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Office Hours / Horas de la Oficina
Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes:
8:00am - 4:00pm
Closed for lunch 11:30am-12:00pm
For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral
needs, please call: 951-782-7246
Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote,
o por necesidades funerarias, por favor llame:
Sunday / Domingo: 9:00am -12:00pm
For the Mass schedule, please
see the back of this bulle n.
Pastoral Coordinator
Deacon Steve Serembe, ext 112
Priest Moderator
Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127
Priest Ministers
Rev. Francis Goode, O.P., ext 114
Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113
Mike Bellinder, ext 122
Ayed “Eddie” Khader, ext 110
Steve Serembe, ext 112
Business Manager
Sherry Harder, ext 115
Director of Mission Advancement
Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128
Director of Liturgy and Music
Carlo Argo , ext 140
Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Carrell Jamilano, ext 131
Youth Ministry Assistant
Erick Marquez, ext 134
Coordinadora de los Ministerios
Hispanos Ester Ruvalcaba, ext 126
Director of Faith Formation
Karen Grozak, ext 135
Faith Forma on Assistant
Martha Plumb, ext 136
Confirma on Coordinator
Monica Aguilar, ext 129
Liturgy and Confirma on Assistant
Carlos Uribe, ext 134
Parish Secretaries
Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110
Maria Butler, ext 118
Development Data Clerk
Vicky Magistrado, ext 128
Custodial Staff
José and Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110
January 22, 2017: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 8:23 — 9:3—
The burdens that were once laid upon the
people have been vanquished.
Psalm 27—
The Lord is my light and my salva on.
1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17—
Paul exhorts the believers at Corinth:
As there is one Christ, so too must there
be no divisions among you.
Gospel according to Ma hew 4:12-23 —
A er calling his first disciples, Jesus goes
throughout Galilee teaching, proclaiming
the gospel, and curing the people.
In St. Paul’s me, the church was so new that everyone remembered how they came
to the faith. It seems that some people in Paul’s me actually boasted about who
bap zed them. They acted as if they were be er Chris ans because of the person
whose preaching first a racted them.
Paul, of course, would have no part in those rivalries. In fact, you can almost hear Paul
laughing when he talks about people who consider Christ as just another leader of
one of the fac ons. Christ should be the sign of unity for all Chris ans, not just one
congrega on. While no one says they want to divide the body of Christ, I’m sure you
know someone who thinks the only way to have a unified Church is for everyone to
pray the same way they do.
Yet even Paul did not expect all believers to be clones of one another. He frequently
wrote about people having many different gi s. Those differences are necessary; we
need all the gi s that the Spirit gives us. So what can we do to help unify the Church?
First, do what Jesus himself did — pray for unity in the Church (John 17:20–21). Pray that
you come to know what your own gifts are, have the courage
to use them for the Church, and appreciate the gifts of others.
Second, Paul was very aware of his own weaknesses. WithThe Church is GREEN again! We have now beout weakness, how can we experience God’s strength?
gun the liturgical season of Ordinary Time; the
Instead of looking down on those with whom we disagree,
numbered weeks of the year when the Gospels
look up to see what God may be revealing to you through
take us through the life of Christ, and, if there is
-Tom Schmidt, © 2016 J. S. Paluch Co.
that person’s differences.
a general theme, it is about what it means to be
a disciple of Jesus.
Coordinator’s Corner
Last week, we joined our Chris an brothers and sisters in prayer to heal divisions and unite as One Body in Christ. We also
prayed and fasted for our country and our new President,
Donald Trump, a er an elec on campaign fraught with discord
and division.
Achieving unity can be accomplished in Christ’s Holy Name. It is
a natural outcome of our Christian call to love one another. Over
the last six months I have been encouraged by the steadfast faithfulness of Holy Name of Jesus parishioners. We worship, study,
play, eat, celebrate, and grow in two loca ons with mul ple
languages, cultural differences, socio-economic divisions; but,
while these issues may be challenging, they do not separate us
from our love for one another or for Christ. Thank you for showing me how to make my way with patience and good humor!
