ECCE ROMANI II V OCABULARY L ISTED BY PART OF S PEECH By covering the words in one column or the other with a piece of paper with a notch in the top, test your knowledge of these words. For words in boldface, you should be able to give the English for the Latin, the Latin for the English, and all information about the Latin word as given in the entry. Practice until you can do this with no mistakes. For words not in boldface, you only need to be able to give the English for the Latin. Chapter 28 NOUNS: 1st Declension: neglegentia, -ae, f. sella, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: porcus, -ï, m. speculum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: crïnës, crïnium, m. pl. glïs, glïris, gen. pl., glïrium, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: RELATIVE PRONOUN: ADVERB: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: 3rd Conjugation: Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum vexätus, -a, -um neglegëns, neglegentis quï, quae, quod neglegenter carelessness sedan chair pig mirror hair dormouse beautiful, pretty, handsome annoyed careless who, which, that carelessly invïtö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus to invite pectö, pectere, pexï, pexus vëndö, vëndere, vëndidï, vënditus to comb to sell ineö, inïre, iniï or inïvï, initus cuius in quibus Quam ob causam...? to go into, enter whose among whom For what reason...? Why...? © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 29 NOUNS: 1st Declension: flamma, -ae, f. mënsa, -ae, f. rixa, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: fümus, -ï, m. lïbertus, -ï, m. mendïcus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: adstantës, adstantium, m. pl. fïnis, fïnis, gen. pl., fïnium, m. vestis, vestis, gen. pl., vestium, f. 4th Declension: versus, -üs, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: Indefinite Adjective: celerrimus, -a, -um ëlegantissimus, -a, -um quïdam, quaedam, quoddam Interrogative Adjective: Quï...? Quae...? Quod...? PRONOUN: Interrogative Pronoun: Quis...? Quid...? PREPOSITION: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: 3rd Conjugation: 3rd Conjugation (-iö): 4th Conjugation: WORDS AND PHRASES: ä, ab + abl. concursö, -äre, -ävï, -ätürus dëlectö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus recitö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus recumbö, recumbere, recubuï rumpö, rumpere, rüpï, ruptus aufugiö, aufugere, aufügï ëripiö, ëripere, ëripuï, ëreptus grunniö, -ïre portätur recitäns summä celeritäte flame table quarrel smoke freedman beggar bystanders end clothing, garment verse, line (of poetry) fastest, very fast most elegant (a) certain What...? Which...? Who...? What...? from, by to run to and fro, run about to delight, amuse to read aloud, recite to recline, lie down to burst to run away, escape to snatch (from) to grunt is (being) carried reciting with the greatest speed Consolidation qu- Words Relative Pronoun: Indefinite Adjective: Interrogative Pronoun: Causal Conjunction: Exclamatory Adverb: Interrogative Adjective: quï, quae, quod quïdam, quaedam, quoddam Quis...? Quid...? quod Quam...! Quï...? Quae...? Quod...? who, which, that a certain Who...? What...? because How...! What...? Which...? © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 30 NOUNS: 1st Declension: fenestra, -ae, f. incola, -ae, m./f. ïnsula, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: dubium, -ï, n. incendium, -ï, n. örnämenta, -örum, n. pl. spectäculum, -ï, n. tabulätum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: ïnfäns, ïnfantis, m./f. pariës, parietis, m. Irregular: vïs, acc., vim, abl., vï, f. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: ADVERBS: infant, young child wall (of a house or room) force, amount weak, shaky, frail small miseräbilis, -is, -e miserable, wretched ac VERBS: 1st Conjugation: doubt fire furnishings sight, spectacle story, floor ïnfirmus, -a, -um parvus, -a, -um paene tam CONJUNCTION: window inhabitant, tenant island, apartment building obscürö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus almost so and to hide 2nd Conjugation: commoveö, commovëre, commövï, commötus 3rd Conjugation: ëmittö, ëmittere, ëmïsï, ëmissus exstinguö, exstinguere, exstïnxï, exstïnctus opprimö, opprimere, oppressï, oppressus quaerö, quaerere, quaesïvï, quaesïtus to move, upset to to to to send out put out, extinguish overwhelm seek, look for, ask (for) 3rd Conjugation (-iö): ëiciö, ëicere, ëiëcï, ëiectus to throw out Irregular: efferö, efferre, extulï, ëlätus to carry out, bring out © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 31 NOUNS: 1st Declension: convïva, -ae, m. perna, -ae, f. umbra, -ae, f. guest (at a banquet) ham shadow, shade (of the dead) 2nd Declension: cachinnus, -ï, m. dënärius, -ï, m. lanius, -ï, m. pretium, -ï, n. trïclïnium, -ï, n. laughter denarius (silver coin) butcher price dining room 3rd Declension: carö, carnis, f. lepus, leporis, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: fidëlissimus, -a, -um multus, -a, -um nötus, -a, -um optimus, -a, -um celeber, celebris, celebre pinguis, -is, -e procäx, procäcis DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS: ïdem, eadem, idem ipse, ipsa, ipsum ADVERBS: CONJUNCTION: grätïs immö magnopere quidem rëctë umquam vërö autem PREPOSITION: ä, ab + abl. VERBS: 2nd Conjugation: retineö, retinëre, retinuï, retentus 3rd Conjugation: meat hare most faithful, very faithful much known best, very good, excellent famous fat insolent; as slang, pushy the same himself, herself, itself, themselves, very free, for nothing rather, on the contrary greatly indeed rightly, properly ever truly, really, indeed however, but from, by to hold back, keep addö, addere, addidï, additus bibö, bibere, bibï dëpönö, dëpönere, dëposuï, dëpositus to add to drink to lay down, put aside, set minuö, minuere, minuï, minütus päscö, päscere, pävï, pästus reprehendö, reprehendere, reprehendï, reprehënsus to lessen, reduce, decrease to feed, pasture to blame, scold, reprove down 3rd Conjugation (-iö): WORD: accipiö, accipere, accëpï, acceptus Quantï...? to receive, get, welcome How much...? © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 32 NOUNS: 1st Declension: solea, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: candëläbrum, -ï, n. Cerberus, -ï, m. iëntäculum, -ï, n ïnferï, -örum, m. pl. iussa, -örum, n. pl. mälum, -ï, n. Mercurius, -ï, m. oleum, -ï, n. Orpheus, -ï, m. övum, -ï, n. pallium, -ï, n. prandium, -ï, n. pullus, -ï, m. rëgnum, -ï, n. strätum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: Charön, Charönis, m. holus, holeris, n. ignis, ignis, gen. pl., ignium, m. pänis, pänis, m. Plütön, Plütönis, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: örnätissimus, -a, -um pulcherrimus, -a, -um complürës, -ës, -a ADVERB: cömiter PREPOSITION: circum + acc. VERBS: 1st Conjugation: comparö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus sandal candelabrum, lamp-stand Cerberus (three-headed dog guarding the underworld) breakfast the underworld commands, orders apple Mercury (messenger god) oil Orpheus (legendary singer and husband of Eurydice) egg cloak midday meal chicken kingdom sheet, covering Charon (ferryman in the underworld) vegetable fire bread Pluto (king of the underworld) very decorated most/very beautiful several, many courteously, graciously, in a friendly way around to buy, obtain, get ready 3rd Conjugation: accumbö, accumbere, accubuï, accubitürus addücö, addücere, addüxï, adductus coquö, coquere, coxï, coctus effundö, effundere, effüdï, effüsus to to to to recline (at table) lead on, bring cook pour out; pass., to be spilled, ëvertö, ëvertere, ëvertï, ëversus 3rd Conjugation (-iö): dëiciö, dëicere, dëiëcï, dëiectus reficiö, reficere, refëcï, refectus Irregular: afferö, afferre, attulï, allätus to spill to overturn, upset to throw down; pass., to fall to remake, redo, restore to bring, bring to, bring in © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II auferö, auferre, abstulï, ablätus WORDS AND PHRASES: Bonö animö es!