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DePuy Synthes Revision Solutions offers a comprehensive portfolio of implants
and instruments to address almost any unpredictable obstacles encountered
during revision THA.
DePuy Synthes is working with Symmetry Medical® to distribute advanced
hip extraction instrumentation. These instruments provide for confident
component removal through solid construction, soft-touch silicone handles,
and a variety of optimised cutting tips.
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
Soft-touch silicone
handles facilitate
ergonomic use.
Locking pliers with slap
hammer attachment
provide extra leverage
for difficult implant
Instrument tip
geometry etched on
handle base for ease
of identification.
Cutting tip orientation
on strike plates.
Large strike plate for
easy impaction.
Modern instrument
layout with O.R.
efficiencies in mind.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
“V” Splitter
8 mm Chisel
Straight Gouge
Angled Gouge
Flag Splitter
Reverse Curette
“V” Splitter
8 mm Chisel
Straight Gouge
Angled Gouge
Flag Splitter
Reverse Curette
“V” Splitter
The “V” Splitter (Cat. No. 2709-01-003) may be used
to fragment and remove cement from the proximal
lateral cement mantle. It is important to remove cement
laterally so that the component may move in a proximal
direction without fracturing the metaphyseal bone.
This instrument may also be used to fragment cement
from the femoral canal after the component has been
8 mm Chisel
The 8 mm Chisel (Cat. No. 2709-01-008) may also be
used to remove cement in the proximal femur. The tip is
intended to debond cement from the proximal implant
or to separate cement from the cortices. Removal of the
cement in the proximal femur will provide better access
to the cement metaphyseal / diaphyseal junction.
Straight and Angled Gouges
After the proximal region of the femur has been cleared
of cement, the Straight (Cat. No. 2709-01-004) and / or
Angled (Cat. No. 2709-01-005) Gouges may be used to
simultaneously split and separate the cement for quick
and efficient removal from the femur.
Flag Splitter
Once the femoral component has been removed, the
Flag Splitter (Cat. No. 2709-01-002) may be used to
fragment any remaining cement. The blunt, non-cutting,
edge guides the tip along the cortices to prevent
perforating the femur as the sharp edge splits the
Reverse Curette
The 6, 7, 9, and 11 mm Reverse Curettes remove cement
along the femoral wall. The tip is scraped in an upward
motion along the cortices. The curette may also be used
to remove the cement restrictor if sufficient room exists
to bypass the restrictor along the femoral wall. Once the
curette tip is past the restrictor it is used to hook and
lift the restrictor from the distal end.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
7 mm "X" Osteotome
Conical Taps
Crochet Hook
Self-Locking Long Rongeur
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
7 mm “X” Osteotome
The “X” Osteotome (Cat. No. 2709-01-010) is an
efficient tool for fragmenting the hard distal cement
mantle. Impacting and rotating this osteotome will
fragment the cement so that it may be removed
via suction or rongeur. This instrument can also be
used to break up the cement mantle for a cemented
acetabular component.
Conical Taps
In the event the cement mantle has debonded from the
bone it may be easier to remove the mantle in one-piece
instead of breaking it into sections. Threaded Conical
Taps are offered in 9 mm (Cat. No. 2709-01-012) and
11 mm (Cat. No. 2709-01-013) options and may be used
to tap into the one-piece cement mantle. Once the tap
is firmly seated, use mild force to extract the cement
mantle from the femur.
Crochet Hook
The Crochet Hook (Cat. No. 2709-01-001) may be used
to remove the cement restrictor from the femur. Care
should be taken when using the hook due to its sharp
geometry. The tip may be passed through the restrictor
or along the femoral wall to engage the remaining distal
construct. Ensure that the flat side of the instrument is
facing the femoral wall if it is near the cortex. Once the
crochet hook has been engaged it may be used to lift
the distal construct from the canal.
Self-Locking Long Rongeur
The 300 mm Self-Locking Long Rongeur (Cat. No.