Over several months, we have restructured some staff duties
in the hope of improving services and building greater unity.
For example, Deacon Mike Bellinder coordinates ministries to
2017 DDF Goals
$ 124,200.00
THNJ’s Diocesan DDF Goal:
This amount will fund Seminarian
Educa on, Ministry Leader Forma on,
Catholic Schools, and charitable services
to the poor throughout the Diocese.
With every family’s par cipa on, we
will meet this goal, and when we do...
$ 174,200.00
$ 50,000.00
… WHEN we reach the TOTAL GOAL, we will receive this
amount back from the Diocese - assessment free!
This amount will be used to improve the technology
and sound systems in both parish churches... and, we
plan to take the improvements with us when we move.
Please turn to COORDINATOR’S CORNER on page 7
Our life me journey is full of change. Like Jesus in today's Gospel, circumstances may inspire or mo vate us to move
forward and embrace life in new ways. When was the last me you made a profound shi
in your life?
Start with one small change today, like giving to the DDF, and watch God transform your gi to make a difference for others
— and transform your heart with joy. Please pray about this request. Where is God asking you to take ac on? It is not too
late to start making 2017 a Holy and Transforma ve Year. Bring your DDF gi next week: January 29th - Super SOUL Sunday!
22 de enero, 2017: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Isaías 8:23 - 9:3— El Señor
glorificó el distrito de los gen les.
Salmo 27— El Señor es mi luz
y mi salvación.
1 Corin os 1:10-13, 17—
Les ruego que se pongan de
acuerdo, que no haya divisiones
entre ustedes.
Evangelio según a Mateo 4:12-23—
Cambien su vida y su corazón
porque está cerca el reino de los
Aunque quizá tengas que usar un atlas para determinar que Isaías está hablando de Galilea,
la primera lectura de hoy (parte de la cual se leyó en Navidad) profe za el futuro ministerio de
Jesús en esa provincia. La luz que trae la salvación y regocijo es, fundamentalmente, Cristo. El
tema es la liberación: liberación de la ignorancia (“ nieblas”) y también del pecado (el “yugo”).
Mientras Isaías iden fica un lugar, así Pablo describe una ac tud: la ac tud que crece, incluso
entre gente buena, de equiparar su propia voluntad con el bien común. Esto siempre origina
desacuerdo, y así ha ocurrido en Corinto. Pablo no permi rá esto; todos somos miembros del
“par do de Cristo”. El Evangelio no es para dividirnos.
Mateo cita a Isaías en el Evangelio de hoy, y presenta a Jesús como el cumplimiento de las profecías
de Isaías. El tema es “Conviértanse, porque ya está cerca el Reino de los Cielos” (Mateo 4:17). Para
difundir este mensaje, Jesús comienza a elegir discípulos, y hoy conocemos a cuatro de ellos:
Pedro, Andrés, San ago y Juan.
© 2016 JS Paluch
Rincón del Coordinador
¡La Iglesia está VERDE de nuevo! Es el empo
litúrgico del Tiempo Ordinario; las semanas
numeradas del año cuando los Evangelios nos
dan un recorrido de la vida de Cristo, y, si hay
un tema general, es sobre lo que significa ser
discípulo de Jesús.
rencias culturales, divisiones socioeconómicas; pero, aunque
estos aspectos podrían presentar un desa o, no nos separan
de nuestro amor que tenemos los unos por los otros o por
Cristo. ¡Gracias por mostrarme la manera de abrirme camino
con paciencia y buen humor!
Durante varios meses, hemos reestructurado algunos de los
deberes de los empleados con la esperanza de mejorar nuestros servicios y fortalecer la unidad. Por ejemplo, el Diácono
Mike Bellinder coordina los ministerios a los enfermos y a las
personas confinadas en casa, y ahora coordina también los
funerales. Yo estoy coordinando la preparación matrimonial.
