The Episcopal Academy Annual Report

The Episcopal Academy
Annual Report
Table of Contents
State of the School
10 Leadership Circle: Gifts to Capital Projects &
12 The Bishop William White Society
14 The Advocate Council: Gifts to Operations
18 The Bishop William White Challenge Awards
19 Alumni Gifts
29 The Episcopal Academy Class of 2013
30 Parent Gifts
37 Grandparent Gifts
38 Parents of Alumni Gifts
41 Faculty & Staff Gifts
42 Gifts from Friends
44 Memorial & Honor Gifts
49 Capital Gifts
51 Gifts to Named Endowed Funds
63 Horizons at The Episcopal Academy
The Episcopal Academy Mission Statement
Challenging and nurturing Mind, Body, and
Spirit, we inspire boys and girls to lead lives
of purpose, faith, and integrity.
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
From the Board of Trustees
On May 16th and 17th, we honored Head of School Ham Clark
for his 11 years of outstanding leadership at Episcopal. Ham oversaw
one of the most prosperous and historic decades in Episcopal’s history,
and we are grateful for his leadership. Several gifts were bestowed
on both Ham and Ceci during the two-day celebration, including the
presentation of the Ham & Ceci Clark Scholarship Fund and the naming
of the Clark Campus Green. A highlight of the festivities was a fabulous
tribute video produced by Ed Vick ’62. If you missed the festivities,
you can view the video by visiting
Ham worked closely with incoming Head of School T.J. Locke this spring
to ensure a smooth leadership transition. T.J. and Lauren Locke and their
three children—Katie (9), Charlie (3), and Teddy (3)—moved into Lowry
House on July 1 and are eagerly immersing themselves in the community.
I am confident that T.J. will be a terrific leader for Episcopal.
The Strategic Plan, adopted in 2010, is now almost fully implemented.
The nine-strategy plan included a call for an increased focus on 21stCentury learning, a renewed commitment to our Episcopal heritage, a
focus on life preparation in addition to college preparation, and a focus on
faculty professional development and support. Numerous initiatives and
improvements to the school’s program have emerged from the Strategic
Plan, setting the stage well for T.J.’s tenure at Episcopal.
Episcopal continues to be in a very strong financial position. In the last five
years, through the Ever Episcopal Campaign and the move to Newtown
Square, we have added more than $200 million in assets to our balance
sheet while minimizing additional debt. Demand continues to be healthy
and our school-wide enrollment has remained strong. Our endowment is
roughly $42 million—a new record high—and our Development Office
continues to focus their fundraising efforts on increasing the endowment
Thanks again to the hundreds of alumni, parents, and friends who so
generously support Episcopal. We look forward to the 2013-2014 school
Gary Madeira ’72, Chair, Board of Trustees
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
2012-2013 Board of Trustees
Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72
Vice Chairs
Walter W. Buckley, III ’78
Jeremy P. Coote
Deborah J. R. Hirtle
Henry N. Nassau ’72
Peri W. Higgins
Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Honorary Chair
The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel, III
Head of School
L. Hamilton Clark, Jr.
Gretchen H. Burke
Steven E. Copit ’80
Robert R. Corrato
Stephen A. Dana
Michelle C. Egan
David B. Grossman ’95
Jean P. Haab ’84
Crawford Hill III ’70
Edward L. Jones, III ’87
Lori P. Kelly
Dennis R. Maple
James E. Minnick
Richard R. S. Northrop ’70
David J. Reape ’80
Jennifer T. Reder
Holly Sando Rieck ’91
Jay H. Shah
Stephen Spinelli, Jr.
Page H. Thompson ’79
Geoffrey F. Worden ’57
Thomas V. Zug ’64
Trustees Emeriti
Fred C. Aldridge, Jr. ’51
Harry B. French ’44
Louis W. Fryman
Joseph K. Gordon ’43
Frederick C. Haab ’55
Rush T. Haines, II ’61
Edward L. Jones, Jr. ’53
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr. ’47
Vincent G. Kling
James J. Koegel
William H. Lamb ’58
Robert H. Lee, Jr. ’52
Peter M. Mattoon ’49
Davis Pearson ’43
Daniel H. Polett
James L. Stinnett, M.D.
Jane R. Thompson
Donald van Roden ’42
Edward H. Vick ’62
From The Head of School
My 11-year tenure as The Episcopal Academy’s 10th Head of
School has been the experience of a lifetime. I am truly grateful for the
opportunity to serve as your Head of School and for all of the guidance
and support from EA’s incredibly devoted, talented, and caring trustees,
teachers, parents, students, and alumni.
As I hand over the reins to T.J. Locke, I am happy to report that The
Episcopal Academy is in terrific shape—by any measurement. Our stateof-the-art campus and our academic program remain the envy of many
independent schools around the nation. Our goal of educating the whole
student—mind, body, and spirit—is embraced by our students and faculty
and the approach clearly works.
Consider that EA’s Class of 2013 included 50 AP Scholars, 10 National
Merit finalists, and 105 varsity athletes. They won 25 Inter-Ac
championships in the course of their four years in the Upper School, and
a full 50 of them participated in an artistic production. Together, they
logged a total of 2,700 community service hours and have matriculated to
67 different colleges and universities nationwide. Thirty-one members of
our Class of 2013 are now attending the eight Ivy League colleges.
In 2012-13, we took important steps to ensure that The Episcopal
Academy’s educational mission keeps evolving. We expanded our
wireless network to absorb more than 200 new MacBooks, including
dedicated laptops for all of our fifth graders. We opened a beautiful new
Pre-Kindergarten room that includes flexible spaces and a cozy indoor
treehouse. In our Upper School, we moved forward with plans to start
JTerm, a two-week, interdisciplinary program that will be situated
between the first and second semesters in January 2014.
We performed a comprehensive campus safety audit in the spring of 2013
and hired Joseph Shanahan, a 25-year veteran of the New Jersey state
police as our new Manager of Campus Safety. In an effort to constantly
evaluate our current practices—much like we did with campus safety—
we brought in outside experts to review Service Learning, Diversity and
Community Life, Religion, Technology, and our Libraries.
I am grateful for your generous support, which makes it possible to
maintain high standards and to constantly improve this great school. T.J.
Locke inherits a fabulous team of teachers, staff, and administrators, who
do a great job of educating the whole student, and I thank you for your
role in making all of this possible.
Ham Clark, The Greville Haslam Head of School (July 2002- June 2013)
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Business Office
As we close out another fiscal year, we are happy to report the School
remains in good financial health. Enrollment is stable and on budget, and
generous giving from our constituents—parents, alumni, faculty, staff, and
friends of the School—continues to put us in a strong financial position.
We continued to operate the School with a balanced budget and our
diligence and foresight resulted in modest tuition increases for the fourth
consecutive year. We have worked very hard to make Episcopal as
affordable as possible, and I am pleased to note that our tuition increases
continue to be among the lowest in the Philadelphia region.
To aid in the progress with our Strategic Plan, we formed a Benefits
Committee to review all employee benefits. Our goal is to attract and
retain the best and brightest teachers, and we recognize that an attractive,
comprehensive compensation plan is critical to reach this goal. In an effort
to stay ahead of the upcoming Affordable Care Act, the Committee’s first
task focused on the school’s medical insurance benefits. The deficiencies
were identified, and the Committee’s recommendations for both the short
term and long term were approved by the Board.
I am happy to report the School’s endowment value is closing in on $42
million. Some new gifts, coupled with double-digit investment growth,
paved the way for another excellent year. The Investment Committee
has done an outstanding job of overseeing the School’s endowment and
continues to look for new strategies to keep the portfolio diversified.
On the facilities side, the campus is holding up quite well after five years.
We now have close to $2 million set aside for future major repairs and
maintenance to the physical facilities. We made some innovative changes
to our Lower School, redesigning the Pre-Kindergarten space and adding
an additional Kindergarten classroom. We also continued our effort to be
more eco-friendly by adding two green roofs and installing a composter
behind the Crawford Campus Center.
In addition to the Investment Committee, I want to thank the members
of the Finance, Audit, Facilities, Financial Aid, Benefits, and Safety
Committees for all their time and effort this year. Your input is so valuable
and very much appreciated.
This is an exciting time at EA, and as we move forward to 2013-14 with
new leadership, we also thank Ham Clark for 11 great years and the
wonderful legacy he leaves us.
Larry Capuzzi, Controller
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
2012-2013 Operating Income $39,003,614
Tuition and Fees 82.7%
Annual Fund 5.0%
Endowment 4.0%
Auxiliary Services and Misc. Income 8.3%
2012-2013 Operating Expenses $38,939,890
Salaries, Wages, and Benefits 60.6%
Financial Aid 14.0%
General and Administrative 12.2%
Facilities (Utilities and Maintenance) 9.2%
Auxiliary Services and Misc. Expenses 4.0%
Figures above unaudited as of 8/15/2013.
EA Endowment Value by Year in Millions of Dollars
$ 5
2003-042004-05 2005-062006-072007-08 2008-092009-10 2010-112011-122012-13
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Alumni & Development
During the 2012-13 year, more than 9% of the school’s operating budget was funded by contributions from members
of the Episcopal community. The Annual Fund, the school’s top fundraising priority, accounted for 5% of the funds needed
to operate the school. The endowment draw accounted for another 4%. Why is this important? Because the outstanding
educational experience we provide to our 1225 students each year would not be possible without the generous support of
alumni, parents, and friends. A heartfelt THANK YOU to all members of our community who made a contribution in
the last year!
Highlights from the year:
n Alumni programming continued to expand. In March, we held our first official international alumni event in London
at the home of John ’83 & Kate Carrafiell. We had terrific attendance at the four young alumni happy hours we hosted in
New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Overall, the alumni program hosted 25 events during the year.
Please continue to share thoughts and ideas for future
events beyond our standard annual programming!
Summary of Giving
n EA Networks, an effort to link young alumni with
mentors and possible internships and jobs, was launched in
January 2013 thanks to the incredible efforts of volunteers
from our Parents of Alumni group. If you have not joined
yet, please visit the website at
alumni/ea-networks/ to get started.
n The Annual Fund continues to be the school’s top
fundraising priority, and $1.9 million was raised in
unrestricted funds. Thank you to Annual Fund Co-Chairs,
Rita & Gary Tuma P ’18 ’20 and Chris Henderson ’92
P ’23 for leading the effort.
n Forty-one members of the Class of 1963 returned
to campus in May to celebrate their 50th reunion. This
excellent participation is a testament to the tireless efforts
of the Reunion committee. To commemorate their 50th,
the class raised $221,168, which represented the total
amount committed to the Annual Fund and the Class of
1963 Fund to Advance a Global Perspective.
Summarizes all cash gifts to Episcopal from July 1, 2012 to
June 30, 2013.
Gifts to Operations
Unrestricted Annual Fund
$ 1,902,183.91
PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program
& Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program
Other Restricted Operating Gifts
Operations Total: $2,617,261.20
Gifts to Capital Projects and Endowment
Ever Episcopal Unrestricted Gifts*
Ever Episcopal Endowment *
Other Endowment Gifts
$ 1,820,618.14
Other Capital Gifts
Capital Total: $3,532,854.86
Total Giving to Episcopal 2012-2013
*Includes payments on pledges to the Ever Episcopal Campaign.
