Diss. ETH Nr. 7097 FIELO STUOIES SPIOERS (lI{ THE EC(IL(}GICAL AS II.ISECT PREIIAT(IRS IiI R(ILE (lF THE AGR(IEC(ISYSTEMS lABAl,tIl0itEB GßASSLAil0, IY|EAII0WS, ANII CEREAL FtELoSf THESIS submitted to the SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences presented by MARTIN NYFFELER Dipl. lng.-Agr. ETH born on March 25, 1950 citizen of Huttwil (Bern) Accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. G. Benz, ETH Zürich, Referee Prof. Dr. M. Schaefer, University of Göttingen, Co-referee Prof. Dr. W. H. Whitcomb, University of Florida, Co-referee aku-Fotodruck Zürich 1982 To my parents ACKNOT.ILEDGE14ENTS of the Dept. of Entomology, Swiss Federal Technology, Zurich, proposed the interesting theme of this thesjs and supervised it very critically and helpfully. Professor Dr. M, Schaefer, Dept. of Zoology II, University of Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany, served as a co-referee. Professor Dr. tl,H. }lhitcomb, Dept. of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, also served as a co-referee. Professor Dr. G. Benz, Head Institute of Lecturer Dr. K. Thaler, Dept, of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria, checked my spider identifications and determined a few "difficult species". Professor 0r. 1,J. Sauter, Dept, of Entomology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, gave me the permission to deposite specimens of all spider species, described in this thesis, in the Entomological Collection. Professor Dr. H.U, Thiele, Dept. of Zoology, University of KöIn, Federal Republic of Germany, determined Carabidae. Professor Dr. H.J. l,lüller,Oept. of Biology, University of Jena, Democratic Republic, identifiecl cicadas. German Lecturer Dr. l,l. Dunger, State Museun of Natural Science, Görlitz, German Democratic Republic, carried out the deterrninations of Collembola. Dr. ll, Eglin, Natural History Museum Basel, Switzerland, identjfied Chrysopi dae. Dr. I'1. Meier, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronomy Zurich-Recken- holz, determined aphids. Dr. L. Gerig, Bee section, Swiss Federal Dairy Research Institute Liebefeld-8ern, identi fied bees. 0r. A. Nadig, Chur, Switzerland, camied out determinations of grasshoppers. llr. A. Fraser, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia, Britain, gave to me infomations on the ecoiogy of spiders in Enslish cereal fields. Professor Dr. F. KlOtzli and Lecturer Dr. A. Gigon, Geobotanical Great Institute, The Ri,ibel Foundation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, gave to nn inforrnations on grasslands near Zurich. 0r. F. I'leilenmann, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronor4y ZurichReckenholz, allowed me to undertake studies in cereal fields of the research station, Miss C. Vernazza was very helpful in translating this thesist and tlrs. H. lilüller and Mrs. S. Lauber were typing it. The author is very grateful to all these persons. This research was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant 3.0020.76. CONTENTS 1. ] NTRODUCTION 2. MATERIALS AND t1 Study area t) Bi 2.3. Methods 2 METHODS 12 ed 12 12 otopes studi of investigation 12 RESULTS 3..l. 3.1.1. 28 role of spiders as insect predators in The abandoned grasslands 28 Characterization of the biotopes and colonization by spiders Spider cormunities of abandoned grasslands 28 3.1.?. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. 3..l.5. 3.1.6. Spatial distribution of spiders 3.1.7. 3.1.8, 3.1.9. Spiders as predators of pest insects Spiders as predators of beneficial insects Predator-prey relations between spiders and adult 3.1..l0. Prey Prey capture of abundance and 42 spiders 46 dopterans The 62 and energy flow through commun.ities 64 role of spiders as insect predators in cultivated The 62 62 64 killing rate (estimate) the spider 28 daily activity Niche breadth and niche overlap concerning food of web-bu i 1 di ng spi ders I ep i 3.2,1. 3.2.2. 3.2.3, 3.?.4, 3,2.5. 3.2.6. of Seasonal change meadows influence of 66 mowing Spider cormunities of cultivated Seasonal change of 67 meadows abundance Spatial distribution of spiders Prey capture of spiders Niche overlap of spiders concerning food 67 76 76 83 90 3.2,7. Predator-prey relations between crab spiders and wolf spiders 3,2.8. Energy cornmuni 3.3. 3.3..l. 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. 3.3.5. 3.3,6. The 90 flow through the ground-dwe11ing spider ti es 96 role of spiders as insect predators in cereal fields 96 Inmigration into cereal fields Spider conmunities of cereal fields 96 Seasonal change of abundance and daily activity 96 100 Spatial distr"ibution of spiders 106 Prey captune of sPiders Niche breadth and niche overlap concerning the food il4 of 124 spiders 3.3.7. 3.3.8. 3.3.9. Spiders as predators of pest and beneficial insects Prey killing rate Ener"gy flow through the spider cormunities 3.4. New of reconds of Zurich 127 128 129 remarkabte spider 129 4. DISCUSSION l3l 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 149 6. REFERENCES 150 1_ ABSTRACT .l976-1979, From the ecology of spiders was jnvestjgated in abandoned grasslands, cultivated meadows and cereal fields near Zurich (Switzerland). The spiders of such ecosystems ljve in two strata, (1) on the ground surface, (2) in the vegetation zone. Different spjder conmunities are found in the two strata. In abandoned grasslands, the spiders live undisturbed all year round. They can therefore bu.ild up relatively large populations in these bjotopes (near Zurjch about l0 spiders/mz; significantly higher values are reported in literature). Cultivated fields, on the other hand, are periodically mown, whereby the living space and the egg sacs of many spiders are destroyed. 0n1y relatively small spider populations I jve , therefore in the vegetation zone of cultivaled fields (about 1 spider/m' in cultivated meadows and 0..l-0.6 spiders/mz in cereal fields). The ground surface of cultivated fields is rather densel.y populated (.l5-42 in cultivated meadows and l0-50 spiders/mz in cereal fields). The spiders in the vegetation zone of cultivated meadows and cerea.l fields are primarily predators of Diptera and Homoptera. In the vegetation zone of abandoned grasslands, in addition honey bees and/or grasshoppers can form an essential part of the prey biomass of large web-building spiders.0n the ground surface of cultivated meadows and cereal fields, the predominant spidens are mainly predators of small, softbodied insects (Collembola, Diptera, aphids etc.). From the food analyses it follows that the spiders are predators of pest insects (e.9. cereal aphids), indifferent species (most Diptera), and of beneficial arthropods as well (honey bees, Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae etc.). The energy flow (prey killed) through the spider communitjes of the vegetation zone of abandoned grasslands can be high, e.g. >900 MJ/halyear in a megaphorbe meadow. In comparison, the energy flow through the spider corununities of cultivated fields is significantly.lower, e.g. l.l-6.5 M,l/ha/year in cereal fields, and (0.5 MJ/ha/year in maize fields. The energy f)ow through the ground-dwe1ling spider conrnunities of cultivated fields should amount to about l0-50 MJ/halyear. Abandoned grasslands often are veritable spider paradises. In these ecosystems, the spiders of the vegetation zone represent an important predator" group. In the vegetation zone of cereal fields, on the contrary' spiders do not seem to play a significant ecological role. Further studies will show, to what extent the ground-dwe11ing spiders in cultivated meadows and cereal fields are of ecological importance. spiders/mz 2- I . INTRODUCTION Spiders are among the most dominant insect predators of terrestrial systems .l974a; (TISCHLER,1965; VAN H00K, 1971; M0ULDER & REICHLE, 1972; EDWARDS et al.,'l976, a.o.). eco- SCHAEFER, Under favorable^conditions they can reach maximal d6lnslTies of up to iooo individuals/m2 approximately (PEARSE, 1946; DUFFEY, 1962; !'IEIDEMANN, 1978). It has therefore been supposed for some time thatspiders play an important role as stabilizing agents and/or regulators of insect populations in agroecosystems, forest ecosystems and othen terrestrial ecosystems. Iast 20 yeans, numerous studies on the spider fauna in agricultural biotopes have been published ali over the world. Tables 1-4 give a review classified according to continents and countries: Table I for Europe, including the U.S.S.R., Table 2 for America, Table 3 for Asia and During the Table 4 for Africa and the 0ceanic-Australian region. In spite of the large number of existing studies the significance of the spiders as insect predators in agroecosystems is stjll Iargely unknown. This could be attributed to the fact that up to the present most stuies were limited either to the investigation of the species composition and the seasonal occurrence of spiders in the field (sweep net and pitfall trap collections) or to measurements of respiration, food consumption tests, andprey preference trials in the laboratory. However, the results of investigations on the nutrition of spiders in the laboratory cannot readily be transfemed to field conditions, because to some extent spiders behave differently in the laboratory than in the field. In the laboratory, spiders consume considerably more prey than would be available under natural conditions (MIYASHITA, 'l968a, b; HAGSTRUM, 1970; KESSLER, 1973; BREYMEYER & JOZWIK, 1975). Moreover, the prey composition established by means of prey preference tests often does not correspond to the prey conposition realized jn the field. Pest insects which are regularly preyed on by a spider species in the laboratory may be entirely missing in the prey composjtion of the field (temporal and/or spatial isolatjon of predator and prey). Therefore the results of faunistic field studies and of nutritional analyses in the laboratory cannot be combined to a genuine whoie. There is a great danger that speculations disregarding this ambiguity lead to wrong results. Correspondingly, the opinions on the ecological relevance of spiders differ widely. BRiSTO!üE (1958) for instance estimates for Great Britain: "Even if we were so cautious as to victims in the year to each spider, I calculate with a very conservative estimate of the spider population for the country as a whole that the weight of insects consumed annually in Britain exceeds that of the human inhabitants". The Canadian ecologist TURNBULL ('l973) gives an even higher estimate: "I have calculated from 37 published censuses of spider populations that the mean density of spiders in a large attribute a hundred variety of envjronments was 130.8 spiders/square meter, or 1 308 000/ hectare. If the food consumption of A. argentata were representative of that of all spiders (which'it is not), the average total weight of food consumed per year by spiders would be to these computations F0ELIX (1979) ..... 42 490 kg/hectare". Referring wrote: "However impressing these -3- Table l. List of literature in on the spider faunas including the U.S.S.R. Country Aus tri a Agroecosystem Authors meadows LUHAN (r979) THALER et arable land Be1 gi Bu l gari um Czechos I ovaki a Federal Republic STETNER et al. (r975) (1977) (1982) DE cLERcQ (1979) C0TTENTE & DE CLERCQ (1977) verse crops BoSMANS & CoTTENTE (1977) re DELCHEV ture al fal fa POLENEC & KAJAK (1974) (r968) pas tu pas ugar-beet meadows MILLER (cit. MTLLER (r974) BoNESS (r9s3) SCHAEFER (r958) al fal fa BONESS (,l958) cereal BASEDot^1 BASED0W s BRASSE as para9us vi neyard onchards verse crops (1973) & MTELKE (1977) (1e35) KrRN ( r978) KRAEMER (1961) (r976) HEYDTMANN TTScHLER I eys (19s3) (r9s8) & & RAATTKATNEN CHAUVTN (1960,1967) HUHTA real France al fal fa German Democra- meadows BEYER (',|981 ) MULLER grass-c1 over mi xtune BEYER Republic al fal fa cereal s ('l974) RAATTKATNEN ('l974) RAATIKAINEN & HUHTA (1968) ce s .l979) (r975) DTNGLER NAToN di LUCZAK, & HAAS (1979) BoNESS ci over tic .l978) PÜHRTNGER s Germany Fi nl and (1977, cereal s of & al. orchards di a THALER THALER agroecosystems HUHTA et al. (r98r (.l978) ) GEILER (re63) BEYER (1981).. DTETRTCH & GoTZE (1974) in Europe, -4- Table I (contin. ). List of l iterature on the spider faunas in 'in Europe, including the U.S.S.R. Country German Democra- tic Republic Great Britain Agroecosys tem Authors rape BEYER (r981) BEYER (re8r ) kohl rabi BEYER (r98r ) manrowstem kale BEYER (r981 ) pasture CHERRETT (r964) DUFFEY (r962) meadows DUFFEY (r974) cereal FRASER (1982) s ugar- beet s aqroecosystems Lo0KET (r978) VICKERMAN Hungary DUNN orchards CHANT al fal fa BALoGH trawbe Nonvay s Pol and pas rry & SUNDERLAND (I975) (re49) potato (r956) & LoKSA (]956) TAKSDAL (1973) & KAJAK (1974) BREYMEYER (r967) KAJAK (1960, 1962, 1971, 1978, 1980) ture DELCHEV meadows KAJAK & JAKUBCZYK (1975) (1968, l97l) KAJAK et al. al fal fa LUCZAK (1975) cereai LUCZAK s (1974, 1975, czAJKA & KANrA (1976) potato GALECKA (1966) LUCZAK sugar-beet Sweden Swi tzerl s and .l976, 'l979) trawbe rry (r974, .l975, 1976, 1979) czAJKA & G00S (1976) G00s (r973) ALMQUTST (1981 ) meadows BENZ & NYFFELER (1980) MAURER (1974, 1975) NYFFELER & BENz cereal NYFFELER NYFFELER NYFFELER & BENZ (1979a) & BENZ (I98OA) & BENZ (1981e) & BENZ (1979A) (l9i9b, l98le) U.S.S.R. s rape NYFFELER meadows vTLBASTE (1965) cereal ASHTKBAYEV (1973) potato s KoVAL (r976) -5Iable 2. List of literature on the spider faunas in agroecosystems in America. Coun try Brazi Can l ada Agroecosys tem s ugarcane Au thors BARBOSA et a1. (1979) (I966) overgrazed pasture TURNBULL meadows DoNDALE (1971, 1977) DoNDALE & BrNNS (1977) (1970, 1972) DONDALE Fox & DoNDALE (1972) et al. Panama Peru u.s.A. & DoNDALE (1979) wheat DoANE orchards DoNDALE (r956, r958) (1979) DoNDALE PUTMAN (r957) PUTMAN & HERNE (1966) seed reservation BREYMEYER ('l978) (,l978) et al. pasture BREYMEYER banana pl ants HARRTSON (r968) cultivated fields AGUTLAR ( r96s) cotton AGUTLAR pas ture HO|,jARD (r974) & 0LIVER ('l978) (r978) PECK & l^lHTTCoMB WHITCOMB et al. (I963a) woLcoTT (r937) maedows al fal fa woLcoTT (r937) & PTENKoWSKI (197'l) & CHADA (r970b) SCHLTNGER & DTETRTCK (1960) l.lHEELER ( r973) YEARGAN (1975a,b) YEARGAN & C0THRAN (1974a,b) YEARGAN & DoNDALE (1974) H0WELL MUNTAPPAN ce real grain s HoRNER (r972) MUNIAPPAN & CHADA (1970a) sorghum BATLEY & CHADA (1968) sweet corn EVERLY ('l938) ri w00DS ce soybeans & HARREL (]976) A HUGGANS (1962) cuLrN & RUST (1980) DEITZ et al. ('l976) BLTCKENSTAFF LESAR & UNZICKER TURNTPSEED (1975) l,lHTTCoMB (i980) ('l978a,b) -6- Table 2 (contin.). List of literature in America. on the spider faunas Country Agroecosys tem Au U.S.A. cole PII'IENTEL (196.l) 9Uar RoGERS s ugarcane agroecosystems thors & HENSLEY NEGM cotton in & HoRNER (1977) et . al ( I 961 ) HENSLEY (1969) et BURLEIGH a1. (1973) CLARK & GLrCK (1961) DoRRTS (r970) JOHNSON et a1. (1976) et al. (1979) (r943) LEIGH & HUNTER (1969) KAGAN LOCKLEY & STERLING (1979) PFRTMMER (r964) PIETERS & STERLTNG (1974) McDANIEL SHEPARD & STERLTNG (1972) (1978) STAM b,lHITCoMB & BELL (.l964) WHITCoMB & TADIC (1963) et al. !{HITC0MB et a1. (1963a,b) ci trus (r980) MUMA (1973,1975) orchards LEGNER & oATMAN (1964) McCAFFREY & H0RSBURGH (.l978' 1980) SPECHT & DoNDALE (',I960) diverse crops BTLSTNG (1920) t^lHITCoMB (1974, 1975) CARR0LL -7 - Iable 3. List of literature on the spider faunas in agroecosystems in Asi a. Country Agroecosys tem Authors India mar ze SHARMA ri ce & SARUP (1979) SINGH & SANDHU (1976) KALoDE (1e76) & MrSRA (',1975) SAMAL Israel J apan & SrNGH (1975) & KAUR (]974) cotton BATTU ci trus SADANA gnapevi nes SADANA ci trus sHULov ('1938) apple orchards MANS0UR MANSOUR ri ce & SANDHU (1977) et al. et al. HAI4AMURA (1980a,b,c) (1981) (1969, l97l HASHrM0r0 (1974) HrßANO & KTRTTANT IT0 et al. ) (r976) ('l962) KAKiYA & KIRITANI (I976) & KTRITANI (1978) (r975) KAI',AHARA & KIRITANI ('l975) KANG KAWAHARA KAWAHARA et al. (1969, 1971) (1977, 1979) KIRITANI & KAKIYA (I975) KIRITANT KIRTTANT KIRITANI & (1973) (1972) KAT,JAHARA et al. K0BAYASHT (1975, r977) KoBAYASHT & SHIBATA (1973) .l976) KoYAMA (1972, 1975, MIYAI et al. (1978) OKUMA (1974,1977) SASABA & KIRITANI (I974) (1970) SASABA a1. (1973a,b) SASABA et et al. SUZUKI & KIRITANI (I974) TANAKA (1973, r975) TANAKA & HAI'IAMURA (1968) ToYoDA & YoSHII'IURA (1966) YAGTNUI4A (1965) YAI'iANo ( 1977 ) cabbage KAYASHIMA (1960) oKUMA ('l975) suzuKr & taro NAKASUJT (1976) -8- Iable 3 (contin. ). List of literature on the spider faunas in agroecosys tems in Asi a. Country Agroecosys tem Authors Japan tea KAIHoTSU (1979) TERADA TERADA mul Korea berry (re77) et al. KAYASHTMA (1978) (1967, 1972) ci trus KATHoTSU (1979) NOHARA & YASUMATSU (-1965) orch ards HUKUSTMA (i96r ) HUKUSIMA & KONDO oKUMA (',r973) ri CHOI H0KY0 ce (I962) et al. (1978) et al. (1976) 0KUMA et al. (1978) PArK & KrM (1973) (.1974) PAIK et mul berry People's Republic rice of PAIK al. et al. (1973) ANoNYM0US (1979) China Phi i i ppi Tai wan nes & RARoS (1975) IRRI Ann. Report (1973,1974) IRRI Ann. Report (1976' 1977) IRRI Ann. Report (1978) LUCERo & RARoS (1975) SALTNAS & RAR0S (1975) ri ce GAVARRA rl ce ('l974) CHIU cHU & oKUMA (1970) cHU & WANG (1972, 1973) et al. CHU CHU Thai I and rl ce et al. (.l975, l976a,b,c) et al . (1977) 0KUMA oKUMA (r968) & WoNGSTRI ('l973) -9- Table 4. List of literature Africa Country Austral i a Egvpt and on the spider faunas in agroecosysterns in region. in the Oceanic-Australian Agroecosystem Authors cotton BrsHoP (1979, 1980, 1981) BrsHoP & BL00D (r980) R00M (1979) orchards DoNDALT (r966) MacLELLAN (1973) cl over NEGM cotton granati Fiji Islands New Guinea South Africa et al. t,llTESMANN trees (1975) (1955) TEMERAK (198.l) coconut ToTHILL et a1. coffee ROBTNS0N strawberry DIPPENAAR-SCH0EMAN (1930) & RoBINSoN (1974) (1976,1979a'b) _ .10 _ it would certainly be misleading to deduce from that spiders play a significant role in pest control". estimates may be, them In order to understand the effectiveness of spiders on the population of insects, the species composition and the seasonal abundance as well as their prey must be known. In every ecosystem dynamics of the spiders there are diverse spider species and numerous prey species. According to the rules of comb'inatorics an enormous number of potential predator-prey interactions results from this fact, and a considerable part of them is realized. To evaluate the ecological importance of the spiders as insect predators, the predator-prey relations should be known. For this purpose, the prey compositions and the feeding rates of the different spiders should be determ'ined in the field. Finally, the ecological significance of spiders could only be entirely appreciated, if the ecological importance of the prey insects were known as well. However, only a few studies give quantitative information on the spiders'prey in the field (e.9. BILSING, .l965a, 'l960; 1920i TURNBULL, KAJAK, SCHAEFER, 1974a; TURNER,1979). The b; R0BINSON & ROBINS0N, 1970,1974; lack of such studies on the feeding ecology of the majority of the spider species of whole ecosystems is probably due to the fact that up to now only few arachnologists have taken the trouble of observing several spider species in the field while they are feeding, as such observations require much time and patience. The present study on the ecology of spiders in cereal fields, cultjvated grasslands near Zurich should at least in part fill course of the investigations the following questions meadows and abandoned this gap. In the have been asked: (l) l^lhich spider species feed in compos i (2) ti How many spiders per unit area feed in (abundance (3) Does the meadows and cereal fields (species on ) ? of meadows and cereal fields spiders)? abundance of spiders change in the course of the year (seasonal abundance)? within the meadows and cereal fields do the spiders feed (horizontal and vertical distribution)? (5) At which time of day do the spiders feed (diurnal rhythms)? (6) Wh'ich strateg'ies use the spiders to catch their prey (hunting (4) Where strategy )? (7) What is the prey composition? (8) How much prey per time unit do the spiders catch (prey capture rate)? From points l-5 and 8 can be deduced to what extent the spider populations exert a predatory pressure on the insect populations, as these points supply information on the temporal and spatial distribution of the predatory pressure and on the energy flow through the spider communities. From points 6 and 7 can be gathered on which insect groups (pest specjes, beneficjal species, indifferent species) the spiders act as predators. -il- before, numerous diffenent spider-prey interactions are possible in an agroecosystem. Therefore, since even the gatherjng of the data necessary for the evaluation of the interaction of just one spider species with one prey species needs much time' the investigation of all predator-prey interrelations within an ecosystem would far exceed the scope of a doctoral thesis. As mentioned investigation of the populat'ion biology and feeding ecology of the difficulty. For the vagrant hunting spiders (e.9. Lycosidae, Salticidae) the stationary population densities and the feeding ecology can be established only with great difficulty. Because of their extraintestinal digestion it is not possible' for instance' to carry out stomach content analyses as for birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes. Hunting spiders must therefore be observed in the field during long perjods of time. 0n the other hand, the population densities and feeding ecology of most web-building spiders can be determined relatively easily, as many ecological processes take place in the easily observable webs. Fot" The diverse spider species varies in this reason, mostly web-building spiders have been observed, 122. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Study area investigations were conducted in meadows and cereal fields on the outskirts of the city of Zurigh in the years 1976-1979. The study anea The of agricultural farmland at 395-600 metres level (Fig. 1),41% of it being arable land and 53% meadows. covers approximately 40 km' above sea 0n the cultivated area the foilowing crops were grown: Wheat' barley, rye, oats, maize, rape, sugar beet, field beans and vegetables. In 1975, the cereals (excluding maize) occupied about 54%, maize (grain, silage and green maize) about l3% of the tilled area. The study area is located in the transition zone between the Western climate and the Eastenn European continental climate. Turtch (47.2v northern latitude) has a mean annual temperature of 8.8oC and an annual variation of temperature of 17.8"C. Table 5 gives informations on the temperature and precipitation conditions during the four years of the study. All climatic values were furnished by the Swiss Meteorological Institute (tleather station Zurich). European oceqnic 2.2, Biotopes studied From 'l976 to 1979, studies were made in abandoned grassland bjotopes, cultivated meadows and cereal fields on the outskirts of the city of Zurich, The term "cultivated meadow" was used to express a contrast to the "uncultivated meadow-land" (megaphorbe meadow Al, dry meadow A2). "Abandonedgrasslands"means formerly cultivated land whjch for any reason has not been tilled, fertilized or mown for some time or is altogether abandoned. The biotopes are described in Tables 6-7. The locations of the cultivated meadows where the studies were carried out are described in Table 8. Most cultivated meadows in the region of Zurich ane fertilized and mechanically mown several times a year. Tne wheat, barley, rye, oat, and maize fields investigated are briefly characterized in Table 9. The areas of the cereal fields ranged from 0.5 to 3 ha. They are not treated with insecticides in the region of Zurich. However, herbicides are used in the maize fields. Pitfall trap studies were made in winter wheat fields on the territory of the Swiss Federal Research Station 2.3. Methods 2.3.'l. The for Agronomy at Zurich-Reckenholz. of investigation family and species composition of the spiders Direct observatjons in the vegetation zone of cereal fie'lds The cereal fields were visited periodically. The composition of the fo1 i age-dwel 1 i ng spi der fauna was i nvesti gated by di rect observati ons ' All observation data were recorded. 0f sorne species, only genus could be ascertained by this procedure. the c o) o da x O ^; co o6 o! 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F c o J o ! o o :oo I6 @ c o o c c o = c !ooo! @ P +L ! o o I I o o O E a !> dE oo 6C oo o 6 l! ooN t9L C< O< 6.F op! .160 =# O O a a 6 P A I o ! C .-t92.3.1.2. jn the Sweep net samples an-d cul-ti vated meadows vegetation zone of abandoned grasslands ing spiders of abandoned grasslands and cultjvated collected by means of a sweep net with an upper diameter a length of 75 cm..l979. Sweep net collections were made in June, July, August, and September of The single sweeps were counted. The collected spiders were carefully taken out of the net with the help of preserved tweezers, killed and in 70% ethanol. For every sample, the time of day and the number of sweeps were recorded, In order to have comparable data, the data were later converted into "number of spiders/ 100 single sweeps". The foliage-dwell meadows were of 40 cm and 2.3.'l.3. Pitfall trap studies in cultivated The spider fauna on the ground surface fields was studied by means of pitfall meadows and of cultivated cereal fields meadows and cereal traps. Transparent plastic beakers (upper diameter 7 cm, height 7.5 cn) were used as traps; they were completely sunk into the ground until the upper rim was level with the ground surface. Each beaker r{as filled with 70 nl of 4% formalin, and a touch of a detergent was added to reduce the surface tension. The traps were not protected by a rain shelter, They were emptied at intervals of l-2 weeks. In the laboratory, the spiders were washed in water and then preserved in 701 ethanol. pitfall trap studies were made in a winter wheat fjeld on the territory of the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronomy ZurjchReckenholz. The experimental field had an area of 2 ha approximately, Thereon, a screen of 45 pitfall traps was set up (Fig. 2). The shortest In 1977, the distance between two traps was 20 m. 1978 and 1979 respectively,6 more pitfall traps were set up same field, In addition to this,6 other traps were set up in a In cultivated meadow in in the Zurich-Höngg. 2.3.1,4. Determination of the spiders The spiders collected were identified in the laboratory under a stereomicroscope. Genital preparations were made of female spiders which could not definitely be determined by the morphology of the epigyne alone. For this purpose, a piece of the^genital area which contained the epigyne was macerated for 2 hours at 7O'C in a l0% solution of K0H. Subsequently the preparation was washed in water and ethanol and then enbedded in Euparal as a permanent mount. These genital preparations were then studied and compared with the illustrations of the vulvae in the books. The following publications served as keys: BLANKE (1976), DAHL (r93r), DAHL & DAHL (1927), HARM (r97r), LoCKET & MILLTDGE (1951/53), LOCKET et al. (1974), REII"I0SER (1937), ROEl'lER (1928), TONGI0RGI ('l966), and t,JIEHLE (193t, 1937, I953, 1956, 1963). The determination of 99 of Pardosa agrestis (l.lestr.) presented diffjculties. There is a danger of nistaking them for 99 of Pardosa montjcola (C1.). Accor"dins to L0CKET et al. (1974), the width 6? th-e e[iljfrä(posterior margin) is 0.36-0.48 nm in P. monticola, and 0.48-0.78 nm for P. agrestis. However, in a samp)e of-FT9-ilom a winter wheat field, measured by myself, the postenior margin of the epigyne was 0.51-0.63 mm (P = 0.56 i 0,04 nxn), indicating that the species is P. agrestis. -20- 6 ! @ !d os L N .Fo 66 = o o! s6 c o o P! !