UNITED NATIONS -_ ._---^_----- Qeneral Assembly _,- .---- --_~ ...I A _____ -._-- ..- PROVISIONAL A1461PV.10 1 October 1991 ENGLISH Forty-sixth session GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROVISIONAL VERBATIM RECORD OF THE 10th Held at Headquarters, on Thursday, 26 September Presim : later: Address by His Liechtenstein, of Liechtenstein Statement by the SHIHABI Mr. CORDOVEZ (Saudi Arabia) (Ecuador) Frince Hans-Adam and Head of State IX von und zu of the Princip'Jlity President Address by His Royal the Supreme National Address Amir of New York, 1991, at 10 a.m. Mr. Serene Highness Reigning Prince MEETING Highness Council by His Highness Sheikh the State of Kuwait Samdech Norodom of Cambodia Jaber Al-Ahmad Sihanouk Al-Jaber President of Al-Sabah, /... This record contains the original text of speeches delivered and interpretations of speeches in the other languages. The final be printed in the official Records of the General Assembly. Corrections should be submitted to original speeches be sent under the signature of a member of the delegation pne week, to the Chief, Official Records Editing Section, Conference Services, room DC2-750, 2 United Nations Plaza, a copy of the record. 91-61259 5916V (E) in English text will only. They should concerned, within Department of and incorporated in A/46/PV.l0 l(n-r) RC/2 General debate [9] (-4) mpY Mr. Asamoah (Ghana) Mr. Giray Mr. ds Marco (Turkey) (Malts) 10 A/46/W. PC/2 2 to a.dl . or-05 ADDRBSS BY 816 SBRBNB RIGHNBSS PRINCB HANS-ADAM II VOW UND ZU tIBCHTBNSTBIN, PBIGIING PRINCB AND HBAD OP STATB O? THE PRINCIPALITP OP LIBCHTBNSTRI1 no hear of Pm an address (interpretation by the Reigning Arabic): from Prince and Head IMI-Man II The Assembly State of the of will first Principality Liechtenstein. Us Serene I&&mm Prims ce apQ Hua of stnfs the of von uR.0 au s, Pwtv of Bwsa -into* m PUSS- General Assembly, Reigning Prince His Serene invite I have Highness him to you will carry efficiency. its It is friendship the this a great leadership he ias von und of to this of United of the Nations the Liechtenstein, tu Liechtenstein, all, Sir, high office. of please and to accept We are your iiechienstein for It ago, office wishes my warmest fully with confident great you success and I would the momentous even for like We have his changes to much 10 years to express in today my heartfelt was a privilege shown during and I wish pay a tribute to my country to Liechtenstein. Organization, me to to express shown Nations. he has of the Principality responsibility pleasure a few months Because the I wish that honour II to of skill and and pledges to support. United country the First election The delegation full of welcome On behalf Assembly. out Secretary-General. of State IUNS-ADAM II : on your to Hans-Adam the Arabic): from honour of Prince address congratulation5 you the and Head Prince that (interpretation to thanks the to him when it was not us to host his thank him admiration the gratitude the world to him and thanks and the a Member to our for having paid excellent as Secretary-General our yet visit again for for of to his to his the staff. efforts, the RC/2 &/46/W. 3 United Nationm amruning im #lowly rerponmibilitior throughout inteationm of it8 and l ndoavoura the founder8. and 1~)re world in We all nocesrary are mote 10 the accordance know, to bring of of with the that course, peace peare-keeping original further many and happiness to every effoits region of the world. Liochtenmtoin Paople’r Republic are convinced principle the of Korean of As the I want to the I wish tke Estonia, the you Organisation. s’gnificance, especially have is a special gives protection to of the the accepting to as to the the the wish Federated Islands, on their to We of expedited. be Marshall smallest as well admission for over Member State Liechtenstein Membership those corresponds as well reunification Democratic on 17 September. duly Charter, and the States as to the aa sovereign and Nations. of all Korea warm congratulations small for the of countries United is of United this great The United some of too weak to Nations, as a Member of Nations countries, are the Liechtenstein. Moreover, which of year United like all world. last the countries meeting-place representations two States and Lithuania United for of Republic representative thank the of Organisation the in the process Latvia Republic joined of to extend and to the expressed international Nations which sdmisrion that . members of velcome Korea, the people Republics to universality Micronesia equal of that Moreover, of rimher which Nations defend do not membership their independence. Not every State Switzerland, which Liechtenstein over to thank throughout those our is have fortunate enough to have respected the centuries. two countries history. independence I should for all the like help neighbours of to avail the like Principality myself and support Austria they of this have and of occasion given us UC/2 A/46/PV.10 4 In the recent revolutionary have political greatly been regional for are the The role of a new phase. we have been changes in the reduced. conflicts background acting past closer the These world Nations has changed. the of from efficiently the and is absence East betweea ta developments conununity is the facing. has entered confrontation, cause of the some form The Organisation on and West Solutions great-Power concentrating and almost divided. before. that rapid Tensions no longer as ever United to witness world. is new challenges Profiting more Europe able it peace is and security. Small of Principality secure country this issue is direct Por these While support resolution alig equal rights and fundamental we settle against feel which neutral for to peoples in the the and 1989, urged to is our only of integrity in adhere that principle5 territorial Assembly and of law conxnitted and feel5 international General The a prosperous Organisation peacefully, security. neighbours, and the the and fortunately, deeply of and self-determination the we of fully Member States principles of of respect for human of mankind we have rights freedoms. again aggressions its of small list. The United Nations against Iraq preventing is, independence disputes Unfortunately, brutal we a Member in it permanently political not protection Respect reasons, 44121, to two relevance. were for although by equality, States. need Liechtenstein, of sovereign inter a special surrounded protection. the have States one neighbour peace-loving and that the and again country Kuwait countries to finally permanent the Member resulted annexation history against another. vas of just the States in the world that putting of The Kuwait. most have took an recent to part end aggression to International of example be grateful in the the seen in to military a long the action occupation law Iraq and served as 10 A/46/W. RC/2 5 (-II) the uabrmlla for conmtitutmr only in fnetrunento for the most cruel can even and happiness wars in the give us many languages or religions oppressed minorities am long have for its procevts this will and thur crisis Unitmd is a snail was a Nations cease reacts to bmcome aa it attractive dictators. we succeed not come easily have been why civil in preventing to the civil all some of different that cannot and cultures, in a single differences of Politician5 wars. coexisting acts world. wars occur8 difficulty political simply crisim, if decades reasons that or will past Gulf aa the aggrmssionr we know that pmace historian5 such the hopm that thm most power-hc=rgry Unfortunately, aggrosrion. for to rmspmct us all history, crisis. even that Lmt human thm Gulf rmaponam proof protection. turning-point during intmrnational most rmcmnt the country'8 did thm State, be resolved peacefully. A solution respects that some of human right5 can also Democratic shows be violated institutions coexistence whatever endeavour to find the exercise of and to the affairs of the the the right than United principle to disintegration Uember States then civil are in accordance risk cruel Nations, of in with the good reasons, might cases, peaceful seem to policy be of wars? has been very To encourage lead Human not principle to even Non-interfersnce been a wise out. does not civil self-determination. of Member States. institution5 where those and destructive for self-determination has certainly State ue, a State tradition. situations a single Should be. if wars can break a democratic There inside internally and has democratic with down. group5 solutions rather even may can be found freedoms countries reasons other I am aware that concerning in different self-determination, prudent problems that can break between possible, these and fundamental But history work. rights for more civil in the to the follow. wars internal A/46/W. 6 BHS/9t 10 (P-1 Nevertheless, we have Member ststor, principle including asked where to belong. might have another can remain How this opinion, not specific case some guiding principle be guidelines start inform to modelled eventually be possible on the convention the if nearly according product seldom to have people can change all the colonial of had been aaked, they swports certainly emotions are been a new and self-determination in practice the involved. Would are being between in however, starta already efforts haa, discussion a minimum consensus and largest should go it Member my in over made to implement on this outline to the Assembly, if lines such Member a careful evolution, levels in order a not be States on the an was instrument. I give the before not the to best be prepare like Rights to an raise overall a submitted in A desirable. Human Assembly could complete always would considered should such which experts which on States, process. instruct of Convention to however, to outcome efforts these autonomy traumatic sometimer that European of is, intention my question, of of higher and of the product foresee number of Independence members after a few possible a complicated General the draw the be attained. study and the circumstances Usually conduct level can be to preliminary points even enough. when of could it course But drawn been and very to be applied find to rules a low I wish due to acceptable independence solutionr not of border8 self-determination? or from try principles, of To strong to have the are usually opinion; is been studied least that unfulfilled. principle when fact or war. of Member States theory. at treaties want A majority better They they expectations the my own country, international generation accept aelf-dotermination. of expansion, to could a few idea of A/46/W.10 BHS/gt 7 A central of the the guertion right to It past. important would Setting involved. First, consequsrtly shows UI that the cause lead to they new problems. of because for small groups b-en dimcu~red this minimum eiae very low would that asked for self-determination same rights at to and area8 area the have which would, of will in two own minoritiest sire a break-up independence of to do 60, a low minimum to #ino their unwilling times than rather have minimum Secondly, a decentraliration method8 beneficisry the the are can be the to ertablirh minorities to grant have entity what Sovoral be sufficient advantages: experience be to define self-determination. might and population will the not can be in my opinion, present always States, be the best solution. For a modern advantages. Decentralixation prosperity and resources and political parties. central State outcome independence. The new first autonomous representatives Some the that next probably of region the granted time the people degrees of degree could involve region and the rights be could raised in funds which could be could the election the are given by the to several new of autonomy regions, by the of in degrees of thus giving the with autonomy representatives by fields many the to envisaged. administration the natural situation, prefer the and region, the be without religions a certain allocated in some various for elements a country instances autonomy involve better adapt most consequently key foresee to to would the Switzerland, could were and economic of languages, four Three step one self-determination independence of additional The would on and certainly with political has stability a population before autonomy is political A convention likely decentralixation State central culture taxation. whereas for those elected govtrnrnent. and Di ret indirect the education. t taxes taxation, A/46/W. 6 BRS/gt dutior import financial and the compenaatioa into account may, for the of turned to P.ven regional into the military overall The next could units defence step of involve at of the up of lowe1 of the as long region, which power. At this States. State and as taking courts. central defence A stage, the decentralised of set thim 8ome legislative tha exception be out and the functions could goverzunent. functions police in some wjth central to be worked the autonomy region, the administrative be utudied the with have moat administrative autonomy over would include of degree remain and the already can already txamples could plan income instance, The third stage 1Iko 10 could affairs. foreign they be were integrated plan. this - if proceas it were desired - would be full independence. Those States which self-determination could court comparable which all would worked in to self determination conventions and sign the the future: paot in that will also happen in see that States have life cycle of The life too, become born them. them tn an case tif if necessary. perhaps a possible international Court o jaerve and of and to generally human history at In the appeal possibility convention up Commission could adjust terms Human Such these general Other States day or Rights, conflicts, one on conwni55ion for how accepte3 convention those to an guidelines might then guidelines international be on law, as have many other become, look alternatives. to could have we the general setting European concerned reality the envisage the offer willing If to