JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 PAGES 1097^1131 2008 doi:10.1093/petrology/egn019 The Alkaline^Peralkaline Tamazeght Complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco: Mineral Chemistry and Petrological Constraints for Derivation from a Compositionally Heterogeneous Mantle Source MICHAEL A. W. MARKS1*, JULIAN SCHILLING1, IAN M. COULSON1,2, THOMAS WENZEL1 AND GREGOR MARKL1 INSTITUT FU«R GEOWISSENSCHAFTEN, AB MINERALOGIE UND GEODYNAMIK, EBERHARD-KARLS-UNIVERSITA«T, 1 WILHELMSTRASSE 56, D-72074 TU«BINGEN, GERMANY 2 SOLID EARTH STUDIES LABORATORY (SESL), DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF REGINA, REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN, S4S 0A2, CANADA RECEIVED SEPTEMBER 4, 2007; ACCEPTED MARCH 26, 2008 ADVANCE ACCESS PUBLICATION APRIL 25, 2008 The EoceneTamazeght complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco is a multiphase alkaline to peralkaline intrusive complex. A large variety of rock types (including pyroxenites, glimmerites, gabbroic to monzonitic rocks, feldspathoidal syenites, carbonatites and various dyke rocks) documents a progression from ultramafic to felsic magmatism. This study focuses on the silicate plutonic members and the genetic relationships between the various lithologies. Based on detailed petrographic and mineral chemical data we show that the various units crystallized under markedly different oxygen fugacity and silica activity conditions and demonstrate how these parameters influence both the phase assemblage and the detailed chemical evolution of the fractionating phases. Nepheline, olivine^clinopyroxene and hornblende^plagioclase thermometry indicate equilibration temperatures 8008C for all major rock types. Highly oxidized conditions (close to the hematite^magnetite buffer) are characteristic of the garnet-rich pyroxenites, ultrapotassic glimmerites and associated olivine-shonkinites. The parental magmas to these rocks evolved from low initial aSiO2 values of 01 to values of 05^08 during nepheline and alkali feldspar saturation. In contrast, the monzonitic rocks evolved from initially high aSiO2 values (up to 075) down to about 01 at intermediate values of oxygen fugacity *Corresponding author. E-mail: (FMQ ¼ þ2^5 to 1, where FMQ is the fayalite^magnetite^ quartz buffer). For nepheline syenites and malignites, more reduced conditions (FMQ ¼ 2) and intermediate aSiO2 values (between 025 and 05) dominate. We conclude that fractional crystallization is not a likely mechanism to explain the large variety of lithologies present in theTamazeght complex. It is more probable that successive melting of a compositionally heterogeneous mantle source region gave rise to several melt batches with distinct chemical and physicochemical characteristics. Low-degree melts from a K-phase-bearing mantle domain resulted in the formation of ultrapotassic glimmerites, whereas garnet-rich pyroxenites and olivine-shonkinites may have originated from hybrid melts and partly from a pyroxene-dominated source. Less alkaline lithologies such as monzonites potentially reflect larger degrees of melting and the increased importance of a basaltic component, whereas nepheline syenites and malignites may be explained by lower degrees of melting and a more alkaline character for the parental melt of these rocks. KEY WORDS: Tamazeght; Morocco; alkaline magmatism; source heterogeneity;Ti-bearing andradite The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@ JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 I N T RO D U C T I O N Alkaline to peralkaline igneous rocks represent a volumetrically small, but mineralogically highly variable, group typically located within intracontinental extensional settings. Chemically, these rocks are characterized by high contents of alkalis and incompatible elements, particularly the high field strength elements (HFSE; such as Ti, Zr, Hf and Nb). The residual fluids of such rock associations are known to give rise to a number of exotic mineral associations in pegmatites and hydrothermal veins (e.g. Salvi & Williams-Jones, 1990; Khomyakov, 1995; Chakhmouradian & Mitchell, 2002), some of them being of economic interest (Srensen, 1992). The exceptional geochemical character of alkaline to peralkaline igneous rocks is reflected by an unusual phase assemblage and by the chemical composition of these phases; otherwise less-common minerals can appear as major constituents. For example, Ti-bearing andradite is commonly found in ultramafic alkaline lithologies (e.g. Coulson et al., 1999; Vuorinen et al., 2005) and eudialytegroup minerals (Na^Ca-zircono- and titanosilicates) are typical of highly evolved agpaitic nepheline syenites (e.g. Srensen, 1997; Mitchell & Liferovich, 2006). It has been shown that the evolution of intensive parameters (e.g. fO2, aSiO2) during the crystallization of such rock types significantly influences the chemical composition of the phases present (e.g. Jones & Peckett, 1980; Coulson, 2003; Marks & Markl, 2003; Mann et al., 2006). The association of ultramafic pyroxenites, leucocratic ijolites, and highly evolved nepheline syenites carbonatites is a common feature of alkaline plutonic complexes world-wide (e.g. Harmer, 1999; Dunworth & Bell, 2001; Vuorinen et al., 2005). Petrological and geochemical studies have revealed two principal genetic relationships in such complexes: either (1) closed-system fractionation of a common parental magma produces the various lithologies (e.g. Beccaluva et al., 1992; Markl et al., 2001; Marks et al., 2004; Halama et al., 2005) or (2) the various lithologies represent crystallization of magmas derived from different sources, or are related to each other by combined assimilation^fractionation^mixing processes (e.g. Kramm & Kogarko, 1994; Morikiyo et al., 2000; Arzamastsev et al., 2006). The Tamazeght complex, which is the focus of this study, comprises numerous intrusive phases that document a progression from ultramafic to felsic alkaline to peralkaline rock types. A wide range of lithologies is present, including pyroxenites, glimmerites, gabbroic to monzonitic rocks, and predominating feldspathoidal syenites. Additionally, several carbonatitic diatremes and dyke rocks of lamprophyric, carbonatitic, phonolitic and foiditic composition occur throughout the complex and its sedimentary cover (Agchmi, 1984; Bouabdli et al., 1988; Mourtada et al., 1997; NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Neukirchen & Markl, in preparation). These are not, however, the focus of this work. The large variety of rock types present in the Tamazeght complex questions the possibility that these rocks were derived from one parental magma by fractional crystallization alone; thus important questions concerning the origin and the genetic relationships between the different lithologies remain to be answered. Until now, there has been no systematic study of the mineral chemical and petrological evolution of the Tamazeght rocks. In this study we investigate in detail the chemical evolution of the fractionating phases to derive crystallization conditions for the various rock types in terms of oxygen fugacity (fO2) and silica activity (aSiO2). We further show how these parameters influence the chemical evolution of the mineral phases present and how such investigations are useful in deciphering the role of chemically different source components for such multiphase intrusive complexes. GEOLOGIC A L S ET T I NG A N D P R EV IO U S WOR K The Tamazeght complex (also known as Tamazert complex) is located in the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains, about 20 km south of the city of Midelt (Fig. 1). Here, in the northern range of the High Atlas, NE^SW-striking dome and trough structures are the dominant structural features. Jurassic to Cretaceous marine sediments were deposited in intra-continental pull-apart basins that are related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean (Laville, 1981; Laville & Harmand, 1982). The Tamazeght complex is the largest of several alkaline intrusions associated with these graben structures. It intrudes Liassic marbles and crops out as an elongated body (16 km NE^SW and 5 km NW^SE) following the trend of the graben. Along the medial axis of the complex, Mesozoic marbles form the roof of the intrusion (Agard, 1960). Numerous intrusive phases in the Tamazeght complex document a progression from ultramafic to felsic magmatism. Kchit (1990) proposed the following chronology based on structural features, cross-cutting relationships and enclaves within the various units: (1) ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites & glimmerites); (2) shonkinites; (3) monzogabbroic rocks; (4) foid-monzosyenites; (5) malignites and associated pegmatites; (6) a range of textural varieties of nepheline syenites; (7) monzonitic rocks; (8) several carbonatite diatremes associated with carbonatitic and phonolitic to foiditic dyke rocks; (9) a lamprophyric dyke swarm. All the intrusive units show vertical or near-vertical planar internal structures. Close to their margins these tend to be oriented parallel to the contacts, which are also sub-vertical. This led Kchit (1990) to conclude that the Tamazeght intrusive units represent irregular pipe-shaped 1098 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO 4°40′ 4°35′ ANOUGAL Rabat Fès Casablanca Meknès Midelt Tamazeght Marrakesh M o or cc o 32°35′ ultramafic group monzogabbro N monzonite foid-monzosyenite shonkinite malignite foyaitic nepheline syenite porphyritic nepheline syenite granular nepheline syenite carbonatite subvolcanic breccia various dyke rocks 32°30′ 0 4°40′ 1 2 km Country rocks: Jurassic gabbro Mesozoic carbonatites Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the Tamazeght complex, Morocco [modified after Kchit (1990)]. The small village of Anougal in the northeastern corner is the gateway to the complex. bodies, which cross-cut each other. These magmatic ‘pipes’ were interpreted to represent magma in-fills of crustal fractures created by the same SW^NE sinistral shearing that characterizes the post-Cretaceous Atlas folding (Laville & Harmand, 1982). The presence of roof pendants, numerous pegmatites and contact metamorphic minerals within the surrounding marbles suggests that these magmatic bodies intruded to shallow depths of 53 km (Salvi et al., 2000). Radiometric ages of 44 4 Ma (Rb/Sr) and 42 3 Ma (K/Ar) (Tisserant et al., 1976) have been determined for some of the monzonites. Nephelinitic dyke rocks, however, have an age of 35 Ma (Klein & Harmand, 1985). This relatively large time gap led Khadem Allah et al. (1998) to question the genetic relationship between the various intrusive phases. Nevertheless, based on geochemical data, Bouabdli et al. (1988) and Kchit (1990) assumed that all the rock units originated by fractional crystallization of a common parental magma of nephelinitic or monchiquitic composition. This parental magma was considered to have originated by low-degree partial melting of a carbonated amphibole-lherzolite mantle source. The carbonatites were thought to have formed through liquid immiscibility (Bouabdli et al., 1988). The most recent studies of the Tamazeght complex focused on the fenitizing effects of carbonatitic fluids (Bouabdli & Liotard, 1999; Neukirchen & Markl, in preparation), on the influence of sedimentary carbonate rocks on the evolution of the peralkaline to agpaitic pegmatites of the complex (Khadem Allah et al., 1998), on the hydrothermal mobilization of HFSE within some of the 1099 VOLUME 49 P E T RO G R A P H Y In this section, we describe the phase assemblages observed in the various lithologies and the micro-textural characteristics of the investigated samples. Figure 2 gives an overview of the mineral assemblages present. The ultramafic group pyroxenites glimmerites monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites olivine-shonkinites amphibole-shonkinites porphyritic nepheline syenites granular nepheline syenites foyaitic nepheline syenites miaskitic malignites agpaitic malignites pegmatites and veins Fig. 2. Summary of the mineral assemblages observed in the various Tamazeght rocks. 