IN-DEPTH GUIDE TO CULTURAL RESOURCES BY BIC SARDEGNA SPA 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 THE PROVINCE OF CAGLIARI ..................................................................................................... 3 THE PROVINCE OF CARBONIA-IGLESIAS ................................................................................. 4 THE PROVINCE OF MEDIO CAMPIDANO .................................................................................... 6 THE PROVINCE OF NUORO ......................................................................................................... 8 THE PROVINCE OF OGLIASTRA ................................................................................................. 9 THE PROVINCE OF OLBIA-TEMPIO .......................................................................................... 10 THE PROVINCE OF ORISTANO ................................................................................................. 12 THE PROVINCE OF SASSARI .................................................................................................... 14 2 CULTURAL RESOURCES INTRODUCTION Doing business in the field of culture is an increasingly popular approach and choice. On the one hand, the management of the cultural heritage and events is generally based on a business model (management, marketing, customer satisfaction); on the other hand, the cultural sector is perceived by the world of business as an opportunity to do business with an important added value, for instance, by creating partnerships with associations and public institutions for the implementation of cultural projects in a specific area. This guide analyses in depth the topic of cultural resources located on the island’s territory. Herein you will find detailed information on the provincial level that will help you seize opportunities to create new businesses in the field of culture in Sardinia. The guide contains information collected from territorial planning instruments and the institutional websites of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia 1 and its Provinces. The aim is to offer not only a summary of the major institutions and cultural sites located in each province, but also to provide a territorial map of the "cultural heritage" 2 in each local context, in the awareness that such a heritage is likely to affect directly or indirectly value generation and economic benefits for the companies set up in these territories. Therefore, in addition to the presence of cultural sites and institutions, such as libraries, museums and archaeological sites, it includes the presence of an intangible cultural heritage made up of knowledge, handicrafts, performances, rituals and festive events closely related to the specificities of local contexts. THE PROVINCE OF CAGLIARI The Province of Cagliari enjoys a diffused range of cultural resources. In the territory of the main city, museums have the largest number of visitors and are hosted in the most popular venues. In the southwest, in the town of Pula, the archaeological site of Nora is the main attraction in the province and is the place where in summer the main cultural events are hosted, including the popular "Night of the poets" 3 (Notte dei poeti), an event that has been staged since 1983 in the charming venue of the ancient Roman amphitheatre of Nora. Important archaeological sites and museums are located in the north of the province; they are characterized by a great attractiveness that is yet to be fully exploited. The Province of Cagliari plays a particularly important role in the cultural field of the island, thanks to major tourist flows and a great local demand. Within the provincial borders, there are about 190 libraries, 50 museums, 189 monuments and 8 archaeological sites (source: The museums are distributed throughout the province, providing a cultural offer mainly located in the city of Cagliari. The museums and the architectural heritage of the city are the main attractions in the province, while the archaeological heritage is mostly located in smaller towns: the 1 The term "cultural heritage" refers to the culture that has been handed down over time: it can be tangible (e.g., a site, a finding), but also intangible (e.g., a tradition, a dialect). 