@ !.o9 o os SF ON ts !6 @ .-l o @ (, c, a SN =r o @c PO cv =od dl CQ ! aqN 6 !>! PE o FO 6! 90 p< o! o E 90 . O'r c 6r oPo ! 9'r !oo !o! .Foo oG6 ru oz ^; o L -21 The nomenclature according to MAURER ('1978) was used. Samples of each spider species determined by myself were verified by Dr. K. Thaler, University of Innsbruck, Austria. A few species djfficult to identify were determined by Dr. K. Thaler. At least one specimen of each spider species was deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Curator: Prof. Dr. V{. Sauter). 2.3.2. Invest'igation of the spider densities ?.3.2.1. Estimate of the relative density Relative densities permit the comparison of different biotopes and seasons 1ilÜuleneene, I976). Retative densities weie found by means of the sweeping technique (number of spiders/100 sweeps) and pitfall traps (number of spiders/week/trap). different Estimate of the absolute density The spider density in abandoned grassland, cultivated meadows and cereal fields was investigated by means of the "square method". For this purpose, the spiders were counted within squares in several places of the field, In the vegetat'ion zone, a square frame of m x m was used. 0n the ground surface square frames of 0.2 m x 0.2 m,0.33 m x 0.33 m, and of 0.4 m x 0.4 m were used. I I not be applied to wolf spiders, as their iocomotory activity is very high. The density of adult wolf spiders therefore estimated by direct observation. The square method could 2.3.3. Investigation of the seasonal change of abundance of was spiders The seasonal occurrence of the spider species in the vegetation zone of cereal fields was recorded by simple observations in the fields. The foliage dwelling spiders of abandoned grassland and cultivated meadows, on the other hand, were captured by sweeping with the net in different seasons. Infonnation on the seasonal occurrence their nunbers was derived from these sneeps. of the spiders and The spiders caught in pitfall traps furnished informations on the seasonal occumence of ground-dwelling spiders. 2.3.4. Investigation of the daily activity of spiders The locomotory and feeding activity of the various spider species in the field was recorded at different times around the clock. At night, a flashlight was used. -222.3.5, Investigation of the spatial distribution of spiders 2.3.5,.l. Investigation of the horizontal distribution of spiders The dispersion index was calculated from the data collected by the square method ( see 2. 3. 2. ) . The hori zontal di stri buti on of the spi ders in the vegetation zone and on the ground vras established in this way. The distribution of the spiders in MORISITA's index space has been estimated using independent of the size of the The index of M0RISITA has been calculated (I6) of aggregation .l974). sampling unit (P00LE, from the following equation: n n !.a_ xi(xi-l) I önn =F *.1 (f x.-l) 'L I i-l where +h i"" xi is the number of jndividuals in and I x. is the total number of individuals in all the i=l ' n is the sample, - samp r es . The fol1owing I"ö < I Iu = I Is t'l ', l_1 number n of samples, relations are valid: uniform distribution, random distribution (Poisson distribution), aggregated distribution the significance of the deviation of 16 from I, is tested by calculating F as follows: After P00LE (1974) I^(t ö.4 i=l x.-l)+n-I 1, x. i=l I E_ n-l The value of F is compared (with v, =@, v2 = n - l). to a table of the F distrjbution the - Investigation of the vertical distributjon of spiders in the vege!a!ign zone of orb-weaving abandoned grasslg-nd For each of the different orb-weaving spider species the vertical distance from the ground to the orb hub was measured. 2.3.6. Analysjs of diversity For the calculation of the diversity index (H') the (also cailed Shannon-Weaver SHANNON-WIENER formula formula) of the information theory was used: s H'=-to.lno.. i=l of species, pi = re'lative frequency of the ith species, 0.0 to 1.0. To test the significance of the difference between two H'-values, the t-Test was used as indicated by P00LE (.1974). The diversity index (H') does not shor,, if its value is caused by a high number of species with irnegular distributjon or by a low number of species with regular distribution. Therefore, a supplementary measure, the evenness (E) after PIEL0U (1966) is calculated: where S = number measured from r- H' Hru" The value of E ranges from 0 to evenness (i.e. the mone regular H' In s +1. The higher the value the greater the the distribution). 2.3.7. Investigation of the prey composition of spiders Investigation of the prey composition of web-building sp'iders in the vegetation zone of abandoned grassland, cultivated meadows, and cereal fields Which insect groups were caught in the spiders'webs at different times of day and night was detennined by means of continuous observations in the field. During the night, the webs were observed in the light of a dirmed electric torch. Care was taken not to influence thereby the behaviour of the spiders and thein prey. To some extent the prey items were determined and counted in the field, and the observation data recorded. In some cases the prey iterns were collected from the webs with tweezers, and preserved 'in 70* ethyl alcohol. They were counted under the stereo-microscope. 0f some important pney groups samples were determi nati on . sent to specialists for exact -242,3.7,2, Investigation of the prey composition of hunting spiders (crab spiders) in the vegetation zone of abandoned grassland, cultivated meadows, and cereal fields During both day and n'ight the vegetation zone was thouroughly searched for hunting spiders that were feeding. The prey items were determined either directly in the field or later on in the laboratory. Investigation of the prey composition of web-spiders 9n the for ground-dwelling spiders that v,ere of the sma'll size of these spiders and their prey, such studies could be made only during daytime. As before, the prey items were determined either directly in the field or later on in the laboratory. Samples of some important prey groups were sent to special ists for identification. The ground surface was searched feeding. Because Investigation of the prey composition of diurnal hunting d cereal fields l^lo1f spiders were caught in the field by hand collections with a transmeadows and parent plastic beaker (7 cm upper diameter). Spiders with prey were ki11ed, preserved in alcohol and later determined in the laboratory under a stereo-microscope along with the prey. l^lolf spiders were only observed in the daytine, as the dominant species (Pardosa spp.) are diurnal (see and 0f some important prey groups, samples were sent to specialists for accurate deterrnination. 2.3.8. Investigation of the prey capture rate of spiders 2.3.8.'l. 0rb-weaving spiders Two methods Method were used to study the prey capture rate: l: Direct observation in the field. advantage The numben lock. This of insects caught method has the of furnishing accurate data on how many insects a spider It is, however, very time-consuming. captures per day. 2: Many orb-weaving spiders rebuild their web every day. For such spider species, the number of prey/web was counted at a time of the day when the webs were filled with prey. This number gives an estimate of the real capture rate which may be slightly higher, however' as sometimes single sma'll insects are already consumed during the day and others get caught only after the prey has been counted. This method, though less accurate than dinect observation, is far less time-consumMethod i ng. l,lolf spjjers (1969, 1970) developed a method by means of which the prey capture rate of wolf spiders can be calculated, if the feeding frequency in the fjeld and the duration of feeding measured in the laboratony are EDGAR known. -25the feeding frequency of the spiders, wolf spiders were caught in cultjvated meadows and cereal fields on different days. In the case of each captured spider it was recorded whether it had a prey or not. To determine In order to measure the duration of feeding of wolf spiders, adult males and females of P. agrestjs were caught in a winter wheat field and brought into the TäEoraTory: There, they were confined singly to circular petri-dishes (9 9 cm, height 1.5 cm) with a moist filter paper on the bottom. At room temperature, the spiders were fed with aphids, small bugs, Diptera, and spiders of about the same size as those captured by the spiders in the field. The tine spent on the consumption of one prey item was measured. This method is suitable crab spi dens , too. for the evaluation of prey capture rates of 2.3.9. Calculation of the niche breadth and niche overlap concerning In order to examine to what extent the coexisting spider species use the available food resources in conmon, the overlap and breadth of the food compositions was determined. For this purpose, a resource matrix was set up (MOHLENBERG, 1976), In our niche system, the compared spider groups are looked upon as resource users and the components in the spiders' prey are considered as resource classes. The overlap coefficient Cl was calculated by means of the forrnula of MORISITA (1959), modified by H0RN (1966): z i L *.u. l-l e^=, i=l , r*i*:vi i=] i=l ' is the total numben of food items, xi and yi are proportions of the ith item in the prey compositions of spiäer spääies x and y. The values of Cl range from zero to i,0 (from entirely different to identica'l prey composition). According to ZARET & RAND (1971) one assumes that Ctr values >0.60 ind.icate a considerable overlap. In the present study, the njche overlap could not be calculated at species level, as only the order or family of most prey items were determined. Therefore, the overlap values calculated in this thesis are probably overestimated compared with the overlap determined at species leve1. This over'lap index has been applied for the comparison of predators' prey compositions by other authors, too (ZARET & RAND,1971i 0BRTEL & where S HoLrsovA, 1976). Bi was calculated after LEVINS (1968), applying the fol lowing forrnula derived from Simpson's index: The niche breadth -26- B. 1 I n^ t o.' i=t In this formula p- is the proportion of the ith of n resource used by a spider Species. 2.3.'l0. ComDarison of sDider communities categories of d'ifferent locations of two spider c-onmunities the "overlap index" (Cru) (1970) was used. The formula is as follows: For the comparison after SCH0ENER I - o.5I 1n.,5 - n.,*l of species j of the species This index ranges from 0 (no over1ap) to I (total overlap). This index, too, was used for the comparison of ipider Communities of different locations by CURTIS (1978) and bv where pii and pik are the proportions conrmunities in ihe locations i and k. SCHAEFER & KoCK (1979). 2.3.1.l. Estimate of the energy flow through spider cammunities The different pathways in a spider's energy budget are as follows: 0f the "prey kil.led" only a part reaches the alimentary canal (= "prey consumed"); the rest is not fed by the spider" (= "prey not consumed"). 0f the präy consumed a part is absorbed by the gut and assinilated in the body 1= "prey assimilated"); the rest is eliminated as "faeces".0f the assimilated prey a part'is lost by "respiration" and "secretions"i the rest remains for "production".0f these six components of the energy flow, only the energy-input into a spider community ("prey killed" and/ör "prey consumed") could be determined or calculated within the framework of this thesis. In the vegetation zone the "prey killed" by the large web-building spiders can be studied easily by direct observation. Therefore, jn the vegetation zone the energy flow was calculated on the basis of "prey kiiled".0n the ground surface the "prey killed" by the small web-building spiders could not be studied easily. For that reason, in the determination of the energy flow through the spider communities the "prey consumed" C was calculated theoretically (C calculated as a function of the weight of a spjder, see below). 2.3.'l,l..l. Vegetation zone the knowledge of the prey capture nates and population densities, the prey kill ing rate (number of prey items/ha/time unit) of. the.spiders could bä calculited (see 3.1.1.l. and 3.3.9.). From the prey killing rate the energy flow through the foliage-dwelling spider communjties was calculatÄä by conversing the number of prey.items'into weight of prey From (kg prey/ha/time unit) and weight of prey into Joule or Megaioule (MJ/ha/time un'i t) . -27The to caloric value of soft-bodied insects approximately JozwlK, i975). 5.44 J/mg fresh weight (sma11 Diptera, aphids) amounts (vAN H00K, 1971, BREYMEYER & Ground surface Following LUCZAK (1975) the daily consumption (C) of one spider was calculated after the equation of EDWARDS et al. (1972), generally applicable to invertebrates: loo C = loq 0.071 + 0.725 loo X . where C is expressed as callspider/day and X is the caloric content of the body of a spider (1 mg dry weight - 5.8 cal = 24.3 J). The daily energy flow E. (= "prey consumed") through the gnound-dwel1ing web-building spider confrunity was estimated after the fornula: Ec=C D' is the density of the spiders (tl/*2). The mean fresh weight of a ground-dwelling web-building spider was assumed to be 2.5 mg. This is the fresh weight of one micnyphantid spider with a body length of 2-2.5 rm (HEYDEMANN, 1962). In application of this equation the average consumption of one micryphantid spider in which D was calculated to be 5.22 cal/day. Approximately 80% of the killed prey is consumed by spiders (EDGAR, l97l;, M0ULDER & REICHLE, 1972i t^l0RKaAN, 1978). Hence follows the energy flow Epk ("prey killed"): E. = 'l.25 pKc E 2.3..l2. Statistical anal is of data In most cases the data collected in the field refer to frequencies. Such data have an assynrnetric distribution. If data have a symmetric distribution one gives the arithmetic mean i (t SE) as characteristic va1ues of the random samples. 0n the contrary, for assymetric distribut'ions one should give the median | (t confidence interval) as characteristic values of the random samples (SACHS, 1974). However, a perusal of the renowned journals "Ecology", "Oecologia", "0ikos", "J. Anim. Ecol.", "Nature" and "Science" has^ shown, that in most field studies the mean value i and not the mediani was calculated. In the 'literature mainly the following characteristic values of random samples are given: i r SD, i t SE, i t 95% C.L. Therefore, in order to make the results of this thesis companable with those of the literature, i 1 SE was given as characteristic value of random samples. For the comparison (sAcHS, r974). of tlvo mean values nonparametnic tests were applied -283. RESULTS 3.1. 3.1. The r"ole of spiders as insect predators in abandoned grasslands I. Characterjzation of the biotopes and colonization by spjders In biotopes with plants the spiders live in two zones: in the vegetation zone (= foliage-dwelling spiders) and on the ground surface 1= grounddwelling spiders). In the two zones different spider families are found. In abandoned grasslands, only the foliage-dwel1ing spiders were studied within the framework of this thesis. The abandoned grassland biotopes studied were mostly uncultivated meadowland, shooting-grounds and future building sites overgrown with high grass, unmown stripes of grassland along field borders and river banks (see Tables 6-7). The vegetation zone of these grassland biotopes is heterogenous, It is composed of grasses on the one hand and of herbs and weeds (Cirsium arvense (1.) Scop., Rubus sp.) on the other hand. Some of these grasslands are interspersed with single shrubs. grassland is only little influenced by men. As spiders live or less undisturbed in such biotopes' they are found in relatively Abandoned more in the vegetation zone. the investigation of the spiders' density in the vegetaThe result of high densities two abandoned grassland biotopes (megaphorbe meadow Al and A2) was 8.8 and 9.6 spidersfmz respectively between mid-May and the end of May, and 10.6 spiders/mz in A2 at the beginning of Ju1y. The estimate in Al in the beginning of September resulted in 9.4 spiders/m2 as well. This neans that in 1979 the spider density in the vegetat.ion zone of both abandoned grassland biotopes was relatively 2 constant from May til September and amounted to about l0 individuals/m-. tion dry zone of meadow 3.i.2. Spider communities of abandoned grasslands . Spi der conrnuni ty of bi otope Al family composition of the foliage-dwelling spider community of the megaphorbe meadow AI was investigated by means of the sweeping method and is sunrnarized in Tables l0-ll, together with the reiative densities and the age structure of the spiders. If we consider the total (June to September), we find the following results: spiders belonging to the six 3. I . 2. I The famil ies Tetragnathidae, Pisauridae, Micryphantidae, Araneidae, Salticidae, and Agelenidae prevailed in the sweep net samples (89% of all spiders, g0% of the adult spiders). Tetragnathidae were found most frequently. What the tables do not show is the fact that more than two thirds of the captured spiders were females. In Table 'l2, the species composition of the foliage-dwelling spiders occurring in location A1 is represented. The table shows that the five species Tetragnatha extensa arcuata (1.), Hylyphantes nigritus (Simon), qYlrgha FTiaury_4jigu-f-r-l rej.T- prevalled in thi iweep net samples (>80% of the total). T. extensa and H. n'igritus were the two species most frequently captured. The spider community of location Al consisted to a considerable degree of species of medium to large size. Argiope bruennichi (Scop.), Araneus Table .l0. Family composition in zone of the .l979. of the spider fauna in the vegetation Al at different dates in summer was investigated by means of sweep net % megaphorbe meadow The composition collections. Immature and adult spiders were counted, 12.6. 28.6. 17.7. 14.8. 20.9. Total Spider family N=434 N=81 7 N=950 N=906 N=649 N=3756 Tetragnathi dae 30.65 2.07 13.59 26.27 8,?9 3. 00 3. 00 L 84 0.92 5.99 00 00 4.38 Pi sauri dae Mi cryphanti dae Arane i dae SaI ti ci dae Agel eni dae Li nyphi i dae Thomi si dae Cl ubi oni dae Theri di i dae Di ctyni dae Phi I odromidae Unident. spiders Total I 42.23 .l5.06 I 5.75 13.71 8.45 3 .92 1 .71 2.57 3.67 1.96 0.98 00.0 100.0 16 0.95 2.63 8.42 4.32 4.21 3.47 1.89 1.16 2.00 0.32 0 3.47 I 00.0 51.31 7 .24 21.73 4.31 4.78 0.92 I .69 0.77 2.62 0.15 0.46 0.15 3.85 6l .48 57. 9. 38 10.49 3.42 8.94 0.99 0.33 L99 0.88 0.33 0.55 0.22 0.99 I 00.0 I 00.0 50.88 9 .80 9.77 9.72 6.87 ?.66 1 .97 I . 86 I.86 .l.73 0.?9 0.08 2.50 r00.0 -30- Table ll. Relative density of immature and adult spiders in the vegetation zone of the megaphorbe meadow Al from June to Septenber'1979. i = immaturestages, a=adultstages, t=total Number Spider family I 2 - Araneidae Tetragnathidae - Linyphiidae 4 - Micryphantidae 9.6 2.3 lt.9 ?.12.7 1.5 214.2 0.4 0.8 1 .2 36.2 0.4 36.6 0 1.2 1.2 0.8 2.7 3.5 'I .9 24.2 6.9 3l .1 6. 5 0.4 6.9 0.8 3r.5 t.? 32.7 3. I 0 3. I 3. s t 0.4 22.8 16.0 I ?.8 96 .6 a 23. B 12.0 26.6 108.6 '| 2.6 6.6 a 0 0 2.6 6.6 l l.6 0.2 0.6 4.4 11.8 5.0 2.4 2.8 5.2 t.z i t I t 6 - Agelenidae 16.0 22.4 a 5 - Theridiidae August i t 0 1.6 3.8 i 2.6 8.0 a 0 0 2.6 8.0 t 7 - Dictynidae 1 0 0.6 8 - Salticidae i 5.0 6.2 a 2.2 ?.0 8.2 t 9- Thomisidae i I.6 3.0 0.6 3.6 I 0 0 i 0.4 20.4 a t i 1.4 1.8 0.4 20. 8 0.8 2.? a 0 0 t l0 I | - 12 - Philodromidae Pisauridae Clubionidae t Unidentified spiders i Total * Developmental stage 7.2 0.8 0.8 a of T. sweeps July a t 3 of spiders/l00 June 0.8 22 3.8 6.6 43. 8 168. 4 43.0 ?1 .6 86.8 190.0 33t.2 17 .4 348.6 extensa not distinguished in September 5.0 9.0 14.0 * 166.5 0 5.5 5.5 70.0 0.5 70.5 0.5 0 0.5 0 3.0 3.0 1.5 l l.0 4.5 15.5 2.0 0.5 2.5 0.5 23.5 0 23.5 8.0 0.5 8.5 12.5 30.l.0 23.5* 324.5 September -3] - Table 12. Species composition of the spider fauna in the vegetation zone of megaphorbe meadow Al in summer 1979. Species investigated by means of sweep net collections.0nly adult spiders are listed in the table. The numbers in parentenses behind the names correspond the with the family-numbers in Table ll. Spider species Araneus di adematusa ( I ) Araneus quadratus (1) Nuctenea cornuta Argi ope bruenni Meta segmentata (l) chi (1) (i) Tetragnatha extensa (2) 0 0 2 U 0 t09 Tetragnatha pinicola (2) I Tetragnatha spe".b 1Z; Pachygnatha clercki (2) 9 Linyphia triangularis (3) Floronia bucculenta (3) 0 Disnodicus bifrons (4) Hylyplantes nigritus (4) Erigone dentipalpis (4) Enoplognatha ovata (5) Neotti ura bimacul ata (5 ) Agelena gracilens (6) Evarcha arcuata (8) Heliophanus flavipes (8) Xysti cus cristatus (9) mirabilis 0 I 57 0 0 t4 0 ll 0 2 t Xysticus kochi (9) Pisaura 0 (11) 7 Clubiona reclusa (12) 0 Clubiona neglecta (12) 0 Total 215 00 l0 00 00 00 80 00 12 00 00 00 20 44 0t 211 60 00 13 6l 03 00 62 20 t0 164 58 21 9 't08 0 0 4 ? I 0 I I 0 t4 2 52 0 0 2 0 0 I 2 9 0 2 0 0 I I 0 0 J 0 0 0 7 5 t8 9 0 0 0 I I 0 J 0 0 I 0 0 45 100 8 3 2 14 301 I 14 I '11 2 3 1?4 I 16 20 I3 60 7 6 3 t8 3 I 632 a Species not rare, often observed but never caught with the sweep net b St".nunr without median light patch 1.27 0.47 0.32 2.22 47.63 0. t6 2.22 0.16 1.74 0.32 0.47 19.62 0.16 2.53 3. 16 2.06 9.49 l.il 0.95 0.47 2.85 0.47 0.16 100.0 -32Cl., Araneus diadematus Cl., Agelena gracilens C.L. Koch, and P. mirabilis were the largest spiders found in Al (see Table 13). The Targe we5:5[ilding spiders A. bruennichi, A. quadratus and A. giaci]ens were only rarely and A. diadematus never caught with the sweep net (Table I2). These four species were however rather frequent in location A1 (see also Table 22). This probably signifies that large web-building spiders are underproportionately represented in sweep net samples. quadratus Spider conununity of biotope A2 In the dry meadow 42, also, more than two thirds of the adult spiders in the vegetation zone were females. Tables l4-15 show the family composition of the spiders found in this location. From the totals of Table l4 (right column) results that spiders belonging to the seven fami I ies Thomi sidae, Sal ti cidae, Mi cryphanti dae, Tetragnathidae, Pisauridae, Theridiidae and Araneidae predominated in the sweep net samples (89S of ail spiders,96% of the adult spiders). The two spider families Thomisidae and Salticidae, whose members hunt their prey without caught webs, were caught most frequently. Table l6 represents the species composition of the foliage-dwel1ing spiders occurring in location A2. The table shows that in the sweep net samples the six species Tetragnatha pinicola L. Koch, H. nigritus, flavlEilnäInT, and Enoplosnatha ovatä (cl .)@ xysE?FcrTsETus (ct.) pre?ominäEa llTd7--ofthe-6EfT Most frequent were the two species E. arcuata and X. cristatus. of species of medjum size (see Table 13). A. bruennichi, Aculepeira ceropegia (l'lalck.), and The spider cormunity was thus mainly composed i . mi rab iIi s werä-[fräläiEffi sFlZEilli-AZi-5[l-Eached on I y re I a t i ve 1 y Gil'-äffilTlEs. Comparison of the spider conmunities of the two abandoned grassland biotopes The distance between the two locations Al and A2 is 7 km. In accordance with the differing levels of humidity, the moisture-loving T. extensa more frequent in Al, while in A2 the dryness-loving T. pinicola is more often found. In both locations, however, the same spider families were encountered, only in different percentages. In both locatjons' the adult stages of more than 20 species could be caught by means of the sweep and identified. Twelve species, namely A. bruennich'i, Meta segmentata Cl., T. pinicola, Linyphia triangu-laris C). il. nigritus, is net ' E. bvata, N. bimaculata, E. arcuata, H. flaviles, Xysticus cristatu!' ._ xy=Ecus kocli-froreTi; ana p. rnTraUiTis occurrea ln uotti biotopes (Tables 7-fi4--I6-l;-oTl y one i nrnatu räTpETfrEi-Tf the i nterest i ng j umpi n g sp i der Myrmarachne formicaria (Deg.) was found in each location. Diversity (H') and evenness (E) were lower in AI than in A2 (Table.l7)_. The difference'beiween the diversity indices H'41 and H'42 is statistically significant (t-test, p<0,05). The lower diversity in the more humid Al can be explained by the fact that only two species were hi9h1y predominant in Al , namely T. extensa and Hr_!-glj!:. establish the similarity of the spider communjties of the two locations Al and A2, SCHOENER's "overlap index" C.il was calculated. To -33- Table 'l3. Body length (mm) of the adult spiders, whjch have been observed in lands, cultivated meadows and cereal fjelds near Zurich. abandoned Informations compiled from literature (mainly after LoCKET & MIL- LTDGE, 195r/53). Spider species I fimbriatus 13 -20 mirabilis 12 -.l5 gracilens l0 -15 ceropegia ll.5-14 bruennich.i ll -14 quadratus 9 -l 5 A. diadematus l0 -12 A. labyrinthicg I -12 T. extensa 8 -1 I T. montana 6.5-10 8.5 A. alsine N.cornuta 6 -8.5 6 -8.5 C.reclusa 7 E. arcuata 6 8 I'--!9$1 C.neglecta 6 -8 P. amentata 5. 5- 8 M.segmentata 5 -8 P. clercki 6 X. cnistatus 6 -7 P.agrestis 6 -6.5 T.obtusa 5 -7 L.triangularis 5 -6 T.pinicola 5 -6 P.cespitum 5 -6 H. flavipes 5 -6 P. palustris 4.5- 6 E.ovata 5 -5.5 H. auratus 4.5-6,5 P.pullata 4 -6 A. cucurbitina 4 -6 A.opisthographa 4 -6 D. P. A. A. A. A. d 9 Spider 3 12 7.5-12.5 6.5 4 6 -8 4.5- 8 8 -9 6 -9 6.5- 8 6 5 -8 5 -6 5 -6 4 -5 4.5 6 - 6.5 5 -6 5 -6 4 -5 4.5 3.5- 5.5 5 -6 4.5- 5 4 3 . 5- 4 4.5- 5.5 3 -4 3 -4 4 - 4.5 3.5- 4 -l 3.5- 4 species I hortensi s 4 -5 mengei 3.5-5 F. bucculenta 4 T. impressum 4 -4.5 E. angulatus 4 -4.5 3.5-5 M. pusilla P. rufus 3.5-4 3 -5 A. sturmi M.acalypha 4 A. riparia 3.5 H. sanguinea 3 -3.8 T. varians 2.5-3.5 N. bimaculata 2.5-3.3 H.nigritus 3 P. Ssgeeri 2.5-3 2.5-3 D. puella D. uncinata 2.5-2.8 0.agicatus 2.5 0. tuberosus 2,5 2.5 0. fuscus P. convexum 2.3-?.5 2 -2.5 E. atra humilis 2 -2.5 L. gracilis 2 -2.5 B. D. bifrons 2 -2.3 T. vagans 2 -2,2 E. dentipalpis 'l.8-2.5 'l .8-2.5 D. pusilla M. rurestris 1.8-2.2 T. boesenbergi ? ].5 P. oblitun d L. 3 M. 3.5-5 -4 4 2,5-3.5 4 3 3 3.5 2.5 3 -3.3 3 2.3-2.8 2.5-3 2.3 2.5-3 ? -2.8 2 -2.5 2.3 2 -2.3 ? 2.3-2.5 2 -2.5 1.8-2 'l.5-.l.8 l 8-2 1 .5-2 1.8-2.5 2 1.8-2.2 1.8 L5 -34- in % of the spider fauna in the vegetation of the dry meadow A2 at different dates in sununer 1979. The composition was investigated by means of sweep net collections. Irmature and adult spiders were counted. Table 14. Family composition zone Spider family Thomi Sa l M i ti s i dae ci dae cryphanti dae Tetragnath i dae Pi sauri dae Theri di i dae Aranei dae Di ctyni dae Li nyphi i dae C l ubi oni dae Lycos i dae Ageleni dae Philodromidae Unident. spiders Total 1 '?:3: N=236 N=lt5 N=296 27.54 27.12 5.5t 8.05 4 .24 16 .95 7.63 00 0.42 0.85 0. 85 00 0.42 0.42 51.86 12.54 2.71 8.14 I 0. 