Figures above unaudited as of 7/30/13.
n More than $600,000 was raised to endow the Ham & Ceci Clark Scholarship Fund. This fitting tribute honors Ham
Clark’s strong legacy of increased focus on financial aid and socio-economic diversity and Ceci Clark’s devotion to the EA
community. The first Clark Scholar will be named in the 2013-14 year.
n Fundraising efforts to grow our endowment have continued in earnest. In just the last year alone, ten new named
endowed funds were established and more than $2.5 million was collected in cash contributions for the endowment. In
addition, another $3 million was pledged to the endowment and will be paid in future years.
Thank you to the three committees who provide valuable input and support to our office: the Development Committee,
chaired by David Reape ’80 P ’14 ’16 ’20; the Alumni Board of Managers, chaired by Ed Jones ’87 P ’20 ’21 ’23; and the
Annual Fund Leadership Committee. We are also incredibly grateful for of the countless volunteers who assist with our
alumni and parent annual fund outreach and reunion efforts.
We appreciate your loyal support of Episcopal.
Paige Peters LeGrand, Director of Development
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
I am pleased to report that the admission picture at Episcopal remains
healthy. This fall, we will welcome more than 170 new students from our
local region as well as students from China, Australia, South Africa, Spain,
and Hong Kong. Many of our new students are the siblings of current
students and the children of alumni, and as such, they represent a very
strong loyalty to Episcopal.
In spite of the ongoing recession, interest in an Episcopal Academy
education remains high, and we meet more qualified admission applicants
than we are able to find space for in our school. In recent years, we have
experienced a significant increase in interest in our ninth grade, and this
year met many families looking to make a change in fifth grade, just
prior to entering our middle school. Furthermore, we continue to receive
calls from those moving into this area as our reputation reaches far and
wide. This fall, we will welcome new families moving to the area from
Connecticut, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Florida, California, London,
Hong Kong, China, and of course, New Orleans!
Our outreach this year was greatly aided by current EA families and the
members of the EAPA who placed many calls and volunteered at our
events both on and off campus. We count on the alumni and current
families to speak to their friends and colleagues about the school, as this
“word of mouth” marketing is by far the most effective and most valuable.
The faculty and students also played an essential role in supporting our
admission efforts, welcoming visitors to their classrooms on a daily basis
and providing important insight into the life of the Episcopal student.
Rachel Tilney, Director of Admission and Enrollment
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Academic Program
This has been an exciting year at Episcopal as we have prepared
for our transition in leadership and have continued to focus on
implementing our strategic plan. Our program reviews have continued
to be a source of important feedback on our different areas of the
school, and our faculty evaluation system has been fully implemented,
providing teachers with the necessary support structure to be their best
professional selves in the classroom.
One of the most tangible outcomes of our strategic plan
implementation has been the creation of JTerm, a two-week
interdisciplinary program that will be launched in Upper School in
2013-14. This program will offer students an opportunity to go in
depth in an area of interest with faculty passionate about their topic
and eager to explore with the students. Some JTerm classes will travel
abroad, but the majority will be based on campus, including a mixture
of day trips, experiential activities, and dynamic discussions and
projects. Teachers have been building these classes for a year, and we
are all very excited to see this in action next year.
Our program reviews have continued to foster invaluable
conversations on campus within and across disciplines. Last year,
we reviewed Community Outreach & Service Learning; Diversity &
Community Life; Religion; Technology; and Library. These reviews
included a lot of preparation with each department, extensive
conversations about our program philosophy and practice, and
wonderful reflections after the report was received. We will continue
to draw on those reviews as we develop curricular and professional
development changes this year.
Our faculty evaluation system, Folio, is now fully in place. This
system incorporates peer observation, student feedback, supervisor
observation, and several supervisor conversations as part of a
reflective, proactive evaluation process. The system is a supportive
way of building a culture of growth and evaluation in our school. This
evaluation system was selected as an outgrowth of our strategic plan.
As T.J. Locke and Delvin Dinkins join our leadership team at
Episcopal, we will continue to build on the excellence that has come
to define our academic program. With new insights and perspectives,
we will reflect on new ways to further our programs and provide a
challenging and nurturing space for our students to thrive.
Catherine J. Hall, Academic Dean
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy Class of 2013 College Matriculations
University of Pennsylvania 13
Pennsylvania State University 8
Cornell University 5
Harvard University 5
Boston College 4
Franklin and Marshall College 4
George Washington University 4
Georgetown University 4
Dartmouth College 3
New York University 3
Southern Methodist University 3
Carnegie Mellon University 2
Columbia University 2
Dickinson College 2
Gettysburg College 2
McGill University 2
Providence College 2
University of Richmond 2
University of St. Andrews 2
Stevens Institute of Technology 2
Syracuse University 2
Trinity College 2
Villanova University 2
Virginia Polytechnic Institute 2
College of William and Mary 2
One each to the following:
The University of Alabama
Albright College
Amherst College
Brown University
Bucknell University
University of California at Berkeley
College of Charleston
Colby College
Colgate University
Colorado College
University of Connecticut
University of Colorado
University of Delaware
Denison University
University of Denver
Furman University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Lehigh University
Loyola University
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
Marymount University
University of Michigan
Millersville University
Parsons The New School for Design
Philadelphia University
University of Pittsburgh
Princeton University
Queen’s University
Richmond College (London)
Roanoke College
Rollins College
University of South Carolina
St. John’s University
St. Joseph’s University
Swarthmore College
Texas Christian University
United States Naval Academy
Valencia College
Vanderbilt University
University of Vermont
Williams College
Yale University
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Leadership Circle:
Gifts to Capital Projects &
Episcopal is grateful to the following individuals who
made leadership pledges, pledge payments, or gifts to
a capital project or the endowment during the 20122013 fiscal year. Please note, Ever Episcopal Campaign
pledge payments are not included in this listing.
$100,000 +
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55 P ’78 GP ’10 ’14
Burke Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke P ’07 ’08 ’10 ’13 ’15
Cotswold Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. George A. David ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Gager, Jr. ’40
Ms. Ann B. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle P ’03 ’11
Mr. Harry R. Madeira ’44 P ’72 GP ’04 ’07
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick P ’88 ’03 ’05 ’12
Mr. & Mrs. I. W. Morris III ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed, II ’57
Mr. George E. Stanley ’39 †
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone ’78 P ’16 ’18
The Honorable Constance H. Williams &
Dr. Sankey V. Williams P ’93 ’96
$50,000 – $99,999
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana P ’11
Mrs. June S. Evans P ’96 ’02
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Schmidt P ’24
Dr. † & Mrs. Henry H. Sherk ’48 P ’84 ’91
$25,000 – $49,999
Mr. Norman A. Cocke, III ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote P ’08 ’09 ’12 ’17
Mr. Daniel W. Dietrich, II ’60
The Dietrich Foundation, Inc.
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Mr. Erwin A. Fiero, Jr. ’50 †
Christine & George Henisee P ’00
The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Jackson, II ’63 P ’01
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh P ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry ’54
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Richards ’63
Mr. George P. Rouse, III ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Simonson ’63
Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Toland, Jr. ’40
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden ’57 P ’86 ’87
$10,000 – $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Coale
Dr. Richard B. Devereux ’63 & Dr. Corinne K. Devereux
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr. P ’98
Haldeman Family Foundation
Mr. Matthew A. Haldeman ’98
Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Katzenbach, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72 P ’04 ’07
Mr. John A. Meehan ’86
Thomas J. Meehan Memorial Fund Foundation
Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan P ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr. ’63
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Lloyd F. Sammons ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Simpson P ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Tilghman, Jr. ’63
Dr. Megan L. Werner P ’22 ’25
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr. ’64
$5,000 – $9,999
Arronson Foundation
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen & Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan P ’17 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Burke P ’12 ’14 ’16
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon P ’98 ’06
Mr. † & Mrs. James C. Carey
Dr. Steven E. Copit ’80 & Dr. Debra S. Copit P ’18 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty P ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan P ’18 ’22 ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald P ’09 ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden P ’03 ’06 ’09
Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Huffman, Ph.D. ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell E. Kick P ’16 ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn P ’06 ’08
Mr. William D. Machold ’63 & Dr. Lee Ying-Yuen
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr. P ’07 ’09 ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Meyers P ’97 ’00 ’03
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara P ’06 ’08 ’12
National Philanthropic Trust
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke P ’14 ’16
The William Penn Foundation
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro ’60
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II ’52
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson ’79 P ’20 ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner P ’11
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Bishop William White Society
Class of 1946
The Bishop William White Society was established in 1986 to honor all
who name The Episcopal Academy as a beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement
plan, life insurance policy, life income gift, or other type of planned giving
arrangement. All are welcome to join the Bishop William White Society
regardless of the size of their bequest or planned gift. Please contact the
Development Office at 484-424-1785 for more information.
Planned Gifts 2012-2013
Number of Gifts
Realized Bequests and Other Planned Gifts
$ 586,800
Deferred Gifts Established and Documented
$ 1,017,488
Mr. & Mrs. Harris C. Aller, Jr.
Mr. † & Mrs. Donald E. Bishop
Austin B. Hepburn
L. Foster Jack
Richard B. Kern †
Class of 1947
Mr. † & Mrs. William S. Baugh
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Montgomery, II
Mrs. Keith G. Schnebly, Jr. †
Mr. † & Mrs. † John J. F. Sherrerd
Henderson Supplee, III
Kenneth W. Tunnell
Class of 1948
Class of 1925
Class of 1940
David McMullin †
Forrest L. Gager, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. James Logan, Jr.
George M. Neall, II †
The Rev. Louis W. Pitt, Jr.
Mr. † & Mrs. Phillppe Register
Harold N. Sheble, Jr. †
Mr. † & Mrs. Harry G. Toland
Mr. † & Mrs. Robert Toland, Jr.
Class of 1929
Medford Brown †
Class of 1931
H. Hayes Aikens †
Arthur Boggs †
Warren Davis †
Mr. † & Mrs. † C. Albert Kuehnle
Alan R. McGarvey †
T. Johnson Ward †
Class of 1932
Mr. † & Mrs. Alexander C. Wall
Class of 1933
Philip Barringer †
Bettyanne Barringer †
Mrs. Robert C. Lea, Jr. †
Mr. † & Mrs. † Thomas Ridgway
Mrs. Charles R. Tyson †
Class of 1934
James C. Carey †
Mr. & Mrs. † D. Hughes Cauffman
Anthony Wayne Ridgway †
Class of 1935
Samuel H. Brown †
Class of 1936
Benjamin L. Bird †
Frederic G. Clark
John C. Haas †
J. Tyler Griffin †
Mr. † & Mrs. † G. Lloyd Kirk
Andrew Knox †
Charles T. Lee, Jr.
Karl F. Rugart, Jr.
Mr. † & Mrs. James F. Warren, Jr.
Class of 1942
F. Eugene Dixon Jr. †
Thomas A. Hewson
Paul C. Kitchen, Jr.
