Club Officers: Spring 2015 President: First VP: Second VP Third VP: Secretary: Treasurer: Bryan Clark Brian Drelick Jim Rollins Donna Howe Pat Godbout Rita Poland 23 Ray Rd., Dunbarton 13 Nancy Avenue, Pelham 236 Hamwoods Rd. Alton 85 Omega Rd., Manchester, 179 Deerfield Rd. Nottingham 67 Four Point Dr. ,Landaff NH 03046 NH 03076 NH 03809 NH, 03102 NH, 03290 NH 03585 603-774-3434 603-635-9973 603-776-7599 603-623-3242 603-734-2127 603-838-5579 Directors Dan Godbout Ron Gosselin Steven Belletti John Poland 179 Deerfield Rd. Nottingham 48 Hooksett Tpke, Concord 1465 Hooksett Rd. Hooksett, 67 Four Point Dr. Landaff, NH, 03290 NH 03301 NH 03106 NH 03585 603-734-2127 603-715-5111 603-206-5099 603-838-5579 Brittany Tales Is Published every January, April, July and October. Deadline is the First of those Months. Submit Information to John Poland at SPRING FIELD TRIAL NNEBC CASSEROLE DINNER Slusser Senior Center Spring 2015 This year has been something for the record books. The huge snow amounts promise to leave us with heavy spring flooding and a prolonged mud season. The Army Corp of Engineers has contacted Rita and has requested an alternate date for our spring field trial in case they have to cancel the May 16 and 17 dates. Old Hill Village is a flood control zone and when they are forced to close the Dam down river in Franklin it backs up the river and the area where we hold our trial is under as much as 30 feet of water. After going back and forth with the Corp of Engineers for permission to have our trial on May 16 & 17 and the possible venue change, which wasn’t looking very good, it now looks like we are going to have our trial at Hill after all. Rita has put in a lot of time and energy trying to make this thing happen. Now it’s just up to the weather & you supporting your club with entries or a helping hand In This Issue: Dog of the Year Page 2 In The Field Page 5 Dog of the Year Page 7 HELDCA Dates Page 8 Minutes Page 3 & 4 2014 Calendar Page 10 . 1 You missed it!! If you were still digging out from all the snow this year you missed the Northern New England Brittany club annual game dinner at the Slusser Senior Center in Contoocook, NH. It was one of the few days this winter we did not have snow and the attendance showed it. The club had about 40 members attending this year game dinner. We started at 4:00pm with the social gathering for all to catch up and enjoy some of the many hors d’oeuvers that our members made. At 5:15 the pot luck dinner was served and we had a variety of dishes with salad and bread. Everyone made sure to leave enough room for the great desserts after the meal. Once everyone had their fill it was time to get down to business and President Bryan Clark called the meeting to order at 6:20. Steven Belletti NNEBC 2014 DOG OF THE YEAR AWARDS Just Call Me Roy Award for Open Field Dog Greentown's Duke of Hampshire - Art Hembrough 42 points Amateur Field Dog FC/AFC Jeter III - Mike Blondin 370 points Greentown's Duke of Hampshire - Art Hembrough 82 points Juvenile Field Dog Mr. P's Little Devil - John & Rita Poland 112 points (puppy) Mr. P's Little Devil - John & Rita Poland 64 points (derby) Show Dog of the Year GCH Triumphant's As Good As It Gets JH - Linda McCartneyRoy & Kristyn McCartney 662 points CH Maple Brook's Great Balls of Fire, JH - Peggy Aguiar 98 points Best of Opposite Sex to Show Dog of the Year GCH Omega's Em A Yankee Sweetheart JH - Donna Howe 72 points CH Birch Spring PC Lunar Eclipse JH NAVHDA NA II - Philip & Benjamin Thayer - 47 Best of Winners CH Birch Spring PC Lunar Eclipse JH NAVHDA NA II - Philip & Benjamin Thayer - 47 points New Titles Dual Champion Platinum Grand Champion GCH Triumphant's As Good As It Gets JH - Linda McCartneyRoy & Kristyn McCartney Grand Champion GCH Maple Brook's Great Balls of Fire JH - Peggy Aguiar GCH Omega's Em A Yankee Sweetheart JH - Donna Howe Champion CH Maple Brook's Great Balls of Fire JH - Peggy Aguiar CH Triumphant's Hot Too Molly - Linda McCartney-Roy