85 5.08 2.03 0.34 1.36 0.34 0.34 0.34 00 4.O7 20.87 46.96 4.35 3.48 6.96 I .57 2.61 2.61 0 0.87 0 1.74 00.0 00.0 1 1 00.0 17.s. Totar N=368 N=281 22.83 18.21 14.95 15.49 8.97 1.63 1.90 2.99 1.63 I.36 0 0.27 9.78 N=t296 7.83 26.85 32.03 24.07 25.27 ll.73 3.56 8.80 7 .64 5 .69 1.07 5.7] 7.83 4.32 4.63 L93 0.36 l.16 0.36 0.69 0.7r 0.46 0.]5 0 0.08 0 0.68 6.33 1 100.0 100.0 100.0 -35- of immature (i) and adult (a) spiin the vegetation zone of the dry meadow A2 from to August 1979. t = total number of spidens. Table 15. Relative density ders June Nunber Spider family I - J Araneidae 2 - Tetragnathidae 3 - Linyphiidae of spiders/100 July une 0 I.4 1.2 1.2 0.2 1.4 0.3 4.8 ll.4 1.2 'LI 0 I.4 4.8 It.4 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.8 10.8 1.6 11.0 0.2 0 0.1 - Micryphantidae 0 1.0 1.0 5 - Theridiidae 2.6 0.5 6 - Agelenidae 7 - Dictynidae 8 - Salticidae 9 - Thomisidae* i l - Pi sauri dae Augus 0.7 0.7 0 4 sweeps 0 1.2 0.2 3.1 to 3.0 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 4.8 5.8 10.4 1.6 7.4 I '1.2 1.2 3.0 3.4 16.6 3.0 30.2 2.0 0.4 0.2 5.0 30. 6 16.8 0.6 0.2 0.8 6.2 6.6 0.2 6.4 0 6.6 2 - Cl ubi oni dae 0.2 0.2 1.0 '13 - Lycosidae 0 0.2 0 0..l ?.4 7.2 I 10.0 5L. ö a 8.2 6.2 L 18. 2 59. 0 68.4 5.2 73.6 I Unidentified spiders Total * + I adult specimen of Philodromidae (10) in June t -36- Table l6. of the spider fauna in the vegetation zone of the dry meadow A2 in summer'1979. The numbers in parentheses behind the names correspond with the family-numbers in Table ]5. The composition was investigated by means of sweep net collections. Only the adult spiders ar"e listed in the table. Species composition Spider species Aculepeira ceropegia (l Araniel la cucurbitina ) 6 (1 ) 0 (l) (l) (l) 4l9i9p9 bruennichi il Mangora acalypha J Meta segmentata 0 Tetragnatha pinicola (2) Linyphia triangularis (3) Linyphia spec. (3) Meioneta rurestris Hylyphantes (3) nigritus E 0 0 0 (4) Theridion boesenbergi (5) Theridion impressum (5) Enoplognatha ovata (5) Neottiura bimaculata (5) Evarcha arcuata (8) Heliophanus flavipes (8) '| 0 'I 4 23 9 Xysticus cristatus (9) Xysticus kochi (9) 25 Philodromus rufus (10) I Pisaura mirabilis Pardosa pul lata (11) (13) Pardosa amentata (.l3) Total I 2 I I 106 00 0t n 00 0 00 0 00 4 00 0 02 0 t0 0 t0 5 41 0 00 00 0 t4 2 0l 22 8 6020 3210 0000 0000 5100 1000 0000 0 0 n I 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 U 0 I 49 3l 5 I 0 13 t8 6 I I 3 I 19 3 I 1 23 I I 21 7 84 17 31 1 'I 2.56 0.43 0.43 i.28 0.43 8.12 1.28 0.43 0.43 9.83 0.43 0.43 8.97 2.99 35.90 7.26 13.25 0.43 0. 43 B 2 'I 26 22 234 3.42 0.85 0. 43 I 00.0 -37 Table 17. Number of families, number and evenness(see Methods, spiders in the vegetation of species, diversity, 2.3.6.) of the adult zone of two abandoned grassland biotopes (investigated by means sweep net data of Tables 12 and 16). The of the two diversity values are significantly different (t-test, P <0.05). Megaphorbe meadow Number of families Number of Diversity species S H' Evenness E - H'llnS Dry meadow At A? l0 l0 23 22 I .85 2.14 0. 59 0.69 -38of the total of spiders capturedin Al and A2 results in an "overlap index" C.ip of 0.32 (see 2.3.10)' Thus, the spider communities in the two abanäoned grassland biotopes differ widely. The comparison More extensive studies in other labyrinthica (Cl. ), DdiomecieiF'imbrigtus 3.1.3. abandoned gr"ass'land of Zurich resulted in the additional surroundings locations in the species Agelena Hyposinga :qnguinea (C'1. Koch) ' l'49!s mengei (B1ackw. ) ' L. and Hel iophanus auratus C-1. Koch. Seasonal change of abundance and daily activity of abundance l5 show the spiders'seasonal trends. Adult stages of T. extensa. T. oinicola. H. niqritus, N. bimaculata' E. ovata' H. flavipes, P. nirabilis, and X. cristalus were tound malnly rn June' lnrnatureEages-mosQ-between July and September. 0f E' arcuata adult stages could be found relatively oiten from June to Se!-tem-bET-and imature stages in August/September. The contrary was true for L. triangularis, A. gracilens, M. s-egmentata, A' qugdra!us: ang- Ä. Iiuen;ftFl-inunature-sTagäs were caugtrt by sweeping in June/July' Tables Seasonal change ll and ;äuIT sTages-not before August/September. Table 18 represents the relative density of the spiders (= number of spiders/I00 sweeps) as a function of the season. The table shows similar trends for the two locations Al and A2. In all the seasons' more ißnature than adult spiders were captured. Considering the total spider density (inmature + adult stages), a strong increase in the spider density irom spring to late summer can be noticed. The adult spiders reached their rnaximal density in June, the minimal density in August' 0n the contrary, the minimal density of the'irunature spiders occurred in June, the mäximal density in August. The females of several spider species of the locations studied probably laid their egg sacs in spring and died soon thereafter. The spiderlings then hatched in the coursÄ of the summer. Since abandoned grasslands are spared to a large extent from human influences all year long, the spiders can live there undisturbed and catch their prey fr"om spring to autumn (about 6-7 months/year). 3.'l.3.2. Daily activitY Table in l9 gives informations on the daily activity of the spiders living abandoned grasslands. Most orb-weaving spiders were observed feeding by day and by-nig-ht {e'g' A. bruennichi, lable 20). They are both diurnal and nocturnal' 0f the or5:weavlng spider Nuctenea cornuta (Cl.), only the inmature stages are occasionaliy äctive-IuFä!-tfiä-aay, vthereas the adult stages of this species are nocturnal* (NYFFELER & BENZ, 1980b; NYFFELER' l98l). in abandoned grasslands belonging to the fami I ies Agelenidae, L.inyphi idae, Mi cryphantidae, Theridi idae' and Dictynidae were observed feeding during daytimes in most cases' In the webs-, however, the remains of nocturnal prey species were found, too' Thesi spiders are therefore both diurnal and nocturnal ' The web-building spiders studied It happens observed very rarely that an adult specimen of N. cornuta can orb-web during the daylight hoursl-- in its be o 3 o or =6 oo NO c= o Oo 6 o o o o 3 O != 6 ! !o o ! pil N NFNNF 6@@Or + + o ! J P 6 E C; z -z o lt N oo o! oo o4 >E N N+O9+ @<oor FF6TO o oo@so O@N€I 4@F 6 !^ oo ! !N .Fo o! o = 6 5 o\ o o! oo d Q6 o q o o =v oo O'- B \ON o! !@ .-o oc 9o oo o !p oo @<o@6 @oo@+ @aosN F-oo l o o -! != 6 I o ! q o@@+b QNrNo +ON-N o ! €= z @@+NO OO@rF +o@oo F-6Ö 6 z oo >c p! o €E oo d6 d ooooo ooo@o N66NN ! o c l o o o ! o = o o + o EI voo ! 6 f a 5 o ! o 6l cl dl pl xl ol .t FI ooooo NNNTN ooooo d; o 46 F o o o o@h6 z ! oo TE PE O'F E! Jq! VE 6 f ! g 6 o 6 @@N@O N@@+O FNFTN ttlll oaaor FN- oo oo E9 .-o oo EL Öd 60 -40- Table .l9. Daily rhythm of activity of the spiders in abandoned lands in cultivated meadows (direct observations in the and field and supplementary informatjons from literature). Spider group Type of activity 0rb-weaving spiders: Aranei dae A, ceropegia A. diadematus A.-SFuenniT6'Tcucurbitina Ä. M. acalypha M. segmentata A. quadratus N, cornuta Tetragnath i dae Tetragnatha spp. Pachygnatha spp. diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal diurnal diurnal and nocturna'l and nocturnal and nocturnal (diurnal ) and nocturnal mainly nocturnal diurnal diurnal and nocturnal and nocturnalä Space web spiders: Agel eni dae Agelena spp. Li nyphi i dae L. triangularis div. species Mi cryphanti dae Theri di i dae E. ovata fl-ltFT6ssum N. bimaculata Di ctyn i dae div. species diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and noctunnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal diurnal and nocturnal Hunting spiders: Salticidae E. arcuata d i di unnal Thomi s i dae H'l-TiEipäs Xysticus spp. Phi I odr"omidae Phi lodromus spp. diurnalc Pi sauri dae P. mirabilis di urnal c Lycos i dae Pardosa spp. d'iurnal Cl ub i oni dae Clubiona spp. nocturnal urnal diurnalb and nocturnal a a After informations from literature, adult stages are hunters b Mainly diurnal c It has not been observed if also nocturnal -4] Iable 20. Daily rhythm of feeding activity in Argiope bruennichi in the vegetation zone of the abandoned Dayti me land biotope A3 4. 8. I 976 10.00 .00 50.00 I I .00 40 .00 12.00 50 .00 10 'I 60. 00 so. oo I spiders feeding: 15.38 N = 17 4l.18 4t.18 30.77 47 .06 30.77 35.29 38.46 35. 29 I5. 38 17.00 i 8.00 13 38. 46 15.00 16.00 = 6.8.1976 38. 46 3.00 14.00 sunrner 1976. Date 5.8.1976 N 9.00 in 60 .00 23 .08 20.00 2s.41 24.00 35.29 -42Hunting spiders of the families Salticidae, Philodromidae, Pisauridae and Lycosidae (genus Pardosa) were observed hunting during the day. Whether they hunt also at night, could not be ascertained. Thomisidae (genus Xysticus) could be observed feeding mostly during the day, less often at night. The Clubionidae (genus Clubiona) are hiding in a sjlken tube within a leaf during the daytime and hunt at night. The observations show that in both abandoned grassland biotopes diurnal as well as nocturnal spiders are present, indicating that the predatory pressure of the spiders on the insects of these biotopes is exerted day and night. 3.1.4. Spatial distribution of spiders Vertical distribution of spiders of In Table 21, the vertical distribution of five species .l979. orb-weaving represented for September The table shows that orb-webs are found from directly above the ground (A. bruennichi, M. segmentata) up to the top of the vegetation zone (A. diadematus, N. cornuta). spiders in location Al is The weighted average (i*) is an estimate of the vertical distribution of the web sites of the whole orb-weaving spider guild in the open grass area of biotope Al. The population densities of Table 22were used as weighing factors for the calculation of i*. The distribution of i* shows that in 7l% of all orb-weaving spiders the orb hub was placed at a height of 50-100 cm above ground. This means that in the open grass area the orb-weaving spiders exert the strongest predatony pressure on insect populations at a height of 50-100 cm. At heightsofless than 25 cm and more than l25 cn above ground, the predatory pressure exerted by orbweaving spiders was negligible. In Fig. 3, the vertical distributjon of the orb-weaving spiders A. bruennichi, A. quadratus and N. cornuta in location Al in the summer of-Tmf s reprEsEnTed gr'aphically. A statistical analys js of the data shown in the figure produced significant differences in the mean values of A. bruennichi, A. quadratus, and N. cornvta from July to September (Mann-üIilneyn:te.f, p <0.01). The mean values of A. quadratus and N. cornuta showed significant differences only in July and August Tp_Zö.oTl; but not in September (p >0'05). These values indicate that different spider species exert their predatory pressure on insect popu'lations at different heights above ground. The vertical segregation of the prey catch'ing areas of sp'iders can have prey selection as a consequence. This could be observed in orb-weavjng spiders mainly: A. bruennichi builds its webs near the ground (orb hub at about 0.3 m above ground). For this reason, A. bruennjchi captures many grasshoppers in grasslands abounding in gr"asshoppers. A._quadratus and m above ground on the grasslands abounding in grasshoppers' only a few A. diadematus build their webs at more than 0.5 averase.-m;, even in gnasshoppers are caught by A. quadratus and A. diadematus (<0.5% of their food ) . Horizontal distribution of sp'iders among different habitats Table 22 shows the horizontal distribution of six orb-weaving spider Horizontal distribution N@0oaololo6 O@oN+ol€la. .l .t O O F O N @ NI@I$ olol- I E o o 3 o , N o E t 0 o 6 = oo€N@NNOO NONFOF@So - OÖ-O6F-FNO 6 ! o FNÖN o ! d o = @ E !o ! o o o o g o p o o c N o 6l pl dl = ö tl 6 dl pl ol =l N N o ol il El qt z ol ol t6 F I o 6l oldlö cl!l 3l ol Ll =l o o ! 6 oooo6oo oooNNoo oooNoQ€o60 + ,, ;l3l= -FFO o ! o q o o c o d o o o o P c ! o ! o o 3l €l fl El ol ol cI EI dldlz @ NNNOF€N +@@o+o€ rOO@@bON@O il LI.FI <l !l rl olpl ol !l <l rl 616lz Ll 3l <l ql u t NNN ! o N o I o 60N@ @rN@ ooooo@ooNo q o E c o ++ .-l o. cr o oo =! 40 .r! Pit .r.:l dcl 3 äl:l z ol cl .rl ol cr{ =l t o o q o F tr .Fq oi !o oo !o !g O'r >c N o ! a F o =! cc 30 = !! oo 908 oc p so o> .-o @! -6 o o L o oo ooooo40000 ONONONON6N NNN o 6O6OAObO6O NONANON6N NNr - FE @ oo <o c oP o o€ E ln =9 44- Distance from orb hub to 1.5 ground m- 'l.O m N uctenea cornuta - ! I 4 Araneus ouadratus O.5m* Argiope bruennichi Ju ly August ilonth September Vertical distribution of three orb-weaving spiders in the megaphorbe neadow Al in opfikon near Zurich (July to September 1979). li,lean value t I webs observed. SE, numbers in the graphic indicate the no. of -45.eao o!a poE o-o o P>qof cca o.F to ooo +! 909 E =o o o rx q ooo=6 o!Lc 'FOdd !o= 'FEq! 664 co=c o! €!oo o!l cE!o oof .-OSq pooo 60 FEOS f<0 oo6d osoo epEv N ^; o ! 6 F O^ != .-o o EI +l +r rX =v 6N! ooo 3ro IE 6-f !NC o !> xo! .r!o^ O E >N @uE oo ^@E9 NvOO \-Pd z<.a@ od 6E ! qo a =.e !!6 <o! o oo >o oo 9'Fo .-Od ! oEg .rOd o'ro o!E oo !o@ oop -dE ooo a<o oo c.O .-^! oaoN oN+o oooo +r +r o 6LL U a O^ !o ao >! d6 +l o NO6@ o o ooo ooooo +r +r ooNro €NO+ oooooo U o coo o do6 o! Oo- +r o o o I o ! o a o +r +r +t "'j o +l ooo OOOOO +r +r NONOO +t Io +r +l ON N9N@N +l oo ooooo .Fl N o oo+ ooooo +r +r +t ö0öo +l N NO@+ oooooo o ! +r +r +l @o6000 NOON oooooo +r +r +r +r +r +r +r C ao60 o!3 oov o +r ooN OO ooooNo U oO3 +r +l ONNOON NNOONN oooo =o I @ o + N 6l 6l dl ;lilEl;tnr*l :l 5l €l el g1 El sl Et st El El El g!lclglütäl o P o F -46species among different habitats within location A1 (September 1979). table sholvs The a heterogenous horizontal distribution of the six spider species. 0f the spiders of the open grass area, A. quadratus, and to some extent N. cornuta and T. extensa are the most inportant insect predators; on the ililli-aes, on thtoTfier -hand, A. bruennichi and to some extent A. quadratus are important, whereas in the-llru6s är-ound the open grassland,@a91 and A. diadematus predominate. Horizontal distribution within g habitat Tables 23-24 shol'r the index of Morisita of the spiders in the locations Al and A2 for two observation data. The values indicate that within the vegetation zone of the two abandoned grassland biotopes, the horizontal distribution of the spiders represented a random distribution (lp not significantly different from l; p >0.05) or a slightly aggregateö distribution (16 significantly larger than l; p <0.05). From these spider distributions, a coresponding distribution of the spiders' predatory pressure on the insect populations can be derived, 3.1.5. Prey capture of spiders 3.1.5. 1. Hunting strategies The hunting strategies which the spiders Iiving in abandoned grasslands are equipped with are manifold. In Table 25, the quantitative composition of the hunting strategies used by the foliage-dwelling spiders of both locations Al and A2 are represented. The table sho'rs that in the relatively moist location Al the greater part of the spiders catch their prey with orb-webs, while in the dry grassland of location A2 most spiders hunt their prey without webs. The average web areas of the oib-weaving spiders living in location Al anrounied to t60-640 cm2 in August/September (Table 26). 3,1.5.2, Prey composition Orb-weaving spiders observations in 1976 - Tabie 27 represents a comparative compilation of the prey composlTTons-öF adult females of A. bruennichi and A. quadratus in the four locations A3, A4, A6, and A7. ConEiGiTn!'Tfr-nunrbeF-öT-EäFTured prey, the food of A. bruennichi and A. quadratus consisted essentially of small Di ptera. RegäidTng TfiE-6Tomass;-T6Elley-Tf A. bruenni chi was mai nly of grasshoppers in two locations and predominantly of honey-bees two other locations, In the biomass of A. quadratus, the bees predominated, too. composed in in 1978 - During the sunnner of 1978, an A. bruennichi population ;SserGAl;-i ocati on A8. Grasshoppers ( about 20%,-EETeFü@irppgq paralleius (Zett.)), cicadas (about 20%, mainly Cicadella vjridis (1.) and Diptera (about 40%) were predominant in the prey composition of this Observations was A. bruennichi population. in 'l979 - Tabies 28-31 give a compilation of the prey compositions orb-weaving spider guild on the megaphorbe meadow Al. Diptera and Homoptera (cicadas, aphids) were the most important food components of this orb-weaving spider 9uild. Relatively often A. bruennichi, A. quadratus, and Obsenvations of the Total spiders o.F OF o.F PC . 'incl oo hunti ng spi ders a6 !o CP d6 Total web spiders o! ! o* ET op C'o3 ! C6 do !: o> 6 Li nyphi idae oo ON FO rN -@ Nts = 9! oo c OP go OE N Age @ 1 ena graci I ens od pq .F= o oo os os <€ Tetragnatha exten s a - E^ .F!6 oo !90 oov qo SOo oLo o€ ctl or J6!E to !< l EE ! rOO 6.-! p!+ ct oN> NF !6E ood -99 a; N o 3d F oo oo o+ No. squares o P 6 o !f oo tsN oq NN oo 60 6N o@ oo o o J FO o+ rO oo oo !! c o d ?1 NN 6@ t5 qq 6- o Total orb webbui 1 di ng spiders oo !! dd p5 .Fq aa E o o< S<^ !6 9'ro x o oI o! <@@ Meta segmentata Araneus P!H d P coE .-<o FI !. ffidä-atus o^> Araneus ooc quaa"atu: !OF O!'e -ea lo opo !oP ooo oo E< ot o ! o = bruenni chi No. squares PO= :9P Od''Fo= LE @ I t I @N@ ts-O t. o .l OFö oo +- trl 6G600 ooooo 00000 I !! od dd^^! ooo=6 ! L > d@Ortd o 66dao oovvf 6 6 LO9 o40 -PE ! F o @'o >o O-L no06 doEo oo€ NE9 o *o ttrt E ooo .F!: !!o6 F<> 60 PO q O= € N I NN Arg i ope F€ .F- OFFFr E g oo OBF o EN9 >!q 600 q^!qn9 l..l o= o o!v co opd N9 o. O-6 .-Oo dt poL @!v ON@ON € D o O o Oo P! 6C rlooo oop!@o .r.-AO gcool Lo o o > > o o d d << o o = = aP q E c so o I 6 = q 6 os o EC .F 6€ EOg !Ed o o>o O!F d NOO o! ! o6 E'F F r@O Ed !G o E! .FO !oo d!< oo 6< - !! O'r s<PO.FE NQOO -NNo ooo@ ONNO @++6 o€oN @N . P O^ F , o !o EN or* 9N NO@6 aoo@ o+60 6N OF o ooN@ a"l 99 re€O ro+F o o I =or =o q öa ooo q9+o sNo OFF@ aa"l \ 6E oo f € @ ++€e COONN 6€O$ bNoo r-€O @ ON qt* fQ DN OF <!f P O! !6 N Or gr* fo .ro+ =e d oo co! Jq = +o6 !E O @'r gv .-o-o +*60 ootso 6000 oo@+ o4@N N@N@ 060 @60+ ON @aNb @+o6 nNrO rN@ OPF g!a60 OP PO .OC AC q o.qpo Eqo o:= o oc ; ! o O'F !! E- g: ol fo _j3 f'F ! 36 oo! € o9 oo o o o ! OE 4 6< F= ca !! O.r oo >@ oo !c @€6F 6N ! o gP 60 dc;;+ @ o oo 60 P .o o^6 ooP ots o >o o 5 I NFFO €N o O.r P O q Oot oEo N Oca ovc o= ! o ^q !9FO d o o d L o E -: oo! !Lt a60 e ! a^.-O o^ ! oN oN E .FlOloS >o! 6r oEc =o =.O.'r.o I E OE 66 OO OU !L o-@v-v= !@ !€ .- q Od o ! o 'F oN P fgd'F E rU E g o! !o @6p !! .-ooo o!t6 o!! oo'rO EO.F .Fpos >o 6=OP ogc !o'-o roP! A6C'F !olg o6-= q N o o 3 F o Jo N oEl CPI o 6l dcld 6oilL o P o>lo ! ol o odl!o aGI ooo !o:o<l ! r bP€#I .r E 6 G 6l ol >t =E*el oo9l c B 6t E'Fcl d€o 9=Op rdo9q5 sEqA tsH= ooo! -50- tt O'r NNNNNN ox oo E! q U üo s6 d o ! cd a o ! +l = !! oo .-= oa - o6 6, N_ N_ ql_ n!_ N_ oo90u $ONON -ON6N @orqo oo+<N +r +l +r +r +r @+NO@ r @ONFF @OoFr -6NNO 6+@N- o ou € o ! oFFFON +t o rx = oo o= N@FN6 TONFOF oNN@OO o 6 .F ouooo oouooo ! od 99 x€ +r +r +r +r +r +l o@Nobo +oOOFr O+A+Nr @+NONO +++N-N !F oo .-E >o €o o! =to o> !6 os EEEEEE oooooo @No@-o o€oo@N @N@FN$ o$+@N6 +r +r +t +l +r +l ooo@F OOF-O +r +r +r +t +t I @@6OgF NN@+NN +NN6+O NNN 6NFO€ oo@+o @s@66 NNN-F o a aooooN *O-r- OFOSs o o c d L d o .FF +-l oo N +++-+ ! d o ! o !! oo nEa ord vL =oo !o gF 6<! a=!o: o!o p6! Oo'EEO 6 !Oe 6 o o o q ! o E q LO !oP o<6 =oE *; N o s ! 6 F C o = dl 5lo !l 6l 6l dl El ol '-l <l ol ol rl FI !l tIdl tI ;I gI:I €l 'dl EI Pl drl 6l 6l =l ol JI ol cl d dl ol cl @l ct{ 3l gl Hl f;l sr El äl äl äl :l El el .-l <l ol .-l El El = dl :l dl 6l cl ol PI o o L so äl =l =l äl er :l El ql Fl ol !l äl _i EJ Ei dl ol ol ol ol cl ti ;l ;l 6l -! g1 El El ü 5l il äl äl äl ;l El ,el o o 'EJ ! o ! E 5 o ol rl !l 61 pl =ld dl dl Pl o ! J 6 + o ! f 6 q o 6 ! o c ! ! c d o 6 N ol g .Fl o d5 LI L <l! o ! o ! c o ! o ! I ! o zI ol sh@o 6l o+6No Fo Nl o o* zI 6l+ .t . Nl $ Nl N NX I @601 N O O .t oo. tsl + o @l o - .-t it o o o o+ !< ! I t ts o ! o äEl 6l o N N @ o O o o @ o $l.t o. o ol o + @l o o a r o o o 6+l oxl -el o N* I Nl.t 6 . ol €l -o -- F F o z oNl @ooo N@l O-NO ot o I z +l.t NNNo . ol oNo@o Nl o ..i .Ä o <;l J NJ o c; O EI ol .-l =l öt il !l !I @l d@ ^ OIN .-l 6 o{- ä! 'o EA EE do 3l Pl dl\ Ll !l 6l: =lo olf äEl . ! c d P o 6 p o 6 ! oo =I äEl ! o o o + o o o 3l L € o EIE] oc rO EO oo s! f@ oo GO! !=f 6g !oooo OO€O!p!'-soo O.F<!tP edL!o o6 o ce oo o<.<ooF o 6 ! @Nl x+l -sl @+O oöNo 60 do€ lo€oo O6!O!P-'-sO€ O.F4PEP .rqO!€O O 6 ! 0<<ooF @ fo 6A o = gE oo o€ !! do oF@o oo6ö o <l N= o9 z EI I < 5l ol = cl o LI EI a C.! o + .: N ! 60 o ! F o9 !o oi o o o o ! po q !o o o z ooo p! E! op 6Ed op6 oo EO oc> O.FO P! >rdo OF !@s d!o 6 co! o'FO .rC! pt o! 6EO oPo o9 EO oc A.FO fL >)da Or ros d!o ! c @ = -52- of three araneid species in the megaphorbe meadow 1979. s = small, m/l = medium to large species. Table 28. Prey compositions Al in summer Araneus quadratus July Prey s m/l Apterous ants Bees Diptera Diptera 88.24 0 0 0 sa Other Hymenopt. m/l Winged aphids Apterous aphids Ci cadas Thysanoptera Heteroptera Grasshoppersb Lepidoptera Trjchoptera Chrysopi dae Scorpi onfl i es Col eoptera Ephemeroptera Sal ti ci dae Other spiders Unidentified prey 0ther Hymenopt. 0.65 0 4.58 0 0 0 0 o 1.3.l 0 0. 65 0 1 .31 0 0 0 3.27 153 items No. webs 7 No. observation days I No. prey a Winged individuals b One adult specimen of A. di adematus Arg. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. 75.42 70.00 57.06 60. 58 l 84 0.14 0. 99 7 .49 0.42 L84 00 9.04 0.42 0. l4 00 0 00 00 00 0.99 0.28 00 0.14 0.85 0.88 2.19 .32 1.80 0.28 0.69 8.25 13.71 708 47 34 0 1 0.35 6.23 I 9.47 0.6] 0. 09 0.09 0.61 0.09 0 2.02 il40 59 Roeseliana roeselj (Hgb.) 1.52 3.02 00 6. 51 0.14 1.25 00 0.55 0.14 00 0.28 1 .25 00 00 0.14 I .66 722 129 6l 0 0.73 t8.25 0 0 6 .57 0 bruenni chi Aug. Sept. 44.67 68.25 5.27 0.40 0.54 0.40 4.63 0 7 .94 5. 06 3.55 0.79 4.52 ll.sl 0.32 0 24.76 6.35 2.05 0 40 0.11 0 0.22 0 0.40 0 00 00 o.il 0 0.97 r . 59 0.32 0 o.il 0 0.22 0.40 2.s8 1.59 . 0.73 0 0 0 0. 73 0 2.92 137 Ir 929 95 52 252 24 -53- Table 29. Prey composition of Nuctenea cornuta A1 (spring/summer 1979). Prey Small Diptera Itledi um/ I arge Di ptera in the megaphorbe meadow May June July 82. 98 75. 40 80. 78 l7 August 85. 05 2.84 0 0. Small winged Hynenoptera 0 0.49 0.17 I .87 Bees 0 0 0.09 0 }Jinged aphids 10.64 ci cadas 0.71 Thysanoptera 0 Lepi doptera 4.21 .l6 12.17 0 8.4l 0.09 0 0.65 0. 70 3.74 0 0.16 0. 35 0 Tri choptera 0 12.46 l.9r 0. 93 Ephemeroptera 0 0 0. 96 0 0. 7l 4. 05 I .13 0 Tetragnatha spec. n 0 0. 09 0 Unidentified prey 1 -42 2.43 I .39 0 No. prey items l4l 618 l l50 107 zo 47 64 1l J 5 6 2 Co l eoptena No. webs No. observation days .7t 0. -54- Table 30. Prey composition gaphorbe meadow of Meta segmentata in the Al (sumrner 1979). August Prey September hh Small Diptera ?7 .39 39. 34 14.23 5. 46 Small winged Hymenoptera 4.25 2.73 arge Hymenoptera 0. 64 0 Medium/1 Medi um/ 1 arge Diptera Apterous ants 1.27 I'li nged aph ids 15.92 Apterous aphids Ci cadas 0.42 31 .2'l 0 .l8.58 0 31 .15 Thysanoptera 0.42 0 Tri choptera 0.42 0 Ephemeroptera I .49 0. 55 Unidentified prey 2.34 2.19 No. prey items 471 t83 No. webs 309 75 7 3 No. observation days me- -55- Iable 31. Prey composition of Tetragnatha extensa in the phorbe meadow Prey Smal I Diptera Medium/large Diptera Sma11 winged Hymenoptera l,Ji nged Al ( spri nglsummer une July l8 57. 50 J 88.77 82. 1.09 0. 83 0 'I 0 mega- 979 ) . May 3.62 aph i ds 1 .21 0. 83 4. 53 15.83 Ci cadas 3.62 I .51 Thysanoptera 0 0.60 Tri choptera 0 4. 83 Ephemeroptera 0. 36 0 0 Chrysopi dae 0 0. 30 0 0.72 I .81 0 Tetragnatha spec. 0. 36 0 0. 83 prey I .45 3.02 0 No. prey items 276 JJ 120 No. 138 '156 Col eoptera Unidentified webs No. observation days J I E 0 0 24.17 53 q -56A. diadematus captured Hymenoptera as well. Temporarily, N. cornuta and T. extensa captured Trichoptera quite often, In this location, the $r_lfCgnnfgli population captured almost no grasshoppers (only in one web oneTZuIT-Emale of Roeseliana roeseli (Hgb.) was found), The captured were cicadäi-{9E7@i6cläils maior (Kbm.)) and winged aphids Homopter"a (mostly Anoecia corni) (Tables 32-33). Space web spiders The prey compositions of funnel web spiders are compiled in Table 34 (locations A3 and A5; observation years I976-1977) and Table 35 (location A1, June/July 1979). Table 34 indicates that the prey composition of A. labyrinthica varies. In location A3, the prey composition of the funnel web spiders consisted mainly of ants, Apidae, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera; in location A5, the food of the funnel web spiders was largely composed of orthoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera. In the prey composition of A. gnacilens in location AI beetles and cicadas predominated in June, whereas Trichoptera (75%) prevailed in Juiy (Table 35). In other locations, remains of cicadas and beetles in quite large numbers have been found in the webs of funnel web spiders. Spiderswith space webs belonging to other families were only cursorily observed. Linyphiidae (1. triangularis) were often observed capturing Diptera and Homoptera (aphids, cicadas) in abandoned grasslands. 0f Theridiidae (Theridion irnpressun L. Koch, E. ovata), only a few data on the prey compositions could be gather"ed in abandoned grasslands. Their prey compositions seem to be quite heterogenous (fron small to large insects, and flying and running insects as well). In abandoned grasslands, Dictynidae could mostly be observed as predators of Diptena. Hunting spiders llith to hunting spiders in abandoned grasslands, quantitative analyses only for crab spiders. In 1976, it was observed that they captured mainly Diptera (about 80% of their" food). In 1977-1979, Xysticus sp. were also observed consuming Diptera, but ants and bees as well. regard were made Prey capture rates Estimate of the prey capture rate of an A. bruennichi population Table 36 shors hou many insects of medium to large size were captured on the average by females of A. bruennichi in location A3 on three observation days at the beginning of August 1976. As the table indicates, a female of A. bruennichi caught on the average one larger insect/day,61% being bees and 10% grasshoppers. Small flying insects (dipterans, aphids) have not been taken into consideration in this census. If the small flying insects had been counted, too, the capture rate would be several times as high (see Table 37). Estimate of the prey capture rate of an orb-weaving spiden guild Table 37 shows, how many insects on the average were counted per web of three orb-weaving spider species in location Al. These figures do not represent the exact capture rate, but are a slight underestirnate of it (see, nethod 2). However, the values impart an impression of how many insects are filtered out of the aerial plankton by one web per day on the average. The table shows that the average capture rate of N. cornuta equalled more than l8 prey organismsfweb/day. This means that from 200 up to over 400 insects were caught per mz of web area per day. -57- *NN****N*N*N != o o hl -o!o : t"l E o o g FP o o q -: e g a .: ": $NOOOOOOOOOO "..1 ".j .: ".1 ": o ro o O O O @ @ @SNNNOOOOOOO N € € oOoFON o o N o s c; o c o N .-t c o s.l.:l F olcl6 .-l cl ot ol !l=l o <lll'ol f < o o o o NNN oNo a o -r - c :lPl qIFIO o dl EI LIdI6 {l=l q1 = < ! o ! o NgN o @ o o^ =q I ts oo IF ot 9@ o4 €o O! oe so o\ s! gO : J o g UO o! O'r o 6o ! d! .-A ag a; o ! F 6lpl 6l =l ulelq cl ol dt tt !ldl <1.-l 'EI 6l pl 6l dlPl PICI6 ol ol EI =I oto ol ol d @ iD o 3 < ! o o f < € o sON dr dr 3l Hl tl -' äl Sl o o o 6 ! I o Plilil€1flä;lilä;1,, =lSldolOl!lo.cl d 6l dl dl dl rl Ll il st El El El H El El El äl El ä 6 F -58- o o E o o c o N C o !ldl !l EI ol ol ot ol ol EI ;l 6 o 66 !