3 2 3 CULTURAL RESOURCES single-tower nuraghe in the town of Armungia; the Pranu Mutteddu area, one of the most charming burial sites of Sardinia with its prehistoric burial grounds surrounded by large groups of menhirs; the necropolis of Genna Accas and the Domus de Janas; the region of Sarcidano hosts the Arrubiu Nuraghe, one of the most important and impressive nuraghes of the island; the nuragic sanctuary in the "Giara" of Serri; and the area of the Castle of Aquafredda in Siliqua, in the valley of Cixerri and the complex of Adoni in Villanovatulo. Examples of the archaeological heritage located in the city of Cagliari are the Roman amphitheatre, the "Cave of the Viper" (grotta della vipera), Tigellio’s villa and the hill of Tuvixeddu. A network of towers and lighthouses, together with the port settlements founded by the Phoenicians, wind along the southern coast. In the coastal areas, the rural churches are a significant element of the cultural heritage, not only for their intrinsic architectural value, but also for the role they played as Christian and pagan ritual places, serving as hubs for local communities. As part of the coastal area of the province, the towers of Prezzemolo and Poetto in Cagliari, along with the Tower of Budello, the Tower of Capo Malfatano and the Tower of Porto Scudo in Teulada, were acquired by the Coastal Protection Agency of Sardinia for the development of various activities aimed at improving the accessibility and safety of the monuments. Such recovery actions aim to make an asset of particular historical value available to the public, as a significant part of the cultural and landscape heritage of the island. Significant positive results at the economic level have been reached as a result of the renewed exploitation of the areas and artefacts4. The Monti Granatici and the "terra cruda" (adobe-brick) centres are typical of the wide Campidano plain used for the cultivation of cereals, connecting the Province of Cagliari with the Medio Campidano region and Oristano. The "terra cruda" centres are the result of traditional and modern building and housing systems, which include new sustainable approaches to environmental, energy-saving and cultural issues. The theatres and performance venues are mainly located in Cagliari and the surrounding area. The city hosts the most important regional theatre, the Teatro Comunale of Cagliari, which stages operas, symphonies and ballets. There are several cultural and entertainment events throughout the province, ranging from music festivals to traditional religious feasts and celebrations closely related to life in the countryside. One of the main religious feasts is the "Sagra di Sant'Efisio", one of the most popular festivals in the Mediterranean tradition that takes place every year in Cagliari on May 1st., The traditional weddings of the town of Selargius are also worth mentioning. Two of the most popular events are the Jazzinsardegna festival and the Monumenti Aperti series of events. THE PROVINCE OF CARBONIA-IGLESIAS The Province of Carbonia-Iglesias enjoys a rich cultural heritage, including places of great historical, archaeological and mining interest, which are the expression of local identity. 4 4 CULTURAL RESOURCES The Sulcis-Iglesias area is characterised by the most diversified and widespread mining activities carried out during the last few centuries in Italy, with its Parco Geominerario della Sardegna. A large part of the Parco, consisting of a number of abandoned mines, has been awarded World Heritage status by UNESCO. The itineraries connected to the mining tradition of the Province include aspects related to architecture and industrial archaeology, science, engineering, social and cultural elements created and enshrined in the territory by the mining civilization. The mines, no longer exploited for extraction purposes, are extremely interesting examples of industrial archaeology and are now used as centres of cultural promotion. The province, in addition to the UNESCO site, includes 33 libraries, 14 museums, 60 monuments and 3 archaeological sites (source: The museums are part of an articulated system of thematic itineraries, ranging from archaeology to the mining culture, from ethnography to palaeontology, mineralogy, and contemporary art, providing a comprehensive overview of the traditions, history and production activities carried out in the region. (source: “visita il sulcis iglesiente” website) 5. The cultural, architectural, historic, archaeological, archival and ethno-anthropological heritage, the rich traditions, knowledge, rituals and customs of the island are combined into a diversified regional cultural and tourist offer. One of the main archaeological destinations is the site of Montessu in Villaperuccio, where the most important rock-cut graves, the Domus de Janas of the South of Sardinia are located. Dating back to about 5,000 years ago, the site includes almost forty Domus de Janas of different types. Cultural events and performances, a mixture of local tradition