Many folks have asked a very good question about the difference between an ADA(Average Daily Attendance) and a Non ADA absence for students. As we have been forging ahead with “Project Possible” and hitting attendance hard at CHS, one of our main goals is to bring awareness to faculty, staff, students and parents about the importance of good attendance. Below is a brief explanation about the difference between ADA and Non ADA absences: ADA Absence Coded as 1-(a number), 2- (a number) or 3- (a number) This type of absence counts against the student’s compulsory attendance and the schools Average Daily Attendance (which we all know is tied to Federal $$$$$$$$). Non ADA Absence Coded as 5-(a number) or 9- (a number) This type of absence does not count against a student’s compulsory attendance and does not count against our school’s Average Daily Attendance ($$$$$$$$$$). It’s like the student was on campus even if they were not. 5- codes are for when a student attends school part of the day and then goes to the doctor or to deal with legal matters. 9-codes are for when students are off campus for school related events (field trips, sporting events, concerts etc…) Non ADA scenario: Jose has a doctor’s appointment at 9:00am on Tuesday. Jose attends first period, then checks out to go to the doctor. Jose is absent for the remainder of the day (periods 28). Jose brings a doctor’s note on Wednesday to excuse his absence. Jose’s absence from Tuesday will be coded as a 5-15. ADA scenario: Jose has a doctor’s appointment at 9:00am on Tuesday. Jose’s mom calls and tells the front office that Jose has a doctor’s appointment today and he will not be at school. Jose is absent from school the entire day (periods 1-8). Jose brings a doctor’s note on Wednesday to excuse his absence. Jose’s absence from Tuesday will be coded as a 2-15. Where you can help…… When you have a student who tells you about an upcoming doctor’s appointment, remind them that if they will attend school at some point during the day (hopefully as much school as they can before they need to be checked out) the absence will not count against their compulsory attendance and it will not count against CHS and our Average Daily Attendance ($$$$$$$$). Another common code we need your help with: 3-37 (unexcused, note pending) means the front office is waiting for the student to bring a note to excuse an absence. As a teacher of a student with a 3-37 on their attendance, talk to that student and let them know they need to get their note turned in. Gently remind them that the office is waiting for their note. Nathan Culwell, Associate Principal Caprock High School 326-2208
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