Gleim Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Test

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Gleim Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Test
2017 Edition, 1st Printing
Update 2
November 2016
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blue background.
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Study Unit 3 – Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace
Page 72, Subunit 3.4, 5.c.1): This update provides an additional figure to clarify the text.
Figure 49. – Airport Diagram.
Figure 49. – Airport Diagram.
Figure 50. – Wind Cone to Wind Sock.
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Study Unit 4 – Federal Aviation Regulations
Page 158, Subunit 4.10, Question 144: This question was moved to Study Unit 9 from Study
Unit 4 because Subunit 9.2 is a more appropriate location for the subject matter. Questions for
Subunit 9.2 begin on page 312.
144 60. (Refer to Figure 78 on page 159.) What are
the basic VFR weather minima required to takeoff
from the Onawa, IA (K36) airport during the day?
A. 3 statute miles visibility, 500 feet below the
clouds, 1,000 feet above the clouds and
2,000 feet horizontally from the clouds.
B. 0 statute miles, clear of clouds.
C. 1 statute mile, clear of clouds.
Answer (C) is correct. (AIM Para 3-1-4)
DISCUSSION: Onawa, IA, (K36) airport is surrounded by
Class G airspace. The VFR weather minima in Class G
airspace below 1,200 feet AGL (regardless of MSL altitude) is
1 statute mile of visibility and clear of clouds.
Answer (A) is incorrect. Class C (day and night), D (day
and night), and E (day VFR only and less than 10,000 feet
MSL) are all 3 statute miles of visibility, 500 feet below the
clouds, 1,000 feet above the clouds, and 2,000 feet
horizontally from the clouds. Answer (B) is incorrect. There is
no VFR weather minima with visibility of 0 statute miles.
Study Unit 5 – Airplane Performance and Weight and Balance
Page 194, Subunit 5.3, Question 19: These edits were made to coincide with the FAA’s update
of the referenced Figure 40.
19. (Refer to Figure 40 below.) Determine the
approximate ground roll distance required for takeoff.
OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100°F 38°C
Pressure altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 ft
Takeoff weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,750 lb
Headwind component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calm
A. 1,150 feet.
B. 1,300 feet.
C. 1,800 feet.
Answer (A) is correct. (PHAK Chap 11)
DISCUSSION: Begin on the left section of Fig. 40 at 100°F
38°C (see outside air temperature at the bottom). Move up
vertically to the pressure altitude of 2,000 feet. Then proceed
horizontally to the first reference line. Since takeoff weight is
2,750, move parallel to the closest guideline, to 2,750 pounds.
Then proceed horizontally to the second reference line. Since
the wind is calm, proceed again horizontally to the right-hand
margin of the diagram (ignore the third reference line because
there is no obstacle; i.e., ground roll is desired), which will be
at 1,150 feet.
Answer (B) is incorrect. This would be the ground roll
distance required at maximum takeoff weight. Answer (C) is
incorrect. This would be the total distance required to clear a
50-ft. obstacle.
Page 195, Subunit 5.3, Question 20: These edits were made to coincide with the FAA’s update
of the referenced Figure 40.
20. (Refer to Figure 40 on page 194.) Determine the
total distance required for takeoff to clear a 50-foot
OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Std
Pressure altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sea level
Takeoff weight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 lb
Headwind component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calm
A. 1,000 feet.
B. 1,400 feet.
C. 1,700 feet.
Answer (B) is correct. (PHAK Chap 11)
DISCUSSION: Begin in the left section of Fig. 40 by
finding the intersection of the sea level pressure altitude and
standard temperature (59°F 15°C) and proceed horizontally to
the right to the first reference line. Then proceed parallel to the
closest guideline, to 2,700 pounds. From there, proceed
horizontally to the right to the third reference line. You skip the
second reference line because the wind is calm. Then proceed
upward, parallel to the closest guideline to the far right side. To
clear the 50-ft. obstacle, you need a takeoff distance of about
1,400 feet.
Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the total distance
required at 2,200 lb. takeoff weight. Answer (C) is incorrect.
This would be the total distance required at maximum takeoff
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Page 195, Subunit 5.3, Question 21: This edit was made to clarify the answer explanation.
21. (Refer to Figure 40 on page 194.) Determine the
total distance required for takeoff to clear a 50-foot
OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Std
Pressure altitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 ft
Takeoff weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 lb
Headwind component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calm
A. 1,500 feet.
B. 1,750 feet.
C. 2,000 feet.
Answer (B) is correct. (PHAK Chap 11)
DISCUSSION: The takeoff distance to clear a 50-ft.
obstacle is required. Begin on the left side of the graph at
standard temperature (as represented by the curved line
labeled “ISA”). From the intersection of the standard
temperature line and the 4,000-ft. pressure altitude, proceed
horizontally to the right to the first reference line, and then
move parallel to the closest guideline to 2,800 pounds. From
there, proceed horizontally to the right to the third reference
line (skip the second reference line because there is no wind),
and move upward parallel to the closest guideline following
equidistantly between the diagonal lines all the way to the far
right. You are at 1,750 ft., which is the takeoff distance to clear
a 50-ft. obstacle.
Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the total distance
required with a 10-kt. headwind. Answer (C) is incorrect. This
would be the total distance required at maximum takeoff
Page 195, Subunit 5.3, Question 22: These edits were made to coincide with the FAA’s update
of the referenced Figure 40.
22. (Refer to Figure 40 on page 194.) Determine the
approximate ground roll distance required for takeoff.
OAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90°F 32°C
Pressure altitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 ft
Takeoff weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 lb
Headwind component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 kts
A. 650 feet.
B. 850 feet.
C. 1,000 feet.
Answer (A) is correct. (PHAK Chap 11)
DISCUSSION: Begin with the intersection of the 2,000-ft.
pressure altitude curve and 90°F 32°C in the left section of Fig.
40. Move horizontally to the right to the first reference line, and
then parallel to the closest guideline to 2,500 pounds. Then
move horizontally to the right to the second reference line, and
then parallel to the closest guideline to the right to 20 knots.
Then move horizontally to the right, directly to the right margin
because there is no obstacle clearance. You should end up at
about 650 ft., which is the required ground roll when there is no
obstacle to clear.
Answer (B) is incorrect. This would be the ground roll
distance required if the wind were calm. Answer (C) is
incorrect. This would be the ground roll distance required at
maximum takeoff weight.
Page 197, Subunit 5.4, Question 27: These edits were made to update the measurements to
coincide with the figure.
27. (Refer to Figure 35 on page 196.) Approximately
what true airspeed should a pilot expect with
65 percent maximum continuous power at 9,500 feet
with a temperature of 36°F below standard?
A. 163 KTS 178 MPH.
B. 161 KTS 181 MPH.
C. 158 KTS 183 MPH.
Answer (C) is correct. (PHAK Chap 11)
DISCUSSION: The left part of the chart applies to 36°F
below standard. At 8,000 ft., TAS is 157 KTS. At 10,000 ft.,
TAS is 160 KTS. At 9,500 ft., with a temperature 36°F below
standard, the expected true airspeed is 75% above the 157
KTS at 8,000 ft. toward the 160 KTS at 10,000 ft., i.e.,
approximately 158 KTS. Refer to Figure 35 and locate the
column for –36°F (ISA –20°C). Interpolation will be required to
determine the TAS at 9,500 ft. At 8,000 ft., TAS is 181 MPH,
and at 10,000 ft., TAS is 184 MPH; therefore, the difference is
3 MPH.
10,000 ft. – 8,000 ft.
9,500 ft. – 8,000 ft.
1,500 ft. ÷ 2,000 ft.
.75 × 3 MPH
181 MPH + 2.25 MPH
2,000 ft.
1,500 ft.
2.25 MPH
183.25 MPH
Answer (A) is incorrect. The expected TAS at 6,000 ft. is
163 KTS 178 MPH. Answer (B) is incorrect. The expected TAS
at 8,000 ft. is 161 KTS 181 MPH.