William R. Spofford, Jr. †
Donald van Roden
Class of 1943
Alfred Althouse †
Duffield Ashmead, II †
Joseph K. Gordon
Davis Pearson
Frank Simpson †
Class of 1944
Class of 1938
Richard E. Lander
E. B. Leisenring, Jr. †
Harry R. Madeira E
A. Bruce Mainwaring
F. Douglas Raymond, Jr.
Mr. † & Mrs. Walter Schwab
E. Newbold Smith †
David Wood †
Class of 1945
Class of 1939
Garrison W. Brinton †
Edward S. Buckley, IV
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gardiner, Jr.
Howard F. Guest, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. R. Hood
George E. Robinette †
Class of 1937
Charles H. Clark †
Mrs. Richard N. Knight, Jr. †
W.P. Laird Myers †
Mr. † & Mrs. † George E. Stanley
Heyward M. Wharton
Class of 1941
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
John K. Bryant
John F. Hentz
Hamill Horne †
David O. Maxwell
John W. Rorer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider
Henry H. Sherk †
Class of 1949
John DeTar
Richard Lyford
Robert A. Martin
Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Brooks Thomas †
Class of 1950
Charles W. Bazemore
Edward W. Campbell, Jr. †
Charles B. Chadwick
David F. Crockett, Sr. †
Erwin A. Fiero, Jr. †
W. Frederick Hitschler
A. Edward Pringle, III
John B. Rettew, III
Michael P. Shouvlin
Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Starr
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Swan
Class of 1951
Roger L. Campbell
Charles B. Meyer †
Mr. & Mrs. Boulton D. Mohr
H. Barrett Pennell, Jr.
James K. Wheatley, Jr.
Class of 1952
Mr. & Mrs. R. Barclay Beahm
Mr. † & Mrs. Benjamin Bell, IV
Mr. † & Mrs. D. Daniel W. Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gerhardt
Raymond E. C. Green
Robert H. Lee, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II
Craig A. TenBroeck
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Swope, IV E
Class of 1953
James B. Francis, Jr.
A. Lynne Graburn, III
Edward L. Jones, Jr.
Class of 1954
Mr. & Mrs. George Boyd, Jr.
Birchard T. Clothier
Samuel E. Griffiths, III
M. Curtis Young
Class of 1955
Stephen G. Fuguet
Frederick C. Haab
Mrs. Jean B. Kennedy
William Lilley, III
David B. McMullin
Frederick G. Weaver
William N. West, IV
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Fulton, III
Thomas H. Gouge
Edward H. Vick, Jr.
Geoffrey L. B. Walton
Harrison B. Wetherill, Jr.
Class of 1984
Class of 1963
Class of 1985
Norman A. Cocke, III E
Andrew F. Jackson, II
William D. Machold E
Eric A. Simonson
William B. Richards E
George Parke Rouse, III E
Richard A. Tilghman, Jr. E
Barrett E. Farnham, Jr.
Christopher K. Giles
Karl R. V. Mayro
Won Shin
Class of 1986
James F. Richter
Class of 1988
Kimberly Zinman Richter
Class of 1964
Class of 1989
Class of 1956
Thomas V. Zug, Jr.
Ralph S. Sando, Jr.
Raymond C. Burton
William L. Graburn
Stephen L. Patt
Class of 1965
Class of 1992
John P. Gregg
Alastair G. Longley-Cook
Courtney B. Spaeth
Class of 1966
J. Winfield Lippincott
Stephen Dittmann
James C. Parry
Class of 2000
Class of 1957
Robert W. Bright
John R. Clendenning
Carl F. Deutsch
Alexander McCurdy, III
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan
Raymond A. Munder
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed, II
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stetzer
Class of 1967
V. Valle Schloesser
Class of 1968
Class of 1999
William H. Bromley, Jr.
Grandparents, Parents, Faculty &
Class of 1961
James B. Garrison
Stephen J. Banta
Samuel Chew
Rush T. Haines, II
George W. Lilley
Alvan Markle, IV
William B. Morris
William C. Riley
Samuel C. Walker
Edward M. Watters
Class of 1977
Class of 1962
Class of 1981
Mr. † & Mrs. † William G. Berlinger, Jr.
James A. Branegan †
Mr. John Bishop, VI †
Charles Heber Clark †
Sarah Nelson Cook †
Robert F. Dee †
Mrs. Wayne S. Evans
Mr. † & Mrs. Walter R. Fesperman
Mr. † & Mrs. Stephen V. Gardner
Ann B. Harris E
Sherry Conohan Houser E
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Mrs. Dorothy Kurz
Mr. Charles Latham, jr. †
Mrs. Carol P. Lawless
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. MacIntosh
Mrs. Patricia Mayro
Mr. John N. McConnell
Mrs. Howard E. Morgan †
Mr. † & Mrs. Malcolm A. Morrison
Celian B. Putnam E
Mr. James H. McK. Quinn †
Mr. Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr.
Jeannette H. Shingle † E
Mary A. Sonier †
Mr. J. Derek Stephenson †
Mrs. Harrison Therman †
Mr. Joseph H. Tozzi
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Watt
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh
Charles L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Caro
Theodore S. Coxe, Jr.
R. B. Wilson
† Deceased
E New member in 2012-2013
Class of 1958
Robert R. Bishop
Richard C. Liversidge
Class of 1959
John S. Buckley, Jr.
Reed H. Shingle †
Class of 1970
William G. Berlinger, III
Kenneth G. LeFevre, III
J. Terrence Davis
S. Hilton Smith
Shaler Stidham, Jr.
William R. Talbot
Class of 1971
Class of 1960
Class of 1972
Maurice Heckscher, II
Howard G. Henry, Jr.
Richard N. & Heather B. Koelle
James L. McVey, Jr.
Richard M. Plusch
Vaughan W. & Caroline N. Pratt
Robinson M. Truitt, II
William M. Walker, II
George Watson
John P. & Marcy Springett E
Anthony J. Brown
William L. Bishop †
Frederic N. Dittmann
Richard P. Feimster
Darrel W. Francis
Class of 1973
Clayton T. Platt
Class of 1974
Jeffrey A. Morrison
Class of 1975
J. Gordon Cooney, Jr.
Class of 1978
Albert E. R. Zug
Class of 1979
Renato P. Minard
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
$25,000 +
The Advocate Council:
Gifts to Operations
Founded in 1989, the Advocate Council seeks to
encourage and recognize leadership gifts to operations
annually including gifts to the Annual Fund, EITC, OSTC,
and Restricted Operations. While Episcopal relies on
gifts of all sizes, leadership gifts are particularly critical
to the school’s financial stability. More than 80% of the
dollars raised for total operations came from Advocate
Council gifts. The Advocate Council has five levels
of membership that recognize those who contribute
$1,785 or more each year. Advocate Council donors
are celebrated and recognized at the Head of School’s
reception each fall.
2012-2013 Annual Fund
Leadership Committee
Chip Bromley ’00
Warren & Caroline Claytor P ’23
Debra Copit P ’18 ’19
Joe Gordon ’43 P ’80 GP ’14
Danielle Gureghian P ’22
Chris Henderson ‘92 P ‘23
Lori P. Kelly P ’04 ’06 ’10
Linda Kinzig P ’12 ’14
Ned Lee ’79 P ’08 ’10
Jay McEntee P ’11 ’21
Robert Mauch P ’14 ’20
Nick Morris ’05
Adam J. Murray ’02
David J. Reape ’80 P ’14 ’16 ’20
Laurie Robinson P ’14
Jeff & Ann Semmer P ’21
Edward C. Stone ’78 P ’16 ’18
Gary & Rita Tuma P ‘18 ‘20
Rick Wetmore ’98
Irene Woo P ’20
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55 P ’78 GP ’10 ’14 
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke P ’07 ’08 ’10 ’13 ’15 
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan H. Gureghian P ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Humann GP ’13 ’16 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann P ’13 ’16 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Keller P ’06
Mr. Harry R. Madeira ’44 P ’72 GP ’04 ’07 
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72 P ’04 ’07 
Mr. & Mrs. A. Bruce Mainwaring ’44 
The Philadelphia Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Radcliffe P ’14 
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 & Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape P ’14 ’16 ’20 
Herbert C. Rorer Trust 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Turner P ’03 ’04 ’06 
$10,000 – $24,999
Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder, Jr. P ’21 ’23
Mr. John S. Buckley, Jr. ’68
The Class of 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Clifton P ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote P ’08 ’09 ’12 ’17 
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Corrato P ’21 ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana P ’11 
Jay & Anne Eisenhofer P ’10 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Geczy P ’21 ’24
Mr. David B. Grossman ’95 & Ms. Katherine Tomford 
Mr. Frederick C. Haab ’55 P ’78 ’82 GP ’12 ’14 ’16 ’17 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr. P ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Haldeman ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Henson P ’11 ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle P ’03 ’11 
Mr. Scott R. Isdaner ’71 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr. ’53 P ’87 GP ’18 ’20 ’21 ’23 
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III P ’14 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Langfitt ’75 P ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Bryant D. Lim P ’20 ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry ’54 
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy P ’15 ’16 
Mr. & Mrs. William R. McDermott P ’11 ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh P ’20 ’23 ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Collin F. McNeil P ’12 ’17
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick P ’88 ’03 ’05 ’12 
Mr. & Mrs. Sied J. Narzikul P ’08 ’10 ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin ’50 
Mr. Timothy P. Staley &
Mrs. Marie-France Prud’homme Staley P ’22 ’25
Mr. Robert P. Strauss ’49 P ’86 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara P ’11 ’13 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson ’79 P ’20 ’21 
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak P ’96 ’11 ’13 
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden ’57 P ’86 ’87 
Wright-Cook Foundation 
Mr. & Mrs. † M. Curtis Young ’54 P ’79 
Mr. & Mrs. Don Zajick GP ’23 ’24
Dr. Joseph R. Zebrowitz & Dr. Lauren W. Zebrowitz P ’19
$5,000 – $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr. ’51 P ’85 GP ’18 ’21 ’23 
Mr. Richard B. Aldridge ’85 &
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon. P ’18 ’21 ’23 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Biddle P ’19 ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Boyce P ’13 ’15
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan P ’16
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Broderick ’73
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown P ’17 ’21 
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Burke P ’12 ’14 ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Chambers ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Warren I. Claytor P ’23 
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Colket P ’22 ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Connelly P ’99 ’01 ’05 
Dr. Steven E. Copit ’80 & Dr. Debra S. Copit P ’18 ’19 
The Crebilly Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Jr. ’75 P ’01 ’03 ’07 ’10 
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
(Janet S. Cusack, Hon.) P ’12 ’13 ’15 
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. D’Ambrosio P ’17 ’18
Mr. William R. Deasey &
Ms. Donna E. Altenpohl P ’11 ’13 ’17 
Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon 
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan P ’18 ’22 ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Engelman P ’21 ’25
Mr. James O. Flint ’83
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn P ’09 ’12 ’14 ’17 
Mr. Gerald S. Frey & Dr. Kelly J. Henning P ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden P ’03 ’06 ’09 
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr. ’89 P ’20 ’23
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gibson P ’14 ’15
Mr. Joseph K. Gordon ’43 P ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Henderson ’92 P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendrickson P ’22 ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins P ’16 ’18 
Mr. & Mrs. Crawford Hill, III ’70 P ’01 ’03 
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan & Ms. Victoria E. Silbey P ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter H. Horgan, IV (Brooke Doherty ’95) 
Mr. William W. Keffer ’84 &
Mrs. Alison N. Keffer, Hon. P ’14 ’17 
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly P ’04 ’06 ’10 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Kinzig P ’12 ’14
Ms. Joyce E. Koh P ’20 ’24
Mr. Donald W. Kraftson ’85 & Mrs. Ann M. Kraftson ’85 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh P ’11 
Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Larsen
Mr. Terrence Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine ’75 P ’07 
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Levinson P ’20 ’23
Mr. Ryan D. Limaye ’90 & Mrs. Grace Cornelius Limaye ’90
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lucey P ’13 ’15
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree P ’70 ’75 ’80 GP ’01 ’03 
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Mauch P ’14 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McEntee, III P ’11 ’21 
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin P ’10 ’13 ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Y. McNeill, Esq. ’85 
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Morgan P ’18 ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Moriarty P ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara P ’06 ’08 ’12 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop ’70 
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly P ’12 ’14 ’17 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Pacera P ’18 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese P ’14 ’15
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Parry ’66 
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Polett P ’94 ’01
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul A. Rebillard P ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Roam, IV ’95 P ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Schmidt P ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Semmer P ’21