CH Triumphant's Chances Are - Linda McCartney-Roy & Krystin McCartney CH Triumphant's Playmate of the Year - Linda McCartney-Roy CH Birch Spring PC Lunar Eclipse JH NAVHDA NA II - Philip & Benjamin Thayer Master Hunter Senior Hunter Junior Hunter Accomplishments GCH Triumphant's Absolute Evel JH - Peggy Aguiar Sporting Group I, Worcester Kennel Club (146 dogs) GCH Maple Brook's Great Balls of Fire JH - Peggy Aguiar #14 Brittany in National Owner Handler Series Owner Handler Sporting Group 3, Merrimack Valley KC Bred By Exhibitor Group 2, Greater Lowell KC Award of Merit Pennsylvania Brittany Club Specialty GCH Omega's Em A Yankee Sweetheart JH - Donna Howe Best of Breed, Wachusett KC Best of Breed, Wachusett KC (2) GCH Triumphant's As Good As It Gets JH - Linda McCartney-& Kristyn McCartney Continued on page 7 Ron and Sylvia Gosselin Have Resigned NNEBC Due to health problems both Ron and Sylvia resigned from Northern New England Brittany Club. Ron and Sylvia have for many years now served NNEBC by hosting the Casserole Dinner and the Game Supper. In addition they have ran our Members Day event and participated with the Hunt Tests. Ron also has servesdon the Board of Directors for a number of years. Their efforts and all their hard work that they put into running these events for NNEBC is gratefully appreciated and they will both be missed by all. With Ron stepping down from his position on the BOD, Ed Kelleher has stepped up and agreed to fill Ron's position. We, all the members of NNEBC, would like to wish both Ron and Sylvia good luck and good health and to remember, the door will always be open to both of you! Nominations for 2015 Jim Rollins is this years Nominating Committee Chairman. Officers and Directors that are up for election this year are: Present, Bryan Clark, Secretary, Pat Godbout Treasurer, Rita Poland 3rd VP, Donna Howe Directors; Steven Belletti and Ed Kelleher. All have agreed to serve another term. 2 Member’s Meeting 3/08/2015 Slusser Senior Center, Contoocook, New Hampshire Meeting Started at 6:32 PM. Directors: John Poland, Donna Howe, Bryan Clark, Dan Godbout, Patty Godbout, Jim Rollins, Secretary’s Report – Patty Godbout, no report Treasurer’s report – Rita Poland, $6692.98 All bills to date are paid. NNEBC is in very good financial shape compared to previous years. 1st Vice President - Brian Drelick The September hunt test has been moved up a week, 9/12 & 9/13. Donna asked about partnering with another club for this weekend. There has been no further discussion in regards to this idea. Bryan has added to the next board of directors agenda. Linda McCartney-Roy stated Central is doing a double header on April 4th, morning and afternoon, due to Easter Sunday on the 5th. Jim, Foggy Ridge Game Birds, emailed the 2015 bird price list. The board will discuss using Jim or the PA guy at the next meeting. It will depend on Dan’s preference, USPS or Foggy drops at Dave Trahan’s. Field Trial Scheduled for May 16 & 17 - John Poland asked if Dave Hayes would be chairperson. Volunteers needed for various needs, bird planting, kitchen duty, etc. John also notified the membership the Army Corp of Engineers requested we select an alternate date in case of flooding due to the harsh winter and melting snow expectations. Members day August 2nd, NNEBC is looking for someone to help Brian Drelick and Steve Belletti manage the brace event. Bryan Clark asked the members to consider participating in this event. It needs a chair and a secretary. Bryan offered to show these folks the ropes. Please conact Bryan, Brian or Steve for more information as to what is involved and what it takes to run Members day. 2nd Vice President – James Rollins Membership: membership applications new members – none Jim announced a new application was received tonight. Neal Beauregard from New Ipswich, NH. John Poland made motion to accept; Pat Godbout seconded. Welcome, Neal. 3rd Vice President - Donna Howe Donna is working on the ABC summer specialty