Quadrupole collectivity in the Ni isotopes: relativistic Coulex of 73,74,75Ni A. Gottardo1, G. de Angelis1, P. Doornenbal2, G. Benzoni3, J. Lee2, H. Liu2, M. Matsushita4, D. Mengoni5, V. Modamio-Hoybjor1, S. Momiyama6, T. Motobayashi2, D. Napoli1, M. Niikura6, E. Sahin7, Y. Shiga2,8, H. Sakurai2,6, R. Taniuchi6, S.Takeuchi2, H. Wang2,12, J.J. Valiente-Dobón1, R. Avigo3,11, H. Baba2, N. Blasi3, F.L. Bello Garrote7, F. Browne2,9, F.C.L. Crespi3,11, S. Ceruti3,11, R. Daido12, M.-C. Delattre13, D. Fang12, Zs. Dombradi14, T. Isobe2, I. Kuti14, G. Lorusso2, K. Matsui5, B. Melon15, T. Miyazaki5, S.Nishimura2, R. Orlandi16, Z. Patel2,17, S. Rice2,17, L. Sinclair2,18, P.A. Söderström2, D. Sohler14, T. Sumikama19, R. Taniuchi5, J. Taprogge20,21, Zs. Vajta14, H. Watanabe2,22, O. Wieland3, J. Wu2,19, Z. Y. Xu5, M. Yalcinkaya23, R.Yokoyama4 1INFN, 3INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro (Padova), Italy. 2RIKEN, Nishina Center,Tokyo, Japan. sezione di Milano, Milano Italy. 4CNS, University of Tokyo, Tokyo,Japan. 5Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy. 6University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 7University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 8Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. 9Peking University, Beijing, China. 10Brighton University, Brighton, UK. 11Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. 12Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. 13IPN Orsay, Orsay, France. 14MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary. 15INFN sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy. 16Instituut voor Kern- en StralingsFysica/K.U., Leuven, Belgium. 17University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. 18University of York, York, UK. 19Tohoku University, Tokyo, Japan. 20Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Espagna. 21Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Espagna. 22Beihang University, Beijing, China. 23University of Instambul, Instambul, Turkey. INTRODUCTION Doubly-magic nuclei located in very exotic regions of the nuclear chart are key elements in nuclear structure studies. The appearance or disappearance of the shell gaps associated with magic numbers in very exotic nuclei is strongly related to the single-particle energies of nucleon orbitals and to the residual interactions among valence nucleons. The 100Sn and 78Ni regions are fundamental in this regard and they are the focus of the efforts of many research laboratories in the world. Indeed from the N=Z=50 100Sn, located at the proton drip line, to the neutron rich N=50 78Ni, with N/Z=1.78, it is nowadays possible to have access to the shell structure of these isotones including the residual interactions, spin-isospin and shape correlations. This very large excursion in isospin also allows magnifying and probing the isovector part of the nuclear mean field. In particular, the tensor part of the spin-isospin term of the residual interaction has been predicted to modify the single-particle structure, inducing a collective behavior in this region [1]. For the Ni isotopic chain the filling up of the g9/2 neutron orbit is expected to induce a strong core polarization due to the spin-isospin interaction which enhances the B(E2:2+ → 0+), a measure of the quadrupole collectivity. In the specific case of 68-78Ni isotopes, it is predicted that the Z=28 gap for protons in the pf-shell becomes smaller moving from 68Ni to 78Ni as a result of the attraction between the proton f5/2 and the neutron g9/2 orbits and repulsion between the proton f7/2 and neutron g9/2 configurations, thus modifying or even inverting the effective single-particle states [2]. This change in the nuclear structure should induce significant quadrupole collectivity in the 2+ excited states. Indeed, the cause of the large B(E2:2+→0+) value observed in 70Ni has been attributed to these effects [2] EXPERIMENTAL SETUP We have performed an intermediate energy Coulomb excitation study of the 73,74,75Ni isotopes, in order to fix the seniority-scheme pattern of the B(E2) strength. The measurement has been performed during the experimental campaign of EURICA [3] in conjunction with a decay experiment focused on the 78Ni region. Neutron rich Ni isotopes were produced by fission of a 238 U beam at a bombarding energy of 345 MeV/u, with an average intensity of 10 pnA. The resulting fragments were analyzed using the BigRIPS separator [4] and transported to a secondary natural Pb target for Coulex reactions. After this target, the ions were again analyzed in the ZeroDegree spectrometer and delivered down to the final focal plane. Figure 1 shows the typical identification plot for this spectrometer: in the ordinate the measured atomic number, while in the abscissa the measured A/q (mass over charge) ratio. The gamma rays from Coulex have been detected by the DALI2 spectrometer [5] in coincidence with the recoiling ions identified at the focal plane of the ZeroDegree spectrometer. 74 Ni Fig. 1. Identification plot for the ions after the secondary target in the Zero-Degree spectrometer. PRELIMINARY RESULTS The analysis has been carried out at LNL. A preliminary gamma spectrum, after selection on 74Ni ions, is reported in figure 2. The gamma peak corresponding to the 2+ →0+ de-excitation at 1024 keV of 74Ni is clearly visible. Fig. 2. The gamma-ray spectrum detected in DALI2 after selection on 74Ni. The 2+→0+ transition at 1024 keV is clearly visible. Fig. 3. The angular distribution of the 74Ni recoils after elastic and inelastic scattering on the secondary Pb target. The angular distribution for the 74Ni recoils has also been measured, as shown in figure 3. This is fundamental for thecalculation of the Coulex cross section and the validation of the optical potential which will be employed in the analysis. Decay-spectroscopy measurements [6] with EURICA were performed at the final focal plane in conjunction with the in-beam part. A complete data cross check is still to be performed and the analysis is in progress. [1] T. Otsuka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 082502 (2001) [2] O. Perru et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 232501 (2006) [3] P.-A. Söderström et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B317, 649 (2013). [4] T. Kubo: Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B204, 97 (2003). [5] S. Takeuchi et al.: RIKEN Acc. Prog. Rep. 36, 148 (2003). [6] G. Benzoni, Riken annual report 2013.
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