2011-2012 Intermediate PACK #9 National Director: Paul Russell Editors: Stephen Finlay, Nicole Novakovics , Colleen O’Reilly and Ryan Vicker s National Co-ordinators: Daniel Hill , Eric Novakovics & Frank Russell Teacher Advisors: Patricia Beecham-Cooper & Chris Zarski Researchers: Sean Bromilow :Montreal Len Bonifacio: Edmonton Gerry Buccini: St. Albert Ian Campbell: Winnipeg Bill Davis: Upper Coverdale Justin Fedor: Edmonton Jonathan Fuller: Toronto Jenny Gu : Toronto Mathew Hill : Buffalo Elizabeth Jewlal : London Brandon Judd : London Clinton Kam : Burnaby Brian Mckenzie: Pinawa Mark Miheijevic: Burlington Matt Morrissette:Brandon Zach Pace: Buffalo Alex Ryu : Welland Gary Serviss: Petawawa Stephanie Shena:Toronto Tom St. Amand : Sarnia David Walter: Toronto National Office: 460 Palmerston Blvd, Toronto. Ontario, Canada, M6G 2P1 Tel: 416-534-9966 Fax: 416-535-7651 www.reachforthetop.com maiI@reachforthetopcom © 2011 Reach For The Top Inc. TEAM # TEAM NAME; i TEAM # TEAM NAME: _____our _____ INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLREACH -2011-2012 PACK#9 quizmaster for this game between Ischool l] 110SF: Welcome to SCI-IOOLREACI-l. Fm [plaer 2] In this match. we have [player 1] and [school 2] pitted against [player #11 of [school #11 [player 4] [player #31 of [school #2] 4] [player #3] [player [player #21 . . —, — Well pla three rounds of questions. with a minute break heteen each round. No’. if the scorekeeper is ready. lets hetin ROUND ONE OF SC! IOOLREACH! 40-POINT SNAPSTAIU 10 ROUND ONF 1. What jet is flown by the Snowbirds? TUTOR A. 2. same the religious organization founded by William Booth in London’s East End. in 1865. SALVATION ARMY A. 3. Belbre its name change in 1982, xhat was Canada Day called? Dominion Day A. 2 what does the letter E stand for? 4. In Einstein’s famous equation E—MC ENERGY A. 30-POINT OPEN QUESTION - U.S. STATES 5. What state is made up of two peninsulas in the heart of the Great Lakes area? MICHIGAN A. 6. In 1912. what was the last state to become a part of the continental U.S. and features the Grand Canyon? ARIZONA A. 9 7. One of the original thirteen, what state features the cities of Manchester and Portsmouth NEW HAMPSHIRE A. 40-POINT OPEN QUESTION - CANADA 8, What territory of Canada ‘has created in 1898 from part of the Northwest Territories? Yl. KON TFRRH ORIES A. 9. Historically, what has been the principal industn of the Yukon? MINING A. 1 0. Which non-Canadian political jurisdiction touches the Yukon Territory? ’\ 1 Al ASK V Ii, What great ocean lies to the north of the Yukon? ARCTIC OCEAN A 4() P )l 1 II \\l Q [STION RI ‘ i n (I!IOP .111 r-.’ J\ I tI\ \Li}i I C 1 ! T j “.. P i 0 P)( \/T1 i nvi of 7 (‘I! ri i. I flI fl ( ‘ ‘ i\ -‘0 — In this two-part TEAM QUESTION, whichever team is first to answer correctly the ten-point SCRAMBLE QUESTION in PART ONE. is then eligible for the remaining ten-point questions in PART TWO. PART ONE: Scramble ihr ten points. 12. Merganser, Bufflehead and Mallard are three types of what? A. DUCK PART T\VO: The remaining questions are duck related. SCORE TEN POINTS FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER 13. What is the correct name for a male duck? A. DRAKE 14. This subject may remind one of what popular mens hairstyle of the 1950s? A. DUCK TAIL 15. What descriptive term is associated with a platypus? A. DUCK-BILLED 20-POINT SPECIAL GEOGRAPHY 16. Name two of the four countries that border Guatemala. A. MEXICO. BELIZE. HONDURAS. EL SALVADOR (Two of these) 80-POINT ASSiGNED QUESTION - Here is an ASSIGNED QUESTION in which each member of each team is assign ed a ten-point question. If you miss your question. then your counterpart on the opposing team will have a chance at it for ten points. For those driving in the British Isles, there are differences in language use. Give the Canadian equivalent of the following British expressions; for example. a wind screen in Britain is a windshield in Canada. TEAM A: 17. Diversion Ahead A. DETOUR 18. Avoiding Route A. BYPASS 19. Overtaking Prohibited A, NO PASSING 20. Bonnet A. HOOI) TEANI B: 21. Lorry A. TRUCK 22. Dual Carriage Way A. DIVIDED HIGHWAY REA(} I FOR TI IL TOP 201 1 201 2 IN1IERMF..DIATE SCHOOREACH PM ..K ..9 Page 7 23. Give Way A. YIELD 24. Lay-By REST AREA A. 30-POINT OPEN QUESTION THE HUMAN BODY 25. What is the name of the set of nerves behind the stomach? THE SOLAR PLEXUS (CELlAR PLEXUS) A. 26. What attaches muscles to bones or cartilage? TENDONS A. 27. What is the name of the coloured part of the eve? THE IRIS A. 40-POINT SNAPPERS TO ENI) THE ROUND 28. King Atheistan of West Saxony became the first king to rule all of which country? ENGLAND A. t at the time of the famous mutiny. 