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Study Unit 7 – Aviation Weather
Page 245, Subunit 7.8, Question 33: This edit clarifies the answer explanation.
33. Which conditions result in the formation of frost?
A. The temperature of the collecting surface is at or
below freezing when small droplets of moisture
fall on the surface.
B. The temperature of the collecting surface is at or
below the dewpoint of the adjacent air and the
dewpoint is below freezing.
C. The temperature of the surrounding air is at or
below freezing when small drops of moisture fall
on the collecting surface.
Answer (B) is correct. (AvW Chap 5)
DISCUSSION: Frost forms when both the collecting
surface is below the dew point of the adjacent air and the
dew point is below freezing. Frost is the direct sublimation
deposition of water vapor to ice crystals.
Answer (A) is incorrect. If small droplets of water fall on
the collecting surface, which is at or below freezing, ice (not
frost) will form. Answer (C) is incorrect. If small droplets of
water fall while the surrounding air is at or below freezing,
ice (not frost) will form.
Study Unit 8 – Aviation Weather Services
Page 265, Subunit 8.4, Question 25: These edits clarify and correct the answer choice and
25. The section of the Area Forecast entitled “VFR
CLDS/WX” contains a general description of
cloudiness and weather significant to flight
operations broken down by states or other
geographical areas covering at least 350
square miles.
area and route briefings, as well as airspace
procedures and special announcements.
C. clouds and weather which cover an area
greater than 3,000 square miles and is
significant to VFR flight operations.
Answer (C) is the best answer. (AWS Sect 7)
DISCUSSION: The VFR CLDS/WX section contains a
12-hr. specific forecast plus a 6-hour categorical outlook
section. The specific forecast section gives a general
description of clouds and weather that covers an area greater
than 3,000 square miles and is significant to VFR flight
Answer (A) is incorrect. While tThe VFR CLDS/WX section
may will be broken down by states or well-known geographical
areas, and the area of coverage will always be greater than
3,000 square miles, not 350 square miles. Answer (B) is
incorrect. TIBS (Telephone Information Briefing Service) is a
continuous telephone recording of area and route briefings, as
well as airspace procedures and special announcements. It is
designed to be a preliminary briefing tool and is available
24 hours a day.
Study Unit 9 – Navigation: Charts and Publications
Page 302, Subunit 9.1, Question 1: These edits reflect the FAA’s update of the referenced
Figure 22.
1. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 303.) (Refer to area 3.)
Determine the approximate latitude and longitude of
Shoshone County Airport.
A. 47°02'N – 116°11'W.
B. 47°33'N – 116°11'W.
C. 47°32'N – 116°41'W.
Answer (B) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
DISCUSSION: Shoshone County Airport is below 3, just
west of the 116° line of longitude (find the 116° line in the 8,000
MSL northeast of Shoshone). There are 60 min. between the
116° line and the 117° line, depicted in 1-min. tick marks.
Shoshone is 11 tick marks (11 min.) past the 116° line. Find the
labeled 48° latitude line just northeast of the 116° line. The
latitude and longitude lines are presented each 30 min. Since
lines of latitude are also divided into 1 in. tick marks, the airport
is three tick marks above the 47°30' line or 47°33'N. The
correct latitude and longitude is thus 47°33'N – 116°11'W.
Answer (A) is incorrect. Shoshone Airport is just north of
the 47°30' line of latitude (not the 47°00' line). Answer (C) is
incorrect. Shoshone Airport is 11 ticks past the 116°00' line of
longitude (not the 116°30' line).
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Page 318, Subunit 9.2, Question 23: This edit clarifies the answer choice to better mirror the
wording of the Legend.
23. (Refer to Figure 24 below, and Legend 1 on
page 319.) (Refer to area 1.) For information about
the parachute jumping at Caddo Mills Airport, refer to
A. notes on the border of the chart.
B. the Airport/Facility Directory section of the
Chart Supplement.