being held on June 21st. She is accepting donations to create a NH raffle basket. Many members brought items this evening, Lindt chocolate, Jenness Farms Goat Milk products, Zervino wine, and a cutting board shaped like the state of NH. Do you do crafts? Please consider donating one of your creations. If you would like to donate something from our wonder state, please get in touch with Donna by June 1st. March 14th is the NNEBC specialty show at NESGA @ Eastern State Expo Center West Springfield, MA. Please contact Donna for information. President – Bryan Clark Bryan presented the 2014 RonDo award. This award is named for Ron & Dot Stevenson, founders of NNEBC, for a NNEBC member’s service and good sportsmanship during the previous year. Bryan presented the award to Patty Godbout for assisting him with NNEBC club business and keeping the membership informed throughout the year. Bryan presented the 2014 President award to Sylvie Gosselin, for her energy and dedication on Members day, Game dinner and Pheasant dinner organization. This award is given to a member who helped make the president in the past year and contributed to the good of the club. Bryan thanked Kelly Clark for managing the kitchen for tonight’s game dinner. New Business – Ann Short talked about the ABC Summer Specialty hosted by Central Maine Brittany Club coming up in June. Please go to and take a look at the schedule to join the event. Over 100 brits are expected. There will be an AKC seminar on judging, e.g. what to look for in a brit, what judges are looking for at trials, tests and show. Back to back agility trials is a new event for the specialty show this year. There will be raffle baskets from all the states represented, such as Florida, California, New York, just to mention a few. Ann asked for help and support with this event. From financial contributions from clubs or an individual to sponsor a class, like agility, are some ways to contribute. This event is scheduled from June 18th through the 21th. Please contact Ann for information Central Maine Brittany Club will be having their hunt test on April 17th & 18th in Maine. 3 Director’s Meeting continued John Poland received letter from Gary Anderson. Pete Jordan passed away this year. Gary looking for donations to purchase plaque at the national bird dog museum to honor Pete. John Short explained Pete was a founding member of the CMBC, a gentleman’s gentleman. He was always at the meetings and trials. He was always willing to help others and offer advice. Bryan stated the board of directors would discuss a possible contribution at the next board meeting. John S. said even a donation of $5 or $10 would be appreciated. John P. will contact Gary for more information to discuss at next the board meeting. Art Hembrough also shared there is a field trial trophy in honor of Pete. The New England Clubs – Northern, Central, Eastern, Southern - have joined together for a yearly walking hunting dog award. The dog with most points at the end of the year gets the award. Each club will be hosting an event to accumulate points. This is a non regulated walking hunting dog event. It is not an AKC event. It’s a fun event. The Stanley Kosowicz stake points counts towards this award. There will be two sets of score keepers to keep accurate records of points. Old Business – none HELDCA - Dan Godbout NNEBC got 1st choice for 2015 dates. The Sharpe’s Farm work day in April has not been set yet. An email will be sent out to membership as soon as HELDCA evaluates the fields are clear of snow, etc. 2015 Meeting dates: Feb 2nd Board Meeting March 7th Game Dinner March 14th 7th Annual NE Sporting Group Dog Show - Massachusetts April 6th Board Meeting May 16th & 17th Field Trial June 1st Board Meeting June 21st NNEBC Specialty Show - Maine Aug 2nd Member’s day Sept 12th & 13th Hunt Test Nov 7th Pheasant shoot Club day & Casserole Dinner Dec 7st Board Meeting Meeting adjourned 7:26 pm Motion to adjourn made by Dave Hayes, and 2nd the