Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta AERODROME CHART - ICAO AIP MALTA PCN 40 / R / C / Y / U PCN 65 / F / B / X / U PCN 45 / R / B / X / U PCN 100 / R / A / W / T PCN 60 / R / B / X / U PCN UNDETERMINED PCN 50 / F / D / X / U PCN 45 / R / B / Y / U PCN 100 / F/ B / X / U APRONS 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E APRON 1 APRON 2 APRON 3 APRON LTM APRON 4 APRON 5 APRON 7 APRON 8 APRON 9 ARP 24 JUL 2014 TAXIWAY A TAXIWAY B TAXIWAYS C,D,E,F,G & H TAXIWAY J TAXIWAY K TAXIWAYS L, R TAXIWAY S TAXIWAY P TAXIWAY Q TAXIWAY Y TAXIWAY Z Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-855-2003 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division = 25M WIDE PCN 100 / F / B / X / U = 18M WIDE PCN 100 /F / B / X / U = 23M WIDE PCN 100 / F / B / X / U = 15M WIDE PCN 80 / F / C / X / U = 18M WIDE PCN 80 / F / C / X / U = 18M WIDE PCN 65 / F / B / X / U = 25M WIDE PCN 100 / F / B / X / U = 15M WIDE PCN 50 / F / D / X / U = 18M WIDE PCN 50 / F / D / X / U = 60M WIDE PCN 100 / F / B / X / U = 45M WIDE PCN 75 / F / D / X / U TAXIWAYS TAXILANES BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC DIMENSIONS IN METRES........3544 ELEVATIONS IN FEET..............230 TAXILANE I TAXILANE K INNER TAXILANE M TAXILANE N TAXILANE O TAXILANE T, U, V, W, X ELEV 300 feet PCN 45 / R / B / Y / U PCN 40 / R / C / Y / U PCN 60 / R / B / X / U PCN 45 / F / C / X / U PCN 65 / F / B / X / U PCN 100 / F / B / X / U 133º 313º 052º 233º 13 05 23 DIRECTION 31 RWY THR (WGS 84) 135.1 121.6 355123.13 N 142843.76 E 355006.50 N 143018.71 E 355050.91 N 142736.28 E 355135.71 N 142853.53 E TWR GROUND PCN75 / F / C / X / U PCN75 / F / C / X / U PCN100 / F / B / X / U PCN100 / F / B / X / U BEARING STRENGTH AMDT 002 MALTA / LUQA AD 2-LMML-ADC - 1 24 JUL 2014 AMDT 002 AD 2-LMML-ADC - 2 24 JUL 2014 24 JUL 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA Security Gate 1 x STOP See Note 1 V V x 16 K x 7 8 x x 6 9 K x 10 5 4 x 11 15 3 12 Only accessible to aircraft parked on outer stands LGT x R INNE x x x 1 13 V ON TOW ONLY x G.A. HANGAR AD 3 4 3 Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-860-2003 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division 2 x x x 2 7 ELEV 300 feet STOP 1 Hold K Inner RWY 23 8-13 K 23 Hold K Max. W/S 24M Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta x x x x N 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E LGT PR A N O 13 1 1- 14 K V TWR GROUND AIR CARGO TERMINAL RWY K CIVIL AVIATION DIRECTORATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Rm. AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE HANGAR 5 x x x x E 5' AN NU VA AL R 2 °2 R A TE 7'E OF 201 CH 2 AN GE 8-13 ARP 135.1 121.6 V AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 1) AHE 6 RWY 5 K NER K IN AIP MALTA D RWY AHEA AD RWY AHE STOP x 03 APR 2014 x K 1 x x 4 MALTA - LUQA AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN1 - 1 03 APR 2014 FENCE 15m 18m CONTROLLED VEHICLE HOLDING POSITION Fifth Edition MIA AERODROME OPS. UNIT : (+356) 2369 6168 ENEMALTA FUEL SUPPLY : (+356) 21 244480 FIRE WATCH ROOM : (+356) 2369 5378 PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT VEHICLE HOLDING POSITION 16 STAND NUMBER V 15m 12m 8 APRON BOUNDARY APRON LIMIT LINE LGT APRON LIGHTING TOWERS x 15m 12m V x 13 2 - 12 1 5) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 4) Stand 13 on tow only. 3) Only propeller-driven aircraft allowed on stands 1 to 13. 