Mr. Frank M. Shanbacker, III ’64 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smerconish P ’06 ’14 ’16 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Smith P ’17 ’19 ’20 ’22
Janet W. & George G. Smith III P ’11 ’13 
Mr. Joseph Smith & Mrs. Elizabeth Barczak-Smith P ’16
Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Snyder P ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr., Hon. P ’97 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone ’78 P ’16 ’18 
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Swope, IV ’52 GP ’16 
Mr. Robert C. Venturi ’44 & Ms. Denise S. Brown
Mr. Edward H. Vick, Jr. ’62 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Weymouth (Jennifer Williams ’96) 
Mr. Michael C. F. Williams ’80 P ’13
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Yost P ’03
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr. ’64 
$2,500 – $4,999
Mrs. Sandra K. Baldino P ’23
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen & Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan P ’17 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Boyd ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, III ’78 P ’10 ’14 
Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Campbell, Jr. P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Cassidy (Anna Morgan ’94) P ’24 ’26 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chupein, II P ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Wain M. Churchman, III P ’24
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon. P ’06 ’07 
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Collins, Sr. P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon Cooney, Jr. ’77 
Mrs. April C. Crockett P ’19 ’21 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Croney P ’16
Ms. Kristine Dankenbrink P ’23
Mr. Gerard B. De Camp ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard deLisser P ’17
Dr. & Mrs. David P. DiGiallorenzo P ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme Dow P ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe P ’07 ’09 ’14 
Mrs. June S. Evans P ’96 ’02 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey P ’13 
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III P ’17 ’18 ’19 
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey P ’14 ’15 ’17 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr. P ’13 ’16
Mr. & Mrs. Erik L. Graham P ’24
Mr. David W. Haas ’73 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Hanlon P ’24
Mr. Michael Hanrahan P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hanssens P ’21
Mr. Thomas G. Hill ’75 & Ms. Nancy Hagens 
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr. P ’05 ’08 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr. P ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Jordan ’88
Mr. & Mrs. Israel J. Katz ’91
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq. ’47 P ’81 ’84 GP ’14 ’17 
Mr. & Mrs. David Kelly P ’17 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn P ’06 ’08 
The Hon. & Mrs. William H. Lamb ’58 P ’84 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee ’79 P ’08 ’10 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr. ’52 P ’79 ’81 GP ’08 ’10 
Mrs. Ana Maria Lenfest P ’22
Mr. Chase Lenfest P ’22
Mr. & Mrs. William Lilley, III ’55 
Mr. Douglas M. Lurio & Ms. Margaret S. Lurio P ’05 ’07 ’11 
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Maple P ’11 ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Mark P ’21
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo P ’13 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. D. Edward McAllister ’62
Mr. James N. Mordy & Dr. Rhonda Lahue-Mordy P ’16
Mr. R. Blair Murphy ’49 
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo P ’13 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. Adam H. Pasternack
(Alla Frenkel ’89) P ’18 ’20 ’24 
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Phillips P ’16
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley P ’14 ’20 
Mrs. Deborah C. Robbins
Robert C. White Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rosenfeld ’71 
Dr. Clinton M. Rutherford & Dr. Eva Sum E. Rutherford P ’26
Dr. Karen Sarpolis P ’22
Mr. Jay H. Shah & Dr. Susie Shah P ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simonian ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup P ’16 ’19
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stetzer, III ’57 GP ’25 
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Stone ’76 P ’05, ’08 
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sustersic P ’16 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Tarte P ’10 ’16
Dr. & Mrs. Michael K. Taylor P ’24 ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Tepper ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Tierney, Sr. ’75 P ’01 ’04 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Trala, Jr. P ’23
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Tuma P ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner P ’11 
Mr. & Mrs. William A. van Veen P ’13
Dr. Matt M. Vegari & Dr. Sheila B. Vegari P ’97 ’98 ’13
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr. ’78 P ’15 ’21
Mr. James E. Viner ’81
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh P ’72 
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. N. Wilson P ’03 
Dr. Ed Yiming Woo & Dr. Irene Jee Sun Woo P ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Zappala P ’14 ’15
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Zomber P ’19 ’22
$1,785 – $2,499
Dr. & Mrs. Todd J. Albert P ’10 ’11 
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Ammon P ’08 
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Austin P ’19 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II P ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini P ’18 ’20 ’25
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton P ’09 ’12 ’20 
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Bassett P ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Christy W. Bell, Jr. ’67
Mr. & Mrs. George d. Bell, Jr. ’75 
The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Bennison, Jr.
Mr. Stephen W. Berger ’78
Mr. James W. Blatchford, Jr. ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer P ’12 ’14 ’16 
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bramwell P ’21 ’23
Mr. William H. Bromley, Jr. ’00
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brumbaugh P ’14 ’16 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Buccini P ’21 ’25
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon P ’98 ’06 
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Carrafiell ’83
Mr. D. Hughes Cauffman ’34 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colen, Jr. ’57 P ’81 
Mr. & Mrs. Paolo P. Costa P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. John D. DeTar ’49 
Mr. Daniel W. Dietrich, II ’60
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty P ’95 
Mr. Kamal Dua P ’11 ’14
Mrs. Rupendra Dua P ’11 ’14
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89 P ’15 ’16 ’18 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn, Jr. P ’18
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV P ’14 ’17 
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ewan P ’26
Mr. John L. Farmakis ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay P ’13 ’16
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III P ’08 ’11 
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Fitterer, Jr. ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Flannery P ’13
Mr. Daniel W. Foster ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French ’44 P ’73 ’79 ’82
GP ’16 ’18 ’21 ’24 ’26 
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh N. Fryer ’56
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Garino P ’12 ’15 ’20 
Mr. Edwin Garrubbo & Mrs. Patricia Bazán Garrubbo P ’18, ’21
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Giordano P ’19
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Graham, IV 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Grigg ’57
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr. ’78 P ’12 ’16 
Mr. Kurt A. Haab ’82 & Dr. Jean E. Haab ’84 P ’12 ’14 ’17 
Mr. & Mrs. Rush T. Haines, II ’61 P ’88 
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Harlan ’56 
Mr. & Mrs. Derek T. Harrar P ’21 ’23
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Harrity P ’09 ’15
Christine & George Henisee P ’00
Mr. Richard H. Henry ’33 
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III P ’16 ’18 
Mr. Mark S. Hoplamazian ’81 & Ms. Rachel D. Kohler 
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III P ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby ’83 P ’13 ’15 ’19 
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Jannetta ’82 P ’14 
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Jarvis P ’12 ’15
Mr. Christian R. Johnson ’88 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III ’87 P ’20 ’21 ’23 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Jones P ’08 
Dr. Daniel Jorgensen & Dr. Xilla Jorgensen P ’17 ’19 ’22
Dr. & Mrs. Yongkun Kim P ’15 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Koegel, Esq. P ’97 ’01 
Ms. Catherine B. Kurz ’95 
Mr. Charles Kurz, II P ’95 ’00 
Mr. Charles Kurz III ’00 
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt P ’75 ’77 ’82 GP ’12 ’14 ’16 
Mr. Timothy Lawler & Ms. Amy T. Loftus P ’21 ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Lederman P ’21 ’24
Dr. Jason B. Lee & Dr. Susanne N. Lee P ’18 ’24
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Leto ’79 P ’10 ’12 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Leto ’77 P ’04 
Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Locke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lyford, Jr. ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Manion, Jr. P ’17 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McMeekin, II ’86 P ’19 ’21
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. McMenamin ’76 P ’26
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin ’55 P ’88 
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Miller, Jr. ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Mitchell ’73 
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan ’57 P ’94 GP ’18 ’21 ’24 ’26 
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer P ’15 ’17
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Munder, Jr. ’57 P ’81 
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson ’56 P ’79 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Newbold P ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Pace P ’19
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Pearson ’43 P ’77 ’81 GP ’07 
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Penske ’80 
Dr. Michael Picariello & Dr. Irene B. Darocha P ’15
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill P ’14 ’17
Mrs. Celian B. Putnam, Hon. P ’96 ’00 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Radano, III P ’18 ’20 ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Reape P ’77 ’80 GP ’14 ’16 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Reder P ’13 ’15
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr. P ’13
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rettew, III ’50 
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Rodio P ’16 ’18
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rorer ’48 
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr. P ’15 ’17 
Dr. & Mrs. † Karl F. Rugart, Jr. ’41 P ’74 ’76 ’79 
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Sando, Jr. ’89 P ’18 ’22 
Mr. James C. Sargent, Jr. & Ms. Paige K. Turner P ’18 ’22
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II P ’18 ’21
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schusler P ’92 GP ’20 ’22 ’24
Dr. Vijay Shankaran & Dr. Yamini Durani P ’24 ’26
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Simmonds ’93
Mr. & Mrs. Eric G. Smith ’95 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford ’77 P ’08 ’10 
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos P ’17 ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Stidolph (Tracey Freeman ’91) 
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wetmore ’98
Ms. Elizabeth H. Williams ’93 & Mr. Thomas Moore
The Honorable Constance H. Williams &
Dr. Sankey V. Williams P ’93 ’96 
Mrs. Ethel B. Wister P ’95 GP ’23
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yearley P ’24 ’25
Young Alumni Advocate $500 – $1,784
The Young Alumni Advocate Council was established to
recognize young alumni 15 years out and younger who make a
gift to the Annual Fund in excess of $500. We are grateful for the
philanthropic example and confidence in the school’s future that
these generous alumni provide through their leadership gifts to
Ms. Sarah D. A. Baker ’01 
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Connelly ’99
Mr. Jonathan P. Garino, Jr. ’12
Miss Alexandra K. Haack ’05
Mr. Benjamin K. Haack ’07
Miss Christina K. Haack ’09
Miss Hadley C. Hill ’01
Mr. Sean L. Lambert ’01
Mr. Christopher M. N. Le Vine ’07
Mr. Blake G. Marymor ’04
Mr. Patrick J. McCormick ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Melchionni, Jr. ’98
Mr. Nicholas A. Morris ’05
Mr. Adam J. Murray ’02
Mr. John S. Smith, IV ’02
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Turner ’03
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Bishop William White Challenge Awards
The Bishop William White Challenge Awards were established in 1990 to honor and recognize the efforts of our
Annual Fund volunteers. Awards are presented at the Advocate Council reception each fall. The trophies, plaques,
and plates are stored in the Sherrerd Alumni House.