/este! cäsü quä dë causä to carry away, take away Be of good mind! Cheer up! by chance, accidentally for this reason © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 33 NOUNS: 1st Declension: anima, -ae, f. lüna, -ae, f. olïva, -ae, f. pestilentia, -ae, f. popïna, -ae, f. stëla, -ae, f. umbra, -ae, f. üva, -ae, f. soul, "heart" moon olive plague eating-house, bar tombstone shadow, shade (of the dead) grape, bunch of grapes 2nd Declension: asparagus, -ï, m. bölëtus, -ï, m. coquus, -ï, m. ferculum, -ï, n. frustum, -ï, n. locus, -ï, m. medicus, -ï, m. mulsum, -ï, n. näsus, -ï, m. passum, -ï, n. pirum, -ï, n. pöculum, -ï, n. vestïmentum, -ï, n. asparagus mushroom cook dish, tray scrap place doctor wine sweetened with honey nose raisin-wine pear cup, goblet clothing; pl., clothes 3rd Declension: gustätiö, gustätiönis, f. liquämen, liquäminis, n. hors d'oeuvre, first course garum (a sauce made from fish, pecus, pecoris, n. sanguis, sanguinis, m. versipellis, versipellis, gen. pl, versipellium, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: ADVERBS: CONJUNCTIONS: PREPOSITION: INTERJECTION: aspersus, -a, -um cëterï, -ae, -a ïrätissimus, -a, -um lapideus, -a, -um niger, nigra, nigrum proximus, -a, -um situs, -a, -um urbänus, -a, -um forte merïdië posteä prius ünä dönec tamquam inter + acc. Euge! used to season food) livestock, sheep and cattle blood werewolf sprinkled the rest (of), the other(s) most/very angry of stone, stony black nearest located, situated of the city/town by chance at noon afterward earlier together until just as if between, among Hurray! © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II VERBS: 1st Conjugation: dëdicö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus excüsö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus gustö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus numerö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus ululö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus vulnerö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: careö, carëre, caruï, caritürus + abl. compleö, complëre, complëvï, complëtus dërïdeö, dërïdëre, dërïsï, dërïsus 3rd Conjugation: caedö, caedere, cecïdï, caesus exuö, exuere, exuï, exütus irrumpö, irrumpere, irrüpï, irruptus pröcëdö, pröcëdere, pröcessï, pröcessürus scindö, scindere, scidï, scissus Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: edö, ësse, ëdï, ësus dë porcö datum est Dï immortälës rës urbänae, rërum urbänärum, f. pl. së excusäre secundae mënsae, -ärum, f. pl. to to to to to to dedicate forgive, excuse take a bite of count howl wound to need, lack to fill to laugh at, get the last laugh to to to to to strike, cut down, kill take off burst in go forward cut, split, carve to eat some pork was given Immortal gods! Good heavens! affairs of the city/town to apologize second course, dessert © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 34 NOUNS: 1st Declension: 2nd Declension: aränea, -ae, f. coröna, -ae, f. cüra, -ae, f. hedera, -ae, f. rosa, -ae, f. apium, -ï, n. convïvium, -ï, n. cyathus, -ï, m. fritillus, -ï, m. merum, -ï, n. modus, -ï, m. sacculus, -ï, m. tälï, -örum, m. pl. unguentum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: amor, amöris, m. canis, canis, m./f. cömissätiö, cömissätiönis, f. Cupïdö, Cupïdinis, m. flös, flöris, m. Herculës, Herculis, m. sal, salis, m. sëniö, sëniönis, m. Venus, Veneris, f. Indeclinable: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: nïl candidus, -a, -um ëbrius, -a, -um foedus, -a, -um merus, -a, -um paucï, -ae, -a pessimus, -a, -um venustus, -a, -um abstinëns, abstinentis + abl. äcer, äcris, äcre brevis, -is, -e celer, celeris, celere difficilis, -is, -e dissimilis, -is, -e facilis, -is, -e fëlïx, fëlïcis gracilis, -is, -e humilis, -is, -e prüdëns, prüdentis similis, -is, -e + gen. or dat. suävis, -is, -e cobweb garland, crown care ivy rose parsley feast, banquet small ladle, measure (of wine) cylindrical box undiluted wine way, method small bag (used for holding money) knucklebones ointment, perfume love dog; the lowest throw of the knucklebones drinking party Cupid (the son of Venus) flower Hercules (Greek hero) salt, wit the six (in throwing knucklebones) Venus (the goddess of love), the highest throw of the knucklebones nothing white, fair-skinned, beautiful drunk filthy, disgusting pure few worst charming refraining from keen, bitter, sharp short fast, swift difficult unlike, dissimilar easy lucky, happy, fortunate slender humble wise, sensible similar (to), like sweet, delightful © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II vetus, veteris Positive, Comparative, and Superlative: Regular: 1st and 2nd Declension: molestus, -a, -um molestior, molestior, molestius, gen., molestiöris molestissimus, -a, -um 3rd Declension: brevis, -is, -e brevior, brevior, brevius, gen., breviöris brevissimus, -a, -um fëlïx, fëlïcis fëlïcior, fëlïcior, fëlïcius, gen., fëlïciöris fëlïcissimus, -a, -um prüdëns, prüdentis prüdentior, prüdentior, prüdentius, gen., prüdentiöris prüdentissimus, -a, -um 1st and 2nd Declension Adjectives Ending in -er: miser, misera, miserum miserior, miserior, miserius, gen., miseriöris miserrimus, -a, -um pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum pulchrior, pulchrior, pulchrius, gen., pulchriöris pulcherrimus, -a, -um old troublesome, annoying more/rather troublesome, annoying most/very troublesome, annoying short shorter, rather short shortest, very short lucky, happy luckier, rather lucky happier, rather happy luckiest, most/very lucky, happy wise, sensible wiser, rather wise more/rather sensible wisest, most/very wise, sensible unhappy, miserable, wretched unhappier, rather unhappy, etc. most/very unhappy, etc. beautiful, pretty, handsome more/rather beautiful, etc. most/very beautiful, etc. 3rd Declension Adjectives Ending in -er: celer, celeris, celere celerior, celerior, celerius, gen., celeriöris celerrimus, -a, -um swift swifter, rather swift swiftest, very swift äcer, äcris, äcre äcrior, äcrior, äcrius, gen., äcriöris äcerrimus, -a, -um keen keener, rather keen keenest, very keen Most 3rd Declension Adjectives Ending in -lis: fidëlis, -is, -e fidëlior, fidëlior, fidëlius, gen., fidëliöris fidëlissimus, -a, -um faithful more/rather faithful most/very faithful Six 3rd Declension Adjectives Ending in -lis: facilis, -is, -e facilior, facilior, facilius, gen., faciliöris facillimus, -a, -um The other five: difficilis, -is, -e similis, -is, -e + gen. or dat. dissimilis, -is, -e easy easier, rather easy easiest, very easy difficult similar (to), like dissimilar © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II gracilis, -is, -e humilis, -is, -e Irregular: bonus, -a, -um melior, melior, melius, gen., meliöris optimus, -a, -um malus, -a, -um peior, peior, peius, gen., peiöris pessimus, -a, -um magnus, -a, -um slender humble good better, rather good best, very good, excellent bad, evil worse, rather bad worst, very bad maior, maior, maius, gen., maiöris maximus, -a, -um big, great, large, loud (voice, laugh) bigger, rather big, etc. biggest, very big, etc. parvus, -a, -um minor, minor, minus, gen., minöris minimus, -a, -um small smaller, rather small smallest, very small multus, -a, -um plüs* plürimus, -a, -um multï, -ae, -a plürës, plürës, plüra, gen., plürium plürimï, -ae, -a much more most, very much many more, rather many most, very many Note that plüs is not an adjective but a neuter substantive, usually found with a partitive genitive, e.g., Titus plüs vïnï bibit. Titus drank more (of the) wine. ADVERBS: conträ magis