1100 nepheline / sodalite alkali feldspar plagioclase calcite amphibole Two types of ultramafic rocks can be distinguished: (1) pyroxenites consisting of variable amounts of clinopyroxene, nepheline and garnet; (2) glimmerites, which are dominated by biotite. Pyroxenites (TMZ23b, 23c and 25) are dominated by euhedral clinopyroxene (Cpx), nepheline and euhedral to subhedral garnet (Fig. 3a and b). Minor phases are apatite, calcite, mica, magnetite, titanite and pyrite garnet Fe-Ti oxides pyroxene olivine Field relations between the various rock units were described in great detail by Kchit (1990) and Al-Haderi et al. (1998), constraining the chronological order of emplacement noted above. However, our own field work in the Tamazeght complex has shown that the distinction between the rock types in the field is not as obvious as indicated on the geological map of Kchit (1990) and the labeled rock types are not exclusively restricted to the areas indicated. For example, according to Kchit (1990) monzogabbro occurs as only one distinct body in the northeastern part of the complex (Fig. 1). However, the detailed petrographic investigation of our own samples (4150 specimens) has revealed that, for example, monzogabbroic rocks also occur within the foid monzosyenitic unit and vice versa. Obviously, the ratio between plagioclase and alkali feldpar is highly variable within single rock units on a small scale and clear intrusive contacts between them are only rarely visible in the field. If present, these are in many cases gradual without sharp contacts, and thus provide evidence for only a rather short time gap between the emplacement of the various rock units. Thus, here we treat monzogabbros, monzonites and foid eudialyte F I E L D R E L AT I O N S JUNE 2008 monzosyenites as a single group; namely, the monzonitic group. All of these rock types are characterized by the occurrence of both feldspar types and we classify them based on their plagioclase:alkali feldspar ratio, irrespective of where they have been collected in the field. Similarly, the nepheline syenitic group shows heterogeneities in terms of grain size, mineral assemblage and macroscopic textures. In all, this indicates that most of these rocks were probably emplaced within a rather short time interval as a crystal mush, possibly also allowing for mixing and mingling among them. mica nepheline syenites (Salvi et al., 2000, 2001) and the compositional variation of clinopyroxene in some of the nepheline syenites (Khadem Allah et al., 1996). NUMBER 6 titanite / zircon JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO (occasionally with inclusions of pyrrhotite). Magnetite is locally transformed to hematite (Fig. 3c). Kchit (1990) also reported the rare occurrence of olivine. Amphibole and feldspar are absent in these rocks. With increasing nepheline content, some of the rocks are classified as mafic foidolites (melteigites and ijolites). Cumulus minerals are colourless to pale green clinopyroxene (showing discontinuous zonation patterns; Fig. 3d), nepheline, oscillatory zoned garnet and magnetite. Nepheline and garnet have a prolonged crystallization interval and are also present as intercumulus phases (Fig. 3b). Along the rims, nepheline is in places altered to cancrinite and/or sodalite. In one sample (TMZ23b) a zone several centimetres wide consisting of euhedral calcite, analcime and a late clinopyroxene generation is observed to cross-cut garnet-rich pyroxenite. Pyroxene in this vein is bright green and very fine-grained (generally 5100 mm) and occurs as radiating clusters. In glimmerites (TMZ20 and 22), poikilitic biotite is the dominant phase, at up to 65 modal %. Early minerals Fig. 3. Typical microtextures observed in ultramafic rocks from the Tamazeght complex. (a) Typical cumulate texture showing euhedral garnet (grt) with nepheline inclusion (ne) and interstitial calcite (cal) in garnet-rich pyroxenite TMZ23b. (b) Interstitial nepheline occurs together with euhedral clinopyroxene (cpx) and garnet (TMZ25). (c) BSE image of a magnetite (mag) grain partly transformed to hematite (hem) (TMZ23b). (d) In all pyroxenites, clinopyroxene shows discontinuous zonation, displaying three distinct pyroxene compositions (TMZ25). (e) In glimmerites early clinopyroxene-I is transformed to a mixture of fine-grained biotite and magnetite (TMZ20). (f) Throughout the glimmerites, ocelli-like textures, consisting of granular clinopyroxene-II in the outer parts and of interstitial calcite and magnetite, are observed (TMZ22). 1101 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 are clinopyroxene-I, garnet and minor perovskite, magnetite (occasionally with cores of chromite) and apatite. Feldspar, nepheline and amphibole are lacking. Compared with the pyroxenites, garnet is not euhedral but occurs in subhedral to anhedral granular aggregates. Clinopyroxene-I is locally rimmed or even replaced by a mixture of fine-grained mica and magnetite (Fig. 3e); early perovskite is always overgrown by titanite. Compositionally zoned ocelli-like textures, which occur throughout the rocks, consist of granular and colourless clinopyroxene-II in the outer parts and of interstitial calcite and/or magnetite in their cores (Fig. 3f). Commonly, magnetite is replaced by pyrite and hematite. Other opaque minerals include sphalerite and chalcopyrite. In places, a third pyroxene generation (Cpx-III) crystallized interstitially with respect to clinopyroxene-II. The monzonitic group This group of rocks is characterized by the occurrence of both plagioclase and alkali feldspar in addition to foid minerals (nepheline and minor sodalite and cancrinite). Based on their relative modal abundance, it is subdivided into foid (-bearing) monzogabbros, (foid-bearing) monzonites, (foid-bearing) syenites and foid-monzosyenites. Monzogabbros are generally rich in euhedral to subhedral grey to pale green clinopyroxene and magnetite with minor amounts of ilmenite. However, both amphibolerich and biotite-rich varieties exist. In amphibole-rich varieties (TMZ159), minor pyroxene is commonly overgrown by reddish brown amphibole, and in places, small rounded relics of clinopyroxene can be seen within euhedral amphibole (Fig. 4a). Both minerals contain subhedral inclusions of magnetite, and titanite occurs as subhedral crystals and as narrow (5200 mm wide) rims overgrowing earlier ilmenite (Fig. 4b). In biotite-rich varieties (TMZ320), subhedral biotite is commonly associated with pyroxene, but is never seen to overgrow or to resorb it, unlike amphibole in amphibole-rich varieties. Also, biotite hosts inclusions of subhedral magnetite and needles of apatite. In these varieties, titanite is much more abundant and occurs exclusively as large (up to 2 mm) subhedral to euhedral crystals, occasionally with rounded inclusions of ilmenite (Fig. 4c). Monzonites are porphyritic with euhedral phenocrysts of plagioclase and alkali feldspar set in a medium-grained matrix of clinopyroxene, magnetite, ilmenite, amphibole, biotite, titanite and feldspars. The grain size ranges from several centimetres to 51mm. Accessory minerals are apatite and zircon. Subhedral to euhedral pyroxene co-crystallized with Fe^Ti oxides and titanite. In common with the monzogabbros, these rocks initially crystallized magnetite and ilmenite, the latter of which almost exclusively occurs as partly resorbed inclusions within titanite. Biotite is commonly corroded and shows a rim of finegrained magnetite (Fig. 4d). Subordinate amphibole is NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 subhedral and some of the amphibole cores host tiny patches of exsolved Fe^Ti oxides. In foid-monzosyenites the relative modal amounts of pyroxene and amphibole are highly variable. Generally, euhedral pyroxene is pale grey to green in the core and has distinct bright green to yellow^green outer parts that show patchy heterogeneities. Euhedral titanite and subhedral magnetite (now coarsely exsolved to ilmenite and magnetite) appear to have co-crystallized with clinopyroxene (Fig. 4e) and both occur as inclusions in amphibole. No primary ilmenite was found in these rocks. Additionally, most amphibole shows the above-mentioned exsolution textures and in some samples (TMZ157 andTMZ312), a late pyroxene population overgrows earlier amphibole (Fig. 4f). Biotiterich varieties typically are amphibole-free (TMZ318), but in samples with both phases (TMZ313), biotite predominates, occurring as rounded inclusions in amphibole or as a complex intergrowth. The foid syenitic group Following the IUGS nomenclature, these rocks are subdivided into shonkinites, nepheline syenites and malignites, based on the proportion of mafic minerals (Le Maitre, 2002). Mafic minerals include clinopyroxene, amphibole, perovskite^titanite, apatite, olivine, biotite, magnetite, eudialyte, zircon, garnet, calcite, fluorite. Primary felsic minerals include alkali feldspar, nepheline and sodalite. Pure albite occurs as a late magmatic phase. Shonkinites have a colour index 460 (Le Maitre, 2002) and are subdivided into olivine-bearing and amphibolerich varieties. Olivine-shonkinites (TMZ12 and 130) are characterized by large (1^5 mm) phenocrysts of olivine, pale grey clinopyroxene-I and magnetite-I set in a finegrained groundmass of greenish clinopyroxene-II, garnet, apatite, alkali feldspar and nepheline. The last mineral is in most cases strongly altered to calcite, analcime, cancrinite and sodalite. Olivine phenocrysts have rounded grain boundaries and are partly rimmed by a fine-grained mixture of magnetite-II, amphibole and biotite (Fig. 5a); clinopyroxene-I is commonly overgrown or invaded by clinopyroxene-II (Fig. 5b). If present, perovskite is rimmed by titanite (Fig. 5c). However, titanite also occurs as rims around magnetite-I and, occasionally, also as euhedral grains. Garnet is present as a minor phase in one sample (TMZ12). Amphibole-shonkinites (TMZ68, 139 and 308) are coarse-grained and do not show any noticeable phenocrysts. Here, euhedral amphibole (up to 5 mm) strongly dominates over clinopyroxene and is commonly associated with subhedral biotite (Fig. 5d). Minor euhedral clinopyroxene is finer grained (generally 52 mm) than amphibole and grey to pale green in colour. Occasionally, it shows irregular and patchy heterogeneities, where the outer regions of the crystals are more greenish and the inner 1102 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Fig. 4. Typical micro-textures observed in rocks of the monzonitic group. (a) In amphibole-rich monzogabbro TMZ159 small rounded relics of clinopyroxene occur as inclusions within reddish brown euhedral amphibole (amph). (b) In the same sample primary Fe^Ti oxide (ox) grains are rimmed by thin seams of titanite (ttn). (c) In biotite-rich monzogabbro TMZ320 subhedral titanite commonly has rounded relics of Fe^Ti oxides and euhedral apatite needles as inclusions. (d) In monzonites, biotite is corroded and exhibits a rim of fine-grained Fe^Ti oxide (TMZ2). (e) A typical texture in foid-monzosyenite TMZ219 showing euhedral titanite and subhedral Fe^Ti oxides coexisting with pyroxene. (f) In amphibole-bearing foid-monosyenite TMZ157, a late pyroxene population overgrows earlier amphibole. regions are more greyish in colour. Olivine and perovskite are absent and titanite is always euhedral. Magnetite and minor ilmenite occur either as subhedral grains associated with clinopyroxene, amphibole and titanite (TMZ139 and 308) or as subhedral to anhedral rounded grains as inclusions in these three minerals (TMZ68). Petrographically this group shows similarities to some of the monzonitic rocks. Nepheline syenites have a colour index 530 (Le Maitre, 2002) and, based on their general texture, a number of varieties can be distinguished. Foyaitic nepheline syenites (TMZ165, 221 and 223) are generally coarse-grained and consist of a framework of large alkali feldspar laths (up to 5 mm) associated with euhedral to subhedral nepheline and minor sodalite, the latter of which is strongly altered. Locally, interstitial albite also occurs. Euhedral clinopyroxene with grey cores and distinct yellow^greenish rims forms larger aggregates and is commonly associated with euhedral titanite, apatite, magnetite and biotite (Fig. 6a). In samples, which were collected in the vicinity of carbonatite dykes, biotite is commonly intergrown with clinopyroxene and appears 1103 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Fig. 5. Typical textures observed in shonkinitic rocks from the Tamazeght complex. (a) Rounded olivine phenocryst rimmed by a fine-grained mixture of Fe^Ti oxides, amphibole and biotite (TMZ130). (b) Phenocryst of clinopyroxene-I overgrown by clinopyroxene-II, which also occurs as subhedral to euhedral grains in the groundmass (TMZ12). (c) Early perovskite (prv) rimmed by anhedral titanite (TMZ12; BSE image). (d) Amphibole-shonkinites do not show any noticeable phenocrysts and are more coarse-grained than olivine-shonkinites. In these rocks, subhedral to euhedral amphibole (amph) strongly dominates over clinopyroxene and is commonly associated with titanite and apatite (TMZ68). to replace it (Fig. 6b). Primary subhedral amphibole in these rocks is rare. If present, it shows fine-grained exsolution textures in the core region (TMZ221). In granular nepheline syenites (TMZ74, 94, 95 and 126) subhedral clinopyroxene shows grey cores with distinct greenish coloured rims (Fig. 6c) and is associated with euhedral titanite and magnetite. Euhedral to subhedral amphibole is brown to dark green in colour and shows similar exsolution textures to those in the foyaitic varieties. Locally, it is overgrown by green fine-grained clinopyroxene (Fig. 6d). Clinopyroxene, amphibole and titanite contain tiny needle-shaped inclusions of apatite. Porphyritic nepheline syenites (TMZ311) consist of centimetre-sized euhedral alkali feldspar phenocrysts with euhedral to subhedral nepheline, clinopyroxene, amphibole, titanite and rounded magnetite filling the space between them. Clinopyroxene is generally pale green, showing no distinct greenish rim but a patchy inhomogeneity. As in the foyaitic and granular varieties, amphibole is subhedral to euhedral and also shows characteristic exsolution in the core regions (Fig. 6e). Malignites have a colour index of 30^60 (Le Maitre, 2002) and are generally amphibole- and biotite-free. Occasionally, more leucocratic varieties exist. However, to distinguish this rock type from the other foid syenites, we call them malignites throughout this work. Based on the presence of eudialyte or lafivenite [simplified formula (Na,Ca)2(Mn2þ,Fe2þ)(Zr,Ti,Nb)Si2O7(O,OH,F)], they are subdivided into miaskitic and agpaitic varieties. Euhedral apatite and titanite occur as inclusions in clinopyroxene, nepheline or alkali feldspar. Mostly euhedral green to yellow^green clinopyroxene (up to 5 mm in size) shows irregular heterogeneities throughout most samples (Fig. 6f). Nepheline and alkali feldspar are both subhedral in habit, and sodalite occurs as an interstitial phase. In some spatially restricted areas eudialyte (Fig. 6g) or lafivenite were formed during the late-magmatic stage, accompanied by felty clinopyroxene-II and small albite laths (Fig. 6h). Late-stage hydrothermal processes are documented by the formation of symplectitic cancrinite^sodalite seams around precursor nepheline. Within the malignites, a number of pegmatites and hydrothermal veins are recognized. The pegmatites have been intensively studied by Khadem Allah et al. (1998) and, thus, we investigated only one aegirine-rich pegmatite sample (TMZ247) for this study. It consists of euhedral centimetre- to decimetre-sized yellow^green 1104 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Fig. 6. Typical microtextures observed in nepheline syenites of the Tamazeght complex. (a) In foyaitic nepheline syenites TMZ165 and 221, euhedral clinopyroxene (cpx) with pale grey cores and distinct green rims is associated with euhedral titanite (ttn), apatite, Fe^Ti oxide (ox) and biotite (bt). (b) In foyaitic nepheline syenite sample TMZ223, which was collected close to a carbonatitic dyke, pyroxene is replaced by biotite (bt). (c) Discontinuously zoned pyroxene crystal in granular nepheline syenite TMZ94. (d) Twinned amphibole crystal in granular nepheline syenite TMZ74 overgrown by pale green pyroxene. (e) In porphyritic nepheline syenite (TMZ311) amphibole shows characteristic exsolution of tiny Fe^Ti oxide needles in the core. This texture is observed in most rock types of the Tamazeght complex. (f) In malignites, pyroxene is subhedral to euhedral and shows irregular small-scale heterogeneities (TMZ233; BSE image). (g) Agpaitic malignite (TMZ176) characterized by the coexistence of alkali feldspar, pyroxene, nepheline and eudialyte (eud); ab, albite. (h) In most malignitic samples a late generation of pure albite occurs along grain boundaries of earlier alkali feldspar (TMZ295). 