parties approach accepted it new States have the seems States a Stats have been disappeared future. cycl that If $5 similar might or humanity born, their does and not new borders have we look at to the human beings for many generations last longer States will changed, of periods who time created but hardly be and we A/46/Pv. 9-10 BHWgt any Member 10~90~ State than on these human of United Rations It 10 9oneratioar. which cycler, evolution probably the has brought controlled have in the past more violence of example. prerent be dan9erou8 if one trSed throughout would Sn the Would As the countries, States a large it of voting, erpreas itr human been a futile often than +-ho advances neighbouring destructSor power in present rerult borders to put for a hold To freeze history. underteking if if my viewa only power and has ouch a process the of to were power might and one of eubject but The possible war is the having warn will involved environment. new States for civil directly in a civil smallest on a controversial those replace the Assembly thank technology, for plant St meant that representative of our whole be much safer not to and for nuclear even I wish field not become more and more dertructive, for existed peacefully. ConFidering also has could been 10 of a frightening uespons by the be born? the given youugeat me the and to present Member opportunity ideas to related thereto. Liechtenstein Organisation principles that of its aimed at effort8 and fundamental is proud gives Charter. respect continue international United for to peace (interpretation of I wish to Nations, an international support all and respect from Arabic): thank the Reigning for the statement Liechtenstein His SWene Hiahaess Prince aaiaa Prince sad Head of es.corrsdfd-AmJuu to the law and the United for Nations human rights freedoms. Assembly, Principality priority We shall realizing m General full to be a Member of State II Hays-Adam. of the Prince of and Read of he has just the State of made. van und IU Limteastain, PrinciDalitv * On behalf of Ljechtenstein, was the A/46/PV.10 m/5 11 STATEMXNT BY T'HR PRESIDENT wm&?m representatives' attention session, two have all time. Thin scheduled only I hope scheduled of the fact anxious morning, w6re that timea to been 29 delegatioar time. from (intsrprOtatiOa reatad. all our the meetings that, to have five Arabic), ajnce our miauter after very this we might hear His Pm= an address Royal (interpretation kindly by the Highness Bia Prssident Samdech Rpypl#iPhness l!Gis.ern~. the President of Samdech Norodom the meeting, them at our th6 work PRKSIDIHT on time. OF THE The Assembly National the Council will of now Cambodia, Sihanouk. Norodom the (interpretation I have the Supreme was escortad Si.&gQuk honour and to Norodom the framework of the the Cambodian conflict cf members peace plan Council invite for Cate-tBe United to address Go-d the Assembly. political Council in its resolution 668 General Assembly in its resolution 4513 National Council of Cambodia was created. and unity on 28 August 1990 and unanimously (1990) of The of French): Council Cambodia, Within settlement the by is and the by the by our - the the of five approved 1990 the Highness and by acclamation 15 October the Nations Royal a comprehensive adopted of His from Security sovereignty to the (interpretation Council the On behalf of Cambodia, him Security embodying Arabic): to welcome &&&&J!,& - a plan the from National Sihanouk, Preside& organ Supreme this * Assembly, permanent Norodom mdech The PRESGeneral of of obssrve accompliab Arabic): from to draw their of thanked ADDRESS BY HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS SAMDBCH NORODOM SIHA.NOUK, SUPREME NATIONAL COUNCIL OP CAMBODIA me at opening and will like beginning atart the and sister6 so that the m66tings I mantloned brothers X would Supreme sole sole legitimate source of authority during held, the is in my capacity behalE of *hat I have the new today the of special to honour with also pay swcessfully de*p ensure tribute by remarkable led the Cambodis Saudi of proceedings of to Organisation people It to is the a I am delighted thot your experience our proceedings. diplomatic the o$r Arssetily. Arabia. Guido Excellency personal be and election Assembly. success His its thie your We believe the to Sir, country, can Couac~P and addressing General congratulations. will his 2iupreme Nnt ional of our clecticsns control. sovereign of lair bed satisfaction, and your a uincare who this privilege session people free Nations end an4 the forty-sixth competence son of Malta, so t. of to you my waimest and well-kaoun I as Presiden independent to your tribute convey United welcomes the ilntll under united. My delegation presidency period and supervised organised It transitional De Marco, and wisdom qualities forty-fifth eminent serrsion of General our Assembly. This year Republic the of Marshall Lit.huania. we welcome Korea, the Organization, Supeme peoples, and and fruitful relations. the great f take His Excellency the service Under increase3 his its assures prestige the the and United active and fruitful to establish our respective Republic of Latvia and to our them is friendly a testimony Nations. possible tireless faced reborn t-he Governments with and have cooperation them warmest noble been the Estonia, United the that has Korea, Organiration the his peoples Nations their pay States: welcomes to of to Member Micronesia, within for of Cambodia desire opportunity countries leadership t,hrouqh its Secretary-General many of presence growing auspicious of greetings of them and the of warmest new Republic States Council Their vitality this Federated National conveys and to the seven People’s Democratic Islands. Tho our activities great and bet.ween tribute difficulties. its prestige the Member to in A/46/PV.l0 49 RC/l2 (nr._Asamoah,Ghses) earnings are economies diverted regressing The that has environment the drug menace of the that state of the consequence of industrialisation world, the has shown June this up as year economic relations developing only Assembly discussions on guide, Conference is resort our on It to drug severe and long out that the the it the While root is and in in of poverty that penalties, terms. warming developed existence undermined technology and to water of of development to 44/228, for resources, during the the participate which guidelines financial and and international capability relevant the land current Resolution provided tho Declaration economic their In the Beijing in the is world. from The constrained the global and should international Development. the developing Ghana against global inequities preparatory trafficking. prison life-styles. to the efforts. of Environment poverty and at General global appreciate is leads pollution. year, discussions effort eke also last transfer again international prescribe the have that environmental adopted the to countries and have but global that in to recognised not in layer necessity countries, effectively ozone desertification aptly us our speculation. the of models developing idle of affairs. of developing not many through encourage prosperity the depletion The safely is of degradation development in ie cormsunity, should it prospect subsistence accelerating countries for of world’s degradation, accounts the international the and environmental fines the over industrialired General a state shown unsustainability direct debt-servicing, into concern Assembly, the into the has, drug including He have countries without menace. that largely hesitation, joined We have passed confiscation of property, also policy adopted explains in laws measures huge the the that monetary aimed at A/46/Pv. 16 #R/+3 10 4PEerldent-u) We are the service not to aware of the request of part8 Barth the Nations fully are the at and its his great people of war, again of justice-loving patriots who have tragedy that before national atill from while it a long desire nation8 to and achieve his United It is understood, would and the and of his in certain the varm wish that for some years to renew and development of Nations exist Nations countries he has decided service8 expressing peace help and suffering, This put thank8 an end to 1990. is that to the the their to which course, trust in all that Cambodia the with road will resume the and development. place achievement has been for of peace leading obstacles, Cambodia, a period all is of true friend8 Cambodian and destructive of and general my country, countries, bloody A new efa unity homeland progress support and freedom-loving 1970 to true monumental and continuous one strewn 8ee our of the many United that of national and painful the difficulties helm of and also to reconciliation, and the of people, lasted and, u8, the united world, retirement. need of liberty united. several Cambodia and its that great destruction to all the in choice. thanks of the of a well-deserved the a great made possible years peoplee take a very attached. are once end made eo many sacrifices conviction ideals own free 12 years the that profoundly respects After have to continue him in defending peoples to Thus ve take We are persuaded come. and the in overcoming world. agree but still eo hard vorked Cembodia has the aesistance of he will United our this invaluable having a nev mandate Nevertheless, peoples that, Cambodian opening up u8 to a future development it ia also it deserve8 of in peace full is of hope in the family M461W.10 17 “R/h (Emwmm) The July progress 1991, in the major where military achieved Pattaya aid, systems for settled - augurs to finalixe well will the of The United be in independent State independence, our Nations During adopted civil the three of the and commitment of members to the President. problems for national the Supreme This to all the York of external - and electoral human rights were Conforsaco 1991, will on permit us comprehensive Cambodia Council (UNTAC) to make and our two key an democracy, that respect neutrality. soon Cambodia and a liberal countries will The inseparable our Supreme elements of the Cambodia. of in the Supreme very important the draft has been National ideals National has been and us to overcome in the to unity the shown trust great difficulties Beijing, spirit nurtured their Pattaya, Cambodia military has and a comprehensive I pay a tribute and national Council to of on the for thanks that of peace Council decisions achieved Council. held National agreements reconciliation meetings in those the months has allowed at cessation Xotornational integrity integrity This Supreme in New on the National territorial contained and of Baijiag in 21 October Authority Supreme a number settlement. member8 York. past in recently, political agreement friendly Plan arrangements compromise on about 2991, conflict. full Peace the The Paris work June fundamental of and UNTAC constitute by consensus political its the and most future. territorial Council United major with 1991 and, armed forcer, Transitional to help non-aligned National of long-awaited Nations in declaration resume the Pattaya a cease-firs, to the for and August relating Cambodia a position neutral, In demobilisation and sign settlement Jakarta Cambodia and the which Cambodia, again issues the in in their of by all the patriotism by the 11 other elected and resolve Pattnya again and New AIII/PV.lO 16-20 NR/Jg of On behalf wish to espresm United concerned, Asian Nations. Nationa International Security and his noble efforts, the peace process. I wish King and to Queen people. I wish gratitude for and varied I have been well as Nations which our pay of to like and have unfortunate all the for should not express to enough more relief governmental Royal to than grant and 13 compatriots living Khmer camps and of along the the Thai Thai soil. countries Cambodian help the protection bodies giving of profrund and those agencies stage MajetBtieB to on all assistance been Their refugees thousands now tireless hospitality, to the United present everlasting generous non-governmental in the our my gratitude years reach them humanitarian approximately combined, Government of the their Thai and to of to peoples Paris the tribute 350,000 asylum and to respectful again express able I of members Secretary-General been compassion to to the once constant also the to permanent Without have Association of people, countries, the the co-Chairmen the and of five colleagues. Thailand, to two Cambodia, a particular assistance kind the the and lta Council to all those and Council, on we their should particularly distinguished and gratitude Australia Conference Nations Supreme National cleep and sincere our and personalities South--Cast end its Cambodia which refugees, of of the many and Thai-Cambodian as United countries aaaistance to border. A/46/W. Mm0 10 21 AII the future, people are they torrential of Cambodia . having reins. an extra to rebuild on 23 August for who were the victims steps come to our United Nations States, the the United the further we regions affected. assistance to replied able, our so to unfortunate couotriea and Viet those people I appeal I nade imaediato thanks to Japan, the the United as in my appeal. extent, that that conpatrlotr took to countries UII in Nam, am well promptly a certain To involve appasl the heartfelt Hew Zealand that been our and storms vi11 and to Aurtralia, Thailand, have to our for by flood8 a numbor of Secretary-General Kingdom, by the to exprere and harmoniour cawed flood8 arsistance I wish #table In reaponee disaster, help. help, a mow ovore l country. organisations in provide our this of and our qensrous normality with emergency-relief international their cope for imnense damage caured The effort to to propcrre to With restore that are they do able so to as sown as possible. I wish concerns total to a great constant danger of augur well West freedom neutrality aqainst countries the to past the continues and year soil have with our people Today I we have future attention been land appt’unl to deeply and for a matter that disturbed