Frol:Bakor a IcKonzll To:01300138038 For personal use only A-A HEALTHCARE 80-RT-11*E§T PROPERTIES 09/08/2017 09:24 0818 P.001/003 284 IGNG STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONTWO, #ASA 1164 T: 416 366 2000 F: 416 366 2433 wiM.m,#Irilt.coin 9 May 2017 NORTHWEST AUSTRALIA HAS SECURED EARLY MOMENTUM FOR ITS OFFER FOR GENERATION HEALTHCARE NorthWest Healthcare Properties Real Estate Investment Trust (TS)(: NWH) (NorthWet) Is pleased to arliounce Ulat Northwest Austm&1 has secured early momentum for Its alkash, unconditional, offmarket taleover offer (Oflar) for all of the out,lux*lg units It does not already own in Generalon Heallhoare REIT (ASX: GHC) (Glmirtuon). Northwest Autals'B ownerSIVp of Generaijon Is now at 24.2296, cluding acceptances Into Its Offer and wike acqu imd on-ma,ket,Ince It amounced b Offer. Nonhwest advimes that In reeped of the foregoing acc Ilsitions N has rece)ved acceplances from Generation's CEO, Ales Weritworth and Director, Chris Adams (and/or entities anaodaled with them). Paul Dalia Lana. Chairman and CEO of NotthWest said 'Acceptances on behalf of Mlee and Chris Bend an Importent meseam of support ai th Is early stage of the Offer.' These acceplmces follow the unan nous recommendation by the Board of the Responsble Entity of Generation that Generation Unitholders accept Northiweefs Offer of $2.30 per unt h the ablence of a superior proposal and p,ovided thet an dependent expert delermlnes that the OHer 18 fair and reasonable. North,vogt's Offer opened yesterday (8 May 2017) and Is bes: and final as to price and wHI not be Increased, subject only to no compdng proposal for Generation being pt*Icly announced. NorthWest relterales the key attractions of the Offer for Generailon Unitholders: • • • • the al-caah Offer represents a 49.4% prenillm to 31 December 2016 net ta ble aseets (NTA) of $154 per Generation Unt reponed on 20 Februsy 2017; the Offer provides Generation Unithoklem with the opporknilty b access mean ful liquidity at certain valle; NorthWeet Australia considers that the Ikellhood of a competkig proposal 18 low given NoIthWest Au*ana's currerrt 24.22% relevant Interest In Generation ; and the Offer Is uncondltional which enables bvestors to receive payment for their Generation Units h a timely manner (5 business days after receipt of valid acceptance). The Offer vMN close al 7:00pm (Syclney tlme) on 8 June 2017, unless extended. A Form 604 (Notice of change of WBrests of sub-ntlal holder) 16 Aitadled. For further onnailon please contact the NorthWest Offer ormation Nne on: From witmn Australia: 1800 129 431 From outside Austraia: +81 1800 129 431 1 NWH K #ralla Am• 00 Pty Ild as tr[„1„* for IVWH Al= ralle A-* Trust a oontrollid entity of Nortimet To:01300138038 Frol:Bakor a IcKonzll 09/08/2017 09:24 0818 P.002/003 porm604 Corporations Act 2001 Section 6718 For personal use only No«ce of changl of *WI- of sub,g=,Nal hold,r To:Chili,y NI„10/18<liem Gon-ion Hmkhan REIT (GBC) 21*DISR 118712584 1. D-118 of d.