maximë nimis* optimë paulätim prüdenter quam in return more most, very much too much very well, excellently gradually wisely, sensibly than *Adverb or indeclinable substantive CONJUNCTIONS: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: seu = sive -ve, enclitic corönö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus creö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus dönö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus invocö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: misceö, miscëre, miscuï, mixtus placeö, -ëre, -uï + dat. 3rd Conjugation: poscö, poscere, poposcï sinö, sinere, sïvï, situs both...and or if or to to to to crown appoint give invoke, call upon to mix to please to demand, ask for to allow © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II 4th Conjugation: Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: hauriö, haurïre, hausï, haustus fïö, fierï, factus sum arbiter bibendï colläpsus est in diës inquam në...quidem plüs vïnï quam celerrimë to drain to become, be made, be done, happen master of the drinking he collapsed every day, day by day I say not even more wine as quickly as possible Consolidation All the 3rd declension adjectives that you have met so far: (34) abstinëns, abstinentis + abl. (34) äcer, äcris, äcre (34) brevis, -is, -e celeber, celebris, celebre (34) celer, celeris, celere complürës, -ës, -a (34) difficilis, -is, -e (34) dissimilis, -is, -e + dat. ëlegäns, ëlegantis (34) facilis, -is, -e (34) fëlïx, fëlïcis feröx, feröcis fidëlis, -is, -e fortis, -is, -e (34) gracilis, -is, -e gravis, -is, -e (34) humilis, -is, -e immemor, immemoris + gen. immöbilis, -is, -e incolumis, -is, -e ingëns, ingentis neglegëns, neglegentis nöbilis, -is, -e omnis, -is, -e pinguis, -is, -e procäx, procäcis (34) prüdëns, prüdentis quälis, -is, -e…? (34) similis, -is, -e + dat. (34) suävis, -is, -e tälis, -is, -e (34) vetus, veteris refraining from keen, bitter, sharp short famous, distinguished fast, swift several, many difficult unlike, dissimilar (to) elegant easy lucky, happy, fortunate fierce faithful brave, strong slender heavy, serious humble forgetful (of) motionless unhurt huge careless noble all, the whole, every, each fat insolent wise, sensible what sort of…? like, similar (to) sweet, delightful such old © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 35 NOUNS: 1st Declension: Subüra, -ae, f. Subura (a district of Rome off the Forum, known for its night life) 2nd Declension: deus, -ï, m. tergum, -ï, n. god back, rear 3rd Declension: collis, collis, gen. pl., collium, m. difficultäs, difficultätis, f. füstis, füstis, gen. pl., füstium, m. timor, timöris, m. vulnus, vulneris, n. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: affectus, -a, -um certus, -a, -um lentus, -a, -um prönus, -a, -um rëctus, -a, -um sëcürus, -a, -um summus, -a, -um dïligëns, dïligentis feröx, feröcis gravis, -is, -e Quirïnälis, -is, -e vehemëns, vehementis ADVERBS: Positive, Comparative, and Superlative: Regularly Formed from Adjectives: affected, overcome certain slow face down right, proper carefree, unconcerned greatest, very great diligent, painstaking, thorough fierce heavy, serious Quirinal (referring to the Quirinal Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome) violent breviter fortissimë longë strenuë briefly most/very bravely far strenuously, hard laetë laetius laetissimë happily more/rather happily most/very happily fëlïciter fëlïcius fëlïcissimë well, luckily, happily more/rather luckily, happily most/very luckily, happily celeriter celerius celerrimë prüdenter prüdentius prüdentissimë Irregular: hill difficulty club, cudgel fear wound bene melius quickly more/rather quickly most/very quickly wisely, sensibly more/rather wisely, sensibly most/very wisely, sensibly well better, rather well © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II optimë male peius pessimë badly worse, rather badly worst, very badly facile facilius facillimë easily more/rather easily most/very easily magnopere magis maximë paulum minus minimë Other: 3rd Conjugation: greatly more most, very much little less least multum plüs plürimum much more most diü diütius diütissimë for a long time for a longer time for the longest time saepe saepius saepissimë often more/rather often most/very often sërö sërius sërissimë VERBS: 1st Conjugation: best, very well, excellently ligö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus adimö, adimere, adëmï, adëmptus + dat. concurrö, concurrere, concurrï, concursürus crëdö, crëdere, crëdidï, crëditus + dat. dëfendö, dëfendere, dëfendï, dëfënsus late later, rather late latest, very late to bind up to to to to take away (from) run together, rush up trust, believe defend 3rd Conjugation (iö): PHRASE: corripiö, corripere, corripuï, correptus percutiö, percutere, percussï, percussus to seize, grab to strike cönsecütï sunt they overtook © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 36 NOUNS: 1st Declension: Bïthÿnia, -ae, f. Kalendae, -ärum, f. pl. Nönae, -ärum, f. pl. 2nd Declension: Brundisium, -ï, n. Brundisiï Brundisium Brundisiö 3rd Declension: adulëscëns, adulëscentis, m. cönsul, cönsulis, m. 4th Declension: Ïdüs, Ïduum, f. pl. ADJECTIVES: 3rd Declension: trïstis, -is, -e audäx, audäcis Months: Iänuärius, -a, -um Februärius, -a, -um Märtius, -a, -um Aprïlis, -is, -e Maius, -a, -um Iünius, -a, -um Iülius, -a -um Augustus, -a, -um September, Septembris, Septembre Octöber, Octöbris, Octöbre November, Novembris, Novembre December, Decembris, Decembre Indeclinable: vïgintï ADVERBS: hüc libenter prïdië + acc. rürsus sänë CONJUNCTION: -que, enclitic PREPOSITION: ante + acc. Bithynia (province in Asia Minor) the Kalends (1st day of the month) the Nones Brundisium in/at Brundisium to Brundisium from Brundisium young man, youth consul the Ides sad bold of January of February of March of April of May of June of July of August of September of October of November of December twenty here, to here gladly on the day before again certainly, of course and before VERBS: 2nd Conjugation: persuädeö, persuädëre, persuäsï, persuäsus 3rd Conjugation: condö, condere, condidï, conditus to make something (acc.) agreeable to someone (dat.), to persuade someone of something to found WORDS AND PHRASES: © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II a.d. iii Kal. Dec. = ante diem tertium Kalendäs Decembrës cönätus est Ïdibus Novembribus Kalendïs Novembribus morätus est Nönïs Novembribus prïdië Ïdüs Octöbrës proficïscëtur quï hominës quö celerius...eö celerius regressus est S. D. (salütem dïcit) S. P. D. (salütem plürimam dïcit) secütï sunt sïs = sï vïs on November 29 (he) tried on November 13 on November 1 he has stayed on November 5 on October 14 (he/she) will set out which/those men the faster...the faster... he has returned (he/she) sends greetings (he/she) sends fondest greetings (they) followed if you wish, please Consolidation Translating quam: In a comparison In a phrase with a superlative In an exclamation In a question In a relative clause than possible How...! How...? whom, which, or that © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 37 NOUNS: 1st Declension: 2nd Declension: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: lanterna, -ae, f. scriblïta, -ae, f. grammaticus, -ï, m. iëntäculum, -ï, n. lüdus, -ï, m. magister, magistrï, m. paedagögus, -ï, m. paulum, -ï, n. pïstrïnum, -ï, n. Vergilius, -ï, m. ërudïtus, -a, -um sextus, -a, -um ütilis, -is, -e lantern tart or pastry with cheese filling secondary school teacher breakfast school schoolmaster tutor a small amount, a little bakery Vergil (Roman poet) learned, scholarly sixth useful ADVERB: cotïdië daily, every day CONJUNCTIONS: etiamsï vel even if or VERBS : List includes all deponent verbs met so far. 1st Conjugation: castïgö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus cönor, -ärï, -ätus sum moror, -ärï, -ätus sum to rebuke, reprimand to try to delay, remain, stay 2nd Conjugation: (37) vereor, verërï, veritus sum to be afraid, fear 3rd Conjugation: colläbor, colläbï, colläpsus sum (37) colloquor, colloquï, collocütus sum cönsequor, cönsequï, cönsecütus sum (37) loquor, loquï, locütus sum proficïscor, proficïscï, profectus sum sequor, sequï, secütus sum to to to to to to 3rd Conjugation (-iö): (37) ëgredior, ëgredï, ëgressus sum (37) ingredior, ingredï, ingressus sum regredior, regredï, regressus sum to go out, leave to go in, enter to go back, return 4th Conjugation: Irregular: PHRASES: (37) experior, experïrï, expertus sum praeferö, praeferre, praetulï, praelätus ad tempus memoriä tenëre collapse converse, speak together catch up to, overtake speak, talk set out, leave follow to test, try to carry X (acc.) in front of Y (dat.) on time to remember © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 38 NOUNS: 1st Declension: Aenëäs, Aenëae, m. Äfrica, -ae, f. Hesperia, -ae, f. rëgïna, -ae, f. ruïna, -ae, f. Sicilia, -ae, f. terra, -ae, f. Troia, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: annus, -ï, m. discipulus, -ï, m. respönsum, -ï, n. torus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: Aenëis, Aenëidis, f. Dïdö, Dïdönis, f. dolor, dolöris, m. mare, maris, abl. sing., marï, gen. pl., marium, n. mënsis, mënsis, m. nävis, nävis, gen. pl., nävium, f. ös, öris, n. tempestäs, tempestätis, f. Ulixës, Ulixis, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: Numerical: aliquï, -ae, -a altus, -a, -um ïnfandus, -a, -um intentus, -a, -um Troiänus, -a, -um ünus, -a, -um prïmus, -a, -um duo, duae, duo secundus, -a, -um trës, trës, tria tertius, -a, -um quattuor quartus, -a, -um quïnque quïntus, -a, -um sex sextus, -a, -um septem septimus, -a, -um octö octävus, -a, -um novem nönus, -a, -um Aeneas (son of Venus and Anchises and legendary ancestor of the Romans) Africa Hesperia (the land in the West, Italy) queen collapse, ruin Sicily earth, ground, land Troy year pupil reply couch the Aeneid (an epic poem by Vergil) Dido (queen of Carthage) grief sea month ship mouth, face storm Ulysses, Odysseus (Greek hero of the Trojan War) some tall, high, lofty, deep unspeakable intent, eager Trojan one first two second three third four fourth five fifth six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II decem decimus, -a, -um ündecim ündecimus, -a, -um duodecim duodecimus, -a, -um tredecim tertius decimus, -a, -um quattuordecim quartus decimus, -a, -um quïndecim quïntus decimus, -a, -um sëdecim sextus decimus, -a, -um septendecim septimus decimus, -a, -um duodëvïgintï duodëvïcësimus, -a, -um ündëvigintï ündëvïcësimus, -a, -um vïgintï vïcësimus, -a, -um quïnquäginta quïnquägësimus, -a, -um centum centësimus, -a, -um quïngentï, -ae, a quïngentësimus, -a, -um mïlle mïllësimus, -a, -um ADVERB: inde INTERROGATIVE WORDS: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: Quot...? Quotus, -a, -um...? nävigö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus renovö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: dëleö, dëlëre, dëlëvï, dëlëtus obsideö, obsidëre, obsëdï, obsessus 3rd Conjugation: conticëscö, conticëscere, conticuï incendö, incendere, incendï, incënsus 3rd Conjugation (-iö): 4th Conjugation: WORD: patior, patï, passus sum ördior, ördïrï, örsus sum coepit ten tenth eleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth fifty fiftieth a hundred hundredth five hundred five-hundredth a thousand thousandth from there, then How many...? Which (in numerical order)...? to sail to renew, revive to destroy to besiege to become silent to burn, set on fire to suffer, endure to begin (he/she/it) began © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 39 NOUNS: 1st Declension: Athënae, -ärum, f. pl. Baiae, -ärum, f. pl. Cremöna, -ae, f. Crëta, -ae, f. ferula, -ae, f. Gallia, -ae, f. Hispania, -ae, f. lingua, -ae, f. litterae, -ärum, f. pl. Mantua, -ae, f. öra, -ae, f. Thräcia, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: altum, -ï, n. arma, -örum, n. pl. Augustus, -ï, m. bellum, -ï, n. Dëlös, -ï, f. deus, -ï, nom. pl., dï, dat., abl. pl., dïs, m. fätum, -ï, n. fundus, -ï, m. Horätius, -ï, m. Latium, -ï, n. Mediolänum, -ï, n. oppidum, -ï, n. Philippï, -örum, m. pl. superï, -örum, m. pl verbum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: Alpës, Alpium, f. pl. Carthägö, Carthäginis, f. comes, comitis, m./f. genus, generis, n. hiems, hiemis, f. Iünö, Iünönis, f. lïtus, lïtoris, n. moenia, moenium, n. pl. procäcitäs, procäcitätis, f. rüs, rüris, n. Sïdön, Sïdönis, f. sölitüdö, sölitüdinis, f. valëtüdö, valëtüdinis, f. 4th Declension: domus, -üs, f. Athens Baiae Cremona (town in northern Italy) Crete (large island southeast of Greece) cane Gaul Spain tongue, language letters, literature Mantua (town in northern Italy) shore Thrace (country northeast of Greece) the deep, the sea arms, weapons Augustus (first Roman emperor) war Delos (small island off the eastern coast of Greece) god fate farm Horace (Roman poet) Latium (the area of central Italy that included Rome) Milan town Philippi the gods above word, verb the Alps Carthage (city on the northern coast of Africa) companion race, stock, nation winter Juno (queen of the gods) shore city walls insolence country, country estate Sidon solitude health (good or bad) house, home © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: aböminandus, -a, -um aeger, aegra, aegrum Albänus, -a, -um Latïnus, -a, -um Lävïnius, -a, -um profugus, -a, -um saevus, -a, -um territus, -a, -um 3rd Declension: memor, memoris septentriönälis, -is, -e terribilis, -is, -e virïlis, -is, -e ADVERBS: remembering, mindful, unforgetting northern frightening of manhood ante interdum nusquam post sïc back from this point in time, ago, previously previously, before from time to time nowhere after(ward), later thus, in this way CONJUNCTION: antequam before PREPOSITIONS: ante + acc. ob + acc. post + acc. träns + acc. VERBS: 1st Conjugation: abhinc detestable, horrible ill of Alba Longa (city founded by Aeneas's son, Ascanius) Latin of Lavinium (name of the town first settled by the Trojans in Italy) exiled, fugitive fierce, savage frightened aegrötö, -äre, -ävï, -ätürus dormitö, -äre, -ävï iactö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus migrö, -äre, -ävï, -ätürus 2nd Conjugation: moneö, -ëre, -uï, -itus päreö, -ëre, -uï, -itürus + dat. studeö, -ëre, -uï + dat. before, in front of on account of after across to be ill to be sleepy to toss about, drive to and fro to move one's home to advise, warn to obey to study 3rd Conjugation: animadvertö, animadvertere, animadvertï, animadversus canö, canere, cecinï, cantus expellö, expellere, expulï, expulsus expergïscor, expergïscï, experrëctus sum extendö, extendere, extendï, extentus näscor, näscï, nätus sum omittö, omittere, omïsï, omissus vïvö, vïvere, vïxï, vïctürus to to to to to to to to 3rd Conjugation (-iö): to die morior, morï, mortuus sum © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. notice sing drive out, expel wake up hold out be born leave out, omit live ECCE ROMANI II 4th Conjugation: Irregular: sepeliö, sepelïre, sepelïvï, sepultus ïnferö, ïnferre, intulï, illätus WORDS AND PHRASES: fïnem recitandï fëcit idem ac ïnfirmä...valëtüdine interest in terram ëgressus multïs post annïs recitandï rediëns toga virïlis, togae virïlis, f. to bury to bring in (he) made an end of reciting, (he) stopped reciting the same as in poor health it is important having disembarked many years afterward of reciting returning toga of manhood, plain white toga Consolidation Place: To which: Brundisium domum Römam rüs From which: Locative: 1st and 2nd Declension Singular Nouns: 3rd Declension Singular Nouns: Plural