mines. - men seen major These women by the almost mines have already they pose a the use - and a world-wide ban and its of to nations part, on our have with for respect will of the and human changes that East independence adopt all - between achieved freedom, for world Q&w Cambodia solidarity and obtain in relations. Several discrimination fighting changes international For non-alignment and of develop. bloodshed. are I drau Cambodia. to injustice that life. to years Cambodian in for without many number of - beginning Over opportunity For saturation mines this me deeply. crippled and take a policy peoples with rights, all and of atruqqlinq those A/46/PV. 22 M/MO self-determination the and of and everything Univerral peaceful Declaration co-existence My delegation the of the Democratic between national People’s Repub).ic of country, supports national to countries live international the Sahara. We also the for achieve patriotic Korea a later have principles proposals the be to for President note stage, that of contacts achieving to reunification. Democratic full become will to a view now that reunification the efforts of the People’s Members of accelerated. Palestinian We hope that soon and that, and 336 (19731, and peoples is conflicts welcome purpose working encouraged affecting dismantling the While five Charter Korea this is one in on it the Middle recover peace basis of Security Council succeed in securing the East, within to international the the will people including borders right Palestine recognised and by the conunuaity. settling place of in peace and stability My delegation towards as the Kim 11 Sung, with at hope that, rights. place take 242 (1967) Israel, Nations two. will the lead, of llnited We are happy will process fundamental all Korea. which Republic am well Marshal increased and the My delegation of by have and the and highly Korea Korea not resolut,.ons of efforts the conference forward their Organiration, their of in of non-alignment. the wise Republic reconciliation, We encourage put included Human Righta, rupportr Korea two parts the of sad those warmly reunification elre 10 the progress of establishing political progress Afghanistan, of apartheid to establish a comprehenive by the peace that Lebanon, Cyprus negotiations a democratic and national settlement has been made in has been achieved and the there that of its in South that are Africa taking and non-racial reconciliation problem and Western in regime. and to accordance with A/46/W. 13-15 ABmo the Uaitmd buildlag Netioas of democratic pests a better world freedoms, will share the Prasideot of har just and the for contrlbut@ and proaperty, the General actively with to jurtlce the and provail. Supreme hir ~113 peace On behalf m-r made Cambodis plan, 10 llational kind words of Council addressed of Asrembly, Cambodia for to my country I wish to the statement and thank to me perrroaally. Prh Cowcil of PrapiQsnt Cg.&U wa8 escorted- of tb he A/46/W. 10 26-30 RMs/b SIIBIKII ADDRESS BY HIS RIGHNRSS STAT11 Ot KUWAIT Th~-pK&&m hear (iaterpretatlon by the an addrerr Amir w the year, General Al-Jaber defender of hie occupation. the whose rights duties of Al-Ahmad State full. Kuwait, Nations Al-Jaber in that Today, Government the of invasion the Amir General Al-Sabah. past and indeed year, the embodibd and to towards to welcome the I have invite and a right of Nations haa State carried freedom, His upon out sovereignty Highness the Assembly. the Ruwait, him the a Member the happy Jaber He called legitimacy. of we are last and was under restoration of now time as a fighter United address State Shelkh the Assembly the Highness responsibilities Kuwait, proudly of victim and to restore after of who will of Kuwait, State this about At of its the Arabic): the of will Kuwait. by His independence violated. The Assembly an address he stressed had been pleased in address, of AMIR OF THB AL-SARAH, Arabic); from wa8 the which shoulder On behalf United &nir to and legitimate Amir Al-Sabah, itr Nations We are its heard country, defend United the Asrembly In his to of AL-JABBR from (interpretation Al-Ahmad Kuwait JABBl? AL-AIMAD honour His to to welcome Highness address the Sheikh Assembly. to the Jaber A/lb/W. 31 JP/gt AL-W “In the name Praise Those the Book of heavens, the earth life to compassion of His and is to on better than That, Therefore, we finally brought bitter experience forum like common compassion, in other, . human with present universal order and friends, our Lord, colour is security, even now, is our Who, insight all States long of all race or colour. with in the all being is messages superior to No human to artother. premise. had gone and to at place an to achieve God same the struggle on justice, to Lord preferable gather and the deeds. needed and is millenniums its and the fundamental after Koran, of and No human the Lord growth humanitarian skin righteousness and human Scripture culminate where of of the Allah irrespective over words universe, between; noble no and to the compassion. vision uphold in of revealed and one, to of race the is watches piety Allah, the opening Lord beings, all brothers Universe”. the thnt any praise endeavour maintain in human of the the all ua the there of grounds my dear is Merciful. the and friends, whatever demonstrate except of Allah enjoins prophets another race mankind Lord brothers and and Compassionate, the Muslims. crsaturoa gave the Allah, Holy living God, my dear are, from Arabic): (interpretation of be to 10 learn its equal from service footing establish welfare by, in a a and and peace for all. Until recently, living example goals, even at simply will not face return of of force. to and speak the the international price of correct But, about their as it was, community’s the use of conduct my country’s later country my in force. or rethink case has my statement. and continues determination It appears their not yet to to that positions been closed, be, a attain certain those people except I in shall the JP/gt A/46/W. 32 10 (shdkb Allow me now, on behalf best of wishes United to plearure as it is the Saudi Arabia, where the home of steadfastly the outstanding I wish of also to express deep gratitude the General His of impressive to the Republic Rspublic Federated to place his wise, impartiality, yurthermore, of of of me take Korea, the the the the people your President on record and the the of Islam and has sacrifices Arab of of his the States of the the last wise of United Nations. to extend our Republic the of Republic the to the combined the Estonia, of and gratitude, of efforts, Republic Kuwait session thanks Secretary-General People’s of leadership. profound and untiring opportunity of land country as my own personal the work Democratic for the be and Government made under painstaking Republic Micronesia, the de Cuellar, this to beacon history, our Kingdom of as recoqnition as well Kuwait, in doing let Lithuania, States name of like for augments life. de Marco, Perez the UI world Council I would Javier What the bring this Caoperation achievements of of as the of will and made enormous election you, experience, and justice the Hr. Nations, Guido people its international in the vast your State, serve to session by God, The Almighty, Throughout the that a sister for the forty-sixth a new era. and to your CCC in to Hr. addition. Excellency United the Assembly, appreciation perceives role our In Mosques. extend and my own personal objectives of honoured As a member of to and determination, threshold righteousness (CCC) Kuwait the humanitarian you represent two Holy regard. Gulf lofty was uniquely supported of coxxxitmeot message was revealed the opportunity We are confident on the that which divine the stands fact this as Prerideat Assembly. of take our warn congratulations deep sense of attainment Organixation in that election your to Kuwait, of General with closer President, Stata on your llatione togother the the Ur. Al-labah) with congratulations of Korea, of Marshall the Latvia, Islands the on JP/gt A/46/PV. 33 10 (s.tlamLm) their admission grorilrg to the United conatructiva regional role conflictr. goals It and purports Let w of DOW go addresred the the Iraqi regime difference there here, the to you, nspirations of of stand on the have world This objective performance by the this a result aa of the peace the this through the clearly spelt Nations out will or brazen fantasies that and the whose land, freedom stand I am and you took, underpinning of a justice and history aa an outstanding of the perhaps United Charter. serve brutalizing the world exerted generations in the of Security by many countries Nations, namely, from scourge the of The admirable as a sharp others the reminder in pursuit Organization stands of to false ready as a deterrent. of Kuwait and appreciation peoples Today gratitude efforts succeeding ambitions those by What a The resolutions and saving about to all the of collective delusions gratitude annals concern United land are I as I was speaking honourable Organization. indulging From the body, overriding is and effective world. in my country. our the of that any party strong world rostrum had been invaded ago, havoc the law. part reaffirmed maintaining war. Uember of go down in were enforced One year of enhance thir the the peace. which map of and friends, upon principles will the to resolution will world when from were wreaking brothers international achievement that aggression the Uembers country, off tertimony in new year now and then! been restored the Council of a State predicated That between further and promote last it yet there peaceful to wipe my dear position rule my small, is that time ia Organisation Rations the in a bid forcer have of hope United to Thir by thir our the plight conveying dignity played ie back Iationr. that I convey to all shared on behalf those our countries pain as well of its people sentiments of that rushed to and as to all those our aid leaders who A/46/W. JP/@ 10 34-35 responded swiftly onslaught of ruthless In the men name of every peace-loving servicewomen Charter came to of security the of The United specialised that upholding the risked prominent their our to defend land in Nations system the place in the an ovarwhelmiag the me conmend the air, on land analysis, the future and to the the in the history Nations, process of our of as as the the individual and to every us, well and the Council, with supporting country in Kuwait together defend servicemen the of of peace. Security defence to to ensure world - and all collective United those in battle the IIO~ enshrined preserve particular, thousands and at all principlea Secretary-General of life let final - in to principles against They were engaged and the her in lives In the nations or national, Kuwait3 contributed his and jurtico and barbarimn. Nations. agencies countries right nation. United all of brutality axd women who risked a small who in defence have in soldier all our a won national conscience. Kuwait by and unspeakable the Kuwaiti in Kuwaitis fell invasion, even a fashion the over an oppressed extended by period The enemy hard, with and time. of The of been children, of overwhelming all it steadfastness admiration unwarranted rehabilitation of an wounds. have women scars. the destruction Families elderly, psychological fought suffered the repel impressive won or is acts. and to Kuwait that martyrs barbaric on unable demonstrated however, terrorised was savagery. people invaders and itself the split acts who the most strength had in to world. the Hundreds legacy social fabric of up and people have of malicious are still requires and challenging bitter process give, of Kuwait of the by brutal been vengeance suffering painstaking inflicted from deep efforts A/16/PV.I0 36 RwlO (6.tmhhAMdti) In the thousands of forma and #~JW Security taken torture at are on conscience and of to of the world an end to their and it is of bringing a means who represent securing the release held and by blackmail. regime well ago, was as country, I was the basis prevailing in of the the I the more that sought Kuwait all, to bear see before I using first-hand, the aa as country, most lurid to say dignified for blackmail. of bargaining Kuwaiti assistance in who are sisters exploitation the and Iraqi landmarks, peacefully and imagination to as our evoke, conditions effort that in phrases the achieved, safe hostages as practices a conscious liberation the tragedy. living the to beings of in podium appeal most institutions inside is the of a8 and a means inhuman were well this an or words in from your humar people, prisoners violation a number for various aa I tools the it these human you them the so of is choosing did to prisoners brothers who from even or mothers, With far use appealing its in Kuwait. by after describe and overstatement. exceed people nationals received tragedy afflicted are I8ter valuas, May Man, several blatant cossnitments. uncalled-for to of those is another reports situation system to who in of fathers, careful true regime freedom you a whole, subjected Iraqi deeply the ae Thousands Islamic its friends, extremely occupied the pressure yet be inadmissible regime is to suffering. their Iraqi humanity invaders. by ensure third-country and the totally upon of exaggeration seen to of when the of of treaty many ,“isiting upcn hostage and and This A year on the or held Kuwait brothers children still defiance international of My dear in and of creatures, a6 being behalf put chips, hands resolutions disregard address the still Council total prisoner were hostages and context, to avoid any now that we the real dimensions of a writer have of A/46/W. 37 1Q f §.hdJk.Al-3 Words fiction. “devastation” cannot ?fhat scale like is have been when universe by using life combat for By animal Mohammed of heinous for be made crimes recorded organisations damage the now well represents determination your support twentieth Koran - are and over with phrases the these tries our to a better to monetrous of a resources promote in such drawing natural life sayings