Stelling Minnis CE Primary School 2017 Church School Parental Questionnaire Responses 10 forms were returned. The number of people who replied Yes/No to questions have been indicated and the comments have all been put together. Questions What do you see as the distinctively Christian values of Stelling Minnis CE Primary school? Comments: Love, respect, honesty, kindness, caring, sharing, community, inclusivity, friendship, peace, forgiveness, trust How do you think these values have had an impact on your child/children? Yes – bedrock of beliefs, in their positive behaviours, attitudes, respect, children feel safe and valued, in their feeling nurtured, cared for and a sense of justice. What sort of opportunities does the school provide for the spiritual development of your child/children? Own prayers in assembly, daily prayers, RE week, prayer group, services, time to reflect, other faith people visit, prayer room, hymns, clubs, worship leaders, visits, share achievements, weekly RE lessons How does the school help your child to develop morally, socially and culturally? Yes. Through discussions, modelling attitudes, behaviours and beliefs, through the ethos, through behaviours (older and younger children), guests, in supporting a school abroad, in class, by everything they do. The school could do more culturally. Do you think that the school has high expectations of behaviour and do you think the expectations and relationships within the school reflect the Christian values of the school? Yes 9 out of 10 Reflect Values – Yes. One reply – need more robust measures to deal with bullying. Does your child enjoy Religious Education (RE)? Can you think of any ways in which his/her learning in RE has had an impact on his/her life (thinking, attitudes, behaviour etc)? Yes 8 out of 10. Usually 2 out of 10 Encourages tolerance and respect of others, can repeat Bible stories and knows the meaning behind them, asks questions, talks at home, discussions at home, depends on the relevance to their lives, can retell stories, prays on their own initiative. Do you know how well your child is progressing in RE? Yes 5 out of 10. No 2 out of 10. Unsure 3 out of 10 Do you think that your child/children have a good knowledge and understanding of Christianity? How do you know? Yes 8 out of 10 Reasonable 2 out of 10 Talk as a family about faith, conversations at home, aware of Christian fellowship also at church,, says ‘we are Christians and believe in God’, asks questions, through the child’s actions and ability to relay the Christian values, by their comments, by their learning from experiences. Do you think that your child/children have a good knowledge and understanding of other world faiths? How do you know? Yes 6 out of 10. Some awareness 2 out of 10. No 1out of 10. Through talking to the children. Do you think that collective worship is important for the school? What impact does it have on your child/children? Yes 9 out of 10. Sense of identity, belonging, respect, collective values, sense of being whole, was why a parent chose the school, sense of individuality, sense of community, part of a team, to worship and celebrate. Are you invited to collective worship during the year? Do you enjoy your visits? PTO Yes 9 out of 10 Rarely 1 out of 10 Enjoy it, enjoy even through parent doesn’t take part in worship, Xmas service brilliant, nice to share with their child, very enjoyable, enjoy as a family. How does your child participate in and/or lead during collective worship? Sometimes (year R), not sure, No, Yes – as worship leader they plan and lead worship, class assembly ies, opportunity for every child to sing, pray, through storytelling, songs, actions, praying out loud, as a worship leader, they love it. Does your child understand something about the importance of prayer and reflection? Yes 9 out of 10. Not really 1 out of 10 Do you think that the school helps your child to understand what it is to belong to the Anglican Church? Yes 5 out of 10. Not sure 3 out of 10. No 1 out of 10. How do the headteacher, school leaders and governors promote the Christian vision and values of the school? Through their actions, ethos, assemblies, RE lessons, through teachers and TAs, by caring for others, posters, clubs, by reflecting the Christian vision, personal conduct, charitable acts, worship, giving children opportunities to experience and establish an understanding of Christianity, invitation to church services. Are there effective partnerships with the local church and the local community? How do these benefit your child and the wider school community? Church – Yes, Harvest and Xmas in local churches, many, and with surrounding parishes. Community – Grandparents’ tea, volunteer readers, summer fete donates to other charities/organisations, children feel part of the wider community. Other comments: One reply was that their child feels not believing in God is not always recognised as valid. Although not a Christian and not of a faith, I appreciate the common values conveyed by the school through the lens of Christianity.
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