motion by Dan Godbout. New Business – Ann Short talked about the ABC Summer Specialty hosted by Central Maine Brittany Club coming up in June. Please go to and take a look at the schedule to join the event. Over 100 brits are expected. There will be an AKC seminar on judging, e.g. what to look for in a brit, what judges are looking for at trials, tests and show. Back to back agility trials is a new event for the specialty show this year. There will be raffle baskets from all the states represented, such as Florida, California, New York, just to mention a few. Ann asked for help and support with this event. From financial contributions from clubs or an individual to sponsor a class, like agility, are some ways to contribute. This event is scheduled from June 18th through the 21th. Please contact Ann for information Central Maine Brittany Club will be having their hunt test on April 17th & 18th in Maine. Meeting adjourned 7:26 pm Motion to adjourn made by Dave Hayes, and 2nd the motion by Dan Godbout. 4 Just Call Me Roy inducted into the Brittany Field Trial Hall of Fame I traveled to Grand Junction, TN in early February for Roy’s induction into the Brittany Field Trial Hall of Fame. Joining me for the weekend were Ben Lorenson, who trained and handled Roy, Rob Donohue and Kent Patterson, close friends and stalwarts of the Music City Club, my two nephews from Seattle, Steve and Jim Voorhees, and Peter Easter, an old Dartmouth classmate and hunting buddy. Held at the Bird Dog Museum, the Hall of Fame induction ceremony is a big affair! Literally hundreds of words. But I pulled it together and one of the things I mentioned about Roy was that he was whelped in my bedroom and slept on my bed whenever he was home from his campaigns, This got very blank looks from the pointer/setter folks in attendance. What? Don’t the pointers and setters get to sleep on their master’s beds? This was my second trip to the Bird Dog Museum and the improvements, particularly the new Brittany wing, are huge. I urge everyone to visit: so much of the history of our unique sport is there, beautifully presented under one roof. And I hope you see fit at some time to make a donation. There is a lot more work to be done. I also had the privilege of presenting the Museum with a large framed photograph of Roy. On it is a plaque with his titles: NFC/2xNAFC/FC/AFC Just Call Me Roy, BFTHOF, ABCHOF 7 x American Field Ch., 6 x RU American Field Ch. Tom Ettinger people show up, most there to honor dogs and people being inducted into the various breed Halls of Fame, Labs, Shorthairs, Springers, Pointers and Setters, you name it. Others attend because it is one of the big events kicking off the The National Championship at the neighboring Ames Plantation. When it was Roy’s turn for induction, Kent Patterson, who handled Roy to one of his National Amateur Championships and a great wordsmith, gave a wonderful and moving talk about Roy’s career leaving me with tears flowing when I had to say a few 5 L to R; Kent Patterson, Tom Ettinger and Ben Lorenson 2014 National Amateur Gun Dog Champion NNEBC DESIGNATED SPECIALTY NNEBC will host a Designated Specialty Show on Sunday, June 21st in Cumberland, Maine. Donna is looking for donations of prizes with the emphasis on “Made in New Hampshire”. More information can be found on the American Brittany Club website. 2014 American Brittany Club National Amateur Gun Dog Champion, Suemac’s Sky King, owned by Raymond Gorman and Dr. Roger McPherson. Sky is one of those rare dogs, a natural edge running dog, who was easy to train. He has been hunted on wild birds, both grouse and woodcock. Sky has that rare combination of great style on birds and a beautiful ground grabbing gate. He earned his AKC FC before he was three years old, soon after he garnered his AFC. In addition to his AKC titles, he is also a three time American Field Champion and two time runner up champion. Some of his notable wins are: 2009 runner up Eastern Futurity; 2009 runner up