Alumni Class Standings
Alumni Challenge Cup: For Highest Class Contribution
Class of 1980
Class Agent: David J. Reape
Old Guard Award for Participation: For Classes Beyond 50th Reunion
Class of 1934
Class of 1936 100%
Alumni Advocate Council Award: For Greatest Number of Leadership Gifts
Class of 1949
7 gifts
Class Agents: James W. Blatchford, Jr. and Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Alumni Participation Trophy: For Classes with More Than 10 Solicited Members
Class of 1950
Class Agent: John B. Rettew, III
Alumni Award for Participation: For Classes within 50 Years of Graduation
Class of 1973
Class Agents: Rex R. Gary and Gerald A. Holleran, Jr.
Alumni Award: For Class with Greatest Number of Donors
Class of 1993
33 donors
Young Alumni Plaque: For Highest Contribution from a Class within 10 Years of Graduation
Class of 2009
Class Agents: Erin F. Flynn and Caroline D. Hanamirian
Young Alumni Plaque for participation: For Highest Participation from a Class within 10 Years of Graduation
Class of 2012
Class Agent: Brian P. Metzler
Alumni Reunion Participation Award: For Highest Participation by a Reunion Class
Class of 1943
Reunion Committee: Joseph K. Gordon, William W. Lander, and Davis Pearson
Alumni Reunion Award: For Highest Contribution by a Reunion Class
Class of 1978
Reunion Committee: Stephen W. Berger, James N. Borum, Walter W. Buckley, III, F. Christian Haab, Jr., L. Mario Mascioli,
Samuel E. Olshin, Robert M. Urbani, Jr., and Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr.
Parent Class Standings
Parent Challenge Cup: For Highest Contribution
Class of 2016
Class Agents: Andrew A. Brenner ’87, Angela Cooley, Joseph & Elizabeth Fay, and Edward C. Stone ’78
Advocate Council Award: For Greatest Number of Leadership Gifts
Class of 2014
33 Gifts
Class Agents: Lynn Butts and Linda Kinzig
Award for Participation: For Highest Participation
Class of 2026
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1933
80th Reunion
Alumni Gifts
Richard H. Henry 
Episcopal is fortunate to have a strong, loyal, and
generous group of alumni. The names in alumni class
listings are based on all gifts to Episcopal received
during fiscal year 2012-2013. Alumni Annual Fund Class
Agents are listed in bold within their respective classes.
Alumni Annual Fund Volunteers
Christopher M. Henderson ’92,
Andrew S. Addis ’99
James D. Alton, III ’77
Sarah D. A. Baker ’01
Joseph S. Bennett, IV ’46
Lauren F. Berry ’10
Robert R. Bishop ’58
James W. Blatchford, Jr. ’49
Joseph N. Bongiovanni, IV ’91
Andrew A. Brenner ’87
William N. Brown ’04
Fatema E. F. Burkey ’94
Jacob R. Butts ’10
Anna M. Cassidy ’94
Michael C. Ciccotti ’04
John R. Clendenning, Jr. ’57
James W. Cooke, Jr. ’75
Evan A. Coughenour ’01
Julia T. Crawford ’03
Andrew F. Crockett ’01
Caroline A. Cuckler ’03
John F. Dautrich ’70
Carl F. Deutsch ’57
Stephen Dittmann ’66
William J. Dougherty, III ’92
Kevin E. Dugan ’02
Peter W. Duncan ’53
James E. Farrell, III ’82
Erin F. Flynn ’09
Charles J. French ’92
Julie E. Ganz, Esq. ’97
Rex R. Gary ’73
Joseph K. Gordon ’43
Haley M. Habenicht ’11
Caroline D. Hanamirian ’09
Heather F. Hayes ’08
Maurice Heckscher, II ’60
James W. B. Hole ’83
Gerald A. Holleran, Jr. ’73
John E. Hopkins ’40
Brooke D. Horgan ’95
Ann R. Imbesi ’03
Shane M. Isdaner ’07
Andrew F. Jackson, II ’63
Rahul Jha ’07
Sarah S. G. Johnson ’94
Edward L. Jones, III ’87
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr. ‘47
William W. Keffer ’84
Edward P. Kilbourn ’72
Rebekah R. Kreutz ’89
Catherine B. Kurz ’95
Edward F. Lee ’79
J. Barton Linvill ’33
Timothy J. Mahoney ’02
Alvan Markle, IV ’61
Elizabeth R. Marshall ’72
Karen S. Marston ’86
Robert L. Mayock, Jr. ’68
Karl R. V. Mayro ’84
Patrick J. McCormick ’05
James J. McEntee, Jr. ’11
Megan D. McFarland ’07
David B. McMullin ’55
H. Brooke McMullin, Jr. ’82
Robert M. Melchionni, Jr. ’98
Brian P. Metzler ’12
John A. Meyers ’00
Stanley J. Miller, Jr. ’49
Howard R. Morgan ’57
Nicholas A. Morris ’05
D. Loyd Pakradooni ’65
Kirsten E. Petrocelli ’10
William E. Rapp ’56
F. Douglas Raymond, Jr. ’44
David J. Reape ’80
Kelsey A. Reinhard ’06
Kimberly A. Reinking ’00
John B. Rettew, III ’50
Holly S. Rieck, Esq. ’91
Ronald E. Rothrock ’70
Karl F. Rugart, Jr. ’41
Catherine M. H. Ryan ’99
Richard G. Schneider ’48
Warren B. Scott, III ’06
John O. Senior ’72
Blake B. Shafer ’08
Ann V. Spofford ’07
John L. Spofford ’74
John H. Susanin ’85
William D. Sykes, Jr. ’54
Peter B. Tedesco ’01
Craig A. TenBroeck ’52
Benjamin S. Thompson ’81
Elizabeth C. Urban ’94
Heyward M. Wharton ’39
Edward A. Woodring ’42
A. Christopher Young ’79
Thomas V. Zug, Jr. ’64
Class of 1934
D. Hughes Cauffman 
Class of 1936
Nicholas Biddle, Jr. † 
Fred G. Clark 
Stanley E. Harris, Jr.
Class of 1937
Francis C. Forbes
Charles W. Hargens, III
Kingsley W. Weston 
Class of 1938
75th Reunion
Ernest B. Brown 
Frank O. Nagle, Jr. MD 
Class of 1939
Thomas V. Cooper, Jr. 
S. Gareth Davis †
Heyward M. Wharton 
Class of 1940
Forrest L. Gager, Jr. 
George M. Harding, Jr. 
John E. Hopkins 
Louis W. Pitt, Jr. 
Robert Toland, Jr. † 
Charles H. Yarnall, III 
Class of 1941
Thomas Dolan, IV
Michael B. Elliott 
J. Tyler Griffin † 
Charles T. Lee, Jr. 
L. Clifford Lewis
Karl F. Rugart, Jr. 
Class of 1942
Charles E. Gallagher †
Paul C. Kitchen, Jr.
Wallace S. Littlewood
Alan W. Lukens, III 
John W. Susskind
Donald van Roden 
Frederick W. Weston, Jr. 
Edward A. Woodring 
Class of 1943
70th Reunion
Malcolm Coates 
Donald A. Gordon
Joseph K. Gordon 
Charles W. Hitschler, Jr. 
William W. Lander 
Davis Pearson 
Class of 1944
Anthony deH. Bispham 
Thomas S. Brown
Robert W. DeCoursey 
Harry B. French 
Robson L. Greer, Jr.
Walter F. A. Harvey
Richard E. Lander 
Harry R. Madeira 
A. Bruce Mainwaring 
F. Douglas Raymond, Jr. 
Gardner S. Rogers 
Robert C. Venturi, Jr.
Class of 1945
MacKnight Black 
Henry R. Blynn
Mitchell Brock, Esq.
Edward S. Buckley, IV 
Howard F. Guest, Jr.
James S. Hewson 
Clifford Charles R. Hood 
Donald J. Meenen 
Warren C. Nagle †
Class of 1946
Harris C. Aller, Jr. 
Joseph S. Bennett, IV 
Frank E. Bowker, Jr.
Donald W. Cooper
John M. Douglas, Jr. 
Ralph Earle, II 
Thomas E. Faison 
David S. Forrest 
Alexander P. Greer
Price D. Heppe
Richard B. Keller
William W. Tomlinson, Jr.
C. Edward Trump 
John M. Walton, III 
Andrew C. Warren †
Jeremiah Williams 
Class of 1947
Walter M. Bortz, II
Richard A. Henderson 
Milton C. Jackson, Jr.
E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq. 
Richard G. Mecaskey 
John L. Montgomery, II 
Richard C. Pugh 
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Henderson Supplee, III 
Kenneth W. Tunnell 
Roger M. Whiteman
Class of 1948
65th Reunion
2012-2013 Reunion Committees
Frank Nagle
Joe Gordon
Bill Lander
Davis Pearson
Jack Arndt
Bob Atkinson
Bill Frame
Art Judson
John Rorer
Dick Schneider
Howard Wright
Dick Behr
Bill Crockett
Pete Duncan
Jim Francis
Eddie Jones
Craig Moleski
Don Pillsbury
Bruce Watson
Skipper Wood
Tom Baxter
Bob Bishop
Ralph DeOrsay
Bill Lamb
Rich Liversidge
Hunter McMullin
Norm Cocke
Ben Foster
Lewis Hart
Drew Jackson
Curt Lauber
Charlie Ogelsby
Chris Raker
Bill Richards
Jim Rooks
Lloyd Sammons
Bill Spellman
Rick Tilghman
Chip Young
Bob Mayock
George Cauffman
Jay Brown
John T. Griffin
Drew Schmidt
Richard Crecraft
Taylor Fernley
Chip French
Rex Gary
David Haas
Bill Luff
Clayton Platt
Steve Berger
Jim Borum
Buck Buckley
Chris Haab
Mario Mascioli
Win Murdoch
Sam Olshin
Bob Urbani
Hall Vetterlein
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Paul Alfieri
Peter Angelides
Jon Foxman
Jamie Hole
Anne Brown
Paul Chambers
Michael Jordan
Bill Marvin
David McMullin
Kim Richter
Lauren Sullivan
Emily West
Jennifer Whelan Kovatch
Peggy Kauh
Ted Farrell
Rob Melchionni
Mike Herron
Andrew Torre
John F. Arndt, Jr.
Robert W. Atkinson
John K. Bryant
Nicholas R. Clifford 
Samuel W. Clipp
William R. Frame, Sr.
Calvert C. Groton 
James H. Hardy, III
Herbert J. Henderson
E. John Leech 
David O. Maxwell 
Albert P. Neilson
James D. Robins
John W. Rorer 
Richard G. Schneider 
Edwin R. Sumner, Jr. 