€ o .-o EP <! t< .rt dl o t o c o -t ol !l ol ! Eo o =p o! !o E =l o o o c oo O.F g 6 !l E 6++++ E =o o o qo o !! 6t c9 !q o6 c 5l pl II EI OE o ro OF ! c 6++++ 5l ;l OH Ev =I ! L. O^ o +N oo p oo *E o= <o oo FI ct sl 3l <6 FI o cip 50 oo != c 6++ ;t '-l e ;l o:B !o .-€ ot Et =o a; o o o F .-t o o o ! e *,': -'=l El El El !l ol <l dl >l o 61 6 !i sl tt Fl <oi 5l F{ ol <l €d oo dE !o o! o! co !l 6 ot al ^ .t<l ,:l 5l 3l -r -r Sl ; :"] ol dl Fl .-l ol ael ol il Jl Nl sl El cl o o ii:t el€l;l;lääslElg:lg ol o '-l .ol 5t dcl 6l ol ol ol cl <l 6 : rl cl !l ol ol -59- po ! c6 ol + ct . + ol + -l^ '-lo !l- N ol !0 dloJl5 =x olo dvn o O 66 <l -o@$N-@@ol e 111q s s o f D - o c; c; ++ +++ +ööö+o+ o++oo+ o oq !o oq P@ oEao Ö=oo 60ada !ooP!!! OOoc.FddOdlO t'L!6=!!!6cl qooooool!l o I d 4* ONF ! 6 I FIN slNl o o ! o P O < a e I E o s d o o F O 6 @ .F IF ! 6l o !l ! Pl 'F OI c D ;l ; - - o o "il -l o * .i oo ON N o ololo s Nlololo cil .;l di - ; o cil cil <i .i -l rul -l -l -l -l o€ AN Nl Ol >J< N 61 6 -lo 6lo o EIP E olo E oi <lc OF q! ! g 6 ! o f o oo c6dd! o!6!!60 Eo!oo!! a o- o! !so d'- E < o a F oo N oo E.o! odPPOOdl o\\fooo!!EI EEO!6OOOOOIC : ! f o o o o € 6 ! ! O E E O @ O O.F.F 6==<6=O-FUOFI rl . ooo PO^ 'F!r o cN o 6\ o4@ E 6N oo 66r 6 ! o r o o < aN@@ Nl d; + o qN D ; ol .-lE <15 Plo clv q 11ot $ o o;l N o +f co =+o! o! o ! o^ '-E*+ oo6+ o!+!P E ooJ O!^ Oov !o dE+N o I d F F o d d-o!odpo !oooooo o!E!o!<o! PooO.-Os.r9oo OPO<<fPO'-rs gopd@!o!ot o<@o<=o!Foo E @ o! !o o3 oo zz ! q ! aD6 ro! olo c;dd zzz -60- EI UI olr .-l '-ld cl clo ol =I Ll6 LI !lolP ol- oo g€ €< o> OEtr3 old dl6 3.1 ol olc ,-t ol ol LI LIF <l <l-6 >rE !o6 <CQ OF o ,ro FOoNONNor@FOOOOOON ooooooooo >N 6@@\ €o PE s> @o .o € => g o! o: o F! 5 o J 6 6 ! r o !o E, o o. !EO t9 o oo g P E= 5 !. q E o oo oo a oo ao 6 6E o f o P OE PO o c p cp o o gt goEop o oppc! o ao !cppo 6 :o 6: o9 6 oo o p6 E O.r o. !4 o oo o !. 6 c.-lrld p <l clE -! el.- 6 !.-l9l o6 !o o el6 f o ct <lo oll o =<lo o E! = f lc o o, ^ll = FC o !lLld al --t !oo !€l o!' .-.t .lo <l ol E s, P' 6. r<l (l> 'El F! d o o O d, <9FO cl fl !!o + o c ol hE !l oos 6 o =. €. OP 60 !Lttc po o6 oo z. =.- PE= o, <l "I o !6 F N@A@@ oooo ooooo +l +r +t o90€@ o ao oo FNts : "i o x! .! EOco o !o OF 5 5.F Eo6 6 =P o o o>r dF E EP go g o o GG og o o E FO >: F! ol F d ! !o 6'< .o o !g OE E :o oo o <N L6 L E o. o f 9N{ o OE EO 6 6 \o o o! <F -6 o oo ! !t 5 5 oo cc! oo o =o = go o: o E c = =oo 6E EP. E. o PO rE >L oo !'!E o Er s< o N NO FO @ONFFN Foooooooo oöooooooo o o <o PS c! @oo o@ o 9? +r o o 9e ooooooooo o N @o .o b 1 o +r +r €@@N NOO oooo € +r +t +r ! o€@o I @OON Eo ooooooöoö ; +t q E o 90 N oo FNO @o .o o o o609 NF N N oooo o ! o +t +l oooo coor* o z ooooooooo +r +r O € o o C o o4 >o r= oo 6!O Öoz o +l ?h o<t ! 6 ! O e o o o 6 p o!qoPoolP s-FOdOOJI a=!!o!ll >{ 6 6 d o ot o 6 I P !l @ L > O cl@oa-ooJ<l= .-l ! 0 9l O !'FI.F o clI gt.F P c o o.ol ! F d t..l c o O o I o d .-o € o F -6] - Table 37. Prey capture rate (no. prey items/web/day) of three orb-weaving spider species in the megaphorbe meadow A1 (study year 1979). l^ihen not otherwise stated three days of observationi exceptions as numbers in parentheses. Prey/web/day tenea cornu ta Sa i son Nuc May >5 June >]8 July >]8 >21 t Argjope bruenni chi (td) >14 >ro (5d) >20 >10 (1d) August >3'l 5 >204 (5d) September >408 >193 Augus September Preylrr,2 web/daya Araneus quadratus (ld) a Calculated from the data of Table 26; from May to July the diameters of webs were not measured concerning food.0bservations in six orb-weaving megaphorbe meadow Al (spring/summer 1979). The values were calculated from the data of Tables 28-31. Table 38, Niche breadth (Bi) spider species in the T. extensa N. A. quadratus A. diadematus A. bruennichi cornuta M. segmentata May Niche June breadth July 1.26 1.47 2.41 0.72 I .70 I .50 B; August September 1.37 I .71 I .96 2.73 2.46 3.66 2.04 4.53 3.44 -62Maxjmum pl aced prey capture rates in orb-webs which were particularly well of Tables 36 and 37 represent the average of well and badly In a few particularly well exposed orb-webs, a much higher number of insects could be counted; in the web of an A. bruennichi, for instance, 7 grasshoppers at one time, in another web 4fTIcääElThe values placed webs. occasionally, more than 100 Diptera could be counted per web of N. cornuta. These observations indicate that large orb-weaving spiders have a high killing potential. Niche breadth and niche overl concern r food of web-buildi spl ders The niche breadths concerning food of six orb-weaving spiders are compiled in Table 38. They were calculated on the basis of method ?.3.9., using the data of Tables 28-31. The niche breadth of N. cornuta proved to be the smallest (Bi = 0.72-t.70), the one of l:_:egmsn!l!g (Bi = 3.44-4.S3) was the largest. llith the data of Tables 28-3i and 35, the overlaps of the prey compositions of web-building spiders in location Al were also calculated. The overlap^values el are shown in Table 39.0f the 23 tested pairs 20 (87%) have a Cl of nore than 0.60. This indicates that the prey compositions of the various orb-weaving spiders overlap rather strongly.* 0n the other hand, the prey compositions of orb-weaving spiders and funnel web spiders show only small over'laps (CÄ <0,'l0). Therefore, orb-weaving spiders and funnel web spiders complement each other in thejr function as insect predators. ders as predators of pest i nsects In abandoned grasslands, aphids form an important component in the food of web-building spiders. The species composition of the aphids captured by orb-weaving spiders in Al is compiled in Table 33' The table shows that, among others' the spiders caught aphid species which can be agricultural pÄsts, e.g. Rhopalosiphum padi 1., Sitobion aYenae-F.'AE!'']t fabae Scop., Hyaloptef[llunT-GEofTF- and Myzus persicae Sulz' This 3. I .7. Spi Jill?ates tnafllTEä-destroy pest insects in abandoned grasslands' 3.1.8. Soiders as oredators of beneficial insects As the prey compositions (Tables 27-35) indicate, the spiders feed not only on pelt and neutral insects' but also on beneficial insects as honäy-bees, Coccinell idae, Chrysopidae, and.Syrphidae' Whether one or the äther group dominates' depends on the biotope and its biocenose' Therefore, the same spiden species, which is a predator of neutral or pest inseits in one biotope, can be a predator of benefjcial insects in ly in another biotope. This phenomenon could be observed especial 'l976' an A. bruennichi and A' labyrinthica. In the biotope A3 in Ä:-FuennTA'I populäTJon-Eä-El-the most part on honey-bees' another If the overlap at species level of the prey instead values would possibly have resulted' had been calculated of order levei, lower overlap -63- Table 39. 0ver'lap of prey composition of six orb-weaving spider species and one funnel web spider species (niche over'lap Ö.f; spring/summer ,l979. in tne megaphorbe meadow the data of Tables 28-31 and Species pairs T. extensa T. extensa quädra tus N. cotnm Al N. cornuta ÄlquäZl[Tus Al in The values were calculated from 35. Niche overlap el May June July 0.99 0.99 August September 0.90 0.86 0.99 0.98 A. bruennichi N. cor"rxrta 0.77 Ä.luäAraif A. bruennichi 0.85 l 00 A. bruennichi A.-?TäAedErs 0.89 0 .97 A. 0.88 0.80 0.95 0 fr. bruenni chi ;esmänTeTä A. quadratus A. diadematus .97 0.91 N. cornuta t'l.=eEfrö;Tata o.52 A. M. segmentata 0.61 0.80 A. diadematus fr-esmeniäE. 0.70 0,76 quadratus A. gracilens N. cornuta 0. A. graciiens A. quadratus 0.07 l0 -64one in the biotope A4, at a distance of 2 km, mainly on grasshoppers 27). Likewise, an A. labyrinthica population in location A3 fed largely on bees, but in location A5, at a distance of I km, mainly on (Tab1e grasshoppers (Tab1e 34). 3.1.9. Predator-prey relations between spiders and adult lepidopterans e! al. (1964) state that: "Moths, by virtue of the loose scales that cover their wings and bodies, are admirably adapted to elude capture by orb-weaving spiders. Rather than sticking to the web, they may simply lose some of their scales to the viscid threads, and then fly on". In the course of the present investigations one could actually observe rather often that Lepidoptera, having flown into spider webs, tear themselves away from the webs, thereby losing some scales, and fly on (NYFFELER & BENZ, l98lb). Thatthe anti-predator mechanism found by EISNER et al. plays an important role for Lepidoptera in the field, is corroborated by the fact that Lep'idoptera form only a small component EISNER of the total food of the orb-weaving spider species studied (<l%, see Tables 28-3.l). A possible connection between EISNER's anti-predaton mechanism and the predatory behaviour of A. bruennichi has been reported by NYFFELER & BENZ (1982a). 3.1 .'l0. 3.1.10.'l. Prey kjlling rate of an A. bruennichi population , Table 36 shows that in the beginning of August 1976 abgut 0..l8 bees/m'/ day 1- 1996 bees/halday) and about 0,03 grasshoppers/nz/day (= 300 grasshoppers/ha/day) were killed by this A. bruennichi population. Assuming constant weather condjtions during 30 days, this would amount to a capture rate of 54'000 bees (about 5 bee colonies) and 9'000 grasshoppers/ ha/month. Prey killing rate of an orb-weaving spider gujld The question of the spiders' importance within an ecosystem is closely related to the question of their prey killing rate. This rate can be estjmated most easily for web-building spiders and among those most easily for orb-weaving spiders. The quantity of insects which is daily filtered out of the aerial plankton by orb-weaving spiders in the vegetation zone of abandoned grassland biotopes necessarily depends on the total area AO of the webs of all spiders livingin a biotope, i.e. n A=sA. pz-r i=l where A. is the 'I web area of spider i. filters the aerial of simplicity, thjs model was limited to the orb-weaving spider guild of the bjotope Al. In order to have a piain area relation, the nunber of insects caught by the spjders per ha and day was estimated. For this purposet two preliminary questions had to be answered: This web area is built plankton in the vegetation zone. For the sake on each fair-weather day and -65- !t @.DO E @o PO o O qo '-P 6! o 30 !P o o F@@OS N6@NS os@oNo@ -NNOO @+ D t ! o+ !! oo O^ != .ro >o d3 o@oN6@ oN<@o9 oNo6NO oFFoo@ $F@ O^ !o oo >! 66 909069 @N-Oob+ @NNN6OO NN$N9O@ o@N+ =- o@90N 9q a9 OOoON-6 N+ a rooooo o@@NNo O+OOO-€ l: \ ! !a O 6 '. 6 OF !<N E .6 o@ co >N !q.r O . N 9! q !P ooc C 6 ! 9'F oo F! N ON Ng O ! E! O o \.F.o I !o .-F o Eo d! oN o po o 6 .--! o F o c9 >)l! .Fo @oo > !n< 66 OE€ oP B6 r! !! o OE ! $ og o OL Oq L o! O !P c6 :r Of !9 OF \6 60 o ! o^ 6 or OO =F o€ c; o ad ts o o SpE oo !o€oo O P !9 EO! > coP o E9 S'- 6 OC c d o'rO f o$ do E6! C 'F PO6 Ot olN 0 E! >do E .F 6F O c !! .F O € =!F FFN@o@6 o+oo@o+ >J NOFNTT dl ol NO \l =v dl ä oo = oo !o Ov cd oo o! o6 o !q N oF6++o q1\":a I orooooo bNNON@ ON :l FI ONNNN@ @@FFoN oic;-.:d N+ -=l d E o oo 6! !6 ov cd oo A! o6 o L 6 !g t o o ! 6 o o = N E u d ;lLI oooo+ts F+ONF@ OO@NF@ TOOTOON OOoFN@ -*N NÖ6@OO OI OOOFOO@ NN nl =t dl 6l cl dl $l .-l <l ol 6l =l ;l sl El El öl dl dl ol cl 6l ol !l '-l <l ol 'Fl o u o o o E o ol pl =l 61 pl =l dl dl pl dl =l rl Ll olql!l .Fl 8i ol 4l el sl ol ol 41 ol dl :ElPl 6tddI =l EJ dl .-l ol cl cl PI 6l !l oIdldlolPlPIP ^!l!l!l>lololo 6 <l<l<lzl=lFl d F 6l dl 6l cl ol El !lHl El *l ;l !l Pl 3! :l 5l €l gl El El gl sl 3t 3t El ol ol ol ol dl =l cl dl rl !l cl cl Pl dl !l 'rl oidldlolPlPl! ^!l!lllrlololO o <l<l<lzl=lFl d F -66(l) How large ig the web arqa built by orb-weaving spiders per unit ground area (cmz web area/nz ground area)? - Knowing the web densities (Tab1e 22) and web areas (Table 26), the average web area/ground area was calculated. The values for September 1979 are compiled in Table 40a. (2) Hqw many insects in the vegetation zone fly on the average through one m4 of web area and are entangled in it per day? - Table 37 shows that in September'1979, more than 408 insectsfmz web area of A. quadratus webs and more than I93 insects/m2 area of A. bruennichi we6iliäFitTittered out of the aerial plankton. From the data established in points I and 2, the prey killing rate P' 'i.e. the number of prey insects/m2 ground area/day' was calculated by means of the formula P=A.N where A is the web area in cm27m2 ground area and N the number of captured insects/mZ web arealday. The capture rate established for A. quadratus (>408 insects/mz web area) was also used for the species Ä. diädeinafus, N. cornuta, M. segmentatat, and T' extensa. in Table 40b show how many insects, at least' were destroyed by orb-weaving spiders per mz per day in the biotope Al in September 1979. They amounted to respectively 27 or 48 insects/mzlday in the open grass area and respectively 19 or 5l insects/m'lday on its borders (wayside). In the shrubbery, at least 45 insects/mzlday were The P-values compiled killed by orb-weaving-spiders. The prey killing rate thus varied between at least l9 insects/mZlday and 5l insects/mzlday (mean value: >38 insects/ n2/day). Supposing that this orb-weaving spider guild is active during 100 days per year, it would destroy more than 38 million insects/ha/year. If, on the basis of the prey compositions (Tables 28-31)' an average fresh weight of 4 mg/insect is assumed, a biomass of more than 150 kg/ha of insectfreshweight would be killed each year. This is merely the prey killing rate of thÄ orb-weaving spider guild. The spider cormunity of the biotope Al contained however various space web spiders and hunting spiders as welL The pr"ey killing rate of the whole spider commun'ity is therefore significantly higher than 150 kg fresh weight/ha/year. 3.,l.10.3. Energy flow through spider conmunities A conversion (2.3.1.l.1.) of the prey biomass values of section 3.1'10.2' results in an'energy flow 1= prey kil1ed) through the orb-weaving spider guild of the biotope Al in the order of nore than 900 MJ/ha/year. 3.2- The role of soiders as insect predators in cultivated meadows Cultivated meadows are chanacterized by the fact, that their vegetation zone is mown 3-4 times per year. The cultivated grasslands investigated 'in this study are per,rnanent meadows. They represent a mjxture of numerous flowering plants (grasses, legumes, herbs). As Iignified plants are largely absent, the vegetation in cultivated meadows is more elastic than in abändoned grasslands and thus facil'itates the sweeping method' Through mowing the vegetation zone is removed, j.e. the living space of many ipiders is destroyed; it regrows in the followjng weeks. The locätiäns of the cultivated meadows studied are comp'iled in Table 8. In contrast to the investigations in abandoned grasslands, the studies'in -67cultivated meadows spider communities included also the spiders on the ground surface. of the vegetation and of the ground surface 3. 1 1= ground differed in their composition. 2 . . The i nfl uence of The zone (= foliage-dwelling spiders) dwelling spiders) distinctly mowi ng periodic destruction of the living space and the egg sacs through mowing is an extreme stress for the spider populatjons of the vegetation zone. The total spider density in the vegetation zone diminishes drastically after mowing. The example listed in Table 4l shows that after mowing, the total spider density of the vegetation zone of a meadow had decreased by 50%. Similar effects could be observed in other cultivated meadows. As a consequence of these periodic stress situations' the densities of the foliage-dwelling spiders in cultivated meadows are extremely low (1.5 spiders/mz, in Table 4l ). As the values in Tab.le 42 indicate, mowing has a negative effect on ground-dwel1ing spiders, too. Compared to the vegetation zone, the spider densities^on the ground surface are nevertheless relativeiy high The (16-42 spiders/62, Table 43). 3.2.2. Spider communities of cultivated Spiders of the vegetation meadows zone family and species composition of the foliage-dwel1ing spiders in five cultivated meadows were investigated by means of sweep net samples. Tables 44-48 show the family composition of the imrnature and adult spiders in these meadows. Spiders of the eight families Araneidae, The Tetragnathi dae, Li nyph i i dae, Mi cryphanti dae, Theridi i dae, Sal ti ci dae, Thomjsidae, and Lycosidae predominated in the sweep-net samples (>85% of the immature and adult spiders). More than 50% of the captured adult spiders were females, The species composition of the adult spiders in the five meadows js Tables 49-51. Adult stages of the familjes Thomjsidae (X. cristatus, L__!ggll, Tetragnathidae (T. pinicola, Pachygnatha degeEii Sundevall), Theridiidae (E. ovata primari'ly) and Araneidae (moitty Mangora CgelJllg (l,la]ck.)) were the ones most frequently captured with the sweep net. represented in In cultivated meadows, adult Salticidae were found only in very low densities. Also A. bruennichi and A. quadratus, the orb-weaving spider spec'ies rather frequEnT-ä'T6andonEä gras;TanAs, were seldom located in cultivated meadows (as immature stages). The foliage-dwe11ing spiders in cultivated meadows were for the most part species whose adult stages are medium-sized (see Table l3)' A. ceropegia is the largest spider found in cultivated meadows around Zuri ch . Spiders of the ground surface The family and species composition of the ground-dwelling spiders living in the cultivated meadow C3 was investigated by means of pitfall traps. -68- ! * N o = N o g o I I ! o @ .F! po N N =J o6 E= E EO 6U IE o !o .-! eo 6J g oo c o qo BOO 9-o 6 ,,2 ON PN @U o tl ! o €tx o q? NS oo +t oo oo .! oo ! +l o +l ee oooooo o ON o t 3o€ .FO FE FF o =. E^ r o ONE oo Foo oc soE oq ! N o c €U .Fo oo€ =r E-o tI u6z !. o ! o !rx q o6 o o N OFFNON oooooo ooooöo +r +r +r +r +r +l NTFNOO OOOOFO o 4 o F E oo .! oo g +r o N oooooo ooo .Flo ao CEO oo €!l o6 OPJ s96 s€g oso E! ooo ol! .FOE !95 ooc qo EI o+ ooz IN .€ oo ! o o 6 ! o a = iu o dl <l pl oo d x !! PP doo EEI .F'?QA vv>! .oE oo .ddnd o = o ! o ! o ! o a 6l o<lro 9o>lL OFI ddldlo 6 <l o Pl ol 6 6l 5lE .F cl ol d .-l d dl Pl o!ldl>€ ol oPI >l>ol6loc xlJ'Fl=l>= 3l ol OI dl Io 5 F € Og ol dlF dl !l ol cl d E b !.F .e s .F € < o -Io € o F o L 4 o -69- 66@@ OOOO oooo 666066 OOOOOO OOOOOO AA dddddd ! ol €o o po ??9?? OOOOO O -66O- dcdd AA VVAAV dddc& N** NOO OIOO N*N** @@F+o 66r@O AV o fF o; <o o c !o q9 ! *NN*N* höOöNF NO9O@N o !6 o9 !P ad +t+ tt ö * o tt I c OP .F= o cd o5 Eo r !! !oo J !! o!r oo ooo p oP s 3.o o= EI >'F '- C o= @PO o.F p cP >o .-o= PSP OF o = E +l ! o oo@N ONN6 oooÖ +r +r 600N AONOr 6. O@-@F @@@6r Froo6 NOO 60@ +r +l ooo +r +r +l @ N +r +r +r +r +r NOA@N @FnOO NOA Fo6 -NOFO +l o N N N+ o o 3 o c o =q o +l ! o a 6 ! o !OOo6-O +-NN-O a @OOOOFF +r .r +r +r +r +l @ooo@o oNoooo FOoO-+ o@o +N+ ooo +r +l +r OoN 6OF Jod- @o.N+@ @ @ +l @oo +l o @ N @ NNO @ oop ! N'PO = c! o!@ 6C O O'F c >,E J55:E !p!!E 6666'r >:x oE = E: o o-3 oo o cc o=6 >oo !.qOHEc ^: o ! F o ! o ! 5 6 p€Ppp J .- I .- o o 5 o ! o ! o ! o 6ldlo .-t ql 6l -tol . !lDlulo.d ol ol .-l o =lrl!lOO-l-lrl666 !l dl rl dd6too '6lrld dldldl5ltr dl dl ol ol ol <l €l (l tlLl ol öl 6l dl !l dIoIFIFIJF pppp !!o! d666 !!E o c ! o PI cl ol LI dl .o o o > o I !l:l ol ol o -6 P o 3,1 bl E 3tr ol-lOd !l ol o €l €l:l plplplP c E dl 6l dl o cl cl cl F 6l dd >:l .>l >j cl cl d -l ol ol ol P dl dl dl o dldldlF dl .-l dl 61 dl @ 6 5l € .F !l Ei;lslE äl€läläib .rl 5l 6lPl+l6lO Ll cl ol < PIPiEIEIt olol!lPIoil o,l ol ol o EIEIEIEIE J F r -70- Table 43. Density of the gr"ound-dwelling web-building spiders vated meadows near Zurich (June/July 1979). Number of s quares Date Meadow Vegetati hei on ght in Spi ders/m2 '13.6.1979 804 26.7 .1979 404 l5-.l8 cm 4-8cm c5 27 .6.1979 20p very short - c5 26.7 .1979 404 50 18.13 m cm 42.50 15.94 b Square of 0.4 m x 0.4 n of the spider fauna in the vegetaof the cultivated meadow Cl (spring 1979). composition was investigated by means of sweep net tion zone collections. Imnature and adult spiders were counted' 23.5. 5.6. Total N=122 N= 46 N=l 68 Aranei dae 28.69 34. 78 30.36 Tetragnathi dae 30.33 17.39 26,79 .47 15.22 19.64 8. 20 19. 57 Spi der fami 'ly Composition in %: Thomi s i dae Theri di i dae Mi cryphanti dae 17 2.46 10.87 'l I .31 4.76 Phi I odromi dae 4. 0 2.98 Li nyphi i dae 0 2.17 0.60 2.46 0 1.79 Di ctyn.idae Unidentified spiders Total mown 21.88 Table 44. Family composition The culti- unmown cl cl a Square of 0.2 m x 0.2 two l0 1 2.46 100 .0 100.0 .79 100 .0 or c6 f>! o'- O s€r tro o ov !,F Oo o<N o€o os so> qa I ot o o\ NO o < J^ '- O-S o o F N N @ o o @@€@@€@ ooNoNoQO FO6OTOONNNO F € @>6 EO po oo I t'r oP L = q$ o o os POO .r qv o o^ o No N E E so O OF P! 0 >6 E -P '-oE >v o o o + 6 o b .;ooo!o cllEEd'F olro!6doa'-a .;lFöcoEo!!6E pldrdd.F6.F.F!O .-lc.;sE-F!.rE'r!! dlb6d.F<'-!Oc!= old.F>OOa.-'F>iOO dlFL'c>O!OPF! -l!öod<oo:o.F.F 6loa'r!'-:\<Fr!E O! FF=<JJFO0d= o @ 0 z 6 P o F N+NNTNONNNNN NoO€O@OAOF-O @O€NFOOoOOOO o o o o@oo@@+<+o tsOO@r+NNN€ ts6rFNOOOOOÖO ö @@FNT N@OOO Nmoooooooooo 6 o o o NOr+N@+<r NCOTFN+NNo brONFooF-OO I o o o . !oo ! 60 q.r F F o 6 I ! o ! o o s go .-3 o 6! cO f g+ o^ o o @oNoNo6 @o€o@oo @o€oo@ooooo NO #r :l o '-lAdO! F o o o I z z o I € ; $€-O@NONTFF OFFr l <; o o o z n oo60 otOF a oo EO=d o o oF o >E >ooo E .-P -s O !o e O c O'F r.ePB L @ooso600006 N+o-NN6OS++ @ r @@ @r € I z N N N N N z n o a o N z n o o *ir cl .-l E 6 ! o ! o I -l o 6 P @ olo<oddPoo .Fl dPd!@€coEdd #l E6!.-6.F600!! .-l .-c.r.F€.FE!!'-F ol .-6.-.-6o>oo5> oooE.-Ea.F!!g ol OIE!P!O>!EFdP El O P F O 6l <od!>'F'F!s'-'ol FFA+-jJ=<Gdo o: A C o d I ! @ E e o € O 'F o O g o ! c = 6 o F -7?6r co f>! o F o o n z oN@oo$OrF @@N+-O@oo oNomNoooo N I(o ++F€@o@@ 6 n r €'F O 9P! tJo o ov ! .F oo o<N OF <o> gso ot o\ NO gg. g f ^ .-o oa+ o 6ts o O€oe oo I o= 6 E o o oF I >! >to o d O 'FP !o E 6 E O.r r.-P = @ a9q\q': +oooFFOOO z N q99q': *irIL cl o F o !@ o c .r= o d€ qO . J O^ d Es ! !oo oPF ! d! e'r F of6 so PO o6 I !.oP= E9 0 o P o F z @ I z cv 4 0^ o No ats E co n 2 O ! F >r g o F € oo €o dc; N o 6 oo o o o z o o NOO ON+FNFO+N FNN OF E .FOE -P E OJ 600 L>v o F +oo+oo+ -N+F+NF l !! * 'F -NFF @ I N 6 t NOFOO€NOOOO 6N6NNN40660 ONO+++OrFO-A @ o os POO .F o oo.Fq o€@+€oo oo+o+o+ o@+FO+N-O €N N tsN a€ o N+OO$O@@O o$@cOoN6No N6OO@@6NF NF-F n co q o 6o! 'Fl l!€ cl oloEo66Po .rl dPo6!ECO Pl !d6!.-'F66. .-l .-c!.r.F.Fc€P 61 .Fdo.F.Fe>oO 6o.FO!SO.FE ol oJE!c!!>LO! EIOPGFOcoo.F O Ol t O ! ol FF<.otsJ=J= E 6 o o o o o o \ ONNFOOOOO L o E o A 6 '?a +oaoNN a zn @ o o o #r cl '-l E ! o ! o I lt! o 6 öl < o 6 .Fl O ! d ! Pl d6!.r.F6!6E .-l EC.-.F.F!.F<'F 6l .-OO<!.F!Go ol o6.ro.Fo5>F olorE>Lgd!P P O C EI I Ol >Oc.-=!'FFd alJ'FFJF<d=@ o 6 6 E O 0 O P C o d O d o U F o! !o ! o !o >tOo oa= 6 o F -73- of the spider fauna in the vegetatjon meadow Cl (spring 1979). The compoof the cultivated zone sitjon was investigated by means of sweep net collections. Table 49. Species composjt.ion 0nly the adult spiders were counted. 23.5. Spider species Aculepeira ceropegia 2 5.6. 0 2 4.76 7 8 19.05 ,l Mangora acalypha Total Tetragnatha montana U I I 2.38 Tetragnatha obtusa 0 I I 2.38 Bathyphantes graci l is 0 I I 2.38 Eri gone denti pal pi I 0 I Tiso s vagans 5 2 2.38 il .90 Neotti ura bimacul ata 0 I I 2.38 Theridion spec.a 0 I I 2.38 Dictyna uncinata I 0 I 2.38 Lathys humilis 2 0 2 4.76 t0 6 t6 38.10 I 2 4.76 22 42 Xysti cus cri status Xyst'icus kochi Total a Palpus was lost .l 20 100.0 -74- Table 50. Species composition of the spider fauna in the vegetation zone of the cul ti vated meadow C4 ( sunrner 1 979 ) ( otherwi se as Tabl e 49 ) ' ?9.6. Spider species Arani el l a opi sthographa I 12.7. 0 9:3: 0 Totar 1.59 I Tetragnatha pinicola ? I 0 2 4.76 Pachygnatha degeeri I 0 32 33 52. 38 Microlinyphia pusilla 0 0 I 1 l 59 'I .59 I .59 Meioneta rurestris 0 0 I I oedothorax fuscus I 0 0 I Theridion impressum 2 0 0 2 3.17 Enoplognatha ovata 2 0 6 8 12.70 Neott'iura bimaculata I 0 I 2 3. I U 0 I 1.59 0 I 0 I 1 .59 5 0 0 5 7 .94 I I AO Di ctyna Plgllsa Hel iophanus fl avi Pes Xysticus cristatus l7 Xysti cus kochi I 0 n Philodromus cespitum Phi lodromus rufus I 0 U 1 .59 0 n 1 r .59 n 'I I 1.59 Pardosa I palustris 0 l9 Tota l a This species is new for the Swiss fauna 42 'I 63 100.0 -75I E c N O ! c a o N rO 3o6 !p €o OF I I N F N NO NO O+ I I NNT . . NNN .l I I 6 O . I + I I o N 6 .l ON o o O @ lloll llNl ll-FFll IrFNN I a INONI I E !. ON 60 I llONOllrFrllllOlllOl NN - I o 3 o ! o q t€ o. N ! o o o o N E o 6 o o o @6 OP o }F o !. d6 o. EO o. !o q oo o! s6 PF o6 qo oo P= oo o< qp EO o o oo | O r | Orö r o oNo I@ Fo- TFOOOT be I I I I -O$lO ....1 O t q O rl I o o ö I N Fl lrl lOOOFllOl O 'l IFFOI rrOll I I FFI NF@rl I oooo r o F N ll o I I I o tOlOtttNF@OrO-lll r@ tF O. lFlFlllOOOFlrOtllO N so g f 6 F ! | l-@NFl ooo ! o. pts o. >co llNl rrOOOll OOO O NFO NÄÄÄ4<NNN+NNNNNts t .. | . oooooNoooNoNoooo d o Eo rrFoN I + 6 6 . | a o6 EP oo . I I I @ortsNoooo $ I I r I I I O @ . O @ . OO @a ..1 66 €@ 60 @co . rl rtttt Io I tltll € N I ll I I o -F | g* !. @N 0 llO I N I I I lF llllllOOOlOOOlOO - NN I N rF I -- ll I >N t€ ar I I O r - I I r l I I - NN I N r- I PF I 6 N I 'FL o! oo 6e o o o ! F ! @ a o o o lhrä ää äääällgl:l aHäe ägä;lä ä ;H äa sl o o F -76Table 52 shows the family composition of the spiders in this meadow. Spiders of the families Lycosidae and Micryphantidae predominated. Moreover, spiders of the family Tetragnathidae (genus Pachygnatha) repeatedly fell into the pitfall traps. Table 53 shows the composition of the spider species frequently found of the cultivated meadow C3. The wolf spider species palustris (1.) and P. agrestis as well as the Micryphantidae Erjgone atra (Blackw.), Erigone dentipalpis (l,lider) and Oedothorax fuscus (81ackw.) were the ones most frequently found in pitfall traps. Sjmilar on the ground Pardosa observations were made Most spiders living in other cultivated meadows. soil surface of cultivated on the neadows are of small size (Micryphantidae, see Table 13). The wolf spidens' and among these the genus Trochosa, are the largest spiders found on the ground body surface of cult'ivated 3.2.3. meadows. Seasonal change of abundance following seasonal trends for the predominant species can be derived fron Tables 54-55: Adult stages of T. pinicola, I',l. acalypha, X. cristatus The and X. kochi were ror the most part found in June and innature stages mostTy-EEffien July and August. Adult stages of N. bimaculata and T. impressum could be collÄcted in July mäinly. fi-n ova6, immature itagälGFd-captured jn June, adult stiges in July/IlgusTllo trends could be established for the rest of the predominant spiders, as the number of captured spiders was too low. In Table 56, the spiders' relative densities (= number of spiders/100 sweeps) is recorded for different dates fr"om May to August. It shov,,s therefore the spider density as a function of the season. total density (immature + adult stages) in the vegetation zone of cultivated meadows is far lower than in abandoned grasslands; it 'increases from June to July/August. This can probably be explained by the fact that the number of irfinature spiders greatly increased during that period of time (see tlith a few exceptions, however, by June most samples already contained more imrnature than adult spiders' Ground-dwe'lling spiders were found in cultivated meadows from spring to The autumn (about 6-7 months/year). 