Baryons over An,baryons: the nuclear physics of Sakharov Rob Timmermans Monday, July 25, 2016 Andrei Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-‐1989) - - - - “Father of the Soviet H-‐bomb” Soviet dissident AcKvist for disarmament, peace and human rights Nobel peace prize 1975 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 2 June 15, 1989: Honorary doctorate in law @ Univ. Groningen 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 3 A. D. Sakharov, JETP LeL. 5, 24 (1967) Note: on the arXiv 50 years ago! 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 4 Baryon-‐to-‐photon density Hot Big Bang cosmology - Ma[er-‐anKma[er symmetric → very li[le le\! But: Universe is ma[er dominated - Baryon-‐to-‐photon raKo (CMB & BBN) Asymmetry is “primordial” Major quesKon: - Why so small? How so big? - Can we calculate it from first principles? 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 5 The Sakharov criteria for baryogenesis ViolaKon of fermion number - Baryon and/or lepton number → “accidental symmetries” in SM - B+L current is anomalously broken, B−L conserved - Probed by searches for proton decay & neutron-‐anKneutron oscillaKons ViolaKon of C and CP - CPT theorem → CP violaKon equivalent to T violaKon - Probed by K0 and B0 decays, neutrinos, searches for EDMs Departure from thermal and chemical equilibrium - Expansion of the Universe or 1st-‐order phase transiKon SM fails abysmally… - Primordial B−L asymmetry + more CP violaKon needed 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 6 Towards a successful predic,on of η ? Baryogenesis in GUTs - Dim-‐6 operators conserve B-‐L → mostly B+L asymmetry Electroweak baryogenesis - Role of CKM phase? Higgs mass = 125 GeV? SUSY? Baryogenesis via leptogenesis - A[racKve connecKon to neutrino mass via seesaw mechanism AlternaKve: Equilibrium baryogenesis via CPT violaKon - Quantum gravity (e.g. string theory) → spontaneous CPT violaKon … 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 7 E Scales in Sakharov ΛPlanck = 1019 GeV ΛGUT = 1018 GeV? Quantum gravity GUTs? Λseesaw = 1014 GeV? Origin of neutrino mass? Λnew = 1-‐10 TeV? ΛFermi = 100 GeV “New physics”? (SUSY?) Electroweak theory ΛQCD = 1 GeV Λnuc ≈ 100 MeV QCD χPT Λatomic QED 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 8 Some issues Issues in non-‐equilibrium and effecKve QFT? - Can these tools be combined? Which experiments are needed? - What if B/L and CP violaKon is found? What is needed for a successful η in terms of B/L and CP violaKon? - Size of the dim-‐6 operators in the SM EFT? InterpretaKon of nuclear-‐scale experiments - Strong-‐interacKon matrix elements → What can LQCD do? - Which calculaKons are needed as input to nuclear EFT? What to do with nuclear many-‐body systems? - Atomic and nuclear EDMs? Neutrinoless double-‐β decay? … 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 9 The killer EDM electron Example: Can we exploit these data? System Group 205Tl Berkeley YbF Imperial Eu0.5Ba0.5TiO3 Yale Limit in e cm C.L. Value in e cm Year 1.6 × 10−27 90% 6.9(7.4) × 10−28 2002 10.5 × 10−28 90 −2.4(5.7)(1.5) × 10−28 2011 6.05 × 10−25 90 −1.07(3.06)(1.74) × 10−25 2012 1.7 × 10−26 90 −4.4(9.5)(1.8) × 10−27 2013 PbO Yale HfF+ JILA ThO Harvard & Yale 8.7 × 10−29 90 −2.1(3.7)(2.5) × 10−29 2014 muon E821 BNL g−2 1.8 × 10−19 95 0.0(0.2)(0.9) × 10−19 2009 neutron Sussex-‐RAL-‐ILL 3.0 × 10−26 90 −0.21(1.82) × 10−26 2015 129Xe UMich 6.6 × 10−27 95 0.7(3.3)(0.1) × 10−27 2001 199Hg UWash 7.4 × 10−30 95 −2.20(2.75)(1.48) × 10−30 2016 225Ra ANL 1.4 × 10−23 95 4(6)(0.2) × 10−24 2016 25-‐7-‐2016 ? Sakharov@ECT* ? 2016 10 Workshop schedule Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 B. Dev E. Mereghe| T. Kuwahara S. Inoue Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee 11:00-‐12:00 Z. Berezhiani U. Meissner S. Gardner A. Wirzba C. Schat 12:00-‐13:00 J. de Vries F. Oosterhof K. Fuyuto J. Noordmans B. Garbrecht Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch A. Ritz M. Buchoff A. Tureanu Coffee Coffee Coffee 16:30-‐17:30 V. Flambaum W. Dekens V. Gudkov G. Nardini 17:30-‐18:30 E. Shintani N. Mavromatos Discussion: Quo vadis? 9:30-‐10:30 IntroducKon Coffee Lunch 15:00-‐16:00 M. Ramsey-‐ Musolf Coffee Buffet Thursday 28 Friday 29 N. Yamanaka Conference dinner Cocktail of the 3 criteria 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 11 A historical curiosity “La structure et l’évoluKon de l‘Univers” Onzième conseil de physique, Bruxelles, 9-‐13 juin 1958 J. Robert Oppenheimer a\er talk “ The arrow of Kme” by T. Gold “If the weak interac4ons of atomic physics would – contrary to expecta4on – not be invariant for 4me inversion, would this have any consequences for cosmological or cosmogonic ques4ons? ” 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 12 Enjoy the workshop! Council of Trent, 1545-‐63 25-‐7-‐2016 Sakharov@ECT* 13
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