La unidad puede lograrse en el Santo Nombre de Cristo. Es un Nuestros sacerdotes sirven y colaboran con nosotros; y, Maggie
resultado natural de nuestro llamado cris ano a amarnos los Rodríguez nos mantiene a todos organizados. ¡Gracias Maggie!
unos a los otros. La firme fidelidad de los feligreses del Santo Hemos enfrentado también los desafíos de cambios de persoNombre de Jesús me ha dado ánimo en los últimos seis meses. nal. El más reciente cuando Rosa Márquez, la Coordinadora del
Alabamos al Señor, estudiamos, jugamos, comemos, celebra- Ministerio Hispano, renunció porque necesita cuidar a sus
padres ancianos empo completo. Nuestra nueva Coordinamos, y crecemos en dos localidades, múl ples idiomas, difedora, Ester Ruvalcaba, trabajó con Rosa y nuestros líderes de
ministerio para celebrar la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El 1º de enero, Esther comenzó a crear también un proMeta Diocesano del DDF:
$ 124,200.00
grama para Quinceañeras. Mónica Aguilar ha decidió ayudar
Esta cantidad apoyará la Educación de los
en el negocio de su esposo tiempo parcial. Aunque continuará
Seminaristas, la Formación de Líderes
trabajando tiempo parcial como la Coordinadora de ConfirmaMinisteriales, las Escuelas Católicas, y
ción, ya no coordinará los ministerios litúrgicos.
servicios de Caridad para los necesitados en
toda la diócesis.
Celebrar la liturgia en dos localidades e idiomas cuadruplica
La semana pasada, nos unimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas cristianos en la oración para sanar las divisiones y unirnos
como un solo cuerpo en Cristo. También oramos y ayunamos
para nuestro país y nuestro nuevo presidente, Donald Trump,
después de una campaña electoral llena de discordia y división.
Metas del DDF del 2017
$ 174,200.00
Meta Parroquial TOTAL del DDF:
Con la par cipación de cada familia, alcanzaremos esta meta, y entonces...
$ 50,000.00
Can dad para USO PARROQUIAL:
… CUANDO alzanzaremos el TOTAL,
recibiremos esta can dad de la diócesis - sin impuestos!
Esta can dad se u lizará para mejorar la tecnología y
los sistemas de sonido en ambas Iglesias parroquiales...
and, planeamos llevarlas cuando nos mudemos.
la can dad de preparación y coordinación requerida. Aunque
Favor, mira RINCON del COORDINADOR al p. 7
This Week at Home
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of
Unborn Children; St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope
St. Francis de Sales
Wednesday: The Conversion of St. Paul
Ss. Timothy and Titus
St. Angela Merici
St. Thomas Aquinas; Chinese New Year 4715
Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 98:1-6; Mk 3:22-30,
Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 4:21-35
Heb 10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41
Zep 2:3; 3:12-13; Ps 146:6-10; 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12a
Treasures from Our Tradition
The Gift of Treasure
El Regalo de Tesoro
It’s s ll months away, but parish ministers, especially if
Jan 15, 2017
they are involved in the catechumenate, have their eyes on
Weekly Budget - Presupuesto semanal:
$ 24,326.53
Lent and the Easter Triduum. Un l fairly recent mes, the
- 21,110.28*
last few days before Easter were shaped by an awareness of Weekly Offering - Ofertorio Semanal:
the Passion, but the faithful were le to their own devices
Shortage - Déficit:
($ 3,216.25)
about how to engage with these mysteries. A thousand
* Total includes average weekly online giving.
years ago, the Easter Vigil as a solemn and central moment
El total incluye la media de las donaciones en línea semanales.
of ini a on had vanished. By the early 1950s it was a minor This year, sign up for Online Giving — the easy way to give
moment in parish life, celebrated on Holy Saturday morning, your First Fruits to the Lord. Visit: theholynameofjesus.org
usually with only the priests and a handful of invited guests. and click on the “Donate” button.