replete control legitimacy, already ground. on committing sacrifices the and is to while the century of effort its that on nature better exploitation compounding points, to come. by the crimes by Iraq setting way. a real The challenge pursue will hide crime all its by forms, Prophet that 732 oil the will underline We are to restore Kuwait and has that atrocities evil the been and effects surrounding and will continue Nations, the regional However , despite the extensive man and wells physical life in - the all its forms reconstruction of a manunoth operation man to our sense of God’s help that full with infrastructure. and - is confident to infrastructure process and of areas United Kuwait’s our the far-reaching on of on The the revitalization to able by against to dwell devastation invasion life. be affect community. Iraqi fire to regime. to scientific the not dispatched perpetrated under to the tremendous missions the I prefer continue The by we by perhaps inflicted heinous the gain this international message him cotmnitted and demonstrated is these will decad.es upon of human and situation crimes leadership, of The actual to the “plunder” 1 life. crimes those hard Iraqi thus plant. the a collective the God-sent “humiliation,” when optimise in Islam, be that a time violation of - peace Having to flagrant to striving contrast, and celebration is ” is at evils a sacred human, justice science mantle distorting do however, social in the really mankind all. brutalities under “torture, perpetrated and to ,” astounding, a close and “murder ahah as Kuwait that and with RM/lQ A/46/PV.I0 36 Free and to Kuwait in host, technicians, modern opened keeping society of Kuwait vblues or gains. enjoyment of Despite the care. In the meantime, not to scrupulously great demands will countries to extent cooperate with separatin. emerging areas case continue of human from order, justice and respect for of emerging Palestine on the resolutions. all, ongoing will peace bear approach fruit should one the basis of of assistance where all received experience, the their for respect terms a cherished human rights principles of the and to which reconstruction the we support Kuwait narrowing of assistance We will alow. at of the the to so that to other continue also our to of United Nations programmes will maintain a strong also the enormous terms of all must implementation should gap economic lead to goals in with upon the of the be found to question all the relevant It for will Lebanon, is our peace hope the be attained. a country of framework Security end, in an principles Within an honourable people. envisioned parameters States. of a conference dealing the be predicated must Palestinian the clear-cut solution convene followed in that a settlement efforts be any workars, whose their development sovereignty an urgent tragedy given foreign future. in in aimed order Such to the us will has shown new world that harmony Kuwaitis South. Kuwait of the situation. activity to fundamental to provide our means the North upon of law, are Secretary-General improve in The the of in returning the thanks compromise rule by all more Kuwait presence the wealth homeland, the businessmen atmosphere determined the tradition, an national even to and Democracy, embrace longatanding in are adhere seeking its developed medical people anew to doors teachers was and its with doctors, education will he8 of Council once now that Middle and for the East A similar with which we A/46/PV. 39 RWlO stand united achieving fraternal by stability. made to enforce In our problems will bring peace a poiicy new world Charter of Kuwait namely, to build The only a sharper and deeper in the emerging foster welfare Peace is the from an the with of the that throughout order inspired use of a view cour8e to it powers impose peace. unfailingly and the Lebanesn of peace, uphold justice, East. international by power the provided for along with preserve be that in in the an advocate now we have a greater rights faith and and peace. the essence our and thrust religion. a verse of all The letters - am &l-Is~ Xoran "Enter that are the that echoes divinely form same. this revealed the In this universal into Islam; "And follow "The footsteps the Evil not One; he ia to you "An avowed enemy." ( Tba-HU-&+n.n&..1PQ ) faiths. two Arabic vein, call: "Whole-heartedlyt "For to be and to is In continue pursued and today "0 ye who believe! "Of by and harmony support Middle the has yesterday meaning the full can be consolidated friendship will Palestlnlan and peace between sense of order of and the the difference - "Peace" the Holy stay bridges world message of As-se- Such will resolutions. both our should Council harmony Nation doserves efforts and security legitimacy the United of peace. of order. Liberated past, resolution about rightly end sincere Security the law and international the that relevant the pursues law and the and which Tcwsrds judgement, Kuwait of ties 10 may That words I recite is RWlO A/II/W. 10 40 Dear thanks to brother8 all and friendr, of you, acknowledgement and I clomo and gratitude statement Highness Assembly, he has eddresred I rinh just to you all. to made to the thir thank the of the by sxpresring came May God bring from and express Kingdom statement by reiterating (interpretation ‘I&Q._PRES~~~ General I bogan Amir Arabic): of my deep Seudi the to On behelf thank8 Arabie aentimeats peace State of for and to words the of all of Kuwait of me personally. you. the for hind of the words His jra/lZ A/46/PV. 41 AGENDA GENERAL the the (Ghana), name of General the Ghana Aerembly experience rewarding and ruccaasful cl080 cordial and this 1 rhould to tenure. his with firm ability to of hopes which we the spite of world damage fully suffering inflict occurred to of dashed in appeals our our we had and wo wish to on the for the a peaceful the timos. the devoted his entire to work impressivenesas diplomacy after the presiding all of of and his positionr. international of you at irreconcilable development face see of view opportunity multilateral eeemingly in during note of a very urn of cooperation the office Your appreciation 77, the to you, hiqhert pleasure, demonstrated of the aemure countries, record reflect and Organirstion. of of out our UI) added you issues peace being that assessed. of unparalleled peace Marco; to rkill two congratulsto situation, the threat relaxation of resolution the of war of the in high cold-war the Gulf. conflict, In sadly, out. The untold Group here for our on intricate met give8 me to election of predecesror the the It place de your diplomatic alsure your of world-wide broke to conlenaua lrrrt proven to pornit matter, between Guide of risked tensions be duty create When war like grasp on tsnurm. also Mr. Prosidont, that and We wish Am Chairman clossly for relations roraion. commitment Hr. dologation, and, qualificstione, over 9 ( m) DEBATE Mr, in ITISM 10 the might at haa caused to inmediate consequences the bereaved, the reminds or testify solely UII of to on the man that the the and of displaced degradation region alone a?1 war The environmental on on the the and the of concept of that environment war the fires a world lies of that That before yet dead, dispossessed, deterrence. atill is - many burning fragility distance his to the the Kuwait builda its the us war on the road to internationsl full diligently on for noble the the The time ideological with rignificant their stocks them and urge them rid of our world proliferation of to such have put behind country, the political freedom at our Organiration welcome them warmly membership Republic of dialogue and shared unification Korea of the for to leaderr Gorbachev world. on 31 July ballistic this year all offer the We congratulate nut-ear aamurance aigned and in Moscow to mfreilerr. involving its place in the States in order agslnst to their witneared independent Republic understanding united of Ieven Yemen in one its We take new Member8 into this and aspirations. provide to body. admission pride of has consolidated world States. will The peoples Namibia the and ia poised and now stand member 01 our their world and development. Independent Organisation two Koress. ?rom graom roota misunderstanding Yemen. and the global the Bumh and Prorident peace for and we share in our legitimacy. peace has now taken aa sovereign our others. by session general The end of now. towards (START) a8 a valuable this of international forward weapona and of Charter founded securing the of deadly of order and more towards them yeara to work a greater strive factor Republic We have much intercontinental Germany become an important rest treaty or manufacture A reunited very when President arms reduction reduce in the has been articulated the rtep watt achieved strategic their yearning the interaction security ir compelled international jurt has unbound many promises. Europa, Another a truly conwnand and enjoy such an order for We are enrhrined will that division in Eamtern of principles an order security. and establishment and valid Organl8ation, rewarding peace the opportunity We hope that Democratic of Korea witn yet another that will pave the way to the Paople’r forum for eventual to A/46/PV.10 )rs/l2 43 (fir, The forcer of continue world change to make be Angola appsnrs to United Nations Peace tower-da peace in We must taken to war”, though call on Under entered to into In last give the appreciation an of the of of in momentum situation cannot stepa Bunh “no hOB peace, forever. Sahara has solution. Nations-sponsored the ho We initiative. Western definitive in thst of pravail laudable this the conflict President The war, The Tentative initiative Nations, a final, the upon evident. Cyprus. outbreak United i (I, are unleamhed globe. speed. the to haB entire gathering I51 Salvador cooperate efforts of for that leaders of this hopefully call We programme various without provide It the Organization, of the upon a chance to Observer Group recourse to cooperation both usher peace crisis a matter of course all negotiating to apart. material We and all, we wish seek resolution the halt the call upon the financial to nppesl of to the their has that parties, begun durable including to respond peace the to can some only Palestine process. dialogue mutual helped of arms. East and and to Middle of have country necessary Liberia the the Above involvement in confrontation tear in ia Military (ECOWAS), effort. intractable through of to factions initiatives. spirit States threatened further seemingly achieved African to the ECOMOG, international the differences of West community support atmosphere to the international The to the wer I n Cambod is peace United Liberia, killing Liberation end. cold region. senseless be with atage Cornunity important ond aegis Economic The Afghanistan tho of acronm an a more-lasting the the to generated note end impact coming concerned the aides their preferable all the Plan aloo bring that Ghana) h68lDQdb that rerlimination has prevailed has presented over the the United A/4b/PV.10 44-45 Irs/lZ (Mr L Analwnhm~ Nations been with ner called upon foundation wish for to in to on cause of benefited placed can become Peres de least in and of peace the of of has Member been States to and his the team the build world, a nolid of We our dedicatad the end much has exciting. work of Although over Organisation and for development. all the innovative appreciation Cuellsr, nations around we that wish are oome that dialogue family contrary which C_o state for &L~nu, a global South of in to the Africa, meaningful stands nations. The established The and which the assistants of the remains of the big the end of discourse, none cold to be Powers the so shall dominant scrapping of are support the National Congress yet given be concepts commitment the war done have cold that war all calls nations castigated of an for government of the r*Igime against often-stated to the allowed and pillars of of to South Act The conducive regime members doubts complete to has people free clandestine to of the eradication of and military Inkatha the about at being Africa. the re-enter apartheid, Registration about Party be process atmospheru National our the in disclosures the to Population violence confirmed in equality enjoy door legislative is basic recent by the infamous to state-supported have of the The at apartheid for negotiation. and repeal that however, Movement knocking indicates possibility financial. unquestionable Africa theory, dismantled. apartheid. of that management. comity South peace blockades, part Today, and Mr. to viawa economic the sincere expansion holding efforts role peace. economic the the enhanced development cause regard for in and world this With play our the secure The record y--General, the has to peace place Secret.ar opportunities. Ghnns) African the total of and K/12 A/46/F’V. 46 It i8 thur Government of unilaterally by the Destructive sixteenth that General on our We have ensure which the killinys be to The to the post-cold-war the friendly arrangements preserve should Republics. the brotherly agreed the on Apartheid adopted General Asoembly. no binding have upon and affirmed Africa, It endeavour 1989 at ha8 often and that Houeve r , the Ly and its on 14 December effect of At era. of be conclusions apartheid racism of the the spirit State Nations reach racist with been said they are of the credibility to comply the search for of tolerance conclusions countenance form. We need not discrimination of must not South the rivalry, in our any determination responsibility forget Africa. Mozambique from the senseless Every effort has Resistance National particularly and mutual the Yugoslavia. ties we not peace. We welcome to any other ia a moral by apartheid ethnic This This of would continuously same time, of made in regime cooperation that and racial apartheid. initiated in the the United have to remind manifestations limit the to perpetuate secure the Socialist session escape. (RENAMG) rebels of way. in Mozambique made Uember States Member State8 eradication we cannot