1105 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 sector-zoned clinopyroxene. Locally, hematite occurs interstitially between the pyroxene and as rounded inclusions within pyroxene crystals. Minor minerals are alkali feldspar and eudialyte. Hydrothermal veins (TMZ177, 229, 231 and 234) are generally several centimetres wide. They consist of alkali feldspar laths several centimetres in size and yellow^green pyroxene needles of similar length. Accessory minerals are zircon or eudialyte, catapleite, magnetite and Nb- and Mn-rich ilmenite. NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Table 1: Representative electron microprobe analyses of olivine from the olivine-shonkonite, Tamazeght Complex, Morocco Sample: TMZ12 TMZ12 TMZ130 TMZ130 3874 SiO2 4032 3985 4022 Al2O3 003 003 005 002 FeO 963 1254 1244 2129 MINER A L COMPOSITIONS Analytical techniques MnO 016 020 022 113 MgO 4928 4629 4684 3873 The major and minor element compositions of the constituent minerals were determined using a JEOL 8900 electron microprobe in wavelength-dispersion mode at the Institut fu«r Geowissenschaften, Universita«t Tu«bingen (Germany). For silicate minerals, we used a beam current of 15 nA and an acceleration voltage of 15 kV; for Fe^Ti oxides, we used 20 nA and 20 kV. The peak counting time was 16 s for major elements and 30^60 s for minor elements. Background counting times were half of the peak counting times. The peak overlap between the Fe Lb and F Ka was corrected for. To avoid Na migration under the electron beam, analyses of feldspar, nepheline and sodalite were performed with a defocused beam of 10 mm diameter. In cases where Fe^Ti oxides showed fine-grained exsolution textures they were analysed with a defocused beam of 20^40 mm diameter. For calibration, both natural minerals and synthetic phases were used as standards. Processing of the raw data was carried out with the internal frZ correction method of JEOL (Armstrong, 1991). Analytical uncertainties are below 1% relative for major elements and around 15^20% for minor elements. The bulk composition of coarsely exsolved Fe^Ti oxide grains was reconstructed by combining image processing (NIH Image software) of back-scattered electron (BSE) images of the exsolved mineral grains with point analyses of exsolved ilmenite and magnetite. The bulk composition was then recalculated using the area proportions of both exsolved phases and using molar volumes of 4452 and 3170 cm3/mol for magnetite and ilmenite, respectively. Generally, this procedure was applied to 3^5 grains in each investigated sample. NiO 037 029 010 014 CaO 021 026 030 035 10000 9946 10017 10040 100 Olivine Within two samples of olivine-shonkinite, the compositional variation of olivine is small (Fo90^87 in TMZ12 and Fo88^75 in TMZ130; Table 1). Most of this variation is related to normal growth zonation with decreasing XMg [Mg/(Mg þ Fe2þ)] from core to rim but essentially unzoned olivine is also present (Fig. 7). However, the olivine from the two samples differs significantly in terms of its minor element composition. In TMZ12, the olivine is relatively high in NiO (up to 04 wt %) but low in CaO Total Formula based on 4 oxygen atoms Si 099 100 100 Al 000 000 000 000 Fe2þ 020 026 026 046 Mn 000 000 000 002 Mg 180 173 173 149 Ni 001 001 000 000 Ca 001 001 001 001 Sum 301 301 300 298 mol % end-members Fo 90 87 87 76 Fa 10 13 13 24 (503 wt %) and MnO (5025 wt %), whereas in sample TMZ130, the opposite is the case (NiO 5016 wt %; CaO 504 wt %, MnO 513 wt %). Clinopyroxene As is typical for alkaline intrusive complexes, clinopyroxene shows a wide range of compositions. For a detailed chemical classification, 10 end-members were computed, assuming stoichiometry (six oxygen atoms and four cations). Details of the applied calculation scheme are given in the Appendix. In addition to the Quadcomponents (enstatite [En], ferrosilite [Fs], diopside [Di] and hedenbergite [Hed]), we include the Na-bearing components aegirine [Aeg], (Ti, Zr)-aegirine [Ti-Aeg], and jadeite [ Jd]. In most analyses, the calculated Fe3þ content exceeds the Na content, implying the presence of a ferriTschermak component [Fe-Ts]. The AlIV-bearing components Ca-Tschermak [Ca-Ts] and Ti-Tschermak [Ti-Ts] are also considered. The variation of these components in the various lithologies is illustrated in Figs 8 and 9 and representative clinopyroxene analyses are given in Table 2. The end-members diopside, hedenbergite and aegirine are the most important ones to describe the compositional 1106 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO TMZ 130 100 TMZ 12 100 Fo 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 Fa Fa 0 0 1.5 1.5 1 MnO wt. % wt. % 1 MnO 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 NiO CaO 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 CaO NiO 0 rim wt. % wt. % mol % mol % Fo 0 core rim ≈ rim core rim ≈ Fig. 7. Zoning profiles across olivine grains from olivine-shonkinites TMZ130 (left column) and TMZ12 (right column). Olivine in sample TMZ130 shows considerable chemical zonation, with high amounts of Fo and CaO in the core and high Fa and MnO at the rim. For NiO, however, no obvious systematic trend is observed. In contrast, olivine from sample TMZ12 is generally unzoned and shows only minor and unsystematic within-grain heterogeneities. Also, NiO contents are considerably higher compared with olivine from TMZ130, despite a very similar Fo content (see text for further discussion). evolution of clinopyroxene from the Tamazeght suite. In all lithologies, similar Di-rich pyroxene compositions are found and these evolve towards more Hed- and Aeg-rich compositions with progressive differentiation. However, the various rock types show variable relative amounts of Hed enrichment while evolving towards Aeg-rich compositions, resulting in rather flat evolutionary trends for rocks of the monzonitic and nepheline syenitic group and comparatively steep trends for shonkinites. Ultramafic rocks show an intermediate trend. Also, the overall variation of clinopyroxene compositions observed in one rock type is highly variable, with clinopyroxene from nepheline syenites showing by far the largest chemical variation. Within one sample, the whole trend from Di-rich via intermediate towards Aeg-rich compositions can be traced (Fig. 8). These differences are of major importance and will be discussed in detail below. Intermediate (aegirine^augite) pyroxene compositions in shonkinites and in some malignites do not follow welldefined trends as is found for most other rock types. These broad compositional fields can be correlated with irregular heterogeneities as is evident from BSE images (Fig. 6f). The minor components Fe-Ts, Ca-Ts and Ti-Ts are generally 510 mol %. Typically, they are lower in ultramafic rocks than in the other rock types. However, within the ultramafic rocks, Fe-Ts is relatively enriched in the two 1107 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Aeg Aeg pyroxenites glimmerites inner zone cpx-I cpx-II cpx-III intermediate zone outer zone late pyroxenes (TMZ 23b) Di Hed Di Hed Aeg Aeg monzonitic group shonkinites monzogabbros cpx in amph-shonkinites monzonites cpx-I in ol-shonkinites foid-monzosyenites cpx-II in ol-shonkinites cpx overgrowing amphibole Di Di Hed Aeg Aeg malignites and late-stage rocks nepheline syenites miascitic malignites porphyritic rocks agpaitic malignites foyaitic rocks hydrothermal veins granular rocks Di Hed pegmatite Di Hed Hed Fig. 8. Aegirine^diopside^hedenbergite pyroxene triangle illustrating the observed variation of clinopyroxene composition within the various rock types. inner zones of discontinuously zoned clinopyroxene from pyroxenites (Figs 3d and 9). In glimmerites, partly resorbed phenocrysts of clinopyroxene-I (Fig. 3e) are relatively rich in all three Tschermak components (Fig. 9). Significant amounts of the Ti-Aeg end-member are generally restricted to Aeg-rich clinopyroxene compositions, where it may be up to 30^40 mol%. Zoning profiles for clinopyroxene are different in the various rock groups. In pyroxenites, clinopyroxene shows discontinuous zonation, displaying three distinct pyroxene compositions (Figs 3d and 9). Pyroxene in monzonitic rock types shows continuous zoning patterns, starting with Di-rich compositions in the cores and evolving towards more Hed- and Aeg-bearing compositions at the rims, coinciding with an increase in Tschermak components. In granular syenite, clinopyroxene is discontinuously zoned (Fig. 6c). Within the Di-rich core a sudden increase and decrease of Fe-Ts and Ti-Ts is observed. The rim 1108 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO pyroxenites glimmerites monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites olivine-shonkinites amphibole-shonkinites porphyritic nepheline syenites granular nepheline syenites foyaitic nepheline syenites malignites pegmatites and veins 0 5 10 mole % CaAl[AlSiO6] 0 5 10 15 mole % CaTi[Al2O6] 0 5 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 mole % CaFe[FeSiO6] mole % NaTi0.5Fe0.5[Si2O6] Fig. 9. Variation in minor components for the Tamazeght clinopyroxenes. evolves towards high amounts of the Aeg component but is low again in Tschermak components. This evolutionary trend is accompanied by a continuous decrease in Ca-Ts from core to rim. According to their heterogeneous appearance (Fig. 6f), zoning profiles for clinopyroxene from malignites reveal that, despite a rough trend of increasing Aeg-component from core to rim, the evolution in XMg and Tschermak components is not strictly systematic. Fe^Ti oxides Fe^Ti oxides show considerable variation in terms of phase assemblage, composition and exsolution textures among the various rock types. Figure 10 illustrates this variation and Table 3 provides representative analyses. In pyroxenites, primary, almost Ti-free magnetite (Mag99^100Usp0^1) is commonly replaced by hematite (Ilm0^2Hem98^100Pyr0^1). In glimmerites, euhedral opaque phases in the mica-rich matrix are mostly Ti-poor magnetite (Mag79^93Usp4^8Spl1^13) and in rare cases, these show distinct Cr-rich cores (Mag14^17Usp3^5Spl78^81), with an XCr value [Cr/(Cr þAl)] of 075 and an XMg value of 02. The composition of magnetite from ocelli-like textures overlaps with the range observed in matrix magnetite (Mag90^95Usp5^10Spl0^1). In monzogabbros and monzonites, homogeneous and Ti-poor magnetite (Mag97^100Usp0^2Spl0^1) and ilmenite (Ilm80^83Hem10^12Pyr7^10) were observed; the latter is much less abundant and occurs almost exclusively as rounded inclusions in titanite or is overgrown by the latter. In foid-monzosyenites, Ti-bearing magnetite (Mag67^83Usp15^27Spl2^5) shows coarse sandwich-type exsolution textures, but primary ilmenite is absent. In olivine-shonkinites, ilmenite is absent but the magnetite composition is relatively variable (Mag55^90Usp6^40 Spl4^7). In amphibole-shonkinites both Ti-bearing magnetite (Mag88^98Usp1^11Spl0^4) and ilmenite (Ilm84^87 Hem8^11Pyr4^7) are present. In nepheline syenites, the composition of magnetite (Mag76^99Usp1^23Spl0^2) shows no systematic variation between the textural varieties. In miaskitic malignites, magnetite (Mag83^99Usp1^17 Spl0^1) is present; this is, however, lacking in the agpaitic varieties. Late-stage hydrothermal veins contain either Mn-rich ilmenite (Ilm46^49Hem1^2Pyr50^53 ; TMZ234) or Ti-poor magnetite (Mag86^98Usp2^13Spl0^1 ; TMZ229). Generally, V2O3 contents are higher in ilmenite (up to about 3 wt %) than in magnetite (506 wt %) but no systematic differences between the various rock types were observed. The highest Cr2O3 contents were found in the cores of spinel grains from glimmerites (up to 386 wt %); however, the vast majority of the magnetite in the ultramafic rocks contains 53 wt % Cr2O3 . In shonkinites, magnetite contains up to 15 wt % Cr2O3, but in all other rock types, Cr2O3 contents in magnetite and ilmenite are much lower (504 and 501wt %, respectively). ZnO contents are generally below 51wt %, with no obvious difference between magnetite, hematite or ilmenite nor with any systematic evolution within the complex. Only in the Cr-rich spinel of the glimmerites were increased ZnO contents (up to 32 wt %) detected. For all analyses, ZrO2 contents are below detection limit, as are Nb2O5 contents, except for the Mn-rich ilmenite from hydrothermal vein TMZ234, where up to 16 wt % of Nb2O5 was detected. Garnet Garnet in the Tamazeght rocks is generally rich in Ca, Fe3þ and Ti, covering the compositional range between Ti-bearing andradite and schorlomite (Ca3Ti4þ2[Si3^x (Fe3þ,Al,Fe2þ)x]O12). Representative compositions are reported in Table 4. The nomenclature concerning schorlomite is somewhat controversial [see Chakhmouradian & McCammon (2005) for a recent discussion]. In the absence 1109 Table 2: Representative electron microprobe analyses of clinopyroxene from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock Pyroxenite Glimmerite Monzogabbro Monzonite Foid-monzosyenite TMZ159 TMZ2 TMZ321 Olivine-shonkinite type: Sample: TMZ25 TMZ25 TMZ25 TMZ23b TMZ22 TMZ22 TMZ22 inner zone intermediate outer zone late cpx cpx-I cpx-II cpx-III TMZ320 TMZ313 TMZ312 TMZ157 TMZ219 TMZ130 TMZ12 cpx-I cpx-II 5271 5178 5236 5210 4700 5425 5189 4856 5012 5143 4779 4944 4920 4587 4844 4528 5041 TiO2 032 040 011 476 306 022 385 195 070 052 064 138 222 083 251 336 017 ZrO2 000 000 001 066 004 003 073 002 000 002 017 010 002 074 003 001 005 Al2O3 117 111 041 077 532 005 032 388 230 154 383 386 400 425 512 691 053 