2) Apron 1 reserved for General Aviation aircraft of less than 7000kg MTOW. 1) Access along Taxiway Kilo limited to aircraft with wingspan of less than 24m. x x AHEA D K J 2 5 6 7 7-1 J APRON 1 RWY AHEAD Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN1 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA 1 V 18 LGT 45m Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta 40m 30m 36m 1 : (+356) 2369 6300 : (+356) 21 244480 : (+356) 2369 6327 2 to 6 STAND SIZES GROUND HANDLING SERVISES ENEMALTA FUEL SUPPLY FIRE WATCHROOM AERODROME SERVICES 7) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 6) Pilots taxiing out of Apron 2 shall take account of the effects of jet blast on aircraft and handling services on adjacent stands during the lead-out manouevre. 5) Lighting levels on the outer stand areas may not meet ICAO Annex 14 minima. 4) Helicopters (24m max. rotor-span) may be positioned on Stand 1 over the appropriate marking. 3) Unrestricted access between Holding Point K and Threshold Rwy 23 for aircraft with wingspan less than 24m. 2) Code C aircraft are allowed to exit the stands using the appropriate lead-out markings under own power provided that the relative adjacent stand is vacant. Pushback is mandatory for Code C aircraft in all other cases. 1) Only aircraft up to Code C may manoeuvre on Apron 2 and subject to marshaller's guidance. VEHICLE HOLDING POINT BUILDINGS PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT UNSUITABLE FOR AIRCRAFT USE APRON LIMIT LINE AIRCRAFT STAND NUMBER APRON LIGHTING TOWERS AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 2) AIP MALTA 03 APR 2014 35°51'27" N ARP 14°28'39" E Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-936-2004 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division ELEV 300 feet TWR GROUND 135.1 121.6 Fifth Edition MALTA / LUQA AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN2 - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN2 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA 21 Flight School G.A. AIRCRAFT HANGAR G.A. AIRCRAFT HANGAR TE OU RR ULA HIC VE 9 Turf Turf 5 G.A. AIRCRAFT HANGAR E AR ROUT VEHICUL Turf LTG Turf Turf 20 E Turf O UTI CA N Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-937-2004 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division G.A. AIRCRAFT HANGAR Turf FOR USE BY CODE A AIRCRAFT UNDER TOW ONLY. Turf LTG ELEV 300 feet VEHICULAR ROUT LTG G.A. AIRCRAFT HANGAR 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E Turf T AR HI CU L VE 23 SH RE H OT D OL UT RO E LD HO Turf L1 R AP Turf N RO 3 TWR GROUND Turf 135.1 121.6 Turf N W.D.I. 9m 9m 15m 15m 4 to 9 2 and 3 A1, A2, A3 31m 29m 38m 28m 24m STAND SIZES 24m Stands 1 and 2 closed : (+356) 2369 6168 : (+356) 21 244480 : (+356) 2369 5378 RA IER 1X 1 MIA Aerodrome Operations Unit ENEMALTA FUEL SUPPLY FIRE WATCHROOM AVIATION SERVICES 5) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 4) Access to Stands A1, A2, A3 limited to tow only. 3) Taxilane November is uni-directional. 2) Maximum wing span 24m on taxilane November . (Not applicabe for aircraft taxiing in/out from Stand 1X). LTG 20 L 1) Aircraft may only manoeuvre on Apron 3 under their own power subject to marshaller's guidance. FLOODLIGHT MASTS PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT TAXIWAY SHOULDER BARS UNSUITABLE FOR AIRCRAFT USE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WIND DIRECTION INDICATOR TAXIWAY / TAXILANE DESIGNATION APRON EDGE LINES PARKING LIMIT LINE APRON LIMIT LINE Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN3 - 1 03 APR 2014 MALTA / LUQA y. S Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta Turf Aircraft Fuel Tanks Turf LTG N Turf P STO Turf 19 P LTG STO LTG P STO Turf LTG P STO FT ARP P P STO AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 3) STO AIP MALTA P STO P STO N RA N IRC N OA LD YT L TR S EN R L1 NO 3 03 APR 2014 D OL SH RE TH TO 