3.2.4. Spatial distribution of spidens Vertical distribut'ion of spjders As can be derived from section 3.2.1,2., most spiders in cultivated Iive near the ground (>90%). A predatory pressure on insect populations exists therefore primarily near the ground of such meadows. meadows Horizontal distribution of spiders For all the spiders present in the unmown vegetation zone of the culti- vated meadow C4, the index of Morisita was calculated (Table 57). A distnibution, which did not significantiy differ from a random distribu- tion (F-test, p >0,05), was found'in this meadow in mid-May. In two cultivated meadows (C1 and C5), the index of Morisita ated for all the spiders of the ground surface (Table 57). was calculThe values ! o o o F o o @NO o ! O o E= p o o ! o 6 NO !< o J roo @o@ FON * o € o @ oo$ N-F @ o+F @o@ o o o o 6 @ +@@ NO@ o o o o s aql NO@ sob * 6 ! t o ! o o P c o. 40 !N oo !r o! o o N@O oo@ +@€ NO@ o ooo €NO o raN NO@ L F a= o o 9: ! op n= rFN o o o =I 6 NFQ @ N@ts @NO o €$o 6 o * N@6 NO€ -o@ o * NN@ NN@ * o6N NON 6 @ @ o@N o o 900 o FN€ o oNs NO@ o NO+ @$ oo+ @ otso @ NFO o€ o: 6E O'a e6 oo qE EL <E o @P!qf .-Oo '=9 Lg 6 o!o a€o >o= JF: d! o= d4 !! o= !! o c! oP€6'F !EJ 00 o!! s! o!!c= .Foo o!! oPo >:o= JF= N o €d ts x ao @ = o 6 uo @ o d oo L6 f! 6P Eq EO O>' 3l FO d F s o .= dl <l 6l >,1 ol dl dt o! qo =.r o oo so oo ooN oa+ do o€o >o= JF= ! c E 6 ä ! @ s o @ E oo I o o ! N@N OO- €= N@N o t o>t * * E9 o E * O<- : * lla NN@ NFN o oo OE oo! Po P!! ot 9J oo !< 6= !l .F9 SE p: dg E' oo 60 !o€ pd oP dt o I o L O 0 E -.F o r @ = c 1\1 I o 6OF O co olo oloo o o €lb oloo o o E ! o EO o o of NO f Fl o € ! ! qla @ 4OF o l+l@lo @ oNols lglSl- -cio o N l-l$ @oo oi";.:l^l +ö- N o N 6l@lNlO ..t'l.l -lNlNtN NlNlol Fa @Nol@ \? ldl;- .j-o o .:+;l- @ al$lNl@ lol@N I .t . . 6 ; o rlol@lN .t .t ,t . @l-l$lN NlNlol o 6l@lNlo NOO g O a@ N N @@ lSl-- --o l+l€lo @@ N N ldldllol-l o lolol€ -: ci @ . @<FlN 9@ . . .t . o +ruolo *+o @ 6Nol€ o@o o ci d ; *1.; +ONl c; ^;ldld;ld 6lNlNl NlNlol ^; ;lilJl.; O o = E 6 o6 @@ o odd cio- o E o o oo uq ro 9E o oo o 9p +!! t6 oo OF so n 06 N o -c l PL qd 60 c> E@ o F I :t .t . lslslo l-l+l N oFo o N c;dc; o ololslFlN16l 6lool .t . :t oloslo @l ocici - 6ltsl-lN ru olrulclru Nl-16l ö-O N. ololol@ .l .t .t o -lolol+ ol-lol -l N lNlolN @ ol- olNl lNlsF o";o o nl-8Nl ": @ FlNl I .t N ^t l-lslo lol-l orulo Fl o ooolo <l at a 6 o N l-:l lgl" ga 9 ": N al\l\l ooo :Flel' 96O ol-.t . < 6l -t . a': ": q ePl\l N 6ldl .-l !ldl elSlil oldl!l :l .:liEl sl dld' '61 öldl6l pl =l 6l cl 3l3l:l <1q !lElol !. !o oo ! N Nl-lNlo .t .t .t . ddo;lc; - rlrkl6 - . Nl@l@l .t .t .t RlglPl- o o qo ; @ lol@16 ooolo ':-1 FA+ 6€0 - E! OF 5 @€ od UN os ap o o- ci ci = F- o lslRl- odo o - 6 -o E C! o 61 '-l d6l!l 6l :l El3l3l _rEl#tFl Plolxlxl 6ltldldl !l!l ololölol sFJfl 5l515ltrl orlololol älälPl dl Hl 'ililElEl ololFl ululolol rHlsl ;1,ätlä sreä ä ;lel:l:l rlrltl ä :räsl:l *ir -t -I ol 5l .-l o .-t ol ol öl ol E ," o 6 = ^d o il ,är| o 6 E a L + ! = @ -79Table 54. Relatjve density ders/.l00 sweeps) dows of the immature and adult spiders (no. of spiin the vegetation zone of the cultivated mea- Cl (spring 1979) and C4 (summer 'l979). i = inrnature stages, a = adult stages Spider fami Meadow Cl 1y Agel eni dae Aranei dae Tetragnathi dae 23.5. t Mi cryphant i dae i 2.6 t.t t 0.2 2.8 0.9 ?.0 i 3.0 a 0 0.8 0.2 3.0 1.0 i n 0 a t 0 0 0.1 0.1 j 0 0.2 a 0.2 0.2 0.4 'i 0.8 a 0 0.9 0.2 t Theridi idae Di ctyni dae Salticidae Thomi s i dae Pi sauri dae Lycos i dae 0.6 t 0.8 l.t a U.L 0 i a t 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1.2 0 a 0.9 2.1 0.9 0.9 i 0.4 0 a t 0 U 0.4 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t Philodromidae 0 a t Linyphiidae 0 5.6. 'i a Cl ubi oni dae t t 0 0 Unident. spiders i 0.2 0 1 8.2 J.U 9.7 2.7 5.7 Total a t I.5 29.6. Meadow C4 12.7. 6./7.8. 000 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.4 0 1.2 4.5 0.6 0.s I .8 5.0 1.2 0.5 0 0 1.2 0.5 0.6 0 0.? 0 0.800 ].8 0 1.0 0 2.8 0 0.2 0 0 4.0 0 0.5 0 4.5 I 4.0 125.5 1.2 0 1s.2 25.5 0 0 0.4 0 0.4 0 00 0.4 0 00 0.4 0 00 0 0.5 I 35.0 19. 4 J.ö I .0 23.2 136.0 1 0.2 0 0.2 6.2 6.4 12.6 0 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 1.4 1.4 0.2 9.4 0 9.4 56.4 0 56.4 0.? 0 0.2 0.2 i.6 0.2 1.8 0 0.4 74.6 8.6 83.2 -80of the inmature and adult spiders (no. spiders/100 sweeps) in the vegetation zone of the cultivated meadows C5, C6 and C7 in surmer 1979. = inmature stages, a = adult stages Table 55. Relative density i Meadow C5 Spider fami ly II .6. 23.7 Meadow C6 . 26.6. l3:1: t Meadow 13.8. 12.6. t r 'b ,l.6 0.3 0.3 0.6 0 0.6 0.6 0.] 0.3 0.4 0.1 00 0.1 00 00 00 0 00 0 0.1 00 0 00 0 Clubionidae i 0.,l 0.2 0 0 0 Unid. spiders i 0 0.2 0 0.8 0.8 00 0.6 0.2 0.8 2.0 I .4 3.4 00 0 0 00 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0.4 00 00 00 0 0.2 0.2 l0 4 .4 5.4 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 I t.5 2.4 3.9 5.8 0.2 0.9 9.8 0.8 2.8 't .7 12.6 12.2 1.2 I 3.4 4.0 6.6 10.5 Agel eni dae Aranei dae i a t Tetragnathi dae i a t Li nyphi i dae i a t Mi cryphanti dae i a t Theri di i dae i a t Di ctyni dae i a t Salticidae i a t Thomi s i dae i a t Phi I odromi dae i sauri dae i P i Lycos i dae i a Total a t 0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0 0.6 1.4 0.2 1.6 0 0 0 0.4 0 0. 4 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 2.0 0 1.0 1.0 6.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 00 0.] 0.t 00 0.1 0..l 0..| 0 0.1 0.3 00 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.6 1.6 3.8 0 0 I .6 3.8 n 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.4 1 .8 1.2 0.2 0.2 t.6 0 0 0.2 0.2 I .8 1.8 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 3.0 0.6 0 3.0 0.6 0.2 0 1.2 0.4 ].0 5.4 0.2 0 1.2 5.4 C7 19.7. 1.5 0 1.6 7.6 0.4 8.0 0.6 0.6 0 0 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.8 0.2 2.0 38.8 0.8 39.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 s0.6 2.6 53.2 of the spiders (no. of spidens/100 sweeps) in the vegetation zone of five cultivated meadows near Zurich (spring/sunmer 1979). N = number of sweeps Table 56. Relatjve density Locati Meadow No. spiders/100 on Seas on inmature cl 23.5 .1979 I 250 8.2 c'l 5.6. I 979 800 3.0 c4 29 .6.1979 500 19.4 c4 12.7.1979 200 135 .0 c4 6-7.8.1979 500 7 4.6 c5 il .6. 1 979 I 000 1.5 c5 23.7 .1979 500 5.8 c6 26.6.1979 800 0.9 c6 16-18.7.1979 500 9.8 c6 I 3.8.1 979 500 12.2 c7 12.6.1979 500 4.0 c7 19.7 .1979 500 50. 6 sweeps + adult = total r .5 2.7 3.6 1.0 8.6 2.4 0.2 0.8 2.8 1.2 6.6 2.6 9.7 5.7 23.0 136.0 83.? 3.9 6.0 1.7 12.6 13.4 10.6 53.2 -82 Table 57. Horizontal distribution of the spiders in the vegetation zone (A) and on the ground surface (B) of cultjvated neadows near Zurich. The data were investigated with the square method. Values with * deviate significantly from 16 = I (F-test, P <0.05). Stratum Locat i on A) c4 B) cl + c1 + Date Mown 15.5.'l979 ,l3.6.1979 Squares i ta index 16 Mori s 964 0 .70 80b I .03 26.7 .1979 40b .l.76* c5 27 .6.1979 loa 'I c5 26.7 .1979 40b I.l8 a Square of 0.4 m x 0.4 b Sqru". of 0.2 m x 0.2 m m .05 -83show that the horizontal distribution of the spiders of the represented a random distribution as two meadows well (F-test, p >0.05) or, at the most, a slightly aggregated distribution (C1, July: F-test, p <0.05). From these spider distributions, a corresponding distribution can be derived for the predatory pressure which the spiders exert on insect popul ati ons . 3.2.5. Prey capture of spiders 3.2.5.'l. Hunting strategies The quantitative composition of the spiders, grouped according to their hunting strategies, is conpiled in Table 58. It shows that the spectrum of hunting strategies used by the foliage-dwelling spiders differs from meadow to neadow. In certain cultivated meadows the web-building spiders predominated, in others the hunting spiders were more prevalent, even though no qualitative differences could be detected between the types of meadows. Fron the fact that far more web-building spiders (mainly I'licryphantidae) were caught in pitfall traps than cursorial spiders (Lycosidae) - Micryphantidae having a lower "activity density" than the Lycosidae (HEYDEMANN, 1962) - one can gather that the former hunting strategy is the most frequently adopted on the ground surface. Prey composition Vegetation zone - The prey compositions of the consisted for the most part of shown in Table 59 for N. cornuta. Orb-weaving spiders and space web spiders orb-weaving spiders in cultivated meadows small flying insects (Diptera). This is of the Dictynidae, Linyphiidae and Theridiidae, too, was mainly composed of small flying insects (Diptera, aphids). The prey - The prey composition of foliage-dwel'ling crab spiders 'in cultivated meadows is represnted in Table 50. The table indicates that they prey mostly on Diptera (about 60% of their food). The prey Hunting spiders in importance are the Hymenoptera (about 16%). Anong these, large and well-anned prey insects as bees and bumble-bees are found. group second even Ground surface - The prey composition of the I'licryphantidae living in represented in Table 61. The table shows that the food of the Micryphantidae consisted exclusively of small, soft-bodied prey organisms. Aphids, Diptera, and Colle,rnbola (predoninantly Sminthuridae) were the most important prey components. Table 62 shows which Collembola and aphid species were captured by the Micryphantidae. The cereal aphids Rhopalosiphum padi L. and Sitöbion avenae F. were also found among the captured aphids. lleb-building spiders cultitäted meador{s is - The prey composition of the Lycosidae living in cultiTs represented in Table 63. The table indicates that the prey of the Lycosidae in meadows consists for the most part of small, Hunting spiders nfiAl m-eadows -84- in percent of the hunting strategies used by the spiin the vegetation zone of five cultivated meadows near Zurich at different seasons in 1979. The frequencies were calculated from the data of the Tables 44-48. Table 58. Frequencies ders Location Season Hunting strategy May Meadow J July August une b cl 0rb-weaving spiders Space web spidersa Hunting spiders Unident. spiders c4 Orb-weaving spiders 22.62 3. 57 0 8. 70 Hunting spiders 0rb-weaving spiders Unident. spiders Orb-weaving spiders Space web spiders Hunti ng spiders Unident. spiders LI 16.67 15.22 69.57 Hunting spiders Lb 32.61 21 .74 Space web spiders Orb-weaving spiders Space web spiders Hunting spiders Unident. spiders 57.15 52.17 Space web spiders Unident. spiders c5 59.02 10.66 21.57 4.92 Total bhb 0 51 .29 43.58 5.12 0 28.57 50.00 21.43 0 39.63 7 .54 52.83 0 a The expression "space web spiders" refers to constructing an orb-web 4.05 8. 17 0.37 2.16 95.59 89.I8 0.37 0.48 6.47 4.36 88.66 0.37 36.66 44.92 6.67 27.54 53.33 26.09 3.33 I .45 17.46 30.17 46.03 6.35 I 8.05 32.84 1,l.94 47.77 7.46 25.69 23.60 44.45 6.25 21.63 3.0.l 3.76 78.58 74.29 0.38 0.31 all web-building spiders not -85 Table 59. Prey composition the cultivated of Nuctenea cornuta in meadow C9 (spring 1979). Prey type May June ptera 95.95 83. 48 Di l 0 0.87 t,linged aphids 2.39 0.87 Lepi doptera 0 0.87 Tri choptera U 2.61 Ephemeroptera 0.18 0 Smal Hymenoptera 0 2.61 Unidentified prey 1.47 8. 70 No. prey items 543 115 EE 27 2 2 Col eoptera No. webs No, observation days 86- of foliage-dwe1ling Table 60. Prey composition dwell ing crab spiders in cultjvated Zurich (data from several and of ground- meadows near meadows combined, study years 1976-1978). Foliage-dwe11ing Spider spiders (Xysti cus spp. ) N = '134 crab group 'ition in Ground-dwelling crab spiders (Xysti cus spp. ) N= 37 %: Col I embol a 0 0rthoptera 0 5.7 )q Thysanoptera 4.0 U Heteroptera 0.8 ?.9 Ci cadas 0.8 Aphi dae 0 il.4 Carabi dae 0 5.7 0ther Coleoptera 4.8 D i ptera 64. Lepi doptera Ap 0ther B 1.6 0 4.8 Ants Hymenoptera Spiders Lumbricide worms 2.9 0 4.0 i dae 2.9 0 34. 3 8.0 2.9 6.4 25.7 0 2.9 -87 6'l. Table of small ground-dwelling web-building spiders (nrainly Micryphantidae) in cultivated meadows near Zurich (stu- Prey composition dy year 'l977). C2+C4 Prey N c8 N ClO NN Total Col I embol a 53 12 10 75 45.45 Apterous aphids l5 24 0 39 23.64 2.42 nged aphi ds 2 2 0 4 Small Diptera 7 4 I t2 Small Hymenoptera J l 2 6 3.64 Thysanoptera 3 I I q 3. 03 2 J n 5 3. 03 4 0 0 4 2.42 0 0 I 0.6i I n 0 I 0.61 insects 0 2 0 ? I .21 Unidentified prey a I ? ll 6.67 99 50 l6 165 l,li Mi tes Smal I Smal 1 Heteroptera cicadas Snall orthoptera Larvae Total of ,l 7 .?7 100. 0 -88- of Collembola and aphids in the food of small ground-dwe11ing web-building spiders. Observations in cultivated meadows near Zurich Table 62. Species (year 1977). Group Meadow Meadow Speci es CZ + Fami 1y C4 C8 Meadow Clo ColIembola Sminthuridae Sminthurus viridis bilineatus Deuterosminthurus flavus Dicyrtonina minuta Entomobryidae 0r"chesella villosa Heterosminthurus Lepidocyrtu: Ianuginosus-group gen. spec. inmature Isotomidae Isotomurus palustris Aphi ds pad'i ar Rhopalosiphum padi? i Sitobion avenae I Anoecia corni o Pemphigidae u) Rhopalosiphun I I = larva, a = apterous, r,l = winged +++ + + + + + + + + -89- lable 63. Prey composition of wolf spiders (Pardosa spp.) in cultivated meadows near Zurich (study years 1977 and 1978). -4.6 O -o 4 E o o 6O op o6 JO o O c? 6.9. c4 8. 8. c4 c4 9. q F O -c EO I o ! .r o @ q c '| 9. 10.9. l I5. 9. 17. 9. c4 21 c4 22. c4 -t c4 24.9. 26.9. -l -2 I- .9. 9. c4 4.10. c4 5.10. c4 7 E ! @ .-o 9! .-O PÄ Eö o! !S <! I c4 I -l ; 5 3 2 .10. I i- cb 6. I- 6. c4 1?.6. 12.6. c4 30. 6. c2 o ! o P oo !d -F> q! a € Fr 21 c4 c4 O q E d E € O 'I F r E I 'I I I c2 3. 7. I c2 15. 7. '| (3) a Possibly a small hymenopteran b Meadow near Zurich-Weiningen 17 -90soft-bodied prey organisms. Aphids, Collembola (e. g. 0rchesella vi I losa (Geoffroy)), and Diptera seem to form the most importäiT-f-ifüornponents of the Lycosidae. Occasionally, crab spiders (X. cristatus) were also seen on the ground surface of cultivated meadows. Especially after mowing, ground-dwe1ling X. cnistatus were rather frequent. Table 60 (right column) gives informaTTon-on-lirE-tood composition of such crab spiders. They fed mainly on ants and spiders (e.9. wolf spiders). In addition, they captured aphids, Carabidae, and Collembola (e.9.Orchesella villosa (Geoffroy)). Even small lumbrici de worms were preseiT--ä-Thd-fö6d--ö-f giound-dwei i i ng crab s pi ders . As the prey compositions (Tables 59-63) indicate, the spiders living in cultivated meadows catch neutral insects (e.9. Diptera), pest insects (e.9. cereal aphids), and beneficial insects (e,9. bees). Prey size living in cultivated meadows captured mainly smal1, soft-bodied prey of merely l-3 mn body-length. Such prey organisms have a fresh weight of only 1-2 mg. Most spiders 3,2.5.4. Prey capture rates l0 insects/web/day on the average were counted in webs of N. cornuta in the cultivated meadow C9 in May 1979. 0f the hunting spiders, less than l0% of a population were found feeding at any given time (Tables 64-66). Adult wolf spiders (P. agrestis) spend about 45-60 min for the consumption of a small pney (Table 67). These data being known, the prey capture rate was calculated by neans of the About method of EDGAR (1969,1970) (see i tem/spi der/day. 3.2.6. of Niche iders concerni amounts to about I prey food Araneidae and Thomisidae show a large overlap Both spider families feed on small Diptera for the most The prey compositions at order level. It of part (see of Micryphantidae and Lycosidae had relatively 'large ovenlaps at order level, too. Both spiden families lived mostly on small, soft-bodied prey organisms (aphids, Collembola, Diptera). The prey compositions 3.2.7. Predator-prey relations between crab spiders and wolf spiders In cultivated meadows, crab spiders come occasionally into collision with wolf spiders, especially after mowing. If one looks at the chelicerae of the two spider families, it should seem that the highly active Pardosa species, which have significantly larger fangs than the clumsier Xysticus species equipped with only moderately developed mouthparts, would dominate over the Xystjcus species (Fig. 4). If one compares the four pajrs of legs of the two spider families however, it is evident that the two pairs of forelegs of the crab spiders are much stronger than those of the wolf spiders (Fig. 5). By taking advantage of the element of surprjse, the crab spiders can defeat well-armed activity of crab spiders (Xys_ticus spp.). Numbers of crab spiders captured in the cultivated meadow C4 and percentage of spiders feeding (years 1977 and 1978). Table 64. Feeding Hours Date of observati on Number of spi ders Number of spi ders captured feedi 6.5.1977 l0-'l2 l0 2 14.5 .1977 I4-16 18 0 12.7.1977 I 8-20 t4 5 16.7 .1977 l0-12 90 5 22.7.1977 t6-18 194 14 TotaI 326 (= 100 (1977) %) 26 (= 7,9s 24.4.1978 l2-16 7 0 26.4.1978 t2-16 I9 4 3.5.1978 12-16 il 2 10.5.1978 l4-,l6 4 0 17.5.1978 l4-16 17 0 30.5. I 978 ,l.6.1978 t6-18 I 0 l0-,l2 J 0 6.6.1978 10-12 2 0 12.6.1978 l0-12 E 0 Total (.l978) Total (1977 69 (= r00 + 'l978) 39s (= 100 %) %) ng X',) 6 (= 8.70 %) 32 (= 6.1s *, -92- Table 65. Feeding activity of wolf spiders wolf spiders captured centage (Pardosa in the cultivated of spiders feeding (study year Numbers on 1977). of Number of Percentage spiders spiders of sPiders captured feeding feeding 6. 9.1977 l4- t6 9 0 0 7. 9.1977 '14- I I 22 0 0 8. 9.1977 I0-l 10. 9.1977 2 l4 3 l6-18 26 I t0-l 2 20 0 l4-1 6 17 I '14-18 27 1 10.0 5.1 14.9.1977 l4-16 21 0 U 15.9.1977 l6-18 23 I 4.3 . 9.1977 l4-.l6 24 I 4.2 21. 9.1977 l4-l 6 20 t 5.0 22. 9.1977 t2-16 53 2 3.8 ?3. 't4-16 22 0 0 24. 9.1977 1?-16 36 2 5.6 26.9.1977 t0-14 23 I t4-18 28 4 4.10.1977 l4-r 6 43 4 5.10.1977 t0-12 l0 0 l4-16 40 4 l0-t 2 20 I 5.0 16-'l8 ö 0 0 t7 7 9.1977 .10.1977 18.r0.1977 TOTAL of per- Number Hours of observati spp.). meadow C4 and 27 9.8 o1 8.0 5.3 -93- activity of wolf spiders (Pardosa spp.). Numbers of wolf spiders captured in two cultivated meadows and percentage of spiders feeding (study year'1978). Table 66. Feeding Locati on and date Hours of observati on Number of spi ders Number of spi ders Percentage captured feedi feedi ng of spiders ng Itleadow C2: 12.6.1978 12-14 (r0.0) t0 I 5.0 3.7 .1978 t4-r8 zoa 'I 15.7. t978 l4-,l6 t5 I (6.7 ? l0 0 (0) 3.8.'l978 Total ) 5.5 Meadow C2 Meadow C4: .4.1978 t4-t6 21 0 24.4.1978 l2-16 25 I 4.0 .4.1978 12-16 40 0 0 20 26 0 3. 5. 1 978 12-16 24 I 4.2 10.5.,l978 t4-16 20 1 5.0 .5.1978 r4-16 20 1 r .6. I 978 t0-12 't0 .6. r 978 t0-12 t4 I (7.1) 12.6.1978 '10-'l2 12 ? (r6.7) 30.6. I 978 l0-'l4 l8 I 17 6 Total Meadow C4 Total Meadows CZ 0 5.0 (0) 5.6 3.9 + C4 a Incl. Pirata spec. 259 4.3 -94- dl ol ol LI 6l o o c o d o NN o o E o o 0 6 E E d +l o o I c ! o@o+6 ONNO ltttl rx 6 oNo6 FO@ON 6++@$ <r;-;c;.; o$No +r +r +. oooN ONtsO +. +l @ 1 N N6N@@ +b6@ J d z A o o L o o o o o d e OL o EP o6 po L qo E6 co o< AP oq !l o5 pt co oo aE 60 o o 6 +l o rx d = 6E oo po =! c E6 q ol oNoo@ ONNON tttrl o6 @@@N N N@OO@ @NNO 6N6N o+ob +r +r @600 @6000 @@o+N @@o€ +r +r FOI .: @ o I d +r o o €N60 6^ L. OEE PEE O6.F o! !@ o€o PO60 A.-!€ -@o! d6 -Pl o ot F LI .= ut o ! 6 F *** !a 6SOOO EOE< o o = EO c 6 o = 95- 9-1.9 Fig.4. Fiq. -' 5. - of the mouthparts ot crab spiders ) and wolf spiders (Pardosai;ü".t.-rne dirierent formation of the chelrcäraä or the two spider fanrilies is an expression of different feeding behaviours' Comoarison lXvsticus spp. - of the habits of a crab spider (iysl!s!: sp') i"a'of a wolf spider (Pardosa sp' )' comparison -96arthropods (e.9. wolf spiders) with the help of these legs. In al1 confrontations observed between'individuals of the two spider the wolf spiders were always killed by the crab sp'iders. Crab are potential predators of woif spiders. It has been observed Great Britain and Japan that crab spiders killed wolf spiders '1974i 0'NEILL, pers. comm. ). 3.2.8. families, spiders also in (ORI, flow through the ground-dwelling sp'ider communjties was not investigated. But the energy flow (= food consumed) through the ground-dwe11ing Energy The prey killing rate of ground-dwelling spiders web-building spider guild could be estimated by means of the method .l55-419 described in section ?.3.10.2. It was calculated to be about kJ/ halday. Supposing 100 activity days per" year, this would anount to '15-40 MJ/ha/year. 3.3. The 3.3..l. role of spiders as insect predators in cereal fields Inrni tion into cereai fields of immigration, the time of harvest and the spiders' of stay in the fields are cornpiled in Table 68. The va'lues in the table indicate that spiders can live in cereal fields only for a limited length of time, from the time of imnigration to the tjme when the fields are harvested. The harvest is a severe stress for the spiders of the vegetation zone (destruction of the living space and the spiders' egg sacs). For this reason, a recolonization of the fields from the surrounding land is necessary every year. As a consequence of the periodic disturbance of the spider population through mowing, the spider densities in the vegetation zone of cereal fields are very low Data on the time duration (Tab1e 68). To what extent the soil cultivation'influences the ground-dwe11ing spider populatiohs, was not examined within the framework of this thesis. Compared to the vegetation zone, the spider densities on the ground surface of ceneal fields are relatively high (Table 69). 3.3.2. Spider comnunities of cereal fields 3.3.2,1. Vegetation zone family and species composition of the foliage-dwelling spiders in cereal fields was investigated by direct observations. The data of jn Table 70. Further observations in the years 1976-1977 ,l978-198] are compiled were not made quantitatively. Web-building spiders of the families Araneidae (Araniella cucurbi ti na/opi sthographa*, A. ceropegi a, N. cori'ffil-Tl-acalypha ), Tetragnathidae (T. extensa, T. pinicola), Theridiidae (T. impressum a.o.) and Linyphiidae (1. triangularis a.o. ) prevailed in the vegetation zone of cereai fields. Hunting spiders of the family Thomisidae (Xysticus spp.) were only rarely The observed. Araniella cqqqlqj!i!q (C1. ) and Araniella opisthoglapha (Ku1cz. ) are iwolpecTe; wtricl couta not oe vlsuä]lv?'lstinguETre,a'-Tn the f ield. -97! po o o @ gONN O O Ets o dt!N F'F OO S 6la <.F ooec dE a'- o o F o E o ! 6 o c 90 o'r E @! O NP C.F ! O ä o o9 od> lF o= os! a ov ooo €ro : o= o = 6 c o ! 6 o o$ .FL poo N g o. 9< o! CN = o .-! PO do !c = 90 ! PO os L60 EO ! $o oa o9 EO PO .o c gN o I6Eg O !'FP oo O.- o O o.- F.F ogo o! C.F O^ 6 oP PpEd €oP! !o > @9 ö>ö 4)@ c< f5 DD OP o o 6d: = oo a@ ror o OO ! Ao Oo o o> EI FS rfa D-O PO 6'r !p o6 Eöo soo g !! oo qP ts.- oo! !! ooo c; @ o o F o O !! ooo E!N f.FO a== 98- Table 69. Density of the ground-dwelling web-building spjders in three maize fields and in two winter wheat fieids near Zurich (study years 1978 and 1979). Locati on Date Crop 654 13. 38 2.6. 1 978 zoa 19.00 14.7.1978 zoa 35.00 .6.1978 40b 16.5.1979 50c 53.I3 1I.88 mar ze chbuck maize 1 Reckenhol z maize Reckenho l z winter winter Mi I n Reckenhol z wheat wheat a Square of 0.33 m x 0.33 b Squ.." of 0.20 m x 0.20 c Square of 0.40 m x 0.40 m rn m Soiders/m2 6. 6. I 978 i ngen l.lei No' squares 7 ! c 6 a t- P t N N N o OH OoH >q> d:or -> o I 5 N I o o oc !N o> o9 od v @ € o ! o c o Pq 60 OP oo o> >t o s4 €o EP o! o C.>E 6 ! ! o! !o oc o= oo S O N € L o ! e o c @FlrlrFrrroFN o 6 o 3I o I o o ! p5 d o >o ONI@llllllrl @ = o ! o o c o N <iOF o O6-lllllrFlFOrN@ OEH !cr @o 6 o I 6FFOS@SOFONN@NA+ O NOO ! N o P4H 6EH E o €+rNrQrrr@ON oo> tlt =a> o E NF to E 60> 6 NN O.Fl !FH l I o r o l r I o€s o o o Q N 'E = )o o\ lc q ! OE 9 .F ! l@F@<lO-IFNON@16 E.= 55 a OrO N E O o6 6 = ooEoo PEE ! o 4 p o c ! 5 o a OOOlltsl@l4OA@@lr 66NN+NO o:o= o-o = ! 90 o! co oo PO .rt aa OP q6 EE dl 6l ol cldldl .rlll.rl E c o E d N o ! F ! o =E>a co !o oda oo6 too OJ@ ! .:l3l31El nl=lölpldl 61 llPlololll JlolllElfl 9tFlololcl <l oJ .rl >l Jldolllll olol 6lold6l ''dlrlolool 6l6l!lel dl FIFl.Fl 6ldl -l-ldl-lolol6lo-ldl! olol6lslclcl!loelol'r .-1.-loldlololol Ä 6 . o O ! d E odlo o.E o llddPo.ro.rq @Pl!! o E d+ 6 61.-.F 6Ot.F p cl'F.F < '; L.F ot!< oo ! o c ololo 6l'd >.F o.F o o . d . oo .61 _@ .o ca ElEl=lEltl:lElSl;JtlE !l!lol!lflsl6lol>l>l! <l<l<l<lzlzl=l=lNlo'l< 6 ! 3 --^@ 6 - o q o ;lh ä b !E ;< :d :c ol<.F.r FIF J = F d @ = = o o 6 o F o F3 d - .l00 - In contrast to abandoned grasslands, jumping spiders and large funnel web spiders v.,ere only seldom encountered jn cereal fields. The same js true for A. bruennichi and A. quadratus, which predominate jn abandoned grass- ands]--It is conspicuous that the spider fauna in the vegetation zone of cereal fields consists to a large extent of orb-weaving spiders (Araneidae, Tetragnathidae). The Araneidae found in maize fields show a significantly higher percentage of immature stages than in the rest of the cereal crops (x' 2 * 2 contingency table, p <0.01). The almost comp'lete absence of adult orb-weaving spiders in maize fields might be explained by the fact that maize develops a dense plant stand much later than the other cereals. The composition of the spider fauna differs from field to field. In each case, however, it depends on the surroundings of the field. Predominantly medjum-sized species (see Table l3) are found among the adult foliage-dwel ling spiders, A. ceropegia being the largest species in cereal fields, I Ground surface family and species compositions of spiders established by means of on the ground of winter wheat f.ields are compiled in Tables 7l-73. Spiders belonging to the famjlies Micryphantidae and The pjtfall traps Lycosidae predomi nated. In Tables 72-73, the composition of spider spec'ies captured frequently on the ground surface of winter wheat fields is l.isted for the years 1977-78. P. agrestis, P. palustris, E. atra, E. dentipalpis, and Oedothorai apr-catus (Blackw.) were the most frequent species found in p;tfal-fraps. Sitmflar results have been obtained in 'l979. Comparable data were also collected in other cereal fields. Most spiders living on the ground surface of cereal fields are of small body size (Micryphantidae, see Table 13). l,lolf spiders of the genus Trochosa are the largest spiders on the ground of cereal fields. 3.3.3. Seasonal change of Seasonal change abundance and of dajly activitll abundance occurrence of the predominant spiders in the seasonai development of the cereal vegetatjon. As the table indjcates, most spiders migrate into the vegetatjon zone of the fields in spring only after the stem elongation has occurred. The coloniz'ing spiders come from small, jntact marginal biotopes' such in Table 74, the seasonal fields is compared to the as stripes of meadows, and forest fringes. From the time of imm'ignatjon up to the harvest, the spiders spend only 60-70 days in cereal fields and about i30 days in maize fields (Table 68). The ground-Cwe1 1 ing spiders show statistical ly si gnif icant differences of abundance in different seasons (analysis of variance, p <0.01). 3. 3. 3. 2. _D3-t-li_9!t,'L1!y The orb-weaving spider !.--Sg11-qE is p!evalently nocturnal. Fig. 6 Table 7.l. Family composition'in I of the ground-dwelling spiders in a winter wheat field near Zurich-Reckenholz (year 1978; traps dug into the ground on May 21). Spider fanily I'li cryphanti dae Lycos i dae Traps emptied on: 4.7 . 3l .7. Total l8 N=874 .6. 19.6. N= 89 N=432 1 N=l 87 .6 52.6 88. I il.2 44.0 8.4 Tetragnathi dae 0 0.9 0.8 Li nyphi i dae 0 1.2 0 Thomi si dae 0 'l .l 0.? 