b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. Cr2O3 b.d. b.d. b.d. Fe2O3 295 612 842 2299 419 076 2713 528 645 482 678 557 312 965 363 601 1407 FeO 339 251 359 478 167 220 221 220 268 350 1063 423 408 901 316 137 1039 MnO 051 065 104 018 005 020 016 021 045 061 097 046 020 104 012 014 082 MgO 1450 1348 1096 042 1415 1725 029 1338 1272 1377 652 1211 1362 557 1380 1289 353 CaO 2411 2353 2051 022 2413 2409 058 2284 2278 2362 2052 2272 2267 1987 2328 2326 1582 Na2O 057 106 264 1310 024 023 1343 093 120 065 175 108 069 224 054 062 K2O 000 000 000 007 000 000 000 000 000 001 006 001 002 006 000 10023 10064 10005 10005 9985 9928 10059 9925 9940 10048 9965 10096 9984 9913 10061 9985 10068 Total 489 000 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY SiO2 Formula based on 4 cations and 6 oxygen atoms 197 199 175 199 198 182 189 191 186 184 183 181 179 171 196 001 000 014 009 001 011 005 002 001 002 004 006 002 007 009 000 Zr 000 000 000 001 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 Al 005 005 002 003 023 000 001 017 010 007 018 017 018 020 022 030 002 Cr 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Fe3þ 008 017 024 066 012 002 078 015 018 013 020 016 009 029 010 017 041 Fe2þ 010 008 011 015 005 007 007 007 008 011 035 013 013 030 010 004 034 Mn 002 002 003 001 000 001 001 001 001 002 003 001 001 003 000 000 003 Mg 080 074 061 002 078 093 002 074 071 076 037 067 075 033 076 072 020 Ca 095 093 082 001 096 095 002 092 092 094 086 090 090 084 092 093 066 Na 004 008 020 098 002 002 099 007 009 005 013 008 005 017 004 004 038 K 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Sum 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 mol % end-members Aeg 4 8 20 67 2 2 81 7 9 5 13 8 5 17 4 5 Jd 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 0 Ti-Aeg 0 0 0 29 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fe-Ts 2 5 2 0 5 0 0 4 5 4 3 4 2 6 3 6 2 Ti-Ts 1 1 0 0 9 0 0 6 2 1 2 4 6 4 7 9 1 Al-Ts 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 3 3 2 6 4 2 6 4 6 0 Di 79 75 62 0 74 87 0 72 71 75 37 65 68 33 69 68 21 Hed 12 10 15 0 5 7 0 7 10 12 37 14 12 34 9 4 38 En 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 4 2 0 Fs 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 (continued) JUNE 2008 192 001 NUMBER 6 195 Ti VOLUME 49 1110 Si Table 2: Continued Rock-type: Amphibole-shonkinite Porph. Foyaitic nepheline syenite Granular nepheline syenite Miaskitic malignite TMZ94 TMZ94 TMZ94 TMZ82 TMZ82 Agpaitic malignite Vein Pegmatite TMZ229 TMZ247 TMZ247 neph syenite Sample: TMZ68 TMZ311 TMZ165 SiO2 TiO2 TMZ165 TMZ223 TMZ178 TMZ298 5091 4720 4985 5030 5032 5293 4378 4859 4847 4476 148 273 068 155 029 044 388 167 170 381 ZrO2 000 000 011 002 033 048 010 000 004 Al2O3 278 546 284 309 132 130 787 556 Cr2O3 043 049 b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. Fe2O3 223 522 624 407 1363 2885 FeO 259 242 722 427 1030 043 MnO 007 021 050 026 131 MgO 1558 1208 956 1288 CaO 2345 2349 2139 Na2O 037 100 172 TMZ238 TMZ238 5182 5145 5099 5219 5055 5221 5015 5215 026 096 029 128 098 036 084 040 008 020 078 024 016 003 061 031 020 564 774 088 112 076 107 107 083 105 127 045 033 b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. 627 402 477 521 1546 2864 1696 2364 2859 2937 1914 2765 117 151 120 261 567 083 1033 357 006 043 905 158 066 009 010 012 013 103 069 107 094 102 124 101 078 276 108 1227 1456 1442 1199 527 013 088 156 089 033 083 059 2289 1393 284 2338 2228 2250 2305 1333 266 1094 578 549 272 950 350 102 564 1236 061 075 079 070 627 1243 740 1053 1110 1237 801 1184 000 000 004 000 002 000 000 000 000 003 002 002 002 004 006 000 001 001 Total 9990 10029 10016 10036 9984 10137 9941 9949 9998 10011 10021 9971 9988 10076 9984 10047 9990 9997 Formula based on 4 cations and 6 oxygen atoms 1111 Si 187 176 189 188 197 199 165 181 179 167 198 198 200 199 195 200 197 200 Ti 004 008 002 004 001 001 011 005 005 011 001 003 001 004 003 001 002 001 Zr 000 000 000 000 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 001 001 000 Al 012 024 013 014 006 006 035 024 025 034 004 005 004 005 005 004 005 006 Cr 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Fe3þ 006 015 018 011 040 082 018 011 013 015 044 083 050 068 083 084 056 080 Fe2þ 008 008 023 013 034 001 004 005 004 008 018 003 034 011 000 001 030 005 Mn 000 001 002 001 004 002 000 000 000 000 003 002 004 003 003 004 003 003 Mg 086 067 054 071 016 006 069 080 079 067 030 001 005 009 005 002 005 003 Ca 093 093 086 091 058 012 094 088 088 092 055 011 046 024 023 011 040 014 Na 003 007 013 007 043 090 004 005 006 005 046 093 056 078 083 092 061 088 K 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Sum 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 mol % end-members Aeg 3 7 13 7 41 83 4 5 6 5 45 87 51 68 88 88 57 Jd 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 4 0 3 2 6 Ti-Aeg 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 7 0 4 3 3 Fe-Ts 2 4 3 2 0 0 7 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ti-Ts 4 8 2 4 1 0 11 5 5 11 1 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 Al-Ts 1 4 4 2 0 0 6 7 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Di 81 78 69 54 70 16 5 67 71 69 63 30 0 5 8 5 1 5 3 Hed 8 8 25 14 39 3 4 4 4 8 22 2 37 12 4 4 31 7 En 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO K2O MARKS et al. TMZ68 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 TiO2 (rutile) TiO2 (rutile) FeTiO3 (ilmenite) Fe2TiO4 (ulvöspinel) FeO pyroxenites magnetite replacement hematite FeTiO3 (ilmenite) glimmerites spl (ocelli) spl (matrix) Fe3O4 (magnetite) Fe2TiO4 (ulvöspinel) Fe2O3 (hematite) FeO Fe2TiO4 (ulvöspinel) FeO foid-monzo syenites magnetite Fe2O3 (hematite) TiO2 (rutile) ol-shonkinites magnetite FeTiO3 (ilmenite) amph-shonkinites magnetite ilmenite Fe3O4 (magnetite) monzogabbros & monzosyenites magnetite ilmenite Fe3O4 (magnetite) TiO2 (rutile) FeTiO3 (ilmenite) JUNE 2008 nepheline syenites & malignites magnetite Fe2TiO4 (ulvöspinel) Fe2O3 (hematite) FeO Fe3O4 (magnetite) Fe2O3 (hematite) Fig. 10. Composition of Fe^Ti oxides in the various Tamazeght lithologies. of crystallographic and spectroscopic data, we do not attempt to constrain the distribution of Ti, Fe and Al between the cation sites. In the ultramafic rocks, TiO2 contents range between 399 and 1429 wt %. Si shows significant deviation from the ideal stoichiometry (296^249 p.f.u.) and Fe3þ varies considerably (112^157 p.f.u.). In olivine-shonkinites, TiO2 (196 and 1884 wt %), Fe3þ (099^166 p.f.u.) and Si (212^30 p.f.u.) display strong variance. In nepheline syenites, TiO2 and MgO contents are comparatively lower (313^438 wt % and 022^028 wt %, respectively), whereas Al2O3 (314^412 wt %), MnO (089^154 wt %) and ZrO2 (up to 12 wt %) are significantly higher than in other lithologies (Table 4). This may reflect the more evolved character of these rocks. Many workers advocate a simple homovalent substitution of Ti , Si, based on the negative correlation between these two elements, to account for the apparent deficit on the Z-site. However, for the Tamazeght garnets the strong negative correlation betweenTi and Si does not exactly fall on the ideal 1:1 correlation and even when Si is ideal (at 3 a.p.f.u.) 02 Ti p.f.u. is present (Fig. 11). This indicates that Ti and/or Si are involved in other substitutions. In an attempt to further identify important substitutions occurring within the Tamazeght garnets, we employed principal component analysis (PCA), a statistical method that has proven useful in petrological studies (Jime¤nezMilla¤n et al., 1994; Ragland et al., 1997) to our data, using XLSTAT 2007.6 (Addinsoft). The method extracts a set of principal components, which allows us to explain the observed variability in compositions. We deduce that the most substitution schemes are Ti4þFe3þFe3þ1Si1, Ti4þMgFe3þ2 and/or Ti4þFe2þFe3þ2, which are responsible for about 80% of the observed variability of the data. Amphibole The majority of amphibole analyses show a good 1:1 correlation between Ti and (Mg, Fe, Mn) (Fig. 12) indicating that the substitution Ti4þO22Mg1(OH)2 1112 Table 3: Representative electron microprobe analyses of Fe^Ti oxides from theTamazeght Complex. Morocco Rock-type: Pyroxenite Sample: TMZ25 Glimmerite TMZ23b TMZ25 TMZ23b TMZ20 Monzogabbro TMZ23 TMZ23 TMZ20 TMZ20 TMZ320 magnetite magnetite hematite hematite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite spinel Monzonite TMZ159 TMZ320 TMZ2 Foid-monzosyenite TMZ321 TMZ2 TMZ219 TMZ157 TMZ312 magnetite magnetite ilmenite magnetite magnetite ilmenite magnetite magnetite magnetite Nb2O5 b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. SiO2 004 003 009 008 000 002 000 000 010 003 002 001 001 005 002 001 001 000 TiO2 004 057 036 028 291 339 169 265 190 069 022 4615 034 017 4522 663 484 1069 Al2O3 015 004 003 008 003 000 000 003 1484 016 009 003 018 026 003 058 048 039 V2O3 011 035 022 015 042 042 044 037 007 030 032 262 031 037 255 071 056 093 Cr2O3 006 004 004 007 048 014 215 857 3813 007 005 004 007 007 005 107 115 104 Fe2O3 6903 6775 9854 9928 6316 6269 6341 5545 1123 6703 6807 1148 6738 6681 1030 5367 5681 4698 FeO 3141 3183 000 022 3158 3112 2993 2880 2324 3098 3089 3438 3065 3066 3598 3544 3426 3849 MnO 000 002 043 011 174 246 209 379 537 069 037 283 052 012 436 095 053 140 MgO 002 002 000 000 036 050 038 056 325 005 007 239 005 009 010 054 035 096 ZnO 000 000 000 002 025 024 020 047 315 005 001 003 008 002 015 016 015 017 10086 10065 9971 10029 10093 10098 10029 10069 10128 10005 10011 9996 9959 9862 9876 9976 9914 10105 1113 Nb 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Si 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Ti 000 002 001 001 008 010 005 008 005 002 001 085 001 000 087 019 014 030 Al 001 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 059 001 000 000 001 001 000 003 002 002 V 000 002 001 000 002 002 002 002 000 001 001 008 001 002 008 003 003 004 Cr 000 000 000 000 001 000 006 026 102 000 000 000 000 000 000 003 003 003 Fe3þ 199 195 197 199 180 178 182 157 029 195 198 021 196 196 020 153 164 131 Fe2þ 100 101 000 000 100 098 095 091 066 099 099 071 099 100 076 113 110 121 Mn 000 000 001 000 006 008 007 012 015 002 001 006 002 000 009 003 002 004 Mg 000 000 000 000 002 003 002 003 016 000 000 009 000 001 000 003 002 005 Zn 000 000 000 000 001 001 001 001 008 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Sum 300 300 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 300 300 200 300 300 300 mol % end-members for magnetite Mag 100 98 91 90 92 79 14 98 99 98 99 78 83 68 Usp 0 2 8 10 5 8 5 2 1 1 0 19 14 30 Sp 0 0 1 0 3 13 81 0 0 1 1 3 3 2 mol % end-members for ilmenite Ilm Hem Pyr 0 0 81 99 100 12 80 10 1 0 7 10 (continued) TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Formula based on 3 (2) cations and 4 (3) oxygen atoms for magnetite (ilmenite) MARKS et al. Total b.d. Table 3: Continued Rock-type: Sample: Olivine-shonkinite Amphibole-shonkinite Nepheline syenite Miaskitic malignite Vein TMZ12 TMZ130 TMZ130 TMZ68 TMZ139 TMZ68 TMZ139 TMZ165 TMZ94 TMZ311 TMZ82 TMZ82 TMZ288 TMZ234 TMZ234 TMZ229 TMZ229 magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite ilmenite ilmenite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite magnetite ilmenite ilmenite magnetite magnetite b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. 124 163 005 000 SiO2 007 007 002 002 003 003 000 007 003 001 003 001 003 002 000 000 007 TiO2 1268 255 740 377 025 4717 4684 028 345 803 588 313 036 4982 4970 062 463 Al2O3 324 118 297 026 014 002 001 010 029 026 015 021 017 000 000 005 017 V2O3 022 014 022 034 042 267 262 022 045 074 016 021 024 213 215 017 015 Cr2O3 032 041 028 007 059 006 005 008 006 016 003 004 004 003 005 007 004 Fe2O3 4158 6334 5095 6090 6628 850 970 6766 6215 5262 5754 6228 6799 142 164 6757 6004 FeO 3973 3239 3513 3441 3061 3792 3748 3085 3201 3653 3302 3192 3094 2167 2065 3142 3296 MnO 107 077 142 009 032 200 297 047 217 102 337 181 038 2281 2368 027 245 MgO 190 064 108 009 002 137 092 002 011 067 001 002 003 002 002 001 008 ZnO 009 006 018 002 005 007 005 003 045 018 036 021 032 000 000 000 019 10090 10155 9966 9998 9871 9980 10064 9979 10116 10024 10056 9983 10050 9792 9788 10019 10077 Total 1114 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 004 004 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Ti 036 007 021 011 001 088 087 001 010 023 017 009 001 094 095 002 013 Al 014 005 013 001 001 000 000 000 001 001 001 001 001 000 000 000 001 V 001 001 001 002 002 008 008 001 002 003 001 001 001 006 006 001 001 Cr 001 001 001 000 002 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Fe3þ 114 178 143 175 193 016 018 196 177 149 164 180 196 003 003 195 171 Fe2þ 121 101 110 110 100 079 078 099 101 116 105 102 099 045 043 101 105 Mn 003 002 005 000 001 004 006 002 007 003 011 006 001 048 049 001 008 Mg 010 004 006 001 000 005 003 000 001 004 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Zn 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 001 001 001 001 000 000 000 001 Sum 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 300 300 mol % end-members for magnetite Mag 57 90 72 88 98 99 89 76 83 90 99 98 87 Usp 36 7 21 11 1 1 10 23 17 9 1 2 13 Sp 7 3 7 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 mol % end-members for ilmenite Ilm 87 84 48 Hem 9 9 1 46 2 Pyr 4 7 51 52 JUNE 2008 000 Si NUMBER 6 Nb VOLUME 49 Formula based on 3 (2) cations and 4 (3) oxygen atoms for magnetite (ilmenite) JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY Nb2O5 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Table 4: Representative electron microprobe analyses of garnet from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock-type: Glimmerite Sample: Pyroxenite TMZ20 TMZ22 SiO2 3390 3329 TiO2 691 777 ZrO2 007 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TMZ22 Olivine-shonkinite TMZ25 TMZ12 TMZ12 TMZ12 Granular Foyaitic nepheline neph. syenite syenite TMZ126 TMZ221 TMZ23c TMZ23b TMZ221 3277 3413 3323 3222 2476 3360 3556 3462 3437 3390 795 639 670 1036 1884 1028 300 345 420 418 008 010 020 021 004 100 031 005 082 109 110 128 106 112 105 101 187 165 079 098 324 350 358 2135 2112 2207 2183 2314 1817 1739 1665 2536 2352 2168 2198 FeO 228 272 169 229 199 230 266 430 090 155 177 159 MnO 042 057 063 