29. Name the commander of the British naval vessel !Bounty WILLIAM BLIGH A. 30. Robert Goddard is generally acknowledged as the father of what aspect of space exploration? ROCKETRY A. 31. Name the American president who signed the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico. BiLL CLINTON A. ONE-MINUTE BREAK TO ROUND TWO 40-POINT SNAPPERS TO START ROUND TWO 32, What is a more commonly used synonym for respiration? BREATHING A. 33. Where does a cabin boy usually work? ON A SHIP (IN A SHIP’S CABIN) A. 34. What heavenly body is the main cause of the movement of tides? THE MOON A. 35. How many sides does a nonagon have? NINE A. 40-POINT WHO AM I QUESTION 36. This question is worth 40 points if you guess the answer on the first clue and 10 points less with each succeeding clue, until either team answers the question correctly. ©REACH FOR THE TOP 2.01 1 ‘2012 HRMIDI\1F S(HOORF \cHP\cK° T l\ Page 3 of 7 CLUE A: I was born in Scarborough. Ontario in 1963. WHo AM 1? CLUE B: In 1988. I became an actor on a famous Saturday night TV progra m. WHO AM I? CLUE C: On this program. I introduced the character “Wane Campbell.” 1. WHO AM 1? CL LI D On the big screen I starred in such Hat”. WHo AM I? A, rno\ILs as \\ane c \\orld \uslin Po\er and ( U in th. I AM MIKE MYERS 30-POINT OPEN QUESTION - DECADE IN CANADIAN HISTORY I will give you an event. you tell me the decade in which it took place. 37. Highway signs in most of Canada become metric. A. 1970s (1977) 38. The Canada Council is created to help foster Canadian cultural life. A. 1950s (1957) 39. Canada signs the Halibut Treaty with the U.S. without a corroborating British signature. A. l920s (1923) 40-POINT TEAM QUESTION In this two-part TEAM QUESTION. whichever team is first to answer correct ly the ten-point SCRAMBLE QUESTION in PART ONE, is then eligible for the remaining ten-point questions in PART TWO. PART ONE: Scramble for ten points. 40. When Yuri Gagarin was propelled from the earth on April 12. 1961. he became the first man to venture where? A. IN SPACE SCORE TEN POINTS FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER. PART TWO: The remaining questions deal with space. 41. Who was the first American in space? A. ALAN SHEPPARD JR. 42. Name one of the two series of space shuttles operated by NASA. A. COLUMBiA OR CHALLENGER 43. What is the name of the first manned space flight which went around the moon in December 1968? A. APPOLLO 8 40-POINT OPEN QUESTION — COMMUNICATION H RFAC H FOR THE TOP 2011/2012 R’ II T )l \ II SC I IGORl \ ii Pae 4 of 7 44. Etymology is the study of what? (THE HISTORY OF) WORDS A, 45. Words having opposite meanings are known as? ANTONYMS A. 46. What is the superlative form of the adjective “smaW’? SMALLEST A. 47. What is the adverb in the sentence: “The surfer looked nervously at the approaching wave. NERVOUSLY A. 40-POINT SNA POUT TO ENI) ROUND TWo 48. What musical form is associated with Verdi? OPERA A. 49. What does the Latin word “amor’ mean in English? LOVE A. square root of 25? is the 50. What FIVE A. is known for being the first Canadian to climb what mountain? Skreselet 51. Laurie MOUNT EVEREST A. ONE-MINUTE BREAK To ROUND THREE 40-POINT SNAPSTART TO ROUND THREE 52. What is the occupation of someone who cuts and trims hair? BARBER (ACCEPT HAIRDRESSER) A. 53. What type of animal is a mandrill? MONKEY (BABOON or DRILL) A. 54. What is the name of Detroit’s National Football League team? LIONS A. 55. Who is the President of Russia? DMITRY MEDVEDEV