and international and Mediterranean influences are for the most part organized in summer. From July to September, the Province hosts concerts, reading sessions and plays in the charming settings of temples, ancient tuna-fishing sites, mines and centuries-old olive groves. The main festival, a pole of attraction for thousands of people, is the "Narcao Blues" festival of Sant'Anna Arresi, held at the end of August. Among the traditional religious events, the Easter celebrations of Sant'Antioco, the oldest of the island, and the Holy Week of Iglesias, with inspiring atmospheres created by rituals full of spirituality, that has been unchanged since the eighteenth century. The Mauritano Wedding, the traditional wedding celebrated in August by the "Moors", as the people of Sulcis used to be called, is a testimony to the contacts between the peoples of South Sardinia and Africa. 5 5 CULTURAL RESOURCES THE PROVINCE OF MEDIO CAMPIDANO In the Province of Medio Campidano, there are several important cultural assets which are also major cultural attractions: monuments, churches, archaeological sites, medieval houses, ancient shrines and hermitages, which together with the music, costumes, traditional dances, sculptures, paintings, literature and traditions, are the expression of an ancient civilization and its deeply-rooted identity. The whole Province includes 38 libraries, 20 museums, 40 monuments, and 5 archaeological sites (source: The two library systems of the territory, the Marmilla and the Monte Linas, include 160,605 volumes. The Catalogo Bibliografico di Autori del Medio Campidano is an updated tool available to anyone who wishes to get a biographical and bibliographical overview of the writers born in the province who have published their works since 1950. The area includes about 20 museums. The Museo del territorio of Villanovaforru is one of the main cultural attractions of the area and it is part of a system that includes also the archaeological area and the Museum of the "Su Mulino" Nuragic archaeological site in Villanovafranca. In addition to them, other attractors are the knife museums of Arbus, Villa Abbas in Sardara and Santa Barbara in Villacidro. The Architectural Heritage of the territory is divided into classical campidanesi houses, made mainly of terra cruda. The area of Samassi hosts the headquarters of the National Association of Terra Cruda 6 of which several municipalities are members. In such municipalities, several projects are being undertaken to increase the value of terra cruda buildings and to protect the construction know-how connected to that type of buildings. The hilly territory of Marmilla hosts several archaeological monuments, such as the Domus de Janas, the Nuraghes, the Graves of the Giants, the Phoenician-Punic sites and the Roman and medieval remains. The highest expression of the Nuragic culture in Sardinia is the megalithic UNESCO World Heritage "Su Nuraxi" site of Barumini. Of great importance are also the complex of "Genna Maria" Nuraghe in Villanovaforru and "Su Mulinu" in Villanovafranca, the Grave of the Giants of Siddi and the Neapolis archaeological system of Guspini. The territory of the Province of Medio Campidano also includes the Geo-Mining Park of Sardinia: several mining sites of interest may be found there. Thanks to the funds invested by the local administrations, several sites are now safe and restored, and important tourist destinations. The most important mining sites of the area are Ingurtosu in Arbus and Montevecchio in Guspini, a mining archaeological heritage hosted by an area of recognized environmental value. Other important sites are Gonnosfanadiga, Villacidro, San Gavino and Sardara. 6 6 CULTURAL RESOURCES In the Municipality of Sardara there are also hot springs, which are still exploited by two modern thermal Spas for therapeutic purposes. Sardara also hosts the popular Holy Well of Sant'Anastasia. The castles of Monreale in Sardara, Las Plassas and the fortified castle of Sanluri, the only one still intact on the island, provide clear evidence of the economic and strategic role that the territory played during the Middle Ages, for the two Giudicati of Cagliari and Arborea. Worth mentioning are also the "Sardegna in miniatura" park in Tuili, a unique facility in Sardinia with a fairly good level of attractiveness, and the "G. Dessi" Cultural Park, including the towns of Villacidro, Guspini, Arbus, San Gavino, Fluminimaggiore and Buggerru. In the province, there are several other interesting sites which are worth mentioning and add to the above-mentioned cultural attractions. For instance, the churches: San Nicola of Mira in Guspini, San