ORDINANCE NO. /c{$' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF GRAND-VIEW AOOITIOJ TO THE CITY OF MOSCOW, ORCHARD PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MOs:;QW, THATUNA SEOOND ADDITIQ'J TO THE CITY OF MOSCOW, Alli.A B. roPE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MOSX)W, A PARCEL EAST AND ADJACENT TO BIJOCK OlE {1) OF INSCORE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MDS:OW AND ABUTTING ON NORTH BOONDARY LINE OF McKINLEY STREET, AND PROSPECf R>INT ADDITION TO THE CITY OF M!))&X)W ; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ANY INOON SISTENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERANCE AND SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND FOR EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ffiDAINED BY THE MAYOR SECTION 1: AND OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MO&nW, IDAHO: That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter (�) of the Southeast Quarter (SEf) of Section Five (5), Town ship Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Five (5) West Boise Meridian, said point being three hundred ninety-two and twenty-five hundredths (392.25) feet North eighty-nine degrees (89°) forty four minutes (44') West of the Northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter ( SVf.t) of the Southeast Quarter (SEf) of Section Five (5) and running thence South a distance of two hundred eighteen and eighty-seven hundredths (218.87) feet; thence South eighty-nine degrees (89°) forty-four minutes (44') East a distance of three hundred eighty and fifty-two hundredths (380.52) feet to a point which is fourteen (14) feet West and two hundred eighteen and eighty-six hundredths (218.86) feet South zero degrees (00°) thirty-six minutes (361) East of said Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter {$�) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE,f) of Section Five (5); thence South zero degrees (00°) thirty-six minutes (36') East a distance of four hundred thirty-seven and eighty-seven hundredths (437.87) feet to a point which is six (6) feet West and six hundred sixty (660) feet North of the Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter (swt) of the Southeast Quarter �sr,t) of Section Five (5); thence North eighty-nine degrees (89 ) forty-one minutes (41') West a distance of seven hundred sixty four and ten hundredths (764.10) feet; thence North a distance of six hundred fifty-six (656) feet to a point on said North line of the Southwest Quarter (swt) of the Southeast Quarter ( S�) of Section Five (5); thence South eighty-nine degrees (89 ) forty-four minutes (44') East a distance of three hundred seventy-nine (379) feet along said North line to the point of beginning; which has been named GRAND-VIEW ADDITION to the City of Moscow, Idaho, and which the plat therefor has been accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Moscow, Idaho, for the said area; and which area is included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as R-2; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned R-2. SECTION 2: That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point thirty (30) feet West of the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (swt) of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Section Five {5), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Five (5) West of the Boise Meridian; thence North eighty nine degrees (89 °) forty-one minutes (41') West seven hundred forty (740) feet; thence North six hundred sixty (660) feet; thence South eighty-nine degrees (89°) forty-one minutes (41') East seven hundred forty (740) feet; thence South six hundred sixty (660) feet, more or less, to point of beginning; which has been named ORCHARD PLACE ADDITI<:t-J to the City of Moscow, Idaho, and which the plat therefor has been accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Moscow, Idaho, for the said area; and which area is included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as R-2; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned R-2. SECTION 3: That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a one-inch pipe set in concrete which is North one thousand four hundred sixteen (1416) feet and West five hundred fifty-nine (559) feet of the East Quarter (Ef) corner of Section Eight (8), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Five (5) West of the Boise Meridian; running thence South eighty-eight degrees (88 °) twenty-five minutes (25�) West four hundred fifty-one and six tenths (451.6) feet; thence South eighty-five (85) feet; thence South eighty-eight degrees (88°) twenty-five minutes (25') West two hundred ten (210) feet to the