057 060 046 035 030 015 089 154 152 MgO 066 067 066 061 062 127 146 033 025 027 027 026 CaO 3317 3262 3279 3291 3245 3322 3187 3304 3353 3235 3170 3144 Na2O 009 012 019 012 013 006 015 045 017 013 023 022 Total 10013 10002 9997 10009 10007 9997 10013 10005 9996 10084 10036 9979 Formula based on 8 cations and 12 oxygen atoms Si 284 281 277 286 279 269 212 281 298 287 287 284 Ti 043 049 050 040 042 065 121 065 019 022 026 026 Zr 000 000 000 001 001 000 004 001 000 003 004 005 Al 013 010 011 010 010 018 017 008 010 032 034 035 Fe3þ 134 133 140 138 147 114 112 105 160 147 136 139 Fe2þ 016 019 012 016 014 016 019 030 006 011 012 011 Mn 003 004 004 004 004 003 003 002 001 006 011 011 Mg 008 008 008 008 008 016 019 004 003 003 003 003 Ca 297 294 295 295 293 297 292 296 301 287 283 282 Na 002 002 003 002 002 001 002 007 003 002 004 004 Sum 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 1.5 1 ide Ti p.f.u. al 1 0.5 :1 c orr ela tion glimmerites pyroxenites olivine-shonkinites nepheline syenites 0 2 2.5 Si p.f.u. 3 Fig. 11. Correlation of Ti vs Si for garnet from the various Tamazeght rocks. (See text for further discussion.) (e.g. Oberti et al.,1992) plays an important role in the incorporation of Ti in the Tamazeght amphiboles; consequently, the amphibole formula unit was calculated on the basis of (23 þ Ti) oxygen atoms and 16 cations. Table 5 gives some representative amphibole analyses. Following the nomenclature scheme of Leake et al. (1997), all analyses are calcic amphiboles of hastingsitic (AlVI Fe3þ) and kaersutitic (Ti 05 p.f.u.) composition. The latter is restricted to monzogabbros, some monzonites and to shonkinites (the least evolved rock types of the respective lithological groups). Figure 13 illustrates the variation in XK [K/(Na þ K)], AlVI p.f.u., F p.f.u., XMg, XFe3þ [Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ)], andTi p.f.u. observed throughout the complex. The last three variables show a systematic evolution within the two lithological rock groups, each parameter decreasing with progressive evolution. The variation in octahedrally coordinated aluminium (AlVI) and XK appears to be unsystematic. However, within the monzonitic group the absolute range of XK seems to decrease from monzogabbros via monzonites towards foidmonzosyenites, whereas the maximum XK value in question increases slightly. In terms of halogens, chlorine content is always low (5004 p.f.u.) and fluorine contents are variable, with foid-monzosyenites and foyaitic nepheline syenites showing comparatively high F contents of 5053 and 5072 p.f.u., respectively. 1115 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites 3.8 (Mg, Fe2+,Mn) p.f.u. VOLUME 49 shonkinites porphyritic nepheline syenites granular nepheline syenites foyaitic nepheline syenites 3.6 3.4 3.2 3 1:1 2.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ti p.f.u. 0.8 1 Fig. 12. Correlation of (Mg þ Fe2þ þ Mn) p.f.u. vs Ti p.f.u. in amphibole from various Tamazeght rocks. The good 1:1 correlation indicates that the substitution Ti4þO22Mg1(OH)2 (e.g. Oberti et al., 1992) plays an important role in the incorporation of Ti in the Tamazeght amphiboles. Biotite Biotite occurs in all samples of the ultramafic and the monzonitic groups. Within the foid syenitic group, only shonkinites and foyaitic nepheline syenites contain biotite. Similar to the amphiboles, the Tamazeght biotites are characterized by low Si contents and 8 ^ Si þ Al deficits of up to 034 p.f.u., which indicates the presence of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3þ or Ti4þ (e.g. Dunworth & Wilson, 1998; Mann et al., 2006). Figure 14 illustrates the variation in XMg, Ti and F p.f.u. observed throughout the complex and Table 6 gives some representative analyses. XMg values are highest in biotites from the ultramafic rocks (up to 096) and decrease towards the more evolved rock types, reaching their lowest values (503) in some of the foyaitic nepheline syenites. In olivine-shonkinites, however, two types of biotite occur, groundmass biotite and biotite growing at the expense of olivine, with the latter having exceptionally high XMg values (around 09), reflecting the XMg value of the precursor olivine. Ti contents show considerable variation, being lowest in ultramafic rocks (5035 Ti p.f.u.), in biotite replacing pyroxene in foyaitic nepheline syenites (Fig. 6b) and in the biotite from the olivine-shonkinites that overgrows olivine (5023 Ti p.f.u.). All other biotites have elevated Ti contents, with the highest Ti contents found in monzogabbros (up to 116 Ti p.f.u.) and shonkinites (up to 078 Ti p.f.u.). It should be noted that these two rock types also contain the most Ti-rich amphiboles. Such high Ti contents could potentially explain the 8 ^ (Si þ Al) deficits on the tetrahedral site. The positive Ti^Al correlation and the negative Ti^Si and Ti^(Mg,Fe,Mn) correlations (Fig. 15) imply the importance of the coupled substitution MgSi2Ti4þ1Al2, which was proposed by Wagner et al. (1987) and NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Mann et al. (2006) for biotite from alkaline rocks of the Katzenbuckel volcano, Germany. While replacing divalent cations by Ti4þ on octahedral sites, charge-balance might also be reached by the substitution mechanism MgK2Ti4þ1Al2, which creates vacancies on the X site (Deer et al., 1992). According to the applied formula calculation (normalization to 22 oxygens), up to 15% of the X site may be vacant. In Fig. 15a and b, low-Ti biotites from glimmerites and from foyaitic nepheline syenite TMZ223 deviate from the trend shown by biotites from all other samples. In Fig. 15c, only the latter plot off the trend. This feature also coincides with elevated F contents in these samples and may indicate that their chemistry is governed by other substitution mechanisms, potentially implying a different origin for these micas. In most biotites, chlorine contents are5003 p.f.u, except for monzogabbros and monzonites, where slightly higher Cl contents of up to 007 p.f.u were found. Fluorine contents are highly variable (from 5001 to 41p.f.u.; Fig. 14). Generally, F is negatively correlated with Ti content and reaches high values in ultramafic rocks, in biotite around olivine from shonkinites, and in biotite in evolved foyaitic nepheline syenites. F contents in biotite from the monzonites do not fit this relationship, but this might be explained by simple alteration of mica in these rocks (see above and Fig. 4d). Feldspar Ca-bearing plagioclase is restricted to rocks of the monzonitic group where individual grains are strongly zoned with decreasing mol % anorthite (An) and increasing mol % albite (Ab) from core to rim; orthoclase (Or) is generally low. Overall, plagioclase composition varies between An68Ab31Or1 and An22Ab74Or4 (Fig. 16; Table 7). The most anorthite-rich compositions are found in samples of monzogabbro, whereas the most anorthite-rich plagioclase in monzonites and foid-monzosyenites is very similar (An52 and An44, respectively). Alkali feldspar is in most cases exsolved into pure albite and orthoclase. These textures are partly rather coarse and/or heterogeneous, and this feature makes it difficult to reconstruct a primary magmatic composition. However, in many samples (except for foyaitic nepheline syenites) some alkali feldspar grains (or at least parts of them) show no signs of exsolution. Unexsolved alkali feldspar in rocks of the monzonitic group varies in composition between Ab48Or48An4 and Ab20Or78An2 (Fig.16;Table 7), and exhibits no systematic evolution from monzogabbros to monzonites to foid-monzosyenites. In porphyritic and granular nepheline syenites, alkali feldpar composition varies between Ab70Or26An4 and Ab20Or80An0, and in malignites, as well as in hydrothermal veins, An-free and relatively Or-rich (Ab29Or71^Ab12Or88) alkali feldspar is found. Interstitial albite in foyaitic nepheline syenites as well as 1116 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Table 5: Representative electron microprobe analyses of amphibole from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco: Rock-type: Monzogabbro Monzonite Foid-monzosyenite Olivine- Amph-shonkinite shonkinite Porph. neph. Granular Foyaitic neph. syenite neph. syenite syenite Sample: TMZ159 TMZ159 TMZ321 TMZ321 TMZ157 TMZ219 TMZ313 TMZ130 TMZ68 TMZ139 TMZ311 TMZ74 TMZ95 TMZ221 SiO2 3940 3993 3878 3762 3906 4036 3948 3956 3979 3836 3982 3901 3971 4112 TiO2 594 737 418 152 243 304 330 680 348 325 267 343 174 116 ZrO2 004 006 003 014 013 006 008 009 006 005 015 002 011 020 Al2O3 1157 1203 1234 1232 1179 1162 1142 1110 1162 1207 1174 1188 1132 857 FeO 1291 1047 1348 2052 2103 1655 1736 1226 1665 1812 2033 1547 1756 2157 MnO 021 010 036 095 094 081 065 029 041 037 059 061 072 173 MgO 1077 1201 1081 685 733 1032 961 1127 999 830 813 991 945 790 CaO 1145 1187 1141 1047 1110 1113 1173 1154 1127 1084 1096 1088 1066 886 Na2O 275 277 252 273 267 295 274 288 276 250 302 285 283 427 K2O 184 158 167 185 186 188 193 16 193 209 178 185 208 180 Cl 016 005 007 008 003 004 004 009 007 011 004 007 004 001 F 011 015 012 000 059 108 022 018 014 012 000 030 039 145 9715 9839 9577 9505 9896 9984 9856 9766 9817 9618 9923 9627 9661 9864 Total Formula based on 16 cations and (23 þ Ti) oxygen atoms Si 603 600 600 600 603 607 600 602 605 602 605 604 615 635 Ti 068 083 049 018 028 034 038 078 040 038 031 040 020 013 Zr 000 000 000 001 001 000 001 001 000 000 001 000 001 001 Al 209 213 225 231 215 206 205 199 208 223 210 217 207 156 Fe3þ 102 098 083 089 094 100 111 111 099 091 100 097 088 133 Fe2þ 064 034 091 184 178 108 109 045 113 147 158 103 139 145 Mn 003 001 005 013 012 010 008 004 005 005 008 008 009 023 Mg 246 269 249 163 169 232 218 256 227 194 184 229 218 182 Ca 188 191 189 179 184 179 191 188 184 182 179 180 177 147 Na 082 081 076 084 080 086 081 085 081 076 089 086 085 128 K 036 030 033 038 037 036 037 031 037 042 035 037 041 035 Cl 004 001 002 002 001 001 001 002 002 003 001 002 001 000 F 005 007 006 000 029 051 011 009 007 006 000 014 019 071 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 Sum late-stage albite laths in some of the malignites are An-free and contain generally52 mol% orthoclase. Foid minerals Nepheline The variation of nepheline composition is illustrated in Fig. 17; representative nepheline compositions are given in Table 8. In pyroxenites, nepheline composition varies between Ne60Ks25Qtz15 and Ne72Ks25Qtz4. The relatively Qtz-rich and Ne-poor compositions are typically found in the cores of euhedral nepheline grains, which occur as inclusions in garnet, whereas the Qtz-poor and Ne-rich compositions are typical of interstitial nepheline grains. In rocks of the monzonitic and nepheline syenitic group, nepheline varies in composition between Ne67Ks12Qtz21 and Ne72Ks18Qtz10 with no systematic differences between the various rock types. The evolution from Qtz-rich and Ks-poor to relatively Qtz-poor and Ks-rich compositions is in contrast to the compositional evolution of nepheline from the pyroxenites and has been described as being typical of post-magmatic re-equilibration (Powell, 1978). A similar compositional variation is observed within miaskitic and agpaitic malignites (Ne70Ks12Qtz18^Ne75 Ks22Qtz3), with a tendency for Ks-rich compositions to be more frequent in agpaitic malignites. Nepheline compositions in a hydrothermal vein overlap with the Qtz-poor compositions of the malignites. 1117 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites shonkinites porphyritic nepheline syenites granular nepheline syenites foyaitic nepheline syenites 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.5 0.1 K / (Na+K) 0.2 0.3 AlVI p.f.u. 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.8 1 F p.f.u. monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites shonkinites porphyritic nepheline syenites granular nepheline syenites foyaitic nepheline syenites 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 Mg / (Fe2++Mg) 0.8 1 0 Fe3+ / (Fe2++Fe3+) 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ti p.f.u. Fig. 13. Diagram illustrating the compositional variation in amphibole from various Tamazeght rocks. glimmerites pyroxenite monzogabbros monzonites foid-monzosyenites olivine-shonkinites amphibole-shonkinites foyaitic nepheline syenites 0.2 around olivine 0.4 0.6 0.8 Mg / (Fe2+ + Mg) around olivine around olivine 1 0 0.5 1 F p.f.u. 1.