Howard Wright
Class of 1949
Alan J. Baer
Daniel A. Baugh 
James W. Blatchford, Jr. 
John D. DeTar 
John L. Farmakis 
Dwight W. Fitterer, Jr. 
Johns Hopkins
C. A. Wayne Hurtubise, Jr.
John C. Keene
Richard T. Lyford, Jr. 
Robert A. Martin 
Peter M. Mattoon 
Stanley J. Miller, Jr. 
Britton Murdoch, Sr.
R. Blair Murphy 
C. William Schellenger
Robert P. Strauss 
Floyd B. Woodcock 
Class of 1950
Willis C. Arndt 
Charles W. Bazemore
Charles B. Chadwick 
James C. Daugherty
Spencer Ervin, Jr.
John B. Healy 
Walter L. Heppenstall, Jr. 
Richard H. Hiers 
Robert H. Hutchinson, Jr. 
John D. Kistler, II 
Robert M. March 
Harold S. O’Brian, Jr. 
Roger P. Pitkin 
A. Edward Pringle, III 
John B. Rettew, III 
Edwin G. Robb 
Adolph O. Schaefer, Jr. 
E. Markley Schellenger, Jr.
Michael P. Shouvlin 
Harold P. Starr 
Class of 1951
David Acton 
Fred C. Aldridge, Jr. 
David W. Allen
Earle Bensing, Jr. 
Roger L. Campbell 
Watson S. Coverdale, Jr.
John F. Donahue
John A. Edson 
Paul G. Finegan 
Alexander Haslam 
Henry K. Justi 
Arthur M. Largey, Jr. 
Robert L. Lowry
Osborne Mauck 
Boulton D. Mohr 
Roland Morris
William V. B. Nixon, Jr.
Howard F. Park III 
Frederick A. Tucker, Jr.
J. David Walton
James K. Wheatley
Class of 1952
Robert B. Beahm 
William C. Brown, III
Thomas M. Creese
Robert A. Gerhardt
William P. Latimer
Robert H. Lee, Jr. 
Sheldon B. Margolis 
Haig H. Pakradooni, III
James O. Siegel, II
Alfred E. Skyberg
Robert M. Strippy
John H. Swope, IV 
Craig A. TenBroeck 
Class of 1953
60th Reunion
Nathan D. Bachman 
Richard L. Behr 
Kenneth S. Clark, Jr. 
Jacob A. Crellin, Jr. 
William G. Crockett
John A. Currie
Peter W. Duncan 
Leighton B. Ford
James B. Francis, Jr. 
A. Lynne Graburn, II
Ralph H. Hood 
Edward L. Jones, Jr. 
Harry C. Jones, III
Roland M. Machold
Samuel F. Niness, Jr.
Anthony M. Ostheimer
Donald M. Pillsbury, Jr. 
Bruce C. Watson 
Harry S. Weaver, II
Fred D. Wood, III 
Class of 1954
Samuel D. Allen, Jr. 
George Boyd, V
Edward P. Bromley, Jr.
Birchard T. Clothier 
William B. Crawford
Paul E. Drexel 
Samuel E. Griffiths, III 
Robert P. Hundley 
James E. Hutchinson 
Percy F. Leaper
John J. Lloyd
Richard W. Lowry 
Warden B. Muller 
Edgar S. Palmer
Forbes D. Preston 
Alfred M. Reeves 
H. R. Ringe
William D. Sykes, Jr. 
Asheton C. Toland
Duncan W. Van Dusen 
John C. Van Pelt
James A. Welham, Jr.
M. Curtis Young 
Class of 1955
Richard C. Bond, Jr. 
Walter W. Buckley, Jr. 
George A. Challis
Dom Degnon, Jr.
Roderick C. Farmer 
Frederick C. Haab 
Arthur H. Hacker, III
George L. Hagar 
Felix Jackson
John F. Kell, Jr.
Dana T. Lerch 
William Lilley, III 
Robert P. Liversidge, Jr.
John S. Lloyd, III
William W. Lukens, III
William O. Master, Jr.
Ralph T. McLean 
David B. McMullin 
David M. Robb, Jr. 
Charles C. Roselle, Jr.
Peter E. Scott
Donald M. Sykes, Jr. 
Thomas F. H. Twaddell
Frederick G. Weaver 
William N. West, IV 
Roland W. Whitridge 
Class of 1956
James H. Bromley 
Raymond C. Burton, Jr. 
David T. Carey 
Roger J. Colley 
Thomas C. Etter, Jr. 
Hugh N. Fryer
William L. Graburn
Raymond B. Harlan 
Gustave A. Heckscher, III
James K. McKinney
Benjamin R. Neilson 
Stephen L. Patt
William E. Rapp 
John S. Roberts, Jr.
E. William Ross, Sr. 
David R. Scott 
Norman Vadner 
Class of 1957
A. Joseph Armstrong
Richard M. Arnold
M. Bruce Bennett
John R. Clendenning, Jr. 
Joseph E. Colen, Jr. 
James L. Crawford, Jr. 
Edward T. Goodman
Charles W. Grigg
Kenneth L. Jones 
Howard R. Morgan 
Raymond A. Munder, Jr. 
Peter B. Pakradooni
Gilbert R. Parker
David E. Prewitt
Harley L. Rankin, Jr.
Robert M. Reed, II 
John J. Stetzer, III 
Andrew R. Supplee
Richard J. Surbeck 
H. Ross Watson, Jr.
Geoffrey F. Worden 
Class of 1958
55th Reunion
Thomas C. Baxter 
Robert R. Bishop 
Howard B. Chadwick, Jr. 
Charles N. David 
Jay B. Davis
Ralph H. DeOrsay, Jr.
Walter L. Geggis
Morrison H. Heckscher 
George F. Hess, II
John J. Hill, IV
Joseph J. Klumpp, Jr.
John M. Knight, Jr.
William H. Lamb 
Richard C. Liversidge
Peter C. McLean 
Hunter B. McMullin 
Heatly D. Sebring
Roderick S. Speer
Rudolph J. van der Hiel 
James W. Zug 
Top 10 Alumni Classes
Percentage Giving to
Annual Fund Only
Class of 1959
Stuart H. Brown 
Daniel B. Burke, Jr.
Richard B. Bush
Thomas E. Clyde 
J. Terrance Davis 
Richard S. Earle
Robert Farnham, III 
Richard C. Foster 
William K. Griesinger, Jr.
David C. Pillsbury
James E. Pugh, Jr.
Stuart H. Smith, Jr.
Shaler Stidham, Jr. 
William R. Talbot, Jr.
Matthew Vollmer
Rowland L. Watson 
Curtiss D. Wiler 
Class of 1960
George E. Burden III
Allan M. Chagan
George A. L. David
Jeffrey A. Dease 
Daniel W. Dietrich, II
Thomas F. Fricke
James S. Grant 
Frank R. Hallett
Maurice Heckscher, II 
William A. Irving, Jr. 
F. Wayne Jarvis, Jr. † 
Frederick M. Jones, III
Richard N. Koelle 
John S. McDowell, Jr.
James L. McVey, Jr.
I. W. Morris III
E. Barry Pinheiro 
Richard M. Plusch
Walter S. Poole
Vaughan W. Pratt
Lawrence G. Singmaster 
H. M. Smith 
John P. Springett
D. Nicholas Thold
Robinson M. Truitt, II
William M. Walker, II 
George S. Watson 
David C. Wetherill 
Class of 1961
Stephen J. Banta
Harrison H. Clement, Jr. 
John D. Firestone 
Harland G. Fullam 
William P. Gregg, Jr. 
Rush T. Haines, II 
Stephen L. Irving 
Anthony G. Langham 
George W. Lilley, Jr. 
Alvan Markle, IV 
Franklin E. Maxwell 
Richard D. Schwarz
William D. Shay, Jr.
Lance A. Sims 
Edward M. Watters, III
Roger B. Woodhull, Jr.
Class of 1962
Charles L. Allen
Kenneth D. Caro 
George W. Emlen
F. Laird Evans 
James L. Fulton, III
John W. Galson, Jr.
Thomas H. Gouge 
John H. Hodge 
Stephen J. Hudson
Jeffery S. Kennedy
E. Thomas Martin, III
D. Edward McAllister
Richard McC.. Shaw 
Robert H. Stavers 
Steven L. Strawbridge 
Peter Truitt
Edward H. Vick, Jr. 
Parker R. Waite, III
Harrison B. Wetherill, Jr.
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1963
50th Reunion
The generous commitment
of gifts and pledges from
the Class of 1963 enabled
the class to raise a total of
$221,168, which represented
the total amount the class
raised for the Annual Fund
and the Class of 1963 Fund to
Advance a Global Perspective.
Robert M. Austin, II
George S. Ayers
George B. Barnard, Jr.
Thomas P. Bispham
Sergeant B. Brewster, III
Stephen V. R. Cammann
Dwight Chalker
Norman A. Cocke, III 
Richard B. Devereux 
Peter H. Dohan
George H. Earle, V
Eduardo F. Escayol
Russell L. Etherington
Benjamin R. Foster
Anthony A. Geyelin
Robert A. Haines
Lewis J. Hart, Jr. 
Edmund L. Harvey, Jr.
Andrew F. Jackson, II 
G. R. Katzenbach, Jr.
Hugh W. MacDonough
William D. Machold
Michael A. McLean
Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr. 
William W. Orr, Jr.
Peter G. Park, Jr.
Gardiner P. Pearson
William A. Peterson, Jr.
Christopher W. Raker
William B. Richards
James E. Rooks, Jr. 
George P. Rouse, III
Lloyd F. Sammons
Eric A. Simonson
James D. Sleeper, Jr. 
Daniel M. Sossaman
William H. Spellman
S. Bertram Stiff, III 
Richard A. Tilghman, Jr.
Class of 1964
Eric G. Alessandroni
Kenneth G. Appel
Archer B. Battista, Esq. 
Warren F. Cooke
Robert B. Cotton, Jr.
Joseph G. Duncan, IV
O. Keener Earle 
Thomas A. Foster
Colin A. Hanna
Stephen M. Hudspeth
James W. McIntire
John C. Miller 
Frederick H. Osborn, III
Hugh A. Reynolds 
Jared I. Roberts 
Frank M. Shanbacker, III 
Lewis F. Staples
David C. Trainer
Page K. Woodbury
Thomas V. Zug, Jr. 
Class of 1965
William M. Clyde 
Peter B. Cornog
Clemmie P. Engle 
Alexander Ewing, Jr.
Theodore J. Fetter
Daniel W. Foster
Michael A. Fusco, II 
William C. Garver 
John P. Gregg 
Robert W. Hallett 
Stephen S. Kennedy, M.D. 
Philip Lyford
John C. Packer 
D. Loyd Pakradooni 
Ralph W. Pitman, Jr.
G. B. Rainer
William E. Sketchley 
John R. Tatum
Curtis Tredennick 
John W. Waite 
David H. Wetherill
Burton J. Williams
Class of 1966
Peter G. Betz
Thomas M. Birdsall, Jr. 
Stephen Dittmann 
Philip H. Gleason, Esq.
