Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a

Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil
biology and to act as a biofertiliser/biofungicide
Soil organisms are essential for healthy crop production,
but arable farming tends to destroy them and cause an
imbalance between different microorganism groups. This
imbalance is bad for the soil food web and bad for the
crop and may encourage soil borne pathogens and increase the level of plant disease, with little in the way of
plant protection products to help control this disease.
There is an increasing body of experimental evidence indicating that compost teas can improve the health of both
soil and crop. Making and applying compost tea to an
arable crop can help increase levels of beneficial fungi and
bacteria and improve the overall balance of the soil food
web, and therefore the health of the crop. Healthy soils
full of beneficial microorganisms make nutrients more
plant available and also help reduce the risk from soilborne pathogens. Additionally compost tea applied as a
foliar spray can act as a biofungicide to reduce levels of
disease on the leaf by offering pathogens competition
from beneficial microorganisms. Preliminary tests have
been performed in the field with more rigorous examination taking place in the lab.
Applicability box
Soil quality and fertility, Pest and disease control.
Geographical coverage
Application time
Compost teas applied in spring to the soil and
crop at various growth stages. Tea applied using
commercial sprayer.
Required time
Weeks to make compost. 1-2 days to brew tea.
Hours to spray crops.
Period of impact
Direct benefit to current crop but also to soil over
the whole rotation.
Brewer and sprayer (or contractor)
Best in
All cropping with a focus on spring cereal crops
(oats/barley/wheat), OSR and linseed. Has been
tested on soya, lettuce and sweetcorn in the lab
for its growth promoter effects. Potatoes for potential blight control and several other crops for
plant disease suppression (particularly horticultural crops).
There is a growing body of evidence supporting the benefits of aerated compost tea (ACT) application, but
not all studies have shown this conclusively. Compost tea application helps build healthy soils which can
lead to benefits for the crop including improved crop health and nutrition, improved crop quality, as well as
growth promotion and plant protection through pathogen suppression. Additionally ACT may also help
crops cope better with abiotic stress factors such as drought.
Practical recommendation
• Exact methods of composting and compost tea making (aerobic vs anaerobic) are open to debate, but
this practice abstract will focus on the method for producing aerobic compost tea.
• The most important step is to produce mature, well aerated compost full of the beneficial microorganisms needed in the soil and by the plant. Compost should be regularly turned to maintain levels of Oxygen while avoiding the build-up of CO2 (to avoid anaerobic conditions) and keeping the temperature
below 65 degrees C.
• Production of quality compost is the most important step in making high quality, beneficial compost tea.
• Compost feedstocks can be adapted to give the right balance (50:50 by weight fungal/bacterial ratio) of
microorganisms. See Figure 1 on page 2.
• The composition of any compost tea will be affected by the ingredients used to make it, e.g. woodchip
has been shown necessary to increase the proportion of fungi in composts. Using only farm manure and
green waste will tend to produce composts which are relatively low in fungi.
Organic Research Centre ORC. Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a biofertiliser/biofungicide.
OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract.
Composition of composts
Organisms in compost
Total Fungi
Total Bacteria Protozoa
Bacterial Ratio
Compost 1
40 % farm manure, 10 % wood,
50 % green waste
Compost 2
40 % zoo manure, 20 % wood,
40 % green waste
Compost 3
35 % wood, 65 % green waste
Compost 4
50 % wood, 50 % green waste
Figure 1. The effect of different organic compost inputs on microbial biomass after an 8 week production cycle (adapted from Joel Williams’
Compost and compost tea)
• Cereal crops benefit from a fungal dominant brew which can be created using certain feedstocks in the compost
and by brewing the compost tea for a longer period of time (48 hrs).
• Oxygenate the compost in a brewer for 24 to 48 hrs. If using tap water, remove chlorine by aerating the water in
the brewer for a few hours prior to adding compost. To stimulate microbial growth, molasses can be used or
more complex additions can be bought that may contain among other things seaweed extract.
• Prior to spraying the compost tea must be filtered to remove any compost as this will cause blockages in the
sprayer. Spray pressure should not exceed 2.5 bar (1-2 bar is preferable) and nozzle size should not be too fine as
this will damage the delicate fungi in the brew. Spray volume should be around 250-300 l per ha.
• Soil drench post drilling application followed by 2 or 3 more applications, while the crop is still young (around 2-3
leaves), and at the highest disease pressure point (typically GS37 to 65 for cereals) is a good approach. On-farm
demonstrations have involved a 3-spray-strategy in April, May and June after a March drilling of a spring cereal.
Practical testing and sharing of the results
If this method seems to be suitable for your farm, we recommend that you test it under your own farm
Use the comment section on the Farmknowledge platform to share your experiences with other farmers, advisors and scientists! If you have any questions concerning the method, please contact the author of the practice abstract by e-mail.
Further Information
• Growing Solutions Compost Tea System from Martin Lishman (UK supplier of ACT Growing Solutions).
Further readings
• Elaine Ingham; The Compost Tea Brewing Manual - NOFA-NJ
• Martin Lishman, Growing Solutions Incorporated; Compost Tea manual.
• Check the Farmknowledge Tool Database for more practical recommendations.
About this practice abstract and OK-Net Arable
Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall, Berkshire,
RG20 0HR, United Kingdom, Phone +44 1488 657646,,
IFOAM EU, Rue du Commerce 124, BE-1000 Brussels, Belgium,
Phone +32 2 280 12 23,,
Author: Dominic Amos (ORC),
OK-Net Arable: This practice abstract was elaborated in the Organic
Knowledge Network Arable project. The project is running from March 2015 to
February 2018. OK-Net Arable promotes exchange of knowledge among
farmers, farm advisers and scientists with the aim to increase productivity and
quality in organic arable cropping all over Europe.
Project website:
Project partners: IFOAM EU Group (project coordinator), BE; Organic
Research Centre, UK; Bioland Beratung GmbH, DE; Aarhus University
(ICROFS), DK; Associazione Italiana, per l’Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), IT;
European Forum for Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (EUFRAS);
Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo Di Bari (IAMB), IT; FiBL Projekte GmbH, DE; FiBL
Österreich, AT; FiBL Schweiz, CH; Ökológiai Mezõgazdasági Kutatóintézet
(ÖMKI), HU; Con Marche Bio, IT; Estonian Organic Farming Foundation, EE;
BioForum Vlaanderen, BE; Institut Technique de l’Agriculture Biologique,
FR; SEGES, DK : Bioselena, Bulgaria
© 2017
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 652654. This communication only reflects the author’s view. The Research Executive Agency is not responsible for
any use that may be made of the information provided.