0 1.2 2.5 Unidentified spiders Total 100 .0 100 .0 N=235 94.5 0. 4 0 0 0 72.4 24.1 0.6 0.6 0.] 4.3 100.0 100.0 -102- Table 72. The dominant ground-dwe11ing spider species jn a winter wheat fjeld near Zurich-Reckenholz (year 1977' traps dug into the ground on May t7). Traps Spider species 26.5. 502 N= Erigone atra o Erigone dent'ipalpis ö Erigone atra Erigone dentipalpis I I 0edothorax spi catus d !g4g!!9rgr fusc_u_s d 0edothl'rax ap'i catus ? oedothorax fuscus I gSI$!_:. Pardosa palustris d Pardosa Itfqgj-q agrestis_ Pardosa pal ustri s 6 I I 3.6. 373 N= emptied 18.6. 5.7. 20.7. 3.8. N=1490 N=1647 N=4289 N=4572 33 20 0 n 0.3 0.5 0 0 0.3 0.9 93 0 29 l6 3 74 < 0.5 on: 44 6 50 1a 36 0.8 0. 4 ZJ l9 0.7 0.7 20 0.3 o.u 16 9 6 35 13 4 0.2 4 13 2 0.2 0 0.'l 2 I U.J 2 0 0-l 0 0 0.3 < 0.5 I 29 36 .04 -103- Iable 73. The dominant ground-dwe11ing spider species in a winter wheat field near Zurich-Reckenholz (year 1978' traps dug into the ground on May 2l ). on: Tr"aps enptied 1.6. 19.6. 4.7. 31.7. Total N= 89 N=432 N=ll8 N=235 N=874 Spider species 3l atra o !1 Erigone atra I 0 Erigone dentjpalpis d 24 Erigone dentipalpis o 0 0.7 2 oedothorax apicatus 0edothorg apicatus d 6 3 9 Pardosa agresti s o Pardosa agresti s I Eni gone Pardosa pal ustri 9 s ö Pardosa palustris o 829 t3 211 00 0.7 18 8 2.5 30 26 0 t8 0.9 ?5 0.7 20 0.8 t9 28 14 2.2 0 16 4 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 J 6/e ri' them 7,6% males of Erigone spp. with destroied pedipalps other spiders a Among 24 21 8 - ]04 - ! o o o =N ol @ ots co Or + N N N : ! @ N 6 N 6v o! OF N E o9 PO cp o N N N o I 60 ! OP !q .-o OE oq o co co .-! Or !d $o oa oo N o = o N o @ N c o EP o6 PO @C o o @ ! o oo !P 5 o< O.- o6 !o fc ! 6 E @ o6 o 6t O'6f ON o 3 o N o o N L 6 = = o o ! ..; E E o! EO o.F l6d qo EI oo OO j g o o o .e ea 6 o a o N o o F E o ! d .oc odtoglo .-l ;^ 6l o dt =l o dr -'olrlslol s :l 3l € €l:r 8i 3l :5'l El ilol ul .-l Pl El'= ol o rdl ä; ol ol ql ol 6l c !l'-l .l .l .l .l el e5l FIFIF zl<l<l E -E =l< !o o! t'o o o @t <9 Äo -]05- ! ! o ' lr iE oO Z= E o :Fo +< I o lg )F ld I t.- o 3 t,3 il-s { lI * lo I äla olo I Lo lo II I Lo to ls I > losl clo qlF äl- . pl 016 ilN zlo t.I| pco ! lTo *o I L! lN I | s"t 6 0r o.oo, O! .l,f>oE = O.6 <! oo c..r!6 gld g o! I I I cof p o6 >,c j*FK le 6 .F c r E€: I l6 I l-* o :s ato OE O ? E i: fr o o; ot'old rl= FIP L ec 60 .=E ?=3 E t ö ig6 s.:'E @ o L _106_ represents the feeding activity and number of prey/web of N. cornuta at different daytimes. This spider species captures its prey äI-iiglTln the following manner: The web-building actjvity is induced in the twilight, when the intensity of the light drops below a critical intensity. The building of an orb-web requires 30-60 minutes. At about the same time, the flying activity of many cereal insects active at night or in the twilight begins. Tipulidae, Noctuidae, Pyralidae, and evening Chrysopidae begin to f1y about, and many small Nematocerae swarm in the flowering zone of the field, where the orb-webs, about 25 cm in diameter, have been built, These now continuously filter the swarms of nocturnal flying insects. Most of the prey gets caught in the webs between 20.30 22.30; during these two hours, the spiders captured 10-20 prey items/web on the average. The hungry spider starts feeding inrnediately after having built the web.-The highest-feeding activity lies between 22.00 and 24.00. Since only occasionally prey organisms fly into the webs after 22.00, the webs are gradually emptied through the spiders' feeding activity. The spiders' feeding activity diminishes after midnight and ends towards daybreak. The spiders then retire into their retreats where they hide during the day. I'lost of the other orb-weaving spiders were observed feeding during the day and at night (e.9. A. diadematus and A. ceropegia, Table 75). Space web spiders of the families Theridjidae, Linyphiidae and Micryphantidae are also diurnal and nocturnal, whereas wolf spiders of the genus qCl4glq are prevalently diurnal. and 3.3.4. Spatial distribution of spiders 3.3.4..l. Vertical distribution of spiders we find spiders from the ground surface up to the flowering zone (Table 76). As can be derived from section 3.3..l.2., spiders ljve near the ground (>90%). In cereal fields, most Horizontal distribution In ]977 and 'l979, the horizontal distribution of the spiders of the vegetation zone and the ground surface in winter wheat fields was studied by means of the square method, and the index of Morisita was caiculated (Table 77). The observed distributions of the foliage-dwelling spiders did not statistically deviate significantly from a random distribution (F-test, p >0,05). The sane'is true for the distribution of the ground-dwel1ing web-building spiders (Micryphantidae) in the winter wheat fields as well as in other wheat fields and in two maize fields (F-test, p >0.05). However, a slightly aggregated distribution was noted in another maize field (F-test, p <0.05). The horizontal distribution of the ground-dwelling spiders was also studied by means of pitfall traps in a winter wheat field at different seasons. Although the Figs. 7-18 give only the activity-densities of the ground-dwelling spiders, the figures may be regarded as graphical representations of the horizontal distribution of these spiders. The Figs. 7-12 show the horizontal distrjbution of the Micryphantidae at different times of the year. A comparison of the capture rates of the traps on the border of the fjeld !,ith those in the centre did not show -107- Table 75. Feeding activity in % of two orb-weaving spiden species (% f) at different times of day in an oat field near Zurich-Höngg in summer 1976 (N = no. spiders observed). Activity values followed by the same letter differ significantly (12 test 2 x 2 contjngency table, P < 0.05). Hours of observati A. on 00-04 04-08 08-t 2 12-16 16-20 20-24 A. diadematus N %f 33 60 112 25 l1 48 21.2 d ]0.0 ac 25.0 20.0 63.6 27.1 a ceropegia N 22 12 II 9 b abcd c %f 18.2 25.0 45.5 22.2 Table 76. Vertical distribution of the orb-weaving spiders and of Achaearazone of a winter wheat field'near nea ripar"ia in the vegetation .l979; the vegetation was l'2 m high. Zurici-Reilienholz in June Height of orb hub 0ther Al Achaearanea 1 orb-weavers orb-weavers above ground rr parl a (crn ) - r25 75 - ]00 50- 75 ?5- 50 0- 25 100 Total ? 0 6 l9 l6 42 12 I 0 0 63 36 3 (3%) 25 (25 %) 58 (59 %) r3 (r3 %) 0 (o%) 38 (r00 %) ee (ro0 38 (r0o %) %) 0 (0%) (0%) 0 (0 0 (0%) 0 %) - li o f< c!f ! =o3E ooo !5 oo6 pPO ooo oo< osP >BO o! soo PP! cd C.r =q ogo o ! o F c o+o@6 ":"1?n\ rO ---oo d! bo oo ooo!o ooooo €NN<6 ro NN @o@@o NNtsNT ooooo Nb €N FN @@N@6 @NqN@ ! o = E 6^ Lgoo ods !po o ON9V A.rO 64 oE6 .-90€ !ooo EO o! fo>l hdnL r I !!! OfA6[ =4f o!o CE.-@ !fPH oa +!oE oo>o c! EO.-9 .rPO>t P!F fcoP !o3c 6 !!o9 !cf,F o60+ !oc !oo -FE'ooFq cS.O o<P NPAO .-6.r.!o! o!ro -=N! .: N o FA CFF r08 - .Lo od g o 6 ö oo NN c o )oo oo oo oo Ed -t-rooooo NNN o=sc< coccg .Fsooo co:!! .F-900 O.FOOO ==dE& PP d6 oo <E oo == o o ! O oo €P == ooooo NNNP€ .r'-.rcc 666'r'r ===== E o E f o ! P 6 @ o o == !! o !o Ed J9 o! !f Oo oooo o+oN Fooo xxxx oooo o+oN rooo 99S9 oooo oooo !!!! o60d qqqo a@@a 6io! - Fi gs. 7 109 - distribution of the ground-dwe11ing sheet-web spiders (mainly Micryphantidae) captured by pitfall traps in a winter wheat field near Zurich-Reckenholz in the year 1977. Each square represents a pitfall trap. The number of points per square represents the number of spiders captured per trap and pen time unit. A horizontal balinstead of a number means that the pitfall trap vias destroied. The distribution of the squares corresponds with the distribution of the pitfall traps in the field (comp. Fig. 2). -12. Horizontal (Fig. 7), June 3 (Fig. 8), June 18 (Fig. 9), July 5 (Fi9.'10), July 20 (Fig. ll), and Ausust 3 (Fis. l2). Tnaps emptied on May 26 Figs.13-i8. Horizontal distribution of the wolf spiders (mainly Pardosa agrestis and P. palustris) captur"ed by pitfall traps-i-äwinter wheat field near Zurich-Reckenholz (otherwise as Figs.7-12, see above). Traps ernptied on May 26 (Fig. l3), June 3 (Fig. l4), June l8 (Fi9. l5), July 5 (Fis. 16), July 20 (Fig. 17), and August 3 (Fi9. l8). 'I 13 o 16 13 14 l8 12 10 3 t3 o I 11 4 10 10 I 7 5 14 4 6 7 6 I 10 o t7 12 13 8 16 7 7 7 13 8 o 4 a 6 I 6 12 I 4 6 6 6 4 4 1 6 a 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 o 10 4 1 13 2 2 o 6 2 2 2 5 5 o o o 2 1 2 5 2 57 20 24 54 51 52 15 28 24 27 33 27 39 22 16 24 6 26 38 24 29 34 41 32 46 11 30 17 25 38 36 't6 21 9 15 11 7 11 23 16 Fig. 16 9 14 Fis. l0 52 18 23 35 51 44 25 l4 20 66 24 22 35 46 t8 29 54 13 45 27 6 23 69 31 31 33 40 50 43 40 37 75 39 30 45 52 68 63 31 11 20 21 25 o 30 74 50 5A 70 13 73 61 76 108 a9 122 70 129 159 8.1 125 190 96 67 108 57 115 57 76 r36 90 100 129 144 166 t32 143 254 49 86 63 117 68 65 65 76 t25 8A 79 105 94 109 50 163 75 38 75 120 77 118 102 o 83 t03 117 104 t26 140 117 166 90 109 33 70 62 123 68 164 81 a2 43 84 96 r04 73 Fig. l1 102 Fi g. l2 112 Fig. 13 1 2 o 1 4 'I 7 7 2 15 o o o 2 1 3 o 3 3 o 1 7 4 o o 5 6 6 8 o 2 o o 4 4 3 11 a 3 3 1 a 6 17 12 4 14 2 2 3 2 2 1 7 1 o 3 8 3 1 4 5 2 5 6 't1 o 2 2 15 o 4 o 2 7 4 6 1 6 6 9 3 3 11 I 6 5 9 10 2 l4 '11 2 2 o 20 4 4 3 o 't6 5 6 3 1 2 5 I 29 11 o 5 3 4 I 4 4 3 Fis. Fi o g. 26 2 13 4 14 I5 4 Fi g. 16 4 o 2 I 2 o 2 o o o o o 4 8 12 o o 4 o I 3 1 2 5 3 1 2 4 2 o o o 1 1 1 '| o 1 o '| 3 6 o 1 o 1 o o 2 o o o 1 o 1 o o o o o o 4 1 1 o 2 2 o 4 1 t2 1 o o 1 2 18 o 6 o 7 o o Fig. l7 Fi 2 5 o 1 1 o 2 6 18 4 5 7 2 o 2 4 4 7 6 1 1 34 4 I 112 o I o g. l8 3 -il4statistically significant differences (t-test*, p >0.05). worthy edge effect could be detected. Thus no note- The same is true for the hunting spiders living on the ground. A graphical representation of the horizontal distribution of the Lycosidae in the winter wheat fjeld at different seasons is given in the Figs. l3-18. 3.3.5. Prey capture of spiders Hunting strategies Table 78 gives a view over the hunting strategies of the spiders living in cereal fields. In the vegetation zone of cereal fields,95-98% of all spiders capture their prey by means of webs, and only 2-5% catch their food as hunting spiders without webs. The proportion of orb-weaving spiders (families Araneidae and Tetragnathidae) of the total of all web-building spiders of cereal fields was 75-88%. In the pitfall traps, 75% were l'reb-building spiders and 25% hunting spiders. This indicates that most ground-dwelling spiders in cereal fields capture their prey by means of Prey webs. composition Vegetation zone 0rb-weaving spiders - The prey compositions of orb-weaving spiders of wheat, barley, rye, oat and maize fields are represented in Table 79. The table indicates that Diptera (68.8-92.1%), (4.0-17.5%) prevail and winged aphids in the prey compositions of orb-weaving spiders in fields. Detailed information on the prey compositions of orb-weaving spiders in cereal fields are given by NYFFELER & BENZ cereal (1979a). spiders - Table 80 shows the prey compositions of T, impressum 'in wheat and oat fields. Diptera and aphids are the most important components of the food of T. impressum. The prey of the foliage-dwelling Linyphiidae in cereal fields aiso consisted mostly of small Diptera and Space web Homoptera. *The asynnetric distribution pennit the use of the data of the t-test. was corrected, in order to ll5 Table 78. The hunting strategies Spi der and/or of the spiders living in cereal fields. speci es , Hunt'ing genus manner wjdth (nln) Mesh 0 cn }{eb t^leb area qn2 3-4 20-30 Araniel la cucurbitina 2-3 6-8 40 Aculepeira ceropegia l-3 20-30 500 Araneus diadematus 3 15-25 300 Mangora acalypha I Nuctenea cornuta Araneidae gen. sp. (irm. orb-web ) Tetragnatha spp. Pachygnatha degeeri (imm.) Theridion impressum Achaearanea riparia Linyphia spp. irregular tangled l4 500 150 1-2 2-8 20 3 B-t5 100 2.5 5 web web sheet-web Erigone spp. 0edothorax spp. Y\ysticus spp. ambusher Pqrclqg4 spp. a runner a In the literature the Pardosa spp. are usually described as runners. However, F0RD (1978) found that Pardosa amentata adopts a "sit-and-wait" strategy with periodic changes of site. -il6- Table 79. Prey composition of Prey Rye of cereal fields orb-weaving spiders in the vegetation zone near Zurich (years 1976-1977). 1976 0ats 1977 Mai ze Wheat Barley ,x Hetenoptera 0.2 0.4 1.7 Thysanoptera 0 0.9 5.8 10. 2 0.8 17.5 5.6 12.7 14.8 4.0 0.8 Aph i dae 0 0 0.3 1.7 1.? 0.2 Hymenoptera 0 1.3 0 1.0 0.4 Chrysopi dae 3.9 1.3 0.6 0 0.8 77 .6 71.5 68. 8 375 231 Col Di eoptera ptera Number of prey items '144 68.4 92.1 412 529 of Theridjon inpr_essum in the vegetation zone of wheat and oat fields near Zurich (years 1976-1977), Table 80, Prey composition Wheat Prey 0ats Ephemeroptera 7.6 Thysanoptera 9.0 I.6 42.6 33.3 3.1 ll.t Hymenoptera 0.4 9.5 Tri choptera 0 Aph i dae Co1 Di eoptera ptera Number 27.8 of prey items 2?3 7.9 7.9 20.6 76 - lt7 - other hunting spiders were only rarely zone of cereal fields. Since foliagedwelling hunting spiders (Thomisidae, Philodromidae' Salticidae' Clubionidae, Pisauridae) appean to live in low densities in ceneal fields and since only a small percentage of a hunting spider population is feeding at a given observation time, the probability of surprising a hunting spider with a prey is exceedingly low. Thomisidae could be observed capturing Diptera, spiders, and one aphid in cereal fields' Hunting spiders oSservea-freeäIng Thomisidae and in the vegetation Ground surface Web-building spiders - The prey composition of the Micryphantidae of wheäfinA rnalze TiEi-Us is nepresented in Table 8l . The table indicates that the food of the l'licryphantidae exclusively consisted of small soft-bodied prey, aphids, Collembola, and Diptera being the nost important components. The Collembola captured by the Micryphantidae' generally belong to the Sminthuridae, Hunting spiders - The prey composition of the Lycosidae of wheat fields ITrepresenTü-in Tables 82-84. It also includes mainly small' softbodied prey organisms, especially aphids, Collembola' and Diptera. The Collembola for the most part belong to the Arthropleona-group (e.9. Isotomidae and Orchesella villosa (Geoffroy) of the family Entomo6'Eid-ael. The captured aphids were exclusively cereal aphids (Metopolophium ai.noaur tlalk., Rhopalosiphurn padi L., Sitobion avenäe El-E=jlsted in Table 85. Spiders with special hunting strategies - Adult Carabidae and Staphylinidae e and MicrYPhantidae, as both' the Lycosidäe and the Micryphantidae' are not capable of killing hardbodied beetles. There is, however' a spider species belonging to the family Theridiidae, Achaearanea riparia (Blackw.)' which often captures adulfCarabidae and STäptyTlfrl?aä-5y nreans of tangled webs (Tab1e 86)' As Table 87 sho,rs, several Carabidae-species (mainly of the genus Amara) were captured by A. riparia. It captured a rather typical selection of medium-iized CaraEJEää'iITng in cereal fields of Western Europe (comp. THIELE, 1977, p.27). (A. riparia has been observed killing Carabidae alsojn meadows, witn si6les,-wneie this spider lives, too). Prey size of the food of spiders in cereal fields consisted of small, soft-bodied prey organisns of only i-3 nrn body length. Such prey organisms have a fresh weight of merely l-2 mg. More than 90% Prey capture rates Vegetation zone In order to determine how many insects per day are killed by one web' continuous observations of orb-webs were conducted on a total of 7 days' The results of these observations are compiled in Table 88. The table - lr8 - @ N o ! ***öq* NO+A@ rÖNos O F@N6€ N o d € o F N N o ! d o so ! 5 N ! € @ g o N@ oo OONrF @ N =F ! o 6 @ ! o I c o @ ! E o L I =o sp I o d o E =@N !o OF P Fo606 N = P 6 o E N =r !q @ F@€FN 0e = C o P E6 o o o !> €! !a o o o o ! d 6 o ! 6 F o ! d dPF'r o.FE.F oooo! Eos OEFIO F<6€.F odEPc a<.qo> d6 !! o-O q69 o o ! o o o! d o F il9- Table 82. Prey composition of wolf spiders (P. agrestis and P' palustris) in a winter wheat field near Zurich (year 1978)' Index: + = -< 101; ++ = 10-20%; +++ = 20-35fl; ++++ = > 35%' No. observation days No. spiders captured Spiders with prey Prey cjrmpos_i ti June 6 7 21 ?63 242 l0l3 9 10 40 Aphi dae ptera 518 59 +++ ++ 40% ++ +++ +++ 24% # + 1?% + 4% tes Spi ders 34 'I ++++ Lepidoptera (larvae) I'li Total on: Col I embol a Di July/August May ++ + 4% +++ 16% - 120 - I o ! o o o d 6 o F I E o L t N ! 6 o E ! o p 6 o = L o o q ONFFTNFFFO ! o a o opf .-O o =>' o P P d FOOOTOOOoOoOO o ! E I od <6 9P .Fo -o o p I NOOOFOOOOOOOF o ! o o pL c B o c f ! @F-N+FF-NrOFo o o ! o ci o = 6l ol €l !I 6l 4I ! Eo q FO 5F !d o E p NOOFFOOOOOOOF <E d o ! E o o I 5 P E oo OoOOOOOÖOOrOo 6 ! o o o. 3^ o SN oo c o> ! o N^ €= tro E^60 =FEita-E! -^=6aDos@ E:: OD O- >N O!o @ o !a ooovdol<F d>CP!ddv6€ F!.-d6OPFE@ 66=d!P.Fda -;;a'-oocoFvF crpo.F6o.oddoOG!-!4qte a a ! ö 6 o o oo@€!-EEOOOoO npp.;.;oOq6-Po! ddd<<E<O!-'FP'r dc>OPdOO'FC 0öo<<='u6QOO== !F .e3 ^d a-c oo GC ! F g L o o6 o€ O.!E OE oe dvod =f oo EC >.r E ! c 6 F o! E co o€ EO <! -121- I I s o. !c fo o o o öooooöoooo AONNNN+NN@ NNO 6 P o F N.F !6 oc <o !o oo .ro 9! 9t 60 o< €p =o !! OJ p€ o 6 OOFNFFO ! dl = ol d Qq o6 EIE d l'6l 6l pl ol dl ölpl !l cl !l ol g = {l ol o f o ot oo op NNOOOOOOON O.r >E sl;l $f t E d o o dl!l 6I PI =^ Eläl G. + o N ts@-FOOFOON d o o9 !o cd @ o F o ONOO--FOFF El €l 3l o OOOOOOOFOo o L o il-sl ON OEO aq o o ! ! 6 o oqo oc I el- d OF oo lr € !o B@ do q4 F AE u oo 6E !g 6 E o I F! !P od !! o ! go o ! r.>o 60L !d6€ dO-FO !6p.O-OCOS POO'-6 doOtL-Po! ! o o E o >.F o!EoEs€ooo P'-OFOOOO@! ocEF!6!'FP'F .Fd>OqPdOFC o<=_ou@o@== oo 6L ! E 6 F o€ 6>:! o AC 6E oo OP o o€ I 6@ A o !! oo <c EE Ot:po a o EO o! EO <9 -122- Table 85. Aphid species in the food of wolf spiders. 0bservations in a winter wheat field near Zunich-Reckenholz (June/Ju1y 1979). a = apterous, w = winged, + = prey of wolf spiders. tlolf Aphid species Metopolophium dirhodum a dirhodun w l'letopolophium padi Sitobion avenae Rhopalosiphum of Achaearanea Carabidae (see Table 87) ptera Apterous ants t.linged Hymenoptera Spi ders Mi tes Unidentified prey No, prey items I wheat fields 1979 I 978 other Coleoptera Aph i dae riparia in winter t977 10.6 Ci cadas + (June) + (June) a Staphyl i ni dae Heteroptera (June) + (June) 0 1.3 00 0 0 26.7 \ * I Dermaptera 0rthoptera amentata + (July) near Zurich (years 1977-1979). Prey + + (June) a Table 86. Prey conposition Di spiders P. agrestis P. palustris P. 2.1 0 0 0 l.'l 0.7 3.2 27.0 2.1 5.7 2.1 ro., 2.6 22.7 | 24.0 I .3 I 0 o 22.7 3.2 6.4 r.r 5.0 8.4 7.1 23,2 l7'0 59.0 35.8 9.2 5.4 0.7 7.4 7.4 14.2 J.5 4.3 17 't4t .7 26.2 -123- Table 87. Carabidae species in the prey of Achaearanea riparia in a winter wheat field near Zurich (years 1977 and 1979). 1977 Carabidae species N 3 I CliviLa fossor I I Acupalpus teutonus I Lori cera pi l i corni Agonum s dorsale Agonum muel Total 1979 N 4 2 1 1 I I| 2 2 I leri t il Amara spec. spec. ?a Carabidae gen. spec,a z Amara 2 Total 0 0 0 24 21 16.67 8.33 4.17 4.17 4.17 45.83 8.33 8.33 100.0 a 0nly fragments found of prey items captured by Nuctenea cornuta per web and per day in a rye field near Zurich- Table 88. Number l.leiningen (surmer 1976). No. webs Date Prey/web/day . 7 12.6 26.6. 8 15.0 28.6. q 9.2 7 20.0 ?5.6 1.7, ö 8.'l EA 4 25.0 6.7. 4 10. 3 xjsE 14.3 j 2.3 -124shows that on days without rain, ]4.3 t 2.3* prey items/day on the average got caught in a web of about 500 cm2 of N. cornuta. In a cereal field, more than 200 Diptera were found in a singT-iel-i-t N. cornuta. This indicates that spiders have a high killing potential. Ground surface As can be seen in Table 89, about 4% of the wolf spiders, observed in winter wheat fields jn 1978 and 1979, held a prey betv.,een their chelicerae. 0f the ground-dwel1ing web-building spiders also, only about 4% were actually feeding. Adult wolf spiders (P. agrestis) need about 45-60 min for the consumption of a small prey (Tab1e 67j. These data being known, the prey capture rate was calculated by means of the method of EDGAR (1969, 1970), and was found to be less than I prey item/spider/day for the of prey capture days per year Number l.licryphantidae and Lycosidae. Vegetation zone flying abiljties of the prey insects, only days without rainfall offer optimal conditions for the spiders to catch prey. The spider webs not destroyed by wind and rain capture significantly less prey on rainy days than on rainless days, even when precipitations are restricted to part of the day (Mann-Whitney U-test, p <0.01). In the year 1976, only 45 days of the period which the spiders stayed in the cereal fields were without rainfall, and in 1977 only 36 days. In maize fields, however, 78 and 64 days resp. were rainless duning the time the spiders stayed ther"e in As rain destroys the spiders'webs and impairs the '1976 and 1977. Spiders can thus actively capture prey on 40 days/year on the average under most favorable and on 30 days/year under less favorable conditions in cereal fields, but on 7l days/year or 59 days/year resp. in maize fields. Ground surface The ground-dwe11ing spider conrnunity 'is less influenced by combine harvesting. The ground sunface can therefore be colonized by spiders during a longer period of time than the vegetation zone. 3.3.6. Niche breadth and niche overlap concerning the food of spijlgrs 3.3.6.,l. Vegetation zone coefficjents Öl of the food overlaps of the web-building spiders coexisting in the vegetation zone of cereal fields are compjled in Table 90. T[e values show that 12 of the 2l tested overlap pairs are significant (Cr >0,60)**. The food compositions of the Araneidae show a total overlap, although each species has a different web pattern (C^ >0.95.'. prey comThe positions identical). Between the food compositions of Araneidae and Tgtragnathidae there is also a significant overlap in every case (CI = 0,68-0.76). The overlaps between Theridion impressum with a space web, on the one'hand, and thä orb-weavii!'-fi-dersl-on-i*n'-e otner hand, are Mean t standard error (i ! SE) **If the overlap had been calculated at species level of the prey instead of order level, lower ovenlap values would possibly have resulted. o I j ! f N ! 6 o o @NNA+ @@OFO dN@FON N 900NoN o ITFOFO@ ll6N-o6 N++6 @ O6OFO @o6NO I *N€-++ o o OOF+N a@oo+ I *NNFNN @ s ": C ! o oo F 6 o E 6 ON F N ll @ ll6 hFNo o F - O o @ @ O o o o t L o E B o I JQ oo =o "NrO+O llo o L^lNoo o o o = oo ps oo !9 oo dd ;€ o a 6 F N o ,{ o @ N ru d@ q o €@o o++ s*6+OOO o o N N N O @ O o @ -@ oa@o +o+o s*o@ooo ll@ llF AFFN @ a 1 N O o O F O @ F o N *ooooo I o 9@OFOO o lr@rooo o l,JP-* 60 90 qo .-o !^ tC P !O o 60 > !E !o o> o 6E! PP os O @c N . !o oO'rE <.v -Z F 9q+FNO =N -F@ o = o @ sFo+o€ ,' ll€ o oo llK- r o c v o o o"i OF o ooNo I oooN *Öooo@ llFN6+@ o 6 9eNAOF n=N ! o ! o g o N 5 ;o o o !! a c t@ nts 9@OQAF N \N@ ! o ! f f o o o +6@€ I €oo€ *F+NON o o 40 o=o oo! o>> =<d PPE p 5l 3l Sl 5l sl ol ol ol ol !l LI !l LI sl 3l !l II fl 900000 rlo I,J o o o o N 6 ==.; fl N a N bCGG ol !l !I E tl LI 3l 6 o F do !o co O !^ :g o do > !E !o o o> a o EF o< O PP oc N. !O rE oo <v -z c o:o oot O>!= s<d ==.roOOO €l €l äl €l €l 6l dl dl dl 6l el Ll dl dl dl 6 o F -126- 5 @P t! oo@ .rO o ro !L OF = E oo CP o+OF ?':ae OF- NFON o: o@o oooNoo oo oq qv ooo .FE =a €o O.F Theri di os i mpres o6 EO .F! q 6 ! o € !o o o6 oo so oo G O'F o. !<^ EPN toB t. Tetragnatha sp. co !o o oo op ^O iOO VE 0 ON on s um o I loo l^*3 t. looo lilangora aca lypha Nuctenea cornuta Aculepei ra ceroDeqi a loo-B t. l-ooo loo*-B l. l--ooo €N go @o@ vlN oo tg!q9 600 o !od !E! @!! 9.FO =9p ci o o €G F Araneus di adematus looo--B t. l---ooo 6l .-l 6l d 5l dl plddldl6ldl dlolPl<l.olol El Ll rl El .rl dl rl ol Ll oJ o €1 31 OI fl36l dl 6l .-l dl ol ol rl rl ' (l 6l !l .-l 61 6l 6r ol ol dr cl ql oJ cl !l =l ol ol ol ol dl cl Pl s{ !l 6l -l ol cl Pl =l rl dl ol !l ol !l .-l c1 .Fl cl ol .-l !l.rl !l ol cl 6l ol cl 6l Ll ol ol dl <l ol ', <l <l zl =l Fl FI <l _127not significant for the most part 1ör = O.fs-0.22) because, although impiessum with its space web filters flying insects out of the aerial happens that jumping Flänlton,-lust as the orb-weaving spiders, it often insects and insects running on plants get caught jn the space webs. The prey composition of T. impressum shows therefore a considerably wider range of prey types tfräfühe one of the orb-weaving spiders (niche breadth, see Table 80). A verification by means of the Mann-t,lhitney U-test confirms that the niche breadth (concerning food) of the Thenidiidae is significantly larger than that of the orb-weaving spiders (p <0.05). It is interesting to note that also the food compositions of the two Theridiidae T. iqgg!:!m and A. riparia overlap only little (cr = 0.]). This can-56-d!iälnäd uy TfiE-vEiTlcal isolation of the catching äreas of the two species. Whereas lr--lrngressum builds its webs mostly in the upper part of the vegetation zoneiFZereal fields and builds ther"eiore capture only insects of the vegetation zone, A. r'iparia 'l5.7 t 0.9 cm its species-characteristic retreats near the ground (about above ground) and constructs a tangle web down to the ground' in which mostly grounä-dwelling arthropods get caught (Carabidae' Staphylinidae' ants, etc.). As a consequence of the isolation of the catching areas' there are practically no overlaps between thg food compositions of A. riparia and those of the orb-weaving spiders (Cr <0.10). T. Ground surjace the ground-dwelling web-building spiders show large prey size overlaps, s'ince both spider groups prey primarily on small, soft-bodied prey organisms. The wo1f spiders and 3.3.7. Spiders as predator"s of pest insects and beneficial insects As mentioned before, cereal aphids, which can be pests in cereal crops' have been recorded in the food of ground-dwelling spiders. Unfortunately' the aphids captured by foliage-dwelling spiders were not determined at species Ievel. But doubtless there were cereal aphids' too' among the aphids captured by foliage-dwelling spiders. 0n the other hand, as spiders are polyphagous predators who, to a certain extent, capture their prey at random out of the existing insect supply' they kill beneficial as well as neutral arthropods along with econoni- cally harmful insects. Foremost of all, beneficial aphidivore insects are occasionally captured by spiders in cereal fields' Adult stages of Chrysopa carnea Steph., whose-larvae are well-known aphid predators, got oTEi-cäugIT in the orb-webs of N. cornuta in cereal ri.tat. In ä rye field, ior instance, a populati6i-oFX-Icornuta captur"ed ,I.0 1 0.2 C. cärnea/web/night in the surnmer of 1976. The locally sometimes high propoiTT6i-iT-Chrysopidae in the food of N. cornuta can probably be explained by the temporal as well as vertical coincidence between the flying space of C. carnea and the living space of l!. !9Mlq, for both späciäs äre active-äT-n'ight or in twilight, and the-Tjfing-Feight of C. carnea lies in the catching range of N. cornuta webs. -128_ 0ther aphid predators such as Coccinellidae, Canthanidae and Syrphidae are also occasionally pneyed upon by web-building spider"s in cereal fields.0n the average, the spiders caught one aphid predator per 6.6 aphids. 