Father Davies, John Paton, Rev. MARKER: T-141-6 John Paton Davies 07/27/1878 Jly 27, 1878 - Jly 3, 1972 Rest in Peace N-18-6 N-18-4 42-67-4 Davies, R Elizabeth Davies, William H Davis, Alberta Ruth 10/07/1914 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Alberta Ruth Davis October 7, 1914 September 4, 2002 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 117 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Davis, Alexander Hamilton Davis, Alonzo Bertrand MARKER: D-52-4 P-37-4 Alonzo Bertrand Davis Birth_Date Death_Date 09/09/1930 Burial_Date 09/09/1930 01/01/1930 1870 - 1930 Father in the gracious keeping Leave we now thy servant sleeping Davis, Anna Mason MARKER: P-37-1 Samuel Boyer Davis 01/01/1928 Dec 5, 1843 - Sept 24, 1914 He was a Confederate Soldier, Courier for Jefferson Davis His wife: Anna Mason Davis 1842 - 1928 He giveth his beloved sleep. Davis, Annie Amelia MARKER: P-52-3 Annie Amelia Markham 07/01/1830 Daughter of Robert Hunter and Wife of Rev. Dr. Davis Born in Fairfax Co., Va. Davis, Annie E MARKER: D-4-4 Mary Fox Davis 07/03/1950 1899 - 1978 Annie E. Davis Charles H. Davis Davis, Audrey Donaldson MARKER: 1869 - 1950 1867 - 1933 41-60-4A 11/15/1922 AUDREY DONALDSON DAVIS 04/09/2009 04/24/2009 01/02/1937 04/06/2009 04/09/2009 10/18/1903 05/05/1992 05/08/1992 06/01/1992 November 15, 1922 April 9, 2009 Davis, Barbara M. MARKER: E-52-5 Walter C, Jr, Barbara M. November 6, 1934 (space) Davis, Charles A. Davis, Charles A. MARKER: January 2, 1937 April 6, 2009 D-28-5 D-27-6 CHARLES A. DAVIS 1903 - 1992 Davis, Charles H MARKER: D-4-3 Mary Fox Davis Annie E. Davis Charles H. Davis Davis, Charles H MARKER: Davis, Courtland H., Sr. MARKER: Davis, Daisey Etta MARKER: 01/01/1933 1899 - 1978 1869 - 1950 1867 - 1933 D-4-3 DAVIS D-4-5 10/28/1992 10/28/1992 Courtland H. Davis 1897 - 1992 T-295-1 06/30/1883 01/11/1958 Mother: Daisy Etta Davis June 30, 1883 - Jan 11, 1958 01/01/1933 11/06/1992 01/14/1958 At Rest Davis, Dora Davis, Eileen A Davis, Elmer L MARKER: N-41-1 O-144-3 R-86-5 Elmer L. Davis 1901 - 1977 Emily C. Davis Davis, Emily Coates MARKER: R-86-4 Elmer L. Davis Emily C. Davis 1903 - 1973 02/22/1973 1901 - 1977 1903 - 1973 R-118-5 Davis, Etta Lewis 05/27/1939 10/03/1972 10/12/1977 11/17/1885 01/19/1984 OES- Order of Eastern Star 31-52-2 Davis, Evelyn Ryan Inmemorium MARKER: 01/01/1909 01/01/1991 ??/??/1939 ??/??/1990 1909 Evelyn Ryan Davis 1991 ( Scroll space ) Davis, Gail Bartlett MARKER: 31-55-1A GAIL BARTLETT DAVIS 02/18/1991 (Big Red ) 1939 - 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 118 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Davis, Gincie F MARKER: M-48-5 Isaiah M. Davis Birth_Date Death_Date 02/08/1945 1857 - 1925 Gincie F. Davis Asleep in Jesus 1870 - 1945 N-35-4A Davis, H. W. Inmemorium Burial_Date 01/01/1945 Stone Memorial-No Burials. MARKER: Grace D. Davis Lottie D. Evans 1908 - 1996 1918 - 1998 (Memorialization only) Davis, Harold Windsor MARKER: Davis, Helen D N-35-4 Harold Windsor Davies D-28-6 06/05/1895 08/21/1957 June 5, 1895 - Aug. 21, 1957 08/24/1957 09/15/1986 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Helen D.Davis 1897 - 1986 ( DAR ) Davis, Hilda Francis Davis, Ida Davis, Isaiah M MARKER: M-48-3 N-18-3 M-48-4 Isaiah M. Davis 06/03/1983 12/05/1949 10/28/1925 1857 - 1925 Gincie F. Davis Asleep in Jesus 1870 - 1945 R-130-1A O-284-2 Davis, James M Davis, Joel Delaney 05/01/1940 01/30/1984 Infant Davis, John H., Rev., D.D. MARKER: P-52-4 Rev John H. Davis, D.D. 10/01/1827 Oct 28, 1900 10/28/1900 10/28/1900 02/18/2006 02/21/2006 04/26/1939 07/18/1991 07/22/1991 02/13/1978 04/16/1998 12/19/1964 04/25/1998 Son of John Davis Born in Hardy Co., W.Va. - Died in Halifax Co., Va. Davis, John Wilson MARKER: 2-68-3 DAVIS John Wilson Davis, Joseph L. MARKER: 05/23/1917 May 23, 1917 - Frb. 18, 2006 32-19-1 DAVIS Joseph L. Apr. 26, 1939 July 18, 1991 Davis, Julia Whiting Davis, Justin Keith MARKER: R-90-3 42-13-1 Justin Keith Davis February 13, 1978 April, 16, 1998 Beloved son, brother and friend Davis, Lela Madison, Mrs. Davis, Lillian M MARKER: D-52-5 07/07/1925 R-83-6 08/19/1892 02/15/1968 Thomas Jefferson Davis May 4, 1861 - Feb. 7, 1935 07/07/1925 02/19/1968 Mary Sampson Davis Aug. 6, 1864 - Feb. 20, 1937 Lillian M. Davis Aug. 19, 1892 - Feb. 15, 1968 Olive B. Davis Jan 19, 1890 - May 20, 1985 Davis, Lucy A MARKER: Davis, Maggie Elizabeth MARKER: F-44-2 04/19/1840 Lucy A. Davis Apr. 19, 1840 - June 11, 1921 R-90-2 William B. Davis Died Jly 29, 1941 Maggie E. Davis Davis, Margaret MARKER: Davis, Mary Ellen B. MARKER: 06/11/1921 03/20/1941 03/23/1941 12/06/1993 12/09/1993 Died Mar. 20, 1941 E-52-2 DAVIS Walter Clarence Margaret Agnes 06/11/1921 09/26/1903 June 29, 1903 - August 26, 1970 September 26, 1903 - December 6, 1993 E-52-6 Mary Ellen B. Davis 10/10/1961 03/26/2004 03/29/2004 October 10, 1961 March 26, 2004 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 119 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Davis, Mary Fox MARKER: D-4-6 Mary Fox Davis MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 05/01/1978 05/04/1978 R-83-3 08/06/1864 02/20/1937 Thomas Jefferson Davis May 4, 1861 - Feb. 7, 1935 02/22/1937 Annie E. Davis Charles H. Davis Davis, Mary Sampson Birth_Date 1899 - 1978 1869 - 1950 1867 - 1933 Mary Sampson Davis Aug. 6, 1864 - Feb. 20, 1937 Lillian M. Davis Aug. 19, 1892 - Feb. 15, 1968 Olive B. Davis Jan 19, 1890 - May 20, 1985 Davis, Murray Mason MARKER: Davis, Nannie M Davis, Olen L. MARKER: P-37-5 01/17/1873 Murray Mason Davis Jan 17, 1873 - Jly 7, 1961 R-130-2 R-141-2 Olen L. Davis Sept. 30, 1896 - Jly. 7, 1977 Pauline Florence Davis Rest in Peace Davis, Olive Berry MARKER: 07/07/1961 07/10/1961 04/10/1940 07/10/1977 May 6, 1901 - Nov. 5, 1951 R-83-5 Thomas Jefferson Davis May 4, 1861 - Feb. 7, 1935 05/24/1985 Mary Sampson Davis Aug. 6, 1864 - Feb. 20, 1937 Lillian M. Davis Aug. 19, 1892 - Feb. 15, 1968 Olive B. Davis Jan 19, 1890 - May 20, 1985 Davis, Pauline Daisy MARKER: R-141-3 05/06/1901 Olen L. Davis Sept. 30, 1896 - Jly. 7, 1977 Pauline Florence Davis Rest in Peace Davis, Roy Gordon MARKER: 11/05/1951 11/08/1951 07/05/1939 02/10/2005 03/12/2005 12/05/1843 09/24/1914 09/24/1914 May 6, 1901 - Nov. 5, 1951 COL 6-S2-10 Roy Gordon Davis July 5, 1939 - February 10, 2005 P-37-2 Davis, Samuel Boyer C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Davis, Sara E.Herbert MARKER: Samuel Boyer Davis Dec 5, 1843 - Sept 24, 1914 He was a Confederate Soldier, Courier for Jefferson Davis His wife: Anna Mason Davis 1842 - 1928 He giveth his beloved sleep. Captain, Aide-de-Camp to Generals; I. Trimble, J H Winder, P O Herbert. Courier for President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis to Hon. Jacob Thompson, Confederate Agent in Canada. O-112-2 08/17/1881 02/04/1969 02/07/1969 Sara E. Herbert Davis Aug 17, 1881 - Feb 4, 1969 Virgil Conner Davis Jly 27, 1886 - May 27, 1967 Foster daughter Sally McCarty Wood Apr 25, 1908 - Jan 23, 1969 C-8-2 Davis, Sarah F. 10/09/1871 06/15/1953 06/15/1953 08/02/1948 08/05/1948 R-83-2 05/04/1861 02/07/1935 Thomas Jefferson Davis May 4, 1861 - Feb. 7, 1935 02/09/1935 DAVIS MARKER: William Henry Oct. 1, 1868 - April 12, 1943 Sarah Frances Oct. 9, 1871 - June 15, 1953 R-118-1B Davis, Stephen W 01/01/1888 Freemason MARKER: Stephen W. Davis Jan. 1, 1888 - Aug. 2, 1948 Etta Lewis Davis Nov. 17, 1885 - (space) George E. Butt Feb. 22, 1912 - Mar. 13, 1944 FAIRFAX on stone , but no names Davis, Thomas Jefferson MARKER: Mary Sampson Davis Aug. 6, 1864 - Feb. 20, 1937 Lillian M. Davis Aug. 19, 1892 - Feb. 15, 1968 Olive B. Davis Jan 19, 1890 - May 20, 1985 O-284-6 Davis, Victoria Lynn 08/13/1964 Infant Davis, Virgil Conner MARKER: O-112-1 Sara E. Herbert Davis 07/27/1886 05/27/1967 Aug 17, 1881 - Feb 4, 1969 05/31/1967 Virgil Conner Davis Jly 27, 1886 - May 27, 1967 Foster daughter Sally McCarty Wood Apr 25, 1908 - Jan 23, 1969 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 120 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date F-44-3 Davis, Walter Death_Date Burial_Date 10/15/1882 10/15/1882 08/26/1970 08/29/1970 Infant MARKER: Little Walter Aged 4 yrs., 11 mo. & 20 da. ...He was a beautiful ... (illegible in 1980) Give him to God Davis, Walter Clarence, Sr. E-52-1 06/29/1903 Alexandrian DAVIS MARKER: Walter Clarence Margaret Agnes NOTES: Davis, William Davis, William B MARKER: June 29, 1903 - August 26, 1970 September 26, 1903 - December 6, 1993 Founder (1933) of electrical firm of Walter C. Davis & Son, Alexandria , VA. Member Andrew Jackson Masonic Lodge No. 120 AF&AM. C-8-3 11/02/1957 R-90-1 07/29/1941 07/31/1941 William B. Davis Died Jly 29, 1941 Maggie E. Davis Died Mar. 20, 1941 C-8-1 Davis, William H. 10/01/1868 04/12/1943 04/15/1943 DAVIS MARKER: William Henry Oct. 1, 1868 - April 12, 1943 Sarah Frances Oct. 9, 1871 - June 15, 1953 Davis, William N Davis, Winnie K Davison, Clarence M MARKER: R-130-1B M-48-6 R-207-3 Clarence M. Davison 09/15/1903 05/26/1993 Sept. 15, 1903 - May 26, 1993 05/01/1940 11/02/1984 06/11/1993 Emmett C. Davison Feb 24, 1878 - Nov. 21, 1944 Laura Lee Davison Jly. 4, 1877 - May 17, 1964 R-207-2 Davison, Emmett C 02/24/1878 11/21/1944 11/24/1944 Alexandrian MARKER: Clarence M. Davison Sept. 15, 1903 - May 26, 1993 Emmett C. Davison Feb 24, 1878 - Nov. 21, 1944 Laura Lee Davison Jly. 4, 1877 - May 17, 1964 NOTES: Davison, Laura McGhee Lee MARKER: August 23, 2002: Mayor of the City of Alexandria in 1930's. R-207-1 07/04/1877 05/17/1964 Clarence M. Davison Sept. 15, 1903 - May 26, 1993 05/19/1964 Emmett C. Davison Feb 24, 1878 - Nov. 21, 1944 Laura Lee Davison Jly. 4, 1877 - May 17, 1964 M-156-4B Dawes, Dorothy Infant T-191-6 E-BBY-66-142 Dawson, Betty Rose Dawson, Christopher R 03/05/1928 07/22/2006 07/29/2006 12/13/1967 11/18/1874 10/23/1961 10/25/1961 Infant Dawson, Edna Horner MARKER: M-145-3C Samuel Cooper Dawson, Jr. Sept. 21, 1909 - Oct. 13, 2005 His wife: Edna Horner Dawson Nov 18, 1974 - Oct 2, 1961 infant Dawson Died: Feb 2, 1978 Dawson, Humphrey F., Jr. MARKER: N-87-2 DAWSON 07/29/1918 03/26/1971 03/27/1971 02/02/1978 02/21/1978 Humphrey F. Jr. July 29,1918 - March 26, 1971 Margaret V. Sept. 25, 1920 - March 18, 2006 Dawson, Infant MARKER: M-145-3B Samuel Cooper Dawson, Jr. Sept. 21, 1909 - Oct. 13, 2005 His wife: Edna Horner Dawson Nov 18, 1974 - Oct 2, 1961 infant Dawson Died: Feb 2, 1978 Dawson, Joan Sheldon MARKER: 2-92-3 DAWSON William J. 1924- Dawson, Louisa Washington MARKER: 01/17/1984 01/20/1984 02/24/1976 02/26/1976 Joan S. 1925-1984 P-12-5 Philip Dawson 11/14/1883 Jly 30, 1880 - June 20, 1963 His wife: Louisa Washington Dawson, Nov 14, 1883- Mar 8,1921 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 121 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dawson, Margaret V. MARKER: Birth_Date N-87-3 DAWSON Death_Date 09/25/1920 Burial_Date 03/18/2006 03/22/2006 04/17/1883 03/08/1921 Apr 17, 1883 - Mar 8, 1921 03/08/1921 Humphrey F. Jr. July 29,1918 - March 26, 1971 Margaret V. Sept. 25, 1920 - March 18, 2006 Dawson, Maria Mason MARKER: P-12-3 Maria Mason Dawson Daughter of Nicholas and Jennie Cooper Dawson Wife of Rev. Wm. G. Pendleton P-12-2 Dawson, Nicholas 01/01/1835 08/02/1906 08/02/1906 C S A Veteran MARKER: Nicholas Dawson, 7th Va. Cavalry, C.S.A. 1835 - 1906 His Wife: Virginia Mason Cooper 1843 - 1913 Daughter of Gen. Samuel & Sarah Marie Cooper The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. NOTES: Dawson, Phillip MARKER: Captain, 7th Virginia Cavalry. C.S.A. P-12-4 07/30/1880 Philip Dawson Jly 30, 1880 - June 20, 1963 06/20/1963 06/22/1963 His wife: Louisa Washington Dawson, Nov 14, 1883- Mar 8,1921 M-145-2 M-145-6A Dawson, Samuel Cooper Dawson, Samuel Cooper, CAPT., Jr. US NAVY MARKER: 07/06/1877 09/21/1909 03/20/1957 10/13/2005 03/21/1957 10/20/2005 WW II - Veteran Samuel Cooper Dawson, Jr. Sept. 21, 1909 - Oct. 13, 2005 His wife: Edna Horner Dawson Nov 18, 1974 - Oct 2, 1961 infant Dawson Died: Feb 2, 1978 Dawson, Virginia Mason Cooper MARKER: P-12-1 01/01/1843 01/01/1913 Nicholas Dawson, 7th Va. Cavalry, C.S.A. 1835 - 1906 01/01/1913 His Wife: Virginia Mason Cooper 1843 - 1913 Daughter of Gen. Samuel & Sarah Marie Cooper The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. Day, Charles E. Day, Daniel Ewell, Rev. MARKER: B-37-1 M-96-1 In Memory Of: The Reverend Daniel Ewell Day 11/11/1936 01/01/1933 1865 - 1933 Husband of Katherine Worden Day Day, Harriett B. Day, Joseph B Day, Katherine Mary Moriarity Day, Katherine Worden MARKER: B-37-2 M-96-4 R-45-1 07/30/1915 10/07/1998 M-96-2 In memory Of: Katherine Worden Day 1870 - 1968 01/04/1952 12/27/1968 10/14/1998 08/26/1968 Wife of Daniel Ewell Day Day, Worden De Torrez, Susanna Pimentel MARKER: M-98-3 42-64-1 08/10/1963 SUSANNA PIMENTEL DE TORREZ 09/29/2003 04/06/1987 10/03/2003 02/17/1999 05/21/2000 03/01/1999 05/24/2000 12/12/1897 12/12/1897 02/02/1864 01/23/1937 Feb 2, 1864 - Jan 23, 1937 01/26/1937 August 10, 1963 - Sept. 29, 2003 Mamita Susy Estaras Siempre en Nosotros Deacon, Lynnet A. Deacon, Stephen Lee MARKER: B-54-5 B-54-6 Stephen Lee Deacon 04/23/1918 08/21/1964 Aug. 21, 1964 - May 21, 2000 Deahl, Addison Washington Inmemorium MARKER: P-44-3B Infant Addison Washington Deahl Died: Dec 12, 1897 Infant Deahl, Charles James MARKER: P-44-1 Charles James Deahl Phebe Jane Stoutenburgh Sept 25, 1864 - Nov 4, 1941 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord And let light perpetual shine upon them Deahl, Marcella C P-44-3A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/14/1901 06/02/1908 06/02/1908 Page 122 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Deahl, Phebe J. S. MARKER: P-44-2 Charles James Deahl Birth_Date Death_Date 09/25/1864 11/04/1941 Feb 2, 1864 - Jan 23, 1937 Burial_Date 11/07/1941 Phebe Jane Stoutenburgh Sept 25, 1864 - Nov 4, 1941 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord And let light perpetual shine upon them B-40-5 32-13-1 Deal, Mary C Deal, Susan Babylon MARKER: 01/11/1941 03/24/2001 10/24/1946 03/27/2001 DEAL Susan B. January 11, 1914 March 24, 2001 Dean, Annie C MARKER: E-4-5 William E. Dean Annie C. Dean John I. Dean Dean, Benjamin F., Sr. MARKER: 02/06/1940 1853 -1932 1866 - 1940 1815 - 1897 T-309-1 Benjamin F. Dean, Sr. 06/05/1900 05/26/1957 JUne 5, 1900 - May 26, 1957 05/28/1957 11/15/1978 11/17/1978 Gone but not forgotten Dean, Blanche Westley MARKER: O-106-5 Blanche Westley Dean Leonard Warfield Dean Died: Nov 15, 1978 Died: Aug 8, 1953 E-4-2 Dean, Charles Infant DEAN MARKER: Clarence, Charles, Elwood infant sons of William & Annie Dean Grandsons of James Much. F-78-6 E-4-1 Dean, Charles E Dean, Clarence 12/22/1969 Infant DEAN MARKER: Clarence, Charles, Elwood infant sons of William & Annie Dean Grandsons of James Much. E-3-1 E-4-3 Dean, Courtland P Dean, Elwood R. 12/28/1957 Infant MARKER: DEAN Clarence, Charles, Elwood infant sons of William & Annie Dean Grandsons of James Much. Dean, Ethel M Dean, Hattie Dean, Isaac R Dean, John I. MARKER: T-309-2 F-78-5 E-3-3 E-4-6 William E. Dean Annie C. Dean John I. Dean Dean, Leonard Warfield MARKER: 09/01/1981 03/21/1964 03/25/1938 01/01/1897 1853 -1932 1866 - 1940 1815 - 1897 O-106-4 Blanche Westley Dean Leonard Warfield Dean Dean, Mr. Dean, Peggy MARKER: F-78-4 M-5-2 Peggy Dean 08/08/1953 08/11/1953 Died: Nov 15, 1978 Died: Aug 8, 1953 06/25/1949 (no dates) Nurse and for 70 years beloved inmate of the Blackford household. Faithful unto death, I will give thee a crown of life Dean, Virginia Dean, William E MARKER: E-3-2 E-4-4 William E. Dean Annie C. Dean John I. Dean Deane, Patricia M MARKER: 02/25/1942 01/01/1932 1853 -1932 1866 - 1940 1815 - 1897 1-7-1 Patricia McNeil Deane 08/01/1928 11/28/1981 12/02/1981 August 1, 1928 - Nov. 28, 1981 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 123 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dearborn, Carroll Espenett Army Air C Deavers, Bertha G Deavers, Eliza Nagel MARKER: Birth_Date 42-50-3A 08/26/1915 Death_Date 11/14/1999 Burial_Date 11/23/1999 WW II - Veteran M-83-6 F-67-2 Eliza Nagel Deavers 1840 - 1919 08/19/1986 01/01/1919 Orlando Deavers 1847 - 1919 Deavers, Emma I. MARKER: M-83-2 Lambert M. Deavers Emma I. Deavers at rest Deavers, Jay M Deavers, Joseph W Deavers, Lambert Milton MARKER: Deavers, Orlando MARKER: 1881 - 1942 M-83-4 M-83-3 M-83-1 Lambert M. Deavers Emma I. Deavers at rest 04/01/1942 1872 - 1934 07/24/1953 01/24/1964 04/09/1934 1872 - 1934 1881 - 1942 F-67-3 Eliza Nagel Deavers 1840 - 1919 01/01/1919 Orlando Deavers 1847 - 1919 Deavers, Virginia DeBardeleben, Dottie S MARKER: DeBardeleben, Frank Haywood MARKER: M-83-5 T-272-5 09/05/1957 Dottie S. DeBardeleben May 6, 19-- Sept 5, 1979 T-272-4A 04/24/1941 12/29/1960 DeBardeleben Frank Haywood John Frederick, Jr. DeBardeleben, John F., Jr. MARKER: Debbas, Lynda George MARKER: 12/31/1960 April 24, 1941 - DEc 29, 1960 May 19, 1937 - Dec 21, 1990 T-272-4B DeBardeleben Frank Haywood John Frederick, Jr. 03/24/1982 09/08/1979 05/19/1937 12/21/1990 12/31/1990 07/15/2002 07/20/2002 02/20/1899 10/14/1984 02/11/1967 10/17/1984 02/20/1899 10/14/1984 10/17/1984 11/04/1906 05/18/1995 05/23/1995 April 24, 1941 - DEc 29, 1960 May 19, 1937 - Dec 21, 1990 42-139-3 DEBBAS 07/09/1906 George E . July 7, 1896 Elias G. Aug. 4, 1936 Lynda G. July 9, 1906 - July 15, 2002 DeBruin, Mazie H Decatur, Carroll Charles MARKER: Decatur, Carroll Charles MARKER: Decatur, Glidie Alwine Phillips MARKER: T-381-4 C-23-1 C. Carroll Decatur February 20, 1899 - October 14, 1984 C-23-1 DECATUR C-23-5 G. Alwine Decatur November 4, 1906 - May 18, 1995 Decker, Dorette MARKER: T-306-5 Dorette Decker Marion E. Bennett Deery, Raymond MARKER: 02/12/1971 1885 - 1971 1912 - 1975 R-101-3 07/22/1929 09/01/1967 MOTHER - Lottie F. McCann May 8, 1885 - Dec. 17, 1945 09/05/1967 DAUGHTER - Ruth L. Deery Nov. 26, 1904 - Feb. 1, 1959 Raymond E. Deery Jly. 22, 1929 - Sept. 1, 1967 Deery, Ruth L MARKER: R-101-6 11/26/1904 02/01/1959 MOTHER - Lottie F. McCann May 8, 1885 - Dec. 17, 1945 02/04/1959 DAUGHTER - Ruth L. Deery Nov. 26, 1904 - Feb. 1, 1959 Raymond E. Deery Jly. 22, 1929 - Sept. 1, 1967 DeFrees, Mary L MARKER: Dehn, Carl H. O.(Scotty), Jr. MARKER: T-283-5 05/01/1877 Mary L. DeFrees May 1, 1877 - Jan 24, 1958 M-127-5 Sarah F. Dehn 1910 - 1986 Carl H. O. Dehn, Jr. Dehn, Sarah Frances MARKER: 01/27/1958 04/04/1970 04/07/1970 1908 - 1970 M-127-4 Sarah F. Dehn 1910 - 1986 Carl H. O. Dehn, Jr. 01/24/1958 07/02/1986 1908 - 1970 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 124 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Deimendes, Katie MARKER: Birth_Date 42-173-4 DEIMENDES Death_Date Burial_Date 03/08/1915 11/24/2007 11/29/2007 01/01/1906 09/19/1983 09/28/2000 11/29/1921 06/10/2008 06/20/2008 07/23/1977 06/21/2008 06/25/2008 Panos Deimendes 1906 - 1983 Katie Dourakou-Deimendes 1915- 2007 Deimendes, Panagiotis MARKER: 42-173-3 DEIMENDES Panos Deimendes 1906 - 1983 Katie Dourakou-Deimendes 1915- 2007 Deister, Eunice E. MARKER: 42-161-1A1 Eunice E. Deister Nov. 21, 1921 - June 10, 2008 Aunt and Angel Dejene, Theodros MARKER: 41-27-4 Theodros Dejene "Teddy" July 23, 1977 - June 21, 2008 E-BBY-66-39 Delinger, David B 09/13/1961 Infant Demaine, Anna R MARKER: E-21-2 Annie L. Demaine Julia B. Demaine Anna R. Demaine Demaine, Annie L. Demaine, Clova B MARKER: 01/01/1919 1871 - 1948 1881 - 1956 1849 - 1919 E-22-3 E-22-4 CLOVA B. 06/14/1905 03/19/1991 01/01/1948 03/23/1991 1905 - 1991 Demaine, Henry Marvin MARKER: Demaine, Julia B MARKER: E-21-4 Windsor W. Demaine H. Marvin Demaine William H. Demaine 1879 - 1962 1852 - 1928 E-21-5 Annie L. Demaine 1871 - 1948 Julia B. Demaine Anna R. Demaine Demaine, Julia L MARKER: E-21-6 Annie L. Demaine Julia B. Demaine Anna R. Demaine Demaine, William A MARKER: Demaine, William H 07/10/1962 1881 - 1929 08/04/1956 1881 - 1956 1849 - 1919 03/04/1968 1871 - 1948 1881 - 1956 1849 - 1919 G-137-2 03/17/1865 03/12/1923 William A. Demaine Mar 17, 1865 - Mar. 12, 1923 E-21-1 01/01/1852 01/01/1928 03/12/1923 01/01/1928 Alexandrian MARKER: Windsor W. Demaine H. Marvin Demaine William H. Demaine NOTES: Demaine, Windsor W 1881 - 1929 1879 - 1962 1852 - 1928 Principal in Demain Funeral Home of Alexandria, VA. E-22-2 01/01/1881 01/01/1929 01/01/1929 Alexandrian MARKER: Windsor W. Demaine H. Marvin Demaine William H. Demaine NOTES: Demaine, Windsor W., Jr. 1881 - 1929 1879 - 1962 1852 - 1928 President of Demaine Funeral Generation of the family business. E-22-5 Homes of Alexandria, VA. Third 04/15/1983 04/19/1983 Alexandria, VA. 05/04/2000 05/08/2000 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Demissie, Petros MARKER: Windsor W., Jr. 1905 - 1983 President of Demain Funeral Home of Generation. 42-16-2 09/09/1936 LIMUTILISH PETROS LISSANU Fourth DEMISSIE Sept. 9, 1936 May 4, 2000 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 125 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dempsey, Ashley Christian MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date F-46-4 Ashley Christian Dempsey 1852 - 1932 Burial_Date 01/01/1932 Phineas Janney Dempsey 1850 - 1929 Dempsey, Esther Sanford MARKER: F-47-5 08/27/1873 04/19/1901 Esther Sanford Dempsey Aug 27, 1873 - Apr 19, 1901 04/19/1901 Daughter of P.J. and Ashley C. Dempsey Dempsey, Margaret Meeks MARKER: Dempsey, Phineas Janney MARKER: N-129-2 03/07/1925 Margaret Meeks Dempsey 1925 - 1943 F-46-5 Ashley Christian Dempsey 1852 - 1932 03/30/1943 01/01/1929 Phineas Janney Dempsey 1850 - 1929 E-BBY-66-104 Dendy, Tina Gae 07/06/1964 Infant Denham, Elinor Robey MARKER: M-115-6 Elinor Robey Denham 08/28/1916 12/24/1979 12/27/1979 03/17/1955 01/25/1975 03/20/1977 12/31/2006 01/28/1975 03/23/1977 01/05/2007 02/17/1959 05/22/1944 02/20/1959 10/17/1881 10/17/1881 10/02/1881 10/21/1881 03/28/1945 03/31/1945 03/19/1923 03/19/1923 04/08/1918 08/02/1949 04/08/1918 Aug 28, 1916 - Dec 24, 1979 O-41-4 O-41-5 42-185-3 Dennis, Etta Crump Dennis, Richard O Dent, Pamela Kay UDC - United Daughters of the Confederacy MARKER: PAMELA KAY DENT March 17, 1955 - December 31, 2006 Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother Denton, Ella Hull Denty, Alice Bayliss MARKER: F-25-5 R-47-3 DENTY 09/28/1868 Joseph E. Denty Mar. 8, 1873 - Mar. 28, 1945 his wife Alice Bayliss Sept. 28, 1868 - Feb. 17, 1959 Denty, Emma MARKER: G-70-2 02/26/1874 Eva Denty June 6, 1875 - Oct 2, 1881 Daughter of S. & J.P. Denty Emma Denty Feb 26, 1874 - Oct 17, 1881 Daughter of S. & J.P. Denty Denty, Eva MARKER: G-70-3 06/06/1875 Eva Denty June 6, 1875 - Oct 2, 1881 Daughter of S. & J.P. Denty Emma Denty Feb 26, 1874 - Oct 17, 1881 Daughter of S. & J.P. Denty Denty, Joseph E MARKER: R-47-1 DENTY 03/08/1873 Joseph E. Denty Mar. 8, 1873 - Mar. 28, 1945 his wife Alice Bayliss Sept. 28, 1868 - Feb. 17, 1959 Denty, Richard R MARKER: G-70-6A My Husband 04/02/1889 Simeon Denty Jly 10, 1837 - Apr 8, 1918 My son Richard R. Denty Apr 2, 1889 - Mar 19, 1923 Denty, Simeon Denty, Simeon MARKER: G-70-4 G-70-5 My Husband 07/10/1837 Simeon Denty Jly 10, 1837 - Apr 8, 1918 My son Richard R. Denty Apr 2, 1889 - Mar 19, 1923 Derboghossian, Askanush K MARKER: 2-20-4 Askanush K. Der-Boghossian 12/10/1985 1909 - 1985 2-10-1 Derboghossian, Nubar MARKER: 01/31/1928 03/22/2000 03/29/2000 Father NUBAR DERBOGHOSSIAN Jan. 1928 - Mar. 2000 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die Deshler, P-60-1 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 126 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Desmond, Luly Grady Ware MARKER: A-66-2A DESMOND Birth_Date 01/10/1918 Death_Date Burial_Date 08/07/2009 08/17/2009 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 08/23/1991 08/24/1991 Ralph Paul, Jr. Capt. US Navy Ret. Feb 19, 1917 - Sept 28, 2005 Luly Ware Jan. 10, 1918 - Aug 7, 2009 Desmond, Ralph Paul, Jr. Capt. USN A-66-1A 02/19/1917 WW II - Veteran DESMOND MARKER: Ralph Paul, Jr. Capt. US Navy Ret. Feb 19, 1917 - Sept 28, 2005 Luly Ware Jan. 10, 1918 - Aug 7, 2009 DeStefano, Virginia G. MARKER: 31-101-4 Virginia G. De Stefano 11/21/1917 1917 - 1991 B-79-4 Dethman, Jimmie 08/04/1942 Infant Dettor, Clarence W MARKER: R-167-1 Clarence W. Dettor 07/19/1956 07/23/1956 12/01/1954 12/04/1954 09/28/1901 04/10/1998 04/14/1998 G-41-3 09/28/1901 William L. Devers Jly 26, 1902 - Nov. 15, 1977 04/10/1998 04/14/1998 Minnie M. Dettor Dettor, Minnie M MARKER: Oct. 28, 1878 - Dec. 1, 1954 R-167-2 Clarence W. Dettor Minnie M. Dettor Devers, Ida Madeline Hughes MARKER: 03/01/1875 Mar. 1, 1875 - Jly. 19, 1956 10/28/1878 Mar. 1, 1875 - Jly. 19, 1956 Oct. 28, 1878 - Dec. 1, 1954 G-41-3 Ida Madeline Hughes Sept. 28, 1901 April 10, 1998 Devers, Ida Madeline Hughes MARKER: Ida Madeline Hughes Devers, Leonard (Dutch) W Sept 28, 1901 - April 10, 1995 R-14-2 07/16/1981 Freemason DEAVERS MARKER: Leonard W. (Dutch) 1912 - 1981 Beloved Husband Of: Virginia Finks 1919 - 1985 Devers, Virginia Finks MARKER: R-14-3 DEAVERS 02/18/1985 Leonard W. (Dutch) 1912 - 1981 Beloved Husband Of: Virginia Finks 1919 - 1985 Devers, William L MARKER: G-41-2 07/26/1902 William L. Devers Jly 26, 1902 - Nov. 15, 1977 Ida Madeline Hughes 11/15/1977 Sept 28, 1901 - April 10, 1995 E-BBY-66-18 Devine, Baby 11/18/1977 01/25/1960 Infant Devine, Hugh M MARKER: T-336-1 DEVINE Katie M. Devine Hugh M. Devine Devine, Katie M. MARKER: Devitt, Edith Helen Devoe, Baby 01/06/1968 01/09/1968 01/13/1991 01/16/1991 01/24/1903 01/23/2003 01/28/2003 03/30/1961 07/31/1925 01/08/2000 01/12/2000 May 25, 1901 - Jan 13, 1991 Apr 21, 1896 - Jan 6, 1968 T-336-2 DEVINE Katie M. Devine Hugh M. Devine 04/21/1896 05/25/1901 May 25, 1901 - Jan 13, 1991 Apr 21, 1896 - Jan 6, 1968 42-119-3 E-BBY-66-32 Infant DeWalt, Genevieve Gorham MARKER: F-24-3 Genevieve G. DeWalt July 31, 1925 Jan. 8, 2000 Panel with carved Latin Cross and a single rose. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 127 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dewey, Marilie Fifer MARKER: Diamond, Isabella Stevenson MARKER: Birth_Date 2-18-4A MARILIE FIFER DEWEY Death_Date 03/02/1940 March 2, 1940 - March 11, 2005 A devout Episcopalian, Spirited Volunteer, Proud Alexandrian, Faithful Friend and a Loving and Proud Mother who had a zest for life. 6-35-2 Isabella Stevenson Diamond of Burial_Date 03/11/2005 03/28/2005 09/30/1978 10/03/1978 03/19/2006 03/23/2006 05/21/2005 05/27/2005 12/30/1937 01/01/1938 Fulton, New York and Alexandria, Virginia SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 DiCesare, Clara Fratelli MARKER: 42-204-4 DiCesare 03/23/1923 Joseph Anthony August 10, 1921 - May 21,2005 Clara Fratelli March 13, 1923 - March 19, 2006 60 years together in marriage. Together forever in eternity DiCesare, Joseph Anthony US Navy 42-204-3 08/10/1921 WW II - Veteran DiCesare MARKER: Joseph Anthony August 10, 1921 - May 21,2005 Clara Fratelli March 13, 1923 - March 19, 2006 60 years together in marriage. Together forever in eternity Dick, Harry MARKER: B-26-4 05/12/1882 Harry B. Dick May 12, 1882 - Dec. 30, 1937 Mayme M. Dick 1879 - 1962 Dick, Mayme M. MARKER: B-26-5 Harry B. Dick May 12, 1882 - Dec. 30, 1937 12/24/1962 Mayme M. Dick 1879 - 1962 Dickerson, Effie C MARKER: G-65-2 03/07/1884 John E. Clapdore Nov 27, 1857 - Nov 28, 1940 10/16/1967 10/20/1967 James M. Dickerson Oct 3, 1885 - Dec 13, 1964 Effie C. Dickerson Mar 7, 1884 - Oct 16, 1967 G-157-2 Dickerson, Iris Hope 01/19/1940 Infant MARKER: Benjamin F. Dickerson 1897 - Iris Glasscock Dickerson 1899 - 1972 Iris Hope Dickerson 1937 - 1940 Dickerson, Iris Hope Glasscock MARKER: G-157-3 Benjamin F. Dickerson 08/16/1972 1897 - Iris Glasscock Dickerson 1899 - 1972 Iris Hope Dickerson 1937 - 1940 Dickerson, James M MARKER: G-65-3 10/03/1885 John E. Clapdore Nov 27, 1857 - Nov 28, 1940 12/13/1964 12/18/1964 James M. Dickerson Oct 3, 1885 - Dec 13, 1964 Effie C. Dickerson Mar 7, 1884 - Oct 16, 1967 Dickinson, John Lawson MARKER: Dickinson, Margarite Mittendorff MARKER: R-243-2 John Lawson Dickinson R-79-6A Margarite M. Dickson 05/08/1964 Feb. 12, 1931 - May 5, 1964 06/25/1905 02/08/2002 05/06/2002 Jun 25, 1905 - Feb 8, 2002 free spirit T-VET-47-3 Dickman, Ilka D., Dr. 01/01/1899 05/07/1984 05/10/1984 01/01/1987 10/31/1987 06/10/2002 07/11/2002 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Dr. William J. Dickman Dr. Ilka D. Dickman Dickman, William J., Dr. 1900 - 1987 1899 - 1984 T-VET-47-2 01/01/1900 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Dr. William J. Dickman Dr. Ilka D. Dickman Dickson, George Robert MARKER: 1900 - 1987 1899 - 1984 A-21-4A George Robert Dickson 03/11/1916 March 11, 1916 - June 10 2002 Beloved wife: Margaret Dame Worthington April 22, 1913 - May 6, 2006 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 128 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dickson, Margaret Dame Worthington MARKER: Birth_Date A-21-4B George Robert Dickson 04/22/1913 Death_Date 05/06/2006 Burial_Date 05/12/2006 March 11, 1916 - June 10 2002 Beloved wife: Margaret Dame Worthington April 22, 1913 - May 6, 2006 Didszoneit, Evelyn C Kreamer MARKER: R-138-2 Lawrence Ross Didszoneit 1902 - 1966 05/20/1940 Evelyn C. Kreamer 1911 - 1940 William Kaus 1879 - 1954 Anna M. Bartsch 1883 - 1971 Didszoneit, Lawrence Ross MARKER: R-138-1 Lawrence Ross Didszoneit 1902 - 1966 09/08/1966 Evelyn C. Kreamer 1911 - 1940 William Kaus 1879 - 1954 Anna M. Bartsch 1883 - 1971 Dieg, Marie Dieke, Gerhard (H.) MARKER: B-BBY-48-19 O-FH-15-2A 08/25/1965 Gerhard H. Dieke 20 VIII, 1901 - 25 VIII, 1965 08/25/1965 12/03/1954 08/28/1965 07/23/1989 09/30/1989 07/15/1869 03/31/1863 06/28/1946 08/25/1950 06/28/1946 07/28/1950 F-7-5 11/30/1892 T-179-6 02/08/1889 Charles J. Dienelt Feb 8, 1889 - June 13, 1973 T-80-1 06/06/1887 Lelia H. Dienelt June 6, 1887 - Dec 9, 1971 O-110-1 DIENELT 05/17/1960 06/13/1973 05/20/1960 06/16/1973 12/09/1971 12/09/1971 Son of Gerard Dieke and Bertha Fischer Professor of Physics in the Johns Hopkins University 1939-1965 Married 8 VI 1933 to Sally Harrison 7 II 1913 - 23 VII 1989 Daughter of Fairfax Harison and Hetty Cary R. I. P. Dieke, Sallie Harrison MARKER: O-FH-15-2B Gerhard H. Dieke 20 VIII, 1901 - 25 VIII, 1965 Son of Gerard Dieke and Bertha Fischer Professor of Physics in the Johns Hopkins University 1939-1965 Married 8 VI 1933 to Sally Harrison 7 II 1913 - 23 VII 1989 Daughter of Fairfax Harison and Hetty Cary R. I. P. Dienelt, Aldoph A Dienelt, Anna Mitchel MARKER: F-7-4 O-110-2 DIENELT Anna M. Mar 31, 8163 - Aug 25, 1950 Mildred M. Sept 11, 1893 - May 3, 1965 Mary A. July 12, 1896 - Nov 6, 1984 Dienelt, Beatrice P. Dienelt, Charles J MARKER: Dienelt, Lelia H MARKER: Dienelt, Mary A MARKER: 11/09/1984 Anna M. Mar 31, 8163 - Aug 25, 1950 Mildred M. Sept 11, 1893 - May 3, 1965 Mary A. July 12, 1896 - Nov 6, 1984 Dienelt, Mildred M MARKER: O-110-3 DIENELT 09/11/1893 05/03/1965 05/05/1965 Anna M. Mar 31, 8163 - Aug 25, 1950 Mildred M. Sept 11, 1893 - May 3, 1965 Mary A. July 12, 1896 - Nov 6, 1984 Dienelt, Mozelle Goods MARKER: Dienelt, Walter E DiGiacomo, Joseph G "Jay" MARKER: M-159-1 Mozelle Goods Dienelt 1896 - 1930 F-7-3 1-11-2 01/01/1956 Joseph G. DiGiacomo 01/01/1930 01/01/1986 10/18/1931 07/14/1986 10/17/2002 10/22/2002 "Jay" 1956 - 1986 DiGiacomo, Regina Kearns MARKER: 1-11-3 DiGIACOMO 06/23/1933 Regina Kearns Joseph G. - Captain US NAVY 1933 - 2002 1929 - (space) 49 Great Years Together Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 129 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dillon, William David Jr. N-127-30 Birth_Date 07/25/1943 Death_Date 01/28/1948 Burial_Date 02/01/1948 Child MARKER: William David Dillon, Jr. Jly 25, 1943 - Jan 28, 1948 R-236-2A R-236-2B Dimmette, Claude C Dimmette, Nellie B 12/15/1966 12/07/1967 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution Dimmette, Wilburn A MARKER: Dinges, Inez Pierpoint MARKER: R-236-1 11/02/1910 01/22/1941 Wilburn A. Dimmette Nov 2, 1910 - Jan. 22, 1941 B-74-4 01/07/1901 12/07/1982 INEZ PIERPOINT DINGES 01/24/1941 12/13/1982 Jan. 7, 1901 - Decc. 7,1982 DiPaola, Jerome S. MARKER: 32-42-3 Jerome Stephen DiPaola 10/20/1959 11/13/1992 11/19/1992 02/04/1931 04/09/1996 04/16/1996 11/03/1851 May 4, 1870 - Dec 22, 1941 04/01/1903 04/04/1903 12/08/1935 12/11/1935 09/23/2008 10/04/2008 Oct 20, 1959 - Nov. 13, 1992 Beloved husband, son, brother and uncle. "Who is it that loves me and will love me forever 31-17-4 Disque, Raymond D. US NAVY MARKER: Korean War - Veteran Raymond D. Disque Ralph Kroll Feb. 4, 1931 April 9, 1996 Dix, George W. MARKER: Aug. 21, 1935 Dec. 8, 2004 R-142-2A L.May Phillips George W. Dix Nov. 3, 1851 - Apr. 1, 1903 his wife Jane E. Phillips Oct. 28, 1857 - Dec. 8, 1935 Dix, Jane E.Phillips MARKER: R-142-2B L.May Phillips 10/28/1857 May 4, 1870 - Dec 22, 1941 George W. Dix Nov. 3, 1851 - Apr. 1, 1903 his wife Jane E. Phillips Oct. 28, 1857 - Dec. 8, 1935 Dixon, Charles W. MARKER: 42-198-3A DIXON 02/27/1943 Charles Witcher February 27, 1943 - September 23, 2008 Mary Eileen Laird November 10, 1944 - (space) Dobbins, Billie Ann MARKER: T-192-1 In Memory of 07/14/1954 09/10/1962 09/12/1962 Billie Ann Dobbins Jly 14, 1954 - Sept 10, 1962 Such is the Kingdom of God Dobie, Grace T MARKER: Dobkin, Pauline MARKER: G-142-6 Grace T. Dobie 1882 - 1972 COL 6-S2-44 Pauline E. Dobkin 08/12/1972 11/26/1911 06/22/2007 07/02/2007 02/25/1898 04/08/1943 04/08/1943 November 26, 1911 - June 22, 2007 Dodd, Clifford E MARKER: R-80-4 DODD Clifford E. Feb. 25, 1898 April 8,1943 Dodd, Ennis Mosby MARKER: R-77-1 Ennis M. Dodd Esther M. Dodd Dodd, Esther M MARKER: R-77-2 Ennis M. Dodd Esther M. Dodd Dodd, Marian F. MARKER: Marion F. March 12, 1905 May 4, 1992 01/13/1906 Jan 13, 1906 - 1986 Mar. 1, 1910 - 12/12/1990 03/01/1910 Jan 13, 1906 - 1986 MARKER: 12/14/1990 03/12/1905 05/04/1992 05/06/1992 05/02/1900 01/27/1988 01/30/1988 Marion F. March 12, 1905 May 4, 1992 R-29-2 Dodge, Louise S 12/12/1990 Mar. 1, 1910 - 12/12/1990 R-80-5 DODD Clifford E. Feb. 25, 1898 April 8,1943 03/22/1986 DODGE W. Ernest Dodge Oct. 10, 1893 - Apr. 12, 1971 Louise S. Dodge May 2, 1900 - Jan 27, 1988 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 130 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date R-29-1 Dodge, W Ernest 10/10/1893 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/12/1971 04/13/1971 09/30/1916 08/19/2005 08/23/2005 11/16/1917 11/20/1984 11/21/1984 03/23/1940 06/11/1987 06/13/1987 03/23/1940 06/11/1987 06/13/1987 03/18/1913 07/05/2000 07/08/2000 09/16/1912 07/26/1992 07/29/1992 03/13/1902 10/24/1997 10/29/1997 06/04/1908 03/08/2001 03/13/2001 Freemason DODGE MARKER: W. Ernest Dodge Oct. 10, 1893 - Apr. 12, 1971 Louise S. Dodge May 2, 1900 - Jan 27, 1988 Dodson, Dorothy Cook MARKER: R-128-5 DOROTHY V DODSON 1916 - 2005 R-128-4 Dodson, John Cook Lt US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran John C. Dodson Lt. US NAVY WORLD WAR II 1917 - 1984 Doherty, Deborah L MARKER: 31-14-4 Deborah Doherty March 23, 1940 - June 11, 1987 Loving Mother, Daughter & Sister Doherty, Deborah L MARKER: Doherty, Fidelia D'Amato MARKER: 31-14-4 D O H E R T Y 31-15-2 Fidelia D'Amato March 18, 1913 - July 5, 2000 Our Gram Girl: A woman filled with grace, spirit, devotion, goodness and above all, love for her family. Doherty, Lewis J. MARKER: 31-15-1 DOHERTY Lewis John Sept. 16, 1912 - July 22, 1992 A man of compassion, gentleness.with humor and above all, love for his family. 42-194-1 Dolkos, Charles J. Freemason MARKER: DOLKOS Charles J. Rose F. 1902 - 1997 1908 - 2001 Dolkos, Rose F. MARKER: 42-194-2 DOLKOS Charles J. Rose F. 1902 - 1997 1908 - 2001 Doll, Rebecca Tidball MARKER: Domino, Estelle R. MARKER: P-66-4 Rebecca T. Doll T-331-4A DOMINO 09/04/1984 09/06/1984 - Sept 4, 1989 04/30/1910 05/11/1987 04/13/1993 07/21/1908 04/04/1993 04/13/1993 T-255-1 11/09/1894 10/26/1974 Stephen Wallace Donahue Nov 9, 1894 - Oct 26, 1974 T-255-2 R-11-5 01/01/1893 02/26/1986 R-11-3 10/24/1915 12/16/1999 Victoria K. Donald Aug. 15, 1868 - Jan. 16, 1944 10/30/1974 Estelle R. 1910 - 1987 Raimondo M. 1908 - 1993 Domino, Ray M. MARKER: T-331-4B DOMINO Estelle R. 1910 - 1987 Raimondo M. 1908 - 1993 Donahue, Stephen Wallace MARKER: Donahue, Virginia S Donald, Frances Cleveland Donald, Lane A. MARKER: Linsey E. Donald Lane A. Donald Donald, Lewis Allen, Sr. MARKER: 01/16/1989 03/01/1986 12/20/1999 Feb. 13, 1898 - Sept. 8, 1948 Oct. 24, 1915 - Dec. 16, 1999 R-11-4 DONALD 01/25/1891 04/07/1961 04/10/1961 Reba A. Donald May 5, 1899 - Dec. 16, 1990 Lewis A. Donald Jan. 25, 1891 - Apr. 7, 1961 Frances C, Nov 8, 1892 - Feb 26, 1986 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 131 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Donald, Linsay E. MARKER: R-11-1 Victoria K. Donald Linsey E. Donald Lane A. Donald Donald, Reba M MARKER: Birth_Date 02/13/1898 Aug. 15, 1868 - Jan. 16, 1944 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/08/1948 09/12/1948 12/16/1990 12/19/1990 01/16/1944 01/18/1944 Feb. 13, 1898 - Sept. 8, 1948 Oct. 24, 1915 - Dec. 16, 1999 R-11-6 DONALD 05/05/1899 Reba A. Donald May 5, 1899 - Dec. 16, 1990 Lewis A. Donald Jan. 25, 1891 - Apr. 7, 1961 Frances C, Nov 8, 1892 - Feb 26, 1986 Donald, Victoria K. MARKER: R-11-2 Victoria K. Donald Linsey E. Donald Lane A. Donald 08/15/1868 Aug. 15, 1868 - Jan. 16, 1944 Feb. 13, 1898 - Sept. 8, 1948 Oct. 24, 1915 - Dec. 16, 1999 E-14-2 Donaldson, Agnes F 11/28/1971 Infant MARKER: DONALDSON Victor Crenshaw 1873 - 1941 K. May Howard 1874 - 1949 Agnes Faudree 1899 - 1971 Donaldson, Kay May Howard MARKER: E-14-1 DONALDSON 01/01/1949 Victor Crenshaw 1873 - 1941 K. May Howard 1874 - 1949 Agnes Faudree 1899 - 1971 Donaldson, Victor Crenshaw MARKER: E-13-3 DONALDSON 12/10/1941 Victor Crenshaw 1873 - 1941 K. May Howard 1874 - 1949 Agnes Faudree 1899 - 1971 Doniphan, Alexander S., Jr. MARKER: D-22-5 Alexander S.Doniphan, Jr 01/01/1964 1898 - 1964 Ruth Gary Doniphan 1870 - 1956 Alexander S. Doniphan 1867 - 1956 Doniphan, Alexander S., Sr. MARKER: D-22-2 Alexander S.Doniphan, Jr 10/24/1956 1898 - 1964 Ruth Gary Doniphan 1870 - 1956 Alexander S. Doniphan 1867 - 1956 Doniphan, Helen M Doniphan, Ruth Gary MARKER: D-22-6A D-22-1 Alexander S.Doniphan, Jr 04/21/1956 02/06/1984 04/24/1956 11/21/1918 12/12/2002 12/17/2002 02/14/1909 12/12/1977 12/15/1977 09/10/1949 09/28/2005 10/04/2005 12/09/2003 12/12/2003 11/10/1996 11/15/1996 1898 - 1964 Ruth Gary Doniphan 1870 - 1956 Alexander S. Doniphan 1867 - 1956 Donohoe, Hazel Taylor MARKER: 6-22-4 Hazel T. Donohoe November 21, 1918 - December 12, 2002 Donohoe, John C MARKER: 6-22-3 JOHN C. DONOHOE FEBRUARY 14, 1909 DECEMBER 12, 1977 Donohoe, Peter Leo MARKER: 42-127-1A DONOHOE Peter Leo September 10, 1949 - September 28, 2005 God bless our absent loved ones. Donohue, Elizabeth Brossard MARKER: 42-134-1 10/01/1910 ELIZABETH BROSSARD DONOHUE "Betty" 1 October 1910 - 9 December 2003 Always in our hearts Dopp, Gordon M. MARKER: 2-86-2B DOPP 04/17/1904 Gordon M. 1904-1996 Treva E. 1909-1986 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 132 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 2-86-2A Dopp, Treva Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1909 01/01/1986 01/02/1987 05/28/1938 03/07/2007 03/14/2007 05/03/1990 05/07/1990 11/17/1974 11/20/1974 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: DOPP Gordon M. 1904-1996 Treva E. 1909-1986 Doral, Emilio D. MARKER: 42-28-2 DORAL Emilo D. May 28, 1938 - March 7, 2007 T-97-4 Doran, Albert E 06/15/1905 DORAN MARKER: Robbie B. Doran Albert E. Doran 1913 - 1974 1905 - 1990 T-97-5 Doran, Robbie B DORAN MARKER: Robbie B. Doran Albert E. Doran Dornin, Minnie Mathews MARKER: Dorning, William F MARKER: 1913 - 1974 1905 - 1990 N-21-3 Minnie Mathewws Dornin 2-63-1 DORNING 04/28/1965 1874 - 1965 03/20/1984 William F. July 31, 1919 - March 16, 1984 Elinor C. Nov. 8, 1915 - Doud, Sheila Elizabeth MARKER: 31-93-4 Sheila E. Doud 01/01/1918 03/21/1988 03/24/1988 1918 - 1988 "Beloved" Douglas, Baby Douglas, Howell J Douglas, Louise G. MARKER: Douglas, Robert Allen US AIR FOR Douglas, Willis Maxwell MARKER: Douglass, Edward J. MARKER: N-127-37 T-167-4B T-167-5B Louise G. Douglas 32-59-3A 02/08/1911 08/31/1998 Feb 08, 1911- Aug. 31, 1998 02/07/1933 11/03/2009 11/22/1948 04/25/1982 09/04/1998 11/09/2009 U. S. Military Veteran T-167-4A 02/19/1906 01/04/1977 W. Maxwell Douglas Feb 19, 1906 - Jan 4, 1997 B-60-1 11/14/1910 01/16/1975 Edward Joe Douglass Nov 14, 1910 - Jan 16,1975 01/06/1977 01/20/1975 We love you Douglass, Eliza V MARKER: M-11-3 Eliza V. Douglass 03/05/1861 Died: March 5, 1861 Wife of Andrew Jamieson B-82-3 Douglass, Hazel Browne 07/01/1882 01/05/1978 01/09/1978 09/23/1938 09/23/1938 12/24/1952 12/24/1952 12/24/1952 12/24/1952 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Hazel Browne Douglass Beloved Wife of MacDonald Douglass Jul 01, 1882 - Jan 05, 1978 Douglass, Hazel E MARKER: B-60-2 Hazel E. Douglass 04/01/1914 April 1, 1914 - Sept. 23, 1938 Wife of E. J. Douglass B-82-2 Douglass, Helene Kathleen 12/24/1907 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Helene Kathleen Douglass Beloved Daughter of MacDonald Douglass and Hazel Kirke Browne ( DAR) Dec. 24, 1907 - Dec 24, 1952 B-82-2 Douglass, Helene Kathleen 12/24/1907 WW I - Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Four Corner markers with "D" Member, Mt Vernon Chapter DAR. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 133 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date B-82-1 Douglass, MacDonald Death_Date Burial_Date 09/20/1882 02/16/1956 02/20/1956 09/20/1882 02/16/1956 02/20/1956 HISTORIC / NOTED DOUGLASS MARKER: (Dual Bench with Large center vase.) B-82-1 Douglass, MacDonald HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: MacDonald Douglass Beloved Husband of Hazel Browne Douglass The Society of the Cinncinnati, 1783 Sep 20, 1882 - Feb 16, 1956 B-60-3 In Loving Memory of our Mother Douglass, Mary Jane MARKER: 04/01/1986 Mary Jane Smoot Douglass November 23, 1909 - March 28, 1986 wife of : E. J. Douglass Douthat, Jacob Wall MARKER: N-130-4 Jacob Wall Douthat Sallie Douthat Douthat, Sallie N. MARKER: Died 1960 N-130-5 Jacob Wall Douthat 01/01/1960 08/05/1960 O-224-5 02/24/1882 12/12/1964 VIRGINIA WEHAUSEN April 7, 1879 - April 5, 1948 12/15/1964 Sallie Douthat Dove, Charles Edward MARKER: 04/28/1942 Died 1942 09/06/1872 Died 1942 Died 1960 Charles Edward Dove February 24, 1882 - December 12,1964 LeRoy Lyons December 25, 1903 - June 24, 1985 Dove, Mamie Taylor MARKER: N-35-2 09/22/1882 12/29/1961 Mamie Taylor Dove Sept 22, 1882 - Dec 29, 1961 01/01/1962 Samuel Tufton Dove June 14, 1878 - Jan 23, 1962 In Memorium Margaret Alydia Dove Aug 10, 1906 - Aug 22, 1907 N-35-1A Dove, Margaret Alydia Inmemorium 08/10/1906 08/22/1907 Child MARKER: Mamie Taylor Dove Sept 22, 1882 - Dec 29, 1961 Samuel Tufton Dove June 14, 1878 - Jan 23, 1962 In Memorium Margaret Alydia Dove Aug 10, 1906 - Aug 22, 1907 Dove, Samuel Tufton MARKER: N-35-1 06/14/1878 01/23/1962 Mamie Taylor Dove Sept 22, 1882 - Dec 29, 1961 01/25/1962 Samuel Tufton Dove June 14, 1878 - Jan 23, 1962 In Memorium Margaret Alydia Dove Aug 10, 1906 - Aug 22, 1907 Dove, Virginia Wehausen MARKER: O-224-4 04/07/1879 04/05/1948 VIRGINIA WEHAUSEN April 7, 1879 - April 5, 1948 04/05/1948 Charles Edward Dove February 24, 1882 - December 12,1964 LeRoy Lyons December 25, 1903 - June 24, 1985 Dow, Donald Huse MARKER: 2-66-4 DOW 06/07/1983 Donald Huse; July 21, 1918 - June 3, 1983 Dow, Frank E. Dow, Sophia Munson Dowden, Annie J. (Haliday) MARKER: T-112-2 T-112-3 N-142-3 Annie J. Haliday 04/05/1911 11/09/1871 Nov 9, 1871 - June 9, 1942 02/27/2005 06/09/1942 03/02/1981 03/03/2005 06/12/1942 12/12/1863 Dec 12, 1863 - Mar 25, 1903 03/25/1903 03/25/1903 wife of L. T. Dowden Dowden, Maud H MARKER: N-142-2 Maud H. Dowden At Rest E-BBY-66-3 Dowdy, Baby 10/29/1958 Infant Dowling, Wilma L. MARKER: 42-65-3 Dowling 05/15/1948 02/16/2002 02/19/2002 Wilma Lillian Daniel Joseph May 15, 1948 Nov. 4, 1953 Feb. 16, 2002 (space) To my little Wilma, love you heaps, Momma Dog Forever, Daddy Dog XXO Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 134 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date O-271-5 Downham, George Francis Navy Air MARKER: 07/09/1898 Downham, Helen Hope MARKER: Sept 25, 1893 - Feb 6, 1977 Officer and Director in United Virginia Bank/ National, Alexandria, VA O-271-4 02/17/1927 11/06/1987 11/09/1987 DOWNHAM Feb. 17, 1927 - Nov. 6, 1987 O-271-6 09/25/1900 02/06/1977 George Francis Downham Jlly 9, 1898 - Nov 7, 1975 Helen Roland Downham Downham, Mai Greenwell MARKER: MARKER: 08/12/1959 1876 - 1956 1878 - 1959 1876 - 1961 R-60-4 Robert Forsythe Downham Mai Greewell Downham Annie Laurie Greenwell Downham, Terri Dawn 02/09/1977 Sept 25, 1893 - Feb 6, 1977 R-60-5 Robert Forsythe Downham Mai Greewell Downham Annie Laurie Greenwell Downham, Robert Forsythe MARKER: 11/10/1975 George Francis Downham Jlly 9, 1898 - Nov 7, 1975 Helen Hope Downham, Helen Roland MARKER: 11/07/1975 Burial_Date WW I - Veteran Helen Roland Downham NOTES: Death_Date 05/16/1956 1876 - 1956 1878 - 1959 1876 - 1961 O-271-3 TERRI DAWN 11/01/1965 09/22/1982 09/29/1982 11/06/1919 04/19/2002 10/04/2002 Loving Daughter November 1, 1965 - September 22, 1982 2-82-4A Downs, Alexander USAF, Capt MARKER: WW II - Veteran DOWNS Alexander Jr. Nov. 6, 1919 April 19, 2002 Downs, Rebecca L MARKER: Rebecca L. March 26, 1915 Feb. 15, 1984 2-83-1 DOWNS Alexander Jr. Nov. 6, 1919 April 19, 2002 02/17/1984 Rebecca L. March 26, 1915 Feb. 15, 1984 41-36-3 Doyle, James C. US ARMY MARKER: Drago, Johanna A. MARKER: 05/07/1939 09/15/2007 09/19/2007 May 7, 1939 - September 15, 2007 11/14/1920 06/18/2004 06/23/2004 Korean War - Veteran James Carpenter Doyle 42-172-3 DRAGO RIPOSA IN PACE Johanna A. 1920 - 2004 B. A. A. 1954 - Draper, Ethel Phillips MARKER: 6-44-1 ETHEL PHILLIPS DRAPER 05/23/1891 01/22/1990 01/25/1990 M-172-2 03/17/1880 Annie C. Dreifus Mar 17, 1880 - Jly 1, 1958 07/01/1958 07/07/1958 01/22/1949 01/25/1949 1891 - 1990 Dreifus, Annie C MARKER: Frank Dreifus Dreifus, Eva MARKER: Jan 6, 1877 - Apr 23, 1949 R-197-5 03/05/1868 Harry Dreifus Jan 25, 1894 - Dec 16, 1948 Eva Dreifus Mar 5, 1868 - Jan 22, 1949 Helen Dreifus Roth Dec 28, 1891 - Oct 19, 1962 Flora Dreifus Urban Mar 24, 1890 - Aug 18, 1941 Dreifus, Frank MARKER: M-172-1 Annie C. Dreifus Mar 17, 1880 - Jly 1, 1958 Frank Dreifus Dreifus, Harry MARKER: 04/26/1948 Jan 6, 1877 - Apr 23, 1949 R-197-4 01/25/1894 Harry Dreifus Jan 25, 1894 - Dec 16, 1948 12/16/1948 12/20/1948 03/09/1980 03/11/1980 Eva Dreifus Mar 5, 1868 - Jan 22, 1949 Helen Dreifus Roth Dec 28, 1891 - Oct 19, 1962 Flora Dreifus Urban Mar 24, 1890 - Aug 18, 1941 Dreyspring, Mary C MARKER: 1-9-3 Mary Dreyspring 01/01/1900 1900 - 1980 Daughter of Adolphe Dreyspring and Fannie Goodwin Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 135 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Drischler, Florence M MARKER: D-31-5 Cordilla I. Miller Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 08/02/1974 1864 - 1950 William H. Mahan (At Rest) 1885 - 1946 Florence M. Drischler 1889 - 1974 Drischler, Ida S. MARKER: Drumheller, Bertha C.Reed MARKER: A-71-1 01/01/1875 01/01/1949 Ida Stier Drischler 1875 - 1949 N-78-2 09/16/1902 07/07/1946 John W. Drumheller May 30, 1888 - Nov 15, 1942 08/09/1949 07/10/1946 Bertha C. Drumheller Sept 16, 1902 - Jly 7, 1946 Drumheller, John William MARKER: N-78-1 John W. Drumheller 05/30/1888 11/15/1942 May 30, 1888 - Nov 15, 1942 11/18/1942 Bertha C. Drumheller Sept 16, 1902 - Jly 7, 1946 Drury, Evelyn L. MARKER: 31-21-2 William C. Drury 04/15/1922 10/07/2003 10/10/2003 11/01/1986 11/04/1986 02/15/1909 12/02/1996 12/05/1996 01/12/2005 11/28/1865 11/07/2009 07/21/1972 11/13/2009 07/24/1972 Jan. 16, 1917 - Nov. 1,1986 Beloved wife Evelyn H. Drury Apr. 15, 1922 - Oct. 7, 2003 Gave so much, asked so little. A best friend Drury, William C MARKER: 31-21-1 William C. Drury 11/16/1917 Jan. 16, 1917 - Nov. 1,1986 Beloved wife Evelyn H. Drury Apr. 15, 1922 - Oct. 7, 2003 Gave so much, asked so little. A best friend D'Souza, Carmeline F. MARKER: 33-49-2 Carmeline "Mai" D'Souza Feb. 15, 1909 - Dec. 2 1996 "Mother to us all" (Left Statue, Right Vase) 33-48-4 A-48-2 D'Souza, Victoria Lynn Duborg, Anne Katherine Alexandrian MARKER: J. Peter Duborg Apr. 9, 1859 - Oct. 26, 1936 His Wife Anne L. Duborg Nov. 28, 1865 - Jly 21, 1972 NOTES: Duborg, Jepe Peter Co-founder of First Assembly of God Church in 1925, currently at 700 W. Braddock Road. A-48-1 04/09/1859 10/26/1936 10/29/1936 Alexandrian MARKER: J. Peter Duborg Apr. 9, 1859 - Oct. 26, 1936 His Wife Anne L. Duborg Nov. 28, 1865 - Jly 21, 1972 NOTES: Duborg, Vera Co-founder of First Assembly of God Church in 1925, currently at 700 W. Braddock Road. A-48-3 Infant Ducey, Jane Winston Duda, Betty Jane MARKER: A-85-2 41-40-1 Betty Jane McCully Duda 10/05/1920 08/19/2007 03/07/1984 08/23/2007 October 5, 1920 - August 19, 2007 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Dudley, Bessie Lee MARKER: R-201-5 12/25/1886 04/15/1969 William D. Dudley, Sr. (at rest) May 23, 1883 - May 1, 1957 04/17/1969 Bessie Lee Dudley Dec 25, 1886 - Apr 15, 1969 William D. Dudley,Jr. (at rest)Dec. 14, 1915 - June 22, 1950 Louis Charles Penn 1904 - 1939 Dudley, Clara Lee MARKER: R-112-4 Clara Lee Dudley 06/18/1884 June 18, 1884 - Jan.23, 1972 01/23/1972 01/23/1972 Frank C. Dudley Apr. 19, 1885 - Apr. 15, 1973 King W. Dudley, Sr. Aug. 28, 1891 - Sept. 18, 1973 Mary C. Dudley Aug. 13, 1899 - Jul.15, 1979 Dudley, E Waller MARKER: T-142-5 DUDLEY 05/31/1986 E. Waller Dudley February 12, 1923 - May 28, 1986 His beloved wife Letty Waugh Dudley April 20, 1924 - February 4, 1994 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 136 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dudley, Frank Carter MARKER: R-112-5 Clara Lee Dudley Birth_Date 04/19/1885 June 18, 1884 - Jan.23, 1972 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/15/1973 04/18/1973 09/18/1973 09/21/1973 Frank C. Dudley Apr. 19, 1885 - Apr. 15, 1973 King W. Dudley, Sr. Aug. 28, 1891 - Sept. 18, 1973 Mary C. Dudley Aug. 13, 1899 - Jul.15, 1979 Dudley, King William Sr. MARKER: R-112-6B Clara Lee Dudley 08/28/1891 June 18, 1884 - Jan.23, 1972 Frank C. Dudley Apr. 19, 1885 - Apr. 15, 1973 King W. Dudley, Sr. Aug. 28, 1891 - Sept. 18, 1973 Mary C. Dudley Aug. 13, 1899 - Jul.15, 1979 Dudley, King William, Jr. MARKER: R-112-1 DUDLEY King William, Jr. Dudley, Letty Waugh MARKER: 01/09/1985 July 19, 1916 - January 5, 1985 T-142-6 DUDLEY 04/20/1924 02/04/1994 02/07/1994 07/15/1979 07/18/1979 E. Waller Dudley February 12, 1923 - May 28, 1986 His beloved wife Letty Waugh Dudley April 20, 1924 - February 4, 1994 Dudley, Mary Clark MARKER: R-112-6A Clara Lee Dudley 08/13/1899 June 18, 1884 - Jan.23, 1972 Frank C. Dudley Apr. 19, 1885 - Apr. 15, 1973 King W. Dudley, Sr. Aug. 28, 1891 - Sept. 18, 1973 Mary C. Dudley Aug. 13, 1899 - Jul.15, 1979 R-201-4A Dudley, Wilburn 06/24/1950 Infant Dudley, William D., Jr. MARKER: R-201-4B 12/14/1915 06/22/1950 William D. Dudley, Sr. (at rest) May 23, 1883 - May 1, 1957 06/24/1950 Bessie Lee Dudley Dec 25, 1886 - Apr 15, 1969 William D. Dudley,Jr. (at rest)Dec. 14, 1915 - June 22, 1950 Louis Charles Penn 1904 - 1939 Dudley, William D., Sr. MARKER: R-201-6 05/23/1883 05/01/1957 William D. Dudley, Sr. (at rest) May 23, 1883 - May 1, 1957 05/04/1957 Bessie Lee Dudley Dec 25, 1886 - Apr 15, 1969 William D. Dudley,Jr. (at rest)Dec. 14, 1915 - June 22, 1950 Louis Charles Penn 1904 - 1939 Duehring, Mary E MARKER: 6-5-3 Mary E. Duehring 01/01/1915 04/25/1990 04/30/1990 1915 - 1990 E-BBY-66-27 Duff, Baby 12/08/1960 Infant Duff, Elinor MARKER: T-133-2 John B. Duff Elinor K. Duff 12/02/1909 07/18/2000 07/24/2000 Beloved Father Beloved Mother April 23, 1901 December 2, 1909 April 23, 1966 July 18, 2000 Duff, John B MARKER: T-133-1 John B. Duff Elinor K. Duff 04/26/1966 Beloved Father Beloved Mother April 23, 1901 December 2, 1909 April 23, 1966 July 18, 2000 G-140-4 42-53-1 Duff, Mary Lou Duffett, Virginia Keys 07/20/1938 03/26/1998 DUFFETT MARKER: VIRGINIA KEYS November 20, 1938 March 23, 1998 BENTON S., JR. December 22, 1936 A-17-1A Duffey, Charles A 10/08/1881 07/18/1960 07/20/1960 11/30/1949 12/02/1949 Freemason MARKER: Charles A. Duffey Elsie Ale Duffey Duffey, Elsie MARKER: A-17-1B Charles A. Duffey Elsie Ale Duffey Dugan, Mollie M. Dugan, Richard E. Oct. 8, 1881 - Jly, 18, 1960 Mar. 15, 1889 - Nov. 30, 1949 03/15/1889 Oct. 8, 1881 - Jly, 18, 1960 Mar. 15, 1889 - Nov. 30, 1949 B-31-2 B-31-1 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/14/1937 12/12/1935 Page 137 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dula, Mary Elizabeth MARKER: Birth_Date T-270-6B 08/24/1914 Elias E. Dail; Sept. 18, 1905 - March 8, 1961 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/19/2003 07/23/2003 08/09/1960 03/31/1961 08/11/1960 Mary W. Dail Dula; Aug. 24, 1914 - May 19, 2003 Dulin, John C Dull, Edgar Houston MARKER: T-270-3 O-214-4 Edgar Houston Dull Edith Perry Dull Dull, Edith Perry MARKER: 04/10/1889 Apr 10, 1889 - Aug 9, 1960 Jan 25, 1897 - (space) O-214-5 Edgar Houston Dull Edith Perry Dull 01/25/1897 Apr 10, 1889 - Aug 9, 1960 Jan 25, 1897 - (space) O-93-6a Dull, Melissa 12/19/1987 02/28/1979 02/28/1979 03/05/1979 Melissa Dull Born & Died : Feb 28, 1979 O-214-3 07/18/1902 Raymond L. Dull Jly 28, 1902 - Apr 7, 1952 04/07/1952 04/10/1952 06/29/1954 07/02/1954 Infant MARKER: Dull, Raymond L. MARKER: Ida Mae Dull Dunbarr, Annie Kramer MARKER: (no dates) M-49-5 Thomas Morson Dunbarr Annie Kramer Dunbarr Dunbarr, Thomas Morson Inmemorium MARKER: Duncan, Charles William Sr. MARKER: 1876 - 1954 M-49-1A 01/01/1872 Thomas Morson Dunbarr Annie Kramer Dunbarr Duncan, Charles W., Jr. MARKER: 12/14/1876 1872 - 1924 01/01/1924 1872 - 1924 1876 - 1954 R-199-6 (Father) Edward Duncan 1867 - 1938 02/10/1965 (Mother) Kate Greenwood Duncan 1876 -1948 Charles W.Duncan, Jr, 1948 - 1965 Morton Crandal Duncan Feb. 10, 1909 - Dec 7, 1976 Westmorland Davis Duncan, Jr. Jan 22, 1951 - Mar 8, 1968 R-199-4 Charles W. Duncan, Sr. 04/30/1984 1912 :: 1984 Duncan, Dorothy Arnold MARKER: O-166-5 DUNCAN Ebner Ryder Jan 18, 1905 Aug. 26, 1966 Duncan, Dorothy V MARKER: 12/14/1905 12/31/1984 01/03/1985 06/04/1929 03/24/1969 03/27/1969 01/18/1905 08/26/1966 08/29/1966 Dorothy Arnold (wife) Dec. 14, 1905 Dec. 31, 1984 O-166-6 Dorothy V. Arnold March 4, 1929 March 24, 1969 Duncan, Ebner Ryder MARKER: O-166-4 DUNCAN Ebner Ryder Jan 18, 1905 Aug. 26, 1966 Duncan, Edward MARKER: Dorothy Arnold (wife) Dec. 14, 1905 Dec. 31, 1984 R-199-1 (Father) Edward Duncan 1867 - 1938 10/12/1939 (Mother) Kate Greenwood Duncan 1876 -1948 Charles W.Duncan, Jr, 1948 - 1965 Morton Crandal Duncan Feb. 10, 1909 - Dec 7, 1976 Westmorland Davis Duncan, Jr. Jan 22, 1951 - Mar 8, 1968 Duncan, James M MARKER: M-63-1A James M. Duncan 08/09/1870 06/17/1936 06/19/1936 11/25/1928 03/02/2000 03/14/2000 07/04/1897 12/01/1967 12/04/1967 Aug. 9, 1870 June 17, 1936 Duncan, James M., III MARKER: A-96-4A James M. Duncan, III Nov. 25, 1928 - Mar. 2, 2000 Duncan, James M., Jr. MARKER: A-96-1 DUNCAN James Morton, Jr. July 4, 1897 - Dec. 1, 1967 Ruth Birch Deahl Oct. 20, 1899 - July 24, 1985 Duncan, Julia M-63-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/17/1960 Page 138 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Duncan, Kate Greenwood MARKER: Duncan, Mary Harward MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-199-2 (Father) Edward Duncan 1867 - 1938 06/09/1948 (Mother) Kate Greenwood Duncan 1876 -1948 Charles W.Duncan, Jr, 1948 - 1965 Morton Crandal Duncan Feb. 10, 1909 - Dec 7, 1976 Westmorland Davis Duncan, Jr. Jan 22, 1951 - Mar 8, 1968 R-180-5 MARY HOWARD DUNCAN Burial_Date 05/24/1922 01/10/1995 05/24/1995 10/14/1870 02/21/1940 02/23/1940 R-180-3 02/10/1909 (Father) Edward Duncan 1867 - 1938 12/07/1976 12/10/1976 May 24, 1922 - Jan. 10, 1995 Duncan, Mary V.Cornwall MARKER: M-63-2 Mary V. Cornwall Duncan Oct. 14, 1870 Feb. 21, 1940 Duncan, Morton Crandal MARKER: Duncan, Morton Crandal MARKER: Duncan, Nan Moore MARKER: Duncan, Ruth D MARKER: (Mother) Kate Greenwood Duncan 1876 -1948 Charles W.Duncan, Jr, 1948 - 1965 Morton Crandal Duncan Feb. 10, 1909 - Dec 7, 1976 Westmorland Davis Duncan, Jr. Jan 22, 1951 - Mar 8, 1968 R-180-3 DUNCAN R-199-5 Nan M. Duncan 1919 :: 1981 A-96-2 DUNCAN 02/10/1909 10/20/1899 12/07/1976 12/10/1976 08/07/1981 08/12/1981 07/24/1985 07/26/1985 10/06/1890 10/06/1890 04/13/2007 05/07/2007 03/08/1968 03/11/1968 James Morton, Jr. July 4, 1897 - Dec. 1, 1967 Ruth Birch Deahl Oct. 20, 1899 - July 24, 1985 Duncan, Susan A. Vansant MARKER: B-4-1 Susan Abercrombie Duncan died Oct. 6, 1890 nee Vansant For 35 years a beloved Wife of Wm. A. Duncan Faithful unto death Duncan, Westmoreland D. MARKER: R-180-4A 11/03/1917 WESTMORLAND DAVIS DUNCAN NOV. 3, 1917 - APR. 13, 2007 Duncan, Westmoreland Davis Jr. MARKER: R-180-6 01/22/1951 (Father) Edward Duncan 1867 - 1938 (Mother) Kate Greenwood Duncan 1876 -1948 Charles W.Duncan, Jr, 1948 - 1965 Morton Crandal Duncan Feb. 10, 1909 - Dec 7, 1976 Westmorland Davis Duncan, Jr. Jan 22, 1951 - Mar 8, 1968 B-4-2 Duncan, William A. 05/07/1902 05/10/1902 LAW ENFORCEMENT NOTES: Dunn, Albert Charles June 9 ,2009: Notice taken from the Alexandria, Gazette dated Oct. 13, 1863; " J. C. Underwood, the U.S. Marshal for Virginia, has appointed Wm. A. Duncan of this place, Deputy Marshal." June 9, 2009: Contacted by Terry Hooper that William H. Duncan's Obituary states he was buried in Ivy Hill. We could find no written record but the records do state that there are unmarked burials in the Lot, T-253-4A 03/23/1892 12/09/1967 12/12/1967 WW I - Veteran DUNN MARKER: Albert C. Dunn Bessie M. Dunn Dunn, Bessie M. MARKER: T-253-4B DUNN Albert C. Dunn Bessie M. Dunn Dunn, Charles R MARKER: March 23, 1892 - Dec 9, 1967 March 1, 1895 - Jan 27, 1991 03/01/1893 01/27/1991 02/13/1991 March 23, 1892 - Dec 9, 1967 March 1, 1895 - Jan 27, 1991 C-10-2A John R. Dunn 1907 - 1966 01/01/1952 Charles R. Dunn 1926 - 1952 Infant Dunn Born and Died 1941 Charles S. Coffman 1877 - 1933 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 139 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dunn, Emmett Clarke MARKER: Birth_Date F-40-4 08/01/1861 Emmett Clarke Dunn Aug 1, 1861 - Oct 13, 1938 Death_Date 02/13/1938 02/13/1938 F-41-5 11/21/1894 02/13/1956 D-2-1A 03/13/1891 06/30/1970 William Edward Dunn July 7, 1895 - June 22, 1958 02/13/1956 07/01/1970 his wife: Mary Reid Dunn Nov 5, 1871 - Oct 27, 1949 Emmett Reid Dunn Nov 21, 1894 - Feb 13, 1956 footstones: ECD, MRD, AAR, JHR Asleep in Jesus Dunn, Emmett Reid Dunn, Harriet Pollard MARKER: Burial_Date Harriet Pollard Dunn Mar. 13, 1891 - June 30, 1970 C-10-3A Dunn, Infant Infant MARKER: John R. Dunn 1907 - 1966 Charles R. Dunn 1926 - 1952 Infant Dunn Born and Died 1941 Charles S. Coffman 1877 - 1933 Dunn, John R. MARKER: C-10-1A John R. Dunn 1907 - 1966 03/01/1966 Charles R. Dunn 1926 - 1952 Infant Dunn Born and Died 1941 Charles S. Coffman 1877 - 1933 Dunn, Mary Reid MARKER: F-40-5 11/05/1871 Emmett Clarke Dunn Aug 1, 1861 - Oct 13, 1938 10/27/1949 his wife: Mary Reid Dunn Nov 5, 1871 - Oct 27, 1949 Emmett Reid Dunn Nov 21, 1894 - Feb 13, 1956 footstones: ECD, MRD, AAR, JHR Asleep in Jesus F-41-3 Dunn, Merle T. Inmemorium Dunn, Reid A., Sr. MARKER: F-40-6 07/30/1907 Emmett Clarke Dunn Aug 1, 1861 - Oct 13, 1938 02/13/1956 07/13/1990 07/25/1990 F-40-6 07/30/1907 07/13/1990 Reid A. Dunn July 30, 1907 - July 13, 1990 D-2-1B 07/07/1895 06/22/1958 William Edward Dunn July 7, 1895 - June 22, 1958 07/25/1990 his wife: Mary Reid Dunn Nov 5, 1871 - Oct 27, 1949 Emmett Reid Dunn Nov 21, 1894 - Feb 13, 1956 footstones: ECD, MRD, AAR, JHR Asleep in Jesus Dunn, Reid A., Sr. MARKER: Dunn, William Edward MARKER: Harriet Pollard Dunn Dunstan, Elaine W., Mrs. Dunstan, William A MARKER: Durand, Baby Girl 10/28/1949 T-98-4 T-97-6 William A. Dunstan T-87-3 06/24/1958 Mar. 13, 1891 - June 30, 1970 02/17/1914 12/31/1914 Dec31, 1914 - Dec 7, 1974 03/09/2002 12/07/1974 03/12/2002 12/10/1974 12/27/1975 12/30/1975 10/21/2007 10/25/2007 08/06/2008 08/11/2008 08/20/2007 09/19/1946 09/19/1946 08/24/2007 Infant MARKER: Durand, Diana L. MARKER: Baby Durand 42-80-4 DURAND DON DIANA Durant, Harry Greenwood, Jr. US NAVY MARKER: Died: Dec 27, 1975 12/15/1945 June 26, 1935 - (space) Dec. 15, 1945 - Oct. 21, 2007 Together Forever 41-72-4 11/13/1927 WW II - Veteran Our Beloved Harry Greenwood Durant, Jr. November 13, 1927 - August 6, 2008 Durham, Baby Durham, Baby Durkin, Enid Bossen MARKER: N-127-26 N-157-21 41-36-4 DURKIN 08/16/1925 Enid Bossen August 16, 1925 - August 20, 2007 Beloved Wife, Mother, and Nana Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 140 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-118-5A Durkin, Sean Stuart 12/29/1990 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1991 01/03/1991 09/18/1935 04/23/1938 Sept 18, 1935 - Apr 23, 1938 04/26/1938 Infant STANCIL MARKER: J. Stuart Stancil Aug 8, 1906 - May 18, 1970 Florence P. "OMA" 1914 - 1994 Sean Stuart Durkin - Dec 29, 1990 - Jan 1, 1991 Durr, Clifford Judkins, Jr. MARKER: N-57-5 Clifford Judkins Durr, Jr. Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Durrer, Betty A Durrer, Buford G Durrer, Carlotta E. MARKER: D-40-5 D-40-6 42-29-2 Richard H. Durrer 01/06/1932 06/29/1948 01/01/1917 09/26/2002 07/03/1948 12/21/1939 10/30/2002 January 2, 1927 - December 28, 2002 Carlotta E. Durrer January 1, 1917 - September 26, 2002 Durrer, Elizabeth MARKER: D-40-1 DUR RER 09/21/1984 Elizabeth A. 1900 - 1984 Haywood J. 1898 - 1939 D-40-2 Durrer, Heywood J 06/01/1898 01/18/1939 01/20/1939 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: DUR RER Elizabeth A. 1900 - 1984 Haywood J. 1898 - 1939 NOTES: Durrer, James Rufus MARKER: Chief of Alexandria Police, July 1918 - March 1923. Capt.Fairfax County Police, Mar 1923 - Jan 1939. D-40-3 06/06/1908 03/18/1927 James Rufus Durrer June 6, 1908 - Mar. 18, 1927 03/21/1927 Son of Mack L. & Rowena P. Durrer. Asleep in Jesus Durrer, James Samuel Durrer, Joseph Edward MARKER: 31-44-4 O-66-1 J. Edward Durrer 04/17/1887 Apr 17, 1887 - Aug 15, 1946 and his wife Myrtie Buford Durrer Son J. Edward Durrer, Jr. Great Loves live on Evelyn Durrer Knight Durrer, Joseph Edward, Jr. MARKER: O-66-3 J. Edward Durrer D-39-2 D-39-4 O-66-2A J. Edward Durrer 03/22/1990 03/26/1990 05/12/1961 12/21/1953 01/16/1957 05/15/1961 Oct 15, 1924 - Mar 22, 1990 1908 - 1976 10/15/1924 Apr 17, 1887 - Aug 15, 1946 May 28, 1887 - May 12, 1961 Oct 15, 1924 - Mar 22, 1990 1908 - 1976 05/28/1887 Apr 17, 1887 - Aug 15, 1946 and his wife Myrtie Buford Durrer Son J. Edward Durrer, Jr. Great Loves live on Evelyn Durrer Knight May 28, 1887 - May 12, 1961 Oct 15, 1924 - Mar 22, 1990 1908 - 1976 42-29-3 D-39-1 E-BBY-66-79 Durrer, Richard H. Durrer, Rowena Durwood, Baby 01/25/1988 08/17/1946 May 28, 1887 - May 12, 1961 and his wife Myrtie Buford Durrer Son J. Edward Durrer, Jr. Great Loves live on Evelyn Durrer Knight Durrer, Mack L Durrer, Minnie M Durrer, Myrtie Buford Modlin MARKER: 08/15/1946 01/02/1927 12/28/2002 01/23/2003 07/06/1951 07/20/1963 Infant Duvall, Dewilton S Duvall, Frederick G MARKER: O-172-4 R-235-3 Frederick G. Duvall 1885 - 1935 01/20/1960 01/10/1935 Gertrude Flournoy Duvall 1886 - 1967 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 141 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Duvall, Gertrude Flournoy MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-235-2 Frederick G. Duvall 1885 - 1935 Burial_Date 01/09/1967 Gertrude Flournoy Duvall 1886 - 1967 Duvall, Lois B. MARKER: O-123-2 10/17/1895 Paul K. Duvall May 6, 1894 - Nov 13, 1949 Lois B. Duvall 12/26/1962 12/29/1962 11/13/1949 11/15/1949 01/18/1928 11/18/1985 01/17/1975 11/21/1985 07/24/1909 11/08/1997 11/11/1997 02/26/1901 02/15/2000 Feb 26, 1901 - Feb 15, 2000 02/18/2000 OCT 17, 1895 - DEC 26, 1962 O-123-1 Duvall, Paul K 05/06/1894 Freemason MARKER: Paul K. Duvall Lois B. Duvall May 6, 1894 - Nov 13, 1949 OCT 17, 1895 - DEC 26, 1962 O-123-4A A-61-4 Duvall, Paul Mason Dwyer, James E USMC MARKER: WW II - Veteran James E. Dwyer U. S. Marine Corp World War II Jan 18, 1928 - Nov 18, 1985 Dwyer, Ruby Warrick MARKER: A-61-5 RUBY WARWICK DWYER AMERICAN RED CROSS JULY 24, 1909 - NOV. 8, 1997 Dybvad, Gerda J. MARKER: 6-24-3A Gerda Jenson Dybvad Vera Eleanor Scholer-Jensen Beloved Sisters Dyer, Flora Dyer, Hattie C. Dyer, Thomas H. Dykes, George Middleton USAF MARKER: Mar 11, 1914 - Jan 2, 2009 C-16-1 C-16-4 C-16-5 42-218-2 10/13/1938 04/02/2005 03/06/1956 08/15/1958 04/08/2005 01/01/1922 01/01/1922 03/22/1957 03/25/1969 U. S. Military Veteran GEORGE MIDDLETON DYKES, III 1938 - 2005 BELOVED HUSBAND OF SUSAN BEATRICE FERTIG-DYKES 1944 - Dyson, Annie Margaret MARKER: A-9-5 J. Frank Dyson 01/01/1852 1848 - 1923 Annie Margaret Dyson 1852 - 1922 Wife of J. Frank Dyson Dyson, Charles Fletcher MARKER: A-86-7 C. Fletcher Dyson Lillian M. Dyson Dyson, J. Frank MARKER: A-9-4 J. Frank Dyson 11/13/1890 Nov. 13, 1890 - Mar 22, 1969 Aug. 23, 1898 - 01/01/1923 1848 - 1923 Annie Margaret Dyson 1852 - 1922 Wife of J. Frank Dyson A-8-4A Dyson, James L Inmemorium MARKER: James L. Dyson 06/28/1817 04/30/1890 June 28, 1817 - Apr. 30, 1890 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. A-86-4A Dyson, Lena P 09/14/1898 10/16/1988 10/21/1988 04/13/1998 04/17/1998 12/22/1957 12/24/1957 DYSON MARKER: Lena P. Dyson Sep 14, 1898 - Oct 16, 1988 Llewellyn F. Dyson March 8, 1887 - Dec. 22, 1957 Mary E. Dyson Jly. 18, 1888 - Apr. 19, 1944 Dyson, Lillian M. MARKER: A-86-8 C. Fletcher Dyson Lillian M. Dyson 08/23/1898 Nov. 13, 1890 - Mar 22, 1969 Aug. 23, 1898 - A-86-5 Dyson, Llewellyn F 03/08/1887 Freemason MARKER: DYSON Lena P. Dyson Sep 14, 1898 - Oct 16, 1988 Llewellyn F. Dyson March 8, 1887 - Dec. 22, 1957 Mary E. Dyson Jly. 18, 1888 - Apr. 19, 1944 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 142 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Dyson, M. Elizabeth MARKER: A-9-2 S. J. Fletcher Dyson 01/01/1847 MARKER: MARKER: Burial_Date 01/01/1927 01/01/1927 10/31/1855 01/01/1855 07/06/1881 07/09/1881 04/19/1944 04/23/1944 01/01/1903 01/01/1903 ??/??/1812 01/01/1812 1847 -1927 A-8-3 Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Margaret Dyson Departed this life in the 65th year of her age Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints. Dyson, Mary A Death_Date 1845 - 1903 his wife M. Elizabeth Dyson Dyson, Margarette Birth_Date A-8-1 In Memory of Mary A. Dyson 06/20/1803 Wife of James L. Dyson A consistent member of the M. E.Church over 60 years There remaineth therefore a rest to the people in God. A-86-6 Dyson, Mary E 07/18/1888 DYSON MARKER: Lena P. Dyson Sep 14, 1898 - Oct 16, 1988 Llewellyn F. Dyson March 8, 1887 - Dec. 22, 1957 Mary E. Dyson Jly. 18, 1888 - Apr. 19, 1944 Dyson, S.J. F MARKER: A-9-1 S. J. Fletcher Dyson 01/01/1845 1845 - 1903 his wife M. Elizabeth Dyson 1847 -1927 A-8-2 Dyson, Samuel Alexandrian MARKER: Samuel Dyson of Maryland Departed this life in the 54th year of his life NOTES: E.E.M., MARKER: Dyson, Samuel - Earliest known reference ( November 03, 1812 ) of property (Ivy Hill) being used for burial purposes. O-FH-2-9 E. E. M. (Thought to indicate Edgar Eilbeck Mason) Eaches, Ann MARKER: G-84-5 Joseph Eaches Ann Eaches 01/01/1850 Jly. 1794 - Dec. 1957 Sept. 1797 - Jly. 1850 G-84-6 Eaches, Hector Braden 01/01/1840 07/01/1875 07/01/1875 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Eaches, James M MARKER: James M. Eaches Died Aug. 1848 William Eaches Died Feb. 1856 Mary Eaches Died Jan. 1858 John M. Eaches C.S.A. Died May 1868 Hector B. Eaches C. S. A. Died Jly. 1875 Private, Co. A, 17th Virginia Infantry C.S.A. G-84-1A James M. Eaches Died Aug. 1848 William Eaches Died Feb. 1856 Mary Eaches Died Jan. 1858 John M. Eaches C.S.A. Died May 1868 Hector B. Eaches C. S. A. Died Jly. 1875 G-84-1B Eaches, John M. 01/01/1835 01/01/1848 05/01/1868 05/01/1868 Private, Co. F, 1st Missouri Infantry & 17th Virginia Infantry. G-84-4 07/01/1794 12/01/1857 12/01/1857 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Eaches, Joseph James M. Eaches Died Aug. 1848 William Eaches Died Feb. 1856 Mary Eaches Died Jan. 1858 John M. Eaches C.S.A. Died May 1868 Hector B. Eaches C. S. A. Died Jly. 1875 Alexandrian MARKER: Joseph Eaches Ann Eaches Eaches, Mary MARKER: Jly. 1794 - Dec. 1957 Sept. 1797 - Jly. 1850 G-84-3 James M. Eaches 01/01/1858 Died Aug. 1848 William Eaches Died Feb. 1856 Mary Eaches Died Jan. 1858 John M. Eaches C.S.A. Died May 1868 Hector B. Eaches C. S. A. Died Jly. 1875 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 143 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Eaches, William MARKER: G-84-2 James M. Eaches Birth_Date Death_Date 01/01/1856 Died Aug. 1848 William Eaches Died Feb. 1856 Mary Eaches Died Jan. 1858 John M. Eaches C.S.A. Died May 1868 Hector B. Eaches C. S. A. Died Jly. 1875 Eadie, Thomas MARKER: Eagles, Earl Lamar MARKER: M-144-5 Thomas Eadie 1904 - 1972 T-101-3 Earl Lamar Eagles 1907 - 1977 Inez G. Eagles Eagles, Inez MARKER: MARKER: Earnest, John William MARKER: 09/08/1972 09/24/1977 09/27/1977 09/25/2002 09/27/2002 1907 - 2002 T-102-1 Earl Lamar Eagles 1907 - 1977 Inez G. Eagles Earley, Ella M 06/14/1907 1907 - 2002 T-348-7 Ella Earley 1882 - 1954 M-40-2 John William Earnest 1879 - 1926 his wife: Mary Luther Caldwell 06/10/1954 01/01/1926 1879 - N-166-5 Easley, Baby Burial_Date 07/13/1943 Child F-65-4 Easley, Beverley Mason 05/31/1918 Infant MARKER: Easley, Bonita C. MARKER: Beverley Mason Easley T-276-2 Bonita Carlson Easley died: May 31, 1918 03/04/1912 08/08/1999 08/13/1999 02/25/1961 02/25/1961 09/11/1998 09/16/1998 10/09/1970 10/09/1970 01/20/1957 04/14/1957 01/02/1982 04/16/1957 06/13/1900 07/17/1993 07/21/1993 08/13/1977 08/16/1977 04/30/1998 03/16/1987 05/09/1998 03/18/1987 05/26/1900 01/03/1996 June 30, 1898 - Mar. 18, 1974 01/11/1996 March 4, 1912 August 8, 1999 Easley, Donna B MARKER: Easley, Louis T. MARKER: T-276-3 07/12/1943 Donna Beth Easley Jly 12, 1943 - Feb 25, 1961 T-276-1 07/29/1907 L. T. "TEX" EASLEY July 29, 1907 September 11, 1998 Eberhart, Blanche Mae MARKER: T-114-5 Blanche Eberhart 09/19/1896 Sept 19, 1896 - Oct 9, 1970 Wife of George Eberhart Eberhart, George Edward Eck, Janet M. T-114-4 B-BBY-48-49 Infant MARKER: Janet Marie Eck January 20, 1957 April 14, 1957 T-334-5 Eckels, Ellen Norcross U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Ellen Sleesman Eckels George Sterrett Eckels Eckels, George Sterrett MARKER: 1900 - 1993 1896 - 1977 T-334-4 Ellen Sleesman Eckels George Sterrett Eckels 1900 - 1993 1896 - 1977 32-73-3A R-191-6 Eckert, Hope Durand Eckstein, Charles US ARMY MARKER: 03/18/1926 07/23/1921 WW II - Veteran Charles E. Eckstein PFC US ARMY World War II Jul 23, 1921 - Mar 16, 1987 Eddington, Catherine MARKER: M-103-5 Robert Leon Eddington Catherine Zachary Eddington May 26, 1900 - Jan 03, 1996 Eddington, Elizabeth Symonds MARKER: D-63-5 Elizabeth Symonds 08/29/1910 09/22/1990 09/25/1990 Aug. 20, 1910 Sept. 22, 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 144 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Eddington, Estella Roberta MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date D-63-2 07/07/1874 10/12/1937 Father: John Robert Eddington Feb 1,1873-Sept 5, 1934 Burial_Date 10/12/1937 Mother: Estella Roberta Eddington Jly 7, 1874 -Oct 12, 1937 Sarah Etelia Eddington Mar 6, 1900 - Mar 22, 1973 Eddington, John B MARKER: Eddington, John Robert MARKER: D-63-4 John Bernard Nov 1, 1909 - Dec 8, 1984 D-63-1 02/01/1873 09/05/1954 Father: John Robert Eddington Feb 1,1873-Sept 5, 1934 12/11/1984 son 09/08/1954 Mother: Estella Roberta Eddington Jly 7, 1874 -Oct 12, 1937 Sarah Etelia Eddington Mar 6, 1900 - Mar 22, 1973 Eddington, John Robert MARKER: D-63-1 EDDINGTON 02/01/1873 09/05/1954 09/08/1954 03/18/1974 June 30, 1898 - Mar. 18, 1974 03/21/1974 Great Loves Live On. Eddington, Robert L MARKER: M-103-4 Robert Leon Eddington Catherine Zachary Eddington May 26, 1900 - Jan 03, 1996 Eddington, Sarah Otelia MARKER: D-63-3 03/06/1900 03/22/1973 Father: John Robert Eddington Feb 1,1873-Sept 5, 1934 03/26/1973 Mother: Estella Roberta Eddington Jly 7, 1874 -Oct 12, 1937 Sarah Etelia Eddington Mar 6, 1900 - Mar 22, 1973 Edelen, Francis L. MARKER: Edens, Josephine F MARKER: B-32-5 Francis Lee Edelen Jan 28, 1878 - Apr. 5, 1949 31-67-1 10/02/1919 Josephine Foti Edens 04/07/1949 07/21/1988 07/25/1988 N-127-22 10/06/1946 10/09/1946 E-BBY-66-110 08/13/1964 09/01/1964 Oct. 2, 1919 - July 21, 1988 Beloved Mother, Nana, sister and friend Edgar, Joseph P. Jr. 21 mos. Edler, Baby Twins MARKER: Infant Sons of Mr. & Mrs. Karl W. Edler, Jr. died: Aug. 13, 1964 Edman, John Edman, Victor Edmunds, George MARKER: B-1-1A 32-78-1 R-21-3 PHILLIP KROEGER 03/08/1927 10/28/2008 MARKER: 11/07/2008 01/26/1959 DIED 1959 GEORGE EDMUNDS Edwards, Betty 05/28/1935 10/28/2008 DIED 1959 42-196-1 Betty L. Edwards 09/05/1941 01/26/1998 01/30/1998 09/30/1947 02/21/2007 03/01/2007 1941 - 1998 Edwards, Dennis Freeland USAF MARKER: 41-33-1 Vietnam War - Veteran DENNIS F. EDWARDS Sept 30, 1947 - Feb. 21, 2007 Obey your father and mother. Tie their instructions around your finger so you won't forget. REVERSE: They say all good things must come to an end. But they haven't found an end to forever, and you are forever our father. Worlds Best Dad Edwards, Ella M. MARKER: 31-63-2 Albert A. Ella M. 01/10/1922 06/28/2006 10/07/1894 08/17/1953 07/01/2006 1927 1922 - 2006 EDWARDS 31-126-5 Edwards, Emmer Davis Inmemorium MARKER: Edwards, Eric D EDWARDS - In memory of: Emmer Davis Edwards Oct 7, 1894 - Jul 17, 1953 Jill Edwards Gardner Oct 11, 1897 - Jan 20, 1992 Joseph Szyrwiel Oct 1, 1883 - Jun 22, 1961 Katherine Saluk Szyrwiel Oct 1, 1897 - Feb 5, 1963 "Come and trip it as you go..." Milton E-BBY-66-72 06/17/1963 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 145 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Edwards, Fordyce Addison MARKER: Birth_Date 32-37-2 Fordyce Addison Edwards Death_Date Burial_Date 07/07/1914 07/30/1993 08/03/1993 11/10/1887 09/03/1965 09/15/1965 10/01/1993 10/05/1993 July 7, 1914 - July 30, 1993 N4ELG Edwards, Jennie E MARKER: D-46-6 Patrick H. Edwards Jennie E. Edwards Edwards, Mildred Elizabeth MARKER: 1881 - 1933 Nov. 10, 1887 - Sept. 3, 1965 32-37-3 Mildred Elizabrth Edwards 09/21/1913 Sept. 21, 1913 - Oct. 1, 1993 "GUBBIE" Edwards, Patrick H MARKER: D-46-5 Patrick H. Edwards Jennie E. Edwards Edwards, Rose Szyrwiel MARKER: 01/01/1933 1881 - 1933 Nov. 10, 1887 - Sept. 3, 1965 31-126-3A Rose Szyrwiel Edwards 12/15/1927 01/04/2005 01/17/2005 Dec. 15, 1927 - Jan. 4, 2005 Wife for 54 years of Clark Edwards May 24, 1925 - (space) B-BBY-48-32 Eisler, Baby Girl 09/26/1955 Infant Eldridge, Yvette Burns MARKER: 42-113-1a ELDRIDGE 06/14/1944 11/06/2000 11/10/2000 07/04/1943 07/07/1943 R-232-2 09/18/1897 08/07/1987 Ruth S. Elgin September 18, 1897 - August 7, 1987 C-10-1B 10/04/1930 12/29/1990 08/10/1987 Yvette B. 1944 - 2000 Love light thy way to that far distant shore. Elgin, Russell Monroe MARKER: R-232-1 03/14/1888 Russell Montoe Elgin Mar 14, 1888 - July 4, 1943 Time could not wait until his tasks were done. Elgin, Ruth S MARKER: Elkins, James Thompson US ARMY MARKER: 01/03/1991 Korean War - Veteran James T. Elkins PFC US ARMY KOREA Oct 4, 1930 - Dec 29, 1990 R-200-4 C-40-3 N-44-2 T-299-1 Eller, Don C. Ellice, Shirley West Ellington, William J Elliott, Albert O Army MARKER: MARKER: Albert O. Elliott MARKER: MARKER: 07/16/1967 01/10/1990 06/19/1987 01/13/1990 03/08/1893 09/07/1966 09/10/1966 11/11/1863 12/09/1947 12/12/1947 Jan 25, 1892 - Jly 16, 1967 T-299-2 M-146-6 ELLIOTT 05/30/1903 Charles Elliott 1903 - 1990 R-209-4 ELLIOTT Edward R. 1863 - 1947 Emma H. 1868 - 1945 James H. Jun 24, 1898 - May 12, 1968 Charles H. 1893 - 1966 Louise Oct 19, 1902 - Mar 1, 1994 Elliott, Edward Ross 01/25/1892 01/29/1996 10/26/1993 03/29/1939 07/18/1967 Sgt. Infantry, World War I PH Nellie Harris 1903 - 1985 Elliott, Charles Hull 01/25/1996 10/22/1993 WW I - Veteran Virginia Elliott, Alice F Elliott, Charles 06/14/1938 07/21/1923 R-209-1 ELLIOTT Edward R. 1863 - 1947 Emma H. 1868 - 1945 James H. Jun 24, 1898 - May 12, 1968 Charles H. 1893 - 1966 Louise Oct 19, 1902 - Mar 1, 1994 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 146 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Elliott, Emma Aletha Hull MARKER: Birth_Date R-209-2 ELLIOTT Death_Date 05/25/1868 12/23/1945 12/26/1945 06/24/1898 05/12/1968 09/16/1983 05/15/1968 10/19/1902 03/01/1994 03/04/1994 Edward R. 1863 - 1947 Emma H. 1868 - 1945 James H. Jun 24, 1898 - May 12, 1968 Charles H. 1893 - 1966 Louise Oct 19, 1902 - Mar 1, 1994 Elliott, Evelyn P Elliott, James Hull MARKER: M-146-3 R-209-3 ELLIOTT Edward R. 1863 - 1947 Emma H. 1868 - 1945 James H. Jun 24, 1898 - May 12, 1968 Charles H. 1893 - 1966 Louise Oct 19, 1902 - Mar 1, 1994 Elliott, Louise Marsh MARKER: R-209-5 ELLIOTT Edward R. 1863 - 1947 Emma H. 1868 - 1945 James H. Jun 24, 1898 - May 12, 1968 Charles H. 1893 - 1966 Louise Oct 19, 1902 - Mar 1, 1994 E-BBY-66-5 Elliott, Martha Burial_Date 11/12/1958 Infant Elliott, Mary H MARKER: M-146-2 01/24/1873 Mary H. Elliot Jan 24, 1873 - Jan 26, 1959 01/26/1959 01/26/1959 03/10/2001 03/14/2001 Margaret R. McNamara Sept 11, 1915 - Nov. 25, 1960 42-87-4 Elliott, Robert B. 06/28/1930 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: ELLIOTT Phyllis A. June 10, 1932 - (space) Robert B. June 28, 1930 - March 10, 2001 Elliott, Robert, Jr. MARKER: A-65-4 Robert Elliot Nov. 27, 1865 - June 28, 1936 01/01/1924 his wife Sybilla M. Elliot Nov.10 , 1873 - Aug. 22, 1956 Robert Elliot, Jr. Feb. 11, 1901 - Feb. 10, 1924 Beloved son of Robert & Sybilla M.Elliot Elliott, Robert, Sr. MARKER: A-65-2 Robert Elliot Nov. 27, 1865 - June 28, 1936 06/30/1936 his wife Sybilla M. Elliot Nov.10 , 1873 - Aug. 22, 1956 Robert Elliot, Jr. Feb. 11, 1901 - Feb. 10, 1924 Beloved son of Robert & Sybilla M.Elliot Elliott, Sybilla M MARKER: A-65-3 Robert Elliot Nov. 27, 1865 - June 28, 1936 08/25/1956 his wife Sybilla M. Elliot Nov.10 , 1873 - Aug. 22, 1956 Robert Elliot, Jr. Feb. 11, 1901 - Feb. 10, 1924 Beloved son of Robert & Sybilla M.Elliot M-146-1 E-BBY-66-74 Elliott, Thomas Ellis, Arrington (fetal) 04/30/1931 07/05/1963 Infant Ellis, Claude Jr MARKER: T-107-4 Claude Ellis, Jr. Eva C. Ellis Ellis, Elizabeth Ellis, Eva C MARKER: G-303-5 T-107-5 Claude Ellis, Jr. Eva C. Ellis Ellis, Mardell T MARKER: Ellis, Reta K Ellis, Titas Fulton MARKER: Embley, Baby 05/09/1973 1902 - 1973 1905 - 1979 03/22/1941 01/25/1979 1902 - 1973 1905 - 1979 T-341-2 Mardell T. Ellis 1909 - 1967 M-9-5A M-9-5B Titus Fulton Elles 1860 - 1916 E-BBY-66-61A 01/01/1909 01/01/1967 12/20/1967 09/06/1947 01/01/1916 12/27/1962 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 147 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Embrey, Fannie May MARKER: Mother M-66-6 Fannie May Embrey Birth_Date Death_Date 05/20/1870 06/24/1937 May 20, 1870 - June 24, 1937 Burial_Date 01/26/1937 Rest in peace Embrey, George W. MARKER: M-66-1 George W. Embrey Mary Lee Embrey Victoria Embrey Embrey, Mary L MARKER: Embrey, Mary Wilson Embrey, Maude M MARKER: 11/12/1898 Nov 12, 1898 - Jan 4, 1966 01/04/1966 01/08/1966 Nov 11, 1926 - Dec 31, 1928 Oct 1, 1901 - 1988 M-66-2 George W. Embrey 11/11/1926 Nov 12, 1898 - Jan 4, 1966 Mary Lee Embrey Victoria Embrey Nov 11, 1926 - Dec 31, 1928 Oct 1, 1901 - 1988 R-76-3 M-66-5 Maude Embrey 12/06/1914 10/11/1903 Oct 11, 1903 - Dec 10, 1953 12/31/1923 05/10/1996 12/10/1953 05/16/1996 12/14/1953 03/21/1943 11/19/1981 03/25/1943 Gone but not forgotten Embrey, Mayme Gibson Embrey, Rixey Royal MARKER: R-76-2 R-76-1 02/17/1887 EMBREY Rixey Royal Embrey Feb. 17, 1887 - Mar. 21, 1943 Mayme Gibson Apr 1, 1886 - Nov 16, 1981 Mary Wilson Dec 6, 1914 - May 10, 1996 Embrey, Victoria Imez MARKER: M-66-3 George W. Embrey Mary Lee Embrey Victoria Embrey Emerson, Frank Emmert, Clarence MARKER: 10/11/1901 Nov 12, 1898 - Jan 4, 1966 10/18/1988 Nov 11, 1926 - Dec 31, 1928 Oct 1, 1901 - 1988 N-97-4 B-75-2 Clarence E. Emmert 12/19/1876 03/19/1949 Dec 19, 1876 - Mar. 19, 1949 01/20/1941 03/21/1949 Florence Entwisle Emmert 1882 - 1935 Wife of Clarence Emmert Emmert, Florence MARKER: B-75-3 Clarence E. Emmert ??/??/1882 ??/??/1935 Dec 19, 1876 - Mar. 19, 1949 12/28/1935 Florence Entwisle Emmert 1882 - 1935 Wife of Clarence Emmert Endicott, Benjamin Earl Sr. MARKER: T-242-4 Excelling Dad 06/25/1906 09/01/1977 09/03/1977 Benjamin Earl Endicott, Sr. June 24, 1906 - Sept. 1, 1977 Endicott, Helen Terrell MARKER: T-242-5 Loving Mother 04/19/1909 12/08/1976 12/10/1976 12/15/1986 12/19/1986 01/18/1883 06/04/1978 01/20/1883 06/07/1978 09/16/1942 04/28/1992 05/04/1992 O-243-1 03/17/1901 Boyd H. Enke Mar 17, 1901 - Apr 18, 1952 04/18/1952 04/21/1952 04/20/1969 04/23/1969 Helen Terrell Endicott Apr 19, 1909 - Dec 8, 1976 1-30-2 Eng, Jennifer 10/02/1986 Infant MARKER: Jennifer Ruth Eng Oct 2, 1986 - Dec. 15, 1986 and now abideth faith, Hope, Love, these three but the greatest of theses is Love. I Cor 13:13 England, John B. English, James Herbert, Jr. USMC MARKER: F-36-1 T-VET-9-5 12/04/1946 Vietnam War - Veteran James Herbert English Dec 4 1946 - June 4, 1978 Sgt. U.S Marine Corps Vietnam English, Michael Deshazo 32-50-4 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Michael DeShazo English IRONWORKER Sept. 16, 1940 - Apr. 28, 1992 Enke, Boyd H MARKER: Jean E. Jennings Jan 15, 1929 - Jan 22, 1995 N-86-4 Enoch, Martin Delane SFC USNavy MARKER: 07/19/1920 WW II - Veteran Martin D Enoch Jly 19, 1920 - Apr 20, 1969 Virginia SFC U.S. Navy World War II Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 148 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Enoch, Norma Roberts MARKER: Birth_Date N-86-5 NORMA ROBERTS ENOCH Death_Date 11/03/1918 01/01/1998 Burial_Date 01/05/1998 NOVEMBER 3, 1918 - JANUARY 1, 1998 F-10-5 F-10-1 O-288-5 Entwistle, Emma Entwistle, James E., Jr. Eppolito, Thomas J, Jr. 02/04/1961 01/20/1929 06/11/1978 06/14/1978 Thomas J. Eppolito, Jr. Jan 20, 1929 - June 11, 1978 42-187-1 01/17/1955 06/07/2000 Bill Eppolito 06/13/2000 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Eppolito, William Richard MARKER: January 17, 1955 - June 7, 2000 Eppolito, Yvonne Ernest, Betty Ann MARKER: Ervin, Felix Brown MARKER: 42-185-2 T-380-6 Betty Ann Ernest T-189-1 Felix Brown Ervin 03/31/1949 08/25/1928 Aug 25, 1928 - Feb 13, 1977 07/01/1898 Jly 1, 1898 - May 14, 1962 Margaret Howard Ervin Ervin, Margaret Howard MARKER: T-189-2 Felix Brown Ervin MARKER: T-196-6 Sterling F. Ervin 05/14/1962 05/16/1962 12/05/1991 12/07/1991 03/11/1962 03/11/1962 06/26/1969 06/26/1969 Aug 18, 1897 - Dec 5, 1991 03/10/1915 Mar 10, 1915 - Mar 11, 1962 Mary Ann Ervin Jan 17, 1934 - (space) E-BBY-66-154 Erving, Gretchen Melissa 02/26/2010 02/18/1977 Aug 18, 1897 - Dec 5, 1991 08/18/1897 Jly 1, 1898 - May 14, 1962 Margaret Howard Ervin Ervin, Sterling F 02/15/2010 02/13/1977 04/27/1969 Infant Our Angel MARKER: Gretchen Melissa Erving Aug. 27, 1969 - June 26, 1969 Jean and Jim Erving E-BBY-66-68 Essary, John Thomas 04/25/1963 Infant Estes, Annie E MARKER: Mother N-95-3 Annie E. Estes 07/31/1950 07/31/1950 08/02/1950 May 27, 1868 - Jly 31, 1950 E-BBY-66-93 Estes, Baby 12/27/1963 Infant Estes, Ernest T MARKER: N-95-2 Father Ernest T. Estes 10/10/1939 10/10/1939 10/12/1939 T-301-3 10/18/1910 John a. Estey Oct 18, 1910 - Nov 14, 1970 T-199-5 33-31-2 03/10/1917 EUDY 11/14/1970 11/14/1970 04/01/2000 02/05/1962 04/04/2000 01/01/1957 02/25/1957 12/25/1973 12/28/1973 01/22/1959 01/24/1959 01/17/1956 01/21/1956 09/15/1997 09/19/1997 Jly 28, 1857 - Oct 10, 1939 Estey, John Arden MARKER: Etzel, Florence O Eudy, Ruby MARKER: Ruby Jessup Mar. 10, 1917 April 1, 2000 Evans, Charlotte A MARKER: Evans, Daisy F. MARKER: James Smith Sept. 30, 1925 T-341-3 01/01/1899 Charlotte A. Evans 1899 - 1957 B-19-2 07/22/1881 Norman E. Evans Sept. 8, 1881 - June 25, 1937 Husband of Daisie H. Evans Jly, 22, 1881 - Dec. 25, 1973 T-249-3 Evans, Faye Diane 08/18/1955 Child MARKER: Evans, Geneva F. MARKER: Faye Diane Evans Aug 18, 1955 - Jan 22, 1959 R-65-1 08/22/1885 Geneva F. Evans Aug. 22, 1885 - Jan 17, 1956 A Tender Mother and a Faithful Friend Evans, Gerald Emmett "Bear" MARKER: 42-161-5 EVANS GERALD E. (BEAR) 05/19/1939 May 19, 1939 - Sept. 15, 1997 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 149 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Evans, Keith David MARKER: Evans, Norman E. MARKER: T-249-2 Keith David Evans B-19-1 Norman E. Evans Husband of Daisie H. Evans Birth_Date Burial_Date 01/25/1989 09/08/1881 Sept. 8, 1881 - June 25, 1937 06/25/1937 06/28/1937 07/12/2005 07/15/2005 Jly, 22, 1881 - Dec. 25, 1973 T-249-1 Evans, Verne Death_Date 10/04/1926 WW II - Veteran MARKER: VERNE EVANS October 4, 1926 - July 12, 2005 E-BBY-66-80 Everett, Baby 08/07/1963 Infant Everett, Evelyn P. MARKER: T-98-2 EVERETT Roy S. Jr. Aug. 25, 1912 Nov. 01, 1974 Everett, Peyton T. MARKER: Everett, Roy Samuel Jr. MARKER: 09/22/2003 01/20/1948 1865 - 1948 08/25/1912 11/01/1974 11/05/1974 07/16/1903 11/05/1995 11/09/1995 04/07/1976 04/09/1976 01/01/1901 01/01/1982 05/24/1982 02/15/1907 12/14/2006 12/18/2006 01/01/1905 01/01/1955 11/16/1955 01/10/1932 11/21/2003 11/24/2003 Evelyn P. Oct. 4, 1908 Sept. 12, 2003 N-79-2 Everly, George Fowler 09/12/2003 Evelyn P. Oct. 4, 1908 Sept. 12, 2003 B-50-6 Peyton, T. Everett T-98-1 EVERETT Roy S. Jr. Aug. 25, 1912 Nov. 01, 1974 10/04/1908 Freemason EVERLY MARKER: George F. Everly Jly 16, 1903 - (space) Helen M. Everly Mar 25, 1905 - Apr 7, 1976 N-79-3 Everly, Helen M EVERLY MARKER: George F. Everly Jly 16, 1903 - (space) Helen M. Everly Mar 25, 1905 - Apr 7, 1976 R-167-5 Everly, Joseph Stickley Freemason MARKER: Josiah Stickley Everly 1901 - 1982 Ruby Louise Everly NOTES: Everly, Margaret D. MARKER: 1905 - 1955 33rd degree Mason. R-167-4 EVERLY Margaret D. 1907 - 2006 R-167-6 Everly, Ruby Louise OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Josiah Stickley Everly 1901 - 1982 Ruby Louise Everly Evers, Joan Mary MARKER: 1905 - 1955 42-119-1 EVERS Joan M. January 10, 1932 November 21, 2001 Arthur H. August 23, 1929 A-51-4 Ewart, Loretta J 07/02/1931 Infant MARKER: HOOE E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 150 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) 42-3-1A Eyck, Franz Gunther Birth_Date 07/12/1912 Death_Date 10/18/2009 Burial_Date 10/26/2009 Military-Non U.S. NOTES: Curriculum Vitae given by F. Gunther Eyck February 14, 2006. British Army, Royal Corp. of Signals 1941-1946 Personal Data: Born July 10, 1912 in Magdeburg, Germany; Attended Berlin University, 1932-33. Emigrated to Palestine , 1933. Served in British Army, Royal Corps of Signals, 1941-1946. Emigrated to U.S.A. May 1947. Married American Citizen Lisa Baruch, June 24, 1948 and acquired U.S. Citizenship in 1950. Two Children: Audrey Susan (March15, 1951) and Andrew Hans ( May 29, 1954). Two grandchildren: Gregory Todd (October 17, 197_) and Melissa Rene (197_). Two great-grandchildren: Meredith Carter ( February 17, 2001) and Leyton Andrew ( ). Career: US Government: Central Intelligence Agency (Area and Language Division, 1957-1960). United States Information Agency, 1960-1982 ( Branch Chief and Deputy Division Chief in Research component of USIA) Academia: Rutgers University, University of Texas, George Washington University, American University in Departments of History or Political Science, teaching modern European history or government. School of International Service, American University, from 1959 to 2003, rose to rank of Distinguished Adj. Professor. 