Nouns: domus and rüs: Time: to Brundisium homeward, home to Rome to the country/country estate Brundisiö domö Römä rüre from Brundisium from home from Rome from the country/country estate Römae Brundisiï in/at Rome in/at Brundisium Sïdöne Exception: Carthäginï Baiïs Gädibus domï rürï abhinc trës diës tribus ante diëbus tribus post diëbus in/at Sidon in/at Carthage in/at Baiae in/at Gades at home in the country/on or at the country estate three days ago three days before three days later © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 40 NOUNS: 1st Declension: ïräcundia, -ae, f. poena, -ae, f. scapha, -ae, f. irritability, bad temper punishment, penalty small boat 2nd Declension: Pompeiï, -örum, m. pl. templum, -ï, n. Pompeii temple 3rd Declension: rogätiö, rogätiönis, f. question ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: ïräcundus, -a, -um vërus, -a, -um irritable, in a bad mood true 3rd Declension: crüdëlis, -is, -e cruel ADVERBS: immö vërö inde prïmö quam prïmum on the contrary, in fact from there, then first, at first as soon as possible CONJUNCTIONS: cum cum prïmum VERBS: 1st Conjugation: ignörö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus natö, -äre, -ävï, -ätürus obsecrö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: audeö, audëre, ausus sum + inf. gaudeö, gaudëre, gävïsus sum soleö, solëre, solitus sum + inf. valeö, -ëre, -uï, -itürus 3rd Conjugation: arcessö, arcessere, arcessïvï, arcessïtus discö, discere, didicï repellö, repellere, reppulï, repulsus 3rd Conjugation (-iö): 4th Conjugation: WORDS AND PHRASES: cupiö, cupere, cupïvï, cupïtus rapiö, rapere, rapuï, raptus dësiliö, dësilïre, dësiluï Avë! Avëte! poenäs dare Pompeiïs vëra dïcere when, since as soon as to be ignorant, not to know to swim to beseech, beg to dare (to) to be glad, rejoice to be accustomed (to), be in the habit of to be strong, be well to summon, send for to learn to drive off, drive back to desire, want to snatch, seize to leap down Greetings! to pay the penalty, be punished in Pompeii to tell the truth © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 41 NOUNS: 1st Declension: tëla, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: studium, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: tälia, tälium, n. pl. ADVERBS: VERB: 3rd Conjugation: WORDS AND PHRASES: foräs Quantum...! ëripiö, ëripere, ëripuï, ëreptus texö, texere, texuï, textus dïcitur discessisse web, fabric enthusiasm, study such things outside How much...! to snatch from, rescue to weave (he/she/it) is said to have departed © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 42 NOUNS: 1st Declension: 2nd Declension: casa, -ae, f. unda, -ae, f. magister, magistrï, m. ventus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: ADVERB: CONJUNCTION: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: pügiö, pügiönis, m. armätus, -a, -um dïves, dïvitis pauper, pauperis clam quoniam superö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 3rd Conjugation: convalëscö, convalëscere, convaluï ëvädö, ëvädere, ëväsï, ëväsus redücö, redücere, redüxï, reductus resistö, resistere, restitï + dat. 4th Conjugation: adorior, adorïrï, adortus sum coorior, coorïrï, coortus sum PHRASE: Prö dï immortälës! hut, cottage wave schoolmaster, master, captain wind dagger armed rich poor secretly since to overcome to to to to grow stronger, get well escape lead back, take back resist to attack to rise up, arise Good heavens! © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 43 NOUNS: 1st Declension: balneae, -ärum, f. pl. palaestra, -ae, f. thermae, -ärum, f. pl. baths exercise ground public baths 2nd Declension: apodytërium, -ï, n. caldärium, -ï, n. digitus, -ï, m. frïgidärium, -ï, n. harpastum, -ï, n. linteum, -ï, n. pälus, -ï, m. tepidärium, -ï, n. unguentum, -ï, n. vestibulum, -ï, n. changing room (at the baths) hot room (at the baths) finger cold room (at the baths) heavy handball towel post warm room (at the baths) ointment, perfume, oil entrance passage 3rd Declension: calor, calöris, m. follis, follis, gen. pl., follium, m. senex, senis, m. strigilis, strigilis, gen. pl., strigilium, f. trigön, trigönis, m. heat bag old man strigil, scraper ball game involving three people, ball (used in this game) steam vapor, vapöris, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: ADVERBS: calvus, -a, -um capillätus, -a, -um indütus, -a, -um Nerönëus, -a, -um rïdiculus, -a, -um varius, -a, -um haud quö PREPOSITION: conträ + acc. VERBS: 1st Conjugation: concrepö, concrepäre, concrepuï dëfricö, dëfricäre, dëfricuï, dëfrictus lüctor, -ärï, -ätus sum 2nd Conjugation: exerceö, -ëre, -uï, -itus tergeö, tergëre, tersï, tersus bald with long hair clothed of Nero absurd, laughable different, various, varied, many-hued not there, to that place against to snap (the fingers) to rub down to wrestle to exercise, train to dry, wipe 3rd Conjugation: cognöscö, cognöscere, cognövï, cognitus repetö, repetere, repetïvï, repetïtus unguö, unguere, ünxï, ünctus to find out, learn to pick up, recover to anoint, smear with oil conveniö, convenïre, convënï, conventürus to come together, meet, 4th Conjugation: assemble WORDS AND PHRASES: Campus Märtius, -ï, m. the Plain of Mars on the outskirts of Rome © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II pecüniä datä Thermae Nerönëae, -ärum, f. pl. vïnö sümptö his money having been given, after paying his entrance fee the Baths of Nero wine having been taken, after a drink of wine © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 44 NOUNS: 1st Declension: sella, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: pavïmentum, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: für, füris, m. VERBS: 3rd Conjugation: läbor, läbï, läpsus sum prehendö, prehendere, prehendï, prehënsus subsequor, subsequï, subsecütus sum 3rd Conjugation(-iö): cönfugiö, cönfugere, cönfügï surripiö, surripere, surripuï, surreptus 4th Conjugation: WORDS AND PHRASES: exsiliö, exsilïre, exsiluï exeämus më custöde quibus verbïs audïtïs sedan chair, seat, chair tiled floor thief to slip, fall to seize to follow (up) to flee for refuge to steal to leap out let us go out me on guard, while I am on guard which words having been heard, when they had heard this © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 45 NOUNS: 1st Declension: lacrima, -ae, f. rïma, -ae, f. spëlunca, -ae, f. Thisbë, -ës, f. 2nd Declension: cönsilium, -ï, n. ösculum, -ï, n. Pÿramus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: Babylön, Babylönis, f. leö, leönis, m. recitätiö, recitätiönis, f. vëlämen, vëläminis, n. virgö, virginis, f. 4th Declension: vultus, -üs, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declensiuon: ïnscius, -a, -um sanguineus, -a, -um uterque, utraque, utrumque 3rd Declension: commünis, -is, -e prior, prior, prius, gen., priöris ADVERBS: noctü prope sëcrëtö CONJUNCTION: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: tear crack cave Thisbe plan kiss Pyramus Babylon lion recitation veil, shawl maiden face not knowing bloodstained each (of two), both common first (of two), previous at/by night near, nearby, nearly secretly nec and...not rixor, -ärï, -ätus sum to quarrel 2nd Conjugation: polliceor, pollicërï, pollicitus sum 3rd Conjugation: aspergö, aspergere, aspersï, aspersus exprimö, exprimere, expressï, expressus occïdö, occïdere, occïdï, occïsus perdö, perdere, perdidï, perditus valedïcö, valedïcere, valedïxï, valedictürus to promise to to to to to sprinkle, splash, spatter press out, express kill destroy say goodbye 3rd Conjugation (-iö): prögredior, prögredï, prögressus sum 4th Conjugation: WORDS AND PHRASES: orior, orïrï, ortus sum sentiö, sentïre, sënsï, sënsus cönsilium capere moritürus, -a, -um öre sanguine aspersö to go forward, advance to rise to feel, notice to adopt a plan about