2709-01-016) helps facilitate removal of cement
fragments from the canal. Upon grasping cement
fragments or fibrous membrane with the jaws, the
handle clamp may be engaged to lock the jaws in place
to ease cement extraction from the canal.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
Quick Coupling Handle
Slap Hammer Shaft
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
Flexible Osteotomes
The Flexible Osteotomes provide thin, sharp instruments
that may be used to disrupt biological fixation. Shorter
osteotomes may be used to separate an implant-to-bone
interface in the anterior, posterior and lateral regions of
the proximal femur. The curved thin osteotomes may
then be used to clear bone medially. If you are revising
a collared prosthesis, it may be necessary to transect the
collar with a metal cutting burr to obtain better access
to the medial curve.
Radial Osteotomes
In-growth on the lateral aspect of a femoral stem with
a rounded profile can create a challenge during revision
surgery. The Radial Osteotomes address this challenge
by providing a radial curve designed to follow the lateral
contour of the stem / bone interface. These instruments
are available in multiple sizes to accommodate various
stem geometries.
If either a flexible or radial osteotome becomes jammed,
a small slap hammer may be attached to dislodge it. The
small Slap Hammer (Cat. No. 2709-04-002) attaches
to the Quick-Coupling Handle (Cat. No. 2709-04-001)
to provide additional extraction force for dislodging
the blade.
Trephines are used to remove a fully in-grown cylindrical
distal stem segment. An extended trochanteric
osteotomy (ETO) or femoral window may be needed to
obtain access to the stem. Prior to using the trephines,
the proximal third of the stem must be transected (for
example, using a high-speed metal cutting burr), at the
transition point where the medial curve transitions to
the cylindrical distal stem segment.
Upon removal of the proximal stem, the trephines may
be used to “core out” the distal stem segment. The Hip
Extraction Instrumentation offers trephines in 0.5 mm
increments in order to preserve bone stock. Once the
correct size is chosen and attached to the Slap Hammer
(Cat. No. 2709-05-001), reaming can proceed either
on power or manually using a T-Handle. Be sure to use
irrigation during trephine reaming to minimise heat
build-up which could harm remaining bone stock.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
The femoral stem extraction instruments are offered in multiple variations to aid in removal of prostheses with
varying neck geometries. The extraction instrument case includes a slap hammer with multiple adapter attachments
and locking pliers to facilitate component removal.
Universal Femoral Stem Extractor
Slap Hammer
One-Piece Stem Adapter
Closed Loop Extractor
Hook Stem Extractor
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
Universal Femoral Stem Extractor
The Universal Femoral Stem Extractor (Cat. No.
2709-03-002) is designed to remove femoral stems with
modular heads. Once the head has been removed the
femoral stem extractor attaches to the tapered trunion
of the stem via the serrated jaws. The T-Handle on the
instrument is used to clamp the instrument to the stem.
The instrument geometry is designed to stay in-line
with the long axis of the implant in order to provide the
optimal force available for component extraction.
Now that the femoral stem extractor is firmly fixed to
the implant trunion, attach the Slap Hammer (Cat. No.
2709-03-001) by retracting the spring-loaded sleeve and
attaching it to the connection feature on the extractor.
The sliding weight on the slap hammer will provide
extra force to extract the stem. Care should be taken to
stay in-line with the femur.
One-Piece Stem Adapter
Should a monoblock stem with a fixed head be
encountered, a One-Piece Stem Adapter (Cat. No.
2709-03-003) may be used in combination with the slap
hammer to facilitate stem extraction. Upon ensuring
that the stem is adequately loose, position the adapter
around the stem distally and lateral to the head.
Closed Loop Extractor
An alternative option for removing a one-piece stem is
the Closed Loop Extractor (Cat. No. 2709-03-004). The
instrument works by sliding the head of the prosthesis
through the loop and positioning the narrow portion of
the loop around the stem neck. The slap hammer may
then be attached to provide an extraction force to the
loosened stem.
