PhysicsFinalPartA \ | / DaAtzr^fiV (/se MLJITIPLI CHOICE: For eachof the following choorethe oneBESTanswer. figarcs in all calculations. significanf / 1. A lighthasa resistiance of 5.6 ohms.Howmuchcunentwill passthroughthiswireif it is connected to a 220V supply? a. 25mA b.39A c.4035mA d.12000A 2. Theautomobile headlightdraws30.ampsfroma 12V battery.Howmucfrpoweris used? a. 360kwh b. 360W c. 33 kW d. 360td/\, 3. Forthe thirdrighthandruleyou putyourthumbin the directionof tre of the andyourpalmpointstowardsthe_. , yourfingersin the direction a. magneticfield;force;conventional cunent b. conventional cunent;magneticfield;force c. force;conventionalcunent;magneticfield 4. Thetwotypesof magnetsare a. virtualandreal c. temporaryandpermanent b. naturalandmanmade d. lodestones andneodymium 5. A4Oresistorisconnectedinparallelwitha6OreEistoranda2Oresistor. Theresistanceofthecircuitisnow ohms. a. 1.20 b . 1 .0 9 c.0.92 d.2.51 6. \Alhyis it saferto be in a car whenlightningstrikes? a. The rubbertiresinsulatethecar ftom beinggrounded. b. Theglassof the car insulatesthe inside. c. Thecafs frameattrac'ts the electronsto the outsideshellof the car. d. lt's notsafe!Getout! 7. Terminalvelocity canbe describecl as a. the finalvelocitya fallingobjectreaches. b. the velocitythatwill kill a fallingperson. c. fte highestvelocitya fallingobjectreaches. d. the constrant valuethattellsthe rateat whichan objec'tfalls. 8. MirandaandTaylorarefacingeachoffrerwhilestandingon skabboards.To getthemselvesmovingtheypush on eachother.Theybothmovebackwardsawayfiom eachother.This is an exampleof _. a. Newton'sldlawofmotion b. Nevrrton's2dlawofmotion c. Newton's3d law of motion d. the law of conservationof energy 9. \ Jhichof the followingo$ecb is at equilibrium andhasno netforcesac'tingon it? : l:::T:::'.:":::i:1 .,^ ^r^1'r^A'.,'^G^^,^-^ c. A fallingobjectthat has reachedterminalvelodty. d. A boxthat hasjust beenpushedhardenoughto overcomethe staticfiction force. 10.Themoon'Sgravttypullson an ashonautwitha forceof 145.6N. lf the acmlerationdueto fire moon'sgravrty is 1.6m/s2,whatis the massof the astronaut? a. 91 kg b. 91.0kg c. 2330kg d. 2.3x 103kg 11.Whatis the momentum of a 145g baseballtravelingat +40.0m/s? a. 5.80x 103kg*m/s b. O.g0kg"m/s c. 3.60kg"m/s d. 0.276kg"m/s 12.which of the followingwouldcausean incrcasein apparentweight? a. Ridingin an elevatormovingupvardsat a constiant speed. b. Whenthe bral<es are appliedat the endof a longdropon a fiee fall ride. c. As an elevatordowsdownwhilemovingupwards. d. As a rollercoasteraccelerates downa hill. 13.Whichstratement belowis trueaboutthefiollouring graph? d(m) a. The velocityis zero. t (s) b. Thevelocityis increasing in the positivedirection. c. Thevelocityis increasing to thewest. d . The velocig is constantand positive. 14.A sportscar canmove100.0m in the first4.5 s of uniformaccebrationfiom rest. \Mratis the cafs acceleration? a. 22mts2 b. 9.8 m/s2 c. 4.9 m/s2 d. 4.5 x 103mls2 15.Whichof thefollowingprorresthathorizontaland verticalvelocities are independent of eacfrother? a. A rockand a baseballare droppedftom the top of the stadium.Theyhit the concretebelowat the same time. b. Youshoota dartat yourlittlebrotherwhois hangingfiom a tree.Rightas youfire,he letsgo, butyour dartstillhi'hhim. c. A flat pieceof paperand a balledof pieceof paperare droppedftom the sameheight.The ball of paper hitsthe groundfirst. d- Youtry to shoota squinelwitha BB gunbut hefallsout of the treeat the missthe squinelbecausehe is notwherehe waswhenyouaimed. 16' Lighttakes1.28s to travelfromthe moonto the Earth.\A/hatis the distane betl,l,een them? a. 3.8 x 105km b.3x107m c. 3.7x 108m d. There is not enough infonnationto solve thls problem. 