1969-1970 appointed to the Henry L. Stimson chair of political science at the U.S. Army War College. Education: B.A. Alma College, Alma, Michigan (1948); M.A./Ph.D. New York University (1950/1952). M. Sc. Library Science, Columbia University (1955). Publications: Books; The Benelux Countries: an Historical survey (1959); Loyal Rebels: the Tyrolean Uprising of 1809 (1986); The Voice of Nations: European National Anthems (1995). Numerous articles on modern european history and current affairs in leading journals, encyclopedias, and year-books. Honors: Penfield Scholarship (1950); Distinguished Service Award, American University (1976); University Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching (1997). T-198-5 12/20/1965 T-VET-42-4 01/01/1912 01/01/1976 07/14/1976 Fadely, Virginia G Fagan, Arthur J US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Arthur J. Fagan 1912 - 1976 U S Army WWII Co. F-543 Rd Engineer Ila D. Fagan 1913 - 1996 Fagan, Ila D. MARKER: T-VET-42-5 Arthur J. Fagan 1912 - 1976 01/15/1913 09/05/1996 09/10/1996 11/16/1994 11/21/1994 U S Army WWII Co. F-543 Rd Engineer Ila D. Fagan 1913 - 1996 Fahl, Claire E. MARKER: 33-26-4 F A H L Claire E. 1923 - 1994 Fair, Elizabeth E MARKER: MARKER: Ronald K. M-99-2 William Fair 1873 - 1935 Elizabeth E. Fair Fair, William 07/31/1927 1873 - 1958 M-99-1 William Fair 1873 - 1935 Elizabeth E. Fair 04/15/1958 10/05/1935 1873 - 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 151 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-191-2 FAIRCHILD Fairchild, Byron MARKER: Death_Date 06/29/1912 Burial_Date 08/01/1996 08/06/1996 01/05/1962 01/09/1962 Josephine K. - March 18, 1890 - Nov. 9, 1971 Byron - June 29, 1912 - Aug. 1, 1996 Elizabeth L. - Feb.10, 1914 - Jan 5, 1962 T-191-3 FAIRCHILD Fairchild, Elizabeth L MARKER: 02/10/1914 Josephine K. - March 18, 1890 - Nov. 9, 1971 Byron - June 29, 1912 - Aug. 1, 1996 Elizabeth L. - Feb.10, 1914 - Jan 5, 1962 Fairchild, Helen C Fairchild, John G MARKER: O-295-3 O-226-4 John G. Fairchild Govt. Scientist Marie B. Fairchild My Beloved Wife 11/03/1988 01/16/1965 1882 - 1965 1886 - 1949 T-191-1 FAIRCHILD Fairchild, Josephine K MARKER: 03/13/1890 11/09/1971 11/13/1971 11/09/1971 11/13/1971 Josephine K. - March 18, 1890 - Nov. 9, 1971 Byron - June 29, 1912 - Aug. 1, 1996 Elizabeth L. - Feb.10, 1914 - Jan 5, 1962 T-191-1 Fairchild, Josephine K MARKER: "F" MARKER: O-226-5 John G. Fairchild Fairchild, Marie B Govt. Scientist Marie B. Fairchild My Beloved Wife 03/13/1890 07/13/1949 1882 - 1965 1886 - 1949 F-56-4 Fairfax, Albert, Dr. Inmemorium 10/23/1887 10/23/1887 09/24/1820 09/24/1820 C S A Veteran MARKER: Albert Fairfax Surgeon, Provisional Army of C.S. A. NOTES: Fairfax, Edith D Fairfax, Elizabeth Inmemorium MARKER: Surgeon, Provisional Army of C.S. A. G-71-3 O-FH-1-5B In Memory of - Elizabeth Fairfax Died: 1778 Wife of Bryan and Daughter of Col. Wilson Cary of Ceelys, VA. Aged about 40 "Whoseover believeth shall live though he die" O-FH-3-4 Fairfax, Ferdinando 01/01/1774 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: NOTES: Fairfax, Frances Fairfax, Huldah V Fairfax, Margaret Inmemorium MARKER: Ferdinando Fairfax 1774 - Sept 24, 1820 Died at Mount Eagle Son of Bryan, 8th Lord Fairfax. Married Eliza Blair Cary Feb 18,1796 by whom he had 16 children Re-interred from Ash Grove, Fairfax Co., Oct. 1960 Died at Mount Eagle. Son of Bryan, 8th Lord Fairfax. Married Eliza Blair Cary Feb. 18, 1796 by whom he had 16 children. Re-interred from Ash Grove, Fairfax County, October 1960. May 10, 2005: Taken from a letter dated October 19, 1970 from Mrs. Charles Baird, Jr. Essex County, Dunnsville, VA. "When the approach to Dulles Airport went through a Fairfax graveyard, the government wrote to me & we had the bones of Ferdinando Fairfax removed there & put up an appropriate "monolith" with the information about his dates & removal etc. He is in Lot 3." R-96-4 05/29/1980 R-96-5 02/02/1954 O-FH-1-5D Margaret Fairfax Died Mar. 1858 Wife of Thomas Fairfax Aged 75 With Thee is the fountain of life and in Thy Light shall we see light." Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 152 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Fairfax, Mary M MARKER: T-163-2 Simpson H. Fairfax Mary M. Fairfax Fairfax, Menony Fairfax, Monimia MARKER: Birth_Date 12/13/1895 Jly 12, 1892 - Dec 23, 1965 Death_Date Burial_Date 08/02/1973 08/06/1973 01/01/1820 01/01/1875 09/11/1876 01/01/1875 01/01/1842 07/11/1982 01/01/1907 Dec 13, 1895 - Aug 2, 1973 G-11-3 O-FH-1-3 Monimia Fairfax 1820 - 1875 wife of Archibald Cary R-96-6 O-FH-1-10C Fairfax, Nannie L Fairfax, Reginald Inmemorium MARKER: Reginald Fairfax 07/12/1982 1842 - 1907 Son of Eugenia Cary Fairfax and Charles Keith Hyde. Fairfax, Rt. Hon & Rev Bryan Lord Inmemorium MARKER: O-FH-1-5A 08/07/1802 HISTORIC / NOTED In Memory of Rt Hon & Rev Bryan Lord Fairfax Baron of Cameron, Rector of Fairfax Parish Died at Mount Eagle Aug 7, 1802 Aged 75 The Lord forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved forever. Fairfax, Simpson H MARKER: T-163-1 Simpson H. Fairfax Mary M. Fairfax 07/12/1892 Jly 12, 1892 - Dec 23, 1965 MARKER: 12/27/1965 Dec 13, 1895 - Aug 2, 1973 O-FH-1-5C Fairfax, Thomas Inmemorium 12/23/1965 04/21/1846 Thomas Fairfax Died : Apr. 21, 1846 Eldest Son of Bryan and Elizabeth, Aged 84 Looking for the general Resurrection of the last day, & the life of the world to come. Fairfax, Virginia Cary Ragland MARKER: G-71-5 Virginia Cary Ragland Fairfax 01/08/1878 01/08/1878 12/11/1952 12/15/1988 12/13/1952 10/12/1969 10/15/1969 04/12/1907 04/15/1907 Jan 8, 1878 Wife of Donald M. Fairfax, U.S. Navy And they shall be one with the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels Fairfax, Willie E Fairtrace, Hazel S MARKER: Falise, Albert J MARKER: R-130-3 O-317-3 12/11/1952 Hazel S. Fairtrace Jly 26, 1906 - Dec 11, 1952 T-333-1 11/28/1914 Albert J. Falise Nov 28, 1914 - Oct 12, 1969 Born in Belgium Prions pour Lui Falls, Charlotte A MARKER: A-13-2 Charlotte Armstrong Falls died Apr. 12, 1907 Wife of Robert W. Falls Age 56 years. Falls, Mary J MARKER: A-13-5 Robert S. Falls 04/09/1878 1866 - 1922 Mary Furlong Falls 1837 - 1878 Wife of Robert W.. Falls Falls, Robert S MARKER: A-13-4 Robert S. Falls 01/01/1866 01/01/1922 01/01/1922 05/04/1907 05/08/1907 Tenth Virginia Cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia, CSA O-259-6 03/20/1894 05/27/1974 John Sherman Nixon May 31, 1913 - May 12, 1951 05/30/1974 1866 - 1922 Mary Furlong Falls 1837 - 1878 Wife of Robert W.. Falls A-13-1 Falls, Robert Wilson C S A Veteran MARKER: Robert Wilson Falls Age 74 years Died May 4, 1907 (Tenth Virginia Cavalry,CSA) NOTES: Farmer, Mary Louise Nixon MARKER: Louise Farmer Nixon Farrell, John J MARKER: Mar 20, 1894 - May 27, 1974 T-67-5 John James Farrell 02/00/1908 12/17/1981 12/23/1981 Feb. 5, 1908 - Dec. 20, 1981 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 153 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Farrell, Melvina MARKER: T-67-6 Malvina Mary Farrell Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 06/14/1911 11/30/2000 12/05/2000 P-82-3 09/19/1926 MARILOUISE CHAUNCEY FARSHING 08/17/2005 08/20/2005 10/15/1989 10/19/1989 12/23/1972 12/27/1972 05/25/2008 05/30/2008 06/12/2007 06/25/2007 June 14, 1911 - Nov. 30, 2000 Farshing, Marilouise Chauncy MARKER: Sept 19, 1926 - Aug 17, 2005 Fately, Mildred M MARKER: O-184-5 FATELY 03/16/1908 Thomas Fately Oct 6, 1905 - Dec 23, 1972 Mildred M. Fately Mar 16, 1908 - Oct 15, 1989 Fately, Thomas MARKER: O-184-4 FATELY 10/06/1905 Thomas Fately Oct 6, 1905 - Dec 23, 1972 Mildred M. Fately Mar 16, 1908 - Oct 15, 1989 42-4-3 Fath, Mary A. US NAVY 07/17/1922 WW II - Veteran FATH MARKER: George A. Mary A. Feb 27, 1923 July 17, 1942 (space) May 25, 2008 Parent of: Georgeann, Michaele, Robert, Dennise Justine Marie and Vincent. Faught, Frances L MARKER: O-214-6A Frances L. Faught 12/02/1925 Dec. 2, 1925 - June 12, 2007 Gerald L. Brown Jan. 3, 1931 - (space) Faulconer, Mamie C MARKER: R-127-5A Joseph B. Pannill 01/01/1953 1882 - 1941 (sister) Mamie C. Faulconer Fauquet, Joan Patricia MARKER: 42-131-2C FAUQUET 01/30/1930 02/09/2006 02/18/2006 06/16/2004 02/18/2006 Lyman Dexter November 16, 1924 - June 16, 2004 Joan Patricia January 30, 1930 - February 9, 2006 Fauquet, Lyman Dexter MARKER: 42-131-2A FAUQUET 11/16/1924 Lyman Dexter November 16, 1924 - June 16, 2004 Joan Patricia January 30, 1930 - February 9, 2006 Favill, Harcourt R MARKER: N-43-1 Harcourt R. Favill Ruth L. Favill Favill, Loretta R. Favill, Richard H Favill, Ruth L MARKER: MARKER: 1892 - 1971 N-43-3B N-43-3A N-43-2 Harcourt R. Favill 04/07/1993 04/10/1993 10/13/1984 04/28/1971 G-172-2 10/16/1844 09/30/1937 Eugenia G. Fawcett Oct. 16, 1844 - Sept. 30, 1937 10/02/1937 Ruth L. Favill Fawcett, Eugenia G. 03/18/1939 1879 - 1939 12/11/1912 1879 - 1939 1892 - 1971 Daughter of Willis & Susan Stabler Fawcett Fawcett, Henrietta MARKER: G-172-3 01/14/1851 Henrietta Fawcett Jan. 14, 1851 - Nov. 16, 1937 11/16/1937 Daughter of Willis & Susan Stabler Fawcett Fawcett, Lucy MARKER: G-172-1 03/04/1843 Lucy Fawcett Mar. 4, 1843 - Sept. 2, 1895 09/02/1895 10/21/1937 04/28/1915 01/29/1993 01/11/2000 07/09/1918 01/08/2000 01/12/2000 I will give thee a crown of life. Feagan, Thomas M. MARKER: 42-77-3A FEAGAN THOMAS M. 1915 - 1993 Feagan, Violet B. MARKER: VIOLET B. 1918 - 2000 42-77-3C FEAGAN THOMAS M. 1915 - 1993 VIOLET B. 1918 - 2000 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 154 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Feaganes, Grace M. MARKER: Federline, Barbara A. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-87-4 03/07/1916 Grace M. Feaganes Mar 7, 1916 - Oct 12, 1977 T-88-5B 02/12/1933 RALSTON 10/12/1977 10/14/1977 06/01/1993 06/04/1993 08/28/1906 12/02/1902 08/25/2001 12/20/1990 08/29/2001 12/22/1990 12/19/1958 09/20/1897 12/08/1988 04/08/1955 12/12/1988 10/13/1989 10/16/1989 09/08/2005 03/07/1967 10/08/2005 Barbara A. Feb 12, 1933 - June 1, 1993 She loved us all and we loved her. Scott (cowboy) Dec 8, 1929 - April 13, 1972 Shake the hand of the man who shook the world. T-14-6 T-14-5 O-237-2 O-237-1 B-BBY-48-24 T-212-1 Feeley, Rita B. Feeley, Stephen V Fegans, Gladys W Fegans, Samuel Fegerson, Rex L. Feild, James Wyatt US Army MARKER: WW I - Veteran James Wyatt Feild Sept 20, 1897 - Dec 8, 1988 In integrety of heart, and in uprighteousness. IKings 9:4 and his beloved wife Virginia Lee Eps Aug 30, 1902 - Oct 13, 1989 Blessed are the pure in heart. Matt. 5: 8 Feild, Virginia E MARKER: T-212-2 James Wyatt Feild 08/30/1902 Sept 20, 1897 - Dec 8, 1988 In integrety of heart, and in uprighteousness. IKings 9:4 and his beloved wife Virginia Lee Eps Aug 30, 1902 - Oct 13, 1989 Blessed are the pure in heart. Matt. 5: 8 Feit, Charlotte M Felarca, Erin MARKER: Burial_Date T-150-2 42-213-5A ERIN FELARCA 05/20/1983 May 20, 1983 - September 8, 2005 Beloved Daughter of David and Irene Pankey R-47-6 Fell, Edward L 09/21/1977 U. S. Military Veteran 2-59-1 Fellows, Daniel Hunt 06/08/1988 06/10/1988 06/15/1988 03/03/1926 09/18/1986 09/23/1986 01/02/1881 07/26/1961 07/26/1961 04/02/1899 02/29/1992 03/04/1992 Infant MARKER: Daniel Hunt Fellows June 8, 1988 - June 10, 1988 Fellows, McClellan R MARKER: 2-95-1 FELLOWS McClellan Robinson March 3, 1926 - Sept. 18, 1986 Fels, Bruno MARKER: T-352-1 In Loving Memory Bruno Fels Jan 2, 1881 - Jly 26, 1961 Born in Berlin, Germany Fels, Jakobine E. MARKER: T-352-2 In Loving Memory JAKOBINE E. FELS Born in Munich Germany April 2, 1899 - Died March 1, 1992 1-34-2 Felt, Baby 11/22/1986 Infant Femrite, Jean Ann MARKER: 42-10-5 FEMRITE 05/12/1930 04/27/2000 05/02/2000 Jean Ann Griffith May 12, 1930 April 27, 2000 Fendall, P. R. Fenton, Michael W B-1-1 E-BBY-66-109 08/30/1964 Infant Ferguson, Baby N-166-13 01/24/1944 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 155 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Ferguson, George Alton MARKER: R-49-3 R. Gorman Ferguson Birth_Date Death_Date 04/29/1924 04/23/1943 Nov. 2, 1897 - Mar. 15, 1969 Burial_Date 04/26/1943 R.Gorman Ferguson, Jr. May 22, 1922 - April 17, 1972 G. Alton Ferguson Apr. 9, 1924 - Apr. 23, 1943 Mary Ella Ferguson Nov. 11, 1902 - Mar. 1, 1995 Ferguson, Mary Ella Pettit MARKER: R-49-2 R. Gorman Ferguson 11/11/1902 03/01/1995 Nov. 2, 1897 - Mar. 15, 1969 03/06/1995 R.Gorman Ferguson, Jr. May 22, 1922 - April 17, 1972 G. Alton Ferguson Apr. 9, 1924 - Apr. 23, 1943 Mary Ella Ferguson Nov. 11, 1902 - Mar. 1, 1995 Ferguson, Richard Gorman Jr. MARKER: R-49-4 R. Gorman Ferguson 05/29/1922 04/17/1972 Nov. 2, 1897 - Mar. 15, 1969 04/19/1972 R.Gorman Ferguson, Jr. May 22, 1922 - April 17, 1972 G. Alton Ferguson Apr. 9, 1924 - Apr. 23, 1943 Mary Ella Ferguson Nov. 11, 1902 - Mar. 1, 1995 Ferguson, Richard Gorman Sr. MARKER: R-49-1 R. Gorman Ferguson 11/02/1897 03/15/1969 Nov. 2, 1897 - Mar. 15, 1969 03/20/1969 R.Gorman Ferguson, Jr. May 22, 1922 - April 17, 1972 G. Alton Ferguson Apr. 9, 1924 - Apr. 23, 1943 Mary Ella Ferguson Nov. 11, 1902 - Mar. 1, 1995 Ferlazzo, Georgia W MARKER: 31-59-4 Georgia W. Ferlazzo 11/17/1919 03/10/1989 03/14/1989 03/19/1957 09/04/1996 09/06/1996 01/04/1919 10/28/2004 11/03/2004 08/15/1898 06/07/1989 05/27/1948 06/12/1989 10/22/1900 07/23/1996 07/26/1996 B-79-6 01/10/1889 05/25/1945 Anthony C. Feruches Jan 10, 1889 - May 25, 1945 B-79-5 F-8-6 02/08/1904 07/04/1946 Mackall Bruin Fetzer Feb. 8, 1904 - Jly 4, 1946 R-80-2 R-80-3 R-95-3B 06/28/1886 12/24/1944 Edith Dove Fields 05/29/1945 Nov. 17, 1919 - Mar. 10, 1989 He who hears my word & believes in him who sent me Has everlasting life. John 5:24 Fernando, Katherine A. MARKER: T-247-4 Katherine Ruser FERNANDO Mar. 19, 1957 Sept. 4, 1996 Ferrar, James E. MARKER: COL 6-S2-38A FERRAR James E. Ferris, Warren Ferro, Betty MARKER: January 4, 1919 - October 28, 2004 O-170-4 31-26-3 F E R R O Pierre October 22, 1900 July 23, 1996 Ferro, Pierre G. MARKER: 31-26-2 F E R R O Pierre October 22, 1900 July 23, 1996 Feruches, Anthony C. MARKER: Feruches, Stella L. Fetzer, Mackall Bruin MARKER: Fielder, Annie E Fielder, Charles H Fields, Edith Dove MARKER: Betty August 15, 1898 June 7, 1989 Betty August 15, 1898 June 7, 1989 10/28/1968 07/07/1946 11/14/1956 04/16/1973 12/27/1944 June 28, 1886 - Dec. 24, 1944 MOTHER Fields, Edith Dove MARKER: Fields, Herold Fields, Pearl Ione MARKER: R-95-3B 06/28/1886 12/24/1944 ERRIN O. December 31, 1907 - April 21, 1991 N-34-2A 02/28/1910 04/21/1990 N-34-2B 10/10/1914 02/25/1995 Pearl Fields 12/27/1944 04/25/1990 03/01/1995 Feb. 25, 1995 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 156 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Fields, Peter MARKER: R-95-2 Peter Fields Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 08/01/1886 06/21/1974 06/25/1974 01/01/1941 03/16/1901 10/29/2009 02/02/1995 11/07/2009 02/07/1995 Aug. 1, 1886 - June 21, 1974 FATHER N-34-3A 2-18-2 Fields, Stephen Fifer, Carson Lee, Dr. Alexandrian MARKER: FIFER Carson Lee M.D., born at Cross Keys, VA Mar.16, 1901 Died in his beloved Alexandria, VA February 2, 1995. Sara McCue, born in Greenwood VA May 26th, C.L F. : In loving memory of a devoted father, an accomplished s[ortsman an active citizen and a surgeon. S.McC. F. : In loving memory of a devoted mother. Unique, fun-loving and a good spirit. A compasionate friend NOTES: Fifer, Sara McCue MARKER: Alexandria surgeon. Chief of surgery at Circle Terrace Hospital, President of Alexandria Medical Society. He was a Mason and former chariman of Burke & Herbert Bank. He also served in leadership roles with numerous additional groups and societies. 2-18-3 05/26/1907 03/22/1997 Sara McCue, born in Greenwood, VA May 26th 03/26/1997 Died March 22, 1997. Unique, fun-loving and a good spirit. A compasionate friend Figgins, Cora L MARKER: R-64-4 Enoch C. Figgins 1861 - 1944 12/07/1954 Cora L Figgins 1865 - 1954 Figgins, Enoch MARKER: R-64-5 Enoch C. Figgins 1861 - 1944 09/05/1944 Cora L Figgins 1865 - 1954 Figgins, Eva E MARKER: R-64-2 FIGGINS Robert L. Sr. Eva E. Figgins, Robert L., Sr. MARKER: 1908 - 1998 1908 - 1989 R-64-3 FIGGINS 07/25/1908 03/20/1997 03/24/1997 10/07/1997 10/08/1997 10/17/1997 B-24-2 03/26/1885 George File May 14, 1884 - Apr. 2, 1954 03/26/1956 03/28/1956 03/15/1943 03/18/1943 05/12/1912 05/27/1965 May 12, 1912 - May 27, 1965 05/29/1965 Robert L. Sr. Eva E. 1908 - 1998 1908 - 1989 32-77-1 Figliola, Stuart Michael 06/16/1989 Infant MARKER: STUART MICHAEL FIGLIOLA Oct. 7, 1997 - Oct. 8. 1997 A moment in our arms. Forever in our hearts. File, Dorthea C. MARKER: Dora C. File File, Ernest D MARKER: Mar. 26, 1885 - Mar. 26, 1956 R-104-1 04/18/1878 Ernest D. File April 18, 1878 - Mar. 15, 1943 Mallie B. File June 21, 1884 - Sept. 11, 1962 File, Ernest Daniel, Jr. MARKER: R-104-4 Ernest D. File, Jr. Marion U.File File, George MARKER: Dora C. File File, Mallie B MARKER: June 2, 1916 - Dec.12, 1974 B-24-1 05/14/1884 George File May 14, 1884 - Apr. 2, 1954 04/02/1954 04/05/1954 09/11/1962 09/14/1962 06/02/1916 12/12/1974 May 12, 1912 - May 27, 1965 12/14/1974 Mar. 26, 1885 - Mar. 26, 1956 R-104-2 06/21/1884 Ernest D. File April 18, 1878 - Mar. 15, 1943 Mallie B. File June 21, 1884 - Sept. 11, 1962 File, Marion U MARKER: R-104-5 Ernest D. File, Jr. Marion U.File Finch, Mary E. Mudd MARKER: June 2, 1916 - Dec.12, 1974 R-128-3 Mary E. Finch 05/02/1970 05/02/1970 Died : May 2, 1970 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 157 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date E-BBY-66-92 Findley, Baby Burial_Date 12/24/1963 Infant COL 6-S1-48 08/09/2007 08/14/2007 Retired Alexandria Battalion Chief.and also a Military Veteran. R-82-11 05/02/1889 09/29/1967 FINISECY 10/03/1967 Finegan, Robert Joseph Jr. USMC MARKER: 12/07/1933 Firefighter / E.M.S. Robert Joseph Finegan, Jr. December 7, 1933 - August 9, 2007 (Alexandria Fire Department) NOTES: Finisecy, Annie M MARKER: William O. Finisecy 11/04/1884 - 05/10/1959 Annie M. Finisecy 05/02/1889 - 09/29/1967 Our Infant Son: William O. Finisecy, Jr. 10/07/1918 Finisecy, William O MARKER: R-82-10 FINISECY 11/04/1884 05/10/1959 05/13/1959 10/07/1918 10/07/1918 04/12/1928 04/12/1928 06/27/1965 06/30/1965 12/15/1953 12/18/1953 03/31/1940 04/03/1940 William O. Finisecy 11/04/1884 - 05/10/1959 Annie M. Finisecy 05/02/1889 - 09/29/1967 Our Infant Son: William O. Finisecy, Jr. 10/07/1918 Finisecy, William O., Jr. MARKER: R-82-11A FINISECY 10/07/1918 William O. Finisecy 11/04/1884 - 05/10/1959 Annie M. Finisecy 05/02/1889 - 09/29/1967 Our Infant Son: William O. Finisecy, Jr. 10/07/1918 Finks, Josephine Purcell MARKER: D-34-2 05/03/1868 W. L. Finks Oct 26, 1894 - Mar 31, 1940 His Devoted wife Josephine Purcell Finks May 3, 1868 - Apr 12, 1928 Rest in Peace. Finks, Pearl Ticer MARKER: D-34-6 07/17/1897 Richard L. Finks Aug 1, 1893 - Dec 15, 1953 His beloved wife Pearl Ticer Finks Jly. 17, 1897 - June 27, 1965 May they rest in Peace. Finks, Richard L MARKER: D-34-5 08/01/1893 Richard L. Finks Aug 1, 1893 - Dec 15, 1953 His beloved wife Pearl Ticer Finks Jly. 17, 1897 - June 27, 1965 May they rest in Peace. Finks, W L MARKER: D-34-1 10/26/1894 W. L. Finks Oct 26, 1894 - Mar 31, 1940 His Devoted wife Josephine Purcell Finks May 3, 1868 - Apr 12, 1928 Rest in Peace. Finley, Agnes Johnson Finn, Dollie M Finn, Joseph T MARKER: G-174-9 T-219-2 T-219-3 Joseph T. Finn 11/23/1876 05/29/1919 08/16/1979 05/08/1990 08/20/1979 05/12/1961 05/15/1961 07/15/1958 02/02/1959 02/02/1959 R-55-4 10/08/1888 John T. Finnell Oct. 8, 1888 - Oct. 19, 1977 10/19/1977 10/24/1977 10/14/1951 10/17/1951 01/16/1920 Jan 16, 1920 - Aug 16, 1979 At Rest T-288-1A Finne, Christina W Infant T-288-1B Finne, Nancy Ada Infant MARKER: VAR LILLE ENGEL Nancy Ada Finne Fodt - 15 Juli 1958 Gikk til Gud 2 Februar 1959 Jul 15, 1958 - Feb 2, 1959 Finnell, John Thomas MARKER: Mary A. Finnell Jly. 16, 1892 - Oct. 14, 1951 Finnell, Mary Alice MARKER: R-55-5 07/16/1892 John T. Finnell Oct. 8, 1888 - Oct. 19, 1977 Mary A. Finnell Jly. 16, 1892 - Oct. 14, 1951 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 158 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Fischer, Carol Mae (Thatcher) Birth_Date 2-85-4A 07/04/1932 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/03/2001 04/18/2002 Chapter Regent of Augustine Warner Chapter (2-008 VA) DAR. 2-85-4B 09/09/1930 03/19/2003 05/24/2003 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: FISCHER Edward B. 1930 - 2003 NOTES: Fischer, Edward Booth USAF MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran FISCHER Edward B. 1930 - 2003 Fischer, Gertrude P MARKER: Fischer, Henry Thomas MARKER: Fisher, Harold MARKER: Carol T. 1932 - 2001 (DAR) Carol T. 1932 - 2001 (DAR) T-182-2 Henry T. Fischer 06/13/1892 Dec 5, 1884 - Jan 14, 1962 Gertrude P. Fischer June 13, 1892 - Mar 23, 1974 T-182-1 Henry T. Fischer 12/05/1884 Dec 5, 1884 - Jan 14, 1962 Gertrude P. Fischer June 13, 1892 - Mar 23, 1974 D-45-5A FISHER 02/16/1910 03/23/1974 03/26/1974 01/14/1962 01/17/1962 08/09/1990 08/15/1990 Harold Mary Yeates Feb. 16, 1910 Jan. 21, 1912 Aug. 9, 1990 May 27, 1996 Fisher, Jerrold E, Sr. MARKER: Fisher, Laura Montgomery MARKER: D-19-6 Jerrold E. Fisher 1913 - 1966 N-162-3 06/30/1897 Our sister: LAURA MONTGOMERY FISHER 12/19/1966 06/30/1897 06/30/1897 05/27/1996 05/31/1996 Jan 6, 1824 - June 30, 1897 Christ died for us whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him. Fisher, Mary Yeates MARKER: D-45-6 FISHER 01/21/1912 Harold Mary Yeates Feb. 16, 1910 Jan. 21, 1912 Aug. 9, 1990 May 27, 1996 Fisher, Wayne E. Fitch, Charles Walton MARKER: B-BBY-48-4 M-152-3A Charles Walton Fitch 11/25/1952 03/18/1964 1886 - 1964 Margaret Parham Fitch 1888 - 1965 Martha Fitch 1915 - 1963 Fitch, Margaret Parham MARKER: M-152-3B Charles Walton Fitch 01/15/1966 1886 - 1964 Margaret Parham Fitch 1888 - 1965 Martha Fitch 1915 - 1963 Fitch, Martha MARKER: M-152-3C Charles Walton Fitch 10/22/1963 1886 - 1964 Margaret Parham Fitch 1888 - 1965 Martha Fitch 1915 - 1963 Fitzgerald, Curtis Allen Fitzgerald, Dixie Cycelia Fitzpatrick, George R MARKER: 41-26-1 06/19/1943 42-168-2 12/11/1928 T-155-2 12/17/1915 FATHER: George Robert Fitzpatrick 09/23/2008 09/26/1997 08/30/1990 10/01/2008 09/30/1997 09/07/1990 T-155-3 01/23/1916 07/01/1966 MOTHER: Nell Williams Fitzpatrick Jan 23, 1916 - Jly 1,1966 07/06/1966 Dec 17, 1915 - Aug 30, 1990 Embraced in Love. Fitzpatrick, Nell Williams MARKER: Love is a cherished memory. Flaherty, Lois Duvall MARKER: O-123-5 Lois Duvall Flaherty 09/28/1926 10/09/1999 10/13/1999 Sept. 28 1926 - Oct. 9, 1999 Flanigan, Ruth H Fleming, Florence Miller Fleming, J E T-296-6 M-36-3A A-70-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 10/22/1970 02/24/1945 03/02/1934 Page 159 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Fleming, John Joseph, Sr. USMC PFC MARKER: Birth_Date 42-67-3A 09/08/1926 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/07/2004 06/12/2004 12/14/2006 12/23/2006 10/20/1934 06/04/1999 05/16/1950 07/11/1955 06/10/1999 01/28/1928 08/25/1989 08/28/1989 05/16/1968 04/04/1949 05/16/1968 04/04/1949 05/16/1968 05/18/1968 02/18/1911 10/06/1970 Feb 18, 1911 - Oct 6, 1970 10/06/1970 WW II - Veteran FLEMING John Joseph, Sr. Septermber 8, 1926 - June 7, 2004 Fleming, Kathryn Ann MARKER: 42-62-4A Kathryn Ann Fleming 10/06/1965 October 6, 1965 - December 14, 2006 Fleming, Lizzie Fleming, Pattie J. Flessate, Gerald Charles Army MARKER: Fletcher, Catherine Wade MARKER: A-70-6 C-1-4 42-104-3 U. S. Military Veteran FLESSATE JERRY OCT. 20, 1934 - JUNE 4, 1999 Best husband, dad and friend EVELYN Nov. 14, 1934 - (blank) 31-18-4 FLETCHER Catherine W. Jan. 28, 1928 Aug. 25, 1989 Fletcher, Claude W MARKER: W. Fred Aug. 13, 1928 Oct. 09, 2006 O-105-1 Claude W. Fletcher 10/26/1881 Oct 26, 1881 -- Apr 1, 1949 Claude Wm. Fletcher, Jr. Jan 24, 1914 - May 16, 1968 Rena Ticer Fletcher Apr 2, 1881 - Mar 6, 1947 Fletcher, Claude W MARKER: Fletcher, Claude Wm., Jr. MARKER: O-105-1 10/26/1881 FLETCHER O-105-3 01/24/1914 Claude W. Fletcher Oct 26, 1881 -- Apr 1, 1949 Claude Wm. Fletcher, Jr. Jan 24, 1914 - May 16, 1968 Rena Ticer Fletcher Apr 2, 1881 - Mar 6, 1947 Fletcher, George Herbert MARKER: O-105-4 George Herbert Fletcher Phyllis Quinn Fletcher Nov 6, 1923 - May 24, 1970 Richard Quinn Fletcher Oct 11, 1949 - Oct 28, 1977 Fletcher, Mathis MARKER: C-20-6 Fletcher W.Mathis 06/16/1913 06/13/2002 06/17/2002 June 16, 1913 - June 13, 2002 Fletcher, Nancy W. MARKER: B-49-2 Walter J. Pulley 11/20/1927 1881 - 1960 Nancy Pulley Fletcher 1907 - 1937 Rosa O. Pulley 1882 - 1950 Fletcher, Phyllis Quinn MARKER: O-105-5 George Herbert Fletcher 11/06/1923 05/24/1970 Feb 18, 1911 - Oct 6, 1970 05/24/1970 Phyllis Quinn Fletcher Nov 6, 1923 - May 24, 1970 Richard Quinn Fletcher Oct 11, 1949 - Oct 28, 1977 Fletcher, Rena Ticer MARKER: O-105-2 Claude W. Fletcher 04/02/1881 Oct 26, 1881 -- Apr 1, 1949 03/06/1947 03/08/1947 10/11/1949 10/28/1977 Feb 18, 1911 - Oct 6, 1970 10/31/1977 Claude Wm. Fletcher, Jr. Jan 24, 1914 - May 16, 1968 Rena Ticer Fletcher Apr 2, 1881 - Mar 6, 1947 Fletcher, Richard Quinn MARKER: O-105-6 George Herbert Fletcher Phyllis Quinn Fletcher Nov 6, 1923 - May 24, 1970 Richard Quinn Fletcher Oct 11, 1949 - Oct 28, 1977 Fletcher, William Frederick MARKER: 31-18-3 FLETCHER Catherine W. Jan. 28, 1928 Aug. 25, 1989 Flick, Thomas M. MARKER: 08/13/1928 10/09/2006 10/16/2006 03/01/1879 Mar 1, 1879 - Feb 21, 1970 02/21/1970 02/23/1970 W. Fred Aug. 13, 1928 Oct. 09, 2006 T-273-3 Thomas M. Flick Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 160 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Florance, A Randolph MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date A-14-4 08/04/1856 01/29/1918 A. Randolph Florance - Aug. 4, 1856 - Jan. 29, 1918 Burial_Date 01/29/1918 wife Mariam M.E. Florance - Sept 11, 1860 - July 14, 1941 Wm. Randolph Florance - Oct 4, 1888 - Feb. 23, 1950 Harry Florance - May 7, 1895 - May 16, 1984 Florance, Harry MARKER: A-14-2 05/07/1895 05/16/1984 A. Randolph Florance - Aug. 4, 1856 - Jan. 29, 1918 05/16/1984 wife Mariam M.E. Florance - Sept 11, 1860 - July 14, 1941 Wm. Randolph Florance - Oct 4, 1888 - Feb. 23, 1950 Harry Florance - May 7, 1895 - May 16, 1984 Florance, Mariam M. E. MARKER: A-14-5 09/11/1860 07/14/1941 A. Randolph Florance - Aug. 4, 1856 - Jan. 29, 1918 07/16/1941 wife Mariam M.E. Florance - Sept 11, 1860 - July 14, 1941 Wm. Randolph Florance - Oct 4, 1888 - Feb. 23, 1950 Harry Florance - May 7, 1895 - May 16, 1984 Florance, Sue A MARKER: A-14-1 Sue A. Florance 02/03/1894 07/22/1983 07/26/1983 A-14-6 10/04/1888 02/23/1950 A. Randolph Florance - Aug. 4, 1856 - Jan. 29, 1918 02/27/1950 Feb. 3, 1894 - July 22, 1983 Florance, William R MARKER: wife Mariam M.E. Florance - Sept 11, 1860 - July 14, 1941 Wm. Randolph Florance - Oct 4, 1888 - Feb. 23, 1950 Harry Florance - May 7, 1895 - May 16, 1984 Florence, Della K. MARKER: Florence, Ernest A., Mr. MARKER: R-140-5 FLORENCE 02/14/1911 03/12/2001 03/15/2001 08/18/1911 12/11/2000 12/13/2000 08/08/1902 01/04/1999 01/14/1999 07/13/1879 01/23/1942 Jly. 13, 1879 - Jan 23, 1942 01/26/1942 Ernest A. Della K. Aug 18, 1911 Feb 14, 1911 Dec 11, 2000 Mar 12, 2001 TOGETHER FOREVER R-140-4 FLORENCE Ernest A. Della K. Aug 18, 1911 Feb 14, 1911 Dec 11, 2000 Mar 12, 2001 TOGETHER FOREVER R-141-1 Florence, Eva Belle OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: FLORENCE William H. Eva B. 1903 1902 - 1999 in his loving care - Together Forever Florence, Frederick C MARKER: R-140-1 Frederick C. Florence Olive F. Florence (space) - Aug 25, 1979 R-140-2 Florence, Olive F 08/25/1979 08/25/1979 06/05/1903 11/25/1998 12/02/1998 N-34-1A 06/18/1905 Dorothy L. Flynn June 18, 1905 - Jly 15, 1975 07/15/1975 07/22/1975 04/15/1946 04/18/1946 12/26/2000 11/17/1993 01/02/2001 11/22/1993 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Frederick C. Florence Olive F. Florence Jly. 13, 1879 - Jan 23, 1942 (space) - Aug 25, 1979 R-140-3 Florence, William H. Freemason MARKER: FLORENCE William H. Eva B. 1903 1902 - 1999 in his loving care - Together Forever Flynn, Dorothy L MARKER: Frederick L. Flynn Flynn, Frederick L MARKER: Frederick L. Flynn Flynt, Bonnie Lucille Frost Flynt, Ralph Comer Michael MARKER: Mar 1, 1904 - Apr 15, 1946 N-34-1B 03/01/1904 Dorothy L. Flynn June 18, 1905 - Jly 15, 1975 Mar 1, 1904 - Apr 15, 1946 31-18-2 31-18-1 Ralph Comer Michael Flynt 09/25/1905 09/06/1904 September 6, 1904-November 17, 1993 REVERSE: F L Y N T Fogg, Beula D N-90-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 09/20/1952 Page 161 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Fohn, Ida Southard Folan, Jean MARKER: N-109-3 M-61-5 Michael Folan Sgt USMC Birth_Date Death_Date 02/06/1929 12/19/2007 June 22, 1928 - (space) Burial_Date 11/15/1985 12/28/2007 Jean E. Folan RF&P February 6, 1929 - December 19, 2007 Follin, Emily G. Grigg MARKER: R-122-6 Ernest Randolph Follin 07/16/1885 02/19/1968 Aug. 29, 1881 - Feb. 28, 1970 Emily Glasgow Grigg Follin Follin, Ernest Randolph MARKER: R-122-5 Ernest Randolph Follin Jly. 16, 1885 - Feb. 19, 1968 08/29/1881 02/28/1970 Aug. 29, 1881 - Feb. 28, 1970 Emily Glasgow Grigg Follin Follin, Pauline Shaver MARKER: 02/22/1968 03/04/1970 Jly. 16, 1885 - Feb. 19, 1968 O-318-3 FOLLIN 05/09/1909 01/29/2003 02/01/2003 02/20/1975 02/22/1975 Raymond E. - Nov. 14, 1906 - Feb. 20, 1975 Pauline S. - May 9, 1909 - Jan. 29, 2003 Follin, Raymond Eugene MARKER: O-318-1 FOLLIN 11/14/1906 Raymond E. - Nov. 14, 1906 - Feb. 20, 1975 Pauline S. - May 9, 1909 - Jan. 29, 2003 R-157-6B Fones, Baby 04/16/1946 Infant R-157-6A Fones, Baby 04/16/1946 Infant Fontaine, Helen MARKER: O-314-1C Joseph E. Fontaine Helen Fontaine Ida R. Fontaine Fontaine, Ida Rapine MARKER: O-314-3C Joseph E. Fontaine Helen Fontaine Ida R. Fontaine Fontaine, Joseph E MARKER: O-314-2C Joseph E. Fontaine Helen Fontaine Ida R. Fontaine 10/28/1975 1890 - 1972 1900- 1975 1868 - 1968 12/02/1968 1900- 1975 1868 - 1968 11/10/1972 1890 - 1972 1900- 1975 1868 - 1968 O-314-1B Fontaine, Raymond A. U S ARMY MARKER: 12/04/1968 1890 - 1972 11/28/1935 10/14/1994 12/09/1994 10/15/1888 01/10/1970 01/15/1970 01/19/2002 01/23/2002 06/16/2009 06/18/2009 06/27/2009 07/01/2009 Korean War - Veteran Raymond A. Fontaine 1935 - 1994 (US ARMY - Korean War) Forbes, Harlan B., Sr. MARKER: T-298-3 FORBES Musadora King Forbes Dec.30,1883 - June 14, 1957 Harland B. Forbes, Sr. Oct 15, 1888-Jan 10,1970 FORBES James Dexter Forbes Oct 30, 1924-Jan 19, 2002 Mary Lou Werner Forbes June 21, 1926-June 27,2009 Suffer the little children to come unto me Forbes, James Dexter MARKER: T-298-5 FORBES 10/30/1924 Musadora King Forbes Dec.30,1883 - June 14, 1957 Harland B. Forbes, Sr. Oct 15, 1888-Jan 10,1970 FORBES James Dexter Forbes Oct 30, 1924-Jan 19, 2002 Mary Lou Werner Forbes June 21, 1926-June 27,2009 Suffer the little children to come unto me Forbes, Jessie Mary Smith MARKER: T-297-6 FORBES 04/18/1913 Harlan Baker Forbes, Jr. March 25, 1916 - (space) Jessie Smith Forbes April 18, 1913 - June 16, 2009 Forbes, Mary Lou MARKER: T-298-6 FORBES 06/21/1926 Musadora King Forbes Dec.30,1883 - June 14, 1957 Harland B. Forbes, Sr. Oct 15, 1888-Jan 10,1970 FORBES James Dexter Forbes Oct 30, 1924-Jan 19, 2002 Mary Lou Werner Forbes June 21, 1926-June 27,2009 Suffer the little children to come unto me Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 162 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Forbes, Musadora King MARKER: Birth_Date T-298-2 FORBES 12/30/1883 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/14/1957 06/17/1957 09/08/1988 09/10/1988 Musadora King Forbes Dec.30,1883 - June 14, 1957 Harland B. Forbes, Sr. Oct 15, 1888-Jan 10,1970 FORBES James Dexter Forbes Oct 30, 1924-Jan 19, 2002 Mary Lou Werner Forbes June 21, 1926-June 27,2009 Suffer the little children to come unto me Ford, John William MARKER: 2-102-3 FORD 05/20/1920 John William Mercedes B. May 19, 1920 (space) September 8, 1988 (space) Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour N-48-4A Ford, Roger Frances 03/30/1944 Infant Fordham, Elbert E MARKER: A-75-1 Elbert E. Fordham 05/06/1885 09/22/1965 March 6, 1885 - Sept. 22, 1965 09/25/1965 Grace A. Fordham Aug. 6, 1887 - May 12, 1975 Elbert E. Fordham April 17, 1908 - May 22, 1948 Fordham, Elbert E., Jr. MARKER: A-75-6 Elbert E. Fordham 04/17/1908 05/22/1948 March 6, 1885 - Sept. 22, 1965 05/25/1948 Grace A. Fordham Aug. 6, 1887 - May 12, 1975 Elbert E. Fordham April 17, 1908 - May 22, 1948 Fordham, Grace A MARKER: A-75-4 Elbert E. Fordham 08/06/1887 05/12/1975 March 6, 1885 - Sept. 22, 1965 05/15/1975 Grace A. Fordham Aug. 6, 1887 - May 12, 1975 Elbert E. Fordham April 17, 1908 - May 22, 1948 Forkner, Austin Harold MARKER: Forkner, Leone Prochnow MARKER: Forshee, Margaret Eleanor Green T-106-3 Austin Harold Forkner 1906 - 1974 Leone Prochnow Forkner (no dates) T-107-1 Austin Harold Forkner 1906 - 1974 Leone Prochnow Forkner (no dates) 02/25/1974 01/25/1982 T-328-3 03/31/1898 08/22/1956 08/24/1956 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Margaret Eleanor Green Forshee Mar 31, 1898-Aug 22, 1956 Wife of Bernard W. Forshee DAR, Dr. Elisha Dick Forshee, Margaret Eleanor Green T-328-3 03/31/1898 08/22/1956 08/24/1956 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: NOTES: Forstall, Alfred Edmond, IV MARKER: Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me. And may there be no moaning of the bar When I put out to sea For though from out our bourne of Time and Place the flood may bear me far. I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter. DAR 33-3-1A FORSTALL Alfred E. IV 1928 - 2007 Forster, Lisbeth A MARKER: Foster, Ann P MARKER: 10/27/2007 02/14/1985 02/18/1985 04/29/1965 04/30/1965 Lisbeth A. 1903-1985 T-201-1 FORSTER Richard A. 1896-1965 10/20/2007 Louise D. 1929 - (space) T-201-2 FORSTER Richard A. 1896-1965 Forster, Richard Arthur MARKER: 12/02/1928 Lisbeth A. 1903-1985 N-57-1 FOSTER 09/26/1944 Sterling J., D.D. Oct. 22, 1967 - July 23, 1952 Anne Patterson Dec. 5, 1864 - Sept. 24, 1944 Foster, Berta Lee MARKER: T-300-3 06/19/1882 Berta L. Foster June 19, 1882 - Jly 10, 1976 07/10/1976 07/13/1976 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 163 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Foster, Florence O. MARKER: T-342-3 FLORENCE W. FOSTER Birth_Date 01/01/1885 Death_Date 06/26/1973 Burial_Date 06/29/1973 1885 - 1973 Foster, John G Foster, Sterling J., Dr. MARKER: T-316-6 N-57-2 FOSTER 09/14/1957 07/25/1952 Sterling J., D.D. Oct. 22, 1967 - July 23, 1952 Anne Patterson Dec. 5, 1864 - Sept. 24, 1944 N-11-2 N-11-1 N-11-3 G-32-2 Foutz, Bernice V Foutz, Joseph Solomon Foutz, Roy Lee Fowle, Baby 05/03/1965 07/19/1955 08/20/1945 05/06/1965 04/28/1948 04/30/1948 Infant G-2-1 Fowle, James H. 12/16/1888 WW I - Veteran MARKER: James H.Fowle Dec. 16, 1888 - Apr. 28, 1948 Virginia 1 Lieut. 10 Bn. Inf. Repl. Center WWI Fowle, Maima H MARKER: G-31-1 Nela Fowle 1872 - 1931 01/01/1923 Maima H. Fowle 1849 - 1923 William H. Fowle 1840 - 1903 Fowle, Nela MARKER: G-32-3 Nela Fowle 1872 - 1931 01/01/1931 Maima H. Fowle 1849 - 1923 William H. Fowle 1840 - 1903 G-31-3 Fowle, William Holmes 01/01/1840 01/01/1903 01/01/1903 C S A Veteran MARKER: Nela Fowle 1872 - 1931 Maima H. Fowle 1849 - 1923 William H. Fowle 1840 - 1903 NOTES: Fowler, Ann E MARKER: Founding member of "The Old Dominion Rifles" December1860 as Second Lieutenant. Captain, Co. H, 17th Virginia Infantry. 2-46-1 01/17/1901 05/01/1986 05/21/1986 Ann E. Fowler Ja. 17, 1901 - May 1, 1986 Fowler, James Wallace, Sr. MARKER: 42-52-1 James Wallace Fowler 12/24/1931 12/03/1997 12/08/1997 04/04/1946 05/10/2005 11/27/1941 05/13/2005 06/21/1931 11/30/2003 12/05/2003 10/12/1909 01/15/2005 01/01/1890 01/27/2005 08/30/1979 07/16/1992 Son of E Norman & Virginia Blount Fowler Dec. 24, 1931 - Dec. 3, 1997 Fox, Barbara J Fraas, Charlotte FitzHenry Jones MARKER: France, Shirley McKlveen MARKER: N-90-2 42-205-1A FRAAS Charlotte Fitzhenry Jones 1946 - 2005 Beloved wife and mother FRAAS B-20-6 Shirley McKlveen France June 21, 1931 - November 30, 2003 Francis, Elliot Francis, Gladys L. MARKER: G-138-5A 6-20-3A FRANCIS Gladys Lanham Oct 12, 1909 - Jan, 15, 2005 Herbert H. WWII & Korea - Lt. Col US ARMY JULY 18, 1909 - AUG. 30, 1979 Francis, Herbert H., LT. COL. US ARMY MARKER: 6-20-4A 07/18/1909 WW II - Veteran FRANCIS Gladys Lanham Oct 12, 1909 - Jan, 15, 2005 Herbert H. WWII & Korea - Lt. Col US ARMY JULY 18, 1909 - AUG. 30, 1979 NOTES: Francis, Jennette Also a veteran of the Korean War. O-188-1 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 02/20/1969 Page 164 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Frandsen, Julius, Jr. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-330-5A 07/12/1907 11/14/1976 RUTH FRANDSEN Feb. 11, 1909 - June 10, 2004 Burial_Date 11/18/1976 Julius Frandsen, Jr. Jly 12, 1907 - Nov 14, 1976 Frandsen, Ruth G. MARKER: T-330-5B 02/11/1919 06/10/2004 RUTH FRANDSEN Feb. 11, 1909 - June 10, 2004 06/18/2004 Julius Frandsen, Jr. Jly 12, 1907 - Nov 14, 1976 Frank, Florence Pauline MARKER: 31-49-2 FLORENCE PAULINE 08/09/1909 12/03/1995 12/06/1995 FRANK 1909 - 1995 Franke, Helene Heindrich MARKER: T-39-6A Sister - Friend 06/29/1984 Helene Heindrich Franke March 26, 1910 - June 28, 1983 Wife - Mother Marie Heindrich Benedict April 3, 1924 - Oct 18, 1993 Franklin, Frances Ann MARKER: R-65-3 Frances Ann Franklin 04/16/1864 02/08/1953 02/10/1953 T-232-4 Lola A. Franklin 1890 - 1962 O-219-1 03/16/1910 01/29/1946 Malcolm A. Franklin Mar 16, 1910 - Jan 29, 1946 C-6-5 C-6-5a Ida Kanoose 1864 - 1939 11/06/1962 Beloved Mother and Grandmother April 16, 1864 - feb. 8, 1953 Franklin, Lola A MARKER: Franklin, Malcolm A MARKER: Franklin, Mary Morris Franklin, May MARKER: Alice Gavin 1869 - 1942 Virginia Thornton 1863 - 1943 Theodosia Slayton 1858 - 1943 May Franklin 1855 - 1944 B-BBY-48-59 Fraser, Baby 02/06/1946 01/03/1944 01/24/1958 Infant Fraser, Bettye Conners MARKER: Fraser, Howard Francis MARKER: N-14-3 Bettye Conners Fraser 32-14-4A FRASER 07/14/1944 07/14/1944 Feb 9, 1888 - Jly 14, 1944 01/06/1926 05/07/1991 07/17/1944 05/11/1991 Howard Francis 1926 - 1991 Frazer, Bevann MARKER: T-168-4 Bevann S. Frazer 03/27/1925 05/15/1987 05/18/1987 08/28/1925 05/15/1976 05/26/1976 10/30/1968 10/30/1968 Nov. 16, 1896 - May 24, 1966 11/02/1968 Devoted Wife March 27, 1925 May 15, 1987 T-167-6 Frazer, Frank C US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Frank C. Frazer Aug 28, 1925 - May 15, 1976 U S Navy World War II Freeman, Virginia Brant MARKER: Freeman, William M. B., CAPT. N-65-6 William B Freeman New Jersey Capt. USNR WWI & WWII CR "WELL DONE" In Loving Memory: Virginia Brant Freeman Aug 6, 1907 - Oct 30, 1968 Their Children: Ann Freeman Karns, William Hodgman Freeman Sidney Lanier Bartlett, Jr. N-65-5 11/16/1896 05/24/1966 05/28/1966 WW I - Veteran MARKER: William B Freeman Nov. 16, 1896 - May 24, 1966 New Jersey Capt. USNR WWI & WWII CR "WELL DONE" In Loving Memory: Virginia Brant Freeman Aug 6, 1907 - Oct 30, 1968 Their Children: Ann Freeman Karns, William Hodgman Freeman Sidney Lanier Bartlett, Jr. Freeze, Elizabeth R. MARKER: 31-87-2 Elizabeth R. Freeze 11/14/1912 05/31/2002 06/01/2002 Nov. 14, 1912 - May 31, 2002 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 165 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Freeze, Richard MARKER: Birth_Date 31-86-4 RICHARD FREEZE 12/14/1940 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/2005 01/07/2005 09/26/1989 09/29/1989 02/01/1913 08/18/2003 12/30/2003 03/25/1904 12/08/1979 08/11/1948 12/12/1979 08/25/1986 08/27/1986 DEC 14, 1940 - JAN 1, 2005 31-87-1 Freeze, Wharey Moore U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Wharey Moore Freeze L CDR US NAVY June 26, 1912 - Sep 26, 1989 Fried, Karl MARKER: COL 6-S2-39B F R I E D, Karl 1 Feb 1913 - 18 Aug 2003 Holocaust Survivor Auschwitz Friedel, Rose Friend, Carter W MARKER: O-144-2 1-12-3 Carter W. Friend March 25, 1904 - Dec. 8, 1979 Friend, Louise J MARKER: 1-12-4 Louise J. Friend July 16, 1911 - Aug. 25, 1986 Fritter, Burrall G. MARKER: O-63-6 Powie M. Fritter 03/19/1971 April 22, 1888 - April 30, 1947 B. L. Fritter Buried: Mar 1971 Fritter, Mary E Fritter, Powie M MARKER: O-63-5 O-63-4 Powie M. Fritter 04/22/1888 04/30/1946 03/16/1953 05/03/1947 08/31/1960 09/01/1960 April 22, 1888 - April 30, 1947 B. L. Fritter Buried: Mar 1971 E-BBY-66-23 Fritz, Keith Eugene Infant MARKER: Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Oacar Fritz, Jr. KEITH EUGENE FRITZ August 31, 1960 M-7-7 Frobel, Anna S 01/01/1907 Alexandrian MARKER: John Jacob Frobel Feb 20, 1772 - 1816 Mary Marshall Frobel (no dates) Elizabeth Douglas Frobel 1818 - 1898 Anne S. Frobel 1816 -1907 NOTES: Frobel, Elizabeth Douglas MARKER: The Civil War Diary of Anne S. Frobel, McLean, VA. lived in Occupied Alexandria during the Civil War. Copies if her and hers sister Elizabeth's diary can be obtained from EPM Publications for The Friends of Fort Ward, 1992. M-7-6 01/01/1898 John Jacob Frobel Feb 20, 1772 - 1816 Mary Marshall Frobel (no dates) Elizabeth Douglas Frobel 1818 - 1898 Anne S. Frobel 1816 -1907 M-7-4 Frobel, John Jacob 02/20/1772 01/01/1816 01/01/1816 12/01/2008 12/31/2008 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: John Jacob Frobel Feb 20, 1772 - 1816 Mary Marshall Frobel (no dates) Elizabeth Douglas Frobel 1818 - 1898 Anne S. Frobel 1816 -1907 NOTES: Frobel, Mary Marshall MARKER: Donated the land for Sharon Chapel Cemetery. M-7-5 John Jacob Frobel Feb 20, 1772 - 1816 Mary Marshall Frobel (no dates) Elizabeth Douglas Frobel 1818 - 1898 Anne S. Frobel 1816 -1907 Froelich, William Charles MARKER: COL 6-S1-15 William C. Froelich 01/10/1928 January 10, 1928 - December 1, 2008 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 166 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date B-BBY-48-2 Fromhart, Lawrence C., Jr. Burial_Date 04/14/1955 Infant MARKER: Fromhart, Lawrence C., Jr. Lawrence C. Fromhart, Jr. Born-Died April, 1955 B-BBY-48-26 04/11/1955 04/11/1955 04/14/1955 01/22/1916 04/12/1968 04/16/1968 03/25/1959 03/27/1959 01/27/1975 10/12/1918 01/30/1975 10/12/1918 03/08/1910 03/18/1910 02/02/1980 02/04/1980 11/25/2008 12/06/2008 07/05/2001 07/09/2001 04/14/1966 04/16/1966 04/25/1959 04/28/1959 06/05/2005 08/24/1960 06/09/2005 11/03/1984 11/06/1984 04/06/1866 04/06/1866 Infant MARKER: lawrence C. Fromhart, Jr. Born & Died April 11, 1955 T-252-2 Frye, Bowers Garland WW II - Veteran MARKER: Bowers Garland Frye Virginia Frye, John A., Sr. MARKER: Frye, Mattie Bernard Fuchs, Karl MARKER: PFC Med. Dept. Jan 22, 1917 - Apr 12, 1968 World War II PH T-252-5 07/29/1887 John A. Frye, Sr. Jly 29, 1887 - Mar 25, 1959 T-252-6 E-20-5 01/12/1883 Karl Fuchs Jan 12, 1883 - Oct. 12, 1918 his wife: Katrina Bitter Fuchs Feb. 28, 1887 -Mar. 8, 1910 Their son: Paul F. Nov 21, 1920 - Feb 11, 2008 Fuchs, Katrina Bitter MARKER: E-20-6 02/28/1887 Karl Fuchs Jan 12, 1883 - Oct. 12, 1918 his wife: Katrina Bitter Fuchs Feb. 28, 1887 -Mar. 8, 1910 Their son: Paul F. Nov 21, 1920 - Feb 11, 2008 Fuentes, Jose R., Dr. MARKER: 1-9-1 FUENTES, Jose R., MD 10/20/1948 October 20, 1948 - February 2, 1980 I love you not only for what you made of yourself, but for what you made of me. Fugate, Cornelia A. MARKER: O-194-6 FUGATE 07/03/1920 Wilbur Lindsay Fugate March 27, 1913 - July 5, 2001 Cornelia Alfriend Fugate July 3, 1920 - Nov. 25, 2008 Fugate, Wilbur Lindasy, CAPT. USCG MARKER: O-194-5 03/27/1913 WW II - Veteran FUGATE Wilbur Lindsay Fugate March 27, 1913 - July 5, 2001 Cornelia Alfriend Fugate July 3, 1920 - Nov. 25, 2008 Fuller, Elizabeth Smoot MARKER: T-287-6 In Memory of: Elizabeth Smoot Fuller Died: Apr. 14, 1966 In Memory of: Robert Waight Fuller Died: Apr 25, 1959 Fuller, Robert Waight MARKER: T-287-5 In Memory of: Elizabeth Smoot Fuller Died: Apr. 14, 1966 In Memory of: Robert Waight Fuller Died: Apr 25, 1959 Fulton, Florence Fulwiler, Lewis B. MARKER: C-6-1A T-151-5 FULWILER Mary Brookes Lewis B. Fulwiler, Mary Brookes MARKER: 05/10/1914 Sept 7, 1916 - November 3, 1984 May 10, 1914 - June 5, 2005 T-151-6 FULWILER Mary Brookes Lewis B. Sept 7, 1916 - November 3, 1984 May 10, 1914 - June 5, 2005 N-145-5 Funsten, David 10/14/1819 C S A Veteran MARKER: David Funsten Aged 46 years C.S. A. Died : April 6, 1866 Meet the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace NOTES: Colonel, 11th Virginia Infantry. Member Virginia State Legislature, 1844. Elected to Confederate States of America Congress 1864. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 167 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Funsten, George Meade, Rev. MARKER: Birth_Date N-146-4 Rev George Meade Funsten Death_Date 03/12/1860 02/17/1891 Mar 12, 1860 - Feb 17, 1894 Son of David Funsten and Susan Meade Born in Alexandria, VA Died in Atlanta, Ga Rector of St. Phillips Church, Atlanta, Ga. A soldier and servant in Jesus Christ Funsten, Susan Meade MARKER: N-145-6 Susan Meade Funsten 01/01/1825 Died Apr 9, 1872 Burial_Date 02/17/1891 04/09/1872 04/12/1872 03/12/1891 05/11/1956 Mar 12, 1891 - May 18, 1956 10/01/1959 Wife of David Funsten, Age 47 years They were lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death, they were not divided; so he giveth his beloved Furman, Annie W MARKER: P-66-1 Annie L. W. Furman Born Ashville, NC - Died Alexandria, VA Furman, Evelyn E. MARKER: P-66-5 Evelyn E. Furman 08/22/1892 Aug 22, 1892 - Sept 11, 1972 09/11/1972 09/11/1972 02/02/1988 02/05/1988 10/22/1944 12/13/2002 01/01/1891 03/18/1958 JAN 1, 1891 - MAR 18, 1958 12/18/2002 03/21/1958 Born Asheville, N.C.- Died Alexandria, Va. Furman, Hilliard Battle MARKER: P-66-2 Hilliard B. Furman 01/30/1890 Jan 30, 1890 - Feb 2, 1988 Gadonas, Eugenia Gadonas, John Demetrius MARKER: 42-165-1 B-36-1 John Demetrius Gadonas Born: Galatine, Macedonia, Greece, Died: Alexandria, Va. B-36-5 B-36-2 31-30-1 Gadonas, Pauline J. Gadonas, Zoe J. Gagnon, Henry J. USCG MARKER: 07/14/1935 10/12/1912 08/13/1914 MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 03/18/1952 Josephine G. September 28, 1919 March 13, 1991 M-93-1 James William Gaines May 9,1861- Mar 16, 1952 N-130-11 Walter Gaines 1870 - 1942 T-257-5 G. Raymond Gaines Josephine M. Gaines Gaines, Gladys Allen 05/09/1861 03/16/1952 Nov11, 1854 - May 9, 1942 09/28/1919 Eva Ann Gaines, His wife Gaines, G Raymond 03/18/1991 Josephine G. September 28, 1919 March 13, 1991 31-30-2 GAGNON Della B. Gaines Gaines, Eva Ann 03/13/1991 GAGNON Henry J., Jr. August 13, 1914 February 2, 2000 Gaines, Della B. 11/19/1997 09/11/2006 02/07/2000 U. S. Military Veteran Henry J., Jr. August 13, 1914 February 2, 2000 Gagnon, Josephine G 11/15/1997 09/07/2006 02/02/2000 10/04/1949 1877 - 1949 11/24/1967 1887 - 1967 1888 - 1960 O-120-2 GAINES 01/31/1901 ??/??/1989 09/07/1989 03/03/1972 03/03/1972 James Carroll Gaines Nov 22, 1894 - Mar 3, 1972 Gladys Allen Gaines Jan 31, 1901 - September 4, 1989 O-120-1 Gaines, James Carroll 11/22/1894 Alexandrian GAINES MARKER: James Carroll Gaines Nov 22, 1894 - Mar 3, 1972 Gladys Allen Gaines Jan 31, 1901 - September 4, 1989 NOTES: Gaines, James William MARKER: March 03, 1972: Operated his own Furnitiure store on King Street in Alexandria. M-93-2 11/11/1854 05/09/1942 05/11/1942 James William Gaines Nov11, 1854 - May 9, 1942 Della B. Gaines Gaines, Jeannie Deeton MARKER: May 9,1861- Mar 16, 1952 T-305-2 Maury Willard Gaines 03/11/1896 11/02/1970 Feb 28, 1873 - Oct 23, 1957 Jeannie Deeton Gaines Mar 11, 1896 - Nov 2, 1970 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 10/31/1970 Page 168 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gaines, John Marshall, Dr. Birth_Date T-380-4 04/16/1897 Death_Date 12/04/1978 Burial_Date 12/06/1978 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Gaines, Josephine M MARKER: John M. Gaines Apr 16, 1897 - Dec 4, 1978 Virginia W. Gaines Apr 25, 1901 - June 2, 1971 T-257-6 G. Raymond Gaines Josephine M. Gaines Gaines, Katie M MARKER: 1888 - 1960 N-40-2 06/05/1884 Katie M. Gaines June 5, 1884 - Sept 24, 1960 William Carrol Gaines Gaines, Lillie Cunningham MARKER: 01/11/1960 1887 - 1967 MARKER: Gaines, Roy W. MARKER: 09/27/1960 Aug 16, 1883 - Aug 26, 1941 M-132-5 William Clifton Cunningham Lillie Cunningham Gaines Gaines, Maury Willard 09/24/1960 06/30/1967 1886 - 1952 1895 - 1967 T-305-1 Maury Willard Gaines 02/28/1873 10/23/1957 Feb 28, 1873 - Oct 23, 1957 Jeannie Deeton Gaines Mar 11, 1896 - Nov 2, 1970 32-44-3 GAINES 10/25/1957 12/23/1939 10/27/1991 11/01/1991 02/06/1933 07/19/1991 07/23/1991 04/25/1901 Apr 16, 1897 - Dec 4, 1978 06/02/1971 06/05/1971 Roy William 1939-1992 Gaines, Vernon Allen, Rev., D.D. O-120-4 Freemason MARKER: Dr. Vernon Allen Gaines Beloved Son Feb 6, 1933 - July 19, 1991 Gaines, Virginia S MARKER: T-380-5 John M. Gaines Virginia W. Gaines Gaines, Walter J MARKER: Apr 25, 1901 - June 2, 1971 N-130-10 Walter Gaines 1870 - 1942 Eva Ann Gaines, His wife Gaines, William Carroll MARKER: MARKER: 1877 - 1949 N-40-1 08/16/1883 Katie M. Gaines June 5, 1884 - Sept 24, 1960 08/26/1941 08/28/1941 03/03/1988 03/07/1988 03/03/1988 03/07/1988 T-137-4 Sec-41 31-5A2 04/05/1937 10/26/2009 T-137-5 08/31/1908 05/10/1971 Marjorie Alice Gallagher Aug 1908 - May 10, 1971 T-326-4 05/20/1977 Shirley B. Gallagher Died: May 20 1977 42-166-5A 10/08/1928 10/26/1999 04/02/1988 11/21/2009 05/11/1971 William Carrol Gaines Gale, Harry A. 05/27/1942 Aug 16, 1883 - Aug 26, 1941 31-52-3 IN MEMORY OF HARRY GALE 11/12/1905 Bill, Sarah, Julie, Lucy, Molly, Harry (Grandchildren's Names in the end of the bench seat.) Gale, Harry A. MARKER: 31-52-3 Harry Gale 11/12/1905 November 12, 1905 -March 3, 1988 Gallagher, Gerald R Gallagher, Margot H. Gallagher, Marjorie Alice MARKER: Gallagher, Shirley B. MARKER: Gallagher, Walter J., M.D. Navy MARKER: 05/23/1977 10/29/1999 WW II - Veteran GALLAGHER WALTER JAMES, M.D. 1928-1999 Gallahan, Barbara J. MARKER: 42-18-2 GALLAHAN Edwin F. Jan. 31, 1930 Apr. 7, 2004 Gallahan, Edwin F. MARKER: Gallahan, Mary L. Baber Gallahan, Powell T. 01/07/2000 01/11/2000 01/31/1930 04/07/2004 04/13/2004 03/26/1919 11/28/1915 05/21/2002 01/10/1991 05/28/2002 01/14/1991 Barbara J, Mar 17, 1929 Jan 7, 2000 42-18-1 GALLAHAN Edwin F. Jan. 31, 1930 Apr. 7, 2004 03/17/1929 Barbara J, Mar 17, 1929 Jan 7, 2000 N-102-5 N-102-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 169 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gallahan, Raymond L MARKER: N-102-6 Robert H. Gallahan Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 04/12/1971 1885 - 1943 Sarah M. Gallahan 1887 - 1963 Raymond L. Gallahan 1905 - 1971 Gallahan, Robert H MARKER: N-102-2 Robert H. Gallahan 10/27/1943 1885 - 1943 Sarah M. Gallahan 1887 - 1963 Raymond L. Gallahan 1905 - 1971 Gallahan, Sara M MARKER: N-102-3 Robert H. Gallahan 09/05/1963 1885 - 1943 Sarah M. Gallahan 1887 - 1963 Raymond L. Gallahan 1905 - 1971 Gambal, Alyce Bruin MARKER: T-84-2 ALYCE BRUIN GAMBAL 08/14/1928 10/14/2005 10/18/2005 05/26/1923 10/16/2007 10/20/2007 04/24/1959 08/16/1968 11/17/2003 11/22/2003 12/17/1939 05/14/2003 05/20/2003 1928 - 2005 T-84-3 E-BBY-66-11 Gambal, Sergius Gantt, Baby Infant Garcilazo, Nelson L. MARKER: 42-117-2 Nelson L. Garcilazo August 16, 1968 - November 17, 2003 42-120-1 Gardiner, Donald Kent Army MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Donald Kent Gardiner Dec. 17, 1939 - May 14, 2003 He was a loving, gentle man who helped others to shine Gardner, Adena Knepp Earnest Inmemorium MARKER: M-40-1 09/16/1936 Alexandrian Adena Knepp Earnest Gardner Supposed to be buried here Sept. 16, 1936. Only a form with a death mask. Her kidnapping remains a mystery. Gardner, Audrey S MARKER: Gardner, Brandon T R-29-5 Audrey S. Gardner 1-60-3 03/16/1959 1901 - 1959 08/31/1981 11/18/1983 11/22/1983 02/23/1990 02/26/1990 01/01/1974 10/02/1974 10/29/1972 03/03/1988 10/30/1972 09/21/2000 09/25/2000 Infant MARKER: Brandon Thomas Gardner Cherished son your smile lives with us forever. Aug. 31, 1981 - Nov. 18, 1983 Gardner, Edith H MARKER: E-44-5 GARDNER 08/31/1898 James N. Gardner Aug. 10, 1899 - Oct.29, 1972 Edith H. Gardner Aug. 31, 1898 - Feb, 23, 1990 Gardner, Emma Bentley E-44-2 01/01/1877 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Michael Edward Gardner, M.D. his wife Emma Bentley Gardner DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) The Lord is My Shepherd Gardner, Gerda K Gardner, James N. MARKER: R-29-6 E-44-4 GARDNER 1868 - 1949 1877 - 1974 08/10/1899 James N. Gardner Aug. 10, 1899 - Oct.29, 1972 Edith H. Gardner Aug. 31, 1898 - Feb, 23, 1990 Gardner, Judith P. MARKER: 42-23-2 Judith P. Gardner 06/13/1939 June 13, 1939 - Sept. 21, 2000 Gardner, Maria MARKER: M-1-5 In Memory of 04/01/1894 Maria Gardner Apr 1, 1894 Born in Wilmington, Del. Died in Staunton, Va. At Rest Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 170 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gardner, Michael Edward, Dr. MARKER: E-44-1 Michael Edward Gardner, M.D. his wife Emma Bentley Gardner DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) The Lord is My Shepherd Gardner, Paul L Gardner, Ruth Gardner, William E MARKER: Garner, Beulah R MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 11/28/1949 1877 - 1974 01/27/1982 12/24/1979 10/08/1973 02/01/1982 03/20/1939 08/30/1938 1884 - 1939 1882 - 1938 M-35-2 Marian F. A. Garner John W. Garner Garner, Margaret Kidd Burial_Date 1882 - 1938 M-35-5 Beulah R. Garner H. Noel Garner Garner, John W Death_Date 1868 - 1949 R-29-4 T-257-4 E-44-6 12/24/1905 William E. Gardner Dec 24, 1905 - Jan 27, 1982 M-35-6 Beulah R. Garner 1884 - 1939 H. Noel Garner Garner, H Noel Birth_Date 01/01/1924 1852 - 1923 1847 - 1924 2-100-4 GARNER 03/18/1921 07/24/1999 07/30/1999 Margaret Kidd March 18, 1921 July 24, 1999 Garner, Marian F. A. MARKER: M-35-3 Marian F. A. Garner John W. Garner Garrett, Earl Jackson Garrett, Mary Frances Garrett, Mildred M MARKER: Garrett, Sarah C. MARKER: 01/01/1923 1852 - 1923 1847 - 1924 C-13-6 C-13-5 T-214-1 08/20/1914 09/14/1964 Mildred M. Garrett Aug 20, 1914 - Sept 14, 1964 C-13-2 02/25/1870 03/08/1966 Sarah C. Garrett Feb.25, 1870- Mar. 8, 1966 05/10/1974 11/08/1971 09/14/1964 03/11/1966 William J. Garrett Oct. 18, 1872 - Mar. 24, 1932 Gone but not forgotten Garrett, William J. MARKER: C-13-1 Sarah C. Garrett 10/18/1872 Feb.25, 1870- Mar. 8, 1966 03/24/1932 03/24/1932 William J. Garrett Oct. 18, 1872 - Mar. 24, 1932 Gone but not forgotten E-BBY-66-115 Garrison, Baby 02/22/1965 Infant Garthoff, Arnold Alexander MARKER: Garthoff, Margaret L.F MARKER: T-213-3 Arnold Alexander Gartoff 1898 - 1976 31-49-1 06/27/1902 Margaret Louise Frank 01/21/1976 01/24/1976 01/06/1991 01/10/1991 10/05/1920 01/16/2009 01/19/2009 08/18/1912 09/21/1993 09/25/1993 09/13/1942 10/02/1993 10/06/1993 11/30/1908 02/21/2006 08/11/2006 GARTOFF 1902 - 1991 Garvey, Helen Scott MARKER: 32-34-2 In Loving Memory Helen S. Garvey 1920 - 2009 Garvey, Richard J. MARKER: 32-34-1 In Loving Memory Richard J. Garvey Sr. Joe 1912 + 1993 Garvey, William F. MARKER: 32-34-3 Husband, Father & Grandfather William F. Garvey, Sr. Billie 1942 - 1993 Gary, Ava MARKER: D-19-1A ROBERT V. GARY 1910 - 1996 AVA D. GARY 1908 - 2006 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 171 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gary, J Lawrence MARKER: Birth_Date D-21-6 Lucy W.. Gary 1868 - 1950 Death_Date 01/01/1887 Burial_Date 01/01/1947 J.Lawrence Gary 1877 - 1947 William T. Gary 1874 - 1950 and beloved wife Gary, John, Sr. MARKER: D-19-3 Lida V. Gary 1878 - 1967 John Gary Gary, Lida Varney MARKER: MARKER: 10/06/1963 11/06/1967 11/09/1967 1879 - 1963 D-19-2 Lida V. Gary 1878 - 1967 John Gary Gary, Lucy W 10/06/1963 1879 - 1963 D-21-3 Lucy W.. Gary 1868 - 1950 01/01/1868 09/25/1950 J.Lawrence Gary 1877 - 1947 William T. Gary 1874 - 1950 and beloved wife Gary, Robert Varney MARKER: Gary, Roy Spencer MARKER: D-19-1B ROBERT V. GARY 1910 - 1996 AVA D. GARY 1908 - 2006 MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 01/01/1930 1872 - 1930 1894 - 1930 D-20-5 Roy Spencer Gary 1870 - 1953 Walker L.Gary W. Spencer Gary Gary, William T. 08/11/2006 1872 - 1930 1894 - 1930 D-20-6 Roy Spencer Gary 1870 - 1953 Walker L.Gary W. Spencer Gary Gary, Walker L 10/26/1996 D-20-4 Roy Spencer Gary 1870 - 1953 Walker L.Gary W. Spencer Gary Gary, W Spencer 05/09/1910 01/01/1930 1872 - 1930 1894 - 1930 D-21-5 Lucy W.. Gary 1868 - 1950 01/01/1874 08/12/1950 01/01/1884 01/01/1918 J.Lawrence Gary 1877 - 1947 William T. Gary 1874 - 1950 and beloved wife Gary, Willie Thomas MARKER: D-21-7 Lucy W.. Gary 1868 - 1950 J.Lawrence Gary 1877 - 1947 William T. Gary 1874 - 1950 and beloved wife Garza, Carmen L. MARKER: 31-50-1 Carmen L. Garza 03/03/1903 05/30/1995 06/02/1995 11/12/1927 07/27/2000 08/02/2000 01/05/1912 01/01/1952 01/12/2001 01/01/1977 01/17/2001 09/22/1977 01/01/1910 09/25/1977 09/28/1977 March 3, 1903 - May 30, 1995 "Your wisdom and faith guides us" 42-44-1 Gasperini, Fauro (Franco) Military-Non U.S. MARKER: Fauro (Franco) Gasperini November 12, 1927 - July 27, 2000 (CIAO) NOTES: Gasson, Carolyn D. Gasson, Edward D., Jr. MARKER: Veteran of the Italian Army. G-141-5 G-141-3 Harry D. Gasson 1874 - 1930 Lillian D. Gasson 1873- 1956 Edward D. Gasson, Jr. 1952 - 1977 G-141-4 Gasson, Edward D., Sr. US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Edward D. Gasson 1910 - 1977 CDR U.S. Navy WWII Gasson, Harry D MARKER: G-141-1 Harry D. Gasson 1874 - 1930 Lillian D. Gasson 1873- 1956 Edward D. Gasson, Jr. 1952 - 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 172 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gasson, Lillian D MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-141-2 Harry D. Gasson 1874 - 1930 Burial_Date 07/14/1956 Lillian D. Gasson 1873- 1956 Edward D. Gasson, Jr. 1952 - 1977 31-91-2 Gaudioso, Lois 09/16/1924 10/16/1986 10/18/1986 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Lois A. Gaudioso PFC US ARMY World War II Sept 16, 1924 - Oct 16, 1986 Gavin, Alice Dunn MARKER: C-6-2 Ida Kanoose 05/01/1942 1864 - 1939 Alice Gavin 1869 - 1942 Virginia Thornton 1863 - 1943 Theodosia Slayton 1858 - 1943 May Franklin 1855 - 1944 Gehrke, Robert A MARKER: 31-3-4 GEHRKE Robert A. 1931 - 1990 Geisler, Agatha R MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 05/31/1990 (space) 11/14/1981 Agatha R. March 22, 1909 Nov. 11, 1981 2-33-3 GEISLER Harry M. Jan.7, 1908 Aug. 12, 1997 Gemeny, Melville 01/01/1990 2-33-4 GEISLER Harry M. Jan.7, 1908 Aug. 12, 1997 Geisler, Harry M. 01/01/1931 01/07/1908 08/12/1997 08/15/1997 02/25/1893 05/04/1939 05/06/1939 08/07/1923 05/18/1992 05/21/1992 04/21/1981 09/29/2000 10/02/2000 Agatha R. March 22, 1909 Nov. 11, 1981 N-49-1 Melville Gemeny Feb. 25, 1893 - May 4, 1939 Gentry, Mary E. MARKER: 1-14-4 Mary Elizabeth Gentry 1921 - 1992 Love You, Love You, Love You George, Leslie Anne MARKER: 42-164-2 GEORGE Leslie Anne April 21, 1981 - Sept. 29, 2000 George, Louise R MARKER: T-206-6 Mitcheal J. George Louise R. George George, M. Mabel MARKER: George, Mitcheal Joseph 12/17/1891 Oct 2, 1893 - June 21, 1965 02/14/1974 Dec 17, 1891 - T-99-4 M. Mable George T-206-5 05/29/1974 06/01/1974 06/21/1965 06/24/1965 07/13/1990 07/18/1990 1891 - 1974 10/02/1893 Freemason MARKER: Mitcheal J. George Louise R. George Georgerian, Harry Charles MARKER: Oct 2, 1893 - June 21, 1965 Dec 17, 1891 - 31-72-1 Harry Charles 07/23/1943 GEORGERIAN July 23, 1943-July 13, 1990 "Beloved Husband, Father and friend." E-BBY-66-49 Gerald, Rebecca Lynn 07/08/1962 Infant Germain, Richard Leonard Germond, Effie Ramey MARKER: G-301-8 O-154-2 Ernest Lee Germond 01/21/1944 01/01/1914 1865 - 1904 Effie Ramey Germond 1858 - 1914 Margaret N. Germond 1890 - 1966 Germond, Ernest Lee MARKER: O-154-3 Ernest Lee Germond 01/01/1904 1865 - 1904 Effie Ramey Germond 1858 - 1914 Margaret N. Germond 1890 - 1966 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 173 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Germond, Margaret Nunnally MARKER: O-154-1 Ernest Lee Germond Birth_Date Death_Date 03/27/1966 Burial_Date 03/30/1966 1865 - 1904 Effie Ramey Germond 1858 - 1914 Margaret N. Germond 1890 - 1966 Gernart, John N MARKER: D-17-5 John N. Gernart 01/01/1931 1857 - 1931 Born in Chicago, Ill. Getachew, Zegeye Ghisi, Theodora (Dora) MARKER: Giammittorio, George Marvin 41-33-4 T-91-3 Dora Ghisi 1922 - 1971 T-58-1 03/17/1939 05/12/2007 05/16/2007 08/25/1971 05/06/1921 10/03/1973 10/06/1973 WW II - Veteran MARKER: George Marvin Giammittorio May 6, 1921 - Oct 3, 1973 Beloved Husband and Devoted Father Dedicated member of his profession Judge of the Circuit Court Co-founder of Ascension Academy Gibson, Alexander H. MARKER: 42-70-5 Alexander H. Gibson 08/04/1951 10/10/2000 10/16/2000 08/03/1995 04/03/1996 04/06/1996 12/22/1976 12/27/1976 08/11/1932 12/11/1932 09/26/1905 05/27/1908 08/01/1895 09/22/2001 01/16/1999 10/24/1977 01/27/1922 12/09/2000 09/27/2001 01/20/1999 10/26/1977 01/01/1933 12/12/2000 August 4, 1951 - October 10, 2000 32-77-5 Gibson, Andrew Wyatt Infant MARKER: Andrew Wyatt Gibson Phillipians 1:3 August 3, 1995 - April 3, 1996 "Baby bear, I know you knew how much I love you. Mama T-VET-42-6 Gibson, Clyde Mack U S ARMY MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Clyde Mack Gibson 1903 - 1976 Pvt. U S ARMY Gibson, Emily M MARKER: A-67-4 Emily M. Gibson 08/21/1853 Aug. 21, 1853 - Sept. 11, 1932 Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Died at Hopewell near Charlestown, W. Va. Gibson, Lillian Lee , Mrs. Gibson, Mary Frances Gibson, Nancey Jane Gibson, Richard Gibson, William T-VET-43-4 2-18-1 T-123-2 A-67-9 M-92-5 WW II - Veteran MARKER: GIBSON William E. "Perry" Marion Cox Jan. 27, 1922 Sept. 24, 1925 Dec. 9, 2000 (space) E-BBY-66-41 Gilbert, Carolyn Ann 12/06/1961 Infant Gilbert, Hattie Lee MARKER: R-170-1 GILBERT - 03/18/1882 09/09/1958 09/10/1958 O-FH-15-4A 05/19/1924 03/03/2007 MARY BAIRD GILBERT - MAY 19, 1924 - MARCH 3, 2007 04/10/2007 HAMMERSLEY HATTIE L. MINNIE C. MAR. 8, 1882 JAN 18, 1880 SEPT 9, 1958 MAR 28, 1976 CARL R. HAMMERSLEY NOV 9, 1912 - SEPT. 25, 1999 Gilbert, Mary Baird MARKER: Daughter of Charles Baird, Jr. and Ursula Fairfax Harrison Her children, Grandchildren and Grest-grandchildren Honor her memory. Giles, Addie Lenora MARKER: Giles, Baby (fetal0 A-72-3 01/01/1859 Mother Addie L. Giles 1859 - 1944 E-BBY-66-75 01/01/1944 04/04/1944 07/08/1963 Infant Giles, Emma M. MARKER: A-72-2 E Frances Giles Emma M. Giles 01/01/1888 01/01/1928 01/01/1928 1887 - 1944 1888 - 1928 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 174 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Giles, Frances E MARKER: A-72-1 E Frances Giles Birth_Date 01/01/1887 01/01/1944 10/31/1944 09/30/1876 02/09/1941 02/12/1941 09/04/2009 09/10/2009 1888 - 1928 G-304-7 MARKER: Burial_Date 1887 - 1944 Emma M. Giles Gill, George W Death_Date Father George W. Gill Sept. 30, 1876 - Feb. 9, 1941 T-19-3A1 Gilliam, Alexander Bradley 12/10/2008 Infant GILLIAM MARKER: ALEXANDER BRADLEY December 10, 2008 - September 4, 2009 T-17-4 Gilliam, Brian D. Inmemorium MARKER: 03/01/1944 07/17/2001 T-17-1 10/07/1916 Elvin D. Gilliam Oct 7, 1916 - Jly 6, 1977 T-19-1 09/20/1908 GILLIAM 07/06/1977 07/08/1977 10/11/1999 10/15/1999 08/07/1916 03/26/1918 08/17/2002 08/14/2004 08/21/2002 08/18/2004 07/05/1944 11/07/2000 12/06/2000 09/10/1891 08/08/1955 08/10/1955 12/29/1940 12/31/1940 09/21/1954 09/23/1954 In Loving Memory BRIAN D. GILLIAM March 1, 1944 - July 17, 2001 Gilliam, Elvin D MARKER: Gilliam, Luther Adkins MARKER: Luther Atkins September 20, 1908 October 11, 1999 T-17-2 T-19-2 GILLIAM Gilliam, Margaret Hawes Gilliam, Mary Hopkins MARKER: Luther Atkins September 20, 1908 October 11, 1999 Gilligan, Suzanne Mary MARKER: Mary Hopkins March 26, 1918 August 14, 2004 Mary Hopkins March 26, 1918 August 14, 2004 42-86-5A Suzanne Mary Gilligan (cross) Gillum, Alvin C MARKER: R-205-1 GILLUM Alvin Llewellyn Nov 28, 1916 - Dec 29, 1940 Alvin C. Gillum Sept 10, 1891 - Aug 8, 1955 Elsie F. Gillum Aug 25, 1892 - Sept 21, 1954 Gillum, Alvin Llewellyn MARKER: R-205-5 GILLUM 11/28/1916 Alvin Llewellyn Nov 28, 1916 - Dec 29, 1940 Alvin C. Gillum Sept 10, 1891 - Aug 8, 1955 Elsie F. Gillum Aug 25, 1892 - Sept 21, 1954 Gillum, Elsie F MARKER: R-205-2 GILLUM 08/25/1892 Alvin Llewellyn Nov 28, 1916 - Dec 29, 1940 Alvin C. Gillum Sept 10, 1891 - Aug 8, 1955 Elsie F. Gillum Aug 25, 1892 - Sept 21, 1954 Gilpin, Lewis Vincent, Sr. 2-16-1 06/17/1981 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: GILPIN Lewis Vinncent Gilpin Feb. 20, 1914 - June 14, 1981 Mary Jane Nail Gilpin March 14, 1915 - May 20, 1983 Gilpin, Mary Jane MARKER: 2-16-2 GILPIN 05/23/1983 Lewis Vinncent Gilpin Feb. 20, 1914 - June 14, 1981 Mary Jane Nail Gilpin March 14, 1915 - May 20, 1983 Ging, Lillian G. MARKER: Giurisich, Hortencia Emilia MARKER: T-125-3 Lillian V. Ging Oct 7, 1916 - Jly 6, 1977 42-218-3A1 05/28/1925 Daniel Oswaldo Baca 1943 - 2007 05/27/1965 05/29/1965 05/03/2004 08/01/2007 Carol Worth Baca 1950 - (space) his wife Hortencia Emelia Giurisich 1925 - 2004 Mother of Daniel Givens, Baby E-BBY-66-50 08/22/1962 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 175 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Givpoor, Anvar MARKER: Birth_Date 31-92-1 Anvar Boris Givpoor 05/30/1923 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/25/1986 12/29/1986 08/06/1979 08/06/1979 May 30, 1923 - Dec. 25, 1986 Dear husband and father we miss you physically, But we vizualize you and your virtue constantly. Glasgow, Frank C MARKER: Glasgow, Helen R Glenn, Lula Deane MARKER: P-18-4 Frank C. Glasgow (space) - Aug 6, 1979 P-18-5 N-55-4 Lula Deane Glenn MOTHER 1860 - 1945 Ruth Glenn Worthington 07/16/1986 05/05/1945 Jan 6, 1895 - Aug 24, 1960 N-166-15 Glenwood, Baby 02/18/1944 Infant Glisson, Benjamin G., Jr. MARKER: R-139-1 GLISSON Benjamin G. Mabel Florence Glisson, Mabel Florence MARKER: MARKER: 03/18/1992 03/21/1992 12/31/1990 01/03/1991 10/08/1909 08/17/2005 Mar 20, 1909 - May 10, 1973i 08/22/2005 Apr. 8, 1912 - Mar. 18, 1992 Dec. 21, 1913 - Dec. 31, 1990 R-139-2 GLISSON Benjamin G. Mabel Florence Gobbel, Isabel P. 04/08/1912 12/21/1912 Apr. 8, 1912 - Mar. 18, 1992 Dec. 21, 1913 - Dec. 31, 1990 T-343-2 James Thomas Gobbel Isabel Pettigrew Gobbel Oct 8, 1909 - Aug 17, 2007 Gobbel, James Thomas MARKER: T-343-1 James Thomas Gobbel 03/20/1909 05/10/1973 Mar 20, 1909 - May 10, 1973i 05/12/1973 Isabel Pettigrew Gobbel Oct 8, 1909 - Aug 17, 2007 Godfrey, Anne Young MARKER: 1-30-4A GODFREY Ralo V. 1909 - 1987 Godfrey, Carl Franklin MARKER: 04/25/1911 01/16/1979 01/18/1979 08/10/1953 06/23/2005 06/27/2005 07/10/1980 07/14/1980 11/10/1919 01/10/2007 Nov. 10, 1919 - Jan. 10, 2007 10/02/1921 01/24/2003 04/02/2007 Anne Y. 1911 - 1979 42-217-5 CARL FRANKLIN GODFREY, Jr. August 10, 1953 - June 23, 2005 "FRANK" Beloved Husband, Father, and Friend. Our bonds of love with you cheat death; They traverse eternity FCCM -FOREVER Godfrey, Elbert H MARKER: 2-54-3 Elbert H 01/01/1980 Madeline T 1914 - 1980 1921 - 2003 GODFREY Godfrey, Elinor Wyatt MARKER: Godfrey, Madeline T. MARKER: T-31-6 Elinor Hammond Godfrey 2-54-4A Elbert H Madeline T 02/08/2003 1914 - 1980 1921 - 2003 GODFREY Godfrey, Ralo V MARKER: 1-30-4B GODFREY 01/01/1987 12/31/1987 T-31-5 07/09/1918 10/23/1969 Richard Calvert Godfrey Jly 9, 1918 - Oct 23, 1969 1-30-3A 01/30/1937 04/28/1992 Sabra Patricia Godfrey 10/27/1969 Ralo V. 1909 - 1987 Godfrey, Richard Calvert MARKER: Godfrey, Sabra MARKER: 01/01/1909 Anne Y. 1911 - 1979 05/01/1992 January 30, 1937 - April 28, 1992 Godfrey, Thelma MARKER: Godfrey, Valley S MARKER: R-174-3 Thelma S. Godfrey June 19, 1918 - Sept 2, 1984 G-204-7 Valley S. Godfrey Apr. 1898 - Dec. 1953 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 09/05/1984 01/01/1954 Page 176 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Godwin, Dorothy Morton MARKER: M-31-7 James A. Godwin LTC US ARMY World War II Jun 24, 1915 - Aug 15, 1996 Dorothy Morton Godwin 1905 - 1991 M-31-6A Godwin, James A. US ARMY MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 6-17-1A GOERGENS MARKER: MARKER: 06/07/1991 07/02/1991 06/24/1913 08/13/1996 09/03/1996 01/01/1908 01/01/1986 08/05/1986 05/05/1907 01/18/1994 01/22/1994 08/04/1903 04/30/1990 05/01/1990 01/11/1907 01/16/2003 01/24/2003 EVELYN P. 1907 - 1994 31-97-1 GOERLINGER Max A. 1903 - 1990 Goerlinger, Luise 11/22/1905 EVELYN P. 1907 - 1994 6-17-1B GOERGENS ALBERT G. 1908 - 1986 Goerlinger, Albert M Luise 1907 - 2003 31-97-2 GOERLINGER Max A. 1903 - 1990 Luise 1907 - 2003 E-BBY-66-54 Goforth, Baby Burial_Date James A. Godwin ALBERT G. 1908 - 1986 Goergens, Evelyn P. Death_Date WW II - Veteran LTC US ARMY World War II Jun 24, 1915 - Aug 15, 1996 Dorothy Morton Godwin 1905 - 1991 Goergens, Albert P Birth_Date 10/23/1962 Infant E-BBY-66-78 Goforth, Baby 07/19/1963 Infant Goings, Alice L. MARKER: Goings, George H Goings, Helen Luree MARKER: Goings, Ishmael C. MARKER: B-30-1 Alice L. Goings Died Apr. 11, 1957 A-19A-4 P-33-2A 08/23/1889 12/29/1981 Helen Luree Goings Aug 23, 1889 - Dec 29, 1981 P-22-3 08/12/1883 01/01/1945 ISHMAEL GOINGS 1883 - 1945 P-33-3 Goings, Ishmael C. US NAVY MARKER: 08/12/1916 11/18/2003 04/18/1952 01/02/1982 01/26/1945 11/24/2003 U. S. Military Veteran Ishmarl C. Goings Mary A. Goings Light of my life Aug 12, 1916 - Nov 18, 2003 Sept 13, 1925 - Mar 9, 1980 P-33-1 Goings, Lois 04/15/1957 01/13/1917 Infant Goings, Mary A MARKER: P-33-4 Ishmarl C. Goings Mary A. Goings Light of my life Gold, Emely L. MARKER: 09/13/1925 Aug 12, 1916 - Nov 18, 2003 03/09/1980 03/12/1980 05/27/1997 05/31/1997 Sept 13, 1925 - Mar 9, 1980 31-58-3 Emely Lowenstein Hill Gold 09/01/1906 1906 - 1997 N-33-2A Golden, Patricia A 05/09/1957 Infant Golden, Ronald Eugene Goldsworthy, Cora J MARKER: T-204-1 E-16-5 G O L D S WO R T H Y 01/09/1939 ??/??/1879 03/11/1965 ??/??/1961 03/15/1965 05/04/1961 R. W. Goldsworthy 1874 - 1919 Cora J. Goldsworthy 1879 - 1961 H. F. Goldsworthy 1900 - 1913 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 177 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date E-16-4 G O L D S WO R T H Y Goldsworthy, H F MARKER: Burial_Date 01/01/1913 R. W. Goldsworthy 1874 - 1919 Cora J. Goldsworthy 1879 - 1961 H. F. Goldsworthy 1900 - 1913 E-16-6 G O L D S WO R T H Y ??/??/1919 01/01/1919 10/09/1986 10/10/1986 03/23/1992 03/26/1992 01/29/1907 12/07/1977 12/03/1977 T-271-1 07/04/1904 James Alfred Gooch Jly 9, 1904 - Oct 24, 1975 10/24/1975 10/27/1975 02/28/1991 03/09/1991 08/02/1975 08/05/1975 Goldsworthy, R W MARKER: ??/??/1874 R. W. Goldsworthy 1874 - 1919 Cora J. Goldsworthy 1879 - 1961 H. F. Goldsworthy 1900 - 1913 2-58-1A GOLT Golt, Mary Kathleen Logan MARKER: Roger Oliver, May 11, 1913 - March 23, 1992 his wife: Kay Logan, October 9, 1986 2-58-1B GOLT Golt, Roger Oliver MARKER: 05/11/1913 Roger Oliver, May 11, 1913 - March 23, 1992 his wife: Kay Logan, October 9, 1986 T-51-6 Mary J. Gonzalez Gonzalez, Mary J MARKER: Jan. 29,1907 - Dec. 1, 1977 Gooch, James Alfred, Dr. MARKER: Jimmie Watts Gooch June 8, 1908 - Feb 28, 1991 Gooch, Jimmie Watts MARKER: T-272-3 06/08/1908 James Alfred Gooch Jly 9, 1904 - Oct 24, 1975 Jimmie Watts Gooch June 8, 1908 - Feb 28, 1991 Goode, Carolyn Carrie Wilkerson Crump O-145-6 10/10/1880 Alexandrian MARKER: Joseph Roland Goode Oct 18, 1880 - Jly 15, 1944 Carrie Crump Goode NOTES: Goode, Joseph Roland Oct 10, 1880 - Aug 2, 1975 One of the first Kindergardens in Alexandria. O-145-5 10/18/1880 07/15/1944 07/17/1944 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Joseph Roland Goode Oct 18, 1880 - Jly 15, 1944 Carrie Crump Goode Goode, Louis Crump MARKER: Goodhard, Carolina G. MARKER: Oct 10, 1880 - Aug 2, 1975 T-171-2 10/05/1908 Louis Crump Goode Oct 5, 1908 - Apr 27, 1970 A-94-1 Nathaniel Goodhand - Caroline G. Goodhand 04/27/1970 05/01/1970 03/22/1908 12/07/1963 09/04/2004 12/07/1963 09/10/2004 01/01/1906 02/19/1977 10/29/1992 09/06/1971 02/22/1977 11/03/1992 03/04/1962 04/22/1965 04/24/1965 Beloved Father and Mother of Mollie, Virginia, George and Elmira Goodhand ( No Dates) Goodhard, Nathaniel MARKER: A-94-2 Nathaniel Goodhand - Caroline G. Goodhand Beloved Father and Mother of Mollie, Virginia, George and Elmira Goodhand ( No Dates) Goodloe, Edwin Smith Goodloe, Ida MARKER: T-172-2 T-172-3 GOODLOE Willie S. Goodloe 1882 - 1977 Edwin S. Goodloe 1881 - 1963 IDA Goodloe 1908 - 2004 Goodloe, Marian Goodloe, Willie S Goodman, Charles M. MARKER: N-15-3 T-172-1 32-65-2 Charles M. Goodman 1906 - 1992 T-205-1 Goodman, Paul Ray Child MARKER: Paul Ray Goodman Mar 4, 1962 - Apr 22, 1965 Beloved Son of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goodman Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 178 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) R-97-7 Goodrich, Joseph L. Inmemorium MARKER: Birth_Date 10/10/1912 MARKER: R-97-6 GOODRICH 07/15/1920 MARKER: Goodrich, Sidney P Goodrich, Sidney Padgett MARKER: 12/29/1992 12/09/1955 12/12/1955 03/31/1945 09/30/1948 04/03/1945 07/26/1970 07/27/1970 11/04/1874 07/31/1965 Nov. 4, 1874 - July 31, 1965 08/06/1965 R-97-3 GOODRICH 11/15/1880 Sidney P. Goodrich Jan. 14, 1882 - Mar. 31, 1945 Mary A. Goodrich Nov. 15, 1880 - Dec. 9, 1955 Vernon A. Goodrich Feb. 27, 1910 - Jly. 26, 1970 Joseph L. Goodrich Oct. 10, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1944 Marian L. Goodrich Jly 15, 1920 - Dec. 15, 1992 R-97-2 R-97-1 GOODRICH 01/14/1882 Sidney P. Goodrich Jan. 14, 1882 - Mar. 31, 1945 Mary A. Goodrich Nov. 15, 1880 - Dec. 9, 1955 Vernon A. Goodrich Feb. 27, 1910 - Jly. 26, 1970 Joseph L. Goodrich Oct. 10, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1944 Marian L. Goodrich Jly 15, 1920 - Dec. 15, 1992 Goodrich, Vernon A. MARKER: Goods, Benjamin Gilbert MARKER: 11/12/1944 12/15/1992 Sidney P. Goodrich Jan. 14, 1882 - Mar. 31, 1945 Mary A. Goodrich Nov. 15, 1880 - Dec. 9, 1955 Vernon A. Goodrich Feb. 27, 1910 - Jly. 26, 1970 Joseph L. Goodrich Oct. 10, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1944 Marian L. Goodrich Jly 15, 1920 - Dec. 15, 1992 Goodrich, Mary A Burial_Date GOODRICH Sidney P. Goodrich Jan. 14, 1882 - Mar. 31, 1945 Mary A. Goodrich Nov. 15, 1880 - Dec. 9, 1955 Vernon A. Goodrich Feb. 27, 1910 - Jly. 26, 1970 Joseph L. Goodrich Oct. 10, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1944 Marian L. Goodrich Jly 15, 1920 - Dec. 15, 1992 Goodrich, Marian L. Death_Date R-97-5 GOODRICH 02/27/1910 Sidney P. Goodrich Jan. 14, 1882 - Mar. 31, 1945 Mary A. Goodrich Nov. 15, 1880 - Dec. 9, 1955 Vernon A. Goodrich Feb. 27, 1910 - Jly. 26, 1970 Joseph L. Goodrich Oct. 10, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1944 Marian L. Goodrich Jly 15, 1920 - Dec. 15, 1992 E-59-1 Benjamin G. Goods Elizabeth R. Goods Jan. 12, 1873 - Aug. 2, 1956 Roy Robert Goods May 31, 1901 - Dec. 30, 1967 Goods, Caroline Virginia MARKER: Goods, Catherine C MARKER: O-34-2 12/23/1861 Caroline V. Goods Dec 23, 1861 - Apr 21, 1946 M-157-6 09/28/1903 Catherine Chauncey Goods Goods, Charles T M-57-4 Robert R. Goods 04/21/1946 04/25/1946 04/24/1990 04/27/1990 Septermber 29, 1903 MARKER: Sarah F. Goods Charles T. Goods Goods, Elizabeth R MARKER: 11/12/1958 Mar 26, 1831 - Mar 18, 1904 1839 - 1930 Jan 14, 1871 - Nov 11, 1958 E-59-2 Benjamin G. Goods 01/12/1873 08/02/1956 Nov. 4, 1874 - July 31, 1965 08/06/1956 Elizabeth R. Goods Jan. 12, 1873 - Aug. 2, 1956 Roy Robert Goods May 31, 1901 - Dec. 30, 1967 M-157-3 Goods, Harriet Sentz 01/01/1906 01/01/1973 10/03/1973 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Goods, James Goods, Mary Olive MARKER: Goods, Nettie Crump MARKER: Harriet Sentz Goods (DAR) 1906 - 1973 M-57-1 M-159-3 12/15/1980 Mary Olive Goods July 24, 1892 - December 15, 1980 M-159-2A 04/06/1962 Robert Lee Goods 1865 - 1945 12/17/1980 04/09/1962 Nettie Crump Goods 1876 - 1962 Goods, Robert C Goods, Robert Lee MARKER: M-57-2 M-159-2B Robert Lee Goods 11/02/1946 1865 - 1945 Nettie Crump Goods 1876 - 1962 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 179 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Goods, Robert Lee Jr. Goods, Robert R MARKER: M-157-5 M-57-1A Robert R. Goods MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 08/23/1983 03/26/1831 Mar 26, 1831 - Mar 18, 1904 Sarah F. Goods Charles T. Goods Goods, Roy Robert Birth_Date 03/18/1904 1839 - 1930 Jan 14, 1871 - Nov 11, 1958 E-59-5 Benjamin G. Goods 05/31/1901 12/30/1967 Nov. 4, 1874 - July 31, 1965 01/04/1968 Elizabeth R. Goods Jan. 12, 1873 - Aug. 2, 1956 Roy Robert Goods May 31, 1901 - Dec. 30, 1967 Goods, Sara F MARKER: M-57-3 Robert R. Goods Mar 26, 1831 - Mar 18, 1904 Sarah F. Goods Charles T. Goods 1839 - 1930 Jan 14, 1871 - Nov 11, 1958 M-157-2 Goods, Thornton J 07/25/1909 08/28/1977 08/30/1977 01/30/1925 02/18/1986 02/20/1986 07/05/1941 03/02/2000 03/07/2000 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Thorton J. Goods PFC U.S. Army World War II JUL 25, 1909 - AUG 28, 1977 Goodwin, Paul MARKER: 31-75-3 Paul Goodwin Jan. 30, 1925 - Feb. 17, 1986 Goolsby, Richard E., CAPT. U S Navy MARKER: 31-123-3 U. S. Military Veteran Capt. Richard E. Goolsby USN (Ret.) July 5, 1941 - March 2, 2000 B-BBY-48-10 Gordon, Baby 09/11/1953 Infant Gordon, James L MARKER: M-84-1 James L. Gordon Virgie M.Gordon Gordon, Virgie May MARKER: MARKER: Gordon, William L MARKER: 08/24/1972 08/25/1972 09/10/1961 09/12/1961 09/10/1961 09/12/1961 03/03/1932 03/06/1932 11/11/1907 05/10/1996 05/13/1996 12/21/1910 08/07/2004 08/11/2004 12/29/1927 01/27/2004 02/03/2004 07/13/1922 02/25/2003 03/05/2003 11/02/1894 11/06/1952 06/10/1959 11/10/1952 11/14/1976 03/16/1943 08/27/1972 11/17/1976 Mar 25, 1891 - Feb 18, 1975 M-84-2 James L. Gordon Virgie M.Gordon Gordon, Virgie May 08/07/1895 Aug 7, 1895 - Aug 24, 1972 03/25/1891 Aug 7, 1895 - Aug 24, 1972 Mar 25, 1891 - Feb 18, 1975 M-84-2 03/25/1891 KENNEY (surname only) M-84-3 08/05/1914 William l. Gordon Aug 5, 1914 - Mar 3, 1932 Son of Jas. L. & Virgie M. Gordon Asleep in Jesus Gore, James A. MARKER: M-95-4 James Andrew Gore 1907 - 1996 Gore, Mary Puryear MARKER: M-95-5 MARY PURYEAR GORE 1910 - 2004 Gorham, Clara (Cora) MARKER: F-24-5 CLARA COLANGELO GORHAM DECEMBER 29, 1927 - JANUARY 27, 2004 Gorham, Earnest Wilbur F-24-4 WW II - Veteran MARKER: EARNEST WILBUR GORHAM JULY 13, 1922 FEBRUARY 25, 2003 Gorham, Edward Gorham, Elizabeth C. Krause MARKER: G-204-9 F-24-2 GORHAM Samuel : Dec. 22, 1889 - May 11, 1970 Elizabeth C. : Nov. 2, 1894 - Nov. 6, 1952 gone but not forgotten Gorham, Elizabeth Virginia Gorham, Herbert Frank Gorham, Margaret Shaw MARKER: N-83-2 N-83-1 M-123-1 11/14/1976 Margaret S. Gorham May 5, 1914 - Nov 14, 1976 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 180 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date F-24-1B Gorham, Robert William, II Death_Date Burial_Date 09/27/1993 09/28/1993 10/12/1993 12/22/1889 05/11/1970 05/14/1970 Infant MARKER: Robert William Gorham, Jr. Sept. 27, 1993 - Sept. 28, 1993 F-24-1A GORHAM Gorham, Samuel MARKER: Samuel : Dec. 22, 1889 - May 11, 1970 Elizabeth C. : Nov. 2, 1894 - Nov. 6, 1952 gone but not forgotten G-203-3 G-44-1 Gorhiam, Carrie B Gorman, Arthur F 01/01/1927 Infant Gorman, James C Gorski, Pamela MARKER: G-301-11 42-79-1 In Loving Memory 07/11/1950 11/30/2004 04/05/1946 12/03/2004 02/02/1917 07/10/2001 07/13/2001 09/08/1968 09/12/1968 01/01/1904 01/01/1978 01/25/1978 03/15/1905 06/15/1921 04/09/1917 02/17/1995 09/23/1991 05/13/1996 06/19/1984 02/21/1995 09/27/1991 05/17/1996 PAMELA GORSKI July 11, 1950 -November 30, 2004 VICNAJA PAMJAT Gossett, Mary G. MARKER: 42-72-1 Mary G. "Jean" Gossett February 2, 1917 - July 10, 2001 Beloved Grammy Gowans, Nancy Buddin MARKER: T-363-4 NANCY BUDDIN GOWANS 1914 - 1968 P-58-4 Grabman, Alfred John US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Alfred John Grabman 1904 - 1978 Pvt. U.S. Army Grabman, Annie L. Meta Grace, Milton Charles Grace, Myrtle M. Grade, Doris M. MARKER: P-58-3 N-98-5B N-98-5A T-257-1 "JO" Doris M. Grade April 9, 1917 May 13, 1996 Grade, William F MARKER: Grady, Lois S. Grady, Robert M. MARKER: T-258-3 11/06/1911 12/10/1959 William F. Grade "Fred" Nov 6, 1911 - Dec 10, 1959 2-69-2 07/04/1912 08/26/1993 2-69-1 07/27/1904 10/02/1991 Bobert M. Lois S. 1904 - 1991 GRADY Graham, Adelaide VanBlarcom MARKER: 12/12/1959 08/28/1993 10/04/1991 1912 - 1993 O-157-1 06/18/1863 09/07/1954 Adelaide Van Blarcom Graham June 18, 1863 - Sept 7, 1954 09/09/1954 Beloved Wife of the Late Arthur Wellington Graham Jan 1, 1860 - Aug 28, 1904 Graham, Arthur A., Mrs. Graham, Arthur Wellington Inmemorium MARKER: M-158-4 O-157-1A 01/01/1860 08/28/1904 Adelaide Van Blarcom Graham June 18, 1863 - Sept 7, 1954 Beloved Wife of the Late Arthur Wellington Graham Jan 1, 1860 - Aug 28, 1904 Graham, Augusta T. MARKER: 42-11-4 GRAHAM 09/17/1916 11/03/2005 11/08/2005 02/12/1999 02/16/1999 Austin Dee Dec 19, 1908 - Feb 12, 1999 Augusta Terry Sept 17, 1916 - Nov 3, 2005 Graham, Austin D. MARKER: 42-11-3 GRAHAM 12/19/1908 Austin Dee Dec 19, 1908 - Feb 12, 1999 Augusta Terry Sept 17, 1916 - Nov 3, 2005 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 181 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Graham, Carolyn Jost(Carrie) MARKER: O-156-2 Edward E. Graham Carrie Jost Graham Graham, Charles MARKER: Graham, Curtis Graham, Edward E MARKER: MARKER: Graham, John C MARKER: 10/22/1945 10/24/1945 03/12/1957 03/15/1957 05/08/1883 05/08/1883 1848 - 1921 M-158-5 O-156-1 Edward E. Graham 10/06/1885 Oct 6, 1885 - Mar 12, 1957 Oct 17, 1892 - Oct 22, 1945 G-77-1 Henry C. Graham Charles Graham Burial_Date 1851 - 1918 Carrie Jost Graham Graham, Henry C 10/17/1892 Oct 6, 1885 - Mar 12, 1957 Death_Date Oct 17, 1892 - Oct 22, 1945 G-77-2 Henry C. Graham Charles Graham Birth_Date 1848 - 1921 1851 - 1918 G-76-2 12/26/1804 John C. Graham Dec 26, 1804 - May 8, 1883 Mary Graham Dec. 11, 1816 - May 12, 1882 Wife of J.C. Graham Graham, Josephine MARKER: G-60-5 SMITH 12/29/1933 Charles MaGill October 5, 1908 - January 1, 1991 childhood friend and Beloved Husband of Josephine Knox January 4, 1910 - December 1, 2005 Graham, Mamie MARKER: Graham, Mary MARKER: G-75-1 05/15/1859 Mamie Graham May 15, 1859 - Nov. 20, 1856 G-76-3 12/11/1816 John C. Graham Dec 26, 1804 - May 8, 1883 11/20/1949 11/23/1949 05/12/1882 05/12/1882 08/08/1999 08/12/1999 Mary Graham Dec. 11, 1816 - May 12, 1882 Wife of J.C. Graham Graham, Mary Cumesty MARKER: 33-33-4 Mary Cumesty Graham 07/20/1930 July 20, 1930 - August 8, 1999 Beloved Mother, Grannie Sister and Friend Graham, Maurice MARKER: G-124-6 Maurice Graham 09/11/1856 Died: Sept. 11, 1856 Son of John C. and Mary Graham Aged 2 yrs., 7 mo., and 11 days Gralton, Glenis MARKER: R-42-5 Glenis Gralton Robert Gralton Gralton, Raymond M MARKER: Gralton, Raymond M MARKER: Gralton, Robert MARKER: MARKER: 1925 - 1943 R-42-4 GRALTON R-42-4 Raymond 1898 - 1980 R-42-6 Glenis Gralton 1898 - 1978 Robert Gralton Grandjean, Mary A 02/03/1978 1898 - 1978 04/26/1980 04/26/1980 10/06/1943 1925 - 1943 31-77-2 GRANDJEAN 03/04/1949 09/15/1986 09/19/1986 06/28/1894 Oct 6, 1893 - 12/20/1943 12/23/1943 Mary A. March 4, 1949 - September 15, 1986 Grant, Alice M MARKER: N-62-5 FATHER Daniel O. Grant MOTHER Alice M. Grant Grant, Bruce Angus MARKER: O-247-2 Bruce Angus Grant Mildred L. Grant Grant, Mildred L MARKER: O-247-3 Bruce Angus Grant Mildred L. Grant June 28, 1894 - Dec 20, 1943 02/19/1900 08/16/1953 Feb 19, 1900 - Aug 16, 1953 08/18/1953 Buried: Oct 20, 1977 10/20/1977 Feb 19, 1900 - Aug 16, 1953 Buried: Oct 20, 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 182 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Graumann, John L. MARKER: Birth_Date A-70-2B Archie W. Payne 1895-1926 MARKER: 08/03/1999 08/18/1999 01/17/1923 06/21/1991 07/05/1991 T-115-2 11/11/1912 James L. Gravatte Nov 28, 1913 - Sept 7, 1978 12/19/1968 12/23/1968 06/16/2005 09/07/1978 06/20/2005 09/09/1978 04/27/1980 04/30/1980 07/24/2005 03/10/1979 07/28/2005 03/13/1979 06/22/1962 12/23/1964 11/25/1946 07/12/1985 07/16/1985 12/23/1943 10/09/2008 10/15/2008 02/05/1899 04/09/1981 July 19, 1900 - June 30, 1980 04/13/1981 A-70-2A Archie W. Payne 1895-1926 Martha "Mema" Payne 1899-1990 John L. Graumann 1919-1999 Lillian V. Graumann 1923-1991 Together For Eternity Gravatte, Dorothy E. MARKER: Burial_Date 08/03/1919 Martha "Mema" Payne 1899-1990 John L. Graumann 1919-1999 Lillian V. Graumann 1923-1991 Together For Eternity Graumann, Lillian V. Death_Date Dorothy E. Gravatte Nov 11, 1912 - Dec 19, 1968 Gravatte, Frances Miller Gravatte, James L MARKER: R-117-3 08/04/1910 T-115-1 11/28/1913 James L. Gravatte Nov 28, 1913 - Sept 7, 1978 Dorothy E. Gravatte Nov 11, 1912 - Dec 19, 1968 Gravatte, LeRoy Trice MARKER: Gravatte, LeRoy Trice, II Gravatte, Martha E MARKER: R-117-4 GRAVATTE 12/25/1884 Martha E. (Mattie) Ball - Wonderful Mother Sept 4, 1887 - March 10, 1979 Beloved wife of LeRoy Trice Gravatte, - Dec.25, 1884 - April 27, 1980 R-117-1 R-117-5 GRAVATTE 01/14/1911 Martha E. (Mattie) Ball - Wonderful Mother Sept 4, 1887 - March 10, 1979 Beloved wife of LeRoy Trice Gravatte, - Dec.25, 1884 - April 27, 1980 Gravatte, Martha L. MARKER: R-117-2 GRAVATTE 06/04/1946 Our Darling : Martha Lucille Gravatte June 4, 1946 - June 22, 1962 Daughter of L. Trice and Frances M. Gravatte Gravelle, Clark G MARKER: 2-94-3 CLARK G. GRAVELLE NOV. 25, 1946 - JUL. 12, 1985 We Lived and Loved Together Graves, Edwin Castleberry MARKER: COL 6-S2-25B GRAVES Edwin Castleberry (space) Graves, James B., Sr. MARKER: Dec. 23, 1943 - Oct. 9, 2008 P-50-3 Sallie Jean Adams Graves James Barbour Graves, Sr. Feb 5, 1899 - April 9, 1981 Graves, Ralph A MARKER: M-90-6 Ralph A. Graves 05/12/1882 May 15, 1882 - Sept 17, 1932 09/17/1932 09/17/1932 08/19/1900 06/30/1980 July 19, 1900 - June 30, 1980 07/03/1980 Born Bainbridge, Georgia Died Washington, D.C. Graves, Sallie Jean MARKER: P-50-2 Sallie Jean Adams Graves James Barbour Graves, Sr. Feb 5, 1899 - April 9, 1981 Graves, Sallie Jean MARKER: Graves, Thimothy L P-50-2 SALLIE JEAN (foot stone) E-BBY-66-113 08/19/1900 06/30/1980 07/03/1980 11/17/1964 11/17/1964 11/19/1964 02/15/2004 02/19/2004 Infant MARKER: Thimothy L. Graves Nov. 17, 1964 - Nov. 17, 1964 Known Only to God Graves, Virginia Weir MARKER: 42-92-1 GRAVES Virginia Weir 1923 - 2004 11/05/1923 John Adams 1925 - (space) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 183 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Gravley, Carmen M. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 42-183-4A 07/19/1962 03/07/2000 GRAVLEY Carmen M. Bouchard 07/19/1962-03/07/2000 Burial_Date 03/11/2000 Love is something that you can leave behind you when you die . It is that powerful. We will always cherish that love. Your family and friends. "Ich Liebe Dich". BOUCHARD SCHEIBER Maria E. February 11, 1942 - August 13, 2008 Loving Mother, Oma, Sister and friend. We will never forget you. "Mit unserer ganzen Liebe" Ihre Kinder Gray, John Walker, Jr. MARKER: Sec-41 35-3A GRAY 06/25/1930 01/14/2009 01/23/2009 12/09/2009 10/01/1954 01/23/1998 12/14/2009 10/27/1954 01/27/1998 John Walker, Jr. June 25, 1930 - Jan. 14, 2009 Nancy V. Lumpkin May 7, 1932 - (space) Gray, Katherine Gray, Margaret Hatfield Gray, Melvin Richard (Dick) 6-46-2 O-192-4 6-46-1 06/28/1921 09/22/1907 04/02/1920 Firefighter / E.M.S. GRAY MARKER: MELVIN DICK, SR. 1920 - 1998 FIRE DEPT/Freemason NOTES: Gray, Patricia Kelly MARKER: KATHERINE T, 1921 - (space) POLICE DEPT Alexandria Fire Department, Masonic Order and Alexandria Police Department. 