Hook Stem Extractor
The Hook Stem Extractor (Cat. No. 2709-03-005) is
intended to extract implants that feature a transverse
extraction hole. Insert the hook into the stem hole prior
to connecting the slap hammer.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
Innovative designs, such as the “V” tip acetabular gouges with soft-touch silicone handles, provide confidence in
form and function of the instrumentation.
“V” Tip Acetabular Gouges
Curved Acetabular Chisel
Acetabular Component Forceps
Acetabular Component Gripper
Rounded Acetabular Cement Splitter
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
“V” Tip Acetabular Gouges
“V” Tip Acetabular Gouges of various sizes may be used to
loosen a well-fixed acetabular component. The gouges are
intended to slide behind and / or lever out a cup to debond
it from the bone. The “V” shaped cutting tip is designed
to secure the tip in place while loosening the fixed
Curved Acetabular Chisel
Similar to the gouge, the Curved Acetabular Chisel
(Cat. No. 2709-02-004) may be used to loosen a fixed
acetabular component. The curved tip should be used
when it is desirable to secure the tip in a single location
and slide the chisel along the shell wall.
Acetabular Component Forceps
The Acetabular Component Forceps (Cat. No.
2709-02-008) may be used to extract a polyethylene liner
during a liner exchange. A liner may be separated from the
shell by placing the “V” notched jaw in the articulating
surface of the liner and placing the wedge jaw at the liner
to shell interface (this will vary based on manufacturer
design of the components being extracted). Upon
positioning the “V” notch and wedge shaped jaws, apply
pressure to displace the liner from the shell.
Acetabular Component Gripper
The Acetabular Component Gripper (Cat. No.
2709-02-007) is used in conjunction with the slap hammer
to remove a cup with an intact polyethylene liner. Teeth
on the gripper dig into and hold a polyethylene liner with
an articulating surface up to 32 mm in diameter. Upon
expanding the gripper teeth into the liner, apply force to
extract the cup from the acetabulum.
Rounded Acetabular Cement Splitter
The Rounded Acetabular Cement Splitter (Cat. No.
2709-02-005) may be used to extract the cement mantle
after a cemented acetabular component is removed.
The rounded tip is designed to match the curve of the
extracted acetabular component and the sharp edges allow
for easy cement fragmentation and removal.
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
Femoral Revision Kit
Acetabular Revision Kit
Cat No. 1 2709-01-001
2 2709-01-002
3 2709-01-003
4 2709-01-004
5 2709-01-005
6 2709-01-006
2709-01-007 7 2709-01-008
8 2709-01-010
6 2709-01-011
9 2709-01-012
2709-01-013 2709-01-014 2709-01-015 2709-01-016 10 2709-01-100 Cat No. 2709-02-001 11 2709-02-002 2709-02-003 2709-02-004 12 2709-02-005 13 2709-02-006 14 2709-02-007 15 2709-02-008 16 2709-02-100 Description
Acetabular Gouge 48 mm x 13 mm
Acetabular Gouge 52 mm x 13 mm
Acetabular Gouge 56 mm x 13 mm
Curved Acetabular Chisel
Round Acetabular Cement Splitter
Slotted Mallet with Delrin Cap
Acetabular Component Gripper
Acetabular Component Forceps
Acetabular Delivery System
Cat No. 2709-03-001
Femoral Extractor Slap Hammer
Universal Mod Stem Extractor
One-Piece Stem Adapter
Closed Looped Extractor
Hook Stem Extractor
Locking Pliers
Locking Pliers Slap Hammer Adapter
Crochet Hook
Flag Splitter
V Splitter
Straight Gouge
Modified Angled Gouge
Reverse Curette 6 mm x 432 mm
Reverse Curette 7 mm x 432 mm
Chisel 8 mm x 432 mm
7 mm "X" Osteotome
Reverse Curette 11 mm x 432 mm
Conical Tap 9 mm
Conical Tap 11 mm
Twist Drill 6.4 mm
Twist Drill 8 mm
Rongeur with Serrated Teeth 300 mm
Femoral Delivery System
Hip Revision Extractor Kit
DePuy Synthes Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview
17 18 19 20 21 22 11
Flexible Osteotome Kit
Trephine set