Central Futurity; 2012 winner Michigan Amateur Shooting Dog Championship; 2013 winner Michigan Amateur Shooting Dog Championship; 2013 Runner up Champion Michigan Open Shooting Dog Championship; and 2014 Runner up Champion the Tarheel Open Shooting Dog Championship. His sire was FC AFC Coos Ryley and Dam was Suemac’s Blazen Bibi. Sky is offered at stud to selected females by private treaty. Contact Ray at (603) 237 5725 or Roger at (843) 623 2186 . A copy of his pedigree can be found at Hosted by Central Maine Brittany Club Cumberland Fairgrounds 174 Bruce Hill Road ATTENTION Does NNEBC have your email address? Has your email changed? If you have not been receiving club events and information via email, and would like to. Please email me to get added to the distribution list. Find out before the newsletter hits the stands, what's going on in your club! Don't miss another exciting event! Tell your fellow club members. Roger McPherson, Ph. D. Patty Godbout 6 NNEBC 2014 DOG OF THE YEAR AWARDS ABC National Specialty Award of Merit Reserve Best in Show Penobscot KC Reserve Best in Show Penobscot KC (2) Eukanuba National Championship Best of Breed Eukanuba National Championship Best Bred By Exhibitor & Bred By Exhibitor Group 4 CH Triumphant's Playmate of the Year - Linda McCartneyRoy ABC National Winners Bitch CH Triumphant's Chances Are - Linda McCartney-Roy & Kristyn McCartney ABC National Winners Dog FC/AFC Jeter III - Mike Blondin 2014 North East Gun Dog Champion Mr. P's Little Twink - John & Rita Poland Derby third (18s) ABC Eastern Futurity Club Champion Thunder - Ray Gorman NNEBC Stanley Kosowicz Memorial Trophy for Amateur Walking Hunting Dog Green Mountain Brady - Deb Blondin Ron Stevenson Memorial Trophy for NNEBC Amateur Walking Hunting Dog Upper Ammonoosic Lizzie (ES) - Ed Marquis Roy & Kristyn McCartney 2014 Breed Standings #4 2014 Group Standings #4 Top 20 ABC National Invitational Congratulations to all ! Submitted by Donna Howe, 3rd VP CASSAROLE DINNER & CLUB DAY Date Change The date for both the Casserole Dinner and the Pheasant Shoot has been changed to November 14, 2015 The Atheist and the Bear Anonymous An atheist was walking through the woods. As he was enjoying the majestic trees, the powerful rivers, and all the animals he suddenly heard a noise behind him. He turned to see what was causing the rustling. There was an 8 ft grizzly charging toward him. He ran as fast as he could but every time he looked the bear was getting closer. He stumbled and fell to the ground. The bear was all over him and ready to strike when the atheist cried out to the Lord to save him. Time stopped, and the bear froze. A bright light appeared and said to him, “You have denied my existence all your life, even lecturing the denial of me, and now you want My help.” God then said “Should I now count you as a believer you will lecture to My existence.” The man turned toward the light and answered, “It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian, but perhaps you could make the bear a Christian.” God said “very well.” The light went away. The sounds of the forest returned. The bear dropped his paws and brought them both together, bowed his head and spoke; “Lord bless this food which we are about to receive…” Be carful what you pray for! Reprinted from 4 Legs & a Tail 7 HELDCA 2015 SCHEDULE SHARPE’S FARM Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Sunday, Saturday, Saturday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday, Sunday, April 18, 2015 * April 19, 2015 * April 25, 2015 May 02, 2015 May 03, 2015 May 16, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 22, 2015 May 23, 2015 May 24, 2015 May 30, 2015 June 06, 2015 June 07, 2015 June 13, 2015 June 14, 2015 June 20, 2015 June 21, 2015 June 27, 2015 June 28, 2015 July 11, 2015 July 19, 2015 July 25, 2015 July 26, 2015 August 02, 2015 August 08, 2015 August 15, 2015 August 28, 2015 August 29, 2015 August 30, 2015 September 12, 2015 September 13, 2015 September 