to die, intending to die, determined to die his mouth spattered with blood © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 46 NOUNS: 1st Declension: püpa, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: dönum, -ï, n. latrunculus, -ï, m. lüdus, -ï, m. peristÿlium, -ï, n. 5th Declension: merïdiës, -ëï, m. ADJECTIVE: 3rd Declension: nätälis, -is, -e ADVERBS: ferë postrëmö VERBS: 1st Conjugation: micö, micäre, micuï putö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 3rd Conjugation: 3rd Conjugation(-iö): ëdücö, ëdücere, ëdüxï, ëductus laedö, laedere, laesï, laesus abripiö, abripere, abripuï, abreptus Irregular: fïö, fierï, factus sum referö, referre, rettulï, relätus WORDS AND PHRASES: ambö, ambae, ambö capita aut nävia diës nätälis, diëï nätälis, m. digitïs micäre dönö (dat.) dare lüdus latrunculörum Num...? pär impär Quid Sextö fïet? doll gift bandit, piece in a game like chess school, game peristyle (courtyard surrounded with a colonnade) noon, midday of/belonging to birth almost, approximately finally to move quickly to and fro, flash to think, consider to lead out to harm to snatch away to become, be made, be done, happen to bring back, report, write down both heads or ship (a children’s game) birthday to play morra to give as a gift game of bandits (a game like chess) Surely...not...? (introduces a question that expects the answer "no" odds or evens (a game) What will happen to Sextus? © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 47 NOUNS: 2nd Declension: populus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: epigramma, epigrammatis, n. gladiätor, gladiätöris, m. imperätor, imperätöris, m. münera, münerum, n. pl. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: negötiösus, -a, -um memoräbilis, -is, -e ADVERB: mätürë VERBS: 1st Conjugation: spërö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus people epigram gladiator commander, emperor games busy memorable early to hope 2nd Conjugation: contineö, continëre, continuï, contentus to confine, hold congredior, congredï, congressus sum to come together 3rd Conjugation (-iö): Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: mälö, mälle, mäluï cönstat epistula est cönficienda Märtiälis, Märcus Valerius, m. mävult prö certö habëre quö maior..., eö plüs... to prefer it is agreed the letter must be finished Martial (poet, ca. A.D. 40104) (he/she) prefers to be sure the greater..., the more... © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 48 NOUNS: 1st Declension: arëna, -ae, f. dëliciae, -ärum, f. pl. dïvitiae, -ärum, f. pl. hasta, -ae, f. lanista, -ae, m. lüdia, -ae, f. pugna, -ae, f. tessera, -ae, f. turba, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: locärius, -ï, m. magister, magistrï, m. merïdiänï, -örum, m. pl. saeculum, -ï, n. suppositïcius, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: admïrätio, admïrätiönis, f. aequor, aequoris, n. appäritor, appäritöris, m. cassis, cassidis, f. cornicen, cornicinis, m. furor, furöris, m. mïlia, mïlium, n. pl. paria, parium, n. pl. pulvïnar, pulvïnäris, n. tremor, tremöris, m. tridëns, tridentis, gen. pl., tridentium, m. tubicen, tubicinis, m. voluptäs, voluptätis, f. aequoreus, -a, -um belliger, belligera, belligerum hümänus, -a, -um languidus, -a, -um Märtius, -a, -um obstupefactus, -a, -um superbus, -a, -um timendus, -a, -um üniversus, -a, -um 3rd Declension: Indeclinable: ADVERBS: minäx, minäcis tot äcriter aliäs ter sand, arena delight wealth, riches spear trainer female slave attached to a gladiatorial school fight, battle ticket crowd; cause of confusion/turmoil scalper (a person who buys up seats and sells them for as high a price as he can get) school master, master, captain, trainer midday fighters age, era substitute amazement sea public servant plumed metal helmet horn-player frenzy thousands pairs imperial seat (at the games) cause of fright, terror trident trumpet-player pleasure, delight of/belonging to the sea warlike human drooping connected with Mars (the god of war and combat) astounded proud, arrogant to be feared the whole of, the entire menacing so many fiercely at another time three times © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II PREPOSITION: conträ + acc. VERBS: 1st Conjugation: iugulö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus reservö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus against, opposite, in front of, facing to kill, murder to reserve 3rd Conjugation: committö, committere, commïsï, commissus cönsistö, cönsistere, cönstitï convertö, convertere, convertï, conversus incëdö, incëdere, incessï ostendö, ostendere, ostendï, ostentus 3rd Conjugation (-iö): circumspiciö, circumspicere, circumspexï, circumspectus coniciö, conicere, coniëcï, coniectus 4th Conjugation: Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: feriö, -ïre tollö, tollere, sustulï, sublätus clämätum est crëdidissem nöbïs redeundum est pugnäbätur pugnam committere to to to to to bring together halt, stop, stand turn (around) go in, march in show, point out to look around to throw, throw together; to figure out, guess to hit, strike, kill to lift, raise there was shouting I would have believed we must return the fighting went on to join battle © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 49 NOUNS: 1st Declension: bëstia, -ae, f. cavea, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: bëstiärius, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: Androclës, Androclis, m. crüdëlitäs, crüdëlitätis, f. recognitiö, recognitiönis, f. stirps, stirpis, gen. pl., stirpium, f. tigris, tigris, gen. pl., tigrium, m./f. 4th Declension: cönsënsus, -üs, m. impetus, -üs, m. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: bëstiärius, -a, -um claudus, -a, -um exanimätus, -a, -um mänsuëtus, -a, -um mütuus, -a, -um immänis, -is, -e mïräbilis, -is, -e mïtis, -is, -e ADVERBS: blandë clëmenter placidë quasi VERBS: 1st Conjugation: admïror, -ärï, -ätus sum condemnö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus lïberö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus mïror, -ärï, -ätus sum 2nd Conjugation: doleö, -ëre, -uï, -itürus lateö, -ëre, -uï 3rd Conjugation: cögö, cögere, coëgï, coäctus immittö, immittere, immïsï, immissus intellegö, intellegere, intellëxï, intellëctus intrödücö, intrödücere, intrödüxï, intröductus lambö, lambere, lambï parcö, parcere, pepercï + dat. vëscor, vëscï + abl. 3rd Conjugation (-iö): WORDS AND PHRASES: incipiö, incipere, incëpï, inceptus admïrätiönï esse rë vërä redeämus beast cage a person who fights wild beasts in the arena Androcles cruelty recognition thorn tiger agreement attack involving wild beasts lame paralyzed tame mutual huge wonderful gentle in a coaxing/winning manner in a kindly manner gently, peacefully, quietly, tamely as if to to to to wonder (at) condemn set free wonder to be sorry, be sad, be in pain to lie in hiding, hide to to to to to to to compel, force send in, release understand, realize bring in lick spare feed (on) to begin to be a source of amazement (to) really, actually let us return © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 50 NOUNS: 1st Declension: epulae, -ärum, f. nätüra, -ae, f. prönuba, -ae, f. serva, -ae, f. spönsa, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: änulus, -ï, m. propinquus, -ï, m. spönsus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: avis, avis, gen. pl., avium, m./f. gëns, gentis, gen. pl., gentium, f. iuvenis, iuvenis, m. söl, sölis, m. spönsälia, spönsälium, n. pl. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: ADVERBS: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: nöbilis, -is, -e similis, -is, -e + gen. or dat. noble similar (to), like adeö ut Heus! aptö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus grätulor, -ärï, -ätus sum + dat. observö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: decet, decëre, decuit dëspondeö, dëspondëre, dëspondï, dëspönsus lücet, lücëre, lüxit oportet, oportëre, oportuit spondeö, spondëre, spopondï, spönsus taedet, taedëre, taesum est 3rd Conjugation: bird family, clan young man sun betrothal ceremony having turned, turning devoted, dedicated confused clear, bright left quiet, subdued, soft ut...nön INTERJECTION: ring relative betrothed man, bridegroom conversus, -a, -um dëditus, -a, -um perturbätus, -a, -um serënus, -a, -um sinister, sinistra, sinistrum submissus, -a, -um nüper CONJUNCTIONS: banquet, feast nature bride's attendant slave-woman, slave-girl betrothed women, bride dëmittö, dëmittere, dëmïsï, dëmissus so, so much, to such an extent recently that (introducing result clauses) that...not (introducing negative result clauses) Hey there! to place, fit to congratulate to watch, pay attention to it is right, proper, fitting to betroth, promise in marriage it is light, it is day; (it) shines it is right, fitting; ought to promise solemnly, pledge boredom with/weariness of something (gen.) affects one (acc.), one is bored with, weary of something to let down, lower © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II neglegö, neglegere, neglëxï, neglëctus rescrïbö, rescrïbere, rescrïpsï, rescrïptus WORDS AND PHRASES: ad spönsälia ait cürae esse Festïnäre të oportet in mätrimönium dücere lücëbat Më taedet sölitüdinis Nön decet patrem dëspondëre fïliam to neglect, ignore to write back, reply for the betrothal (he/she) says, said to be a cause of anxiety (to) That you hurry is fitting, You ought to hurry to marry (it) was shining Boredom with/Weariness of solitude affects me, I am bored with/weary of solitude That a father should betroth his daughter is not fitting, It is not fitting for a father to betroth his daughter Consolidation Words Anticipating Result Clauses: adeö, adv. ita, adv. sïc, adv. tälis, -is, -e tam, adv. tantus, -a, -um tantum, adv. tot, indecl. adj. so, so much, to such an extent thus, in such a way thus, in this way such so so great so much so many © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 51 NOUNS: 1st Declension: benevolentia, -ae, f. bulla, -ae, f. familia, -ae, f. tabulae, -ärum, f. pl. 2nd Declension: ätrium, -ï, larärium, -ï, officium, -ï, Tabulärium, -ï, 3rd Declension: n. n. n. n. Larës, Larum, m. pl. Lïberälia, Lïberälium, n. pl. lïmen, lïminis, n. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: familiäris, -is, -e belonging to the family/household childish, of childhood ut ergä + acc. VERBS: 1st Conjugation: 3rd Conjugation: household gods the Liberalia (Festival of Liber) threshold, doorway some public spotless, clean, plain white në PREPOSITION: atrium, main room shrine of the household gods official ceremony, duty Public Records Office nönnüllï, -ae, -a püblicus, -a, -um pürus, -a, -um puerïlis, -is, -e CONJUNCTIONS: kindness luck-charm, locket family, household tablets, records not to (introducing indirect commands) to (introducing indirect commands) toward comitor, -ärï, -ätus sum cönsecrö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus hortor, -ärï, -ätus sum imperö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus + dat. örö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus to to to to to accompany dedicate encourage, urge order beg amplector, amplectï, amplexus sum dëdücö, dëdücere, dëdüxï, dëductus dïmittö, dïmittere, dïmïsï, dïmissus ïnscrïbö, ïnscrïbere, ïnscrïpsï, ïnscrïptus sümö, sümere, sümpsï, sümptus to to to to to embrace show into, bring, escort send away write in, register take, take up, pick out, assume (i.e., put on for the first time) 3rd Conjugation (-iö): praecipiö, praecipere, praecëpï, praeceptus + dat. WORDS AND PHRASES: erat ïnscrïbendum grätiäs agere + dat. in Forum dëdücere invïtäverat ut në së dïmitteret officium togae virïlis to instruct, order (it) had to be registered to thank to escort into the Forum he had invited (them) to not to send them away coming of age ceremony © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II sï quis toga praetexta, -ae, f. toga püra, -ae, f. toga virïlis, togae virïlis if anyone toga with purple border plain white toga toga of manhood, plain white toga Consolidation Verbs Anticipating Indirect Commands: 1st Conjugation: hortor, -ärï, -ätus sum imperö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus + dat. invïtö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus obsecrö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus örö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus rogö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus to to to to to to 2nd Conjugation: moneö, -ëre, -uï, -itus persuädeö, persuädëre, persuäsï, persuäsus + dat. to advise, warn to persuade 3rd Conjugation (-iö) praecipiö, praecipere, praecëpï, praeceptus + dat. to instruct, order © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. encourage, urge order invite beseech, beg beg ask ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 52 NOUNS: 1st Declension: caterva, -ae, f. mätröna, -ae, f. prüdentia, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: cönsultum, -ï, n. ingenium, -ï, n. 3rd Declension: cognömen, cognöminis, n. interrogätiö, interrogätiönis, f. mös, möris, m. patrës, patrum, m. pl. 5th Declension: fidës, fideï, f. ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: surname (third name of a Roman) questioning custom, pl., character senators good faith, reliability, trust next, following wearing the toga praetexta trepidäns, trepidantis in a panic ënüntiö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus praebeö, -ëre, -uï, -itus urgeö, urgëre, ursï 3rd Conjugation: agö, agere, ëgï, äctus introeö, introïre, introiï or introïvï, introitürus perferö, perferre, pertulï, perlätus pröferö, pröferre, prötulï, prölätus WORDS AND PHRASES: decree intelligence, ingenuity posterus, -a, -um praetextätus, -a, -um 2nd Conjugation: Irregular: crowd married woman good sense, discretion, skill dïxit äctum esse eö magis honöris causä në quis placuit potius quam to reveal, divulge to display, show, provide to press, insist to do, drive; to discuss, debate to enter to report to carry forward, continue he said that there had been a debate all the more for the sake of an honor, as an honor that no one it was decided rather than whether...or... Consolidation Impersonal Verbal Phrase and Impersonal Verbs: necesse est licet, licëre, licuit + dat. placuit decet, decëre, decuit oportet, oportëre, oportuit taedet, taedëre, taesum est it is necessary it is allowed it was decided it is right, proper, fitting it is right, fitting; ought boredom with/weariness of something (gen.) affects one (acc.), one is bored © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II with/weary of something © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 53 NOUNS: 1st Declension: 2nd Declension: ära, -ae, f. dextra, -ae, f. exsequiae, -ärum, f. pl. nüptiae, -ärum, f. pl. taeda, -ae, f. vitta, -ae, f. concubïnus, -ï, m. exta, -örum, n. pl. flammeum, -ï, n. hortulus, -ï, m. laurus, -ï, f. marïtus, -ï, m. modus, -ï, m. mundus, -ï, m. myrtus, -ï, f. Öceanus, -ï, m. rëticulum, -ï, n. sacra, -örum, n. pl. Talassius, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: 3rd Declension: ADVERBS: auspex, auspicis, m. dëductiö, dëductiönis, f. fax, facis, f. fünus, füneris, n. haruspex, haruspicis, m. hilaritäs, hilaritätis, f. nux, nucis, f. ömen, öminis, n. pulchritüdö, pulchritüdinis, f. viscera, viscerum, n. pl. albus, -a, -um cärus, -a, -um castus, -a, -um clärus, -a, -um eximius, -a, -um hyacinthinus, -a, -um siccus, -a, -um varius, -a, -um iners, inertis nüptiälis, -is, -e Fëlïciter! mortiferë rïte altar right hand funeral rites wedding ceremony torch ribbon bridegroom the inner