C. the Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) publication.
Answer (B) is correct. (ACL)
DISCUSSION: The miniature parachute near the Caddo
Mills Airport (at 1 on Fig. 24) indicates a parachute jumping
area. In Legend 1, the symbol for a parachute jumping area
instructs you to see the Airport/Facility Directory section of the
Chart Supplement for more information. Note, as of March 31,
2016, the Airport/Facility Directory book has been retitled to
Chart Supplement.
Answer (A) is incorrect. The sectional chart legend
identifies symbols only. Answer (C) is incorrect. NOTAMs are
issued only for hazards to flight.
Page 340, Subunit 9.2, Question 54: This edit corrects the airport code.
54. (Refer to Figure 75 on page 341.) The airspace
surrounding the Gila Bend AF AUX Airport (GBN GXF)
(area 6) is classified as Class
A. B.
B. C.
Answer (C) is correct. (AIM Chap 3)
DISCUSSION: The GBN GXF airport is surrounded by a
dashed blue line, which indicates it is within Class D airspace.
Answer (A) is incorrect. Class B airspace is surrounded by
a solid blue line. Answer (B) is incorrect. Class C airspace is
surrounded by a solid magenta line.
C. D.
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Page 342, Subunit 9.2, Question 56: This edit corrects the image.
56. (Refer to Figure 22 23 below, and Legend 1 on
page 343.) (Refer to area 3.) For information about
glider operations at Ridgeland Airport, refer to
A. notes on the border of the chart.
B. the Chart Supplement.
C. the Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) publication.
Answer (B) is correct. (ACL)
DISCUSSION: The miniature glider near the Ridgeland
Airport (at 3 on Fig. 22 23) indicates a glider operations area.
The Chart Supplement will have information on the glider
operations at Ridgeland Airport.
Answer (A) is incorrect. The sectional chart legend
identifies symbols only. Answer (C) is incorrect. NOTAMs are
issued only for hazards to flight.
Figure 22 23. – Sectional Chart Excerpt.
NOTE: Chart is not to scale and should not be used for navigation. Use associated scale.
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Page 348, Subunit 9.3, Question 63: This edit clarifies and corrects the answer explanation.
63. (Refer to Figure 24 on page 349.) Which public
use airports depicted are indicated as having fuel?
A. Commerce (area 6) and Rockwall (area 1).
B. Rockwall (area 1) and Sulphur Springs
(area 5).
C. Commerce (area 6) and Sulphur Springs
(area 5).
Answer (B) is correct. (ACL)
DISCUSSION: On Fig. 24, the requirement is to identify
the airports having fuel available. Airports having fuel available
are designated by small squares extending from the top,
bottom, and both sides of the airport symbol. Only Rockwall
(area 1) and Sulphur Springs (area 5) have such symbols.
Answer (A) is incorrect. Commerce does not indicate it has
fuel. Answer (C) is incorrect. Commerce does not indicate it
has fuel.
Study Unit 10 – Navigation Systems
Page 384, Subunit 10.2, Question 6: These edits reflect the FAA’s update of the referenced
Figure 28.
6. (Refer to Figure 28 below, and Figure 20 on page
385.) The VOR is tuned to Elizabeth City VOR/DME
(area 3 in Figure 20), and the aircraft is positioned
over Shawboro, a small town 3 NM west of Currituck
County Regional (ONX). Which VOR indication is
A. 5
B. 9 2
C. 2 8
Answer (C A) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
DISCUSSION: See Fig. 20, northeast of 3 along the
compass rose. Shawboro is northeast of the Elizabeth City
VOR on the 030° radial; zoom in to see the tiny black circle
located to the lower left of the “S” in Shawboro; that
corresponds to the town of Shawboro. To be over it, the needle
should be centered with either an OBS setting of 210° and a
TO indication or with an OBS setting of 030° and a FROM
indication. VOR 2 5 matches the latter description.
Answer (A B) is incorrect. VOR 5 2 indicates that the
aircraft is southwest, not northeast, of Elizabeth City VOR.