and the the mea8ure8 of abhorrence to people to Member States. that designed eqUiVocate the in Southern in a democratic any attempt to resolutions requires this and concern in the Declaration soreion Assembly We expect to Organisation recotmnendations reached to to suspend apcial Grganiration regret certain Conrequencer the guise. of Ghana that decided consensus largely a matter IQ being it Similarly, peace, it that link peace is our the Europe, understanding efforts guarantee in hope, republics is in would that should made to bring our view the Union vi11 be of that that of based great test peace mark to satisfactory Soviet on the country. need to A/46/W. 47 PC/11 It will only heard or serve the cau8o globe1 of meen to be rupportiag the 10 dirordor forcar of if the anarchy root of the world and dimunity is in that country. While our effort6 conflicts must solutions unlesr and security continue, - namely, in and Social uonomic Pro-m persuasively countries for commodity inputs Sixty cent 70 per world’s cent the of the countries of world in the of world annual countries. Nationa growing per annual income capita per countrier. ?or their with is export their of the cent the has consigned income $300. of population This $14,500 primary commodity inputs for the developed cent of the that has remaining countries stands in in industrialised the of Yet The competition 41 least world of developing their and consumed by 15 per world’s share countries. countries. of supplies. primary industrialited Global economies of the Bank cent one fifth the Zn it8 upon the petroleum of the Bank, International of World 70 per depend males, produced of the of their countries income of capita peace the World to be disturbing. interdependence industrialised cent lasting inrtitutions, Department 1991, and 47 per income regional international such aa the continue one half lie 30 per average of trade upon 85 per the the and nearly population cent United (DIESA), one quarter to of offer by a number of system. industrialired been forced average Nation8 and developing and output, cannot threat provided Fund and the demonstrator developing fundamental DevelQ industrialised per in themsolver poverty Affairs resolution poverty. United Monetary Economic the global the and the peaceful efforts another on world those International trade these we tackle The rtatistics including at disarmament striking to contrast an to RC/12 A/46/PV. 46 The will of doubtless the of impact widon dangers the of economy The in tIcononic Comimsion tho decade” The the 85 recognise is cent it Some restrvcturing of world’s the not took that that our returns. interest economies. that we were production The unfavourable prices deficits in rates, the have terms of per some goods industrialised of us the 19808 as per cent a into at have achieved by to external efforts. these financial have and still in exploits most cases with diminishing falling commodity coupled and high burden to in economic of and services, cent development. independence marked 45 per own global but a major chsrity. inhibited measures of We do for centuries factor the countries from moat And 30 difficult and productivity, industrial where our moreover, and reform trade, on countries including ushered of a growth the cent for has, made debt-servicing In a situation 15 70 increasing order, of decade. lives and politically control economic increased and increasing fiscal our that induatrialized Our restructuring economies. in the to region. instance8 socially are beyond arrangements, resulted many prevalence of next point perspective in described world’s measures. reform the responsibility in of adopted The international trade the the patterns already its overall imbalances into population ultimate some have of asking and has its foresees divergent continue (WA) States are and influences Africa evidence what achieve. probably agenciem In external the countries intsraational DIESA and that industrialised disparity. 2000, internal Member primary clear decades the income our will for per year the Bank mugqemt 1980s to world’s There to world with World observed “lost up tho in Ammemmmentmby ever-widening dimequilibrium, regions. innovstion gap. thir this of world state technological 10 with prices high international on our 80 per cent fragile of export A/46/PV.l0 49 RC/l2 (nr._Asamoah,Ghses) earnings are economies diverted regressing The that has environment the drug menace of the that state of the consequence of industrialisation world, the has shown June this up as year economic relations developing only Assembly discussions on guide, Conference is resort our on It to drug severe and long out that the the it the While root is and in in of poverty that penalties, terms. warming developed existence undermined technology and to water of of development to 44/228, for resources, during the the participate which guidelines financial and and international capability relevant the land current Resolution provided tho Declaration economic their In the Beijing in the is world. from The constrained the global and should international Development. the developing Ghana against global inequities preparatory trafficking. prison life-styles. to the efforts. of Environment poverty and at General global appreciate is leads pollution. year, discussions effort eke also last transfer again international prescribe the have that environmental adopted the to countries and have but global that in to recognised not in layer necessity countries, effectively ozone desertification aptly us our speculation. the of models developing idle of affairs. of developing not many through encourage prosperity the depletion The safely is of degradation development in ie cormsunity, should it prospect subsistence accelerating countries for of world’s degradation, accounts the international the and environmental fines the over industrialired General a state shown unsustainability direct debt-servicing, into concern Assembly, the into the has, drug including He have countries without menace. that largely hesitation, joined We have passed confiscation of property, also policy adopted explains in laws measures huge the the that monetary aimed at A/46/W. 50 RC/2 the rehabilitation drugs. of We are, global efforts towards the present peace. Within the to change developing stock the debt reconmnendatioas have to be stsbilire given to countries will Mr. unfair from international to be service nust be reduced serious consideration. mutual have Cordovez to be have of the succeso of the world to rethink demise the of Expert the a grim the cold burden. all of industrialired on and the Vice-President, took the Chair. we muat all, debt the The Africa’s taken.* (Ecuador), war, Both financial of enemy of measures the attitude completely. Group transfer its First or eliminated of of economy. is order. debt and use the Poverty Moreover, and promote benefit growth the of production that economic relieved Secretary-General’s the fact imbalances. of gains have prices the peace would the cormnodity technology l of of the balanced economic framework countries and desires global the unmindful on en overall sincerely that at discouraging and not however, depends A world strive addicts 10 debt that would would resources developing and BHS/ jg A/16/PV.l0 51 It Is economic make important developments full ~89 foundation of for ideological but an And Declaration of unprecedented the Non-Aligned what do such we demand what The Accra , malnutrition match its to The for Movement, which cooperation in and is new It the of a new global It not truth. has need the Developing compel attention, and than a world in the in Accra transition Recognising of of the that cooperation, Majority, members of pledges the Movement as to. on Africa, the the poverty. strategies of emphasis of lay world. Council us to inequitable solidarity new the that see do cooperation. urges resources in to that requires places the examines demand today to reflected which entitle problems to the destruction poignantly fairness calls, from increasing illiteracy. Declaration an& countries increasing peace and situation interdependent for equity determination monumental of more to vistas and will, the this need world further and the for the political underscore some, a victory industrial Movement, Declaration hunger paid is justice the calls for of a common Non-Aligned new to humanity. of confrontation the as arsenals part between to tempting, nothing world the diminishing that the nowhere is majority is connnand interdependent cooperation. the once, essential level, Europe consigns links international It Eastern than inextricable favourable There not may That international peace. of more are the present countries. we from the that remarked, countries the a lasting system developing stress at collapse economic been to the eradication international against these regard, for which of the special world poverty, community enemies of attention ignores to to a~ be !+s peril. The one which non-aligned is rooted perception in the principles of system the of United international Nations relations Charter, and is in W46IPV.10 52 BHS/ j9 whose crafting play the a more important, legitimacy and The to any no room At Accra, new order as recogaire on for Ghana is that to promotion to conwnand lead the of making all can realize The Accra these of urgent this their them and be has stands on However for human , there to the basis, the notion foundation. a revitalised The ready is for that historical order, aspirations must the respect admitted order that conditionalities no world economic legitimate and compelling. countries international must a new year, developed the it the which agenda, contrary. has of concerns that new world super-Powers. States of third relevance economic values without perception of pluralism the the Movement continued and to And possible wards As part say of of independent political cooperation. to with objective is needs Non-Aligned being political may becomes honoured negotiations Majority, system the the sovereign, detractors not and of of dialogue is of promotion non-aligned North-South new the capitulation reaffirmed third-world the the distinction the economic the of that world, agenda. making developnnent for international some international In if call Movement are the whatever that the association included no basis not covet there reflected role, a unipolar Non-Aligned that rights, in who . a free Conference doea even those the effective Council acceptance. world for the Move~nt, and super-Power Movement be Non-Aligned Group engage in we just for of better which constructive hope, and 77, of the shared equitable so standards of living. recognising In mood its Declaration the me of “Development the world primacy of Dwrnent times is of when the most the Non-Aligned development Report it opens important its to 1991, 290-page challenge Movement is international the World not peace alone in and security. Bank vividly captures report with the sentence facing the human race”. the The new W461PV.10 53 BHS/jg (t!lL,..bP~L.~~~~) encyclical when "Centes it imus Annus" name for the new collective In the as for discharge to consume the right to most for Samir General Arabia great CODtribUtiOD Confident I the to is wise is opinion a a collective to for the His our of as he the Assembly for That ir President of a represented country of ask congratulate where part General order. attributes His some seeking only to Turkey, see people office years. in not Countries high in many stability guidance lazy pleasure the us ua economic session. known and or me great election well like to General to of the world of during Micronesia, family, we Guide de an year. eventful of has world, will made and do the believe Marco, a historic the Nations, United Estonia, Republic of takes a I likewise that Korea this guiding step Marshall and pride community President through the joyful the in represonts Lithuania, My delegation and Mr. performance Assembly Latvia, Korea. to outstanding universality of of his General the States a tribute for Assembly membership Republic the pay session, Federated to there let international forty-sixth peace his also session admission them same there Developing gives distinction coDsolidatiDg People’s this scale. This the great forty-fifth of his its are under should the further at too parasites a just It on so as responsibility, produced. (Turkey): to that have world. Shihabi with a global work echoss Just war, intruders, a peaceful diplomat Saudi of II development. collective within Assembly distinguished on Paul developmeot." nagging development vital Ambassador that others Mlr_GLp_hx the John avoiding promoting and what is for of irritating only also peace responsibility responsibility us Pope atates II . . . of of the in vi11 the in the Islands, Democratic welcoming be enriched am A/46/PV.10 54..55 BHS/jg (Mr. and strengthened United by their the its deliberations, the momentous Eastern autumn of period Europe and the eastern half reform, although and economic ground Charter which of Conference in November Paris for a new commit nuccessful international aggression and Organisation vehicle the of ideals realiration resolving evolved Europe, disputes haa continued the 1969 of the the and the Assenrbly at of the uneven, the have Cooperation the a new European reinforcing Kuwait Central been Europe assuming ita global of The (CSCE) broke the met and signed of the cold shown to that function8 peace war and The auspicea has and encouraging. end during towards architecture. Nations set unification in marking started pace advances which of rapid peaceful States of session in Continent, United the revolutions participating under point Genernl to and to soveroignty to last leading 1990. action the the Security themselvea restore has for on when, they by developments democracy the Europe the over of in highlighted All process when 1990, change Germany. in to Turbsy) Nations. Since new contribution PiraY, repel the as and world the stability. prime Et/l4 h/46/PV.lQ 56 ( ML. .GJL.cnY.TuraeY ) catrylnq In out hsvw as its fortune to eminent rtatcsman with civil him for his and conunitmwnt bath to thw principles of the the as Charter an ideals the 10 years w w ahall In Turkwy, satisfaction. to swrvlcw to his good thw de Cuellar, Peres Uistinguishwd hw can look had hns Javiwr and total ywa&s of swrvant, Uwdication Mr. intwqrity many prldw justified Organisation Secretary-General After Lntwrnational our functions, of great Nations. United thwew the highcat of performance always and of for rwmembwr his impartiality. With the ending Conventional Armed a promising thrnat wra of of play an An enhanced of change achieve this, Nations in for should this I respect, during his of General the presidency of the the of would like presidency and community of Assembly that of course this nations the and note General its main universal and up to and has entered The opportunities. upon humankind. settle The because solutions our more in of which at operational the the expectation8 cold the war United of I committees will collective the emerge General of continue aspirations. United Such am confident as era To tho contribution Assembly. new Organization. efficiency. singular this restructuring reform will in effective aimed forum its world the role. include to to efforts of the great to of conclusion heavily difficuit atreamlined demands of less living our the trwstiwe. times auaceptiblw key pursue with restructuring so Nations a more we must line nere increaai,ngly United calls weighs and START are now becoming Europw and These that gradually war in Europe transition. conflicts are will in destruction local rivalries cold the Forces nuclear numerous Nations of a more Assembly. Mr. that under faithful de the In Marco reform your mirror A/I6/PV.10 57 RF/14 (Mr, The era promlstnq, have be is new of is to order of transition C-00 not. to attained. on the and As spirit global the Gulf our world not be facilitated. process of arms har control be Nations Thus and arid can evidence of and the violation should is be a major field accelerated. and firmer roote, jncraase. The an to which the aettlement rathnr expect reduction, which international resolve negotiations, we challenges aggression disarmament alao and pome new deeper althouqh clear that subtained will passing, provided and Turkry) a better Thla strikes control for conuwnity dialogue be 1s that. tolerated. should through world vision crlria the United our uncertslnties if cooperation will than by acceleration we of resortinq of should the the all make our contribution. By control this, I and reduction intercommunal factor in protection the area quality the of on areas and expect this United Nations where up tensions where we life doing the is for the to The in see the right for in be this a new environment. suspicions. United Nations and, now the to United spirit, and, milestone in and Nations the years growing arms an important more active is all around that their protect 20 is growing perhaps, the and race mutual is of regional arms consciousness things sphere those conventional generations preparing to conventional deepeninq expect Development Conference the the and future of Turkey Environment into particularly environment. our environment. extension procesaea, building of dependent mean conflict Another the and Arms of conflicts force, full shall momentum of existing of buttreeoed. effectiveness t.0 part current the riaka The law maintained which addressed be international the of succesnfully resolve where through Girsy. very preserve our Conference after survival the is common on Stockholm, concern of we the BP/14 A/46/PV.10 58 Girav. (Mr. To promote world-wide respect individual is freedoms of the interest in a changing relationship the degree adventurism, stronger foundations only non-discriminatory basis The many of the risks current fanaticism of legitimate an area forum applicable that we must for strive prone stability to can rest on on a their shadow with rivalries, various racist can be overcome only all respect that the United Nations to establish aspects of chauvinistic communities, accept on the promises practices, through a strict for and it human rights is in this which are standards everywhere. I am proud 70 years ago, their to say that Turkey legislation the establishment progress to the fullest instruments is being since has made steady human rights the European taking We must a direct and the degree less intertwined of migrant concern are Nations scale. cast ethnic and intolerance is all Indeed, exists of human rights are often treatment of human rights. democracies that United human rights on a universal and uncertainties xenophobic There of due observance fundamental greater and international is ensured observance enjoy peace of human rights. tendencies, universal of protection era of trausition the question religious if deserving task Since world and the environment. in societies. of democratisation human rights a priority international between aggressive for Turkey) designed constantly reviewed extent. to protect of our in ensuring Turkey republic that its almost citizens has become a party human rights. and amended to prevent to Turkish abuses from place. The spread of drug addiction continues to be a global smuggling and to international and illicit menace affecting terrorism, trafficking in narcotics all countries. Often this scourge has acquired linked to alarming arms W/II WQB/PV.lO 59-60 (Mt. Turkey dimensions. concerted, forceful contribution Nations believes and global. to its drugs will play and in the The fate the Gulf the Balkan of stability these adopted yield by the with with in the Balkans, initiatives positive Security for results. Council an early the will the crisis but also welcome yesterday. peace in including context, we and stability that to the is crucial in the conflict the Yugoslav of their rest peoples, country. to tbe maintenance of Europe. and sincerely resolution in country. solution future new against among the peoples of all tbe this violence of the CSCE countries We East, In this happens the ongoing that cooperation. since on what measure our campaign and of the Middle Yugoslavia, of be of the United international to Turkey. of the Yugoslav not only creation and international Balkans We hope to making We are confident in the ones to determine settlement the peace may future and in accordance be the only A speedy role interest concerned the should menace committed programme. of the in large federation. dialogue we support depend profoundly of the Yugoslav who should to the to this fully of regional enhancement are of particular region We are through a fundamental importance response We welcome control of the peoples area, attribute drug tbe We are eradication. international structure that Turkey) Girav. Hence, hope that on Yugoslavia A/46/W. 61 JkVlS In the tindlng e just Arab--1srnelI in the On many the union, have all prevent to brought this zone and the cooperation East, I viah to normalisation ravaged of country. sustained can only and territorial be built all for of the Pslsetine and consolidating to peace the and the and on the right the that full direction. extend haa basin of stand East to be based Security States, countries coupled and of a regional process the the with Soviet conference. will post-war increasing make we L.ebanon are its to the witness an effort in the to the return of the Lebanon’s consider sovereignty whole of of peace over Middle requires peace sovereignty of the that That Agreement. efforts to Lebanon independence, the the gradual in Taif Gulf economic the reconciliation of we in and national situation multilateral building preservation to problem the holding peace implementation Hence, Middle firm away. pleased in our the United Arab regarding situation nt this the for confidence how the the substantially underline expresm heart on of of in views the tu efforts slipping future Government in importance: (1973). conditions from our at 338 parties integrity. Reconciliation a step that the We believe peace of to conducted stand about part the realistic need an fundementsl opportunity a solution and that. 8en explaining on of and lies parties (1967) opportunity Before quoltion the that the 242 had which among hope the maintaining have convinced and Ue earnestly be ue is constructive are to also Palestine, happy iewes araa. resolutions We are the while of negotiations neparate rolution occasiona, Turkey Council two lasting Gulf quertion dispute. on and dispute, eecurity on tart, Widdle 10 the entire National country to A/46/W. 62 &m/15 10 (Mr. The post-war brightening politico-military horizon liberated partially and we welcome territorial integrity, of the Kuwaiti invasion which lead recovery the concern for proportions suffered and subsequent resolutions but in the leadership also family will thus act accordingly believes that Middle by bringing interdependence results, will of soon Security is as winter Council and that the been Those themselves. approaches. aspects of the by that hope that sufferings also resolution to various sincere have people expectation our major of colossal resolutions. Iraqi the resumption of of the international country the of its Iraqi of the Iraqi people to au end. scale each country the relevant for It these policies Council hardship with a prerequisite region-wide East are the rightful of nations. effects that crisis Iraqi Security is not only be brought Turkey cease-fire. and great compliance and The efforts have been a source to a refugee policies full settlement community, will shortages Iraq's 687 (1991) these sovereignty confident leadership pertinent from serious Consequently. place most has been devastating tangible a prosperity. Iraqi of the features Kuwait the to yield have led implementing about who are facing post-war policies in the aftermath ambivalent who have These of the zone Government. Ue are pre-war Turkey) independence, to overcome started of Kuwait's the Gulf legitimate are commendable. policies us. as of its have already The post-war of its and people Government endeavours, restoration as well in by incertitude. clouded the aud occupation to landscape Gicav, could having could genuine contribute about a stake multilateral economic! to strengthening an increased pave the way for peace communality in the preservation introducing cooperation and stability of interests. of regional on a peace, more advanced in the With economic A/46/W. 63 JB/15 confidence-building the mea~~urea, Organisation of minieterial session Foreign Ministers efforts in of of through dialogue, OIC and from Regarding the in Chairman settlement of available military that in came the the dispute in Namibia in Turkey complete elimination Group detestable the Areas system gained South has and .- as good historical a just take part in 1991. cooperate the that We welcome the this peace entire the with of ia of the the an glad the early to make cease-fire parties involved Secretary-General in the territory. of firmly in the search Turkey process a position steps in that Registration It toward pursued We hope a source Population run. durable support jointly the constitutes and over fully monitoring independence, the Africa. policy, in longer moves the a referendum to legitimacy. Unity, with deploying ministerial prevail we African to adopted to in offices, of apartheid. the Sahara. this its Istanbul southern with for always to line to the to Islamic continue international beginning of the of tuentjeth contributing in itself In Africa of Act of 6 September plan for its to and that framework meeting resolved dedication Western Organisation on us Sahara mission continue of motion in question. will country. the the force implementation set Western observers into After the is held legitimacy manifesting chanqe, his of and respect times, situation Secretary-General current new war the first guaranteeing its and which Thiu to underscored peaceful continant of satisfaction the (OIC), Gulf justice law, thus of reconciliation African a mean8 cooperation spirit the within Turkey, August. of end au particular the last the by Conference Istanbul direction of meeting The in international a eource proposed Islamic since this supremacy is the as 10 of direction. change happiness for in of favour repeal Act political of - the the my the Land Acts, pillars Turkey of would a like JB/l5 10 A/46/pB, 64-65 (&rb;t. Gira~, to see a speeding up of the process negotiation of on the new constitution leading to the establishment of a democratic and mm-racial which will give it the opportunity community of of the domestic strife of setioua preoccupation for Wewelcome the Baker-Pax&in accord provides for an end to the delivery nest January. initiative which baa brought untold to the Afghan people looms prominently amongthe problems disturbing peace in Asia and is a source political place in the nations. The continuation suffering South Africa, regaining it8 rightful of Turkey) of We hope that tbis measure solution Turkey. announced on 13 September which military will supplies to tbe parties facilitate as of the quest for a along the lines of the Secretary-General's launched on 21 May 1991. Such a solution calls latest peace for the setting up of a Government representing alll segments of Afghan society which, in turn, requires an inter-Afghan dialogue. Hence, emphasis at this stage should be put on the promotion of a sustained dialogue between the Afghan parties that must be conducted alongside the ongoing consultations concerned. amongthe countries A/46/W.10 66 Dk/jh (prr. Gixax. a friend As further of the Afghau people, to the search The situation concern for us. itself a political settlement to contribute in Afghanistan. in Jassnu and Kashmir also continues to be a source reflection be found in of It is our sincere hope that the mutual resolve manifesting in the ongoing dialogue between Pakistan and India will positive uill for is prepared Turkey Turkey) also find its in Kashmir and that a peaceful settlement of the dispute