31-101-1 01/01/1964 01/01/1989 08/22/1989 Patricia Kelly Gray 1964 - 1989 Gray, Paulette Gauthier MARKER: 31-73-4 GRAY 03/13/1922 11/12/1988 11/21/1988 06/27/1972 06/27/1972 10/04/1988 10/20/1988 Paulette Gauthier March 13, 1922 November 12, 1988 Gray, Phillip Patrick MARKER: Gray, Wendell Lafon MARKER: T-201-3 Phillip Patrick Gray 31-73-3 GRAY 04/06/1946 Apr 6, 1946 - June 27, 1972 11/30/1908 Wendell Lafon November 30, 1908 October 14, 1988 Grayson, Lottie Mae MARKER: B-23-6 Lottie H. Grayson 12/02/1987 Sept 15, 1917 - Nov. 29, 1987 N-166-12A Grayson, Thomas H. 01/18/1944 Infant Green, Alice E MARKER: A-4-1 Alice E. Green 04/08/1845 April 8, 1845 - Mar. 17, 1860 03/17/1860 03/17/1860 01/04/1884 01/04/1884 Daughter of James & Jane Green A member of Christ, The Child of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven Green, Anna S MARKER: A-3-2 07/01/1838 Jane Green July 16, 1865 - Sept. 28, 1926 Daughter of James and Anna S. Green James E. Green Apr. 14, 1838 - Jan. 1,1917 Anna S Green JLY. 1, 1838 - Jan. 4, 1884 Green, Annie Yohe MARKER: G-113-6B 10/07/1870 10/07/1941 Richard Mayger Green Mar 4, 1860 - Mar. 25, 1941 Alexandria, Va. Annie Yohe Green Oct. 7, 1870 - Oct. 7, 1941 Alexandria, Va. Green, Cecilea Green, Charles H Green, Elizabeth Jane MARKER: A-7-5 A-2-1B N-45-3 John S. Green 07/20/1867 12/28/1926 12/22/1926 07/15/1953 1863 - 1946 Eliza J. Green 1867 - 1953 Walter F. Green 1893 - 1977 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 184 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Green, Esther Holliday MARKER: G-113-2 Esther Holliday Green Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/18/1981 (no dates) Alexandria, VA Green, Fanny McArthur MARKER: A-5-2 Maj. John W. Green CSA 03/02/1833 04/02/1914 May 9, 1827 - June 25, 1914 Fanny MacAurthur Green Mar. 2, 1833 - Apr. 2, 1914 Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now our dear ones sleeping. Our beloved Parents: James Green 11/24/1801 - 9/8/1880 Jane Green 11/1/1803 - 8/22/1880 United in life and in their death they were not divided. Green, Frances V. MARKER: Green, Harry S MARKER: R-237-3A 02/09/1912 06/25/1991 Frances V. Green Feb 9, 1912 - July 25, 1991 A-13-3 02/16/1878 02/01/1953 Harry S. Green At Rest Feb 16, 1878 - Feb 01, 1953 04/09/1914 07/09/1991 02/03/1953 Son of James E. and Anna S. Green A-6-4 A-5-3 Green, Isabel Green, James 11/24/1801 09/08/1880 09/08/1880 Alex-Business MARKER: Maj. John W. Green CSA May 9, 1827 - June 25, 1914 Fanny MacAurthur Green Mar. 2, 1833 - Apr. 2, 1914 Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now our dear ones sleeping. Our beloved Parents: James Green 11/24/1801 - 9/8/1880 Jane Green 11/1/1803 - 8/22/1880 United in life and in their death they were not divided. A-3-3 Green, James E 04/14/1838 01/01/1917 01/01/1917 C S A Veteran MARKER: Jane Green July 16, 1865 - Sept. 28, 1926 Daughter of James and Anna S. Green James E. Green Apr. 14, 1838 - Jan. 1,1917 Anna S Green JLY. 1, 1838 - Jan. 4, 1884 NOTES: Green, Jane MARKER: Founding member of "The Old Dominion Rifles" December1860 as Second Corporal. Lieutenant, Co. H,17th Virginia Infantry A-5-5 11/01/1803 08/22/1880 08/22/1880 Maj. John W. Green CSA May 9, 1827 - June 25, 1914 Fanny MacAurthur Green Mar. 2, 1833 - Apr. 2, 1914 Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now our dear ones sleeping. Our beloved Parents: James Green 11/24/1801 - 9/8/1880 Jane Green 11/1/1803 - 8/22/1880 United in life and in their death they were not divided. Green, Jane MARKER: A-3-1 11/01/1803 Jane Green July 16, 1865 - Sept. 28, 1926 08/22/1880 09/28/1926 01/01/1863 01/01/1946 04/22/1946 05/09/1827 01/25/1914 01/25/1914 Daughter of James and Anna S. Green James E. Green Apr. 14, 1838 - Jan. 1,1917 Anna S Green JLY. 1, 1838 - Jan. 4, 1884 N-45-2 Green, John S U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: John S. Green 1863 - 1946 Eliza J. Green 1867 - 1953 Walter F. Green 1893 - 1977 A-5-1 Green, John W C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Green, Johnston J. MARKER: Maj. John W. Green CSA May 9, 1827 - June 25, 1914 Fanny MacAurthur Green Mar. 2, 1833 - Apr. 2, 1914 Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave we now our dear ones sleeping. Our beloved Parents: James Green 11/24/1801 - 9/8/1880 Jane Green 11/1/1803 - 8/22/1880 United in life and in their death they were not divided. Major, Quartermaster Dept., Engineering Office, Army of Tennessee. A-12-1 01/01/1859 01/01/1922 01/01/1922 J. Johnston Green 1859 - 1922 His Wife Roberta Fallls Green 1862 - 1949 Green, Laura D MARKER: R-237-2 02/18/1889 Robert Falls Green Feb 10, 1884 - Dec 29, 1962 Laura D. Green 05/09/1972 05/09/1972 Feb 18, 1889 - May 9, 1972 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 185 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Green, Leslie MARKER: Green, Lillian Ross Green, Lydia A MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-139-4 Leslie Green 1849 - 1938 T-77-1 A-5-6 Lydia A. Green 1840 - 1919 Burial_Date 05/20/1983 01/01/1919 Daughter of James & Jane Muir Green Green, Margaret Green, Margaret P MARKER: A-7-6 A-6-6 Stephen Alexander Green 1870 - 1894 01/01/1912 Margaret P. Mayger Green - 1912 Stephen Alexander Green 1832 - 1894 Cecilia/Margaret/ Belle/ Alice (No Dates) Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave me now our dear ones sleeping. Green, Mary J MARKER: A-12-3 11/01/1886 08/06/1887 Mary Johnston Green Nov. 1, 1886 - Aug. 6, 1887 08/09/1887 Daughter of J. J. & R. F. Green Green, Nannie E Green, Rector S MARKER: Green, Richard Mayger MARKER: G-113-6A T-78-3 03/24/1978 Rector S. Green Died: - Mar 27, 1978 G-113-5 03/04/1860 03/25/1941 Richard Mayger Green Mar 4, 1860 - Mar. 25, 1941 10/09/1941 03/27/1978 03/26/1941 Alexandria, Va. Annie Yohe Green Oct. 7, 1870 - Oct. 7, 1941 Alexandria, Va. Green, Richard Mayger, Jr. MARKER: G-113-3 03/22/1895 08/03/1971 Richard Mayger Green, Jr Mar. 22, 1895 - Aug. 3, 1971 08/03/1971 Alexandria, Va. Green, Robert Falls MARKER: R-237-1 02/10/1884 Robert Falls Green Feb 10, 1884 - Dec 29, 1962 Laura D. Green Green, Roberta Falls MARKER: 12/29/1962 01/02/1963 Feb 18, 1889 - May 9, 1972 A-12-2 J. Johnston Green 1859 - 1922 04/12/1949 His Wife Roberta Fallls Green 1862 - 1949 Green, Stephen A Green, Stephen A MARKER: A-6-5 A-7-4 01/01/1870 Stephen Alexander Green 1870 - 1894 01/01/1894 01/01/1854 01/01/1894 01/01/1893 03/04/1977 03/08/1977 A-12-6 01/01/1882 Wm. MacArthur Green 1882 - 1907 01/01/1907 01/01/1907 Margaret P. Mayger Green - 1912 Stephen Alexander Green 1832 - 1894 Cecilia/Margaret/ Belle/ Alice (No Dates) Father in thy gracious keeping, Leave me now our dear ones sleeping. N-45-1 Green, Walter F U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: John S. Green 1863 - 1946 Eliza J. Green 1867 - 1953 Walter F. Green 1893 - 1977 Green, William McArthur MARKER: Bessie Green Ogden Margaret F. Ogden Greene, Alma Dorothy MARKER: Greene, Anne Appleton MARKER: 1885 - 1979 (no dates) N-173-4 Alma Dorothy Greene 1887 - 1963 G-174-2 William Spenser Greene, Major CSA, 1832-1913 12/28/1963 01/01/1922 Anne Appleton Storrow wife of Wm. Spenser Greene 1833-1922 Mary Bell Greene, 1862 - 1935 Greene, Anne Carter MARKER: M-34-3 In loving memory 11/03/1909 04/30/1984 05/02/1984 Anne Carter Greene November 3, 1909 - April 30, 1984 Greene, Eliza Douglas MARKER: G-174-4 Eliza Douglas Greene 1845 - 1918 01/01/1918 Sarah Swann Greene 1847 - 1924 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 186 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Greene, Elizabeth Chesterman MARKER: Birth_Date M-34-6 Elizabeth Chesterman Greene Death_Date Burial_Date 02/17/1904 05/17/1969 05/20/1969 10/17/1928 06/25/2003 12/30/2003 09/13/1890 09/26/1963 Sept 13, 1890 - Sept 26, 1963 09/30/1963 Beloved wife of Julian Burke Greene Feb. 17, 1904 - May 17, 1969 Greene, Frank Wesley, Jr. MARKER: P-74-2A FRANK W. GREENE, JR. OCT. 17, 1928 - June 25, 2003 ACTOR Greene, Frank Wesley, Sr. MARKER: P-74-1 Frank Wesley Greene, Sr. The best portion of a good man's life is his little nameless unremembered acts of kindness and of love Greene, Jane Richards MARKER: G-131-3 Ursula Carson Greene 1833 - 1919 01/01/1929 Jane Richards Greene 1841 - 1929 Greene, Julian Burke MARKER: M-34-5 Julian Burke Greene 07/23/1905 05/13/1976 05/17/1976 July 23, 1905 - May 13, 1976 Greene, Kathryn Henderson P-74-3 02/21/1983 U. S. Military Veteran Greene, Louis Packwood Burke MARKER: M-34-2 Louis Sturrow Greene, M.D. 07/02/1878 04/03/1949 04/06/1949 11/19/1872 11/12/1947 11/15/1947 Nov. 19, 1872 - Nov. 12, 1947 his devoted wife Louise Packwood Burke July 2, 1878 - April 3,1949 Greene, Louis Sturrow, Dr., M.D. MARKER: M-34-1 Louis Sturrow Greene, M.D. Nov. 19, 1872 - Nov. 12, 1947 his devoted wife Louise Packwood Burke July 2, 1878 - April 3,1949 M-34-4 Greene, Mammy Inmemorium MAMMY MARKER: "Well done thou good and faithful servant." NOTES: Greene, Mary Bell MARKER: Stone on M*34*4. Not buried here G-174-3 William Spenser Greene, Major CSA, 1832-1913 02/12/1935 Anne Appleton Storrow wife of Wm. Spenser Greene 1833-1922 Mary Bell Greene, 1862 - 1935 Greene, Sarah Swann MARKER: G-174-6 Eliza Douglas Greene 1845 - 1918 01/01/1924 Sarah Swann Greene 1847 - 1924 Greene, Ursula Carson MARKER: G-131-1 Ursula Carson Greene 1833 - 1919 01/01/1919 Jane Richards Greene 1841 - 1929 G-174-1 Greene, William Spencer 01/01/1832 01/01/1913 01/01/1913 C S A Veteran MARKER: William Spenser Greene, Major CSA, 1832-1913 Anne Appleton Storrow wife of Wm. Spenser Greene 1833-1922 Mary Bell Greene, 1862 - 1935 NOTES: Greenfield, Nathaniel Leon MARKER: Major, C. S. A.. Corps of Engineers Asst. Adj. Gen./Brig. Gen. James H Trapier 33-15-3 09/24/1994 Nathaniel L. Greenfield 09/24/1994 09/29/1994 Nossie April 23, 1941 - Sept. 24, 1994 Such a Mensch Greenlee, Madge W MARKER: Greenwalt, Russell Samuel T-125-1 Madge W. Greenlee 1908 - 1973 E-BBY-66-141 11/10/1973 11/17/1967 Infant Greenwalt, William F MARKER: T-338-1 William F. Greenwalt Willie K. Greenwalt 10/24/1967 1893 - 1967 1897 - 1968 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 187 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Greenwalt, Willie K MARKER: T-338-2 William F. Greenwalt MARKER: 1897 - 1968 R-60-6 Robert Forsythe Downham MARKER: MARKER: 1878 - 1959 1876 - 1961 02/26/1972 1900 - 1944 R-183-2 Hugh D. Greer 1900 - 1972 Minerva J. Greer, (wife) Gregory, Eunice E 05/16/1961 1876 - 1956 R-183-1 Hugh D. Greer 1900 - 1972 Minerva J. Greer, (wife) Greer, Minerva J Burial_Date 02/13/1968 Mai Greewell Downham Annie Laurie Greenwell Greer, Hugh D Death_Date 1893 - 1967 Willie K. Greenwalt Greenwell, Annie Laurie MARKER: Birth_Date 09/04/1944 1900 - 1944 31-1-3 EUNICE KENNEDY GREGORY 07/01/1896 03/06/1990 03/09/1990 N-35-6 05/06/1916 12/11/1969 Marion Russell Gribble May 6, 1916 - Dec 11, 1969 R-99-3 10/20/1885 06/03/1968 Robert Grier May 3, 1881 - Nov. 20, 1941 12/13/1969 1896 - 1990 Gribble, Marion Rusell MARKER: Grier, Anna E. Sepperd MARKER: 06/06/1968 Anna E. Grier Oct. 20, 1885 - June 3, 1968 Grier, Robert MARKER: R-99-2 05/03/1881 Robert Grier May 3, 1881 - Nov. 20, 1941 11/20/1941 11/24/1941 09/14/1971 09/17/1971 07/13/1946 12/26/2002 01/03/2003 03/29/1935 06/25/2002 06/28/2002 04/15/1872 11/15/1970 04/15/1872 Anna E. Grier Oct. 20, 1885 - June 3, 1968 T-297-1 Griffin, Ezra Ennis USNR MARKER: Ezra Ennis Griffin North Carolina Griffin, John W. MARKER: 12/25/1913 WW II - Veteran Dec 25, 1913 - Sept 14, 1971 Commander USNR O-37-5 John William Griffin World War II July 13, 1946 - December 26, 2002 Griffin, Nancy D. MARKER: D-40-4 Nancy D, Griffin 1935 - 2002 Griffin, Ruby P Griffith, Alfred, Rev. MARKER: T-222-2 G-68-2 Rev. Alferd Griffith 03/16/1783 Mar 16, 1783 - Apr. 15, 1872 Born in Montgomery Co. MD. Aged 88 yrs & 1 mo. He sleeps in Jesus' blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep B-BBY-48-63 Griffith, Baby 06/25/1958 Infant Griffith, Benjamin T MARKER: M-33-1 Benjamin T Griffith Mary B. Griffith Griffith, Elizabeth Bromwell MARKER: 12/13/1943 1853 - 1943 1851 - 1923 F-26-4 Harry Clay Griffith 1856 - 1926 01/15/1936 his wife: Elizabeth Bromwell Griffith 1841 - 1936 Griffith, Elizabeth E Griffith, Gertrude J MARKER: F-26-3 N-32-2 FATHER John Wm. Griffith 11/19/1895 06/03/1943 Dec 18, 1889 - Sept 19, 1946 03/25/1935 06/05/1943 MOTHER Gertrude J. Griffith Nov 19, 1895 - June 3, 1943 At Rest Griffith, Harry Clay MARKER: F-26-5 Harry Clay Griffith 1856 - 1926 01/01/1926 his wife: Elizabeth Bromwell Griffith 1841 - 1936 Griffith, John W MARKER: N-32-1 FATHER John Wm. Griffith 12/18/1889 09/19/1946 Dec 18, 1889 - Sept 19, 1946 09/22/1946 MOTHER Gertrude J. Griffith Nov 19, 1895 - June 3, 1943 At Rest Griffith, Juanita Nelson N-28-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/14/1943 12/16/1943 Page 188 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Griffith, M. Catherine MARKER: G-68-1 M. Catherine Griffith Birth_Date Death_Date 12/22/1785 06/11/1859 Dec 22, 1785 - June 11, 1859 Burial_Date 06/14/1859 Beloved Wife of Rev. Alfred Griffith In blessed hope of immortality and eternal life Griffith, Mary B MARKER: M-33-3 Benjamin T Griffith Mary B. Griffith Griffith, Minerva Owings MARKER: Griffith, Minerva Owings MARKER: 01/01/1923 1853 - 1943 1851 - 1923 F-26-1 Elizabeth E. Griffith 01/01/1909 1881 - 1935 Daughter of Harry C. & Elizabeth M. Griffith F-26-1 Minerva Owings Griffith 01/01/1909 1885 - 1909 Daughter of Harry C. & Elizabeth M. Griffith N-28-1 Griffith, Raymond S. US ARMY NOTES: Grillbortzer, Carrie D MARKER: 06/25/1955 WW I - Veteran July 24, 2008: Submitted by loving son, Lowell A. Griffith, Jacksonville, Florida. Raymond S. Griffth and his wife Juanita Etolia(Nelson) Griffith ; Raymond was inducted into the US Army at Fayettville, Washington County, Arkansas Sept. 4,1918. He was honorably discharged as Private December 30, 1918. Enlisted in Army at Jefferson Barracks, Lemay, Saint Louis County MO. October 12, 1920. Asssigned to Co. M, 44 Infantry Reg. at Schofield Barracks, Territiory of Hawaii, April 01, 1921. Promoted to Corporal in Co. M, 21st Infantry at Schofield Barracks, Terr, of Hawaii, Mar. 21 1922. Promoted to Sergeant Co. M, May 24, 1923. Honorable discharge as Sergeant October 22, 1923, Schofield. Raymond and Juanita were both Born in Carthage, Mo. Moved from Carthage to Alexandria, VA about 1936. Raymond worked for the Federal Governmentmost of his life in Virginia. Juanita was a wonderful mother who died Dec. 14, 1943. Raymond was the greatest man I have ever known. M-170-3 01/01/1883 01/01/1930 Carrie D. Grillbortzer 1883- 1930 Maude P. Grillbortzer Grillbortzer, David G Grillbortzer, Helen M Grillbortzer, Lulu Talbot MARKER: (no dates) M-170-6 M-170-5 M-132-3 Lulu Talbot Grillbortzer Elizabeth Talbot Miller Grillbortzer, Maude L. MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 04/13/1946 1883- 1930 (no dates) T-85-2 GRIMES RONALD PUTNAM 1909 - 1973 Grimes, Elizabeth M Grimes, Ethel 1874 - 1955 1918 - 1940 M-170-1 Carrie D. Grillbortzer Maude P. Grillbortzer Grimes, Alta Price 05/31/1969 11/04/1988 03/24/1955 10/22/1912 01/05/1991 01/09/1991 06/01/1887 08/10/1962 02/23/1971 08/16/1962 01/01/1899 01/01/1970 08/12/1970 01/01/1853 05/16/1893 05/17/1893 ALTA VIRGINIA 1912 - 1991 E-65-2 A-84-3A Ethel Grimes 1887-1962 Jessie Grimes Charshee 1892 - 1987 Grimes, Frank Granville MARKER: 6-36-3 F. GRANVILLE GRIMES, JR. Grimes, Franklin Pierce MARKER: A-84-2A Franklin Pierce Grimes 1853-1893 1899 - 1970 Mary Virginia Hunter (his wife) 1855-1936 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 189 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Grimes, Helen Camp MARKER: Birth_Date A-84-1B Warren W. Grimes 1890-1981 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/23/1894 10/19/1981 10/23/1981 03/01/1855 10/28/1936 10/30/1936 08/24/1909 02/19/1973 02/19/1973 01/01/1890 03/05/1961 03/10/1961 Helen Camp Grimes 1894 - 1981 Grimes, Mary H MARKER: A-84-2B Franklin Pierce Grimes 1853-1893 Mary Virginia Hunter (his wife) 1855-1936 Grimes, Ronald P, M.D. MARKER: T-85-1 GRIMES RONALD PUTNAM 1909 - 1973 ALTA VIRGINIA 1912 - 1991 A-84-1A Grimes, Warren Whyte Captain MARKER: WW I - Veteran Warren W. Grimes 1890-1981 Helen Camp Grimes 1894 - 1981 NOTES: Grimes, William Lawrence Grooms, Maude Ann MARKER: Warren Whyte Grimes 77, former special assistant to the Attorney General, worked on the Government's first deportation case based on membershiip in the Communist Party in 1921. The United States succeeded in ousting Ludwig Martens, the Soviet Unions first unofficial envoy to this country. Born in Alexandria VA, Mr. Grimes received his Law Degree from Georgetown University, where he also did post-graduate work. He entered Law practice in 1914 and therafter served as special assistant to the Attorney General, special assistant United States attorney, and principal attorney for the Bureau of Interanl Revenue. He had been in private practice since 1930. During World War I he served as a Captain in the military intelligence division, ORC, and received the Cross of Chevalier, Royal Order of the Crown of Romania. During the years as a government attorney, Mr. Grimes represented the Department of Justice before the Senate Committee investegating irregularities during the Harding administration and supervised the investigation of the Klu Klux Klan in the early 1920s. Mr Grimes was a member of the DC and American Bar association, the Washington Rotary Club and the Barristers Lodge of the Masons and Past Potentate of Almas Temple. He was also general counsel and first vice president of the District Building and Loan Association. E-65-1 05/25/1950 B-68-1 06/21/1965 Arthur A. Wilburn July 11, 1883 - Feb. 27, 1940 Maude Wilburn Grooms July 10, 1894 - June 18, 1965 Grosson, Christopher Joseph MARKER: 42-63-3 CHRISTOPHER J. GROSSON Jan 21, 1972 - May 1, 1998 He spread the joy of life, touching all the souls he met along the way. Grover, Charles Edgar MARKER: P-63-2 Mary Edna Grover 01/21/1972 05/01/1998 05/07/1998 06/12/1939 07/07/1959 07/10/1959 Feb 13, 1907 - Chas. Edgar Grover June 12, 1939 - Jly 7, 1959 Martha Edgar Rasnick Feb 13, 1907 - Grover, Edna Mary MARKER: P-63-1 Mary Edna Grover 02/13/1907 04/09/1984 Feb 13, 1907 - Chas. Edgar Grover June 12, 1939 - Jly 7, 1959 Martha Edgar Rasnick Feb 13, 1907 - Groves, Arthur Clifton MARKER: Groves, French Mercer MARKER: N-73-1 Arthur Clifton Groves 1890 - 1942 O-285-3 01/07/1899 02/18/1956 French Mercer Groves Jan 7, 1899 - Feb 18, 1956 12/04/1942 02/21/1956 Susan Simpson Groves Jan 25, 1876 - Oct 3, 1951 Isaac S. Groves June 19, 1876 - Dec 22, 1961 Baby Hagood Groves - April 25, 1954 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 190 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date O-285-2A Groves, Hagood Burial_Date 04/25/1954 04/27/1954 06/19/1876 12/22/1961 Jan 7, 1899 - Feb 18, 1956 12/26/1961 Infant MARKER: French Mercer Groves Jan 7, 1899 - Feb 18, 1956 Susan Simpson Groves Jan 25, 1876 - Oct 3, 1951 Isaac S. Groves June 19, 1876 - Dec 22, 1961 Baby Hagood Groves - April 25, 1954 Groves, Isaac S MARKER: O-285-1 French Mercer Groves Susan Simpson Groves Jan 25, 1876 - Oct 3, 1951 Isaac S. Groves June 19, 1876 - Dec 22, 1961 Baby Hagood Groves - April 25, 1954 Groves, Pauline E. MARKER: T-149-4 Pauline Taylor Groves Oct 2, 1899 Douglas Mebane Groves Groves, Susan Simpson MARKER: O-285-2B French Mercer Groves 04/03/1998 May 2, 1932 - 01/25/1876 10/03/1951 Jan 7, 1899 - Feb 18, 1956 10/06/1951 Susan Simpson Groves Jan 25, 1876 - Oct 3, 1951 Isaac S. Groves June 19, 1876 - Dec 22, 1961 Baby Hagood Groves - April 25, 1954 Grow, William S MARKER: Grubb, Ruth B MARKER: T-321-2 12/31/1879 William S. Grow Aug 5, 1888 - Aug 18, 1975 R-10-6 01/01/1877 RUTH B. GRUBB 03/07/1965 03/10/1965 05/28/1961 05/31/1961 12/12/1942 12/12/1942 07/02/1993 07/09/1993 07/31/1982 08/03/1982 1877 - 1961 Guckert, Eula M. Bruin MARKER: B-71-4 BRUIN 05/14/1908 Joseph T. May 28, 1898 - May 8, 1943 Ruth A. Sept 9, 1879 - Nov. 16, 1963 Doris Jewell Perry Oct 2, 1900 - Mar 27, 1940 Eula Bruin Guckert May 14, 1910 - Dec 12, 1942 Ernest W. Wengart May 13, 1898 - Dec 23, 1953 Guckert, Mildred A. MARKER: B-13-6B Peggy M. Toms 03/08/1909 1931 - 1989 Mildred Toms Guckert 1909 - 1993 Gudnason, Drofn M MARKER: 2-97-4 Drofn Markusdottir Gudnason May 24, 1933 - July 31, 1982 Gudnason, Halldor Viktor, Dr. MARKER: 2-92-4 Halldor Viktor Gudnason 07/18/1985 July 16, 1932 - July 15, 1985 Gudnason, Ingi MARKER: 2-97-3 Ingi Valdimar Halldorsson Gudnason 08/21/1981 Feb. 9, 1955 - Aug. 19, 1981 Guerra, Julian Luciano MARKER: 42-163-3 GUERRA Julian Luciano Jan 7, 1913 Mar 29, 1979 Guerra, Maximina Salvatierra MARKER: Guess, Myrtle Hough MARKER: Guessford, Brian Thomas MARKER: 03/29/1979 10/27/2000 08/16/1919 11/27/1999 11/29/1999 08/18/1975 08/21/1975 05/24/2002 05/30/2002 05/19/1969 05/22/1969 Maximina Aug. 16, 1919 Nov. 27, 1999 42-163-4 GUERRA Julian Luciano Jan 7, 1913 Mar 29, 1979 01/07/1913 Maximina Aug. 16, 1919 Nov. 27, 1999 T-167-5A 08/15/1888 Myrtle Hough Guess Dec 31, 1879 - Mar 7, 1965 42-121-3 02/27/1976 Brian Thomas Guessford February 27, 1976 - May 24, 2002 Our beloved "B", you were the red in our rainbow (Celtic Cross) - (Shamrock) N-111-3 Guill, Howard H 07/14/1924 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Howard H. Guill Jly 14, 1924 - May 19, 1969 Virginia CPL 813 Base Unit AAF WWII Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 191 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date N-110-2 Guill, James Dawdy, Jr. 04/03/1920 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/19/1945 12/11/1948 12/21/1941 12/23/1941 12/05/2005 12/15/2005 WW II - Veteran MARKER: James Dawdy Guill Apr 3, 1920 - Mar 19, 1945 Virginia PFC 274 Inf. 70 Inf. Div.WWII PH N-110-1 Guill, James E WW I - Veteran MARKER: James E. Guill Mar 9, 1891 - Dec 21, 1942 Woodman of the World We loved him well but Jesus loved him best Guill, Julia M. MARKER: N-111-2A JULIA M. GUILL 07/11/1925 1925 - 2005 Gunn, Mildred M. Gunning, Rita MARKER: B-83-2 2-24-2 Rita M. Gunning 06/05/1944 05/23/1983 April 3, 1914 - May 19, 1983 E-BBY-66-130 Gunther, Keith Andrew 11/07/1966 Infant MARKER: Gurns, Alfred MARKER: Gurns, Elizabeth MARKER: Gurns, William H. MARKER: Guthrie, Susan T MARKER: Gwaltney, Cecil C Hackley, Joseph L., Jr. Pvt USArmy MARKER: Keith Andrew Gunther - Nov. 9, 1958 P-57-3 GURNS P-57-1 GURNS P-57-2 GURNS T-192-5 Susan T. Guthrie Died: Oct 13, 1977 O-214-2 2-2-1 01/01/1920 01/30/1935 01/01/1902 01/08/1929 10/13/1977 10/15/1977 05/27/1985 11/08/1962 05/30/1985 05/22/1888 03/09/1956 03/12/1956 02/06/1893 12/07/1964 12/12/1964 02/15/1922 10/04/2006 11/09/1988 03/30/2007 02/05/1928 04/25/2004 03/30/2007 March 12, 2007: Alexandria's Bicentennial Queen (1949). 32-4-3B 07/21/1910 03/24/2004 HAHNENSTEIN 04/11/2004 WW II - Veteran Joseph L. Hackley, Jr. 1920 - 1985 Hadden, Gavin MARKER: R-169-1 GAVIN HADDEN MAY 22, 1888 - MARCH 9, 1956 "THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS LIKE THE LIGHT OF DAWN" Hadden, Rebecca Lloyd MARKER: R-169-2 REBECCA LLOYD HADDEN FEBRUARY 6, 1893 - DECEMBER 7, 1964 "A WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN" Haddock, David S Hagood, James Monroe, Jr. T-130-6 O-285-4A WW II - Veteran MARKER: HAGOOD James M. Jr. Mary K. 1922 - 2006 1928 - 2004 O-285-4B Hagood, Mary Kennedy Alexandrian MARKER: HAGOOD James M. Jr. Mary K. NOTES: Hahnenstein, Alfred MARKER: 1922 - 2006 1928 - 2004 Alfred July 21, 1910 March 24, 2004 Hahnenstein, Sophie MARKER: 32-4-3A HAHNENSTEIN Alfred July 21, 1910 March 24, 2004 Haislip, Clarence Sophie October 21, 1913 February 16, 2004 10/12/1913 02/16/2004 04/11/2004 Sophie October 21, 1913 February 16, 2004 D-30-1A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/01/1938 Page 192 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Haislip, Dorothy E Haislip, Mary E MARKER: D-30-1B A-8-6 Miss Mary E. Haislip Birth_Date 08/01/1808 Aug. 1808 - Oct. 13, 1883 Death_Date 10/13/1888 Burial_Date 01/01/1940 10/13/1888 Daughter of Henry Haislip of Charles Co., Md And now, Lord, where is my home? Truly my home is now in thee. D-30-2A D-30-2B A-69-1 E-BBY-66-51 Haislip, William Haislip, William, Mrs. Haley, J. J. Hall, Baby 09/28/1962 Infant Hall, Douglas Matthews Hall, Eleanor Pauline Hooe MARKER: R-28-4 A-51-3 HOOE 09/04/1915 07/02/1915 E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Hall, Ella Prenton MARKER: R-28-2 William R. Hall Ella Prenton Hall Hall, Frank Chester MARKER: 04/26/2005 11/20/1992 05/07/1966 05/10/1966 09/16/1958 09/18/1958 08/06/1992 08/13/1992 Aug. 22, 1888 - May 7, 1966 B-23-4 05/20/1894 Frank C. Hall May 20, 1894 - Sept. 16, 1958 Lottie J. Hall Hall, Frederick W., Rev. MARKER: 08/22/1888 Aug. 15, 1890 - Oct. 11, 1973 04/26/2005 11/17/1992 Sept. 8, 1897 - Sept. 1, 1972 31-50-3 HALL 05/05/1917 Fred W. Charlotte C. 1917 - 1992 1920 "Together forever" Hall, Frederika Parrott MARKER: M-165-4 Rev. Percy Foster Hall Frederika Parrott Hall 05/20/1947 1863 - 1950 1863 - 1947 32-76-7 Hall, Henry Nicholas 11/29/2004 09/28/2005 10/03/2005 07/27/1960 07/30/1960 09/22/1968 09/25/1968 09/01/1972 09/02/1972 Infant MARKER: HENRY NICHOLAS HALL Our Sweet Boy November 29, 2004 - September 28, 2005 Hall, Joseph MARKER: Hall, Lily Hambleton MARKER: T-230-6 01/25/1892 Joseph Hall Jan 25, 1892 - Jly 27, 1960 A-95-6 01/01/1890 Reverend Reginald Foster Hall 1897 - 1979 His Wife Lily Augusta Hambleton Hall 1890 - 1968 O Perfect Love Reginald Hambleton Hall 1926 - 1979 Hall, Lottie Jones MARKER: B-23-5 09/08/1897 Frank C. Hall May 20, 1894 - Sept. 16, 1958 Lottie J. Hall Hall, Percy Foster, Rev. MARKER: Sept. 8, 1897 - Sept. 1, 1972 M-165-5 Rev. Percy Foster Hall Frederika Parrott Hall Hall, Raymond Rice Hall, Reginald Foster, Rev. MARKER: 11/03/1950 1863 - 1950 1863 - 1947 T-270-4 A-95-5 01/01/1897 Reverend Reginald Foster Hall 1897 - 1979 His Wife Lily Augusta Hambleton Hall 1890 - 1968 O Perfect Love Reginald Hambleton Hall 1926 - 1979 Hall, Reginald H, Jr. MARKER: A-95-5A 01/01/1926 Reverend Reginald Foster Hall 1897 - 1979 01/01/1979 09/28/1961 06/27/1979 01/01/1979 06/22/1979 His Wife Lily Augusta Hambleton Hall 1890 - 1968 O Perfect Love Reginald Hambleton Hall 1926 - 1979 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 193 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hall, William Robert MARKER: R-28-1 William R. Hall 08/15/1890 Aug. 15, 1890 - Oct. 11, 1973 Ella Prenton Hall Halloran, Thomas John MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 10/11/1973 10/15/1973 01/24/2002 01/28/2002 Aug. 22, 1888 - May 7, 1966 42-34-3 THOMAS JOHN HALLORAN 05/06/1950 "MASI" May 6, 1950 - January 24, 2002 brother, uncle, friend, partner ROBERT JOSEPH DYE June 7, 1947 - E-BBY-66-149 Halton, Joyce D Burial_Date 07/29/1968 Infant 31-83-3 Hamer, John Erwin ??/??/1907 ??/??/1989 04/04/1989 05/16/1911 11/20/1994 11/23/1994 01/01/1836 01/26/1881 12/01/1919 01/26/1881 Freemason MARKER: H A M E R John E. Thelma P. 1907 - 1989 1911 - 1994 Together forever Hamer, Thelma Peace MARKER: 31-83-4 H A M E R John E. Thelma P. 1907 - 1989 1911 - 1994 Together forever G-59-3 G-61-1 Hamilton, Charles Hamilton, Charles B C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Hammersley, Annie M Hammersley, Carl US ARMY MARKER: Hammersley, Harriett R Hammersley, James F Hammersley, Minnie Clara MARKER: Charles B. Hamilton Mar. 17, 1836 - Jan. 26, 1881 Private, Co. C, 17th Virginia Infantry & Co. D, 39 Bn Virginia Cavalry. G-63-2 01/01/1918 R-170-3 11/09/1912 09/18/1999 09/25/1999 U. S. Military Veteran GILBERT - HAMMERSLEY HATTIE L. MINNIE C. MAR. 8, 1882 JAN 18, 1880 SEPT 9, 1958 MAR 28, 1976 CARL R. HAMMERSLEY NOV 9, 1912 - SEPT. 25, 1999 G-44-3 G-63-1 R-170-2 GILBERT - MARKER: 03/28/1976 01/01/1918 01/09/1996 01/16/1996 01/08/1992 01/13/1992 HAMMERSLEY HATTIE L. MINNIE C. MAR. 8, 1882 JAN 18, 1880 SEPT 9, 1958 MAR 28, 1976 CARL R. HAMMERSLEY NOV 9, 1912 - SEPT. 25, 1999 Hammersley, Phyllis G. 01/18/1880 03/06/1944 01/01/1906 03/31/1976 6-45-4 HAMMERSLEY Sidney L. 1913 - 1922 ( Fireman-Captain) Phyllis G. 1918 - 1996 (TOGETHER FOREVER) Hammersley, Sidney Lee 6-45-3 11/14/1913 Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: HAMMERSLEY Sidney L. 1913 - 1922 ( Fireman-Captain) Phyllis G. 1918 - 1996 (TOGETHER FOREVER) Hammett, Judith W Hammond, Bessie Price MARKER: G-24-1A R-222-2 HAMMOND Wm. Soule Hammond, D.D. Bessie Price Hammond William Paul Hammond Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/02/1963 10/09/1956 1870 - 1937 1869 - 1956 1898 -1960 Page 194 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date R-149-1 Hammond, Harry 01/01/1873 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1953 11/25/1953 03/26/1979 03/29/1979 Alex-Business MARKER: Harry Hammond 1873 - 1953 Mary Etta Catts 1874 - 1942 wife of Harry Hammond Mildred Saunders Lloyd wife of Dulany Hammond Charlotte Louise Hammond 1906-1977 wife of Emmett Shelton Hammond 1906 - 1977 R-115-5 Hammond, James Dulaney 09/29/1900 Alexandrian MARKER: James Dulany Hammond Sept. 29, 1900 - Mar. 26, 1979 Husband of Mildred Lloyd Mildred Saunders Lloyd, wife of Dulany Hammond Oct 23, 1901 - March 13, 1995 NOTES: Hammond, Mary Etta MARKER: Owner of Hammond Hardware in Alexandria VA. R-149-2 Harry Hammond 1873 - 1953 09/20/1943 Mary Etta Catts 1874 - 1942 wife of Harry Hammond Mildred Saunders Lloyd wife of Dulany Hammond Charlotte Louise Hammond 1906-1977 wife of Emmett Shelton Hammond 1906 - 1977 Hammond, Mildred Saunders Lloyd R-115-4 10/23/1901 03/13/1995 03/16/1995 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: James Dulany Hammond Sept. 29, 1900 - Mar. 26, 1979 Husband of Mildred Lloyd Mildred Saunders Lloyd, wife of Dulany Hammond Oct 23, 1901 - March 13, 1995 Hammond, William Paul MARKER: R-222-3 HAMMOND 07/13/1960 Wm. Soule Hammond, D.D. Bessie Price Hammond William Paul Hammond Hammond, William Soule D.D. MARKER: R-222-1 HAMMOND 04/20/1937 Wm. Soule Hammond, D.D. Bessie Price Hammond William Paul Hammond Hanagan, Mary Kathleen MARKER: 1870 - 1937 1869 - 1956 1898 -1960 1870 - 1937 1869 - 1956 1898 -1960 31-39-4 Mary Kathleen Hanagran 03/25/1947 06/11/1991 06/14/1991 01/25/1932 04/13/2000 04/18/2000 09/07/1921 01/13/1997 01/16/1997 1947 - 1991 M-113-2 Hanback, Donald L. U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Donald L. Hanback 1932 - 2000 Hanback, Edwin M. MARKER: T-VET-44-1 HANBACK Edwin Murray 1921- 1997 Hanback, Leon M MARKER: Hanback, Mary Jean MARKER: Mary Jean 1923 - 1998 M-113-1 Leon M. Hanback 1909 - 1938 T-VET-44-2 HANBACK Edwin Murray 1921- 1997 US ARMY MARKER: 12/20/1998 12/23/1998 11/05/1926 05/11/1999 05/14/1999 04/17/1963 04/20/1963 U. S. Military Veteran HANBURY William L. Virginia J. Hancock, Anna Elizabeth MARKER: 10/03/1923 Mary Jean 1923 - 1998 42-111-4 Hanbury, William Lee 12/19/1938 Nov. 5, 1926 - May 11, 1999 Feb. 5, 1927 - (space) R-69-2 HANCOCK 11/17/1882 Charles Milton : Sept 13, 1864 - Oct. 21, 1944 Anna Elizabeth : Nov. 17, 1882 - April 17, 1963 Anna Virginia : June 10, 1869 - Jly. 8, 1912 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 195 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hancock, Anna Virginia MARKER: R-69-3 HANCOCK Birth_Date 06/10/1869 Death_Date 07/08/1912 Burial_Date 07/11/1912 Charles Milton : Sept 13, 1864 - Oct. 21, 1944 Anna Elizabeth : Nov. 17, 1882 - April 17, 1963 Anna Virginia : June 10, 1869 - Jly. 8, 1912 Hancock, Charles M MARKER: R-69-1 HANCOCK 09/13/1864 10/21/1944 Charles Milton : Sept 13, 1864 - Oct. 21, 1944 Anna Elizabeth : Nov. 17, 1882 - April 17, 1963 Anna Virginia : June 10, 1869 - Jly. 8, 1912 Hancock, Eda Magruder MARKER: Hancock, Mitchell W. MARKER: N-60-2 02/07/1876 04/28/1942 Edna Magruder Hancock Feb 7, 1876 - Apr 28, 1942 B-19-5 06/10/1879 03/06/1976 Ruth Curtin Hancock Jly 31, 1883 - Feb. 5, 1966 Mitchelll Wise Hancock Hancock, Ruth C. MARKER: B-19-4 Ruth Curtin Hancock Mitchelll Wise Hancock Haney, Josiah F MARKER: Hanff, William Anthony, M.D. MARKER: P-40-6 Josiah F. Haney 42-221-3 HANFF 04/29/1942 03/09/1976 June 10, 1879 - March 6, 1976 07/31/1883 02/05/1966 Jly 31, 1883 - Feb. 5, 1966 02/08/1966 June 10, 1879 - March 6, 1976 04/03/1843 Apr 3, 1843 - Oct 17, 1908 08/15/1946 10/17/1908 10/17/1908 09/24/2005 09/28/2005 WILLIAM A. 1946 - 2005 T-163-4 M-36-3B Hankey, Emilie A Hannah, Baby 11/19/1972 01/01/1939 Infant Hannon, Edward Thomas MARKER: O-316-4 Rose Lee Hannon 04/29/1976 1900 - 1973 Edward T. Hannon 1906 - 1976 Gunnar S. Stiansen 1901 - 1976 James K. Baber 1944 - 1992 Hannon, Rose Lee MARKER: O-316-5A Rose Lee Hannon 06/04/1973 1900 - 1973 Edward T. Hannon 1906 - 1976 Gunnar S. Stiansen 1901 - 1976 James K. Baber 1944 - 1992 Hannum, Leonard T. MARKER: O-178-5 Lenard T. Hannum 11/12/1945 1905 - 1945 Gone but not forgotten Erected by his Mother Hansbrough, Blanche Lee MARKER: B-53-2C 01/01/1884 Clarence Bernard Hansbrough Mar. 6, 1881 - Dec. 22, 1972 02/09/1937 Jimmie Carter Hansbrough Dec. 7, 1883 - Jly 28, 1963 Blanche Lee 1884 - 1937 Frederick Lee Born-Died Jan 30, 1942 Hansbrough, Clarence B. MARKER: B-53-1 03/06/1881 12/22/1972 Clarence Bernard Hansbrough Mar. 6, 1881 - Dec. 22, 1972 12/23/1972 Jimmie Carter Hansbrough Dec. 7, 1883 - Jly 28, 1963 Blanche Lee 1884 - 1937 Frederick Lee Born-Died Jan 30, 1942 Hansbrough, Frederick Lee B-53-2B 01/30/1942 01/30/1942 02/01/1942 Infant MARKER: Clarence Bernard Hansbrough Mar. 6, 1881 - Dec. 22, 1972 Jimmie Carter Hansbrough Dec. 7, 1883 - Jly 28, 1963 Blanche Lee 1884 - 1937 Frederick Lee Born-Died Jan 30, 1942 Hansbrough, Henry Bontz Hansbrough, Jimmie C. MARKER: N-173-1 B-53-3 12/07/1883 07/28/1963 Clarence Bernard Hansbrough Mar. 6, 1881 - Dec. 22, 1972 11/06/1963 07/31/1963 Jimmie Carter Hansbrough Dec. 7, 1883 - Jly 28, 1963 Blanche Lee 1884 - 1937 Frederick Lee Born-Died Jan 30, 1942 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 196 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hansbrough, Karen Ratcliff MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-102-3 10/27/1948 08/30/1978 Morris Clarence Hansbrorugh Feb 23, 1920 - Aug 31, 1972 Burial_Date 09/02/1978 Karen H. Ratcliffe Hansbrough Oct 27, 1948 - Aug 30, 1978 Hansbrough, Mary C. MARKER: Hansbrough, Morris Clarence MARKER: N-174-3 01/26/1952 01/26/1952 Mother - Mary C. Hansborough Aug 1, 1877 - Jan 26, 1951 T-102-2 02/23/1920 08/31/1972 Morris Clarence Hansbrorugh Feb 23, 1920 - Aug 31, 1972 08/31/1972 Karen H. Ratcliffe Hansbrough Oct 27, 1948 - Aug 30, 1978 Hansen, Anna Celeste Hanson, Franklin Milton MARKER: 32-76-6 T-202-6A HANSON Franklin Milton Ruth Elizabeth Hanson, Ruth Elizabeth MARKER: 07/15/2002 08/29/1979 07/19/1912 12/25/1997 01/08/1998 12/31/1914 05/13/1991 05/13/1991 07/09/1958 01/17/1998 11/19/1975 06/05/1865 03/20/1948 June 5, 1865 - Mar 20, 1948 01/21/1998 11/22/1975 03/23/1948 1911- 1979 1912 - 1997 31-71-4 O-83-4A Harbin, Orange Hardbower, Baby 06/27/2002 1911- 1979 1912 - 1997 T-202-6B HANSON Franklin Milton Ruth Elizabeth 06/27/2002 Infant Hardenstein, Agnes M. Travers Hardester, Lucie Reynolds Hardie, Henry A., Dr. MARKER: O-54-5 T-359-1 O-265-1 Father: DR. Henry A. Hardie Mother: Mary Bowles Hardie Hardie, Mary Bowles MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Hardin, Katherine Delp MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Oct. 8, 1930 - May 8, 1938 Oct. 8, 1930 - May 8, 1938 M-71-2 Lewis O. Hardin 01/21/1870 Apr. 2, 1872 - May 3, 1943 Katherine D. Hardin Harding, Anna C 01/07/1967 May 17, 1890 - Jan 30, 1961 Julia Mae Hardin Grandson John Joseph Pearl M-71-1 Lewis O. Hardin 06/13/1964 Nov 7, 1878 - June 10, 1964 B-29-3 05/17/1890 01/30/1961 James A. Hardin, Sr. APR. 12, 1885 - JAN 4, 1967 Katherine D. Hardin Hardin, Lewis Overton 11/07/1878 06/10/1964 June 5, 1865 - Mar 20, 1948 P-54-6 B-29-2 04/12/1885 01/04/1967 James A. Hardin, Sr. APR. 12, 1885 - JAN 4, 1967 Julia Mae Hardin Grandson John Joseph Pearl Hardin, Julia May Nov 7, 1878 - June 10, 1964 O-265-2 Father: DR. Henry A. Hardie Mother: Mary Bowles Hardie Hardin, Baby Hardin, James A. 02/05/1905 02/02/1961 May 17, 1890 - Jan 30, 1961 01/16/1954 01/19/1954 05/03/1943 05/06/1943 02/15/1958 02/18/1958 01/08/2004 01/10/2004 09/16/1957 09/18/1957 Jan 21, 1870 - Jan 16, 1954 04/02/1872 Apr. 2, 1872 - May 3, 1943 Jan 21, 1870 - Jan 16, 1954 R-50-5 HARDING 05/30/1881 John R. Ann C. J. Milton Oct. 2, 1878-Nov. 11, 1957 May 30, 1881-Feb. 15, 1958 Dec. 30, 1909-Nov. 17, 1979 USCG (obverse) Lot has four granite corner markers with letter "H" Harding, Eva MARKER: R-50-3 HARDING 11/25/1913 Eva H. Nov. 25, 1913 - Jan. 8, 2004 Evelyn C. April 22, 1914-Sept 16, 1957 James R. E. Jan 2, 1904 - Sept. 14,1972 (reverse) Harding, Evelyn C. MARKER: R-50-2 HARDING 04/22/1914 Eva H. Nov. 25, 1913 - Jan. 8, 2004 Evelyn C. April 22, 1914-Sept 16, 1957 James R. E. Jan 2, 1904 - Sept. 14,1972 (reverse) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 197 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Harding, James R. E. MARKER: R-50-1 HARDING Birth_Date 01/02/1904 R-50-6 U.S.C.G. Burial_Date 09/14/1972 09/15/1972 11/17/1979 11/20/1979 11/11/1957 11/13/1957 03/09/1916 03/12/1995 03/15/1995 01/01/1908 01/01/1981 10/14/1981 Eva H. Nov. 25, 1913 - Jan. 8, 2004 Evelyn C. April 22, 1914-Sept 16, 1957 James R. E. Jan 2, 1904 - Sept. 14,1972 (reverse) Harding, John Milton Death_Date 12/20/1909 WW II - Veteran HARDING MARKER: John R. Ann C. J. Milton Oct. 2, 1878-Nov. 11, 1957 May 30, 1881-Feb. 15, 1958 Dec. 30, 1909-Nov. 17, 1979 USCG (obverse) Lot has four granite corner markers with letter "H" Harding, John R. MARKER: R-50-4 HARDING 10/02/1878 John R. Ann C. J. Milton Hardwick, Hilda Estella MARKER: Oct. 2, 1878-Nov. 11, 1957 May 30, 1881-Feb. 15, 1958 Dec. 30, 1909-Nov. 17, 1979 USCG (obverse) Lot has four granite corner markers with letter "H" 6-58-2 John Stephen Hilde Thayer 1908 - 1981 1916 - 1995 HARDWICK 6-58-1 Hardwick, John S Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: John Stephen Hilde Thayer 1908 - 1981 1916 - 1995 HARDWICK B-BBY-48-43 Harlow, Baby 09/22/1956 Infant Harlow, Thelma Vivian MARKER: 42-10-4 In Loving Memory 03/26/1918 11/08/2004 11/12/2004 11/30/1975 12/03/1975 THELMA VIVIAN HARLOW EMPFIELD March 26, 1918 - November 8, 2004 MOTHER Harman, Laura G MARKER: Harmon, Alfred MARKER: T-309-6 10/19/1903 Laura G. Harman Oct 19, 1903 - Nov 30, 1975 G-167-5 Alfred Harmon 1889 - 1935 07/02/1935 Mary Grace Harmon 1886 - 1972 Mary Virginia Harmon 1927 - 1933 Harmon, Mabel A MARKER: 1-12-2 HARMON Virgil M. Oct. 24, 1915 June 8, 1979 Harmon, Mary Grace MARKER: 09/22/1907 12/15/1987 12/18/1987 Mabel A. Sept. 22, 1907 Dec. 15, 1987 G-167-4 Alfred Harmon 1889 - 1935 06/29/1972 Mary Grace Harmon 1886 - 1972 Mary Virginia Harmon 1927 - 1933 Harmon, Mary Virginia MARKER: G-167-6 Alfred Harmon 1889 - 1935 01/01/1933 Mary Grace Harmon 1886 - 1972 Mary Virginia Harmon 1927 - 1933 Harmon, Virgil M MARKER: 1-12-1 HARMON Virgil M. Oct. 24, 1915 June 8, 1979 06/08/1979 06/11/1979 11/09/1958 11/11/1958 Mabel A. Sept. 22, 1907 Dec. 15, 1987 E-BBY-66-4 Harpe, Stephen G. 10/24/1915 Infant MARKER: Stephen G. Harpe son of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Harpe Died, Nov. 9, 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 198 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Harper, Ann E MARKER: Harper, Barbara McBane MARKER: Birth_Date A-35-1 In Memory of Washington T. Harper Died Sept. 1, 1860, aged 57 yrs. And His Wife Ann E. Harper Age 83 yrs. Feb. 21, 1889 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. 33-13-2A Barbara McBane Harper 06/12/1968 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/21/1889 02/28/1889 02/27/1994 03/12/1994 01/01/1986 05/02/1969 01/14/1983 12/04/1986 09/01/1860 11/29/1949 09/07/1860 June 12, 1968 February 27, 1994 Harper, Elsie Morgan Harper, John W., Sr. Harper, Margarete I MARKER: N-94-5 N-94-6 31-47-2 HARPER 01/01/1922 Melvin C. Margaret I. 1927 1922 - 1986 Married May 24, 1949 Harper, Thelma V Harper, Washington T MARKER: E-45-4 A-35-2 In Memory of Washington T. Harper Died Sept. 1, 1860, aged 57 yrs. And His Wife Ann E. Harper Age 83 yrs. Feb. 21, 1889 Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Harper, William MARKER: Harraglow, Pothiti MARKER: N-94-4 William E. Harper 1881 - 1940 T-290-6A 03/16/1890 01/13/1976 WIFE: Pothiti Harraglow Mar 16, 1890 - Jan 13, 1976 HUSBAND: William Harraglow Harraglow, William (Horsoglow) MARKER: T-290-5A WIFE: Pothiti Harraglow MARKER: T-350-4 Diane B. Harreld 01/17/1976 Apr. 16, 1882 - June 30, 1970 04/16/1882 06/30/1970 Mar 16, 1890 - Jan 13, 1976 HUSBAND: William Harraglow Harreld, Diane Barrett 12/03/1940 06/30/1970 Apr. 16, 1882 - June 30, 1970 12/22/1945 Dec 22, 1945 - Nov 28, 1970 11/28/1970 11/28/1970 10/22/1890 01/15/1979 Oct 22, 1890 - Jan 15, 1979 01/18/1979 Wife of Bradford D. Harreld Diane, I love you Harrell, Edna Barkley MARKER: Harrington, Baby P-68-6 Edna Barkley Harrell N-157-19 06/17/1946 Infant Harrington, Ellis George MARKER: N-118-4 George W. Harrington 08/22/1913 11/24/1968 Feb 18, 1881 - Jly 17, 1939 11/27/1968 Mabel B. Harrington Apr 19, 1887 - Aug 22, 1975 Ellis G. Harrington Aug 22, 1913 - Nov 24, 1968 Viola D. Feb 20, 1912 - June 8, 1999 Harrington, Emma H MARKER: Harrington, Eva Griffith MARKER: M-119-6 12/10/1891 Emma H. Harrington Dec 9, 1891 - Apr. 6, 1961 31-2-1 01/01/1885 Eva G. Harrington 04/06/1961 04/08/1961 01/01/1985 11/13/1987 02/18/1881 07/17/1939 Feb 18, 1881 - Jly 17, 1939 07/19/1939 1885 - 1985 Harrington, George Wesley MARKER: N-118-1 George W. Harrington Mabel B. Harrington Apr 19, 1887 - Aug 22, 1975 Ellis G. Harrington Aug 22, 1913 - Nov 24, 1968 Viola D. Feb 20, 1912 - June 8, 1999 Harrington, Lilian M. MARKER: A-90-2 04/06/1871 Lillian M. Harrington April 6, 1871 - April 4, 1942 04/04/1942 04/08/1942 04/19/1887 08/22/1975 Feb 18, 1881 - Jly 17, 1939 08/25/1975 Peter T. Harrington Feb. 3, 1866 - March 7, 1943 Harrington, Mabel Cheshire MARKER: N-118-2 George W. Harrington Mabel B. Harrington Apr 19, 1887 - Aug 22, 1975 Ellis G. Harrington Aug 22, 1913 - Nov 24, 1968 Viola D. Feb 20, 1912 - June 8, 1999 Harrington, Malcolm L. A-90-1 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 199 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date A-90-3 Harrington, Peter T 02/03/1866 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/07/1943 03/10/1943 02/20/1912 06/08/1999 06/11/1999 12/09/1921 09/17/2001 09/21/2001 Freemason MARKER: Lillian M. Harrington April 6, 1871 - April 4, 1942 Peter T. Harrington Feb. 3, 1866 - March 7, 1943 Harrington, Viola Deacon Harrington, W. C. E. N-118-5 A-90-4 Infant 33-49-3 Harrington, William R. Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran HARRINGTON William R., Sr. Joanne G. 1921-2001 1931July 3, 1948 (Wedding Date) Harrington, William Wallace MARKER: Harris, Bertha Ellen MARKER: M-86-6 Wm. W. Harrington 1878 - 1937 T-64-4 HARRIS 03/08/1937 12/05/1893 03/09/1980 03/13/1980 ??/??/1947 04/26/1947 Robert Edward Harris Jan 6, 1896 - Sept 19, 1972 Bertha Ellen Harris Dec 5, 1893 - Mar 9, 1980 The Lord is my Shepherd Harris, Charles Waldo MARKER: E-16-1 Charles Waldo Harris ??/??/1931 1931 - 1947 Harris, Fanny MARKER: 33-5-4A HARRIS James R. 1924 - 2008 Harris, Hattie B MARKER: 08/29/1998 Fanny 1923 - 1998 O-55-3 HARRIS 10/12/1879 06/17/1954 06/21/1954 01/01/1945 01/01/1971 03/08/1962 01/21/1971 06/29/1924 04/04/2008 04/25/2008 01/01/1912 07/13/1975 07/15/1975 04/01/1927 05/17/2007 05/25/2007 08/09/2003 08/12/2003 T. Weller April 3, 1881 - July 14, 1945 Hattie B. Oct. 12, 1879 - June 17, 1954 Harris, Helen Harris, James Calvin MARKER: T-193-6 6-30-1 JAMES CALVIN HARRIS 1945 - 1971 33-5-4B Harris, James R. US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran HARRIS James R. 1924 - 2008 Harris, Marie D MARKER: Harris, Mary C. MARKER: Fanny 1923 - 1998 O-193-6 Marie D. Harris 1912 - 1975 32-15-4 Mary Christina Donovan Harris April 1, 1927 - May 17, 2007 May the road rise to meet you May the wind be always at your back... Mary Christina Donovan Harris Beloved Mother of Karen, Julia, Walter, Kathleen Mary Chris, Timothy, Namcy, David, Patrick Harris, Nelle Landrigan MARKER: 31-13-1 NELLE LANDRIGAN HARRIS 03/04/1905 March 4, 1905 August 9, 2003 Harris, Nellie V MARKER: M-146-4 ELLIOTT Nellie Harris 1903 - 1985 09/16/1983 Charles Elliott 1903 - 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 200 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-65-6 Harris, Robert Edward 01/06/1896 Death_Date 09/19/1972 Burial_Date 09/21/1972 WW I - Veteran HARRIS MARKER: Robert Edward Harris Jan 6, 1896 - Sept 19, 1972 Bertha Ellen Harris Dec 5, 1893 - Mar 9, 1980 The Lord is my Shepherd NOTES: Harris, Tobias Weller MARKER: Member of Kena Temple Shrine & Alexandria Washington Lodge #22 AF&AM. O-55-2 04/03/1881 07/14/1945 07/17/1945 HARRIS T. Weller April 3, 1881 - July 14, 1945 Hattie B. Oct. 12, 1879 - June 17, 1954 Harrison, Berta Watson MARKER: T-337-3 Berta Watson Harrison J. Houston Harrison John H. Harrison, Jr. 05/19/1973 1889 - 1973 1887 - 1954 1918 - 1959 O-FH-15-5B Harrison, Burton Norvell 01/01/1838 01/01/1904 01/01/1904 C S A Veteran MARKER: Burton Harrison 1838 - 1904 Son of Burton Harrison and Frances Brand NOTES: Harrison, Cary MARKER: Colonel, Provisional Army C.S.A. ; Personal Secy. to Pres. Jefferson Davis; Lawyer, practiced in New York City. O-FH-15-11A 03/01/1876 Constance Cary 1843 - 1920 Daughter of Archibald Cary and Moninia Fairfax They were married Nov. 26, 1867 and left three sons to honor their Father and their Mother. R.I.P. Cary Harrison Died : Mar 1876 Aged 11, Months O-FH-15-5A Harrison, Constance Cary 03/30/1895 03/22/1948 03/25/1948 Alexandrian MARKER: Constance Cary Harrison Mar 30, 1895 - Mar 22, 1948 Daughter of Fairfax Harrison and Hetty Cary "In Thy presence is fulness of joy" NOTES: Harrison, Daniel Jenifer MARKER: American writer born in Alexandria: "Golden Rod", "A Daughter of the South" and "Virginia Cousin". P-38-1 12/31/1947 Virginia Meade Harrison 1894 - 1963 Daniel Jenifer Harrison Harrison, David MARKER: 1880 - 1947 T-337-4 HARRISON 11/30/1920 10/12/1994 10/15/1994 David W. 1920 - 1994 (D H W foot-stone) O-FH-15-7 Harrison, Ethel Cary 11 months MARKER: 01/01/1876 Infant Ethel Cary Harrison Died: Mar 1876 Aged 11 months Harrison, Fairfax MARKER: O-FH-15-3B HERE LIES: Fairfax Harrison 01/01/1938 1869 - 1938 Son of Burton Harrison and Constance Cary Hetty Cary Harrison 1871 - 1943 Daughter of John Brune Cary and Frances Daniel They were married June 6, 1894, and left four children to honor their Father and Mother. R.I.P. Harrison, Hetty Cary MARKER: Harrison, John D Harrison, John Houston MARKER: O-FH-15-3A HERE LIES: Fairfax Harrison 01/01/1943 1869 - 1938 Son of Burton Harrison and Constance Cary Hetty Cary Harrison 1871 - 1943 Daughter of John Brune Cary and Frances Daniel They were married June 6, 1894, and left four children to honor their Father and Mother. R.I.P. G-91-1A T-337-2 Berta Watson Harrison J. Houston Harrison John H. Harrison, Jr. 07/08/1887 1889 - 1973 11/03/1954 1887 - 1954 1918 - 1959 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 201 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Harrison, John Houston Jr MARKER: T-337-1 Berta Watson Harrison J. Houston Harrison John H. Harrison, Jr. Harrison, Mary A Harrison, Mary M.Crumbaugh MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 12/24/1959 1889 - 1973 1887 - 1954 1918 - 1959 M-167-2 O-139-2 Walter E. Harrison 05/05/1883 Dec 11, 1878 - Dec 8, 1945 12/07/1958 05/04/1937 12/10/1958 Mary R.Harrison May 5, 1883 - Dec 7, 1958 My Faith looks up to Thee Harrison, Randolph Burton O-FH-15-6 09/22/1911 03/22/1912 Infant Harrison, Richard Burton Harrison, Richard Fairfax MARKER: O-FH-15-8 01/27/1996 01/27/1996 O-FH-15-8A 08/14/1906 01/27/1969 Richard Fairfax Harrison AUGUST 14, 1906 - JAN 27, 1969 03/01/1996 Son of Fairfax Harrison and Hetty Cary Harrison, Thomas Smith Harrison, Virginia MARKER: G-91-3 G-91-1B Virginia Harrison 1833 - 1919 01/01/1833 01/01/1919 01/01/1919 01/01/1963 02/13/1963 12/08/1945 12/10/1945 Daughter Daisy Barnwell 1876 - 1898 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Harrison, Virginia Meade MARKER: P-38-2 Virginia Meade Harrison Daniel Jenifer Harrison Harrison, Walter E MARKER: O-139-1 Walter E. Harrison 01/01/1894 1894 - 1963 1880 - 1947 12/11/1878 Dec 11, 1878 - Dec 8, 1945 Mary R.Harrison May 5, 1883 - Dec 7, 1958 My Faith looks up to Thee Hart, Alexander Ossian MARKER: G-81-4 Sarah Elizabeth Hart 1822 - 1901 01/01/1856 Alexander Ossian Hart 1835 - 1856 Hart, Eugene MARKER: D-47-1 Husband: Eugene Hart 1882 - 1959 08/03/1959 Wife: Lucie B. Hart 1880 - 1958 2-8-4 Hart, Harold E., Jr. 11/02/1959 04/21/1997 04/25/1997 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: HART Monica L. 1960- (space) NOTES: Hart, Julia Lyle MARKER: Harold E., Jr. 1959-1997 Lt. Maryland State Police Maryland State Police (Trooper). G-81-2 Julia Lyle Hart 1869 - 1947 William Andrew Hart 1871 - 1941 Hart, Lucie B MARKER: D-47-2 Husband: Eugene Hart 1882 - 1959 04/08/1958 Wife: Lucie B. Hart 1880 - 1958 Hart, Sarah Elizabeth MARKER: G-81-1 Sarah Elizabeth Hart 1822 - 1901 01/01/1901 Alexander Ossian Hart 1835 - 1856 Hart, William Andrew MARKER: G-81-3 Julia Lyle Hart 1869 - 1947 06/28/1941 William Andrew Hart 1871 - 1941 Hartfield, Annie Joe MARKER: 32-5-4 Annie Joe "A.J." Hartfield 11/11/1936 09/08/1995 09/14/1995 04/22/1953 10/29/1968 11/02/1968 1936 - 1995 Hartford, Joanne Neva MARKER: T-162-6 Daughter Joanne Neva Hartford Hartman, Joseph E MARKER: M-169-3A Joseph E. Hartman Olive L. Hartman Apr 22, 1953 - Oct 29, 1968 11/17/1955 1883 - 1955 1890 - 1953 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 202 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hartman, Olive L MARKER: M-169-3B Joseph E. Hartman Olive L. Hartman Birth_Date Burial_Date 06/24/1953 1883 - 1955 1890 - 1953 D-41-3A Hartman, Samuel Alan Death_Date 09/15/1986 09/17/1986 09/20/1986 Infant MARKER: Samuel Alan Hartman SEPT 15 -17, 1986 Son of Alan Hartman & Melissa Rector B-BBY-48-28 Hartnett, Baby 05/23/1955 Infant Harvey, Baby Harvey, David C. Harvey, Leonard Foster MARKER: N-124-24 42-55-1 R-219-3 Leonard Foster Harvey (Father) Margaret Gaines Harvey Harvey, Margaret Gaines MARKER: 03/03/1997 08/25/1943 died: Aug 25, 1943 died: Feb 10, 1959 R-220-1 Leonard Foster Harvey (Father) Margaret Gaines Harvey Harward, Chas Edward MARKER: 06/10/1968 08/01/1952 03/07/1997 08/28/1943 02/10/1959 died: Aug 25, 1943 02/13/1959 died: Feb 10, 1959 B-79-1 Charles E. Harward 1867 - 1935 10/09/1935 His Wife Fannie L. Harward 1867 - 1951 Harward, Fannie L. MARKER: B-79-2 Charles E. Harward 1867 - 1935 04/23/1951 His Wife Fannie L. Harward 1867 - 1951 Harwood, Laura Turner Hasha, Gene Ray MARKER: COL 6-S1-19 32-2-1A GENE RAY HASHA 10/23/1926 06/27/1945 09/27/2008 12/02/2006 10/23/2008 12/09/2006 G-144-5 04/27/1885 Jerry Hasky Apr. 27, 1885 - Dec. 5, 1934 12/05/1934 12/08/1934 09/14/1968 09/17/1968 05/09/1993 05/12/1993 11/07/1914 05/09/1993 July 30, 1906 - Feb 29, 1968 05/12/1993 June 27, 1945 - December 2, 2006 Hasky, Jerry, Sr. MARKER: Mary Hasky Aug. 24, 1887 - Sept. 14, 1968 Hasky, Mary MARKER: G-144-6 08/24/1887 Jerry Hasky Apr. 27, 1885 - Dec. 5, 1934 Mary Hasky Aug. 24, 1887 - Sept. 14, 1968 Hatch, Elizabeth E. MARKER: D-58-6 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 11/07/1914 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 Hatch, Elizabeth E. MARKER: D-58-6 William H. Hatch Jr. Elizabeth B. Hatch Hatch, Luther Winfield MARKER: Hatch, Luther Winfield MARKER: Sara M. Hatch Hatch, Martha Eleanor MARKER: Nov 7, 1914 - May 9, 1993 D-58-2 HATCH D-58-2 L.Winfield Hatch Aug 30, 1902 - Dec 17, 1982 MARKER: 12/21/1982 June 2, 1908 - Aug 14, 1989 D-59-5 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 09/22/1850 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 Hatch, Minnie Wagner 12/21/1982 D-59-2 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 02/25/1879 03/29/1949 04/01/1949 06/23/1937 06/25/1937 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 203 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hatch, Sara Myrick MARKER: D-58-3 L.Winfield Hatch Sara M. Hatch Hatch, William H MARKER: Birth_Date MARKER: Hatch, William Harvey Jr. MARKER: Hatch, William Harvey Jr. MARKER: 08/18/1989 June 2, 1908 - Aug 14, 1989 D-59-4 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 D-59-1 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 01/01/1925 02/11/1871 03/15/1961 03/18/1961 02/29/1968 03/04/1968 07/30/1906 02/29/1968 July 30, 1906 - Feb 29, 1968 03/04/1968 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 D-58-5 William H. Hatch 1845 - 1925 07/30/1906 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 D-58-5 William H. Hatch Jr. Elizabeth B. Hatch Hatfield, Charles Sherrod, Judge Burial_Date Aug 30, 1902 - Dec 17, 1982 Martha Eleanor Hatch Sept 22, 1850-Mar 29, 1949 William Harvey Hatch Feb 11, 1871-Mar 15, 1961 Minnie Wagner Hatch Feb 25, 1879-June 23, 1937 William H. Hatch, Jr. Jly 30, 1906-Feb 29,1968 Elizabeth B.Hatch Nov 7, 1914-May 9, 1993 Hatch, William Harvey Death_Date Nov 7, 1914 - May 9, 1993 O-192-1 06/29/1882 02/09/1950 02/13/1950 02/24/1991 02/27/1991 03/29/2009 06/18/2009 04/30/1979 04/30/1979 01/22/1916 05/26/1985 05/29/1985 01/25/1903 04/28/1990 12/23/1987 05/01/1990 07/07/1987 07/08/1987 05/30/1978 06/02/1978 04/12/1939 04/14/1939 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: HATFIELD Judge Charles Sherrod June 29, 1882 - Feb 9, 1950 and wife Kathryn Taylor July 20, 1885 - Apr. 30, 1979 Hatfield, Dos Taylor MARKER: O-193-1C HATFIELD 04/07/1912 Dos Taylor Apr 7, 1912 - Feb 24, 1991 and wife Harriet Louise Hunt Dec 9, 1913 - Mar 29, 2009 Hatfield, Harriet Louise MARKER: O-193-1A HATFIELD 12/09/1913 Dos Taylor Apr 7, 1912 - Feb 24, 1991 and wife Harriet Louise Hunt Dec 9, 1913 - Mar 29, 2009 Hatfield, Kathryn Taylor MARKER: O-192-2 HATFIELD 07/20/1885 Judge Charles Sherrod June 29, 1882 - Feb 9, 1950 and wife Kathryn Taylor July 20, 1885 - Apr. 30, 1979 Hatfield, Myrtle "Mirtie" Van Dyke MARKER: 2-79-1 Myrtle VanDyke Hatfield January 22, 1916 - May 26, 1985 Hatton, Lillie A Hauber, Inez MARKER: N-83-3 R-182-1A HAUBER John Francis May 24, 1904 - July 7, 1987 Inez Gwynne Moore Jan 25, 1903 - Apr 28, 1990 Hauber, John Francis MARKER: R-182-2A HAUBER 05/24/1904 John Francis May 24, 1904 - July 7, 1987 Inez Gwynne Moore Jan 25, 1903 - Apr 28, 1990 Havenner, Annette E MARKER: N-2-3 HAVENNER 09/30/1902 Thomas W. Havenner Jly 20, 1901 - Feb 25, 1981 Annette E. Havenner Sept. 30, 1920 - May 30, 1978 Havenner, Katherine R MARKER: N-2-1 HAVENNER 07/31/1870 R. Katherine Havenner July 31, 1970 - April 12, 1939 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 204 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Havenner, Thomas W MARKER: Birth_Date N-2-2A HAVENNER 07/20/1901 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/25/1981 02/28/1981 08/27/1970 08/27/1970 08/31/1974 09/04/1974 09/13/1992 01/23/1982 09/17/1992 07/23/1990 07/27/1990 06/09/1993 06/12/1993 03/21/1950 04/06/1984 04/10/1984 01/12/1919 03/19/1999 03/23/1999 G-167-2 11/21/1885 09/20/1934 Charles W. Hawkins Nov. 21, 1885 - Sept. 20, 1934 09/20/1934 Thomas W. Havenner Jly 20, 1901 - Feb 25, 1981 Annette E. Havenner Sept. 30, 1920 - May 30, 1978 Hawes, Annie L MARKER: T-91-2 Annie L. Hawes 03/06/1883 Mar 6, 1883 - Aug 27, 1970 Beloved Mother of 12 children T-158-4 Hawes, Collins N 12/15/1907 Freemason MARKER: HAWES Dear Husband and Father Collins N. Hawes Dec 15, 1907 - Aug 31, 1974 dear wife and mother; Ila Ilene Hawes Aug 13, 1911 - Sept 13, 1992 Hawes, Dorothy L Hawes, Ila Ilene MARKER: T-91-1 T-158-5 HAWES 08/13/1911 Dear Husband and Father Collins N. Hawes Dec 15, 1907 - Aug 31, 1974 dear wife and mother; Ila Ilene Hawes Aug 13, 1911 - Sept 13, 1992 T-158-6 Hawes, Russell A 02/10/1905 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: In Living Memory Russell A. Hawes Feb 10, 1905 - July 23, 1990 In rememberance of his dedication to Law and Order NOTES: Hawes, Vernell S. MARKER: Chief of Police and Freemason T-159-4 VERNELL M. HAWES Oct 8, 1914 - June 9, 1993 Hawkes, Diana Lynn MARKER: 2-10-2 Diana Lynn Hawkes Mar 21, 1950 - Apr 6, 1984 Forever Loved M-64-5 Hawkins, Chadwell K. Army Medic MARKER: WW II - Veteran Chadwell K. Hawkins Jan 12, 1919 March 19, 1999 Hawkins, Charles W MARKER: Mary G. Hawkins Nov. 7, 1885 - Aug. 18, 1935 Hawkins, Felix E. MARKER: T-316-2A Felix E. Hawkins 02/26/1913 10/28/2001 11/30/2001 04/06/1939 04/08/1939 08/07/1928 10/10/1928 G-167-3 11/07/1885 08/18/1935 Charles W. Hawkins Nov. 21, 1885 - Sept. 20, 1934 08/21/1935 1913 - 2001 Husband of Theresa C. Hawkins (ashes scattered) Hawkins, Heloise Berry MARKER: M-64-3 Heloise B. Hawkins died: Apr 6, 1939 I. M. Hawkins Hawkins, I M MARKER: M-64-2 Heloise B. Hawkins Aug 7, 1928 died: Apr 6, 1939 I. M. Hawkins Hawkins, Mary G MARKER: 1913 - 1982 Aug 7, 1928 Mary G. Hawkins Nov. 7, 1885 - Aug. 18, 1935 42-19-6 Hayden, Walter A. US Navy MARKER: 06/30/1933 04/20/2000 04/25/2000 11/17/1930 08/30/1966 Nov 17, 1930 - Aug 30, 1966 09/01/1966 U. S. Military Veteran Walter A. Hayden, Jr. June 30, 1933 - April 20, 2000 Beloved Husband, Father & Grandfather Hayes, Eldridge Kendall MARKER: T-152-3 Eldridge Kendall Hayes Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 205 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hayes, Ruth D. MARKER: Birth_Date 32-25-4 Ruth D. Hayes Death_Date Burial_Date 04/25/1921 12/27/1997 01/03/1998 05/24/1873 11/27/1944 11/29/1944 06/07/2002 06/11/2002 Apr. 25, 1921 - Dec.27,1997 Willard Earl Elmore Aug. 9, 1950 - July 3, 1993 Haynes, Augustus P MARKER: R-31-1 HAYNES Margaret D. - Sept. 7, 1912 - Jan. 22, 2005 (Mem.) Elizabeth D. - June 19, 1877 - Dec. 26, 1971 Augustus P. - May 24, 1873 - Nov. 27, 1944 (The Monument is shared with the Cross family.) 31-27-1 Haynes, Claude L., Jr. US NAVY MARKER: 08/10/1924 WW II - Veteran HAYNES Dorothy P. Feb. 23, 1926 - June 17, 1995 Claude L., Jr. Aug. 10, 1924 - June 07, 2002 Haynes, Claude L., Sr. MARKER: T-183-6 Claude L. Haynes Lula H. Haynes Haynes, Dorothy P. MARKER: 06/01/1897 07/18/1988 June 1, 1897 - Sept 4, 1902 - Sept 30, 1931 31-27-2 HAYNES 02/23/1926 06/17/1995 06/20/1995 12/26/1971 12/29/1971 09/30/1961 10/04/1961 01/22/2005 01/13/2006 Dorothy P. Feb. 23, 1926 - June 17, 1995 Claude L., Jr. Aug. 10, 1924 - June 07, 2002 Haynes, Elizabeth D. MARKER: R-31-2 HAYNES 06/19/1877 Margaret D. - Sept. 7, 1912 - Jan. 22, 2005 (Mem.) Elizabeth D. - June 19, 1877 - Dec. 26, 1971 Augustus P. - May 24, 1873 - Nov. 27, 1944 (The Monument is shared with the Cross family.) Haynes, Lula H MARKER: T-182-4 Claude L. Haynes Lula H. Haynes Haynes, Margaret D. MARKER: 09/04/1902 June 1, 1897 - Sept 4, 1902 - Sept 30, 1931 R-31-3A HAYNES 09/07/1912 Margaret D. - Sept. 7, 1912 - Jan. 22, 2005 (Mem.) Elizabeth D. - June 19, 1877 - Dec. 26, 1971 Augustus P. - May 24, 1873 - Nov. 27, 1944 (The Monument is shared with the Cross family.) Haynes, Mary Ellen MARKER: Hays, John I., Jr. MARKER: R-56-3 Mary E. Haynes 1852 - 1930 2-21-4 John Ivan Hays, Jr. 02/08/1930 08/09/1983 Loving Father, Son and Brother July 16, 1962 - Aug. 5, 1983 Hays, Robert Wilmerton MARKER: Haywood, Grace B MARKER: T-268-4 Robert Wilberton Hays M-108-2 Grace Curtis Haywood James Henry Haywood George Emmett Moore Lillian Haywood Haywood, James H MARKER: M-108-1 Grace Curtis Haywood James Henry Haywood George Emmett Moore Lillian Haywood Haywood, Lillian MARKER: M-108-3 Grace Curtis Haywood James Henry Haywood George Emmett Moore Lillian Haywood 07/29/1964 1915 - 1964 08/11/1955 1872 - 1955 1870 - 1936 1911 - 1971 1918 - 1993 01/14/1936 1872 - 1955 1870 - 1936 1911 - 1971 1918 - 1993 07/03/1993 07/07/1993 09/14/1940 04/19/1941 04/21/1941 1870 - 1936 1911 - 1971 1918 - 1993 G-303-6 Head, Edward Samuel 03/02/1918 1872 - 1955 Infant MARKER: Edward S. Head Sept. 14, 1940 - Apr. 19, 1941 "Sammy" Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 206 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Head, Joseph R MARKER: Head, Joseph Robert, Jr. MARKER: Head, Joseph Robert, Jr. MARKER: O-265-5 Joseph R. Head Birth_Date 09/18/1898 Sept 18, 1898 - Jly 12, 1948 Death_Date 07/12/1948 Mary Louise Head Apr 25, 1904 - June 30, 1974 Mary Joe Head Minor Mar 12, 1923 - May 21, 1996 Edward R. Snead Oct 12, 1901 - Jan 06, 1967 O-265-4A Joseph R. Head Sept 18, 1898 - Jly 12, 1948 Burial_Date 07/15/1948 05/24/1996 Mary Louise Head Apr 25, 1904 - June 30, 1974 Mary Joe Head Minor Mar 12, 1923 - May 21, 1996 Edward R. Snead Oct 12, 1901 - Jan 06, 1967 O-265-4A HEAD 05/24/1996 Joe Robert Head, Jr. April 12, 1928 - Dec 11, 1989 (June 23, 1958 Brenda Louise ) Head, Mary Louise MARKER: O-265-6 Joseph R. Head 04/25/1904 Sept 18, 1898 - Jly 12, 1948 Mary Louise Head Apr 25, 1904 - June 30, 1974 Mary Joe Head Minor Mar 12, 1923 - May 21, 1996 Edward R. Snead Oct 12, 1901 - Jan 06, 1967 T-275-1B Heald, Carolyn Greene 09/23/1908 06/30/1974 07/03/1974 03/25/1997 03/31/1997 01/01/1976 01/29/1976 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Clarence Grant Heald Capt. US Air Force World War II 1906 - 1976 Carolyn Greene Heald 1908 - 1997 (DAR Emblem) T-275-1A Heald, Clarence Grant USAF MARKER: 01/01/1906 WW II - Veteran Clarence Grant Heald Capt. US Air Force World War II 1906 - 1976 Carolyn Greene Heald 1908 - 1997 (DAR Emblem) N-166-9 Hearn, Baby 11/26/1943 Infant Heath, Amelia SelindaPayne Heatwole, Carrie D. MARKER: F-50-4 M-172-5 Carrie D. Heatwole 01/29/1970 01/01/1929 02/02/1970 12/05/1959 12/09/1959 05/24/1956 05/28/1956 02/26/1988 02/29/1988 09/09/2003 09/12/2003 02/05/1916 10/25/1998 10/29/1998 09/29/1918 05/04/2001 05/09/2001 10/15/1901 Oct 15, 1901 - Jan 29, 1970 Floyd E. Heatwole Dec 31, 1895 - May 24, 1956 Eveyln D. Heatwole Nov. 2, 1904 - Heatwole, Elmer W MARKER: Heatwole, Floyd E MARKER: T-249-6 Elmer W. Heatwole M-172-6 Carrie D. Heatwole 04/21/1903 Apr 21, 1903 -- Dec 5, 1959 12/31/1895 Oct 15, 1901 - Jan 29, 1970 Floyd E. Heatwole Dec 31, 1895 - May 24, 1956 Eveyln D. Heatwole Nov. 2, 1904 - Heberlig, Harry Ray MARKER: B-67-5 HEBERLIG 01/01/1905 Harry Ray Heberlig Jan. 01, 1905 - Feb. 26, 1998 Nora Virginia Heberlig Nov. 1, 1912 - Sept. 9, 2003 Heberlig, Nora Virginia MARKER: B-67-7 HEBERLIG 11/01/1912 Harry Ray Heberlig Jan. 01, 1905 - Feb. 26, 1998 Nora Virginia Heberlig Nov. 1, 1912 - Sept. 9, 2003 Hedman, Kathryn Pierpoint MARKER: B-74-5 Kathryn Pierpoint HEDMAN Feb. 5, 1916 - Oct. 25, 1998 Hedman, Toivo Evalt MARKER: B-74-6 Toivo Evalt Hedman Sept 29, 1918 - May 4, 2001 Hedrick, Beulah L Heed, Ethel Lee Hefferan, Thomas Hume MARKER: M-116-3 N-29-1 O-291-1 Thomas Hume Hefferan Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 11/02/1908 03/28/1969 Nov 2, 1908 - Mar 28, 1969 08/22/1985 08/02/1969 03/31/1969 Page 207 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Heffernan, Margaret Murray MARKER: Birth_Date 42-184-1 Margaret Murray Heffernan Death_Date Burial_Date 09/23/1914 06/05/2001 06/11/2001 01/17/1888 04/06/1960 04/08/1960 Beloved Mother of Claire and John Born in Troy, New York September 23, 1914 - Died June 5, 2001 Hegge, Carl MARKER: O-224-1 Carl Hegge January 17, 1888 April 6, 1960 Hegge, Carl S MARKER: O-224-3 Carl S. Hegge 04/20/1984 November 3, 1941 April 16, 1980 Hegge, Sigrid H MARKER: O-224-2 SIGRID H. HEGGE 09/08/1905 04/14/1967 04/17/1967 T-115-6 04/08/1950 09/27/1969 Sheryl Lee Hehemann Apr 8, 1950 - Sept 27, 1969 T-85-6 01/07/1889 09/06/1973 Amanda T. Heide Jan 7, 1889 - Sept 6, 1973 6-47-2 02/09/1904 11/02/2007 WALTER SIRLS GLADYS RUSK 09/28/1969 September 8, 1905 April 14, 1967 Hehemann, Sheryl Lee MARKER: Heide, Amanda T MARKER: Hein, Gladys Rusk MARKER: 1897 - 1984 USA WWI 09/10/1973 06/27/2008 1904 - 2007 HEIN 6-47-1 Hein, Walter Sirls 01/01/1897 01/01/1984 05/22/1984 WW I - Veteran MARKER: WALTER SIRLS 1897 - 1984 USA WWI GLADYS RUSK 1904 - 2007 HEIN Heine, Anne J MARKER: Heinrich, John J MARKER: T-376-3 Anna J. Heine July 19, 1980 F-68-4 John H. Heinrich 1880 - 1939 07/18/1980 08/24/1939 Sarah N. Heinrich 1869 - 1937 Heinrich, Sarah N MARKER: F-68-5 John H. Heinrich 1880 - 1939 09/16/1937 Sarah N. Heinrich 1869 - 1937 Heinrick, Harry Heinrick, Henrick Heinzmann, Albert MARKER: E-45-6 E-45-5 T-366-5 Albert J.Heinzmann Inez M. Heinzmann Heinzmann, Inez MARKER: MARKER: Helwig, Elson B. US ARMY MARKER: MARKER: 03/31/2000 February 18, 1907 - March 29, 2000 10/05/1926 09/10/1978 Oct 5, 1926 - Sept 10, 1978 03/05/1907 11/03/1999 09/13/1978 11/08/1999 WW II - Veteran HELWIG Mildred S. 1907-1984 2-26-1 HELWIG Elson B. 1907-1999 Henderson, Bertie Pettit 02/18/1907 03/29/2000 February 4, 1907 - September 26, 1991 T-382-1 Elizabeth WardHelms 2-25-4 Elson B. 1907-1999 Helwig, Mildred S February 18, 1907 - March 29, 2000 T-366-6 Albert J.Heinzmann Inez M. Heinzmann Helms, Elizabeth Ward 02/21/1907 09/26/1991 February 4, 1907 - September 26, 1991 10/10/1986 03/12/1958 09/28/1991 07/23/1984 Mildred S. 1907-1984 T-168-5 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/22/1984 Page 208 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 1-33-3 Henderson, Charles A US NAVY MARKER: Burial_Date 01/01/1912 02/25/1980 02/28/1980 01/01/1906 01/01/1977 06/24/1977 05/27/1988 01/20/1987 06/01/1988 WW II - Veteran Charles A. Henderson CSK U. S. Navy 1912 - 1980 Henderson, Charlotte L. Hammond MARKER: Death_Date World War II R-114-1 HENDERSON Charlotte Louise Hammond 1906 - 1977 wife of : Emmitt Shelton Henderson Henderson, Emmett S. Henderson, Goldie Lunsford Murphy MARKER: R-114-2 B-66-1 Otto Joseph Murphy 11/23/1905 Nov 8, 1902 - Oct. 2, 1952 Joseph Lloyd Murphy April 9, 1873 - May 10, 1948 Augusta Elisa Murphy April 17, 1873 - Feb 11, 1948 Goldie L Murphy Henderson Nov 23, 1905 - May 27, 1988 Henderson, Horace E Henderson, Horace H. Henderson, Joseph F MARKER: Henderson, Julia M MARKER: M-155-3 G-175-2 G-145-3A Joseph F. Henderson 1890 - 1956 1-33-4 Julia M. Henderson 11/01/1982 08/11/1959 01/21/1956 01/01/1917 01/01/1988 09/12/1988 10/20/1860 12/24/1945 Oct 20, 1860 - Dec24, 1945 12/27/1945 1917 - 1988 Henderson, Lillian Garner MARKER: N-133-3 Lillian Garner Henderson Wife of George William Henderson Henderson, M Hayden MARKER: G-175-3A 02/20/1886 08/08/1959 M. Hayden Henderson Feb 20, 1886 - Aug 8, 1959 Beloved Husband of Mary Bruin Henderson Henderson, Mary Bruin MARKER: G-175-3 01/31/1888 03/24/1965 Mary Bruin Henderson Jan 31, 1888 - Mar 24, 1965 03/26/1965 Beloved Wife of H. Hayden Henderson Henderson, Peter Raymond MARKER: Henderson, R Peden MARKER: N-133-1 09/23/1886 06/13/1940 Peter Raymond Henderson Sept 23, 1886 - June 13, 1940 M-155-1 09/22/1887 05/13/1930 R. Peden Henderson Sept 22, 1887 - May 13, 1930 his wife Helen F. Henderson Henderson, Roy Penden Henderson, Stuart Llewellyn MARKER: Henderson, Virginia Henderson-Bruin, Baby 06/13/1940 05/18/1930 Dec 6, 1893 - M-155-2 T-169-1 12/15/1883 05/08/1961 Stuart Llllewellyn Henderson Dec 15, 1883 - May 8, 1961 M-155-6 03/21/1914 03/02/2004 G-175-1 11/02/1985 05/11/1961 03/05/2004 Infant Hendricks, Margaret Mae MARKER: B-52-3 HENDRICKS 10/21/1926 09/16/2003 09/23/2003 Margaret Mae Oct 21, 1926 - Sept 16, 2003 E-BBY-66-26 Henery, Anna L 10/29/1960 Infant N-127-43 Hennesey, Baby 04/04/1949 Infant Henney, Frederick C Henney, Mary E Hennigh, Glen Roy MARKER: N-15-1 N-15-2 R-82-7 Glen Roy Hennigh 05/27/1911 07/02/1943 12/18/1943 09/15/1948 07/02/1943 09/26/1867 Sept 26, 1867 - Feb.24, 1940 02/24/1940 02/27/1940 May 27, 1911 - Jly. 2, 1943 Henry, Anne Maria Cannon MARKER: B-64-2 Anne M.Cannon wife of Alexander Henry,II Henry, Baby B-BBY-48-1 07/28/1952 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 209 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Henry, Caroline Elizabeth Birth_Date T-VET-10-1 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/31/1977 06/04/1977 03/20/1892 02/16/1953 Mar 20, 1892 - Feb 16. 1953 02/19/1953 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Edgar C. Henry Caroline E.Henry Together Forever Henry, Charles Edward MARKER: 1914 - 1996 1913 - 1977 O-168-5 Charles Edward Henry Richard E. Henry (Webo) Jly 12, 1919 - Aug 18, 1948 Mary Etta Henry May 10, 1903 - Apr 20, 1959 T-VET-11-3 Henry, Edgar C., Sr. 05/24/1914 12/14/1996 12/20/1996 08/16/1918 03/20/1992 03/24/1992 10/01/1926 07/25/2008 07/25/2008 05/10/1893 04/20/1959 Mar 20, 1892 - Feb 16. 1953 04/22/1959 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Edgar C. Henry Caroline E.Henry Together Forever Henry, Graham H. MARKER: 1914 - 1996 1913 - 1977 32-35-2 Graham H. Henry August 16, 1918 - March 20, 1992 She's unforgettable 32-35-1 Henry, Joseph L. US NAVY Henry, Mary Etta MARKER: WW II - Veteran O-168-2 Charles Edward Henry Richard E. Henry (Webo) Jly 12, 1919 - Aug 18, 1948 Mary Etta Henry May 10, 1903 - Apr 20, 1959 Henry, Richard E MARKER: O-168-1 Charles Edward Henry 07/12/1919 08/18/1948 Mar 20, 1892 - Feb 16. 1953 08/21/1948 Richard E. Henry (Webo) Jly 12, 1919 - Aug 18, 1948 Mary Etta Henry May 10, 1903 - Apr 20, 1959 Henry, Ruby T. MARKER: O-168-6 RUBY T. HENRY 08/14/1914 05/22/2004 05/28/2004 03/24/1921 05/07/2003 05/12/2003 Aug. 14, 1914 - May 22, 2004 Beloved wife of Jack O-168-3 Henry, William P. USAF-Br St MARKER: WW II - Veteran William P. Henry World War - Bronze Star Medal March 24, 1921 - May 7, 2003 Henshaw, Evangeline T MARKER: R-189-6 Evangeline T. Henshaw 12/13/1980 Wife of: T. Harvey Henshaw Jan 7, 1891 - Dec 10, 1980 Henshaw, John G MARKER: R-189-2 John G. Henshaw 01/14/1858 Jan 14, 1858 - Sept 3, 1927 09/03/1927 09/03/1927 Laura V. Henshaw, wife of John G. Dec 25, 1864-Mar 26, 1937 T. Harvey Henshaw son of J.G. and L.V. Henshaw May 11, 1890 - Mar 9, 1939 Henshaw, Laura V MARKER: R-190-1 John G. Henshaw 12/25/1864 Jan 14, 1858 - Sept 3, 1927 03/26/1937 03/26/1937 Laura V. Henshaw, wife of John G. Dec 25, 1864-Mar 26, 1937 T. Harvey Henshaw son of J.G. and L.V. Henshaw May 11, 1890 - Mar 9, 1939 R-189-5 E-BBY-66-102 Henshaw, T Harvey Henzler, Baby 05/11/1890 03/09/1939 03/09/1939 05/09/1964 Infant Hepburn, Esther Rebecca Simpson MARKER: R-174-2 E. Rebecca Simpson Hepburn Aug 7, 1888 - Jan 9, 1962 Ernest E. Simpson Hepburn, George H MARKER: Hepburn, Viola May MARKER: 11/04/1884 05/15/1974 05/18/1974 05/10/1947 05/13/1947 March 9, 1888 - May 10, 1947 Nov. 4, 1884 - May 15, 1974 R-88-2 HEPBURN Viola May: George H. : Herbert, Alfred 1883 - 1938 R-88-1 HEPBURN Viola May: George H. : 01/10/1962 03/09/1888 March 9, 1888 - May 10, 1947 Nov. 4, 1884 - May 15, 1974 F-55-5 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 210 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Herbert, Alice Gregory MARKER: Birth_Date G-12-2 ALICE GREGORY HERBERT 10/31/1845 Death_Date 07/07/1922 Daughter of William and Maria Harrison Gregory wife of Col. Arthur Herbert Born: Oct. 31, 1845 Died: Aug. 7, 1922 Blessed are the pure in Heart Herbert, Ann Morson MARKER: G-23-2 Anne Morson Herbert 1871 - 1952 Burial_Date 07/07/1922 01/01/1952 Fanny Scott Herbert 1873 - 1956 Elizabeth Dulany Herbert 1882 - 1968 William Herbert 1878 - 1948 Herbert, Arthur MARKER: R-243-4 HERBERT 05/27/1940 Arthur Herbert died: May 27, 1940 Marion Chalmers Herbert died: April 12, 1964 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wakes to weep. A calm and undisturbed repose unbroken by the last of foes. G-12-1 Herbert, Arthur, COL. 07/27/1829 05/29/1940 02/23/1919 02/23/1919 02/23/1919 02/23/1919 C S A Veteran MARKER: In Memory of Arthur Herbert Col. 17th Va. Infantry CSA Son of William and Maria Dulany Herbert Born: July 27, 1827 - Died: Feb. 23, 1919 A servant of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ G-12-1 Herbert, Arthur, COL. 07/27/1829 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Herbert, Clara N Herbert, Elizabeth Clark Alexander US NAVY MARKER: Confederate Iron Cross Founding member of "The Old Dominion Rifles" December1860 as First Lieutenant. Colonel, 17th Virginia Infantry. Commanded the remnants of Corse's Brigade. Co-Founder of the Burke and Herbert Bank of Alexandria, VA. N-61-1 12/21/1944 D-7-1 11/21/1924 11/21/1924 U. S. Military Veteran Elizabeth A. Herbert - Nov. 21, 1924 Yeoman (F) 3 C1. U.S.N.R.F. Virginia Herbert, Elizabeth Dulaney MARKER: G-23-6 Anne Morson Herbert 1871 - 1952 10/22/1968 Fanny Scott Herbert 1873 - 1956 Elizabeth Dulany Herbert 1882 - 1968 William Herbert 1878 - 1948 Herbert, Ellen Whiting MARKER: G-23-1 Ellen Whiting Herbert 1874 - 1934 05/12/1934 Daughter of W.W. & S.S. Herbert Herbert, Everett L MARKER: G-203-10 05/18/1880 Evertt L. Herbert May 18, 1880 - Jly. 30, 1959 07/30/1959 07/30/1959 Mamie L. Herbert Sept. 27, 1898 - Feb. 7, 1954 Herbert, Fanny Scott MARKER: G-23-3 Anne Morson Herbert 1871 - 1952 04/02/1956 Fanny Scott Herbert 1873 - 1956 Elizabeth Dulany Herbert 1882 - 1968 William Herbert 1878 - 1948 6-7-2 Herbert, Grace W 01/01/1914 12/17/1979 12/20/1979 G-203-9 09/27/1898 Evertt L. Herbert May 18, 1880 - Jly. 30, 1959 02/07/1954 02/09/1954 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: HERBERT Walter C. Sr. Grace W. 1913 - 1987 1914 - 1979 (Masonic Emblem) Together Forever Herbert, Maggie MARKER: G-10-6 Little Maggie Herbert (no Dates) Herbert, Mamie L MARKER: Mamie L. Herbert Sept. 27, 1898 - Feb. 7, 1954 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 211 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Herbert, Marion Chalmers MARKER: Herbert, Monimia Fairfax MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-243-5 HERBERT 04/12/1964 Burial_Date 04/15/1964 Arthur Herbert died: May 27, 1940 Marion Chalmers Herbert died: April 12, 1964 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wakes to weep. A calm and undisturbed repose unbroken by the last of foes. G-12-2A 09/11/1876 Mominia Fairfax Herbert Entered into life; Sept. 11, 1876 Age 4 years Daughter of Arthur and Alice Herbert Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Herbert, Myrtle Harrison MARKER: G-12-6A Myrtle Harrison Herbert (dates illegible) Herbert, Sarah Cornelia Tracy MARKER: G-10-2 To the Memory of 12/05/1897 Upton H. Herbert & Sarah his wife (no dates) They lived and labored for the good of others and their end was peace Herbert, Sarah Emmeline MARKER: N-167-2 03/17/1887 In memory of : Sarah Emmeline Herbert Died: Mar 17, 1887 Wife of Waters W. Herbert Daughter of Dr. George B. Pearson & Elizabeth M. Alston, of Fairfield, So. Ca. Rich in good works until the day break With Christ which is far better. Herbert, Susan Scott MARKER: G-11-2 07/06/1844 In Memory of: Susan M. Scott Herbert 04/16/1928 03/17/1887 04/16/1928 Jly. 6, 1844 - Apr. 16, 1928 Wife of William W. Herbert Her children arise up and call her blessesd Herbert, Upton H., CAPT. G-10-1 ??/??/1821 04/17/1906 Mexican War Vet. MARKER: To the Memory of Upton H. Herbert & Sarah his wife (no dates) They lived and labored for the good of others and their end was peace 6-7-1 Herbert, Walter C 01/01/1913 01/01/1987 12/28/1987 01/03/1947 03/13/2008 03/18/2008 03/27/1870 03/27/1876 Freemason MARKER: HERBERT Walter C. Sr. Grace W. 1913 - 1987 1914 - 1979 (Masonic Emblem) Together Forever 6-7-3 Herbert, Walter, Jr. Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: Walter C. Jr. 1947 - 2008 Herbert, Waters Whitner MARKER: Cheryl B. 1949 - (space) HERBERT Alexandria Fire Dept Nurse, Alexandria Hospital Emergency Medical Franconia Fire Dept. #5 N-167-1 In Memoriam 09/12/1827 Waters Whitner Herbert Sept 12, 1827 - MAr 27, 1870 Born in Alabama Died in Virginia God is my Salvation Herbert, William MARKER: G-23-4 Anne Morson Herbert 1871 - 1952 01/01/1948 Fanny Scott Herbert 1873 - 1956 Elizabeth Dulany Herbert 1882 - 1968 William Herbert 1878 - 1948 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 212 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date G-11-1 Herbert, William W Death_Date 12/25/1826 Burial_Date 03/10/1901 03/10/1901 Major,on Gen. Lewis Armistead's Staff, C.S.A. E-20-3 12/07/1889 02/12/1966 Paulus Octavies Herfurth Aug 5, 1893 -June 24, 1951 02/15/1966 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Herfurth, Jeannette Fuchs MARKER: In Memory of : William W. Herbert Son of William Herbert & Maria Dulany, his wife Dec 25, 1826 - Mar. 10, 1901 Major on Gen Lewis Armistead's Staff, CSA To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life. Revelations 2:7 his wife: Jeannette Fuchs Dec. 7, 1889 - Feb. 12,1966 E-20-1A Herfurth, Paul Fuchs USN, CPO MARKER: 11/21/1920 02/11/2008 02/19/2008 08/05/1893 06/24/1951 Aug 5, 1893 -June 24, 1951 06/26/1951 WW II - Veteran Karl Fuchs Jan 12, 1883 - Oct. 12, 1918 his wife: Katrina Bitter Fuchs Feb. 28, 1887 -Mar. 8, 1910 Their son: Paul F. Nov 21, 1920 - Feb 11, 2008 Herfurth, Paul Octavies MARKER: E-20-2 Paulus Octavies Herfurth his wife: Jeannette Fuchs Dec. 7, 1889 - Feb. 12,1966 Hernandez, Mary L Herndon, Elizabeth Hernly, Harold G. Hernly, Harold G. MARKER: 31-49-4C P-10-4 O-77-5A O-77-4A HERNLY 07/25/1936 01/18/1988 01/05/1936 06/02/1908 05/12/2004 07/31/1995 01/20/1988 12/30/1940 05/21/2004 08/03/1995 01/19/1908 08/20/2001 08/24/2001 Harold G. Hernly June 2, 1908 - July 31, 1995 Harriet W. Hernly Hernly, Harriet W. MARKER: O-77-4B HERNLY Harold G. Hernly June 2, 1908 - July 31, 1995 Harriet W. Hernly Herold, William MARKER: Heron, Alva Roy, Sr. N-34-4 William Herold Aug 17, 1868 - Sept 24, 1942 42-132-3 06/14/1903 09/26/1942 08/15/1997 08/19/1997 04/01/2006 06/22/1971 04/04/2006 06/23/1971 U. S. Military Veteran Heron, Arlyn Burton Herr, Arlene Wenger MARKER: 42-132-4 T-186-2B David Raymond Herr Arlene WEnger Herr Herr, David Raymond MARKER: Herron, Karson K. MARKER: MARKER: Herter, Arthur Carl, Dr. MARKER: Herter, Margaret Flannagan MARKER: Apr 13, 1916 - June 22, 1971 T-186-2A David Raymond Herr 02/22/1912 Feb 22, 1912 - (space) Arlene WEnger Herr Apr 13, 1916 - June 22, 1971 D-3-5 Sterling J. Herron 1896-1952 Karson K. Herron Herron, Sterling J 11/26/1923 04/13/1916 Feb 22, 1912 - (space) D-3-4 Sterling J. Herron 01/01/1962 1895-1962 11/17/1952 1896-1952 Karson K. Herron 1895-1962 T-152-4 Arthur C. Herter 06/18/1904 June 29, 1921 - Sept 1, 1974 Margaret F. Herter Apr 4, 1915 - Oct 23, 1976 T-152-5 Arthur C. Herter 04/04/1915 June 29, 1921 - Sept 1, 1974 Margaret F. Herter Apr 4, 1915 - Oct 23, 1976 E-25-1 Herwig, Sue Lee 09/28/1983 12/01/1892 06/21/1966 06/24/1966 10/23/1976 10/26/1976 09/02/1893 09/03/1893 Infant MARKER: Sue Lee Herwig Dec. 1, 1892 - Sept. 2, 1893 Daughter of Lieut. L. J. H. Herwig, Engr. Corp., U.S.N., and M. A. W. Herwig A flower soon picked but not too soon for glory. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 213 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Herzig, Ignatz Marcelli MARKER: Birth_Date 42-56-4 HERZIG 05/27/1924 Death_Date 06/04/2003 Burial_Date 06/09/2003 Ignatz M. May 27, 1924 - June 4, 2003 Jolante E. Sept. 18, 1925 - (sp) Loving Parents and Grandparants M-158-2 T-149-1 N-127-34 Hester, Hester, Dorothea J Hewart, Albert Daniel 09/21/1965 05/24/1948 Infant Hewitt, John Hewitt, Margaret J. MARKER: Heyer, Gudrun MARKER: M-117-3 M-117-6 Margaret J. Hewitt 31-42-3 GUDRUN HEYER 06/18/1912 11/16/1991 09/30/1986 11/19/1991 05/27/1937 09/19/1990 09/24/1990 12/28/1955 03/28/2007 07/13/2007 1912 - 1991 May 27, 1937 - Sept. 19, 1990 "Beloved Mother and Wife." Hibner, Edward Joseph MARKER: COL 6-S2-20 Edward J. Hibner December 28, 1956 - March 28, 2007 E-BBY-66-106 Hicks, Baby 08/03/1964 Infant Hicks, Caroline W. MARKER: C-25-3 KREUTTNER 07/10/1939 Joseph Warwick Kreuttner May 22, 1877 - January 6, 1934 CarolineWarwick Hicks December 18, 1874 - July 7, 1939 John Daniel Edwin Kreuttner January 12, 1907-April 14, 1988 Jane Woolfolk Kreuttner August 6, 1909 - (space) Hicks, Catherine M. MARKER: Hicks, George Dewey MARKER: Hicks, Jeanette Martyn MARKER: Hicks, Lawrence Bremer MARKER: Hicks, Myrtle Lanford MARKER: O-182-3 01/27/1926 12/05/1992 Catherine M. Hicks "Kitty" 1926 - 1992 O-182-1 George Dewey Hicks 1898 - 1949 O-182-2 Jeannette Martyn Hicks 1906 - 1980 T-84-5 08/29/1921 09/01/1974 Lawrence Bremer Hicks Aug 29, 1921 - Sept 1, 1966 T-305-6 08/26/1893 Richard Burton Hicks Nov 13, 1883 - May 1, 1959 Myrtle Lanford Hicks Hicks, Richard Burton MARKER: T-305-5 Richard Burton Hicks Myrtle Lanford Hicks Higgins, Robert A MARKER: 12/09/1992 10/11/1949 03/25/1980 09/04/1974 10/24/1986 Aug 26, 1893 - 11/13/1883 05/01/1959 Nov 13, 1883 - May 1, 1959 05/04/1959 Aug 26, 1893 - 31-80-3 HIGGINS 11/09/1962 06/27/1986 06/30/1986 06/27/1986 06/30/1986 Robert Andrew November 9, 1962 - June 27, 1986 Cherished son, Beloved brother, Devoted friend. Higgins, Robert A MARKER: 31-80-3 11/09/1962 In memory of Robert Andrew Higgins (Positioned at the end of Row near 31-134.) Hight, Frank Sawyer Hight, Lucy Matheson MARKER: Hilaeria, T-247-1 T-247-2 Lucy Matheson Hight G-301-7A 09/08/1918 03/16/1977 Sept 8, 1918 - Mar 16, 1977 04/06/1984 03/19/1977 01/11/1944 Possible Alternate spelling of name Hildebrand, Francis Hildebrand, J C Hildebrand, Jenny Hill, Baby M-59-3 M-59-2 M-59-1 E-BBY-66-62 12/24/1934 02/01/1963 Infant Hill, Elizabeth P-1-7 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/19/1911 12/21/2009 12/30/2009 Page 214 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hill, Lillie Alma MARKER: Birth_Date G-122-5 In Memory of Death_Date 09/18/1892 Burial_Date 09/18/1892 09/18/1892 05/08/2009 03/09/1960 05/13/2009 Lillie Alma Hill Jly. 26, 1871 - Sept. 18, 1892 Only Daughter of C.P. & Marianna Hill Asleep in Jesus Hill, Lydia M Hill, Sadie Saunders MARKER: R-125-5 O-128-2 Sadie Saunders Hill 07/18/1912 1912 - 2009 N-124-10 Hill, Samuel Lee 11/27/1950 Infant Hill, Thomas Newton MARKER: G-122-6 In Memory of 07/26/1862 10/03/1891 10/03/1891 01/27/1965 01/29/1965 01/26/1984 Thos. Newton Hill Jly. 26, 1862 - Oct. 3, 1891 Son of C.P. & Marianna Hill In God's care Hill, William Henry Hilleary, Bonnie L MARKER: R-125-4 2-24-3 Bonnie L. Hilleary June 13, 1947 - Jan. 23, 1984 T-221-4 Hilyer, James Henry, III 04/25/1974 Vietnam War - Veteran NOTES: Hinds, Ann Hooper MARKER: 5th Special Forces 1-40-4 Ann Hooper Hinds 11/27/1927 04/07/1980 04/09/1980 08/15/1922 01/08/2004 01/16/2004 05/01/1929 03/08/2004 03/12/2004 November 27, 1927 - April 7, 1980 Hinds, Joseph E., IV MARKER: 1-40-3 Joseph E. Hinds, IV August 15, 1922 January 8, 2004 Hinds, Mary MARKER: 1-40-2 Mary Ellen Blessington-Hinds May 1, 1929 March 8, 2004 P-75-1 HINEGARDNER Hinegardner, Howard Hampton MARKER: Howard Hampton Hinegardner Margaret Schafe Hinegardner 1904 - 1963 1905 - 1980 N-149-3 Hinks, Edwin 10/27/1963 11/11/1900 11/06/1965 11/10/1965 10/09/1933 10/09/1933 07/16/1945 05/12/1964 07/19/1945 U. S. Military Veteran Hinks, Edwin S., Rev. MARKER: Hinks, Elizabeth N Hinks, Lizzie Lee Funsten MARKER: N-145-2 Rev, Edward S. Hinks 04/02/1858 Apr 2, 1858 - Oct 9, 1933 His beloved wife Lizzie Lee Funsten Jan 18, 1859 - Jly 16, 1945 Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ N-149-2 N-145-3 Rev, Edward S. Hinks 01/18/1859 Apr 2, 1858 - Oct 9, 1933 His beloved wife Lizzie Lee Funsten Jan 18, 1859 - Jly 16, 1945 Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ G-301-10 Hinkson, Rosa E MARKER: Rose E. Hinkson Hinsley, Catherine Bunn MARKER: 07/25/1945 Mother 1870 - 1945 N-4-3B John Bunn Hinsley (memory only) 03/28/1976 03/31/1976 Katharine Loving Hinsley Dec 18, 1921 - June 18, 1966 Paul Calvert Apr 18, 1893 - Feb 24, 1967 Catherine Bunn Hinsley Feb 9, 1896 - Mar 28, 1976 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 215 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date N-4-1A Hinsley, John Bunn Inmemorium MARKER: John Bunn Hinsley (memory only) Katharine Loving Hinsley Dec 18, 1921 - June 18, 1966 Paul Calvert Apr 18, 1893 - Feb 24, 1967 Catherine Bunn Hinsley Feb 9, 1896 - Mar 28, 1976 Hinsley, Katherine Loving MARKER: N-4-2 John Bunn Hinsley (memory only) 12/18/1921 06/18/1966 06/22/1966 02/24/1967 02/27/1967 02/21/1921 01/13/1985 01/16/1985 12/16/1917 05/28/1971 06/01/1971 10/17/1966 10/24/1966 Oct. 16, 1966 - Oct. 17, 1966 04/09/1900 04/03/1957 04/05/1957 Katharine Loving Hinsley Dec 18, 1921 - June 18, 1966 Paul Calvert Apr 18, 1893 - Feb 24, 1967 Catherine Bunn Hinsley Feb 9, 1896 - Mar 28, 1976 Hinsley, Paul Calvert MARKER: N-4-3A John Bunn Hinsley (memory only) 04/18/1893 Katharine Loving Hinsley Dec 18, 1921 - June 18, 1966 Paul Calvert Apr 18, 1893 - Feb 24, 1967 Catherine Bunn Hinsley Feb 9, 1896 - Mar 28, 1976 Hinton, Ernestine J MARKER: 6-51-2 ERNESTINE JUSTICE HINTON FEBRUARY 21, 1921 JANUARY 13, 1985 LOVE LIVES FOREVER 6-51-1 Hinton, Louis D., COL. Corp/Engrs WW II - Veteran LOUIS D. HINTON MARKER: Tennessee, Colonel, Corp of Engineers, WW II Dec. 16, 1917 - May 28, 1971 E-BBY-66-129 Hirsch, David Burnett 10/16/1966 Infant MARKER: Hitt, Harvey T MARKER: David Burnett Hirsch R-17-1 HITT At Rest : Harvey T. Hitt Apr.9, 1900 - Apr, 3, 1957 wife : Sedonia L. Hitt Aug. 29, 1902 - Aug. 14, 1972 Hitt, Sedonia Lee MARKER: R-17-2 HITT 08/29/1902 08/14/1972 08/14/1972 02/14/1992 02/19/1992 06/07/1987 06/11/1987 10/01/1958 04/15/1996 04/23/1996 09/10/1969 05/18/1999 09/11/1999 07/12/1923 04/19/2004 04/24/2004 At Rest : Harvey T. Hitt Apr.9, 1900 - Apr, 3, 1957 wife : Sedonia L. Hitt Aug. 29, 1902 - Aug. 14, 1972 Hoagland, Mabel E. MARKER: 31-107-4 HOAGLAND 04/24/1910 William E. Mabel E. June 7, 1987 February 14, 1992 Beloved Husband and Father Beloved Wife and Mother Hoagland, William Francis MARKER: 31-107-3 HOAGLAND William E. Mabel E. June 7, 1987 February 14, 1992 Beloved Husband and Father Beloved Wife and Mother Hobbs, Bryan Terrence MARKER: 33-18-2 Bryan Terrence Hobbs Oct.1, 1958 - April 15, 1996 And He will raise you up... on eagle's wings. Hoch, Karl B., III MARKER: 42-11-2A Karl B. Hoch, III "Kip" Sept. 10, 1969 - May 18, 1999 In Loving Memory Hockaday, Martha J. MARKER: T-70-1 HOCKADAY Newton Martha 1903-1972 1923-2004 Virginia 2nd Lt. US ARMY WWII Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 216 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-71-3 Hockaday, W Newton Death_Date Burial_Date 09/07/1903 09/05/1972 09/06/1972 03/20/1925 10/20/2006 10/24/2006 03/06/1897 March 6, 1897 - Jan 4, 1947 04/20/1918 01/04/1947 01/07/1947 11/23/2002 11/27/2002 07/29/1933 10/11/1978 10/14/1978 12/05/1891 Dec 5, 1891 - Mar 2, 1970 03/02/1970 03/05/1970 R-110-5 12/11/1900 09/15/1973 Elliot Francis Hoffman Mar. 1, 1891 - Oct. 2, 1952 09/18/1973 WW II - Veteran MARKER: HOCKADAY Newton Martha 1903-1972 1923-2004 Virginia 2nd Lt. US ARMY WWII Hodges, Margaret L. MARKER: B-15-4 HODGES Margaret L. Mar. 20, 1925 Oct. 20, 2006 Hodges, Pearl F. MARKER: Hodges, Walter F. Capt. Army MARKER: Walter F. April 20, 1918 Nov. 23, 2002 B-15-2 Pearl F. Hodges B-15-5 WW II - Veteran HODGES Margaret L. Mar. 20, 1925 Oct. 20, 2006 Walter F. April 20, 1918 Nov. 23, 2002 1-41-3 Hodges, Walter James U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: HODGES Walter James July 29, 1933 - Oct. 11, 1978 Hoffman, Charles E MARKER: T-131-2 Charles E. Hoffman Ida M. Hoffman Hoffman, Douglas D. MARKER: May 26, 1891 - Dec 24, 1974 G-138-4B Douglas Dalton Hoffman 1885 - 1894 Elliot Francis Hoffman 1854 - 1890 Elizabeth Vaughn Hoffman 1862 - 1946 Hoffman, Eliott F. MARKER: G-138-5B Douglas Dalton Hoffman 1885 - 1894 Elliot Francis Hoffman 1854 - 1890 Elizabeth Vaughn Hoffman 1862 - 1946 Hoffman, Elizabeth Howell MARKER: Elizabeth Howell Hoffan Dec. 11, 1900 - Sept. 15, 1973 Hoffman, Elizabeth Vaughan MARKER: G-138-6 Douglas Dalton Hoffman 1885 - 1894 01/01/1946 Elliot Francis Hoffman 1854 - 1890 Elizabeth Vaughn Hoffman 1862 - 1946 Hoffman, Elliot Francis MARKER: R-110-4 03/01/1891 10/02/1952 Elliot Francis Hoffman Mar. 1, 1891 - Oct. 2, 1952 10/04/1952 Elizabeth Howell Hoffan Dec. 11, 1900 - Sept. 15, 1973 Hoffman, Herman E., Jr. MARKER: T-97-1 HOFFMAN 03/31/1988 beloved husband Herman Ernest Huffman September 25, 1916 - March 28, 1988 beloved wife Vera Leota Huffman July 2, 1913 - December 23, 1993 Hoffman, Ida May MARKER: T-131-3 Charles E. Hoffman Ida M. Hoffman Hoffman, Irving MARKER: Hoffman, Lillian V. MARKER: Hoffman, Susan Lorraine MARKER: 05/26/1891 Dec 5, 1891 - Mar 2, 1970 12/24/1974 12/27/1974 02/05/1961 02/07/1961 04/30/1971 05/03/1971 01/16/1986 01/23/1986 May 26, 1891 - Dec 24, 1974 C-37-1 04/30/1898 Irving Hoffman Apr. 30,1898 - Feb. 5, 1961 G-201-13 06/02/1888 Lillian V. Hoffman June 2, 1888 - Apr. 30, 1971 1-51-4 01/29/1952 Susan L. Hoffman January 29, 1952 - January 16, 1986 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 217 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hoffman, Vera Leota MARKER: Birth_Date T-97-2 HOFFMAN Death_Date 07/02/1913 12/23/1993 beloved husband Herman Ernest Huffman September 25, 1916 - March 28, 1988 beloved wife Vera Leota Huffman July 2, 1913 - December 23, 1993 P-23-2 Hohenstein, Frederick H. 01/01/1837 01/01/1916 Burial_Date 12/28/1993 01/01/1916 Alexandrian MARKER: Frederick H. Hohenstein 1837 - 1916 His Beloved Wife Justina Hohenstein 1846 - 1915 Frederick H. Hohenstein 1880 - 1960 NOTES: Hohenstein, Frederick W. MARKER: Frederick Hohenstein owned a farm that covered a large area bordering on King street above the Masonic Temple and Immediately below Ivy Hill Cemetery. P-23-3 Frederick H. Hohenstein 1837 - 1916 02/29/1960 His Beloved Wife Justina Hohenstein 1846 - 1915 Frederick H. Hohenstein 1880 - 1960 Hohenstein, Justina MARKER: P-23-1 Frederick H. Hohenstein 01/01/1915 1837 - 1916 His Beloved Wife Justina Hohenstein 1846 - 1915 Frederick H. Hohenstein 1880 - 1960 Hohenstein, Robert Holcomb, Katherine Elizabeth C-31-3 T-VET-6-5 02/07/1981 02/07/1956 02/10/1981 08/30/1989 09/02/1989 08/23/1896 03/23/1957 Dec 28, 1919 - Feb 18, 1978 03/25/1957 12/10/1911 UDC - United Daughters of the Confederacy MARKER: KATHERINE M. HOLCOMB BELOVED DEC 10, 1911 FEB 7, 1981 T-VET-6-4 Holcomb, Russell F. 11/27/1901 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: RUSSELL F. HOLCOMB Col US ARMY - W W II 11/27/1901 - 8/30/1989 HOLCOMB Russell F. Jr. - Sally And Andrew Died Apr 18, 1973 Buried at sea. Russell F. III Aug 6, 1965 - Apr 29, 1983 Buried at sea. Holden, Charles F MARKER: O-51-2 Myrtle Holden Morrison Charles F. Holden Aug 23, 1896 - Mar 23, 1957 Myrtle Barbour Holden Jly 15, 1894 - Jan 7, 1970 Holden, Marita Holden, Myrtle Barbour MARKER: R-234-4 O-51-3 Myrtle Holden Morrison 11/25/1935 07/17/1998 07/15/1894 01/07/1970 Dec 28, 1919 - Feb 18, 1978 07/21/1998 01/07/1970 Charles F. Holden Aug 23, 1896 - Mar 23, 1957 Myrtle Barbour Holden Jly 15, 1894 - Jan 7, 1970 Holding, Elmer Frank MARKER: C-11-4 Elmer Frank Holding 04/28/1918 09/08/2009 09/11/2009 01/27/1911 07/23/2000 07/27/2000 01/01/1894 01/01/1933 01/01/1933 10/07/1986 03/31/1984 03/04/1991 07/24/1968 01/01/1926 01/01/1926 1918 - 2009 Holding, Ethel A. MARKER: C-11-5 ETHEL ANN HOLDING 1920 - 2000 Holding, Nellie Addie MARKER: C-11-3 NELLIE ADDIE HOLDING 1894 - 1933 Holland, Edward S Holland, Myrtle C. Hollingsworth, Bernard H MARKER: T-196-4A T-196-4B T-272-6 FATHER: Bernard Hollingsworth 1901 --1968 MOTHER: Nellye Ben Hollingsworth 1909 - 1961 Hollingsworth, Jessie E MARKER: A-41-3 01/01/1860 Jessie E. Hollingsworth 1860 - 1926 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 218 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hollingsworth, Katherine Hollingsworth, Lillian Hollingsworth, Nellye Ben MARKER: A-41-1 A-41-2 T-271-4 FATHER: Bernard Hollingsworth Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 04/28/1956 03/31/1956 04/04/1961 1901 --1968 MOTHER: Nellye Ben Hollingsworth 1909 - 1961 Holmes, Darrell F MARKER: R-172-4 Darrell F. Holmes Ruth Cook Holmes Holmes, Marian Lee Holmes, Ruth Cook MARKER: 1905 - 1958 N-153-3 R-172-5 Darrell F. Holmes Ruth Cook Holmes Holmgren, Anne-Marie L MARKER: 01/16/1956 1899 - 1956 09/24/1934 04/21/1958 1899 - 1956 1905 - 1958 31-27-4 HOLMGREN 01/18/1923 07/10/1987 07/15/1987 01/01/1921 04/16/1973 08/29/1973 11/06/1920 11/03/1996 11/08/1996 Charles R. Anna-Marie L. 1924 1923 - 1987 Beloved Husband Beloved Wife Holstein, Jane Allan MARKER: T-100-4B ALLAN Samuel James 1893 - 1956 Ada Belle 1895 - 1985 Jane Allan Holstein 1921 - 1973 Holzrichter, Virginia Luckett MARKER: R-152-6 Virginia S. Holzrichter November 6, 1920 - November 3, 1996 E-BBY-66-56 Homes, Walter Garnett 11/12/1962 Infant Hood, Morris H Hooe, Bernard MARKER: N-73-3 G-10-5 06/27/1891 Bernard Hooe June 27, 1891 - Oct. 31, 1894 10/31/1894 05/07/1943 11/04/1894 07/30/1859 07/30/1859 02/19/1865 died: Feb. 19, 1865 02/19/1865 Son of John D. and May H. Hooe Hooe, Catherine McLean MARKER: G-106-1 Sacred to the Memory of Catherine McLean Hooe Wife of Howson Hooe Hooe, Daniel F MARKER: 01/19/1807 Jan 19, 1807 - Jly. 30, 1859 G-94-3 In Memory of: Daniel F. Hooe of Alexandria, Va., who died at Edgemont, Albermarle County, in the 67th year of his age Hooe, Frances H MARKER: A-51-1A HOOE 02/29/1888 E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Hooe, Henrietta MARKER: G-106-5 Sacred to the Memory of 12/13/1850 08/13/1925 09/13/1925 01/11/1925 06/11/1925 10/26/1902 10/26/1902 Henrietta Hooe Dec. 13, 1850 - Jan. 11, 1925 of Longwood, Fauquier Co., Va. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God G-106-4 Hooe, Howson 08/02/1845 C S A Veteran MARKER: Sacred to the Memory of: Howson Hooe Died in the 82nd year of his age. Hooe, Howson MARKER: G-107-3 Sacred to the memory of ; Howson Hooe April 20, 1873 04/20/1873 04/20/1873 August 2, 1845 - October 26, 1902 of Longwood, Fauquier Co., Va. Beloved Husband of Henrietta Hooe Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 219 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hooe, Joyce Ann MARKER: 31-19-3 HOOE Birth_Date 01/06/1941 (OBVERSE) Death_Date 09/09/1988 Burial_Date 09/12/1988 Joyce Ann Jan. 16, 1941 - Sept. 9, 1988 wife, mother & best friend HOOE (REVERSE) "We've known so much happiness, We've had our cup of joy, And memory is one gift of God that death cannot destroy." A-51-1B Hooe, Lois Bernice 09/13/1925 11/15/1926 11/15/1926 09/18/1872 died :Sept. 18, 1872 09/18/1872 Infant MARKER: HOOE E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Hooe, Mary D MARKER: G-94-2 In Memory of: Mary Dade Hooe Wife of Daniel Hooe Died in Alexandria in her 84th year She was a member of the Episcopal Church and walked humbly with her God. Hooe, Mary L. MARKER: G-106-2 10/25/1886 Sacred to the memory of: Mary L. Hooe died: Oct. 25, 1886 10/28/1886 Daughter of Howson & Catharine Hooe Died in the 49th year of her age Hooe, Richard D MARKER: A-51-2 HOOE 01/01/1887 E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Hooe, Robert H., Dr. MARKER: G-107-1 Sacred to the memory of 05/07/1835 01/01/1962 07/10/1962 11/05/1858 11/05/1958 01/13/1901 01/13/1901 04/07/1951 04/07/1951 04/24/1972 04/27/1972 Dr. Robert H. Hooe May 7, 1835 - Nov. 5, 1858 Son of Howson Hooe Hooe, Sallie F MARKER: G-95-2 In Memory of: Sallie F. Hooe died: June 13, 1901 Died at Longwood, Fauquier County, Virginia At Rest Hooe, William E MARKER: A-51-6 HOOE 06/24/1917 E. Pauline Hooe Hall 1915 - 1992 Richard Daingerfield 1887 - 1962 Helen Frances Feb 29, 1888 - Sept 13, 1925 Lois Bernice Sept 13, 1925 - Nov 15, 1926 Hooff, Charles R., Sr. MARKER: O-114-4B Charles R. Hooff 11/06/1882 1882 - 1972 Son of Lewis Hooff and Mary Augusta Shackelford Beloved husband of S. Carlyle Fairfax Herbert 1880 - 1947 daughter of: Colonel James R.Herbert C.S.A. and Elizabeth Clark Alexander Beloved wife of Charles R. Hoof They were married Jan 23 1910 in Baltimore, Maryland Hooff, Charles Rapley, Jr. O-114-5 04/07/1911 03/03/1995 03/07/1995 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Charles Rapley Hooff, Jr. 1911 - 1995 born in Baltimore Md son of Charles R. Hooff & S. Carlyle Fairfax Herbert Married October 14, 1938 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Taylor Dunn 1917 born Bristol, Pennsylvania daughter of Houston Dunn 1876 - 1947 born Germantown, Pa Married 1904 Elizabeth Emsley Taylor 1880-1936 born Philadelphia Hooff, Elizabeth Prince MARKER: O-114-3B HOOFF 09/29/1923 01/26/1994 01/29/1994 Elizabeth P. Sept. 29, 1923 Jan. 26, 1994 Hooff, Lewis Hooff, Mary Sheckleford O-114-2A O-114-2B Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/07/1946 03/04/1946 Page 220 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hooff, Sarah Carlyle Fairfax Herbert MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date O-114-4A Sarah Carlyle Fairfax Hooff 1880 - 1947 Burial_Date 08/27/1947 Daughter of Colonel James R. Herbert, C.S.A. and Elizabeth Clark Alexander Beloved Wife of Charles R. Hooff 1-39-3 Hooper, Albert Averill 01/01/1892 04/14/1964 11/03/1978 04/24/1931 04/18/1994 10/07/1988 04/20/1994 07/21/1933 06/21/1997 06/24/1997 WW I - Veteran MARKER: HOOPER Albert A. Hooper, Blanch E. D. Hoover, Charles R. MARKER: 1892 - 1964 1-39-4 32-39-4 Charles Ryder Hoover April 24, 1931 April 18, 1994 Our Guardian Angel Hoover, Donald Lee MARKER: 32-30-2 Donald Lee Hoover July 21, 1933 - June 21, 1997 In living memory. Hoover, Naomi Elizabeth MARKER: 2-6-2 Naomi Elizabeth Hoover 05/09/1985 Oct 2, 1927 - May 7, 1985 Hoover, Pearl Sarah MARKER: 6-25-4 PEARL SARAH HOOVER 01/01/1913 01/01/1970 12/11/1970 03/05/1926 09/30/2003 06/03/1988 10/06/2003 09/05/1987 02/25/1944 04/18/1996 04/23/1996 08/12/1916 07/22/2000 04/17/2001 04/01/1906 04/19/1991 10/22/1991 04/14/1916 12/29/1991 01/01/1894 12/31/1991 07/02/1893 02/03/1977 02/07/1977 1913 - 1970 THE LORD IS MY SHEPARD Hoover, Raymond Hopkins, Gretchen Manning Hopkins, Gretchen Manning Inmemorium Hopkins, Sandra Darlene MARKER: 2-6-1 N-27-4 N-28-6 Plantings (Memorial) 32-34-4 Sandra Darlene Hopkins February 25, 1944 April 18, 1996 Hopper, Mary P. MARKER: F-66-6B Rea E. Hopper 1906 - 1991 Mary Patchin Hopper 1916 - 2000 Hopper, Rea E. MARKER: F-66-6A Rea E. Hopper 1906 - 1991 Mary Patchin Hopper 1916 - 2000 Hordern, D R Horne, Alice Newman MARKER: G-74-6 32-53-1 Alice Newman Horne 1919 - 1991 Horne, Douglas Bunting US NAVY MARKER: HORNE Douglas Bunting AMM 2 US NAVY WWI Jul 2, 1893 Feb 3, 1977 Horne, Kathleen P MARKER: MARKER: Kathleen Perkins Aug 12, 1894 May 23, 1984 T-VET-47-6B HORNE Douglas Bunting AMM 2 US NAVY WWI Jul 2, 1893 Feb 3, 1977 Hornig, Herbert O. Horsley, William T T-VET-47-6A WW I - Veteran T-230-3 Herbert O. Hornig R-18-1 05/25/1984 Kathleen Perkins Aug 12, 1894 May 23, 1984 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 03/03/1962 10/10/1942 Page 221 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Horstman, Matilda A. MARKER: N-140-3 Wm F. Horstmann Birth_Date Death_Date 06/12/1834 10/10/1909 Sept 15, 1834 - Aug 28, 1885 Burial_Date 10/10/1909 Matilda A. June 12, 1834 - Oct 10, 1909 Wife of Wm. F. Horstman At rest in the Lord Horstman, Selma Emma MARKER: N-140-6 Selma Emma Horstman 04/08/1859 10/18/1904 Apr 8, 1859 - Oct 18, 1904 10/18/1904 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Horstman, William F MARKER: N-140-2 Wm F. Horstmann 09/15/1834 08/28/1885 Sept 15, 1834 - Aug 28, 1885 08/28/1885 Matilda A. June 12, 1834 - Oct 10, 1909 Wife of Wm. F. Horstman At rest in the Lord Horton, Ruth Hershkowitz MARKER: 32-41-1 RUTH HERSHKOWITZ 08/19/1913 02/08/1993 02/11/1993 01/01/1844 01/01/1933 04/29/1943 01/01/1933 HORTON 1913 - 1993 Wife, Mother, Grammy, Best Friend Everything she did, she did with Love. Hostutler, Stephen D Houchens, Leonadias Rosser G-302-7 B-78-1A C S A Veteran NOTES: Houchens, William Arthur MARKER: Lieutenant, Co. A, 5th Virginia Cavalry. B-78-1 01/01/1888 Wm. Lloyd Houchens 1917 - 1935 In Jesus name Wm. Arthur Houchens Nellie H. Pitts Houchens, William Lloyd MARKER: Houchins, Houchins, Emma Houchins, L. H. Houck, Alonzo MARKER: 1888- 1941 1897 - 1952 B-78-3 Wm. Lloyd Houchens 1917 - 1935 In Jesus name Wm. Arthur Houchens Nellie H. Pitts A-49-6 A-49-5 A-49-4 E-19-4 Alonso Houck 04/23/1941 01/01/1917 05/31/1935 05/31/1935 1888- 1941 1897 - 1952 01/01/1948 01/01/1931 1840 - 1931 Montrose Wilson Houck 1871 - 1914 Laura Virginia Houck 1842 -1922 wife of Alonso Houck Houck, Courtney Carolin MARKER: E-18-5 Alonso Houck 06/11/1955 1840 - 1931 Montrose Wilson Houck 1871 - 1914 Laura Virginia Houck 1842 -1922 wife of Alonso Houck Houck, Laura Virginia MARKER: E-19-5 Alonso Houck 01/01/1922 1840 - 1931 Montrose Wilson Houck 1871 - 1914 Laura Virginia Houck 1842 -1922 wife of Alonso Houck Houck, Mae Bell Houck, Montrose Wilson MARKER: E-18-6 E-19-6 Alonso Houck 06/18/1943 01/01/1914 1840 - 1931 Montrose Wilson Houck 1871 - 1914 Laura Virginia Houck 1842 -1922 wife of Alonso Houck B-BBY-48-35 House, Baby 02/13/1956 Infant House, Harriet MARKER: O-259-3A Harriet R. House 08/02/1947 06/07/2009 06/13/2009 B-58-5 12/09/1955 Frank K. Howard Apr. 15, 1878 - June 11, 1938 12/09/1955 12/13/1955 August 2, 1947 - June 7, 2009 Beloved Mother Howard, Adelia F. MARKER: Adelia F. Howard Aug 21, 1881 - Dec 9, 1955 Jane Howard Jly. 29, 1935 - Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 222 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Howard, Albert Clarence MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date E-14-5 HOWARD Burial_Date 01/23/1937 Albert Clarence 1866 - 1937 Laura Jane Trice 1869 - 1957 "I am the resurrection and the life" E-14-3 Howard, Anita 01/01/1894 01/01/1960 10/05/1960 07/21/1987 07/23/1987 11/27/1944 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution HOWARD MARKER: Anita 1894 - 1960 Embls for: D.A.R. & Colonial Dames NOTES: Howard, Carline K Howard, Elizabeth Burnham MARKER: Also member of Colonial Dames. O-291-3 E-14-4 HOWARD 03/18/1883 John Richard Sept. 23, 1869 - Feb. 10, 1960 Elizabeth Burnham Jan. 25, 1877 - Nov. 24, 1944 Howard, Elizabeth Duncan MARKER: D-16-5 HOWARD 08/03/1988 T. Brooke Howard Sept 28, 1902 - Mar 14, 1990 his wife: Elizabeth Duncan Nov 21, 1912 - uly 29, 1988 Howard, Frank B MARKER: Howard, Frank H. MARKER: T-373-5 Frank B. Howard 1895 - 1954 B-58-4 06/11/1938 Frank K. Howard Apr. 15, 1878 - June 11, 1938 06/05/1954 06/11/1938 01/14/1938 10/01/1985 11/21/1985 Adelia F. Howard Aug 21, 1881 - Dec 9, 1955 Jane Howard Jly. 29, 1935 - 2-21-1 Howard, George Sgt USMC MARKER: 01/01/1913 U. S. Military Veteran George Howard Sgt US Marine Corps World War II 1913 - 1985 (Star of David) Howard, Gordon Edward Jr. T-95-6 11/06/1969 Infant MARKER: Howard, Hardenia E. MARKER: Gordon Edward Howard, Jr. E-13-5 HOWARD Apr 10, 1967 - Nov 4, 1969 01/01/1932 John L. 1838 - 1913 his wife Hardenia E. 1843-1932 their son Norman 1878 - 1934 Howard, Isabel MARKER: Howard, James M Howard, John L G-170-6 Isabel Howard T-300-1 E-13-4A 01/01/1936 Died: 1936 01/01/1838 01/01/1913 07/26/1984 01/01/1913 01/01/1838 01/01/1913 01/01/1913 01/01/1838 01/01/1913 01/01/1913 01/01/1838 01/01/1913 01/01/1913 C S A Veteran MARKER: Howard, John L Confederate Iron Cross E-13-4A C S A Veteran HOWARD MARKER: John L. 1838 - 1913 his wife Hardenia E. 1843-1932 their son Norman 1878 - 1934 E-13-4A Howard, John L C S A Veteran MARKER: Howard, John L Two corner stones "H" E-13-4A C S A Veteran MARKER: J. L. H. and N. H. (foot stones) NOTES: Private, Co. B, 7th Virginia Infantry Co. A, 35th Bn Virginia Infantry. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 223 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) 2-91-2 Howard, John P. USAF MARKER: Birth_Date 12/22/1944 Death_Date 03/07/2002 Burial_Date 03/12/2002 U. S. Military Veteran John P. Howard Dec. 22, 1944 - Mar. 7, 2002 Howard, John R MARKER: E-13-6 HOWARD 02/13/1960 John Richard Sept. 23, 1869 - Feb. 10, 1960 Elizabeth Burnham Jan. 25, 1877 - Nov. 24, 1944 Howard, John W., III MARKER: 6-30-3 JOHN W. HOWARD, III 07/07/1952 07/31/1982 08/04/1982 09/09/1894 06/04/1983 02/19/1985 02/22/2010 JULY 7, 1952 - JULY 31, 1982 Howard, Joseph S Howard, Katherine E MARKER: 2-82-2 O-88-2A H O WA R D Margaret E. Feb 6, 1918 - June 30, 1999 William Myron Sept 4, 1891 - Aug 3, 1953 Katherine Sep 9, 1894 - Jun 4, 1983 Howard, Katherine H. MARKER: C-50-2 Katherine H. Howard 03/20/1913 10/03/1994 March 20, 1913 - October 3, 1994 10/07/1994 Beloved wife for 59 years of Robert C. Howard January 11, 1908 - May 27, 1999 Howard, Laura J MARKER: E-14-6 HOWARD 07/29/1957 Albert Clarence 1866 - 1937 Laura Jane Trice 1869 - 1957 "I am the resurrection and the life" Howard, Lucie Lee MARKER: 2-82-3 LUCIE LEE HOWARD 12/08/1908 12/11/1995 12/14/1995 02/06/1918 06/30/1999 07/02/1999 04/06/1950 04/08/1950 04/06/1950 04/08/1950 12/25/1994 12/30/1994 01/01/1884 1908 - 1995 Howard, Margaret MARKER: O-88-1 H O WA R D Margaret E. Feb 6, 1918 - June 30, 1999 William Myron Sept 4, 1891 - Aug 3, 1953 Katherine Sep 9, 1894 - Jun 4, 1983 Howard, Minnie Stansbury MARKER: Howard, Minnie Stansbury MARKER: R-230-2 08/23/1868 "American War Mother" R-230-2 08/23/1868 T. Clifton Howard Feb 17, 1867 - Dec 1, 1934 Minnie Stansbury (his wife) Aug 23, 1868 - April 6, 1950 Small circular bronze: "American War Mother" Howard, Nelson L. Howard, Norman MARKER: 6-32-1 E-13-4B HOWARD 02/16/1916 ??/??/1884 John L. 1838 - 1913 his wife Hardenia E. 1843-1932 their son Norman 1878 - 1934 Howard, Norman MARKER: E-13-4B J. L. H. and ??/??/1884 01/01/1884 N. H. (foot stones) Howard, Oceola Howard, Paul K., Jr. MARKER: 6-32-2 6-18-3 PAUL K. HOWARD, JR. 11/07/1908 12/12/1925 11/08/1999 03/01/1992 11/12/1999 04/22/1992 01/11/1908 05/27/1999 March 20, 1913 - October 3, 1994 06/02/1999 DECEMBER 12, 1925 MARCH 1, 1992 Howard, Robert C. MARKER: C-50-1 Katherine H. Howard Beloved wife for 59 years of Robert C. Howard January 11, 1908 - May 27, 1999 Howard, Sarah Elizabeth MARKER: 42-114-4 SARAH ELIZABETH 01/13/1988 09/20/1999 09/24/1999 HOWARD January 13, 1988 September 20, 1999 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 224 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Howard, Thomas Brooke MARKER: D-16-4 HOWARD Birth_Date 09/28/1902 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/15/1990 03/17/1990 12/01/1934 12/04/1934 08/03/1953 07/31/1935 08/06/1953 07/26/1974 07/29/1974 T. Brooke Howard Sept 28, 1902 - Mar 14, 1990 his wife: Elizabeth Duncan Nov 21, 1912 - uly 29, 1988 Howard, Thomas Clifton R-230-1 02/17/1867 WW I - Veteran MARKER: T. Clifton Howard Feb 17, 1867 - Dec 1, 1934 Minnie Stansbury (his wife) Aug 23, 1868 - April 6, 1950 Small circular bronze: "American War Mother" Howard, Virginia Howard, William Myron MARKER: B-63-4 O-88-2C H O WA R D 09/04/1891 Margaret E. Feb 6, 1918 - June 30, 1999 William Myron Sept 4, 1891 - Aug 3, 1953 Katherine Sep 9, 1894 - Jun 4, 1983 Howdershell, John Nalls MARKER: R-157-3 HOWDERSHELL 05/18/1886 John Nalls May 18, 1886 - July 26, 1974 Josephine Wayts September 29, 1893 - February 6, 1963 Howdershell, Josephine Wayts Nelson MARKER: R-157-2 HOWDERSHELL 09/29/1893 02/06/1963 02/08/1963 John Nalls May 18, 1886 - July 26, 1974 Josephine Wayts September 29, 1893 - February 6, 1963 Howdershell, Willis Wayts Sm1st NAVY MARKER: R-157-1D 02/03/1926 05/13/1999 HOWDERSHELL Willis Wayts "Bill", Anne Boltz February 3, 1926 - May 13, 1999 June 29, 1928 - (space) E-BBY-66-35 Howell, Baby 05/18/1999 U. S. Military Veteran 04/13/1961 Infant Howell, Beaudric L. MARKER: A-67-6 Beaudric Lafitte Howell 02/07/1887 06/24/1949 Feb. 7, 1887 - June 24, 1949 Son of David J. Howell And His Wife Elizabeth Lee Boothe Howell July 24, 1903 - April 25, 1976 Born and died, Alexandria, Va. Howell, Charles S MARKER: O-34-4 Charles S. Howell 07/11/1960 07/13/1960 A-67-1 09/08/1863 08/28/1928 David Janney Howell Sept. 8, 1863 - Aug.28, 1928 08/28/1928 Elizabeth I. Howell Howell, David Janney MARKER: 10/30/1887 Oct 30, 1887 - Jly 11, 1960 Apr 23, 1888 - Oct 3, 1978 Born in Charlestown, W. Va., Died in Alexabdria, VA. Mary Maude Gibson Oct. 28, 1866 - Dec. 4, 1937 wife of David J, Howell Born in Alexandria, Va. Died in Alexandria, Va. Howell, Elizabeth I. MARKER: O-34-5 Charles S. Howell Elizabeth I. Howell Howell, Elizabeth Lee Boothe MARKER: 04/23/1888 Oct 30, 1887 - Jly 11, 1960 10/03/1978 10/06/1978 07/24/1903 04/25/1976 Feb. 7, 1887 - June 24, 1949 04/28/1976 Apr 23, 1888 - Oct 3, 1978 A-67-7 Beaudric Lafitte Howell Son of David J. Howell And His Wife Elizabeth Lee Boothe Howell July 24, 1903 - April 25, 1976 Born and died, Alexandria, Va. Howell, Mary M MARKER: 06/21/1949 A-67-2 David Janney Howell Sept. 8, 1863 - Aug.28, 1928 12/04/1937 Born in Charlestown, W. Va., Died in Alexabdria, VA. Mary Maude Gibson Oct. 28, 1866 - Dec. 4, 1937 wife of David J, Howell Born in Alexandria, Va. Died in Alexandria, Va. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 225 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hoxton, Archibald Robinson O-FH-17-1A Birth_Date 06/28/1875 Death_Date 10/14/1951 Burial_Date 10/15/1951 Alexandrian MARKER: Archibald Robinson Hoxton June 28, 1975 - Oct 14, 1951 is beloved wife: Sara Taylor Hoxton Sept 23, 1878 - Oct 30, 1951 " Fortiter, Fideliter, Feliciter" NOTES: Hoxton, Fannie Robinson MARKER: Head Master at Episcopal High School, Alexandria VA. The father of Archibald Hoxton, Head Master at Episcopal High Scool. Interred in Shepardstown, WV. He was the Son of Llewellyn Hoxton, Associate Head Master at Episcopal High School. who was a Col. in the Army of the Confederate States of America. O-FH-16-2 06/04/1841 06/28/1921 06/28/1921 Col. Llewellyn Hoxton, C.S.A. June 18, 1838 - Feb 12, 1891 Oldest son of Dr. Wm. W. and Eliza G. Hoxton his wife: Fanny Robinson Hoxton June 4, 1841- June 28, 1921 Their children rise upand call the blessed, Thy light is come, Surely I come quickly, amen Even so, Come Lord Jesus O-FH-16-1 Hoxton, Llewellyn 06/18/1838 02/12/1891 02/12/1891 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Hoxton, Llewellyn K MARKER: Hoxton, Sara Taylor MARKER: Col. Llewellyn Hoxton, C.S.A. June 18, 1838 - Feb 12, 1891 Oldest son of Dr. Wm. W. and Eliza G. Hoxton his wife: Fanny Robinson Hoxton June 4, 1841- June 28, 1921 Their children rise upand call the blessed, Thy light is come, Surely I come quickly, amen Even so, Come Lord Jesus Lt. Colonel, Chief of Artillery, Hoxton's Artillery; Staff of Maj. Gen. Wm. J Hardee, Army of Tenn. Associate Head Master at Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA. O-FH-17-5 08/30/1957 Llewellyn Kennerly Hoxton Sept 24, 1898 - Aug 28, 1957 O-FH-17-1B 10/30/1951 Archibald Robinson Hoxton June 28, 1975 - Oct 14, 1951 is beloved wife: Sara Taylor Hoxton Sept 23, 1878 - Oct 30, 1951 " Fortiter, Fideliter, Feliciter" Hoxton, William Winslow MARKER: O-FH-17-2 William Winslow Hoxton 01/01/1935 1871 - 1935 "Respice Finem" Hu, Yueh-O MARKER: B-62-6 Yang Hsi Yueh-O 05/06/1989 Aug 27, 1898 - May 3, 1989 Hubbard, Margaret S MARKER: O-262-5A SAUNDERS 09/14/1990 Louis J. Aug 4, 1929 - July 15, 1993 (space) Margaret S. Hubbard Aug 5, 1907 - Sept 9, 1990 Hubbell, David Lee MARKER: 42-20-1A David Lee Hubbell 09/04/1957 06/06/2000 06/16/2000 07/25/2003 07/30/2003 Sept. 4, 1957 - June 6, 2000 Beloved Son, Brother and Uncle Huber, Bessie Lee Armstrong MARKER: 2-76-4 HUBER Charles G. 1899-1984 Huber, Charles George MARKER: 2-76-3 HUBER Charles G. 1899-1984 Hudson, Andrew J. MARKER: Bessie L. 1909-2003 06/08/1984 Bessie L. 1909-2003 R-158-2 Andrew J. Hudson 03/20/1834 04/26/1908 04/29/1908 07/16/1913 03/09/2006 03/14/2006 March 20, 1834 - April 26, 1908 Hudson, Charles Albert, Dr. U S NAVY 1-57-1A WW II - Veteran Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 226 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hudson, F. Eileen (McPherson) MARKER: Birth_Date T-53-2 Eileen Hudson McPherson Death_Date Burial_Date 12/04/1906 06/30/1991 07/03/1991 01/25/1857 01/03/1932 01/06/1932 04/07/1833 04/05/1923 04/08/1923 12/24/1914 06/06/1994 07/04/2008 06/06/1994 07/16/2008 06/09/1994 02/19/1935 01/01/1896 04/29/1976 05/03/1976 11/28/1965 11/30/1965 Dec 4, 1906 June 30, 1994 Amen Hudson, James G. MARKER: R-158-4 James G. Thomas Son of A.J. & R.E. Hudson January 25,1857 - January 3, 1932 Hudson, Rebecca Ellen MARKER: R-158-1 R. Ellen Hudson wife of A. J. Hudson April 7, 1833 - April 5, 1923 Hudson, Winifred P. Huetger, Lorraine Cecelia Hufford, George Henry MARKER: 1-57-2A 33-1-2 M-110-1 George Henry Hufford 1868 - 1936 his wife: Kathryne Hufford 1878 - 1937 M-110-4 Hufford, Grier Jeffrey U S Army MARKER: Hufford, Irvin Meade MARKER: Hufford, Kathryne E MARKER: Hufford, Priscilla Lankford MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Grier Jeffery Hufford U.S. ARMY 1896 - 1976 M-110-3 Irvin Meade Hufford, Sr. 1900 - 1965 Priscilla Lankford Hufford 1902 - 1967 M-110-2 George Henry Hufford 1868 - 1936 his wife: Kathryne Hufford 1878 - 1937 07/01/1937 M-110-5 Irvin Meade Hufford, Sr. Priscilla Lankford Hufford Hufty, Lawrence, Cmdr., Jr. USN Cmdr 04/01/1967 04/03/1967 12/25/2009 12/31/2009 1900 - 1965 1902 - 1967 41-39-2A 06/01/1918 WW II - Veteran HUFTY MARKER: Lawrence, Jr. 1918 - 2009 Comdr. USN Ret. Roberta Kane 1930 - (space) Kimilee Kane Wheatley Huntt 1954 - 2008 Daughter B-BBY-48-39 Huges, Agnes T.(Baby) 07/17/1957 Infant E-BBY-66-65 Huggins, Lisa Carol 03/31/1963 04/02/1963 08/14/1977 08/17/1977 06/11/1926 04/11/2002 04/15/2002 06/11/1934 04/13/1994 04/15/1994 R-137-2 07/31/1876 Alfred B. Hughes Oct. 5, 1899 - Aug. 14, 1977 03/30/1945 04/02/1945 05/15/2002 05/18/2002 Infant MARKER: Lisa Carol Huggins died: Mar. 31, 1963 Daughter of Glenn & Doris Huggins Gone to be an angel Hughes, Alfred B MARKER: R-137-4 10/05/1899 Alfred B. Hughes Oct. 5, 1899 - Aug. 14, 1977 Walter S. Hughes Apr. 18, 1897 - Dec. 28, 1939 Son of D.A. & Myrtle Hughes Myrtle C. Hughes Jly. 31, 1876 - 1945 Hughes, Alfred Lee MARKER: R-137-6 Alfred L. Hughes June 11, 1926 - April 11, 2002 R-137-3 Hughes, Maurice E. U S ARMY MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Maurice E. Hughes SP4 US ARMY JUN 11, 1934 - Apr 13, 1994 Hughes, Myrtle C. MARKER: Walter S. Hughes Apr. 18, 1897 - Dec. 28, 1939 Son of D.A. & Myrtle Hughes Myrtle C. Hughes Jly. 31, 1876 - 1945 Hughes, Rosa Lee (Hawkins) MARKER: R-137-5 Rosa L. Hughes 08/05/1905 August 5, 1905 - May 15, 2002 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 227 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hughes, Walter S MARKER: Birth_Date R-137-1 04/18/1897 Alfred B. Hughes Oct. 5, 1899 - Aug. 14, 1977 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/28/1939 12/30/1939 10/19/1878 04/28/1948 Mar. 4, 1876 - Jan. 13, 1949 05/01/1948 Walter S. Hughes Apr. 18, 1897 - Dec. 28, 1939 Son of D.A. & Myrtle Hughes Myrtle C. Hughes Jly. 31, 1876 - 1945 Hulfish, Betty Pollard MARKER: D-2-3A Thomas Andrew Hulfish, Sr. his wife: Betty Pollard Hulfish Oct. 19, 1878 - Apr. 28, 1 Hulfish, Carrie Oldham MARKER: R-129-5 05/09/1886 12/20/1957 William Worth Hulfish June 6, 1878 - Sept. 12, 1954 12/23/1957 Beloved Husband of Carrie Oldham Hulfish Carrie Oldham Hulfish May 9, 1886 - Dec. 20, 1957 wife of William Worth Hulfish R-71-2 Hulfish, David Nicholas 02/01/1884 09/27/1961 09/29/1961 02/23/1943 02/26/1943 Freemason MARKER: David Nicholas Hulfish Feb. 01, 1884 - Sept. 27, 1961 Born in Alexandria, VA Son of Worth Hulfish and Virginia Cogan Hulfish, Fleda A MARKER: N-105-2 James A. Hulfish Fleda A. Hulfish Hulfish, Harriet Spofford MARKER: Died: Jly 8, 1941 Died Feb 23, 1943 R-71-3 HARRIET VIRGINIA HULFISH 12/11/1985 Beloved Daughter of David Nicholas and Harriet Spofford Hulfish Born July 19, 1910 Died February 24, 2003 Hulfish, Harriet Virginia Hulfish, James A MARKER: R-71-5A N-105-1 James A. Hulfish Fleda A. Hulfish Hulfish, Joan Spofford MARKER: Hulfish, Thomas Sr. Andrew MARKER: 07/19/1922 02/24/2003 07/08/1941 03/07/2003 07/10/1941 08/01/1928 05/11/1964 Aug. 1, 1928 - May 11, 1964 05/12/1964 Died: Jly 8, 1941 Died R-71-1 Joan Spofford Hulfish Feb 23, 1943 Beloved daughter of David Nicholas Hulfish and Harriet Spofford Hulfish. And the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them He also called, and whom He called, them also Justified; and whom He Justified, Them He glorified. ROMANS VIII D-2-3B Thomas Andrew Hulfish, Sr. 03/04/1876 01/13/1949 Mar. 4, 1876 - Jan. 13, 1949 01/15/1949 his wife: Betty Pollard Hulfish Oct. 19, 1878 - Apr. 28, 1 Hulfish, William Worth MARKER: R-129-4 06/06/1878 09/12/1954 William Worth Hulfish June 6, 1878 - Sept. 12, 1954 09/14/1954 Beloved Husband of Carrie Oldham Hulfish Carrie Oldham Hulfish May 9, 1886 - Dec. 20, 1957 wife of William Worth Hulfish G-147-4A Hull, Baby 12/16/1946 Infant Hull, Charles Hume, Ceola T MARKER: G-147-4 G-43-6 01/17/1968 01/17/1968 Mamie Hume Remington Feb 19, 1886 - Oct 4, 1970 05/20/1935 01/22/1968 Ceola T. Hume Apr. 4, 1887 - Jan 17, 1968 Ralph Elwood Remington Jan 3, 1887 - Aug 15, 1968 Hume, Emma Phillips MARKER: P-1-21 Emma Phillips Hume 11/25/1843 01/05/1931 Nov 25, 1843 - Jan 5, 1931 01/08/1931 Wife of Frank Hume Daughter of John Edmund and Eliza Phillips Norris Blessed are the pure in heart Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 228 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date P-1-3 Hume, Frank Inmemorium Hume, Frank Burial_Date 10/13/1896 Dogwood (White) P-1-20 07/02/1843 07/17/1906 07/17/1906 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Hume, Frank Norris MARKER: Frank Hume Jly 2, 1843-Jly 17, 1906 Born Culpeper VA Died Washington DC - Son of Charles & Virginia Rawlins Hume Co. A Vol. Southrons, 21st Miss. Regt. C.S.A. 1861-1865 Member of Va Legislature, 1889 & 1899 Just, Courageous, Sincere, Faithful, Benevolent,True to the end. He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life. Volunteer Southrons of Vicksburg, Private, Co. A, 21st Mississippi Inf. Regt. Member of Virginia Legislature, 1889 & 1899. P-1-19 02/27/1874 04/10/1957 04/13/1957 In Memory of: Frank Norris Hume Feb 27, 1874 - Apr 10, 1957 Son of Frank & Emma Norris Hume P-1-6C Hume, Jean Emmons McCarty 02/22/1923 09/09/2003 09/26/2003 07/30/1998 08/03/1998 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Jean Emmons McCarty February 22, 1923 September 9, 2003 P-1-6D Hume, William Haywood 11/16/1919 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: HUME William Haywood November 16, 1919 - July 30, 1998 Hummer, Alphens P MARKER: D-56-4 Vernon E. Hummer 1895-1925 05/24/1938 Elton B. Hummer 1898 - 1928 A.P. Hummer 1849-1938 His wife: Clara C. Burdette 1864-1943 Hummer, Beverly Traylor MARKER: O-183-1 Beverly Traylor Hummer 12/20/1886 10/28/1951 Dec 20, 1886 - Oct 28, 1951 10/31/1951 his wife: Lucile Howdershell Feb 27, 1888 - Oct 20, 1978 I know that my Redeemer liveth Hummer, Beverly Traylor "Buzz" USMC MARKER: O-183-4 NOTES: 05/07/2001 05/11/2001 HUMMER Beverly T. "Buzz" Aug. 22, 1921 May 7, 2001 Hummer, Clara C. Burdette MARKER: 08/22/1921 U. S. Military Veteran Bernice Neufeld Sept. 28, 1925 (space) Also belonged to the Masonic Order. D-56-5 Vernon E. Hummer 1895-1925 10/08/1943 Elton B. Hummer 1898 - 1928 A.P. Hummer 1849-1938 His wife: Clara C. Burdette 1864-1943 D-56-2 Hummer, Elton Burdette 01/01/1898 08/28/1928 08/29/1928 Sergent Alexandria Police Dept. Killed on duty August 18, 1928. O-183-2 02/27/1888 10/20/1978 Beverly Traylor Hummer Dec 20, 1886 - Oct 28, 1951 10/24/1978 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: Vernon E. Hummer 1895-1925 Elton B. Hummer 1898 - 1928 A.P. Hummer 1849-1938 His wife: Clara C. Burdette 1864-1943 NOTES: Hummer, Lucile Howdershell MARKER: his wife: Lucile Howdershell Feb 27, 1888 - Oct 20, 1978 I know that my Redeemer liveth Hummer, Vernon Eugene D-56-1 01/01/1895 01/01/1925 01/01/1925 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Vernon E. Hummer 1895-1925 Elton B. Hummer 1898 - 1928 A.P. Hummer 1849-1938 His wife: Clara C. Burdette 1864-1943 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 229 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Humphrey, James T MARKER: Birth_Date O-173-4 HUMPHREY Death_Date 07/31/1879 Burial_Date 08/13/1964 08/15/1964 02/02/2003 02/06/2003 10/08/1963 10/11/1963 03/17/1984 03/20/1984 01/01/1887 01/01/1887 01/01/1887 01/01/1887 07/12/1879 01/01/1884 James T. Humphrey Oct 30, 1885 - May 9, 1959 Mary A. Humphrey Feb 6, 1884 - Oct 8, 1963 Paul C. Humphrey Dec 11, 1913 - Mar 17, 1984 Humphrey, Josephine J. MARKER: O-173-1 BARNETT 04/04/1918 Kore L Sept 16, 1905 - Sept 27, 1982 Harry T Dec 13, 1907 - Jan 1, 1983 J. Humphrey April 4, 1918 - Feb 2, 2003 Humphrey, Mary Ann MARKER: O-173-5 HUMPHREY 02/06/1884 James T. Humphrey Oct 30, 1885 - May 9, 1959 Mary A. Humphrey Feb 6, 1884 - Oct 8, 1963 Paul C. Humphrey Dec 11, 1913 - Mar 17, 1984 Humphrey, Paul Clinton MARKER: O-173-6 HUMPHREY James T. Humphrey Oct 30, 1885 - May 9, 1959 Mary A. Humphrey Feb 6, 1884 - Oct 8, 1963 Paul C. Humphrey Dec 11, 1913 - Mar 17, 1984 Humphreys, David C, , Jr. MARKER: Humphreys, David C, , Jr. MARKER: Humphreys, David Campbell F-48-2 David C. Humphreys 01/01/1857 1818 - 1879 Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Margaret Humphreys 1828 - 1881 David Humphreys 1850 - 1929 Kate Humphreys 1850 - 1937 F-48-2 01/01/1857 George M. Humphreys 1853 - 1926 Helen Humphreys 1854 - 1884 David C. Humphreys, Jr. 1857 - 1887 Sallie T. Humphreys 1848 - 1916 Margaret E. May 1887 - 1887 F-49-1 11/09/1817 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Humphreys, George McLeod MARKER: David C. Humphreys 1818 - 1879 Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Margaret Humphreys 1828 - 1881 David Humphreys 1850 - 1929 Kate Humphreys 1850 - 1937 Hon. David C. Humphreys, associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, died at his farm in Fairfax County Virginia. He was born , it is believed, in New Hampshire, though living from youth at Huntsville, Alabama, that has been designated as his birthplace. At the breakout of the rebellion he joined a regiment rised by his state for the Confederacy as private in Co. I, 4th Alabama Infrantry. He saw battle at First Manassas and later became Quartermaster. Humphreys resigned from the Army, and returned home where he remained until the end of the war. F-49-4 01/01/1853 01/01/1926 01/01/1926 George M. Humphreys 1853 - 1926 Helen Humphreys 1854 - 1884 David C. Humphreys, Jr. 1857 - 1887 Sallie T. Humphreys 1848 - 1916 Margaret E. May 1887 - 1887 Humphreys, Helen MARKER: Humphreys, Margaret McLeod MARKER: F-48-1 01/01/1854 George M. Humphreys 1853 - 1926 Helen Humphreys 1854 - 1884 David C. Humphreys, Jr. 1857 - 1887 Sallie T. Humphreys 1848 - 1916 Margaret E. May 1887 - 1887 F-49-2 David C. Humphreys 01/01/1884 01/01/1884 01/01/1881 1818 - 1879 Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Margaret Humphreys 1828 - 1881 David Humphreys 1850 - 1929 Kate Humphreys 1850 - 1937 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 230 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Humphreys, Sallie Thompson MARKER: Birth_Date F-48-3 01/01/1848 George M. Humphreys 1853 - 1926 Helen Humphreys 1854 - 1884 David C. Humphreys, Jr. 1857 - 1887 Sallie T. Humphreys 1848 - 1916 Margaret E. May 1887 - 1887 Humphries, Arthur L MARKER: O-230-2 Arthur L. Humphries Elsie L. Humphries Humphries, Edna M MARKER: Humphries, Elsie Lee MARKER: Burial_Date 06/05/1916 06/05/1916 05/09/1959 05/11/1959 05/07/1977 05/10/1977 03/09/1967 03/13/1967 Mar 22, 1887 - Mar 9, 1967 G-166-6 Edna M. Humphries O-230-3 Arthur L. Humphries Elsie L. Humphries Humphries, Harry E Hundemann, Emily Hundemann, Florence T. Hundemann, Joseph E MARKER: Hundemann, Robert J., Sr. Hungerford, Mary Jane MARKER: 10/30/1885 Oct 30, 1885 - May 9, 1959 Death_Date 1908 - 1977 03/22/1887 Oct 30, 1885 - May 9, 1959 Mar 22, 1887 - Mar 9, 1967 G-166-4 M-138-2 M-138-3B M-138-1 Joseph E. Hundemann M-138-3A T-271-6 HUNGERFORD 11/26/1997 1878 - 1936 02/12/1917 09/03/1919 04/26/1984 09/11/1958 04/25/1998 08/01/1936 08/19/2005 11/30/1997 10/01/2005 12/03/1997 10/05/1915 07/02/2001 07/07/2001 02/15/1916 05/31/1920 11/18/2002 06/28/2000 11/22/2002 07/03/2000 N-168-4 11/04/1822 Edmund Hunt Nov 4, 1822 - June 3, 1917 O-193-4A 08/19/1881 HUNT 06/03/1917 06/03/1917 01/29/1957 01/29/1957 02/07/1881 06/01/1960 06/06/1960 07/09/1900 Jly 9, 1900 - Dec 10, 1968 12/10/1968 12/14/1968 MARY JANE MASON G. SEPT. 3, 1919 OCT 5,1915 NOV 30, 1997 JULY 2, 2001 T-271-5 Hungerford, Mason G. Army Air C MARKER: WW II - Veteran HUNGERFORD MARY JANE MASON G. SEPT. 3, 1919 OCT 5,1915 NOV 30, 1997 JULY 2, 2001 Hunt, Alberta S. Hunt, Donley F. MARKER: 42-199-3 42-199-4 HUNT Bertha S. (space) "Bert" Hunt, Edmund MARKER: Hunt, Harry Beeson MARKER: Donley F. 1920 - 2000 "Don" Harry Beeson 1881 - 1957 Hunt, Lily Rebecca Matilda MARKER: Lily Ramsden 1881 - 1960 O-193-4B HUNT Harry Beeson 1881 - 1957 Hunt, Rupert Lowell MARKER: Lily Ramsden 1881 - 1960 T-363-5 Rupert Lowell Hunt Margaret A. Moore Aug. 25, 1914 - July 27, 2008 E-BBY-66-36 Hunter, Baby 06/09/1961 Infant Hunter, Evelyn H MARKER: R-230-3 HUNTER 06/13/1990 Evelyn Howard Hunter January 6, 1901 - June 8, 1990 A loving Mother and Friend. Hunter, George William MARKER: P-52-7 Son of Robert Hunter 11/01/1898 Born in Fairfax Co., Va. Died in Washington, D.C. Hunter, Hettie F MARKER: O-294-6 Thomas S. Hunter Hettie F. Hunter 08/01/1894 Apr 24, 1892 - Mar 11, 1959 08/05/1953 08/08/1953 Aug 1, 1894 - Aug 5, 1953 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 231 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hunter, James Robert MARKER: Birth_Date P-52-8 James Robert Hunter Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1841 Son of Robert Hunter Born in Fairfax Co., Va. Hunter, Mary Wood MARKER: P-52-5 Mary Wood Hunter 11/11/1864 11/11/1864 11/11/1864 11/11/1864 06/24/1845 06/24/1845 03/11/1974 03/14/1974 Nov 11, 1864 Wife of Robert Hunter Born in Fairfax Co., Va.- Died in Alexandria, Va. Our Mother Passed away to her God Hunter, Mary Wood MARKER: P-52-5 Our Mother Mary Hunter Passed away to God Nov 11, 1864 Wife of Robt. Hunter, dec'd Hunter, Robert MARKER: P-52-6 Robert Hunter June 24, 1845 Son of Col. George Washington Hunter Born in Fairfax Co., Va. Died in Vicksburg, Miss. Hunter, Thomas S MARKER: O-294-5 Thomas S. Hunter Hettie F. Hunter Huntley, Charles Russell II MARKER: Huntt, Kimilee Kane Wheatley MARKER: 04/24/1892 Apr 24, 1892 - Mar 11, 1959 Aug 1, 1894 - Aug 5, 1953 T-126-5 Charles Russell Huntley, II 41-39-1A HUFTY 11/02/1968 1909 - 1968 01/01/1954 01/01/2008 Lawrence, Jr. 1918 - 2009 Comdr. USN Ret. Roberta Kane 1930 - (space) Kimilee Kane Wheatley Huntt 1954 - 2008 Daughter Hurd, Herman C MARKER: Hurd, Mariette Bowles T-249-4B Herman C. Hurd T-382-3A 04/10/1959 1903 - 1959 01/01/1914 03/06/1978 03/09/1978 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Mariette Bowles Hurd 1914 - 1978 DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) William Bromley Hurd 1915 - 2008 NOTES: Hurd, William Bromley U S ARMY MARKER: Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter. DAR, Old Towne Civic Assn., Society of Mayflowers Decendents, Colonial Dames of XVII Century, National League of American Pen Women. T-382-3B 08/27/1915 10/25/2008 11/13/2008 WW II - Veteran Mariette Bowles Hurd 1914 - 1978 DAR (Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter) William Bromley Hurd 1915 - 2008 Hurlander, Harold W. MARKER: O-231-4 Harold W. Hurlander Sara R. Hurlander Hurlander, Sara Rose MARKER: MARKER: G-168-6 Bertha A. Hurlbut 01/19/1979 Apr 14, 1898 - Jly 22, 1978 O-231-5 Harold W. Hurlander Sara R. Hurlander Hurlbut, Bertha A 07/30/1895 01/17/1979 Jly 30, 1895 - Jan 17, 1979 04/14/1898 07/22/1978 Jly 30, 1895 - Jan 17, 1979 07/18/1978 Apr 14, 1898 - Jly 22, 1978 03/21/1887 Mar. 21, 1887 - Oct. 17, 1954 10/17/1954 10/19/1954 11/15/1964 11/18/1964 01/03/1857 01/03/1857 Beloved Wife & Mother Hurlbut, William D MARKER: G-168-5 William D. Hurlbut 06/01/1895 June 1, 1895 - Nov. 15, 1964 Father Hurley, Catherine MARKER: G-124-1 Catherine Hurley Aged 76 years Hurley, Maurice MARKER: G-124-5 Maurice Hurley died: Jan 3, 1857 Born in Alexandria, Va. Died in New Orleans Aged 56 years H. Sisson, Balt.(Stonemason) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 232 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hurley, Nathan C. MARKER: Birth_Date 1-25-4 09/07/1982 Nathan C. Hurley Sept. 7, 2000 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/30/1996 06/03/1996 05/30/1996 06/03/1996 Bench is located across the road Date on bench is the date of installation. 1-25-4 "Porcelain Picture" Hurley, Nathan C. MARKER: 09/07/1982 Nathan Hurley "Signature" For thy sweet love remember'd, such wealth brings... Sept. 7, 1982 - May 30, 1996 N-127-41 Hurt, Patsy V. 03/02/1949 Infant 31-110-4A 31-111-1A Hussey, Cheryl Remme Hussey, Ward M 01/24/1952 03/13/1920 04/13/2009 11/16/2009 04/17/2009 12/05/2009 07/17/1961 07/20/1961 08/02/1971 08/03/1971 US NAVY Hutchens, Stacey F MARKER: Hutcheson, Bessie E. MARKER: Hutcheson, Ray J MARKER: T-270-2 07/28/1906 Stacey F. Hutchens JLy 28, 1906 - JLy 17, 1961 T-317-6 04/08/1895 Ray J. Hutcheson Feb 4, 1894 - May 19, 1957 Bessie E. Hutcheson Apr 8, 1895 - Aug 2, 1971 T-317-5 Ray J. Hutcheson Feb 4, 1894 - May 19, 1957 Bessie E. Hutcheson Apr 8, 1895 - Aug 2, 1971 05/22/1957 N-127-29 Hutchinson, Baby 12/26/1947 Infant E-BBY-66-71 Hutchison, Baby 06/14/1963 06/15/1963 Infant MARKER: HUTCHISON Infant son of Bill M. and Minnie W. Hutchinson B-25-6 Mc K L E V I S Hutchison, Daniel MARKER: 11/17/1965 James Anthony Sept 6, 1920 - Feb 18, 1986 Gertrude Margaret Dec 26, 1914 - Nov 12, 1994 Daniel Hutchison Feb 10, 1889 - Nov 10, 1965 B-25-2 HUTCHISON Hutchison, Francis A. MARKER: 01/22/1926 05/16/1936 05/22/1936 John Thomas Jan 28, 1891 - June 20, 1983 Helen Ida April 5, 1895 - Dec 21, 1957 Francis Augustine Jan 22, 1926 - May 16, 1936 B-25-3 HUTCHISON Hutchison, Helen I MARKER: 12/23/1957 John Thomas Jan 28, 1891 - June 20, 1983 Helen Ida April 5, 1895 - Dec 21, 1957 Francis Augustine Jan 22, 1926 - May 16, 1936 Hutchison, John Joseph MARKER: Hutchison, John T MARKER: O-88-5 02/11/1917 08/12/1945 John Joseph Hutchison Feb 11, 1917 - Aug 12, 1945 B-25-1 HUTCHISON 08/12/1945 06/23/1983 John Thomas Jan 28, 1891 - June 20, 1983 Helen Ida April 5, 1895 - Dec 21, 1957 Francis Augustine Jan 22, 1926 - May 16, 1936 Hyatt, Harvey L., Sr. MARKER: T-170-5 Harvey L. Hyatt, Sr. 08/24/1996 08/27/1996 T-170-6 10/23/1950 08/30/1971 Our Son: John Michael Hyatt Oct 23, 1950 - Aug 30, 1971 O-FH-2-8 01/01/1880 08/30/1971 May 11 1923 Hyatt, John Michael MARKER: Hyde, Eugenia C. Inmemorium MARKER: 05/11/1923 Aug 24 1996 Eugenia C. Hyde 01/01/1880 Died 1880 Eldest daughter of Thomas and Margaret Fairfax Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 233 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Hyde, Margaret H. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date O-FH-2-11 Margaret H. Hyde 1847 - 1912 Burial_Date 01/01/1912 Wife of Neville H. Whiting Blessed is every one that heareth The Lord; and walketh in His Ways N-124-21 Hyde, Randolph Sidney 07/27/1951 07/27/1951 07/30/1951 07/27/1951 07/27/1951 08/01/1951 01/03/1912 11/02/2000 11/08/2000 07/20/1994 07/22/1994 10/03/1898 12/29/1994 08/11/1966 01/08/1999 01/03/1995 09/16/1985 05/28/1988 01/13/1999 04/14/1959 05/18/2009 05/21/2009 01/06/2003 01/09/2003 08/08/1928 05/14/1998 05/21/1998 07/23/1908 09/26/1956 10/02/1956 04/22/1971 04/23/1971 10/10/1999 11/24/1999 08/17/1971 08/17/1971 02/04/1991 02/08/1991 Infant N-124-11 Hyde, Randolph Sidney Infant MARKER: Randolph Sidney Hyde Born and died Jly 27, 1951 (records unclear) T-102-4 Hynes, Bernard E. HYNES MARKER: Bernard E. Hynes January 3, 1912 - November 2, 2000 Maybelle P.Hynes April 7, 1916 - JUly 20, 1994 Hynes, Maybelle Penn L. MARKER: T-102-5 07/20/1994 HYNES Bernard E. Hynes January 3, 1912 - November 2, 2000 Maybelle P.Hynes April 7, 1916 - JUly 20, 1994 Iacoponi, Francesco P. Imlay, Marie Cecile Imlay, Wilbert T Indelicato, Mary Susan MARKER: Indelicato, Thomas Kieran MARKER: Ingebretsen, Matthew August 33-22-3 T-69-4 T-70-6 42-66-1 INDELICATO Mary Susan August 11, 1966 - January 8, 1999 Best Friend Miss you, miss you, miss you! 'til we meet again. 42-66-1A INDELICATO THOMAS KIERAN April 14, 1959 - May 18, 2009 Oils on canvas - your perspective in view everyone matters in their own special way 32-76-8 08/27/2002 Infant MARKER: MATTHEW AUGUST INGEBRETSEN Beloved son and brother Aug. 27, 2002 - Jan. 6, 2003 we will always love you. Ingram, Blondell MARKER: 32-41-2 Blondell Ingram August 8, 1928 - May 14, 1998 Love, Jonnie Inman, Almeda G MARKER: T-329-3 INMAN Father: Benj. Earl Inman Dec 5, 1903 - Apr 22, 1971 Mother: Almeda S. Inman Jly 23, 1908 - Sept 26, 1956 Son: Richard R. Feb 25, 1932 - Oct. 20, 1999 Inman, Benjamin Earl MARKER: T-329-1 INMAN 12/05/1903 Father: Benj. Earl Inman Dec 5, 1903 - Apr 22, 1971 Mother: Almeda S. Inman Jly 23, 1908 - Sept 26, 1956 Son: Richard R. Feb 25, 1932 - Oct. 20, 1999 Inman, Richard R. MARKER: T-329-2 INMAN 02/25/1932 Father: Benj. Earl Inman Dec 5, 1903 - Apr 22, 1971 Mother: Almeda S. Inman Jly 23, 1908 - Sept 26, 1956 Son: Richard R. Feb 25, 1932 - Oct. 20, 1999 Inscoe, Frances C. MARKER: Inthavone, Khiane MARKER: T-294-3 Frances C. Inscoe 31-84-3 Khiane Inthavone 11/24/1914 Nov 24, 1914 - Aug 17, 1971 08/10/1898 August 10, 1898 - February 4, 1991 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 234 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Inton, Encarnacion C. MARKER: Birth_Date 33-34-2C Encarnacion Cabuenos Inton Death_Date Burial_Date 01/30/1919 03/10/2006 03/15/2006 12/19/1913 10/11/1994 10/15/1994 09/19/1950 04/06/2009 06/13/1917 11/17/1996 04/14/2009 02/24/1941 11/21/1996 05/02/1886 Feb 25, 1873 - Sept 19, 1954 02/16/1968 02/21/1968 09/19/1954 09/22/1954 12/21/1914 12/30/1989 01/04/1990 08/14/1884 01/17/1885 01/20/1885 Jan. 30, 1919 - Mar. 10, 2006 God's plan is greater than our pain. 33-34-1 Inton, Marcelo Enrile Colonel MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran MARCELO ENRILE INTON Colonel (Ret.) Dec. 19, 1913 - Oct. 11, 1994 To Err is human - to forgive is divine Inton, Rojan C. Irby, Samuel J. Irvine, Irene MARKER: 33-34-2B2 B-69-1 33-16-4 IRVINE William S. 1915-1989 Irvine, Priscilla MARKER: Irene L. 1918-1996 T-354-2 William S. Irvine Priscilla Irvine May 2, 1886 - Feb 16, 1968 Irvine, William S MARKER: T-354-1 William S. Irvine 02/25/1873 Feb 25, 1873 - Sept 19, 1954 Priscilla Irvine May 2, 1886 - Feb 16, 1968 Irvine, William S., Jr. MARKER: 33-16-3 IRVINE William S. 1915-1989 Irving, Constance Wright Irene L. 1918-1996 G-126-3B Infant MARKER: Constance Wright Irving 14 Aug. 1884 - 17 Jan. 1885 Daughter of R. C. & E. B. Irving He shall gather the lambs with His arms and carry them in his bosom. Irwin, Aurelia Herbert Fairfax Inmemorium MARKER: O-FH-2-1A 02/18/1884 Aurelia Herbert Irwin Died February 1884 Wife of James William Irwin He giveth His beloved sleep Ps. 127 V.2 Irwin, Fairfax Inmemorium Irwin, Fairfax Inmemorium MARKER: O-FH-1-4 01/01/1854 01/01/1936 O-FH-2-1C 01/01/1854 01/01/1936 In Memory of Fairfax Irwin Senior Surgeon, U.S. Public Health Service Son of, Aurelia Herbert Fairfax and James W. Irwin. 1854 - 1936 O-FH-2-1B Irwin, James William Inmemorium MARKER: 01/18/1982 James William Irwin Died Jan. 1882 If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. N-124-7 Isaksen, Baby 06/11/1950 06/12/1950 01/14/1940 08/27/1996 09/05/1996 10/26/1910 12/23/1991 01/25/1992 10/17/1943 10/29/2008 12/09/2008 Infant Iseley, Charles M., Jr. MARKER: 32-62-3 Charles M. Iseley, Jr. 1940 - 1996 Iseley, Clara Helen German MARKER: 32-7-2 Clara German Iseley Oct. 26, 1910 - Dec. 23, 1991 Iseley, Robert MARKER: 32-62-4A Robert Iseley 1943 - 2008 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 235 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Iskandar, Yvonne MARKER: Birth_Date 42-147-4 Yvonne Iskandar EBEID July 22, 1917 - October 7, 2003 Beloved Mother & Grandmother Yvonne (butterfly) Isler, William H. MARKER: 42-194-3 WILLIAM HENRY ISLER Death_Date Burial_Date 07/22/1917 10/07/2003 10/09/2003 03/09/1925 12/07/1997 12/12/1997 " BILL " March 9, 1925 - December 7, 1997 Beloved Husband and Father E-BBY-66-107 Istrabadi, Baby 08/20/1964 Infant P-80-4 2-54-1 Jack, Roland A Jackson, Charles N. Army MARKER: 10/16/2000 07/01/1964 10/21/2000 07/22/1875 07/22/1875 07/22/1875 07/22/1875 07/22/1875 07/22/1875 U. S. Military Veteran JACKSON Charles N. 1910-2000 Patricia P. 1910-1980 F-15-5C Jackson, H. Melville 01/27/1910 Infant MARKER: H. Melville Jackson Son of H. Melville & Rebecca L. Jackson F-15-5C Jackson, H. Melville Infant MARKER: Rebecca Lloyd Jackson Sept. 24, 1848 - Jly 18, 1877 H. Melville Jackson Oct. 23, 1874 - Jly 22, 1875 1-19-1 Jackson, Howard Lewis 06/20/1923 12/03/1978 12/06/1978 12/19/1987 11/29/1940 06/18/1965 12/22/1987 Freemason MARKER: JACKSON Howard Lewis June 20, 1923 Dec. 3, 1978 Mary Wheatley March 25, 1920 May 21, 1998 N-56-2 N-56-3 T-121-2 Jackson, James H Jackson, Janet Jackson, Julia Elsie Fowke 07/01/1897 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution JACKSON MARKER: Leonard D., Sr. Oct 19, 1886 - Nov. 29, 1978 Elsie Fowke July 1, 1897 - Dec. 19, 1987 NSDAR - NSUSD 1812 NOTES: Jackson, Leonard D., Sr. Also Member of NS US Daughters 1812 and Order of Eastern Star.. T-121-1 10/19/1886 11/29/1978 12/02/1978 Freemason JACKSON MARKER: Leonard D., Sr. Oct 19, 1886 - Nov. 29, 1978 Elsie Fowke July 1, 1897 - Dec. 19, 1987 NSDAR - NSUSD 1812 Jackson, Mary Wheatley MARKER: 1-19-2 JACKSON 03/25/1920 05/21/1998 05/26/1998 01/01/1910 01/01/1980 05/20/1980 F-15-4 07/18/1877 Rebecca Lloyd Jackson Sept. 24, 1848 - Jly 18, 1877 07/18/1887 Howard Lewis June 20, 1923 Dec. 3, 1978 Jackson, Patricia P MARKER: 2-54-2 JACKSON Charles N. 1910-2000 Jackson, Rebecca Lloyd MARKER: Mary Wheatley March 25, 1920 May 21, 1998 Patricia P. 1910-1980 H. Melville Jackson Oct. 23, 1874 - Jly 22, 1875 Jackson, William Congreve MARKER: O-37-3 WARWICK 08/21/1969 08/21/1969 08/23/1969 Anna Calvert Warwick Jackson Aug 25, 1877 - Nov 7, 1966 Elizabeth Calvert May 4, 1901 - Jan 16, 1945 William Congreve Jackson Sept 9, 1886 - Aug 21, 1969 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 236 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Jacob, James Horace Lurton MARKER: Birth_Date T-65-4 JACOB Death_Date Burial_Date 11/30/1919 06/24/1969 06/26/1969 A-23-1 01/01/1862 Husband Ben L. Jacobs 1862 - 1948 01/01/1948 05/13/1948 James Hurton Lurton Nov 30, 1919 - June 24, 1969 Jacobs, Benjamin L. MARKER: Wife Daisy M. Jacobs 1872 - 1939 Jacobs, Caroline B MARKER: R-44-2 Joseph M. Jacobs Caroline B. Jacobs Jacobs, Daisy M MARKER: 01/27/1944 1888 - 1951 1884 - 1944 A-23-2 01/01/1872 Husband Ben L. Jacobs 1862 - 1948 01/01/1939 07/24/1939 Wife Daisy M. Jacobs 1872 - 1939 Jacobs, David D MARKER: 2-74-2 David Doyle Jacobs 12/02/1982 Dec. 18, 1907 - Nov. 29, 1982 Jacobs, Florence H. MARKER: 2-74-3 Florence H. Jacobs 01/27/1907 10/03/1996 11/16/1996 Jan. 27, 1907 - Oct. 3, 1996 Jacobs, Joseph M MARKER: R-44-1 Joseph M. Jacobs Caroline B. Jacobs 05/19/1951 1888 - 1951 1884 - 1944 A-4-4 Jacobs, Kate 02/26/1865 03/12/1865 03/12/1865 Infant MARKER: Rev. Wm Fenton Mercer Jacobs June 13, 1831 - April 6, 1867 Sarah Virginia Jacobs May 15, 1836 - April 20, 1908 and their daughter Kate Jacobs Feb. 26, 1865 - March 12, 1865 Jacobs, Sarah V. MARKER: A-4-6 05/15/1836 04/20/1908 Rev. Wm Fenton Mercer Jacobs June 13, 1831 - April 6, 1867 04/20/1908 Sarah Virginia Jacobs May 15, 1836 - April 20, 1908 and their daughter Kate Jacobs Feb. 26, 1865 - March 12, 1865 Jacobs, Wm. Fenton Mercer, Rev. MARKER: A-4-5 06/13/1831 04/06/1867 Rev. Wm Fenton Mercer Jacobs June 13, 1831 - April 6, 1867 04/06/1867 Sarah Virginia Jacobs May 15, 1836 - April 20, 1908 and their daughter Kate Jacobs Feb. 26, 1865 - March 12, 1865 James, Alma M MARKER: 31-58-1 Alma M. James 05/24/1922 04/14/1991 04/17/1991 10/08/1973 04/16/1952 02/04/1973 10/13/1973 04/26/1999 10/24/1966 05/05/1999 (Polly) May 24, 1922 April 14, 1991 James, Dora James, Elsie Mae James, Frazier Nelson Sr. MARKER: James, George T James, Katherine Grace MARKER: A-19-4B T-355-6 T-137-3 07/08/1908 Frazier N. James, Sr Jly 8, 1908 - Oct 8, 1973 T-355-5 T-301-2A 01/11/1907 Katherine G. Crymes James 1907-1999 Carlton L. Crymes Jameson, Nancy King MARKER: Jamieson, Andrew MARKER: 1880 - 1957 O-35-3 Nancy King Jameson July 24, 1907 - April 4, 1984 M-11-2 01/01/1825 Andrew Jamieson 1825 - 1901 04/06/1984 01/01/1901 Son of Robert & Catharine S.Jamieson Jamieson, Andrew, Jr. MARKER: M-11-3A Robert D. Jamieson 09/19/1860 Died: Dec. 22, 1852 Eliza D. Jamieson Died: Oct. 8, 1854 Norman D. Jamieson Died: Jan 27, 1860 Andrew Jamieson, Jr. Died: Sept 19, 1860 J. Mason Jamieson Died: Apr. 18, 1862 Children of Andrew & Eliza V. Jamieson Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 237 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Jamieson, Charlotte Murdock MARKER: M-11-4 Charlotte M. Jamieson Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 10/15/1958 1869 -1958 Daughter of Andrew and Louisa Cole Jamieson Jamieson, Eliza D. MARKER: Jamieson, Eliza Murdoch MARKER: M-11-3E Robert D. Jamieson 10/08/1854 10/08/1854 Died: Dec. 22, 1852 Eliza D. Jamieson Died: Oct. 8, 1854 Norman D. Jamieson Died: Jan 27, 1860 Andrew Jamieson, Jr. Died: Sept 19, 1860 J. Mason Jamieson Died: Apr. 18, 1862 Children of Andrew & Eliza V. Jamieson M-11-1A Eliza Murdoch 1872 - 1890 01/01/1872 10/10/1890 Daughter of Andrew and Louisa Cole Jamieson Jamieson, Elsie MARKER: Jamieson, J. Mason MARKER: M-10-1 Elsie Jamieson 1872 - 1890 M-11-3B Robert D. Jamieson Died: Dec. 22, 1852 01/01/1890 04/18/1862 Eliza D. Jamieson Died: Oct. 8, 1854 Norman D. Jamieson Died: Jan 27, 1860 Andrew Jamieson, Jr. Died: Sept 19, 1860 J. Mason Jamieson Died: Apr. 18, 1862 Children of Andrew & Eliza V. Jamieson Jamieson, Louisa Cole MARKER: M-11-1 Louisa Cole Jamieson 01/01/1918 1840 - 1918 Daughter of Wm. F. Murdoch Wife of Andrew Jamieson Jamieson, Norman D MARKER: M-11-3C Robert D. Jamieson 01/27/1860 Died: Dec. 22, 1852 Eliza D. Jamieson Died: Oct. 8, 1854 Norman D. Jamieson Died: Jan 27, 1860 Andrew Jamieson, Jr. Died: Sept 19, 1860 J. Mason Jamieson Died: Apr. 18, 1862 Children of Andrew & Eliza V. Jamieson Jamieson, Robert D MARKER: Janney, Albert Bleackston MARKER: Janney, Bessie White MARKER: Janney, Charles Hamilton MARKER: M-11-3D Robert D. Jamieson 12/22/1852 Died: Dec. 22, 1852 Eliza D. Jamieson Died: Oct. 8, 1854 Norman D. Jamieson Died: Jan 27, 1860 Andrew Jamieson, Jr. Died: Sept 19, 1860 J. Mason Jamieson Died: Apr. 18, 1862 Children of Andrew & Eliza V. Jamieson G-59-4 01/07/1902 01/07/1902 Son of Eli H. and Corneila Janney G-59-5 02/01/1896 02/01/1896 Daughter of Eli H. & Corneila Janney G-60-3 12/01/1919 12/01/1919 Charles Hamilton Janney Feb. 26, 1892 - Aug. 6, 1893 01/07/1902 02/01/1896 12/04/1919 Son of Eli H. and Corneila Janney Janney, Charles Hamilton Jr. MARKER: G-60-1 Charles Hamilton Janney 08/06/1893 08/06/1893 10/31/1874 May 13, 1871 - Oct. 31, 1874 10/31/1874 10/31/1874 G-58-1 04/08/1879 04/08/1879 Cornelia Hammilton Janney Sept. 25, 1833 - Apr. 8, 1879 04/08/1879 Son of Charles H. & Josephine H. Janney Janney, Cornelia MARKER: G-58-2 Cornelia janney Daughter of Eli H. & Corneila Janney Janney, Cornelia Hamilton MARKER: Wife of Eli H. Janney G-60-2 Janney, Eli H 06/11/1893 06/11/1893 06/11/1893 Infant MARKER: Eli Hamilton Janney June 3, 1893 - June 11, 1893 Son of Charles H. & Josephine H. Janney Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 238 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date G-59-2 Janney, Eli Hamilton 11/12/1831 Death_Date 06/16/1912 Burial_Date 07/16/1912 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Janney, Ellen Eli Hamilton Janney Major, CSA Nov. 12, 1831 - June 16, 1912 Attached to the Staff of Gen Robert E. Lee His work was a benefaction which constitute his worthiest memorial Major, Co. A, 6th Virginia Cavalry; Co. D, 39th Bn Virginia Cavalry; Issuing Quartermaster, Army of Northern Virginia. Furnished substitute and was discharged in November 1861. Appointed Captain and Quartermaster of the 39th Batallion, August 1863. G-58-3 10/09/1874 06/29/1975 06/29/1875 Child MARKER: Daughter of Eli H. and Cornelia JANNEY OCT.9, 1874 - June 29, 1975 Janney, Ethel F. MARKER: O-109-2 Walter H. Janney, M.D. Ethel F. Janney Janney, Jane Wildman MARKER: 1874 - 1949 1885 - 1947 G-58-4 03/11/1890 03/11/1890 Jane Wildman Janney Feb. 18, 1873 - Mar. 11, 1890 03/14/1890 Daughter of Eli H. and Corneila Janney Janney, Nannie Hamilton MARKER: G-59-1 06/20/1936 06/20/1936 Nannie Hamilton Janney Dec. 3, 1865 - June 20, 1936 06/22/1936 Daughter of Eli H. and Corneila Janney Janney, Robert Edward Lee MARKER: G-58-6 Robert Edward Lee Janney 03/02/1923 03/02/1923 Oct. 17, 1863 - Mar2, 1923 03/05/1923 Son of Eli H. and Cornelia Janney Janney, Walter H., M.D. MARKER: O-109-1 Walter H. Janney, M.D. Ethel F. Janney Jarman, Dorothy MARKER: 01/06/1949 1874 - 1949 1885 - 1947 42-147-2a Dorothy Jarman 02/10/1918 09/25/2000 09/29/2000 09/28/1983 11/25/1983 01/06/1955 11/29/1983 February 10, 1918 September 25, 2000 Loving Mother and Grandmother T-348-3 2-81-1 Jarvis, Henry Jaskot, John Joseph, II Infant MARKER: Joseph John Jaskot, II Sept. 28, 1983 - Nov. 25, 1983 LUKE: 18: 15-17 Jasper, Betty F MARKER: F-4-8 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Jasper, D A MARKER: F-4-3 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Jasper, Eliza M MARKER: F-4-1 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Jasper, Eliza M MARKER: Jasper, Grace R Jasper, Helen V. MARKER: 01/01/1900 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 01/01/1821 01/01/1849 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 01/01/1820 01/01/1886 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 01/01/1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 F-4-1 Four (4) granite corner stones. P-53-5 T-274-6 Helen V. Jasper 1924 - (space) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/01/1849 01/01/1820 01/01/1886 01/01/1886 05/22/1924 10/21/1995 04/23/1928 10/24/1995 Page 239 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date F-4-2 Jasper, John R. 01/01/1830 Death_Date 01/01/1911 Burial_Date 01/01/1911 C S A Veteran MARKER: T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 NOTES: Jasper, Joseph W Jasper, Julia Jasper, Kate MARKER: Private, Co. H, 49th Virginia Infantry P-53-1 09/23/1833 02/19/1901 P-53-3 F-4-5 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Jasper, Mary Etta MARKER: F-4-6 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Jasper, Mary Irene Jasper, Sarah E. Purvis MARKER: Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 P-53-6 P-53-2 Joseph W. Jasper His Wife Sarah E. Purvis J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 08/01/1963 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 05/04/1831 Sept 23, 1833 - Feb 19, 1901 05/01/1907 08/22/1961 05/01/1907 01/01/1910 01/01/1910 May 4, 1831 - May 1, 1907 F-4-4 Jasper, Thomas E. 02/19/1901 09/21/1960 09/28/1961 01/01/1840 C S A Veteran MARKER: T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 NOTES: Jasper, W C Javins, Harry G. Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 Sergeant, Co. E, 51st Virginia Infantry P-53-4 A-36-6 08/28/1847 04/01/1894 07/15/1946 04/01/1894 08/15/1894 03/19/1894 11/29/1918 11/26/1994 08/19/1975 12/30/1986 11/30/1994 10/25/1917 10/23/2003 10/27/2003 M-89-3 07/16/1883 06/17/1965 William Irvine Jefferies Jly 16, 1883 - June 1, 1965 M-72-2 In Memory Of 06/19/1965 Alex-Business MARKER: Harry G. Javins Sept. 28, 1847 - April 1, 1894 of the firm of S. J. Martenet & Co., Surveyors & Civil Engineers of Baltimore, Son of G.D.& M.L. Javins Javins, Matilda L. MARKER: A-37-4 Matilda L. Javins - March 15, 1894 Wife of G. D. Javins Died March 15, 1894, aged 70. Jeantheau, Gabriel R Jefferies, Florence Jefferies, Virginia Nichols MARKER: T-257-2 M-89-6 M-89-5 JEFFERIES William Imler October 25, 1917 October 23, 2003 Jefferies, William Imler MARKER: M-89-4 JEFFERIES William Imler October 25, 1917 October 23, 2003 Jefferies, William Irvine MARKER: Jeffers, Joseph Arthur MARKER: Virginia Nichols November 29, 1918 November 26, 1994 Virginia Nichols November 29, 1918 November 26, 1994 Joseph Arthur Jeffers Mary Roberts Jeffers Jeffers, Mary Roberts MARKER: 1870 - 1930 1889 - 1978 M-72-1 In Memory Of Joseph Arthur Jeffers Mary Roberts Jeffers 01/01/1930 12/12/1956 1870 - 1930 1889 - 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 240 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Jeffress, Charles Newton MARKER: Birth_Date 2-72-4 In Loving Memory of Death_Date Burial_Date 09/20/1908 07/10/1991 07/16/1991 42-165-3 01/17/1951 In Memory of a faithful friend and dear mother 11/10/2003 11/14/2003 01/07/1945 01/07/1945 02/04/1968 01/16/1952 02/07/1968 Charles Newton Jeffress Beloved Father Sept. 20, 1908 - July 10, 1991 Jeffries, Bonnie Jean Yoast MARKER: BONNIE JEAN YOAST JEFFRIES "Grandma B" January 17, 1951 - November 10, 2003 Jeffries, Emily C. MARKER: Jenkens, Baby, Jenkins, Betty J. MARKER: C-41-3 Emily Clark Jeffries N-124-14 E-57-3B Betty Jane Jenkins 01/06/1885 1876 - 1934 01/13/1930 daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Jenkins Jan 13, 1930 - Feb. 4, 1968 Jenkins, Capitola J MARKER: E-57-2 JENKINS 06/06/1990 06/08/1990 06/27/1950 06/30/1950 F-13-2 07/30/1888 07/30/1888 Susan Maria Jenkins Feb. 12, 1819 - Jly 30, 1888 07/31/1888 Charles B. Capitola J. Jenkins, Charles B MARKER: MARKER: June 9, 1893 - June 27, 1950 Feb 14, 1904 - June 6, 1990 E-57-1 JENKINS Charles B. Capitola J. Jenkins, Susan Maria 02/14/1904 06/09/1893 June 9, 1893 - June 27, 1950 Feb 14, 1904 - June 6, 1990 Beloved Sister of Elizabeth A. Lloyd Died in Washington, D.C. Jenkins, Victoria L. Jennerwein, Irma Caesar MARKER: B-BBY-48-40 T-146-1 John Paul Jennerwein 05/05/1956 11/19/1906 02/05/1957 Feb 8, 1901 - Oct 13, 1967 Irma Caesar Jennerwein Nov 19, 1906 - Feb 5, 1957 Jennerwein, John P. MARKER: T-145-3 John Paul Jennerwein 10/17/1967 Feb 8, 1901 - Oct 13, 1967 Irma Caesar Jennerwein Nov 19, 1906 - Feb 5, 1957 Jennerwein, Margaret MARKER: 31-24-4 JENNERWEIN Margaret L. Oct. 27, 1924 Feb. 2, 2000 Jennerwein, William MARKER: Jennings, Baby, Jennings, Hazel Allen MARKER: 02/02/2000 02/11/2000 11/13/1929 04/27/1986 04/30/1986 William E. Nov. 13, 1929 April 27, 1986 31-24-3 JENNERWEIN Margaret L. Oct. 27, 1924 Feb. 2, 2000 10/27/1924 William E. Nov. 13, 1929 April 27, 1986 N-124-16 R-163-4B Father: James Wilmer Allen 1876 - 1941 02/04/1952 10/27/1956 Mother: Ida H. Allen 1878 - 1959 Son: Thomas Jackson Allen 1907 - 1940 Son: John Randolph Allen 1901 - 1950 B-BBY-48-31 Jennings, Jacqueline F. 08/08/1955 Infant Jennings, Jean Enke MARKER: O-243-2 01/15/1929 Boyd H. Enke Mar 17, 1901 - Apr 18, 1952 Jean E. Jennings Jennrich, Harold W. MARKER: 01/22/1995 04/11/1995 08/15/1992 08/18/1992 Jan 15, 1929 - Jan 22, 1995 2-84-3 JENNRICH 12/31/1906 Harold W. Dec. 31, 1906 - Aug. 15, 1992 Architect, Carpenter, Builder Jennrich, Norma Lee MARKER: 2-84-4 JENNRICH 06/24/1983 Norma Lee April 1, 1907 - June 22, 1983 She loved life Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 241 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Jensen, Bill Wayne MARKER: Birth_Date 42-9-1 BILL W. JENSEN Death_Date 08/12/1950 Burial_Date 11/05/2004 11/11/2004 07/09/1951 07/11/1967 Jly 9, 1951 - Jly 11, 1967 03/11/1914 01/02/2009 07/14/1967 Aug. 12, 1950 - Nov. 5, 2004 Beloved Son The Lord is my Shepherd - Psalm 23 Jensen, Brian Douglas MARKER: Jensen, Vera E. Jernigan, William Travis MARKER: T-147-3 SON: Brian Douglas Jensen 6-24-4 2-42-1 JERNIGAN 01/12/2009 02/14/1981 William T. 1923 - 1981 Jervis, Catherine E. MARKER: 31-67-2B JERVIS Catherine E. Jervis, Marlies (Marie) E. MARKER: MARKER: 31-67-3A JERVIS Wilfred C. 1932- (space) P. Gregory 1957-1989 Marlies C. 1932-2002 JERVIS P. Gregory 1957-1984 Jimenez, Benjamin MARKER: 03/14/1999 04/17/1999 09/14/1932 08/31/2002 09/06/2002 01/01/1957 01/01/1989 04/29/1989 08/19/1964 06/17/2001 06/21/2001 03/01/1914 04/22/2000 04/25/2000 09/10/1908 03/16/1996 03/20/1996 1903 - 1999 31-67-3B JERVIS Wilfred C. 1932- (space) P. Gregory 1957-1989 Marlies C. 1932-2002 JERVIS P. Gregory 1957-1984 Jervis, Paul Gregory 01/01/1903 33-3-2A JIMENEZ BENJAMIN 1964- 2001 Love never fails Johns, Florence E. MARKER: O-142-5 George M. Johns Sept 10,1908 - Mar. 16, 1996 Florence E. Johns Mar. 1, 1914 - Apr. 22, 2000 Johns, George M. MARKER: O-142-6 George M. Johns Sept 10,1908 - Mar. 16, 1996 Florence E. Johns Mar. 1, 1914 - Apr. 22, 2000 B-13-2A Johnson, 11/07/1956 Infant Johnson, Alexander Lee 32-77-11 07/07/1998 07/08/1998 07/14/1998 Infant MARKER: Alexander Lee Johnson July 7, 1998 - July 8, 1998 "Our little angel loved and remembered always" "Suffer the little children to come unto me... Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child"Mark Johnson, Allie Stricklin Johnson, Amy Elizabeth Marion T-138-6 E-32-2 04/26/1917 10/18/1889 02/14/2007 03/31/1890 02/24/2007 Infant MARKER: John Morgan Johnson Nov. 21, 1847 - May 14, 1927 Constance Beach Johnson Feb. 25, 1857 - May 24, 1944 Amy Elizabeth Marion Johnson 10/18/1889 - 03/31/1890 Daughter of John M & Constance B. Johnson Johnson, Andrew W MARKER: Johnson, Blanche H MARKER: T-197-3A Andrew W. Johnson 31-36-1 JOHNSON 10/13/1913 08/14/1977 Oct 13, 1913 - Aug 14, 1977 09/27/1891 04/26/1990 08/18/1977 04/30/1990 Blanche Helm Johnson 27 September 1891 - 26 April 1990 Robert Erle Johnson 5 August 1916 - 8 December 2002 In Loving memory of: Erle Cowan Johnson 29 February 1885 - 24 March 1900 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 242 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Johnson, Catherine V MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date O-319-3 Catherine Virginia Johnson Burial_Date 01/16/1988 Jan 1, 1893 - Jan 13, 1988 Johnson, Clifford Ross, Rev., Jr. T-138-5 03/04/1916 02/05/1970 02/07/1970 Alexandrian MARKER: Clifford Ross Johnson Th.D & D.D. Columbus, Georgia - Alexandria, Va. Pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1943-1970 Allie Stricklin Johnson April 26, 1917 - February 14, 2007 Dillon, South Carolina - Alexandria, Virginia Loving wife of Cliff Johnson NOTES: Johnson, Constance B MARKER: Doctorate in Theology 1947 from Union Theological Seminary, Richmond VA. Honorary Doctorate of Divinity 1958 from Westminster College, Fulton, MO. E-32-6A 05/26/1944 John Morgan Johnson Nov. 21, 1847 - May 14, 1927 Constance Beach Johnson Feb. 25, 1857 - May 24, 1944 Amy Elizabeth Marion Johnson 10/18/1889 - 03/31/1890 Daughter of John M & Constance B. Johnson Johnson, Dorothy C. MARKER: T-VET-45-5 DOROTHY C JOHNSON 02/08/1910 08/12/1999 08/29/1999 Feb 8, 1910 - Aug 12, 1999 (cross) T-146-6 Johnson, Edward D 11/04/1985 U. S. Military Veteran Johnson, Effie St Clair MARKER: M-107-3 Marion Hill Johnson 08/12/1903 11/28/1973 Sept 24, 1900 - Nov. 18, 1958 12/01/1973 Effie V. St. Clair Johnson Aug 12. 1903 - Nov 28, 1973 Johnson, Emily F MARKER: Johnson, Eric K Johnson, Ferguson Beach MARKER: T-92-3 Emily F. Johnson 1887 - 1972 T-196-1 E-32-3 Marion Beach Johnson Jly 22, 1889 - Dec. 13, 1907 04/22/1972 05/03/1985 Ferguson Beach Johnson Jly 29, 1895 - June 19, 1901 son of John & Constance B. Johnson R-56-4 Johnson, Francis H. 08/17/1910 09/14/1998 09/17/1998 12/23/2000 12/28/2000 01/07/1982 01/15/1982 U. S. Military Veteran JOHNSON MARKER: Francis H. June V. Johnson, Genevieve Shepperson MARKER: Aug 17, 1910 - Sept 14, 1998 April 18, 1916 - April 3, 1991 R-98-4 Genevieve Shepperson Johnson 06/25/1908 June 25, 1908 - December 23, 2000 Johnson, George Gilmore Sr. MARKER: R-55-2 George G. Johnson, Sr. November 24, 1904 - January 07, 1982 Johnson, Jeff D MARKER: N-97-1 Jeff D. Johnson 06/16/1944 1880 - 1944 In peaceful sleep Johnson, John August MARKER: R-229-3 Wellington Miur 01/01/1889 05/06/1942 05/06/1942 01/01/1847 01/01/1927 01/01/1927 1885 - 1978 Anna Muir 1880 - 1971 August Johnson 1889 - 1942 E-32-6B Johnson, John Morgan C S A Veteran MARKER: John Morgan Johnson Nov. 21, 1847 - May 14, 1927 Constance Beach Johnson Feb. 25, 1857 - May 24, 1944 Amy Elizabeth Marion Johnson 10/18/1889 - 03/31/1890 Daughter of John M & Constance B. Johnson NOTES: Johnson, Judy A. Robinson MARKER: Private, Co. D, 6th Virginia Cavalry T-144-4 09/20/1946 Judy A. Johnson Sept 20, 1946 - May 22, 1977 05/22/1977 05/24/1977 Rejoice in the Lord always Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 243 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Johnson, June G MARKER: Death_Date R-56-5 JOHNSON Francis H. June V. Johnson, Kenneth McDonald MARKER: Birth_Date Burial_Date 04/03/1991 04/08/1991 10/23/1965 05/26/1991 05/29/1991 01/01/1888 01/01/1979 06/05/1979 Aug 17, 1910 - Sept 14, 1998 April 18, 1916 - April 3, 1991 32-55-1 Kenneth M. Johnson 1965 - 1991 Johnson, Margaret Lee MARKER: 1-46-4 Margaret Lee Johnson 1888 - 1979 Beloved Mother of Marcia and Daughter of Anna Johnson, Marion Beach MARKER: E-32-1 07/22/1889 12/13/1907 Marion Beach Johnson Jly 22, 1889 - Dec. 13, 1907 Ferguson Beach Johnson Jly 29, 1895 - June 19, 1901 son of John & Constance B. Johnson Johnson, Marion Hill MARKER: M-107-2 Marion Hill Johnson 09/24/1900 05/18/1958 Sept 24, 1900 - Nov. 18, 1958 05/21/1958 Effie V. St. Clair Johnson Aug 12. 1903 - Nov 28, 1973 Johnson, Mary L. MARKER: B-27-2 In Memory of 07/04/1903 09/27/1938 09/29/1938 Mary Lulu Johnson Jly. 4, 1903 - Sept. 27, 1938 In peaceful sleep E-BBY-66-121 Johnson, Melody 01/27/1966 Infant Johnson, Robert Erle MARKER: Johnson, Virginia Warren MARKER: 31-36-2 JOHNSON 08/05/1916 12/18/2002 Blanche Helm Johnson 27 September 1891 - 26 April 1990 Robert Erle Johnson 5 August 1916 - 8 December 2002 In Loving memory of: Erle Cowan Johnson 29 February 1885 - 24 March 1900 T-250-6 JOHNSON 03/15/1922 12/23/2002 07/18/2006 07/22/2006 06/02/1895 02/10/1977 02/14/1977 08/09/1924 04/19/2009 04/23/2009 08/26/1971 08/27/1971 Wilson Lee May 8, 1912 - Aug. 26, 1971 Virginia Warren Mar. 15, 1922 - Jul 18, 2006 T-VET-45-4 Johnson, Ward Mark US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Ward Mark Johnson Capt. U.S. Army - World War II June 2, 1985 - Feb 10, 1977 41-31-2 Johnson, William Davis US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran JOHNSON William David August 9, 1924 - April 19, 2009 Audrey Thurston July 16, 1921 - (space) Married June 23, 1944 Johnson, Wilson Lee MARKER: T-250-5 JOHNSON 05/08/1912 Wilson Lee May 8, 1912 - Aug. 26, 1971 Virginia Warren Mar. 15, 1922 - Jul 18, 2006 Johnston, Baby Johnston, Charles F.M. MARKER: E-BBY-66-61B A-93-3 Charles F. M. Johnston 12/21/1962 Beloved Husband of Katie G. Johnston A-93-2A Johnston, Frances Infant MARKER: Frances Johnston Infant daughter of Charles F. M. and Katie G. Johnston Katie M.G. Johnston Beloved Daughter of Charles F. M. and Katie G. Johnston Johnston, Katie G. MARKER: A-93-2 Katie G. Johnston beloved Wife of Charles F. M. Johnston, and Devoted Mother of Katie M. G.Johnston Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 244 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Johnston, Katie M.G. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date A-93-1 Frances Johnston Infant daughter of Charles F. M. and Katie G. Johnston Katie M.G. Johnston Beloved Daughter of Charles F. M. and Katie G. Johnston Joiner, Eugenie Maude MARKER: E-7-2 JOINER 07/07/1913 12/17/1999 12/29/1999 J. Elliott Joiner 1894 - 1967 Eugenie M. Joiner 1913 "In God's Silent Memory Folded Deep" (Lowell) Joiner, J Elliott MARKER: E-7-1 JOINER 09/29/1967 J. Elliott Joiner 1894 - 1967 Eugenie M. Joiner 1913 "In God's Silent Memory Folded Deep" (Lowell) Jolley, Zelma Ruth MARKER: 42-118-2 Zelma Ruth Jolley 08/24/1910 02/21/2006 03/01/2006 02/12/1929 08/22/1991 08/26/1991 1910 - 2006 Jones, Anita Jean MARKER: 32-33-1 Jean Whitney Jones February 12, 1929 - August 22, 1991 Beloved mother and Nana E-BBY-66-70 Jones, Baby 05/10/1963 Infant N-166-20 Jones, Baby 06/16/1944 Infant Jones, Betty MARKER: 32-53-2 07/13/1922 In Loving Memory of my Dear Sister 12/16/2002 01/22/2003 06/01/1984 06/05/1984 08/11/1975 08/14/1975 11/15/1975 11/18/1975 05/05/1962 05/07/1962 BETTY JONES July 13, 1922 - Dec. 16, 2002 From Stella Griggs and Family T-VET-7-1 Jones, Betty Jo ??/??/1922 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: JONES Cullen B. Jr, 1921 - 1999 Jones, Charles Eddie MARKER: T-309-4 Charles E. Jones Mae C. Jones Jones, Clifford C MARKER: Betty Jo 1922 - 1984 1910 - 1975 1903 - 1980 R-185-1 08/28/1893 Clifford C.Jones Aug 28, 1893 - Nov. 15 1975 Josephine J.Butler, wife of Clifford C.Lones 1900 - 1940 T.B. Jones Aug 11, 1863 - June 7, 1954 Cornelia B. Brissey , wife of T.B. Jones 1865 - 1941 Jones, Cora Belle MARKER: B-23-2 George T. Jones Cora B. Jones Jones, Cornelia Brissey MARKER: 11/13/1878 Apr 24, 1875 - June 2, 1936 Nov. 13, 1878 - May 5, 1962 R-185-5 Clifford C.Jones Aug 28, 1893 - Nov. 15 1975 10/15/1941 Josephine J.Butler, wife of Clifford C.Lones 1900 - 1940 T.B. Jones Aug 11, 1863 - June 7, 1954 Cornelia B. Brissey , wife of T.B. Jones 1865 - 1941 T-VET-8-3 Jones, Cullen B. 05/25/1921 02/28/1999 03/04/1999 12/23/1948 12/08/1996 12/16/1996 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: JONES Cullen B. Jr, 1921 - 1999 Jones, Cullen B., III MARKER: Betty Jo 1922 - 1984 T-VET-8-4B Cullen B. Jones, III "HAP" Dec. 23, 1948 - Dec. 8, 1996 Mary Beth Jones Burton June 19, 1952 - Sept. 25, 1980 BROTHER SISTER Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 245 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-VET-8-1 Jones, Cullen B., Sr. 01/01/1893 Death_Date 04/24/1971 Burial_Date 04/28/1971 Freemason MARKER: Cullen B. Jones 1893 - 1971 Expecting the best, he found each day of his life better than he expected. Gladys S. Jones 1893 - 1972 Giving more of herself enabled her to get more from life. This successful marriage was made by many sacrifices. 6-40-3 Jones, Donald E. 01/01/1932 01/01/1982 08/13/1982 01/01/1902 02/01/1989 02/06/1989 G-41-1 12/24/1898 Elsie Devers Jones Dec 24, 1898 - Jan 4, 1979 01/04/1979 01/06/1979 Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: DONALD E. HELEN L. 1932 - 1982 1921 - 2006 (TOGETHER FOREVER) JONES Jones, Dorothy B MARKER: 6-36-2 Gordon B. Dorothy B. 1900 - 1976 1902 - 1989 (TOGETHER FOREVER) JONES Jones, Elsie Devers MARKER: Wife of Clifford C. Jones Jones, Fannie Martena MARKER: M-67-2 Thomas Melville Jones 05/02/1950 1871 - 1930 Fannie Martena Jones 1865 - 1950 Thomas Melville Jones, Jr 1895 - 1960 Jones, George Thomas MARKER: B-23-1 George T. Jones 06/02/1936 06/04/1936 T-VET-8-2 ??/??/1893 06/01/1972 Cullen B. Jones 1893 - 1971 Expecting the best, he found 06/03/1972 Cora B. Jones Jones, Gladys S MARKER: 04/24/1875 Apr 24, 1875 - June 2, 1936 Nov. 13, 1878 - May 5, 1962 each day of his life better than he expected. Gladys S. Jones 1893 - 1972 Giving more of herself enabled her to get more from life. This successful marriage was made by many sacrifices. 6-36-1 Jones, Gordon B 01/01/1900 10/05/1976 10/08/1976 05/11/1921 07/25/2006 07/31/2006 04/05/1911 07/09/2003 07/16/2003 08/24/1887 Jan 22, 1891 - Feb 19, 1976 09/28/1958 09/30/1958 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Gordon B. Dorothy B. 1900 - 1976 1902 - 1989 (TOGETHER FOREVER) JONES Jones, Helen Lucille MARKER: 6-40-4 DONALD E. HELEN L. 1932 - 1982 1921 - 2006 (TOGETHER FOREVER) JONES Jones, James Overton MARKER: R-13-4 JONES James O. Mildred L. Jones, James Sutton MARKER: Mar 5, 1911 - July 9, 2003 Mar 30, 1913 - Feb 4, 1987 N-155-6 Minnie L. Jones James S. Jones Jones, John S Jones, Josephine J.Butler MARKER: Aug 24, 1887 - Sept 28, 1958 T-200-6 R-185-2 Clifford C.Jones Aug 28, 1893 - Nov. 15 1975 09/10/1964 02/07/1940 Josephine J.Butler, wife of Clifford C.Lones 1900 - 1940 T.B. Jones Aug 11, 1863 - June 7, 1954 Cornelia B. Brissey , wife of T.B. Jones 1865 - 1941 Jones, Leslie Edgar Jones, Mae C MARKER: T-194-2A T-309-5 Charles E. Jones Mae C. Jones Jones, Margaret L. MARKER: 06/08/1981 03/03/1980 1910 - 1975 1903 - 1980 P-72-2A JONES MARGARET L. 04/17/1998 TILFORD A. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 246 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Jones, Mary E. MARKER: Birth_Date G-47-5 C. C. BRADLEY 01/17/1918 Death_Date 07/30/1999 MOLLIE BROWN BRADLEY 1863 -1930 CORA BROWN (NO DATES) LOUSIA BRADLEY SKINNER 1895 - 1937 Mary E. Jones 1918 - 1999 Jones, Mildred Lyles MARKER: R-13-5 JONES James O. Mildred L. Jones, Minnie Louisa Zimmerman Burial_Date 08/06/1999 02/10/1987 Mar 5, 1911 - July 9, 2003 Mar 30, 1913 - Feb 4, 1987 N-155-5 01/22/1891 02/19/1976 02/23/1976 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Minnie L. Jones James S. Jones NOTES: Jones, Robert S MARKER: Jan 22, 1891 - Feb 19, 1976 Aug 24, 1887 - Sept 28, 1958 Past Councilor of Mary Washington Council, DAR and Daughters of Liberty. M-148-1 Robert S. Jones 1859 - 1931 Sarah McCay Jones Jones, Sarah McCay MARKER: M-148-2 Robert S. Jones 1862 - 1911 01/01/1911 1859 - 1931 Sarah McCay Jones Jones, Stephen Frederick 01/01/1931 1862 - 1911 M-157-4 08/04/1953 Infant Jones, Theo B. MARKER: R-185-4 09/11/1863 Clifford C.Jones Aug 28, 1893 - Nov. 15 1975 06/07/1954 06/11/1954 Josephine J.Butler, wife of Clifford C.Lones 1900 - 1940 T.B. Jones Aug 11, 1863 - June 7, 1954 Cornelia B. Brissey , wife of T.B. Jones 1865 - 1941 Jones, Thomas M., Jr. MARKER: M-67-4 Thomas Melville Jones 11/10/1960 1871 - 1930 Fannie Martena Jones 1865 - 1950 Thomas Melville Jones, Jr 1895 - 1960 Jones, Thomas Melville MARKER: M-67-1 Thomas Melville Jones 01/01/1930 1871 - 1930 Fannie Martena Jones 1865 - 1950 Thomas Melville Jones, Jr 1895 - 1960 Jones, Wallace G MARKER: Jones, Wilburn H. MARKER: Jordan, A. Woodfoot MARKER: T-354-4 02/12/1894 Wallace G. Jones Feb 12, 1894 - Mar 22, 1955 B-26-6 Wilburn H.Jones 1881 - 1951 N-74-5 A. Woodfoot Jordan 1880 - 1944 Rena Jordan William P. Jordan Jordan, Carolyn F. MARKER: 03/22/1955 03/25/1955 04/05/1951 07/13/1944 1883 1908 - 1942 D-26-6 JORDAN 09/08/1914 05/29/2000 06/07/2000 05/06/1997 05/09/1997 Carolyn Walden September 8, 1914 - May 29, 2000 Jordan, Edward Lawrence, III MARKER: D-26-1 Edward Lawrence, III 11/15/1909 November 15, 1909 May 6, 1997 J O R D O N Jordan, William Preston MARKER: N-74-4 A. Woodfoot Jordan Rena Jordan William P. Jordan Joseph, Barbara M. MARKER: 10/01/1942 1880 - 1944 1883 1908 - 1942 33-6-1 Barbara M. Joseph 04/01/1937 11/24/1996 12/06/1996 08/16/1971 04/16/2004 04/21/2004 Apr. 1, 1937 - Nov. 24, 1996 Joyner, Hassan MARKER: COL 6-S2-48 Hassan Joyner August 16, 1971 - April 16, 2004 Juarez, Madeline L T-381-6A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/17/1989 Page 247 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Juarez, Margaret C Judd, Clarence W. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-381-6B C-29-1 Clarence W. Judd 1876 - 1934 Burial_Date 04/17/1989 07/31/1934 Woodmen of the World Judd, Emma G Judkins, Esther Burke MARKER: C-29-2 M-32-2 Holland Ball Judkins 03/15/1892 02/18/1964 June 4, 1891 - Jan 17, 1967 His beloved wife: Esther Burke Judkins Judkins, Holland Ball MARKER: M-32-1 Holland Ball Judkins MARKER: Mar 15, 1892 - Feb 06/04/1891 01/17/1967 June 4, 1891 - Jan 17, 1967 His beloved wife: Esther Burke Judkins Junghans, Lida W. 33-69-2 Lida W. Junghans 10/26/1973 02/22/1964 01/21/1967 Mar 15, 1892 - Feb 01/10/1909 01/02/1998 01/07/1998 08/21/1923 01/16/1975 01/20/1975 12/05/1957 02/14/1944 12/23/2006 06/30/2009 12/29/2006 07/06/2009 03/31/1881 09/07/1973 Mar 31, 1881 - Sept 7, 1973 09/10/1973 January 10, 1909 * January 2, 1998 Beloved Mother and Grandmother T-33-6 Justus, Jimmy Burks WW II - Veteran MARKER: Beloved Husband and Father Jimmy B. Justus Aug. 21, 1923 - Jan. 16,1975 "Purple Heart" Justus, Randy Joe Kabel, Nancy Clare MARKER: Kaldenbach, John E., Sr. MARKER: 31-56-2 41-36-1 Nancy Clare Kabel (cameo) February 14, 1944 - June 30, 2009 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Those who knew her were fortunate. Those who loved her the memory lingers on. Rest well, you have earned it. O-31-1 John E. Kaldenbach, Sr. Matilda Klein Kaldenbach Kaldenbach, Mary E MARKER: 1880 - 1948 O-31-4 Mary Evangeline Kaldenbach 10/22/1983 April 3, 1909 - October 18, 1983 Kaldenbach, Matilda Klein MARKER: O-31-2 John E. Kaldenbach, Sr. Matilda Klein Kaldenbach Kampe, Grace Tothill MARKER: O-248-2 Grace Tothill Kampe 03/24/1948 Mar 31, 1881 - Sept 7, 1973 1880 - 1948 03/04/1897 02/16/1953 Mar 4, 1897 - Feb 16, 1953 Beloved Wife of Thomas L. Kampe Kane, Katherine Snyder(Emma) MARKER: T-76-3 02/19/1953 Rest in peace 11/01/1895 01/05/1993 01/08/1993 02/15/1975 02/18/1975 12/27/1990 12/29/1990 KANE Robert Louis Kane Apr 3, 1893 - Feb 15, 1975 Katherine Snyder Kane Nov 1, 1895 - Jan 5, 1993 T-76-2 Kane, Robert Louis 04/03/1893 KANE MARKER: Robert Louis Kane Apr 3, 1893 - Feb 15, 1975 Katherine Snyder Kane Nov 1, 1895 - Jan 5, 1993 Kanelis, Alexandra P. MARKER: T-289-6 Alexandra Kanelis 12/11/1907 Dec 11, 1907 - Dec 27,1990 OEIA Kanoose, Ida R. MARKER: C-6-1B Ida Kanoose 1864 - 1939 Alice Gavin 1869 - 1942 Virginia Thornton 1863 - 1943 Theodosia Slayton 1858 - 1943 May Franklin 1855 - 1944 T-138-2 Karis, Michael 11/22/1939 08/17/1912 05/13/1974 05/16/1974 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: DADDY Michael Karis August 17, 1912 - May 13, 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 248 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Karis, Sarah C. MARKER: Birth_Date T-138-3 MOMMY Death_Date Burial_Date 06/23/1918 07/26/1998 07/30/1998 01/21/1924 Jan 21, 1924 - Nov 7, 1960 11/07/1960 11/09/1960 09/18/1916 02/19/2001 02/21/2001 01/06/1922 06/02/1989 06/06/1989 11/07/1919 05/17/2001 05/19/2001 Catherine Karis June 23, 1918 - July 26, 1998 Kassir, Salem D. MARKER: T-270-5 Salem D. Kassir Tho' lost to sight, to memory dear Katz, Robert Emanuel MARKER: 42-4-2 KATZ Robert E. Sept. 18, 1916 Feb. 19, 2001 Kauffman, Phillip Richard MARKER: Barbara B. June 13, 1938 (space) 31-68-4 Phillip Richard KAUFFMAN January 6, 1922 June 2, 1989 Kauffman, Virginia Halstead MARKER: 31-69-1 Virginia Halstead KAUFFMAN November 7, 1919 May 17, 2001 Kaus, Anna Bartsch MARKER: R-138-5 Lawrence Ross Didszoneit 1902 - 1966 07/21/1971 Evelyn C. Kreamer 1911 - 1940 William Kaus 1879 - 1954 Anna M. Bartsch 1883 - 1971 Kaus, William MARKER: R-138-4 Lawrence Ross Didszoneit 1902 - 1966 12/31/1954 Evelyn C. Kreamer 1911 - 1940 William Kaus 1879 - 1954 Anna M. Bartsch 1883 - 1971 Kavaljian, Benjamin V MARKER: 31-31-3 11/16/1981 05/10/1990 Benjamin Vahan Kavaljain Nov. 16, 1981 - May 10, 1990 05/12/1990 "And when he shall die, cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of the heavens so fine That all the world will be in love with the night." Kavaljian, Benjamin V MARKER: 31-31-3 (Reverse) 11/16/1981 05/10/1990 05/12/1990 12/20/1973 12/24/1973 Gone from our sight But never our memories. Gone from our touch But never our hearts . . . Kaye, Beverly Bover MARKER: Kearney, Blanche Lee MARKER: T-34-5 11/08/1932 Beverly Bover Kaye Nov 8, 1932 - Dec20, 1973 R-181-6 Robert Allen Kearney 1867 - 1941 06/09/1975 Mary Katherine Kearney 1873 - 1962 Blanche Lee Kearney 1881 - 1975 Sadie Housholder 1870 - 1950 Henry Walper Kearney 1871 - 1950 Kearney, Clarence J MARKER: T-267-6 Clarence J. Kearney Mildred I. Kearney Kearney, Edmund Allen MARKER: P-45-4 Eliza Vianna Allen 11/03/1969 1894 - 1969 1906 - 1967 01/01/1929 1832 - 1902 Margaret Elizabeth Kearney 1870 - 1924 Edmund Allen Kearney 1886 - 1929 Kearney, Edward Joseph MARKER: Kearney, Henry Walper M-39-2 Edward J. Kearney 1893 - 1933 P-45-1 12/03/1933 07/31/1838 12/19/1904 12/19/1904 C S A Veteran MARKER: Henry Walper Kearney Jly 31, 1838 - Dec 19, 1904 Capt. Co. D., 12th Va.Cav. CSA His wife: Margaret Beavers Allen Nov 26, 1843 - Apr 22, 1905 NOTES: Captain, Knott's Co., 7th Virginia Cav. Co. D, 12th Virginia Cavalry. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 249 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kearney, Henry Walper, Dr. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-181-1 Robert Allen Kearney 1867 - 1941 08/05/1950 Mary Katherine Kearney 1873 - 1962 Blanche Lee Kearney 1881 - 1975 Sadie Housholder 1870 - 1950 Henry Walper Kearney 1871 - 1950 Kearney, John Briscoe MARKER: M-45-3A John Briscoe Kearney 01/01/1946 1885 - 1945 his wife: Sara Baker Kearney Kearney, Margaret Beavers Allen MARKER: Burial_Date 1884 _ 1966 P-45-2 11/26/1843 04/22/1905 Henry Walper Kearney Jly 31, 1838 - Dec 19, 1904 04/22/1905 Capt. Co. D., 12th Va.Cav. CSA His wife: Margaret Beavers Allen Nov 26, 1843 - Apr 22, 1905 Kearney, Margaret Elizabeth MARKER: P-45-3 Eliza Vianna Allen 01/01/1924 1832 - 1902 Margaret Elizabeth Kearney 1870 - 1924 Edmund Allen Kearney 1886 - 1929 Kearney, Mary Katherine MARKER: R-181-4 Robert Allen Kearney 1867 - 1941 Mary Katherine Kearney 1873 - 1962 Blanche Lee Kearney 1881 - 1975 Sadie Housholder 1870 - 1950 Henry Walper Kearney 1871 - 1950 Kearney, Mildred Ives MARKER: T-266-4 Clarence J. Kearney Mildred I. Kearney Kearney, Robert Allen MARKER: 06/24/1967 1894 - 1969 1906 - 1967 R-181-5 Robert Allen Kearney 1867 - 1941 01/31/1941 Mary Katherine Kearney 1873 - 1962 Blanche Lee Kearney 1881 - 1975 Sadie Housholder 1870 - 1950 Henry Walper Kearney 1871 - 1950 Kearney, Sadie H MARKER: R-181-2 Robert Allen Kearney 1867 - 1941 01/19/1957 Mary Katherine Kearney 1873 - 1962 Blanche Lee Kearney 1881 - 1975 Sadie Housholder 1870 - 1950 Henry Walper Kearney 1871 - 1950 Kearney, Sara Baker MARKER: M-45-3B John Briscoe Kearney MARKER: N-113-1 Charles A. Keefer MARKER: N-113-4 Charles A. Keefer 11/01/1947 04/18/1959 Jan 21, 1920 - Apr 1959 N-113-6 32-60-4C Charlotte A. Keene 10/03/1926 02/07/1996 Oct. 3, 1926 - Feb. 7, 1996 "She did it her way" "Forever in our hearts" Her Son: Warfield S. Keene, III Jan 17, 1956 - Apr 28, 2006 Keene, Robert S MARKER: M-21-6 Robert S. Keene His Wife Rosa M. Cox Keene, Rosa M MARKER: 04/09/1986 02/13/1996 10/27/1967 1888 - 1967 1892 - 1966 M-21-3 Robert S. Keene His Wife Rosa M. Cox 11/04/1947 Jan 21, 1920 - Apr 1959 01/21/1920 Jan 5, 1890 - Nov 1, 1947 Charles Burrus Keefer Keefer, Dorothy Burrus Keene, Charlotte A. MARKER: 1884 _ 1966 01/05/1890 Jan 5, 1890 - Nov 1, 1947 Charles Burrus Keefer Keefer, Charles Burrus 08/29/1966 1885 - 1945 his wife: Sara Baker Kearney Keefer, Charles A Keene, Susie M 04/17/1962 07/09/1966 1888 - 1967 1892 - 1966 T-223-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 03/24/1974 03/26/1974 Page 250 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Keene, Warfield S., III MARKER: Birth_Date 32-60-4A Charlotte A. Keene 01/17/2006 Oct. 3, 1926 - Feb. 7, 1996 "She did it her way" "Forever in our hearts" Her Son: Warfield S. Keene, III Jan 17, 1956 - Apr 28, 2006 Keirn, Dorothy E. MARKER: Keith, Bessie Lambert MARKER: Death_Date B-30-6 Dorothy Elizabeth Keirn M-68-5 Bessie L. Keith Died: Oct 3, 1974 09/01/1877 Burial_Date 10/28/2006 10/03/1974 10/05/1974 08/04/1961 08/07/1961 1877 - 1961 M-68-6 Keith, Clarence R 01/01/1931 Freemason MARKER: Clarence R. Keith 1877 - 1931 (Masonic) Keith, Clarence R. MARKER: M-68-4a Clarence R. Keith 12/13/1915 12/03/2000 12/29/2000 11/11/1919 02/12/1985 02/15/1985 M-68-3 09/22/1918 Harold R. Keith Sept 22, 1918 - Apr. 29, 1978 42-128-2 01/03/1980 KELLEHER , Matthew John 04/29/1978 05/02/1978 07/04/2003 07/11/2003 Dec. 13, 1915 - Dec 3, 2000 Keith, Dora V MARKER: M-68-2 Dora V. Keith Nov. 11, 1919 - Feb. 12, 1985 Keith, Harold R MARKER: Kelleher, Matthew John MARKER: January 3, 1980 - July 4, 2003 Beloved Son, Brother, Friend. We love you and miss you In our hearts you will be young forever. KELLEHER Keller, Charles Edward Keller, Edward C MARKER: C-26-1A C-26-1 Charles Edward Keller Lucy A. Miller Keller, Lucy A. MARKER: MARKER: 10/01/1935 10/03/1935 June 11, 1864 - Oct. 1, 1935 Aug. 27, 1874 - Mar. 25, 1963 C-26-2 Charles Edward Keller Lucy A. Miller Keller, Philip W 06/11/1864 08/27/1874 03/25/1963 June 11, 1864 - Oct. 1, 1935 03/28/1963 Aug. 27, 1874 - Mar. 25, 1963 2-104-1 KELLER 12/05/1905 09/27/1983 09/30/1983 06/25/1904 June 25, 1904 - Jly 7, 1958 01/07/1896 07/07/1958 07/10/1958 10/24/1996 11/01/1996 Phillip Willis Dec. 5, 1905 - Sept. 27, 1984 Keller, Ralph W MARKER: Kelley, Amanda Marie Harrington MARKER: T-283-1 Ralph W. Keller M-86-2 KELLEY AMANDA MARIE H. 1896 - 1996 Kelley, Anna Hughes MARKER: P-23-6 Hubert V. Kelley 1867 - 1942 Mary H. Kelley Anna H. Kelley Kelley, Bessie Virginia MARKER: 05/27/1958 1874 - 1955 1882 - 1958 T-122-1 07/23/1921 Bessie Virginia Kelley Jly 3, 1922 - Oct 24, 1973 10/24/1973 10/27/1973 T-123-3 01/13/1951 04/10/1971 Charles Edward Kelley Jan 31, 1951 - Apr 10, 1971 04/10/1971 Do not stand at my grave and cry I am not here, I did not die Kelley, Charles Edward MARKER: The good die young Kelley, Hubert Vernon MARKER: P-23-4 Hubert V. Kelley 1867 - 1942 Mary H. Kelley Anna H. Kelley 02/28/1942 1874 - 1955 1882 - 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 251 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kelley, James L. MARKER: T-287-4 James L. Kelley Birth_Date 12/04/1902 Dec 4, 1902 - Sept 22, 1971 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/22/1971 09/22/1971 11/21/1955 12/23/1955 01/01/1943 06/21/1949 The Father we loved Kelley, John F MARKER: T-366-1 05/22/1897 John F. Kelley May 22, 1897 - Nov 21, 1955 Mary T. Kelley Kelley, Joseph J MARKER: Kelley, Joseph J., LT Air Corps MARKER: Apr 8, 1900 - Jly 23, 1979 M-86-3 Joseph J. Kelley M-86-1 1886 - 1932 01/01/1919 U. S. Military Veteran Jos. John Kelley 1919 - 1943 Lt. Air Corps USA Kelley, Mary H. MARKER: P-23-5 Hubert V. Kelley 1867 - 1942 Mary H. Kelley Anna H. Kelley Kelley, Mary T MARKER: MARKER: 1874 - 1955 1882 - 1958 T-366-2 04/08/1900 John F. Kelley May 22, 1897 - Nov 21, 1955 07/23/1979 07/26/1979 01/01/1940 01/01/1940 T-53-1 08/24/1920 01/07/1977 James Stephens Kelly Aug 24, 1920 - Jan 7, 1977 A-16-2 01/01/1873 01/01/1931 Mamie L. Kelly 1873 - 1931 01/11/1977 Mary T. Kelley Kelly, Granville 04/09/1955 Apr 8, 1900 - Jly 23, 1979 A-16-1 Mamie L. Kelly 1873 - 1931 01/01/1863 Wife of Granville Kelly Granville Kelly 1863 - 1940 Kelly, James Stephens MARKER: Kelly, Mamie L MARKER: 01/01/1931 Wife of Granville Kelly Granville Kelly 1863 - 1940 42-79-2A Kelso, Edward Grover US Navy E3 MARKER: 12/02/1927 06/04/2004 06/11/2004 WW II - Veteran KELSO Edward Grover Dec 2, 1927 - Jun 4, 2004 Ruth Marie Jan 21, 1930 - (SPACE) HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD Kemp, Betty McHenry MARKER: T-66-3 Betty McHenry Kemp 03/27/1970 1916 - 1970 How do I love Thee? Let me count the ways Kemp, Kenneth A Kemp, Margaret M MARKER: T-66-6 O-233-3 BELEW 01/17/1983 10/28/1980 Mary Jane Belew Apr 23, 1893 - Nov 4, 1948 Marg. Kemp Mar 29, 1910 - Oct 25, 1980 Mack W. Belew Sept 27, 1884 - Aug 2, 1967 Christine C. Klatko Oct 22, 1918 - Feb 1, 1995 Kemper, Edward H MARKER: A-6-1 Edward H. Kemper 01/01/1866 01/01/1932 01/01/1932 01/01/1867 01/01/1948 02/09/1948 A-6-3 12/09/1833 Kate Garnett Kemper Dec. 9, 1891 - Jly. 4, 1892 07/04/1892 07/04/1862 07/23/2005 07/27/2005 02/12/1973 03/16/1938 02/12/1973 Fanny Lee Kemper Kemper, Fannie Lee MARKER: A-6-2 Edward H. Kemper Fanny Lee Kemper Kemper, Kate G MARKER: 1866 - 1932 1867 - 1948 1866 - 1932 1867 - 1948 Daughter of E. H. & F.L. Kemper Kemper, Leona C. MARKER: 31-65-2 Leona Chisolm Kemper 12/13/1913 Dec. 13, 1913 July 23, 2005 Kemper, Maude B Kemper, Nora Ann MARKER: B-34-2 T-237-1 Nora Ann Kemper 12/14/1883 Dec 14, 1883 - Feb 12, 1973 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 252 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kemper, Richard Harrison MARKER: Birth_Date 31-65-1 Richard H. Kemper, Sr. Death_Date 03/25/1907 07/07/1994 Burial_Date 07/09/1994 March 25, 1907 July 7, 1994 N-166-2 Kempner, Baby 04/23/1943 Infant Kendrick, Eva Marie MARKER: 32-77-7 EVA MARIE KENDRICK 05/19/2006 05/19/2006 05/23/2006 May 19, 2006 Kendrick, Frances E MARKER: 2-11-2 Frances E. Kendrick 10/10/1983 December 20, 1895 - October 6, 1983 Keneipp, Edgar Percy MARKER: N-81-1 Edgar Percy Keneipp 1865 - 1955 Etta May Hartman Keneipp, Etta MayHartman MARKER: 01/01/1955 07/09/1955 1873 - 1942 N-81-2 Edgar Percy Keneipp 1865 - 1955 Etta May Hartman 06/06/1942 1873 - 1942 N-81-3 Keneipp, Percy H 01/01/1865 09/27/1896 10/08/1950 10/11/1950 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Percy H. Keneipp Sept 27, 1896 - Oct 8, 1950 District of Columbia Sgt., U.S. Army WWI Kengla, Effa Richardson MARKER: P-20-5 Joseph Richardson Nov 7, 1858 - Mar 21, 1916 Isabella D. Richardson Mar 26, 1861 - Nov 12, 1936 Helen Ruth Richardson 1891 - 1964 Charles Page Richardson 1901 - 1928 Effa Richardson Kengla 1885 - 1923 Kennedy, Clarence B. MARKER: O-285-6 Clarence B. Kennedy 06/12/1958 1904 - 1958 Edna Elizabeth Kennedy 1905 - 1998 Kennedy, Edna Elizabeth MARKER: O-285-5 Clarence B. Kennedy 11/23/1905 01/25/1998 01/28/1998 11/11/1977 11/14/1977 12/11/1963 12/11/1963 1904 - 1958 Edna Elizabeth Kennedy 1905 - 1998 Kennelly, Belle P. MARKER: O-213-6 Harry M. Kennelly Belle P. Kennelly Kennelly, Harry M MARKER: Feb 16, 1894 - Nov 11, 1977 O-213-4 Harry M. Kennelly Belle P. Kennelly Kent, Archer W MARKER: MARKER: 11/27/1886 Nov 27, 1886 - Dec 11, 1963 Feb 16, 1894 - Nov 11, 1977 O-293-4 KENT Archer Wilkins Mary Good Kent, Lelia Ogston 02/16/1894 Nov 27, 1886 - Dec 11, 1963 01/17/1970 April 22, 1888 - Jan 15, 1970 June 14, 1896 - April 6, 1989 31-124-2 Lelia Ogston Kent 08/26/1918 02/23/1989 02/27/1989 August 26, 1918 - february 23, 1989 "She is a tree of life to those who grasp her, and he is happy who holds her fast." Kent, Mary G MARKER: O-293-5 KENT Archer Wilkins Mary Good Kenty, Angela C. MARKER: 08/14/1989 April 22, 1888 - Jan 15, 1970 June 14, 1896 - April 6, 1989 R-127-6 Angela C. Kenty 11/16/1950 Nov. 16, 1950 - Sept. 1, 1974 09/01/1974 09/06/1974 01/20/1961 01/23/1961 When you are sorrowful look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has brought you great joy. Kerby, Arthur D MARKER: A-24-2 Arthur D.Kerby 11/15/1875 Nov. 15, 1875 - Jan. 20, 1961 Mattie L.Kerby Jly. 7, 1873- Apr. 24, 1951 Malcom Lee Kerby Feb. 27, 1885 - June 25. 1909 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 253 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kerby, Malcolm Lee MARKER: A-24-3 Arthur D.Kerby Birth_Date 02/27/1885 Nov. 15, 1875 - Jan. 20, 1961 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/25/1909 01/25/1909 04/24/1951 04/24/1951 01/09/1996 01/15/1996 07/22/1916 08/03/1976 Jly 22, 1916 - Aug 3, 1976 08/07/1976 Mattie L.Kerby Jly. 7, 1873- Apr. 24, 1951 Malcom Lee Kerby Feb. 27, 1885 - June 25. 1909 Kerby, Mattie Lewis MARKER: A-24-1 Arthur D.Kerby 07/07/1873 Nov. 15, 1875 - Jan. 20, 1961 Mattie L.Kerby Jly. 7, 1873- Apr. 24, 1951 Malcom Lee Kerby Feb. 27, 1885 - June 25. 1909 Kerns, Darren Michael, Jr. T-57-6 01/09/1996 Infant MARKER: Darren Michael, Jr. - January 9, 1996 - Son of: Darren & Kelley Kerns John 10: 27, 28 Kerns, Saint Elmo MARKER: T-57-4 Father; Saint Elmo Kerns Mother: Violet B. Kerns Gone but not forgotten Kerns, Violet B. MARKER: T-57-5 Father; Saint Elmo Kerns Mother: Violet B. Kerns Gone but not forgotten Kerr, Elizabeth W., Mrs. MARKER: Feb 9, 1912 - Feb 26, 2004 02/19/1912 02/26/2004 Jly 22, 1916 - Aug 3, 1976 03/01/2004 Feb 9, 1912 - Feb 26, 2004 T-132-2 Elizabeth Wilson Kerr 09/03/1906 11/22/1993 11/26/1993 04/26/1966 04/28/1966 08/09/2003 08/20/2003 Sept 3, 1906 - Nov 22, 1993 Kerr, John Yancey MARKER: Kerrick, Elizabeth Amanda MARKER: T-132-1 09/14/1907 John Yancey Kerr Sept 14, 1907 - Apr 26, 1966 R-202-3A 05/30/1924 KERRICK Milton Fristoe Kerrick died: Aug 5, 1941 Maude amanda Howdershell Kerrick died: Sept 29, 1980 Elizabth Amanda Kerrick May 30, 1925 - Aug 09, 2003 Kerrick, Maude Howdershell MARKER: R-202-2 KERRICK 09/29/1980 10/02/1980 Milton Fristoe Kerrick died: Aug 5, 1941 Maude amanda Howdershell Kerrick died: Sept 29, 1980 Elizabth Amanda Kerrick May 30, 1925 - Aug 09, 2003 Kerrick, Milton Fristoe MARKER: R-202-1 KERRICK 08/05/1941 08/08/1941 Milton Fristoe Kerrick died: Aug 5, 1941 Maude amanda Howdershell Kerrick died: Sept 29, 1980 Elizabth Amanda Kerrick May 30, 1925 - Aug 09, 2003 Kersting, Charles F. MARKER: F-51-3 In Memory of 09/18/1861 05/15/1939 05/15/1939 09/08/1835 02/10/1911 02/10/1911 03/18/1828 09/05/1884 08/05/1884 12/24/1980 12/27/1980 02/22/1998 02/27/1998 Charles F. Kersting son of Wm. D & Rosa S. Kersting Born: Sept 18, 1861 Died: May 15, 1939 Kersting, Rosa S MARKER: F-51-2 In Memory of Rosa S. Kersting wife of Wm. D. Kersting Born:Sept.8,1835 Died: Feb. 10, 1911 Asleep in Jesus Kersting, William D MARKER: F-51-1 In Memory of Wm. D. Kersting Born: March 18, 1828 Died: Sept. 5, 1884 Kervin, George Albert, Jr. MARKER: 2-38-1 George A. Kervin, Jr. October 27, 1905 - December 24, 1980 In loving memory Kervin, Velma A. MARKER: 2-38-2 VELMA COOMBS KERVIN 08/02/1907 Beloved wife, mother, and grandmother. February 22, 1998. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 254 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kester, Mary Foust MARKER: 32-43-1 MARY FOUST KESTER Birth_Date 12/21/1936 Death_Date 12/17/1995 Burial_Date 12/21/1995 DEC. 21, 1936 - DEC. 17, 1995 (signature) Mother of: Robert and Charles N-166-12B Kesterson, Babies 06/01/1944 Twins Ketchum, Alton Raymond Sr. MARKER: Ketchum, Alton Raymond Sr. MARKER: Ketland, Irvin J MARKER: T-381-5 07/23/1925 09/28/1966 Alton Raymond Ketchum, Sr. Jly 23, 1925 - Sept 28, 1966 T-381-5 07/23/1925 09/28/1966 KETCHUM M-133-1 04/22/1895 04/14/1974 Irvin J. Ketland Apr 22, 1895 - Apr 14, 1974 Willie C. Ketland Ketland, Willie Catherine MARKER: MARKER: 10/01/1966 04/17/1974 May 17, 1902 - Jan 27, 1994 M-133-2 Irvin J. Ketland Willie C. Ketland Kettler, E. Virginia 10/01/1966 05/17/1902 Apr 22, 1895 - Apr 14, 1974 01/27/1994 02/01/1994 07/04/1908 10/16/1993 10/25/1993 02/04/1929 10/27/2001 11/02/2001 11/30/1924 09/11/2002 09/16/2002 08/20/1909 10/26/1997 10/29/1997 05/31/1940 10/30/1905 01/25/2010 01/15/1996 01/28/2010 01/19/1996 07/29/1914 12/18/2003 12/23/2003 May 17, 1902 - Jan 27, 1994 31-76-3 Elfie Virginia KETTLER July 4, 1908 Oct. 16, 1993 Kewer, Elizabeth M. MARKER: 31-132-2 KEWER Gordon E. Nov. 30, 1924 Sep 11, 2002 Elizabeth M. Feb. 4, 1920 Oct. 27,2001 31-132-1 Kewer, Gordon E. Captain WW II - Veteran KEWER MARKER: Gordon E. Nov. 30, 1924 Sep 11, 2002 Keyes, Alma Barnum MARKER: Elizabeth M. Feb. 4, 1920 Oct. 27,2001 O-227-4 Alma B. Keyes Aug. 20, 1909 Oct. 26, 1997 Keyes, Constance Barbara Keyes, Dorothy A. MARKER: P-83-1 O-227-1 Dorothy A Keyes Oct. 30, 1905 Jan. 15, 1996 Keyes, Helen A. MARKER: O-227-6 Helen A. Keyes July 29, 1914 - Dec. 18, 2003 Keyes, Jerome W MARKER: Keyes, Mildred Evans MARKER: O-227-5 Jerome W. Keyes April 3, 1911 - Feb 24, 1980 P-83-2 01/14/1906 KEYES 02/26/1980 02/15/1990 02/19/1990 09/30/1910 02/25/1996 02/28/1996 03/23/1878 Mar 23, 1878 - Feb 21, 1948 02/21/1948 02/24/1948 01/29/1949 02/01/1949 04/04/1958 04/07/1958 Mildred Evans January 14, 1906 - February 16, 1990 Keyes, Ora R. MARKER: B-81-5 Ora Keyes 1910 - 1996 Keyes, Rachel E MARKER: O-227-2 Rachel E.Keyes Sandra Lee Keyes Sept 9, 1933 - Jan 29, 1949 Keyes, Sandra Lee MARKER: O-227-3 Rachel E.Keyes 09/09/1933 Mar 23, 1878 - Feb 21, 1948 Sandra Lee Keyes Sept 9, 1933 - Jan 29, 1949 Keys, Alvin Robert MARKER: B-81-4 William T. Cox 1878 - 1936 Alvin R. Keys 02/13/1907 1907 - 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 255 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Keys, Owen A MARKER: Keys, Owen Lewis MARKER: Keys, Sallie C MARKER: Keys, Stanley J. MARKER: Keyser, Marian Speare MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-121-1 KEYS Burial_Date 08/02/1940 OWEN A. Owen L. Sallie C. Stanley J. 1909-1940 1885-1954 1882-1972 1918 - 2001 OWEN A. Owen L. Sallie C. Stanley J. 1909-1940 1885-1954 1882-1972 1918 - 2001 OWEN A. Owen L. Sallie C. Stanley J. 1909-1940 1885-1954 1882-1972 1918 - 2001 OWEN A. Owen L. Sallie C. Stanley J. 1909-1940 1885-1954 1882-1972 1918 - 2001 R-121-4 KEYS 01/27/1954 R-121-5 KEYS 08/19/1972 R-121-2 KEYS O-49-2 Paul Victor Keyser 12/14/1918 09/09/2001 09/11/2001 09/10/1953 1881 - 1969 Marian Speare Keyser 1879 - 1953 Keyser, Paul Victor MARKER: O-49-1 Paul Victor Keyser 05/30/1969 1881 - 1969 Marian Speare Keyser 1879 - 1953 Keyton, George F MARKER: T-369-4 Jessie E. Keyton 07/15/1876 Aug 10, 1910 - Jly 29, 1973 11/28/1955 11/20/1955 11/28/1955 11/20/1955 12/10/1966 12/14/1966 02/11/1969 02/15/1969 04/29/1946 05/03/1946 04/02/1931 01/28/1979 02/01/1979 07/23/1929 03/09/1996 03/22/1996 06/08/1931 09/21/1993 09/27/1993 T-315-6A 06/08/1931 June, You Brightened our lives. Jack, Jan, Julie, O-256-5 02/07/1887 Wayland C. Kidd Sept 28, 1886 - Nov 16, 1951 09/21/1993 09/27/1993 07/05/1953 07/07/1953 George F. Keyton Keyton, George F MARKER: Keziah, Lila A MARKER: Jly 15, 1876 - Sept 28, 1966 T-369-4 07/15/1876 KEYTON O-107-2 12/09/1899 Steve S. Keziah Mar 9, 1897 - Apr 29, 1946 Lila A. Keziah Dec 9, 1899 - Dec 10, 1966 O-107-3 Keziah, Ray Kenneth US NAVY MARKER: 08/02/1926 WW II - Veteran Ray Kenneth Keziah Aug 2, 1926 - Feb 11, 1969 Virginia SOM 2 USNR WWII Keziah, Steve S MARKER: O-107-1 03/09/1897 Steve S. Keziah Mar 9, 1897 - Apr 29, 1946 Lila A. Keziah Dec 9, 1899 - Dec 10, 1966 Khanizadeh, Arastoo, Dr. MARKER: 1-36-4 Dr. Arastoo Khanizadeh April 2, 1931 - January 28, 1979 Kick, Francis P. MARKER: T-315-6B KICK Francis Pierce 1929 - 1996 Eagles 871 O.D.B.C. His Wife Mary June Heald Born Wash,. DC; 1931 - 1993 Kick, Mary June Heald MARKER: T-315-6A KICK Francis Pierce 1929 - 1996 Eagles 871 O.D.B.C. His Wife Mary June Heald Born Wash,. DC; 1931 - 1993 Kick, Mary June Heald MARKER: Kidd, Maria Lee MARKER: Maria Lee Kidd Feb 7, 1887 - Jly 5, 1953 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 256 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kidd, Wayland C. MARKER: O-256-4 09/28/1886 Wayland C. Kidd Sept 28, 1886 - Nov 16, 1951 Maria Lee Kidd Kidwell, E. Gertrude MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 11/16/1951 11/19/1951 01/09/1990 01/12/1990 Feb 7, 1887 - Jly 5, 1953 R-217-3 E. Gertrude Kidwell 01/15/1907 1907 - 1990 Kidwell, Effie L MARKER: R-217-2 W. E. Kidwell 1870 - 1947 05/31/1949 Effie L.Kidwell 1871 - 1949 N-26-5 Kidwell, G. A. Inmemorium Kidwell, George Alfred 05/23/1945 Tree (Memorial) MARKER: Kidwell, Marie S Kidwell, William E MARKER: N-26-1 03/30/1897 12/27/1961 George Alfred Kidwell Mar 30, 1897 - Dec 27, 1961 N-26-2 R-217-1 W. E. Kidwell 1870 - 1947 12/29/1961 10/10/1981 03/20/1947 Effie L.Kidwell 1871 - 1949 33-31-3 Killeen, Joseph Michael 10/18/1947 10/05/1998 10/07/1998 07/20/1887 Jly. 20, 1887 - June 2, 1973 06/02/1973 08/08/1973 05/21/1933 05/21/1933 U. S. Military Veteran KILLEEN MARKER: JOSEPH MICHAEL Oct. 18, 1947 - Oct. 5, 1998 "Always Top Shelf" Killingstad, Marie L MARKER: G-164-3 Marie Schroeder Born Ansonia, Conn. Died Brownsville, Texas G-164-1 Killingstad, Mathilde Marie 04/16/1929 Infant MARKER: Mathilde Marie Killingstad Apr. 16, 1919 - May 21, 1933 Daughter of R. and M.L. Killingstad Killingstad, Ralph MARKER: G-164-2 Ralph Killingstad 10/24/1894 Oct. 24, 1894 - Mar. , 1968 03/15/1968 Born Svelvik,Norway Died Brownsville, Texas Kiltz, Opal I MARKER: Kim, Bok Hwa T-180-5 Opal I. Kiltz 1901 - 1962 31-22-3 BOK HWA KIM 1924 - 1986 BOK HWA KIM 1924 - 1986 01/01/1924 01/01/1986 01/14/1986 05/16/1910 02/26/1993 03/02/1993 YONG J.E. KIM 1910 - 1993 31-22-4B Kim, Yong J.E. 01/10/1962 YONG J.E. KIM 1910 - 1993 C-5-1A E-BBY-66-164 Kimball, Mary Luella Kimble, Edith Kathleen 11/02/1963 04/22/1972 Infant MARKER: Kimble, Robert L. MARKER: Edith Kathleen Kimble - April20, 1972 T-152-6 Robert L. Kimble Nov 25, 1918 - Mar 14, 1969 03/17/1969 Martha M. Kimble May 22, 1920 - Aug. 09, 2009 F-64-2 KINCHELOE Kincheloe, Bessie P MARKER: Elias W. MARKER: Elias W. Bessie T. (no dates) Hannah A F-64-3 KINCHELOE Kincheloe, Hannah A MARKER: Elias W. MARKER: Hannah A F-64-1 KINCHELOE Kincheloe, Elias W Kincheloe, Ruth D. Kincheloe, Theron O. Bessie T. (no dates) Bessie T. (no dates) O-215-4 O-215-5 Theron O. Kincheloe Hannah A 12/06/1907 04/05/1905 Apr 5, 1905 - Apr 1, 1947 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/27/2000 04/01/1947 06/01/2000 04/04/1947 Page 257 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date R-206-1A King, Althea G. Inmemorium MARKER: Daniel Dewitt Sublett (FATHER) 1885 - 1952 Frances Sublett 1922 - 1939 Althea G. King King, Althea Gillum King, Angus Stanley MARKER: R-205-3 R-210-3C ANGUS STANLEY KING 08/24/1925 10/30/1973 11/02/1973 07/03/1985 08/17/1876 09/06/1944 09/08/1944 AUG. 23, 1902 - JUNE 29, 1985 ELLEN ARCHER TICER KING MAY 27, 1909 - MAY 22, 2006 King, Bessie Watkins (Harrison) R-210-2 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: William Martin King, Jr. Sept 6, 1874 - Mar 11, 1950 Bessie Harrison Watkins King (his wife) Aug 17, 1876 - Sept 6, 1944 NOTES: King, Charles L MARKER: Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter. DAR. O-35-1 02/28/1874 Charles L. King Feb 28, 1874 - Jly 20, 1959 Mary P. King King, Edward, Dr. MARKER: DAR 07/20/1959 07/22/1959 Nov 27, 1881 - Jly 16, 1970 B-8-4 Sacred to the Memory of 04/16/1789 10/23/1868 Edward King April 16, 1789 - Oct 23, 1868 Born in Blackthorn, in Oxforshire, England. Died In Alexandria Co., Va. King, Elizabeth Windsor MARKER: T-298-1 KING 08/12/1882 04/06/1976 04/08/1976 05/22/2006 09/20/2006 Elizabeth Windsor King Aug 12, 1882 - April 6, 1976 Daughter of William Martin King and Caroline Elizabeth House King, Ellen Archer Ticer MARKER: R-210-3A ANGUS STANLEY KING 05/27/1909 AUG. 23, 1902 - JUNE 29, 1985 ELLEN ARCHER TICER KING MAY 27, 1909 - MAY 22, 2006 King, Evan Earl MARKER: N-80-6 Evan Earl King 04/05/1966 1893 - 1966 Charles E. Young Mar 17, 1874 - Mar 9, 1945 Frances King May 30, 1884 - Jan 17, 1978 Infant grandaughter (no dates) King, Frances Young MARKER: N-80-5 Evan Earl King 05/30/1884 01/17/1978 01/20/1978 04/12/1954 04/15/1954 07/16/1970 07/16/1970 01/01/1977 11/21/1977 1893 - 1966 Charles E. Young Mar 17, 1874 - Mar 9, 1945 Frances King May 30, 1884 - Jan 17, 1978 Infant grandaughter (no dates) King, Gordon W MARKER: King, Mary Patricia N-73-2 06/26/1905 Gordon W. King June 26, 1905 - Apr 12, 1954 O-35-2 11/27/1881 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Charles L. King Mary P. King Feb 28, 1874 - Jly 20, 1959 Nov 27, 1881 - Jly 16, 1970 T-VET-44-6 King, Ray US ARMY MARKER: 01/01/1917 WW II - Veteran Ray King 1917 - 1977 TEC 5 U.S. Army World War II Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 258 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 6-15-1 King, Samuel Calvin U S ARMY MARKER: 10/03/1913 Death_Date 10/29/1993 Burial_Date 11/04/1993 WW II - Veteran SAMUEL CALVIN KING 1913 - 1993 (Bronze Star) NOTES: King, Stella L. E. MARKER: September 14, 2009: Samuel C. King. 80. an Alexandria Savings and Loan Official for 26 years before retiring in 1983 as President of First Commonwealth Savings and Loan Assoc. died Oct 29th at his home in Alexandria after a heart attack. Mr. King, an Alabama native who settled in the Washington DC area in 1935, was a graduate of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. From the mid-1940s to the mid-1950s he was an executive with the Riddell Realty Company in Washington and a consultant to the Central Intelligence Agency. During WWII, he served inthe Army and the Office of Strategic Services in the Mediterranean and China-Burma-India theaters. He was awarded the Bronze Star and attained the rank of lieutenant Colonel. B-7-6 01/19/1838 01/24/1897 Sacred to the Memory of STELLA LEE KING Jan.19, 1838 - Jan. 24, 1897 Daughter of Dr. Edward King E-BBY-66-57 King, Steven Charles 11/15/1962 Infant King, William Martin, Jr. MARKER: R-210-1 09/06/1874 03/11/1950 William Martin King, Jr. Sept 6, 1874 - Mar 11, 1950 Bessie Harrison Watkins King (his wife) Aug 17, 1876 - Sept 6, 1944 Kingsbury, Louise F MARKER: 03/14/1950 DAR 31-90-4 F. Louise Kingsbury 11/12/1985 Mar 5, 1912 - Nov 8, 1985 Kingsley, Donald, IV MARKER: 1-49-4B KINGSLEY Pamelyn A. 1944 - 1980 Kingsley, Nellie R. MARKER: 01/01/1967 01/01/1980 03/14/1981 03/17/1912 05/05/1992 05/11/1992 01/01/1944 01/01/1980 03/14/1981 10/17/1918 02/15/1993 02/18/1993 02/21/1935 Donald M. IV 1967 - 1980 1-49-3A NELLIE R. KINGSLEY MARCH 17, 1912 MAY 5, 1992 Kingsley, Pamelyn A MARKER: 1-49-4A KINGSLEY Pamelyn A. 1944 - 1980 Kinser, Faye G. Kippenbrock, Annabel Coffman MARKER: Donald M. IV 1967 - 1980 31-7-4 R-123-2 John Henry Coffman 1872 -1957 Lillian Estelle Calvin Coffman 1871 - 1957 Annabel Coffman Kippenrock 1904 - 1935 Kirby, Clarence C MARKER: T-117-5 Husband: Clarence C. Kirby Wife: Virginia B. Kirby Kirby, Virginia B. MARKER: T-117-6 Husband: Clarence C. Kirby Wife: Virginia B. Kirby N-91-3 Kirchner, Anna T MARKER: 1918 - 2009 03/04/1918 1903 - 1978 04/08/2009 04/13/2009 03/17/1942 03/20/1942 11/01/1972 11/01/1972 03/21/1994 03/28/1994 1918 - 2009 03/17/1942 Mother Anna T. Kirchner Aug 3, 1891 - Mar 17, 1942 N-91-2 Kirchner, John B MARKER: 07/12/1978 1903 - 1978 11/01/1972 Father John B. Kirchner Nov 29, 1889 - Nov. 1, 1972 Marguerite T. A. Kirchner Apr 1, 1912 - May 19, 1978 Kirchner, John E. MARKER: 31-21-3 KIRCHNER 07/12/1902 Teresa Comfort Nov. 15, 1902 - June 15, 1990 John Edmund July, 12, 1902 - March 21, 1994 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 259 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kirchner, Marguerite T.A. MARKER: Birth_Date N-91-1 Death_Date 05/19/1978 Burial_Date 05/19/1978 05/28/1978 06/15/1990 06/19/1990 01/24/1934 01/24/1934 08/21/1936 08/24/1936 01/01/1870 01/01/1943 07/31/1967 08/21/1965 04/09/1960 08/18/1943 04/22/1918 05/17/1912 07/06/1993 02/19/1964 07/06/1993 02/22/1964 10/20/1979 10/24/1979 02/01/1995 02/03/1995 01/01/1906 03/16/1963 03/18/1963 Father John B. Kirchner Nov 29, 1889 - Nov. 1, 1972 Marguerite T. A. Kirchner Apr 1, 1912 - May 19, 1978 Kirchner, Teresa Comfort MARKER: 31-21-4 KIRCHNER 11/15/1902 Teresa Comfort Nov. 15, 1902 - June 15, 1990 John Edmund July, 12, 1902 - March 21, 1994 Kirkpatrick, Mary Herbert MARKER: F-55-3 12/12/1872 In Memory of, Mary Herbert Kirkpatrick Daughter of Herbert and Ruth Bryant Wife of T. J. Kirkpatrick, Col., U.S. Army Born Dec. 12, 1872 - Died Jan. 24, 1934 Kirkpatrick, Thomas Jellis F-56-1 06/15/1868 WW I - Veteran MARKER: In Memory of Thomas Jellis Kirkpatrick Col. U.S. Army - Born Lynchburg, VA Born June 15, 1868 - Died Jan. 24, 1936. Kirtley, Bura G Kirtley, Ruth E Kirwan, Annie M. Kirwan, William Francis G-201-8 G-201-7 R-41-2 R-41-1 Freemason T-293-1 C-42-3 Kiser, Arvin G. Kitchen, James H. US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran James Henry Kitchen May 17, 1912 - Feb. 19, 1964 Virginia PFC Hq. Co. 9 Infantry WWII T-VET-10-5 Klatko, Charles 06/20/1914 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Charles Klatko S.Sgt. U.S. Army Klatko, Christine Klein, Ada A MARKER: June 20, 1914 - Oct 20, 1979 World War II O-233-4 10/22/1918 P-58-2 FATHER: George Klein, Jr. 1869 - 1934 MOTHER: Ada A. Klein Klein, Albert F. MARKER: 1869 - 1906 T-218-1 03/31/1906 Albert F.Klein Mar 31, 1906 - Mar 16, 1963 Florence E. Klein. Nov 15, 1906 - March 13, 1998 Klein, August MARKER: F-32-1 Elizabeth Klein 05/31/1957 1875 - 1917 August Klein 1878 - 1957 Barbara Kolter Klein Aug. 29, 1844 - Mar. 11, 1916 Georg Klein Mar. 27, 1835 - Jly. 11, 1904 F-32-3A Klein, Baby 08/17/1948 Infant MARKER: John L. Klein, Sr. Aug. 5, 1873 - Nov. 28, 1945 Edith G.Klein Dec.2, 1877 - Jly. 12, 1926 Cerry F.Klein Jly. 3, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1966 Linda Lee Klein (no dates) Klein, Barbara Kolter MARKER: F-32-6 Elizabeth Klein 08/29/1844 03/11/1916 03/11/1916 11/19/1968 11/22/1968 06/08/1908 06/08/1908 1875 - 1917 August Klein 1878 - 1957 Barbara Kolter Klein Aug. 29, 1844 - Mar. 11, 1916 Georg Klein Mar. 27, 1835 - Jly. 11, 1904 Klein, Catherine A. MARKER: B-80-2 Henry Klein 1870 - 1935 04/04/1875 Catherine A. Klein April 4, 1875 - Nov. 19, 1968 Clifford J. Klein 1912 - 1942 Klein, Catherine M MARKER: G-85-1A John Klein Died: Aug. 7, 1865 Catherine M. Klein 01/28/1833 Aged 45 Years. Jan. 28, 1833 - June 8, 1908 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 260 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Klein, Cerry F MARKER: F-32-2 John L. Klein, Sr. Birth_Date 07/03/1906 Aug. 5, 1873 - Nov. 28, 1945 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/17/1966 03/19/1966 05/12/2003 05/17/2003 Edith G.Klein Dec.2, 1877 - Jly. 12, 1926 Cerry F.Klein Jly. 3, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1966 Linda Lee Klein (no dates) Klein, Claudia Lee MARKER: 31-131-2 KLEIN Richard W., Sr. December 12, 1911 April 6, 1988 Klein, Clifford A. MARKER: 01/24/1918 Claudia Lee Jan. 24, 1918 May 12, 2003 B-80-3 Henry Klein 1870 - 1935 07/10/1942 Catherine A. Klein April 4, 1875 - Nov. 19, 1968 Clifford J. Klein 1912 - 1942 6-55-1 Klein, Courtney W US NAVY MARKER: 04/20/1909 01/24/1990 01/27/1990 12/02/1877 Aug. 5, 1873 - Nov. 28, 1945 07/12/1926 07/12/1926 WW II - Veteran COURTNEY W. KLEIN CSF US NAVY WORLD WAR II (SEABEES) APR 20, 1909 - JAN 24, 1990 Klein, Edith G. MARKER: F-32-4 John L. Klein, Sr. Edith G.Klein Dec.2, 1877 - Jly. 12, 1926 Cerry F.Klein Jly. 3, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1966 Linda Lee Klein (no dates) Klein, Elizabeth MARKER: F-32-5 Elizabeth Klein 07/26/1917 1875 - 1917 August Klein 1878 - 1957 Barbara Kolter Klein Aug. 29, 1844 - Mar. 11, 1916 Georg Klein Mar. 27, 1835 - Jly. 11, 1904 Klein, Georg MARKER: F-32-7 Elizabeth Klein 03/27/1835 07/11/1904 07/14/1904 1875 - 1917 August Klein 1878 - 1957 Barbara Kolter Klein Aug. 29, 1844 - Mar. 11, 1916 Georg Klein Mar. 27, 1835 - Jly. 11, 1904 Klein, George, Jr. MARKER: P-58-1 FATHER: George Klein, Jr. 1869 - 1934 MOTHER: Ada A. Klein 09/25/1934 1869 - 1906 G-85-2 Klein, Gustave 08/20/1866 Child MARKER: Gustav Klein Aged 2 yrs. and 3 months Son of J. and C. Klein Klein, Henry MARKER: B-80-1 Henry Klein 1870 - 1935 07/23/1935 Catherine A. Klein April 4, 1875 - Nov. 19, 1968 Clifford J. Klein 1912 - 1942 Klein, John MARKER: G-85-1B John Klein Died: Aug. 7, 1865 Catherine M. Klein Klein, John L., Sr. MARKER: F-32-3B John L. Klein, Sr. 08/07/1885 Aged 45 Years. Jan. 28, 1833 - June 8, 1908 08/05/1873 Aug. 5, 1873 - Nov. 28, 1945 11/28/1945 11/30/1945 04/27/1995 04/29/1995 Edith G.Klein Dec.2, 1877 - Jly. 12, 1926 Cerry F.Klein Jly. 3, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1966 Linda Lee Klein (no dates) Klein, Josephine D. MARKER: 6-55-2 E. JOSEPHINE DUFFEY KLEIN 11/22/1907 NOV. 22, 1902 - APR. 27, 1995 Klein, Linda Lee MARKER: F-32-9 John L. Klein, Sr. Aug. 5, 1873 - Nov. 28, 1945 Edith G.Klein Dec.2, 1877 - Jly. 12, 1926 Cerry F.Klein Jly. 3, 1906 - Mar. 17, 1966 Linda Lee Klein (no dates) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 261 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Klein, Richard W., Sr. MARKER: 31-131-1 KLEIN Death_Date Burial_Date 12/12/1911 04/06/1988 04/08/1988 11/24/1917 07/20/2006 07/24/2006 01/17/1999 04/09/1999 11/02/1930 09/27/1945 11/22/2004 03/28/2008 11/27/2004 04/03/2008 11/03/1949 09/01/2000 09/06/2000 05/15/1896 Jan 5, 1894 - Oct 9, 1963 01/10/1973 01/09/1973 10/09/1963 10/12/1963 03/06/1963 03/06/1963 08/24/1978 03/08/1963 Peter Kloeden March 6, 1963 G-112-5B 07/26/1911 Jerry Kluttz May 27, 1907 - Dec. 22, 1976 07/09/1971 07/09/1971 12/22/1976 12/27/1976 08/19/1948 08/21/1948 05/29/2004 06/04/2004 01/04/1923 05/09/2004 05/18/2004 12/10/1948 08/07/1997 08/14/1997 04/11/1929 06/07/1998 06/11/1998 Richard W., Sr. December 12, 1911 April 6, 1988 Kleysteuber, Margaret S. MARKER: Birth_Date Claudia Lee Jan. 24, 1918 May 12, 2003 R-133-3C KLEYSTEUBER Col. William R. A. Nov. 15, 1916 - Jan. 17 1999 Margaret Strickler Nov. 24, 1917 - Jul. 20, 2006 Kleysteuber, William R. A. Army Col. R-133-3D 11/15/1916 WW II - Veteran KLEYSTEUBER MARKER: Col. William R. A. Nov. 15, 1916 - Jan. 17 1999 Margaret Strickler Nov. 24, 1917 - Jul. 20, 2006 Kleysteuber, William R. A. R-134-1 Freemason MARKER: W.R.A. Kleysteuber 1888 - 1930 Irene Kleystuber Clem Kline, Jason Curtis Christopher Klinkert, Daniel L., Sr. MARKER: Daniel L. Klinkert Klinkert, Jennie M. MARKER: Jan. 14, 1893 - Feb. 27, 1971 42-210-4 03/11/1970 P-78-5 06/06/1924 Elsie May Klinkert July 9, 1927 - (space) Aug 6, 1924 - Mar 28, 2008 P-77-1 KLINKERT Jenne M. Daniel L. Jr. Nov. 2, 1949 Oct. 2, 1948 Sept., 2000 (space) Klinkert, Paul A MARKER: P-78-1 Sarah May Klinkert Paul A. Klinkert Klinkert, Sarah May MARKER: May 15, 1896 - Jan 10, 1973 P-78-2 Sarah May Klinkert Paul A. Klinkert 01/05/1894 Jan 5, 1894 - Oct 9, 1963 May 15, 1896 - Jan 10, 1973 T-286-1 T-285-5B Kloeden, John Kloeden, Peter 1 Hour MARKER: Kluttz, Electa Tassin MARKER: Infant Electa Tassin Kluttz Kluttz, Jerry MARKER: Knapp, Alma Pattie MARKER: Knapp, Cecil D. Army MARKER: Jly, 26, 1911 - Jly 9, 1971 G-112-5A Jerry Kluttz May 27, 1907 - Dec. 22, 1976 Electa Tassin Kluttz Jly, 26, 1911 - Jly 9, 1971 O-146-4 Alma Patti Knapp O-146-5C 07/28/1947 Jly 28, 1947 - Aug 19, 1948 01/11/1920 WW II - Veteran IN LOVING MEMORY OF CECIL D. KNAPP "PAT" January 11, 1920 - May 29, 2004 O-146-5D Knapp, Lamarr V. T Sgt Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran Lamarr V. Knapp T Sgt. WWII Jan 04, 1923 - May 09, 2004 Knapper, Francis Elsworth, Jr. MARKER: 31-58-4 Francis E. Knapper, Jr. December 10, 1948 August 7, 1997 Kneese, Georgia C. MARKER: 32-47-1 Georgia C. Kneese 1929 - 1998 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 262 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Knicely, Eveyln Dreifus MARKER: M-172-4 Carrie D. Heatwole Birth_Date 11/02/1905 Oct 15, 1901 - Jan 29, 1970 Death_Date 10/15/1998 Burial_Date 10/17/1998 Floyd E. Heatwole Dec 31, 1895 - May 24, 1956 Eveyln D. Heatwole Nov. 2, 1904 - E-BBY-66-42 Knight, Baby 02/09/1962 Infant Knight, Charlotte L MARKER: M-142-5 02/21/1900 Leonard M. Knight Feb 14, 1893 - May 9, 1975 Robert E. Knight, Jr. 1896 - 1962 Helen E. Knight Nov. 26, 1898 - Nov, 23, 1997 Charlotte L. Knight Feb. 21, 1900 - Feb. 27, 1989 Leonard Sherwood Knight Jly 3, 1927 - May 16, 1974 Knight, Dorette A. MARKER: 32-37-1 In Loving Memory 08/17/1926 03/02/1989 01/19/1993 01/25/1993 Dorette A. Knight Died Jan 19, 1993 In God's Care Knight, Edna Tomlin MARKER: G-142-2 Edna Tomlin Knight 1880 - 1939 07/07/1939 Ferdinand L. Knight 1878 - 1962 Knight, Elizabeth E. MARKER: M-142-2 Robert E. Knight 01/01/1871 03/02/1951 1866 - 1939 Elizaberth E. Knight 1871 - 1951 "American War Mother" Knight, Evelyn Durrer MARKER: O-66-2B J. Edward Durrer and his wife Myrtie Buford Durrer Son J. Edward Durrer, Jr. Great Loves live on Evelyn Durrer Knight Knight, Ferdinand Lewis MARKER: 04/21/1976 Apr 17, 1887 - Aug 15, 1946 May 28, 1887 - May 12, 1961 Oct 15, 1924 - Mar 22, 1990 1908 - 1976 G-142-3 Edna Tomlin Knight 1880 - 1939 01/11/1962 Ferdinand L. Knight 1878 - 1962 Knight, Florienette Crown Matter MARKER: C-19-4 Florienette Crown Matter Knight 10/07/1904 07/23/1990 07/26/1990 05/26/2009 06/01/2009 11/23/1997 11/26/1997 Oct 7, 1904 - July 23, 1990 and In memory of her husband John Herbert Knight April 11, 1901 - Aug 12, 1973 Knight, Gearry Lloyd, Jr. U S ARMY MARKER: 42-126-3 10/22/1925 WW II - Veteran KNIGHT Gearry Lloyd, Jr. October 22, 1925 - May 26, 2009 Marjorie Stanton February 18, 1927 - May, 2007 Because He Lives, I Can face tomorrow Knight, Helen E. MARKER: Knight, Herbert Edward US ARMY Inmemorium MARKER: M-140-2 11/26/1898 Leonard M. Knight Feb 14, 1893 - May 9, 1975 Robert E. Knight, Jr. 1896 - 1962 Helen E. Knight Nov. 26, 1898 - Nov, 23, 1997 Charlotte L. Knight Feb. 21, 1900 - Feb. 27, 1989 Leonard Sherwood Knight Jly 3, 1927 - May 16, 1974 C-19-4B 05/22/1929 04/18/1997 05/22/1929 04/18/1997 U. S. Military Veteran In Memory of Son Herbert Edward Knight Lt. Col., U. S. Army 1951-1972 May 22, 1929 - April 18, 1997 Knight, John Herbert Army Inmemorium MARKER: C-19-4A U. S. Military Veteran Florienette Crown Matter Knight Oct 7, 1904 - July 23, 1990 and In memory of her husband John Herbert Knight April 11, 1901 - Aug 12, 1973 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 263 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Knight, Leonard M MARKER: Knight, Leonard Sherwood MARKER: Birth_Date M-142-6 02/14/1893 Leonard M. Knight Feb 14, 1893 - May 9, 1975 Robert E. Knight, Jr. 1896 - 1962 Helen E. Knight Nov. 26, 1898 - Nov, 23, 1997 Charlotte L. Knight Feb. 21, 1900 - Feb. 27, 1989 Leonard Sherwood Knight Jly 3, 1927 - May 16, 1974 M-142-4 07/03/1927 Leonard M. Knight Feb 14, 1893 - May 9, 1975 Death_Date 05/09/1975 05/12/1975 05/16/1974 05/17/1974 Robert E. Knight, Jr. 1896 - 1962 Helen E. Knight Nov. 26, 1898 - Nov, 23, 1997 Charlotte L. Knight Feb. 21, 1900 - Feb. 27, 1989 Leonard Sherwood Knight Jly 3, 1927 - May 16, 1974 Knight, Lillian MARKER: Burial_Date 2-7-3 Lillian M. Knight 11/19/1984 1895 - 1984 42-126-4 KNIGHT Knight, Marjorie S. MARKER: 02/18/1927 05/04/2007 05/09/2007 01/01/1939 02/18/1939 Gearry Lloyd, Jr. October 22, 1925 - May 26, 2009 Marjorie Stanton February 18, 1927 - May, 2007 Because He Lives, I Can face tomorrow M-142-1 Knight, Robert E 01/01/1866 Alex-Business MARKER: Robert E. Knight 1866 - 1939 Elizaberth E. Knight 1871 - 1951 "American War Mother" Knight, Robert E., Jr. MARKER: M-140-1 Leonard M. Knight Feb 14, 1893 - May 9, 1975 07/16/1962 Robert E. Knight, Jr. 1896 - 1962 Helen E. Knight Nov. 26, 1898 - Nov, 23, 1997 Charlotte L. Knight Feb. 21, 1900 - Feb. 27, 1989 Leonard Sherwood Knight Jly 3, 1927 - May 16, 1974 Knighton, Jack Keith MARKER: 42-26-1B Orville W. Knighton 01/02/1918 09/26/2008 Dec 25, 1895 - Apr 26, 1936 09/30/2008 Jack Keith Knighton Jan 2, 1918 - Sept 26, 2008 Loving Sons, Husbands, & Fathers Knighton, Orville MARKER: 42-26-1A Orville W. Knighton 12/25/1895 04/27/1936 Dec 25, 1895 - Apr 26, 1936 11/24/2000 Jack Keith Knighton Jan 2, 1918 - Sept 26, 2008 Loving Sons, Husbands, & Fathers T-155-1 Knott, William V MARKER: 05/03/1971 Mother Love is a cherished memory Knox, Agnes T. MARKER: 01/01/1874 Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 Knox, Ann Baylor MARKER: E-10-3 01/01/1856 Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 Knox, Cornelia Janney Knox, Elizabeth Seldon MARKER: G-60-6 11/01/1918 E-10-5 John Somerville Knox 1827 - 1906 11/01/1918 Elizabeth W. Knox 1835 - 1923 Knox, Elizabeth Seldon MARKER: Knox, Elizabeth W. E-10-8 Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox E-10-5 Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/01/1835 11/04/1918 01/01/1875 01/01/1875 Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 E-10-2 01/01/1861 01/01/1923 01/01/1923 Page 264 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Knox, Inman Horner MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date E-10-6 Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox 01/01/1892 Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 Knox, Janet Gordon MARKER: E-10-7 Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 Knox, John S., Jr. Knox, John Somerville MARKER: Burial_Date E-10-11 E-10-1 John Somerville Knox 1827 - 1906 01/01/1875 01/01/1922 01/01/1906 Elizabeth W. Knox 1835 - 1923 E-10-4 Knox, Joseph Horner 01/01/1860 Infant Children of J.S. and E. W. Knox MARKER: Janet Gordon Knox 1871-1875. Agnes Teresa Knox 1874-1875 Inman Horner Knox 1865-1892. Joseph Horner Knox 1860-1860 Elizabeth Seldon Knox 1861-1875 John Sommerville Knox 1859-1922 Ann Baylor Knox 1856-1861 E-10-9 33-19-2 Knox, Teresa Agnes Kolarik, Edna L US NAVY 04/16/2009 01/01/1875 04/21/2009 03/22/2009 03/26/2009 04/07/1918 02/22/1991 02/26/1991 03/15/1942 April 24, 1907 - March 5, 1993 06/14/2000 06/23/2000 10/09/1912 05/03/1982 07/14/2003 12/01/1988 07/26/2003 12/05/1988 01/05/1971 02/21/1971 02/23/1971 07/08/1918 WW II - Veteran KOLARIK MARKER: George Thomas Feb. 27, 1918 - Mar 22, 2009 Edna Killen July 8, 1918 - Apr. 16. 2009 We have new hopes to cherish and ambitions to achieve KOLARIK 33-19-3 Kolarik, George T. U S NAVY KOLARIK MARKER: Koliomichalis, Loraine V. MARKER: 02/27/1918 WW II - Veteran George Thomas Feb. 27, 1918 - Mar 22, 2009 Edna Killen July 8, 1918 - Apr. 16. 2009 We have new hopes to cherish and ambitions to achieve KOLARIK 31-56-1 Lorraine Vicki KOLIOMICHALIS Apr. 7, 1918 - Feb. 23, 1991 " Beloved Mother" Koltes, Donna R. MARKER: 32-2-4B Ann E. Nye Donna R. Koltes March 15, 1942 - June 14, 2000 Beloved sister and daughter Koltes, Rose M. Kopchik, Scott Matthew 32-2-2 31-86-1 Infant MARKER: Scott Matthew Kopchick May 3, 1982 - December 01, 1988 E-BBY-66-158 Kovacev, Michael Infant MARKER: Notre Petit Lapin Mike Kovacev Jan5, 1971 - Feb. 21, 1971 Kramer, Charles MARKER: M-49-3 Frederick Kramer Johanna Kramer Emelia Kramer Charles Kramer 12/12/1942 1831 - 1894 1840 - 1917 1869 - 1882 1868 - 1942 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 265 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kramer, Emelia MARKER: M-49-2 Frederick Kramer Johanna Kramer Emelia Kramer Charles Kramer Kramer, Frederick MARKER: Burial_Date 1831 - 1894 M-49-6 Frederick Kramer 01/01/1831 01/01/1894 1831 - 1894 1840 - 1917 1869 - 1882 1868 - 1942 M-49-2A Frederick Kramer Johanna Kramer Emelia Kramer Charles Kramer Kramer, Kathryn E.Ferriter MARKER: Death_Date 1840 - 1917 1869 - 1882 1868 - 1942 Johanna Kramer Emelia Kramer Charles Kramer Kramer, Johianna Faulwatter MARKER: Birth_Date 01/01/1840 01/01/1917 1831 - 1894 1840 - 1917 1869 - 1882 1868 - 1942 T-319-5A Ellen Ferriter Kramer 12/02/1952 11/27/1978 Dec 2, 1952 - Nov 27, 1978 12/01/1978 Ellie, you live on in the courage you showed us, in the lives you enriched, in the hearts that love you forever Kraus, Ellen MARKER: G-202-11 William J. Kraus Ellen Kraus Kraus, William J MARKER: MARKER: Kreuttner, John Daniel Edwin MARKER: 02/27/1958 02/27/1958 12/27/1965 12/30/1966 June 21, 1898 - Feb. 27, 1958 G-202-12 William J. Kraus Ellen Kraus Krebs, Baby Kreuttner, J. W. 06/21/1898 Feb. 22, 1894 - Dec. 27, 1965 02/22/1894 Feb. 22, 1894 - Dec. 27, 1965 June 21, 1898 - Feb. 27, 1958 N-124-23 C-25-1 KREUTTNER 10/02/1952 01/16/1934 Joseph Warwick Kreuttner May 22, 1877 - January 6, 1934 CarolineWarwick Hicks December 18, 1874 - July 7, 1939 John Daniel Edwin Kreuttner January 12, 1907-April 14, 1988 Jane Woolfolk Kreuttner August 6, 1909 - (space) C-25-1A KREUTTNER Joseph Warwick Kreuttner May 22, 1877 - January 6, 1934 CarolineWarwick Hicks December 18, 1874 - July 7, 1939 John Daniel Edwin Kreuttner January 12, 1907-April 14, 1988 Jane Woolfolk Kreuttner August 6, 1909 - (space) Krider, Ellen L. MARKER: Kristoffersen, Poul Ingen Kroeger, Gladys E. Stewart MARKER: T-210-3A Ellen L. Krider 1887 - 1978 31-55-4 T-248-3 Mother Gladys Electa Stewart Kroeger Kroeger, Harlan L. (baby) 12/06/1929 05/30/1886 01/21/1990 02/18/1971 06/02/1988 03/10/1978 01/25/1990 02/19/1971 May 30, 1886 - Feb 18, 197 B-BBY-48-41 05/08/1956 Infant Kroeger, Phillip MARKER: R-21-1 PHILLIP KROEGER GEORGE EDMUNDS Kroh, Alvin Ewald MARKER: O-243-4 Alma Ewald Kroh Elsa Kroh DIED 1959 12/07/1894 Dec 7, 1894 - Jly 1, 1952 US ARMY MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 08/21/1935 12/08/2004 12/11/2004 Raymond D. Disque Ralph Kroll Aug. 21, 1935 Dec. 8, 2004 T-221-3 Friedrich Kroschwitz Bertha M. Kroschwitz Kroschwitz, Freidrich 07/03/1952 U. S. Military Veteran Feb. 4, 1931 April 9, 1996 Kroschwitz, Bertha M 07/01/1952 Sept 1, 1895 - (space) 31-17-3A Kroll, Ralph T-221-1 Friedrich Kroschwitz Bertha M. Kroschwitz Kuenzli, Baby 06/12/1959 DIED 1959 03/07/1890 Jly 30, 1883 - Jly 5, 1961 01/14/1981 Mar7, 1890 - 07/30/1883 Jly 30, 1883 - Jly 5, 1961 07/05/1961 07/08/1961 Mar7, 1890 - E-BBY-66-96 01/20/1964 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 266 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Kuhle, Willy Hermann Kuhle MARKER: Birth_Date 42-210-3 UTE KUHLE WIMBERLY 11/20/1899 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/11/1972 July 17, 1932 - January 31, 2005 Wir haben dich sehr lieb Muttlein Miss you XO (heart) Willy Herman Otto Kuhle November 20, 1988 - November 11, 1972 Father of Ute PEACE E-BBY-66-148 Kula, Baby 07/05/1968 Infant Kyer, Nellie MARKER: 42-41-4 Nellie P. Kyer 05/03/1920 12/18/1997 12/23/1997 08/27/1926 05/29/1984 06/01/1984 01/01/1900 11/04/1983 11/07/1983 01/01/1886 01/01/1978 11/30/1978 08/28/1918 02/26/1992 03/02/1992 02/15/1915 07/15/2007 07/20/2007 03/26/1937 01/25/2004 02/03/2004 01/13/1982 01/13/1982 01/18/1982 07/06/1913 06/12/1995 06/14/1995 1920 - 1997 Kyle, Richard William MARKER: 2-103-1 KYRE Richard William August 27, 1926 - May 29, 1984 Comfort ye, Comfort ye, my people sayeth the Lord. Isaiah 40:1 Kylin, Anne C MARKER: 1-34-4 KYLIN Anne C. 1900-1983 Kylin, Hjalmar MARKER: 1-35-1 KYLIN Anne C. 1900-1983 La Plante, Dorothea M. MARKER: Hjalmar 1886 - 1978 Hjalmar 1886 - 1978 1-43-3 La Plante, Dorothea M. "Sonny" Aug. 28, 1918 - Feb. 26, 1992 LaBatte, Katherine Ale MARKER: T-146-3 Katherine Ale LaBatte February 15, 1915 - July 15, 2007 42-131-1 Lacey, John M. US Navy U. S. Military Veteran 2-85-1 Lacey, Stephen Elijah Infant MARKER: STEPHEN ELIJAH LACEY January 13, 1982 II Samuel 12:23 Lachine, Thorne Cooksey MARKER: R-106-4 COOKSEY Thorne Cooksey Lachine - July 6, 1913 - June 12, 1995 Genevieve S. Cooksey - December 9, 1925 - November 29, 2006 DAR Hugh Carlton Cooksey April 7, 1924 - June 19, 1998 E-BBY-66-48 Laffoon, Tonya D. 05/30/1962 05/30/1962 06/02/1962 Infant MARKER: Tonya D. Laffoon May 30, 1962 (stillborn) Laing, Addie Viola MARKER: F-73-5 James E. Laing 07/15/1941 1853 - 1917 His wife: Addie V. Laing 1857 - 1941 Our son: Orvie H. Laing 1885 - 1902 Loraine Laing 1918 - 1931 Laing, James F. MARKER: F-73-4 James E. Laing 01/01/1917 1853 - 1917 His wife: Addie V. Laing 1857 - 1941 Our son: Orvie H. Laing 1885 - 1902 Loraine Laing 1918 - 1931 Laing, Loraine MARKER: F-73-5A James E. Laing 01/01/1931 1853 - 1917 His wife: Addie V. Laing 1857 - 1941 Our son: Orvie H. Laing 1885 - 1902 Loraine Laing 1918 - 1931 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 267 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Laing, Orvie H. MARKER: F-73-6 James E. Laing Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1902 1853 - 1917 His wife: Addie V. Laing 1857 - 1941 Our son: Orvie H. Laing 1885 - 1902 Loraine Laing 1918 - 1931 Laird, Joseph Packard, M.D. MARKER: M-15-1 In Loving Memory of 11/27/1876 07/07/1927 07/07/1927 Joseph Packard Laird, M.D. Nov 27, 1876 -Jly 7, 1927 To another, gifts of healing by the same spirit Laird, Marion Murdoch Lind MARKER: M-18A-2 Rev. Wm. Henry Laird, D.D. Dec 21, 1871 - Aug 13, 1919 11/17/1965 Marion Murdoch Lind 1875 - 1965 Beloved wife of Rev. Wm. Henry Laird, D.D. Laird, Matilda Coleman Paige MARKER: M-15-2 In Loving Memory of Matilda Coleman Page Wife of Joseph Packard Laird, M.D. Mar 27, 1889 - Jly 10, 1921 He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and shall gently lead those that are with young Laird, Rosa J MARKER: M-2-9 Rosa J. Laird 09/01/1845 Sept 1845 -Aug 28, 1892 07/10/1921 08/28/1892 08/28/1892 12/10/1896 12/10/1896 Wife of Rev. Wm. H. Laird Peace through the blood of the Cross M-2-10 Laird, William H., Rev. 01/14/1842 C S A Veteran MARKER: Rev. Wm. H. Laird Jan14, 1842 - Dec 10, 1896 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who bringeth good tidings and publisheth peace NOTES: Laird, William Henry, Rev. MARKER: Jan 12, 2009: Dean of Virginia Theological Seminary. Contributed by Meta Packard Burton. March 08,2009: Pvt. Company A, 2nd Maryland Infantry, CSA Sources; First and Second Maryland Infantry, CSA by Robert J. Driver. Marylanders in the Confederacy by Daniel D. Hartzler. Contributed by Bryan Green, Chairman, Graves Regestry Committee, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Maryland Division. (02/26/2009). M-18A-3 12/21/1871 08/13/1919 08/13/1919 Rev. Wm. Henry Laird, D.D. Dec 21, 1871 - Aug 13, 1919 Marion Murdoch Lind 1875 - 1965 Beloved wife of Rev. Wm. Henry Laird, D.D. Lamasure, Marvin MARKER: T-148-4 Marvin Lamasure 02/27/1897 Feb 27, 1897 - Jan 11, 1972 Pearl Akers Lamasure Lamasure, Pearl Akers MARKER: T-148-5 Marvin Lamasure 01/11/1972 01/11/1972 11/05/1977 11/08/1977 Oct 6, 1905 - Nov 5, 1977 10/06/1905 Feb 27, 1897 - Jan 11, 1972 Pearl Akers Lamasure Oct 6, 1905 - Nov 5, 1977 B-BBY-48-62 Lamb, Richard C., Jr. 06/20/1958 Infant Lambdin, Blanche D MARKER: A-56-1 Blanche D. Lambdin 1864 - 1957 01/01/1864 01/01/1957 01/05/1957 A-56-2 01/01/1850 Milton Bennett Lambdin 1850 - 1940 01/01/1940 05/11/1940 A-56-3 06/12/1891 09/14/1891 Raleigh Edwin Lambdin June 12, 1891 -Sept. 14, 1891 09/14/1891 Devoted Wife of Milton Bennett Lambdin Lambdin, Milton Bennett, Rev. MARKER: A Minister of the Gospel for over fifty years Lambdin, Raleigh Edwin MARKER: Son of Rev. M. B. & Blanche D. Lambdin Lambe, Ben H Lambe, Ben H Lambe, Margaret B M-97-3 M-97-6 M-97-4 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 08/31/1938 07/07/1959 03/24/1966 Page 268 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lambert, William Francis MARKER: Lambert, William Francis MARKER: Lambert, William Francis MARKER: Birth_Date P-8-2 08/23/1865 Two corner markers inscribed "WFL", "E L D" Death_Date Burial_Date 02/25/1907 02/25/1907 08/23/1865 02/25/1907 02/25/1907 P-8-2 08/23/1865 "The spirits of just men made perfect" 02/25/1907 02/25/1907 P-8-2 08/23/1865 02/25/1907 "W F L" O-108-3 04/14/1892 11/25/1973 James Allison Lamm Oct 24, 1890 - Feb 14, 1971 02/25/1907 One each at boundaries of P-6/7/8 combined. P-8-2 inscribed "WFL" opposing "ELD" in Lot P-8 William Francis Lambert Aug. 23, 1865 - Feb. 25, 1907 Lambert, William Francis MARKER: Lamm, Annie Carpenter MARKER: 11/28/1973 Annie Carpenter Lamm Apr 17, 1892 - Nov 25, 19732 Catherine E. Lamm Sapr 30, 1922 - May 7, 1922 O-108-5 Lamm, Baby Boy 09/05/1956 09/07/1956 Infant Our Little Angel MARKER: Baby Boy Lamm Lamm, Catherine E. MARKER: Died; Sept. 5, 1956 O-108-4B 04/30/1922 05/07/1922 James Allison Lamm Oct 24, 1890 - Feb 14, 1971 Annie Carpenter Lamm Apr 17, 1892 - Nov 25, 19732 Catherine E. Lamm Sapr 30, 1922 - May 7, 1922 O-108-4A Lamm, Infant Son 07/21/1926 Infant MARKER: Lamm, James Allison Sr. MARKER: Infant son Died: Jly 21, 1926 O-108-2 10/24/1890 02/14/1971 James Allison Lamm Oct 24, 1890 - Feb 14, 1971 02/14/1971 Annie Carpenter Lamm Apr 17, 1892 - Nov 25, 19732 Catherine E. Lamm Sapr 30, 1922 - May 7, 1922 Lamond, Angus Slater MARKER: Lamond, Clyde Campbell MARKER: R-215-4 01/01/1908 SON - Angus Slater Lamond 1908 - 1987 R-215-5 Mary Slater Lamond (Mother) 1883 - 1928 01/01/1987 03/10/1987 07/25/1938 Clyde Campbell Lamond (Father) 1873 - 1938 Lamond, Mary Slater MARKER: R-215-6 Mary Slater Lamond (Mother) 07/26/1938 1883 - 1928 Clyde Campbell Lamond (Father) 1873 - 1938 LaMothe, John Dominique (Bishop), Rev. N-162-5 06/08/1868 10/25/1928 01/01/1930 HISTORIC / NOTED MARKER: JOHN DOMINIQUE LaMOTHE June 8, 1868 - Oct 25, 1928 Second Bishop to the Hawaiian Islands Born Ramsay, Isle of Man, Died Baltimore, Md. His wife: Margaret Walker 1864 - 1930 NOTES: LaMothe, John Walker MARKER: Second Bishop to the Hawaiian Islands. Born Ramsay, Isle of Man. Died Baltimore, MD. N-162-2 06/12/1895 08/22/1895 John Walker LaMothe June 12, 1895 - Aug 22, 1896 08/22/1895 Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven LaMothe, Laura Clark MARKER: N-162-1 Our Dear Laura 09/29/1860 07/13/1883 07/13/1883 LAURA CLARK La MOTHE Aug 29, 1860 - Jly 13, 1883 Born in Winchester. Married June 8, 1881 Died at Theological Seminary. At Home with the Lord LaMothe, Margaret Walker MARKER: N-162-4 01/01/1864 01/01/1930 JOHN DOMINIQUE LaMOTHE June 8, 1868 - Oct 25, 1928 01/01/1930 Second Bishop to the Hawaiian Islands Born Ramsay, Isle of Man, Died Baltimore, Md. His wife: Margaret Walker 1864 - 1930 Lampoh, Anna V MARKER: E-45-2 Charles W. Lampoh 1876 - 1957 Anna V. Lampoh 09/08/1958 - 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 269 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lampoh, Charles W MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date E-45-1 Charles W. Lampoh 1876 - 1957 Anna V. Lampoh Burial_Date 12/04/1957 - 1958 42-77-2 42-177-4c LANCETTI 04/04/2000 08/18/2004 04/05/2000 08/21/2004 01/01/2001 01/08/2001 41-50-4 11/13/1919 05/11/2008 T-231-6A 08/27/1962 MOTHER: Cecelia Lane 1876 - 1962 T-133-3 05/22/1922 09/24/1967 Frederick H. Lane May 22, 1922 - Sept 24, 1967 T-231-6B 1917 - 1977 05/17/2008 08/29/1962 Lancellotti, Eduardo G. Lancetti, Francesco Spartaco (Frank) MARKER: 10/09/1960 10/02/1923 Ruth W. March 8, 1917 - January 1, 2001 Franco S. - October 2, 1923 - August 18, 2004 Reverse: Thomas P. (son) 42-177-4a LANCETTI Lancetti, Ruth Warnke MARKER: 03/08/1917 Ruth W. March 8, 1917 - January 1, 2001 Franco S. - October 2, 1923 - August 18, 2004 Reverse: Thomas P. (son) Lander, Martha E. Lane, Clara Cecelia MARKER: Lane, Frederick H MARKER: Lane, Mary T MARKER: 09/28/1967 06/01/1977 Mary T. Lane 42-141-4 T-VET-7-2 07/09/1930 01/01/1919 11/01/2005 01/01/1975 11/07/2005 05/09/1975 01/01/1919 01/01/1975 05/09/1975 10/25/1919 03/27/2005 03/31/2005 P-81-1 11/09/1903 Cecil R. Langyher Nov 9, 1903 - Apr 25, 1964 6-20-2 03/30/1913 NORMA V. (TOMMIE) LANHAM 04/25/1964 04/28/1964 11/04/1995 11/08/1995 N-135-4 T-219-1 01/05/1887 07/30/1964 Ida Ella Lanum - MOTHER Jan 5, 1887 - Jly 30, 1964 07/02/1882 08/01/1964 Lang, Laura Fascio Langford, Ellis . James, Jr. US NAVY MARKER: Langford, Ellis . James, Jr. US NAVY MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran Ellis James Langford 1919 - 1975 U.S. Navy T-VET-7-2 U. S. Military Veteran LANGFORD Ellis James 1919 - 1975 United States Navy Lucille English 1919 - 2005 Langford, Lena Lucille MARKER: T-VET-7-3 LANGFORD Ellis James 1919 - 1975 United States Navy Lucille English 1919 - 2005 Langyher, Cecil R MARKER: Lanham, Norma V. (Tommie) MARKER: 1913 - 1995 Lanroth, Johnie Lanum, Ida Ella MARKER: At Rest Lanyon, Alan Charles MARKER: O-209-1 Alan Charles Lanyon 01/30/1904 12/28/1946 Jan 30, 1904 - Dec 28, 1946 Lanyon of Henver and St. Allen Church Truro and Redruth From Kerris, parish of Paul, Cornwall in England Alan Charles, son of Alvin Henry and Anna Merithew Lanyon Born in Pittsburg, Kansas; Died in Shannon, Eire. Lanyon, Lavinia Wade MARKER: O-209-2 LANYON 06/13/1901 01/01/1947 11/14/1993 11/19/1993 09/09/1999 09/13/1999 Maria Lavinia Langley Wade of Alexandria, Virginia and Cromlech, St Mary's County Maryland Beloved wife of Alan Charles Lanyon Born in Baltimore, Maryland 13 June 1901 Died in Washington, D.C. 14 November 1993 LaPlante, Bryan F. MARKER: 1-43-1 La Plante, Bryan F. 10/20/1916 Oct. 20, 1915 - Sept. 9, 1999 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 270 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) LaPlante, Helen F MARKER: 1-43-2 La Plante, Helen F. Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 03/01/1914 05/06/1979 05/09/1979 12/10/1922 05/13/2005 05/18/2005 04/03/1934 01/20/2002 04/17/1986 01/25/2002 08/15/1913 01/01/1907 12/07/2009 01/01/1966 12/11/2009 06/13/1966 01/01/1904 01/01/1977 08/13/1977 O-157-3 04/04/1885 07/03/1965 Doctor, Henry Augustine Latane Apr 4, 1885 - Jly 3, 1965 07/07/1965 March 1, 1914 - May 6, 1979 42-181-3 Laporta, Ralph Bernard Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran LAPORTA Ralph Bernard December 10, 1922 - May 13, 2005 Margaret Brennan November 9, 1925 - (space) Good night Irene Larkin, James E Larkin, James E., III MARKER: Larkin, Roberta L. Larsen, Harald Christian MARKER: T-33-3C T-33-3A James E. III 1934- 2002 T-34-1 T-166-1 LARSEN Waida Gerhardt Harald C. Larsen, Waida Gerhardt MARKER: T-166-2 LARSEN Waida Gerhardt Harald C. Latane, Henry Augustine, Dr. MARKER: 1904 - 1977 1907 - 1966 1904 - 1977 1907 - 1966 His beloved wife Polly Graham Latane Oct 18, 1883 - Feb 23, 1954 Latane, Polly Graham MARKER: O-157-2 10/18/1883 02/23/1954 Doctor, Henry Augustine Latane Apr 4, 1885 - Jly 3, 1965 02/25/1954 His beloved wife Polly Graham Latane Oct 18, 1883 - Feb 23, 1954 Latham, Alice Marie MARKER: R-20-2 08/20/1902 10/06/1985 Francis J. Latham, Sr. Dec. 16, 1900 - Mar. 5, 1986 10/09/1985 Alice M. Latham Aug. 20, 1902 - Oct. 6, 1985 James R. Adamson died: June 2, 1955 Infant son of James & Cuevas (Adamson) Latham, Ella Jesse MARKER: T-116-2 Ella Jesse Latham 06/29/1912 05/01/1998 06/28/1998 R-20-3 12/16/1900 03/05/1986 Francis J. Latham, Sr. Dec. 16, 1900 - Mar. 5, 1986 03/08/1986 June 29, 1912 (Cross) May 26, 1998 Latham, Francis J., Sr. MARKER: Alice M. Latham Aug. 20, 1902 - Oct. 6, 1985 James R. Adamson died: June 2, 1955 Infant son of James & Cuevas (Adamson) Latham, Robert A Lau, Gordon MARKER: T-116-1 42-74-4 GORGON LAU 01/28/1963 11/02/2003 10/07/1986 11/08/2003 08/01/1933 10/07/1925 08/25/1899 01/12/1992 04/09/2010 10/30/1996 01/18/1992 04/13/2010 11/04/1996 04/28/1920 06/03/1986 06/06/1986 06/29/1893 06/14/1969 06/16/1969 09/01/1921 12/16/1997 12/22/1997 January 28, 1963 - November 2, 2003 Lau, Yiu Won Lauderman, Glayds Lauderman, Mercedes Ortiz MARKER: 6-34-1 41-10-3 T-113-6 Mother Mercedes Ortiz Lauderman Aug. 25, 1899 Oct. 30, 1996 Lauderman, Oscar M MARKER: 31-78-3 OSCAR M. LAUDERMAN April 28, 1920 - June 3, 1986 "much loved and always missed." T-113-5 Lauderman, Oscar P MARKER: Father Oscar P. Lauderman June 29, 1893 - June 14, 1969 Laughlin, Edythe Bauer MARKER: 32-46-2 Deythe Bauer Laughlin Sept. 1, 1921 - Dec. 16, 1997 "Always in my heart, my love for you lives on." Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 271 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date N-166-16 Laukabough, Baby Burial_Date 03/23/1944 Infant LaVan, Penelope West MARKER: 31-25-2 LaVan 07/24/1985 Penelope Ruth West 1938 - 1985 But the tender grace of the day that is dead, Will never come back to me. Lavat, Margaret Lee Lavery, Elizabeth Lavery, John A Lavery, Peter Rutherford Randolph Lavery, Thomas J MARKER: O-296-3 A-92-5A A-92-5B A-92-1A A-92-4A Thomas Joseph Lavery Born: April 13, 1914 Lavinder, Pressly S MARKER: 08/31/1933 12/31/1937 11/17/1990 03/12/1998 11/07/1979 01/04/1973 01/04/1986 12/11/1990 10/18/2005 11/08/1979 07/27/1917 04/22/1979 04/24/1979 07/25/1903 Jan 22, 1904 - May 24, 1970 03/31/1949 04/02/1949 05/24/1970 05/24/1970 Died: Sept 7, 1979 1-39-1 LAVINDER Pressly S. July 27, 1917 - April 22, 1979 Lavinus, Charles Andrew MARKER: N-15-5 Elsie M. Lavinus Charles A. Lavinus Jly 25, 1903- Mar 31, 1949 John P. Livinus (child) -12/13/1943 Lavinus, Elsie Waters MARKER: N-15-4 Elsie M. Lavinus 01/22/1904 Jan 22, 1904 - May 24, 1970 Charles A. Lavinus Jly 25, 1903- Mar 31, 1949 John P. Livinus (child) -12/13/1943 N-15-6 Lavinus, John P 12/13/1943 Child MARKER: Elsie M. Lavinus Jan 22, 1904 - May 24, 1970 Charles A. Lavinus Jly 25, 1903- Mar 31, 1949 John P. Livinus (child) -12/13/1943 T-121-3 Law, A Kenneth 06/01/1915 09/12/1971 09/12/1971 05/30/2005 04/27/2001 04/27/1983 06/02/2005 05/02/2001 04/30/1983 05/08/1991 05/11/1991 L A W MARKER: Mary L.Law April 22, 1913 - April 27, 1983 A Kenneth Law June 1, 1915 - Sept 12, 1971 Law, Charles E., Mrs. Law, Charles Edward, Sr. Law, Mary L. MARKER: 42-51-4 42-51-3 T-120-1 02/12/1916 03/05/1915 04/22/1913 L A W Mary L.Law April 22, 1913 - April 27, 1983 A Kenneth Law June 1, 1915 - Sept 12, 1971 Lawhead, Rachel Summer MARKER: 6-22-2 Our Beloved 07/28/1976 Rachel Summer Lawhead July 28, 1976 - May 7, 1991 Lawler, Dorothy S Lawler, Mabel Blunt MARKER: T-307-2 M-85-2 Mabel J. Blunt 1905 - 1934 09/04/1987 02/26/1934 Wife of Normal F. Lawler Lawler, Thomas Wilford MARKER: Lawrence, Albert, Dr. Lawrence, Elinore MARKER: T-307-1 Thomas Wilford Lawler A-49-2 T-155-4 Elinore Lawrence 01/18/1899 08/06/1957 Jan 18, 1899 - Aug 6, 1957 09/12/1917 09/20/1918 09/29/1998 08/09/1957 09/12/1917 10/02/1998 1918 - 1998 Lawrence, John A. MARKER: Lawrence, Michael Scott 6 days MARKER: T-154-6 John A. Lawrence 1908 - 1976 6-42-2 04/15/1976 08/13/1974 08/21/1974 Infant MICHAEL SCOTT LAWRENCE AUGUST 13, 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 272 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lawrence, Patricia G MARKER: Birth_Date 2-14-2 Pat Gress Lawrence 02/14/1946 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/28/1983 01/29/1983 12/05/1993 12/09/1993 02/03/1991 02/06/1991 07/25/1935 08/17/2002 08/22/2002 05/31/1940 05/19/1980 05/22/1980 08/10/1945 06/15/1994 02/04/1981 06/27/1994 10/22/1978 10/25/1978 07/19/2003 07/25/2003 09/27/1928 08/23/2002 08/28/2002 11/15/1898 02/15/1999 02/25/1999 10/17/1844 Mar. 25, 1841 - Dec. 5, 1843 05/12/1845 Feb 14, 1946 - Jan 28, 1983 Creative and free of spirit. Wife, mother and loyal friend. Our love does not come to an end. Jim, Jamie, Anne Lawrence, Virginia M. MARKER: 6-42-4 WARREN A. 01/09/1920 VIRGINIA CASON 1910 - 1991 1920 - 1993 LAWRENCE 6-42-3 Lawrence, Warren A. Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: WARREN A. VIRGINIA CASON 1910 - 1991 1920 - 1993 LAWRENCE Lawson, David Herbert Otis 33-3-3A BIO-Note MARKER: LAWSON David H. O. 1935 - 2002 Beloved Husband and father Lawson, Jacqueline W. MARKER: A-44-1 Jacqueline Watson May 31, 1940 May 19, 1980 Lawton, Daisy Jackson Lazarus, James Charles MARKER: M-165-6 1-22-1A LAZARUS James H. Aug.27, 1917 - Oct. 22, 1978 James C. Aug. 10, 1945 - June 15, 1994 Kathleen E. - Aug. 18, 1920 - July 19, 2003 Lazarus, James Hazlett MARKER: 1-22-1C LAZARUS 08/27/1917 James H. Aug.27, 1917 - Oct. 22, 1978 James C. Aug. 10, 1945 - June 15, 1994 Kathleen E. - Aug. 18, 1920 - July 19, 2003 Lazarus, Kathleen Eleanore MARKER: 1-22-2 08/18/1920 LAZARUS James H. Aug.27, 1917 - Oct. 22, 1978 James C. Aug. 10, 1945 - June 15, 1994 Kathleen E. - Aug. 18, 1920 - July 19, 2003 O-219-2A Lazich, Michael US Navy Le Bosquet, Hope MARKER: WW II - Veteran 2-61-4 LeBOSQUET Maurice, Jr. Hope Smith July 14, 1901 November 15, 1898 August 16, 1993 February 15, 1999 United States Public Health Service Leadbeater, Alice MARKER: G-118-6A Alice Leadbeater Alice Leadbeater Oct. 17, 1844 - May 12, 1845 William Leadbeater Aug. 27, 1846 - Aug. 26, 1848 Henry Leadbeater Mar. 6, 1850 - Jan. 29, 1851 Leadbeater, Alice L MARKER: G-118-2A Alice Leadbeater 03/25/1841 Mar. 25, 1841 - Dec. 5, 1843 12/05/1843 12/08/1843 Alice Leadbeater Oct. 17, 1844 - May 12, 1845 William Leadbeater Aug. 27, 1846 - Aug. 26, 1848 Henry Leadbeater Mar. 6, 1850 - Jan. 29, 1851 Leadbeater, Anna L MARKER: G-119-6 Anna Leadbeater 01/01/1903 1873 - 1903 Daughter of Thomas & Lizzie Leadbeater My soul doth magnify the Lord Leadbeater, Arthur Chandlee MARKER: G-120-4 04/30/1877 03/25/1885 Arthur Chandlee Leadbeater Apr. 30, 1877-Mar. 25, 1885 03/25/1885 Son of Edward S. & Clara L.Leadbeater Such is the Kingdom of Heaven Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 273 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Leadbeater, Clara L MARKER: G-121-5 Clara L. Leadbeater Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1930 1841 - 1930 Wife of E.S. Leadbeater G-121-2 Leadbeater, Clarence C 10/09/1865 09/17/1944 09/19/1944 Alexandrian MARKER: Clarence C. Leadbeater Oct. 9, 1865 - Sept. 17, 1944 Laurence C. Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1875 - Sept. 15, 1917 John Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1872 - Jan 29, 1917 NOTES: Leadbeater, Edward S., Jr. MARKER: May 10,2005: Copy of letter showed that C.C. Leadbeater was the Secretary and Treasurer of Ivy Hill Cemetery Circa 1907. G-121-4 01/01/1933 Edward S. Leadbeater, Jr. 1869 - 1933 Son of E.S. & C.L. Leadbeater Leadbeater, Edward Stabler G-121-6 03/31/1836 10/11/1899 10/14/1899 Alexandrian MARKER: Edward Stabler Leadbeater Mar. 31, 1836 - Oct. 11, 1899 In Christ shall all be made alive NOTES: Leadbeater, Henry L MARKER: Noted in Edgar Warfields book (page 11) As proprietor of the Leadbeater's Drug Store where Col. Robert E. Lee received orders from the United States Secretaryof War, E.D. Townsend to proceed to Harpers Ferry to protect the Arsenal and to demand the surrender of John Brown. G-118-2B Alice Leadbeater Mar. 25, 1841 - Dec. 5, 1843 01/01/1854 Alice Leadbeater Oct. 17, 1844 - May 12, 1845 William Leadbeater Aug. 27, 1846 - Aug. 26, 1848 Henry Leadbeater Mar. 6, 1850 - Jan. 29, 1851 Leadbeater, John MARKER: G-121-3 01/07/1872 01/29/1917 Clarence C. Leadbeater Oct. 9, 1865 - Sept. 17, 1944 Laurence C. Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1875 - Sept. 15, 1917 John Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1872 - Jan 29, 1917 Leadbeater, John L MARKER: G-119-2 John Leadbeater 05/19/1808 May 19, 1808 - Feb. 9, 1860 02/09/1860 02/12/1860 05/10/1918 05/13/1918 G-120-3 01/07/1872 01/29/1917 G-121-1 01/07/1875 09/15/1917 Clarence C. Leadbeater Oct. 9, 1865 - Sept. 17, 1944 01/29/1917 09/15/1917 Borrn Leicester, England. Died Alexandria Leadbeater, John Morrill G-120-2 08/21/1898 WW I - Veteran MARKER: John Morrill Leadbeater Aug. 21, 1898 - May 10, 1918 Regimental Sergeant Major 56th Pioneer Infantry. American Legion Marker Leadbeater, John, Jr. Leadbeater, Laurence C. MARKER: Laurence C. Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1875 - Sept. 15, 1917 John Leadbeater Jan. 7, 1872 - Jan 29, 1917 Leadbeater, Mary L MARKER: G-119-3 Mary Leadbeater 01/30/1809 Jan 30, 1809 - Aug. 9, 1863 Born Alexandria, Va. 08/12/1863 08/26/1848 08/29/1848 01/01/1960 01/25/1960 Died Alexandria, Va. G-118-1 Leadbeater, William L 08/09/1863 08/27/1846 Infant MARKER: Alice Leadbeater Mar. 25, 1841 - Dec. 5, 1843 Alice Leadbeater Oct. 17, 1844 - May 12, 1845 William Leadbeater Aug. 27, 1846 - Aug. 26, 1848 Henry Leadbeater Mar. 6, 1850 - Jan. 29, 1851 Leake, Clarence H MARKER: O-210-1 Clarence H. Leake 1890 - 1960 Maria J. Leake Leake, Maria J. MARKER: MARKER: 1898 - 1949 O-210-2 Clarence H. Leake 1890 - 1960 Maria J. Leake Leary, Eva Barnwell 10/21/1949 1898 - 1949 T-112-6 William G. Leary Eva Barnwell 01/01/1890 03/22/1978 1899 - 1966 1895 - 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 274 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Leary, John Charles, Jr. MARKER: Birth_Date COL 6-S2-31 John Charles Leary, Jr. 03/04/1963 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/26/2003 07/05/2003 11/27/1966 11/30/1966 07/14/1901 08/16/1993 08/20/1993 01/01/1917 1917 - 1959 03/10/1955 01/01/1959 03/07/1959 11/20/2002 11/22/2002 March 4, 1963 - June 26, 2003 Leary, William Gordon MARKER: T-112-5 William G. Leary Eva Barnwell 1899 - 1966 1895 - 1978 2-61-3 LeBosquet, Maurice, Jr. U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: LeCuyer, Mary E.Robbins MARKER: Lee, Barbara Pratt MARKER: LeBOSQUET Maurice, Jr. Hope Smith July 14, 1901 November 15, 1898 August 16, 1993 February 15, 1999 United States Public Health Service N-94-3 Mary E. Robbins LeCuyer 33-29-4 LEE Clendon Hunt, Jr. September 10, 1950 - December 30, 1995 Barbara Pratt March 10, 1955 - November 20, 2002 Lee, Bok Ja MARKER: 1-60-1 BOK JA LEE 01/14/1935 05/04/1990 07/12/1990 My very special and loving mother Jan. 14, 1935 - May 4, 1990 "Always in my thoughts" Lee, Caroline Wattles MARKER: M-44-5 Thomas Alexander Lee 04/13/1940 1855 - 1951 his wife: Caroline Wattles Lee 1858 - 1940 P-35-4 Lee, Cassius Francis 01/01/1892 Alexandrian MARKER: Cassius Francis Lee 1844 - 1892 He giveth his beloved sleep Mary Lloyd Lee 1845 - 1918 NOTES: Lee, Clendon Hunt, Jr. MARKER: Long-time Treasurer and trustee of Virginia Seminary. 1844-1892. 33-29-3 09/10/1950 12/30/1995 01/03/1996 LEE Clendon Hunt, Jr. September 10, 1950 - December 30, 1995 Barbara Pratt March 10, 1955 - November 20, 2002 Lee, Donald V., II MARKER: 31-122-2 Donald V. Lee, III 06/22/1958 05/30/1991 06/04/1991 10/12/1914 02/01/1977 10/17/1977 M-112-5 O-296-2 James Franklin Lee 10/24/1894 Dec 14, 1892 - Jly 5, 1953 12/11/1954 03/08/1985 12/13/1954 Elizabeth Alderson Lee Oct 24, 1894 - Dec 11, 1954 June 22, 1958 - May 30, 1991 Lee, Dorothy Louise Neff MARKER: T-282-5B Dorothy Neff Lee Oct. 12, 1914 - Feb. 1, 1977 Michael E. Lee July 27, 1907 - Feb. 09, 2000 Lee, Dorothy M Lee, Elizabeth Alderson MARKER: Lee, Elizabeth Clark MARKER: M-46-7 LEE Elizabeth T. Alexander 1833 - 1909 Eliza Clark 1873 - 1923 Lee, Elizabeth Tillinghast A. MARKER: M-44-10 LEE 01/01/1833 01/01/1909 Elizabeth T. Alexander 1833 - 1909 Eliza Clark 1873 - 1923 Lee, George Washington MARKER: Lee, Henry Bedinger, Rev., II Lee, Ida MARKER: M-46-9 George Washington Lee F-60-3 M-46-8 Ida Lee 1863 - 1930 01/01/1901 1831 - 1901 01/22/1880 12/20/1947 12/23/1947 01/01/1930 Robert Alexander Lee 1866 - 1934 Leila Bathurst Lee 1858 - 1940 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 275 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lee, James F. MARKER: Lee, Jean Bladen MARKER: O-296-1 James Franklin Lee 12/14/1892 Dec 14, 1892 - Jly 5, 1953 Elizabeth Alderson Lee Oct 24, 1894 - Dec 11, 1954 MARKER: Death_Date 07/08/1953 01/01/1915 02/23/1985 02/27/1985 N-154-3 12/12/1805 Julia A.M. Lee Dec 12, 1805 - Feb 7, 1886 02/07/1886 02/07/1886 02/27/1910 02/27/1910 T-329-5A LEE 1912 - 1968 1915 - 1985 Widow of Col. R. B. Lee Born in Richmond, Virginia; Died in Washington, D.C. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth Lee, Julia Eustis MARKER: Burial_Date 07/05/1953 William E. Jean B. Lee, Julia A. M. Birth_Date N-154-2 Julia Eustis Lee 05/16/1830 May 16, 1830 - Feb 27, 1910 Born at Pikesville Arsenal, Maryland Died at Washington, D.C. Lee, Lela Bathurst MARKER: Ida Lee M-44-12 1863 - 1930 01/15/1940 Robert Alexander Lee 1866 - 1934 Leila Bathurst Lee 1858 - 1940 Lee, Mary Lloyd MARKER: P-35-5 Cassius Francis Lee 01/01/1918 1844 - 1892 He giveth his beloved sleep Mary Lloyd Lee 1845 - 1918 Lee, Michael E. MARKER: T-282-5a Dorothy Neff Lee 07/27/1907 02/09/2000 04/03/2001 09/20/1992 09/20/1992 09/23/1992 Oct. 12, 1914 - Feb. 1, 1977 Michael E. Lee July 27, 1907 - Feb. 09, 2000 P-83-3 Lee, Nellie Evans Infant LEE MARKER: Nellie Evans November 17, 1904 September 20, 1992 Lee, Nellie Mae Lee, R. F. MARKER: Lee, Richard Bland, COL. T-17-3 N-154-1 R. F. Lee 1849 - 1913 N-153-1 09/08/1977 01/01/1913 07/20/1797 08/02/1875 08/05/1875 C S A Veteran MARKER: Col Richard Bland Lee Jly 20, 1797 - Aug 2, 1875 Born at Sully, Fairfax Co. Virginia Died in Alexandria, Virginia NOTES: Lee, Robert, Dr. MARKER: Colonel, Commissary Officer; Staff of Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard. Born in Sully Plantation, Fairfax County. M-44-11 Ida Lee 1863 - 1930 Robert Alexander Lee 1866 - 1934 Leila Bathurst Lee 1858 - 1940 Lee, Sue Rust MARKER: F-60-2 Sue Rust Lee 09/02/1879 07/08/1956 07/10/1956 wife of Rev. Henry Bedinger Lee II, and daughter of David Newton Rust and Mary Nelson Rust. Born Sept 02, 1879 , Died July 08, 1956 Lee, Thomas Alexander MARKER: M-44-6 Thomas Alexander Lee 10/19/1951 1855 - 1951 his wife: Caroline Wattles Lee Lee, William (Billy) Edwin T-329-5B 1858 - 1940 10/19/1912 11/22/1988 11/29/1988 Freemason MARKER: LEE William E. Jean B. 1912 - 1968 1915 - 1985 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 276 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Leef, Charles Franklin MARKER: T-165-5 Charles Franklin Leef Erma Wade Leef Hilda May Wade Leef, Erma W MARKER: Birth_Date 07/22/1906 02/22/1979 Jly 22, 1906 - Feb 22, 1979 Burial_Date 02/26/1979 Nov 30, 1905 - Oct 2, 1988 Dec 31, 1910 - Dec 1, 1992 T-165-6 Charles Franklin Leef Erma Wade Leef Hilda May Wade 10/05/1988 Jly 22, 1906 - Feb 22, 1979 Nov 30, 1905 - Oct 2, 1988 Dec 31, 1910 - Dec 1, 1992 M-5-6 Leeper, Mary C Death_Date 01/01/1870 07/07/1895 Alexandrian MARKER: Mary C. Leeper Nov 27, 1819 - Jly 7, 1895 Matron of Episcopal High School, 1870-1895 She loved much NOTES: Leet, Charles Brenton Matron of Episcopal High School, 1870-1895. T-68-6 06/07/1974 06/14/1974 06/17/1974 CharlesBrenton Leet June 7, 1974 - June 14, 1974 T-302-2 08/14/1889 02/01/1976 Robert LeFevre Nov 15, 1890 - Apr 10, 1966 02/04/1976 Infant MARKER: LeFevre, Edith E MARKER: Edith LeFevre LeFevre, Robert MARKER: Edith LeFevre Lehew, George Hamilton MARKER: Leiher, Lucille H Leinbach, Chapin R. MARKER: Leipold, Margaret Rosina MARKER: Aug 14, 1889 - Feb 1, 1976 T-302-1 Robert LeFevre 11/15/1890 Nov 15, 1890 - Apr 10, 1966 04/10/1966 04/12/1966 11/16/1868 07/27/1928 Nov 16, 1868 - Jly 27, 1928 07/27/1928 Aug 14, 1889 - Feb 1, 1976 P-40-1 George Hamilton Lehew T-163-5 R-12-3b Richard Henry Cassedy 02/08/1913 01/05/2002 December 7, 1912-February 13, 2001 Chapin Ruffner Leinbach February 8, 1913-January 5, 2002 Companions for 54 years 2-32-4 GRETE LEIPOLD 07/09/1976 02/01/2002 05/23/1983 1898 - 1983 "Unsere Oma" german B-BBY-48-17 Leish, Baby 09/17/1954 Infant Leishear, Louise Helen MARKER: T-263-1 Louise Helen LEISHEAR 08/03/1908 09/25/2005 10/03/2005 Aug. 3, 1908 - Sept. 25, 2005 Leitch, Ella MARKER: 6-25-3 ELLA LEITCH 01/25/1982 1896 - 1982 ALIVE IN CHRIST Leitch, John Thomas MARKER: 6-25-2 JOHN THOMAS LEITCH 01/01/1892 01/01/1978 10/12/1978 T-358-6 01/28/1896 Marjory Frey Leith Jan 28, 1896 - Jan 22, 1991 01/22/1991 04/17/1991 1892 - 1978 I SURVEY THE WONDROUS CROSS Leith, Marjory E MARKER: wife of John Nicholas Leith Nov 28, 1884 - Jan 12, 1964 Lelievre, Eva Vernier MARKER: Lemmon, Betty A. MARKER: G-202-4 Eva Vernier Lelieve 2-90-2 Betty A. Lemmon 01/01/1868 01/01/1949 12/22/1930 08/16/1995 08/18/1995 07/28/1897 06/22/1965 06/25/1985 1868 - 1949 Dec. 22, 1930 Aug. 16, 1995 "Our beloved Mom" "Rest in Peace" A-85-4 Lemon, Herman B. WW I - Veteran NOTES: Also a Freemason. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 277 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date A-85-5 Lemon, Lillian Dove 05/09/1895 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/30/1979 05/04/1979 07/15/1929 01/20/2009 09/09/1985 07/03/1984 01/24/2009 05/26/1930 10/11/1993 10/15/1993 10/26/1991 07/19/1993 07/23/1993 05/05/1926 09/08/1927 08/14/2002 01/13/1990 09/03/1980 08/16/2002 01/18/1990 03/11/1923 07/03/1987 07/06/1987 07/03/1940 10/04/2007 10/08/2007 06/12/1917 02/12/1994 02/17/1994 04/02/1958 10/18/1994 10/22/1994 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Lillian D. Lemon May 9, 1895 - Apr. 30, 1979 Lillian Dove Lemon, Yl U. S. Navy World War I Herman B.Lemon July 28, 1897 - 06/22/1965 Lemons, Evelyn G Lemons, Frank W Leon, Harry MARKER: T-293-5 T-293-4 O-132-3 LEON Margaret Winterwerp Harry 1929 - 2009 Leon, Margaret A. MARKER: 1930 - 1993 O-132-6 LEON Margaret Winterwerp Harry 1929 - 2009 1930 - 1993 32-43-3 Leon, Thomas Michael Infant MARKER: Thomas Michael Leon Oct 26, 1991 - July 19, 1993 Always in our hearts our love for you lives on. Leonard, Anna Marie Leonard, Helga K. Leonard, Jean Lorraine MARKER: T-56-2 T-56-6 31-43-1 JEAN LORRAINE LEONARD Sept. 8, 1927 - Jan. 13, 1998 Melbourne Austrailia - Arlington Virginia T-56-3 Leonard, John D US NAVY NOTES: Leonard, Maureen Anne Kennedy MARKER: WW II - Veteran Served aboard the U.S.S. Denver. 41-54-1 Maureen A. Leonard "Mo" July 3, 1940 - October 4, 2007 Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with thee Lepper, Mark H. MARKER: R-84-4 LEPPER Mark H. June 12, 1917 Feb.12, 1994 Lesko, Kathleen Ferguson MARKER: Joyce S. March 16, 1916 (space) 33-67-4 Kathleen Ferguson Lesko Apr. 2, 1958 - Oct. 18 1994 N-166-14 Lesler, Donald 02/01/1944 Infant Leslie, Edward A MARKER: 6-12-1 EDWARD A. LILLIAN E. 01/01/1886 01/01/1957 10/17/1972 01/25/1919 05/28/1971 06/01/1971 01/01/1894 01/01/1984 02/15/1984 10/15/1967 02/17/2003 02/24/2003 1896 - 1957 1894 - 1984 LESLI E Leslie, Lester MARKER: 6-12-3 LESTER LESLIE JANUARY 25, 1919 MAY 28, 1971 Leslie, Lillian E MARKER: 6-12-2 EDWARD A. LILLIAN E. 1896 - 1957 1894 - 1984 LESLI E Lesser, Brian Scott MARKER: 42-116-5 LESSER Brian Scott 1967 - 2003 Beloved Son Gloria C. 1932 Beloved Mother Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 278 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 32-7-1 Lesser, William, Jr. US NAVY MARKER: 06/06/1934 Death_Date 01/18/1993 Burial_Date 02/08/1993 U. S. Military Veteran William Lesser, Jr. U S Navy June 6, 1934 - Jan. 18, 1993 Lester, Beulah G MARKER: O-42-5 Beulah G. Lester 04/07/1948 1907 - 1948 At Rest Lester, Jeanette T. Lester, Robert W., Sr. MARKER: Leuterio, Alice L Leuterio, Gervasio J. MARKER: O-232-5A 11/18/1934 T-114-3 Robert W. Lester 1919 - 1974 T-274-4 T-275-6 Gervasio J. Leuterio Died: Jan 17, 1968 01/29/1999 02/01/1999 11/21/1974 01/17/1968 02/03/1989 01/20/1968 10/05/1977 10/08/1977 Husband of Alice L. Leuterio In God's care LeVan, Raymond Walter, Rev. MARKER: T-198-6 03/15/1937 The Reverend Raymond Walter Le Van Mar 15, 1937 - Oct 5, 1977 A-53-3A R-192-2A Lewis, Andrew Lewis, Baby 04/29/1987 Infant A-53-3B A-53-6 1-6-4 Lewis, Daniel W Lewis, E R Lewis, Edward Grey, Jr. 09/16/1979 06/12/1980 01/01/1857 06/19/1934 06/16/1980 01/01/1911 01/01/1986 04/20/1973 03/06/1986 Infant MARKER: LEWIS, Edward Grey, Jr. Sept. 16, 1979 - June 12, 1980 Beloved son of Carolyn & E. Grey Lewis Lewis, Erminie B. Lewis, Frances M MARKER: A-53-8 2-24-1A Virginia L. Thorne 1909-1982 Frances M. Lewis 1911-1986 Lewis, Grace L. MARKER: C-4-1 03/09/1884 03/07/1941 Grace L. Lewis, Mother Mar, 9, 1884 - Mar. 7, 1941 Hubert P.Lunsford Lucille S. Piccioni Lewis, Guy C MARKER: Lewis, Hunter McCoy Lewis, Jennie V. Lewis, Jerry Quinley MARKER: 03/10/1941 Feb. 22, 1909 - June 13, 1966 Mar. 15, 1913 - Oct. 7, 1965 O-245-3 10/09/1884 Guy C. Lewis Oct 9, 1884 - Jan 9, 1969 42-176-4 10/21/1997 A-53-2A COL 6-S1-43 11/03/1938 Jerry Quinley Lewis 01/09/1969 01/11/1969 07/03/2009 09/16/2003 07/13/2009 11/13/1943 09/29/2003 02/06/1960 02/09/1960 11/07/1946 06/01/2007 06/04/2007 10/27/1929 03/08/1991 03/11/1991 November 3, 1938 - September 16, 2003 Lewis, Jessie Wright MARKER: T-261-6 Jesse Wright Lewis 05/29/1890 May 29, 1890 - Feb 6, 1960 At Rest Lewis, Joan C. MARKER: 42-141-2 Joan R. Lewis 1946 - 2007 Beloved Wife and Devoted Mother (18 inch Statue of Virgin Mary) Lewis, Lois Anne Wallerstedt MARKER: D-36-1B Lewis Adams Nalls 1860 - 1945 his wife: Julia Viola Waters Nalls 1876 - 1925 Their eldest Daughter: Magurite Nalls Wallerstedt 1897-1952 her husband: Hjalmar Axel Wallerstedt 1897 - 1944 their daughter: Dorothy Jean Wallerstedt (Baby) - 1927 Loise Anne Wallerstedt Lewis 1929 - 1991 Lewis, Mary MARKER: Lewis, Maud S Lewis, Maude Haskins MARKER: O-251-4 Mary C. Lewis Dec 29, 1895 - Dec 3, 1979 A-53-5 O-65-2 William Tunstall Lewis 1872 - 1947 wife: Maude Haskins Lewis 12/03/1979 12/07/1979 01/10/1947 1877 - 1947 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 279 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date COL 6-S2-37A Lewis, Melvyn W. 12/24/1938 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/11/2003 04/11/2003 04/12/1974 04/15/1974 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: LEWIS Melvyn W. - December 24, 1938 - April 5, 2003 T-61-3 Lewis, Phaedra Ann 04/25/1967 Child MARKER: Phaedra Ann Miller Apr 25, 1967 - Apr 12, 1974 Lewis, Rachel R Lewis, Sadie L Lewis, Thomas J MARKER: A-53-2B A-53-1 2-5-4 Thomas J. Lewis 11/13/1943 05/25/1944 01/21/1985 Dec 1940 - Jan 1985 Peace in the valley Lewis, Virginia Cortes MARKER: 42-141-1 VIRGINIA LEWIS 11/27/1965 06/07/2005 06/10/2005 03/27/1956 04/07/1956 04/17/1956 05/09/1879 05/09/1879 T-208-3 04/24/1904 05/08/1965 William Tunstall Lewis Apr 24, 1904 - May 8, 1965 O-65-1 01/01/1872 01/01/1947 William Tunstall Lewis 1872 - 1947 05/11/1965 November 27, 1965 - June 7, 2005 Devoted Wife and Mother - Beloved to all B-BBY-48-37 Lewis, Warren J. Infant MARKER: Lewis, Wellington M MARKER: Warren J. Lewis March 27, 1956 - April 17, 1956 F-45-1 04/08/1841 Wellington M. Lewis Apr. 8, 1841 - May 9, 1874 Born in Shannonsville, Canada, West Died in Petersburg, Virginia In Memoriam Lewis, William T., Jr. MARKER: Lewis, William Tunstall, Sr. MARKER: wife: Maude Haskins Lewis 1877 - 1947 1-15-4 Lianos, Konstantinos U S Army MARKER: 01/01/1947 03/25/1893 04/04/1980 04/08/1980 01/04/1910 Jan 4, 1910 - Mar 16, 1966 03/16/1966 03/19/1966 12/31/1942 01/04/1943 WW I - Veteran Constantinos Lianos March 25, 1893 - April 4, 1980 Liedblad, Alton G MARKER: T-214-5 Alton G. Lieblad Elsie L. Lieblad Liggon, William W MARKER: Mar 24, 1910 - (space) R-65-2 William W. Liggon 07/02/1901 Jly. 2, 1901 - Dec. 31, 1942 Son of W.W. & Lucy W. Liggon E-BBY-66-133 Lilly, Clay 02/24/1967 Infant E-BBY-66-101 Lilly, Kimberly Sue 04/09/1964 Infant Lind, Arthur M. MARKER: M-36-2 Grace V. Lind Arthur M Lind Lind, Grace V MARKER: MARKER: Lindsey, Albin Edward Kirk 11/23/1934 11/26/1934 06/08/1945 06/11/1945 02/12/1899 01/12/1957 Feb 12, 1899 - Jan 12, 1957 03/21/1911 01/25/1999 01/14/1957 Aug 30, 1868 - Nov 23, 1934 M-36-1 Grace V. Lind Arthur M Lind Lindsey, Alan McKay 08/30/1868 Feb 9, 1874 - June 8, 1945 02/09/1874 Feb 9, 1874 - June 8, 1945 Aug 30, 1868 - Nov 23, 1934 T-344-1 Father: Alan McKay Lindsey 42-100-1A 01/29/1999 WW II - Veteran MARKER: LINDSEY Albin Edward Kirk March 21, 1911 - January 25, 1999 Lindsey, Ann Griffith MARKER: 31-9-4 Ann Griffith Lindsey 10/02/1953 01/05/1987 01/09/1987 October 2, 1953 - January 5, 1987 Lindsey, Dorothy R G-136-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/21/1969 Page 280 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lindsey, Ethel Gemeny MARKER: Birth_Date N-49-2 Ethel Gemeny Lindsey Death_Date 05/24/1898 Burial_Date 11/15/1977 11/18/1977 G-136-6 09/20/1919 04/24/1979 Lisa Anderson Lindsey Sept. 20, 1919 - Apr. 24, 1979 05/03/1979 May 24, 1898 Nov. 15, 1977 Lindsey, Lisa Anderson MARKER: Daughter of Wallace Noble and Lisa Deane Lindsey Lindsey, Lisa Deane MARKER: G-136-4 Lisa Deane Lindsay 01/03/1920 01/03/1920 04/11/1957 04/13/1957 Died: Jan 3, 1920 Beloved Wife of Wallace Lindsey Daughter of Herbert W. & Elizabeth Deane Anderson Unto light eternal Lindsey, Wallace N MARKER: G-136-5 12/03/1887 Wallace N. Lindsay Dec. 3, 1887 - Apr. 11, 1957 Born Alexandria, Va. Died Alexandria, Va. Lineberry, Julie R. Inmemorium Lineberry, Julie R. Inmemorium Lineberry, Robert Gipsy MARKER: 32-1-1 12/02/1998 Plantings (Memorial) 32-1-2 12/02/1998 Plantings (Memorial) 32-9-2A LINEBERRY 12/02/1939 03/28/1998 ROBERT GIPSY 1939 - 1998 (REVERSE) "The Lord's Prayer" Linn, Anne E. Linn, Gertrude S MARKER: T-237-2A T-237-3A Herbert Courtland Linn Gertrude Sarah Linn Linn, Herbert Courtland MARKER: MARKER: 02/01/1988 01/01/1942 1866 - 1956 1869 -1942 T-237-2C Herbert Courtland Linn Gertrude Sarah Linn Linn, Raymond P 04/02/1998 01/01/1956 1866 - 1956 1869 -1942 31-106-2 Raymond P. Linn 05/28/1902 03/11/1986 03/14/1986 07/04/1956 05/02/1982 11/26/1982 May 28, 1902 - March 11, 1986 Lipp, Edmund Steffy MARKER: 2-81-3A Edmund Steffy Lipp July 4, 1956 - May 2, 1982 (two musical quarter notes) 2-96-1 Lipps, Alice Johnson 04/21/1999 LIPPS MARKER: Alice Johnson January 26, 1929 April 16, 1999 Lipps, Nettie Y MARKER: D-8-2 Robert Lynn Lipps, Jr. Nettie Young Lipps Robert Lynn Lipps Lipps, Robert Lynn MARKER: MARKER: Lipscomb, Mary Elizabeth MARKER: Lipscomb, Pearl R MARKER: 08/07/1989 Elizabeth 1909 - 1989 T-158-3 LIPSCOMB Pearl R. 1887 - 1980 11/19/1919 Mar. 15, 1974 Feb. 20, 195 T-159-1 LIPSCOMB Pearl R. 1887 - 1980 02/23/1954 Mar. 15, 1974 Feb. 20, 195 11/19/1919 Departed this Life Nov. 19, 1919 Departed this Life Departed this life 03/18/1974 Mar. 15, 1974 Feb. 20, 195 02/20/1954 Departed this Life Nov. 19, 1919 Departed this Life Departed this life D-8-1 Robert Lynn Lipps, Jr. Nettie Young Lipps Robert Lynn Lipps 03/15/1974 Departed this Life Nov. 19, 1919 Departed this Life Departed this life D-8-3 Robert Lynn Lipps, Jr. Nettie Young Lipps Robert Lynn Lipps Lipps, Robert Lynn, Jr. Robert Paul November 25, 1920 (space) 10/21/1980 10/24/1980 Elizabeth 1909 - 1989 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 281 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Little, Emily J. MARKER: 33-24-1 Emiliy Jean Lewis Little Birth_Date 10/23/1994 Beloved wife of Gerald Little Sept. 10, 1923 - Oct. 23, 1994 "Sleep on, Beloved, Sleep, and take thy rest; head upon thy Saviour's Breast; We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee Best Doudney 42-49-2A Littleton Mark Inmemorium MARKER: Death_Date 10/23/1994 Burial_Date 12/26/1994 01/01/1969 01/01/2004 N-76-2 08/22/1890 William Litton Apr 14, 1888 - Jly 16, 1977 03/16/1941 03/18/1942 07/16/1977 07/18/1977 09/01/1975 11/07/1981 09/06/1975 01/07/1959 11/17/2007 01/10/1959 11/21/2007 Carl E. Booker June 18, 1942 - (space) 1969 Mark Littleton 2004 Litton, Anna Elizabeth MARKER: Anna E. Litton Aug 22, 1890 - Mar 16, 1941 Litton, William MARKER: N-76-1 04/14/1888 William Litton Apr 14, 1888 - Jly 16, 1977 Anna E. Litton Aug 22, 1890 - Mar 16, 1941 Liu, Nan-Chun Liu, Tsai-Min MARKER: T-188-2 T-188-3 01/26/1899 Liu Tsai Min Jan 26, 1899 - Sept 1, 1975 Erected respectfully by her Husband, Nan-Chun, with children and grandchildren (Translated from inscription in accepted form of dialect in Taiwan and China) Livingston, Clara H Livingston, Claud, III MARKER: E-46-6 COL 6-S2-34A LIVINGSTON 06/15/1884 05/03/1931 Claud, III May 3, 1931 - November 17, 2007 Marjorie R. Jan. 12, 1922 - July 20, 2009 R-95-1 Livingston, David M 06/29/1961 Infant Livingston, Elsie D MARKER: R-95-6 Elsie D.Livingston 07/08/1910 10/14/1969 10/17/1969 01/01/1927 01/01/1986 07/31/1989 12/31/1907 04/21/1991 04/24/1991 01/12/1922 07/20/2009 07/29/2009 07/07/1974 06/12/1947 07/09/1974 06/12/1947 05/27/1883 05/27/1883 05/03/1857 07/22/1936 May 3, 1856 - Mar. 26, 1932 07/22/1936 Jul. 8, 1910 - Oct.14, 1966 His Truth endureth forever R-95-7 Livingston, Errin L Army Navy MARKER: WW II - Veteran ERRIN L. LIVINGSTON BUL2 US NAVY PVT US ARMY 1927 - 1986 R-95-5 Livingston, Errin O U. S. Military Veteran Livingston, Marjorie R. MARKER: COL 6-S2-34B LIVINGSTON Claud, III May 3, 1931 - November 17, 2007 Marjorie R. Jan. 12, 1922 - July 20, 2009 Livingston, Willis Jones Lloyd, Agnes V MARKER: E-46-5 O-261-2 James L. Lloyd Agnes V. Lloyd 12/16/1883 11/15/1867 June 12, 1854 - June 15, 1948 Nov 15, 1867 -June 12, 1947 F-15-6A Lloyd, Arthur Selden 10/18/1882 Infant MARKER: Arthur Seldon Lloyd Oct. 8, 1856 -May 27, 1883 Son of A. S. & Lizzie Lloyd Lloyd, Arthur Selden Rev. MARKER: Lloyd, Charles W., Dr. F-15-6 Arthur Selden Lloyd I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Lizzie Robertson Blackford Lloyd Oct 28, 1856-Mar 26, 1932 wife of Aurthur Seldon Lloyd He that hath the Son of God hath life. F-15-10A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 05/14/1985 Page 282 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lloyd, Eliza Armistead MARKER: Birth_Date F-15-2 03/24/1820 John Janney Lloyd Mar. 8, 1800 - May 22, 1871 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/07/1870 06/07/1870 11/21/1889 11/21/1889 07/20/1973 07/24/1973 Eliza Armisted Lloyd Mar. 24, 1820 - June 7, 1870 Lloyd, Elizabeth A. MARKER: F-14-2 10/27/1816 Elizabeth A. Lloyd Oct. 27, 1816 - Nov. 21, 1889 Died in Washington, D.C. Wife of Richard Lloyd Lloyd, Elizabeth V MARKER: O-261-6 Raymond W. Lloyd Elizabeth U. Lloyd Lloyd, Frances W. MARKER: 11/17/1892 Apr 12, 1889 - Jan 7, 1969 Nov 17, 1892 - Jly 20, 1973 F-15-10B John Lloyd Feb. 12, 1890 - June 9, 1924 10/31/1974 He fought the good fight. John Janney Lloyd, M. D. Jly. 20, 1879 - Sept. 22, 1944 Frances W. Lloyd May 3, 1857 - Jly. 22, 1936 Gethyn Poisson Lloyd August 9, 1924 - December 7, 1988 Frank Hubbard Lloyd May 23, 191 - November 26, 19987 F-15-5A Lloyd, Frank H. US ARMY Lloyd, Gethyn Poisson Lloyd, J. J., Dr. MARKER: 05/23/1917 11/26/1998 12/01/1998 F-15-5B F-15-10C 08/20/1879 John Lloyd Feb. 12, 1890 - June 9, 1924 09/22/1944 12/12/1988 10/05/1944 WW II - Veteran He fought the good fight. John Janney Lloyd, M. D. Jly. 20, 1879 - Sept. 22, 1944 Frances W. Lloyd May 3, 1857 - Jly. 22, 1936 Gethyn Poisson Lloyd August 9, 1924 - December 7, 1988 Frank Hubbard Lloyd May 23, 191 - November 26, 19987 Lloyd, James L MARKER: O-261-1 James L. Lloyd Agnes V. Lloyd Lloyd, John MARKER: 06/12/1854 June 12, 1854 - June 15, 1948 06/15/1948 06/15/1948 06/09/1924 06/09/1924 Nov 15, 1867 -June 12, 1947 F-15-7 02/12/1890 John Lloyd Feb. 12, 1890 - June 9, 1924 He fought the good fight. John Janney Lloyd, M. D. Jly. 20, 1879 - Sept. 22, 1944 Frances W. Lloyd May 3, 1857 - Jly. 22, 1936 Gethyn Poisson Lloyd August 9, 1924 - December 7, 1988 Frank Hubbard Lloyd May 23, 191 - November 26, 19987 Lloyd, John Janney MARKER: F-15-1 03/08/1800 John Janney Lloyd Mar. 8, 1800 - May 22, 1871 05/22/1871 03/22/1871 10/28/1856 03/29/1932 May 3, 1856 - Mar. 26, 1932 03/29/1932 Eliza Armisted Lloyd Mar. 24, 1820 - June 7, 1870 Lloyd, Lizzie Robertso Blackford MARKER: F-15-8 Arthur Selden Lloyd I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. Lizzie Robertson Blackford Lloyd Oct 28, 1856-Mar 26, 1932 wife of Aurthur Seldon Lloyd He that hath the Son of God hath life. Lloyd, Mary B MARKER: F-15-3 Mary B. Lloyd 11/26/1846 Nov. 26, 1846 - Feb. 12, 1867 02/12/1867 02/12/1867 07/25/1950 07/25/1950 07/28/1950 09/30/1914 07/08/2000 07/13/2000 04/12/1889 Apr 12, 1889 - Jan 7, 1969 01/07/1969 01/11/1969 Oldest Child of John J. & Eliza A.Lloyd Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. In Memory Of. Lloyd, Mary P MARKER: G-120-5 Mary P. Leadbeater Lloyd April 30, 1864 - Jly 25, 1950 Wife of William Boothe Lloyd T-139-6 Lloyd, Oscar W. U.S.Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran LLOYD Oscar Woodrow 1914 - 2000 Rita Mitchell 1916 - 2000 "Good morrow to our waking souls" Reverse: " Good night sweetheart" Lloyd, Raymond W. MARKER: O-261-5 Raymond W. Lloyd Elizabeth U. Lloyd Nov 17, 1892 - Jly 20, 1973 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 283 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lloyd, Richard MARKER: F-14-1 Richard Lloyd Birth_Date 07/15/1816 Jly 15, 1816 - Deb. 24, 1883 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/24/1883 02/24/1883 07/05/1916 11/16/2000 11/21/2000 01/01/1870 01/01/1930 01/01/1930 01/01/1930 01/01/1930 G-139-1 Jessie Elwood Locke 1882 - 1964 F-60-6 06/07/1823 01/01/1892 Lucy Armistead Locke June 7, 1823- Jan. 1, 1892 08/30/1964 Born and died in Alexandria, VA T-138-4 Lloyd, Rita M. MARKER: LLOYD Oscar Woodrow 1914 - 2000 Rita Mitchell 1916 - 2000 "Good morrow to our waking souls" Reverse: " Good night sweetheart" Lloyd, Robert E MARKER: M-58-1 Father & Mother Robert E. Lloyd 1870 - 1930 his wife: Sigourney A. Hensley Lloyd, Servant (colored) MARKER: 1869 - 1930 F-14-4 Lloyd, Servant (Colored) (no dates) Lloyd, Sigourney Hensley MARKER: M-58-2 Father & Mother 01/01/1869 Robert E. Lloyd 1870 - 1930 his wife: Sigourney A. Hensley Locke, Jessie Elwood MARKER: Locke, Lucy Armistead MARKER: Locke, Nancy McGovern MARKER: Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep Their children rise up and call them blessed They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars for ever and ever. 31-87-3 LOCKE Nancy M. 1930 - 1989 Locke, Thomas E., Rev. MARKER: 1869 - 1930 09/27/1930 01/01/1892 07/17/1989 07/20/1989 12/04/1812 05/12/1897 Dec. 4, 1812 - May 12, 1897 05/12/1897 Thomas J. 1928 - (space) F-60-5 Rev. Thomas E. Locke I know that my Redeemer liveth Locker, Henry Adrian Lockett, Virginia L MARKER: Lodato, Norman J MARKER: M-101-6A T-248-2 Virginia S. Lockett 2-8-1 LODATO 09/12/1969 10/12/1908 Oct 12, 1908 - Jly 13, 1959 09/12/1969 07/13/1959 09/18/1969 07/16/1959 02/28/1985 Norman J. Patricia J. 1927-1985 1929Together Forever 6-15-2 Loeb, Lillian M 01/01/1905 01/01/1981 12/26/1981 07/15/1922 11/21/1996 11/25/1996 05/09/1946 05/27/1981 05/12/1946 02/17/1973 02/17/1973 10/15/1965 10/19/1965 05/28/1888 11/15/1964 May 28, 1888 - Nov 15, 1964 11/18/1964 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: LILLIAN M. REED LOEB 1905 - 1981 Loevi, Francis J. MARKER: 31-97-3 LOEVI Francis J. Ruth E. 1922 - 1996 1922 Married 9-5-1942 Logan, Fleta Mae Logan, John A MARKER: Lollo, Annie M MARKER: Lollo, Martin M MARKER: Long, Edith Gertrude MARKER: O-102-4 O-102-1 12/22/1902 John A. Logan Dec 22,1902 - May 9, 1946 E-65-4 05/18/1887 Martin M. Lollo Jan 19, 1872 - Oct. 15, 1965 Annie May Lollo May 18, 1887 - Feb. 17, 1973 E-65-3 Martin M. Lollo 01/19/1872 Jan 19, 1872 - Oct. 15, 1965 Annie May Lollo May 18, 1887 - Feb. 17, 1973 N-30-1 Edith Gertrude Long James Franklin Long, Sr. May 22, 1885 - Nov 26, 1956 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 284 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Long, Elizabeth M MARKER: N-31-2 Robert L. Long MARKER: Death_Date 02/01/1878 May 10, 1876 - Aug 6, 1944 Elizabeth M. Long Long, Ethel May Birth_Date Burial_Date 06/01/1974 Feb 1, 1878 - Jun 1, 1974 O-36-2 Ethel May Long 03/31/1905 01/18/1946 01/22/1946 07/01/1904 01/19/1999 01/23/1999 05/22/1885 11/26/1956 May 28, 1888 - Nov 15, 1964 11/29/1956 March 31, 1905 - Jan. 18, 1946 Long, Herbert Cecil, Sr. MARKER: O-36-1 Herbert C. Long, Sr. July 1, 1904 Jan. 19, 1999 Long, James F., Sr. MARKER: N-30-2 Edith Gertrude Long James Franklin Long, Sr. May 22, 1885 - Nov 26, 1956 Long, Jeffrey MacKay MARKER: 2-49-1B LONG Louis James, III 1939 - 1957 09/17/1946 03/19/1996 Jeffrey MacKay 1946 - 1996 R-102-1 Long, Jeter Clyde 04/19/1996 02/25/1948 Alexandrian MARKER: Mary Schafe Long 1894 - 1956 Jeter Clyde Long 1895 - 1948 Erected by his friends on his mail route. Great loves live on. NOTES: Long, Louis James, III Long, Louis James, Jr. Long, Marjory M MARKER: Marker was erected by his friends on his mail route. 