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Ti p.f.u. Fig. 14. Diagram illustrating the compositional variation in biotite from various Tamazeght rocks. CaO and Fe2O3 contents may be up to 15 wt % and 16 wt %, respectively. The highest Fe contents are present in pyroxenites and malignites, and the lowest contents were observed in monzonites and nepheline syenites. observed. Minor elements include Fe (505 wt % Fe2O3), K (501wt % K2O) and Ca (504 wt % CaO). Sodalite DISCUSSION Evidence from the mineral chemical variations for a heterogeneous magma source Sodalite-group minerals occur as euhedral and interstitial phases in most samples. Sodalite is not found in either the ultramafic or shonkinitic lithologies. Compositional differences between primary sodalite and sodalite associated with cancrinite in reaction textures are not obvious. The chemical composition of both types is close to endmember sodalite, with Cl between 155 and 189 a.p.f.u. and SO3 ranging from 001 to 04 a.p.f.u. (Table 9). A weak negative correlation between S and Cl is Clinopyroxene occurs in all lithologies and is therefore most suited to track the physico-chemical evolution of the Tamazeght magmas. The evolution from diopside-rich pyroxene compositions towards end-member aegirine is typical of alkaline complexes worldwide. The major difference between various complexes is the amount of Fe2þ 1118 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Table 6: Representative electron microprobe analyses of biotite from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock-type: Glimmerite Pyroxenite Monzo- Monzonite Foid-monzosyenite Olivine-shonkinite Amphibole-shonkinite gabbro Foyaitic nepheline syenite Sample: TMZ20 TMZ22 TMZ25 TMZ23c TMZ320 TMZ2 TMZ313 TMZ318 TMZ130 TMZ130 TMZ68 TMZ139 TMZ165 TMZ221 SiO2 4039 3862 3879 4125 3589 3657 3575 3587 3588 4141 3829 3484 3803 3816 TiO2 211 352 194 074 507 585 597 550 484 160 364 437 178 233 Al2O3 1292 1432 1183 1135 1385 1375 1421 1400 1401 1152 1204 1397 1341 1218 FeO 613 487 1617 977 1506 1493 1732 1757 1900 538 1706 2037 1632 1956 MnO 027 012 088 140 040 029 052 039 026 010 041 033 086 137 MgO 2423 2359 1689 2121 1437 1491 1286 1309 1167 2437 984 1090 1445 1205 CaO 001 001 005 001 003 003 003 001 001 038 668 001 001 002 Na2O 007 010 012 010 072 048 047 039 035 031 197 054 011 032 K2O 1105 1065 1015 1075 963 978 967 968 959 1034 881 807 914 977 Cl 000 000 000 000 026 020 003 004 007 005 006 011 001 001 F 152 112 122 223 041 197 040 018 041 185 008 022 117 250 9871 9691 9804 9881 9568 9875 9723 9672 9608 9731 9888 9433 9529 9827 Total Formula based on 22 oxygen atoms Si 572 551 579 599 544 544 537 541 549 592 572 545 578 585 Ti 022 038 022 008 058 065 067 062 056 017 041 051 020 027 Al 216 241 208 194 247 241 252 249 253 194 212 258 240 220 Fe 073 058 202 119 191 186 218 222 243 064 213 267 208 251 Mn 003 001 011 017 005 004 007 005 003 001 005 004 011 018 Mg 511 502 376 459 325 331 288 294 266 520 219 254 328 276 Ca 000 000 001 000 001 000 000 000 000 006 107 000 000 000 Na 002 003 003 003 021 014 014 011 010 009 057 016 003 009 K 200 194 193 199 186 186 185 186 187 189 168 174 177 191 Cl 000 000 000 000 007 005 001 001 002 001 001 003 000 000 F 068 051 058 102 020 093 019 008 020 084 004 011 056 121 1599 1589 1594 1597 1578 1570 1569 1571 1567 1592 1593 1569 1563 1578 Sum enrichment relative to Na and Fe3þ enrichment during their evolution (Fig. 18). In that sense, two extreme evolutionary paths have been documented: from diopside to aegirine without significant Fe2þ enrichment [e.g. Murun, Siberia (Mitchell & Vladykin, 1996) and Katzenbuckel, SW Germany (Mann et al., 2006)] and from diopside via hedenbergite, and thus strong Fe2þ enrichment, prior to evolution towards aegirine-rich compositions [from the Il|¤ maussaq Complex, South Greenland (Larsen, 1976; Marks & Markl, 2001; Markl et al., 2001)]. In addition to these two extremes, intermediate paths have been documented in many studies (e.g. Mitchell & Platt, 1982; Korobeinikov & Laajoki, 1994; Coulson, 2003; Vuorinen et al., 2005). The most obvious factor influencing the extent of Fe2þ enrichment in clinopyroxene during differentiation is the oxidation state of the magma (e.g. Larsen, 1976). However, the presence of coexisting mafic minerals (e.g. amphibole, biotite, garnet) has also been shown to play a role (e.g. Chakhmouradian & Mitchell, 2002; Vuorinen et al., 2005) and it seems likely that the Na/Ca ratio of the melt or fluid from which the pyroxene crystallizes also influences the evolutionary path. For the two extreme trends, quantitative data on oxygen fugacitiy (fO2) are available for the Katzenbuckel (SW Germany) and the Il|¤ maussaq suite (South Greenland), and indeed, for these two suites relatively oxidized (FMQ ¼ þ1 to þ2, where FMQ is the fayalite^magnetite^quartz buffer) and extremely reduced crystallization conditions (FMQ ¼ 2 to 4), respectively, were determined (Marks & Markl, 2001; Markl et al., 2001; Mann et al., 2006). For intermediate suites (e.g. North Qo“roq, South Greenland; Alno«, Sweden; Fig. 18), no quantitative estimates have been reported, but it seems likely that, in terms of fO2, these suites formed under conditions somewhere around the FMQ buffer. Although in all Tamazeght units similar diopside-rich compositions are observed, the amounts of Na and Fe3þ 1119 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 (a) 1.5 JUNE 2008 An glimmerites replacing pyroxene in TMZ 223 biotite from all other samples Ti p.f.u. 1 plagioclase in monzonitic rocks alkali feldspar in monzonitic rocks 0.5 alkali feldspar in all other rocks 900°C 750°C 0 1.5 Ab 2 2.5 3 Al p.f.u. (b) 1.5 Ti p.f.u. 1 0.5 0 5 5.5 6 Si p.f.u. (c) 1.5 Ti p.f.u. 1 0.5 0 4 5 (Mg, Fe, Mn) p.f.u. 6 Fig. 15. Correlation diagrams illustrating the compositional variation in biotite from various Tamazeght rocks. A positive correlation between Ti and Al (a) and negative correlations for Ti vs Si (b) and Ti vs (Mg,Fe,Mn) (c) imply the importance of the coupled substitution MgSi2Ti4þ1Al2. increase during Fe2þ enrichment (compare the slopes of the clinopyroxene evolutionary path) and the lengths of the evolutionary paths differ between the various rock types (Fig. 8). By far the steepest slope is observed in the evolution trend Or Fig. 16. Feldspar composition in the An^Ab^Or triangle plotted in comparison with the temperature-dependent feldspar solvus of Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988) at 1 kbar. for early clinopyroxene in shonkinites whereas a comparatively flat path is tracked by clinopyroxene from the monzonitic group and from nepheline syenites. Qualitatively, these differences might indicate differences inthe oxidation state of the parental magma, with shonkinites probably crystallizing under more oxidized conditions compared with both rocks of the monzonitic group and nepheline syenites. This observation is in accordance with the composition of coexisting Fe^Ti oxides in the respective rocks. Some of the shonkinites contain Ti-poor magnetite, whereas nepheline syenites and monzonites contain eitherTi-enriched magnetite or magnetite and ilmenite (Fig.10).The trend shown by clinopyroxene from the ultramafic rocks is intermediate, although in these rocksTi-free magnetite and hematite occur. In shonkinites and in some malignites, intermediate pyroxene compositions (aegirine^augite) were found, which do not follow a well-defined path, but are remarkably variable in composition and plot along a broad band within the central part of the Di^Hed^Aeg triangle (Fig. 8). This is in contrast to the well-defined clinopyroxene trend observed in foyaitic nepheline syenites, which similarly evolve via intermediate to aegirine-rich compositions but follow a tight path. Such tightly defined evolutionary paths most closely resemble the chemical evolution of clinopyroxene during its primary crystallization history, which is directly linked to the physico-chemical evolution in the crystallizing melt. In contrast, the poorly defined compositional fields of late clinopyroxene from shonkinites and from miaskitic malignites (Fig. 8) and their heterogeneous micro-textural appearance (Fig. 6f) imply that these compositions reflect different extents of diffusional re-equilibration with a fluid phase during subsolidus conditions. Detailed clinopyroxene zoning profiles reveal that the relative proportions of Al-Ts, Fe-Ts and Ti-Ts change systematically during evolution and that this systematic evolution is different in rocks of the monzonitic group 1120 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Table 7: Representative electron microprobe analyses of feldspar from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock-type: Monzogabbro Monzonite Foid-monzo- Granular nepheline syenite Miaskitic malignite Syenite Sample: TMZ320 TMZ320 TMZ320 TMZ2 TMZ2 SiO2 5107 Al2O3 2869 5407 6698 5463 2793 1925 2739 Fe2O3 038 040 026 BaO 007 012 TMZ94 6609 6357 6653 1839 2308 1987 029 018 026 044 038 020 048 053 000 089 000 CaO 1453 1041 070 861 045 Vein malignite TMZ159 SrO Agpaitic TMZ82 TMZ83 TMZ295 6543 6578 6539 6550 6802 1821 1873 1857 1818 1868 016 017 011 024 044 b.d. 071 019 028 b.d. 032 462 085 TMZ94 b.d. 008 b.d. 007 b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. b.d. TMZ229 016 b.d. b.d. 005 b.d. 1132 Na2O 365 514 521 569 227 892 791 225 342 159 135 K2O 026 029 789 049 1327 078 455 1361 1247 1424 1466 022 Total 9913 9889 10073 9837 10085 10123 10090 9994 10086 10004 10018 9840 302 Formula based on 8 oxygen atoms Si 237 248 299 252 300 279 295 300 299 300 301 Al 157 151 101 149 098 119 104 099 100 100 098 098 Fe3þ 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 000 002 001 Ba 000 000 001 001 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 Sr 001 001 000 002 000 000 001 000 000 000 000 000 Ca 071 051 003 043 002 022 004 000 000 000 000 000 Na 033 046 045 051 020 076 068 020 030 014 012 097 K 002 002 045 003 077 004 026 080 072 083 086 001 Sum 502 500 495 502 498 501 500 500 502 497 499 499 mol % end-members Ab 31 46 48 53 20 74 70 20 30 15 12 Or 1 2 48 3 78 4 26 80 70 85 88 1 An 68 52 4 44 2 22 4 0 0 0 0 0 compared with that in the nepheline syenites. In monzonitic rocks, all three Tschermak components increase from core to the rim of crystals, whereas the opposite is the case in nepheline syenites. The schematic equilibrium CaAl½AlSiO6 ðin clinopyroxeneÞ þ SiO2 , Ca½Al2 Si2 O8 ðin plagioclaseÞ ð1Þ implies that Al-Ts in clinopyroxene and the anorthite component in plagioclase buffer silica activity in a crystallizing melt. Consequently, the presence of both clinopyroxene and plagioclase in monzonitic rocks indicates that silica activity was higher in these rocks compared with foid syenites, which lack plagioclase (note that the amount of Al-Ts component in clinopyroxene of monzonitic rocks is very similar to that in most foid syenitic rocks). In fact, qtzbearing monzosyenites have been reported to occur rarely in Tamazeght (Kchit, 1990). The observed variations in Ti-Ts between the rock units (Fig. 9) show that, generally, clinopyroxene in the ultramafic rocks is significantly lower in Ti-Ts than in all other 99 rock types (neglecting some of the most evolved nepheline syenites). The most obvious difference between the ultramafic and the other rocks is the presence or absence of Ti-bearing andradite. Although no simple schematic equilibrium between Ti-bearing andradite and the Ti-Ts molecule can be expressed, it seems likely that Ti-bearing andradite acts as a sink for Ti, and thus coexisting clinopyroxene (Fig. 9) and biotite (Fig. 14) are comparatively starved of Ti. The exceptionally high Ti contents in early clinopyroxene-I phenocrysts in glimmerites do not contradict this observation, as micro-textures show that clinopyroxene-I is not in equilibrium with garnet and mica (Fig. 3e); they may simply have crystallized before garnet appeared on the liquidus. The composition of clinopyroxene-I in glimmerites is distinct from that in most other rocks from the complex. In addition to being diopside-dominated (which does not, however, make clinopyroxene unique for the Tamazeght suite), clinopyroxene-I in glimmerites shows comparatively high proportions of all three Tschermak components and is extremely low in Na (Figs 8 and 9). We interpret these data 1121 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY SiO 2 VOLUME 49 80 pyroxenites 1068 ° 775° 7 00° 90 500° Ne 90 80 70 60 Ks SiO 2 wt% 80 monzonitic group & nepheline syenites 1068 ° 775° 700° 90 500° Ne 90 80 70 60 Ks SiO 2 wt% miaskitic malignites agpaitic malignites hydrothermal veins 80 1068 ° 775° 700° 90 500° Ne 90 80 70 60 Ks wt% Fig. 17. Nepheline compositions in the Ne^Ks^SiO2 triangle (on a wt% basis) for the various Tamazeght rocks. The isotherms are from Hamilton (1961); œ, the Morozewicz nepheline composition; i, the Buerger nepheline composition. as evidence that clinopyroxene-I from glimmerites crystallized from a melt source chemically distinct from the parental melt of the other rocks. Furthermore, given the high abundance of biotite in these rocks, this parental magma must have been exceptionally rich in potassium. Bouabdli & Liotard (1992) reported major and trace element data for the Tamazeght glimmerites and suggested that a kimberlitic magma was a likely parent to these rocks. However, Tamazeght glimmerites differ from typical kimberlites in the lack of Mg-rich ilmenite (instead, a Cr-bearing but relatively Mg-poor spinel phase is present), the atypical Na-poor and Ti-rich clinopyroxene NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 compositions (see above) and the occurrence of Ti-rich and Cr-poor garnet. In any case, the presence of calcite and large amounts of phlogopite implies a potassium-rich and carbonated mantle source; such a source rock has already been proposed for the lamprophyre dyke swarm that cross-cuts the Tamazeght complex rocks (Bouabdli et al., 1988). In all, it seems likely that a carbonated amphibole-lherzolite was the source rock for the generation of the lamprophyric dykes, carbonatites and the Tamazeght glimmerites. In the remaining rock units, very similar diopside-rich core compositions are observed. However, the various rock types document dissimilar evolutionary paths resulting in different phase assemblages and different phase compositionsça fact that is hard to reconcile with the assumption of a homogeneous parental melt source for all rock types. We thus argue that the various rock units in the Tamazeght complex possibly resulted from successive (or progressive) melting of a chemically and mineralogically heterogeneous mantle source. The generated melt batches were very similar in their XMg value, but in terms of their physico-chemical characteristics they were obviously distinct from each other. In turn, these differences in intensive parameters (fO2, aSiO2, aH2O) resulted in the stabilization of different phase assemblages (e.g. ilmenite or magnetite, Ti-andradite or titanite, amphibole or pyroxene, presence or absence of plagioclase) and these influenced the continuing chemical evolution of the melts from which they crystallized. The influence of plagioclase fractionation on the chemical evolution of the remaining melt and the composition of later crystallizing phases can be seen in the monzonitic rocks. Plagioclase crystallization (K/Na ratio 1) increases the K/Na ratio of the melt. Amphibole in these rocks shows increasing K/(Na þ K) ratios from core to rim and the minimum K/(Na þ K) ratio of amphibole in the various monzonitic members increases with evolution from monzogabbros via monzonites to foid-monzosyenites. However, such a systematic evolution is not seen in the plagioclase-free rocks (Fig. 13). Olivines from two samples of olivine-shonkinite have similar high XMg values of around 09 in their cores. Together with their relatively high Ni contents, this indicates that olivine in these rocks crystallized from a nearprimary mantle melt. However, Ni, Ca and Mn contents are very different in these two samples (see above; Fig. 