26, 2015 September 27, 2015 November 07, 2015 November 08, 2015 Clean up day Rain date for clean up day Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Granite State Hunting Retriever Club Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Granite State Hunting Retriever Club Granite State Hunting Retriever Club Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club (open to all clubs field day) Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Boston Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Granite State Hunting Retriever Club Northern New England Brittany Club Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Merrimack Valley NAVHDA Club Northern New England Brittany Club Northern New England Brittany Club Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Katahdin GSP Club of Greater Portland Northern New England Brittany Club Granite State Hunting Retriever Club President, Steve Marcq Vice President, Brian Hillard Secretary, Richard Dwyer Treasurer, Steve Church 8 UPCOMING FIELD TRIALS, HUNT TESTS and SHOWS NNEBC OFFICERS April 18 & 20 CMBC Hunt Test Kennebunk, Maine e-mail Address Bryan Clark Brian Drelick Jim Rollins Donna Howe Rita Poland Pat Godbout Dan Godbout Steven Belletti John Poland April 18 & 19 Upper NY Field Trial April 26 & 27 Tar Tan GSC Hunt Test Danielson, CT Irish Setter Club of America May 9 & 10 ENEBC Field Trial Falmouth, MA May 16 &17 NNEBC Field Trial, Old Hill Village NH May 23 & 24 SNEBC Field Trial Arcadia, RI May 30 & 31 CNEBC Field Trial E Winsor, CT June 21 ABC Specialty Cumberland, ME Famous Quotes You have your way, I have my way, As for he right way, The correct way, The only way, It does not exist. Friedrich Nietzsche Phil and Sherri Thayer have one female puppy available from “Luna’s” litter. “Luna” aka CH Birch Spring PC Lunar Eclipse JH, NAVHDA NA II bred to “Hemi” aka CH J&A’s Magnificent Obsession of Acton JH which was whelped on February 13, 2015. The puppy “Remi” is white and orange, loves to pick things up and carry them around, bold and curious, but likes to be cuddled too. She is AKC and NAVHDA registered and the litter is ABC futurity nominated. Contact Phil Thayer at 603-964-3779 home or 603-918-8635 cell. Thanks, Sherri . 9 NNEBC BREEDER REFERRAL Anyone that is interested in finding information on a new puppy or would like to talk with a breeder about a Brittany, please contact Patty Godbout Club Secretary at NNEBC is not responsible for any claims made by it’s members that are breeders about any puppy or dog. This referral is only for the convenience of those looking for breeders and is in no way a solicitation to buy or sell any puppy or dog. Omega Brittanys announces a litter due early May "Honey" GCH Omega's Em A Yankee Sweetheart JH OFA CHIC has been bred to "Lucas" BISS DCH GRCH Triumphant's Absolut' On Ice OFA CHIC please contact Donna Howe for more info or 603-623-3242 April 15, 2014 Spring, 2014 John Poland 67 Four Point Drive Landaff, NH 03585 e-mail Brittany Tales 2015 NNEBC Calendar February 2nd Directors meeting 7PM Bayberry Commons Concord, NH March 7th Game Dinner and Membership Meeting, Slusser Senior Center Hooksett, NH May 16th & 17th Spring Field Trial Franklin Falls Flood Control Area Hill, NH June 1st Directors Meeting 7PM Bayberry Commons Concord, NH June 21st November 14th Club Day ((AKA, Pheasant Hunt)) 7AM Sharpe’s Farm Hopkinton NH November 14th Casserole Dinner Membership Meeting Slusser Senior Center Hopkinton, NH NNEBC Specialty Show March 14th NNEBC Specialty Show Eastern States Expo Center West Springfield, MA April 6th Directors Meeting 7PM Bayberry Commons Concord, NH Cumberland Fair Grounds Cumberland, ME August 2nd. Members Day Membership Meeting 8 AM Sharpe’s Farm Hopkinton, NH September 12th & 13th AKC Hunt Test 8AM Sharpe’s Farm Hopkinton, NH December 7th Directors Meeting 7 PM Bayberry Commons Concord, NH Make sure to mark your “Brittany Calendars” with these dates 10
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