3.3.8. Prey killing rate 3.3.8.'l. Prey killing rate in the vegetation zone The prey killing rate of the foliage-dwelling spiders in cereal fields was calculated similarly as for the spiders in abandoned grasslands (see 3.l.ll.l.), on the basis of the estimated total web area (Ao). Thjs web at least all .air-weather days, frorn the datb of irrnigration into the field until harvest, and filtens the aerial plankton in the vegetation zone. Hunting spjders, which amount to merely 2-5% of the total spider fauna, were not included in the calculation. area exists on The yearly prey killing rate P can be calculated by equati means of the on P=A[Nf.Tr) +(Nr.rr)] where A is the area of the spider's webs in m2lha ground area (A = iO-lO0 m2 web area/ha ground area in wheat, iye, and oat fieldsi A(5 nz web area/ha ground aqea in maize fields); N1 and N. are the of captured insects/mz web area/day in respectively fair and rainy weather and T1 and Tr = time as numbers of prey capture days/year in respectively fair and rainy weather. Nf amounts to about 290 insects/m'^ web area/day in cereal fields (see 3.5.4.i,). 0n1y a fract'ion of N1 was used for N., as less prey is captured on rainy days. The values for T1 and T" were chosen on the basis of sections2.1. (Tab1e 5) and The computations produced the followlng values: A yearly number of insects in the order of 0.2-1.2 x l0o insects/ha (insect biomass: 0.2-1.2 kg fresh weight/ha/year) is filtered out of the aerial plankton by the foliage-dwelling spider comnunity of wheat, rye, and oat fields. The foliage-dwelling spider cormunity of maize fields filters a yearly number of insects in the order of<0.1 x l0o insects/ha out of the aerial plankton (insect biomass <0.1 kg fresh weight/ha/year). numbers It is probable lower in rainy that these values for ceneal and maize fields range far sunmers. Prey kill'ing rate on the ground surface In the wolf spiders, the prey killing rate Ps in a winter weat field was calculated after the following formula: P =to4o c'T the parameters are: D = density (number of wolf spiders/m2), = prey capture rate (number of prey items/spider/day), T = time (number of activity days/year). The following estimate values were used in the where C -129formula: D = 0.5 (see,-below), C = 'l (see, and T = ]00. Thus P, amounted to l0o D. 0n this basis it could be calculated, that approximately 0.5 x 106 prey organisms/ha/year are killed by wolf spiders in a winter wheat field. 0n the assumption that the prey items of the wolf spiders have an average fresh weight of about l mg, the biomass of the prey amounts to 0.5 kg fresh weight/ha/year. This is, however, a rough estimate, without cons'ideration of the seasonal variations of density and age structure of the wo'lf spider populations. The prey killing rate of the ground-dwelling web-building spiders in cereal fields was not investigated. However, since in cereal fields the density of the Micryphantidae is about 100 times higher than that of wolf spiders, the former will probably kill a far larger number of prey items/ ha/year. 3.3.9. Energy flow through the spider conünunities of the prey biomass values (kg fresh weight/ha/year) of section into energy flow values (l'lJ/ha/year) gave the following results: The energy flow (= prey killed) through the foliage-dwe11ing spider conrmunity ranges in the dimension of 1.1-6.5 MJ/ha/year in cereal fields and <0.5 t'lJ/ha/year in maize fields. A conversion 3.3 .9 .?. The dai)y energy flow (= food consumed) through the ground-dwelling web-building spider guild was estimated by means of the nethod described in section The energy flow through the ground-dwelling web-building spider guild of winter wheat fjelds was calculated to be approximately ll7-524 kJ/ha/day. This corresponds to l2-52 MJ/ha/100 days. The computation of the energy flow through the ground-dwelling web-bui1ding spider guild of maize fields resulted in approximately i30-344 kJ/ ha/day. This corresponds to l3-34 l,'lJlha/100 days. The energy flow through the wolf spider guild of a winter wheat field was calculated to be approximately 2.4 I'lJ/ha/100 days. records of remarkable spider species in the region of Zurich Within the frame of this thesis more than l5'000 spiders were collected. Because of lack of time, not all of these spiders could be identified. Among the detennined spiders, some species were found which' so far' had 3.4. New exceedingly seldom been recorded MAURER & WALTER, 1980)l The Compare also NYFFELER in Switzer"land (comp. MAURER, 1978; following are the most important discoveries: & BENZ (1982b) - 130 - adult d of Tteridiox boesenbergi Strand was found in an abandoned uioto[älTfll(Gt. TfiÄtEF, Table 16). This species had previously very seldom been recorded in Switzerland (DE LESSERT, 1910; H0LZAPFEL, 1937; MAURER, 1978).,l960; Ir_!9S:g!SS! is a rare species in .l937; general (l^lIEHLE, THALER, pers. comm.). BRAUN, One adult d of Dictyna puella Simon was found in cultjvated meadow C4 (det. THALER, Tä51e 50). As far as is known, this record of the species in Suritzerland is the only for Central Europe (see also NYFFELER & BENZ' l98ld). It is a typica.lly Mediterranean species (B0NNET, 1956). D. puella is reported to have been found also in Western Europe as well as SouthOne grassland eastern Europe (L0CKET & MILLIDGE, l95l/53; B0NNET, 1956). Porrhoma oblitum (0.P.-Cambr.) was found in cultivated rneadow C5 laet.TFÄ[EFi-raU-Te-5T) . This species had been recorded only once befor"ä in switzerland (MÜLLER & SCHENKEL, 1895). One adult I of Adult specimen of Oedothorax fuscus (Blackw.) were collected in the cultivated meadows e3 and C4 (det. NYFFELER, Tables 50, 53). Adult dd of 0. fuscus were also captured in winter wheat fields of the Swiss FedffiT-Reiearch Station for Agronomy Zurich-Reckenholz. 0' fuscus had' so far, only very seldom been recorded in Switzerland (MAURER, 1980). This species is not rare, however, in Europe (LOCKET & MILLIDGE' l95l/53; t'JIEHLE, l960). It has probably escaped notice in Switzerland before' because only few pitfall trap studies have been made in this country. Adult dd of 0edothorax tuberosus (81ackw.) were collected in a winter wheat f j e I d oT-TEä51Ts-FEäffiT-nesearch S tati on f or Ag ronomy, Zurich-Reckenholz (det. NYFFELER). This species was captured by means of The species had seldom been found in Switzer"land before It is not rare, however, in Europe (LOCKET & l'IILLIDGE, l95l/53; t.,lIEHLE, 1960). One adult d of Araneus alsine lJalck' was found in a wheat field near Regensdorf (detl-frYFFELER'flTt was captured with the sweep net in midAuöust. Thii spider species had not been recorded in Switzerland in the last 40 years (MAURER, I978). Four juven'ile Heriaeus spec. were collected in the "Chrähenriet" near Resenidorf (coöfüTn-ätes 679.05/254.35) (det- NYFFELER). The location is a rnoorland ecosystem cornplex in a nature preserve. As only ifinature stages were found, it was not possible to deterrnine the species. Up to the present, only the species Heriaeus oblongus Simon had been found pitfall traps. (MAURER, 1980). before in Switzerland (MAURER,_1978]. North of the Alpes only one specimen of H. oblongui had been found so far on Swiss territory (voerLSANGERTlS3gJ.-!g1ggg: species are rare in Central Europe. 4. t3t DISCUSSION 4.1. Colonization of grassland and cergal fields by spiders The knowledge of population densities is one of the rnost important basic infonmatjons needed for the evaluation of the ecological importance of animals in ecosystems. It was therefore of gneat interest to compare the spider densities determined within the frame of this thesis near Zurich with the observations from other places stated in the literature. 9l is a comparative representation of the populat'ion densities of foliage-dwelling spiders in arable land and grassland ecosystems on the one hand and forest ecosystems on the other hand. The table can be interpreted in the following manner: Spiders living undisturbed in the vegetation zone of abandoned grasslands al1 year long can reproduce in accordance with their prey supply and can therefore build up rather large populations. Abandoned grasslands often constitute veritable "spider Table parad'i ses " . Cultivated meadows, on the other hand, are periodically mown, whereby the living spaces and the egg sacs of many spiders are destroyed. For that reason, only small spider populations (about 1 spider/mz) l'ive in the vegetation zone of cultivated neadows. Although there is a controversy in the literature still today, as to whether or not mowing is an ecological disaster for the foliage-dwelling fauna (see B0NESS, I953; KAJAK, .l968; 'l962; ,l973; SCHAEFER, CHAUVIN,1967; S0UTH[^100D & VAN EMDEN,1967; M0RRIS, SCHAEFER & HMS, 1979t NYFFELER & BENZ, 1979b),ourdata show that mowing' at least in the region of Zurich, is an "ecological disaster" for the sp'iders of the vegetation zone of meadows. for the foliage-dwelling spiders of cereal fields, the harvest is of the living space and the egg sacs of many spiders). Therefore, a recolonization of the fields from the surroundings is necessary every year (see also TISCHLER, I958; GEILER, '1963; LUCZAK, 1979). As cereal fields are annual monocultures, which Also an extreme stress (destruction allow only few different ecological niches, they can probably be colonized only by a few species, whose ecological demands are adapted to the microclimatic conditions and the vertical structure of cereal fields. The species composition of the spiders of cereal fields represents therefore a selection of the spiders living in the neighbouring undisturbed biotopes. The colonization of the fields, on the one hand, is dependent on the relation of the area of undisturbed biotopes (the so cal1ed ecological cells or "ökologische Zellen" of the German literature) to the area of cultivated land jn the landscape and, on the other hand, on the species compositions, population densities, and reproduction rates of the spiders living in these ecological cells (i.e. less disturbed habitats and biotopes, like unmown stripes of grassland, woods, hedges, reeds, gardens, etc.). 0n the outskir"ts of Zurich, the fields are nostly surrounded by only few small undisturbed biotopes (unmown stripes of grassland, forest fringes, hedges), wherefrom the spiders can colonize the vegetation zone of the fields. As the area of these biotopes, untouched by agriculture, is probably too smail to produce cereal-dwelling spiders in numbers so large that hundreds of thousands of them could emigrate' many fields are only thinly colonized. The colonization of annual cnops -132- of the densities of the foliage-dwe11ing spiders as reported in literature for agroecosystems, grassland ecosystems and forest ecosystems. The different data have been collected by means of different methods and under different circumstances. The table therefore can give only a rough comparison. Table 9.l. Comparison LOUnf,ry Crop Dens i tv Autnor N/n' Intensively cultivated: Cerea'ls Switzerland Rye Pol and 0.,l0.6- 0.6 7.0 2.2 small Mai ze Switzerland <0.1- 0.'l Potato Switzerland <].0- 5.0 Potato Pol and 0.6-29.6 Rape Switzerland 0.'l- 0.5 Cotton U. S. A. 0.8 Coffeea New Guinea 6.6 Al fal fa PoI and 2.2- 3.6 Cultivatedmeadow Poland 0.6- 4.4 Barl ey Pol and 0ats Fi nl and Extensi uncul NYFFELER & BENZ (1979a) LUCZAK (1975) LUCZAK (197s) & HUHTA (]968) & BENZ (1979a) RAATIKAINEN NYFFELER & BENZ (]979a) LUCZAK (r975) NYFFELER NYFFELER & BENZ (1979a) WHITCOMB et al. RoBINSoN & RoBINSoN (]974) (1963b) LUCZAK (1975) KAJAK et al. (1971) vely cul ti vated/ ti vated: Britain 842.0 Britain 559.6 Grass I and Pol and 52.C Overgrazed pastureb Canada 44.0 Grass I andb U. S. A. 56.0 25.0 Tulip poplar forest U.S.A. Deciduous forest U.S.A. 5r.0 Pine forest Poland r8.8-33.0 Poland 22.0-31.2 Mixed forest Grass I andb Great DUFFEY (1962) Grass I andb Great BRISToWE (1939) KAJAK et ai. (.1971) TURNBULL (1966) VAN H00K REICHLE (t971) & CRoSSLEY (1967) PECK (1966) LUCZAK(1975) LUCZAK (1975) a 0nly web-building spiders b All strata including ground surface; in some grassland types a clear separation of the spider fauna of the vegetation zone and of the ground surface is not possible, as in such grasslands many ground-dwelling spidens hunt also in the vegetati on zone Table 92. Comparison 133 - of the densities of ground-dwelling spiders as reported in ljterature for uncultivated grassland ecosystens agroecosystems, forest ecosystems. 0therways as Table Ecosys tem Country Spi and 91, ders/m2 Author Agroecosystems: fielda fieldb Winter wheat fieldc Cereal and beet fieldsd Cereal field Cultivated rneadow Cultivated meadowe Cultivated meadow Cultivated rneador{ Pasturef Winter wheat Maize Switzerland 12- 53 Switzerland 13- 35 19 Germany Germany 250 Great Britain 20- 30 Austria 54 Great Britain 35 Poland l0- 14 Poland 74 Panama 37 Undisturbed grassl and ecosystems NYFFELER & BENZ (1979a) NYFFELER & BENZ (]979a) BASED0W (.1973) HEYDEMANN (1962) FRASER (1982) THALER et al. (1978) DUFFEY (1974) KAJAK et al. (1971) KAJAK & JAKUBCZYK (1975) BREYMEYER (1978) : grassland Austria grassland9 Great Britain grassland Poland pastureh 0vergrazed Canada Uncult. Uncult. Uncult. 53- 37 62 45 44 THALER et al. DUFFEY (1974) KAJAK et al. (1978) (.1971 ) TURNBULL (1966) Forest ecosystems: forest forest Chestnut forest 0ak-beech forest Beech forest Oak forest Pine-spruce forest Pine forest Tulip poplar forest Spruce Alder Gennany 6l Austria 5l France 75 Great Britain l5-ll0 Netherland 163-231 Denmark Sweden Finland U.S.A. 60 240 183 126 PFETTEN (1925) THALER et al. CHRIST0PHE (1978) & BLANDIN (1977) GABBUTT ( 1956) VAN DER DRIFT (195.l) B0RNEBUSCH (1930) F0RSSLUND HUHTA (1943, 1945) (1971) MOULDER & REICHLE (1972) a In May/June, without Lycosidae. b June/July, without Lycosidae. c In July. d 0nly 0.dotho"u* apicatus. e Including spiders of the i2 cm high vegetation. f In August/September. 9 Including spiders of the 25 cm high vegetation. h Including spiders of the vegetation zone (comp. Table 9l). - 134 - initial stage of a succession. According to (1968), in Finland, too, only 1ow spider densities the vegetation zone of oat fields. never trespasses the RAATIKAINEN & HUHTA were observed If in we consider the ground surface, however, we notjce that there the live in rather large popuiations, not only in natural ecosystems but also in agroecosystems (Tab1e 92). In cultivated fiqlds near zurich, densilies of up to 53 groundldwelling spiders/m2 were observed, and this number includes merely the spiders found on the ground surface. But in cultivated fields, there are also spiders which Iive in cracks of the soil. If soil extractions had been examiqed by means of Berlese spiders funnels, even more ground-dwelling spiders/mz might have been found, In the German Democratic Republic, too, GEILER (1963) observed that the greater part of the spiders in crop fields lived near the ground. The relatively high spider density near the ground can be explained by the fact that crop fields never get beyond the initial stage of a succession and that, therefore, the area near the ground is for the most part colonized by pioneer species which have a high reproductive potential (r-strategists, e.g. Erigone atra). The influence of soil cultivation (e.g. ti lling, fertilizing) on the ground-dwelling spider populations of agroecosystems couid not be investigated within the framework of this thesis. Informations from literature indicate, however, that soil cultivations does influence the composition of ground-dwelling spider cormunitjes (TISCHLER, 1965; LUCZAK, 1975; KAJAK, 1978, 1980). and species conposition of the spiders multitude of spider species of the families Araneidae, Tetragnathidae, Theni di idae, Li nyphi i dae, Mi cryphanti dae, Agel enidae, Di ctyn'idae, 4.2. Family A Salticidae, Thomisidae, Pisauridae, and Clubionidae can be found of abandoned grasslands. In contrast to this, only a limited number of in the vegetation zone first four famil ies and the vegetation zone predominant species Thomisidae can be observed of cultivated meadows and of the regularly in the cereal fields. Large orb-weaving spiders (4IE_SPg bruennichi, Araneus quadratus) and funnel web spiders (Agelena labyrinthica, Agelena similis), whjch are found in high densitie! jn abandoned grasslands, are almost entirely missing in cultivated fields. Also, "i'Jmping spiders (Evarcha alcuata, Heliophanus flavipes) and pisaurid spiders (Pisaura mirabilis), which praaominate ln the vegetation of abandoned grasslands, are found in exceedingly low densities in cultivated fields. These differences between the spider faunas of undisturbed and cultivated biotopes can be explained by the fact that by cultivating the land (tilling, mowing' single-crop farrning, pesticides etc, ) biotopes are created, wherein only those spiders can exist whose demands are met even in these "artificial envi ronments " . Also the spider fauna of the vegetation zone of cereal fields in the region of Zurich is composed of mainly web-building spjders (95-98%) of the families Araneidae, Tetragnathidae, Theridiidae, and Linyphiidae. In contrast to meadows, however, hunting spiders of the family Thomisidae _ 135 _ were only seldom observed in the fields. Similar observations were by LUCZAK (1974) for potato and rye fields in Poland. made of the species composition of the spiders in the vegetation of cultivated fields in Switzerland, the Federai Republic of Gennany, A comparison zone Finland, The German Democratic Republic, Norway, and poland shows (DINGLER, 1935; GEILER, 'l963; TISCHLER, 1965; GALECKA, 'l966; RAATIKAINEN & HUHTA, 'l968; TAKSDAL, 1973i HUHTA & RAATIKAINEN, 1974; LUCZAK, 1974, 1975, 1976; CZAJKA & G00S, 1975; .l976; certain conformity a & KANIA, NYFFELER & BENZ, 1979a). Theridiidae (Theridion impressum, Enoplognatha ovata), Linyphiidae (several specie;T;Tetragnathidae (Tgtrggnatha extensa, Tetragnatha pinicola), Araneidae (Araniel la spp., &q!leperra ceropegia, Nuctenea cornuta, Mangora acalypha) CZAJKA as weTlf,T rnomi sl?äälTFTt@-iffi preäotTnätEä-. The ground-dwelling spider fauna of the investigated fields near Zurich .l977-1979 was unifonm and was dominated in by the Lycosidae pardosa palustlj: and Pardgsa-agrestis, as well as the Micryphantidae-(@1g atra, Erjgone arra, Lrrgone dentrpatpls, dentipalpis, and 0edothorax oedothorax spp.).4 spp.). A litile less Trequent frequent were the Tetragnathidae (Pachygnatha spp.) and Linyphiidae (several little species). This species compositibn 1n the investigated fields largely corresponds with the situation in field crops of Austria, England, the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic, and poland (see TISCHLER, I965; LUCZAK, I974i VICKERMAN & & G00S, '1976; THALER et al., 1977). SUNDERLAND, I975, CZAJKA l.lith the exception of Dictyna puella, the spider species descr"ibed in this study have all been previously r"ecorded in Switzerland (see MAURER, & I^/ALTER, 1980). Although agroecosystems are very monotonous systems with few djfferent ecological niches, some rare spider species were discovered in them (e.9. Porrhonma oblitum). The terrn',rare spider species" is however relative, ä1, uF to the pr"esent, only few arachnologists have conducted faunistic studjes in Switzerland. These rare species probably are not true components of the spider conrnunities of agroecosystems, but rather inhabitants by mistake. 1978; MAURER 4.3. Spatial distribution of spiders 4.3.1. Vertical distribution of spiders In the vegetation zone of abandoned grassland near Zurich a vertical stratification in orb web-building spiders could be ascertained (see also & BENZ, 1978), Similar observations v.,ere reported by pASQUET & KRAFFT (1980) in an old prairie in France. American investigations in uncultivated grassland also have shown .l974;vertical stratification in NYFFELER orb web-building spiders BRoWN, l98t). (ENDERS, UETZ et al., I978;0LIVE, In cereal fields near Zurich spiders were found from the 1980; ground surface to the ear zone, whereby some spiden species Iife more near ground, other ones more in the middle or hjgher stratuns of the vegetation. In other countries, too, it could be noticed that spiders in cultivated fields are present fnom the ground surface up to the ear zone, whereby in some cases vertical stratification of the spiders was observed (WHITC0MB et al.,,l963b;BAILEY & CHADA, 'l968; OKUMA & WONGSIRI, 'l973; up LESAR & UNZICKER, 1978a). 'l36 - 4.3.2. Horizontal distribution of s i ders cereal fields near Zurich the horizontal distrjbution of the foliage-dwelling spiders corresponded with a random distribution, in abandoned grassland with a random or slightly aggregated distribution. The same is true for the horizontal distribution of the ground-dwelling spiders in cultivated meadows and cereal fields near In cultivated meadows and Zuri ch, A comparison w'ith the data of literature shows, that also jn other ecosystens the spiders are distributed at random and/or aggregated, whereby the aggregated distribution seems to dominate (see CHERRETT, 1964;,l974b; TURNBULL, 1966; HUHTA, 197]i PIETERS & STERLING, 1974; SCHAEFER, DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMANN, 1976; CHRIST0PHE & BLANDIN, 1977; BISH0P, 1981). Reports on a nearly regular distribution of spiders are rare (RIECHERT et al.,.l973; SUZUKI & 0KUMA,1975; ES'KOV,1981). 4.3.3. Distribution of spiders among the outer, middle and inner parts tn . ,iililIäfll-"ar zurich the sround-dwelling spiders were equally distributed in the outer, middle and inner parts. The same has been reported from an Australian cotton field, where dominant spider species were equally distributed, too (BISHOP,1981).0n the other hand, an investigation of D0ANE & DONDALE ('l979) in Canada showed that significant fewer spiders were captured per pitfall trap in a wheatfieldthan in its grassy borders. 4.4, Prey conpositions If we consider the food composition of the spiders relating to the number of captured prey items in the vegetation zone of grassland, cereal fields and other biotopes, it is evident that small Diptera form the main part in the food of orb-weaving spiders (Table 93). Moreover, winged aphids are also an important component of the food of these spiders. Diptera and aphids also predominate in the food of many space web spiders in the vegetation of grasslands and cereal fields, Numerous other authors have also observed that Diptera predominate in number in the prey of most foliage-dwelling web spiders of cultivated (DINGLER, 1935; TURNBULL, 1960; WHITCOMB et al., and uncultivated areas.l964: 'l968; l,{HEELER' 1973; PUTMAN, 1967; HARRISON, 1963b; RUPPERTSH0FEN, MUMA,,l975; SUZUKI & OKUMA,1975i ROGERS & H0RNER,1977; NENTWIG,1980, l98l). That small Diptera constitute such an essential part in the food of the foliage-dwelling spiders, is due to the fact that - in number Diptera form the main part of the insects in the vegetation zone of grasslands (BONESS, 1953; PERTERER & THALER' 1976)' field crops (DINGLER' .l935; PRILOP,-l957; KARG & DABROWSKA, 1974), and the aerial plankton'in general (cEILER, 1975). As the web-building spiders, to a certain extent, filter their prey out of the aerial plankton, the small Diptera which are the first in frequency fall victims first. The same js true for winged at certain times of the year (see KAJAK, 1965a, b; NYFFELER & aphids BENZ, 1979a). If one considers the spiders' prey composition wjth respect to bjomass' of the spiders living in the vegetatjon one sees that here, too, the food -137- o ! I 6 ! ! o ! o o o< oo 6< NOO@+OOFFOFFONN l'l' o+@6oF@o@sNotsooN = o6 o! lo of dq o@ O-6@@Noo@tstsONO@r ö l'l' --€o@N+6@@OO<OO@ NONNA€€@NNANN@tsN d o I != dl il sl I o o ! o s. oo 60 o EO EI do 60 !g @o PI oo !9 9! o E O'o o^ !o c6 o! !< op o6 oo Ed P! 90 OF q! o o o C 5 o a ! o !!! oo6 L!L o=o=!o=.! NNCN PP6€.6 Ar n)qd6=o ==o=.o 6' € v N NNNO ZZOZ^= UU.dOJ o6€ON €:€=9€= dd&Y HUUOO JJJZ= UUYgHO rL rLDLJ@ 40€ o zz*z@o oogc ==!! €!do ddF- !EEooOC< oo Oq o o o P o 6l ol :!lrl9il!lfl::lil:l ooo E.F o a o F 61 =l o^60 o€o NNN !o d6 e! a; o .-l ol :l <l ol !F!66!@O For!!!!!O€-O o.r!!@-ooooo!!l .rSe-'roPPE!6d 90as.FddLoo6 >,-'-F>>PPPdP pO'99O.Fo>@Aa dFNop€5foo6aoF O!OP.-erF9o!C>=!O cO>O6OflCCO'FOOOO =6d'o=daa==L>--L= oooo= _ l?a cereal fields consists of Diptera mainly. of abandoned grasslands, on the other hand, the situation is different. The food of A. bruennichi, for jnstance, zone of cultivated _ meadows and For the large web-building spiders consists mostly of 1arge, heavy of in honey-bees ana-ffisshopp'äis. Up to the present, this spider species was considered to be primarily a predator ,I943; grasshoppers Europe (V{IEHLE,193I; MARPLES,'|935; FISCHER, CHAUVIN,1979; LOHMEYER CR0ME & CRoME, 196l; PÖTZSCH, 1963; CANARD & -l980). PRETSCHER, I9T9; GILLANDT & MARTENS, this feeding behaviour in the region of Zurich, & was observed mainly in abandoned grasslands and few flowering plants with a high percentage of grasses (NYFFELER & BENZ, 1978). Besides grasshoppers, also dragonflies, Megaloptera, Lepidoptera and ants were described in the literature as Ppimary prey of A. bruennichj (FISCHER, 1943i CROME & CR0ME, l96l; PöTZSCH, lSOe). ü-ioiTElTTo these former studies, several locations near Zurich were found, where grasshoppers were almost entirely missing in the food of A. bruennichi (Tables 2l-28). In abandoned grasslands with ä high percenta@_T@ arvense and/oi Rubus sp., Aj bruennichi was observed to perfonn as an outright bee-killer (NYFFELER & BENZ, 1978). The prey composition specifjci for, in of this spider species seems to be largely genus- grasslands, grasshoppers (Acrididae) and also bees are mentioned as main food of the mediterranean Argiope lobata (Pallas) and the Arnerican A. trifasciata (Forskal), A. aurantia Lucas, and A. argentata (Fab.) (BILSING, 1920i RICHTER, 1960; RoBINS0N & abandoned RoBINSoN, 1970). l,rlith respect to biomass, the prey of A. quadratus of abandoned grassland biotopes near Zurich also consjsted mostly of bees (NYFFELER & BENZ, 1978). The same was noticed by BILSING (1920) in abandoned grasslands in Ohio for the closely related species Araneus trifolium (Hentz). of the funnel web spider A. labyrinthica in abandoned grasslands is very rich and mainly composed of grasshoppers, honey-bees, ants, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera, both with regard to the number of captured prey as well as biomass. According to BILSING (1920) and RIECHERT & TRACY (,l975), the same is true for the American funnel The food near Zurich web spidens Agelena naevia lialckenaer and Agelenopsis aperta (Gertsch). quite different prey compositions of the three large web-building spiders 4._!fCg11j_ghj-, A. quadratus, and A. labyrinthica even within the same biotope shows that the vertical isoiation of the webs and their construct.ion has a great influence on which insects are captured, Fi9. 19 shows the vertical distribution of the webs of the three spider species and the selection of prey types resulting from it (NYFFELER & BENZ, 'l978). The two Araneidae A. bruennichj and A. quadratus build orb-webs, bu t are verti ca I y i s6Tä'Gä-TFöt-äach oTIEFlÄlquTralgg bu i I ds its webs in the higher strata of the vegetation (orb hub >0.5 m above ground, on the average) and captures almost exclusively flying insects, mostly Diptera and bees. A. bruennichi, on the other hand, builds its websnearthe ground (orn truU-on TireTTerage <0.35 m above ground) and captures for that reason also jumping insects such as grasshoppers. Its pney composition is therefore widen than the one of A. quadratus. The funnel web spider A. labyrinthica, uses an entireiy different hunting strategy, since the funnel webs serve to catch both, flying insects as The 1 139 9o EE tc ot o. .: .9E o'o <.