17' You are sittingat a baseballgamewhena foul ballcomesin prepareto catfi it barehanded.In orderto catchit safely,whichof the followingshouldyou do? a. Moveyourhendin the dircctionthattheballis moving. b. Moveyourhandtowardsthe ball. c. Holdyourhandstill. 18. Whicfiof the followingstrdenb doesmorework?(All of the cartonsureightthe sare.) a. Julianmoves12cartonsin 7 minutes. b. Amymoves12cartonsin 5 minutes. c. Courtniemoves10cartonsin 5 minutes. d. BothJulianard Amydo ilre Bameamountof work. 19.Whentwo lampsare connectedin a seriesto a battery,the electical resistancein the circuitis a. morethanthe resistanceof eitherlamp c. the sameas the resistanceof eitherlamp _. b. lessthanthe resistiance of eitherlamp d. noneof these 20' Themagneticforceon a curent-canyingwirein a magneticfieldis _ a. oppositeto b. parallelto the directionof the cunent. c. perpendicularto d. the sameag 21. Theelectriccunentin a hairdryermeasureo11ampo.Theresietance of thedyeris 20 ohms. Whatis the voltage? a.220V b.210V c.2Oohms d.20V 22. Awtre1.46m longcarryinga cunentof 10.0A is at rightangleeto a uniformmagneticfield.Theforceactingon the wireis 0.60N. Whatis the strengthof the magneticfield? a. 8.8T b.0.24T c . 0 . M 1T d. 117 NATIE PERTOD % TEST - Physics-FinalExam ANSWERSHEET ilULTfPLECHOICE:Writeyaur answerin CAPITALLETilERSnextto the# for eachquestion. 1. 7. 13. 2, 8. 14. 3. 9, 15. 4. 10. 11. 12. 16. 5. 6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2 1. 22. Open Ended:CltooseSIXof the following I questionsto answer completelyin the spaceprouided. Showyour work Uresignificant digits. 1' A box with a massof 34.0 kg slidesalonga boardthat is at an angleof 34.00' belowthe horizontal. a. What is the accelerationof the box? b. \A/hatis the normalforceon the box? c. Howfastis the boxgoingafter5.2secondsif it startedfromrest? 2. A soccerballis kickedat42'and hasan initialvelocity of 12.0m/s. a. Whatis the flighttime? b. What is the maximumheightthat the baltreaches? c. Whatis the horizontaldistance traveled? 3. You throwyour car keysstraightoff of a 14.3m high buildingwith a velocityof 1.4 m/s. a. Howfar from the baseof the buildingshouldyou lookfor your keys? b. Howlong does it take for your keysto hit the ground? c. What is the total velocity(resultantvector)of your keyswfrenthey hit the ground? 4. A toy rocketis shot straightup intothe airwith an initialspeedof OB.9m/s. a. Howlongdoesit taketherocketto reachits highestpoint? b. Howhighdoestherocketriseabovetheground?_ c. Howlongwilltherocketbe in the air? 5. A 152kg dog runningat a speedof 3.0 m/sjumps onto a stationaryskateboardthat has a massof 3.6 kg. a. Whatis the speedof the dog and skateboardtogether? _ b. Howlong will it take an averageforcewith a magnitudeof 9.0 N to stopthe skateboardand dog?_ 6. A straightwire,47 cm long,is movedstraightup by a forceof 1.2N througha 0.400T mqnetic field pointedin thehorizontaldirection tuomtheleftof thispageto the right. a. what cunent,andin whatdirection, is inducedin thewire?_ b. Thewireis partof a circuitof totafresistance of 4.5ohms.Whatis thevoltageof thecircuit? c. Howmuchpoweris usedby the resistorsin this circuit? 7. A reclargularsolidmeasures 238,o0oumby 1.30dm by 0.00029km. a. Expressits volumein cm3. b. Expressits volumein m3. c. lf the solidhasa densityofT556.t?#Iffiat is its gravitationat attraction? 8. An elementhasg2 protonsand146neutrons. a. Whatelementis it, andis it radioactive? b. lt giveso{ a1o p.article, anap pffiFiliifrFthree B particle. decayequations betow andgivethefinalproduc't herein hyphennotation. c. Next,it givesdll4 a particles, ano2'p partictes.Giffi fin;iffi in physicist's notation.
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