East right-.of-way of Orchard Avenue; thence North eightyfive (85) feet; thence South eighty-eight degrees {88 °) twenty five minutes (25') West twenty (20) feet; thence North along the East right-of-way of Orchard Avenue three hundred eighteen and seven tenths (318.7) feet; thence North eighty-eight degrees (88°) twenty-five minutes (25') East along the South boundary of Thatuna Addition to the Southeast corner of Lot £i�; (6) one hundred eighty-five and one tenth (185.1) feet; thence North three hundred fifteen and forty-nine hundredths (315.49) feet along the East boundary of said Thatuna Addition to the Northeast corner of Lot One (1); thence South eighty-nine degrees (89°) thirty-seven minutes (37') East four hundred ninety seven and one tenth (497.1} feet; thence South zero degrees (00°) four minutes (04t) West six hundred seventeen and fifty-eight hundredths (617.58) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; which has been named THATUNA SECOND ADDITION to the City of Moscow, Idaho, and which the plat therefor has been accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Moscow, Idaho, for the said area; and which area is all included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as R-2; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned R-2. SECTION 4: That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point which is three hundred thirty (330) feet South and six hundred ninety {690) feet South eighty-seven degrees (87°) zero minutes (OO') West of the East Quarter (ft) corner of Section Eighteen {18), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Five (5) West of the Boise Meridian, continuing South eighty-seven degrees (87° ) zero minutes (OO') West three hundred forty-two and six tenths (342.6) feet along the South right-of-way of Lauder Avenue; thence North fiftyone degrees (51°} six minutes (06') West sixty-six and eight tenths (66.8) feet; thence South zero degrees (00°) twentytwo minutes (22') West one hundred forty-nine and six tenths (149.6) feet; thence North eighty-eight degrees {88°) fifty three minutes (53') West two hundred twenty (220) feet; thence South zero degrees (00°) fourteen minutes (14') West sixty-nine and seven tenths (69.7) feet; thence North eighty-eight degrees (88°) fifty-five minutes (55') West fifty-four {54) feet; thence South zero degrees (00°) fourteen minutes (14') West one hundred seventy-two and seven tenths (172.7) feet; thence South eighty seven degrees (87 °} nine minutes (09') West forty-seven (47) feet; thence South zero degrees (00°) twenty-two minutes (22') West fifty-four and two tenths (54.2) feet; thence North fifty eight degrees (58°) twenty-eight minutes (28') West ninety-seven and eight tenths {97.8) feet; thence North fifty-eight degrees (58°) sixteen minutes (16') West eighty-nine and five tenths @9.5) feet; thence North sixty-seven degrees (67 °) fifty-eight minutes (58') West one hundred seventy-four and three tenths (174.3) feet; thence South eighty-seven degrees (87°) zero minutes (OO') West eighty-two (82) feet, more or less, to the East line of Lot Three (3) of the Stephen's Addition; thence South zero degrees (00°) five minutes (05') West one hundred twenty-five (125) feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot Three {3); thence South four degrees (04°) twenty-nine minutes (29') West sixty (60) feet; thence South eighty-five degrees (85°) thirty-one minutes (311) East seventy-four and five tenths {74.5) feet; thence in a Southeasterly direction along a curve whose radius is one hundred eight and twenty-one hundredths (108.21) feet a distance of seventy-seven and three tenths (77.3) feet· thence South forty-two degrees (42 °) fifty-eight minutes (58' ) East thirty-four (34) feet; thence South zero degrees {00° ) two minutes (021) West five hundred twenty-one and five tenths (521.5) feet; thence North eighty-seven degrees (87°) four minutes (04') East one hundred eight�-six and seven tenths (186.7) feet; thence South zero degrees (00 ) eleven minutes (11•) West thirty-two and one tenth (32.1) feet; thence North eighty-nine degrees (89°) thirty-one minutes (31') East two hundred fifteen and one tenth (215.1) feet; thence North eighty-five degrees (85°) forty-seven minutes {47'} East two hundred sixteen ang nine tenths (216.9) feet; thence North eighty-two degrees (82 ) eleven minutes (11') East three hundred forty-three and nine tenths (343.9) feet; thence North zero degrees (00°) six minutes (06') East nine hundred eighty-nine and eight tenths (989.8) feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; which has been named ALMA B. POPE ADDITION to the City of Moscow, Idaho, and which the plat therefor has been accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Moscow, Idaho, for the said area; and which area is included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as R-2; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned R-2. SECTION 5& That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block One (1) of Inscore•s Addition to the City of Moscow, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, and running thence North zero degrees (00°) nineteen minutes ( 19') West a distance of three hundred {300) feet to the Northeast corner of said Block One (1); thence North eighty nine degrees (89°) fifty-three minutes {531) East a distance of ninety (90) feet; thence South thirty degrees (30°) thirty-one minutes {31') twenty seconds (20") East a distance of sixty-nine and fifty-eight hundredths (69.58) feet; thence South zero de grees (00°) nineteen minutes (19') East a distance of two hundred forty (240) feet; thence South eighty-nine degrees (89°) fifty three minutes (53') West a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to the point of beginning; and which area is included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as MB; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned SECTION 6: That the following-described area situated in Latah County, Idaho, as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point six hundred sixty (660) feet South zero degrees {00°) five minutes (o5•) West and five hundred eighty (580) feet North eighty-seven degrees (87°) zero minutes {00') East of the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter (Set) of Section Eighteen (18), Township Thirty-nine (39) North, Range Five (5) West of the Boise Meridian; said point being the Southeast corner of Lot Twelve (12) of Block One (1) of the Second Addition to University Heights Addition; thence North zero degrees (00°) five minutes (05') East one hundred nine and seventy-nine hundredths (109.79) feet to the center of Ridge Road; thence South fifty degrees (50°) fifty-eight minutes (58') East one hundred eleven and forty-two hundredths (111.42) feet to the P.C. of a curve; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the curve whose radius is one hundred seventy- MB. three and eleven hundredths (173.11) feet and deflects to the left sixty-nine and sixty-two hundredths (69.62) feet; thence North eighty-seven degrees (87°) zero minutes (00') East one hundred thirty-nine and four hundredths (139.04) feet; thence South four degrees (04°) twenty-nine minutes (29t) West sixty (60) feet; thence South eighty-five degrees (85°) thirty-one minutes (31') East seventy-four and five tenths (74.5) feet; thence in a Southeasterly direction along a curve whose radius is one hundred eight and two tenths (108.2) feet and along the South boundary of Ridge Road seventy-seven and three tenths (77.3) feet; thence South forty-two degrees (42°) fifty-eight minutes �58') East thirty-four (34) feet; thence South zero degrees (00 ) two minutes (02') West five hundred twenty-one and five tenths (521.5) feet, more or less, to the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (swtsct) of said Section Eighteen {18); thence South eighty-seven degrees (87°) four minutes (04') West along the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {swtSEt) five hundred forty and twenty-two hundredths (540.22) feet; thence North zero degrees (00°) two minutes (02') East six hundred fifty-three and eighty-seven hundredths (653.87) feet; thence North eighty-seven degrees (87°) zero minutes (OO') East eighty-eight and eighty-one hundredths (88.81) feet, to the point of beginning; which has been named PROSPECT-POINT ADDITION to the City of Moscow, Idaho, and which the plat therefor has been accepted by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Moscow, Idaho, for the said area; and which area is included within the corporate limits of the City of Moscow, Idaho; be, and the same is hereby, zoned as R-2; and the City Engineer of the City of Moscow, Idaho, is hereby ordered and directed to make the necessary changes or amendment to the official zoning map of the City of Moscow, Idaho, which map is on file at the City Hall, to provide that said area be zoned R-2. SECTION 7t All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, insofar as said ordinances in any way conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of this ordinance, or the ordinance as an entirety, it being the legislative intent that this ordinance shall stand notwithstanding the invalidity of such section, sentence, clause or phrase. SECTION 9: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after ATTEST: , Mayor
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