05 ON APR N Tw LT HO N Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN3 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA 1B Stands 1A (Code E) and 1B (up to Code D) are reserved to aircraft entering Apron LTM after arrival. Aircraft crew must seek the guidance of LTM ground marshallers prior to maneuvering their aircaft within the limits of Apron LTM. Code E aircraft holding on Stand 1A will obstruct Taxiway Lima until repositioned on Apron LTM under tow. Aircraft on Apron LTM shall not exceed the red apron limit line to maintain obstacle clearance distances from aircraft up to Code C maneuvering on Taxiway L. Aircraft performing idle runs on Apron LTM shall be aligned along the blue centreline and nose gear markings provided to maintain wingtip clearances. 4) 5) 6) 7) Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND. For aircraft maneuvering under their own power, maximum wingspan allowed on Taxiway L is 36m (Code C). Exceptional use of Taxiway L by larger aircraft on tow is allowed subject to prior authorization by MIA Operations. 3) 8) Aircraft to taxi with caution on Taxiway L when abeam Apron LTM due to stepped apron interface beyond taxiway shoulder. Red retro-reflective obstacle warning markers are provided along interface edge. 2) NOTES : 1) Apron LTM is reserved for aircraft undergoing maintenance at Lufthansa Technik Malta facility only. 76.00m 62.00m 65.00m 52.00m 1A STAND SIZES (SELF-MANEUVRING) AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON LTM) AIP MALTA 03 APR 2014 ARP Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-1177-2009 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division 35° 51' 27'' N 14° 28' 39'' E ELEV 300 feet TWR GROUND 135.1 121.6 MALTA / LUQA Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APNLTM - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APNLTM - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA Entrance M2 REQUEST FOLLOW ME P O 5 4 4 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta L HOLD M2 5 5 5 5R M L P ST O 3 3 2 22 2 V REQUEST FOLLOW ME Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-916-2004 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc S O ST P 1 HIGH VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION CENTRE Entrance M1 HOLD M1 CLOSED TO AIRCRAFT 3 AIRFIELD PERIMETER FENCE 2 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E 100 M 1 1A 1C 1B 1C 21 0 0 L V ELEV 300 feet P 100 O ST 1B ARP 50 V 200 1A ST P ST O P O ST AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 4) 1B ST P O ST P O ST AIP MALTA 1 03 APR 2014 1A P O 4 300 FEET 100 METRES VEHICULAR LANE TO / FROM LUFTHANSA TECHNIK APRON 9) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 8) Permanent floodlighting not provided on Stands 3, 4 and 5. Temporary lighting below ICAO illumination levels can be provided on request. 7) Caution should be exercised against FOD ingestion by outboard engines on four-engined code D aircraft operating on TWY L due to unbound soft shoulders. 6) TWY L is unrestricted for Code C aircraft as directed by ATC. Code D aircraft are normally allowed to taxi on own power along the segment between THD RWY 05 and Apron 4. Exceptionally, Code D aircraft may be allowed to taxi between Apron 4 and TWY S under the direction of a follow me vehicle and provided that wing tip clearances are available from any aircraft positioned on LTM Apron. 5) Aircraft not exceeding Code D may operate simultaneously on Taxiway Lima and Taxilane Mike. 4) Aircraft entering or leaving all stands under own power are to do so under guidance of aircraft marshallers. 