7). The concentration of such elements in olivine of a fixed XMg value is relatively independent of parameters such as, for example, oxygen fugacity, being mainly dependent on the composition of the crystallizing melt (Snyder & Carmichael, 1992). Thus, the observed heterogeneities in olivine from this rock type show that melt source heterogeneities may occur on a relatively small scale and these may later be documented not only in different lithologies but also in slight chemical variations of phases within a single 1122 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO Table 8: Representative electron microprobe analyses of nepheline from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock-type: Pyroxenite Monzo- Monzonite Granular neph. Foyaitic neph. Porph. neph Miascitic malignite gabbro syenite syenite syenite TMZ95 TMZ165 TMZ311 Sample: TMZ23 TMZ25 TMZ320 TMZ321 SiO2 4185 4266 4333 4479 4360 4411 Al2O3 3403 3491 3467 3345 3460 3369 Fe2O3 127 081 046 062 044 CaO 001 002 077 149 Na2O 1464 1232 1614 1575 Agpaitic malignite Vein TMZ240 TMZ299 TMZ234 TMZ231 TMZ83 4460 4306 4334 4302 4581 4541 3374 3524 3350 3251 3130 3230 054 040 082 080 101 122 092 082 074 140 002 002 000 002 002 1594 1580 1533 1244 1645 1620 1651 1675 K2O 767 845 616 464 591 562 434 852 648 633 506 465 Total 9947 9917 10153 10074 10131 10050 9981 10010 10059 9906 9992 10005 864 Formula based 32 oxygen atoms Si 815 826 821 847 826 840 847 879 831 837 875 Al 781 797 774 745 772 756 755 705 757 746 704 724 Fe3þ 019 012 006 009 006 008 006 015 012 015 018 013 Ca 001 000 000 000 000 016 030 017 015 028 000 000 Na 565 568 565 552 562 593 577 585 583 565 616 611 K 192 198 194 190 209 149 112 143 137 105 106 158 2373 2401 2360 2343 2375 2362 2327 2342 2335 2367 2319 2370 Sum mol % end-members Ne 68 56 72 68 71 69 67 70 74 73 70 72 Ks 23 25 18 13 17 16 12 12 19 19 14 13 Qtz 9 19 10 19 12 14 21 18 7 8 16 15 rock type. However, other possibilities, such as mixing of different magma batches having distinct trace element compositions, cannot be excluded. Quantitative constraints on the evolution of intrinsic parameters At a given depth of intrusion, the parameters mainly governing the evolution of theTamazeght magmas areT, fO2, aSiO2 and aH2O . The Al-in-hornblende barometer (e.g. Schmidt, 1992) commonly provides the only means of constraining the emplacement depth of plutonic complexes, such as the monzonitic group of the Tamazeght complex. However, Anderson & Smith (1995) showed that this barometer is significantly affected by T and fO2. Given this, the known restrictions of the application (Schmidt, 1992), the unusual Ti-rich composition of amphiboles and the strong zonation of plagioclase in the monzonitic rocks, the results need to be treated with extreme caution. However, a combination of the Al-in-hornblende barometer and amphibole^plagioclase thermometry (Blundy & Holland,1990; Holland & Blundy, 1994) yields pressure estimates between 01 and 23 kbar (uncertainty of 06 kbar; Anderson & Smith, 1995) and equilibration temperatures between 790 and 8608C (uncertainty of 408C; Holland & Blundy, 1994). These estimates seem reasonable, as they are in accordance with estimated conditions in upper crustal alkaline magma chambers elsewhere (e.g. Larsen & Srensen, 1987; Potter et al., 2004). The presence of numerous pegmatites, roof pendants and contact-metamorphosed sediments (Salvi et al., 2000) indicates a shallow depth of intrusion. Consequently, we apply a pressure of 1kbar in subsequent calculations. In addition to amphibole^plagioclase thermometry, further constraints on minimum liquidus temperatures can be made by plotting the feldspar compositions on the temperature-dependent feldspar solvus of Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988) and by nepheline thermometry (after Hamilton, 1961). The results of the latter represent minimum liquidus temperatures, as a result of the known lateto postmagmatic equilibration of nepheline resulting in Si loss and hence lower estimates of temperature (Powell, 1978). Near-solidus temperatures for olivine-shonkinites can be calculated with the QUILF program (Frost & Lindsley, 1992; Lindsley & Frost, 1992; Andersen et al., 1993) from the assemblage olivine^clinopyroxene based on the Fe^Mg-exchange equilibrium between these two phases. For these calculations, average olivine core compositions and the most Fe-rich pyroxene core compositions were used, to minimize the possible effects of later diffusive re-equilibration, during which pyroxene tends to become enriched in Mg (Markl et al., 1998; Marks & Markl, 2001). 1123 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 Table 9: Representative electron microprobe analyses of sodalite from theTamazeght Complex, Morocco Rock-type: Foid-monzosyenite Granular neph. syenite Foyaitic neph. Miaskitic malignite Agpaitic malignite TMZ221 TMZ231 TMZ238 TMZ295 TMZ299 syenite Sample: TMZ157 TMZ74 TMZ95 SiO2 3610 3661 3623 3846 3759 3797 3776 3730 Al2O3 3175 3254 3245 3187 3091 3175 3123 3102 Fe2O3 021 006 007 026 042 018 020 031 CaO 013 036 012 000 002 001 003 006 Na2O 2394 2379 2415 2426 2515 2545 2474 2546 K2O 005 007 008 007 007 004 005 001 Cl 670 684 683 608 656 640 588 577 SO3 019 005 006 097 028 067 170 203 Total 9906 10032 9999 10197 10100 10247 10159 10195 605 Formula based 21 oxygen atoms Si 588 591 586 606 608 604 607 Al 616 612 619 592 589 595 591 593 Fe3þ 001 003 001 003 005 002 002 004 Ca 006 002 002 000 000 000 000 001 Na 741 759 757 741 789 784 770 801 K 001 001 002 001 001 001 001 000 1953 1968 1966 1944 1993 1986 1972 2004 Sum Cl 186 186 187 162 180 172 160 159 SO3 001 002 001 011 003 008 021 025 Sum 187 188 188 174 183 180 181 183 In addition to reaction (1) above, various phase equilibria allow us to constrain the T^fO2^aSiO2 evolution of the different rock types: CaTiO3 þ SiO2 , CaTiSiO5 ð2Þ ZrO2 þ SiO2 , ZrSiO4 2 Fe3 O4 þ 3 SiO2 , 3 Fe2 SiO4 þ O2 ð3Þ ð4Þ NaAlSiO4 þ 2 SiO2 , NaAlSi3 O8 3 Ca3 Fe2 ðSiO4 Þ3 þ 2 Fe3 O4 þ 9 SiO2 , 9 CaFeSi2 O6 þ 4 O2 ð5Þ 3 CaFeSi2 O6 þ 3 FeTiO3 þ O2 , 3 CaTiSiO5 þ 2 Fe3 O4 þ 3 SiO2 : ð6Þ ð7Þ Phase diagrams were calculated using the GEOCALC software of Berman et al. (1987) and Liebermann & Petrakakis (1990) with the database of Berman (1988). Thermodynamic data for titanite and perovskite were taken from Robie & Hemingway (1995). End-member component activities were calculated using the solution model of Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988) for feldspar, the models of Wood (1979) and Green et al. (2007) for clinopyroxene, and a mixing-on-site model for nepheline. The activity of andradite was calculated after Cosca et al. (1986), and for Fe^Ti oxides either unit activities or, if necessary, the solution models implemented in QUILF were used. Titanite, perovskite, baddeleyite and zircon were treated as pure phases. Unit activity of SiO2 was referred to the standard state of the relevant pure SiO2 phase at P andT. Estimation of equilibration temperatures Two-feldspar thermometry using the temperaturedependent feldspar solvus of Fuhrman & Lindsley (1988) was applied to the monzonitic rocks and resulted in minimum liquidus temperatures between 750 and 9008C (Fig. 16). Applying nepheline thermometry, maximum temperatures for the pyroxenites reach 10008C. For monzonitic rocks and nepheline syenites, slightly lower but still high temperatures well above 8008C are indicated, as is the case for malignites. Nepheline from one of the hydrothermal veins yields temperatures of about 400^5008C. It is interesting to note that the evolution of nepheline compositions is different in pyroxenites compared with the other rock types (Fig. 17). In pyroxenites, the Ne content increases with decreasing SiO2 component, whereas in the other rock types, Ne content decreases, which was 1124 TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO 1000 T > 800°C (nepheline thermometry) 700 ∆FMQ = −2 to −4 D 600 0.01 F 0.05 0.1 aSiO2 G 3 O8 1000 T > 950°C (ol-cpx thermometry) olivine-shonkinites 8 aAb = 0.5 – 1 aNe = 0.25 – 0.45 600 0.01 monzonitic group 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 aAn = 0.27 – 0.50 aAn = 0.67 – 0.50 aTs = 0.06 – 0.08 aTs = 0.03 900 790 – 860°C (hbl-plag thermometry) 800 CaAl[ 8 NaAlS i3 O AlSiO 700 Variations of aSiO2 0.1 aSiO2 2 temperature (°C) 1000 0.05 6 ] + SiO 2 CaTiO 3 + SiO CaTiS 2 iO 5 Ca[A l2 Si 2 O8 ] ZrO 2 + Si O ZrSi 2 O 4 NaAlS iO + 2 4 SiO considered to indicate sub-solidus re-equilibration by Powell (1978). The nepheline trend observed in pyroxenites may be interpreted to reflect the primary evolution trend of nepheline in these rocks, evolving towards Ne-rich compositions during differentiation. QUILF calculations for olivine-shonkinites resulted in equilibrium temperatures between 950 and 9808C, which represent near-solidus conditions. 600 0.01 aAb = 0.5 – 0.7 aNe = 0.3 – 0.45 0.05 0.1 aSiO2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 1000 aAb = 0.35 – 0.6 aNe = 0.3 – 0.4 nepheline syenites Zr 3 O8 lSi O 2 + 600 NaA CaTiO 700 lSiO 3 + SiO 2 CaTiS iO Zr S 5 i Si O O2 800 4 +2S iO 2 900 temperature (°C) The presence or absence of perovskite provides an important constraint on silica activity [equilibrium (2)]. Perovskite occurs only in some of the ultramafic rocks and the olivine-shonkinites, where it always exhibits rounded grain boundaries and rims of titanite (Fig. 5c). Titanite itself occurs (although rarely) as euhedral grains in equilibrium with andradite. In all other rock types, perovskite is absent. This implies that silica activity in these rocks was initially significantly lower than in the other rock types and the preserved textures indicate an increase of aSiO2 during the evolution of these rocks. For high temperatures above 8008C (as indicated by nepheline thermometry), the transformation of perovskite to titanite takes place at aSiO2 values of 01. An upper limit of aSiO2 is given by the absence of alkali feldspar according to equilibrium (5), which results in aSiO2 values between 05 and 075 (Fig. 19). A very similar evolution is observed in olivine-shonkinites (Fig. 19) and an upper limit of aSiO2 of about 08 is estimated for these rocks. NaAlSiO 5 700 i3 O 800 4 + 2 SiO 2 900 O3 + SiO 2 CaTi SiO temperature (°C) Fig. 18. Clinopyroxene evolution trends from various alkaline suites. A, Katzenbuckel, SW Germany (Mann et al., 2006); B, Murun, Russia (Mitchell & Vladykin, 1996); C, Lovozero, Russia (Korobeinikov & Laajoki, 1994); D, Alno«, Sweden (Vuorinen et al., 2005); E, Coldwell nepheline syenites, Canada (Mitchell & Platt, 1982); F, North Qo“roq, South Greenland (Coulson, 2003); G, Il|¤ maussaq, South Greenland (Larsen, 1976; Marks & Markl, 2001; Markl et al., 2001). Quantitative data on oxygen fugacitiy (given as FMQ units) available for suites A and G imply that the chemical evolution of clinopyroxene might be useful as a qualitative indicator of oxygen fugacity (see text for further discussion). NaAlS Hed CaTi Di 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 NaA E 4 C aAb = 0.5 – 1 aNe = 0.25 – 0.30 2 800 NaAlS i B A 900 NaAlSiO 4 + 2 SiO temperature (°C) ∆FMQ = +1 to +2 ultramafic rocks @ 1 kbar 5 Aeg CaTi O3 + SiO 2 CaTi SiO MARKS et al. 500 ≈ 400 0.01 0.05 0.1 aSiO2 veins: aAb = 0.8 – 0.9 aNe = 0.48 – 0.53 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 Fig. 19. T^aSiO2 diagrams (calculated for 1 kbar) illustrating the evolution of these parameters in various Tamazeght rocks. 1125 −10 −15 andr adite +m hede @600˚C aAndr = 0.4 – 0.7 aHed = 0.05 – 0.1 amag = 1 FMQ 0.05 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 perovskite titanite olivine-shonkinites @900°C −10 log fO2 0.1 aSiO2 nepheline −25 0.01 −5 albite gite nber −20 HM ad andr etite magn −15 mag ite + hede e netit gite nber te fayali −20 aAndr = 0.3 – 0.5 aHed = 0.05 – 0.1 amag = 0.5 – 1 aFa = 0.05 – 0.1 FMQ −25 amphibole-shonkinites & monzonitic rocks @800°C −10 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 HM −15 te agneti e+m FMQ −5 0.01 0.05 nepheline syenites & malignites @800°C −10 aHed = 0.05 – 0.2 aHed = 0.0 – 0.3 amag = 0.5–1 amag = 1 0.1 aSiO2 perovskite −25 enite aIlm = 0.7 – 0.8 aIlm = 0.7 – 0.8 e + ilm bergit heden 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 zircon −20 baddeleyite titanit titanite log fO2 albite, anorthite 0.1 aSiO2 baddeleyite zircon nepheline, Ca-Al cpx −5 0.05 perovskite titanite 0.01 −15 titanit −20 FMQ −25 0.01 e+m agneti 0.05 te enite e + ilm bergit heden 0.1 aSiO2 albite nepheline log fO2 HM Significance of clinopyroxene^garnet^Fe^Ti oxide^titanite textures: further constraints on fO2 and aSiO2 evolution In the ultramafic rocks, oxygen fugacity is buffered by reaction (6) and was initially 2^5 log units above the FMQ buffer (Fig. 20). The replacement of magnetite by hematite indicates that fO2 rose subsequently to values around the hematite^magnetite buffer. The intersection of reaction (5) with the hematite^magnetite buffer (indicated by a grey dot in Fig. 20) is temperature-dependent and @1000°C @800°C tite agne albite log fO2 HM nepheline ultramafic rocks @800°C @ 800°C −5 In monzonitic rocks, silica activity is constrained by equilibria (1), (2) and (4). Decreasing activity of anorthite (in plagioclase) and increasing activity of the Tschermak component (in clinopyroxene) displaces reaction (1) to lower values of aSiO2 (Fig. 19). Using the most An-rich plagioclase composition of the monzonitic group and core compositions of clinopyroxene, the calculated initial aSiO2 ranges between 05 for foid-monzosyenites and 075 for monzogabbros (at temperatures of 790^8608C as calculated above); similar aSiO2 values between 04 and 07 are calculated based on equilibrium (5). Additionally, a lower limit of aSiO2 of 025 for the early crystallization stage is given by the occurrence of zircon. Higher Tschermak components in the rims of clinopyroxene and decreasing An contents in plagioclase imply that aSiO2 dropped significantly during differentiation, which is in contrast to the evolutionary trend determined for the ultramafic rocks. Combined with the presence of titanite, a lower limit of aSiO2 of about 01 can be determined. The even lower aSiO2 indicated by the most An-poor plagioclase compositions can be explained by the fact that these compositions were no longer in equilibrium with clinopyroxene. For nepheline syenites and malignites, equilibrium (5) was used to constrain aSiO2 (Fig. 19). Calculated initial aSiO2 ranges between 025 and 05 and was, therefore, initially lower than in the monzonitic rocks (assuming T ¼ 800^9008C as indicated by nepheline thermometry). This is in accordance with the absence of plagioclase in the nepheline syenites, but similar amounts of Tschermak’s component in clinopyroxene. Constraints on the crystallization conditions of the hydrothermal veins are given by equilibrium (5) and the presence of zircon in some of these veins [equilibrium (3)]. At temperatures around 5008C (as indicated by nepheline thermometry), aSiO2 was around 01^02 (Fig. 19). In many of the investigated rocks, late-stage to hydrothermal alteration features are documented. Nepheline and sodalite are altered to cancrinite, whereas in malignites late-stage pure albite is observed. Based on mineral textures, the formation of agpaitic rocks, which crystallize eudialyte-group minerals, catapleite, lafivenite and other Na^Zr-silicates, is also seen to occur at late-magmatic stages (Schilling et al., 2007). However, a detailed account of the late-stage to hydrothermal processes observed in theTamazeght rocks is not the subject of this study and will be discussed in detail elsewhere. JUNE 2008 titanite @ 1000°C NUMBER 6 @ 600°C VOLUME 49 perovskite JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY aIlm = 0.7 – 1 aHed = 0.1 – 0.45 amag = 0.5 – 0.95 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.75 1 Fig. 20. fO2^aSiO2 diagrams (calculated for 1 kbar) illustrating the evolution of these parameters in various Tamazeght rocks. The bold lines labelled HM and FMQ represent the position of the hematite^ magnetite and fayalite^magnetite^quartz buffers at unit activities. 