Most people understood it as necessary only for blessing
the paschal candle and preparing the Easter water. People
Bautismo / Baptism
who were children during World War II some mes remember
Los próximos Ritos de Bautismo (0 - 6 años) serán:
that the weekly noon me test of the air-raid sirens on Holy
The next Rites of Bap sm (0-6 yrs) will be:
Saturday signaled the end of Lent.
Sábados / Saturdays, Olive Ave: March 4, April 1
Today, of course, we see Holy Saturday as en rely within the
Español - 10:00am English - 11:30am
paschal fast, and hardly the me for children to be tearing
Las próximas clases pre-bautismales serán:
through the plas c grass looking for jelly beans and chocolate
The next bap sm classes are:
eggs. These memories point to a total collapse of the onceMiércoles / Wednesdays: Feb 22 or March 22
central liturgies of the Chris an year. This impoverishment of
6:30 - 9:00pm, Salón de Columbia / Columbia Hall
the liturgy was mostly an accident of history. The root cause
CLASS COST / COSTO de la CLASE: $20/familia; $20/family
was the loss of Lent as a me focused on the final forma on
of catechumens for the Easter sacraments. By 1880, scholars
began to piece together a vision of what once had been, and
slowly, at first in a handful of monasteries in Europe, pieces
of the tradi on were rediscovered and celebrated.
-Rev. James Field, © J. S. Paluch Co.
PRE-REGISTRATION... es Requerido! ...is Required!
Puede bajar las formas de registración del sitio de web parroquial.
Forms are on our website:
Las registraciones cierran UNA SEMANA antes de la clase.
Registra on is closed ONE WEEK before the class.
January 22, 2017: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Mass Intentions - Intenciones de Misa
Saturday, January 21
8:00am (O) Pro-life, Pregnant Mothers
4:30pm (O) Agueda W. Basilio, Helen Gidcumb
6:00pm (C) Papa Francisco
Sunday, January 22
7:30am (C) Agustin Quintero, Margarita Juarez,
Severa Salazar
8:00am (O) German Luanzon, Sr
9:00am (C) Manuel Miranda, Estela Miranda
10:00am (O) Amber Hernandez
10:30am (C) Feligreses del Santo Nombre de Jesus
12:00pm (O) Helen Gidcumb
5:30pm (O) Louie Hernandez
We remember and pray for those in our parish family
who have passed into eternal life:
Recordamos y oremos a aquellos que han pasado a vida eterna:
Magdalene Brown Gene Cruz
Archbishop Patricio Flores Cecilia Gomez
Jorge Triana
Monday, January 23
7:30am (O) Joanne Police Cobb
Tuesday, January 24
7:30am (O) Catherine Dowe
Wednesday, January 25
7:30am (O) Michael Martin
8:45am (O) SHA Staff & Students
Thursday, January 26
7:30am (O) Myrtle McCallum
6:30pm (C) Rev. Erik Esparza
Friday, January 27
7:30am (C) Rev. Hau Vu
Saturday, January 28
8:00am (O) Robert Sabatka
4:30pm (O) Helen Gidcumb
6:00pm (C) Jaime Ortiz
Sunday, January 29
7:30am (C) Rev. Francis Goode
8:00am (O) Fr. Leonard Krzywda
9:00am (C) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners
10:00am (O) Don Hunt
10:30am (C) Obispo Gerald Barnes
12:00pm (O) Helen Gidcumb
5:30pm (O) Carl Ganz, Sylvia Vazquez Plaza
Superbowl Sunday
Will you help serve coffee
and donuts?
Your help will provide a
place of warmth and
welcome for everyone to
gather a er Mass —
young and old, na ve Redlanders and newbies —
a place where we can get to know each other.
If you would like to help with hospitality ministry,
please contact me.
Tell me when you regularly a end Mass, and what
type of donut is your favorite!
Looking forward to mee ng you,
Sharon Callon-Schwartz (909-793-2469, ext 128).
We will not be offering the 5:30pm Youth Mass on Sunday,
February 5th, due to very li le par cipa on and the lack of
ministers for the Mass. Please come to one of our earlier
Masses that day so that you can enjoy an a ernoon of fun
watching the Superbowl. Thank you for your understanding.
Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abor on Healing Retreat
March 17th – 19th in Temecula
This retreat provides a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem
hearts broken by abor on in a confiden al and non-judgmental
environment. This retreat is open to women and men who have
been wounded by abor on.
Early registra on is recommended as space is limited.
To register or to ask ques ons, please call or email:
Dolores: 951-325-7702 RVtemecula@verizon.net
All inquiries are strictly confiden al.
Please visit our web site: www.a meformercy.org
Notre Dame High School is administering the High School Placement Test for incoming 9th graders on
Saturday, February 11th, 9am-1pm.
Please RSVP to the school. Notre Dame High School: 951- 275- 5869
Students who pass the placement test will be eligible to attend either Notre Dame High School OR Aquinas High School.
Redlands Cold Weather Homeless Shelter
The Cold Weather Shelter is open December 1st - March 30th
whenever the temperature is projected to reach 40 degrees or
colder, or if there is a 30% or greater likelihood of rain.
Our parish serves on Friday nights from 8:00 PM until
6:30 AM on Saturday morning. Teams work four hour
shi s, and each team consists of at least three members
of the Parish. Training is provided.
If you would like to make a difference in the lives of
the homeless of our community, please contact:
Frank Coe 951-990-2523 fvcoe1964@gmail.com
Sacred Heart Academy joins The Holy
Name of Jesus parish in suppor ng the
Redlands Cold Weather Shelter.
We are only collec ng ONE item….
(clean, thick and tube sock style please)
We are collec ng tube socks
throughout the cold weather.
Please drop off dona ons
Ques ons? Call our office:
Sacred Heart Academy
Academically Enriching
Passionately Catholic
Basketball Free Throw Contest
Wed, January 25, 2017
3:00 p.m., Olive Ave
Open to boys and girls, ages 10-14 years
Bring your parent and your
birth cer ficate.
Winners for each grade level
will receive
a $25 gi cer ficate.
Building Update
No cias sobre la Construcción
Since July, we have broadened
Desde julio, hemos ampliado nuestros
our demographic and growth
estudios demográficos y de crecimiento
studies and have taken a hard
y hemos hecho un análisis minucioso de
look at the cost estimates for our los costos calculados para nuestros bien
well developed building plans. For desarrollados planes de construcción.
example, on January 1st, the state Por ejemplo, el 1º de enero el estado
of California mandated new envi- de California ordenó nuevos requisitos
ronmental requirements for glass ambientales para el vidrio en la consused in construction, significantly trucción, lo cual aumenta de manera
increasing building costs. Thus,
significa va los costos de construcción.
we have reviewed how to reduce Por ende, hemos analizado la manera de
the amount of glass while retain- reducir la cantidad de vidrio a la vez que
ing the values of light and visibilconservamos los valores de la luz y la
ity. I want to reassure you that we visibilidad. Quiero reiterarles que estaare conscien ously working to
mos trabajando concienzudamente para
trim construc on costs while
recortar los costos de construcción a la
retaining the overall campus
vez que conservamos el diseño general
design and creating enough space del plantel y creamos suficiente espacio
to welcome those yet to be born para recibir a quienes aún están por
into our community. Thank you
nacer en nuestra comunidad. Gracias por
for your con nued support, pray- su constante apoyo, oraciones y aliento
ers, and encouragement as we
al con nuar nosotros esta importante
con nue this important work!