3) Maximum span 52m on Taxilane M. 2) On power turn-out from stands 1 to 5 all aircraft to follow lead-out lines provided to maintain clearance from aircraft on adjacent stands. 1) Pilots manoeuvring on Apron 4 are to use caution to reduce the effects of jet blast because of marginal distances from ground vehicles and equipment. 63m 48m 52m 40.5m 5 5R (4 closed) 48m 40.5m 48m 48m 40.5m 27m 24m 40.5m 27m 24m 24m 48m 27m 40.5m 4 3 2 ( 1 CLOSED) 1C ( 1 CLOSED) 1B ( 1 CLOSED) 1A 1 V 21 PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT 1 VEHICLE HOLDING POINT BUILDINGS AIRFIELD SECURITY FENCE UNSUITABLE FOR AIRCRAFT USE PARKING LIMIT LINE LGT MALTA / LUQA AIRCRAFT STAND NUMBER APRON LIGHTING TOWERS TWR 135.1 GROUND 121.6 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN4 - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN4 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA VEHICULAR LANE 7 7-1 6 6 GENERAL AVIATION HANGAR 4 4 GENERAL AVIATION HANGAR Apron 5 2 3 2 3 Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-1032-2006 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division TAXIWAY 'PAPA' 1 P 5 TWR GROUND 135.1 121.6 HO LD - YA TW EA D AD AH HE .W.R. Max. Wing Span 15m Stand No. 1-7 STAND SIZES MIA AERODROME OPS. UNIT ENEMALTA FUEL SUPPLY FIRE WATCHROOM 15m Max. Lenght : (+356) 2369 6168 : (+356) 21 244480 : (+356) 2369 5378 AIRSIDE SERVICES 6) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 5) Push-back only on Stand 7. 4) Apron floodlighting is not provided on Apron 5. Aircraft manoeuvring on Apron 5 at night require the assistance of a FOLLOW ME vehicle. 3) Aircraft manoeuvring on Taxiway P at night require the assistance of a FOLLOW ME vehicle. Taxiway edge lighting is not provided on Taxiway P. 2) Maximum wing span on Taxiway P 36m (Code C). 1) Aircraft may only park on Apron 5 following prior authorisation by MIA Operations. BUILDING OR STRUCTURE WEATHER RADAR TERMINAL AREA RADAR APRON/TXY EDGE LINES APRON PARKING LIMIT LINE APRON LIMIT LINE TW Y Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN5 - 1 03 APR 2014 MALTA / LUQA MIL ONLY WEATHER RADAR GENERAL AVIATION HANGAR 1 ELEV 300 feet Q P Q Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta P Apron 5 PUSH BACK 7 7 TERMINAL AREA RADAR 6 TAXIWAY 'PAPA' 5 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E 4 ARP 3 AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 5) 2 AIP MALTA 1 03 APR 2014 NO ENTRY TO AIRCRAFT 05-23 Apron 5 05-23 P P1 Q P Q MIL ONLY 5 1-7 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN5 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta AIP MALTA 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN7 - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN7 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA H H UP TO CODE D AIRCRAFT ALLOWED TO MANOEUVRE ON TWY GOLF WHEN OTHER AIRCRAFT IS HOLDING ON HOLD H Aircraft Refuelling Trucks Parking Area O P 6 FIRE LANE ARP ST OP HANGAR 6 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E FIRE LANE 5 LGT OP ST 13 NL I G 100 P O ST LGT 0 0 Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-861-2003 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division 4 VEHICULAR LANE LGT I Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta LD O H COMPASS BASE KEEP CLEAR FIRE LANE FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES KEEP CLEAR FIRE LANE J AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 8) AIP MALTA ST 03 APR 2014 FIR IC EH EV G 100 DISUSED TAXIWAY 3 LGT 50 200 OP ST AIR CARGO TERMINAL ELEV 300 feet 12 100 METRES 300 FEET 2 LGT OP ST LGT 1 LGT TWR GROUND H ONLY 1H I I SO LE Y 6 H LGT LINK ROAD TO APRON 9 135.1 121.6 38m 36m 4 5 7) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND 6) Aircraft entering or leaving all stands under own power are to do so under guidance of aircraft marshallers. 