Giovanni Battista in Lunamatrona, Madonna delle Grazie in Sanluri, San Leonardo in Serramanna, San Lorenzo in Villanovafranca. The Province is also characterized by festivals and cultural events which draw the attention of visitors from within and without the island borders: Sa Battalla in Sanluri, a medieval festival that reconstructs an important battle of the past of Sardinia; the "G Dessì" National Literary Award, one of the main cultural events of Sardinia; the Arresojas in Guspini, a biennial event promoted by the knife industry that is very well known for the uniqueness of the products and its top level craftsmanship; the Feast of the village of Sanluri, a very important occasion of historical recollection connected to traditional products and crafts; the Carnival of San Gavino, an important regional event. The area hosts several festivals connected to local culinary traditions and know-how, which every year attract tourist flows especially from the rest of Sardinia. During the year, the Province and the municipalities organize in each town a food "sagra", that is, a festival, with typical products from each town: the bread and olive festivals in Gonnosfanadiga, the saffron festival in San Gavino Monreale, the melon festival in Lunamatrona, etc. The Province enjoys also several sports events. One of the most important of them takes place in April in Serramanna, the popular "Trophy of Athletics", a national road competition with a history of almost thirty years. Also important is the "Nel Linas in bici da montagna" mountain-bike gathering that takes place in Gonnosfanadiga. The "Premio Fantini della Sardegna” equestrian prize is an opportunity for international exposure not only for the newly built hippodrome of Villacidro, but also for Medio Campidano and Sardinia as a whole. The city of Villacidro hosts the "Triathlon Internazionale Città di Villacidro" event that attracts tourists, sports enthusiasts and athletes of national and international level. The Rio Leni lake in Villacidro is the perfect scenario for the "Il lago di corsa" foot race. The Medio Campidano region also includes the territory of Villanovafranca where a gokart track is located, the only facility of Sardinia certified for international competitions, where competitions at national, regional and provincial levels are usually organized. The track may also be used for cars, motorcycles, mini-karts and mini-bikes. 7 CULTURAL RESOURCES The Medio Campidano region also hosts several religious festivals which attract tourists and visitors from all over Sardinia. These events are an opportunity to get in touch with the very core of local folk and religious traditions. Festivals have always been a time of leisure traditionally linked to religion and to local cults. The great local festivals (lasting 2 or 3 days) are scheduled according to traditional calendars and are organized mostly between late spring and early autumn. The highest expressions of religiosity are the solemn masses and the great religious processions of the faithful who follow the statue of the patron saint along the town or up to the country church. THE PROVINCE OF NUORO The Province of Nuoro enjoys the presence of significant cultural resources. Such resources are of particular interest, because they are the expression of local tradition and culture, and due to the fact that they are organized throughout the provincial territory. In the province there are 74 libraries, 26 museums, 81 monuments, and 16 archaeological sites (source: The territory is characterized by the presence of archaeological heritage and valuable cultural heritage dating back to different ages: the Nuraghes, the menhirs, the Domus de Janas, the Graves of the Giants. There is a great number of pieces dating back to the preNuragic and Nuragic ages (especially the Nuraghes and the Nuragic villages). In addition to the rich archaeological heritage, with a significant concentration in the Marghine area and in the municipalities of Dorgali and Macomer, the area is characterized by the presence of Old Towns of great interest, including significant architectural monuments which provide evidence of local traditions and culture. This heritage adds to important museums which foster and promote local culture, such as: the Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions, the MAN museum of contemporary art in Nuoro 7 and the Nivola's Museum in Orani 8 , the Museum of Mediterranean Masks in Mamoiada 9, the multimedia museum in Bitti dedicated to the "a tenore" traditional singing (listed by UNESCO as an Oral and Intangible World Heritage). In the province there are several cultural operators: