DIGITA ACCOUNTS PRODUCTION 5.0 KNOWLEDGEBASE ARTICLE How to get the company number on the top right of the balance sheet rather than in the balance sheet title. Contents How to get the company number on the top right of the balance sheet rather than in the balance sheet title................................... 1 How to get the company number on the top right of the balance sheet rather than in the balance sheet title. ... 3 2 How to get the company number on the top right of the balance sheet rather than in the balance sheet title. 1. Generate the accounts on screen 2. Right click over the balance sheet heading and select ‘Design > XML’, the window as seen below should appear 3. Making sure that “Balance sheet header” is highlighted on the left, click in the body of the text on the right and press ‘Ctrl + A’ to highlight everything. 4. Press ‘delete’ to clear everything out. 3 5. Copy the text below. <add-to-body> <page-header> <para para-alignment="Right" font-size="9pt" base-style="Page Header" smart-tag="new ISmartTag[] { uiHooks.SmartTagFactory.EditParagraph, uiHooks.SmartTagFactory.DeleteParagraph }" width="100%"> (Registration number: <ws /><data>reporting.queries.client.lookupaccountingperioddata("ClientSummaryTab|ClientDetails|General|General|Regi strationnumber|Current Period")[0]</data>)</para> <para para-alignment="Centre" base-style="Page Header" smart-tag="new ISmartTag[] { uiHooks.SmartTagFactory.EditParagraph, uiHooks.SmartTagFactory.DeleteParagraph }" width="100%"> <data>reportHelper.Business.Name</data> <inline condition="reporting.queries.client.lookupaccountingperioddata('ClientSummaryTab|ClientDetails|General|General|Tra di ngName|Current Period')[0].HasValue and

reportHelper.Business.Name !=

reporting.queries.client.lookupaccountingperioddata('ClientSummaryTab|ClientDetails|Gene r al|General|TradingName|Current Period')[0].Value"> <br />trading as <ws /><data>reporting.queries.client.lookupaccountingperioddata("ClientSummaryTab|ClientDetails|General|General|Tradi n gname|Current Period")[0]</data><ws /></inline> <br /><inline condition="report.GetSection('BalanceSheet') != null"><data>report.GetSection('BalanceSheet').Description</data></inline><ws /> at <ws /><data>reportHelper.CurrentPeriod.EndDate.Value</data><inline condition="header.IsContinued" font-style=" italic"><br /><inline para-alignment="Left" font-style="+italic">......... continued</inline></inline></para> </page-header> </add-to-body> 6. Click back into the blank ‘XML Source’ area and press ‘Ctrl + V’ to paste the XML. 7. Check that it says “Report template is syntactically correct” in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. If it does then press ‘OK’, if not press cancel and try again . 8. The top of the balance sheet should look like the screen shot below. 4
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