44 R E S I DENCE 44 4+ B E DROOMS 4 B AT HROOMS 1 P OWDER ROOM I NT E R IOR: 4,429 SQUARE F EET 411 S QUARE METERS RESI DEN CE FEATU R E S FU LL FLO O R DI RECT ELEVATO R E NT RY CO RN ER G REAT R O O M DI N I N G AREA W I N DOW ED KI TCH E N CO RN ER M ASTER B E D R O O M W I T H D R E S S I N G A R E A W I N DOW ED M AST E R B AT H W ET BAR DEN LAU N DRY RO O M W I T H U T I L I T Y S I N K 180E88. CO M 212 288 0188 EXCLU SI VE M ARK E T I N G A N D SA L E S AG E NT: CO RCO RAN SU N S H I N E MA R K E T I N G G R O U P WR O/SO L AUNDRY RO O M DINING AREA 21'-0" × 16'-4" RE F US E RO O M DRE S S I NG ARE A The artist and computer renderings and interior and exterior decorations, finishes, fixtures, appliances, furnishings, landscaping and plantings are provided for illustrative purposes only. Sponsor makes no representation or warranties except as may be set forth in the Offering Plan. All square footages and dimensions are approximate and subject to normal construction variances and tolerances. Sponsor reserves the right to make substitutions of material, equipment, fixtures, finishes and appliances in accordance with the terms of the Offering Plan. The complete offering terms are in an Offering Plan available from the Sponsor. File No. CD15-0154. Sponsor: 180 East 88th Street Realty LLC, 60 Hudson Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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