John F. Hagaman
Charles N. Hickok
Richard W. Hole, Jr. 
William H. Kirkpatrick, II
Jeffrey H. Kuch
Edward K. Morris, Ph.D. 
J. D. Pell Osborn
James C. Parry 
William W. B. Stewart 
George H. Talbot 
John S. Taylor, Jr.
David S. Waite † 
Class of 1967
K. Peter Barrow, Jr.
William Bates, III 
Christy W. Bell, Jr.
Alan L. Beller 
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Jon C. Butler 
J. Keath Fetter
Thomas C. Greenwood
W. Hayward Hulick 
Craig E. Laird
Eugene B. Lefevre
Lawrence A. Light
P. David C. Lott
Anthony Morris 
Richard W. Regan
John D. Roeser
V. Valle Schloesser
Karl R. Schoettle, Jr. 
Jay S. Shotel, Ph.D.
Charles S. Strickler, Jr. 
John C. van Roden, Jr. 
E. Smedley Ward, III 
Warwick S. Wheeler 
Class of 1968
45th Reunion
James A. Branegan, III
John S. Buckley, Jr.
George Cauffman, III
Thomas H. Clark
Stephen L. Coogan
Frederick H. Crecraft
Andrew I. Dayton 
Clement Endresen
David H. Fenimore 
G. A. Taylor Fernley
Robert G. Kitchell
Robert L. Mayock, Jr. 
Thomas H. McKoy, IV 
Palmer T. H. Page
Douglas P. Roeser 
Robert H. Young, Jr. 
Class of 1969
Michael Boyajian
A. Scott Bullitt
Gerard B. De Camp, PE
Frederick B. Getze
Orton P. Jackson, Jr. 
Gregory D. Lewicki
Emery W. Loomis, III
Christopher S. Pitt
Thomas M. Welsh 
Class of 1970
Eliot W. Dalton, Jr.
John F. Dautrich 
Lindsay A. Fowler
Crawford Hill, III 
Douglas A. Keith
Peter B. Kingsley
Kenneth G. LeFevre, III
Joseph W. Lippincott III
David W. Markus
Richard R. S. Northrop 
David C. Parker
David Y. Peyton
John W. Powell III
James G. Rogers 
Ronald E. Rothrock
K. Edward Shanbacker
William R. Spofford III 
Frederick R. Stehle
Meade B. Thayer
Roderick L. Tondreau, Jr. 
James W. Vick
Charles D. Wilder
Class of 1971
Hugh H. Aikens, Jr. 
James T. Amsterdam 
Anthony J. Brown 
Christopher L. Chambers
Mark G. Cornish
Harrison R. Crecraft
Scott T. Davis
Frederic N. Dittmann, CFA 
Bruce H. Godick
William H. Herman MPH 
Vincent J. Imbriglia
Scott R. Isdaner 
Eben L. Kent
Samuel M. Kier
David W. Lander
Stephen H. Phillips
James E. Rosenfeld 
James G. Spofford, Sr.
Joseph W. Swain, III
Thomas L. Williams
William P. Wood, Jr.
Donald E. Wynne
Class of 1972
John C. Bonan
John S. Carson, Jr.
John Fischer, Jr.
Darrel W. Francis
Richard C. Galbally
Peter H. Havens
Edward P. Kilbourn
John R. Klopp
Daniel M. Lundquist
Harry R. Madeira, Jr. 
Elizabeth R. Marshall 
Reade B. Nimick, Jr. 
Thomas F. Quinn
Scott F. Schumacker 
John O. Senior
William Z. Suplee, IV
Class of 1973
40th Reunion
Scott V. Bell
Peter J. Beller 
John T. Berlinger 
David A. Bottger
John J. Broderick 
James B. Brooke
Robert W. Callahan
Christopher C. Cole
Douglas F. Dixon 
Frederick W. Dougherty
Harry B. French, Jr. 
John R. Garrison
Rex R. Gary 
Jackson B. Gibbs, Jr.
David W. Haas 
C. W. Hanson III
John M. Hayes
Gerald A. Holleran, Jr. 
Stephen J. Imbriglia 
William A. Knowlton 
James S. Merrell
Thomas N. Mitchell 
David G. Pfordt
Clayton T. Platt, Sr. 
Robert L. Roehr 
John E. Segal
Perry G. Swope
Robert S. Teti, Esq.
Class of 1974
James W. Boyd
Ramy I. Djerassi
Earle B. Fox, III
Michael F. Gilson
Jeffrey A. Morrison 
Peter A. Quinn
Anthony Schaeffer
William T. Shearer, III
John L. Spofford
Peter C. Thayer
Seth W. Watson, III
Richard Q. Whelan 
Class of 1975
George D. Bell, Jr. 
Michael F. Broderick
Clement T. Cole
James W. Cooke, Jr.
David F. Crockett, Jr. 
Edward P. Fenimore, II
James B. Garrison
Frederick W. Hencken
Thomas G. Hill 
John W. P. Holt 
Thomas W. Knowlton
David D. Langfitt
D. Christopher Le Vine 
Britton H. Murdoch, Jr. 
Jay T. Snider
Brian P. Tierney, Sr. 
Martin P. Trimble 
John C. Williams, Jr.
Class of 1976
Kenneth J. Bernard
Stephen W. Brooks
Peter A. Fowler
Anderson L. Hartzell
W. Prentiss Howe, IV 
Robert S. McMenamin 
Roland Morris, Jr.
J. Alden Philbrick, IV
Conrad M. Rugart 
Laurence K. Shearer
Bruce W. Stone 
Class of 1977
James D. Alton III
J. G. Cooney, Jr. 
Marc S. Firestone
Peter C. Hare 
Robert P. Hayes
William C. Hoffman
David M. Howard 
Francis J. Leto 
C. Madison Riley, III 
Edward S. Spofford 
Class of 1978
35th Reunion
Philip F. Bell 
Stephen W. Berger
James N. Borum
Walter W. Buckley, III 
James F. Gould
F. Christian Haab, Jr. 
John M. Hanson
David B. Hartzell 
Alan R. Huffman, Ph.D. 
L. Mario Mascioli
Norman M. McAvoy, Jr.
Jonathan S. Moore 
Philip C. Moses
Winslow W. Murdoch
Samuel E. Olshin 
Edward C. Stone 
Robert M. Urbani, Jr.
Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr. 
Albert E. R. Zug, Sr. 
Class of 1979
Don B. Blenko, Jr. 
John H. A. Bomberger, IV
Martin S. Grims
Corbett D. Hall
Robert W. Hawthorne
W. Thompson Howe
Craig A. Hurtt, DMD
Malcolm M. Kirk
Edward F. Lee 
Peter E. Lenard
Bruce G. Leto 
William W. Lloyd
Christopher D. Lowden
James D. Marks
William M. McAvoy
G. Paull Nation, Jr.
Shawn R. Pender
John M. Peruto, Esq.
Page H. Thompson 
John F. Watson
A. Christopher Young
James H. Young, III
Class of 1980
Luke H. Borda 
James B. Bushick 
Steven E. Copit 
David W. Craig
Joseph W. Giles 
Eric E. L. Guenther, Jr.
James F. Mitchell, IV 
Gregory W. Penske 
David J. Reape 
William B. Susskind, Jr.
Kenneth L. Tepper
Michael C. F. Williams
George W. Woodruff
Robert L. Zullinger, III
Class of 1981
Guy R. Brignola
Theodore S. Coxe, Jr. 
John M. Davidson
Rex R. Dyer, Jr.
David S. Fryman 
Daniel M. Hager
William J. Hill 
Mark S. Hoplamazian 
Edward B. Keffer, III 
Clifford A. Lee
John J. Minutella
Michael J. Murphy
Rodman S. Stull
Benjamin S. Thompson 
James E. Viner
Class of 1982
James M. Auch, III
William R. Bagnell 
John C. Bonner, Jr.
Stephen S. Crawford 
Carl F. Denlinger
John M. Eagleson
David G. Ellen
Clayton G. French 
James F. Graff
Kurt A. Haab 
E. Thomas P. Henefer 
Christopher Hopkins
Edward A. Jaeger, Jr.
Stephen A. Jannetta 
Stephen B. Lewis
H. Brooke McMullin, Jr. 
Carter W. Murdoch
Trupert Ortlieb, Sr. 
William N. Segal 
Rodger J. Van Allen
Class of 1983
30th Reunion
Paul M. Alfieri 
Cameron K. Brown
John A. Carrafiell
Mark S. DePillis
Thomas F. Donatucci, III
James O. Flint
Jonathan D. Foxman 
James W. B. Hole 
Michael E. Jacoby 
Scott H. Lustgarten
Michael T. Malatesta
Peter D. McTeague
Thomas A. Riley, III
Elizabeth B. Smith
Kenneth J. Vito
Gardner R. S. Walling 
William T. Walter
Class of 1984
Gregory R. Bedrosian 
Rhonda A. Clinton
William M. Conlan 
John W. Dornberger
Barrett E. Farnham, Jr. 
Robert P. Gibson
Christopher K. Giles 
Amanda L. Griffin
Jean E. Haab 
Gregory S. Jannetta 
William W. Keffer 
Ayn C. Lever
Karl R. V. Mayro
Gregory C. Morley
F. John Myers, III
Frank W. Nester
Stuart I. Odell, Jr. 
Brooke F. Olander
James M. Patterson
Vincent W. Powers 
Peter M. Ramsey, Jr.
Jonathan G. Richter
Michael J. Ross
Dolph M. Tokarczyk
Andrew R. Waxler
Roy O. Young 
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Francis X. Masse, II
Richard S. Moore 
Erik O. Strid
Peter H. Unruh
Lyle A. Wallace, Esq.
Franklin W. Whelan
Reunion Classes Annual Fund Total Raised & Participation
$1,785 50%
$125 50%
$8,061 67%
$6,295 43%
$13,603 57%
$6,600 56%
$3,108 33%
$13,855 35%
$14,705 48%
$21,196 31%
$17,770 24%
$7,780 23%
$9,430 32%
Albert M. Breuers 
Anne E. Brown
Sean T. Casey
Paul M. Chambers
Amy L. Davis
Charles J. Erwin
Matthew T. Evans
Jason R. Freeman, Ph.D.
Michael D. Goldstein
Jennifer Haines 
Christian R. Johnson 
Michael H. Jordan
Douglas S. Kiley
Priscilla W. Latta
William F. Marvin 
Andrew W. McLuckie
Kimberly N. Richter 
Andrew W. Snyder
Lauren O. Sullivan
$19,096 22%
Class of 1989
$1,712 15%
$1,890 18%
Christian L. Beck
Stephen R. Bishop 
Robert F. Cardone, Jr.
Patrick B. Chambers
Kristen M. Cirelli
Katherine A. Cox 
James S. Croasdale
Melanie E. Custer
Erin O. Dugery 
Gerrit A. Fedele
Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr.
Samuel R. Halpert
Robert C. Hostler
Rebekah R. Kreutz 
David E. Logan
John E. R. McGovern 
Timothy P. Murray
Alla F. Pasternack 
Andrew C. Saland
Ralph S. Sando, Jr. 
Carolyn Shaud
Charles Simonian
Andre C. Stephano
Caroline H. Waxler
Amber B. West, Ph.D.