schools, libraries, educational institutions, the ISRE (Regional Institute of Ethnography) 10, the Grazia Deledda Cultural Park in Galtellì 11 , publishing houses (Ilisso, Il Maestrale), private organizations and cooperatives which organize cultural events (Ilos), a significant number of cultural associations and various folk groups. The Province also enjoys a great number of cultural events, such as the Gavoi literary festival and children's literary festival, as well as those linked to local traditions: Autunno in 7 9 10 11 8 8 CULTURAL RESOURCES Barbagia “Cortes Apertas”, the Festival Internazionale del folclore di Bolotana. One of the most popular festivals is the Carnival, with its traditional masks coming from different countries, that has been studied by many Sardinian and international anthropologists. The most famous masks are Mamoiada's sos mamuthones. Services and information on the history, culture, art and traditions of the area are provided by the Archeo Etnos Sardegna consortium 12 that has been operating since the Eighties in the management, protection and enhancement of the archaeological sites and museums of the Province. Dedicated to the promotion of the local cultural heritage, the LABNET project was launched by the provincial administration and includes a laboratory for the restoration of old towns, fostering the study and cataloguing of construction techniques, materials and traditional building components. Another interesting project in the cultural field is the Circuito Storico Culturale della Barbagia 13 , that is intended to create a system for the integrated development and promotion of historical and cultural resources, and the archaeological sites in the territory of the former Comunità Montana del Nuorese. The project aims to promote the mountain area of the Province of Nuoro and includes a number of municipalities, namely: Nuoro, Fonni, Gavoi, Lodine, Mamoiada, Oliena, Ollolai, Olzai, Oniferi, Orani, Orgosolo, Orotelli, Orune, Ottana and Sarule, with their different traditions, morphology, culture and environment. THE PROVINCE OF OGLIASTRA The Province of Ogliastra is one of the richest of Sardinia in terms of the Cultural Heritage. In the Province, there are 29 libraries, 11 museums, 19 monuments, and 7 archaeological sites (source: The Sehuiense Monumental Museum Route includes the Art Nouveau Palace, the Farci House, the 1647 Spanish Baron Prison, the Municipal Gallery, the Caredda Loy House, the Churches of San Giovanni and Santa Maria Maddalena. One of the most important museums is the Fondazione museo di arte contemporanea “Stazione dell’arte” 14 of Ulassai dedicated to the preservation, promotion and exhibition of works by artist Maria Lai. Scattered throughout the territory of the Province, there are several archaeological monuments documenting the presence of human settlements dating back to the third millennium B.C. and the stratification of relevant historical evidence. As regards to archaeological heritage, the most visible evidence is provided by the Domus de Janas: Monte Arista, Cardedu, Genna Tramonti, Tracucu, Lotzorai, Perda Carcina, Ilbono, Ibba Manna, Pirarba e Funtana Su Retore, Barisardo, Is Arceddas and Loceri. The presence of 12 14 13 9 CULTURAL RESOURCES numerous menhirs, such as those in the countryside of Tortoli, Lotzorai and Barisardo, adds to the remains of funerary objects and other artefacts found in the caves scattered around the area. The spatial distribution of the archaeological sites is particularly interesting due to the types of Nuraghes, which are numerous and present in almost all municipalities, with a greater concentration in the municipalities of Ilbono, Tertenia, Tortoli and Urzulei. The architectural heritage of the Province is worth mentioning, including religious buildings, towers, museums and civic buildings. Of particular importance, the remains of castles and watchtowers dating back to the Middle Ages, testimony of various civilizations and Sardinian Giudicati. One of the most important coastal towers is Santa Maria Navarrese's in Baunei, that was acquired by the Coast Curatorship within an Integrated Enhancement Programme. Several municipalities also include their Old Towns as part of their monumental and cultural heritage, due to their peculiar architectural features. The isolation that has always characterized the area, has protected the social and anthropological elements of local culture from external contamination, while maintaining diversified traditions and customs, which are still rooted in the local community identity. Throughout the Province of Ogliastra, traditional festivals are organized during most of the