Cat No. 2709-04-001 23 2709-04-002 2709-04-004 24 2709-04-005 2709-04-006 2709-04-007 2709-04-008 25 2709-04-009 2709-04-010 2709-04-011 2709-04-012 2709-04-013 2709-04-014 2709-04-015 2709-04-016 2709-04-017 2709-04-018 26 2709-04-019 2709-04-020 2709-04-021 2709-04-022 2709-04-023 2709-04-024 2709-04-025 2709-04-100 Cat No. 2709-05-001 27 2709-05-002 28 2709-05-003 2709-05-004 29 2709-05-100 2709-05-110 30 2709-05-115 2709-05-120 2709-05-125 2709-05-130 2709-05-135 2709-05-140 2709-05-145 2709-05-150 2709-05-155 2709-05-160 2709-05-165 2709-05-170 2709-05-175 2709-05-180 2709-05-185 2709-05-190 2709-05-195 2709-05-200 2709-05-205 2709-05-210 2709-05-215 2709-05-220 2709-05-225 2709-05-230 2709-05-235 2709-05-240 16
Handle with Quick-Couple End
Small Slap Hammer
Thin Osteotome 8 mm x 76 mm
Thin Osteotome 10 mm x 76 mm
Thin Osteotome 12 mm x 76 mm
Thin Osteotome 20 mm x 76 mm
Thin Osteotome Curved 12 mm
Thin Osteotome Curved 20 mm
Thin Osteotome 8 mm x 127 mm
Thin Osteotome 10 mm x 127 mm
Radial Osteotome 10 mm x 127 mm
Radial Osteotome 12 mm x 127 mm
Radial Osteotome 14 mm x 127 mm
Radial Osteotome 16 mm x 127 mm
Radial Osteotome 20 mm x 127 mm
Extra Long Osteotome 8 mm x 229 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 8 mm x 64 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 10 mm x 64 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 12 mm x 64 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 20 mm x 64 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 8 mm x 127 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 10 mm x 127 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 12 mm x 127 mm
Flex Chisel Blade 20 mm x 127 mm
Flex Osteotome Delivery System
Slap Hammer Shaft
Quick Connect T-Handle
T-Bar Stem Extractor
Trephine Delivery System
Trephine 11 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 11.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 12 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 12.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 13 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 13.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 14 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 14.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 15 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 15.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 16 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 16.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 17 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 17.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 18 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 18.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 19 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 19.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 20 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 20.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 21 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 21.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 22 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 22.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 23 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 23.5 mm ID x 203 mm
Trephine 24 mm ID x 203 mm
Hip Extraction Instrumentation Product Overview DePuy Synthes
Manufactured by:
Symmetry Medical
3274 North SR15
Warsaw. IN 46582
Tel: +574 268 2252
Fax: +574 267 4551
Authorised European Representative:
Symmetry Medical
Beulah Road
Sheffield S6 2AN
Distributed by:
DePuy Orthopaedics EMEA is a trading division of DePuy International Limited.
Registered Office: St. Anthony’s Road, Leeds LS11 8DT, England
Registered in England No. 3319712
DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc.
700 Orthopaedic Drive
Warsaw, IN 46581-0988
Tel: +1 (800) 366 8143
Fax: +1 (574) 267 7196
DePuy International Ltd
St Anthony’s Road
Leeds LS11 8DT
Tel: +44 (0)113 387 7800
Fax: +44 (0)113 387 7890
©DePuy International Ltd. and DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. 2014.
All rights reserved.
CA#DPEM/ORT/1212/0410(1) 9099-00-100 Issued: 01/14