ä o ß':o oi ?'; P.ä -G ol do r olo o{o o !16 A <l ot ! o<f @po uv! OEE qo f dlc ! ol.F o.rl E<16^ .F Plc @ dcloN !l! F o >J6 . o nl> ! dI!N E-lOz p qu qlo o <ol d olP d 9d.FU o<l J EU oL 6o! C !L o €9> -z o =lc o P dIPF llF 6 bö16oo c =lo 61, 6 o: P 5ldo o = olt !sloo ! !lop P<l !.Fl! -ldi -ol o clOF Polco ! flo o !l.r >6lp c; N (; L o c d L o -140well as jumping and running arthropods. Its prey composition is therefore significantly wider than that of the tv,/o orb-weaving spiders. of the ground-dwelling spiders in cultivated The food fields meadows and cereal near Zurich was primarily composed of small, soft-bodied insects (mostly Collembola, aphids, Diptera). Up to the present, ground-dwelling spiders have generally been known from Iiterature to be predators of .l968i 'l970i Collembola (BUCHE,.1966; SIMoN, 1967i CLARKE & GRANT, EDGAR, .l973i HALLANDER, 1970; HAGVAR, I973; t,lINGERDEN, SCHAEFER, 1974a;, SALINAS & RAR0S, 1975i IIANLEY et al., 1976t GETTMANN, 1978; NYFFELER & BENZ, I979b). However, their-ioTe as predators of Diptera and aphids has also been recognized earlier (BASED0!I, I973; DE CLERCQ,1977). Funther discussions of the feeding ecology of spiders in agroecosystems can be found in NYFFELER & BENZ (.l978, '1979a, l981a,c). The spiders' effectiveness as predators of agricultufal pests Insects belonging to the agriculturally important fam'ilies Pentatomidae (Heteroptera), El ateridae, Chrysomel idae, Scarabaeidae, Curcul ionidae, Nitidul idae (Coleoptera), Noctuidae, Pyralidae (Lepidoptera), and Tipulidae (Diptera) are also found in the prey of the spiders living in ceneal fields, but amount to such a low percentage of the entire spider food (Tables 79-80) that the spiders are probably ineffective as predators of the cereal pests belonging to these families. According to NYFFELER & BENZ (1979a), the populations of the nitidulid beetle Meligethes aeneus Fbr. were only iittle influenced by the spiders in the vegetation zone of rape fie'lds. The same conclusion has been drawn by the Polish ecologist KAJAK (1971) who found that spiders exert merely a negligible influence on the mortality of the insect populations in the vegetation zone of cultivated 4.5. meadows, tdhether spiders are effective as predators of aphids on cultivated land in Europe cannot be answered conclusively yeti for in spite of repeated investigations on spiders as aphid predators, there are still no quantitative informations on the influence of the spiders on aph'id mortality (DUNN, 1949; GALECKA, 1966; SUTER & KELLER, 'l977). Investigations in the U.S.A. have also of pest insects in cultivated land l96li et al., shown that spiders are predators (SCHLINGER & DIETRICK,1960; CLARK WHITC0MB l963bi D0RRIS,1970t McDANIEL & STERLING, WHITCOMB (1974) c6-nsl7-ers the spiders North American agroeco- GLICK, & .l979). of highly benefic'ial. In a personal comunication he stresses especially the effectiveness of the cursorial spiders (oxyopids, salticids, gnaphosids, and lycosids). However, there are no quantitative data published as yet on how far spiders influence the population dynamics of pests in the U.S.A. systems as 4.6, Spiders as predators of beneficjal insects A certain percentage of economically beneficial insects was regularly found in the prey compositions of the foliage-dwelling spiders of cereal fields. Aphidivore insects (Chrysopidae, Coccinel I jdae, Syrphidae), and poll'inating insects (bees) are rather frequently captured by spiders. - l4t Spiders have been repeatedly reported insects (LOVELL' l9l5; BILSING,'l920i .l978, l^IHITCOMB, 1974; MORSE, in literature to capture beneficial 1935; KIRCHNER,'l964; DINGLER' .198])' 1979; TEMERAK, aspanagus field that the most (1935) observed .important asparagus-dwe1 1 ing spi der species, Thefi dion impressum' captured mainly economical 1y benefici al insects (Asi 1 idae' Tachini dae' Api dae, Ichneumoni dae, Sphegidae, Cocci nel I idae' Chrysopidae). He therefore assumed that the most frequent spider of the asparagus field was not at all useful, but rather harmful. As mentioned before WHITCOI4B (1974) discussing the importance of spiders as regulators of insect populations in American agroecosystems, considers spiders on the whole as highiy beneficial, but came, among othens, also to the conclusion: "Since spiders tend to be general feeders, they are natural enemies of most benefic'ial insects. The orb-weavers' ther.idiids' and other spiders destroy large numbers of parasitoids and pnedators". DINGLER in a German predators destroy up, one can note that spiders as polyphagous .likewise. As wjth many other "pests", "neutral", and "beneficial" insects To sum predators (e.g. birds), whose prey compositions are composed both of "beneficial" and "pest" species, it is sometimes very difficult with spiders to determine quantitatively whether in the end the beneficial effects (destruction of pest insects) or the detrimental effects (destruction of beneficial arthropods) prevail. flow through the spider conrnunities flow thr"ough the foliage-dwelling spider communities of different ecosyitems is compared in Table 94. The table shows the following: Because the fields are colonized only during a short period of tjme and because the spider densities are low, the energy flow through the fol iage-dwelling spider conrnunjties of European cultivated land (cu1tivated meadows and cereal, rape, and potato fjelds) is very 1ow (prey killjng rate: 0.1-2.0 kg fresh weight/ha/year). In comparison the production of Diptera alone amounts to about l5 kg fresh weight/ha/year in rye fields, and to about 20 kg fresh weight/ha/yearin potato fields 4.7. Energy The energy in Poland (DABR0IISKA-PR0T & KARG, 1974). In contrast to cultivated fields, spiders can colonize uncultivated grassland and forest ecosystems all year long in high densities. The önergy flow through the foliage-dwelling spider cormunities of such ecosystÄms is therefore high. The prey killing rate is 50-200 kg fresh weiqht/halyear. The energy flow reaches similar values in these biotopes as lhe energy flow through the fol iage-dwel1ing web-building spider community oi a tropical coffee plantation, where ROBINS0N & R0BINS0N (1974) have observed a prey killing rate of 160 kg fresh weight/ha/year' An intermediate system between cultivated fie'lds and uncultivated grassland may be represented by the Phraqnites belt of some European lakes. Since these reeds are nown once in a year, their spider populations are reduced, though less than in cultivated f.ields. As Table 94 shotrrs' the energy flow through the spider corffnunity in the reed belt of an European lake corresponded to 5 kg fresh weight/ha/year on the average, with a maximum of l2 kg/ha/year. I ! 6 o E o o o E o I o ! o6N@ OAbrO r I I OOO@F OOFN or 6< ! r Io b6roo$ @ts rNoNoo €@o6+Nt NNO@6-O o AF o N n o= c >! od to c> o 6 I FNFF E I F-N6 6 N NN OFFN I I I I rNoooor 6SNOFO N 6FF-NE oooo o c o P o o o ts = NN zz uu^^ 6660 €€ood o o o so o 5 Nq 6 o^ NNr v.FOvN€ o f -= zo t! oo !c 'Fo O.F v+O 6E oo c! q.- 6r-^ E@@ UYOPdOZ OO4OU-O ZQFZ-@ H-Y-Z do<oJ -Z.e-d<6 :=<<<HUO d>Pl*td UUO JJYY UU<<Y rTNN< LUAOD >>==< zzJ)9 ! oz 6N@O F6.6d dd-vp TE Eq 66 !t oo!!! NNggE !p666 3=OoO @@dda c = o O E co oo c 6! .O!<.t !<N<6<o P.!6E. 6A.rFLA3 =.BOO.O <=6do=z o ! o u f o - o o @ ! 6 F o o o o o q o g @! o6d 600 6L!E !6F -860! OC!'FO q06 d-9€ F'FO> oosp.F NOdP !O€oO>rO5 =OddO 6 I o c -O >o @ s3 t@ F! t 660 >a 60 d sE OF .-o o q9 E !t OF oo dl oo oP! oc s.€! o ! o 6 f E oo s! = co o> +o oo sr o ! o ! q 9< oc o> ! oo oo oo o E o.F oo o o f o o! E6 >P qo OF ^F d c Eo o 3 o c #o oc too oo ..Ed6 !l + ol o pli0o16 dlDittl>l c .-l pt no Fo 6 -lrl!oqaQ!ols ol o 6 El o ! 5ld o 6 3 c 6 F t^ 6 ! o c o o c 6! F !.F t^ t^ D 6 ! d L o o o r o 0l tl P q Fl 6l ot '-l ol sl Flo o o o I o C6ot oO'F oc o c Oro N> OO JO< 60 F - 143 - Table 95. Energy flow (= food ingested) through the ground-dwell'ing spider of different communities Ecosystem ecosystems. country l.linter wheat fieldab Switzerland Maize fielda Winter wheat Rye fieldc fieldc Cultivated meadowb Cul ti vated meadowe Uncult. grasslande Tulip poplar forestf Switzerland Switzerland Poland Switzerland Pol and Poland U.S.A. Energy kJ .ha- 1 f] ow- .duy- I 'li7- 524 130- 344 24d 40 I55- 419 I 070 3360 ]40- 330 Authors this thesis this thesis this thesis LUCZAK this KAJAK KAJAK et al . et al. ( I 971 ) (]97.1) MOULDER & a-ln (]975) thesis RETCHLE ( 1972) June b llithout Lycosidae c 0nly Lycosidae d This value has been calculated by dividing the prey killing rate of section by l.25 (see method e l4g1^21y"ar were converted into approxinate values of kJ/ha/day, by dividing the annual energy flow by 180 days f Minirrr in winter, maximum in spring _ 144 _ The energy flow through the ground-dwelling spider conmunities of different ecosystems is compared in Table 95. The table shows that the energy flow through the gnound-dwe11ing spider communities of Central European wheat and maize fieids corresponds, in the order of magnitude' to the energy flow through the spider community on the floor of an Arnerican tulip tree forest. In contrast to this, the energy flows through the gnound-dwe11ing spider conmunities of Poljsh meadows showed signifi- cantly higher values. 4.8. Numerical and AA*rT- functional responses of To evaluate the role of spiders as regulators of insect populations in the agricultural biocenose, it is important to know whether spiders react to fluctuations in density of their prey populations (RIECHERT' 1974; 1979). In our case, we have predator-prey systems with the 'l966) there are two spiders as pnedators. According to HOLLING (1961, different possibilities for a predator to demonstrate a density-dependent response to changes in prey abundance: (l) The predator reacts to an increase in the prey density by capturing more prey (functional response). (2) The predator follows an increase in the prey density by increasing its own reproduction (numerical response). Under laboratory conditions, both a "functional response" of spiders 'l980a; LUCZAK, (HAYNES & SISOJEVIC, 1966; HARDMAN & TURNBULL, 1974; MANS0UR g! al.' as well as a "numerical response" of spiders (I,JISE,1979i a.o.) has been demonstr"ated. Laboratory ecosystems, however, are greatly simpl ified systems. One cannot positively conclude from laboratory experiments that spiders will show the same behaviour in open-field ecosystems' which are essentially more complex in structure. The question is, whether functional and numerical responses of the spi.ders to density changes of their prey populations are possible in abandoned grasslands. As these areas are not cultivated, the spider populations änd the.ir egg sacs are not destroyed by agricultural treatments, as is regularly the case in cultivated meadows and cereal fields. Functional of the spiders to density changes of the prey popuiations should therefore be possible in such biotopes' One can.thus assume that the spiders in abandoned grasslands reproduce in accordance with the prey supply, i.e. that they adapt themselves to the prey densjty numerically. However, although a regulatory activity of the and numerical responses js conceivable' it has to be proven yet' What about functional and numerical responses of the spiders to density changes of the prey populations in cultivated meadows and cereal fields? A functional response by the spiders in cultivated meadows and cereal fields is possible according to KAJAK ('l965a) andNYFFELER & BENZ (1979a). A numerical response, however, is probablyseverelyhandicaped in cu'ltivated meadows and cereal fields, because by the mowing and harvesting of the vegetation zone many egg sacs are destroyed. A regulatory activity by the spiders in the vegetation zone of such agroecösystemi is therefore highly improbable' Whether or not a regulatory activity of spiders on the ground surface is taking place' has not yet spiders in abandoned grasslands been examined. a.o.) r - ]45 4.9. E:ological inportance of the spiders jn grassland and cereal ecosys tems Spiders can be of ecological importance in diverse respects. For example the spider they can be food for other predators (I,IHITCOMB, l974). 0r.l975; webs can be food sources for kleptoparasites (THORNHILL' NYFFELER & BENZ, 1980b).In this sectjon, only the role of spiders as insect predators will be discussed. ecological importance of spiders is to be expected in abandoned grasslands foiemost, where they can feed and reproduce in the vegetation without human interference. As already mentioned, such biotopes often represent veritable "spider paradises". Large funnel web spiders and orb-weaving spiders often live in high densities in abandoned grasslands' l,llith their strong webs they capture large amounts of insects. A. bruennjchi, e.g. may capture up to 7 grasshoppers/web/day.. L0HMEYER tTIETSeHmTlgTg) found on the average 6 webs of A. bruennichi. per mz in an abandoned giassland in the Fe(eral Republic of Genmany. This corresponds to a web area of 30OO m2lha ground area. It is evjdent that such a gigantic web area exerts an enonnous predatory pressure on'insect An popul ati ons . Polish studies have also shown that the orb-weaving spiders can exert strong predatory pressure on the insect populations .l968; in the vegetation a KAJAK & OLECH0WICZ' öf abandoned grasslands (KAJAK et al., 1970i KAJAK, 1971). Thus web-building spiders eliminated 25-40% of the adult Diptera in undisturbed grasslands (KAJAK & OLECHOWICZ' I970). zone Funnel web spiders (A. labyrinthica) can also occulin-high densitiesrin undisturbed grasslanAa-X;äJ' zurl;F, more than 3 funnel web spiders/mz on the average were counted in some abandoned grassland biotopes' At certain poinls of aggregation withjn such a biotope, up to l2 funnel web spiders/rn2 were found. The food of these spiders was composed of up to 23% of bees (NYFFELER & BENZ, 1978). In other countries, too, it has been observed thai funnel web spiders cän be predators of bees. OLBERG (.1960) wrote on this subiect: "Sometimes,20 to 30 captured honey-bees on the average can be found in each web; thus with a spider that frequent' a consjäer"able damage can result. This is why flocks of sheep are driven through the dangeied areas. The fleecy animals destroy the webs, which cunnol be repla;ed imrnediately, as is the case in orb weaving-spiders"' This example demonstrates that spiders can have a noticeable effect on i nsect popul ations . Hunting spiders, too, can play an important ecological role in abandoned grasslands (VAN H00K, l97l; SCHAEFER' 1974a)' In contrast to the conditions in uncultivated biotopes' the present results show that the energy flow through the foliage-dwelling spider cornmunities of cultivated meadows and annual crops is 1ow (see also KAJAK, l97li, LUCZAK, 1975). Moreover, spiders are ineffective as predators of rnany agriculturaliy important pest insects (see also DINGLER' 'l935; KAJAK, töZt;. rneretäre, the spiders of the vegetation zone of Cential Eut"opean äultivated fields probably play no important role as predators or regulators of pest insects. The agroecosystems in southern Europe are to some extent cultivated in a coniiderabiy more extensive way than in Central Europe' It is there- -146fore conceivable that the spiders still have a greater ecological impor- in cultivated fields of Southern Europe than in the region of Zurich. Thus, near Florence (Italy), rather high spider densit.ies were found in the vegetation zone of a weedy cereal field (STREULI, pers. tance comm. ). In contrast to the vegetation zone, the spiders living on the ground surface of cultivated meadows and cereal fields showed relatively high population densities (r-strategists, see 4..l.). Together with the carni vorous beetl es ( Carabi dae and Staphyl i ni dae ) , they bel ong to the most frequent ground-dwelling predators of insects in cereal fields near Zurich. German studjes had also established that spjders form an imporground-dwel1ing predator-complex (TISCHLER' tant ,l958,component within the 1965, GEILER, 1963l' BASED0w, 'l973; BRASSE, 1975; BASEDOW & MIELKE,1977). In the German Democrati€ Republic, one has even recorded that spiders and harvestmen can form up to one third of all invertebrates captured in pitfall traps (GEILER, 1963). The prey compositions of the ground-dwelling spiders overlap to some extent with those of the predatory Carabidae and Staphylinidae, which also feed on Collembola' aphids, and Diptera. Further investigations will be necessary to establish whether this ground-dwelling predator-complex has a significant influence on pest insects (e.g. aphids). First studies already 'indicate that the ground-dwe1ling predator potential actually exerts a strong predatory pressure on insect populations (BASEDoW, I973i KAJAK & In any event! this ground-dwelling stabilizing effect on insect populations' JAKUBCZIK, 1975; DE CLERCQ,1979). predator-complex probably has a as assumed by the American ecologist RIECHERT (.l974). Studies from Japan, India, China, Taiwan, Korea' Thailand' and the Philippines indicate that such ground-dwelling spiders, because of their population high density in rice fields*, have a damping influence on the of pest insects, mainiy cicadas (lT0 et a]., 1962;OKUMA, 'l968; IRRI Annual Report, 1973; CHIU e! qL., 1974; GAVARRA & RAR0S, 1975i KIRITANI & KAKIYA, 1975; SÄfrAf-& MISRA, 1975; HOKYO Ct AI.,]976; 1979T'Tice fields are swamp ecosystems. In European swamp ecosystems, spiders can also be an important group of predators (!4ILLER & 0BRTEL, 1975). The same is assumed concerning the ecological role of spiders in Anerican swamp NAKASUJI, 1976; KANG & KIRITANI, 1978; KIRITANI, ecosystems (GARCIA & SCHLINGER, 1972). 4.,l0. Ecological importance of spiders in forest ecosystems and orchards to the studied gramineae biotopes, some tnee ecosystems will be briefly discussed.** t,Jith regard to forest ecosystems' the German ecologist TIEIDEMANN (1978) attributes an important role to the grounddwelling spiders as inseit predators, together with the other litterdwelling predators, A,rnerican scientists, too, concluded that the grounddwelling spiders can be of great importance as jnsect predators in forests As a comparison (CLARKE & GRANT, 1968; MOULDER & REICHLE, 1972; MANLEY e! a]., 1976). in contrast to this, the ecological importance of the fo]iage-dwelling spiders of forest ecosystems is still controversial (VITE' 1953; *Thi, i, valid for rice fields, pest i ci des. **Compare also NYFFELER (1982). which were not or little treated with -147KIRCHNER,1964). Some field studies had shown that certain spider species 'in the vegetation were ineffectjve against lepidopteran pests (POINTING, 1966; KIRCHNER, 1967; FURUTA,1977). According to data by the last mentioned authors, some spider species could reduce butterfly populations by 5% at the most. A slightly higher mortaljty was recorded by ENGEL (1942), who estimated that during a pjne moth calamity, 12-23% of the moth population was destroyed by spiders; but at the same time he also observed that significantly less moths were killed by spiders than by bugs. The ineffectiveness of certain spider species as predators of butterflies might be connected with the butterflies' ability,l981b). to escape .l967; from these spjders'webs (KIRCHNER, NYFFELER & BENZ, this negative effect may not be very important, since other insects seem not to be killed at a higher rate by forest spiders. Thus, for a comparison, the mortality of chestnut gall wasp populations as a result of pnedation by spiders was of the same magnitude in norma'l However, years (7-20%) as that recorded by ENGEL for the pine moth (NAKAMURA & 1977). Contrary to what has been said so far, some other authons have assumed that spiders can be important predators of Lepidoptera, aphids, and mosquitos in the vegetation zone of forest ,l968a, NAKAMURA, (SUBKLEt/J, 1939t JUILLET, 1961i, ecosystems .l968t b; LUCZAK, FOX & GRIFFITH, 1976). DABROWSKA-PROT et al., Like the forests, orchards are also tree ecosystems. Field studies shown that spiders form a frequent pnedator group in pesticide-free have orchards (HARRISON, 1968; MacLELLAN, 'l973; CARROL, 1980). Several authors have therefore supposed that spiders play an important role as insect predators in pesticide-free orchards (CHANT, 1956; KAYASHIMA, 1972; 'l973; MANS0UR 'l980a), though precise results do not MacLELLAN, _e! al., exist. However, it has been demonstrated that the treatment of orchards with pesticjdes leads to a sjgnificant reduction of the density .l979; of spiders (CHANT, i956; SPECHT & DoNDALE, .l960; D0NDALE et al., -l980). 'inä-icates MANS0UR S! ql., 1980b; f4cCAFFRtY & HORSBURGH, Th'is that pesticide treatments reduce the effectiveness of spiders as insect jn predators orchards. 4.11. Using spiders in "biological pest control" Ground-dwelling spiders, together with the ground-dwelling raptorial Carabidae and Staphy'linidae, form an important predator potential in cereal fields. This predator potential can be uti'lized within "programs for integrated pest control" (BASEDoW & MIELKE, 'l977; KIRITANI,1979). Thus, attempts have been made jn Japan to raise the spider density in rice fields artif.icial'ly by releasing Drosophila fl ies. This additional food then caused an increased fertility in the spiders (KOBAYASHI,,l975). According to a report of the Chinese News Agency Xinhua of August 'l5, 1979, in the Peoples Republic of China spiders are introduced into rice fjelds as biological control agents of rice pests. it would probably be difficult to breed of spiders in the laboratory. RUPPERTSHOFEN ('l976) and KAYASHIMA (1967) have looked for an alternative. They have proposed that egg sacs of spiders could be gathered somewhere and placed jn forests or mulberry plantations respectively to raise the population density of As most spiders are cannibals, large numbers spi ders . _ 148 Another example on the use of spiders for biological pest control is reported from South Africa. There, spiders were settled in houses. STEYN (1959) recorded a reduction of the f1y populations by 99% within 2ll2 months and, at the same timö, a pronounced decrease of gastro- jntestinal infections of men in that region, because the vectors of disease were destroyed. llhat about the possibility of utilizing spiders for biological pest control in Switzerland? Here, spiders could only become of greater importance, if it were possible to increase the spider density in cultivated fields. This would be possible if the area of the "ecological cells" (abandoned grasslands, hedges, wet areas, etc.), which serve as predator- reservoirs for agroecosystems, could be enlarged. However, uncultivated lands of that kind may serve as reservoirs for predators and pest organisms as well. The expansion of the area of the "ecological cells" could therefore also bring about an increase of pest incidence. l,Jith it is difficult to estimate,whetherthe useful effect (reservoirs of predators) or the detrimental effect (neservoirs of pests) would ultimately prevail, Intensive research on the complex functions of such "ecological cells" in the agricultural landscape would be necessary, before the expansion of their area with the intentions of present day knowledge increasing the predator density recommended. in the cultivated aneas could be I49 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 'l976-'l979 wurde die 0ekoiogie von Spinnen in unbewirtschafteten Graslandbiotopen, Mähwiesen und Getreidefeldern bei Zürich (Schweiz) untersucht. In solchen Oekosystemen leben Spinnen in zwei Straten, Von 1) auf der Bodenoberfläche,2) jn der Vegetationsschjcht. Wir finden jn den beiden Straten verschiedene Spinnengemeinschaften. In unbewirtschaftetem Grasland leben die Spinnen während des ganzen Jahres ungestört. Sie können daher in solchen Biotopen in der Vegetationsschicht relativ grosse Populationen aufbauen (bei Zürich: ca. 10 Spinnen/ml, in Literatur wesentlich höhere Werte). Demgegenüber werden Kulturfelder peniodisch gemäht, wobei die Lebensräume und Eikokons vieler Spinnen zerstört werden. In der Vegetationsschicht von Kullurfeldern leben daher nur kleine Spinnenpopuiationen (ca. I Spinne/mz in Mähwiesen, 0. l-0.6 Spinnen/ma in Getreidefeldern). Die Bodenobe4fläche von Kulturfeldern ist reiqtiv dicht besiedelt (15-42 Spinnen/mz in Mähwjesen, l0-50 Spinnen/mz in cetreidefeldern). Die Spinnen in der Vegetationsschicht von !l'iesen und Getreidefeldern sind prjmär Prädatoren von Diptenen und Honopteren. In der Vegetatjonsschicht unbewirtschafteter l^liesen können zusätzlich Bienen und/oder Heuschrecken einen essentiellen Antejl an der Beutebiomasse grosser Netzspinnen ausmachen. Auf der Bodenoberfläche von Mähwiesen und Getreidefeldern sind die dominanten Spinnen hauptsächlich Prädatoren von kleinen, weichhäutjgen Insekten (Co11embolen, Blattläuse, Dipteren etc. ). Aus den Nahrungsanalysen geht hervor, dass die Spinnen Prädatoren sowohi von Schadinsek- ten (2.8. Getreideblattläuse) als auch von Nutzarthnopoden (Honigbienen, Chrysopiden, Coccinelliden etc. ) sind. Der Energiefluss (= prey killed) durch die Spinnengemeinschaften der Vegetationsschicht von Brachlandbiotopen kann hoch sein (2.B. in einem Hochstaudenried: >900 MJ/halJahr). Demgegenüber ist der Energiefluss durch die Spinnengemeinschaften von Kulturfeldern s i gnif i kant niedri ger (in Getreidefeldern: l.l-6.5 MJ/ha/Jahr, in Maisfeldern: (0.5 MJ/ha/Jahr). Der Energiefluss durch die bodenbewohnenden Spinnengemeinschaften der Kulturfelder dürfte in der Grössenordnung von l0-50 MJ/ha/Jahr Iiegen. Unbewi ntschaftete Grasl and-oekosysterne ste l l en oft wahre "Spi nnenpara- diese" dar. 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YEARGAN, in northern California. - _174_ Curriculum vitae Educational BaglEound: March 25th, I 970- I 976 I 950 Eorn in Zurich, as son of Hans Nyffeler, teacher, and of Irma Nyffeler-Brunnhofer at the Faculty of Agronoqy of the ETH Zurich. Specialisation in Crop Science and Entomology. During this time practical experience at the Natural History l,luseum Basel in winter l97l (supervision: Prof. Dr. Stefan 6raeser), the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agronoqy Zurich-Reckenholz in surrmer 1972 (supervision: Dr. Ferdinand l,leilenmann), and the Studies Entofiological Laboratory of the Sxiss Federal Research Stötlon lladenswil in summer 1973 (supervision: Drs. Th. l,lildbolz and E. llani). Graduation with the Diplrima degree of 'Engirteer in Agronoqy" r 976- 1 982 Scientific assistant at the Departnent of I Entomology prepared the present thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Georg Benz. Teaching assistant in Biology-courses for undergraduate students. where Explor.ations 1972-1973 in Natural Sciences: In the Tessin AIpes I discovered an Ag-Pb-8i-Sulfosalt, which was identified by Prof. Dr. Stefan Graeser, University of 8asel, to be probably a new mineral (publication in prep.) pr_i zes : prize at the znd Swiss Science Fair (Schweizer forscht) for a field study in Natural Sciences (Contest-President: Prof. Dr. Adolf Portmann) 968 Second Jugend I 971 Second ilugend I prize at the sth Swiss Science Fair (Schweizer forscht) for a field study in Natural Sciences (Contest-President: Prof. Dr, Adolf Portmann)
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