2-49-1A 01/01/1939 01/01/1957 2-48-4A 01/01/1905 01/01/1981 2-48-4B 05/12/1906 01/21/1991 LONG 09/12/1984 09/12/1984 04/10/1991 Louis James, Jr. Marjory MacKay 1905 - 1981 1906 - 1981 Long, Mary Schafe MARKER: R-102-2 Mary Schafe Long 1894 - 1956 05/15/1956 Jeter Clyde Long 1895 - 1948 Erected by his friends on his mail route. Great loves live on. Long, Pearl A. MARKER: O-36-3 PEARL A. LONG 10/12/1913 08/12/2005 08/16/2005 05/10/1876 May 10, 1876 - Aug 6, 1944 08/06/1944 08/08/1944 M-122-5 10/29/1903 11/19/1967 Frank M. Longerbeam Apr 3, 1897 - Jan 14, 1971 11/22/1967 Oct. 12, 1913 - Aug.12, 2005 Long, Robert MARKER: N-31-1 Robert L. Long Elizabeth M. Long Longerbeam, Agnes L MARKER: Feb 1, 1878 - Jun 1, 1974 Agnes L. Longerbeam Oct 29, 1903 - Nov 19, 1967 Longerbeam, Frank M MARKER: M-122-4 04/03/1897 01/14/1971 Frank M. Longerbeam Apr 3, 1897 - Jan 14, 1971 01/14/1971 Agnes L. Longerbeam Oct 29, 1903 - Nov 19, 1967 Longo-Bruno, Miguel Antonio MARKER: Longo-Bruno, Miguel Antonio MARKER: 32-9-4 12/18/1968 Statue of Our Lady of Miraculous Medal 32-9-4 12/18/1968 LONGO 08/09/1993 08/12/1993 08/09/1993 08/12/1993 03/15/2005 04/09/2005 04/14/2005 01/01/1922 01/01/1986 05/07/1986 Miguel Antonio Longo-Bruno Born Washington D.C. December 18, 1968 Died Washington D.C. August 8, 1993 Longwitz, Loni Virginia 32-76-5 Infant MARKER: LONI VIRGINIA LONGWITZ MARCH 15, 2005 - APRIL 9, 2005 OUR PRECIOUS BABY GIRL Longworth, John Joseph MARKER: 1-59-3B LONGWORTH John D. 1922-1986 Madeline B. 1918-1982 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 285 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Longworth, Madeline Alice MARKER: 1-59-3A LONGWORTH John D. 1922-1986 Looft, Donald J MARKER: Loomis, Jerome Lathrop Loose, Baby Birth_Date 01/01/1918 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1982 12/17/1982 01/29/1924 10/19/1987 January 29, 1924 - October 19, 1987 06/23/1923 09/06/2004 10/21/1987 01/12/1928 07/13/2001 07/17/2001 12/13/1929 12/17/1991 12/20/1991 04/02/1941 09/29/1991 10/02/1991 05/14/1949 09/13/1968 09/17/1968 05/30/1913 07/13/1996 07/17/1996 09/12/1979 11/03/1959 09/10/1887 March 23, 1889 - (space) 05/05/1948 05/08/1948 12/23/1971 01/12/1972 01/01/1983 03/10/1983 Madeline B. 1918-1982 31-38-1 Donald John Looft T-181-6 N-157-1A 09/13/2004 01/01/1889 Infant Lopez, Benedicto M. MARKER: 32-21-1 LOPEZ Benedicto M. Nelida Maria Jan 13, 1928 Apr. 2, 1941 July 13, 2001 Sept. 29, 1991 Lopez, Lucia MARKER: 32-59-2 Lucia Alfaro Lopez 1929 - 1991 Lopez, Nelida M. MARKER: 32-21-2 LOPEZ Benedicto M. Nelida Maria Jan 13, 1928 Apr. 2, 1941 July 13, 2001 Sept. 29, 1991 Lotti, John Anthony MARKER: T-241-1 John Anthony (Tony) Lotti May 14, 1949 - September 13, 1969 T-240-2 T-240-1 E-BBY-66-16 Lotti, Lucille Winsor Lotti, Thomas Henry Lough, Dolly L Infant Louk, Nellie M MARKER: O-238-2 F. Wilson Louk Nellie M. Louk Love, Rebecca Daingerfield MARKER: Loven, Charles E, Sr. Sept. 10, 1887 - May 5, 1948 M-62-6 Rebecca Daingerfield Love F-33-1A 1875 - 1971 01/01/1902 Freemason LOVEN (RIP) MARKER: NOTES: Loven, Charles E., Jr. John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 A.A.O.N.M.S. F-34-1B 02/17/1935 02/01/2006 John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 F-33-3 Loven, Dora D 08/05/1864 02/28/1929 02/28/1929 LOVEN (RIP) MARKER: John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 F-33-1 Loven, Edith Fairfax 03/06/2006 LOVEN (RIP) MARKER: 01/01/1905 01/01/1974 03/12/1974 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: NOTES: LOVEN (RIP) John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter (DAR). Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 286 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date F-35-5 Loven, Emma J. 09/27/1940 LOVEN (RIP) MARKER: John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 F-33-2 Loven, John W 02/21/1855 04/12/1918 04/12/1918 LOVEN (RIP) MARKER: John W. 1855-1918 his wife: Dora D. 1864-1929 Emma J. 1858-1940 Charles E. Jr. 1935 - 2006 Martha H. 1935 - space Edith F. (DAR) 1905 - 1974 Charles E. (SHRINE) 1902-1983 E-BBY-66-34 Lovich, Baby daughter Burial_Date 04/07/1961 04/07/1961 04/10/1961 09/28/1915 03/27/1995 03/30/1995 11/11/1910 11/17/1998 11/20/1998 01/01/1896 01/01/1969 02/18/1969 01/01/1899 02/25/1989 01/26/1990 06/04/1918 05/04/1998 05/08/1998 11/22/1869 Jan 2, 1868 - Aug. 28, 1952 04/01/1942 01/03/1942 08/24/1916 01/24/2006 02/04/2006 01/02/1868 Jan 2, 1868 - Aug. 28, 1952 08/28/1952 03/30/1952 01/01/1986 07/26/1986 01/01/1890 02/15/1953 Nov. 29, 1921 - June 25, 1960 02/18/1953 Infant MARKER: Lovich Baby Girl -April 7, 1961 Daughter of Janet & George Lovich Known but to God Lowrey, Bessie F. MARKER: 31-62-3 LOWREY Bessie F. 1915-1995 Lawson G., Jr. 1910-1998 31-62-4 Lowrey, Lawson G., Jr. US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran LOWREY Bessie F. 1915-1995 Loyd, C. Belle, R.N. MARKER: Loye, Laura Peck MARKER: Lubsen, Walter H. MARKER: Lawson G., Jr. 1910-1998 M-58-3 C. Belle Loyd, R. N. 1896 - 1969 6-17-2 LAURA PECK LOYE 33-32-3 LUBSEN Walter H. June 4, 1918 May 4, 1998 Lucas, Cora Lee MARKER: Lilly L. July 20, 1925 B-21-3 Robert T. Lucas His Wife Cora Lee Lucas Lucas, Edith V. MARKER: Nov. 22, 1869 - April 1, 1942 31-93-2A LUCAS Thomas H. Edith V. 1910 - 1986 1916 - 2006 Together Forever Lucas, Robert T. MARKER: B-21-2 Robert T. Lucas His Wife Cora Lee Lucas Lucas, Thomas H MARKER: Nov. 22, 1869 - April 1, 1942 31-93-1 LUCAS 01/01/1910 Thomas H. Edith V. 1910 - 1986 1916 - 2006 Together Forever Luckett, R. Samuel MARKER: R-152-1 Richard L. Luckett,Jr. Sue G. Luckett R.Samuel Luckett Luckett, Richard L., Jr. MARKER: R-152-3 Richard L. Luckett,Jr. Sue G. Luckett R.Samuel Luckett Luckett, Richard S Died - 1961 1890 - 1953 11/29/1921 06/25/1960 Nov. 29, 1921 - June 25, 1960 06/28/1960 Died - 1961 1890 - 1953 R-152-5 06/28/1960 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 287 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Luckett, Sue G. MARKER: R-152-2 Richard L. Luckett,Jr. Sue G. Luckett R.Samuel Luckett Birth_Date Burial_Date 06/05/1961 Nov. 29, 1921 - June 25, 1960 Died - 1961 1890 - 1953 P-17-1A Luding, Erwin Death_Date 01/01/1864 01/01/1917 Possible Alternate spelling of name Ludlow, Marie St.Clair MARKER: R-232-5 Marie St.Clair Ludlow 06/21/1907 01/27/1993 01/30/1993 09/25/1949 11/21/1952 11/24/1952 01/01/1864 01/01/1917 01/01/1917 01/01/1865 01/01/1956 11/21/1956 04/11/1806 01/13/1987 01/06/1987 June 21, 1907 Jan. 27, 1993 Ludlow, Paul Arnet MARKER: R-232-6 Paul Arnet Ludlow Sept 26, 1949 - Nov 21, 1952 Ludwig, F. Ervin MARKER: P-17-1 F. Ervin Ludwig 1864 - 1917 Hattie V. Ludwig Auxiliary USWV 1865 - 1956 P-17-2 Ludwig, Hattie V Aux USWV MARKER: WW II - Veteran F. Ervin Ludwig 1864 - 1917 Hattie V. Ludwig Auxiliary USWV Lueke, Marie S MARKER: 1865 - 1956 2-24-4 Mary Lueke April 11, 1896 - January 3, 1987 N-127-31 Lugard, Baby 03/13/1948 Infant Lukens, Courtland MARKER: M-12-6 Ellen Lukens 1862 - 1918 09/03/1832 04/08/1911 Daughter of Courtland Mary T. Lukens Courtland Lukens Sept 3, 1832- Apr 8, 1911 Mary Teas Lukens 1835 - 1914 Wife of Courtland Lukens Lukens, Ellen MARKER: M-12-5 Ellen Lukens 1862 - 1918 01/01/1918 Daughter of Courtland Mary T. Lukens Courtland Lukens Sept 3, 1832- Apr 8, 1911 Mary Teas Lukens 1835 - 1914 Wife of Courtland Lukens Lukens, Mary E MARKER: 04/08/1911 M-13-4 Sarah Lukens 1860 - 1917 06/17/1943 Daughter of Courtland & Mary T. Lukens Mary Lukens 1864 - 1943 Daughter of Courtland & Mary T. Lukens Lukens, Mary Teas MARKER: M-12-4 Ellen Lukens 1862 - 1918 01/01/1914 Daughter of Courtland Mary T. Lukens Courtland Lukens Sept 3, 1832- Apr 8, 1911 Mary Teas Lukens 1835 - 1914 Wife of Courtland Lukens Lukens, Sarah MARKER: M-13-5 Sarah Lukens 1860 - 1917 01/01/1917 Daughter of Courtland & Mary T. Lukens Mary Lukens 1864 - 1943 Daughter of Courtland & Mary T. Lukens Lukhardt, Hiram E MARKER: T-125-5 LUKHARDT Hiram E. July 8, 1910 Nov. 28, 1973 Lukhardt, Margaret Louise MARKER: Lummis, Blair Duvall Lummis, Mason Magruder 11/28/1973 12/01/1973 10/10/1918 03/23/2007 04/28/2007 06/07/1927 07/13/1974 09/26/2005 07/20/1974 10/03/2005 Page 288 of 521 Margaret L. Oct. 10, 1918 Mar. 23, 2007 T-125-6A LUKHARDT Hiram E. July 8, 1910 Nov. 28, 1973 07/08/1910 Margaret L. Oct. 10, 1918 Mar. 23, 2007 O-123-3 O-123-3A Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lunceford, Annie W MARKER: N-106-1 Wallace B. Lunceford Birth_Date Death_Date 02/28/1890 09/22/1942 Mar 30, 1886 - Aug 18, 1966 Burial_Date 09/24/1942 Annie W. Lunceford Feb 28, 1890 - Sept 22, 1942 Children: Louise - Wallace Lunceford, Mary E Lunceford, Wallace B MARKER: N-106-3 N-106-2 Wallace B. Lunceford 03/30/1886 08/18/1966 Mar 30, 1886 - Aug 18, 1966 04/26/1985 08/22/1966 Annie W. Lunceford Feb 28, 1890 - Sept 22, 1942 Children: Louise - Wallace Lundell, Johanna F MARKER: N-129-5 05/31/1873 Nels Lundell Aug 27, 1868 - Jan 27, 1957 01/15/1943 01/18/1945 01/27/1957 01/29/1957 12/31/1954 09/17/1977 Dec 31, 1954 - Sept 17, 1977 05/26/1933 04/06/2009 09/20/1977 Johannah F. Lundell May 31, 1873 - Jan 15, 1943 Lundell, Nels MARKER: N-129-4 08/27/1868 Nels Lundell Aug 27, 1868 - Jan 27, 1957 Johannah F. Lundell May 31, 1873 - Jan 15, 1943 Lundquist, James Wallace MARKER: Lundquist, Patricia MARKER: T-27-3 James W. Lundquist Sec-41 35-4A LINDQUIST Donald E. 1931 - (space) Patricia R. 1933 - 2009 C-4-3 Lunsford, Hubert P. 04/09/2009 02/22/1909 06/13/1966 06/15/1966 01/09/1980 07/30/1982 08/02/1982 02/16/1947 02/21/2008 02/29/2008 03/28/1923 04/14/2001 04/25/2001 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Grace L. Lewis, Mother Mar, 9, 1884 - Mar. 7, 1941 Hubert P.Lunsford Lucille S. Piccioni Lupfer, Lula C MARKER: Feb. 22, 1909 - June 13, 1966 Mar. 15, 1913 - Oct. 7, 1965 1-17-3 Lula C. Lupfer Jan. 9, 1980 - July 30, 1982 Luque, Martha Carcelen MARKER: 41-54-4 Martha Carcelen Luque February 16, 1957 - Feburary 21, 2008 Loving Mother and Grandmother O-FH-15-9b Lusby, Barbara B. US MARINE MARKER: WW II - Veteran Charles Edward Lusby April 18, 1921 - June 26, 1996 son of Charles E. Lusby & Mary Catherine Steinbraker of Washington , DC Barbara Baird Lusby March 28, 1923 - April 14, 2001 Daughter of Charles Baird, Jr. & Ursula Fairfax Harrison They were married August 18, 1951 Yesterday, and Today, and Forever Hebrews 13:8 R. I. P. O-FH-15-9A Lusby, Charles US NAVY MARKER: 04/18/1921 06/26/1996 07/02/1996 WW II - Veteran Charles Edward Lusby April 18, 1921 - June 26, 1996 son of Charles E. Lusby & Mary Catherine Steinbraker of Washington , DC Barbara Baird Lusby March 28, 1923 - April 14, 2001 Daughter of Charles Baird, Jr. & Ursula Fairfax Harrison They were married August 18, 1951 Yesterday, and Today, and Forever Hebrews 13:8 R. I. P. Lyle, Lelia Scott MARKER: Lyles, Anna L. MARKER: O-252-5 01/01/1907 Lelia Scott Lyle 1907 - 1949 B-59-5 08/12/1882 Edward Willis Lyles May 1, 1879 - April 13, 1938 01/01/1949 03/21/1949 08/08/1953 08/12/1953 R-101-1 05/11/1895 07/22/1963 Brauner Lyles May 11, 1895 - Jly. 22, 1963 P-67-1 05/14/1899 04/08/1965 Charles Kenneth Lyles may 14, 1899 - Apr 8, 1965 07/25/1963 His Wife Anna L. Lyles Aug. 12,1882 - Aug. 13, 1953 Lyles, Brawner MARKER: Lyles, Charles Kenneth MARKER: 04/12/1965 Asleep in Jesus Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 289 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Lyles, Dorothy S MARKER: O-218-3 LYLES Birth_Date 08/22/1907 MARKER: Burial_Date 02/25/1967 03/01/1967 04/13/1938 04/13/1938 06/25/1890 02/20/1962 June 25, 1890 - Feb. 20, 1962 02/23/1962 Mother: Roberta Jane-6/13/1874 - 6/9/1960 Father: James Robert- 1/19/1983 - 4/22/1947 Masonic Emblem - "Great love lives on" Dorthy Sarah- Aug 22, 1907 - Feb 25 1967 Lyles, Edward W. Death_Date B-59-4 05/01/1879 Edward Willis Lyles May 1, 1879 - April 13, 1938 His Wife Anna L. Lyles Aug. 12,1882 - Aug. 13, 1953 Lyles, Florence M MARKER: R-13-2 Florence M. Lyles Lewis Lambert Lyles Aug. 25, 1889 - Feb. 10, 1944 Lyles, Georgie White MARKER: P-67-2 Georgie White 12/01/1905 10/04/2000 10/06/2000 Dec. 1, 1905 Oct. 4, 2000 Lyles, Ida MARKER: Lyles, James Robert R-101-2 Ida M. Lyles Nov 25, 1903 - July 29, 1989 O-218-1 01/19/1873 08/01/1989 04/22/1947 04/25/1947 04/22/1947 04/25/1947 Two corner markers at top corners "L" R-13-1 08/25/1889 02/10/1944 Florence M. Lyles June 25, 1890 - Feb. 20, 1962 02/14/1944 Freemason MARKER: LYLES Mother: Roberta Jane-6/13/1874 - 6/9/1960 Father: James Robert- 1/19/1983 - 4/22/1947 Masonic Emblem - "Great love lives on" Dorthy Sarah- Aug 22, 1907 - Feb 25 1967 O-218-1 Lyles, James Robert 01/19/1873 Freemason MARKER: Lyles, Lewis Lambert MARKER: Lewis Lambert Lyles Aug. 25, 1889 - Feb. 10, 1944 Lyles, Lucy A MARKER: R-135-1A Thomas H. Lyles Lucy A. Lyles Lyles, Roberta Jane MARKER: 11/01/1939 Sept. 10, 1869 - Dec. 13, 1950 1870 - 1939 O-218-2 LYLES 06/13/1874 06/09/1960 06/13/1960 09/10/1869 12/13/1950 Sept. 10, 1869 - Dec. 13, 1950 12/15/1950 Mother: Roberta Jane-6/13/1874 - 6/9/1960 Father: James Robert- 1/19/1983 - 4/22/1947 Masonic Emblem - "Great love lives on" Dorthy Sarah- Aug 22, 1907 - Feb 25 1967 Lyles, Thomas H MARKER: R-135-1B Thomas H. Lyles Lucy A. Lyles Lyles, Thomas L. Lynam, Laura Steagall MARKER: 1870 - 1939 R-135-3 42-211-2 LAURA STEAGALL LYNAM 09/24/1987 06/23/1972 10/17/2004 September 24, 1987 - October 17, 2004 Cherished Daughter and Sister A bright light in our lives Shining forever in our hearts Somewhere beyond our reach Is the special girl we love And miss so very much Lynch, Clara B. MARKER: B-34-5 J. Owen Lynch Clara B. Lynch Evelyn L. Lynch Lynch, Evelyn MARKER: B-34-1 J. Owen Lynch Clara B. Lynch Evelyn L. Lynch Lynch, J. Owen MARKER: B-34-4 J. Owen Lynch Clara B. Lynch Evelyn L. Lynch 06/26/1972 10/21/2004 04/28/1938 1878 - 1945 1878 - 1938 1919 - 1975 03/31/1975 1878 - 1945 1878 - 1938 1919 - 1975 02/15/1945 1878 - 1945 1878 - 1938 1919 - 1975 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 290 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 2-95-3 Lynch, Joseph P Death_Date 07/18/1929 09/16/1987 09/19/1987 12/21/2000 03/12/1983 12/28/2000 09/09/1930 12/21/2000 12/28/2000 02/09/1960 02/11/1960 02/11/1960 10/27/1997 10/28/1997 LYNCH MARKER: Joseph Patrick Jr. Louise Kinneston July 18, 1929 September 9, 1930 September 16, 1987 Dec 21, 2000 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. B-34-6 2-95-4 Lynch, Keith O. Lynch, Louise Marie 09/09/1930 LYNCH MARKER: Joseph Patrick Jr. Louise Kinneston July 18, 1929 September 9, 1930 September 16, 1987 Dec 21, 2000 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Lynch, Louise Marie MARKER: Lynch, Mary Louise MARKER: Burial_Date 2-95-4 LYNCH 2-95-3A Our Angel: Mary Louise Lynch Feb. 9, 1960 - Feb 11, 1960 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. Lynch, Therese Anne MARKER: 33-48-1 LYNCH 06/29/1930 Therese Anne June 29, 1930 - October 27, 1997 Requiem aeternam dona el domine et lux perpetua luceat ei Requiescat in pace. Lynham, Edgar Hardwick MARKER: M-135-1 Edgar Hardwick Lynham 1873 - 1940 Mera Marmaduke Lynham Lynham, Mera Marmaduke MARKER: 1874 - 1961 M-135-2 Edgar Hardwick Lynham 1873 - 1940 Mera Marmaduke Lynham Lyons, Amelia Jane Dorsett MARKER: 05/16/1940 09/29/1961 1874 - 1961 F-59-4 03/29/1909 And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Write, 03/29/1909 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord henceforth; yea saith the Spirit that they may rest from their Labours: an their works do follow them. Lyons, Amelia Jane Dorsett MARKER: F-59-4 Amelia Jane Dorsett Lyons 03/29/1909 03/29/1909 entered into rest Mar. 29, 1909 Widow of John Whitley Lyons Lyons, Evelyn Lyons, Frances Lyons, LeRoy Joseph MARKER: F-59-6A F-59-6B O-224-6 VIRGINIA WEHAUSEN April 7, 1879 - April 5, 1948 01/11/1944 08/17/1953 06/27/1985 Charles Edward Dove February 24, 1882 - December 12,1964 LeRoy Lyons December 25, 1903 - June 24, 1985 Lyons, Margaret Mabrey, Lyle R MARKER: Mabrey, Margaret Phillips MARKER: MacCallum, Gaie Carroll F-59-5 O-191-4 Lyle R. Mabrey 1894 - 1961 O-191-5 Margaret Mabrey 1899 - 1987 R-171-1B 09/06/1931 10/26/1961 07/10/1987 12/23/1941 12/25/1941 12/26/1941 Infant MARKER: Woodbury W. Mac Callum December 25, 1873 - January 20, 1940 grandaughter Gaie Carroll - December 23, 1941 - December 25, 1941 MacCallum, Gaie Howell MARKER: R-171-2A Mac Callum 06/28/1988 Malcolm C. Sr. April 8, 1914 - July 6, 1969 Gaie E. August 16, 1913 - June 20, 1988 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 291 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) MacCallum, Malcolm Calvin, Sr. MARKER: R-171-2B Mac Callum Birth_Date Death_Date 04/08/1914 Burial_Date 07/06/1969 07/09/1969 10/14/1940 09/25/2003 10/02/2003 12/25/1873 01/20/1940 01/30/1940 12/17/2001 12/20/2001 T-304-5 04/23/1902 09/04/1972 Jessie C.MacCormack Apr 23, 1902 - Sept 4, 1972 O-83-4C 07/14/1905 MAC DONALD 09/08/1972 Malcolm C. Sr. April 8, 1914 - July 6, 1969 Gaie E. August 16, 1913 - June 20, 1988 MacCallum, Malcom Calvin, Jr. MARKER: R-171-6 Mac Callum Malcolm Calvin, Jr. OCT. 14, 1940 - SEPT. 25, 2003 "He loved and he was loved" MacCallum, Woodbury William R-171-1A Freemason MARKER: Woodbury W. Mac Callum December 25, 1873 - January 20, 1940 grandaughter Gaie Carroll - December 23, 1941 - December 25, 1941 MacConomy, Edward N. MARKER: 31-92-3 MacConomy Edward Nelson 1916 - 2001 MacCormack, Jessie C MARKER: MacDonald, Bruce MARKER: 11/19/1916 Alma Deane 1919 - 07/26/1945 Bruce Townsend; July 14, 1905 - July 23, 1945 Susie Pearl; May 23, 1906 - April 19, 2002 Martha Lillian; June 1, 1929 - February 29, 1996 MacDonald, Martha L. MARKER: O-83-6 MAC DONALD 06/01/1929 02/29/1996 03/04/1996 04/25/1883 07/13/1968 Apr 25, 1883 - Jly 13, 1968 05/23/1906 04/19/2002 11/27/1968 Bruce Townsend; July 14, 1905 - July 23, 1945 Susie Pearl; May 23, 1906 - April 19, 2002 Martha Lillian; June 1, 1929 - February 29, 1996 MacDonald, Nan McC.Barclay MARKER: MacDonald, Susie P. MARKER: M-36-6A Nan McC. Barclay MacDonald O-84-6 MAC DONALD 04/23/2002 Bruce Townsend; July 14, 1905 - July 23, 1945 Susie Pearl; May 23, 1906 - April 19, 2002 Martha Lillian; June 1, 1929 - February 29, 1996 Machanic, Beatrice B. MARKER: 31-115-3A MACHANIC HERMON 1895-1972 MARKER: 03/12/1998 01/01/1895 01/01/1972 05/13/1947 08/01/1999 08/17/1999 03/30/1989 03/17/1991 06/08/1991 09/03/1976 09/07/1976 09/07/2001 09/11/2001 MACHANIC HERMON 1895-1972 Mack, William M., Jr. MacLeod, Elizabeth Slater MARKER: 11/29/1997 BEATRICE 1930-1997 31-115-3B Machanic, Hermon Inmemorium 01/01/1930 BEATRICE 1930-1997 42-41-2C D-48-1A MacLeod Willis Smedley June 8, 1905 - Mar. 17, 1991 Elizabeth Slater Feb4, 1899 - Jan 24, 1989 MacLeod, Willis Smedley MARKER: D-48-1B MacLeod 06/08/1905 Willis Smedley June 8, 1905 - Mar. 17, 1991 Elizabeth Slater Feb4, 1899 - Jan 24, 1989 MacNamara, Lawrence Trenholme MARKER: T-193-2 Mac N A MA R A 08/25/1904 Lawrence Trenholme Aug 25, 1904 - Sept 3, 1976 Margaret Angle March 31, 1911 - September 7, 2001 MacNamara, Margaret A. MARKER: T-193-3 Mac N A MA R A 03/31/1911 Lawrence Trenholme Aug 25, 1904 - Sept 3, 1976 Margaret Angle March 31, 1911 - September 7, 2001 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 292 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date O-FH-5-2 MacRae, Colin, Dr. Burial_Date 12/13/1975 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Madden, Francis J. MARKER: Colin MacRae 1907 - 1975 31-100-2 Francis J. Lorraine D. 09/23/1909 12/04/1991 12/06/1991 01/01/1922 03/30/1987 04/03/1987 03/21/1914 04/08/1986 04/11/1986 03/04/2002 03/04/2002 03/08/2002 06/25/1946 02/23/1978 02/28/1978 1909 - 1991 1992 - 1987 MADDEN Madden, Lorraine MARKER: 31-100-3 Francis J. Lorraine D. 1909 - 1991 1992 - 1987 MADDEN Madden, Robert J MARKER: 31-75-4 Robert J. Madden Mar. 24, 1914 - April 8, 1986 All our love, Dad (Reverse) MADDEN 32-76-3 Madeira, Ella Rose Infant MARKER: Our Baby Ella Rose Madeira March 4, 2002 Mader, Stefan A. MARKER: T-74-1 In Inniger Liebe Stephan A.Mader Rest in Peace June 25, 1946 - Feb 23, 1978 B-BBY-48-58 Magle, Baby 12/16/1957 Infant Magruder, Katherine Duncan MARKER: P-84-2 MAGRUDER 12/27/1972 Thomas Garland Magruder, Jr. 1900 - 1981 Katherine Duncan Magruder 1910 - 1972 Magruder, Thomas Garland, Jr. MARKER: P-84-1 MAGRUDER 02/13/1981 02/17/1981 01/09/1988 01/12/1988 T-165-1 03/07/1891 02/22/1972 Mother: Fleta M. Mahaffey Mar 7, 1891 - Feb 22, 1972 T-364-4 01/01/1905 01/01/1972 Flo Booher Mahan 1905 - 1972 D-31-4 Cordilla I. Miller 1864 - 1950 02/23/1972 Thomas Garland Magruder, Jr. 1900 - 1981 Katherine Duncan Magruder 1910 - 1972 1-31-1 Magulas, James G USArmy Air MARKER: 09/02/1923 WW II - Veteran James Gus Magulas Sgt US Army Air Corp World War II Sep 2, 1923 - JUN 9, 1988 Mahaffey, Fleta M MARKER: Mahan, Flo Booher MARKER: Mahan, William H MARKER: 08/26/1972 01/01/1946 William H. Mahan (At Rest) 1885 - 1946 Florence M. Drischler 1889 - 1974 Maher, Ruth Woodruff MARKER: M-168-5 Lou Porter Woodruff 01/01/1887 1861 - 1953 Ruth Woodruff Porter 1887 - (space) Grace E. Porter 1875 - (space) Mahon, James E., COL. USAF MARKER: Mahoney, Bertha Rachel MARKER: 32-11-2 05/07/1915 06/02/1992 06/04/1992 M-61-2 12/09/1895 07/12/1963 Charles W. Mahoney Sept 19, 1883 - Jly 10, 1957 07/15/1963 WW II - Veteran James E. Mahon May 7, 1915 - June 2, 1999 Colonel USAF (Retired) Beloved of his wife, Mary H. I. Sunny Oct. 6, 1911 - May 3, 1995 Bertha R. Mahoney Dec 9, 1895 - Jly 12, 1963 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 293 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mahoney, Charles W. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date M-61-1 09/19/1883 06/10/1957 Charles W. Mahoney Sept 19, 1883 - Jly 10, 1957 Burial_Date 06/12/1957 Bertha R. Mahoney Dec 9, 1895 - Jly 12, 1963 M-61-6 Mahoney, Child Child T-16-1 Maize, Jack Gordon US ARMY MARKER: 10/11/1916 07/27/2001 07/30/2001 WW II - Veteran MAIZE Jack Gordon Maize Oct 11, 1916 - July 27, 2001 His Beloved Wife Josephine Moncure Maize Aug 15, 1917 - July 10, 1977 Maize, Jack Gordon, II MARKER: T-16-3 Their Blessed Son 09/07/1944 Jack Gordon Maize, II Maize, Josephine A. Moncure 03/20/1993 03/25/1993 07/10/1977 07/13/1977 Sept.7, 1944 - Mar. 22, 1993 T-16-2 08/15/1917 Alexandrian MARKER: MAIZE Jack Gordon Maize Oct 11, 1916 - July 27, 2001 His Beloved Wife Josephine Moncure Maize Aug 15, 1917 - July 10, 1977 NOTES: 08/15/2002: In Alexandria, there was a woman's club, The Carlyle Club, that did various charitable activities.One of these was the "Lights On" ball for the American Cancer Society at the George Mason Hotel on Washington St. It is my understanding that the concept was later taken on by the cancer society in Washington, DC.and is now a major fund raiser. Attendance at this ball in Alexandria included promenent local persons as well as members of congress. Mrs. Maise was the President of the Carlyle Club. The event was a very Southern event: part of the underpinning Southern culture in Alexandria. "Jo" was a Moncure. There are two Southern style mansions on Janney's Lane not far from Ivy Hill. The one where Miss Maize lived is recessed from that street. Another member of the Carlyle Club was Frances Hufford Manchester, daughter of the owner of Shuman's Bakery (now on Washington Street) but at one time right across from city hall and a favorite gathering place for Council Members, etc. The Manchester mansion is not far from Ivy Hill and her son went to University of Mississippi. Shuman's is well known for their Southern-style Jelly cake. Major, Joseph Troy Major, Lee Carlyle MARKER: Several homes have been built since, on part of what was the Manchester property. The family was also helpful in acquiring the land for the First Baptist Church on King Street. Frances has a wonderful story of the day she drove to the White House, as a teenager, to see President Coolidge. Frances may have been the only Republican in Alexandria at that time. - Submitted by: Jon Christenson T-16-6 T-16-4 Lee Carlyle Mary Elizabeth Feb. 17, 1912 Sept. 1, 1914 Sept. 17, 1986 (space) MAJOR Together Forever married 50 years Makris, James Leonard MARKER: 33-4-2A James Leonard Makris 07/14/1935 08/16/2002 10/23/1989 09/19/1986 08/23/2003 July 14, 1935 - August 16, 2002 Mallam, Carolina K MARKER: A-39-11 Caroline Mallum 01/01/1916 1844 - 1916 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 294 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mallis, George MARKER: T-90-2 George Mallis MARKER: 02/06/1969 Burial_Date 02/11/1969 Apr23, 1897 - T-90-3 George Mallis 04/23/1897 Jan 21, 1889 - Feb 6, 1969 Rosa C. Mallis Mallis, Venizelous "Ven" Death_Date 01/21/1889 Jan 21, 1889 - Feb 6, 1969 Rosa C. Mallis Mallis, Rosa M Birth_Date 09/15/1981 Apr23, 1897 - T-63-1A 10/08/1918 03/18/2001 03/26/2001 10/07/1942 11/28/1998 12/03/1998 04/11/1981 05/17/1981 05/19/1981 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Ven Mallis October 8, 1918 - March 18, 2001 Nina Roberts Mallis June 7, 1923 - Malloy, Terrence J. MARKER: 42-111-1 Terrence J. Malloy Oct. 7, 1942 - Nov. 28, 1998 Beloved Father, Son, Brother and Husband Malmberg, Laura Elizabeth 2-81-4 Infant MARKER: Laura Elizabeth Malmberg April 11, 1981 - May 17, 1981 T-306-6 Malone, Mary Jane 11/05/1970 OES- Order of Eastern Star MARKER: Mother Mary Jane Malone June 3, 1889 - Nov. 6, 1970 Manahan, Lillian M MARKER: Manahan, Wesley A Manchester, Mary McHenry MARKER: T-289-2 08/23/1975 Lillian M. Manahan Died: Aug 23, 1975 T-289-1 T-66-2 09/28/1905 06/03/1973 William Ralph Manchester June 28, 1905 - Apr 22, 1978 08/26/1975 03/19/1986 06/06/1973 Mary McHenry Manchester Sept 28, 1905 - June 3, 1973 Manchester, William Ralph MARKER: T-66-1 06/28/1905 04/22/1978 William Ralph Manchester June 28, 1905 - Apr 22, 1978 04/25/1978 Mary McHenry Manchester Sept 28, 1905 - June 3, 1973 Manduley, Evelyn Smith MARKER: 1-51-1A MANDULEY 01/01/1906 01/01/1989 02/23/1989 01/01/1909 04/06/1989 04/20/1989 01/01/1905 01/01/1983 03/09/1983 32-21-4 06/10/1933 Socorro Mangente, Born June 10, 1933 06/27/1991 06/29/1991 Manuel DeJ 1909-1989 Manduley, Manuel Dej MARKER: Evelyn S. 1906-1989 1-51-1B MANDULEY Manuel DeJ 1909-1989 Evelyn S. 1906-1989 2-31-4 Mangenello, Emma V U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: MANGENELLO Leonard J. Emma V. 1905 - 1983 the Lord is my Shepherd Mangente, Socorro MARKER: Received the gift of God June 27, 1991 Enternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 295 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) R-240-2 Mangum, Josephine Birth_Date 10/09/1940 Death_Date 01/02/1941 Burial_Date 01/04/1941 Infant MARKER: Josephine Mangum Weeks Oct 9, 1940 - Jan 2, 1941 Born in Washington City, Died in Alexandria, VA Only child of Willie Person Mangum and Marie Josephine Weeks The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord R-240-2 Mangum, Josephine 10/09/1940 01/02/1941 01/04/1941 Infant MARKER: Mangus, Eleanor McDonough MARKER: Marie Josephine Weeks - wife of Mangum Weeks Born: 18 February 1902 - Died: 30 March 1981 The daughter of Joseph and Anna Schaefer A loving wife, and mother, and the darling of her husband's heart, Her high sense of duty was matched only by her Christian Charity. T-239-5 Eleanor McDonough Mangus 06/16/1919 09/18/1997 June 16, 1919 - Sept.13, 1997 Mangus, Lewis Edward, Dr. Manion, Lois M MARKER: T-239-4 T-226-3 Lois M. Manion 08/07/1976 07/13/1982 08/12/1976 01/17/1941 01/20/1941 04/05/1933 04/08/1933 01/27/1949 03/20/1935 01/31/1949 03/23/1935 02/23/1898 06/23/1980 06/23/1980 05/01/1920 04/25/2007 05/02/2007 Former Mayor of Alexandria; 1961-1967, 1976-1979. State Legislator Executive with Mann Potatoe Chip Co. founded by father. 32-77-3 11/13/1991 01/24/1993 01/27/1993 1921 - 1976 We loved her more than we could say Mankin, Harry Clay MARKER: M-77-2 Harry C. Mankin 05/05/1895 May 5, 1895 - Jan 17, 1941 Ruth McGee Johnson Dec 13, 1890 - Apr 5, 1933 Wife of Harry C. Mankin Mankin, Ruth Johnson MARKER: M-77-3 Harry C. Mankin 12/13/1890 May 5, 1895 - Jan 17, 1941 Ruth McGee Johnson Dec 13, 1890 - Apr 5, 1933 Wife of Harry C. Mankin Manley, Alice Wile Manley, Lucian H MARKER: G-145-3B G-145-2 Sacred to the Memory of 11/01/1873 02/17/1875 Lucian H. Manley Feb. 17, 1875 - Mar. 20, 1935 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God His wife: Alice W. Manley Nov. 1, 1873 - Jan. 27, 1949 Manley, Margaret E MARKER: 2-51-1 Margaret E. Manley "Granny" Feb. 23, 1898 - June 20, 1980 Sec-41 52-4A Mann, Frank E. USN Seabee WW II - Veteran The Honorable MARKER: Frank E. Mann MAYOR NOTES: Manrique, Gino O., Jr. May 1, 1920 - April 25, 2007 - STATE LEGISLATOR Infant MARKER: A Nuestro Amado Hijito. GINITO OSCAR MANRIQUE. Jr. November 13, 1991 January 24, 1993 Mansfield, Alexander Dowell MARKER: M-105-4D A. DOWELL 08/02/1902 07/23/1991 07/26/1991 12/15/1915 01/22/2004 02/25/1967 01/28/2004 12/15/1915 01/22/2004 01/28/2004 1902 - 1991 Mansfield, Anna E Mansfield, Fannie Lee MARKER: Mansfield, Fannie Lee MARKER: Mansfield, Hazel Kay MARKER: M-105-2 M-105-4C Fannie Lee Mansfield 1915 - 2004 M-105-4C F. LEE 1915 - 2004 M-105-5D Hazel Kay Mansfield 1901 - 1970 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 09/20/1970 Page 296 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mansfield, James R Maraval, Ellen Haynes MARKER: Birth_Date M-105-1 R-56-6 Ellen Haynes Maravel 09/02/1919 Death_Date 05/13/2006 Burial_Date 11/26/1935 05/18/2006 September 2, 1919 - May 13, 2006 Beloved Aunt Ellie E-BBY-66-83 Marchal, Baby 08/21/1963 Infant 1-21-3 Marks, Herbert Jasper 01/01/1915 01/01/1980 02/20/1980 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: MARKS Herbert J. 1915 - 1980 Marks, Kenneth S MARKER: 2-4-1 MARKS 01/22/1985 Kenneth S. Frances B. 1920-1985 1920Together Forever Marple, Garland E MARKER: Marquis, Carolyn G MARKER: T-201-5 Garland E. Marple 2-87-4 Beloved Mother 10/11/1976 10/14/1976 11/09/1985 11/16/1985 12/18/1968 12/21/1968 08/18/1947 08/20/1947 1910 - 1976 CAROLYN GAVRON MARQUIS May 4, 1928 - Nov. 9, 1985 Marrinan, Violet Linton MARKER: Marsh, Brian F T-277-6 Violet L. Marrinan O-28-2 Oct 27, 1893 - Dec 18, 1968 01/01/1945 Child MARKER: Marsh, Jennie Bennett Yates MARKER: MARSH 1924 Wallace G. 1978 1928 Margaret M. 1970 1945 Brian F. 1947 1960 Wallace G., Jr. 1961 M-173-2 John R. Marsh Jennie Bennett Yates Marsh Marsh, John R MARKER: M-173-1 John R. Marsh Died 1936 01/28/1961 Died 1961 Jennie Bennett Yates Marsh Marsh, Lenna May Howard MARKER: 10/28/1936 Died 1961 T-299-3 Lenna Mae Howard Marsh Died 1936 03/30/1888 07/15/1968 Mar 30, 1888 - Jly 15, 1968 07/17/1968 Your memory is dear to us Marsh, Margaret MARKER: O-28-5 MARSH 08/04/1970 1924 Wallace G. 1978 1928 Margaret M. 1970 1945 Brian F. 1947 1960 Wallace G., Jr. 1961 Marsh, Wallace G MARKER: O-28-4 MARSH 1924 Wallace G. 1978 1928 Margaret M. 1970 1945 Brian F. 1947 1960 Wallace G., Jr. 1961 O-28-3 Marsh, Wallace G., Jr. 10/31/1978 01/01/1960 01/20/1961 01/24/1961 04/27/1862 10/11/1940 Apr 27, 1862 - Oct 11, 1940 10/12/1940 Infant MARKER: Marshall, Angelina Eloise MARKER: MARSH 1924 Wallace G. 1978 1928 Margaret M. 1970 1945 Brian F. 1947 1960 Wallace G., Jr. 1961 R-188-1 Angelina Eloise Marshall Robert Douthat Marshall Dec 7, 1872 - Jly 20, 1956 Helen Louise Marshall Sept 27, 1875 - Dec 18, 1951 Marshall, Baby E-BBY-66-9 01/31/1959 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 297 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Marshall, Carolina Stabler Marshall, Charles C MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date A-33-3 D-38-1 Charles Cotesworth Marshall June 25, 1853 - June 29, 1942 Burial_Date 12/31/1900 07/01/1942 Lucy Eltinge Turner Marshall Dec. 26, 1851 - June 29, 1942 Marshall, Eltinge Thurman MARKER: G-176-1A Eltinge Thurman Marshall 07/14/1880 02/23/1954 Jly 14, 1880 - Mar 23, 1954 Marshall, Helen Louise MARKER: R-214-4 09/27/1875 12/18/1951 Robert Douthat Marshall Dec 7, 1872 - Jly 20, 1956 12/21/1951 Helen Louise Marshall Sept 27, 1875 - Dec 18, 1951 Marshall, Jaquelin A. Marshall, Lucy E MARKER: R-214-6B 02/09/1905 12/06/1990 D-38-2 Charles Cotesworth Marshall June 25, 1853 - June 29, 1942 12/10/1990 07/01/1942 Lucy Eltinge Turner Marshall Dec. 26, 1851 - June 29, 1942 Marshall, Mabel Eve Marshall, Mary Lee MARKER: Marshall, Robert Douthat MARKER: R-214-6A 11/04/1907 05/21/2003 T-123-1 07/10/1922 07/15/1970 Mary Lee Marshall Jly 10, 1922 - Jly 15, 1970 R-214-5 12/07/1872 07/20/1956 Robert Douthat Marshall Dec 7, 1872 - Jly 20, 1956 05/29/2003 07/15/1970 07/23/1956 Helen Louise Marshall Sept 27, 1875 - Dec 18, 1951 Marshall, Shirley Henderson MARKER: G-176-2 08/12/1920 04/01/1975 Vernon L. Marshall June 26, 1917 - June 22, 1979 04/04/1975 Belived Husband Shirley H. Marshall Aug. 12, 1920 - Apr. 1, 1975 Beloved Wife Marshall, Thomas C MARKER: T-113-2 MARSHALL 10/02/1983 10/05/1983 G-176-1 06/26/1917 06/22/1979 Vernon L. Marshall June 26, 1917 - June 22, 1979 06/25/1979 Thomas C. Kathryn Y. Marshall, Vernon L MARKER: 07/08/1910 July 8, 1910 - Oct 2, 1983 Sept 30, 1908 - July 10, 1972 Belived Husband Shirley H. Marshall Aug. 12, 1920 - Apr. 1, 1975 Beloved Wife Marshburn, Isabelle Finisecy MARKER: R-82-5D Isabelle Marshburn 01/21/1910 06/13/1996 06/17/1996 01/01/1864 01/01/1929 11/15/1929 01/01/1864 01/01/1921 08/24/1921 01/01/1892 01/01/1958 12/22/1958 07/09/1911 08/26/1992 12/11/1984 08/29/1992 Also a member of Order of the Eastern Star. N-42-1 10/16/1875 Charles T. Martin Oct 16, 1875 - May 28, 1958 05/28/1958 05/31/1958 05/09/1940 05/11/1940 Jan. 21, 1910 - June 13, 1996 Marsteller, Elizabeth Nash MARKER: A-50-5 Heiskell M. Marsteller 1864 - 1921 His Wife Elizabeth N. Marsteller 1864 - 1929 Marsteller, Heiskel M. MARKER: A-50-4 Heiskell M. Marsteller 1864 - 1921 His Wife Elizabeth N. Marsteller 1864 - 1929 Marsteller, Herbert A. MARKER: A-50-6 Herbert A. Marsteller 1892 - 1958 Our Beloved M-99-6 T-279-2 Martin, Agnes M Martin, B. Rosamond US ARMY MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran MARTIN Harrry A , JR. 1910 - 1992 B. Rosamond 1911 - 1992 Together Forever NOTES: Martin, Charles T MARKER: Constance A. Martin Apr 7, 1869 - May 9, 1940 Son: Hudson Martin Mar 29, 1906 - June 17, 1974 Martin, Constance A MARKER: N-42-2 Charles T. Martin 04/07/1869 Oct 16, 1875 - May 28, 1958 Constance A. Martin Apr 7, 1869 - May 9, 1940 Son: Hudson Martin Mar 29, 1906 - June 17, 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 298 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Martin, Edgar Lee MARKER: T-318-6 MARTIN Birth_Date 07/04/1911 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/05/1976 05/08/1976 T-200-4 06/03/1893 02/20/1968 Edward J. Martin June 3, 1893 - Feb 20, 1968 T-106-1 03/08/1924 12/30/2008 George August Schelhorn Jan 16, 1924 - May 2, 1973 02/23/1968 Frances T. Martin Feb 14, 1906 - Jly 21, 1980 Edgar L. Martin Jly 4, 1911 - May 5, 1976 Martin, Edward J MARKER: Martin, Elizabeth Jane MARKER: Elizabeth Jane Martin Martin, Esther Brookes MARKER: 01/07/2009 Mar 8, 1924 - Dec 30, 2008 D-14-4B Esther Brookes Martin 08/02/1912 05/19/1994 05/24/1994 T-200-5 Edward J. Martin June 3, 1893 - Feb 20, 1968 T-317-4 02/14/1906 MARTIN 07/21/1985 07/25/1985 07/22/1980 07/25/1980 August 2, 1912 - May 19, 1994 Martin, Ethel I MARKER: Martin, Frances T MARKER: Frances T. Martin Feb 14, 1906 - Jly 21, 1980 Edgar L. Martin Jly 4, 1911 - May 5, 1976 Martin, Gordon L. MARKER: 2-23-3 MARTIN 09/18/1992 Gorgon L. Dolores E. 1926-1992 1936Together Forever Martin, Grace May MARKER: C-14-6 MARTIN William J. Martin Grace M. Martin 1901 - 1974 1915 - 1938 T-279-1 Martin, Harry Alvin, Jr. US NAVY 04/17/1939 10/14/1910 05/10/1992 05/12/1992 Also a Freemason. N-42-3 03/29/1906 Charles T. Martin Oct 16, 1875 - May 28, 1958 06/17/1974 06/19/1974 WW II - Veteran MARTIN MARKER: Harrry A , JR. 1910 - 1992 B. Rosamond 1911 - 1992 Together Forever NOTES: Martin, Hudson MARKER: Constance A. Martin Apr 7, 1869 - May 9, 1940 Son: Hudson Martin Mar 29, 1906 - June 17, 1974 M-99-4 M-99-4A Martin, James B Martin, James B Inmemorium MARKER: James B. Martin 05/10/1937 01/01/1868 01/01/1903 01/01/1903 01/01/1905 1868 - 1903 Raymond D. Martin 1901 - 1961 James H. Martin 1903 - 1905 M-99-4B Martin, James H Inmemorium Child MARKER: James B. Martin 1868 - 1903 Raymond D. Martin 1901 - 1961 James H. Martin 1903 - 1905 Martin, James William MARKER: N-70-1 MARTIN 06/11/1942 James W. 1870-1942 Mary S. 1862-1945 Mary E. 1900-1942 Martin, Janet Leigh MARKER: 42-135-2 Janet L. Martin 02/08/1955 08/24/1998 08/28/1998 08/09/1888 Aug 9, 1888 - Feb 14, 1945 02/14/1945 02/17/1945 Feb. 8, 1955 - Aug. 24, 1998 Resting with the Angels. Martin, John Adam MARKER: N-89-4 John Adam Martin Mary Estella Martin Sept 18, 1888 - Feb 8, 1964 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 299 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Martin, Mary E MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date N-70-3 MARTIN Burial_Date 04/20/1942 James W. 1870-1942 Mary S. 1862-1945 Mary E. 1900-1942 Martin, Mary Estella MARKER: N-89-5 John Adam Martin 09/18/1888 Aug 9, 1888 - Feb 14, 1945 Mary Estella Martin Martin, Mary Susan Lamm MARKER: 02/08/1964 02/10/1964 Sept 18, 1888 - Feb 8, 1964 N-70-2 MARTIN 09/13/1945 James W. 1870-1942 Mary S. 1862-1945 Mary E. 1900-1942 Martin, Raymond D MARKER: M-99-5 James B. Martin 02/27/1961 1868 - 1903 Raymond D. Martin 1901 - 1961 James H. Martin 1903 - 1905 Martin, Walter "BUD" Earl 31-57-1 11/20/1917 05/04/1996 05/08/1996 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Walter E. Nina W. 1917-1996 1919MARTIN Martin, William J. MARKER: C-14-5 MARTIN William J. Martin Grace M. Martin Martin, Willie Melvin, Jr. MARKER: 01/18/1974 1901 - 1974 1915 - 1938 42-188-4 Willie Melvin Martin, Jr. 08/30/1946 01/03/2000 01/06/2000 06/25/1910 10/12/2003 07/19/2004 August 30, 1946 - January 3, 2000 Billy, we miss you. O-91-1 Martyn, John T., Jr. Inmemorium Martyn, John T., Jr. Tree (Memorial) MARKER: O-90-3A MARTYN John Turner Martyn, Jr. Brn Alex., VA June 25, 1910 - Oct 12, 2003 Katherine Henderson Scoggin Brn. Warrenton, NC Sept 22, 1912 - July 14, 2008 O-48-1 Martyn, John T., Jr. Inmemorium 05/21/1976 Plantings (Memorial) MARKER: Martyn, John Turner MARKER: " M" Four Corner Markers Incl. Lots 89/90/91 O-133-4 Father: John Turner Martyn 1883 - 1962 01/03/1963 Mother: Laura Jeanette Martyn 1883 - 1947 Marion Martyn Zimmerman 1915 - 1956 Martyn, Katherine Henderson Scoggins MARKER: Martyn, Laura Jeannette MARKER: O-89-1A MARTYN 09/22/1912 07/14/2008 John Turner Martyn, Jr. Brn Alex., VA June 25, 1910 - Oct 12, 2003 Katherine Henderson Scoggin Brn. Warrenton, NC Sept 22, 1912 - July 14, 2008 O-133-5 Father: John Turner Martyn 09/20/2008 01/01/1947 1883 - 1962 Mother: Laura Jeanette Martyn 1883 - 1947 Marion Martyn Zimmerman 1915 - 1956 Maslow, Brian Keith MARKER: T-108-1 Brian Keith Massey 01/23/1969 Feb 4, 1914 - Dec 17, 1976 03/10/1973 03/14/1973 04/24/1910 04/24/1910 God has called little Brian Home. F-65-1 Mason, Beverley Randolph 01/01/1834 C S A Veteran MARKER: Beverley Randolph Mason CSA 1834 - 1910 hhis wife: Elizabeth Nelson Mason 1846 - 1925 Because I live, ye shall live also. NOTES: Private, Co. H, 4th Virginia Cavalry Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 300 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mason, Blanche Andrews MARKER: Mason, Constance F-65-6 Blanche Andrews Mason N-166-25 Birth_Date 06/06/1994 1899 - 1994 09/13/1944 Death_Date Burial_Date 06/06/1994 07/27/1994 09/13/1944 09/15/1944 Infant Mason, Edgar Eilbeck MARKER: O-FH-1-10A Edgar Eilbeck Mason 01/01/1907 Died 1907 Son of Eugenia Cary Fairfax and Edgar E. Mason Mason, Elizabeth Nelson Mason, Ethelbert Fairfax MARKER: F-65-2 O-FH-1-10B Ethelbert Fairfax Mason 01/01/1925 01/01/1906 Died 1906 Son of Edgar E. Mason and Eugenia Fairfax Mason, John Ambler MARKER: R-242-6A 08/05/1880 12/02/1948 Lucy Randolph Mason Jly. 26, 1882 - May 6, 1959 12/07/1948 John Ambler Mason Aug. 5, 1880 - Dec. 2, 1948 J.A.M.: Marker in E-23. Landon Randolph Mason Aug. 2, 1884 - May 6, 1943 Mason, Landon Randolph MARKER: R-242-5B 08/02/1884 05/06/1943 Lucy Randolph Mason Jly. 26, 1882 - May 6, 1959 05/17/1943 John Ambler Mason Aug. 5, 1880 - Dec. 2, 1948 J.A.M.: Marker in E-23. Landon Randolph Mason Aug. 2, 1884 - May 6, 1943 Mason, Lucy Randolph MARKER: R-242-6B 07/26/1882 05/06/1959 Lucy Randolph Mason Jly. 26, 1882 - May 6, 1959 05/15/1959 John Ambler Mason Aug. 5, 1880 - Dec. 2, 1948 J.A.M.: Marker in E-23. Landon Randolph Mason Aug. 2, 1884 - May 6, 1943 Mason, Margaret Schafe Hinegardner MARKER: P-75-2 HINEGARDNER Howard Hampton Hinegardner Margaret Schafe Hinegardner Mason, Pocahontas Hendren MARKER: 03/14/1980 03/17/1980 08/02/1891 04/14/1982 Aug 2, 1891 - Apr 14, 1982 09/24/1982 1904 - 1963 1905 - 1980 E-23-1A Pocahontas Hendren Mason John Ambler Mason Aug 5, 1880 - Dec 2, 1948 (J.A.M. burial in R-242-6A) Mason, Richard Nelson MARKER: F-65-5 Richard Nelson Mason 11/25/1940 1876 - 1940 Born of the Spirit Mason, William Landon MARKER: Massey, Anna Jane Massey, Beatrice MARKER: E-23-4A William Landon Mason April 10, 1914 - February 5, 1989 A-39-1 T-71-6 12/09/1980 Beatrice Albertson Massey 05/10/1989 01/01/1952 12/13/1980 July 26, 1915 - Dec 9, 1980 Massey, Carlton Coleman MARKER: T-70-4 Carlton Coleman Massey 03/27/1981 03/31/1981 06/01/1918 01/05/1989 01/01/1914 01/10/1989 05/17/1935 11/26/2004 02/18/2005 02/04/1914 12/17/1976 Feb 4, 1914 - Dec 17, 1976 01/01/1916 02/08/1986 12/20/1976 Aug 12, 1907 - Mar. 27, 1981 A-39-6 A-39-7 Massey, James Hillis Massey, James Orr USARMY Air MARKER: WW II - Veteran James Orr Massey Jun 1, 1918 - Jan. 5,1989 TEC 4 US Army Air Corps WWII Massey, Joan Parke MARKER: A-39-8A JOAN PARKE MASSEY May 17, 1935 - Nov 26, 2004 Massey, Margaret Cunningham MARKER: Massey, Margaret N. US NAVY MARKER: T-70-5 Margaret Cunningham Massey A-39-3 02/08/1986 WW II - Veteran Margaret N. Massey 1916 - 1986 US Navy WWII Massey, Neel M. A-39-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/09/1966 Page 301 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Massey, Victoria Parke Massoni, Camillo Joseph Massoni, Minnie MARKER: Birth_Date A-39-5 O-31-5A O-31-6 MASSONI Death_Date Burial_Date 05/24/1916 07/14/1919 01/20/2010 01/23/1995 01/01/1931 04/12/2010 01/27/1995 11/08/1919 04/12/1942 04/14/1942 01/03/1906 03/16/1996 03/19/1996 12/14/2007 12/19/2007 T-368-1 04/25/1968 Julia Culbertson Matheson Nov 9, 1890 - Apr 25, 1968 04/26/1968 Minnie Angela 1919 - 1994 Camillo J. Masterton, Louis deForest MARKER: N-71-3 Louis deForest Masterton Nov 8, 1919 - Apr 12, 1942 Mather, Margaret Clarke MARKER: T-136-5 CLARKE Andrew Wilkerson Margaret Harrison Matheson, Emma Tompkins Jan 23, 1907 - Mar 31, 1968 Jan. 3, 1906 - Mar. 16, 1996 T-367-1 11/17/1913 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: MATHESON Emma Thompkins November 17, 1913 December 14, 2007 Matheson, Julia Culbertson MARKER: Malcolm, Jr. September 27, 1913 December 21, 2007 Malcolm Matheson Matheson, Malcolm, Sr. MARKER: May 28, 1886 - Apr 6, 1974 T-368-2 05/28/1886 04/06/1974 Julia Culbertson Matheson Nov 9, 1890 - Apr 25, 1968 Malcolm Matheson Matheson, Malcom, Jr. MARKER: May 28, 1886 - Apr 6, 1974 T-367-2 MATHESON Emma Thompkins November 17, 1913 December 14, 2007 Mathews, Gertrude Tanner MARKER: 04/09/1974 09/27/1913 12/21/2007 12/28/2007 06/10/1865 12/30/1945 01/03/1946 11/17/1907 12/11/1992 12/16/1992 09/24/1912 05/13/1993 05/17/1993 Malcolm, Jr. September 27, 1913 December 21, 2007 N-21-1 Gertrude Tanner Mathews June 10, 1865 - Dec 30, 1945 Matson, Lester B. MARKER: M-139-4 MATSON Lester B. Virgelia P. Nov 17, 1907 Sept 24, 1912 ( Death dates not inscribed ) Matson, Virgelia P. MARKER: M-139-5 MATSON Lester B. Virgelia P. Nov 17, 1907 Sept 24, 1912 ( Death dates not inscribed ) Matter, Annie E MARKER: R-89-1 Sarah A. Matter John D. Matter Annie E,Matteer Matter, Edna Strauss MARKER: 01/11/1962 1837 - 1909 1874 - 1945 1873 - 1962 N-20-2 John P. Strauss 11/10/1914 Oct 24, 1907 - Aug 13, 1967 12/27/1995 01/03/1996 Edna Strauss Matter Nov. 10, 1914 - Dec. 27, 1995 Matter, Edward P. MARKER: C-19-1 Edward P. Matter 12/12/1935 1876 - 1935 Florence I. Matter 1878 - 1931 Wife of Edward P. Matter Matter, Florence I. MARKER: C-19-2 Edward P. Matter 01/01/1931 1876 - 1935 Florence I. Matter 1878 - 1931 Wife of Edward P. Matter Matter, John Aubrey MARKER: T-72-5 J. Aubrey Matter 09/25/1910 05/23/1989 Sept 25, 1909 - Marjorie N. Matter May 1, 1910 - Jan 11, 1968 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 302 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date R-89-2 Matter, John Daniel Burial_Date 08/01/1945 Freemason MARKER: Sarah A. Matter John D. Matter Annie E,Matteer Matter, Marjorie N. MARKER: 1837 - 1909 1874 - 1945 1873 - 1962 T-72-6 J. Aubrey Matter 05/01/1910 01/11/1968 01/13/1968 10/01/1913 01/09/1969 10/17/1996 11/09/1921 09/01/1996 09/05/1996 05/10/1926 02/16/1998 03/02/1998 12/02/1932 07/15/1980 07/22/1980 Sept 25, 1909 - Marjorie N. Matter May 1, 1910 - Jan 11, 1968 Matter, Sarah (Sara) A. MARKER: R-89-2C Sarah A. Matter John D. Matter Annie E,Matteer 1837 - 1909 1874 - 1945 1873 - 1962 T-180-3 Matthews, Carl L. US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Carl L. Matthews Lt. Col. US Army Res .WWII Oct.1, 1913 - Jan. 9, 1969 Stone & body moved here from N.J. Matthews, Evelyn Bates MARKER: T-173-2 MA T T H E W S Russell H. 1907 - 1963 Evelyn B. 1921 - 1996 Matthews, Lawrence Cook, Sr. T-328-5B Korean War - Veteran MARKER: Lawrence C. Matthews May 10, 1926 Feb. 16, 1998 Matthews, Peggy Irene MARKER: T-377-3 Peggy Irene Matthews Dec 2, 1932 July 15, 1980 Matthews, Russell Harold Matthews, Sheryl Yoast Matthews, Thelma E. MARKER: T-173-1 T-174-3 C-20-5 Thelma E. Matthews 02/05/1962 05/04/1996 10/14/1919 06/04/1953 oct. 14, 1919 - June 4, 1953 03/19/1963 05/07/1996 06/08/1953 Blessed are the pure in heart Maupin, Robert Ramsey Inmemorium MARKER: COL 6-S2-35 10/03/2007 Robert Ramsey Maupin Esq. Sept. 8, 1952 - Sept 26, 2003 Maurer, Selma MARKER: 42-190-3 Selma Maurer 03/21/1930 07/16/2000 07/18/2000 02/10/1890 04/02/1965 04/05/1965 04/12/1995 04/14/1995 March 21, 1930 - July 16, 2000 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Mawyer, Ernest C MARKER: O-52-1 MAWYER Ernest C. Mawyer Feb, 10, 1890 - Apr. 2, 1965 Viola E. Mawyer Oct. 25, 1897 - Apr. 12, 1995 Mawyer, Viola E. MARKER: O-52-6 MAWYER 10/25/1897 Ernest C. Mawyer Feb, 10, 1890 - Apr. 2, 1965 Viola E. Mawyer Oct. 25, 1897 - Apr. 12, 1995 Maxwell, Charles D Maxwell, Gussie T. MARKER: T-214-4 B-57-6B Ray S. Maxwell 07/30/1976 10/19/1981 1892 - 1939 Gussie T. Maxwell 1893 - 1981 Maxwell, Martha May Kimble MARKER: T-153-4 Robert L. Kimble 05/22/1920 Nov 25, 1918 - Mar 14, 1969 08/09/2009 08/14/2009 Martha M. Kimble May 22, 1920 - Aug. 09, 2009 Maxwell, Mary A. MARKER: B-57-5 Samuel Maxwell 06/22/1938 1866 - 1941 Mary Ann Maxwell 1878 - 1938 Maxwell, Mary D. MARKER: T-213-6 Mary D. Maxwell 09/10/1964 09/12/1964 Died: Sept. 10, 1964 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 303 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Maxwell, Ray S. MARKER: B-57-6A Ray S. Maxwell Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 07/12/1939 1892 - 1939 Gussie T. Maxwell 1893 - 1981 Maxwell, Samuel MARKER: B-57-4 Samuel Maxwell 04/18/1941 1866 - 1941 Mary Ann Maxwell 1878 - 1938 T-79-3 Maxwell, Sherryn Ann 07/02/1959 12/31/1975 01/03/1976 Sherryn A. Maxwell Jly 2, 1959 - Dec 31, 1975 R-105-1 01/01/1891 Nellie G. May 1893 - 1976 03/08/1965 03/11/1965 01/15/1925 08/29/2001 08/31/2001 07/17/1959 01/01/1850 11/15/2006 07/22/1927 11/21/2006 01/01/1929 02/11/1984 01/01/1850 01/01/1937 01/01/1937 01/01/1887 01/01/1887 01/01/1887 01/01/1893 09/19/1976 09/22/1976 Child MARKER: May, Albert A MARKER: Albert A. May May, Betty MARKER: 1891- 1965 2-4-4 Betty T. May Jan. 15, 1925 In Loving Memory May, Cameron Spencer May, David T May, Jimmy Roger MARKER: 42-207-3 F-48-6 2-5-1 Jimmy R. May (POKE) May 23, 1952 - Feb. 9, 1984 Too well loved to ever be forgotten May, Kate Humphreys MARKER: F-49-6 David C. Humphreys 1818 - 1879 Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord. Margaret Humphreys 1828 - 1881 David Humphreys 1850 - 1929 Kate Humphreys 1850 - 1937 F-49-5 May, Margaret E Infant MARKER: George M. Humphreys 1853 - 1926 Helen Humphreys 1854 - 1884 David C. Humphreys, Jr. 1857 - 1887 Sallie T. Humphreys 1848 - 1916 Margaret E. May 1887 - 1887 May, Nellie G MARKER: R-105-2 Nellie G. May 1893 - 1976 Albert A. May 1891- 1965 E-BBY-66-137 Mays, William 08/08/1967 Infant Mazzanti, Athos F MARKER: Mazzanti, Irene E. MARKER: T-273-1 Athos F. Mazzanti 08/28/1903 Aug 28, 1903 - Sept 12, 1966 Thelma M.Mazzanti May 3, 1908 - Apr 3, 1961 B-32-6 Daughter Irene E. Edelen Mazzanti 07/10/1920 09/12/1966 09/17/1966 12/17/2000 12/20/2000 04/03/1961 04/03/1961 01/04/1966 01/06/1966 08/18/1972 08/22/1972 July 10, 1907 - Dec. 17, 2000 Mazzanti, Thelma M MARKER: McAbee, Marion Estelle MARKER: T-273-2 Athos F. Mazzanti 05/03/1908 Aug 28, 1903 - Sept 12, 1966 Thelma M.Mazzanti May 3, 1908 - Apr 3, 1961 G-64-2 08/07/1888 Fannie E. Clapdore Oct. 3, 1857 - Dec. 3, 1947 Marion Estelle McAbee Aug. 7, 1888 - Jan 4, 1966 C. Emerson Woomert Dec 25, 1885 - Feb 26, 1917 McBride, Meredith Virginia T-243-1 10/16/1970 Infant MARKER: Meredith Virginia McBride Oct 16, 1970 - Aug 18, 1972 Liederdorp, Holland Djakarta, Indonesia McCabe, Charolotte Hinsley US NAVY MARKER: T-32-5B 01/08/1922 09/06/2009 09/12/2009 WW II - Veteran Charlotte Hinsley McCabe Jan 8, 1922 - Sept 06, 2009 Douglas Morgan McCabe Sept 11, 1922-Apr 22, 1992 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 304 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-33-4A McCabe, Douglas Death_Date 12/18/1895 Burial_Date 12/20/1989 12/28/1989 12/20/1989 12/28/1989 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Lila Morgan McCabe Douglas McCabe T-33-4A McCabe, Douglas Nov 15, 1898 - Dec 24, 1979 Dec 18, 1895 - Dec. 20, 1989 12/18/1895 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Charlotte Hinsley McCabe Jan 8, 1922 - Sept 06, 2009 Douglas Morgan McCabe Sept 11, 1922-Apr 22, 1992 McCabe, Douglas M McCabe, Lila Morgan MARKER: T-32-5A T-33-4C Lila Morgan McCabe Douglas McCabe McCabe, Malcolm Hinsley MARKER: McCabe, Malcolm Hinsley MARKER: 09/11/1922 04/22/1992 11/15/1898 12/24/1979 Nov 15, 1898 - Dec 24, 1979 04/28/1992 12/28/1979 Dec 18, 1895 - Dec. 20, 1989 T-32-4 Malcolm Hinsley McCabe 05/22/1954 03/23/1975 May 22, 1954 - Mar 23, 1975 In Loving Memory of our Son T-32-4 Mc C A B E 03/26/1975 05/22/1954 03/23/1975 03/26/1975 01/01/1910 01/01/1986 06/30/1986 01/01/1911 01/01/1983 04/25/1983 04/11/2007 02/02/1970 04/18/2007 02/04/1970 06/10/1974 06/12/1974 02/07/1997 09/04/1991 05/05/1997 09/06/1991 07/12/1993 07/16/1993 --- ---MORGAN McCaffrey, Hazel L, R.N. MARKER: 6-56-2 THOMAS C. SR. HAZEL L. 1911 - 1983 1910 - 1986 (FIRE DEPT) (REG NURSE) McCAFFREY McCaffrey, Thomas Carlin, Sr. 6-56-1 Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: THOMAS C. SR. HAZEL L. 1911 - 1983 1910 - 1986 (FIRE DEPT) (REG NURSE) McCAFFREY McCall, Mildred Reaves McCallum, Agnes E. MARKER: 41-34-4 T-232-6 Agnes E. McCallum Ann Z. McCallum John McCallum McCallum, Ann Z MARKER: T-233-5 Agnes E. McCallum Ann Z. McCallum John McCallum McCallum, Jane Marita McCallum, John 11/11/1939 10/22/1884 Oct 22, 1884 - Feb 2, 1970 Jly 1, 1917 - June 10, 1974 March 8, 1916 - Sept 4, 1991 07/01/1917 Oct 22, 1884 - Feb 2, 1970 Jly 1, 1917 - June 10, 1974 March 8, 1916 - Sept 4, 1991 T-233-6A T-233-4 10/07/1955 03/08/1916 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Agnes E. McCallum Ann Z. McCallum John McCallum McCann, Brendan James MARKER: Oct 22, 1884 - Feb 2, 1970 Jly 1, 1917 - June 10, 1974 March 8, 1916 - Sept 4, 1991 1-60-2 Brendan James McCann 07/09/1923 June 9, 1923 - June 12, 1993 McCann, Edith S McCann, Josephine Ramage MARKER: G-90-3 R-224-5 Joseph Cowan Ramage 12/15/1955 06/08/1969 1868 - 1936 Blandine Blanford Ramage 1869 - 1957 Elizabeth Hill Ramage 1903 - 1957 Robert Caldwell McCann 1901 - 1965 Josephine Ramage McCann 1904 - 1969 McCann, Lottie T MARKER: R-101-5 05/08/1885 12/17/1945 MOTHER - Lottie F. McCann May 8, 1885 - Dec. 17, 1945 12/20/1945 DAUGHTER - Ruth L. Deery Nov. 26, 1904 - Feb. 1, 1959 Raymond E. Deery Jly. 22, 1929 - Sept. 1, 1967 McCann, Robert Caldwell MARKER: R-224-4 Joseph Cowan Ramage 06/17/1965 1868 - 1936 Blandine Blanford Ramage 1869 - 1957 Elizabeth Hill Ramage 1903 - 1957 Robert Caldwell McCann 1901 - 1965 Josephine Ramage McCann 1904 - 1969 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 305 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McCarthy, Donal E MARKER: T-34-2 DONAL E. McCARTHY Birth_Date Death_Date 12/24/1925 03/14/1976 Dec 24, 1925 - Mar 14, 1976 Catherine A. McCarthy Jly 19, 1927 May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fieda and, Until we meet agian may GOD hold you in the palm of His hand. McCarthy, Frances J. McCarthy, James O. MARKER: C-16-6 C-50-3 Mc C A R T H Y James Ormand McCarthy Mabel Louise McCarthy McCarthy, Landon J. McCarthy, Mabel Louise MARKER: McCauley, Alice Herbert MARKER: 03/17/1976 11/24/2000 04/24/1990 11/28/2000 04/27/1990 03/25/1979 11/17/1956 03/30/1979 Mar. 7, 1902 - April 24, 1990 Mar 8, 1902 - Mar 25, 1979 C-16-3 C-50-4 Mc C A R T H Y James Ormand McCarthy Mabel Louise McCarthy 06/24/1911 03/07/1902 Burial_Date 03/07/1902 Mar. 7, 1902 - April 24, 1990 Mar 8, 1902 - Mar 25, 1979 G-21-2 John Henry McCauley 1866-1946 01/01/1868 01/01/1954 02/10/1871 05/28/1959 Alice Herbert McCauley 1868 - 1954 McCauley, Daniel J MARKER: T-252-4 In Memory of Daniel J. McCauley McCauley, John Henry MARKER: 06/01/1959 Feb 10, 1871 - May 28, 1959 G-21-1 John Henry McCauley 1866-1946 01/01/1866 01/01/1946 Alice Herbert McCauley 1868 - 1954 McCausland, Alexina MARKER: O-FH-18-4 Alexina McCausland 04/24/1864 04/27/1864 10/06/1879 10/09/1879 Died: Apr 24, 1864 Daughter of the late Marcus and Mary McCausland of Baltimore, Md. McCausland, Gabriella A. DuVal MARKER: O-FH-18-11 Gabriella A. DuVal Died: Oct 6, 1879 Daughter of the late Edmund B. and Augusta McCausland DuVal of Maryland B-BBY-48-29 McClary, (infant) 06/01/1955 Infant N-124-15 N-157-14 McClary, Baby McClary, Baby 01/25/1952 08/17/1946 Infant McClary, Cherry Kathleen N-124-1 05/14/1949 Infant McClary, Haywood N., Sr. MARKER: McClary, John R MARKER: T-353-4 01/01/1900 McClary, Haywood N., Sr. 1900 - 1969 N-58-4 04/17/1867 John R.McClary Apr 17, 1867 - Jan 3, 1944 Viola C. McClary McClary, Kenneth F McClary, Michael Gates 06/30/1969 07/01/1969 01/03/1944 01/06/1944 08/13/1926 02/17/1990 02/20/1990 07/13/1948 01/29/1871 Apr 17, 1867 - Jan 3, 1944 06/22/1958 04/17/1981 06/25/1958 09/01/1950 09/05/1950 11/14/1950 11/16/1950 Jan 29, 1871 - June 22, 1958 2-37-3 N-127-35 Infant McClary, Russell T McClary, Viola C MARKER: 2-50-4 N-58-5 John R.McClary Viola C. McClary McClellan, Carrie May Stroup MARKER: O-188-3 William McCellan Jan 29, 1871 - June 22, 1958 04/01/1870 Nov 5, 1872 - Nov 14, 1950 Carrie May Stroup McClellan Apr 1, 1870-Sept 1, 1950 McClellan, William MARKER: O-188-2 William McCellan 11/05/1872 Nov 5, 1872 - Nov 14, 1950 Carrie May Stroup McClellan Apr 1, 1870-Sept 1, 1950 McClelland, Edmond L MARKER: M-36-5 Edmond L. McClelland 1853 -1922 01/01/1922 Lucy E. McClelland Mar 15, 1860 - Jly 20, 1953 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 306 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McClelland, Lucy E MARKER: Birth_Date M-36-6B 03/15/1860 Edmond L. McClelland 1853 -1922 Death_Date Burial_Date 07/20/1953 07/20/1953 03/06/1928 07/01/2006 07/06/2006 01/01/1919 04/06/1980 04/09/1980 09/06/2006 09/11/2006 12/15/1922 11/08/1961 Dec 15, 1922 - Nov 8, 1961 11/09/1911 12/02/1995 11/10/1961 Lucy E. McClelland Mar 15, 1860 - Jly 20, 1953 42-161-4 Mc C L U R E McClure, Harrison MARKER: Theresa February 1929 (space) Harrison E. March 1928 July 2006 1-55-1 McCOLPIN McColpin, Dorothy Alice MARKER: McColpin, Joseph D. 1921 - (space) McColpin, Dorothy A. 1919-1980 "my sugarfoot" You're gone from me, but in my memory, we ALWAYS will be TOGETHER. McConnell, Jane F. MARKER: 32-54-3 Mc CONNELL 07/13/1912 Richard M. Jane F. 1911-1995 1912 married May 31, 1932 McConnell, Peter F., Jr. MARKER: McConnell, Richard M. MARKER: T-237-4 Peter Franklin McConnell, Jr. 32-54-2 Mc CONNELL 12/05/1995 Richard M. Jane F. 1911-1995 1912 married May 31, 1932 McCormack, Michael Joseph MARKER: 42-139-1 McCORMACK 03/24/1944 01/09/2001 01/12/2001 T-308-4 02/18/1924 May 7, 2002 G-62-4 T-307-6 T-286-5 01/19/1916 T-141-2 08/04/1912 T-141-1 01/11/1907 Frank C. McCourt Jan 11, 1907 - Jan 23, 1971 B-BBY-48-25 05/07/2002 05/11/2002 10/14/1993 02/13/2003 01/23/1971 09/08/1989 10/20/1993 03/05/2003 01/24/1971 Michael Joseph Mar. 24, 1944 Jan. 9, 2001 McCormick, Maude H. MARKER: McCormick, S J McCormick, Thomas J McCormick-Goodhart, Nita E. McCourt, Cecilia McCourt, Frank C MARKER: McCoy, Baby 04/14/1955 Infant C-24-1 N-112-2 T-364-2 McCoy, Edward. L. McCoy, George McCoy, John M US ARMY MARKER: 09/19/1895 WW I - Veteran John McCoy Iowa Sept 19, 1895 - Nov 25, 1969 Pvt. Co. F 160 Infantry P-47-3A T-364-3 N-166-17 McCoy, Kingston C McCoy, Luiga DalBen McCraw, Baby 11/25/1969 12/05/1933 04/20/1942 11/29/1969 World War I 12/13/1913 06/23/2007 08/22/1985 06/26/2007 04/26/1944 Infant E-BBY-66-6 McCraw, Roby 12/04/1958 Infant McCuen, Blanche M. MARKER: O-184-2B Blanche M. McCuen 05/21/1886 12/12/1948 May 21, 1886 - Dec 12, 1948 12/17/1948 Agnes M. Mueller Oct 9, 1888 - Nov 16, 1957 Edith B. Pulman Apr 26, 1892 - Sept 8, 1975 McCullen, Alice B. MARKER: M-51-3 Mc C U L L E N 05/17/1990 02/08/1993 02/11/1993 Bryan McCullen Jly 31, 1895 - June 26, 1953 Alice Bladen McCullen May 17, 1900 - Feb 8, 1993 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 307 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McCullen, Bryan MARKER: M-51-2 Mc C U L L E N Birth_Date Death_Date 06/26/1953 Burial_Date 06/26/1953 06/29/1953 01/01/1967 12/27/1967 05/24/2002 05/29/2002 T-215-4 03/26/1897 08/04/1965 Harriet Hubbard McCully Mar 26, 1897 - Aug 4, 1965 T-265-4 06/12/1878 06/11/1960 Dorothy C. McDanel june 12, 1878 - June 11, 1960 08/07/1965 Bryan McCullen Jly 31, 1895 - June 26, 1953 Alice Bladen McCullen May 17, 1900 - Feb 8, 1993 McCulley, Sunny C. MARKER: A-85-3 01/01/1945 Sunny Cabell McCulley 1945 - 1967 Our Precious Daughter McCulloch, Brendan Collier 5 months MARKER: 32-76-1 12/09/2001 Infant Brendan Collier McCulloch Our Angel Dec 9, 2001 - May 24, 2002 McCully, Harriet Hubbard MARKER: McDanel, Dorothy C MARKER: 06/14/1960 Forever with the Lord McDaniel, Carroll W MARKER: McDaniel, Cary Davis MARKER: T-348-6 FATHER: Carroll W. McDaniel O-FH-5-1 Cary Davis McDaniel 01/30/1891 09/17/1954 Jan 30, 1891- Sept 17, 1954 11/17/1947 05/30/1996 09/21/1954 A-78-3 10/26/1907 02/10/1978 Weston O.McDaniel Oct. 26, 1907 - Feb 10, 1978 G-144-1 M-55-2 07/29/1946 Carrie G. McDonald Aug 20, 1869 - Jul 29, 1946 02/14/1978 06/05/1996 1947 - 1996 McDaniel, Weston O. MARKER: McDonald, Al McDonald, Carrie MARKER: 01/14/1935 09/01/1946 Ernest L. McDonald Dec 19, 1872 - Nov 15, 1901 M-55-3 McDonald, E F Infant MARKER: Carrie G. McDonald Aug 20, 1869 - Jul 29, 1946 Ernest L. McDonald Dec 19, 1872 - Nov 15, 1901 M-55-3 McDonald, E F Infant MARKER: McDonald, E L McDonald, Ernest E. MARKER: E. F. McDonald (no dates) M-55-1 12/19/1872 11/15/1901 M-55-2A 09/17/1901 01/09/1902 Ernest E. McDonald Sept 17, 1901 - Jan 9, 1902 11/15/1901 01/09/1902 Son of E. L. and C.McDonald The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21 McDonald, Gertrude MARKER: M-55-5 Gertrude H. McDonald Jly 12, 1898 - Aug 10, 1970 Robert E. McDonald McDonald, Peggy McDonald, Robert E MARKER: US Navy MARKER: Aug 5, 1896 - Dec 27, 1977 G-144-2B M-55-4 Gertrude H. McDonald Jly 12, 1898 - Aug 10, 1970 Robert E. McDonald McDonald, William Neill 08/12/1970 10/17/1970 12/30/1977 Aug 5, 1896 - Dec 27, 1977 N-96-3 01/18/1911 09/30/1953 10/05/1953 10/20/2003 10/23/2003 WW II - Veteran William N. McDonald Jan 18, 1911- Sept 30, 1953 Cmd. USNR World War II Maryland McDonnell, Gladys B. MARKER: 2-83-3 11/16/1904 Joseph Francis McDonnell 1905 - 1983 his wife Gladys Holcombe McDonnell 1904 - 2003 McDonnell, Joseph F., Jr. MARKER: 2-83-2 Joseph Francis McDonnell 1905 - 1983 08/23/1983 his wife Gladys Holcombe McDonnell 1904 - 2003 McDonough, Baby Boy N-127-32 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/30/1948 Page 308 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McDonough, Alice E. MARKER: Birth_Date B-77-2 Alice Edman McDonough Death_Date Burial_Date 12/23/1976 12/28/1976 07/11/1901 12/30/1969 Jly 11, 1901 - Dec 30, 1969 01/03/1970 Oct. 6, 1902 - Dec. 23, 1976 McDonough, Fanny May MARKER: N-69-5 Fannie May McDonough Richard Hunt McDonough Apr 25, 1937 - Jly 10, 1954 McDonough, John McDonough, John E. MARKER: T-239-3 B-77-3 John Edman McDonough 03/08/1927 05/28/1935 04/19/1983 05/31/1935 09/14/1897 03/27/1989 03/31/1989 09/14/1897 03/27/1989 03/31/1989 T-239-2 06/21/1891 09/27/1976 Margaret R. McDonough June 21, 1891 - Sept 27, 1976 33-7-4A 04/25/1914 01/01/2005 Martha S. McDonough 09/29/1976 March 8, 1927 - May 28, 1935 McDonough, John William MARKER: McDonough, John William MARKER: McDonough, Margaret R MARKER: McDonough, Martha S. MARKER: B-77-1 John William McDonough Sept. 14, 1897 - March 27, 1989 B-77-1 McDONOUGH McDONOUGH 04/25/2006 April 25, 1914 - January 1, 2005 wife of Robert P. McDonough March 13, 1915 - March 16, 1981 T-239-1 MARY McDONOUGH McDonough, Mary E. MARKER: 08/31/1913 03/01/2006 03/04/2006 04/25/1937 07/10/1954 Jly 11, 1901 - Dec 30, 1969 07/13/1954 1913 - 2006 McDonough, Richard Hunt MARKER: N-69-6 Fannie May McDonough Richard Hunt McDonough Apr 25, 1937 - Jly 10, 1954 McDonough, Thomas Elmer, Sr. McDougall, Eleanor S. MARKER: N-69-4a 32-38-2 ELEANOR S. McDOUGALL 12/04/1923 01/05/1988 03/19/1992 06/24/1988 03/24/1992 DECEMBER 4, 1923 MARCH 19, 1992 McDougall, William MARKER: D-57-1 William McDoughall 01/01/1933 1882 - 1932 George Ross Carpenter, Sr. McEachern, James A. MARKER: 1944 1-37-3A James Allen McEachern 01/01/1963 01/01/1979 11/07/1979 03/30/1903 12/01/1956 Mar30, 1903 - Dec 1, 1956 04/01/1931 01/10/1978 12/06/1956 1963 - 1979 Beloved Son of Donald & Frances Brother of Susan & Elizabeth T-328-5 Claude F. McFArland MARKER: McFarland, Claude Floyd "Sonny", Jr. T-328-4B McFarland, Claude F U S ARMY MARKER: Claude F. McFarland, Jr. SFC McFarland, Elizabeth F. MARKER: McFarland, Lulu R. MARKER: McFarland, Margaret S MARKER: 01/16/1978 Vietnam War - Veteran US ARMY Apr 1, 1931 - Jan 10, 1978 VIETNAM T-328-4A 06/26/1932 01/27/1970 Elizabeth F. McFarland June 26, 1932 - Jan 10, 1978 T-328-6 09/03/1900 06/17/1991 Lulu R. McFarland Sept 3, 1900 - June 17, 1991 T-288-5 05/06/1891 02/26/1959 Margaret S. McFarland May 6, 1891 - Feb 26, 1959 01/28/1970 06/20/1991 03/02/1959 The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. McGee, Patricia Marie MARKER: 2-78-3 Patricia Marie McGee 08/19/1962 03/27/1986 03/31/1986 1962-1986 Daughter of Trudy and James Sister of Steven and Douglas McGee, Thelma McGeorge, Baby G-301-6 E-BBY-66-127 11/01/1943 10/18/1966 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 309 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date E-BBY-66-69 McGhee, Maude E Burial_Date 05/08/1963 Infant McGillen, Nathaniel R. MARKER: 33-16-1 Nathaniel Reed 03/22/1960 07/07/1995 07/12/1995 04/19/1905 05/14/1998 05/18/1998 09/06/1913 12/16/1947 11/01/2009 09/27/2001 11/06/2009 10/01/2001 03/16/1910 02/23/2004 02/28/2004 R-62-5 11/01/1917 08/28/1991 Chloe B. McGowan 1917 - 1991 T-336-6 R-62-4 Joseph H. McGowan 1914 - 1982 D-5-4 04/11/1890 07/08/1927 George W. McGuin Feb. 22, 1885 - June 6, 1968 08/31/1991 McGillen 1960 - 1995 Wherever you go, there you are McGlynn, Genevieve Alice MARKER: 32-55-2 Genevieve Alice Bacigalupi McGlynn April 19, 1905 - May 14, 1998 McGough, Irene K. McGough, Joseph MARKER: 32-61-1 32-61-3 McGough Joseph Edward McGough December 16, 1947 September 27, 2001 McGough, Thomas Francis, Jr. Army Capt. MARKER: 32-61-2 WW II - Veteran Thomas Francis McGough, Jr. MD March 16, 1910 - February 23, 2004 "A life of love and service" McGowan, Chole B. MARKER: McGowan, Delia Douglass McGowan, Joseph H MARKER: McGuin, Anna E MARKER: 07/10/1979 03/31/1982 07/11/1927 his wife: Anna E. MsGuin Apr. 11, 1890 - Jly 8, 1927 Elsie J. McGuin Sept. 15, 1902 McGUIN D-5-4A McGuin, Elsie J Inmemorium MARKER: 09/15/1902 George W. McGuin Feb. 22, 1885 - June 6, 1968 his wife: Anna E. MsGuin Apr. 11, 1890 - Jly 8, 1927 Elsie J. McGuin Sept. 15, 1902 McGUIN NOTES: McGuin, George W MARKER: Ashes scattered Not buried in IHC. D-5-5 02/22/1885 06/06/1968 George W. McGuin Feb. 22, 1885 - June 6, 1968 06/10/1968 his wife: Anna E. MsGuin Apr. 11, 1890 - Jly 8, 1927 Elsie J. McGuin Sept. 15, 1902 McGUIN McGuiney, Adam Forrest McGuire, Georgia Charuhas MARKER: 42-223-5 31-127-3 Georgia C. 05/23/1995 08/24/1948 04/22/2005 04/21/2003 04/30/2005 04/28/2003 01/23/1917 11/30/2001 12/01/1967 05/18/1935 12/04/2001 09/01/1921 02/14/2001 1948 - 2003 McHugh, Etta L McHugh, Thomas W McIlhatten, David W. MARKER: G-162-4 G-162-2B 33-23-4B MCILHATTEN Kathleen H. David W. 1921-2001 1917- 2001 McIlhatten, Kathleen H. McIntire, Inez Melissa MARKER: 33-23-4C N-3-2 Irvin E. McIntire 1891 - 1960 Inez M. McIntire McIntire, Irvin E MARKER: N-3-1 Irvin E. McIntire Inez M. McIntire McIntire, Vernon I MARKER: 02/19/2001 09/04/1965 1892 - 1965 08/22/1960 1891 - 1960 1892 - 1965 N-3-3 Vernon Irwin McIntire 03/17/1919 05/29/1939 Mar 17, 1919 - May 29, 1939 06/01/1939 Sleeping in Jesus Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 310 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McIntosh, Cedric A MARKER: D-31-6 John C. McIntosh Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 02/07/1963 1867 - 1926 Beth McIntosh 3 days -1943 Cedrick A. McIntosh 1905 - 1963 McIntosh, Cora E McIntosh, James E MARKER: McIntosh, John C MARKER: F-30-5 F-30-4 McIntosh 01/01/1947 01/20/1900 James E. McIntosh 1863 - 1900 D-31-1 John C. McIntosh 1867 - 1926 01/01/1926 Beth McIntosh 3 days -1943 Cedrick A. McIntosh 1905 - 1963 McIntosh, Lucy Pearl McIntosh, Richard E McInturff, Bessie T MARKER: R-47-5 R-47-4 O-240-1 01/22/1896 Bessie T. McInturff Jan 22, 1896 - May 10, 1988 10/18/1983 03/19/1941 05/10/1988 Carl H. McInturff Mar 5, 1920 - Jan 20, 1948 Ernest B. McInturff June 8, 1921 - Feb 7, 1963 Homer L. McInturff Oct 19, 1924 - June 1, 1961 McInturff, Carl H MARKER: O-240-3 03/05/1920 Bessie T. McInturff Jan 22, 1896 - May 10, 1988 01/20/1948 01/23/1948 05/25/1919 10/31/1996 11/04/1996 O-240-4 06/08/1921 Bessie T. McInturff Jan 22, 1896 - May 10, 1988 02/07/1963 02/11/1963 06/01/1961 06/05/1961 07/18/1940 07/22/1940 Carl H. McInturff Mar 5, 1920 - Jan 20, 1948 Ernest B. McInturff June 8, 1921 - Feb 7, 1963 Homer L. McInturff Oct 19, 1924 - June 1, 1961 McInturff, David B. MARKER: 31-82-2 Mc INTURFF David Buck 1919-1996 McInturff, Ernest B MARKER: Doris Hunt 1922- Carl H. McInturff Mar 5, 1920 - Jan 20, 1948 Ernest B. McInturff June 8, 1921 - Feb 7, 1963 Homer L. McInturff Oct 19, 1924 - June 1, 1961 McInturff, Homer L MARKER: O-240-2 10/19/1924 Bessie T. McInturff Jan 22, 1896 - May 10, 1988 Carl H. McInturff Mar 5, 1920 - Jan 20, 1948 Ernest B. McInturff June 8, 1921 - Feb 7, 1963 Homer L. McInturff Oct 19, 1924 - June 1, 1961 McIntyre, Annie M MARKER: M-174-2A Annie M. McIntyre 11/15/1873 Nov 15, 1873 - Jly 18, 1940 John F. McIntyre Jly 13, 1872 - Feb 26, 1936 They were affectionate parents and friends to all M-174-2B McIntyre, Baby 08/26/1940 Infant M-174-4 McIntyre, James H 07/23/1902 05/03/1962 05/06/1962 02/26/1936 10/14/1988 02/29/1936 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: McIntyre, James H., Jr. McIntyre, John F MARKER: James H. McIntyre Jly 23, 1902 - May 3, 1962 M-174-6A M-174-1 07/13/1872 Annie M. McIntyre Nov 15, 1873 - Jly 18, 1940 John F. McIntyre Jly 13, 1872 - Feb 26, 1936 They were affectionate parents and friends to all McIntyre, Katherna McIntyre, Ruth E McKelleget, Ella Maxfield MARKER: M-174-3 M-174-5A N-147-2 J. W. McKelleget His Wife Ella Maxfield McKelleget, J. W. MARKER: McKenna, Amelia G. 1858 - 1918 1858 - 1939 N-147-1 J. W. McKelleget His Wife Ella Maxfield 01/03/1940 07/07/1989 09/26/1939 01/01/1918 1858 - 1918 1858 - 1939 41-33-2 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 10/15/1918 08/02/2008 08/08/2008 Page 311 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) 41-33-3 McKenna, James US ARMY McKenney, Viola R. MARKER: MARKER: McKenney, William MARKER: O-99-5 William J. McKenney Burial_Date 03/29/2010 04/09/2010 10/15/1896 07/30/1974 Sept 22, 1891 - Jly 5, 1946 08/02/1974 Oct 15, 1896 - Jly 30, 1974 O-99-4 the letter "M" O-99-4 William J. McKenney Viola R. McKenney McKeown D.V.S, Thomas H. MARKER: 03/25/1915 Death_Date WW II - Veteran Viola R. McKenney McKenney, William Birth_Date 09/22/1891 07/05/1946 07/08/1946 09/22/1891 07/05/1946 Sept 22, 1891 - Jly 5, 1946 07/08/1946 Oct 15, 1896 - Jly 30, 1974 A-16-5B Thomas H. McKeown, D.V.S. 08/24/1868 04/12/1916 Aug. 24, 1868 - April 12, 1916 04/12/1916 Elsie Kerby McKewon Aug. 21, 1970 - Dec. 21, 1956 Owen McKeown 1904 - 1928 McKeown, Elsie K. MARKER: A-16-5A Thomas H. McKeown, D.V.S. 08/21/1870 12/24/1956 Aug. 24, 1868 - April 12, 1916 12/24/1956 Elsie Kerby McKewon Aug. 21, 1970 - Dec. 21, 1956 Owen McKeown 1904 - 1928 McKeown, Owen MARKER: A-16-4 Thomas H. McKeown, D.V.S. 01/01/1904 01/01/1928 Aug. 24, 1868 - April 12, 1916 01/01/1928 Elsie Kerby McKewon Aug. 21, 1970 - Dec. 21, 1956 Owen McKeown 1904 - 1928 McKinney, Alice Nase MARKER: T-149-6 Paul French McKinney Alice Nase McKinney McKinney, Hale (Mrs. J.L.) Mowles MARKER: 12/26/1908 11/19/1972 Mar 10, 1911 - Dec 31, 1977 Dec 26, 1908 - Nov 19, 1972 T-153-6 Rev. John Linden McKinney 02/13/1979 02/16/1979 03/05/1966 03/08/1966 03/10/1911 12/31/1977 Mar 10, 1911 - Dec 31, 1977 01/04/1978 Hale McKinney McKinney, John Linden, Rev. MARKER: MARKER: 01/01/1885 1885 - 1966 - 1979 T-149-5 Paul French McKinney Alice Nase McKinney McKlevis, Gertrude M. 1885 - 1966 - 1979 T-153-5 Rev. John Linden McKinney Hale McKinney McKinney, Paul French MARKER: 11/19/1972 Dec 26, 1908 - Nov 19, 1972 B-25-5 Mc K L E V I S 12/26/1914 11/12/1994 11/17/1994 James Anthony Sept 6, 1920 - Feb 18, 1986 Gertrude Margaret Dec 26, 1914 - Nov 12, 1994 Daniel Hutchison Feb 10, 1889 - Nov 10, 1965 McKlevis, James A. MARKER: B-25-4 Mc K L E V I S 02/21/1986 James Anthony Sept 6, 1920 - Feb 18, 1986 Gertrude Margaret Dec 26, 1914 - Nov 12, 1994 Daniel Hutchison Feb 10, 1889 - Nov 10, 1965 McKoy, Jennie F McLaughlin, Catherine Rita MARKER: M-61-3 42-66-4C Catherine Rita 07/08/1922 05/24/1999 03/08/1966 05/26/1999 11/30/1922 06/19/2002 07/16/2002 N-147-5 04/21/1889 12/02/1957 Bessie M McLaurin Apr 21, 1889 - Dec 2, 1957 G-4-5 10/20/1939 10/20/1939 Irving Everett Triplett June 9, 1860 - Jan 7, 1916 12/05/1957 McLaughlin July 8, 1922 May 24, 1999 McLaughlin, Herbert Monroe 42-66-4A WW II - Veteran MARKER: Herbert M. Mclaughlin Nov. 30, 1922 June 19, 2002 McLaurin, Bessie M. MARKER: McLean, Olive Dunbar MARKER: his wife: Olive Dunbar McLean McLemore, Frances P. MARKER: R-250-3 Mc LEMORE Joseph Brice April 28, 1914 August 9, 1979 10/23/1939 May 23, 1853 - Oct 20, 1939 10/12/1922 11/13/2003 11/17/2003 Frances Pulzone October 12, 1922 November 13, 2003 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 312 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McLemore, Joseph Brice USAF R-250-2 MARKER: MARKER: 08/09/1979 Burial_Date 08/11/1979 Mc LEMORE Frances Pulzone October 12, 1922 November 13, 2003 T-282-1 Aubrey S. McLeod 1894 - 1960 04/11/1960 1894 - 1957 T-282-2 Aubrey S. McLeod Eleanor L. McLeod McLeod, Roger Norcross 04/28/1914 Joseph Brice April 28, 1914 August 9, 1979 Eleanor L. McLeod McLeod, Eleanor G Death_Date WW II - Veteran MARKER: McLeod, Aubrey S Birth_Date 09/05/1957 1894 - 1960 1894 - 1957 42-126-1 08/07/1925 11/08/2004 11/11/2004 33-15-4 09/20/1932 A-19-7 T-213-2 01/28/1903 Anna Marguerite Hughey McMeekan 01/14/1997 01/17/1997 11/18/1963 11/18/1963 R-15-3C 05/19/1906 11/29/1994 Marvin K. McMenamin Jan. 3, 1904 - Nov. 13, 1962 12/02/1994 U. S. Military Veteran McLEOD MARKER: McLindon, John Robert, Jr. McMahon, Aug McMeekan, Marguerite Hughey MARKER: Roger Norcross Janet Saxer Aug. 7, 1925 Apr. 13, 1926 Nov. 8 2004 (space) "Daddy Mac" "Momma Mac" 58 years together forever in eternity Jan 28, 1903 - Nov 18, 1963 McMenamin, Elsie MARKER: Elsie M. McMenamin McMenamin, Hattie L Meeks MARKER: May 19, 1906 - No. 29, 1994 R-15-2 James Wilmer McMenamin his wife Hattie L. Meeks McMenamin, James Wilmer 11/21/1881 06/30/1945 Jan. 22, 1882 - Sept. 9, 1960 07/03/1945 Nov. 21, 1881 - June 30, 1945 R-15-1 01/22/1882 09/09/1960 09/12/1960 Freemason MARKER: James Wilmer McMenamin his wife Hattie L. Meeks McMenamin, Margaret MARKER: R-27-1 Mc M E N A M I N 07/14/1981 07/17/1981 R-15-3D 01/03/1904 11/13/1962 Marvin K. McMenamin Jan. 3, 1904 - Nov. 13, 1962 11/16/1962 Margaret W. McMenamin McMenamin, Marvin K MARKER: Jan. 22, 1882 - Sept. 9, 1960 Nov. 21, 1881 - June 30, 1945 Elsie M. McMenamin 12/24/1895 Dec. 24, 1895 - Jly. 14, 1981 May 19, 1906 - No. 29, 1994 B-63-1 B-63-5 B-BBY-48-51 McMillan, Alice S. McMillan, Raymond A. McMillen, Baby 12/11/1976 01/19/1939 05/06/1957 Infant N-157-3 McMullen, Baby 01/08/1945 Infant McNamara, Dorothy S. MARKER: 33-1-4 Beloved Mother 01/22/1921 07/12/1995 08/16/1995 Dorothy S. McNamara Jan. 22, 1921 - July 12, 1995 McNamara, Margaret E MARKER: M-146-5 Mary H. Elliot Jan 24, 1873 - Jan 26, 1959 11/28/1960 Margaret R. McNamara Sept 11, 1915 - Nov. 25, 1960 McNary, Donald Earle MARKER: 31-45-1 Donald Earle McNeary 01/01/1920 12/13/1988 12/16/1988 06/15/1969 06/16/1969 1920 - 1988 McNeill, Edith MARKER: G-71-1A Edith MacNeill (no Dates) Daughter of Donald MacNeill & Josephine Foote Fairfax McNett, Elijah Bert MARKER: T-231-4 Mc N E T T 10/08/1907 Elijah B. McNett Oct 8, 1907 - June 15, 1969 Marjorie G. V. June 28, 1914 - Jan 25, 1989 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 313 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) McNett, Marjorie Goff MARKER: Birth_Date T-231-5 Mc N E T T 01/25/1989 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/25/1989 01/28/1989 01/01/1947 01/01/1948 03/28/1948 Kenneth Nelson McNew Dec. 1947 - Feb. 1948 T-303-6 12/26/1889 George A. McNichol Jly 4, 1884 - Oct 3, 1957 04/21/1966 04/23/1966 10/03/1957 10/07/1957 Elijah B. McNett Oct 8, 1907 - June 15, 1969 Marjorie G. V. June 28, 1914 - Jan 25, 1989 McNew, Kenneth Nelson A-40-4 Infant MARKER: McNichol, Florence Coleman MARKER: Florence C. McNichol McNichol, George A MARKER: T-303-5 George A. McNichol Florence C. McNichol McOarty, Leonard Ellsworth Dec 26, 1889 - Apr 21, 1966 07/04/1884 Jly 4, 1884 - Oct 3, 1957 Dec 26, 1889 - Apr 21, 1966 N-127-42 03/03/1949 Infant McReynolds, Claramae Brown McShane, Curtis Mitchel MARKER: A-62-3B 42-11-1 CURTIS M. 12/29/1963 07/10/1997 07/29/1985 07/15/1997 01/01/1923 01/01/1987 05/07/1987 05/14/1847 06/19/1856 05/17/1847 MCSHANE 1963 - 1997 HE GAVE HIS ALL TO OTHERS. McSloy, Amelita MARKER: 31-8-1 Amelita Ward McSloy 1923 - 1987 A special lady - God's child G-78-3 G-122-2 McVeigh, Child McVeigh, Helen Jane Infant MARKER: Helen Jane McVeigh Departed this life: May 14, 1847 Daughter of William N. and Jane S. McVeigh Aged 8 mo. and 6 days McVeigh, Jane S MARKER: G-79-2 William N. McVeigh Died: Jly 29, 1889 03/19/1890 03/22/1890 G-122-3 04/02/1838 John Newton McVeigh Departed this life: Apr. 2, 1838 04/05/1838 Jane S. McVeigh McVeigh, John Newton MARKER: Died: Mar. 19, 1890 Son of William N. & Jane S. McVeigh Aged 3 years (Illegible) Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven McVeigh, William M MARKER: G-79-1 William N. McVeigh Died: Jly 29, 1889 Jane S. McVeigh McWhirter, Etta Smith MARKER: McWhirter, William Eber MARKER: Meade, Anna Mohun MARKER: MARKER: 10/19/1963 1884 - 1957 1877 - 1963 T-335-4 William Eber McWhirter Etta Smith Dillon 01/30/1957 1884 - 1957 1877 - 1963 T-335-4 Mc W H I R T E R P-38-5 Stasius Meade 1849 - 1931 Anna Mohun Meade Meade, Stasius P-38-4 Stasius Meade 01/30/1957 01/01/1932 1867 - 1932 01/01/1932 1849 - 1931 Anna Mohun Meade 1867 - 1932 N-145-6A Meade, Susie 07/29/1889 Died: Mar. 19, 1890 T-335-5 William Eber McWhirter Etta Smith Dillon McWhirter, William Eber MARKER: 07/29/1889 01/01/1872 07/24/1877 Child MARKER: Susie Meade Died: Jly 24, 1877 Only and Beloved Daughter of Rev. William Meade and Susan M. Meade Aged 5 yrs., 7 months Our Father knows what things we have need of Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 314 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date P-38-6 Meade, William Francis 01/01/1897 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1916 01/01/1916 04/15/1977 07/15/1977 WW I - Veteran MARKER: William Francis Meade 1897 - 1916 Private Troop D, 1st Cavalry Richmond Blues NOTES: Meader, Malcolm Steven US NAVY MARKER: Private Troop D, 1st Cavalry Richmond Blues T-377-1 10/31/1932 U. S. Military Veteran Malcolm Steven Meader Oct 31, 1932 - Apr 15, 1977 U. S. Navy Meadows, Ruth Berdene Mears, Lillian S MARKER: B-14-3A T-117-3 Lillian S. Mears 03/29/1924 09/09/1892 Sept 9, 1892 - Sept 16, 1964 07/14/2002 09/16/1964 07/19/2002 09/17/1964 01/18/1928 07/25/1986 07/28/1986 T-336-3 04/12/1907 MOTHER: Mattie Bartlett Jones Meehan 01/20/1972 01/21/1972 06/11/1937 06/14/1937 God is Love Mederos, Pedro L MARKER: 31-38-3 MEDEROS Pedro Luis Jan. 18, 1928 - July 25, 1986 Meehan, Mattie Bartlett Jones MARKER: Meeks, Albert Hamilton MARKER: Apr 12, 1907 - Jan 20, 1972 We cannot pay our debt for all the love she's given But thou, Love's Lord, will not forget her due reward. Bless her in earth and Heaven - Till we meet again. R-15-4 08/07/1851 MEEKS father: Albert Hamilton Meeks Aug. 7, 1851 - June 11, 1937 mother: Harriet Jane Meeks Feb 22, 1858 - Mar 11, 1937 T-289-3 R-15-5A Meeks, Dorothy G Meeks, Harriet J 02/22/1858 03/11/1937 08/28/1984 06/14/1937 MEEKS MARKER: father: Albert Hamilton Meeks Aug. 7, 1851 - June 11, 1937 mother: Harriet Jane Meeks Feb 22, 1858 - Mar 11, 1937 Meeks, Harry Marvin MARKER: G-166-2 FATHER: Harry Marvin Meeks MOTHER: Lelia Jane Meeks Merle Larue Meeks 06/13/1951 1884 - 1951 1884 - 1931 1904 - 1944 N-129-1 Meeks, John Earl US ARMY MARKER: 12/05/1898 02/17/1972 02/19/1972 WW I - Veteran John Earl Meeks, Sr. Dec 5, 1898 - Feb 17, 1972 PFC 42 Rainbow Div WWI Virginia Lottie M. Meeks 1902 - 1998 NOTES: Meeks, Lelia Jane MARKER: March 23, 2009: John Meeks worked 42 years with the RF Transfer Co, at 215 East Del company in 1959. G-166-3 FATHER: Harry Marvin Meeks MOTHER: Lelia Jane Meeks Merle Larue Meeks Meeks, Lottie MARKER: Jr. gave us this information. John Meeks & P Railroad. He also founded the Meeks Ray Avenue, Alexandria, VA. He sold the 01/01/1931 1884 - 1951 1884 - 1931 1904 - 1944 N-129-3A 01/01/1902 John Earl Meeks, Sr. Dec 5, 1898 - Feb 17, 1972 08/27/1998 09/02/1998 PFC 42 Rainbow Div WWI Virginia Lottie M. Meeks 1902 - 1998 Meeks, Merle Larue MARKER: G-166-1 FATHER: Harry Marvin Meeks MOTHER: Lelia Jane Meeks Merle Larue Meeks Meiklejohn, Hilda Stewart MARKER: Meiklejohn, John Ronald US ARMY MARKER: O-98-5 Hilda Stewart Meiklejohn O-98-4 12/30/1944 1884 - 1951 1884 - 1931 1904 - 1944 08/02/1904 02/05/1946 Aug 2, 1904 - Feb 5, 1946 12/12/1897 04/09/1973 02/08/1946 05/03/1973 WW I - Veteran John R. Meiklejohn Dec 12, 1897 - Apr 9, 1973 Rhode Island 2nd Lieutenant U.S. Army World War I Dec 12, 1897 - April 9, 1973 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 315 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Melchior, Annie Lee MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-175-2 William H. Melchior (FATHER) 1866 - 1943 Burial_Date 08/13/1938 Annie W. Melchior (MOTHER) 1864 - 1938 Melchior, William H MARKER: R-175-1 William H. Melchior (FATHER) 1866 - 1943 01/01/1943 Annie W. Melchior (MOTHER) 1864 - 1938 Mellon, Evileen B MARKER: R-191-2 08/08/1878 James O.Mellon Sept 9, 1883 - Feb 15, 1945 08/29/1956 09/04/1956 03/29/1919 02/11/2001 02/15/2001 R-191-1 09/09/1883 James O.Mellon Sept 9, 1883 - Feb 15, 1945 02/15/1945 02/19/1945 11/10/1915 06/11/1988 06/15/1988 R-191-3 04/03/1918 James O.Mellon Sept 9, 1883 - Feb 15, 1945 03/17/2003 03/20/2003 Evileen B. Mellon Aug 8, 1878 - Aug 29, 1956 Margaret M. April 3, 1918 - Mar 17, 2003 Mellon, Grace D. MARKER: O-69-1b George Alvin Tapscott Feb. 15, 1910 - Feb. 10, 1948 Grace "Nan" Mar. 29, 1919 - Feb. 11, 2001 Mellon, James Owen MARKER: Evileen B. Mellon Aug 8, 1878 - Aug 29, 1956 Margaret M. April 3, 1918 - Mar 17, 2003 R-191-5 Mellon, John L US ARMY MARKER: WW II - Veteran John Louis Mellon T Sgt US ARMY World War II Nov 10,1915 - Jun 11, 1988 Mellon, Margaret MARKER: Evileen B. Mellon Aug 8, 1878 - Aug 29, 1956 Margaret M. April 3, 1918 - Mar 17, 2003 Melton, Archie Leroy MARKER: G-204-13 MOTHER: Smith Melton 02/06/1964 1888 - 1959 SON: Archie Leroy Melton 1912 -1964 Melton, Madie (Mattie) Smith MARKER: G-204-12 MOTHER: Smith Melton 04/29/1959 1888 - 1959 SON: Archie Leroy Melton 1912 -1964 Menaugh, Helen H MARKER: T-218-5 Robert M. Menaugh Helen H. Menaugh Menaugh, Robert M MARKER: 11/20/1979 Jly 1, 1910 - Nov 15, 1979 T-218-4 Robert M. Menaugh Helen H. Menaugh Mendosa, Flavia Flora Tintaya Mercer, Hannah Andersen 07/01/1910 11/15/1979 June 11, 1905 - Aug 2, 1978 06/11/1905 08/02/1978 June 11, 1905 - Aug 2, 1978 08/05/1978 Jly 1, 1910 - Nov 15, 1979 42-221-7 42-189-6 06/23/1935 05/31/1979 02/27/2006 06/25/2000 03/04/2006 06/29/2000 04/20/1978 04/26/1978 10/17/2004 10/20/2004 03/06/1958 03/08/1958 Tree (Memorial) In Loving Memory MARKER: Hannah A. Mercer (A Bronze Plaque and a tree placed in memory of Hannah A. Mercer are located in Sec 33-9-3&4 ) T-377-2 Mercer, Hilleary Lynn 04/12/1978 Infant MARKER: Hilleary Lynn Mercer Apr 12, 1978 - Apr 20, 1978 Daughter of John H. and Deborah A. Mercer Eternal peace 42-189-5 Mercer, John Hundley USMC MARKER: 09/03/1941 U. S. Military Veteran JOHN HUNDLEY MERCER September 3, 1941 - October 17, 2004 Loved, Devoted, Brave MERCER - PSALM 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Mercer, Lizzie M MARKER: O-79-2 William P. Mercer Lizzie m. Mercer 12/22/1890 Dec 2, 1883 - Mar 22, 1981 Dec 22, 1890 - Mar 6, 1958 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 316 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mercer, William P MARKER: O-79-1 William P. Mercer 12/02/1883 Dec 2, 1883 - Mar 22, 1981 Death_Date Burial_Date 03/22/1981 03/25/1981 N-51-4 M-74-2 08/22/1865 12/12/1953 John Edward Merchant Dec 19, 1853 - Dec 8, 1930 01/01/1939 12/15/1953 Lizzie m. Mercer Merchant, George W. Merchant, Isabelle Cragg MARKER: Birth_Date Dec 22, 1890 - Mar 6, 1958 Isabella Cragg Merchant Aug 22, 1865 - Dec 12, 1953 John Preston Merchant May 5, 1898 - June 28, 1954 Merchant, John Edward MARKER: M-74-1 12/19/1853 12/08/1930 John Edward Merchant Dec 19, 1853 - Dec 8, 1930 12/08/1930 Isabella Cragg Merchant Aug 22, 1865 - Dec 12, 1953 John Preston Merchant May 5, 1898 - June 28, 1954 Merchant, John Preston MARKER: M-74-3 05/05/1898 06/28/1954 John Edward Merchant Dec 19, 1853 - Dec 8, 1930 07/01/1954 Isabella Cragg Merchant Aug 22, 1865 - Dec 12, 1953 John Preston Merchant May 5, 1898 - June 28, 1954 Merchant, Julia F. Merchant, Lily C. MARKER: 33-1-1B N-51-5 In Loving Memory of 02/07/1905 01/01/1859 05/28/1985 01/01/1937 05/14/1994 11/30/1997 02/25/1998 02/28/1998 04/04/1947 12/23/2005 03/31/2006 09/05/1950 01/02/2006 02/11/2006 03/31/1885 05/22/1953 05/14/1953 06/18/2006 Lily C. Merchant 1859 - 1937 Wife of George W. Merchant 32-77-4 Meredith, Michael R. 3 months MARKER: Infant Our Sweet Baby, and brother. MICHAEL REYHER MEREDITH Nov. 30, 1997 - Feb. 25, 1998 WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU! Merkin, William S. MARKER: 33-11-4A WILLIAM S. "MERK" MERKIN Loving Husband and Father April 4, 1947 - December 23, 2005 Mernissi, Sally Laird MARKER: COL 6-S2-11 Sally Laird Mernissi Sept. 5, 1950 - Jan. 2, 2006 Merone, Annie E. Gorman MARKER: G-44-2 Annie E. Gorman Merone Mar. 31, 1885 - May 22, 1953 Merritt, Richard Howard MARKER: 42-78-3 MERRITT 06/20/2006 WEBE GONE TO HEAVEN The God of peace will soon crush Satan under foot. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:20 "PRAISE THE LORD" Richard Howard Merritt May 14, 1953-June 18, 2006 (webe waiting) Forever loving husband, father and son. Debra Howard Merritt January 10, 1954-(space) Merrow, Edward Leith, Rev. MARKER: T-96-1 MERROW 12/12/1917 04/14/1974 04/17/1974 Edward Leith Merrow Dec. 12, 1917 - Easter, 1974 A faithful Priest, Husband, Father. Merrow, Helen Spence MARKER: T-96-2 MERROW 05/04/1984 Helen Spence June 23, 1919 - May 2, 1984 a beloved keeper of the Hearth. Merryman, Katherine L E-BBY-66-140 10/17/1967 Infant Mervine, Annie M. MARKER: A-58-6 04/16/1871 Elmer J. Mervine Dec. 22, 1871 - May 23, 1943 03/01/1953 03/03/1953 Annie N. Mervine April 16, 1871 - March 1, 1953 Charles E. Mervine, Sr. - Feb. 14, 1978 Mary Lena Mervine July 19, 1894 - Aug. 28, 1939 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 317 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mervine, Charles E., Sr. MARKER: Birth_Date A-58-3 Elmer J. Mervine Dec. 22, 1871 - May 23, 1943 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/14/1978 02/16/1978 05/23/1943 05/25/1943 08/28/1939 08/30/1939 01/01/1912 08/18/1989 08/18/1989 12/03/1902 Jan 4, 1879 - Aug 7, 1940 02/11/1973 02/11/1973 08/07/1940 08/09/1940 05/03/1926 08/10/1999 08/13/1999 04/06/1974 12/12/1997 12/20/1997 02/11/1927 11/17/1947 Mar. 23, 1897 - Mar. 31, 1956 11/21/1947 Annie N. Mervine April 16, 1871 - March 1, 1953 Charles E. Mervine, Sr. - Feb. 14, 1978 Mary Lena Mervine July 19, 1894 - Aug. 28, 1939 Mervine, Elmer Jackson MARKER: A-58-5 12/22/1871 Elmer J. Mervine Dec. 22, 1871 - May 23, 1943 Annie N. Mervine April 16, 1871 - March 1, 1953 Charles E. Mervine, Sr. - Feb. 14, 1978 Mary Lena Mervine July 19, 1894 - Aug. 28, 1939 Mervine, Mary Lena Carter MARKER: A-59-1 07/19/1894 Elmer J. Mervine Dec. 22, 1871 - May 23, 1943 Annie N. Mervine April 16, 1871 - March 1, 1953 Charles E. Mervine, Sr. - Feb. 14, 1978 Mary Lena Mervine July 19, 1894 - Aug. 28, 1939 Mervine, William E. MARKER: A-58-4 William E. MERVINE 1912 - 1989 Messick, Glendon Earl MARKER: N-133-5 James M. Messick Gone but not forgotten Glendon Earl Messick Messick, James M MARKER: N-133-4 James M. Messick Dec 3, 1902 - Feb 11, 1973 01/04/1879 Jan 4, 1879 - Aug 7, 1940 Gone but not forgotten Glendon Earl Messick Messner, William Curtis, Jr. MARKER: Dec 3, 1902 - Feb 11, 1973 42-38-3 WILLIAM CURTIS MESSNER, JR. 1926 - 1999 AN HONEST MAN Michals, Alan Joseph MARKER: 42-17-1 Alan J. Michals 6th April 1974 11th December 1997 In Memory of our son and brother who now resides in the hands of our Lord. Our Love & Prayers follow you always. Michelbach, Betty Nell MARKER: R-59-1 William S. Michelbach Betty N. Michelbach Pearl R. Michelbach Michelbach, Pearl MARKER: Feb. 11, 1927 - Nov. 17, 1947 Oct 8, 1898 - Nov , 1987 R-59-3 William S. Michelbach Betty N. Michelbach Pearl R. Michelbach 10/08/1898 11/04/1987 Mar. 23, 1897 - Mar. 31, 1956 Feb. 11, 1927 - Nov. 17, 1947 Oct 8, 1898 - Nov , 1987 R-59-2 Michelbach, William S 11/06/1987 03/23/1897 03/31/1956 04/03/1956 Freemason MARKER: William S. Michelbach Betty N. Michelbach Pearl R. Michelbach Michenon, Simonne Jeanne Mar. 23, 1897 - Mar. 31, 1956 Feb. 11, 1927 - Nov. 17, 1947 Oct 8, 1898 - Nov , 1987 COL 6-S2-12 11/01/1916 07/10/2007 07/16/2007 05/24/1902 03/03/1989 06/24/1902 12/28/1975 12/31/1975 BIO-Note MARKER: Simonne J. Michenon Nov. 5, 1916 - July 10, 2007 Michie, Norwood Micou, Granville R., Rev. MARKER: T-66-4 A-22-3 Rev. Granville R. Micou Fell asleep May 24, 1902. 