Answer (B C) is incorrect. VOR 9 8 indicates that the aircraft is
southwest, not northeast, of Elizabeth City VOR.
Page 386, Subunit 10.2, Question 9: This edit reflects the FAA’s update of the referenced
Figure 28.
9. (Refer to Figure 28 above, and Figure 24 on page
387.) The VOR is tuned to Bonham VORTAC (area 3
in Figure 24) and the aircraft is positioned over the
town of Sulphur Springs (area 5 in Figure 24). Which
VOR indication is correct?
A. 1
B. 8
C. 7
Answer (C) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
DISCUSSION: The town of Sulphur Springs (southsouthwest of 5) is on the 120° radial of Bonham VORTAC.
Illustration 7 in Fig. 28 shows the VOR receiver tuned to the
210° radial, which is perpendicular to (90° away from) the 120°
radial. This places the aircraft in the zone of ambiguity, which
results in neither a TO nor a FROM indication and an unstable
CDI, which can be deflected left or right.
Answer (A) is incorrect. With indication 1, the aircraft
would have to be west north of Sulphur Springs. Answer (B) is
incorrect. It shows the aircraft on the 030° radial, which is well
to the north of Sulphur Springs.
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Study Unit 11 – Cross-Country Flight Planning
Page 420, Subunit 11.6, Questions 31-33: These edits reflect the FAA’s update of the
referenced Figure 22.
31. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 421.) What is the
magnetic heading for a flight from Priest River Airport
(area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3)? The wind
is from 030° at 12 knots and the true airspeed is 95
A. 121°.
B. 143°.
C. 136°.
32. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 421.) Determine the
magnetic heading for a flight from St. Maries Airport
(area 4) to Priest River Airport (area 1). The wind is
from 340° at 10 knots and the true airspeed is 90 knots.
A. 330°.
B. 325°.
C. 345°.
Answer (A) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
DISCUSSION: On Fig. 22, begin by computing the true
course from Priest River Airport (upper left corner) to
Shoshone County Airport (just below 3) by laying a flight plotter
between the two airports. The grommet should coincide with
the meridian (vertical line with cross-hatchings). Note the 143°
true course on the edge of the protractor.
Next, find the magnetic variation that is given by the
dashed line marked 14°E (rounded to 15°E), slanting in a
northeasterly fashion just south of Carlin Bay Private to the
east of Shoshone County Airport. Subtract the 15°E variation
from TC to obtain a magnetic course of 128°. Since the wind is
given true, reduce the true wind direction of 030° by the
magnetic variation of 15°E to a magnetic wind direction of 15°.
Now use the wind side of your computer. Turning the inner
circle to 15° under the true index, mark 12 kt. above the
grommet. Set the magnetic course of 128° under the true
index. Slide the grid so the pencil mark is on 95 kt. TAS. Note
that the pencil mark is 7° left of the center line, requiring you to
adjust the magnetic course to a 121° magnetic heading (128° –
7°). Subtract left, add right. That is, if you are on an easterly
flight and the wind is from the north, you will want to correct to
the left.
Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true course, not the
magnetic heading. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the
magnetic heading if the wind was from 215° at 19 kt., not 030°
at 12 kt.
Answer (A) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
1. This flight is from St. Maries (just below 4) to Priest River
(upper left corner) on Fig. 22.
2. TC is 345°.
3. MC = 345° – 15°E variation (14° 30E rounded up) = 330°.
4. Wind magnetic = 340° – 15° (14° 30E rounded up) = 325°.
5. Mark 10 kt. up when 325° under true index.
6. Put MC 330° under true index.
7. Slide grid so pencil mark is on 90 kt. TAS.
8. Note that the pencil mark is 1° left.
9. Subtract 1° from 330° MC for 329° MH.
A magnetic heading of 330° is the best answer of the choices
Answer (B) is incorrect. This would be the magnetic
heading if the wind was from 300° at 14 kt., not 340° at 10 kt.
