David C. (Ircor id Howard i'. Krislier John F. I laviland David P. Williamson James II. Greer Bieser Greer Charles F. Shane Tnsha M. Duff Philip M. Borger Christina M. Flanagan Michael A, Rieman Mallhew M. Siiellentrop Altorneys at Law Joseph C. Ochlers James P, Fleisher Nadia A. Klarr Of Counsel: Jennifer L. IJrogan Edward L. Shank Irvin G. Bieser. Jr. Leo F. Krebs February 2, 2017 Michael R. Turner Michael R. Turner Member of the Congress of the United States House of Representatives 2368 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Member of the Congress of the United States House of Representatives Re: 120 West Third Street, Suite 305 Dayton, OH 45402 National Aviation Hall of Fame Dear Congressman Turner: Mr. Harris has directed to me your letters of January 25 and February 1, 2017. He and his fellow Board members are appropriately upset that you have been writing press releases in the form of letters which are read in the media before they are received in the mail. They are even more upset that you obtained signatures of two Board members on form letters that were obviously prepared by your office and then represented those letters as if they were requests for a Congressional investigation of what sounds like criminal/ethical issues. The reputation of the organization, its Board members and leaders does not deserve that kind of treatment. I trust you will make a public apology and retraction of your accusations. I am enclosing a copy of a letter Mr. VanDerKarr has delivered to the Board. He is a fine gentleman with an impeccable background. I can only conclude that you have taken unfair advantage of him. I have also enclosed a copy of a letter Katie McCallum has delivered to the Board. She, too, was misinformed about the form letter you asked her to sign. Please provide me with all of the documents relating to the "complaints" referenced in the second paragraph of your January 25''^ news release. With respect to your February f news release I can assure you that there has not been any action or even consideration in over a year of selling the signed Wright propeller which is the only significant artifact owned by the National Aviation Hall of Fame. Bieser Greer & Laiidis LLP 6 North Main Slrcvc • Suite 400 • Dayton. OH 45402-19()S • www.bjescTgreer.coni • 937.22.1.3277phone • 937.223.6339 tax Congressman Michael R. Turner February 2, 2017 Page 2 The Hall of Fame looks to you for support, not for castigation and unfounded accusations. Its audited financial statements are open to inspection by you or by any other member of the public. I am willing to discuss on its behalf any legitimate concerns you may have. Common courtesy suggests that any such concerns be the subject of private discussion before they are distorted as products for publicity. Yours truly, BIESER/6feER &LANDIS LLP By: Dayifa C. Greer DCG:jll Enclosure 7077.217036.\ 597672.1 1 F0b2O17 TO; All Hall Aviation of Fame (NAHF)Trustees There has been much publicity recently regarding my involvement in an Investigation of the NAHF by Congressman Michael Turner. I would like to clarifythe facts concerning my Involvement in this matter. First -1 did NOT contact Congressman Turner as he contacted me to ask If I would send a letter to Bill Harris, NAHF President, requesting that any NAHF financials be made available to him. i saw no problem asthis is public information and said Iwould agT^ to write a letter. He advised me that he had the letter written and all I had to do was sign it. i was of the opinion that he was interested In the financial well being of the future for the NAHF and might be able to arrange some Congressional financial support. He did not say this, it was just my thought. I felt sure that if he asked the financials would be made available to him. I was told that my letter would probably NOT be necessary If his letter to Bill Harris was successful In obtaining the financial data. Also, that his letter would be sent first and I would be notified if my letter was necessary, i never received that call. I had said that I wanted to give Bill Harris a "heads up" before my letter was sent Second -1 voiced no concerns to Congressman Turner about the NAHF other than to say that our financial status has always been a concern of the Board. 1do not know who approached the Congressman with "concerns". Lastly - my allegiance is to the NAHF as it has always been for the past 37 years. I am greatly disturbed by the recent news releases and the Inferenceof my involvement in initiating this Investigation. February 1,2017 Dear NAHF Board Members, I am concerned tliat there are assumptions being made with my involvement in Congressman Tumer's investigation and Iwould like to make sure you have the facts. I never contacted Congressman Turner with concerns ofNAHFs financial status, he called me. Apparently someone (not sure who) had contacted him with concerns. My understanding oftheconversation with Congressman Turner was thathe wanted to obtain NAHF's financial records so that he might be able to help support the organization. He said hewas sending aletter toPresident Harris torequest the financial documents and asked ifIwould sign aletter insupport of obtaining these records. Since this ispublic information I did not see a problem with signing the letter which was written by Congressman Turner's office and sent to me to sign. It was my understanding that if President Harris agreed to release the financial records to Congressman Turner there would benoneed for myletter. I assumed NAHF would comply withtherequest andmyletter would notbe necessary. I never was informed that any ofthiswould go throughthe press, I assumed that it would bebetween NAHF and the Congressman. To say tlie past two weeks have been difficult is an understatement. I have been in touch with Don Vanderkarr, aswe are both greatly disturbed bythe recent events. If any board member has questions or would like to discuss this further, I am happy to do so. My only interest istosee NAHF and its mission succeed for many years to come. Regards, Katie McCallum
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