with the relevant accordance United Nations resolutions and the provisions of the Sirsla Agreement. Throughout the past year the Turkish Republic have worked Turkey political eguality intensively of two the comprehensive and lasting sides solution in to between two national comunities Cyprus a fair for solution based with identities lack of their of core of the problem. a joint Both the partn8rship State and its existed in 1960 caaseto a violent end within om. three pears. joint Government. A solution in Cyprus will been governing themselves separately circumstancea and within to no way be the source of future conflicts extensive framework agreement; ground Government that In the 28 years State nor a that have This solution should fully of both sides and new take should in in the island and beyond. During the present process under the Secretary-General's offices, This is the enable the two parties rights and interests in authority come together to share power under a new partnership. into account the legitimate problem !Che reality political that have followed since then, there has been neither a joint joint the We are seeking a to represent and speak for both peoples of the island. competent on complicated and delicate very the past 28 years has been the for Northern Cyprus and in Syprus islsnd. the a of mission has been covered towards developing a draft but serious differences of good overall have remained between the two A/46/PV.10 67 Nwjh rides an vital between months attended by the by Turkey the time all Turkish by Greece after aspects the of between process. We are direct contacts. greatly agreement on issues these This on Cyprus as equal proposal, side. Despite has continued is emerged in the island parties this to rejection, wide reached full at the support. such a meeting have and was rejected to enjoy that to be intended of the Secretary-General, Cypriot has leaders level. on Cyprus that meeting Cypriot political the two sides point can be reached direct contacts convinced that, which will this be called future. the parties can take agreement We hold in Cyprus profoundly the two leaders of narrowing believe near continue should the likelihood We in the between the two communities enhanced. two parties and Greek and the Greek this lack mistrust an a quadripartite to the mission meeting on Turk& on of the problem. We hope that proposed Cypriot understanainq only depends Giray. island. at a high of a high-level place in the impetus The general settlement ago Turkey an13 Greece a strong idea A the two parties Four give issues. (Mt. existing to be both on to cooperate and the deep to complicate in Cyprus differences necessary the view resume would and natural and share the power be between under a settlement. At the same establishing Recently calls time, measures is an urgent a new and constructive the Turkish for there Cypriot in order and to establish to create a peaceful relationship parliament the implementation without a need for delay for based unanimously their relationship. to on mutual adopted of confidence-building atmosphere constructive basis the parties between move towards respect. a resolution which and goodwill the two sides NR/ jh A/46/PV.10 66 ( MsLsirAy, As freely on a result of negotiated a new and at the moment is confrontation know Turkish Let me now we economic The and opportunities in to second providing a the past. EV~D the difficult session though difficulties and continues to The be themselves, there of debt even for on the the three economic will bring is the past in are factors: performance the economy developing the policies of the has At countries that industrialised held during been helpful we are seen in integration, unchanged. terms The of Despite trade, these countries hopeful. would they bring present developing be the and global problems. to on anything essentially We political effect debate towards reasons required path. Council many two change. should unfavourable in of is Central unlike poverty, growth there of developments. remain consent their high-level environmental economic growth global the profound having tendency from The policies, decade the constructive and Social these stands positive countries The a greater serious though the economic suffer and in now by a unrelenting this the to What about also ray problem on issues. are Economic of of pursue of of unsatisfactory, prospects primarily of still foreign pursuit countries. convergence great Cypriots. Greek the approach the to Union the based years understanding countries excessive Soviet lead agreement economic developing problems developing based the ready recent to even-handed the integration the a better witnessjag and international in an an which greater of regular of is side settlement, and side witnessed Europe support mentality to Turkish for Cypriots Cypriot turn the calls recriminations a Dew front. Eastern stage in not have by acceptable Turkish but the changes the new cormsunity parties: the efforts mutually This plane. international equal these ma Imy 1 will appear to be adopt countries and the A/46/PV.l0 69-70 NR/jh (Mr.*.. EiKRYI ability of the effective of international policier The progress foreign debt, countries ahould by encompass all debt and to the narrow the However. by for gap the Deljt reduction the The with to agreements anticipation. Round by successfully between special countries themsslvss and trade implementation the of overall for volume certain case-by-case approach emphasis on to break the Group of before the end I wish to will and well-being of all nationa. the attainment of our conunoz~ promote industrialired decisions In in Trade the leeat regard this to burden of a very provides economic growth end countries. diminishes important Seven of to the negotiations. the trade. protectionism Many trade Assembly ie developing of of countriea development trade. conclubion, General developing their for expanded Uruguay the imbue, nations, persistence declaration of up compsred debt some debtor pursue opportunity In the to back couatrier. modest. rise vehicle important the on to hry) countries. A major offered syetem developing remains given foreign the achieved have developed economic .7 the depend respect, concluding possibilities on we the welcome these eucceue of the negotiations 1992. reiterate be our fruitful My objective. delegation hope and will that this contribute pledges to aeasion forty-sixth to contribute the security fully to A/46/PV. 71 Mr. congratulationa General on his Assembly only to this Organiratloa. which him him all Melta at election its far but has had long in his hia endeavours succerunful President of I. alao tic* friaudship the General to Asoembly Malta Lithuania to membership of that independent the United prevails, brazen the Nations power is Saudi Assembly 12 months I have ita Republics vindication Eimed at the annihilation Their countenance come to that of Their of Notions. delegation to of a know him as session. new Member States Nations. the I wish to me in my work asset forty-fifth the with relations. General an to Arabia, the of not contribution of were and nations a tribute support the can never United my joined Estonia, joining of of Latvia the the Organisation of independent here where by those the and judgemant three presence a situation are bartered have is a lesson aggression who have the to do so. that, dignified appeal country, we have Member of Rations is League and where peoples The fact the I avail having of His heard United We welcome Korea. of the the work the United pact of and diplomatic him of welcomen countries on an aggression members the Shihabi he represents, past at congratulate nations. Republics, the Ambassador and dedicated friendship the to Wia election country and advice of history presidency and assure cormnunity as sovereign, of Durinq His wish the to bring conclusion. personally. the extend long-standing to task to session. his also success for to forty--sixth personally Halta I wish (Halts): 10 the this Highness him this Nations Democratic myself of this is time the last year Emir of morning evidence People’s opportunity heard Kuwait as head of of this Republic in this for the a liberated Assembly liberation the of sovereign his State resolve. of to thank Korea the and the respective Republic Of Governments A/46/Pv.10 72 of two now Uembere there the Goner81 A8membly the United the Nation@ maturity the the the Ielandm, which. dimenmion regiatrr it8 Halts.8 the for foreign policy by strengthening pluralistic society We believe the world. the where that the of all in and respect this end of state Council, here certainly aeven will the Republic have reached contribute to other Malta United environment it8 political true identity norma where mutual My country values to Nations. nation6 the wanted of respect will and that believe8 nation8 a in identify justice. involving pluralism, life ls in larger have To those affairs and the doe8 the promotion freedom8, contributed Nations bipolarism, a8 it is observance of basic social for an indivisible. we have United the democratic of peace countrier, of for dimension, of of will, that and Trurteeship and upheld. these aa a result. the in Organisation. to project 20 months the join Korea. of Microneria presence i8 standards We at of the to of two delegation8 their of States univer8ality human spplications their unification through recognition past marginalized outcome indication the the and social the world During almost that and better interdependent bipolar and underrtanding to of freedom rights, progrers dialogue foster are encouraged COn8OlidatiOn with human of and of a democratic all for further themselves of preaence our confidence right8 the the Federated the aa President that applications 8UppOrt capital8 of Their of their filing and independence. Pacific me in the to lead time, In 8pon8oring equal help welco-r Uarehall ooversignty to to prior will of My country of receiving I am confident Organisation. in for may is to lived who think I suggest emerging. the this that that termination of bipolarism and were a unipolar there The statement is a world is no made to this A/46/W. 73-75 Assembly by Prerident of intention building rtriving on situation in countries, Union Rapublic of China and the maintenance the of political concept this new the States in are indeed the been in should, not only rights - but also the right to work. abstract the contribute they new must the countries are the the towards and order golden not world’8 fundamental in their a juridical juridical and that human is a silent problems, concrete are the right rights the social live, rights links and in it up. freedoms, these and the are as invaluable right which human involving, important to the intrinsically reality, - evolving, that We believe nature rights: that thread aspects conventions. social The the involves but of world be must international not in but medium-mixed of the economic and many of People’s gti~n&lfl can a is groups approach global small where international covers rights, this of America, the and Nstion8, countries of Conmnunity, which the or a multipolar on United concept in the For the dimension first defined bared reality exist. multipolar The be no approach States political that the countries, United countries, of economic, new reiterate security. human certain has e par.wFyr~m1Cr A multipolar European assuming cannot human-dimension correlated. themselves we and and of The are medium-sired peace They In have and majority majority. both Japan Staton reflect8 The the United reeking obrervance. where Republics, order small it.8 themselves. However, world in ir the aspirations, scenario Socialist international are all affirming responsibilitier. involve UI that but and international Soviet world a Q= 4rmclr;snr on continue of the responsibility depend8 an saruring for shared that evolving Bush, 10 to interdependent. they in shelter, A/46/W. 76 ltMs/16 10 (teL_QrHar~-Mal~) The second that protect8 aapact the cover8 the individual principle from the the of nrbitrnry rule law, of rrsrciso or the power prlncipla a?d from di8crim1nation. The third freedom of cover8 election8. one vote” man, evolving of society of the that concept to the an ideology concept for the of international artificial (W46lPV.6. p. view, Chapter arrangements, regional the VIXI of vorld order Conference enactment of arrangement8 Within this the the United be examined the State8 COntXpt on Security of free principle of “OIIU once”. of any psrticular world necessary area order It ir compliance of cannot any interference in 1s to ensure Ln this the USSR, Boris of which now machinery Hay I refer and matter8 pretext maintenance should of the Minister in this in has no frontier. enforcement. Foreign themselves the new international create where context Pankin, that with longer be diamisssd internal affairs”. 