I lghaprntreorpglst-1s4 s/L2/04 12:56 pM page 1s1 ltqpso3 3o2lbjighapq+dghapd,revshEs:ra)rouE6! I --12- Bone Marklngs 1. Match the terms in column B with the appropriate description in column ColumnA A: Column B l. sharp,slenderprocess* a, condyle 2. small rounded projection* b. crest b; crest 3. narrow ridgeofbone* c. epicondyle o; tuberosity 4. large rounded pmjection* d. fissure 8; head 5. structure supported on neckt e. foramen j;, ramus 6. armlike projectiont f. fossa a; condyle 7, rounded. convex projectiont g. head d; rtssure 8. narrow depression oropening, h. meatus h: meatus 9. canal-like stmcturet i. process j. ramus k. sinus l. spine large, iregularly shaped projection* m. trochanter n: tubercle e; forumen 10. openingthrougha ll. k; sinus bone$ shallowdepressiont 12. air-filledcavity 3. m: trochanter I c; epicondyle 14. raised area of a condyle* n. tubercle i; process 15. projection or prominence o. tuberosity * A site of muscle attachrnent Takes part in joint formation. * A passageway for nerves or blood vessels. i Classlflcatlon of Bones 2. The four major anatomical classifications of bones are long, short flat, and inegular. Which category has the least amounl of spongy bone relative to its total volume? l4I{, 3. Classify each of the bones in the next chart into one of the four major categoriee by checking the appropriate column. Use appropriate references as flece.lsary. Revierry Sheet 9 l5t igfrrp*tr.ospg151-1s4 5/L2/a4 L2t56 pM page 152 inrposo3 302:bjighaprd-\ighapmLrevshts:layouts: I I -Y- Grosr Anatomy of the Typical long Bone 4. Use the terms below to identify the structures marked by leader lines and braces in the diagrams (some terms are used rnore than once). Key A: a. articular cartilage b. compact bone c. diaphysis d. endosteum e. epiphyseal line epiphysis C. medullary cavity h. nutrient allery f, d i. j. k. l. periosteum red marrow caviry trabeculae ofspongy bone yellow numow KeyB: I .f1 b. d. compact bone i. endosteum periosteum t. yellow marrow b, compact bo0e periosteum trabeculae of spongy bone I L Key C: i. k. t- .l ./l I t52 Review Sheet I ,l_-:v- I .l-1rB T --Y- i9h"p*r,r.ospg151-1s4 5/72/04 12:55 pM page 1s3 imposo3 302:bjighaprd\ighapiltrevsht6:layoutE: I I 5. Match the terms in question information below. l. containsspongyboneinadults c 5. scientific term for bone shafi 2. madeofcompactbone 8(l) 6. containsfatinadultbones j 3. site of blood cell formation 7. growth plate remrant d ,i 8. n'rajor submembranous site of osteoblasts f 6. I with the 4. osteoclast$ major submembranous site of i What differences between compact and sponqy bone can be seen with the sdked eye? Comltact bone appears homogeneous: hone has obvious snaces. 7. What is the function of the periosteurn? Pratects tlrc bonz and is tlte structurc from which blood vetsels and nerttes enter bone Mlcroscoplc ltructure of Compact Bone 8. Trace the route taken by nutrients through a bone, starting with the periosteum and ending with an osteocyte in a lacuna. Pe,Jloste$tn ') Perforating canal -) rcrnrdl ( Hdve rsian) canal 9. 3- tonalicuhts osteocyte Se veral descriptions of bone structure are given below. Identify the structure involved by choosing the appropriate term from the key and placing its letter in the blanlc Then, on the photomicrogmph of bone on the right (208X), identify all structures named in the key and bracket an osteon. Key: a. canaliculi b. centml canal c. concentric lamellae (: 1, d. lacunae e. matrix lavers ofbonv matrix around a central canal site of osteocytes longitudinal canal canying blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves minute canals connecting osteocytes of an osteon e5. inorganic salts deposited in organic ground substance Osslflcqtlon: Botlle Formatlon and Growth ln 1O How kngth does the appeaftmce of the chondrocytes in the transformation zone differ from those in the growth zone? Thosc in t]rc tronsformation zone are mwclt larxer (l*pertrophied)- 11. Compare and contrast events occurring on the epiphyseal and diaphyseal faces of the epiphyseal plate Epiphyseal face: Cartilase matrix is beinp taid down. Diaphyseal face: Cartiloge matrix is being eroded and replaced by hane ru,ttrix. Review Sheet 9 153 --Y- igr,.p*r,."ospg151-1s4 s/L2/04 12:56 pM page 1s4 imposo3 3o2:bJighapdtighapriLrevshts:rayouts I I Chemlcal Composltion of Bone ,t 12. What is the function of the organic matrix in bone To pt'o,-ide t'lexibility (and stren*th). 13. Name the important organic bone components. Collugcnit arul elastic fihers and ground substances: cells 14. Calcium salts form the bulk of the inorganic material in bone. What is the function ofthe calcium salts? To nrovide lnrdness end strenlth. 15. Baking removes *!s( from bone. Soaking bone in ngid rcrnsvss 'laki'&7 salts 16. Which is responsible for bone structue? (circle the appropriate response) inorganicportion organicportion {36iFr.rl.lrrrffi] Cartilager of the Skeleton 17. Using key choices, identify each type of cartilage described (in terms of its body location or function) below. Key: a a: elastic .t b; -tfJ- b. elastic fibrocartilage c: hialine fitxocartilage c. hyaline b; frhocartilage 6. rneniscus in a knee joint 2. betweenthe vertebrae c; 7. connects the ribs to the sternum 3. forms the walls of the b; fibrocartilage 8. most effective at rcsisting compression 9. most springy and flexible l. supports the external ear hyaline voice box (larynx) I a: elustit' 4. the epiglottis a; elastit c: h),oline 5. articular.canilagtes c; hyaline 10. mosl abundant 18. ldentify the 1wo types of cartilage diagrammed below. On each, label rhe chondroc-rtes in lacurute andlhe m&trix. _ Matrix 0 A\\r) ) ,-= ((a\\{./' Kd),_=.Y-) ICYC9 ,.@^ / Cl*ndra:1tes in lacunae (a) fibrocartilase l5.l Review Sheet 9 (b) hyaline cartilaxe
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