Blessings / Bendiciones,
Deacon Steve Serembe
Esta Semana en Casa
22 de enero, 2017: Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 6
Heb 9:15, 24-28; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Mc 3:22-30,
Heb 10:1-10; Sal 40 (39):2, 4ab, 7-8a, 10, 11; Mc 3:31-35
Miércoles: Hch 22:3-16 o Hch 9:1-22; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Mc 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 o Tit 1:1-5; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mc 4:21-35
Heb 10:32-39; Sal 37 (36):3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mc 4:26-34
Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lc 1:69-75; Mc 4:35-41
Domingo: Sof 2:3; 3:12-13; Sal 146 (145):6-10; 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12a
Lunes: Día de Oración por la Protección Legal de la
Criatura en el Vientre Materno; Santa Marianne
Cope; San Vicente de Zaragoza
San Francisco de Sales
Miércoles: La Conversión de san Pablo;
San Timoteo y San Tito
Santa Ángela de Meríci
Sábado: Santo Tomás de Aquino; Año Nuevo Chino 4715
Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe
Los retablos de metal son famosos en muchas partes de La noamérica. Estos pequeños retablos o laminitas con enen
imágenes de Cristo, la San sima Trinidad, María, los ángeles
u otro santo/a pintados sobre lámina, madera u otro material
para decorar los altares familiares de los hogares hispanos.
Aunque los retablos no siempre siguen las normas del arte
cristiano, los retablos latinoamericanos son bellos ejemplos de
la mezcla de culturas amerindias, europeas y africanas. Pero
no todos los retablos son pequeños. En muchas iglesias coloniales de La noamérica se encuentran retablos gigantescos
hechos de mármol o madera, cubiertos de oro y joyas que
recuerdan los grandes retablos europeos, pero con el color y
folclor la noamericano.
Originalmente, los retablos europeos eran pequeños y móviles, de tal manera que se podían colocar sobre un altar para
la celebración de la Misa. Cuando la Iglesia fue construyendo
sus propios templos, los retablos empezaron a formar parte
de la decoración de los santuarios y tomaron dimensiones
impresionantes. Los retablos pequeños pasaron a los hogares
de los fieles, quienes quieren tener a Cristo y sus santos como
parte de su diario vivir
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Thinking about ge ng married?
The Church requires a minimum of 6 months
to prepare you for the voca on of marriage.
If you have been married to another person previously - even if it was a
civil ceremony only - you will need an annulment in order to marry in
the Church; but, it is possible that this process may not take long.
PLEASE - TALK TO THE CHURCH BEFORE making any arrangements or
se ng any dates. We are happy for you and we want to help you!
Deacon Steve, ext 12
Although the Jubilee year of mercy has ended,
our call to share God's mercy never does! Over
40 Jr. High and High Schoolers, Young Adults and
Parents came to “deck the halls” of Brookside
Health Center with songs of joy, Christmas cheer,
and words of encouragement on Dec 20, 2016!
Thank you for all who came to visit our sick. It
was a blessing to sing beside you!
-Carrell, Director of Youth Ministry
January 22, 2017: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time; Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
COORDINATOR’S CORNER continued from page 1
RINCON del COORDINADOR continuando de la p. 1
the sick and homebound, and now also coordinates funerals.
I am coordina ng marriage prepara on. Our priests collaborate and minister with us; and, Maggie Rodriguez keeps
us all organized. Thank you, Maggie!
nuestro personal litúrgico de tiempo parcial y nuestros líderes
de ministerio lo han hecho extraordinariamente bien durante
varios años, sen que el Espíritu Santo nos ha inspirado a
considerar nuevas posibilidades. Después de varias conversaciones detalladas con varios empleados, concluimos que contratar a un empleado litúrgico de tiempo completo fomentaría
la unidad parroquial y nos ayudaría a prepararnos para el
futuro. Barbara Keough y Andrés Álvarez generosamente
decidieron ceder los puestos de Directora Parroquial de Música y Coordinador del Coro Hispano (y accedieron a continuar
sirviendo como ministros de música voluntarios). Después de
entrevistar a muchos candidatos altamente calificados, contratamos a Carlo Argo como Director de Liturgia y Música.
Te alabamos, Señor!
We have also met the challenges of personnel changes, most
recently when Rosa Marquez, our Hispanic Ministry Coordinator, resigned because she needs to care for her aging
parents full- me. Our new Coordinator, Ester Ruvalcaba,
worked with Rosa and our ministry leaders to celebrate the
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As of January 1st, Ester
began developing a Quinceañera program as well. Monica
Aguilar has chosen to assist her husband’s business partme. While she will con nue to work part- me as our
Confirma on Coordinator, she will no longer coordinate
liturgical ministries.