26 years Forever with the Lord Micou, Janet Sayce Childs MARKER: A-22-5 Janet Sayce Childs Micou 01/21/1888 Jan. 21, 1888 - Dec. 28, 1975 Wife of Paul Micou Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 318 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Micou, Mary D. MARKER: Birth_Date A-22-2 Mary Dunnica Micou Death_Date 09/21/1849 09/12/1920 Burial_Date 09/12/1920 Sept. 21, 1849 - Sept. 12, 1920 Wife of Richard Wilde Micou Born in Covington, La. Died in New York City Married May 16, 1872 I know thy works and love and faith and service and patience Rev: 2 :19 Micou, Paul, Rev. MARKER: A-22-4 Rev. Paul Micou 05/09/1885 11/23/1938 11/23/1938 12/14/1882 10/03/1944 10/04/1944 06/12/1848 06/04/1912 06/04/1912 03/31/1948 04/03/1948 06/28/1976 06/30/1976 T-161-4 10/29/1902 01/13/1963 FATHER: Herman R. Miles Oct 29, 1902 - Jan 13, 1963 T-292-3 01/12/1894 03/14/1958 Lena Rivers Miles Jan 12, 1894 - Mar 14, 1958 01/16/1963 May 9, 1885 - Nov. 23, 1938 For all live unto him A-22-6 Micou, Richard D. US NAVY MARKER: WW I - Veteran Richard D. Micou Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy Dec. 14, 1882 - Oct. 3, 1944 Micou, Richard W., Rev., D.D. A-22-1 Alexandrian MARKER: Rev. Richard W. Micou, D. D. June 12, 1848 - June 4, 1912 Born in New Orleans, La. Died at Oxford, Eng. Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Theological Seminary in Va. And He gave some to be pastors and teachers and for the perfecting of the Saints unto the works of ministering unto the building up of the body of Christ. NOTES: Miles, Alvin L MARKER: Miles, Harrison S O-142-4 12/02/1914 Alvin L. Miles Oct 2, 1914 - Mar 31, 1948 T-292-2 10/08/1888 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Harrison S. Miles Oct 8, 1888 - June 28, 1976 Forever steadfast Miles, Herman R MARKER: Miles, Lena Rivers MARKER: 03/17/1958 Eternal peace Miles, Myrtle A. MARKER: 31-41-3 Mother Myrtle A. Miles Miles, Wallace H. MARKER: Miley, Lonie R., Jr. MARKER: 09/08/1905 04/21/1994 04/23/1994 04/15/1929 01/30/2008 02/01/2008 01/04/1924 12/16/1985 12/18/1985 01/26/1987 01/29/1987 1905 - 1994 31-41-2 Son: Wallace H. Miles 2-57-1 LONIE MILEY,Jr. 1929 - 2008 Daddy and Granddaddy Jan. 4, 1924 - Dec. 16, 1985 You are worth every tear we cry, every heartache we feel. No amount of time will make us forget you. We Love you so much. Milici, Florence MARKER: 2-65-2 MILICI 04/02/1902 Joseph Jan. 23, 1896 April 23, 1982 Milici, Joseph MARKER: Florence April 2, 1902 Jan. 26, 1987 2-65-1 MILICI 04/27/1982 Joseph Jan. 23, 1896 April 23, 1982 Florence April 2, 1902 Jan. 26, 1987 T-100-2 Millard, Hilda Moler US ARMY MARKER: Hilda Moler Millard West Virginia NOTES: 07/08/1892 10/27/1973 10/31/1973 WW I - Veteran Nurse Jly 8, 1892 - Oct 27, 1973 U S Army WWI West Virginia, Nurse U. S. Army WWI Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 319 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Millard, Preston S., Jr. MARKER: T-100-3 Preston S. Millard, Jr. Shirlee J. Millard Together Forever MARKER: Death_Date 04/22/1923 06/12/1973 Apr 22, 1923 - June 12, 1973 Burial_Date 08/08/1973 May 21, 1935 - 2-42-3A MILLER Miller, Adolph George Birth_Date 01/01/1892 03/01/1937 04/23/1981 02/23/1974 02/27/1974 Rose Justine 1893 - 1981 Adolph George 1892 - 1937 Miller, Audrey Berryman MARKER: Miller, Baby T-70-2 Audrey Berryman Miller B-BBY-48-18 1889 - 1974 09/24/1954 Infant D-31-2 Miller, Beth McIntosh 3 days old MARKER: 10/27/1943 10/30/1943 10/30/1943 Infant John C. McIntosh 1867 - 1926 Beth McIntosh 3 days -1943 Cedrick A. McIntosh 1905 - 1963 Miller, Cordelia I MARKER: D-31-3 Cordilla I. Miller 06/06/1950 1864 - 1950 William H. Mahan (At Rest) 1885 - 1946 Florence M. Drischler 1889 - 1974 Miller, Elizabeth Talbot MARKER: M-132-2 Lulu Talbot Grillbortzer Elizabeth Talbot Miller Miller, Elmina M MARKER: MARKER: ??/??/1940 01/24/1940 1918 - 1940 D-35-5 Grant C.Miller Oct. 7, 1868 - Jly. 24, 1948 Elmina M.Miller Miller, Elsie C ??/??/1918 1874 - 1955 08/28/1961 Nov. 23, 1871 - Aug. 25, 1961 F-73-1 His wife : Elsie Miller 02/16/1822 11/20/1898 Feb. 16, 1822 - Nov. 20, 1898 11/23/1898 To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die 2-100-3 Miller, Frances Kidd MARKER: 05/19/1926 04/06/2001 04/11/2001 Miller Frances Kidd May 19, 1926 - April 6, 2001 Miller, Grant C MARKER: D-35-4 Grant C.Miller Oct. 7, 1868 - Jly. 24, 1948 Elmina M.Miller 07/27/1948 Nov. 23, 1871 - Aug. 25, 1961 N-8-6 Miller, Howard W., Jr. 03/02/1946 Infant MARKER: Howard Warren Miller, Jr. Sept. 9, 1945 - Feb.28, 1946 Miller, Ida Ayres MARKER: N-130-8 10/28/1879 W. Neill Miller Jan 5, 1886 - Mar 22, 1942 06/30/1949 07/01/1949 07/07/2001 07/13/2001 07/07/2001 07/13/2001 01/01/1961 06/08/1997 06/28/1997 03/04/1885 12/31/1940 01/03/1941 At Rest Ida Ayers Miller Oct 28, 1879 - June 30, 1949 Beloved Wife of W. Neil Miller Miller, Katherine F. MARKER: Miller, Katherine F. MARKER: 42-153-4 10/06/1970 In Loving Memory of Kate Fraser Miller 42-153-4 10/06/1970 Sacred To The Memory of Katherine Fraser Miller nee Dunnet Born in England October 6, 1970, Died July 7, 2001 Beloved Wife, Daughter,Sister, Aunt Miller, Kenneth R. MARKER: 31-116-1A MILLER Robert Howard Vivian Ella 19301932Kenneth Robert N-98-2 Miller, Leonard J Freemason MARKER: Leonard J. Miller Mar 4, 1885 - Dec 31, 1940 Mason Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 320 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date Death_Date T-VET-12-1 Miller, Mabel Guenther Burial_Date 02/21/1983 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Paul Laird Miller 1890 - 1977 Mabel Guenther Miller Miller, Mary Katherine Grillbortzer Miller, Merton MARKER: 1886 - 1933 M-132-1 F-73-2 Merton Miller 1854 - 1905 09/29/1981 01/01/1905 Our son Miller, Paul L. MARKER: T-VET-13-3 Paul Laird Miller 1890 - 1977 Mabel Guenther Miller Miller, Robert E MARKER: T-115-4 Robert E. Miller Una E. Miller Miller, Rose Justine MARKER: 12/29/1977 1886 - 1933 12/29/1900 Dec 29, 1900 - Oct 16, 1968 10/16/1968 10/19/1968 01/01/1893 01/01/1981 04/23/1981 05/18/1912 02/18/1998 02/24/1998 10/22/1966 Nov 22, 1902 - 2-42-3B MILLER Rose Justine 1893 - 1981 Adolph George 1892 - 1937 42-167-4 E-BBY-66-128 Miller, Rosetel N. Miller, Tammy L Infant Miller, Una E MARKER: T-115-5 Robert E. Miller Una E. Miller Miller, Willard N. MARKER: 11/22/1902 Dec 29, 1900 - Oct 16, 1968 06/27/1986 Nov 22, 1902 - F-73-3 Willard N. Miller 05/29/1892 06/02/1892 03/22/1942 03/24/1942 01/06/1957 11/20/1984 01/08/1957 09/28/1937 01/26/1973 09/28/1937 06/29/1969 06/30/1969 11/12/1983 11/15/1983 09/03/1995 09/09/1995 12/19/1998 12/23/1998 Died in his 79th year. May 28, 1892 The silver cord is loosened, the golden bowl is broken Miller, Willard Neil MARKER: N-130-7 01/05/1886 W. Neill Miller Jan 5, 1886 - Mar 22, 1942 At Rest Ida Ayers Miller Oct 28, 1879 - June 30, 1949 Beloved Wife of W. Neil Miller Millner, Margaret Millner, William M MARKER: Mills, Anne Brown Mills, Edith J. MARKER: N-132-5 N-132-4 01/23/1883 William M. Millner Jan 23, 1883 - Jan 6, 1957 N-176-6 B-20-2A 05/30/1900 Edith J. Mills May 30, 1900 - Sept. 28, 1937 Robert M. Mills Oct. 15, 1929 - Feb. 17, 1967 Ernest Clinton Mills, Jr. March 9, 1943 - June 29, 1969 Here lies our boy Mills, Ernest Clinton Jr. MARKER: B-20-3 03/09/1943 Edith J. Mills May 30, 1900 - Sept. 28, 1937 Robert M. Mills Oct. 15, 1929 - Feb. 17, 1967 Ernest Clinton Mills, Jr. March 9, 1943 - June 29, 1969 Here lies our boy 1-59-1A Mills, Fred U. 12/12/1903 MILLS MARKER: Lily Ellison Fraser March 6, 1906 September 3, 1995 Fred Ullman September 12, 1903 November 12, 1983 1-59-1B Mills, Lily Fraser Lily Ellison Fraser March 6, 1906 September 3, 1995 Mills, Margaret VanSant (Peggy) MARKER: 03/06/1906 MILLS MARKER: Fred Ullman September 12, 1903 November 12, 1983 6-24-2 MARGARET VAN SANT MILLS 11/08/1939 NOV.8,1939 - DEC. 19, 1998 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 321 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mills, Robert M. MARKER: Birth_Date B-20-2B 10/15/1929 Edith J. Mills May 30, 1900 - Sept. 28, 1937 Death_Date Burial_Date 02/17/1967 05/26/1967 01/28/1963 02/01/1963 01/15/1995 01/18/1995 05/21/1996 05/24/1996 09/03/1906 01/22/1989 01/24/1989 08/14/1901 06/01/1989 06/03/1989 09/10/1977 09/13/1977 Robert M. Mills Oct. 15, 1929 - Feb. 17, 1967 Ernest Clinton Mills, Jr. March 9, 1943 - June 29, 1969 Here lies our boy Milton, Donald MARKER: Minnich, Roderic D. MARKER: T-220-2 03/31/1903 Donald Milton Mar 31, 1903 - Jan 28, 1963 33-72-1 05/02/1960 Roderic Dean Minnich May 2, 1960 - Jan. 15, 1995 Loving son, brother friend. Minor, Mary Joe Head MARKER: O-265-4 Joseph R. Head 03/12/1923 Sept 18, 1898 - Jly 12, 1948 Mary Louise Head Apr 25, 1904 - June 30, 1974 Mary Joe Head Minor Mar 12, 1923 - May 21, 1996 Edward R. Snead Oct 12, 1901 - Jan 06, 1967 Minturn, India D MARKER: 2-72-3 India Dancy Minturn September 3, 1906 - January 22, 1989 31-102-3 Miranda, Frank V U. S. Military Veteran MIRANDA MARKER: Mary 1911 - (space) Misslbeck, Jean Parrish MARKER: Mitchell, Baby Frank V. 1901 - 1989 T-28-2 MISSLBECK E-BBY-66-22 08/10/1960 Infant T-76-6A Mitchell, Barbara Anne Inmemorium MARKER: Mitchell, Benjamin F. MARKER: 03/14/1958 07/22/2002 Barbara Anne Mitchell 3-14-1958 - 7-22-2002 N-27-1 01/07/1859 02/13/1946 FATHER: Benjamin F. Mitchell Jan 7, 1859 - Feb 13, 1946 02/15/1946 MOTHER: Lucy C.R. Mitchell Aug 27, 1864 - Mar 5, 1944 Mitchell, Charles R MARKER: R-43-4 07/30/1893 Charles R. Mitchell Jly. 30, 1893 - Mar. 12, 1968 03/12/1968 03/15/1968 Laura L. Mitchell Jly. 20, 1903 - Aug. 25, 1990 Mitchell, Charles W., Jr. MARKER: Mitchell, Clyde J MARKER: R-80-1 Charles W. Mitchell 1919 - 1950 R-17-4 02/26/1889 Clyde J. Mitchell Feb. 26, 1889 - Aug. 19, 1941 Fannie G. Mitchell Mitchell, Edgar H Mitchell, Ethel Peyton MARKER: MARKER: 02/18/1963 01/23/1938 02/21/1963 06/13/1945 06/15/1945 10/10/1908 09/13/1976 Nov 10, 1908 - Sept 13, 1976 09/17/1976 Sept 28, 1882 - Feb 18, 1963 R-17-5 10/23/1894 Clyde J. Mitchell Feb. 26, 1889 - Aug. 19, 1941 Oct. 23, 1894 - June 13, 1945 T-315-4 Gordon E. Mitchell Sallie H. Mitchell Mitchell, James Maurice MARKER: 08/21/1941 09/28/1882 Jly 15, 1882 - Oct 9, 1960 Fannie G. Mitchell Mitchell, Gordon E 08/19/1941 Oct. 23, 1894 - June 13, 1945 R-225-1 T-260-3 Rufus L. Mitchell Ethel P. Mitchell Mitchell, Fannie George MARKER: May 25, 1905 - May 22, 1996 T-76-4 James MAurice Mitchell Mary Shotwell Mitchell 04/20/1911 02/12/1979 Apr 20, 1911 - Feb 12, 1979 USMA MARKER: 02/14/1979 Aug 13, 1921 - Nov. 20, 2004 T-92-1 Mitchell, Joseph B. 12/11/1950 09/25/1915 02/17/1993 02/20/1993 R-43-5 07/20/1903 Charles R. Mitchell Jly. 30, 1893 - Mar. 12, 1968 08/25/1990 08/28/1990 U. S. Military Veteran Joseph B. Mitchell USMA 1937 1915 - 1993 Life's work well done. Now comes rest. Mitchell, Laura L MARKER: Laura L. Mitchell Jly. 20, 1903 - Aug. 25, 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 322 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mitchell, Louisa Jane MARKER: Birth_Date F-47-2 02/21/1820 Louisa Jane Christian, Relict of Wm. A. Christian, Death_Date Burial_Date 12/10/1877 Married Rev. J. D. Mitchell, D.D., 1856 Louise Jane Mitchell Feb 21, 1820 - Dec 10, 1877 Born in New Kent Co., Va. - Died in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mitchell, Lucy C.R. MARKER: N-27-2 FATHER: Benjamin F. Mitchell 08/27/1864 03/05/1944 Jan 7, 1859 - Feb 13, 1946 03/07/1944 MOTHER: Lucy C.R. Mitchell Aug 27, 1864 - Mar 5, 1944 Mitchell, Mary MARKER: Mitchell, Mary S. MARKER: A-26-6 02/14/1815 07/28/1888 Mary Mitchell Feb. 14, 1815 - Jly 28, 1888 T-76-6 08/13/1921 11/20/2004 James MAurice Mitchell Apr 20, 1911 - Feb 12, 1979 Mary Shotwell Mitchell Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Rufus L MARKER: N-27-3 T-260-2 Rufus L. Mitchell Ethel P. Mitchell Mitchell, Sallie Lillian MARKER: Mittendorff, Helen Brehmer MARKER: Mittendorff, Louise Strohauer MARKER: 10/09/1960 MARKER: 05/25/1905 05/22/1996 Nov 10, 1908 - Sept 13, 1976 MARKER: 05/24/1996 May 25, 1905 - May 22, 1996 R-79-1B 11/06/1925 10/14/1996 R-79-1A 04/07/1918 11/25/1977 father: Paul R. Mittendorff Oct. 24, 1876 - Nov. 11, 1946 mother:Louise Strohauer Mittendorff Nov 13, 1879-Apr 29,1962 Helen Brehmer Mittendorff 1915 - 1944 Infant Son: died 1944 Frederick S. Mittendorff Apr. 7, 1918 - Nov. 25, 1977 Thought with his mind, Worked with his Hands, Gave with his Heart. R-79-2 01/01/1915 01/31/1944 father: Paul R. Mittendorff Oct. 24, 1876 - Nov. 11, 1946 mother:Louise Strohauer Mittendorff Nov 13, 1879-Apr 29,1962 Helen Brehmer Mittendorff 1915 - 1944 Infant Son: died 1944 Frederick S. Mittendorff Apr. 7, 1918 - Nov. 25, 1977 Thought with his mind, Worked with his Hands, Gave with his Heart. R-79-5 11/13/1879 04/29/1962 father: Paul R. Mittendorff Oct. 24, 1876 - Nov. 11, 1946 R-79-4 10/24/1876 11/11/1946 father: Paul R. Mittendorff Oct. 24, 1876 - Nov. 11, 1946 mother:Louise Strohauer Mittendorff Nov 13, 1879-Apr 29,1962 Helen Brehmer Mittendorff 1915 - 1944 Infant Son: died 1944 Frederick S. Mittendorff Apr. 7, 1918 - Nov. 25, 1977 Thought with his mind, Worked with his Hands, Gave with his Heart. Moberg, Helen O 01/01/1941 10/12/1960 Sept 28, 1882 - Feb 18, 1963 mother:Louise Strohauer Mittendorff Nov 13, 1879-Apr 29,1962 Helen Brehmer Mittendorff 1915 - 1944 Infant Son: died 1944 Frederick S. Mittendorff Apr. 7, 1918 - Nov. 25, 1977 Thought with his mind, Worked with his Hands, Gave with his Heart. Mittendorff, Paul R. 11/24/2004 Aug 13, 1921 - Nov. 20, 2004 07/15/1882 Jly 15, 1882 - Oct 9, 1960 T-315-5 Gordon E. Mitchell Sallie H. Mitchell Mittendorff, Erma R. Mittendorff, Frederick S MARKER: 07/28/1888 E-60-6 Helen Oliver Moberg 10/19/1996 11/28/1977 02/03/1944 05/02/1962 11/19/1946 12/23/1918 12/29/1987 01/02/1988 12/26/1956 07/25/1989 07/28/1989 Dec 23, 1918 - Dec 29, 1987 Modlin, Jennifer Bryan MARKER: 31-109-4 Jennifer Bryan Modlin December 26, 1956 - July 25, 1989 "Let me sing and I'm Happy." Moffett, George Hoxie MARKER: F-69-4 George Hoxie Moffett 1878 - 1943 his wife 05/20/1944 Lucy Randolph Mason Moffett 1881-1965 "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me" Moffett, Lucy Randolph MARKER: F-69-5 George Hoxie Moffett 1878 - 1943 his wife 04/05/1965 Lucy Randolph Mason Moffett 1881-1965 "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me" Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 323 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-36-1 Moffitt, James Patrick U S ARMY MARKER: 03/18/1886 Death_Date 02/02/1975 Burial_Date 02/06/1975 WW I - Veteran James P. Moffitt Mar 18, 1886 - Feb 2, 1975 1st Lt. U S Army Moffitt, Mabel Louise Moll, Kenneth Lee Jr. MARKER: T-36-2 T-185-4 Kenneth Lee Moll, Jr. 02/07/1953 08/20/1975 Feb 7, 1953 - Aug 20, 1975 09/23/1988 08/25/1975 I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless 6-9-1 Moltz, Charles M US Air For MARKER: 11/12/1921 09/22/1971 09/23/1971 07/06/1899 Dec 3, 1867 - Nov 2, 1947 09/15/1972 09/15/1972 11/02/1947 11/04/1947 11/30/2005 11/30/2005 12/12/2005 09/23/1875 02/28/1944 03/01/1944 WW II - Veteran Charles Morgan Moltz 1ST Lt., USAF Res. Nov. 12, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1971 Monahan, Edyth MARKER: O-141-3 Elizabeth Monahan Edythe Bell Monahan, Elizabeth MARKER: Edythe Bell Moncher, Peter Francis Inmemorium Moncher, Sarah Elizabeth MARKER: Jly 6, 1899 - Sept 15, 1972 O-141-2 Elizabeth Monahan 12/03/1867 Dec 3, 1867 - Nov 2, 1947 Jly 6, 1899 - Sept 15, 1972 32-77-14B 32-77-14A MONCHER Peter Francis - July 2004 Sarah Elizabeth -November 2005 Moncure, Caroline Pemberton D-24-4 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Moncure, Caroline Robinson MARKER: William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 Owner, along with husband William, of the farm at 2826 King Street. D-24-2 12/23/1911 02/12/1923 02/12/1923 William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 Moncure, Ida G. MARKER: B-6-3 10/20/1880 Robinson Moncure Feb 28, 1881 - Dec 27, 1949 and His Wife Ida Grigg Moncure Moncure, Minota B. MARKER: 08/02/1953 08/13/1953 Oct 20, 1880 - Aug 2, 1953 B-6-1A MONCURE 08/21/1987 Thomas Moncure Nov 26, 1919 - Aug 4, 1990 MInota Bayliss Moncure Apr 16, 1923 - June 8, 1987 Moncure, Robinson, Judge B-6-2 02/28/1881 12/27/1949 12/30/1949 08/04/1990 08/08/1990 D-24-9 05/21/1904 12/23/1965 William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 12/27/1965 LAW ENFORCEMENT MARKER: Robinson Moncure Feb 28, 1881 - Dec 27, 1949 and His Wife Ida Grigg Moncure Moncure, Thomas MARKER: Oct 20, 1880 - Aug 2, 1953 B-6-1B MONCURE Thomas Moncure Nov 26, 1919 - Aug 4, 1990 MInota Bayliss Moncure Apr 16, 1923 - June 8, 1987 Moncure, Thomas Jefferson MARKER: Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 324 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Moncure, William Augustus Birth_Date D-24-3 02/26/1870 Death_Date 10/03/1918 Burial_Date 10/06/1918 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Mondall, Philip MARKER: William Augustus Moncure Feb. 26, 1870 - Oct. 3, 1918 Caroline Pemberton Moncure Sept 23, 1875 - Feb 28, 1944 Caroline Robinson Moncure Dec. 23, 1911 - Feb. 12, 1923 Thomas Jefferson Moncure May 21, 1904 - Dec. 23, 1976 May Pemberton Moncure June 28, 1896 - Jly 11, 1976 wife of: Dr. Francis A. Cox Aug 21, 1885 - Jly 12, 1978 Owner, along with his wife Caroline, of original farm at 2826 King Street until circa 1936. 42-138-3 11/10/1923 12/26/2001 12/28/2001 MONDALL Phillip Nov 10, 1923 - Dec 26,2001 Marianna Tina Vasilescu Gabriela Vasilescu Money, Charles T MARKER: N-58-1 Selena Roseann Money 1870-1941 11/15/1954 Charles Theodore Money 1910-1954 Pauline Elizabeth Money 1914-2000 Money, Clayton H. MARKER: B-35-4B Claymon H. Money Eliza L. Money Harold Warden Money, Elizabeth L. MARKER: Money, Pauline Elizabeth MARKER: 1874 - 1959 1897 - 1967 B-35-5B Claymon H. Money Eliza L. Money Harold Warden 09/10/1938 1888 - 1938 09/15/1959 1888 - 1938 1874 - 1959 1897 - 1967 N-58-3 Selena Roseann Money 1870-1941 06/17/1914 10/30/2000 11/02/2000 Charles Theodore Money 1910-1954 Pauline Elizabeth Money 1914-2000 Money, Selena R MARKER: N-58-2 Selena Roseann Money 1870-1941 02/26/1941 Charles Theodore Money 1910-1954 Pauline Elizabeth Money 1914-2000 M-23-1A Monroe, Arthur Louis 01/01/1877 Infant MARKER: Mary Ann Monroe 1876 - 1962 A.L.M. 1875 - 1877 (Arthur Louis Monroe) Monroe, Celeste M MARKER: M-25-2 09/02/1890 06/05/1975 John Wallace Monroe Apr 21, 1888 - Sept 16, 1921 06/07/1975 Celeste M. Monroe Sept 2, 1890 - June 5, 1975 Monroe, Dorothy Lee Monroe, Effie Triplett MARKER: M-50-3A M-23-2 John Lemuel Monroe 1851 - 1925 12/29/1980 01/01/1924 Effie Triplett Monroe 1853 - 1924 Monroe, Elsie Mae MARKER: O-101-5 Elsie Mae Monroe 06/10/1900 June 10, 1900 - Sept 1, 1956 09/01/1956 09/04/1956 09/09/1893 Sept 9, 1893 - Dec 28, 1967 12/28/1967 12/30/1967 10/01/1984 05/17/1985 01/01/1925 M-25-1 04/21/1888 09/16/1921 John Wallace Monroe Apr 21, 1888 - Sept 16, 1921 09/16/1921 Rest in Peace Monroe, George F MARKER: O-101-6 George F. Monroe Rest in Peace Monroe, James M. Monroe, John L MARKER: M-25-3 M-23-3 John Lemuel Monroe 1851 - 1925 Effie Triplett Monroe 1853 - 1924 Monroe, John W. MARKER: Celeste M. Monroe Sept 2, 1890 - June 5, 1975 Monroe, John W., Jr. Monroe, Mary Ann MARKER: M-50-3B M-23-6 Mary Ann Monroe 1876 - 1962 05/04/1998 07/01/1998 02/03/1962 A.L.M. 1875 - 1877 (Arthur Louis Monroe) Monroe, Mrs. F-11-6 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 325 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Monroe, Phebe Jane Deahl MARKER: Monroe, Phebe Jane Deahl MARKER: Montague, Frank C US ARMY MARKER: P-44-5 Marcella C. Deahl Birth_Date 07/23/1889 Nov 14, 1901 - June 2, 1908 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/16/1940 01/19/1940 P-44-5 07/23/1889 01/16/1940 Phebe Jane Deahl Monroe Jly 23, 1889 - Jan 16, 1940 31-94-4 02/23/1924 09/03/1987 01/19/1940 daughter of Chas. J. & Phebe J. Deahl 09/06/1987 WW II - Veteran Frank C. Montague PFC US Army WW II Feb. 23,1924 - Sep 3, 1987 Montague, Gilmer Minor MARKER: 6-43-1 GILMER MINOR MONTAGUE 01/01/1935 01/16/1989 01/19/1989 12/25/1944 10/16/1990 10/22/1990 07/27/1922 04/06/1990 04/09/1990 R-195-2 10/19/1899 01/22/1937 Esther S.Mooney Oct. 19, 1899 - Jan. 22, 1937 E-59-3 George W. Mooney, Jr. June 22, 1935 - May 5, 1950 R-195-1 F-4-7 T. E. Jasper 1840 - 1910 Eliza H. Jasper 1810-1886 01/26/1937 1935 - 1989 Moody, Robert James, III MARKER: 31-59-1 Dr. Robert J. Moody, III December 25, 1944 October 16, 1990 Beloved son and brother B-14-5 Moon, Virginia Ann MOON MARKER: Bennie Wood 2.2.1926 - (space) Virginia Ann 7.27.1922 - 4.6.1990 Thank you Jesus for my sweatheart and our family. So special is the love we share and the strength we find in you. Mooney, Esther S MARKER: Mooney, George William MARKER: Mooney, Robert L Moore, Ada C MARKER: Betty F. Jasper 1842 - 1900 Kate S. Jasper 1874 - 1961 M. Etta Jasper 1877 - 1963 Moore, Alice N. Moore, Anna C MARKER: T-89-4 T-VET-43-1 MOORE 01/01/1903 02/23/1974 08/05/1991 02/26/1974 07/31/1942 12/05/1943 12/08/1943 Barbara Joan Moore Jly 31, 1942 - Dec. 5, 1943 T-374-4 01/25/1896 MOORE 03/09/1990 03/12/1990 G-302-8 18 months. MARKER: Moore, Carroll D MARKER: Infant Carroll D. Moore Mary E.Moore Flossie J. Moore 1896 - 1990 1896 - 1955 1907 - 1995 E-BBY-66-33 Moore, Ceclia M 02/08/1951 01/01/1929 J R Jasper 1830 - 1911 D A Jasper 1845 - 1921 Ada C. Moore 1880 - 1929 Walter, Sr. Anna C. 1896 - 1975 1903 - 1974 WW I - D.S.C. & Croix DeGuerre ( Together Forever) Moore, Barbara Joan 05/09/1950 03/31/1961 Infant Moore, D Jean MARKER: Moore, Daniel John MARKER: 6-48-2A 03/07/1919 D. Jean Moore March 7, 1919 - July 7, 1988 P-79-3 02/01/1981 Daniel John Moore 07/07/1988 08/11/1988 08/14/2000 08/18/2000 05/10/1981 05/14/1981 Feb. 1, 1981 - Aug. 14, 2000 Beloved Son, Brother, Uncle Friend Moore, David E MARKER: 1-13-1 David E. Moore 03/09/1921 Mar. 9, 1921 - May 10, 1981 Love, Wisdom & Courage Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 326 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Moore, Donald E. MARKER: Moore, Flossie R. MARKER: MARKER: T-374-6 In Loving Memory of Woodrow W. Nov 6, 1912 Dec 12, 1985 05/21/1995 05/24/1995 08/17/1939 09/15/2007 09/20/2007 05/10/1971 05/12/1971 02/15/1975 02/18/1975 06/14/1903 07/05/1985 May 29, 1892 - Dec 5, 1964 07/08/1985 1907 - 1005 Mary Ellen Jan 15, 1917 Nov 19, 1996 M-108-4C Grace Curtis Haywood James Henry Haywood George Emmett Moore Lillian Haywood Moore, Grace McFadden MARKER: 05/24/1995 OLIVER MARKER: MARKER: 12/01/2000 09/11/1907 D-6-1 Moore, George Emmett Burial_Date 1896 - 1990 1896 - 1955 1907 - 1995 Flossie J. Moore Moore, Gale Oliver Death_Date 6-48-1a 07/11/1918 11/07/2000 Donald E. Moore July 11, 1918 - November 7, 2000 T-374-6 09/11/1907 05/21/1995 MOORE Carroll D. Moore Mary E.Moore Flossie J. Moore Moore, Flossie R. Birth_Date O-162-5 Grace E. Moore Gale O. Aug. 17, 1939 Sept. 15, 2007 1872 - 1955 1870 - 1936 1911 - 1971 1918 - 1993 03/03/1908 Mar 3, 1908 - Feb 15, 1975 Mamie Virginia Moore Sept 4, 1887 - Nov 10, 1946 Moore, Hazel Nellie MARKER: P-79-2 John Beesley Moore Hazel Nellie Moore Moore, John Beesley MARKER: June 14, 1903 - 1985 P-79-1 John Beesley Moore Hazel Nellie Moore Moore, John Beesley, Jr. US ARMY MARKER: 05/29/1892 12/05/1964 May 29, 1892 - Dec 5, 1964 12/08/1964 June 14, 1903 - 1985 P-79-3A 09/23/1937 11/04/2006 11/09/2006 01/01/1971 09/25/1996 08/23/1996 11/10/1946 12/09/1971 10/08/1996 08/29/1996 11/12/1946 07/27/2008 08/25/2008 07/01/1985 08/01/1985 U. S. Military Veteran JOHN BEESLEY MOORE, JR. September 23, 1937 - November 4, 2006 Brother, Father, Uncle, Grandfather & Friend Moore, John R Moore, Kathy G. Moore, Lucy P. Moore, Mamie Virginia MARKER: T-124-4 01/01/1918 M-108-4A 03/09/1958 M-108-4B 08/12/1914 O-162-4 09/04/1887 Grace E. Moore Mar 3, 1908 - Feb 15, 1975 Mamie Virginia Moore Sept 4, 1887 - Nov 10, 1946 Moore, Margaret A. MARKER: T-363-6A Rupert Lowell Hunt Margaret A. Moore Moore, Margaret Adams Hunt MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 08/25/1914 Margaret H. 1902 - 1985 T-374-5 MOORE Carroll D. Moore Mary E.Moore Flossie J. Moore Moore, Nellie A. Aug. 25, 1914 - July 27, 2008 T-99-1 MOORE Oswald G. 1907 - 1980 Moore, Mary E 08/25/1914 Jly 9, 1900 - Dec 10, 1968 05/24/1955 1896 - 1990 1896 - 1955 1907 - 1995 1-13-2 Nellie A. Moore 09/07/1926 07/12/2002 07/17/2002 02/01/1980 02/08/1980 02/28/2003 03/06/2003 Sept. 7, 1926 - July 12, 2002 Love, Kindness and Grace Moore, Oswald Gifford MARKER: T-98-3 MOORE Oswald G. 1907 - 1980 Moore, Robert Edward Lee MARKER: Margaret H. 1902 - 1985 T-88-6 BOB Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 01/19/1910 Page 327 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Moore, Ruth Thomas MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-182-2B 10/26/1876 03/11/1964 Doctor Samuel Broders Moore July 4, 1872 - Mar 15, 1944 Burial_Date 03/13/1964 Ruth Thomas Moore Oct. 26, 1876 - Mar. 11, 1964 Ruby R. Thomas Oct 26, 1876 - May 8, 1966 May his dear soul resr in peace Moore, Samuel Broders, Dr. MARKER: R-182-1 07/04/1872 03/15/1944 Doctor Samuel Broders Moore July 4, 1872 - Mar 15, 1944 03/17/1944 Ruth Thomas Moore Oct. 26, 1876 - Mar. 11, 1964 Ruby R. Thomas Oct 26, 1876 - May 8, 1966 May his dear soul resr in peace T-299-4 T-VET-42-3 Moore, Vernon E. Moore, Walter 09/14/1975 09/15/1969 09/19/1975 09/05/1946 09/05/1946 11/29/2004 12/04/2004 11/13/2006 11/16/2006 T-265-6 04/08/1897 08/12/1960 Mother: Muriel Moran Apr 8, 1897 - Aug 12, 1960 42-182-1 01/17/1917 07/11/1997 MORASCO 08/16/1960 02/12/1896 WW I - Veteran MOORE MARKER: Walter, Sr. Anna C. 1896 - 1975 1903 - 1974 WW I - D.S.C. & Croix DeGuerre ( Together Forever) Moore, William G MARKER: Moran, James Douglas Air Force G-203-2 William G. Moore 2-80-3 MORAN James Douglas March 29, 1933 November 29, 2004 MARKER: Morasco, George MARKER: Mary Alice Hatfield March 31, 1935 November 13, 2006 2-80-4 MORAN James Douglas March 29, 1933 November 29, 2004 Moran, Muriel 03/29/1933 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Moran, Mary Alice Hatfield MARKER: Sept. 5, 1946 George Jan. 17,1917 July 11, 1997 03/31/1935 Mary Alice Hatfield March 31, 1935 November 13, 2006 Juanita L. 42-182-2 42-151-1 Morasco, Juanita L. Moraski, Joseph Army AirF NOTES: Moreci, Marjorie D MARKER: 07/15/1997 06/06/1925 05/23/1918 11/18/2007 03/04/2010 11/24/2007 03/09/2010 01/01/1912 01/01/1987 12/24/1987 01/01/1908 05/15/1988 05/18/1988 WW II - Veteran Master Sgt, Army Air Corp. WWWII 31-105-3 Vincent J. Marjorie D. 1908 - 1988 1912 - 1987 MORECI Moreci, Vincent J MARKER: 31-105-2 Vincent J. Marjorie D. 1908 - 1988 1912 - 1987 MORECI B-BBY-48-21 Morehead, Michael J. 02/03/1955 Infant 33-35-1 Moreschi, Henry J. US ARMY MARKER: 03/21/1935 05/27/2000 06/02/2000 U. S. Military Veteran Moreschi, Henry J., March 21, 1935 - May 27, 2000 Linda P. March 18, 1942 - Morgan, Blodwen Morgan, Caroline Morton MARKER: T-127-2 M-29-5 Caroline Morton Morgan 12/24/1985 02/27/1970 1910 - 1970 Beloved Wife of Calvert Brent Morgan Fear thou not, for I am with thee Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 328 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Morgan, Carroll Lewis MARKER: Birth_Date 32-53-3 Carroll Lewis Morgan Death_Date 12/19/1962 Burial_Date 07/24/1991 07/29/1991 01/01/1985 10/25/1989 03/20/1985 07/30/1966 08/01/1966 1962 - 1991 T-33-5 T-VET-40-1 Morgan, Charlotte Morgan, Clarence L 01/08/1922 01/01/1918 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Clarence L. Morgan 1918 - 1985 WW II Joyce A. Morgan 1929 - 1999 Together Forever Morgan, Edna M MARKER: O-225-2 Ernest H. Morgan Edna M. Morgan Morgan, Edward S MARKER: Oct 21, 1885 - June 9, 1965 Sept 30, 1893 - Jly 30, 1966 N-59-1 Edward Smith Morgan 07/26/1950 1889 - 1950 Inez Irene Morgan 1891 - 1941 Safe in the arms of Jesus Rhoda Bell Morgan Sept 5, 1890 - Dec 31, 1974 Morgan, Eliza MARKER: E-34-2A Eliza Morgan 10th month 1793 - 8th month 1865 01/01/1865 Relict of John Morgan John Morgan died July 12, 1832 Died in the 42nd year of his age. Morgan, Ernest Elmer MARKER: O-225-6 Ernest Elmer Morgan 09/10/1912 04/01/1956 Sept 10, 1912 - Apr 1, 1956 04/05/1956 At Rest Morgan, Ernest H MARKER: O-225-1 Ernest H. Morgan Edna M. Morgan Morgan, Guy C MARKER: Morgan, Inez Irene MARKER: 10/21/1885 Oct 21, 1885 - June 9, 1965 06/08/1965 06/11/1965 07/22/1946 07/24/1946 Sept 30, 1893 - Jly 30, 1966 G-204-2 05/31/1890 Guy C. Morgan May 31, 1890 - Jly. 22, 1946 N-59-2 Edward Smith Morgan 1889 - 1950 08/26/1941 Inez Irene Morgan 1891 - 1941 Safe in the arms of Jesus Rhoda Bell Morgan Sept 5, 1890 - Dec 31, 1974 Morgan, John MARKER: E-34-2B Eliza Morgan 10th month 1793 - 8th month 1865 01/01/1832 Relict of John Morgan John Morgan died July 12, 1832 Died in the 42nd year of his age. Morgan, Joyce A. MARKER: T-VET-40-2 Clarence L. Morgan 1918 - 1985 06/30/1929 WW II 01/28/1999 02/01/1999 08/22/1943 08/24/1943 08/11/1970 08/11/1970 08/27/1977 08/29/1977 02/11/1947 02/14/1947 08/27/2009 08/31/2009 12/14/1997 12/22/1997 Joyce A. Morgan 1929 - 1999 Together Forever Morgan, Lee Willis MARKER: Morgan, Marie S MARKER: Morgan, Marjorie Ann MARKER: Morgan, Mary Ann MARKER: N-17-5 06/23/1890 Lee Willis Morgan June 23, 1890 - Aug 22, 1943 G-204-1 11/27/1892 Marie S. Morgan Nov. 27, 1892 - Aug. 11, 1970 O-31-3 07/15/1913 Marjorie Ann Morgan Jly 15, 1913 - Aug 27, 1977 O-225-3 05/15/1930 Darling Daughter Mary Ann Morgan At Rest Morgan, Peggy M MARKER: E-2-3 03/31/1930 Catherine M. Anthony 1920 - 1947 James H. Much Mary A. Much Peggy M. Morgan Morgan, Phyllis V. MARKER: May 15, 1930 - Feb 11, 1947 April 12, 1890 - Feb. 10, 1971 June 29, 1891 - Mar. 2, 1971 Mar. 31, 1930 - Aug. 27, 2009 T-296-5 Thomas D. Morgan Phyllis V. Morgan 09/29/1911 Jly 31, 1901 - Jly 7, 1967 Sept 29, 1911 - Dec 14, 1997 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 329 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Morgan, Rhoda Bell MARKER: N-59-3 Edward Smith Morgan Birth_Date 09/05/1894 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/31/1974 01/03/1975 08/11/1956 08/13/1956 1889 - 1950 Inez Irene Morgan 1891 - 1941 Safe in the arms of Jesus Rhoda Bell Morgan Sept 5, 1890 - Dec 31, 1974 B-BBY-48-42 Morgan, Robert V. (Baby) Infant MARKER: Robert Vernon Morgan Died: Aug. 11, 1956 Infant son of Vernon and Frances Morgan Morgan, Thomas MARKER: Morgan, Thomas D MARKER: T-127-1 Thomas Morgan 1892 - 1968 T-296-4 07/31/1901 Thomas D. Morgan Jly 31, 1901 - Jly 7, 1967 Phyllis V. Morgan Moriarty, Catherine MARKER: 12/23/1968 07/07/1967 07/10/1967 Sept 29, 1911 - Dec 14, 1997 R-45-5 Carherine Baggett Moriarity 10/18/1986 Oct 9, 1886 - Oct 15, 1986 Moriarty, William M Morris, Adolph M. MARKER: R-45-4 C-36-6 Father: Adolph Morris Mother: Patricia Morris George Albert Morris Morris, Alma C. (Keys) MARKER: Morris, Anna M Morris, Bessie E. MARKER: 05/13/1946 12/11/1954 1874 - 1954 1877 - 1959 1901 - 1940 R-87-3 01/26/1911 Alma C. Morris Jan. 26, 1911 - Jan. 6, 1956 T-361-2 05/15/1901 C-7-2 05/13/1871 Jesse W. Morris Aug. 24, 1892 - Jan. 13, 1976 Bessie E. Morris May 13, 1871 - Apr. 10, 1939 Fred S. Morris May, 1867 - Aug. 31, 1946 Bruce B. Morris May 22, 1919 - Jul 1, 2004 (33rd Degree Mason) Grace T. Morris Feb 5, 1891 - May 27, 1984 C-7-6 Morris, Bruce B. US AirCorp MARKER: NOTES: Morris, Elizabeth D Morris, Florence E MARKER: 05/22/1919 09/07/1959 10/01/1990 04/10/1939 10/03/1990 04/10/1939 07/01/2004 07/07/2004 WW II - Veteran Jesse W. Morris Aug. 24, 1892 - Jan. 13, 1976 Bessie E. Morris May 13, 1871 - Apr. 10, 1939 Fred S. Morris May, 1867 - Aug. 31, 1946 Bruce B. Morris May 22, 1919 - Jul 1, 2004 (33rd Degree Mason) Grace T. Morris Feb 5, 1891 - May 27, 1984 33rd degree Mason. R-58-1A R-58-3 John T. Morris Sept 8, 1876 - Sept 5, 1942 02/02/1970 Florence E. Morris Morris, Fred S. MARKER: C-7-1 Jesse W. Morris 05/04/1867 Aug. 24, 1892 - Jan. 13, 1976 08/31/1946 Bessie E. Morris May 13, 1871 - Apr. 10, 1939 Fred S. Morris May, 1867 - Aug. 31, 1946 Bruce B. Morris May 22, 1919 - Jul 1, 2004 (33rd Degree Mason) Grace T. Morris Feb 5, 1891 - May 27, 1984 Morris, George A. MARKER: C-36-4 Father: Adolph Morris Mother: Patricia Morris George Albert Morris Morris, Grace D. Morris, Grace Tyler Morris, Jesse Wilbur MARKER: R-58-1B C-7-5 C-7-4 Jesse W. Morris 08/31/1946 08/01/1940 1874 - 1954 1877 - 1959 1901 - 1940 08/24/1892 Aug. 24, 1892 - Jan. 13, 1976 05/27/1984 01/13/1976 04/04/1944 05/31/1984 01/16/1976 Bessie E. Morris May 13, 1871 - Apr. 10, 1939 Fred S. Morris May, 1867 - Aug. 31, 1946 Bruce B. Morris May 22, 1919 - Jul 1, 2004 (33rd Degree Mason) Grace T. Morris Feb 5, 1891 - May 27, 1984 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 330 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date R-58-2 Morris, John T 09/08/1876 Death_Date Burial_Date 09/05/1942 09/08/1942 12/09/1968 12/11/1968 Freemason MARKER: John T. Morris Sept 8, 1876 - Sept 5, 1942 Florence E. Morris Morris, Katherine Ruth T-222-1 12/05/1968 Infant MARKER: Morris, Macon C Morris, Margaret MARKER: Katherine Ruth Morris Dec 5, 1968 - Dec 9, 1968 R-58-4A R-40-2A Margaret Shepherd Morris 11/08/1982 9 March 1918 - 9 October 1982 Morris, Mary A Morris, Patricia M. MARKER: R-58-4B C-36-5 Father: Adolph Morris 09/14/1959 1874 - 1954 Mother: Patricia Morris George Albert Morris Morris, Randolph D. MARKER: Morris, Thomas F MARKER: 1877 - 1959 1901 - 1940 T-361-1 Randolph D. Morris 1894 - 1955 R-57-4 Thomas F. Morris 1875 - 1960 01/01/1894 01/01/1955 04/13/1955 09/10/1960 Asleep in Jesus' blessed sleep Morris, Vernon A. Morrison, Arthur Morrison, Jane Melvin MARKER: T-361-3 T-364-1 1-7-4 Jane Melvin Morrison 08/13/1929 11/18/2008 04/18/1949 04/03/1980 11/25/2008 01/29/1970 04/07/1980 April 18, 1949 - April 3, 1980 Morrison, Marion Antoinette Morrison, Myrtle Holden MARKER: T-363-3 O-51-1 Myrtle Holden Morrison 02/11/1907 01/07/2001 02/18/1978 02/18/1978 Dec 28, 1919 - Feb 18, 1978 01/13/2001 06/02/1978 Charles F. Holden Aug 23, 1896 - Mar 23, 1957 Myrtle Barbour Holden Jly 15, 1894 - Jan 7, 1970 Morse, Ellsworth H., Jr. MARKER: T-347-5 Ellsworth H. Morse, Jr. Virginia G. Morse Morse, Ethel Bowers MARKER: Morse, George Hart MARKER: Morse, Virginia G. MARKER: 06/07/1880 12/20/1973 May 23, 1871 - June 1, 1949 05/23/1871 06/01/1949 May 23, 1871 - June 1, 1949 06/04/1949 June 7, 1880 - Dec 20, 1973 T-347-6 Ellsworth H. Morse, Jr. Virginia G. Morse 10/16/1913 01/26/2002 Dec 1, 1913 - Nov 29, 1977 01/31/2002 Oct. 6, 1913 - Jan. 26, 2002 B-BBY-48-47 Morsie, Baby 12/22/1973 June 7, 1880 - Dec 20, 1973 O-253-1 George Hart Morse Ethel Bowers Morse Love never dies 12/03/1977 Oct. 6, 1913 - Jan. 26, 2002 O-253-2 George Hart Morse Ethel Bowers Morse Love never dies 12/01/1913 11/29/1977 Dec 1, 1913 - Nov 29, 1977 12/24/1956 Infant Mortimer, Curtis S. MARKER: F-72-4 02/24/1881 Curtis S. Mortimer Feb 24, 1881 - Aug. 1, 1894 08/01/1894 08/01/1894 F-72-5 09/19/1909 Horace F. Mortimer Age 30 years SEPT. 19, 1909 09/19/1909 Son of John F. and Hannah L.Mortimer Gone but not forgotten Asleep in Jesus Mortimer, Hannah C MARKER: F-71-7 John L. Mortimer Hannah C. Mortimer Mortimer, Horace F MARKER: 1830 - 1912 1829 - 1918 Beloved son of J.F. & H. L. Mortimer Loved in life, in death remembered Mortimer, John T MARKER: F-71-4 John L. Mortimer Hannah C. Mortimer 06/10/1912 1830 - 1912 1829 - 1918 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 331 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Morton, Caroline Dickenson MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date M-31-1 Charles Bruce Morton, M.D. 1835 - 1928 Burial_Date 01/01/1928 His Beloved Wife: Caroline M. Dickenson 1840 - 1928 They so lived in this life that in the world to come they life everlasting. Morton, Charles Bruce, M.D. M-31-2 01/01/1835 01/01/1928 01/01/1928 C S A Veteran MARKER: Charles Bruce Morton, M.D. 1835 - 1928 His Beloved Wife: Caroline M. Dickenson 1840 - 1928 They so lived in this life that in the world to come they life everlasting. NOTES: Morton, Dora Asby Moncure MARKER: Morton, Powhatan M., LT. COL. Surgeon, 7th Virginia Cavalry; Chief Surgeon Brig. Gen. James Kemper's Brig'd M-31-4 08/13/1870 09/23/1938 09/24/1938 Rev. Wm. J. Morton, D.D. His Beloved wife: Dora Ashby Moncure Morton Aug 13, 1870 - Sept 23, 1938 His Beloved Wife Born "Oakenwold", Stafford C., Va. Died Charlottesville, Va. M-29-1 12/10/1903 02/07/1943 02/10/1943 03/07/1940 10/22/1982 03/08/1940 WW II - Veteran MARKER: Powhatan M. Morton Dec 10, 1903 - Feb 7, 1943 Virginia Lt. Col. Cavalry, WWII Morton, Virginia C Morton, William Jackson, Rev., D.D. M-29-2 M-31-3 05/08/1867 Alexandrian MARKER: NOTES: Mosley, Claudia Jewel MARKER: Rev. William Jackson Morton, D.D. May 8, 1867 - Mar 7, 1940 "Soldier's Rest", Orange Co., Va. Died Charlottesville, VA. Rector of Christ Church, Alexandria, VA Sept. 1, 1902-Sept. 1, 1935 Rector of Christ Church, Alexandria, VA for 33 years. Sept.1, 1902 - Sept. 1, 1935. 2-73-1 04/25/1930 09/10/1985 C. Jewel Mosley 09/13/1985 April 25, 1930 Sept. 10, 1985 Mosley, Frances R. MARKER: 31-12-3 Frances R. Mosley 11/30/1912 08/06/1997 08/11/1997 Nov. 30, 1912 - Aug. 6, 1997 walking angel Mosser, Myrtis Morgan MARKER: O-140-3B Philip Dudley Mosser Myrtis Morgan Mosser Mosser, Phillip Dudley MARKER: MARKER: Motley, Pendleton K 1892 - 1967 O-140-1 Philip Dudley Mosser Myrtis Morgan Mosser Moten, Agnes H. 09/23/1967 1894 - 1952 11/19/1952 1894 - 1952 1892 - 1967 T-VET-44-3 12/28/1900 Agnes H. Moten Dec 28, 1900 - May 16, 1995 N-166-3 05/16/1995 05/19/1995 05/05/1943 Infant 42-45-1 Moulder, James Henry Capt.Army MARKER: 09/26/1908 05/10/2002 05/14/2002 12/01/1980 08/31/1982 12/01/1980 06/16/1913 04/12/1945 04/14/1945 04/15/1917 04/30/1997 05/03/1997 WW II - Veteran James H. Moulder September 26, 1908 - May 10, 2002 Such a perfect blessing Mount, Kenneth N Mount, Lois E MARKER: Mountcastle, Florence Rebecca MARKER: T-69-2 T-69-3A Lois E. Mount Died: Dec 1, 1980 O-169-5 Florence R. Mountcastle June 16, 1913 - Apr 12, 1945 Mountcastle, Rennie Hollowell MARKER: O-169-3 Rennie H. Mountcastle 1917 - 1997 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 332 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Mountcastle, W. Beverley "Bev" Birth_Date O-169-2 01/16/1915 Death_Date 12/25/2005 Burial_Date 12/30/2005 Alex-Business MARKER: W. Beverly Mountcastle 1915 - 2005 B-BBY-48-34 Mounts, Baby 01/16/1956 Infant R-182-5B Mourot, Arthur James U S Navy NOTES: Mourot, Margaret MARKER: Mower, B F MARKER: 10/31/1904 WW II, Navy Commander. R-182-4A 01/31/1908 Margaret Mouret 1908 - July 25, 2003 M-7-1 B. F. Mower 1819 - 1891 Mary Frobel Mower Mower, Mary Frobel MARKER: MARKER: 04/29/1998 07/25/2003 08/25/2003 01/01/1891 May 11, 1820 - May 2, 1906 M-7-2 B. F. Mower 1819 - 1891 05/02/1906 05/02/1906 11/24/1998 11/28/1998 05/05/1976 05/24/1976 10/14/2008 12/11/2008 07/23/1919 10/17/1995 03/15/1996 E-2-5 04/12/1890 Catherine M. Anthony 1920 - 1947 02/10/1971 02/11/1971 03/02/1971 03/02/1971 11/15/1982 08/16/1864 08/16/1864 Mary Frobel Mower Moya, Jerome Henri 04/26/1998 WW II - Veteran 05/11/1820 May 11, 1820 - May 2, 1906 33-33-3 M O Y A 03/28/1940 Henri Jerome 28 March 1940 24 November 1998 Moyer, Gregory Gene MARKER: Moynihan, Nancy R. MARKER: T-268-6 11/02/1958 Gregory Gene Moyer Nov 2, 1958 - May 5, 1976 2-60-4 05/03/1921 NANCY R. MOYNIHAN Beloved wife and mother May 3, 1921 - Oct 14, 2008 Moynihan, Robert C., Sr. US ARMY MARKER: 2-60-3 WW II - Veteran Robert C. Moynihan, Jr. U.S. Army - World War II July 23, 1919 - October 17, 1995 Much, James H MARKER: James H. Much Mary A. Much Peggy M. Morgan Much, Mary A Mudd, Elsie May MARKER: E-2-6 06/29/1891 R-67-5 12/05/1904 Benjamin A.Bibb Aug 10, 1900 - Sept 27, 1944 Elsie H. Bibb Ernest L. Bibb Muddiman, George Alonzo MARKER: April 12, 1890 - Feb. 10, 1971 June 29, 1891 - Mar. 2, 1971 Mar. 31, 1930 - Aug. 27, 2009 Dec 5, 1904 - (space) Dec 7, 1894 - (space) A-34-6A George Alonzo Muddiman Aged 11 mo. & 13 days Muddiman, Samuel N. MARKER: A-34-3 To our Son 01/05/1856 Samuel Noble Muddiman Died June 5, 1858 Age 5 yrs Mueller, Agnes M MARKER: O-184-3 Blanche M. McCuen 11/16/1957 11/16/1957 May 21, 1886 - Dec 12, 1948 11/18/1957 Agnes M. Mueller Oct 9, 1888 - Nov 16, 1957 Edith B. Pulman Apr 26, 1892 - Sept 8, 1975 Muir, Anna MARKER: R-229-2 Wellington Miur 09/15/1971 1885 - 1978 Anna Muir 1880 - 1971 August Johnson 1889 - 1942 Muir, Anna J. MARKER: A-4-3 Entered Into Rest 08/31/1857 08/14/1887 08/14/1887 Anna J. Muir Aug. 31, 1857 - Aug. 14, 1887 In my hand no price I bring Simply to thy Cross I cling Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 333 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Muir, Ellen Crump MARKER: D-50-2 Walter H. Muir 09/01/1873 Nov. 17, 1872 - Dec. 20, 1963 Ellen Crump Muir Muir, Walter H MARKER: MARKER: Muir, Walter Rosser, Sr. MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 11/05/1925 11/08/1925 12/20/1963 12/23/1963 11/17/1872 12/20/1963 12/23/1963 02/20/1900 11/14/1994 11/18/1994 06/18/1978 06/20/1978 Sept. 1, 1873 - Nov. 5, 1925 D-50-1 Walter H. Muir 11/17/1872 Nov. 17, 1872 - Dec. 20, 1963 Ellen Crump Muir Muir, Walter H Birth_Date Sept. 1, 1873 - Nov. 5, 1925 D-50-1 M U I R D-50-3 Walter Rosser Muir Feb. 20, 1900 - Nov. 14, 1994 Muir, Wellington W MARKER: R-229-1 Wellington Miur 1885 - 1978 Anna Muir 1880 - 1971 August Johnson 1889 - 1942 Muirhead, Charles K MARKER: O-149-2 Charles Muirhead 10/22/1968 1886 - 1968 Elizabeth L. Muirhead Muirhead, Elizabeth L MARKER: O-149-3 Charles Muirhead 1886 - 1948 08/28/1948 1886 - 1968 Elizabeth L. Muirhead Mulcahy, Gerley A. MARKER: Gerley A. Dec. 1, 1934 July 6, 2001 Mulcahy, Joseph William USAF MARKER: MARKER: 12/01/1934 07/06/2001 07/10/2001 02/06/1931 02/01/2002 02/04/2002 10/15/1919 10/25/1989 10/27/1989 Joseph W. Feb. 06, 1931 Feb. 1, 2002 42-106-3 U. S. Military Veteran MULCAHY Gerley A. Dec. 1, 1934 July 6, 2001 Mulhearn, Era Louise 1886 - 1948 42-106-4 MULCAHY Joseph W. Feb. 06, 1931 Feb. 1, 2002 31-30-4 MULHEARN Rupert A. Era Louise Oct 15, 1919 Oct. 25, 1986 "Say not goodnight but in some brighter clime bid me goodmorning." Mullaly, Charles MARKER: 2-61-1 MULLALY Charles F. Nov. 4, 1910 May 2, 1981 Mullaly, Virginia R. MARKER: Muller, Victoria L Mulligan, George M. MARKER: Virginia R. March 2, 1915 July 21, 1998 2-61-2A MULLALY Charles F. Nov. 4, 1910 May 2, 1981 05/05/1981 03/02/1915 07/21/1998 07/29/1998 03/15/2009 06/29/1988 03/27/2009 06/15/2006 06/20/2006 11/02/2000 11/06/2000 Virginia R. March 2, 1915 July 21, 1998 31-98-4 COL 6-S1-10A Mulligan 11/12/1936 George M. November 12, 1936 - March 15, 2009 Mullin, Cathleen Agnes Sandrock MARKER: 42-133-4 M U L L I N 09/24/1919 Stanley H. June 18, 1916- November 2, 2000 Cathleen A. September 24, 1919 - June 15, 2006 REST PEACEFULLY IN GOD'S LOVE Mullin, Stanley H. MARKER: 42-133-3 M U L L I N 06/18/1916 Stanley H. June 18, 1916- November 2, 2000 Cathleen A. September 24, 1919 - June 15, 2006 REST PEACEFULLY IN GOD'S LOVE Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 334 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 42-199-2 J. Todd Mullins Mullins, Joseph Todd MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 10/27/1964 09/20/2003 09/25/2003 03/17/1949 04/27/1977 05/06/1977 03/17/1949 04/27/1977 05/06/1977 04/02/1962 03/02/1983 04/05/1962 03/07/2001 03/12/2001 04/18/1991 04/22/1991 01/06/1956 01/07/1956 04/05/1884 04/15/1884 12/12/1881 12/12/1881 October 27, 1964 - September 20, 2003 Best and Most Courageous son. "Hail to the Redskins" T-140-4 Mullins, Robert Patrick USAF MARKER: Vietnam War - Veteran Robert Patrick Mullins 1949 - 1977 Capt. Mullins, Robert Patrick USAF MARKER: NOTES: Mumford, Audrey J Mumford, Edith E MARKER: US Air Force T-140-4 Vietnam Vietnam War - Veteran MULLINS Son: Robert P. Mullins Mar 17, 1949 - Apr 27, 1977 Mother: Rosie A. Mullins Nov 30, 1926 Father : William C. Mullins Jly 30, 1926 May we be as close in death as we have been in life Capt. U.S. Air Force Vietnam R-91-3A R-91-2 MUMFORD 02/26/1885 Edith E. Mumford Feb. 26, 1885 - Apr. 2, 1962 Richard F. Mumford Jan. 20, 1879 - Jan. 6, 1956 Audrey J. Mumford Oct 26, 1909 - Feb 26, 1983 R-91-6 Mumford, Frances E. 07/10/1920 MUMFORD MARKER: Kenneth R. Frances E. May 3, 1912 - April 18, 1991 July 10, 1920 - Mar 7, 2001 R-91-5 Mumford, Kenneth R. Kenneth R. Frances E. Mumford, Richard F MARKER: 05/03/1912 MUMFORD MARKER: May 3, 1912 - April 18, 1991 July 10, 1920 - Mar 7, 2001 R-91-1 MUMFORD 01/20/1879 Edith E. Mumford Feb. 26, 1885 - Apr. 2, 1962 Richard F. Mumford Jan. 20, 1879 - Jan. 6, 1956 Audrey J. Mumford Oct 26, 1909 - Feb 26, 1983 Mumm, Albert G MARKER: F-52-3 In Memory of Nicholas Mumm Robert J. Mumm Albert G. Mumm Mumm, Nicholas MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 06/12/1820 June 12, 1820 - Dec. 12, 1881 Mar. 24, 1866 - Sept. 3, 1882 Nov. 16, 1870 - Apr. 5, 1884 F-52-1 In Memory of Nicholas Mumm Robert J. Mumm Albert G. Mumm Munday, Charles E. June 12, 1820 - Dec. 12, 1881 Mar. 24, 1866 - Sept. 3, 1882 Nov. 16, 1870 - Apr. 5, 1884 F-52-2 In Memory of Nicholas Mumm Robert J. Mumm Albert G. Mumm Mumm, Robert J 11/16/1870 03/24/1866 09/03/1882 June 12, 1820 - Dec. 12, 1881 Mar. 24, 1866 - Sept. 3, 1882 Nov. 16, 1870 - Apr. 5, 1884 C-12-3 M U N D A Y (oblisk) Charles E. Munday 1893 - 1932 Ellen Munday Davidson Nov 20, 1895 -March 2, 1981 Munger, Alice E. MARKER: C-36-3 Chester T. Blair 09/28/1938 1882 - 1946 Mable Munger Blair 1886 - 1948 Alice Alma Munger 1861 - 1938 Munoz, Ernesto Alexander MARKER: 33-9-1 Ernesto Alexander Munoz 02/06/1968 05/25/2005 06/06/2005 02/13/1929 04/26/1999 04/29/1999 February 6, 1968 - May 25, 2005 Loved and Missed Forever Muran-de Assereto, Joseph Anthony Army MARKER: 42-43-1 U. S. Military Veteran Joseph Muran-de Assereto 1929 - 1999 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 335 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Murphy, Abida (Dennis) Kamau Murphy, Augusta E. MARKER: 42-22-1 B-66-3 Otto Joseph Murphy Birth_Date 09/18/1959 04/17/1873 Nov 8, 1902 - Oct. 2, 1952 Death_Date 08/25/2000 02/11/1948 Burial_Date 09/01/2000 02/14/1948 Joseph Lloyd Murphy April 9, 1873 - May 10, 1948 Augusta Elisa Murphy April 17, 1873 - Feb 11, 1948 Goldie L Murphy Henderson Nov 23, 1905 - May 27, 1988 E-BBY-66-132 Murphy, Bambi Lynn 02/23/1967 Infant Murphy, Daniel Murphy, Grace Walsh MARKER: 41-62-1 N-62-2 John Rourke Murphy Grace Walsh Murphy Murphy, Harry F. MARKER: Murphy, Hugh S., Jr. MARKER: N-160-4 Harry F. Murphy MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 1888 - 1942 08/30/1943 Louise Bisson Murphy 1881 - 1941 M-22-3 Hugh S. Murphy, Sr. Died: Sept 11, 1906 07/18/1931 07/21/1931 09/11/1906 09/14/1906 Died: Feb. 3, 1946 Died: Jly 18, 1931 M-22-1 Hugh S. Murphy, Sr. Died: Sept 11, 1906 Died: Feb. 3, 1946 Died: Jly 18, 1931 N-62-1 John Rourke Murphy Grace Walsh Murphy Murphy, Joseph Lloyd 06/15/2009 07/30/1966 1876 - 1943 Rosa C. Murphy Hugh S.Murphy, Jr. Murphy, John Rourke 06/01/2009 07/30/1966 1888 - 1966 Rosa C. Murphy Hugh S.Murphy, Jr. Murphy, Hugh S., Sr. 05/12/1937 07/18/1942 1888 - 1942 1888 - 1966 B-66-2 Otto Joseph Murphy 04/09/1873 Nov 8, 1902 - Oct. 2, 1952 05/10/1948 05/12/1948 Joseph Lloyd Murphy April 9, 1873 - May 10, 1948 Augusta Elisa Murphy April 17, 1873 - Feb 11, 1948 Goldie L Murphy Henderson Nov 23, 1905 - May 27, 1988 Murphy, Louise Bisson MARKER: N-160-5 Harry F. Murphy 02/11/1941 1876 - 1943 Louise Bisson Murphy Murphy, Michelle Lynne 1881 - 1941 E-BBY-66-155 12/30/1969 Infant Murphy, Otto Joseph MARKER: B-66-4A Otto Joseph Murphy 11/08/1902 Nov 8, 1902 - Oct. 2, 1952 10/02/1952 10/02/1952 Joseph Lloyd Murphy April 9, 1873 - May 10, 1948 Augusta Elisa Murphy April 17, 1873 - Feb 11, 1948 Goldie L Murphy Henderson Nov 23, 1905 - May 27, 1988 Murphy, Rosa Cox MARKER: M-22-2 Hugh S. Murphy, Sr. Rosa C. Murphy Hugh S.Murphy, Jr. Myatt, Dewitt O'Kelly Jr. MARKER: MARKER: 02/05/1946 01/23/1975 01/27/1975 02/01/2004 02/09/2004 01/30/1980 11/06/1969 Died: Feb. 3, 1946 Died: Jly 18, 1931 T-63-5A MYATT DeWitt O'Kelly, Jr. Myatt, Emily Weigel Myers, Luthania Myers, Marsland P. 02/03/1946 Died: Sept 11, 1906 08/16/1915 Aug 16, 1915 - Jan 23, 1975 T-63-4A T-76-1 B-21-1 Marsland Marie Penn Myers 05/24/1916 09/05/1921 11/03/1969 Sept 5, 1921 - Nov. 3, 1969 Beloved Wife of Donald L. Myers E-BBY-66-88 Myers, Robert Charles 11/12/1963 Infant 41-55-2 Myers, Steven Ray US NAVY Myler, Elizabeth Ann Nagel, August Jacob MARKER: 02/11/1951 07/14/2008 07/19/2008 10/31/1917 06/04/2006 06/08/2006 01/01/1877 Vietnam War - Veteran T-17-5 F-67-1 August Jacob Nagel 1830 - 1877 Charles Nagel 1858 - 1935 Ida Walker Nagel 1862 - 1892 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 336 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Nagel, Charles MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date F-67-5 August Jacob Nagel 1830 - 1877 Burial_Date 06/14/1935 Charles Nagel 1858 - 1935 Ida Walker Nagel 1862 - 1892 Nagel, Ida Walker MARKER: F-67-6 August Jacob Nagel 1830 - 1877 01/01/1892 Charles Nagel 1858 - 1935 Ida Walker Nagel 1862 - 1892 Nagel, James B MARKER: F-68-2 James B. Nagel 1862 - 1925 Lewis Gustav Nagel Nagel, Lewis Gustav MARKER: 1864 - 1890 F-68-3 James B. Nagel 1862 - 1925 Lewis Gustav Nagel Nagel, Willie A Najarian, Hilda MARKER: 01/01/1925 01/01/1890 1864 - 1890 F-68-1 31-58-2 Hilda Najarian 09/25/1935 05/23/1990 Dec. 7, 1938 - May 22, 1990 gave so much, asked so little a wonderful mother Nakhleh, Jean Barclay Nalls, Aileen Williams MARKER: 41-31-6A M-134-3 Aileen Williams 07/03/1937 05/17/2007 06/10/1979 05/24/2007 06/13/1979 04/18/1975 04/21/1975 June 10, 1979 Nalls, Archie MARKER: T-295-4 Uncle: Archie Nalls 12/23/1889 Dec 23, 1889 - Apr 18, 1975 At Rest Nalls, Archie Lee MARKER: Nalls, Archie W MARKER: M-134-1 Archie Lee 1876 - 1958 M-134-5 Archie W. 01/01/1958 01/05/1971 1912 - 1971 N-127-25 R-111-1 Nalls, Baby Nalls, Carr Leonard 01/01/1888 10/31/1973 01/29/1947 11/03/1973 Freemason MARKER: NALLS Ellen Mary 1888 - 1983 Carr Leonard 1888 - 1973 Nalls, Ellen Mary MARKER: R-111-2 NALLS 01/20/1983 Ellen Mary 1888 - 1983 Carr Leonard 1888 - 1973 Nalls, Helen L. Bowman MARKER: R-186-5 Linwood Nalls 1885 - 1968 03/05/1970 Son of Lewis C. & Elvira E. Nalls Helen L. Bowman 1895 - 1970 Wife of Linwood Nalls Nalls, Henry Arthur MARKER: R-111-5 NALLS Henry Arthur Nalls Richard Ella Nalls Nalls, Julia Viola Waters MARKER: 07/09/1941 1859 - 1941 1860 - 1949 D-36-3A Lewis Adams Nalls 01/01/1876 his wife: Julia Viola Waters Nalls 1876 - 1925 Their eldest Daughter: Magurite Nalls Wallerstedt 1897-1952 her husband: Hjalmar Axel Wallerstedt 1897 - 1944 their daughter: Dorothy Jean Wallerstedt (Baby) - 1927 Loise Anne Wallerstedt Lewis 1929 - 1991 Nalls, Lewis Adams MARKER: D-36-2 Lewis Adams Nalls 01/01/1925 1860 - 1945 01/01/1860 12/26/1945 1860 - 1945 his wife: Julia Viola Waters Nalls 1876 - 1925 Their eldest Daughter: Magurite Nalls Wallerstedt 1897-1952 her husband: Hjalmar Axel Wallerstedt 1897 - 1944 their daughter: Dorothy Jean Wallerstedt (Baby) - 1927 Loise Anne Wallerstedt Lewis 1929 - 1991 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 337 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Nalls, Linwood MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-186-4 Linwood Nalls 1885 - 1968 Burial_Date 09/13/1968 Son of Lewis C. & Elvira E. Nalls Helen L. Bowman 1895 - 1970 Wife of Linwood Nalls Nalls, Mary Christine Cave MARKER: M-134-4 Mary Christine 09/16/1913 01/10/2001 01/10/2001 12/23/1894 02/27/1965 Jan 23, 1894 - Feb 27, 1965 01/01/1878 02/07/1944 03/02/1965 1913 - 2001 Nalls, Mary L MARKER: Nalls, Mary Yates MARKER: T-206-4 Mother: Mary L. Nalls M-134-2 Mary Yates 02/10/1944 1878 - 1944 Nalls, Mrs. Richard Ella MARKER: R-111-4 NALLS 04/05/1949 Henry Arthur Nalls Richard Ella Nalls Nalls, Russell L MARKER: 1859 - 1941 1860 - 1949 M-134-7 Russell L. Nalls 01/01/1904 06/01/1969 06/04/1969 05/24/1906 02/26/1998 03/03/1998 05/28/1954 07/07/1954 07/09/1954 11/27/1995 12/05/1995 1904 - 1969 Nalls, Walter L., Dr. White Oak Inmemorium Nalls, Walter Lewis, Dr. MARKER: Napier, Gary James M-134-8 Tree (Memorial) M-134-6 Walter Lewis 1906 - 1998 N-110-6 Infant MARKER: Gary James Napier May 28, 1954 - Jly 7, 1954 Son of James W. and Frances G. Napier Narganes, Aurelio Richard MARKER: 2-101-3B Aurelio R. Narganes 10/12/1929 October 12, 1929 - November 27, 1995 Nash, Ada Elizabeth MARKER: P-59-6 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 01/01/1922 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nash, Charles Leslie MARKER: G-165-3 Eva Mae Nash Wife of C. L. Nash Charles Leslie Nash Nash, Dora L MARKER: Nash, Edward J MARKER: 08/21/1970 1894 - 1942 1890 - 1970 T-331-3 02/07/1899 10/15/1958 Mother: Dora L. Nash Feb 7, 1899 - Oct 15, 1958 P-59-1 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nash, Edward J MARKER: Nash, Eva M MARKER: P-59-1 BARRON G-165-2 Eva Mae Nash 1894 - 1942 Wife of C. L. Nash Charles Leslie Nash Nash, Gilbert D Nash, Houston Sylvestis MARKER: 10/17/1958 01/01/1926 01/01/1926 06/01/1942 1890 - 1970 T-330-4 G-165-1 Houston Sylvestis Nash 01/01/1923 1923 - 1932 01/01/1932 08/25/1980 01/01/1932 T-331-6 02/19/1926 Ida Mae Nash Feb 19, 1926 - Aug 11, 1969 08/11/1969 08/12/1969 Son of C. L. and E. M.Nash Nash, Ida Mae MARKER: Her ways were ways of pleasantness and all her paths were peace Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 338 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Nash, Irene C. MARKER: Nash, James MARKER: Nash, James E MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-136-4 10/31/1883 09/28/1941 Irene C. Nash Oct. 31, 1883 - Sept. 28, 1941 T-331-5 12/31/1884 05/21/1971 Father: James Nash Dec 31, 1884 - May 21, 1971 P-59-5 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nash, John Guy MARKER: Nash, Luci J MARKER: D-47-6 Father: John Guy Nash P-59-4 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 MARKER: MARKER: Nash, William A MARKER: MARKER: 01/01/1905 01/01/1916 P-59-3 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 G-165-6 Sara G. Nash 1907 - 1995 P-59-2 Edward J. 1883 - 1926 01/01/1923 04/18/1907 11/29/1995 12/05/1995 01/01/1924 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nass, Geraldine E. 05/25/1971 01/01/1926 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nash, Sara G. 09/30/1941 1875 - 1926 Ada Elizabeth 1875 - 1932 William A. 1867 - 1924 Mary Virginia 1869 - 1923 Lucie J. 1842 - 1916 James E. 1837 - 1905 Nash, Mary Virginia Burial_Date D-54-5 10/13/1922 Adaleen B. Reid Sept. 9, 1893 - Feb. 23, 1927 01/04/1995 01/12/1995 01/01/1922 05/18/1988 05/20/1988 05/04/1947 12/17/1999 12/21/1999 09/15/1903 06/09/1931 09/10/1990 03/05/1991 09/12/1990 03/08/1991 10/03/1890 Oct. 3, 1890 - Dec. 20, 1963 12/20/1963 12/23/1963 06/21/1973 06/25/1973 10/24/1987 10/28/1987 Julia Hall Reid Oct. 6, 1872 - May 28, 1954 Edward H. Reid Sept. 22, 1862 - MAy 18, 1935 Geraldine E. Nass 1922 - 1995 Natrella, Mary Gibbons 2-91-1 BIO-Note MARKER: NATRELLA Joseph V. Mary G. 1919 - (space) 1922 - 1988 NUTPOAN Nauman, Christopher Anton MARKER: T-53-4 "CHRIS" CHRISTOPHER A. NAUMAN MAY 4, 1947 - DEC 17, 1999 REST IN PEACE Naumann, Katherine J. Navas, Antonio MARKER: T-364-5 32-39-3 Antonio Navas June 9, 1931 - March 5, 1991 Neal, Edward Tives MARKER: D-41-4 Edward T. Neal Lola Lee Neal Neal, Lola Lee MARKER: D-41-5 Edward T. Neal Lola Lee Neal Neary, Sheila Ann MARKER: Nov. 20, 1890 - June 21, 1973 11/20/1890 Oct. 3, 1890 - Dec. 20, 1963 Nov. 20, 1890 - June 21, 1973 31-20-1 SHEILA ANN NEARY 12/30/1946 Dec. 30 1946 Oct. 24, 1987 I lived while she lived, Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 339 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 31-79-1A Neebe, David J 07/01/1929 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/16/1985 12/21/1985 09/15/1931 03/27/2003 04/02/2003 04/03/1972 04/03/1972 04/08/1972 08/02/2000 09/27/1947 04/14/1942 08/07/2000 12/04/1985 12/07/1985 01/12/1992 07/14/1958 01/15/1992 07/16/1958 09/18/1890 09/16/1890 09/18/1890 09/16/1890 F-66-1 12/04/1819 09/25/1898 Keating Lewis Simons Nelson Dec 4, 1819-Sept 25, 1898 09/25/1898 Korean War - Veteran NEEBE MARKER: David Joel; July 1, 1929 - December 16, 1985 Stephen Christopher; APRIL 3, 1972 Neebe, Lois L. MARKER: 31-79-2 NEEBE LOIS LUVERNE CLAUSEN September 15, 1931 - March 27, 2003 Neebe, Stephen Christopher Inmemorium MARKER: 31-79-1B Infant NEEBE David Joel; July 1, 1929 - December 16, 1985 Stephen Christopher; APRIL 3, 1972 Neely, Bertha Neely, Charles H. Neff, Alice F. MARKER: A-53-4 A-53-7 31-75-2 Alice Fitzhugh Neff 05/01/1919 May 1, 1919 - August 2, 2000 Her Family was her Love. 31-75-1 Neff, Edwin Defrees WW II - Veteran MARKER: Edwin DeFrees Neff USNR - WWII January 24, 1912 December 4, 1985 Neff, Louise Anderson Nelson, George E MARKER: R-72-2B T-307-4 George E. Nelson Hazel F. Nelson Rest in Peace Nelson, Julia A MARKER: 05/05/1905 06/26/1905 June 26, 1905 - Jly 14, 1958 Nov 26, 1908 - F-66-2 01/27/1825 In Loving Memory of: Julia A. Nelson Jan 27, 1825 - Sept. 18, 1890 Wife of Keating S. Nelson Her children rise up and call her blessed Nelson, Julia A MARKER: Nelson, Keating Lewis Simons MARKER: F-66-2 01/27/1825 Julia A. Nelson : Jesus said unto her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" Born at Belvoir, Albemarle Co., VA Died at Fredericksburg, VA Nelson, Keating S., Jr. MARKER: F-66-5 Keating S. Nelson 01/01/1919 1856 - 1919 Blessed are the pure in heart Nelson, William N MARKER: F-66-4 William M. Nelson 1859 - 1943 07/09/1943 When I awake I am still with thee Neqniq, Million MARKER: 42-162-3 MILLION NEQNIQ 03/21/1928 08/05/1999 08/11/1999 11/09/1914 07/25/2006 07/28/2006 03/02/1967 03/04/1967 March 21, 1928 August 5, 1999 Nesbitt, Elisabeth McDonald MARKER: T-267-5 NESBITT Hugh Barr Oct. 3, 1905 - March 2, 1967 Elizabeth McDonald Nov. 9, 1914 - July 25, 2006 NESBITT Nesbitt, Hugh Barr MARKER: T-267-4 NESBITT 10/03/1905 Hugh Barr Oct. 3, 1905 - March 2, 1967 Elizabeth McDonald Nov. 9, 1914 - July 25, 2006 NESBITT Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 340 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Newby, Inez Irene MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 31-86-2 06/07/1912 INEZ IRENE ROBIN HILBERT NEWBY Burial_Date 11/28/1988 12/01/1988 03/21/1862 05/17/1948 June 3, 1864 - Sept 27, 1942 05/20/1948 June 7, 1912 - November 28, 1988 Newlon, Elizabeth Lee MARKER: N-131-2 Walter Richard Newlon His Wife Elizabeth Lee Newlon Newlon, Walter Richard MARKER: His Wife Elizabeth Lee Newlon Newman, Frank A. MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: 05/05/1908 09/15/1994 09/20/1994 11/07/1911 01/23/1997 01/27/1997 02/25/1874 02/25/1874 02/25/1874 Frank A. 1908 - 1994 Frank A. 1908 - 1994 A-28-1 In Memoriam My Mother ISADORE CLAY NICE Sept 14, 1844 - Feb. 25, 1874 Wife of Rev. Henry Nice Daughter of Wm. & Jane E. Arnold Born in Alexandria, Va. - Died in Shepherdstown, VA. She took up the Cross and wore the Crown Nichols, Charles W MARKER: 09/29/1942 Mar 21, 1862 - May 17, 1948 A-44-2 NEWMAN Sallie W. 1911 - 1997 Nice, Isadore Clay 06/03/1864 09/27/1942 June 3, 1864 - Sept 27, 1942 A-44-3 NEWMAN Sallie W. 1911 - 1997 Newman, Sallie E. Mar 21, 1862 - May 17, 1948 N-131-1 Walter Richard Newlon G-171-1 Roberta Gaines Nichols 01/01/1932 1865 - 1936 Wife of Charles W. Nichols Charles W. Nichols 1855 - 1932 at Rest Nichols, Charlotte Shaver MARKER: O-317-4 CHARLOTTE S. NICHOLS 02/07/1911 07/27/1999 07/30/1999 M-89-1 11/05/1888 Elmer L. Nichols Nov 5, 1888 - Jan 13, 1953 01/13/1953 01/15/1953 06/09/1890 09/14/1934 June 9, 1890 - Sept 14, 1934 09/17/1934 06/21/1908 03/21/1978 June 21, 1908 - Mar 21, 1978 10/21/1933 04/08/1999 03/23/1978 February 7, 1911 - July 27, 1999 Nichols, Elmer L MARKER: Husband of Ethel Cooke Nichols Nichols, Ethel Cooke MARKER: M-89-2 Ethel Cooke Nichols Wife of Elmer L. Nichols Nichols, Ezra Francis, Jr. MARKER: Nichols, John Wesley USMC MARKER: T-77-2 Ezra Francis Nichols 42-40-3 04/12/1999 U. S. Military Veteran John W. Nichols U S Marine Corps. Oct. 21, 1933 - Apr. 8, 1999 Nichols, Mary Hoff MARKER: Nichols, Roberta G MARKER: T-77-3 08/15/1994 Mary Hoff Nichols Sept 21, 1901 - Aug 15, 1994 G-171-3 Roberta Gaines Nichols 1865 - 1936 08/15/1994 08/19/1994 08/03/1936 Wife of Charles W. Nichols Charles W. Nichols 1855 - 1932 at Rest Nicholson, Bertha Beall MARKER: O-292-2 03/24/1882 02/15/1978 Charles Thomas Nicholson Oct 19, 1876 - July 8, 1963 02/17/1978 Bertha Beall Nicholson Mar 24, 1882 - Feb 15, 1978 Nicholson, Catherine M MARKER: T-64-3 Catheerine M. Nicholson 05/26/1928 05/15/1995 05/17/1995 O-292-1 10/19/1876 07/08/1963 Charles Thomas Nicholson Oct 19, 1876 - July 8, 1963 07/10/1963 Pennsylvania Remember Her and Smile May 26, 1928 - May 15, 1995 Nicholson, Charles Thomas MARKER: Bertha Beall Nicholson Mar 24, 1882 - Feb 15, 1978 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 341 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Nicholson, Charles Thomas, Dr., Jr. Army Air C MARKER: Birth_Date O-292-4A Death_Date Burial_Date 02/16/1914 10/23/2003 10/28/2003 32-5-2B 07/28/1951 Chole Blackwell Nicholson 1951 - 2000 07/08/2000 08/08/2000 WW II - Veteran CHARLES T. NICHOLSON, Jr. Feb. 16, 1914 - Oct. 23, 2003 JAQUELIN C. NICHOLSON Sept. 18, 1917 - blank Nicholson, Chloe Blackwell MARKER: Dennis Rodney Nicholson Nicholson, Dennis Rodney MARKER: 1951 - 2000 32-5-2A Chole Blackwell Nicholson 1951 - 2000 Dennis Rodney Nicholson Nicholson, Elsie T MARKER: Nicholson, Helyn Bladen Nicholson, Robert W ARMY AIR MARKER: G-202-10 Elsie T.Nicholson T-329-4 T-64-2 1951 - 2000 09/10/1901 Sept. 10, 1901 - Dec. 28, 1957 12/28/1957 12/30/1957 04/21/1973 06/01/1989 04/24/1973 09/17/1898 11/06/1979 12/31/1984 11/08/1979 01/01/1883 01/01/1931 01/01/1931 01/01/1896 01/01/1946 01/01/1890 01/01/1928 01/01/1928 12/13/1972 04/17/1993 11/22/1971 12/14/1972 04/20/1993 12/23/1973 12/24/1973 11/08/1958 11/08/1958 06/28/1998 07/02/1998 02/09/1961 02/11/1961 03/31/1913 05/12/1951 May 31, 1913 - May 12, 1951 05/15/1951 07/15/1923 WW II - Veteran Robert W. Nicholson South Carolina World War II Nicholson, Russell Peyton Nicklin, Elizabeth H MARKER: 08/08/2000 Jly 15, 1923 - Apr 21, 1973 2d Lt. Army Air Forces AM & 2 OLC T-330-6 6-2-4 Elizabeth Jackson Nicklin Sept. 17, 1898 - Nov. 5, 1979 A-55-3 Nicol, Aylett B. WW I - Veteran MARKER: Aylett B. Nicol 1883 - 1931 A friend to all. (American Legion) Nicol, Julia Care MARKER: A-55-1 Julia Care Nicol 1895 - 1946 A-55-2 Nicol, Mary P.Terry DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: His Wife Mary P. Terry Nicol 1890 - 1928 DAR Marker 6-25-1 C-24-2 T-108-4 Nielson, Christine Nightingale, Katie E. Nix, Carolyn D 03/12/1891 03/11/1924 NIX MARKER: John Bellot Nix Feb 4, 1913 - Dec 23, 1973 Carolyn Davis Nix Mar 11, 1924 - Apr 17, 1998 T-107-6 Nix, John Bellot 02/04/1913 NIX MARKER: John Bellot Nix Feb 4, 1913 - Dec 23, 1973 Carolyn Davis Nix Mar 11, 1924 - Apr 17, 1998 Nixon, Claude M. MARKER: P-64-1 NIXON Claude M. Nixon Eveyln L. Nixon Nixon, Evelyn P. MARKER: Nixon, Janie M MARKER: MARKER: Feb 1, 1912 - Nov 8, 1958 Jan 28, 1916 - Jun 28, 1998 P-64-2 NIXON 01/28/1916 Claude M. Nixon Eveyln L. Nixon Feb 1, 1912 - Nov 8, 1958 Jan 28, 1916 - Jun 28, 1998 R-59-6 Riley W. Nixon 12/03/1883 Sept. 18, 1888 - Jly. 19, 1954 Janie M. Nixon Nixon, John Sherman 02/01/1912 Dec. 3, 1883 - Feb. 9, 1961 O-259-4 John Sherman Nixon Louise Farmer Nixon Mar 20, 1894 - May 27, 1974 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 342 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) R-59-5 Nixon, Riley W Birth_Date 09/18/1888 Death_Date Burial_Date 07/19/1954 07/21/1954 03/16/1965 03/18/1965 04/03/2002 04/09/2002 08/28/1970 09/30/1970 08/28/1970 09/30/1970 10/23/2000 10/28/2000 05/01/1914 01/23/2004 01/29/2004 05/16/1916 10/21/1998 10/22/1998 10/20/1992 1946 - 1992 10/08/1920 10/20/1992 11/03/1992 08/25/2000 08/29/2000 02/26/1965 11/28/1951 05/30/2009 02/26/2002 09/29/2009 03/04/2002 07/05/1912 11/12/1996 11/18/1996 01/15/1981 01/19/1981 03/25/1873 03/20/1945 Mar 25, 1873 - Mar 20, 1945 06/21/1960 04/14/1995 03/22/1945 Freemason MARKER: Riley W. Nixon Janie M. Nixon Noel, May Crewe MARKER: Noell, Rosamond McArthur MARKER: Noell, William C Sept. 18, 1888 - Jly. 19, 1954 Dec. 3, 1883 - Feb. 9, 1961 R-188-4 11/07/1887 May Crewe Noel Nov 7, 1887 - Mar 16, 1965 T-340-3 07/26/1908 July 26, 1908 - April 3, 2002 T-340-1 11/21/1902 WW II - Veteran MARKER: William C. Noell Nov 21, 1902 - Sept 28, 1970 Virginia - Lt. Col CML Warfare SCV World War II LM - CR T-340-1 Noell, William C 11/21/1902 WW II - Veteran MARKER: N O EL L (With two corner markers) NOTES: Nolan, Garrett J. MARKER: Virginia, Lt. Col. CML Warfare SVC, WWII LM-CR 42-191-1 10/04/1971 NOLAN Garrett James October 4, 1971 - October 23, 2000 31-23-1 Nolan, Paul H. Lt. Col WW II - Veteran Air Corps U. S. Military Veteran 42-12-3 Noonan, William A. MARKER: William A. Noonan May 16, 1916 October 21, 1998 Nordine, John J. MARKER: Nordine, Patricia C. MARKER: 32-28-3 John Jeffrey Nordine 32-20-4 NORDINE Patricia C. Nordine Norkus, Craig A. Normile, John J. MARKER: Oct. 8, 1920 - Aug 25, 2000 42-85-1 42-105-4 John Normile 1951 - 2002 My Love The best dad in the world. 1-23-4 Norvell, Bonita Thomas DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: NORVELL John Marcus Norvell Sept 19, 1911 - Jan 15, 1981 (Sons of the American Revolution) Bonita Thomas Norvell July 5, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1996 Norvell, John Marcus MARKER: 1-23-3 NORVELL 09/19/1911 John Marcus Norvell Sept 19, 1911 - Jan 15, 1981 (Sons of the American Revolution) Bonita Thomas Norvell July 5, 1912 - Nov. 12, 1996 Noxon, Frank Wright MARKER: Ntawiha, Monique MARKER: N-78-6 Frank Wright Noxon 32-63-1 Monique Ntawiha 04/26/1995 June 21, 1960 - April 14, 1995 Nunallie, Virginia R MARKER: 2-6-4 NUNALLIE 01/01/1903 10/18/1989 10/18/1989 William E. Virginia R. 1904-1983 1903-1989 Together Forever Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 343 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Nunallie, William Earl MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date 2-6-3 NUNALLIE Burial_Date 11/16/1983 11/16/1983 10/07/1933 11/21/1987 11/23/1987 01/01/1901 08/22/1988 08/22/1988 04/24/1907 April 24, 1907 - March 5, 1993 03/05/1993 03/15/1993 06/04/1912 05/08/1995 05/12/1995 01/27/1944 10/24/2000 10/24/2001 06/22/1912 01/14/1997 01/17/1997 08/10/1955 07/14/2006 08/04/2006 06/08/1975 01/08/1976 08/15/1981 08/18/1981 06/16/1991 06/19/1991 03/05/1969 03/07/1969 08/15/1967 08/25/1967 03/08/1921 03/31/1987 04/03/1987 04/19/1955 03/16/1984 03/20/1984 05/20/2005 01/15/2006 01/20/2006 William E. Virginia R. 1904-1983 1903-1989 Together Forever Nunez, Emilia MARKER: 31-74-4 Beloved wife and mother EMILIA NUNEZ Oct. 7, 1933 - Nov. 21, 1987 Nuri, Ismail O MARKER: 2-98-3 ISMAIL NURI OFELIA ORTIZ Nye, Ann E. MARKER: 1901 - 1988 1913 - 1994 32-2-4A Ann E. Nye Donna R. Koltes March 15, 1942 - June 14, 2000 Beloved sister and daughter Nye, Barbara Brown MARKER: 32-36-2 Barbara Brown Nye June 4, 1912 May 8, 1995 42-177-3A Nye, Joseph P, Jr. USMC MARKER: U. S. Military Veteran JOSEPH PAINTER NYE, JR. JAN 27, 1944 OCT. 24, 2000 HIGHER THAN THE SKY, Nye, Joseph Painter MARKER: DEEPER THAN THE SEA ... 32-36-1 Joseph P. Nye June 22, 1912 January 14, 1997 O'Brien, David Akira MARKER: T-166-6B1 O'BRIEN Donald John April 24, 1927 - June 8, 1975 Toshie S. (space) David A. August 10, 1955 - July 14, 2006 O'Brien, Donald John MARKER: T-166-6A O'BRIEN 04/24/1927 Donald John April 24, 1927 - June 8, 1975 Toshie S. (space) David A. August 10, 1955 - July 14, 2006 O'Brien, Frederick J MARKER: 2-33-1 O'BREIN Frederick Joseph - March 11, 1901 - August 15, 1981 his wife Praxedes Katherine - July 16, 1912 - (space) Rest in Peace O'Brien, Praxedes K. MARKER: 2-33-2 O'BREIN 07/16/1912 Frederick Joseph - March 11, 1901 - August 15, 1981 his wife Praxedes Katherine - July 16, 1912 - (space) Rest in Peace T-127-3 Obrochta, John W US ARMY AF MARKER: 01/29/1920 WW II - Veteran John W. Obrochta Jan 29, 1920 - Mar 5, 1969 West Virginia T. Sgt. 555 Base Unit AAF World War II E-BBY-66-139 O'Connor, Erin 06/15/1967 Infant MARKER: Erin O'Connor June 15, 1967 - Aug. 24, 1967 Taken to be an angel O'Connor, Marjorie V MARKER: 1-27-3 Marjorie V. O'Connor March 8, 1921 - March 31, 1987 O'Connor, Robert Lee MARKER: 1-27-4 Robert L. O'Connor April 19, 1955 - March 16, 1984 Ocon-Rosario, Christian E. 32-77-9 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 344 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) O'Day, Earnest Patrick Oden, Elsi May Schneider MARKER: D-29-4 O-189-6 FATHER: William F. Schneider Birth_Date Death_Date 04/05/1930 01/21/1956 Apr 14, 1893 - Feb 25, 1948 Burial_Date 09/08/1962 01/25/1956 MOTHER: Mary E. Schneider Mar 15, 1891 - Aug 19, 1955 SON: James L. Schneider Aug 9, 1921 - May 31, 1954 GRANDAUGHTER: Elsie May Schneider Apr 5, 1930- Jan 21, 1956 Oertly, Allen Wickliffe MARKER: T-213-4 Allan Wickliffe Oertly Helen Collins Oertly Oertly, Helen Collins MARKER: Died : Mar 6, 1974 T-213-5 Allan Wickliffe Oertly 03/06/1974 03/09/1974 P-70-2 11/03/1933 Benjamin Burdge Ogden Jan 30, 1856 - Mar 28, 1937 07/25/1962 Helen Collins Oertly Ogden, Annie H. Walling MARKER: 05/26/1964 1903 - 1964 1903 - 1964 Died : Mar 6, 1974 Annie H. Walling Ogden Nov 6, 1861 - Nov 3, 1933 Ogden, Benjamin Burdge MARKER: P-70-1 01/30/1856 03/28/1939 Benjamin Burdge Ogden Jan 30, 1856 - Mar 28, 1937 07/25/1962 Annie H. Walling Ogden Nov 6, 1861 - Nov 3, 1933 Ogden, Bessie Green MARKER: A-12-5 01/01/1885 Wm. MacArthur Green 1882 - 1907 Bessie Green Ogden Margaret F. Ogden Ogden, Margaret F. MARKER: MARKER: 01/24/1994 01/01/1910 01/01/1977 12/09/1977 11/26/1927 01/22/1999 01/26/1999 02/27/1954 09/07/1997 09/12/1997 07/19/1918 05/09/1991 05/13/1991 11/25/1928 10/12/2009 10/16/2009 06/06/1966 1885 - 1979 (no dates) WW II - Veteran John P. O;Grady PFC U S Army O'Hanlon, Jacqueline Cecelia MARKER: 01/20/1994 1885 - 1979 (no dates) T-VET-8-5 US ARMY 03/30/1979 A-12-4 06/29/1909 Wm. MacArthur Green 1882 - 1907 Bessie Green Ogden Margaret F. Ogden O'Grady, John P 03/26/1979 1910 - 1977 World War II 42-183-3 O'HANLON Jacqueline Ceclia Nov. 26, 1927 - Jan 22, 1999 " The Golden Bowl is Broken indeed O'Hara, Ray M. MARKER: 33-30-3 O'HARA Ray McNulty O'Hara February 27, 1954 - September 7, 1997 O'Hare, Helen P MARKER: 32-54-1 Helen P. O'Hare July 19, 1918 - May 9, 1991 42-188-3 E-BBY-66-123 Olaniji, Pearl M. Oleson, Baby Fetus Olive, Gladys M Oliver, Alfred Herbert Oliver, Annie E MARKER: E-59-6 G-39-4 D-10-3 Claude W. Oliver 1876 - 1951 08/03/1943 10/12/1960 08/06/1943 05/04/1950 06/02/1957 10/01/1978 06/04/1957 10/03/1978 his wife Annie Spitzer Oliver 1875 - 1967 Garland Oliver 1905 - 1967 G-39-5 E-60-3 Oliver, Annie Uhler Oliver, Calvin B USMC MARKER: 10/26/1926 U. S. Military Veteran CALVIN B OLIVER U S MARINE CORPS OCT 26, 1926 - OCT 1, 1978 Oliver, Charlene B MARKER: E-60-8 OLIVER 06/10/1900 01/21/1980 FATHER: Robert Stringfellow Oliver May 29, 1885 - April 20, 1965 MOTHER: Charlene Byrd Oliver Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 345 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Oliver, Claude W MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date D-10-2 Claude W. Oliver 1876 - 1951 Burial_Date 12/14/1951 his wife Annie Spitzer Oliver 1875 - 1967 Garland Oliver 1905 - 1967 Sec-41 52-3B Oliver, Edward P. USMC MARKER: Edward P. Oliver Nancy B. Oliver Oliver, Garland C MARKER: 03/01/1929 03/21/2008 03/31/2008 WW II - Veteran 1929 - 2008 1946 - ( space) his wife D-10-1 Claude W. Oliver 1876 - 1951 09/08/1967 his wife Annie Spitzer Oliver 1875 - 1967 Garland Oliver 1905 - 1967 Oliver, Georgianna MARKER: D-10-6 Nathaniel Oliver 1847 - 1924 06/19/1965 06/22/1965 03/27/1945 03/29/1945 12/11/1973 12/14/1974 His wife Lucinda Holder 1843 - 1920 Georgianna Oliver 1869 - 1965 Oliver, Grace M MARKER: R-125-2 OLIVER 08/06/1884 W. Herbert Oliver Mar. 17, 1883 - Jan. 30, 1964 Grace Mary Oliver Aug. 6, 1884 - Mar, 27, 1945 Oliver, John Edward MARKER: T-240-5 OLIVER John E. Oliver Rita E. Oliver Oliver, Lonnie Oliver, Lucinda Holder MARKER: 10/22/1908 Oct 22, 1908 - Dec 11, 1973 July 6, 1913 - Oct. 24, 1998 G-203-13 D-10-5 Nathaniel Oliver 1847 - 1924 01/01/1920 His wife Lucinda Holder 1843 - 1920 Georgianna Oliver 1869 - 1965 D-6-3 Oliver, Mary Ellen 01/15/1917 Woodrow W. Nov 6, 1912 Dec 12, 1985 Oliver, Nathaniel MARKER: 11/19/1996 11/21/1996 10/24/1998 10/27/1998 04/20/1965 04/22/1965 OLIVER MARKER: Mary Ellen Jan 15, 1917 Nov 19, 1996 Gale O. Aug. 17, 1939 Sept. 15, 2007 D-10-4 Nathaniel Oliver 1847 - 1924 His wife Lucinda Holder 1843 - 1920 Georgianna Oliver 1869 - 1965 Oliver, Rita Ellen MARKER: T-240-6 OLIVER John E. Oliver Rita E. Oliver Oliver, Robert Stringfellow MARKER: 07/06/1913 Oct 22, 1908 - Dec 11, 1973 July 6, 1913 - Oct. 24, 1998 E-60-7 OLIVER 05/29/1885 FATHER: Robert Stringfellow Oliver May 29, 1885 - April 20, 1965 MOTHER: Charlene Byrd Oliver D-6-2 Oliver, W W 12/20/1985 OLIVER MARKER: Woodrow W. Nov 6, 1912 Dec 12, 1985 Oliver, Wilson Herbert MARKER: Mary Ellen Jan 15, 1917 Nov 19, 1996 Gale O. Aug. 17, 1939 Sept. 15, 2007 R-125-1 OLIVER 03/17/1883 01/30/1964 02/03/1964 11/08/1991 11/13/1991 W. Herbert Oliver Mar. 17, 1883 - Jan. 30, 1964 Grace Mary Oliver Aug. 6, 1884 - Mar, 27, 1945 Olmsted, Etta M. MARKER: N-123-3 Howard S. Olmsted Miriam E. Olmsted Etta M. Olmsted Olmsted, Howard S., Sr. MARKER: N-123-1 Howard S. Olmsted Miriam E. Olmsted Etta M. Olmsted 02/13/1906 Aug 6, 1898 Mar 1, 1897 - Jan 25, 1942 Feb 13, 1906 - Nov 8, 1991 08/06/1898 09/27/1983 Aug 6, 1898 Mar 1, 1897 - Jan 25, 1942 Feb 13, 1906 - Nov 8, 1991 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 346 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Olmsted, Miriam Elizabeth MARKER: N-123-2 Howard S. Olmsted Miriam E. Olmsted Etta M. Olmsted O'Malley, Ruth Michelbach MARKER: Birth_Date 03/01/1897 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/25/1942 01/27/1942 05/30/1912 01/07/1971 01/07/1971 08/19/1913 04/20/1986 04/23/1986 01/01/1906 03/08/1988 06/03/1988 Aug 6, 1898 Mar 1, 1897 - Jan 25, 1942 Feb 13, 1906 - Nov 8, 1991 6-27-2 Ruth M. O'Malley May 30, 1912 - January 7, 1971 Onderdonk, Adrian Holmes 31-11-1A U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: ONDERDONK ADRIAN H. 1913-1986 Onderdonk, Mildred G MARKER: MILDRED G. 1906 - 1988 31-11-1B ONDERDONK ADRIAN H. 1913-1986 O'Neal, Annie R. Wells MARKER: MILDRED G. 1906 - 1988 M-166-3 William Thomas O'Neal 05/09/1936 1866 - 1941 Annie R. Wells 1872 - 1936 Wife of Wm. T. O'Neal Lawrence P. O'Neal Jly 31, 1898-Dec 20, 1965 O'Neal, Lawrence P MARKER: M-166-1 William Thomas O'Neal 07/31/1898 1866 - 1941 12/20/1965 12/22/1965 Annie R. Wells 1872 - 1936 Wife of Wm. T. O'Neal Lawrence P. O'Neal Jly 31, 1898-Dec 20, 1965 O'Neal, Ruth M O'Neal, William Thomas MARKER: M-166-4 M-166-2 William Thomas O'Neal 07/28/1982 09/25/1941 1866 - 1941 Annie R. Wells 1872 - 1936 Wife of Wm. T. O'Neal Lawrence P. O'Neal Jly 31, 1898-Dec 20, 1965 O'Neil, Edna MARKER: T-254-6 James A. O'Neil 09/21/1995 09/25/1995 T-292-1A 03/31/1920 12/17/2002 Edna Miles O'Neil March 31, 1920 - December 17, 2002 08/13/2004 Edna M. O'Neil O'Neil, Edna Mae Miles MARKER: 05/14/1904 1896 - 1974 1904 - 1995 James W. O'Neil December 12, 1921 - O'Neil, James A MARKER: T-254-5 James A. O'Neil Edna M. O'Neil O'Neil, John B. MARKER: 02/09/1974 1896 - 1974 1904 - 1995 33-68-4 John B. O'Neil 06/18/1949 06/15/1995 06/20/1995 02/04/1889 Feb 4, 1889 - May 26, 1962 05/26/1962 05/29/1962 June 18, 1949 - June 15, 1995 O'Neil, John King MARKER: O-126-4 John King O'Neil Ora Lee O'Neil O'Neil, Linwood S O'Neil, Mary E MARKER: Jan 19, 1888 - Apr 12, 1960 O-126-1 R-30-2 O' N E I L 01/01/1947 09/18/1985 William F. O"Neil Mary Etta O'Neil O'Neil, Ora Lee MARKER: Sept. 20, 1893 - Dec. 26, 1943 Nov 20, 1894 - Sept 15, 1985 O-126-5 John King O'Neil Ora Lee O'Neil 01/19/1888 Feb 4, 1889 - May 26, 1962 MARKER: Trilby D. O'Neil S. Lynn Wood O'Neil, Trilby D. MARKER: O-126-2 Trilby D. O'Neil S. Lynn Wood 04/14/1960 Jan 19, 1888 - Apr 12, 1960 O-126-6 O'Neil, S. Lynn Wood Inmemorium 04/12/1960 10/31/1884 04/07/1947 May 9, 1895 - Feb 25, 1973 Oct 31, 1884 - Apr 7, 1947 05/09/1895 May 9, 1895 - Feb 25, 1973 02/25/1973 02/25/1973 Oct 31, 1884 - Apr 7, 1947 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 347 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) O'Neil, William Frederick MARKER: R-30-1 O' N E I L William F. O"Neil Mary Etta O'Neil Onion, Sylvia May Linebaugh MARKER: Birth_Date 09/20/1893 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/26/1943 12/29/1943 01/21/1968 01/24/1968 Sept. 20, 1893 - Dec. 26, 1943 Nov 20, 1894 - Sept 15, 1985 C-39-1 09/10/1880 Mother Sylvia May Onion Sept. 10, 1880 - Jan. 21, 1968 Husband: Oliver Lloyd Onion Apr. 27, 1908 Wife: Janice Dubagan Onion June 18, 1911 - Orchard, Dorothy J MARKER: O-319-2 John Ewing Orchard 01/31/1981 Jly 19, 1893 - Jan 28, 1962 Dorothy J. Orchard March 20, 1897 - Jan 28, 1981 Orchard, John Ewing MARKER: O-319-1 John Ewing Orchard 07/19/1893 01/28/1962 Jly 19, 1893 - Jan 28, 1962 01/28/1962 Dorothy J. Orchard March 20, 1897 - Jan 28, 1981 O'Reilly, Pamela Hancock 33-48-3 10/11/1947 11/22/2001 11/28/2001 Plantings (Memorial) MARKER: Pamela Hancock O'Reilly Oct. 11, 1947 - Nov. 22, 2001 " Pam" Wonderful Wife and Mother Warm, Loving, Funny, Kind. A friend to Many, Loved by All Oriel, Alberta W MARKER: T-193-1 08/15/1907 Phillip T. Oreil Sept 15, 1900 - Jan 18, 1977 12/26/1981 Alberta W. Oreil Aug 15, 1907 - Oriel, Phillip T MARKER: T-194-3 09/15/1900 Phillip T. Oreil Sept 15, 1900 - Jan 18, 1977 01/18/1977 01/19/1977 07/19/1968 07/23/1968 ??/??