A. 40-POINT TEAM QUESTION In this two-part TEAM QUESTION, whichever team is first to answer correctly the ten-point SCRAMBLE QUESTION in PART ONE, is then eligible for the remaining ten-point questions in PART TWO, P’\RT ONE: Scramble for ten points 56. What island. now in Canada, became one of England’s first oerseas colonies when it was claimed on behalf of Elizabeth I in 1583? NEWFOUNDLANI) A. SCORE TEN POINTS FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER. R[\CI I FOR TilL T( )P 2) I 2fl IN 11 RMF 1)1 FE SCI-IOORI AC H P \( K F Pa. 5 of 7 PART TWO: The remaining questions deal with Nefoundland. 57, Which Englishman attempted to establish the first colony there? A. SIR HUMPIIREY GILBER’! 58. Which explorer as the first representati\e of England to conic to Newftundland? A. JOhN CABOT 59. Which other European countrx also claimed Ne\foundland and established settlements there? A. FRANCE (also accept PORTUGAL) 40-POINT OPEN QUESTION — EMPIRES 60. What group created the largest contiguous land empire in world history? A. THE MONGOLS 61. Name the leader ho founded the Mongolian Empire in 1206. A. GENUJIIS KHAN 62. What grandson of Genghis Khan established that Yuan Dynasty in China with its capital at Beijing? A. KUBLAIKHAN 63, What is the name of the part of the former Mongolia that is now controlled by China? A. INNER MONGOLIA 40 POIN1 WHAT AM I QUESTION 64. This question is worth 40 points if you guess the answer on the first clue and 10 points less ith each succeeding clue, until either team answers the question correctly. CLUE A: I am a popular musical instrument linked to the Big Band sound of the I 930s and 40s. WHAT AM I? CLUE B: 1 am a member of the brass family. WHAT AM I? CLUE C: I have the highest register in the family of brass instruments and I usually have valves. WHAT AM 1? CLUE D: Chet Baker and Louis Armstrong both became famous by using me to make music. WHAT AM I? A. I AM A TRUMPET 20-POIN1 OPEN QUES I ION 1 HE BFA1 IFS 65 1 ate in his career. ho formed a touring band called the “All Star Band’ A. RINGO S IARR 66. Which cit as the original home to the Beatles? k. LIVERPOOl OM-\1lNJ’TE BREAK TO ROI ND THREE \I RI \( I fOR 1111 OP ( 11 01 R\It [)I \ 11 S(11( )ORF .\C’Il P \(‘K idgL 0 () “Q 40-POINT OPEN QUESIiON SCANI)ANA VIA 67. Name the three countries that historica1I make up Scandinavia. NORWAY. SWEDFN, L)ENMARK A. 68. Iwo other countries are often included with the aboe three. Name any one of these two, FINLAND. ICELAND A. 69. Name the large island that is a distant part of the Kingdom of Denmark. A. GREENLAND 70. Which of the ahoe Scandinavian countries Ibught two separate wars against the Soiet Union during the Second World War? FINLAND A. 100-POINT SNAPO[T To FINISH THE GAvIE 71. On what part of the body does one traditionally wear epaulettes? A. SHOULDERS 72. What day, month and year was D-Day? JUNE 6. 1944 A. 73. The name of what commonly used material is derived from the ancient Greek word Papyros? PAPER A. 74. Bertie Ahem, Gerry Adams and Tony Blair have been associated with peace talks in which British province? NORTHERN IRELAND A. 75. In fiction, what is the name of the city in which the Wizard of Oz lived? EMERALD CITY A. 76. The earth’s lithosphere comprises the crust as well as the upper part of which other layer? MANTLE A. of Vimy Ridge was fought during what war? Battle 77. The WORLD WARI A. animal world, what is a Pomeranian? In the 78. (BREED OF) DOG A. 79. Who betrayed Jesus? JUDAS A. instrument would I use to measure air pressure? With scientific 80. BAROMETER A. END OF GAME TIE-BREAKERS IF NEEDED Located in Newfoundland, what is the most easterly point in North kmerica’ (APF SPEAR A. 2. Which musician and composer wrote the opera, The Marriage of Figaro”? (WOLFGANG AMADEUSj MOZAR1 A. 3 In 1597. which philosopher said, “knowledge is power”? FRANCIS BACON A. 4 In the Old F estament. who was the wife of King David and the mother of King Solomon? B\fHSHFRA \. 1 I I A( II FOR Jill [OP (II 0 I”J II RMI 1)1 \ Ii S(’fIflflfI \(} I P,\( k
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