organs of sacrificial animals (heart, lungs, liver) orange (bridal) veil small garden bay (tree), laurel husband way, method, rhythmic/harmonious manner articles used by a woman to beautify herself myrtle Ocean hairnet religious rites, sacrifice Talassius (god of marriage) augur, officiating priest procession wedding-torch funeral soothsayer, diviner good humor, merriment, fun nut omen beauty vital organs white dear, beloved virtuous, chaste bright outstanding of hyacinth dry different, various, varied, many-hued lazy of/for a wedding Good luck! mortally, critically properly © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II CONJUNCTIONS: në ut PREPOSITIONS: dë + abl. super + acc. INTERJECTIONS: Hymën! / Hymenaee! Iö! VERBS: 1st Conjugation: interrogö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus obsignö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus örnö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus sacrificö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus 2nd Conjugation: ärdeö, ärdëre, ärsï, ärsürus fleö, flëre, flëvï, flëtus libet, libëre, libuit or libitum est lest, so that...not, to avoid, to prevent (introducing negative purpose clauses) to, so that (introducing purpose clauses) down from, from, concerning, about over, above an exclamation chanted at weddings; later thought of as the god of weddings a ritual exclamation to to to to ask sign decorate, equip sacrifice to burn, blaze to weep, cry it is pleasing to someone (dat.) to do something (infin.) 3rd Conjugation: compönö, compönere, composuï, compositus concinö, concinere, concinuï dëcëdö, dëcëdere, dëcessï, dëcessürus dësinö, dësinere, dësiï, dësitus iungö, iungere, iünxï, iünctus praecëdö, praecëdere, praecessï, praecessürus prörumpö, prörumpere, prörüpï, pröruptus 4th Conjugation: Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: to to to to to to to compose sing together die stop join go in front burst forth, burst out operiö, operïre, operuï, opertus serviö, -ïre, -ïvï, -ïtürus + dat. to hide, cover to serve prödeö, prödïre, prödiï, pröditürus to come forth düxit exsequiäs mundus muliebris nova nüpta, -ae, f. super lïmen tollere tabuläs nüptiälës obsignäre tunica alba, -ae, f. (he/she) carried out the funeral rites jewelry, perfumes, toilet articles, and attire of the grown-up woman bride to carry over the threshold to sign the marriage contract white tunic (worn by brides) © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II Chapter 54 NOUNS: 1st Declension: candëla, -ae, f. coxa, -ae, f. fortüna, -ae, f. harëna, -ae, f. ïnferiae, -ärum, f. pl. lïberta, -ae, f. lucerna, -ae, f. nënia, -ae, f. pompa, -ae, f. vïta, -ae, f. 2nd Declension: capillï, -örum, m. pl. ïnferï, -örum, m. pl. meritum, -ï, n. mïmus, -ï, m. monumentum, -ï, n. morbus, -ï, m. nätus, -ï, m. rogus, -ï, m. 3rd Declension: äctor, äctöris, m. aequor, aequoris, n. appäritor, appärtöris, m. aquilö, aquilönis, m. cinis, cineris, m. cor, cordis, n. familiärës, familiärium, m. pl. fascës, fascium, m. pl. febris, febris, gen. pl., febrium, f. gëns, gentis, gen. pl., gentium, f. imägö, imäginis, f. laudätiö, laudätiönis, f. lïctor, lïctöris, m. maiörës, maiörum, m. pl. manës, manium, m. pl. münus, müneris, n. os, ossis, n. pectus, pectoris, n. pïstor, pïstöris, m. redëmptor, redëmptöris, m. sermö, sermönis, m. tïbïcen, tïbïcinis, m. vispillö, vispillönis, m. 4th Declension: ADJECTIVES: 1st and 2nd Declension: flëtus, -üs, m. incessus, -üs, m. comitätus, -a, -um commodus, -a, -um fräternus, -a, -um candle hipbone fortune (good or bad) sand offerings and rites in honor of the dead at the tomb freedwoman lamp lament, dirge procession life hair the underworld, the gods of the underworld good deed; pl., services actor of mime, buffoon monument, tomb illness son funeral pyre actor sea public servant north wind ashes, dust (of the cremated body) heart members of the household rods (symbols of office) fever family, clan; pl., peoples likeness, mask speech of praise lictor, officer ancestors spirits of the dead gift, service, gladiatorial show; pl., games bone chest, breast baker contractor conversation, talk piper undertaker weeping, tears bearing, walk(ing) accompanied pleasant brotherly © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ECCE ROMANI II gelätus, -a, -um grätus, -a, -um iücundus, -a, -um lepidus, -a, -um lübricus, -a, -um mütus, -a, -um officiösus, -a, -um + dat. paul(l)us, -a, -um perpetuus, -a, -um prïscus, -a, -um situs, -a, -um subitus, -a, -um vectus, -a, -um, 3rd Declension: fünebris, -is, -e hilaris, -is, -e levis, -is, -e lëvis, -is, -e mollis, -is, -e PRONOUN: tëtë ADVERBS: indignë nëquïquam prötinus CONJUNCTIONS: VERBS: 1st Conjugation: quandöquidem ut adstö, adstäre, adstitï commemorö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus creö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus dönö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus locö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus mänö, -äre, -ävï nöminö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus optö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus plörö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus violö, -äre, -ävï, -ätus chilled loved (by), pleasing (to), dear (to) pleasant, delightful charming slippery silent ready to serve, obliging little, small lasting, permanent of olden times, ancient located, situated, buried sudden having been carried, having traveled funeral cheerful light smooth soft emphatic të undeservedly in vain immediately since as, when to stand near, stand by to mention, comment on, recount to appoint, create to give; to present somebody (acc.) with something (abl.) to place to flow to name, call by name to wish to lament, mourn to do harm, harm 2nd Conjugation: langueö, languëre to be ill in bed 3rd Conjugation: accendö, accendere, accendï, accënsus alloquor, alloquï, allocütus sum ävertö, ävertere, ävertï, äversus dïligö, dïligere, dïlëxï, dïlëctus to to to to ëruö, ëruere, ëruï, ërutus excëdö, excëdere, excessï, excessürus eximö, eximere, exëmï, exëmptus exstruö, exstruere, exstrüxï, exstrüctus frangö, frangere, frëgï, fräctus to to to to to © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved. set on fire speak to, address turn away, divert love, have special regard for dig up go out, leave remove build break ECCE ROMANI II impönö, impönere, imposuï, impositus incidö, incidere, incidï, incäsürus ingravëscö, ingravëscere linquö, linquere, lïquï perlegö, perlegere, perlëgï, perlëctus plangö, plangere, plänxï, plänctus requïrö, requïrere, requïsïvï, requïsïtus scindö, scindere, scidï, scissus solvö, solvere, solvï, solütus tangö, tangere, tetigï, täctus tegö, tegere, tëxï, tëctus vehö, vehere, vexï, vectus 3rd Conjugation: (iö): Irregular: WORDS AND PHRASES: to to to to to to to to to to to to place on, put on fall into/onto grow worse leave read through beat ask, inquire cut, split, carve, tear loosen, untie, dishevel touch cover carry; pass., to be carried, travel afficiö, afficere, affëcï, affectus iniciö, inicere, iniëcï, iniectus recipiö, recipere, recëpï, receptus to affect to throw into, thrust into to receive, recapture cönferö, cönferre, contulï, collätus to confer, bestow, render aquilöne gelätae capillïs solütïs dïs mänibus ë vïtä excëdere est arcessendus in perpetuum lötus est merita cönferre pectus plangere scissä veste sit Via Fläminia, -ae, f. chilled by the north wind with dishevelled hair to the spirits of the dead to die (he) must be sent for forever he bathed to render services (to) to beat the breast with torn clothing may it be Via Flaminia (a road from Rome leading through the Campus Martius and north to Ariminum on the Adriatic Sea) © Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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