Celebra ng liturgy in two loca ons and languages quadruples the amount of prepara on and coordina on required.
While our part- me liturgical staff and our ministry leaders
have done remarkably well over the years, I felt the Holy
Spirit has prompted us to consider new possibili es. A er
detailed discussions with several staff members, we concluded that hiring a full- me liturgical staff member will
further parish unity and help us prepare for the future.
Barbara Keough and Andres Alvarez generously decided
to step down as Parish Music Director and Spanish Choir
Coordinator (and agreed to con nue to serve as volunteer
music ministers). A er interviewing many highly-qualified
candidates, we hired Carlo Argo as the full- me Liturgy
and Music Director. May the Lord be with him!
Sigo agradecido por esta comunidad del Santo Nombre de
Jesús. Ofrezcan por favor una oración por nuestros empleados
y líderes de ministerio a medida que trabajamos en estos
momentos de cambio para unir aún más al Cuerpo de Cristo
en el Santo Nombre de Cristo.
Diácono Steve
I con nue to be thankful for the people of Holy Name of
Jesus. Please say a prayer for our staff and ministry leaders
as we work through change to further unite the Body of
Christ in Christ’s Holy Name.
Deacon Steve
Ages 3-5 Morning / Afternoon Classes
Knights of Columbus
Essay Contest Open to boys and girls in grades K - 8 grades
Winners for each grade level will receive a $25 gi cer ficate.
Contestants should write an essay for their grade level subject (below):
K-1st grades: “What does it mean to be Catholic?”
2nd-3rd grades: “What are the du es of a Catholic in the family?”
4th-5th grades: “What are the du es of a Catholic in my neighborhood?”
6th-7th grades: “What does it mean to be a responsible Catholic?”
8th grades: “The Responsibility of the Catholic Ci zen in a Free Society.”
Essays and Entry Forms are due no later than Sunday, February 12, 2017.
Download forms and detailed instruc ons by visi ng:
January 22
OCH - Church
O Ctyd - Courtyard
OHall - Olive Hall
Bsmnt - Hall Basement
Atrium - Child’s Room in Basement
StfRm - Staff Lunch Room
Annex - Annex
ORm201 - Room 201
(classoom above Hall)
O = Olive Ave Campus
YthRm - Youth Room (next to 201)
SHA- Sacred Heart Academy Rooms
SHA Quad-Parking near classrooms
Field - Grass Field
C = Columbia St Campus
CCH - Church
CChapel - Tabernacle room
Col Ctyd - Church Courtyard
CPrkingLot - Parking Lot
CPatio - Hall Patio Area
CHalls - Columbia Hall (both rooms)
CHallE - Hall EAST Side
CHallW - Hall WEST Side
CLibrary - Hall Library Room
(A) - Arabic
(B) - Bilingual
(E) - English
(S) - Español
PHONE: 909.793.2469
WEB: www.theholynameofjesus.org
OFFICE HOURS: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday-Friday (lunes-viernes) & 9:00am - 12:00pm Sunday (domingo)
115 W. O
, CA 92373
1205 C
Mass Schedule - Horario de las Misas
Academically Enriching, Passionately Catholic
, CA 92374
Fully accredited by WASC/WCEA
Preschool 909.792.1020
K-8th Grades 909.792.3958
Principal: Angela Williams Vice Principal: Maria Downey (Bilingüe)
Baptisms - Bautizos:
1st Saturday monthly; pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class required.
1° sábado de mes; certificado de nacimiento, 1 clase y pre-registración son requeridos.
Sacred Heart Academy - Academia del Sagrado Corazón
Marriage - Matrimonio:
We require a minimum of 6 months preparation (we recommend 1 year).
Rosary and/or Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass.
Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de preparación (recomendamos 1 año).
Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Capilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes
de la misa diaria.