year, such as religious celebrations, public balls and dinners. One of the most popular holidays is the carnevale ogliastrino with its typical masks: one of the most relevant is that organized in Ulassai. There are several festivals related to traditional local food products: the Pore Mushroom festival in Arzana; the Su Nenniri in Barì Sardo; and the wine festival in Jerzu, that has been going on for thirty years and is characterized by an impressive parade of Sardinian and foreign folk groups. Wine tasting is very popular, offering a wide selection of Cannonau grapes and local products such as culurgiones, coccoi prenas, coccoi de tamata and desserts. In August, one of the most popular cultural events is Calici di Stelle (Goblets of Stars) that is organized by the ancient wineries of the old town, where tourists can taste the finest wines, accompanied by local products. Accompaniment is provided by Sardinian artists, the tenores, and the launeddas players. In August, the Festival dei Tacchi Teatro Ogliastra is also organized, being one of the main theatre festivals at national level. THE PROVINCE OF OLBIA-TEMPIO In the province of Olbia-Tempio there are a significant number of cultural attractions. The list of cultural and archaeological sites located within the provincial borders includes: • 38 libraries • 18 museums, including: The Art and History Museum of the Compendio Garibaldino di Caprera and the "Nino Lamboglia" Naval Archaeological Museum of 10 CULTURAL RESOURCES La Maddalena; the "Galluras" Ethnographic Museum, along with the Dolmens and the millennial Oleasters of Luras; the “Oliva Carta Cannas” Ethnographic Museum (MEOC) in Aggius; the Demo-ethno-anthropological Documentation Centre in Palau; the Bortigiadas Mineralogical Museum; the Enoteca Regionale della Sardegna Wine Museum in Berchidda; the "Bernardo de Muro" exhibition centre in Tempio Pausania; the Museum of Contemporary Art in Buddusò • 53 monuments, including: The Pedres Castle and the Punic city walls of Olbia; the Monte Altura Fort in Palau; the Albucciu Nuraghe in Arzachena • 3 archaeological sites, including: The Majore Nuraghe in Tempio Pausania; the Sacred Well of Sa Testa; the Roman aqueduct, the S'Imbalconadu Roman Farm and Grave of the Giants of Su Monti 'e S'Ape in Olbia; the Li Muri Necropolis and the Grave of the Giants of Li Lolghi and Coddu Ecchju in Arzachena; the Archaeological Park of Monte Acuto and the Historical Park of Berchidda; the Nuraghe of Loelle in Buddusò. In order to promote cultural tourism and contribute to the diversification of tourism in the region, some historical-archaeological routes have been organized, providing evidence of human presence in the Province of Olbia-Tempio since ancient times: the Nuraghes, the temples, the Nuragic tombs, the remains of Roman aqueducts. The Compendio Garibaldino di Caprera is one of the most attractive museum hubs of Sardinia. Special attention should be paid to Luogosanto, where over 20 religious buildings are located, such as country churches and a basilica dedicated to the patron saint of Gallura, with high potential for development in the sector of religious tourism. The religious and historical buildings based in Gallura are regarded not only as evidence of the devotion of the faithful, but also as tools to foster local development, and are therefore strongly supported by the Province. The popular and religious traditions of the Gallura region are an important resource that allows the combination of history, culture and tradition, facilitating social gathering and participation. A local cultural event of international importance is the Time in Jazz Festival 15 of Berchidda, a major music event launched by trumpet player Paolo Fresu, that takes place in summer and is attended by thousands of people. The Tempio Carnival is also worth mentioning. There are also numerous events related to the promotion of local products and the food industry, such as the festivals dedicated to the Vermentino grapes, myrtle, panadas, etc. and the country festivals. Major sports events taking place in Gallura, and especially in inland areas, are: the World Rally Competition, that was first held in the fall of 2004 along tracks winding through the 15 11 CULTURAL RESOURCES areas managed by the Regional Forestry Agency; the Costa Smeralda European Rally and the Italian Rally del Vermentino. THE PROVINCE OF ORISTANO The territory of the province of Oristano is characterized by a wide range of historical and archaeological cultural resources: churches, monuments, castles, Nuragic villages, Phoenician and Punic towns, thermal areas, mining sites, museums. In the Province, there