/1955 11/05/1955 08/14/1975 08/16/1975 02/16/1994 02/26/1994 Alberta W. Oreil Aug 15, 1907 - Orpin, Lionel Henry MARKER: Orrison, Roland Mott MARKER: T-134-1 08/11/1920 Lionel Henry Orpin Sept 11, 1920 - Jly 19, 1968 R-10-3 03/26/1880 ROLAND MOTT ORRISON 1881 - 1955 Orschel, Willie Cutchins MARKER: T-254-1 ORSCHEL 11/23/1904 Willie Cutchins Orschel Nov. 23, 1904 - Aug 14, 1975 Joseph Edward March 12, 1909 - July 19, 1998 Ortiz, Ophelia MARKER: 2-98-4 ISMAIL NURI OFELIA ORTIZ Osborne, Jean Monica O'Shaughnessy, Baby Lois MARKER: O'Shaughnessy, Helen Kathleen MARKER: O'Shaughnessy, John Bernard MARKER: O'Shaughnessy, Thirza Rice MARKER: 01/02/1913 1901 - 1988 1913 - 1994 31-40-2 R-32-4A To my beloved Husband John Bernard O'Shaughnessy 1869 -1914 His wife: Thirza Rice O'Shaughnessy 1875 - 1941 Daughter: Helen Kathleen O'Shaughnessy 1912 -1968 Baby Lois P-32-4 To my beloved Husband John Bernard O'Shaughnessy 1869 -1914 His wife: Thirza Rice O'Shaughnessy 1875 - 1941 Daughter: Helen Kathleen O'Shaughnessy 1912 -1968 Baby Lois P-32-6 To my beloved Husband John Bernard O'Shaughnessy 1869 -1914 His wife: Thirza Rice O'Shaughnessy 1875 - 1941 Daughter: Helen Kathleen O'Shaughnessy 1912 -1968 Baby Lois P-32-5 To my beloved Husband 02/03/1988 06/01/1968 01/01/1914 05/26/1941 John Bernard O'Shaughnessy 1869 -1914 His wife: Thirza Rice O'Shaughnessy 1875 - 1941 Daughter: Helen Kathleen O'Shaughnessy 1912 -1968 Baby Lois Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 348 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) R-162-1 OTIS Otis, Elmer E. MARKER: Elmer E. Ethel A. MARKER: Elmer E. Ethel A. MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 12/24/1900 11/25/1994 11/28/1994 05/04/1903 11/07/1999 11/09/1999 Dec. 24, 1900 - Nov. 25, 1994 May 4, 1903 - Nov. 7, 1999 R-162-3 OTIS Otis, Ethel Allen Otley, Clay Griffith Birth_Date Dec. 24, 1900 - Nov. 25, 1994 May 4, 1903 - Nov. 7, 1999 M-87-4 William Clay Otley 02/02/1951 1868 -1941 Lula Wynkoop Otley 1875 - 1934 Clay Griffith Otley 1902 - 1951 Otley, Lula Wynkoop MARKER: M-87-2 William Clay Otley 08/17/1934 1868 -1941 Lula Wynkoop Otley 1875 - 1934 Clay Griffith Otley 1902 - 1951 Otley, William Clay MARKER: M-87-1 William Clay Otley 10/27/1941 1868 -1941 Lula Wynkoop Otley 1875 - 1934 Clay Griffith Otley 1902 - 1951 T-VET-40-5 Otteson, Edith Y 01/01/1894 11/07/1973 11/10/1973 01/01/1893 01/01/1977 05/12/1977 08/28/1925 11/19/1994 11/25/1994 DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution MARKER: Gerald J. Otteson 1893 - 1977 World War I - 1917-18-19 Edith Y. Otteson 1894 - 1973 DAR - Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter Together Forever T-VET-40-4 Otteson, Gerald J WW I - Veteran MARKER: Ottinger, Reuben Herchal MARKER: Otto, Myrtle A. Outcalt, Charles E MARKER: Gerald J. Otteson 32-45-1 Ruben Herchal Ottinger A-59-6 M-104-1 Charles E. Outcalt 1867 - 1932 Lydia N. Outcalt Outcalt, Lydia N MARKER: MARKER: Owen, Megan MARKER: 03/04/1988 01/01/1932 1875 - 1943 M-104-2 Charles E. Outcalt Lydia N. Outcalt Owen, Elmira J Owen, John Blair Sr. 1893 - 1977 World War I - 1917-18-19 Edith Y. Otteson 1894 - 1973 DAR - Dr. Elisha Dick Chapter Together Forever 03/29/1943 1867 - 1932 1875 - 1943 O-252-2 O-252-1 10/05/1904 John Blair Owen, Sr. Oct 5, 1904 - Apr 7, 1951 T-309-3 01/23/1973 In Loving Memory 04/07/1951 02/24/1974 04/09/1951 02/14/2003 04/26/2006 MEGAN OWEN January 23, 1973 - February 14, 2003 And think of her as living in the hearts of those she touched. For nothing loved is ever lost and she was loved so much. T-310-1 Owen, Stephen, CAPT. US ARMY MARKER: 05/25/1943 07/06/2009 07/13/2009 Vietnam War - Veteran STEPHEN TURNER OWEN US ARMY VIETNAM May 25, 1943 - Jul 6, 2009 E-BBY-66-136 Owens, Carolyn L 07/03/1967 Infant E-BBY-66-24 Owens, Sandra 09/19/1960 Infant Pace, Mazsie Cook MARKER: O-39-5 Mazsie Cook Pace 09/06/1914 Sept 6, 1914 - Feb 5, 1946 02/05/1946 02/09/1946 At Rest Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 349 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Pacheco, Armando MARKER: Birth_Date 42-193-5 11/19/1915 Armando Correia | Josephine Fennell Death_Date Burial_Date 12/19/2001 12/22/2001 08/21/2008 08/21/2008 05/18/1873 05/18/1873 Nov. 19, 1915 Nov. 18, 1920 Dec. 19, 2001 (space) PACHECO Pacheco, Josephine Fennell MARKER: 42-193-6 11/18/1920 Armando Correia | Josephine Fennell Nov. 19, 1915 Nov. 18, 1920 Dec. 19, 2001 (space) PACHECO Packard, Anna L. MARKER: M-3-1A Anne L. Packard 12/27/1838 Dec 27, 1838 - May 18, 1873 Eldest child of Joseph & Rosina Packard ... that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Packard, Cornelia Jones MARKER: M-2-3 Cornelia Jones Packard 01/01/1937 1851 - 1937 Daughter of Rev. Joseph Packard, D.D. and Rosina Jones Packard Packard, Elisabeth C.G. MARKER: M-3-10 Elizabeth Gardner Packard 02/20/1907 02/21/1994 02/24/1994 M-2-7 10/01/1871 Elsie P. Packard Oct 1, 1871 - Oct 19, 1953 M-3-2A Rev. Thomas J. Packard, DD 1854 - 1912 10/19/1953 10/22/1953 February 20, 1907 - February 21, 1994 Packard, Elsie P MARKER: Packard, Harriet Rowland G. MARKER: His Wife Harriet Rowland Gardner 1869 - 1939 M-3-7 Packard, Helen Somerville A. E. F. MARKER: NOTES: Packard, John Cunningham MARKER: 01/01/1939 01/15/1890 04/27/1921 04/27/1921 WW I - Veteran Helen Somerville Jan 15, 1890 - Apr. 27, 1921 Daughter of Thomas J. and Mattie C. Packard Gave her life as a result of her service with the A.E.F. in France The path of duty was the way to glory Gave her life as a result of her service with AEF ( American Expeditionary Forces) in France, WWI M-3-8 03/29/1886 05/16/1939 John Cunningham Packard Mar 29, 1886 - May 16, 1939 05/19/1939 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, because he trusteth in Thee Packard, Laura MARKER: M-2-8 Here rest the mortal remains of Laura Packard 09/28/1876 09/28/1876 Laura Packard Sept 28, 1876 Wife of Joseph Packard, Jr. In Peace Packard, Lucy L.B. MARKER: P-5-3B Lucy L. B. Packard 01/01/1939 1875 - 1939 William F. Brookes, Jr. 1878 - 1960 Esther F. Brookes 1871 - 1964 Packard, Mary MARKER: M-2-5 Mary Packard 1853 - 1940 04/29/1940 Daughter of Joseph and Rosina Packard Missionary to Brazil Packard, Mattie Cunningham MARKER: M-3-1B 02/09/1865 08/11/1898 Mattie Cunningham Packard Feb 9, 1865 - Aug 11, 1898 08/11/1898 Beloved wife of Rev. Thomas J. Packard Blessed are the pure in heart Packard, Rosina MARKER: M-2-4 Rosina Packard 05/16/1814 May16, 1814 - Jly 19, 1891 07/19/1891 07/19/1891 M-3-1C 08/10/1898 08/24/1898 Thomas J. Packard, Jr. Aug 10, 1898 - Aug 24, 1898 08/24/1898 Wife of Rev. Joseph Packard, D.D. Daughter of Gen. Walter Jones At home with the Lord Packard, Thomas J., Jr. MARKER: Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 350 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Packard, Thomas. J., Rev., D.D. MARKER: M-3-2B Rev. Thomas J. Packard, DD His Wife Harriet Rowland Gardner Packard, William G MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1912 1854 - 1912 1869 - 1939 M-3-3A William Gardner Packard 04/12/1985 04/23/1985 December 14, 1903 - April 12, 1985 N-166-19 Padget, Nancy Carroll 05/18/1944 Infant Padgett, Bernard "Billy" J, Jr. 6-28-2 01/01/1906 08/15/1971 08/18/1971 Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: Bernard J. Padgett Chief, Alexandria Fire Department 1947-1970 1906 - 1971 NOTES: Padgett, Catherine MARKER: August 16, 1971: Remarks by Wayne F. Anderson, City Manager. Alexandria's former fire chief, Bernard J, Padgett died on August 15, 1971 at the Alexandria Hospital. Chief Padgett undewent surgery for lung cancer in November, 1968 and after months of treatment, he retired from his position of Fire Chief on September 1, 1970. Chief Padgett was appointed Fire Chief of Alexandria on November 1947, by the City Manager, Nicholas Colasanto. Mr. Colasanto said at the appointment of Chief Padgett that, "Captain Padgett has spent many years as a firefighter. His soul was in the service. He never failed to take advantage of every opportunity that came his way to become a better fireman. I believe he would give his life in the passion of attending rigidly to those kind of duties". November 17, 2001: Ceremory of the re-dedication Fire Station 204 and Fire Administration Headquarters (900 Second Street, Alexandria, VA.) in memory of Bernard J. Padgett C-28-3 03/06/1886 08/23/1934 08/25/1934 Harry C. Padgett Jly. 12, , 1882 - Jan. 22, 1963 at Rest Katherine Padget Mar. 6, 1886 - Aug. 23, 1934 Beloved wife of Harry C. Padgett Padgett, Harry C. MARKER: C-28-2 07/12/1882 01/22/1963 Harry C. Padgett Jly. 12, , 1882 - Jan. 22, 1963 at Rest 12/04/1963 Katherine Padget Mar. 6, 1886 - Aug. 23, 1934 Beloved wife of Harry C. Padgett N-60-1 N-60-3 C-28-1A C-28-1B G-203-4 T-352-3 Padgett, Henry Robert Padgett, Lucille Padgett, M. F. Padgett, Sarah T. Padgette, Millard F Padula, Frank J. 09/03/1972 04/18/1984 05/09/1939 12/29/1939 08/27/1923 08/03/1996 08/07/1996 U. S. Military Veteran Page, Joseph A MARKER: Page, Virginia P Page, William G., Jr. Paget, David G MARKER: M-27-6 Joseph A. Page 1888 - 1965 M-27-3 42-67-1 M-170-4B David G. Paget (no dates) Ella D. Paget Paget, Ella D MARKER: MARKER: 06/01/1962 03/03/2003 07/27/1984 03/07/2003 (no dates) M-170-4A David G. Paget (no dates) Ella D. Paget Paget, Helen 03/24/1965 (no dates) M-170-4C W. J. Paget (no dates) Father of Helen Helen M. Paget (no dates) Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 351 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Paget, Wilmer J MARKER: MARKER: Death_Date M-170-4 W. J. Paget (no dates) Father of Helen Helen M. Paget Painter, Conjetta Clare Painter, Ellen Gilmer Birth_Date Burial_Date 04/28/1960 (no dates) 33-17-4 M-101-6B PAINTER 08/02/1994 08/02/1882 08/02/1994 01/11/1968 08/05/1994 01/13/1968 M-101-1 07/08/1873 09/12/1935 George Whitfield Painter Jly 8, 1873 - Sept 12, 1935 09/14/1935 Landon Cabell Sept 22, 1885 - Dec 29, 1984 Henry A. Locker Aug 29, 1942 - Sept 12, 1969 Ellen Gilmer Aug 2, 1882 - Jan 11, 1968 Painter, George Whitfield MARKER: Sara Apperson Painter Oct 25, 1886 - Apr. 5, 1966 Henry L. Painter 1887 - 1959 Painter, Henry L MARKER: M-101-4 George Whitfield Painter Jly 8, 1873 - Sept 12, 1935 01/17/1959 Sara Apperson Painter Oct 25, 1886 - Apr. 5, 1966 Henry L. Painter 1887 - 1959 Painter, Henry L MARKER: M-101-4 PAINTER 01/17/1959 Landon Cabell Sept 22, 1885 - Dec 29, 1984 Henry A. Locker Aug 29, 1942 - Sept 12, 1969 Ellen Gilmer Aug 2, 1882 - Jan 11, 1968 Painter, Landon C MARKER: M-101-5A PAINTER 12/29/1984 08/20/1985 M-101-2 10/25/1886 04/05/1966 George Whitfield Painter Jly 8, 1873 - Sept 12, 1935 04/07/1966 Landon Cabell Sept 22, 1885 - Dec 29, 1984 Henry A. Locker Aug 29, 1942 - Sept 12, 1969 Ellen Gilmer Aug 2, 1882 - Jan 11, 1968 Painter, Sara Apperson MARKER: Sara Apperson Painter Oct 25, 1886 - Apr. 5, 1966 Henry L. Painter 1887 - 1959 T-194-6 Pak, Yong Kyun 09/19/1938 11/11/1969 11/15/1969 Military-Non U.S. MARKER: Yong Kyun Pak Sept 19, 1938 - Nov 11, 1969 Seoul, Korea Capt. Army Republic of Korea Palmer, Annie E. Withers MARKER: Palmer, Carter R. MARKER: E-7-4 Annie Withers Palmer 1880 - 1959 D-37-3 03/14/1949 PALMER 11/27/1959 08/15/1949 08/17/1949 James Edward 1913 - 1970 Susanne Kappler 1916 -1986 Carter Randolph Palmer Mar.14, 1949 - Mar 14, 1949 R-78-5 Palmer, Eileen Boyer Inmemorium MARKER: 09/06/1911 03/30/1994 Eileen Boyer Palmer Sept. 6, 1911 March 30, 1994 NOTES: Palmer, James E MARKER: Cremains to be interred at a later date. Body donated to science. D-37-1 PALMER 01/24/1970 James Edward 1913 - 1970 Susanne Kappler 1916 -1986 Carter Randolph Palmer Mar.14, 1949 - Mar 14, 1949 Palmer, John Ingles MARKER: Palmer, Kathleen Watts MARKER: Palmer, Margaret F. (Maggie) MARKER: O-138-1 John Ingles Palmer 02/14/1873 01/22/1946 Feb 14, 1873 - Jan 22, 1946 His Wife Kathleen Watts Palmer Aug 26, 1917 - Aug 5, 1951 O-138-2 John Ingles Palmer 08/13/1874 04/05/1954 Feb 14, 1873 - Jan 22, 1946 His Wife Kathleen Watts Palmer Aug 26, 1917 - Aug 5, 1951 N-97-3 03/25/1863 11/07/1940 MOTHER: Maggie F. Palmer Mar 25, 1863 - Nov 7, 1940 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/07/1954 11/09/1940 Page 352 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Palmer, Suzanne MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date D-37-2B PALMER Burial_Date 10/10/1986 James Edward 1913 - 1970 Susanne Kappler 1916 -1986 Carter Randolph Palmer Mar.14, 1949 - Mar 14, 1949 Palumbo, Fay A. MARKER: 33-50-2 PALUMBO FAY A. Apr. 25, 1907 Feb. 16, 1966 Palumbo, Frank Joseph MARKER: MARKER: 33-50-1 PALUMBO Pancoast, Joseph M MARKER: MARKER: 11/04/1906 10/13/2003 10/20/2003 04/15/1907 04/12/1992 04/16/1992 Irene L. 1907 - 1992 T-158-1 PANCOAST Joseph M. 1902 - 1986 Pannill, Edna E. Carlin 02/19/1996 Frank J. Nov. 4, 1906 Oct. 13, 2003 T-158-2 PANCOAST Joseph M. 1902 - 1986 02/16/1996 Frank J. Nov. 4, 1906 Oct. 13, 2003 FAY A. Apr. 25, 1907 Feb. 16, 1966 Pancoast, Irene 04/25/1907 12/29/1986 Irene L. 1907 - 1992 R-127-2 08/17/1883 EDNA ESKRIDGE CARLIN PANNILL 04/14/1941 04/16/1941 Aug. 17, 1883 - Apr. 14, 1941 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 Pannill, Joseph B MARKER: R-127-5B Joseph B. Pannill 05/28/1941 1882 - 1941 (sister) Mamie C. Faulconer Papoulakos, Helen MARKER: T-267-1A Peter Papoulakos 04/25/1917 Aug 15, 1889 - Oct 29, 1977 06/06/2005 05/09/2006 10/29/1977 11/01/1977 07/18/1975 07/19/1975 03/21/1950 03/23/1950 04/18/1947 04/18/1947 07/02/1926 07/05/1926 09/18/1859 04/20/1953 Sept 18, 1859 - Apr. 20, 1953 04/23/1953 Helen Papoulakos Apr 25, 1917 - June 6, 2005 Papoulakos, Peter D MARKER: T-268-3 Peter Papoulakos 08/15/1889 Aug 15, 1889 - Oct 29, 1977 Helen Papoulakos Apr 25, 1917 - June 6, 2005 Pardillo, Gudelia MARKER: T-96-6 Gudelia Pardillo 09/29/1905 Sept 29, 1905 - Jly 18, 1975 Madre y abuela querida Parent, Jeannette H MARKER: E-43-2 09/06/1893 John W.Parent June 28, 1890 - April 18, 1947 Jeannette H. Parent Sept. 6, 1893 - Mar. 21, 1950 Parent, John W MARKER: E-43-3 06/28/1890 John W.Parent June 28, 1890 - April 18, 1947 Jeannette H. Parent Sept. 6, 1893 - Mar. 21, 1950 Parham, Edwin Feild MARKER: M-152-1 Edwin Field Parham 01/09/1855 Jan 9, 1855 - Jly 2, 1926 Born Sussex Co., Virginia Died Fairfax Co., Virginia Parham, Mary Lyon MARKER: Parish, Baby M-152-2 Mary Lyon Parham N-127-33 05/03/1948 Infant Park, Alameda M. MARKER: Park, Fay Cooksey R-132-4 Alameda M. 10/06/1901 03/23/1996 03/26/1996 07/16/1915 02/15/2009 02/28/2009 1901 - 1996 Samuel T. Park 1874 - 1935 Lula V. Park 1975 - 1968 Samuel F. 1912 - 1992 Fay C. 1915 - 2009 (individual granite markers) R-132-6 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 353 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Park, Lula V MARKER: R-132-3 Alameda M. Birth_Date MARKER: R-132-5 Alameda M. MARKER: R-132-2 Alameda M. 01/01/1875 01/01/1968 01/06/1968 08/12/1912 06/23/1992 06/26/1992 01/01/1874 01/01/1935 10/18/1935 1901 - 1996 Samuel T. Park 1874 - 1935 Lula V. Park 1975 - 1968 Samuel F. 1912 - 1992 Fay C. 1915 - 2009 (individual granite markers) Park, Samuel T 1901 - 1996 Samuel T. Park 1874 - 1935 Lula V. Park 1975 - 1968 Samuel F. 1912 - 1992 Fay C. 1915 - 2009 (individual granite markers) Parke, Mary Lee MARKER: Phil B. Burial_Date 1901 - 1996 Samuel T. Park 1874 - 1935 Lula V. Park 1975 - 1968 Samuel F. 1912 - 1992 Fay C. 1915 - 2009 (individual granite markers) Park, Samuel F. Death_Date R-124-5 1868 - 1947 12/11/1957 Mary Lee 1875 - 1957 Parke, Phil B MARKER: Phil B. R-124-4 1868 - 1947 01/01/1947 Mary Lee 1875 - 1957 Parker, Ashby Javins MARKER: O-187-3 Ashby Javins Parker 10/11/1927 07/17/2006 07/21/2006 10/11/1927 Aug 1, 1879 - Dec 30, 1949 07/17/2006 07/21/2006 01/01/1900 03/20/1977 02/14/1942 03/23/1977 11/11/1900 Aug 1, 1879 - Dec 30, 1949 01/06/1976 01/09/1976 12/30/1949 01/02/1950 05/27/1999 06/04/1999 10/03/1971 09/01/1970 10/06/1971 04/28/2002 05/02/2002 Oct. 11, 1927 - July 17, 2006 Parker, Ashby Javins MARKER: O-187-3 Frank E. Parker Fannie Lee Parker Nov 11, 1900 - Jan 25, 1951 Jesse LJ. Parker Aug 21, 1925 - Oct 3, 1971 C-3-5 T-VET-11-2 Parker, Austin D Parker, Edna F U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Robert A. Parker Edna F. Parker Parker, Fannie Lee MARKER: 1900 - 1984 1900 - 1977 O-187-2 Frank E. Parker Fannie Lee Parker Nov 11, 1900 - Jan 25, 1951 Jesse LJ. Parker Aug 21, 1925 - Oct 3, 1971 Parker, Frank E. MARKER: O-187-1 Frank E. Parker 08/01/1879 Aug 1, 1879 - Dec 30, 1949 Fannie Lee Parker Nov 11, 1900 - Jan 25, 1951 Jesse LJ. Parker Aug 21, 1925 - Oct 3, 1971 Parker, Horace MARKER: 42-14-4 PARKER 05/02/1907 Horace May 2, 1907 - May 27, 1999 "Pass me not Ol' gentle savior, Hear my humble cry. While others thou art calling, Do not pass me by." Parker, Jess William Sr. Parker, Jesse Jay Parker, John Brantley Inmemorium MARKER: T-145-4 O-206-3 2-89A-1A 08/21/1925 Faith, Hope & Love Abide. These three; But the greatest of these is Love. Corinthians 13:13 John Brantley Parker 1947 - 1996 32-5-1A Parker, Margaret Air Force MARKER: 10/15/1925 Korean War - Veteran MARGARET PARKER OCT. 15, 1925 - APRIL 28, 2002 S. Sgt. (T) Air Force Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 354 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date T-VET-11-1A Parker, Robert A 01/01/1900 Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1984 02/27/1984 05/02/2008 08/05/1951 05/14/2008 08/09/1951 WW I - Veteran MARKER: Robert A. Parker Edna F. Parker Parker, Rutha Lee Parker, Tommie Lee MARKER: 1900 - 1984 1900 - 1977 42-14-3 O-284-1 Tommie Lee Parker 09/09/1919 08/26/1917 Aug 26, 1917 - Aug 5, 1951 Rest in Peace Parmer, Baby Parrish, Annie V MARKER: Parrish, C Bruin MARKER: E-8-1A N-89-3B Henry N. Parrish 01/01/1930 1876 - 1942 Annie V. Parrish 1878 - 1914 G-175-5 John W. Parrish 1854 - 1934 C. Bruin Parrrish 1859 - 1934 T-80-4 Parrish, Carleton USCG MARKER: 08/08/1923 11/14/2005 11/17/2005 WW II - Veteran CARLETON PARRISH Gone Fishin' August 8, 1923 - November 14, 2005 Parrish, Henry N. MARKER: N-89-2 Henry N. Parrish Annie V. Parrish 11/10/1942 1876 - 1942 1878 - 1914 T-126-3A Parrish, Jean Inmemorium MARKER: Jean Parrish 04/04/1923 09/10/1977 Apr 4, 1923 - Sept 10, 1977 For 35 years loving wife of George. Parrish, Jeanette I. MARKER: Parrish, John W MARKER: N-89-1B Mary L. Parrish 1850 - 1930 Jeanette I. Parrish 1873 - 1968 G-175-4 John W. Parrish 1854 - 1934 01/26/1968 01/01/1934 C. Bruin Parrrish 1859 - 1934 Parrish, Mary Gloria MARKER: T-160-4A WILLIAM C. PARRISH, JR. 02/09/1923 03/18/2007 ( PFC U SARMY ) June 12, 1921 - December 25, 1969 GLORIA PARRISH February 9, 1923 * March 18, 2007 Parrish, Mary L MARKER: N-89-3 Mary L. Parrish MARKER: 1873 - 1968 T-126-2 William Carrington Parrish Minnie Miller Parrish 01/21/1897 June 26, 1892 - US ARMY MARKER: Parrish, William Carrington MARKER: MARKER: 06/12/1921 12/25/1969 12/29/1969 U. S. Military Veteran WILLIAM C. PARRISH, JR. ( PFC U SARMY ) June 12, 1921 - December 25, 1969 GLORIA PARRISH February 9, 1923 * March 18, 2007 T-126-1 William Carrington Parrish Minnie Miller Parrish Parry, Bryn Elizabeth 07/03/1985 Jan 21, 1897 - T-160-4 Parrish, William C., Jr. 01/01/1930 1850 - 1930 Jeanette I. Parrish Parrish, Minnie Miller 03/23/2007 06/26/1892 June 26, 1892 - 06/05/1982 Jan 21, 1897 - 42-64-2 MANNING 05/20/1979 07/19/1999 07/30/1999 Bryn Elizabeth Parry 1979 - 1999 Peace to our sweet Brynnie Parsells, Bessie M MARKER: P-15-5 George E. Parsells Bessie M. Parsells Marion D. Parsells George M. Parsells 08/20/1943 1865 - 1920 1867 - 1943 1906 - 1954 1905 - 1960 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 355 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Parsells, George E MARKER: P-15-4 George E. Parsells MARKER: MARKER: 1867 - 1943 1906 - 1954 1905 - 1960 P-15-1 George E. Parsells 11/09/1960 1865 - 1920 1867 - 1943 1906 - 1954 1905 - 1960 P-15-6 O-86-1 Ralph H. Parsons, Sr. Ralph H, Parsons, Jr. Parsons, Ralph Henry, Jr. MARKER: O-86-3 Ralph H. Parsons, Sr. Ralph H, Parsons, Jr. Partlow, Bernard E MARKER: T-205-5 Bernard E. Partlow Jessie K. Partlow Partlow, Bernard E., Jr. MARKER: Burial_Date 01/01/1920 Bessie M. Parsells Marion D. Parsells George M. Parsells Parsells, Marion D. Parson, Ralph H., Sr. Death_Date 1865 - 1920 Bessie M. Parsells Marion D. Parsells George M. Parsells Parsells, George M Birth_Date 09/14/1954 08/11/1944 1911 - 1944 1937 - 1974 02/16/1974 1911 - 1944 1937 - 1974 06/05/1888 June 5, 1888 - Apr 27, 1966 04/27/1966 04/30/1966 05/14/1987 05/18/1987 01/01/1901 10/14/1989 10/14/1989 01/01/1898 01/01/1978 01/18/1978 11/05/1904 Sept. 13, 1899 - Apr. 22, 1977 06/02/1949 06/04/1949 11/18/1973 11/21/1973 04/22/1977 04/26/1977 12/13/1987 11/24/1989 12/17/1997 12/23/1997 Dec 5, 1893 - Nov 18, 1973 31-37-1 PARTLOW 07/15/1924 Bernard Erroll Partlow July 15, 1924 - May 14, 1987 his beloved wife Jane Baker Partlow (space) Partlow, Bessie V MARKER: 6-8-2 Carlisle H. Bessie V. 1898 - 1978 1901 - 1989 PARTLOW (TOGETHER FOREVER) Partlow, Carlisle H MARKER: 6-8-1 Carlisle H. Bessie V. 1898 - 1978 1901 - 1989 PARTLOW (TOGETHER FOREVER) Partlow, Cecelia MARKER: R-73-2 Ralph V.Partlow Ceclia A. Partlow Partlow, Jessie K MARKER: Partlow, Ralph V MARKER: 12/05/1893 June 5, 1888 - Apr 27, 1966 Jessie K. Partlow Dec 5, 1893 - Nov 18, 1973 R-73-1 Ralph V.Partlow 09/13/1899 Sept. 13, 1899 - Apr. 22, 1977 Ceclia A. Partlow Passas, Christopher Michael MARKER: Nov. 5, 1904- June 2, 1949 T-205-6 Bernard E. Partlow Nov. 5, 1904- June 2, 1949 31-1-1 Christopher Michael Passas 10/02/1967 October 2, 1967 - December 13, 1987 "and we will raise him up on eagles wings" Pastore, Francesco MARKER: 32-72-1 PASTORE 02/23/1932 Francesco February 23, 1932 - December 17, 1997 Forte, Fedele e risoluto, il nostro Amato, Marito, Padre e Nonno Patchen, George M MARKER: N-147-4 George M. Patchem 01/01/1892 1824 - 1892 At Rest Patchin, Mary Mason Patchin, Phillip H Paton, Steven C MARKER: F-66-3A F-66-3B 1-17-1 Steven C. Paton 04/26/1884 08/28/1963 12/25/1927 05/01/1980 04/24/1964 04/18/1955 05/05/1980 Dec. 25, 1927 - May 1, 1980 Patrick, Jimmy E-BBY-66-159 11/07/1971 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 356 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Patterson, Beryl Walker MARKER: T-87-6 Joseph C. Patterson Beryl W. Patterson Patterson, Joseph C MARKER: MARKER: Death_Date 04/07/1904 June 17, 1898 - Sept 13, 1976 Burial_Date 11/23/1985 Apr 7, 1904 - T-87-5 Joseph C. Patterson Beryl W. Patterson Patton, Kevin Michael Birth_Date 06/17/1898 09/13/1976 June 17, 1898 - Sept 13, 1976 09/15/1976 Apr 7, 1904 - 1-18-2 Kevin Michael Patton , "Boomer" 04/02/1957 12/17/1978 12/20/1978 02/20/1906 12/28/1977 12/31/1977 02/15/2001 02/19/2001 10/21/1947 10/21/1947 Aug 26, 1870 - Oct 21, 1947 10/21/1947 April 12, 1957 - Dec. 17, 1978 Son of Patricia & Stanley Brother of Scott & Stacy C-10-4A Patton, Ruby B. COFFMAN MARKER: In Loving Memory Ruby Dunn Patton Feb. 20, 1906 - Dec. 28, 1977 Mary R. Coffman 1883 - 1978 Mary E. Dunn Smith 1935 - 1984 1-18-4 Patton, Stanley S. US ARMY Paul, Arthur A MARKER: 02/20/1934 WW II - Veteran O-186-1 Brother: Arthur A. Paul Sister: Nellie P. Shaffer Paule, Eleanor Marie Burkholder MARKER: Sept 6, 1876 - (space) 42-21-4A Eleanor Marie Burkholder 03/21/1920 06/17/2001 06/25/2001 08/02/1918 02/15/1999 02/19/1999 10/08/1916 10/22/1996 10/25/1996 01/01/1895 02/14/1926 02/14/1926 01/01/1895 02/14/1926 02/14/1926 03/06/1875 06/05/1888 06/05/1888 N-141-3 07/13/1884 In Memory of: Clarence M. Payne Daid: Jly 13, 1884 07/18/1881 1920 PAULE 2001 Beloved by her family 33-47-3 Pauls, Joseph J., Sr. WW II - Veteran MARKER: Joseph John Pauls, Sr August 2, 1918 February 15, 1999 Pauls, Margaret E. MARKER: 33-47-4 Margaret Ellen Pauls October 8, 1916 - October 22, 1996 A-70-1A Payne, Archie W. WW I - Veteran MARKER: Archie W. Payne 1895-1926 Martha "Mema" Payne 1899-1990 John L. Graumann 1919-1999 Lillian V. Graumann 1923-1991 Together For Eternity A-70-1A Payne, Archie W. WW I - Veteran MARKER: Archie W. Payne At Rest Payne, Charlie MARKER: 1895- 1926 ( American Legion Marker ) N-141-1 In Memory of Charlie Payne Mar 6, 1875 - June 5, 1888 Second Son of Milton and Isabela Payne Life is a flower; it opens and is plucked Payne, Clarence M MARKER: Aged 9 years, 8 months A treasure kept in Heaven Payne, Isabella MARKER: N-141-2 Milton P.Payne 02/05/1886 In Memory of Isabella Payne Feb 5, 1886 Departed this life in the 43rd yr. of her age Beloved Wife of Milton P. Payne She abides in the presence of God Payne, Lavinia M MARKER: F-50-6 William Payne 02/05/1886 1840 - 1897 02/04/1819 Mar 24, 1807 - Apr. 16, 1890 01/21/1906 Born Farmington, N.Y. LAVINIA M. Payne, HIS WIFE Feb 4, 1819 - Jan 21, 1906 Daughter of Jason and Lydia Frost Born Agusta, N.Y. Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 357 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Payne, Lucy W MARKER: Birth_Date R-126-6 PAYNE MARKER: A-70-1B Archie W. Payne 1895-1926 12/29/1899 12/18/1990 Martha "Mema" Payne 1899-1990 John L. Graumann 1919-1999 Lillian V. Graumann 1923-1991 Together For Eternity Payne, Milton P. MARKER: N-141-5 Milton P.Payne MARKER: 01/01/1897 R-126-2 PAYNE 03/18/1940 Richard A. Payne 1890 - 1954 Lucy W. Payne 1893 - 1976 Phillip Payne 1859 - 1940 Louise Payne Petty 1915 - 1995 Payne, Richard A MARKER: R-126-5 PAYNE 10/20/1954 Richard A. Payne 1890 - 1954 Lucy W. Payne 1893 - 1976 Phillip Payne 1859 - 1940 Louise Payne Petty 1915 - 1995 Payne, William MARKER: Payton, Georgeann Fath MARKER: F-50-5 William Payne 12/31/1990 1840 - 1897 In Memory of Isabella Payne Feb 5, 1886 Departed this life in the 43rd yr. of her age Beloved Wife of Milton P. Payne She abides in the presence of God Payne, Phillip Burial_Date 11/27/1976 Richard A. Payne 1890 - 1954 Lucy W. Payne 1893 - 1976 Phillip Payne 1859 - 1940 Louise Payne Petty 1915 - 1995 Payne, Martha Virginia Death_Date 03/24/1807 Mar 24, 1807 - Apr. 16, 1890 04/16/1890 Born Farmington, N.Y. LAVINIA M. Payne, HIS WIFE Feb 4, 1819 - Jan 21, 1906 Daughter of Jason and Lydia Frost Born Agusta, N.Y. 31-107-1 Georgiann Fath Payton 01/27/1945 09/02/1988 09/06/1988 January 27, 1945 - September 2, 1988 Beloved Mother, Daughter, Sister. Peabody, Ida Holden MARKER: T-323-2 Leroy Elden Peabody His Beloved Wife Ida Holden Peabody Peabody, Leroy E MARKER: 1892 - 1959 T-323-1 Leroy Elden Peabody His Beloved Wife Ida Holden Peabody Peake, James Frederick MARKER: Pearce, Baby 10/31/1959 1894 - 1956 01/31/1956 1894 - 1956 1892 - 1959 T-183-1 James Frederick Peake B-BBY-48-11 12/23/1876 01/13/1965 Dec 23, 1876 - Jan 13, 1965 01/14/1965 11/17/1953 Infant E-BBY-66-58 Pearce, Teresa 11/24/1962 Infant Pearl, John J. MARKER: B-29-1 10/08/1930 05/08/1938 James A. Hardin, Sr. APR. 12, 1885 - JAN 4, 1967 Julia Mae Hardin Grandson John Joseph Pearl Pearse, Amelia A MARKER: T-276-6 Amelia A. Pearse Gordon W. Pearse Pearse, Gordon W MARKER: T-276-4 Amelia A. Pearse Gordon W. Pearse Pearson, Daughter 05/10/1938 May 17, 1890 - Jan 30, 1961 Oct. 8, 1930 - May 8, 1938 08/03/1961 08/05/1961 03/25/1979 03/28/1979 1878 - 1961 Apr 4, 1902 - Mar 25, 1979 04/04/1902 1878 - 1961 Apr 4, 1902 - Mar 25, 1979 N-167-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 358 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date N-137-4B Pearson, Marjorie L. 11/15/1913 Death_Date Burial_Date 12/09/1920 Child MARKER: Thomas A. Pearson Marjorie L. Pearson Jan 18, 1912 - Feb 8, 1912 Nov 15, 1913 - Dec 9, 1920 N-137-4A Pearson, Thomas A 01/18/1912 02/08/1912 Infant MARKER: Thomas A. Pearson Marjorie L. Pearson Jan 18, 1912 - Feb 8, 1912 Nov 15, 1913 - Dec 9, 1920 T-328-1 T-151-2A Pease, Ethel Barksdale Peck, Craig E. Inmemorium 12/29/1969 08/09/1969 05/06/1971 Child MARKER: In Loving Memory of: Craig E. Peck Aug 9, 1969 - May 6, 1971 T-151-3 Peck, Jeffrey M 11/21/1966 06/14/1969 06/16/1969 Infant MARKER: In Loving Memory of: Jeffrey M. Peck Nov 21, 1966 - June 14, 1969 T-151-2 Peck, Roger 05/06/1971 Infant Pedone, Doris A. MARKER: 2-53-2 DORIS A. PEDONE 03/19/1913 10/20/1995 10/23/1995 Mar. 19, 1913 - Oct. 20, 1995 Pedone, Matthew MARKER: 2-53-1 Matthew Pedone 06/09/1980 Sept. 9, 1912 - June 6, 1980 Peel, Charles Ivor MARKER: 2-21-2 Charles Ivor Peel 09/09/1908 01/10/1988 01/13/1988 05/09/1919 02/13/2001 02/16/2001 09/28/1877 Aug13, 1878 - Apr 30, 1926 12/24/1920 12/24/1920 01/07/1907 08/14/1907 08/14/1907 08/13/1878 Aug13, 1878 - Apr 30, 1926 04/30/1926 04/30/1926 07/13/1998 11/11/2006 07/20/1998 01/15/2007 11/25/1995 02/18/1985 04/18/1941 07/08/1940 04/08/1981 11/30/1995 02/21/1985 Sept. 9,1908 Jan. 10, 1988 Peel, Tecla M. MARKER: 2-21-3 TECLA MARY PEEL May 9, 1919 - Feb. 13, 2001 Peele, Emma J Smith MARKER: M-24-2 Vance H. Peele Mother Emma J. Smith Sept 28, 1877 - Dec 24, 1920 Wife of Vance H. Peele Peele, Maria Bertie MARKER: M-24-3 Our Darling Maria Bertie Peele Daughter of Vance H. & Emma J.Peele Peele, Vance H MARKER: M-24-1 Vance H. Peele Mother Emma J. Smith Sept 28, 1877 - Dec 24, 1920 Wife of Vance H. Peele Pelletier, Raymond Pellien, James Joseph MARKER: T-225-1 33-10-3A PELLIEN James Joseph (space) Pence, Katherina Ann Pence, Thomas Pendell, Lucille H Pendergrass, Beulah Grey Pendergrass, Eula Mae MARKER: 12/04/1948 06/14/1948 June 14, 1948 - November 11, 2006 M-59-5 M-59-4 T-347-3 R-156-8 R-156-9 Eulah M. Pendergrass 07/21/1903 07/21/1903 July 21, 1903 - Feb. 18, 1985 Penick, Anne H. MARKER: 42-171-2 Anne Hogg Penick 03/14/1957 08/21/2007 March 14, 1957 - August 21, 2007 08/25/2007 Beloved wife of Barksdale, Loving mother of Alyssa I carry your heart with me. Peniello, Janet M. B-BBY-48-54 08/14/1957 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 359 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Penn, Bedford F. Penn, Charles Louis MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-202-6 02/06/1918 06/04/1991 R-201-1 William D. Dudley, Sr. (at rest) May 23, 1883 - May 1, 1957 Burial_Date 06/06/1991 04/12/1939 Bessie Lee Dudley Dec 25, 1886 - Apr 15, 1969 William D. Dudley,Jr. (at rest)Dec. 14, 1915 - June 22, 1950 Louis Charles Penn 1904 - 1939 Penn, Frederick M Penn, Geneva S. MARKER: R-202-4 N-49-5 Raymond L. Penn Geneva S. Penn Penn, Harry L., Rev. MARKER: 05/16/1895 Dec 5, 1893 - Jan 29, 1973 MARKER: MARKER: 1888 - 1971 MARKER: MARKER: 08/22/1971 1888 - 1971 N-49-4 Raymond L. Penn Geneva S. Penn Penn, Robert Michael 12/30/1963 08/25/1983 May 23, 1899 - B-28-5 John Penn 1877 - 1948 Mary W. Penn Penn, Raymond L 07/31/1948 R-202-5 01/01/1880 12/28/1963 B-21-6 05/23/1899 Rev. Harry L. Penn March 18, 1896 - Nov 10, 1977 His Wife Mary Regina Penn Penn, Mary William 11/12/1977 May 23, 1899 - B-28-4 John Penn 1877 - 1948 Mary W. Penn Penn, Mary Ellen (Howdershell) Penn, Mary Regina MARKER: 08/01/1952 08/02/1972 May 16, 1895 - Aug 2, 1972 B-21-5 03/18/1896 11/10/1977 Rev. Harry L. Penn March 18, 1896 - Nov 10, 1977 His Wife Mary Regina Penn Penn, John 08/02/1972 12/05/1893 Dec 5, 1893 - Jan 29, 1973 01/29/1973 01/30/1973 06/13/1989 06/15/1989 04/26/1987 05/16/1987 May 16, 1895 - Aug 2, 1972 31-51-4A Robert Michael Penn 01/01/1947 1947 - 1989 "he believed in the dawn and his spirit is still with us" LOVE; Gary,Jamie,Janet Pennebaker, Elizabeth Beach MARKER: E-34-4B Elizabeth Beach Pennebaker 05/11/1898 May 11, 1898 - April 26, 1997 E-BBY-66-87 Pennington, Glenn Lee 11/13/1963 Infant Pentz, Joseph A MARKER: Perez, Cesar A. MARKER: N-20-3 09/03/1895 Joseph A. Pentz Sept 3, 1895 - Feb 7, 1945 42-54-6A 05/20/1962 PEREZ Oacar A. Cesar A. Perez, Maria Elena Perez, Maria J MARKER: 02/07/1945 02/10/1945 01/10/1992 02/16/2006 05/12/1966 05/12/1966 08/29/2003 05/31/1984 09/03/2003 06/04/1984 01/24/1928 12/18/1996 12/21/1996 11/10/1969 09/04/1972 12/23/2008 12/15/2004 12/30/2008 12/17/2004 10/20/1986 10/22/1986 06/12/1890 11/27/1975 Sept 27, 1858 - Nov 22, 1952 12/01/1975 September 4, 1972 - December 15, 2004 May 20, 1962 - January 10, 1992 42-30-2 6-53-1 MARIA J. PEREZ AUG 1, 1903 MAY 31, 1984 Perez, Mario MARKER: 31-51-3 Mario M. Perez January 24, 1928 - December 18, 1996 Perez, Nancy Perez, Oscar MARKER: 42-54-4 42-54-6C PEREZ Oacar A. Cesar A. Perez, Ricardo MARKER: September 4, 1972 - December 15, 2004 May 20, 1962 - January 10, 1992 6-53-2 RICARDO R. PEREZ 09/16/1952 SEPTEMBER 16, 1952 OCTOBER 20, 1986 Perkins, Edwin Steele MARKER: O-319-4 Kate Atkinson Perkins Edwin Steele Perkins, Her Son June 12, 1890-Nov 27, 1975 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 360 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Perkins, Katherine Atkinson MARKER: O-319-6 Kate Atkinson Perkins Birth_Date Death_Date 09/27/1858 03/22/1952 Sept 27, 1858 - Nov 22, 1952 Burial_Date 03/25/1952 Edwin Steele Perkins, Her Son June 12, 1890-Nov 27, 1975 Perkins, William Whetstone MARKER: Perkinson, Agnes C. MARKER: T-292-4 William Whetstone Perkins T-120-4B PERKINSON 07/06/1915 08/29/1962 Jly 6, 1915 - Aug 29, 1962 08/06/1909 02/15/1999 08/31/1962 03/18/1999 William E Aug 23, 1909 - June 29, 1994 his wife: Agnes C. aug 6, 1909 - Feb 15, 1999 Perkinson, William E. MARKER: T-120-4A PERKINSON 06/29/1994 06/29/1994 07/05/1994 04/17/1841 02/27/1926 Jan 31, 1829 - Dec 20, 1907 02/27/1926 William E Aug 23, 1909 - June 29, 1994 his wife: Agnes C. aug 6, 1909 - Feb 15, 1999 Perry, Adelaide Smoot MARKER: G-115-6 THOMAS PERRY C.S.A. S. Adelaide Smoot Perry wife of Thomas Perry Apr. 17, 1841 - Feb. 27, 1926 E-BBY-66-45 Perry, Baby 04/20/1962 Infant Perry, Charles S MARKER: G-114-2 Mary Anna Smoot Perry 07/22/1855 08/01/1918 May 4, 1832 - Feb. 28, 1895 08/01/1918 wife of John Perry Charles S. Perry Jly 22, 1855 - Aug 1, 1918 Milton B. Perry Dec 14, 1860 - Oct 25, 1927 Perry, Doris Jewell Bruin MARKER: B-71-5 BRUIN 10/20/1900 Joseph T. May 28, 1898 - May 8, 1943 Ruth A. Sept 9, 1879 - Nov. 16, 1963 Doris Jewell Perry Oct 2, 1900 - Mar 27, 1940 Eula Bruin Guckert May 14, 1910 - Dec 12, 1942 Ernest W. Wengart May 13, 1898 - Dec 23, 1953 Perry, Elizabeth MARKER: G-115-2 John T. B. Perry 12/29/1805 Aug 30, 1798 - Oct 20, 1857 03/27/1940 03/27/1940 06/27/1874 06/27/1874 Elizabeth Perry (wife of John) Dec 29, 1805 - June 27, 1874 John Perry Mar 20, 1830 - Apr 24, 1893 Perry, J. Lawrence MARKER: Perry, John MARKER: G-114-5 T Calvert Perry 07/01/1869 Jly 19, 1867 - Jly 31, 1945 J. Lawrence Perry Jly 1, 1869 - Nov. 14, 1935 G-115-3 John T. B. Perry 03/20/1830 Aug 30, 1798 - Oct 20, 1857 11/14/1935 11/14/1935 04/24/1893 04/24/1893 Elizabeth Perry (wife of John) Dec 29, 1805 - June 27, 1874 John Perry Mar 20, 1830 - Apr 24, 1893 Perry, John T. B. MARKER: G-115-1 John T. B. Perry 08/30/1798 Aug 30, 1798 - Oct 20, 1857 10/20/1857 10/20/1857 Elizabeth Perry (wife of John) Dec 29, 1805 - June 27, 1874 John Perry Mar 20, 1830 - Apr 24, 1893 Perry, John W Perry, Lillian Perry, Louise G MARKER: Perry, Mary Anna Smoot MARKER: N-111-5 G-114-6 N-111-6 Louise G. Perry 1913 - 1974 G-114-1 05/04/1832 02/28/1895 Mary Anna Smoot Perry May 4, 1832 - Feb. 28, 1895 05/11/1990 04/02/1985 08/01/1974 02/28/1895 wife of John Perry Charles S. Perry Jly 22, 1855 - Aug 1, 1918 Milton B. Perry Dec 14, 1860 - Oct 25, 1927 Perry, Milton B MARKER: G-114-3 Mary Anna Smoot Perry 12/14/1860 10/25/1927 May 4, 1832 - Feb. 28, 1895 10/25/1927 wife of John Perry Charles S. Perry Jly 22, 1855 - Aug 1, 1918 Milton B. Perry Dec 14, 1860 - Oct 25, 1927 N-166-22 Perry, Nicholas 07/27/1944 Infant Perry, T Calvert MARKER: G-114-4 T Calvert Perry J. Lawrence Perry 07/19/1867 Jly 19, 1867 - Jly 31, 1945 07/31/1945 07/31/1945 Jly 1, 1869 - Nov. 14, 1935 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 361 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date G-115-4 Perry, Thomas Death_Date 01/31/1829 12/20/1907 Burial_Date 12/20/1907 C S A Veteran MARKER: THOMAS PERRY C.S.A. S. Adelaide Smoot Perry wife of Thomas Perry NOTES: Pesquera, Clara M. Pessaud, William Henry, Jr. MARKER: - 1st Lieutenant, " Alexandria Riflemen", Co. A, 17th Virginia Infantry. 33-37-4 03/04/1954 04/15/1994 04/19/1994 42-155-6 04/13/1968 04/27/2006 05/02/2006 PESSAUD William Henry, Jr. " Billy " April 13, 1968 April 27, 2006 (Space) (Space) Petersen, Evelyn A MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Peterson, Linda Vickers MARKER: Peterson, Louis William Peterson, Melker MARKER: Peterson, William Royce MARKER: Petitt, Evelyn Louise Spivey MARKER: 01/14/1911 11/22/1990 11/26/1990 04/15/1910 10/14/1998 10/19/1998 Evelyn A. 1911-1990 31-61-3 PETERSEN Paul E. 1910-1998 Peterson, Addie (space) (space) (space) (space) 31-61-4 PETERSEN Paul E. 1910-1998 Petersen, Paul E. Jan 31, 1829 - Dec 20, 1907 Apr. 17, 1841 - Feb. 27, 1926 Evelyn A. 1911-1990 C-17-1 Addie Peterson 1857 - 1931 31-29-4 WILLIAM ROYCE PETERSON 01/01/1931 02/02/1945 08/11/2004 April 24, 1943 - July 18, 1990 And talent in the highest and broadest sense means talent for life Linda Vickers Peterson February 2, 1945 - August 11,2004 C-17-2 M-53-4 Brother: Melker Peterson 1882 - 1947 31-29-3 04/24/1943 WILLIAM ROYCE PETERSON 08/14/2004 11/03/1941 12/24/1947 07/18/1990 07/20/1990 10/06/1998 10/10/1998 12/29/1903 03/25/1974 Dec 29, 1903 - Mar 25, 1974 03/27/1974 April 24, 1943 - July 18, 1990 And talent in the highest and broadest sense means talent for life Linda Vickers Peterson February 2, 1945 - August 11,2004 B-11-3 Louise Spivey Petitt 07/08/1908 July 8, 1908 - Oct. 6, 1998 Petitt, Frederick S MARKER: T-105-4 Frederick S. (Fred) Petitt Son: John F. (Jack) Petitt Petitt, George E Petitt, John Frederick MARKER: Son: John F. (Jack) Petitt Petrilli, Ann Gloria MARKER: Nov 25, 1953 - May 18, 1978 T-353-3 T-105-5 Frederick S. (Fred) Petitt 11/25/1953 05/18/1978 Dec 29, 1903 - Mar 25, 1974 06/12/1956 05/20/1978 Nov 25, 1953 - May 18, 1978 32-46-1 MOTHER 02/03/1917 10/23/1995 10/27/1995 01/01/1962 08/03/1988 08/06/1988 07/16/1962 10/17/1962 10/19/1962 ANN PETRILLI FEB. 3, 1917 - OCT. 23, 1995 In Loving Memory. Petros, Haregewein M MARKER: 31-84-4 Haregewein Mimi Petros 1962 - 1988 In loving Memory E-BBY-66-53 Petrouske, Donald Ray Infant MARKER: Donald Ray Petrouske July 16, 1962 - Oct. 17, 1962 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 362 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Petry, Bessie M MARKER: R-66-2 PETRY J. William Petry Bessie M. Petry Petry, J William MARKER: MARKER: Petter, Aline Elizabeth MARKER: Petter, David T 08/10/1879 Death_Date Burial_Date 11/24/1952 11/27/1952 08/03/1944 08/07/1944 Jly. 26, 1879 - Aug. 3, 1944 Aug. 10, 1879 - Nov. 24, 1952 R-66-1 PETRY J. William Petry Bessie M. Petry Petry, Stevens S Birth_Date 07/26/1879 Jly. 26, 1879 - Aug. 3, 1944 Aug. 10, 1879 - Nov. 24, 1952 R-66-3 Steven S. Petry Nov 9, 1915 - Jan 21, 1983 T-330-3 10/20/1899 Aline E. Petter Oct 20, 1899 - Oct 15, 1969 31-3-3 02/08/1938 01/25/1983 10/15/1969 10/17/1969 04/27/1991 05/01/1991 10/03/1968 10/05/1968 03/09/1989 03/13/1989 01/19/1945 01/23/1945 10/14/1915 02/05/1995 02/08/1995 03/20/1869 03/17/1954 03/20/1954 02/24/1992 02/26/1992 03/16/1993 03/22/1993 04/09/1913 06/28/2002 04/12/1956 07/11/2002 01/01/1921 01/01/1989 09/26/1989 05/30/1921 01/20/1997 01/23/1997 U. S. Military Veteran Petter, John R MARKER: Pettey, Charles Gorman MARKER: T-352-6 04/04/1893 John Petter Apr 4, 1893 - Oct 3, 1968 31-72-3 01/24/1915 PETTEY Charles Gorman January 24, 1915 - March 9, 1989 N-157-4 Pettey, James Robert Infant MARKER: James Robert Pettey Jan 19, 1945 Matthew 19:14 Pettey, Louise Payne MARKER: R-126-3 PAYNE Richard A. Payne 1890 - 1954 Lucy W. Payne 1893 - 1976 Phillip Payne 1859 - 1940 Louise Payne Petty 1915 - 1995 Pettit, Alice C MARKER: R-48-6 PETTIT Frances Brewer Pettit Jan. 27, 1907 - March 16, 1993 Andrew J. Pettit Oct. 10, 1905 - Feb. 24, 1992 Alice C. Pettit Mar. 20, 1869 - Mar. 17, 1954 Pettit, Andrew Jackson MARKER: R-48-5 PETTIT 10/10/1905 Frances Brewer Pettit Jan. 27, 1907 - March 16, 1993 Andrew J. Pettit Oct. 10, 1905 - Feb. 24, 1992 Alice C. Pettit Mar. 20, 1869 - Mar. 17, 1954 Pettit, Sara F.Brewer MARKER: R-48-4 PETTIT 01/27/1907 Frances Brewer Pettit Jan. 27, 1907 - March 16, 1993 Andrew J. Pettit Oct. 10, 1905 - Feb. 24, 1992 Alice C. Pettit Mar. 20, 1869 - Mar. 17, 1954 Pettys, Janepher R Peyton, Annie Lois MARKER: G-70-6B R-194-3 Annie L. Peyton 1913 - 2002 Pfeiff, Kathleen M MARKER: 31-65-4 PFEIFF Warren H. 1921-1997 Pfeiff, Warren H. MARKER: Kathleen M. 1921-1989 31-65-3 PFEIFF Warren H. 1921-1997 Kathleen M. 1921-1989 N-166-10 Phelps, Baby 01/07/1944 Infant Philippe, Mary A. MARKER: T-319-2 Mary A. Philippe 08/08/1907 11/04/1992 11/07/1992 August 1907 - November 1992 Philippe, Robert R MARKER: T-319-1 Robert R. Philippe 07/02/1968 Mar 1906 - June 1968 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 363 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Phillips, Delia Virginia MARKER: Phillips, Edward T MARKER: Death_Date M-38-1 10/04/1894 Delia Virginia Phillips Oct 4, 1894 - Feb 13, 1973 M-38-6 Edgar T. Phillips 1863 - 1926 His wife: Emma L. Cable Phillips, Emma L. Cable MARKER: Birth_Date 02/13/1973 02/13/1973 1863 - 1936 M-38-5 Edgar T. Phillips 1863 - 1926 His wife: Emma L. Cable 08/18/1936 1863 - 1936 42-167-2 Phillips, James Earle Burial_Date 04/17/1927 12/20/2002 01/03/2003 U. S. Military Veteran PHILLIPS MARKER: James Earle, Jr. April 17, 1927 December 20, 2002 Phillips, John Gordon MARKER: O-191-1 J. Gordon Phillips Minnie D. Phillips Phillips, L May MARKER: Virginia Thomas June 14, 1933 January 14,2001 02/23/1950 1876 - 1950 1880 - 1958 R-142-1 L.May Phillips 05/04/1870 May 4, 1870 - Dec 22, 1941 12/22/1941 12/26/1941 George W. Dix Nov. 3, 1851 - Apr. 1, 1903 his wife Jane E. Phillips Oct. 28, 1857 - Dec. 8, 1935 Phillips, Linwood B., Sr. MARKER: P-76-3A Linwood B. Phillips, Sr. Minnie O. Phillips 03/02/1964 1902 - 1964 1908 - 1991 T-164-6 Phillips, Mary W US NAVY MARKER: Mary W. Phillips Y3 NOTES: Phillips, Maude A MARKER: 01/01/1899 05/15/1975 05/17/1975 WW I - Veteran 1899 - 1975 U S Navy World War I Y3 U.S. Navy, WWI Daughters of Am. Revolution, Abegail Hartman Rice Cptr, Wash DC O-95-3 05/15/1876 12/10/1971 Father: Murry D. Phillips Feb 24, 1868 - Jly 18, 1952 Brother: Milford D. Phillips May 4, 1903 - July 26, 1964 Aunt: Maude A. Phillips May 15, 1876 - Dec 10, 1971 Phillips, Milford Davis MARKER: O-95-2 Father: Murry D. Phillips 05/04/1903 07/26/1964 Feb 24, 1868 - Jly 18, 1952 07/29/1964 Brother: Milford D. Phillips May 4, 1903 - July 26, 1964 Aunt: Maude A. Phillips May 15, 1876 - Dec 10, 1971 Phillips, Minnie D MARKER: O-191-2 J. Gordon Phillips Minnie D. Phillips Phillips, Minnie O. MARKER: 02/13/1958 1876 - 1950 1880 - 1958 P-76-3B Linwood B. Phillips, Sr. Minnie O. Phillips Phillips, Murray D MARKER: 01/12/1908 1902 - 1964 05/29/1991 05/31/1991 02/24/1868 07/18/1952 Feb 24, 1868 - Jly 18, 1952 07/22/1952 1908 - 1991 O-95-1 Father: Murry D. Phillips Brother: Milford D. Phillips May 4, 1903 - July 26, 1964 Aunt: Maude A. Phillips May 15, 1876 - Dec 10, 1971 Phillips, Reggie Marshall E-BBY-66-100 03/26/1964 Infant T-164-5 Phillips, Stanley B US ARMY MARKER: Pvt. U.S. Army MARKER: 01/22/1971 01/14/2001 01/18/2001 12/30/2005 01/04/2006 World War I 42-167-3 PHILLIPS James Earle, Jr. April 17, 1927 December 20, 2002 Picciolo, Marie Greco 01/20/1971 Stanley B.Phillips Jly 3, 1897 - Jan 20, 1971 Kentucky Phillips, Virginia Thomas MARKER: 07/03/1897 WW I - Veteran Virginia Thomas June 14, 1933 January 14,2001 T-52-4 PICCIOLO Michael Jan. 12, 1908 Aug. 3, 1970 06/14/1913 02/07/1910 Marie G. Feb. 7, 1910 Dec. 30, 2005 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 364 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Picciolo, Michael MARKER: T-53-6 PICCIOLO MARKER: MARKER: Pickens, Andrew Calhoun US NAVY MARKER: Pickens, Harriette Fowle MARKER: 01/12/1908 Burial_Date 06/16/1977 C-4-2 03/15/1913 10/07/1965 Grace L. Lewis, Mother Mar, 9, 1884 - Mar. 7, 1941 10/11/1965 Marie G. Feb. 7, 1910 Dec. 30, 2005 Hubert P.Lunsford Lucille S. Piccioni Piccioni, Lucille Death_Date 08/03/1970 Michael Jan. 12, 1908 Aug. 3, 1970 Piccioni, Lucille Birth_Date Feb. 22, 1909 - June 13, 1966 Mar. 15, 1913 - Oct. 7, 1965 C-4-2 Lucille S. Piccioni, Wife M-164-3 03/15/1913 10/07/1965 10/11/1965 12/08/1881 11/29/1944 12/01/1944 10/05/1968 10/08/1968 01/01/1918 11/15/1976 11/18/1976 09/27/1919 05/24/1926 05/24/1926 WW II - Veteran Andrew Calhoun Pickens Rear Admiral U. S. Navy December 8, 1881 - November 29, 1994 Beloved Husband of Harriette Fowle Taylor Mark the perfect man and behold the upright. M-162-1 Sacred to the memory of: 11/25/1878 Harriette Fowle Taylor Nov 25, 1878 - Oct 5, 1968 Beloved Wife of Andrew Calhoun Pickens He leadeth me beside still waters T-150-3 Pickens, John K US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran John K. Pickens Lt. U S Navy 1918 - 1976 World War II M-164-2 Pickens, Mary Earle Infant MARKER: Mary Earle Pickens Sept 27, 1919 - May 24, 1926 Daughter of Andrew C. and Harriett F. Pickens Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven E-BBY-66-131 Pickering, Baby 01/02/1967 Infant Pickett, Carmel Clark MARKER: T-117-1 Carmel C. Pickett Maudie C. Pickett Pickett, Dorothy R. Pickett, Maudie C MARKER: 31-85-4 T-117-2 Carmel C. Pickett Maudie C. Pickett Pickett, Robert E MARKER: 08/24/1902 Aug 24, 1902 - Jan 31, 1978 01/31/1978 02/02/1978 08/23/1994 01/17/1971 08/26/1994 01/18/1971 12/13/1988 12/16/1988 Sept 13, 1908 - Jan 17, 1971 01/28/1910 09/13/1908 Aug 24, 1902 - Jan 31, 1978 Sept 13, 1908 - Jan 17, 1971 31-85-3 PICKETT 01/15/1919 Robert E. January 15, 1919 December 13, 1988 Pierce, Carroll MARKER: R-143-1 PIERCE 03/09/1937 Carroll Pierce 1872 - 1937 Ellen Gaver Pierce 1869 - 1961 Carroll Pierce, Jr. 1898 - 1970 Faye Rogers Pierce 1904 - 1979 Pierce, Carroll, Jr. MARKER: R-143-3 PIERCE Carroll Pierce 1872 - 1937 Ellen Gaver Pierce 1869 - 1961 Carroll Pierce, Jr. 1898 - 1970 Faye Rogers Pierce 1904 - 1979 R-109-1 Pierce, Chester G. 01/27/1900 02/01/1994 02/07/1994 R-109-1 01/27/1900 Chester Gaver Pierce 1900 - 1994 R-109-4 Dorothy Darden Pierce 02/01/1994 02/07/1994 PIERCE MARKER: Pierce, Chester G. MARKER: Pierce, Dorothy MARKER: 08/30/1970 12/16/1981 1902 - 1981 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 365 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Pierce, Edwin H MARKER: Pierce, Ellen Gaver MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-109-3 Edwin Hammond Pierce 1901 - 1968 R-143-2 PIERCE 07/09/1968 05/26/1961 Carroll Pierce 1872 - 1937 Ellen Gaver Pierce 1869 - 1961 Carroll Pierce, Jr. 1898 - 1970 Faye Rogers Pierce 1904 - 1979 Pierce, Faye Rogers MARKER: R-143-4 PIERCE 07/12/1979 Carroll Pierce 1872 - 1937 Ellen Gaver Pierce 1869 - 1961 Carroll Pierce, Jr. 1898 - 1970 Faye Rogers Pierce 1904 - 1979 Pierce, James E. MARKER: Burial_Date 31-29-1A PIERCE 07/27/1991 James E. October 11, 1948 - May 30, 1991 Pierce, Jane C. MARKER: Pierce, Jannieve P. MARKER: R-109-2 Jane Cochran Pierce T-86-6B PIERCE Norman E. Oct. 10, 1914 Aug. 11, 1988 Pierce, Norman E MARKER: MARKER: 03/31/1994 04/08/1994 09/19/1925 10/19/1999 11/05/1999 08/11/1988 08/23/1988 Jan P. Sept. 19, 1925 Oct. 19, 1999 T-86-6A PIERCE Norman E. Oct. 10, 1914 Aug. 11, 1988 Pierpoint, Ann M Pierpoint, Bessie 09/07/1905 1905 - 1994 Jan P. Sept. 19, 1925 Oct. 19, 1999 G-145-4 B-74-2 Gladys Pierpoint Blunt 03/13/1935 03/29/1938 Sept. 29, 1910 - April 30, 1977 Bessie Pierpoint 1882 - 1938 Walter Pierpoint 1873 - 1942 Pierpoint, Charles E. Pierpoint, Walter MARKER: G-145-5 B-74-1 Walter Pierpoint 1873 - 1942 Pierpoint, Walter MARKER: B-74-1 Gladys Pierpoint Blunt 01/01/1873 01/01/1942 01/01/1873 01/01/1942 Sept. 29, 1910 - April 30, 1977 02/25/1950 06/20/1942 06/20/1942 Bessie Pierpoint 1882 - 1938 Walter Pierpoint 1873 - 1942 Pierpont, Howard Clemeth Army, Capt 42-198-4C 12/19/1927 02/14/2006 M-133-3A N-117-1A Pierson, Don Pinkerton, Baby 02/24/2006 WW II - Veteran 07/14/1987 Infant MARKER: Pinkerton, Fannie E MARKER: Pinkston, LaVera G Piontek, Barbara Ann Quinn Fannie E. Pinkerton N-117-1B Fannie E. Pinkerton T-125-2 2-56-2A Jan 20, 1902 - May 26, 1942 01/20/1902 05/26/1942 Jan 20, 1902 - May 26, 1942 11/06/1930 01/16/1982 05/26/1942 12/17/1968 01/23/1982 BIO-Note MARKER: POINTEK 1928- Thomas John - (space) 1930-Barbara Quinn-1982 1960-Matthew Quinn-1961 1959-Mary Bohan-1982 1981-Brian Thomas-1982 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 366 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 2-56-3A Piontek, Brian Thomas INFANT MARKER: Piontek, Mary Bohan Schweighardt Death_Date Burial_Date 08/06/1981 01/13/1982 01/23/1982 01/02/1959 01/16/1982 01/23/1982 08/21/1960 05/29/1961 05/29/1961 06/28/1994 06/28/1994 07/01/1994 T-118-6 04/23/1917 J. Ralph Pitt Apr 23, 1917 - Jly 7, 1967 O-283-2 Margaret E. Pitt 07/07/1967 07/10/1967 BIO-Note POINTEK 1928- Thomas John - (space) 1930-Barbara Quinn-1982 1960-Matthew Quinn-1961 1959-Mary Bohan-1982 1981-Brian Thomas-1982 2-56-3B BIO-Note MARKER: Piontek, Matthew Quinn POINTEK 1928- Thomas John - (space) 1930-Barbara Quinn-1982 1960-Matthew Quinn-1961 1959-Mary Bohan-1982 1981-Brian Thomas-1982 2-56-2B BIO-Note MARKER: POINTEK 1928- Thomas John - (space) 1930-Barbara Quinn-1982 1960-Matthew Quinn-1961 1959-Mary Bohan-1982 1981-Brian Thomas-1982 Pitt, Elizabeth L. MARKER: 2-3-2 PITT William H. 1906-1987 Pitt, James Ralph MARKER: Pitt, Margaret E MARKER: Elizabeth L. 1915-1994 07/20/1981 June 25, 1904 July 17, 1981 Pitt, William H MARKER: 2-3-1 PITT William H. 1906-1987 Pittas, Michael Nicholas MARKER: 01/01/1906 01/01/1987 07/03/1987 12/26/1980 06/10/2007 06/14/2007 Elizabeth L. 1915-1994 41-32-4 PITTAS Our son Michael N. Dec 26, 1980 - June 10, 2007 Pitts, Melvin P. Pitts, Nellie V. Houchens MARKER: Plake, James William MARKER: B-78-5 B-78-2 Wm. Lloyd Houchens 1917 - 1935 01/01/1897 In Jesus name Wm. Arthur Houchens Nellie H. Pitts 1888- 1941 1897 - 1952 R-188-6 James William Plake 07/13/1875 03/28/1947 July 13, 1887 - Mar 28, 1947 12/16/1955 12/09/1952 04/02/1947 Born Ottawa Kansas died Washington D.C. Plant, Michael Dudley MARKER: Plant, William H Pleasants, Margaret Robinson MARKER: T-65-1 11/30/1950 05/02/1972 Michael Dudley Plant Nov 30, 1950 - May 2, 1972 T-65-2 N-68-5 PLEASANTS 06/03/1972 03/30/1984 11/07/1978 Richard H. Pleasants 1869 - 1941 Margaret M. Pleasants 1883 - 1978 Perpetual Care Pleasants, Richard H. MARKER: N-68-4 PLEASANTS 01/02/1942 Richard H. Pleasants 1869 - 1941 Margaret M. Pleasants 1883 - 1978 Perpetual Care Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 367 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Pleta, Joseph M. MARKER: 33-70-3 PLETA Joseph M. Rogelia F. Pleta, Rogelia F. MARKER: Plitt, Ferdinand Charles MARKER: 05/23/1922 Death_Date Burial_Date 05/02/1995 05/04/1995 04/23/2009 04/27/2009 10/07/1904 03/02/1994 03/07/1994 10/04/1905 08/03/2001 08/06/2001 May 23, 1922 - May 2, 1995 Jan. 24, 1925 - Apr.23, 2009 33-70-4 PLETA Joseph M. Rogelia F. Birth_Date 01/24/1925 May 23, 1922 - May 2, 1995 Jan. 24, 1925 - Apr.23, 2009 F-51-4 PLITT Ferdinand C. Francis X. Oct. 7, 1904 Oct. 4, 1905 March 2, 1994 Aug. 3, 2001 Plitt, Francis Ximena MARKER: F-51-5 PLITT Ferdinand C. Francis X. Oct. 7, 1904 Oct. 4, 1905 March 2, 1994 Aug. 3, 2001 Plitt, Frederick L. MARKER: D-23-1 Frederick L. Plitt Mary E. Plitt Plitt, Mary E MARKER: 1863 - 1920 D-23-2 Frederick L. Plitt Mary E. Plitt 09/05/1938 1860 - 1938 01/01/1920 1860 - 1938 1863 - 1920 1-1-3 Plunkett, Ray MARKER: 12/30/1920 11/11/2006 11/15/2006 11/02/1925 01/06/2002 11/20/2002 08/02/1904 02/19/1976 02/21/1976 05/19/1945 12/03/1948 12/07/1948 31-49-4A 11/21/2009 T-372-2 T-372-1 01/18/1891 Jacob H. Poladian Jan 18, 1891 - June 1, 1964 32-46-4 05/20/1919 Querida y Adorada madre 11/21/2009 06/01/1964 11/27/2009 08/22/1987 06/09/1964 03/19/1991 03/21/1991 11/11/1944 01/06/1990 08/21/1963 01/09/1990 T-205-4 02/14/1887 Marie Politzer Feb 14, 1887 - Dec 11, 1965 O-172-3 O-172-1 Robert B. Polkinhorn 1925 - 1951 12/11/1965 12/14/1965 PLUNKETT RAY F. DECEMBER 30, 1920 - NOVEMBER 11, 2006 NANCY M, AUGUST 21, 1925 - ( space) 42-31-2 Plyler, Edward Clay U.S. Army MARKER: WW II - Veteran EDWARD CLAY PLYER Nov. 2, 1925 - Nov. 6, 2002 Pohlmann, Kenneth E MARKER: O-130-4 Kenneth Ellsworth Pohlmann August 2, 19904 February 19, 1976 Keppi Pohlmann May 19, 1945 December 3, 1948 Pohlmann, Keppie MARKER: O-130-5 Kenneth Ellsworth Pohlmann August 2, 19904 February 19, 1976 Keppi Pohlmann May 19, 1945 December 3, 1948 Poitevin, Alicia Mary-Lynn Poladian, Edna D Poladian, Jacob H MARKER: Polanco, Ciria E MARKER: CIRIA POLANCO May 20, 1919 - Mar 16, 1991 "Estes en Las Manos de Dios." Poley, Marie D. Poliakoff, Lorraine L MARKER: C-5-1B 31-54-2 Lorraine Lorenzo POLIAKOFF Nov. 11, 1944 - Jan. 6 ,1990 God's Peace Politzer, Marie MARKER: Polkinhorn, Mary Isabelle Polkinhorn, Robert B. MARKER: William J. Polkinhorn 01/30/1970 09/06/1951 1880 - 1948 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 368 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Polkinhorn, William J MARKER: Pollard, Evelyn B MARKER: O-172-2 Robert B. Polkinhorn 1925 - 1951 William J. Polkinhorn 1880 - 1948 MARKER: Death_Date Burial_Date 08/14/1948 T-VET-41-3 Shelby Wayne Pollard 09/26/1979 09/29/1979 D-2-5 05/30/1852 06/28/1934 Sarah Thompson Pollard Mar. 13, 1853 - Feb. 15, 1928 06/30/1934 Evelyn B.Pollard Together Forever Pollard, Francis J Birth_Date 08/06/1924 1914- 1970 1924 - 1979 Francis James Pollard May 30, 1852 - June 28, 1934 Lyda Russell Pollard Mar. 17, 1881 - Sept. 12, 1946 William Thompson Pollard Oct. 30, 1876 - Aug. 23, 1952 Pollard, Lyda Russell MARKER: D-2-4 03/17/1881 09/12/1946 Sarah Thompson Pollard Mar. 13, 1853 - Feb. 15, 1928 09/15/1946 Francis James Pollard May 30, 1852 - June 28, 1934 Lyda Russell Pollard Mar. 17, 1881 - Sept. 12, 1946 William Thompson Pollard Oct. 30, 1876 - Aug. 23, 1952 Pollard, Sarah Thompson MARKER: D-2-6 03/13/1853 02/15/1928 Sarah Thompson Pollard Mar. 13, 1853 - Feb. 15, 1928 02/18/1928 Francis James Pollard May 30, 1852 - June 28, 1934 Lyda Russell Pollard Mar. 17, 1881 - Sept. 12, 1946 William Thompson Pollard Oct. 30, 1876 - Aug. 23, 1952 T-VET-41-2 Pollard, Selby Wayne 01/01/1914 01/01/1970 09/19/1970 D-2-2 08/23/1952 08/23/1952 Sarah Thompson Pollard Mar. 13, 1853 - Feb. 15, 1928 08/25/1952 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Shelby Wayne Pollard Evelyn B.Pollard Together Forever Pollard, William Thomas MARKER: 1914- 1970 1924 - 1979 Francis James Pollard May 30, 1852 - June 28, 1934 Lyda Russell Pollard Mar. 17, 1881 - Sept. 12, 1946 William Thompson Pollard Oct. 30, 1876 - Aug. 23, 1952 2-34-1 Polley, James Francis Inmemorium 12/24/1908 10/22/1965 09/19/1915 07/01/1988 07/06/1988 04/27/1971 01/01/1986 01/03/1986 WW II - Veteran MARKER: POLLEY James Francis Dec 24, 1908 Oct 22, 1965 Polley, Mary L MARKER: 2-34-2 POLLEY James Francis Dec 24, 1908 Oct 22, 1965 Pollock, Jason Donald MARKER: Mary Laws Sept 19, 1915 July 1, 1988 Mary Laws Sept 19, 1915 July 1, 1988 31-105-1 JASON DONALD POLLOCK April 27, 1971 - January 1, 1986 Gentle and loving child, your sweetness will remain with us forever. May you, with your dog, Tasha, now find peace. Popkins, Florence V. MARKER: B-32-3 George L. Popkins 05/06/1968 1873 - 1938 Florence V. Popkins 1873 - 1968 Popkins, George L. MARKER: B-32-2 George L. Popkins 04/30/1938 1873 - 1938 Florence V. Popkins 1873 - 1968 Popkins, Jennings Bryant Popkins, Lillian Ernestine Poppendieck, Carol Ann MARKER: P-17-4 P-17-5 31-77-4 POPPENDIECK 08/14/1977 10/08/1936 06/25/1987 08/17/1977 04/05/1986 06/29/1987 Carol Ann October 8, 1936 - June 25, 1987 Porter, Anna Bartel MARKER: E-63-2 10/07/1894 02/22/1990 Lewis Gordon Porter Dec. 11, 1891 - Oct. 14, 1953 Anna Bartels Porter 02/26/1990 Oct 7, 1894 - Feb 22, 1990 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 369 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Porter, Grace E. MARKER: M-168-6 Lou Porter Woodruff Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1875 1861 - 1953 Ruth Woodruff Porter 1887 - (space) Grace E. Porter 1875 - (space) Porter, H Paul MARKER: 2-20-1 H. Paul Porter 05/14/1983 (Priest) 1912-1983 Porter, Lewis Gordon MARKER: E-63-1 12/11/1891 10/14/1953 Lewis Gordon Porter Dec. 11, 1891 - Oct. 14, 1953 Anna Bartels Porter Porter, Margaret C. MARKER: 10/17/1963 Oct 7, 1894 - Feb 22, 1990 2-20-2 Margaret C. Porter 09/13/1908 12/31/1999 01/05/2000 09/16/1909 11/21/2002 10/18/2005 01/02/1910 03/16/1940 03/18/1940 02/20/1910 01/01/1949 04/02/2001 12/01/1949 04/06/2001 01/12/1974 01/16/1974 1908 - 1999 Porter, Nancy MARKER: A-92-2A Nancy Randolph Our Beloved "DeeDah" Sept. 16, 1909 - Nov. 21, 2002 Porter, Phillip Leslie MARKER: A-92-2C Philip Leslie Porter Jan 2, 1910 - March 16, 1940 Porter, Winifred M Porterfield, Marguerite, Mrs. MARKER: A-92-6 T-62-6 Marguerite K. Porterfield Beloved Wife of Robert 1910 - 2001 Porterfield, Robert James MARKER: Posey, John B Posey, John F Poss, Alice G. MARKER: T-62-5 PORTERFIELD T-173-6 T-261-3 R-168-2 POSS 03/04/1975 11/19/1959 01/01/1915 John W. Poss 1873 - 1911 Julian F. poss 1876 - 1958 Charles M. Poss 1870 - 1870 Alice G. Poss 1849 - 1915 Henry B. Poss Kemper's Battery C.S.A. 1841 - Aug 12, 1900 R-168-2A Poss, Charles M. Inmemorium MARKER: 01/01/1870 01/01/1870 POSS John W. Poss 1873 - 1911 Julian F. poss 1876 - 1958 Charles M. Poss 1870 - 1870 Alice G. Poss 1849 - 1915 Henry B. Poss Kemper's Battery C.S.A. 1841 - Aug 12, 1900 P-80-2 G-63-5 R-168-1A Poss, Elizabeth M Poss, Harriet B Poss, Henry B. 01/01/1841 08/12/1900 07/13/1965 01/01/1893 08/12/1900 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Poss, John P Poss, John William MARKER: POSS John W. Poss 1873 - 1911 Julian F. poss 1876 - 1958 Charles M. Poss 1870 - 1870 Alice G. Poss 1849 - 1915 Henry B. Poss Kemper's Battery C.S.A. 1841 - Aug 12, 1900 Private, "Alexandria Artillery", Kemper's Battery G-63-6 R-168-1B POSS 01/01/1873 05/06/1911 John W. Poss 1873 - 1911 Julian F. poss 1876 - 1958 Charles M. Poss 1870 - 1870 Alice G. Poss 1849 - 1915 Henry B. Poss Kemper's Battery C.S.A. 1841 - Aug 12, 1900 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 370 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Poss, Julian F MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date R-168-3 POSS 03/06/1958 John W. Poss 1873 - 1911 Julian F. poss 1876 - 1958 Charles M. Poss 1870 - 1870 Alice G. Poss 1849 - 1915 Henry B. Poss Kemper's Battery C.S.A. 1841 - Aug 12, 1900 Poss, Margaret F Poss, Robert J Poston, Aubrey E. Potter, Ann R MARKER: G-63-3 P-80-1 C-34-3 T-125-4 POTTER Lewis M. July 8, 1915 April 6, 1990 Potter, Lewis M MARKER: MARKER: 09/06/1986 T-126-6 POTTER 04/10/1990 Ann R. July 19, 1921 Sept. 5, 1986 B-59-1 POTTERFIELD Charles E. 1862- 1938 his wife: Phillippa Benner their daughter: Annabelle Potterfield, Charles E. MARKER: MARKER: 1868 - 1951 1901 - 1982 01/01/1938 1868 - 1951 1901 - 1982 B-59-3 POTTERFIELD Charles E. 1862- 1938 his wife: Phillippa Benner their daughter: Annabelle Potts, George G 06/04/1982 B-59-2 POTTERFIELD Charles E. 1862- 1938 his wife: Phillippa Benner their daughter: Annabelle Potterfield, Phillippa Benner MARKER: 01/01/1883 10/26/1966 12/03/1938 09/08/1986 Ann R. July 19, 1921 Sept. 5, 1986 Lewis M. July 8, 1915 April 6, 1990 Potterfield, Annabelle Burial_Date 10/13/1951 1868 - 1951 1901 - 1982 2-25-1 George G. Pott 05/24/1982 December 21, 1937 - May 20, 1982 B-BBY-48-53 Powell, Baby 07/15/1957 Infant Powell, Carlton Davidson US Army 1-42-4C 03/01/1939 08/23/2007 08/29/2007 01/01/1910 01/01/1981 10/19/1981 01/13/1912 02/04/1998 02/13/1998 M-167-5 11/09/1887 Robert E. Powell Nov. 28, 1886 - Mar 22, 1955 04/24/1974 04/27/1974 12/21/2009 01/04/2010 05/14/1945 03/22/1955 03/25/1955 U. S. Military Veteran T-VET-40-6 Powell, Emmett Ashton US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Emmitt A. Powell 1910 - 1981 U S NAVY Thelma M. Powell 1906 - 1983 Together Forever Powell, Grace T. MARKER: 33-5-1 Grace Tyler Powell Jan. 13, 1912 - Feb. 4, 1998 Beloved Teacher and friend to many. Powell, Laura A. Bailey MARKER: His Wife Laura A. Powell Powell, Linda Paxton Powell, Marie Louise Griffin MARKER: Powell, Robert E. MARKER: His Wife Laura A. Powell Powell, Thelma M MARKER: Nov 9, 1864 - Apr. 24, 1974 1-42-4B 12/02/1940 O-140-2 M. Louise Griffin Powell 1869 -1945 M-167-4 11/28/1886 Robert E. Powell Nov. 28, 1886 - Mar 22, 1955 Nov 9, 1864 - Apr. 24, 1974 T-VET-41-4A Emmitt A. Powell 1910 - 1981 12/30/1983 U S NAVY Thelma M. Powell 1906 - 1983 Together Forever Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 371 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Powers, Edwin H. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date T-109-1 Evelyn M. Powers June 13, 1906 - Sept 7, 1994 Burial_Date 03/05/1980 Edwin H. Powers Mar. 30, 1910 - (space) William E. Powers Apr 13, 1935 - Dec. 29, 2008 Powers, Evelyn M. MARKER: T-109-2 06/13/1906 Evelyn M. Powers June 13, 1906 - Sept 7, 1994 09/07/1994 09/10/1994 12/29/2008 01/02/2009 Edwin H. Powers Mar. 30, 1910 - (space) William E. Powers Apr 13, 1935 - Dec. 29, 2008 Powers, William Edward MARKER: T-109-3 04/13/1935 Evelyn M. Powers June 13, 1906 - Sept 7, 1994 Edwin H. Powers Mar. 30, 1910 - (space) William E. Powers Apr 13, 1935 - Dec. 29, 2008 Prah, Florence MARKER: R-134-3A John L Prah 07/10/1985 1922 - 1969 Florence S. Prah 1915 - 1985 Prah, John L MARKER: R-134-3C John L Prah 09/01/1969 09/05/1969 05/10/1919 06/08/1998 06/12/1998 COL 6-S1-18 09/17/1956 F-63-2 02/07/1859 Charles P. Price Feb. 7, 1859 - Jan. 29, 1909 05/20/2008 01/29/1909 05/28/2008 01/24/1909 1922 - 1969 Florence S. Prah 1915 - 1985 Preston, Edward F. MARKER: 32-13-3 PRESTON Maria E. June 24, 1924 Preston, Eliana Vitarelli Price, Charles P MARKER: Edward F. May 10, 1919 June 8, 1998 Virginia Price Jan. 15, 1853 - Jly 19, 1937 Howard J. Price 1891 Hannah L. Price, his wife 1888-1970 Price, Domer MARKER: Price, Florence A. US ARMY Price, Florence W MARKER: F-74-1 Domer F. Price 1881 - 1929 32-52-2 01/01/1929 12/12/1913 05/25/2009 06/02/2009 12/01/1983 12/01/1983 02/20/1970 02/19/1970 07/30/1981 07/30/1981 12/27/1891 07/30/1981 07/30/1981 05/16/1946 10/07/1980 10/10/1980 M-169-1 09/12/1887 J. Lee Price Sept 12, 1887 - Oct 24, 1973 10/24/1973 10/27/1973 12/23/1995 12/28/1995 07/29/1982 05/29/1985 12/20/1983 WW II - Veteran T-14-1B Marcus W. Price August 8, 1894 - July 29, 1982 Florence W. Price February 8, 1897 - December 1, 1983 Price, Hannah L MARKER: F-63-6 10/17/1888 Charles P. Price Feb. 7, 1859 - Jan. 29, 1909 Virginia Price Jan. 15, 1853 - Jly 19, 1937 Howard J. Price 1891 Hannah L. Price, his wife 1888-1970 Price, Howard Joseph Sr. MARKER: F-63-5 12/27/1891 Charles P. Price Feb. 7, 1859 - Jan. 29, 1909 Virginia Price Jan. 15, 1853 - Jly 19, 1937 Howard J. Price 1891 Hannah L. Price, his wife 1888-1970 Price, Howard Joseph Sr. MARKER: Price, Howard Nelson MARKER: F-63-5 HOWARD J PRICE F-74-6 Howard N. Price May 16, 1946 - October 7, 1980 Price, J Lee MARKER: Sarah A. Price Dec 3, 1864 - Aug 3, 1937 Price, James Carlton, Sr. MARKER: 32-52-1 James Carlton Price, Sr. 10/21/1910 1910 - 1995 Price, Loretta E Price, Marcus W MARKER: M-169-4 T-14-1A Marcus W. Price August 8, 1894 - July 29, 1982 Florence W. Price February 8, 1897 - December 1, 1983 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 372 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Price, Mary Kern MARKER: 32-47-3A PRICE Birth_Date Death_Date 10/30/1918 Burial_Date 03/14/1992 03/19/1992 02/26/1913 10/07/1993 10/09/1993 F-63-1 04/17/1884 Ruth M.Price Apr. 17, 1884 - Jan 13, 1894 01/13/1894 01/13/1894 08/03/1937 08/07/1937 03/07/2006 03/07/2007 07/19/1937 07/19/1937 05/23/2005 10/11/1959 08/16/1969 05/26/2005 10/13/1959 06/23/1967 06/26/1967 05/19/1960 05/21/1960 05/27/1900 03/14/2002 03/18/2002 01/01/1902 01/01/1970 01/12/1970 12/28/1962 05/16/1962 05/16/1962 10/25/1982 09/17/1958 10/28/1982 Mary Kern, October 30, 1918 - March 24, 1992 Beloved wife and mother. Wed, August 2, 1942 Stanley Gee, (SAR) April 1, 1919 - March 7, 2006 Beloved Husband and Father Children of Stanley G. & Mary K. PRICE Sharon A. Rae - Daphne B. Anderson Davide S. Price - Marina E. Malcolm Price, Mary L. MARKER: M-66-4 Mary L. Price February 26, 1913 October 7, 1993 Price, Ruth M. MARKER: Daughter of Charles P. & Virginia Price A precious one from us has gone.A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our home.Which never can be filled. Price, Sarah Ann MARKER: M-169-2 12/03/1864 J. Lee Price Sept 12, 1887 - Oct 24, 1973 Sarah A. Price Dec 3, 1864 - Aug 3, 1937 32-47-3B Price, Stanley Gee US NAVY 04/01/1919 WW II - Veteran PRICE MARKER: Mary Kern, October 30, 1918 - March 24, 1992 Beloved wife and mother. Wed, August 2, 1942 Stanley Gee, (SAR) April 1, 1919 - March 7, 2006 Beloved Husband and Father Children of Stanley G. & Mary K. PRICE Sharon A. Rae - Daphne B. Anderson Davide S. Price - Marina E. Malcolm Price, Virginia MARKER: F-63-3 01/15/1853 Charles P. Price Feb. 7, 1859 - Jan. 29, 1909 Virginia Price Jan. 15, 1853 - Jly 19, 1937 Howard J. Price 1891 Hannah L. Price, his wife 1888-1970 Price, William R. Pringle, Ida Lee Prisaznick, Edna Lucille Pritchard, Robert L MARKER: Pritchett, Clara Bell MARKER: F-63-4 T-31-4 M-114-5 N-114-1 Robert L. Pritchard T-230-5A Mother: 05/28/1919 03/10/1890 Mar 10, 1890 - Oct 11, 1939 06/05/1911 Minnie Florence Pritchett Sept 16, 1886 - May 19, 1960 Daughter: Clara Bell Pritchett June 5, 1911 - June23, 1967 Pritchett, Minnie Florence MARKER: T-230-5B Mother: 09/16/1886 Minnie Florence Pritchett Sept 16, 1886 - May 19, 1960 Daughter: Clara Bell Pritchett June 5, 1911 - June23, 1967 Proctor, Blanche M. MARKER: A-59-5 Ralph M. Proctor 1902 - 1970 Blanche M. Proctor 1900 - 2002 Proctor, Ralph M. MARKER: A-59-4 Ralph M. Proctor 1902 - 1970 Blanche M. Proctor 1900 - 2002 E-BBY-66-46 Profitt, Johnny Ray Infant MARKER: Prosba, Martin Prosise, Ruth D MARKER: Johnny Ray Profitt Dec. 28, 1962 - Apr. 14, 1963 T-283-6 1-37-4 08/22/1893 Ruth Dora Prosise Aug. 22, 1893 - Oct. 25, 1982 Protheroe, Lillian D. B-BBY-48-16 09/07/1954 Infant Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 373 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 31-51-1A Pryor, Edward B. U. S. ARMY MARKER: 01/17/1918 MARKER: 04/10/2004 Burial_Date 04/12/2004 WW II - Veteran EDWARD B. PRYOR EVA H. PRYOR Pucher, Richard Death_Date 1918 - 2004 1923 - F-23-4A Richard Pucher Feb 19, 1881 - 02/19/1881 08/19/1958 Katherine Lloyd Smith Nov. 10, 1881-Jan. 23, 1952 Puckett, Fannie MARKER: T-34-6 Fannie Puckett 06/25/1973 Feb.5,1999 June 21, 1973 E-BBY-66-95 Puckett, Jerry P 01/18/1964 Infant E-BBY-66-60 Puckett, Joanna M 12/14/1962 Infant Pugh, Betty L. Pugh, Ella G MARKER: T-VET-46-3 M-27-2 John W. Pugh 1867 - 1922 Ella G. Pugh John Ray Pugh Nancy R. Pugh Army PFC MARKER: Pugh, Howard F 03/30/1926 11/08/2001 10/22/1992 01/01/1926 11/05/1941 11/12/2001 WW II - Veteran PUGH George L. 1926-2001 NOTES: 10/17/1992 1871 - 1926 1897 - 1974 1904 - 1974 N-158-4 6-41-3 Pugh, Emily Pugh, George Latane 05/05/1925 Doris M. 1929- (space) Nov.12, 2001: Alexandria Firefighter-Fire Department Service and Freemason T-VET-46-2 02/15/1985 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Pugh, John Ray MARKER: Howard Pugh M-27-4 John W. Pugh Ella G. Pugh John Ray Pugh Nancy R. Pugh Pugh, John W MARKER: 07/16/1974 1871 - 1926 1897 - 1974 1904 - 1974 M-27-1 John W. Pugh Ella G. Pugh John Ray Pugh Nancy R. Pugh Pugh, Leonard Raymond, Jr. MARKER: 07/14/1974 1867 - 1922 01/01/1922 1867 - 1922 1871 - 1926 1897 - 1974 1904 - 1974 42-63-4C Ray Pugh 11/11/1953 12/01/1998 12/05/1998 02/22/1837 02/27/1892 02/27/1892 Nov. 11, 1953 Dec. 1, 1998 "We love him dearly." Pugh, Mary A. Watkins MARKER: N-158-5 In Memory of: Mary A. Watkins Feb 22, 1837 - Feb 27, 1892 Wife of John Pugh Born in England, Died in Fairfax Co., Va. The Lord knoweth them that are His Pugh, Nancy R MARKER: M-27-5A John W. Pugh 1867 - 1922 Ella G. Pugh John Ray Pugh Nancy R. Pugh Pugliese, Kathryn T MARKER: Pulley, Rosa O. MARKER: 1871 - 1926 1897 - 1974 1904 - 1974 2-9-1 PUGLIESE Kathryn T. 1930 - 1989 09/28/1974 01/01/1930 10/20/1989 10/23/1989 Louis V. 1929 - (space) B-49-3 Walter J. Pulley 05/22/1950 1881 - 1960 Nancy Pulley Fletcher 1907 - 1937 Rosa O. Pulley 1882 - 1950 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 374 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Pulley, Walter J. MARKER: B-49-1 Walter J. Pulley Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 07/27/1960 1881 - 1960 Nancy Pulley Fletcher 1907 - 1937 Rosa O. Pulley 1882 - 1950 Pullman, Edna H. MARKER: O-230-6 PULLMAN 09/03/1992 09/08/1992 11/21/1975 11/25/1975 T-124-5 08/28/1916 01/26/1963 Robert Henry Pullman Aug 28, 1916 - Jan 26, 1963 P-79-4 08/27/1909 10/02/1971 Charles D'Alton Pulman Aug 27, 1909 - Oct 2, 1971 O-184-1 09/08/1975 09/08/1975 Blanche M. McCuen May 21, 1886 - Dec 12, 1948 01/30/1963 James T. Pullman Edna H. Pullman Pullman, James T MARKER: Mar 12, 1892 - Nov 21, 1975 Nov 11, 1909 - Sept 3, 1992 O-230-5 PULLMAN James T. Pullman Edna H. Pullman Pullman, Robert Henry MARKER: Pulman, Charles D'Alton MARKER: Pulman, Edith B MARKER: 11/11/1909 03/12/1892 Mar 12, 1892 - Nov 21, 1975 Nov 11, 1909 - Sept 3, 1992 10/03/1971 09/11/1975 Agnes M. Mueller Oct 9, 1888 - Nov 16, 1957 Edith B. Pulman Apr 26, 1892 - Sept 8, 1975 6-21-2A Pulman, Edward W. 10/19/1937 10/20/2009 10/27/2009 Firefighter / E.M.S. MARKER: PULMAN Linda J. 1946 - (space) Edward W. (Nickie) Captain AFD-78 NOTES: Pulman, Helen M MARKER: Pulzone, Antonio MARKER: Pulzone, Effie E MARKER: (Foot Stone) Pulzone, Effie E MARKER: 1937 - 2009 Retired Captain, Alexandria Fire Department P-79-5 Charles D'Alton Pulman Aug 27, 1909 - Oct 2, 1971 T-287-3 04/25/1888 06/12/1969 Antonio Pulzone Apr 25, 1888 - June 12, 1969 R-250-1 06/28/1896 03/27/1952 MOTHER R-250-1 Effie E. Pulzone 10/15/1982 06/17/1969 03/27/1952 06/28/1896 03/27/1952 03/27/1952 03/02/1895 Mae S. Purcell 04/05/1957 04/09/1957 03/08/1857 06/08/1922 06/11/1922 09/14/1858 12/02/1934 12/04/1933 June 28, 1896 March 27, 1952 (MOTHER) Purcell, Clarence E MARKER: D-11-2A Clanence E. Purcell March 2, 1895 April 5, 1957 Purcell, Emma S MARKER: D-12-1 PURCELL John E. Sept. 14, 1858 Dec. 2, 1934 Purcell, John E MARKER: MARKER: MARKER: Emma S. Mar. 8, 1857 June 8, 1922 D-11-2B Clanence E. Purcell March 2, 1895 April 5, 1957 Purvis, Eloise B Emma S. Mar. 8, 1857 June 8, 1922 D-11-3 PURCELL John E. Sept. 14, 1858 Dec. 2, 1934 Purcell, Maye Stouffer Sept 13, 1898 May 30, 1982 G-25-2 Eloise B. Purvis 12/03/1982 Mae S. Purcell Sept 13, 1898 May 30, 1982 01/01/1931 1862 - 1931 Wife of Dr. William R. Purvis Daughter of Francis Westwood and Margaret Gregory Ashby Purvis, Mary J G-303-9 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 12/18/1942 Page 375 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Purvis, William R., M.D. MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date G-25-1 09/30/1860 06/01/1906 William R. Purvis, M.D. Sept 30, 1860 - June 1, 1906 Burial_Date 06/01/1906 He that overcometh shall all things inherit Born at Spring Hill, Va. Died at Alexandria, VA Puryear, Virginia F MARKER: M-95-2 William H. Puryear 1897 - 1935 01/19/1956 His Wife: Virginia F. Puryear 1870 - 1956 Puryear, William H MARKER: M-95-1 William H. Puryear 1897 - 1935 01/31/1935 His Wife: Virginia F. Puryear 1870 - 1956 Putnam, Ellen Lester MARKER: 31-11-4 Ellen Lester Putnam 05/10/1913 02/13/1986 02/18/1986 May 10, 1913 - Feb. 12, 1986 Quertermous, Charlie R T-103-2 01/01/1902 04/23/1990 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: QUERTERMOUS Charlie R. Jan 3, 1902 - April 19, 1990 Lottie W. May 7, 1910 - Jan 22, 1986 Charles F. July 15, 1933 - (space) Marjorie G. May 5, 1932 - (space) Quertermous, Lottie A MARKER: T-103-3 QUERTERMOUS Charlie R. Jan 3, 1902 - April 19, 1990 Lottie W. May 7, 1910 - Jan 22, 1986 Charles F. July 15, 1933 - (space) Marjorie G. May 5, 1932 - (space) Quinn, Dorothy M MARKER: O-223-3 QUINN 01/01/1910 01/22/1986 01/24/1986 05/26/1900 11/10/1989 11/14/1989 01/25/1947 01/26/1947 03/05/2006 03/10/2006 04/01/1962 04/01/1962 09/19/1960 09/21/1960 11/07/1974 11/09/1974 09/16/1905 01/07/1995 06/08/1995 10/24/1908 02/09/1998 02/13/1998 Edward F. January 2, 1896 - January 25, 1947 his wife Dorothy M. May 26, 1900 - November 10, 1989 QUINN Quinn, Edward F MARKER: O-223-2 QUINN 01/02/1896 Edward F. January 2, 1896 - January 25, 1947 his wife Dorothy M. May 26, 1900 - November 10, 1989 QUINN O-223-1A Quinn, Edward F. USMC MARKER: 02/11/1927 WW II - Veteran QUINN EDWARD F. 1927 - 2006 LORETTA M. (space) Quinn, James William MARKER: T-197-5 James William Quinn Sallie Boyd Quinn 07/11/1890 Jly 11, 1890 - Apr 1, 1962 Oct 5, 1890 - Nov 7, 1974 O-223-6 Quinn, Marie 09/17/1960 Infant MARKER: MARIE QUINN Daughter of Leonard M. and Catherine B. September 17, 1960 - September 19, 1960 Quinn, Sallie Boyd MARKER: T-197-6 James William Quinn Sallie Boyd Quinn Quirk, Ann J. MARKER: 10/05/1890 Jly 11, 1890 - Apr 1, 1962 Oct 5, 1890 - Nov 7, 1974 32-39-1A Loving Parents QUIRK James J. Ann J. 1907-1995 1905-1995 Quirk, Frank J., Sr. MARKER: 32-38-3 Frank J. Quirk October 24, 1908 February 9, 1998 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 376 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Quirk, James J. MARKER: 32-39-1B Loving Parents Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 05/21/1907 07/30/1995 10/12/1995 01/29/1908 02/06/1994 02/09/1994 04/10/1932 12/15/1997 12/19/1997 05/26/1955 09/19/1968 09/21/1968 06/22/1953 12/26/1953 01/02/1954 11/29/1893 07/15/1894 Donald Radcliffe Nov. 29, 1893 - Jly 15, 1894 31-114-3 05/15/1961 GABRIELE BRUECKNER RADEMAKER 06/23/1992 06/27/1992 09/16/1958 11/08/1999 11/11/1999 06/09/1918 07/31/2000 08/03/2000 06/09/1918 07/31/2000 08/03/2000 01/05/1916 08/11/1994 08/16/1994 G-168-1 10/18/1924 12/18/1955 Robert Randall Radford Nov 11, 1947 - Sept 2, 1977 12/21/1955 QUIRK James J. Ann J. 1907-1995 1905-1995 Quirk, Madeline Barbara Meizinger MARKER: 32-38-4 Madeline B. Quirk Juary 29, 1908 - February 6, 1994 Rabago, Elsie Lois MARKER: T-121-6 MOTHER Elise Lois Rabago Apr. 10, 1932 - Dec. 15, 1997 Rabago, Michael Roberto MARKER: T-121-5 CIYE Michael Roberto Rabago May 26, 1955 - Sept. 19, 1968 "Ciyo", means son in Apache. T-121-4 Rabago, Myra Elizabeth Twin MARKER: Infant CITA Myra Elizabeth Rabago June 22, 1953 - Dec. 26, 1953 "Cita", means daughter in Apache. G-179-1 Radcliffe, Donald Infant MARKER: Rademaker, Gabriele MARKER: MAY 15, 1961 - JUNE 23, 1992 Rader, Andrew Luke MARKER: 32-41-4 Andrew Luke Rader Sept. 16, 1958 - Nov. 08, 1999 Safe in the arms of Jesus Rader, Lois P. MARKER: 33-72-4 RADER Rev. Paul C. Jan. 5, 1916 July 11, 1994 Rader, Lois P. MARKER: Lois P. June 9, 1918 July 31, 2000 33-72-4 June 9, 1918 July 31, 2000 Rader, Paul C., Rev. MARKER: 33-72-3 RADER Rev. Paul C. Jan. 5, 1916 July 11, 1994 Radford, Robert F MARKER: Lois P. June 9, 1918 July 31, 2000 LOVE Robert F. Radford LOVE Radford, Robert Randall MARKER: G-168-4 11/11/1947 09/02/1977 Robert Randall Radford Nov 11, 1947 - Sept 2, 1977 LOVE Robert F. Radford LOVE Ragen, Harold A MARKER: Rager, Cara Lynne MARKER: Oct 18, 1924 - Dec 18, 1955 09/08/1977 Oct 18, 1924 - Dec 18, 1955 O-79-3 07/16/1937 Harold a. Ragen Jly 16, 1937 - Aug 5, 1979 42-77-1 08/04/1956 CARA LYNNE BASHAM RAGER 08/05/1979 08/09/1979 02/24/2001 02/28/2001 1958 - 2001 Beloved Mother, Devoted Friend Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 377 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Rainey, Bernice Angel MARKER: Rainey, Charles Garland (Front) Birth_Date A-87-3C ANGEL Charles G Rainey Bernice A Rainey 1922-1994 1926-1995 (Back) ANGEL Walter S. Mable E. Vera F. 1887-1951 1896-1949 1919-1927 A-87-3D Death_Date Burial_Date 01/10/1926 07/27/1995 07/31/1995 04/24/1922 04/24/1994 04/28/1994 12/08/1929 04/13/1972 04/14/1972 Freemason MARKER: Ralston, Scott Elroy (Cowboy) MARKER: Ramage, Blandine Blanford MARKER: (Front) ANGEL Charles G Rainey Bernice A Rainey 1922-1994 1926-1995 (Back) ANGEL Walter S. Mable E. Vera F. 1887-1951 1896-1949 1919-1927 T-88-5A RALSTON Barbara A. Feb 12, 1933 - June 1, 1993 She loved us all and we loved her. Scott (cowboy) Dec 8, 1929 - April 13, 1972 Shake the hand of the man who shook the world. R-224-2 Joseph Cowan Ramage 05/31/1957 1868 - 1936 Blandine Blanford Ramage 1869 - 1957 Elizabeth Hill Ramage 1903 - 1957 Robert Caldwell McCann 1901 - 1965 Josephine Ramage McCann 1904 - 1969 Ramage, Elizabeth Hill MARKER: R-224-3 Joseph Cowan Ramage 11/09/1957 1868 - 1936 Blandine Blanford Ramage 1869 - 1957 Elizabeth Hill Ramage 1903 - 1957 Robert Caldwell McCann 1901 - 1965 Josephine Ramage McCann 1904 - 1969 Ramage, Joseph Cowan MARKER: R-224-1 Joseph Cowan Ramage Blandine Blanford Ramage 1869 - 1957 Elizabeth Hill Ramage 1903 - 1957 Robert Caldwell McCann 1901 - 1965 Josephine Ramage McCann 1904 - 1969 Rambo, Charles A MARKER: N-33-1 Charles K. Rambo 10/23/1936 1868 - 1936 01/13/1904 06/28/1940 Mary A. Rambo 1883 - 1952 Charles A. Rambo Jan 13, 1904 - June 28, 1940 Margaret F. Rambo Oct 12, 1904 At Rest Rambo, Charles K MARKER: N-33-2B Charles K. Rambo 06/19/1958 1876 - 1958 Mary A. Rambo 1883 - 1952 Charles A. Rambo Jan 13, 1904 - June 28, 1940 Margaret F. Rambo Oct 12, 1904 At Rest Rambo, Elizabeth Rambo, Mary A MARKER: M-77-1 N-33-1A Charles K. Rambo 01/01/1883 MARKER: 01/02/1946 01/01/1952 1876 - 1958 Mary A. Rambo 1883 - 1952 Charles A. Rambo Jan 13, 1904 - June 28, 1940 Margaret F. Rambo Oct 12, 1904 At Rest Ramey, Elizabeth M. 07/01/1940 1876 - 1958 A-52-5 Herbert Leslie Ramey 01/01/1896 03/09/1974 03/13/1974 01/01/1892 01/01/1966 04/12/1966 1856 - 1925 Gladys Crawford Ramey 1892- 1966 Elizabeth Margaret Ramey 1896 - 1974 Jenne Crawford Ramey 1864 - 1931 Ramey, Gladys C. MARKER: A-52-3 Herbert Leslie Ramey 1856 - 1925 Gladys Crawford Ramey 1892- 1966 Elizabeth Margaret Ramey 1896 - 1974 Jenne Crawford Ramey 1864 - 1931 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 378 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Ramey, Herbert L. MARKER: A-52-1 Herbert Leslie Ramey Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1856 01/01/1925 01/01/1925 01/01/1864 01/01/1931 01/01/1931 T-148-3 12/17/1940 Jo Ann Ramey Dec 17, 1940 - Aug 22, 1965 1-19-4 01/01/1924 Pepe Ramirez S. 08/22/1965 08/26/1965 01/01/1984 07/14/1984 01/01/1913 01/01/1988 12/15/1988 01/01/1906 01/01/1986 08/08/1986 1856 - 1925 Gladys Crawford Ramey 1892- 1966 Elizabeth Margaret Ramey 1896 - 1974 Jenne Crawford Ramey 1864 - 1931 Ramey, Jennie C. MARKER: A-52-2 Herbert Leslie Ramey 1856 - 1925 Gladys Crawford Ramey 1892- 1966 Elizabeth Margaret Ramey 1896 - 1974 Jenne Crawford Ramey 1864 - 1931 Ramey, Jo Ann MARKER: Ramirez, Pepe MARKER: 1924 - 1984 Ramm, Annette Alice MARKER: 2-74-1 RAMM Harry H. 1906-1986 Ramm, Harry MARKER: Annette A. 1913 - 1988 2-73-4 RAMM Harry H. 1906-1986 Rammel, Effie Roberts MARKER: Annette A. 1913 - 1988 M-72-6 In Memory Of 11/06/1978 Ernest Ott Rammel 1873 - 1951 Effie Roberts Rammel 1889 - 1978 Rammel, Ernest Ott MARKER: M-72-5 In Memory Of 10/09/1951 Ernest Ott Rammel 1873 - 1951 Effie Roberts Rammel 1889 - 1978 E-BBY-66-146 Ramos, Baby 04/04/1968 Infant Ramsay, Andrew Knox MARKER: 1-20-1 RAMSAY Andrew Knox Nov. 5, 1910 Nov. 21, 1978 Ramsay, Bernice W. MARKER: MARKER: 03/21/1913 07/02/2001 07/06/2001 07/26/1893 10/10/1967 Jly 26, 1893 - Oct 10, 1967 10/12/1967 Bernice Alberta March 21, 1913 July 2, 2001 T-132-4 Dennis McCarty Ramsay Mar 1, 1902 - Nov. 16, 1989 T-132-5 Dennis McCarty Ramsay Eleanor Ricker Ramsay Ramsey, Edna Oliver 11/24/1978 Bernice Alberta March 21, 1913 July 2, 2001 Eleanor Ricker Ramsay Ramsay, Eleanor Ricker MARKER: 11/21/1978 1-20-2 RAMSAY Andrew Knox Nov. 5, 1910 Nov. 21, 1978 Ramsay, Dennis McCarty MARKER: 11/05/1910 03/01/1902 11/16/1989 Jly 26, 1893 - Oct 10, 1967 11/20/1989 Mar 1, 1902 - Nov. 16, 1989 E-60-10 09/17/1916 02/20/1962 Edna Oliver Ramsey Sept 17, 1916 - Feb. 20, 1962 02/23/1962 Henry E. Ramsey Apr. 9, 1916 - Jan1, 1962 Ramsey, Henry E MARKER: E-60-9 04/09/1916 01/01/1962 Edna Oliver Ramsey Sept 17, 1916 - Feb. 20, 1962 01/01/1962 Henry E. Ramsey Apr. 9, 1916 - Jan1, 1962 Ramsey, Thomas Landon MARKER: 2-41-1 RAMSEY Thomas Landon July 1, 1946 Nov. 13, 1981 Rand, Austin Stanley MARKER: Lorna Jane Feb. 10, 1949 (space) 2-17-1A RAND A. Stanley Patricia J. Randall, Benjamin H 11/16/1981 09/29/1932 11/14/2005 11/18/2005 1932 - 2005 1930 - (space) O-142-3 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. 04/24/1957 Page 379 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date 32-77-10 Randle, Michelle J. Death_Date Burial_Date 04/27/1992 04/27/1992 05/02/1992 10/25/1868 11/23/1937 11/26/1937 09/18/1990 09/22/1990 Infant MARKER: Michelle Jeanne Randle April 21, 1992 - April 27, 1992 Randolph, C M MARKER: F-22-4A RANDOLPH Christopher Mayer Oct 25, 1868 - Nov 23, 1937 Beloved Wife Frances M. Bolling June 4, 1885 - June 19, 1968 Randolph, Elizabeth C MARKER: F-18-2 RANDOLPH William Barksdale Oct 14, 1919 Nov 25, 1994 Randolph, Fanny B. Lambeth Randolph, Francis Mary Bolling MARKER: 12/21/1922 Elizabeth Craven Dec 21, 1922 Sept. 18, 1990 F-22-3 F-22-4B RANDOLPH 06/22/1968 Christopher Mayer Oct 25, 1868 - Nov 23, 1937 Beloved Wife Frances M. Bolling June 4, 1885 - June 19, 1968 F-20-1 Randolph, John Lewis 06/26/1925 05/15/1997 05/17/1997 F-18-5 Richard Bolling Randolph March 9, 1918 - JUly 27, 1988 F-22-2 F-22-1 F-18-1 10/14/1919 11/25/1994 RANDOLPH 08/09/1988 WW II - Veteran MARKER: John Lewis Randolph June 26, 1925 - September 15, 1997 Randolph, Richard Bolling MARKER: Randolph, Unknown Randolph, Unknown Randolph, William Barksdale MARKER: William Barksdale Oct 14, 1919 Nov 25, 1994 Rankin, Rosa Lee Rardin, Paul S MARKER: Rasmussen, Jon Andrew MARKER: 11/30/1994 Elizabeth Craven Dec 21, 1922 Sept. 18, 1990 T-373-6 T-376-1 04/07/1909 Paul S. Rardin Apr 7, 1909 - Dec 22, 1978 32-4-4A 05/20/1942 RASMUSSEN 12/22/1978 07/21/1988 07/02/1979 12/19/2003 12/16/2006 05/12/1984 05/16/1984 07/10/2003 07/14/2003 Jon Andrew Sharon Joy 1942 - 2003 1944 - (Space) (crossed skis) Rasmussen, Miriam H MARKER: 1-29-2 RASMUSSEN Walter Samuel 1910 - 2003 Rasmussen, Walter S. MARKER: 1-29-1 RASMUSSEN Walter Samuel 1910 - 2003 Rasnick, Martha Edgar MARKER: Miriam Haddow 1915 - 1984 P-63-3 Mary Edna Grover 11/19/1910 Miriam Haddow 1915 - 1984 06/01/1988 Feb 13, 1907 - Chas. Edgar Grover June 12, 1939 - Jly 7, 1959 Martha Edgar Rasnick Feb 13, 1907 - Ratcliff, Christine Louise MARKER: T-377-5 Christine Louise Ratcliff 06/30/1947 11/05/1953 June 30, 1947 - Nov 5, 1953 11/05/1953 She Sleeps Rawlings, Adolphus Nicholas IV E-BBY-66-160 08/02/1971 10/12/1971 10/15/1971 08/27/1996 08/29/1996 Infant MARKER: Adolphus Nichols Spence Rawlings IV Aug. 2, 1971 -Oct. 12, 1971 Rawlings, Edith H. MARKER: N-63-4B RAWLINGS 11/15/1911 John A. Mar 3, 1912 - Jan 12, 1956 Edith H. Nov 15, 1991 - (space) John M May 8, 1948 - Nov 19, 1964 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 380 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Rawlings, John A MARKER: Birth_Date Death_Date N-63-4A RAWLINGS Burial_Date 01/16/1956 John A. Mar 3, 1912 - Jan 12, 1956 Edith H. Nov 15, 1991 - (space) John M May 8, 1948 - Nov 19, 1964 Rawlings, John Michael MARKER: N-63-5 RAWLINGS 11/21/1964 John A. Mar 3, 1912 - Jan 12, 1956 Edith H. Nov 15, 1991 - (space) John M May 8, 1948 - Nov 19, 1964 Rawson, Albert I. MARKER: T-171-6 Albert I. Rawson 06/11/1974 1913 - 1974 Beloved Husband and Father Rawson, Elizabeth Waite MARKER: T-172-4 Elizabeth Waite Rawson 06/24/1914 06/21/1995 07/19/1995 02/11/1945 12/15/2008 12/20/2008 12/27/1943 12/30/1943 07/22/1961 07/24/1961 1914 - 1995 Devoted Wife & Mother 41-28-2 Ray, Diane E Brundage RAY MARKER: Diane Brundage Feb 11, 1945 Dec 15, 2008 thy will be done Ray, Maude E. Butcher MARKER: John H. Feb 9, 1931 (space) Maj. USAF Res. N-13-4 12/27/1943 Dianthia Mae Butcher Jly 2, 1919 - Feb 16, 1967 Maude E. Butcher Ray Jly 29, 1878 - Dec 27, 1943 Ray, Ralph Vance MARKER: Rayman, Alice E MARKER: T-274-1 11/09/1898 Ralph V. Ray Nov 9, 1898 - Jly 22, 1961 2-87-2 RAYMANN Merle W. June 25, 1918 Nov. 7, 1999 Rayman, Merle MARKER: Alice E. July 28, 1917 May 3, 1983 2-87-1 RAYMANN Merle W. June 25, 1918 Nov. 7, 1999 05/06/1983 06/25/1910 11/07/1999 Alice E. July 28, 1917 May 3, 1983 N-124-4 Raymond, James 11/10/1999 09/12/1949 Infant Raymond, Jean R. MARKER: Raymond, Kevin M., Jr. C-5-3 Jean Raymond (Mother) E-BBY-66-162 09/21/1875 12/25/1966 Sept. 21, 1875 - Dec. 25, 1966 12/28/1966 11/25/1971 Infant Reardon, Jessica Crump MARKER: R-145-2 REARDON Jessica Crump Reardon Reardon, Oliver Ashby, Sr. MARKER: 06/18/1893 02/04/1992 02/10/1992 Jun 18, 1893 - Feb. 4, 1992 R-145-3 Oliver Ashby Reardon, Sr. 12/28/1892 03/13/1973 B-67-3 09/05/1904 Arthur M. Rector Sept 5, 1904 - Dec. 27, 1972 D-42-2 Louis C. Rector 1884 - 1952 12/27/1972 Dec. 28, 1892 - Mar, 13, 1973 Rector, Arthur M. MARKER: Rector, Bertie Maude MARKER: Bertie M. Rector Rector, Constance C. Rector, Esther M. MARKER: 12/29/1972 06/09/1964 1881 - 1964 P-54-5 D-41-3C 08/17/1896 Esther M. Bitzer Aug. 17, 1896 - Jan 26, 1929 01/26/1929 01/26/1929 Beloved wife of: Rosier R. Rector May 6, 1892 -June 10,1956 Rector, Frances Bivins Smith MARKER: 2-59-4 Frances Bivins Smith Rector 11/01/1921 07/13/2005 07/19/2005 Daughter of Haywood & Mary Wilson Smith November 1, 1921 - July 13, 2005 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 381 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Birth_Date G-163-4 Rector, Joseph Brooke Death_Date Burial_Date 01/02/1929 06/04/1994 06/08/1994 11/01/1891 08/07/1971 08/10/1971 01/01/1919 10/29/2002 11/01/2002 D-41-2 05/06/1892 Esther M. Bitzer Aug. 17, 1896 - Jan 26, 1929 06/10/1956 06/13/1956 U. S. Military Veteran MARKER: Joseph B. Rector Jan. 2 1929 - June 4, 1994 son of Rozier and Esther Bitzer Rector Rector, Lelia M Rector, Louis C MARKER: D-41-1 D-42-1 Louis C. Rector Bertie M. Rector 1884 - 1952 1881 - 1964 2-59-3 Rector, Ralph L. US NAVY MARKER: WW II - Veteran Ralph Louis Rector Son of Rozeir & Esther Rector January 1, 1919 - October 29, 2002 Rector, Rozier R MARKER: Beloved wife of: Rosier R. Rector May 6, 1892 -June 10,1956 Redden, Donald McRay E-BBY-66-153 10/10/1969 Infant E-BBY-66-144 Redden, McRay B 02/20/1968 Infant E-BBY-66-124 Redden, Ralph 07/21/1966 Infant Redman, Jeannette D Redman, John Henry Redman, Marion K. MARKER: T-149-3 T-149-2 T-263-3 Marian Knight Redmond 10/07/1907 05/04/2001 01/22/1976 03/08/1965 05/08/2001 Oct 7, 1907 - May 4, 2001 Redmond, Elizabeth A. Pearson MARKER: T-262-2 Samuel M. Redmond 11/08/1879 02/03/1968 June 1, 1881 - Jan 18, 1958 02/06/1968 Elizabeth A. Redmond Nov 8, 1879 - Feb 3, 1968 Richard M. Redmond Jly 9, 1905 - Nov 24, 1957 Redmond, Richard M MARKER: T-262-3 Samuel M. Redmond 07/09/1905 11/24/1957 June 1, 1881 - Jan 18, 1958 11/27/1957 Elizabeth A. Redmond Nov 8, 1879 - Feb 3, 1968 Richard M. Redmond Jly 9, 1905 - Nov 24, 1957 Redmond, Richard M., Jr. MARKER: O-288-4 Richard M. Redmond, Jr. 09/07/1988 February 2, 1935 - September 2, 1988 Redmond, Robert Milton MARKER: Redmond, Samuel M MARKER: T-263-2 03/08/1907 08/22/1976 Robert Milton Redmond Mar 8, 1907 - Aug 22, 1976 T-262-1 06/01/1881 01/18/1958 Samuel M. Redmond June 1, 1881 - Jan 18, 1958 08/25/1976 01/22/1958 Elizabeth A. Redmond Nov 8, 1879 - Feb 3, 1968 Richard M. Redmond Jly 9, 1905 - Nov 24, 1957 Reece, Henry Carlton MARKER: O-280-2 REECE 04/08/1891 11/29/1950 12/01/1950 07/16/1956 07/18/1956 04/11/1983 04/18/1983 01/27/1962 03/19/1960 10/25/1869 10/25/1869 Julia E. Reece Jan 5, 1871 - July 16, 1956 Henry C. Reece Apr 8, 1891 - Nov 29, 1950 Julia M. Reece Sept 22, 1904 - April 11, 1983 Reece, Julia E MARKER: O-280-1 REECE 01/05/1871 Julia E. Reece Jan 5, 1871 - July 16, 1956 Henry C. Reece Apr 8, 1891 - Nov 29, 1950 Julia M. Reece Sept 22, 1904 - April 11, 1983 O-280-3A T-180-6 E-BBY-66-20 Reece, Julia M Reed, Alexander M Reed, Baby Infant N-149-1 Reed, Daisey Funsten 10/25/1869 Infant MARKER: Daisy Funsten Reed Oct 21, 1869 - Oct 26, 8169 Infant daughter of : Rev. B E and Mary F Reed Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 382 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Reed, Daisie Arbelia MARKER: P-31-1 FATHER: James Milton Reed Birth_Date Death_Date Burial_Date 01/01/1938 1849 - 1916 MOTHER: Sarah Adelade Reed 1853 - 1912 Daisie Arbelia Reed 1884 - 1938 James Earl Reed 1891 - 1948 Reed, Daisy Funsten MARKER: N-145-4 10/21/1869 Daisy Funsten Reed Oct 21, 1869 - Oct 26, 1869 10/26/1869 10/26/1869 07/15/1937 07/16/1938 Infant daughter of: Rev. B. E. and Mary F. Reed Reed, Henry Thomas MARKER: G-159-4 11/03/1865 Henry Thomas Reed Nov 3, 1865 - Jly 15, 1937 His Wife Kate Drake Reed Reed, James Earl MARKER: Apr 24, 1863 - May 22, 1939 P-31-6 FATHER: James Milton Reed 08/21/1948 1849 - 1916 MOTHER: Sarah Adelade Reed 1853 - 1912 Daisie Arbelia Reed 1884 - 1938 James Earl Reed 1891 - 1948 Reed, James Milton MARKER: P-31-2 FATHER: James Milton Reed 01/01/1916 1849 - 1916 MOTHER: Sarah Adelade Reed 1853 - 1912 Daisie Arbelia Reed 1884 - 1938 James Earl Reed 1891 - 1948 Reed, Kate Drake MARKER: G-159-5 04/24/1863 Henry Thomas Reed Nov 3, 1865 - Jly 15, 1937 His Wife Kate Drake Reed Reed, Lewis M MARKER: 03/22/1939 03/23/1939 Apr 24, 1863 - May 22, 1939 T-139-4 Lewis M. Reed 03/11/1989 - 1989 Maybel B. Reed 1900 - 1977 Beloved Son: Lindsey Todd Reed May 21, 1950 - Feb 8, 1969 Reed, Lindsey Todd MARKER: T-199-3 Beloved Son 05/21/1950 Lindsey Todd Reed Reed, Maybel B MARKER: 02/02/1969 02/11/1969 11/26/1977 11/29/1977 May 21, 1950 - Feb 8, 1969 T-139-5 Lewis M. Reed - 1989 Maybel B. Reed 1900 - 1977 Beloved Son: Lindsey Todd Reed May 21, 1950 - Feb 8, 1969 Reed, Sarah Adelade MARKER: P-31-3 FATHER: James Milton Reed 01/01/1912 1849 - 1916 MOTHER: Sarah Adelade Reed 1853 - 1912 Daisie Arbelia Reed 1884 - 1938 James Earl Reed 1891 - 1948 G-161-4 Reese, John Thomas US ARMY MARKER: 01/01/1929 01/01/1974 09/03/1974 06/23/1942 11/11/2006 08/14/1944 11/16/2006 U. S. Military Veteran John Thomas Reese 1929 -1974 Pvt. U.S. Army Reese, Opal Reeve, Marjorie A. MARKER: G-301-9 42-62-5 Marjorie A. Reeves June 23, 1942 - November 11, 2006 Reeves, John Terry MARKER: N-48-4B John T. Reeves Mary V. Reeves Reeves, Mary Virginia Davis MARKER: N-48-5 John T. Reeves Mary V. Reeves Reeves, Myrtle V. MARKER: 12/12/1939 1887 - 1939 1889 - 1961 ??/??/1889 ??/??/1961 12/18/1961 1887 - 1939 1889 - 1961 B-35-2 Wm. Howard Reeves 10/06/1911 July 14, 1904 - 03/26/1987 Myrtle V. Reeves Oct. 6, 1911 Reeves, William H. MARKER: B-35-1 Wm. Howard Reeves 07/14/1904 July 14, 1904 - 04/06/1985 Myrtle V. Reeves Oct. 6, 1911 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 383 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Regnery, Christina S. Reichmann, John Alexander MARKER: Reid, Adaleen Brenner MARKER: Birth_Date 33-10-4A 11/14/1947 T-308-1 John Alexander Reichmann 1896 - 1976 D-54-4 09/09/1893 Adaleen B. Reid Sept. 9, 1893 - Feb. 23, 1927 Death_Date Burial_Date 04/22/2007 02/02/1976 06/25/2007 02/05/1976 02/23/1927 02/23/1927 11/06/1913 08/25/1971 08/26/1971 02/16/1810 02/04/1887 02/04/1887 03/10/1999 03/15/1999 Julia Hall Reid Oct. 6, 1872 - May 28, 1954 Edward H. Reid Sept. 22, 1862 - MAy 18, 1935 Geraldine E. Nass 1922 - 1995 Reid, Alice MARKER: 6-50-1A CHARLES M. ALICE L. JULY 12, 1907 NOV. 6, 1913 JAN 29, 1975 AUG 25, 1971 (TOGETHER FOREVER) Reid, Amy A MARKER: F-40-2 In Memoriam James H. Reid Dec. 18, 1804 - May 19, 1869 Amy A. Reid Feb. 16, 1810 - Feb. 4, 1887 wife of James H. Reid There remaineth a rest to the people of God. Reid, Anne Alexander MARKER: 42-39-1 ANNE ALEXANDER REID 08/28/1957 August 28, 1957 March 10, 1999 Reid, Annie R MARKER: P-24-2 William S. Reid 1850 - 1915 Annie R. Reid Reid, Benjamin Barton MARKER: 01/01/1925 1848 - 1925 P-49-1 Franklin P. Reid 10/08/1878 Oct 12, 1852 - Nov 5, 1908 04/14/1897 04/17/1897 07/12/1907 01/29/1975 01/31/1975 03/25/1937 09/24/1998 09/29/1998 05/18/1935 12/03/1923 05/22/1935 Lillie C. Reid, His wife Nov 7, 1851 - Sept 16, 1927 CHILDREN OF F P & L C REID Benjamin Barton Reid Oct 8, 1878 - Apr 14, 1897 Mary Reid Oct 10, 1886 - Oct 11, 1886 Lillie S. Reid June 15, 1881 - Apr 23, 1956 Reid, Charles M MARKER: 6-50-1B CHARLES M. ALICE L. JULY 12, 1907 NOV. 6, 1913 JAN 29, 1975 AUG 25, 1971 (TOGETHER FOREVER) Reid, Charles M., Jr. MARKER: 42-41-1 Charles M. Reid, Jr. 1937 - 1998 Reid, E C Reid, Edward H MARKER: F-42-1 D-54-1 09/22/1862 Adaleen B. Reid Sept. 9, 1893 - Feb. 23, 1927 Julia Hall Reid Oct. 6, 1872 - May 28, 1954 Edward H. Reid Sept. 22, 1862 - MAy 18, 1935 Geraldine E. Nass 1922 - 1995 Reid, Elizabeth G. H. MARKER: F-42-4B Elizabeth Griffith Hoxton Reid 10/11/1870 04/24/1948 Oct 11, 1870-Apr 24, 1948 04/24/1948 Beloved wife of Legh Wilber Reid, Jr. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Reid, Emma G. J. MARKER: F-42-8B Lt. Col Legh Wilber Reid CSA 04/10/1838 Apr. 15, 1833 - Nov. 26, 1908 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord his wife Emma G. Jackson Reid Apr. 10, 1938 - Dec. 3, 1928 Reid, Franklin P MARKER: P-49-2 Franklin P. Reid 10/12/1852 Oct 12, 1852 - Nov 5, 1908 Lillie C. Reid, His wife Nov 7, 1851 - Sept 16, 1927 CHILDREN OF F P & L C REID Benjamin Barton Reid Oct 8, 1878 - Apr 14, 1897 Mary Reid Oct 10, 1886 - Oct 11, 1886 Lillie S. Reid June 15, 1881 - Apr 23, 1956 Reid, Frederick R MARKER: M-128-1 Fred R. Reid 1876 - 1964 12/03/1928 11/05/1908 11/08/1908 06/29/1964 Minnie Bartlett Reid 1879 - 1942 Ivy Hill Cemetery Company of Alexandria, Virginia, U. S. A. Page 384 of 521 Burial Location Deceased ( Section - Lot - Site ) Reid, George B MARKER: Reid, Harold W., Jr. MARKER: Reid, James H MARKER: Birth_Date M-175-1 07/12/1898 05/19/1939 George Bartlett Reid Jly 12, 1898 - May 19, 1939 T-255-6 06/21/1920 07/05/1967 Harold W. Reid, Jr June 21, 1920 - Jly 5, 1967 F-40-1 12/18/1804 05/19/1869 In Memoriam James H. Reid Dec. 18, 1804 - May 19, 1869 Amy A. Reid Feb. 16, 1810 - Feb. 4, 1887 wife of James H. Reid There remaineth a rest to the people of God. Reid, Jessie T. MARKER: Death_Date T-93-6 Jessie T. Reid Burial_Date 05/23/1939 07/08/1967 05/19/1869 10/01/1912 01/04/2000 01/07/2000 05/24/1953 02/04/1997 02/10/1997 D-54-2 10/06/1972 Adaleen B. Reid Sept. 9, 1893 - Feb. 23, 1927 05/28/1954 05/31/1954 1912 - 2000 Reid, John Douglas, Jr. MARKER: 33-22-4 John Douglas Reid, Jr. May 24, 1953 - Feb. 4, 1997 rest in Peace. Reid, Julia Hall MARKER: Julia Hall Reid Oct. 6, 1872 - May 28, 1954 Edward H. Reid Sept. 22, 1862 - MAy 18, 1935 Geraldine E. Nass 1922 - 1995 Reid, Legh W, Jr. MARKER: F-42-5 Legh Wilber Reid, Jr. Nov. 18, 1867 - Apr. 3, 1961 04/05/1961 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousnes Well done, thou good and faithful servant. He giveth his beloved sleep. F-42-2 Reid, Legh Wilber 04/15/1833 11/26/1908 11/26/1908 C S A Veteran MARKER: NOTES: Reid, Leonard F. US ARMY MARKER: Lt. Col Legh Wilber Reid CSA Apr. 15, 1833 - Nov. 26, 1908 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord his wife Emma G. Jackson Reid Apr. 10, 1938 - Dec. 3, 1928 Lt. Col., 36th Va. Inf. & 17th Va. Cavalry. T-60-4 04/18/1975 U. S. Military Veteran Leonard F. Reid Margaret M. Reid Nov 18, 1901 - Apr 16, 1975 Dec 2, 1896 - Jly 14, 1979 O-238-5 Reid, Lillian K. Inmemorium NOTES: Reid, Lillie B. Reid, Lillie C. MARKER: Cremated and ashes scattered elsewhere. P-49-4 P-24-6A 11/07/1851 Franklin P. Reid Oct 12, 1852 - Nov 5, 1908 09/16/1927 Lillie C. Reid, His wife Nov 7, 1851 - Sept 16, 1927 CHILDREN OF F P & L C REID Benjamin Barton Reid Oct 8, 1878 - Apr 14, 1897 Mary Reid Oct 10, 1886 - Oct 11, 1886 Lillie S. Reid June 15, 1881 - Apr 23, 1956 Reid, Lillie G Reid, Lillie S MARKER: P-24-6 P-49-6 Franklin P. Reid 06/15/1881 Oct 12, 1852 - Nov 5, 1908 04/23/1956 01/01/1927 04/26/1956 07/04/1979 04/11/1988 03/02/1972 07/17/1979 Lillie C. Reid, His wife Nov 7, 1851 - Sept 16, 1927 CHILDREN OF F P & L C REID Benjamin Barton Reid Oct 8, 1878 - Apr 14, 1897 Mary Reid Oct 10, 1886 - Oct 11, 1886 Lillie S. Reid June 15, 1881 - Apr 23, 1956 Reid, Lucil
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