-Iold,r (1) Nnie NothWot Heilthcst Prrpoztles Rml Eatio liniti NWH Aiiirilk A==O Pty W a, mit= h NWHn,# 1)01: (NWH) =1 iti s,illicia foki A,Ililb Ail nim 04=ihil* A-•li . m l Bialli=o P*operti= LP (NWI) Ed Nc West Vakle Patner, k (NWVM (solethcr, the N thW-¢ E/*h,) in comectiom wah NorthW-t Aa-Ila 00-{ I *4 takoo,trbid A GEIC (Of-) m act oil in i Rill",0,7///3/Il,/IN//I/ d/cd 8 MI 2017 0//I/ //I'/C////Ir/ l//0/'I//L ACN OfFgncil*) NoitbWIt Audralk, A-c(Co Pty Ld 617 449 948':asi=C, C'*0 8/OY2017 *#,4/h[ du ox Theprmic,u malics w=N¥m to d.comp,„1 2 0 017 n= p,vi,1, nod= = d#d· 2UOU1017 1 Pililol md p,=ine vol4 /,Ii 110 1,1/ 11,1/bu af vou *tadid to ul the mig disa l in 6 alloci- CK) had 11*9,11 it#,04 (3) wha W $14 id co„FI,9 or vulas 11/0* ia tho idienz di# 110 d*mill holder ar m Im H mph< to she a Liti#/ h ot*sno ce to d, 01111„1 1, 01 •che=14 =o =fot]ORE C Of SIC= ,1 0) R...=im hdk=yunks 50.175.078 VO . power (5) -0. Vall.pill.CS) n7396 53,461,349 24.2296 aq. A-MPilkul=, cfga chal in, arci,In/ im 80,Inize f a rcle,m lism or dic Iliumlid holdu ar m aiocil in wilri=dtio, i .*9-916-1-hml-4/1.*6 r.. -r=,• 1&Ok.dilwk.9= 6.#bm/9)=* s= 011,m: DI ofdii, M..da.' M 4-*rehtim dh...d 8/5/2017 5/5/2017 10 8/5/2017 lodiqcm NorthW= Aul„lia Id allai A=¥116.d Ely Pa 1 =ami, N WI dic OX h IMI =aet ot in tt= Uids dils= affe 06 I O,8/ Bkkta NorthWI P,191,1,0 /13011 ai,di,atod b accordance with 11.7 2 of lectim $2.30 per Umit mirt AA-,811=) (kdh-y=ik 651.717 651,717 Orcib..7 =8. 2,634,754 Ict ot in the Rqx=Im./BEW.#all/'1 611 0(2» (111<„Bc„ Act (0„ pb.O.'po "41/0.01 Eaty Anmihand e,ch 011 NorthWat -microf 2,634,754 To:01300138038 Frol:Bakor a IcKonzll 09/08/2017 09:24 0818 P.003/003 pn.Int "1.vmtin'.Ill PII,6--6.- ded 1.10714 intcrest (fthe 00-,Iwial i.,&4*.v Hol- of For personal use only mic'tlitint Ed NorthWea Reiblied ho- of,ea,1111. in vr•Ins w. .,111'. •f ' the '1,15 .re = tbilows: A...Id/be rillizie . Mdi (1) S,Ilm/U*i.unck *0 T*,ove,Ofier Auqgi,itio= Mil Ilthi=* at lole 40/004 knolin. *id NorthWIi N.mirci.= 0.==d i./In' M mill d Tbo rele¥Il inliet .... ammk cilhe 0,ti =y m:lts: 3.286,471 3,286,471 DA.00& Noithm= N=rath *10 *=a.*dholds Ths pei„Ii who *¥c beccm, maadil= a) cm,ad Iobe =Ioci- i ar lime dimlid ¢be Iri,Itilli lliliti. iriblitm to 11*Imll of, =Itre i *ir=oci=km(9)„t*ths inths all,p-y or =*,Ill Ue n *,M.I.IE N== .1 Aal 01 *I Ws) 11.Ii= 1 Ii,vil iga Not,pplic: Nc*•Folicable The =-I.- ofp/.ilil„/In•d in #I hm -as Miant NWH No We,t A- NWI NWVP 51# 200, 14 Kk* Strnet Bilt, T==1 ON MU lK< Cm,di Level 19,181 V69/hun S,„una, VK 30OG An,al, 9,1£* Min. 284 Ii.2 SErset EA Tcm o, ON M,iA 1[4, ch.,9 Scite 204 284 K Sh=t EA Toritq ON MU lI< Cid *-= k- c 4/In /7 - d- 9/5/2017
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