are 109 libraries, 30 museums, 109 monuments, and 8 archaeological sites. In addition to the numerous sites of great historical and artistic interest and charm, other events dedicated to food, wine, religion and local crafts and activities related to farming, are organized in the provincial territory. One of the main attractors is the Sartiglia, that is part of the Carnival of Oristano, one of the most anticipated and popular events of the whole territory. The province is characterized by a great archaeological and cultural heritage dating back to different ages. Examples of pre-Nuragic and Nuragic remains are the hypogean "Domus de Janas" burial caves. There are also several villages, such as Puisteris in Mogo, Cuccuru is Arrius and Conca Illonis in Cabras, San Giovanni in Terralba, Su Anzu in Narbolia, Su Cungiau de is Fundamentas in Simaxis and S'Uraki in San Vero Milis. In the area of Laconi, there are several anthropomorphic menhirs, monoliths of various sizes representing the distinctive features of the human body, forty of which are kept in the Civic Archaeological Museum of Laconi, together with several finds from archaeological excavations and surface research areas. The Province hosts a great number of nuraghes, the most famous of which is the Losa Nuraghe in Abbasanta, but also the Domu Beccia in Uras, the Cuccurada in Mogo, the Atzara in Paulilatino, the Tradori in Riola Sardo, the Liortinas in Sennariolo, the six nuraghes in Sagama, the Nuraddeo in Suni and the Genna 'e Corte with its remarkably complex architectures. Dating back to the Nuragic age, the Graves of the Giants, such as the Goronna graves in Paulilatino, the Tanca Regia in Abbasanta, Su Crastu Covoccadu, Mura de Cannes, Mura de Facchicano, Codina de Manunta and Su Crastu Iscrittu in Sagama, as well as the well temples which are typical of the Late Bronze Age, when the worship of water was performed. The most popular is Santa Cristina in Paulilatino that rises in the heart of the village. Important evidence of the Phoenician-Punic civilization is still found in the city centres of Othoca, Tharros and Cornus. The most important is Tharros: founded by the Phoenicians in the late eighth century or the ninth century B.C. The Romans left their marks in the city centres of Tharros, Othoca and Cornus, in addition to the Trajan's Forums of Fordongianus and the Uselis in Usellus. 12 CULTURAL RESOURCES Medieval remains, dating back to the Giudicati period, are the great Romanesque cathedrals of Oristano, Santa Giusta, Terralba and Usellus. The Cathedral of Santa Giusta is undamaged and one of the most important examples of Romanesque architecture in Sardinia. Other important examples of the medieval period are the ruins of the castle of Laconi, inside the Aymerich Park, the Castle of Serravalle and the latemedieval centre of Sa Costa in Bosa, the Church of San Piero, and the Cathedral of the Immacolata, dating back to the early twelfth century and rebuilt in the fifteenth century. Evidence of the conquest of Catalonia and Aragon, and the spread of the Gothic style, is provided by the Archivietto of the Cathedral of Oristano; the country churches of San Domenico and San Martino, located along the territories of the Tirso valley, Ulà Tirso, Neoneli, Ardauli, Allai, Busachi, Samugheo, etc. In Bosa, on the left bank of the Temo river, the industrial district of Sas Conzas (The Tanneries) is located, with large buildings facing the Temo, used since the Eighteenth century by the tanning industry, a true relic of industrial archaeology. The complex was classified as a "National Monument" by decree of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities. Notably, the Museum system of Arborea has been established: a network of museums, collections, cultural sites and eco-museums located in the Province of Oristano and other areas connected to it, focusing on landscape -related topics, as provided for by the Regional Landscape Plan. The system has dedicated in particular to the characterization and the enhancement of the cultural, environmental and landscape heritage of the area, to foster a more comprehensive cultural offer. It aims to ensure a better use of the facilities and the sites and the increase in number of their visitors, encouraging the promotion of joint activities, especially between small-sized public administrations. It aims to enhance the relationship between museums and the territory, in order to make sure that local residents are the first to benefit from the cultural heritage and to prompt new ideas for local development. Recently 16 , the “Museo e centro di documentazione regionale della Sardegna giudicale” was established in Oristano, at the Arcais Palace and in Sanluri at the former Monte Granatico. The creation of new opportunities through the development of cultural resources and tourism is one of the objectives of the NewCiMed cooperation project: New Cities of the Mediterranean Sea Basin17, co-funded by the EU ENPI CBC MED Programme, of which the Province of Oristano is a partner institution. 