For Information & Required Forms, visit: / Para Información y Formas Requeridos, visite:
8:00AM - 7:00PM
OF A CHILD by a priest, deacon,
MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono,
empleado o voluntario, complete y envíe por
correo el formulario especial que está
disponible en el ves bulo de la parroquia o
en la oficina parroquial, o llame a la Línea
3RD SATURDAY MONTHLY after the Vigil Mass or by appointment
employee, or volunteer, complete
and mail the special form available in
the ves bule of the parish or from
the parish office. You may also call
the toll-free Sexual Misconduct
3ER SÁBADO CADA MES después de la Misa Vigilia o por la cita
Hotline: 1-888-206-9090
8:30AM - 9:30AM
5:30PM - 6:15PM
(or by appointment / o por la cita)
Directa para reportar Conducta Sexual
Inapropiada al 1-888-206-9090
Adoration of the Eucharist (scheduling hours of prayer) Mary Ann Smith 793-6191
Grupo de Oración Angelina Velazquez 951-941-4026, Pilo Montoya 951-505-2581
Adult Sacraments / Sacramentos para Adultos: Emma Mejico 864-1060 (Bilingüe)
ICF: Italian Catholic Federation
AJ’s Kitchen (Mondays meals at Columbia) Ken Jolly 709-1233
Knights of Columbus
Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (Bilingüe)
Altar Servers / Monaguillos
Eng: Mike Grothem mikegrothem@gmail.com Esp: Felicitas Hernandez 855-3635
Arab Community
Deacon Ayed “Eddie” Khader 521-4186
Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesus y Engracia Sanchez 633-8097
Baile Folklórico
Cynthia Ventura 335-5973
Boy Scouts Troop 11 & Venture Crew 11
Building Committee
Cindy Hiebert 496-5840
Greg Chandra 760-455-9345
Building Campaign Committee
John Grozak 798-3237
Consecration to Jesus through Mary Josette Letson 557-4150
Cub Scouts Pack 8
Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe)
Cursillos in Christianity Zolita Lowenko 894-4130 Johnnie Walker 798-1191
Danzas de Guadalupe
Irma Perez 801-9320
Eucharistic Ministers for Mass / Ministros de la Eucaristía en misa
English: Web Prather 951-662-9064
Español: Ismael Velazquez 435-8520
E.S.L. Classes (Clases de ingles)
Carmen Hernandez 389-1595 (Bilingüe)
John Guerin 222-3372
Mark Miguel 794-0242
English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942
Español: Azucena Urquijo 553-5804
Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes 18+) Nancy Esparza 435-1822
Music and Choirs / Música y Coros
Carlo Argoti, ext 140 (Bilingüe)
Nueva Evangelización Fidel Canovas 810-0094
Obras de Teatro
Lorena Barcena 345-0515
Office Angels and Parish Historians Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128
Pastoral Council Enedilia Medina medina_e@verizon.net (Bilingüe)
Retiros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 838-8924 (Bilingüe)
Quilters for Life Charlene Hall 335-9760
Quinceañera Ministry
Ester Ruvalcaba, ext 126
Scripture Studies / Estudia de la Biblia
Wed pm: Charlene Hall 335-9760
Thurs am: Rosemary Rea 794-6343
Offsite - evening: Jesse Del Rio 910-7600
Español en los martes: Gregorio Gomez gregollo@live.com
Filipino Ministry
Margie Alejandro 336-8496
“SHARE”- Feed the Hungry (1st Saturday/month offsite) Ashley Bean 951-313-7468
Finance Council
John Nolan 798-4185
Social Concerns Committee (Cold Weather Shelter) Frank Coe 951-990-2523
Funeral Team Ministry Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122
Ushers / Ujieres
Girl Scouts Carrie Sichley 792-7918
Grief Support Ministry Fr Hau Vu, ext 113
Visitors to the Sick / Ministros a los Enfermos: Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122
English: Carlo Argoti, ext 140
Welcome and Hospitality Ministries
Español: José Muñoz 557-8436
Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (Bilingüe)