The Effect of Anthropogenic Eutrophication on a Shallow Marine Benthic Ecosystem : Microfossil Records over the Last 200 Years in Osaka Bay, Japan Akira Tsujimoto (Osaka City Univ.) Moriaki Yasuhara (Smithonian Institution) Hideo Yamazaki (Kinki Univ.) Kotaro Hirose (Shimane Univ.) Global synthesis of collapsed taxa (Europe, North America, and Australia) Solid circle : relative abundance of collapsed taxa (i.e., >90 % decrease) (Worm et al. 2006) 1800 Ecosystem degradation rapidly started since industrialization Problems of anthropogenic eutrophication Conceptual Model 1) Increase in food to consumer (increase in biomass) 2) Hypoxia (DO < 2mg/L) → Destruction of Benthic Ecosystem (prosperity of a few resistant species like polychaetes) Global distribution of eutrophication-associated dead zones Japan Hypoxic system Diaz and Rosenberg (2008) Their distribution matches the global human footprint Japan has many hypoxic system in Asia How can we know the “past” ecosystem ? Biological monitoring: <30 years Fish catch records: only for commercial fishes, possible bias Archeological data: fragmentary, possible bias Then... We can learn from sediment cores and contained microfossils (e.g., foraminifera and ostracoda) ! What are Foraminifera and Ostracoda ? Foraminifera Ostracoda shelled protozoan (meiobenthos) small crustacean (ca. 1 mm) abundantly fossilize in sediments Only metazoa abundantly preserved as fossils in sediment cores There are… low-oxygen tolerant species and intolerant species Sensitive to environmental changes bars=100 micron Osaka Bay ~ Typical Asian Example ~ Typical urban embayment Serious anthropogenic eutrophication have been occurring since Japanese industrial revolution around 1900. Hypoxia have also been developing in the inner part since 1900. Hypoxia most developed during the period of high economic growth from the mid 1950 to the early 1970. COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) inflow Large amounts of pollutants are discharged into the bay via the Yodo River located in the inner part Total Phosphorous and Dissolved Oxygen (Summer Values) The hypoxic zone (DO < 2mg/L) is formed in the inner part of the bay Data of DO and TP from Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station (2001–2005) (average of observations from 1999 to 2003, August) Spatial distribution of benthic population high-density/ Low-diversity Polychaetes, which is tolerant of low-oxygen conditions, predominate in the inner part. Spatial distribution of benthic foraminifera relative abundance high-density/ Low-diversity Inner part is dominated by Ammonia beccarii, Eggerella advena, Trochammina hadai Then, by investigating fossils in cores: We can understand i)the developing process of a few resistant species like small polychaetes refer ii)how biodiversity and ecosystem have been changing and responding to human disturbance Samples (Short Sediment Cores) OBY OS3 OS4 OS5 Hypoxic OBY OS3 OS4 OS5 water core base depth length age (m) (cm) 14 84 ~1840 17.8 105 ~1860 19 86 ~1820 25 74 ~1900 Non-hypoxic OBY and OS3 are located in the present hypoxic zone The cores are composed of homogeneous mud Species Diversity vs. Absolute Abundance before 1920 Natural environmental gradient was destructed after 1920s. Absolute Abundance of Foram and Ostra OS5 OBY OS3 OS4 eutrophication-induced changes occurred around 1900 as a result of Japanese industrial revolution, and around 1960 as a result of rapid urbanization Foraminiferal diversity All sites: Decrease start of regulation Most species collapsed or locally extinct, except a few resistant species to hypoxia The changes correspond to the changes of population in backland and the amount of nutrients input Species rank in the hypoxic site (OBY) average of pre-industrialization (before 1920) 1 2 3 1 2 3 After the industrialization (Eutrophication) Prosper of a few resistant species Collapse of other species average of Alpha and Beta post-industrialization diversity loss (after 1920) Faunal changes of foraminifera OS5 OBY OS3 OS4 Species Diversity vs. Absolute Abundance Hypoxic sites Return to the initial state? No! It may be noninvertible process. Conclusions Anthropogenic eutrophication caused: “Collapse of large animals and rise of microbes (Jackson, 2001, 2008)” “High-density/low-diversity assemblage (Tsujimoto et al., 2008)” Collapse of many non-resistant species : e.g., Crustacea recorded in fossil Ostracoda Prosperity of a few resistant species : e.g., deposit-feeding small polychaetes recorded in fossil Foraminifera Start of the degradation is 100 years later than Europe in Japan. This is because Japanese industrialization itself 100 years later than Europe. Spatiotemporal changes in the Species Diversity Newly Impact of Eutrophication? Changes in the red-tide causing algae caused the changes in benthic ecosystem? Osaka Bay ~historical record~ Secular change in the influx of nitrogen and phosphorus (Nakatsuji et al., 1998), the population size of Osaka City (Osaka City, 2004), and total occurrences of red tides (Osaka Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, 1973–2002). Salinity 32 32 (Osaka Bay environmental database; Inner part (OBY) ● Inner part (OS3) ● Outer part (OS4) ● Outer part (OS5) ●
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