16 17 Resolution of the Regional Council No.19/26 of 05/14/2013 13 CULTURAL RESOURCES THE PROVINCE OF SASSARI The territory of the Province of Sassari enjoys historical and cultural resources of great value. On the territory there are: 142 libraries; 38 museums; 182 monuments; 9 archaeological sites. The three royal cities of Alghero, Castelsardo and Sassari are characterized by charming Old Towns. The Nuragic and pre-Nuragic archaeological sites include several Domus de Janas, Graves of the Giants and Nuraghes: Santu Antine is one of the best preserved Nuraghes of Sardinia; the archaeological area of Anghelo Ruiu in the area of Alghero with its Domus de Janas Necropolis; the historical Roman artefacts of Turris Libysonis, the modern Porto Torres, with its Roman bridge and the necropolis. The Argentiera, a great example of mining archaeology, is located within the History and Environment Geo-mining Park of Sardinia. It is a former mining facility, already exploited in the Romanesque period, that stopped production during the Sixties. There are several city and country churches, including the eleventh century Basilica of San Gavino in Porto Torres, one of the finest Romanesque cathedrals in Europe. The list of museums includes: • The Logudoro Meilogu Foundation – FLM Museum of Contemporary Art of Banari, with a permanent collection that includes works by the most important Sardinian contemporary artists. With the recent acquisitions of works dating back to the early twentieth century, the museum displays more than 400 pieces of fine art, including paintings and sculptures. Temporary exhibitions have enjoyed great success and, during the summer season, Banari hosts thousands of visitors. • The "Sanna Museum" of Sassari, that displays a great collection of archaeological and ethnographic artefacts, from the Nuragic age to the Middle Ages, and organizes archaeological tours and cultural events; • The Grazia Deledda Literary Park and the Su Palathu Photographic Museum. The Province also enjoys popular religious traditions such as the Candelieri of Sassari and Nulvi, the Holy Week of Alghero and Castelsardo, and fairs and festivals of great interest. Some religious, folk and leisure events attract tourists from all over Europe: the Sardinian Cavalcata, the great "festival of beauty" that every year, at the end of May, celebrates the spring and gathers in Sassari groups of people from several villages of the island, dressed up in their local traditional costumes. The great cultural diversity of the Province of Sassari is also testifies by the rich handicraft production that keeps ancient crafting techniques alive, such as the manufacturing of tapestries, baskets, ceramics, furniture, wooden objects, knives, and coral jewellery. 14 CULTURAL RESOURCES After its restoration and functional redevelopment, the Pavilion designed by Ubaldo Badas has been reopened: the space, that used to host the headquarters of the ISOLA Institute, was originally built to serve as the main building of the Regional museum of crafts and design dedicated to Eugenio Tavolara, a central figure in the development of post-war Sardinian craftsmanship. The building should soon host the ISOLA historical collections, including jewellery, textiles, ceramics and baskets, which have never been displayed during the last fifty years of activity. The Province of Sassari has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and the Regional Government for the establishment of a joint Centre for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, with higher educational and training purposes in the field of restoration, to be based in "Li Punti", Sassari. The project, funded by the Regional Authority with 6.5 million Euro allocation, is divided into departments and sections - labs, warehouses, exhibitions, a training centre - and will provide a logical and practical pathway for the conservation of cultural heritage, including the discovery, conservation and enjoyment by the public of finds and restored pieces. The centre is the first of its kind, size and objective, throughout the Mediterranean Basin, and it offers the opportunity to gain professional excellence, fostering employment and economic growth. 15
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