Answer (C) is incorrect. This is the approximate true course,
not magnetic heading.
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33. (Refer to Figure 22 on page 421.) Determine the
magnetic heading for a flight from Sandpoint Airport
(area 1) to St. Maries Airport (area 4). The wind is from
215° at 25 knots and the true airspeed is 125 knots.
A. 352°.
B. 172°.
C. 166°.
Answer (B) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
1. This flight is from Sandpoint Airport (above 1), to St. Maries
(below 4) on Fig. 22
2. TC = 181°.
3. MC = 181° – 15°E (14° 30E rounded up) variation = 166°.
4. Wind magnetic = 215° – 15° (14° 30E rounded up) = 200°.
5. Mark up 25 kt. with 200° under true index.
6. Put MC 166° under true index.
7. Slide grid so pencil mark is on 125 kt. TAS.
8. Note that the pencil mark is 6° right.
9. Add 6° to 166° MC for 172° MH.
Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the magnetic
heading for a flight from St. Maries Airport to Sandpoint Airport,
not from Sandpoint to St. Maries, with the wind from 145°, not
215°, at 25 kt. Answer (C) is incorrect. This is the magnetic
course, not the magnetic heading.
Page 424, Subunit 11.6, Question 37: These edits reflect the FAA’s update of the referenced
Figure 23.
37. (Refer to Figure 23 on page 425.) Determine the
magnetic heading for a flight from Allendale County
Airport (area 1) to Claxton-Evans County Airport
(area 2). The wind is from 090° at 16 knots and the true
airspeed is 90 knots. Magnetic variation is 7°W.
A. 230°.
B. 212 213°.
C. 209 210°.
Answer (C) is correct. (PHAK Chap 16)
1. This flight is from Allendale County (above 1) to ClaxtonEvans County Airport (left of 2) on Fig. 23. Variation is
shown on Fig. 23 as 6 7°W.
2. TC = 212°.
3. MC = 212° TC + 6 7°W variation = 218 219°.
4. Wind magnetic = 090° + 6 7°W variation = 096 097°.
5. Mark up 16 kt. With 096 097° under true index.
6. Place MC 218 219° under true index.
7. Move wind mark to 90 kt. TAS arc.
8. Note that the pencil mark is 9° left.
9. Subtract 9° from 218 219° MC for 209 210° MH.
Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the approximate
magnetic heading if the wind was out of 330° at 23 kt., not 090°
at 16 kt. Answer (B) is incorrect. This is the true heading, not
the magnetic heading.
Page 424, Subunit 11.7, Question 38: These edits reflect the FAA’s update of the referenced
Figure 23.
38. (Refer to Figure 58 below, and Figure 23 on
page 425.) Determine the compass heading for a
flight from Claxton-Evans County Airport (area 2) to
Hampton Varnville Airport (area 1). The wind is from
280° at 8 knots, and the true airspeed is 85 knots.
Magnetic variation is 7°W.
A. 033°.
B. 042 044°.
C. 038°.
Answer (B) is the best answer. (PHAK Chap 16)
1. This flight is from Claxton-Evans (left of 2) to Hampton
Varnville (right of 1) on Fig. 23.
2. TC = 045°.
3. MC = 045° TC + 6 7°W variation = 051 052°.
4. Wind magnetic = 280° + 6 7°W variation = 286 287°.
5. Mark up 8 kt. With 286 287° under true index.
6. Place MC 051 052° under true index.
7. Move wind mark to 85 kt. TAS arc.
8. Note that the pencil mark is 4° left.
9. Subtract 4° from 051 052° MC for 047 048° MH.
10. Subtract 4° compass variation (obtained from Fig. 58) from
047 048° to find the compass heading of 043 044°.
After determining a compass heading of 043°, 042° is the
best answer available.
Answer (A) is incorrect. This would be the approximate
compass heading if the wind were out of 295° at 22 kt., not
280° at 8 kt. Answer (C) is incorrect. This would be the
approximate compass heading if the wind were out of 295° at
12 knots.
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