5) Aircraft movements to / from Hanger No.1 only allowed on tow and under guidance of aircraft wingtip marshallers. 4) All aircraft to apply a minimum of 55° nose-gear angle on power turn-out from all stands. 3) Reduced levels of apron lighting may be experienced on Stand 6. 2) Maximum span 36m on Taxilane I between Stands 1 to 5. 1) Pilots taxiing out of Apron 8 are to use caution to reduce the effects of jet blast because of marginal distances from ground vehicles and equipment. 48m 38m 36m 3 51m 38m 36m 2 6 38m 38m 36m 36m 1 30m 12 1 24m LGT 1H AIRFIELD'S COMPASS BASE PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT UNSUITABLE FOR AIRCRAFT USE PARKING LIMIT LINE AIRCRAFT STAND NUMBER APRON LIGHTING TOWERS MALTA / LUQA Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN8 - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN8 - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA 100 100 50 200 15 16 2 V T 1 LGT. 17 9 X 19 T 2 LGT. 4 V METRES 20 7 21 5 LGT. 22 V 6 T 3 LGT. X 23 6 5 LUGGAGE HANDLING AREA (UNDERGROUND) 24 GATE No.5 LGT. MET X T 7 U 8 8L 4 V.V.I.P LOUNGE 8 8L 135.1 121.6 CARGO HANDLING AREA C-Centre LIMIT OF APRON COMPETENCE Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-862-2003 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division 1) Aircraft to apply a min. of 55° nose-gear angle on power turn-out on exiting Stands 1, 1R, 2 to 8 and 8L to maintain wingtip clearances. 2) Stands 1R, 8L, 9X, 14X, 18X and 21X to be used only by aircarft with wing-span greater than 52m. 3) Access to Stands 9X, 14X, 18X and 21X is only allowed via Taxilane X-Ray . Taxilane X-Ray centreline markings are shown in blue. 4) No aircraft shall be positioned on any of Stands 9 - 24 located along the taxi route prior to the use of Taxilane X-Ray. Code F aircraft to taxi with caution due to reduced wingtip clearances on Taxilane X-Ray . 5) Aircraft taxiing on Stands 9X, 14X, 18X and 21X must be guided by a FOLLOW-ME vehicle 6) Code E aircraft, up to 61m wingspan are permitted to taxi along Taxilane Tango subject to caution due to reduced wing-tip clearances. 7) Code E aircraft up to 61m wing-span proceeding to Stands 1R, 8L, 9X and 14X are to exercise caution due to reduced wing-tip clearance while taxiing via Taxilanes Uniform and Whisky . 8) Aircraft not exceeding Code C may taxi along Taxilane Tango provided that aircraft on Stands 9X, 14X, 18X and 21X do not exceed the Code C wing-tip safety lines. 9) Aircraft not exceeding Code B may taxi along Taxilane Tango provided that aircraft on Stands 9X,14X,18X and 21X do not exceed the Code B wing-tip safety lines. 10) Aircraft entering or leaving all stands under own power shall do so under the guidance of aircraft marshallers. 11) Departures shall request clearanc delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND . 18 3 8 X 300 FEET 100 10 LGT. AERODROME OPERATIONS UNIT (A.O.U.) MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TERMINAL 21 0 0 T W 1R LGT. 18 TWR GROUND HOLD D Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta LIMIT OF APRON COMPETENCE 1 11 13 LUGGAGE HANDLING AREA (UNDERGROUND) X 18 1 ELEV 300 feet 9X 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E X 21 ARP 12 AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (APRON 9) 11 AIP MALTA 10 24 JUL 2014 9 1 HOLD F 8 HOLD E HOLD C WING TIP SAFTEY LINE 40m 36m 3 to 6 7 8 1R 9, 23 & 24 70m 61m 42m 10 11 12 21, 21X and 22 61m 20m 30m 30m 30m 74m 30m 15 16 17 18 18X 19 20 21 21X 22 14 30m 20m 24 11 23 18 43m 30m 35m 38m 36m 77m 9 9 10 10,11, 20, 21 and 22 10 and 11 43m 