77) the initiative to iosuer The new international in the mandatory commitments the manifest “one man, one vote, in Nation8 rights can in 801~) countries human dimension receiver human arrangements association democracy, based on the dictatorship made by the “specific under the United statement of pluralintic Unfortunately, ha8 shown that important this of ha8 been amended to The demise sector concept basic and freedom asmsmbly and regular the Helsinki of pesce Nations with development themselves of regional and Cooperation Final is Act, increasing the and security. Charter, to of pacific with encouraging or by reference regional through settlement from the of Malta forma in Europe (CSCE). Ever as a result 8UCh disputes Security arrangements, and also regional In my Government’s dealing a view the need for part since of Malta’s Council. of the the on EME/lR A/46/W. 77 10 (fir, insistence and at is far challenges and the the best Middle formula considar to an Council resolutions all therofore favour Baker is USSR, Bo~.is Pankin, peace in settlements in further prejudice the The a matter other concept the an also the can occupied of the of human the a lasting in for may eventually sovereignty of dimension involved all, that not United but we involved. Foreign We Secretary Minister the Israel are, problem8 a Security States settlement8 of which the prospects of and of its will be, could SOlUtiOn. faces only the for us creating face. in the and one hand United war Sea, is the issues the of Adriatic On the yis-b-via a result we parties by is to still parameters cessation which have as the human country a State those however, just a country concern of view, the is themselves our great aDd iu the These Yugoslavia, situation Organization with indeed end on Nations, which In territories. for grave to only an which initiative security However, together initiative and East. conference United Within bring Middle peace implementation (1973). to and the be the contributing. difficulties in to is 338 start the comprehensively. cane the in for ISurope social international of not and and situation in Mediterranean, economic the Malts) security The prospects that problem this encourage region the involvement intended is situation the in (1967) prospects Mediterranean: the conferences, undertaking, the creating which all and State itself the initiatives The the the between recognirecl. peace. maintain approach 242 been prejudicing with The end end. of linkage countries, and East, to encourage for are c nferences, means a lake We believe the has African question region. in being North Cyprus the Conference, Uediterranean from facing the peace Iielrinki in the security however, in the do MUCQ. activities Nations, problems there is on taking the A/48/PV. 78 EMS/18 10 (Hr , do H~CCQ, There place. ia On the ent.it.ies. bodies which which these a result of and colonialism, solutiona YugoFlnvia in Africa, which need The to take position of in the situation which of force We hope a negotiated are seeking that carry all republics peace to create. the on worthy the benefit the of to reassert of a new We believe CSCE and impose the European in reaching the uae Yugoslavia of force irr that order to and we and defuse stability a in the through the use future. in new and aspirations. and the countries conquests aolutiona principles the other restore and leaders Europe that to people for military the in security to deserves. Great of CSCE the consequences and wara, and approach. situation fundamental situation of preferring battered. concerns as complexities in of and are circumstances political the unacceptability efforts serious will situations the a threat such similar bartered own aometimea situations the to their and of that course have State a different realism legitimate the become in may all for could Any attempt on require awareneae full today my Government country region. baaed in to the moved, realism of fully stability constituent be account participating armed to and who react through been and voluntarily - international the which sometimea herald where, past are the may have the with also in to In the within - peoples entities subject and natlonal are protection entitiea larger this but peoples aenaitivity are at minoritioo many of themselves, from therefrom, Europe parameters circumstances, looking situation the group national minorities, nntional themselves resulting nstional the Rut historical We are in of out and disengage The set belong. identity to issue have national between a dirtinction Halta) Yugoalavia and as to a means international Community in its achieve order is making we a A/46/W. 79-60 pouitivo contribution to bring the called partior upon to particular and, to rhouldar ratereoca Dirarmamant conmnunity. the exceeds developing countries, equivalent of is ultimate weapons, enviragad dealinq billion. cold over Uatioor may in the Charter, with roqional annual war, foreign the and above the reduction of the be international l rpoodituro military of third the spend a8 a wholo amount they trying arrangomantr. for tragedy ueapone, ia United objective To add to to procure with Carrington, receive world, an in economic aid. Malta their the Lord The to be a priority cent of rettlemnt. VIII, eod of $900 23 par servicer rssponribilitiee continuer world-wide the peaceful to Chapter Darpito development a throuqh 10 in favour elimination, and in favour production, Government security-building of stockpiling is in favour the in of the favour complete and use of of meaauree of action on the high weapons with a balanced prohibition chsmical urgent nuclear the of and biological being seas. taken of reduction to a view to conventional development, weaponr. apply My confidence- and A/l6/PV.10 61 t-1 As aa island disarmement should feature which process to cover and Mediterranean is unfolding sea-based as well State, prominently Malta advocates in international in Europe in nuclear as airborne sites. that naval negotiations. disarmament The must be extended Aa much as we need open skies we need open 6888. The CSCE process security has entered and cooperation a uev and important is emerging from phase. Vancouver A concept to Vladivostok. A of common vocabulary is being used. The Charter of Paris is a milestone in both the . political and the social fields. Malta's role in the new Europe has been appropriately addressed by its Webelieve that the Europeau to join the European Cornunity. . Community. to live up to its responsibility as the motor force leading to . European unity, has to be outward looking and ready for enlargement. We are application amongst those who believe that a process of in-depth structuriug does not hinder its enlargement. The intergovernmental cooperation, constitute conferences leading to monetary union and political coupled with the acauis communitairg process, should a barrier qualifications not between the Twelve and the rest in Europe that have the and the political will It is, in our view, relevant to join. to give due weight the Community, but may ue suggest that Hallstein's the aspect of market concept of the European Community - not being "in business, we are in politics" precedence in the proper evaluation to - should take of the Conmuhity's role in Europe and the world. Malta's role in Europe is linked to its role in the Mediterranean. Itideed, we believe that Malta's participation in the Cornunity will further strengthen the cooperation between the Cornunity and the southern countries of A/46/W. JP/w0 10 82 (t!h~~.~) the Within Mediterranean. and cooperation security support to In the realiring of that this butter in one part are the As President also that the that measures both bilateral On this be I have The which has has that in the to make just, issue already of to billioam our the is of It necemsary society, world the in la the l tructuras harbouring to mouatainm from hunger dying the of mm and woman and hunger. refugees and more, for our conventions whom I wrote to and want the Cotmniesioner economic of in and the environment initiative the United taken cover economic of on boat Hations from so and assistance, unfortunate through circumstances. both the Refugees. its development. the the “hunger-refugees”, relegate global is to in cannot equitable effact and apply. be these development do not Albanian for economic this strifs the indications Organization of to of of further in victina presence to encourage positive High the extended received an whore today’s sources secure taken of curtain initiatives be field on problem coamciance of misery referring that this to give ham to be the Assembly multilateral and spectator General only on removed. “refugees” and We believe a more the a conforoace and continua touched of humanity hunger-refugees considered Secretary-General for be of matter it world, suggesting concept itself, part not but against while of we advocate to create 15 million Secretary-General, peoplb, a life Organisation witnessing We have drought. Ratioam lead indictmant eraam of havr a poverty to our enaurs He exists at birth responsibility also lorum. qmatora The United thero that are condenaad other Mediterranean debato world. coacept in the Maditerraneaa, Worntorn general this developing mere this Far spearhead role to from of that of relegating its activities society. particular the interest adverse to consequences my Government, of climate a A/46/PV*lQ 03 JP/MO ( f!L. .dh_nREEPL-MaAh) change. The United held in Jraril convention in June of iasuea warming and sea-level generations concern affecting - all context For this the of of the freedoms world the Secretary-General "This . . . is not Organisation: United We think Organization. it Nations." that bears the To meet of mankind, of at intensive the rights the already proposed its to functions matters of global future attention. For they generations. the Asaembly under and men but the in particular future the should affecting to play that Charter, alao the hie on the its role progress the should be the conunon and heritage its the peace, standards Nations. between and the to defend and better United For this principal Secretariat. of organs As of working - the the of the internal the guardianship of peace exercised by the must be at the of v&20) of frugality new challenges which the international basis life, purpose report, an issue principle the particular for social in (A/46/1, in trust in Council merely of mankind, constant linkage out years Malta our a second-generation pointed a framework of require to be able Security three to be humanity. and to promote Assembly, us in to be a constitutional has to affecting to an everlasting into of Government concern Territories Organization has to evolve General we have with Council concerns by in addition be entrusted Trusteeahip heritage which kept adoption conclusion problems are snd Development, Assembly. common subjecta Council, only common the by the General the are this Trusteeship there a fitting rise, that matters Within the on Environment consider taken the affecting seabed, it change, session Issues live will on an initiative forty-third common 1992, on climate negotiations not Conference Rations our situation to A/46/Pv. 84-05 JP/MO her oponod up finaacial not 9FeateF be because this at less service of are will and the the three, of fOUF, world SiX, ContempOFaFy the of of the in to eLIsure optimal of the Order of priaciple that the FOsUltO. Nations to have world the United the moral think we General Nations Assembly and where a strong lead in the conflict-warning the peace as give importance but a rtronper sad fo~ource~ that strength the and following principal organs, its with links with the Security Secretariats enhancing particularly five, to creation reinforce spent. peoples more the United the need important: reference two, be will a revitalisation particular we orpFessed second-generation the one, Council Ilatioa8 involvement considsrations the Uaited We have financial tar to the connitmeat. frugality, to for 10 peace-keeping such by the the mobilisation of as a modern and societies, to forces a presence regulating well systems; United all and human solutions adequate approach particular sale resources to the the United and in for the the Useful Nations transfer provide in iS Of the of Nations in order Fequiredt disarmament process, arms) to fight refugee problems against poverty tragedy; afflicting fight against drugs, AIDS centre against natural and and terrorism; seven, disasters: the creation of an emergency man-made in NW20 A/486/PV. 66 eight, the additional role to safeguard the environment, concerns future for nine, giving founders up of an efficient considered eleven, as a body designed of manhind and common 8ystem of international the relevance conceived security by the Nations: re-evaluating arrangements Council the common heritage 43 and 45 of the Charter of the United ten. of the Trusteeship generations; the setting Articles 10 and re-assessing under Chapter the development of the purpoaea and aims of regional VIII of the Charter: snd respect for international law, not only in its classic spheres but also in economic and environmental development; twelve, the accentuation of the role Nations, giving the humandimension its social progress and better We have tri8d of the iudividual rightful standards of life prominence in promoting in larger freedoms. in this statement to give the views and reactions of a country with lixnited dimensions, but with geostrategic Mediterranean, Nations. relevance in the to the problems of today and to the concept of the United Malta has tried the principle8 in the United to give ita contribution of tie Charter within with other nations towards a context of the new international situation. For it is to the United Nations that peoples throughout the world are entrusting future. their and dedication The United Nations has generated a aenae of service to the cause of man livieg the concept of peace in freedom. May I in this context express to the Secretary-General of my country for his dedication has given a decade of hia life I suggest that for to the cause of peace. Mr. the sincere thanks Perez de Cuellar to this Organisation as Secretary-General. the Secretary-General these past 12 months have perhaps May A/46/PV.10 67 RM/20 (Mr. beea the most difficult conflict natural Having been close to express We my deep in that in a man of the occupation peace gifted to the Secretary-General of Kuwait with great during de Marco. created in him a sensitivity these paat 12 Malta) for mankind. months* I vant admiration for hia services in the cause of peace. are all facing the unknown, but it is au uuksown for which we possess a compass. Although the present and latent many, this forty-sixth difficulties and problems are year of the United Nations can herald a greater commitment to the cause of peace and justice. Wehave a unique opportunity create a new international vords of Henri Bergson, order. in the present international situation We cannot miss this opportunity. "Time is a path you do not pass over tvice." today's challenge for building tomorrov's future. The meetinq rose at 1.15 0.m. to In the That is
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