1126 MARKS et al. TAMAZEGHT COMPLEX, MOROCCO takes place at aSiO2 values of between 055 (at 6008C) and 08 (at 10008C). Although no estimate on the temperature of this transformation is possible, it is implied that during this oxidation process aSiO2 simultaneously increased to higher values. The relative scarcity of magnetite and titanite in garnet-rich pyroxenites compared with all other rock types may indicate that Ti-rich garnet influences the stability of these phases. However, a detailed quantitative treatment of the relevant phase relations is not possible, as thermodynamic data for Ti-rich garnet are lacking. In olivine-shonkinites oxygen fugacity is buffered by reactions (4) and (6) and similarly oxidized conditions (FMQ ¼ þ25 to þ4) to the ultramafic rocks are indicated (Fig. 20). When comparing pyroxenites with olivineshonkinites, it seems surprising that despite the similarly oxidized crystallization conditions, their clinopyroxene evolutionary paths are distinct from each other (Fig. 8). In fact, clinopyroxene-I from garnet-poor olivine-shonkinite has higher Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) ratios of 085^093 than clinopyroxene from garnet-rich pyroxenites (04^07). Additionally, Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) values in the latter increase from the inner to the outer zone; Figs 3d and 8; Table 2). The observed irregular zonation patterns in clinopyroxene from pyroxenites (Fig. 3d) do not exclude the possibility of redistribution of several cations as a result of secondary re-equilibration and, therefore, the achievement of equilibrium cannot ultimately be assumed. In contrast, garnet in both rock types has similar Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) ratios of 08^095, which is the same range as found for clinopyroxene from olivine-shonkinites. In olivine-shonkinites, the Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) ratios for both minerals are similarly high and very similar to the Fe3þ/(Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) ratio in garnet from pyroxenites, and it therefore seems likely that in olivine-shonkinites garnet and clinopyroxene co-crystallized or at least reflect the same evolutionary stage of the melt they crystallized from. In the remaining rock types, titanite textures show some interesting variation. In monzogabbros, monzonites and amphibole-shonkinites, either most titanite occurs as rims around ilmenite, or subhedral titanite contains abundant inclusions of rounded relics of Fe^Ti oxides (Fig. 4b and c). Despite the fact that these rocks contain much more magnetite than ilmenite, these relics are in almost all cases ilmenite and the above-mentioned titanite rims almost exclusively occur around ilmenite. Primary magnetite grains do not seem to be affected by this reaction. In the more evolved rock types, which do not contain primary ilmenite (foid-monzosyenites and nepheline syenites), titanite is always euhedral and seems to have co-precipitated with clinopyroxene and magnetite (Fig. 4e). Additionally, it occurs much more commonly as euhedral inclusions in clinopyroxene and amphibole in these rocks. These textures imply that both oxygen fugacity and silica activity in these rocks were buffered by the schematic equilibrium (7). Wones (1989), Xirouchakis et al. (2001a, 2001b) and Ryabchikov & Kogarko (2006) demonstrated that the stability of titanite is controlled by T, fO2, aSiO2 and the composition of the coexisting oxides and Fe^Mg silicates. If reaction (7) is calculated for rocks of the monzonitic group, which contain both magnetite and ilmenite (monzogabbros and monzonites), comparatively less oxidized conditions between 05 and 25 log units above the FMQ buffer are indicated (Fig. 20). Foid-monzosyenites, however, lack ilmenite, and the magnetite has a higher ulvo«spinel content. Nevertheless, we calculated equilibrium (7) for these rocks, using the full range of magnetite and ilmenite compositions observed in the monzonitic group. In this case, the range of estimated fO2 expands towards relatively reduced conditions up to 1 log unit below the FMQ buffer. Using a similar approach for nepheline syenites and malignites, and taking into account the observed compositional variations of the phases (including pure ilmenite as a possible lower limit for oxygen fugacity), fO2 values around and significantly below the FMQ buffer (FMQ ¼ þ1 to ^2) are estimated (Fig. 20). S U M M A RY A N D C O N C L U S I O N S Our work on the various lithologies of the Tamazeght complex demonstrates that the combination of detailed petrographic studies with careful interpretation of mineral chemical variations not only reveals details of their petrological evolution, but also can be used to constrain the role of compositionally distinct mantle domains in their origin. If the relevant phase assemblages indicative for intensive parameters are identified, quantification of the important phase equilibria is generally straightforward, if reliable thermodynamic data for the phases of interest are available. For all rocks, high temperatures between 750 and 10008C for initial crystallization conditions are demonstrated. However, in terms of aSiO2 and fO2, the principal rock groups crystallized and evolved under markedly different conditions. The most oxidized conditions were determined for the ultramafic rocks (FMQ up to þ5) and olivine-shonkinites (FMQ ¼ þ25 to þ 4). Both groups evolved from low initial aSiO2 values (possibly as low as 01) to higher values, reaching nepheline saturation in the ultramafic rocks (aSiO2 around 05) and alkali feldspar saturation in the olivine-shonkinites (aSiO2 ¼ 05^08). In terms of their crystallization conditions and phase assemblages, the olivine-shonkinites share some similarities with pyroxenites, although the modal abundances for the phases (garnet, clinopyroxene, olivine, nepheline, feldspar) are very different. We conclude that these two lithologies might have a similar parental magma and could be linked to each by crystal^liquid differentiation processes. 1127 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY VOLUME 49 For amphibole-shonkinites and monzonitic rocks, intermediate fO2 conditions are calculated (FMQ ¼ þ25 to 1). Their evolution with respect to aSiO2 is in the opposite sense to that indicated for the ultramafic rocks and olivine-shonkinites. The fractionation of plagioclase and clinopyroxene resulted in a decrease in aSiO2 from around 075 in the early stages to about 01, still during magmatic conditions. For nepheline syenites and malignites, relatively low aSiO2 values of between 025 and 05 were calculated. Although the values for fO2 (FMQ ¼ 2) have to be taken as rough estimates, they indicate rather reduced conditions of formation. The formation of hydrothermal veins occurred at temperatures around 5008C and low aSiO2 values between 01 and 02. This study shows that the conditions of crystallization in alkaline plutonic rocks influence both the crystallizing mineral assemblage and the detailed chemical evolution of the phases during differentiation and cooling. Both in terms of fO2 and aSiO2, we found very different crystallization conditions for the various lithologies. In a general sense, high fO2 favours the crystallization of garnet. At intermediate fO2 titanite and magnetite are the preferred phases, whereas relatively low fO2 will lead to an enhanced stability of clinopyroxene and ilmenite. The evolution of aSiO2 during magmatic differentiation also shows contrasting trends. In the most primitive lithologies, low initial aSiO2 prevents the crystallization of alkali feldspar and plagioclase. In these rocks, aSiO2 increases during differentiation. In turn, in plagioclase- and alkali feldsparbearing rocks, aSiO2 is buffered by the co-crystallization of Al-Tschermak-bearing clinopyroxene and nepheline, respectively, and indicates decreasing aSiO2 with progressive differentiation for some of the lithologies. From the perspective of the origin of the large lithological variation found in the Tamazeght complex, in contrast to the findings of Kchit (1990) and Bouabdli et al. (1988) we suspect that the various rock types probably originated from distinct melt batches derived from a heterogeneous mantle source (heterogeneity caused by earlier metasomatic enrichment processes) or were produced from a stratified mantle source. However, crystal fractionation and accumulation processes may also play a role for some of the rocks. Models for mantle metasomatism include cryptic and patent mantle metasomatism (e.g. Wilshire & Shervais, 1975), and the vein-plus-wall-rock mantle model of Foley (1992) and others. The main differences between the various models are the proposed metasomatizing agents (melt vs fluid phase), the spatial effects of this metasomatism (locally vs universal) and the resulting mineralogical and geochemical changes [formation of hydrous phases vs enrichment in incompatible elements without other obvious changes; see review by Wilshire (1987)]. Regardless of the process, a later melting event in such NUMBER 6 JUNE 2008 a modified mantle source region will initially produce highly alkaline melts, which are strongly enriched in incompatible elements if the degree of melting is low enough. The higher the degree of melting, the less alkaline and more basalt-like the resultant melts will be. In this sense, the various lithologies in the Tamazeght complex might be interpreted either as representing variable degrees of melting of a cryptically metasomatized mantle domain or, if the vein and wall-rock model of Foley (1992) is applied, as reflecting melts of hydrous vein material, pristine wall-rocks and hybrid mixtures between them. The data presented here will serve as a basis for further geochemical and geochronological work, which is needed to resolve the origin of the Tamazeght rocks in detail. AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S We acknowledge the support of Francois Fontan, Pierre Monchoux and Stefano Salvi (Toulouse, France), who gave us interesting insights into their earlier work on Tamazeght and encouraged us to investigate this intrusive complex in more detail. Ali Bajja (Marrakesh, Morocco) is thanked for his co-operation, which facilitated the field trip in May 2006. 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A P P E N D I X 1: C A L C U L AT I O N O F C L I N O P Y ROX E N E E N D - M E M B E R S I N T H E 10 - C O M P O N E N T S Y S T E M D i ^ H e d ^ E n ^ Fs ^ A e g ^ J d ^ T i - A e g ^ Fe Ts ^ T i -Ts ^ A l -Ts End-member Formula Calculation Conditions or restrictions Aegirine (Aeg) NaFe[Si2O6] ¼ Fe3þ 100 if Fe3þ Na ¼ Na 100 if Fe3þ4Na ¼ 05 Fe3þrest(1) 100 if Fe3þrest40 Ferri-Tschermak (Fe-Ts) CaFe[FeSiO6] Jadeite (Jd) NaAl[Si2O6] [if AlVI40 and (Na – Aeg)40] VI Ti-Aegirine (Ti-Aeg) Ti-Tschermak (Ti-Ts) ¼ Al 100 if AlVI (Na – Aeg) ¼ (Na – Aeg) 100 if AlVI4(Na – Aeg) ¼ (Na – Aeg – Jd) 100 if (Na – Aeg – Jd) 2 (Ti þ Zr) ¼ 2 (Ti þ Zr) 100 if (Na – Aeg – Jd)42 (Ti þ Zr) NaTi05(R2þ)(2)05[Si2O6] [if (Na – Aeg – Jd)40 and (Ti þ Zr)40] [if (Ti þ Zr)rest40 and AlIV40] CaTi[AlAlO6] ¼ (Ti þ Zr)rest (3) 100 IV Al-Tschermak (Al-Ts) ¼ 05 Al 100 if (Ti þ Zr)rest4(05 AlIV) and Ca ¼ Ca 100 if Ca (Ti þ Zr)rest and 05 AlIV (if Ca – Fe-Ts – Ti-Ts40 and AlIV – 2 Ti-Ts40 and AlVI – Jd40) CaAl[AlSiO6] ¼ (Al VI – Jd) 100 if (AlVI – Jd) (AlIV – 2 Ti-Ts) and (Ca – Fe-Ts – Ti-Ts) ¼ (Al IV – 2 Ti-Ts) 100 if (AlIV – 2 Ti-Ts) (AlVI – Jd) and (Ca – Fe-Ts – Ti-Ts) ¼ (Ca – Fe-Ts – Ti-Ts) 100 Diopside (Di) ¼ (4) (1 – R2þrest(6) (1 XFe(5)) 100 – XFe) 100 ¼ Mg2[Si2O6] if R2þrest Carest if R2þrest5Carest (if R2þrest40 and Carest40) CaFe[Si2O6] if R2þrest Carest ¼ Carest XFe 100 Enstatite (En) if (Ca – Fe-Ts – Ti-Ts) (AlVI – Jd) and (AlIV – 2 Ti-Ts) (if R2þrest40 and Carest40) CaMg[Si2O6] ¼ Carest Hedenbergite (Hed) if (Ti þ Zr)rest (05 AlIV) and Ca R2þrest XFe 100 if R2þrest5Carest ¼ 05 (R2þrest – Di – Hed) (if R2þrest – Di – Hed40) (1 – XFe) 100 Ferrosilite (Fs) Fe2[Si2O6] ¼ 05 (R2þrest – Di – Hed) (if R2þrest – Di – Hed40) XFe 100 (1) Fe3þrest ¼ Fe3þ – Aeg; (2) R2þ ¼ Fe2þ þ Mg2þ þ Mn2þ; (3) (Ti þ Zr)rest ¼ [(Ti þ Zr) – (05 Ti-Aeg)]; Ti-Ts – Al-Ts; (5) XFe ¼ (Fe2þ þ Mn2þ)/(Fe2þ þ Mn2þ þ Mg2þ); (6) R2þrest ¼ R2þ – 05 Ti-Aeg. 1131 (4) Carest ¼ Ca – Fe-Ts –
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