30m 48m 12,13,17,18 and19 48m 77m 30m 12 and 13 13 14 74m 43m 38m 35m 14, 15 and 16 14X, 15 and 16 17, 18 and 18X 48m 38m 70m 56m 52m 14 52m 20, 21 and 21X 18, 18X and 19 56m 56m 52m 14X 13 9X, 23 & 24 72m 48m 61m 38m 8L 9 9X 56m 7 and 8L 7 and 8 8 and 8L 47m 55m 44m 48m NIL 1R 1 and 2 40m 72m 36m 2 45m 36m 61m 1 1R PORTABLE FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT APRON - EDGE LIGHTS TAXILANE CENTRELINE LIGHTS LEAD-IN LIGHTS (ON STANDS) TAXILANE TANGO CODE B AIRCRAFT WING TIP SAFTEY LINE TAXILANE TANGO CODE C AIRCRAFT WING TIP SAFETY LINE 1 V JET BLAST BARRIER 8 AIRCRAFT STAND TAXILANE LGT AIRCRAFT STAND NUMBER APRON LIGHTING TOWERS MALTA / LUQA AMDT 002 AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN9 - 1 24 JUL 2014 AMDT 002 AD 2-LMML-APDC-APN9 - 2 24 JUL 2014 24 JUL 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta AIRCRAFT PARKING CHART - ICAO (SAFI APRON) AIP MALTA 03 APR 2014 ARP Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-1268-2010 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division 35° 51' 27'' N 14° 28' 39'' E ELEV 300 feet TWR GROUND NOTES MALTA / LUQA 5) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND All helicopters have to taxi or air taxi via TWY B and take-off from a runway 4) Helicopters are not allowed to take-off directly from the SAP. 3) Aircraft positioned between Hold B and Safi Aprons are not within line of sight of the ATC Tower 2) Aircraft are required to taxi at own discretion or under ground handler's guidance between Hold B and Safi Aprons 1) Taxiway B restricted to aircraft not exceeding Code C. 135.1 121.6 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APNSAF - 1 03 APR 2014 Fifth Edition AD 2-LMML-APDC-APNSAF - 2 03 APR 2014 03 APR 2014 Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIP MALTA Civil Aviation Directorate Transport Malta AERODROME GROUND MOVEMENT CHART - ICAO AIP MALTA ARP 35°51'27" N 14°28'39" E 03 APR 2014 Airfield Drawing Office ref: MIACA-856-2003 MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT plc Technical Services Division ELEV 300 feet TWR GROUND 135.1 121.6 LEGEND 230 Elevations are in feet Hold A Fifth Edition 20 Dimensions are in metres ILS Lociliser Sensitive Area ILS Lociliser Critical Area ILS Glidepath Sensitive Area ILS Glidepath Critical Area Route Direction on Taxiway A Taxi-holding Position Stop Bar Runway holding Position Security Fence taxi clearance with LUQA GROUND. 10) Departures shall request clearance delivery, start-up and extension. Aircraft crew of Code E and F aircraft must use discretion in offsetting the nose-gear from the taxiway centreline to retain main-gear clearance from the taxiway edge. 9) Taxiway E is not provided with an inboard pavement fillet within line of sight of the ATC Tower 8) Aircraft positioned between Hold B and Safi Aprons are not groundhandler's guidance between Hold B and Safi Aprons. 7) Aircraft are required to taxi at own discretion or under 6) Taxiway Bravo, restricted to aircraft not exceeding Code C. 5) Aircraft exiting from Threshold Runway 05 are to follow centerline onto Txy Lima. 4) Unrestricted access along Taxiway Kilo for Aircraft with wingspan less than 24m. 3) Caution should be exercised against FOD ingestion by outboard engines on four-engine code D aircraft operating on TWY L due to unbound soft shoulders. 2) TWY L is unrestricted for Code C aircraft as directed by ATC. Code D aircraft are allowed to taxi on own power along the segment between THD RWY 05 and Apron 4 only. 1) Maximum aircraft size limited to Code D on Runway 23 - 05. NOTES MALTA / LUQA AD 2-LMML-AGMC - 1 03 APR 2014
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