Stacey A. Zeitlin 
ReunionClass Cash Participation
Class of 1985
Catherine F. Ackerman 
Richard B. Aldridge 
David L. Berkey
Wendy Z. Brown 
John H. Chadwick
James R. Dugan
Ann M. Kraftson 
Donald W. Kraftson 
Andrew T. MacIntosh
Omar Y. McNeill, Esq. 
Richard W. Quinn
David W. Ryan
Won Shin
John H. Susanin 
Michael J. Tierney, Sr.
John C. Yoo 
Class of 1986
Melissa N. Anderson
Gregory E. Buzan 
Jonathan D. Cassidy 
Nicholas J. Christos, Jr.
David R. Dugery 
Lara S. Hartin
Timothy H. Jannetta 
Paul M. Ladner
Karen S. Marston 
Class of 1988
25th Reunion
Robert A. Mascioli 
John C. McMeekin, II
John A. Meehan 
James F. Prusky
Andrea Puppio
James F. Richter 
Jason A. Shell
Jonathan L. Stinnett 
Rodger R. Strickland
Edwin R. Van Dusen 
Class of 1987
Henry R. Adamczyk, Jr. 
Laurence H. Beck, Jr.
Douglas P. Blatchford
James C. Blenko 
Andrew A. Brenner
Pierce E. Buller, Esq.
Melanie J. Cosgrove
Cecily G. Craighill
Charles A. Croasdale
Paul A. DeSanctis, Jr.
Toni L. DiMonte
Peter J. Dugery 
Edward L. Jones, III 
Eric T. Linker
Keith D. Linker
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1990
Jason M. Avicolli
Michael A. Baumholtz
Janice M. Biddle 
E. S. Devlin
Harper J. Dimmerman, Esq.
Michael F. Floyd
P. M. Havens
Richard R. Heitzmann
M. Brearley Khan
Grace C. Limaye
Ryan D. Limaye
Elisabeth M. Richard
Debra S. Ridder
Tobias W. Welo 
Class of 1991
Joseph N. Bongiovanni, IV
Jennifer L. Burt 
Benjamin I. Chung
Scott G. Huston 
Israel J. Katz
Drew G. Lewis
Andrew H. McMeekin
Heather F. McMeekin
Matthew D. Michael
Richard S. Myers
Jane W. Oberwager
Catherine R. Reilly
Michael R. Rickels
Holly S. Rieck, Esq. 
Peter M. Rudnick, Jr.
Tracey F. Stidolph 
Jennifer M. Tierney
Mark L. Weisheit
Brandon A. Whitaker
Class of 1992
Hillary S. Chassin
William J. Dougherty, III
C. Pace Duckett
Thomas J. Farrell, III
Edward W. Floyd
Charles J. French
Michael K. Haley
Scott M. Hammond
Christopher M. Henderson
Caswell F. Holloway, IV
William T. Kline 
Daniel T. Ledger
Ashley K. Lunkenheimer
Jeffrey S. MacBean
Benjamin A. Prusky 
Alanna W. Shanahan 
Jonathan B. Stallkamp, M.D.
Rory S. Whitaker
Class of 1993
20th Reunion
Kristen G. Abbonizio
Stephen A. Beers
Stephen M. Cardone 
Thomas J. Carella
Jennifer H. Chung
Tracy R. Clevens
Christopher E. Daniels
David L. Grau
Stephen J. Gregg
Jason S. Hollinger
Douglas L. Holt
JoAnne F. Hopkins
Peter A. Hresko
Rebecca S. Hyatt
Peggy O. Kauh 
Jennifer W. Kovatch
James T. Mangrum
James J. Manion III
Tanya E. Mera, LCSW
Megan D. H. Noller 
J. Peter Pierce, Jr.
Allison W. Price
Andrew W. Purcell
Eric J. Rosenbloom
Tyrone J. Ross, II
Kevin M. Shanahan
Kevin M. Shields
David J. Simmonds
Nicole M. Stratemeier
David V. Tozzi
Emily W. West
Elizabeth A. Williams
Elizabeth H. Williams
Class of 1994
Adam S. Barrist, Esq.
Benjamin D. Bishop
Fatema E. F. Burkey 
Anna M. Cassidy 
Sarah S. G. Johnson 
Abigail W. Kasselakis
Michael F. Kelly 
Daniel G. Kessler
Joshua L. Saul
Tara L. Stitchberry
Elizabeth C. Urban
Class of 1995
Hazel M. Bentinck
Ryan M. Burkhardt
Matthew F. Chagan 
Douglas S. Davies
Robert J. DeMento
Caroline B. Greenfield, M.D.
David B. Grossman 
Jonathan H. Hollinger
Brooke D. Horgan 
Theresa A. Kessler
Catherine B. Kurz 
Alexis S. Longinotti
Douglas N. MacBean 
Christine W. Merrill 
Ralph E. Roam, IV
Laura M. Rooklin
Eric G. Smith 
Elinor S. Stewart 
Stephanos Tsirakoglou
Austin F. Whitman
Robert C. Wright, Jr.
Class of 1996
Anne B. Argue
James W. Barrett, Jr.
Katherine G. Bergstrom
Brendan C. Dugan
James S. Evans 
Karen L. Flaherty
Joshua T. Krotec 
Michael F. McKeon
David H. McNeely
Michael S. O’Connor 
Katharine K. Padrez
Scott T. Reynolds
Phoebe Schuh
Elizabeth W. Shaw
Morgan P. Suckow
Rebecca S. Warburton
Jennifer L. Weymouth 
Class of 1997
John M. Bailer
Jessica P. Beers
Christopher F. Bennett
Chad W. Billmyer 
Lauren Caffray
James W. Casey
Ann C. D’Amicantonio
Madeleine I. Delson
Brendan D. Devlin 
Julie E. Ganz, Esq.
Robert B. Grant, Jr.
Bradd J. Haley
James A. Hunter, III 
G. Jonathan Koegel, II
Michael A. Liguori
Sulaiman J. Love
Margaret E. McQuade
Matthew H. Meyers
Lauren C. Patrizio
Susan C. Reiser
James H. Rich, III
Marshall D. Sebring 
Robert F. Serpente, Jr.
Nicholas C. Sommer
Kellen A. Vengels
Margot E. Wanner
Addison R. West
Class of 1998
15th Reunion
Maura C. Dick
Christopher C. Fallon, III
Stephen A. Floyd
Brett J. Grifo
Drew M. Grifo
Matthew A. Haldeman
Colby S. Hall
Michael J. Herron, Jr.
Kathleen J. Leubecker
Robert M. Melchionni, Jr.
Ronald P. Noyes, Jr.
Alexis S. Peskin
Katherine E. Pientka
Andrew B. Rogers, Esq.
John D. Salvucci
Audrey K. Sikdar
Katherine M. Smith 
Francis P. Sutter, Jr.
Andrew J. Torre
Sarah C. West
Rick Wetmore
Class of 1999
Andrew S. Addis
Christa M. Bialka
Aaron J. Brill 
Daniel T. Connelly
Mark M. Dugan
Michael P. Good
David J. Gregory
Sarah M. Karp 
Christine L. Kaupinen
Stephen R. Kossuth
Christopher A. Morris
Courtney L. Morris
Paul C. Nolen 
Jeffrey W. Porter
Catherine M. H. Ryan 
Edward P. Shaw 
Sarah H. Smith
Amanda C. Vos Strache
Class of 2000
William H. Bromley, Jr.
Nicholas E. Crews
Justin D. DiLucchio
Cyrus D. Heidary
Geoffrey C. Henisee
Charles Kurz III 
Stephanie P. Lacayo
Jonathan G. Marymor
John B. Murphy, Jr.
Margaret B. Putnam
Benjamin B. Rogers
Peter D. VanBuskirk
Class of 2001
Sarah D. A. Baker 
Evan A. Coughenour
Andrew F. Crockett 
Hadley C. Hill
Mark T. Juliano
Ruth R. Kelley
Bryan J. Koegel
Sean L. Lambert
Danielle B. Pakradooni
Elizabeth D. Pillion
Sara S. Samimi, M.D.
Lisa A. Smith
Katherine M. Solomon
John L. Spofford, Jr.
Peter B. Tedesco
Lewis H. Van Dusen, IV
Class of 2002
10th Reunion
Paul J. Creedon
Kevin E. Dugan
Andrew S. Evans
Alice K. Fortune-Greeley
Peter M. Greenhalgh
Erik S. Henkelman
Stephen E. Keefe 
Andrew W. Kim
Timothy J. Mahoney
Samuel M. McCallum 
Caitlin McKenna 
David W. Morris
Adam J. Murray
John S. Smith, IV
John N. Tsafos, Jr.
Class of 2003
William M. Angelos
Anthony J. D. Biddle, IV
Jason O. Brown
Andrew E. Brown
Allison P. Chan
Julia T. Crawford
Caroline A. Cuckler
Megan C. Hayes
Andrew K. Heier
Ann R. Imbesi
Rocco P. Imperatrice, IV
Elizabeth O. Kelly
Martin K. Kupprion
Brett T. Meyers
Alexander P. Mirabello
Roger B. Syracuse, Jr.
Matthew J. Szporka
David M. Turner
Diana S. Wilson
Garrett R. Wilson
Class of 2004
Marc D. Adelberg
Caitlin F. Andreotta
Paul C. Barrett
Ian L. Cannon
Michael C. Ciccotti
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Michael C. Contino
Ashley H. Eyre
Christine L. Galib
Alexander C. Girod
Jocelyn V. Hanamirian
Hannah E. Kelly
Brinton J. W. Markle
Blake G. Marymor
Alison E. Murray
Kathleen E. O’Donnell
Joseph B. O’Neill, Jr.
William S. Tierney
Class of 2005
Courtney R. Asher
Elizabeth W. Brennan
Carolyn T. Crawford
Patrick M. Devine
Matthew W. Dobbins
James B. Francis, III
Alexandra K. Haack
Spencer M. Hoffman
Nicholas J. Imbriglia
Gregory D. Isdaner
Madeline A. Lurio
Patrick J. McCormick
Alexandra S. Monroe
Nicholas A. Morris
Jeffrey M. Nansteel
Ashley P. Orleans
Mara O. Powers
Kelly M. Robinson
Frances G. Shafer
Kevin M. Smith
Gregory D. Snyder
Class of 2006
Anonymous (2)
Armena M. Ballard
Caroline A. Cannon
Christina H. Clark
Sam A. Clark
Marco A. Contino
Samuel R. Daly
Samuel J. Galib
Amy E. Keefe
Andrew C. Keller
Matthew J. Kraeutler
Colleen McKenna
Alex H. Nakahara
Kelsey A. Reinhard
Joseph T. Salameh
Annabel V. Simpson
Rosemary L. Trumbull
Andrew C. Turner
Clinton G. Ulmer
Albert Edward R. Zug, Jr.
Class of 2007
5th Reunion
William T. Brinks
Julia H. Clark
Benjamin K. Haack
Shane M. Isdaner
Caroline M. Komlo
Alexander J. Kornienko
Christopher M. N. Le Vine
Grainne B. Lynn
Meghan M. McCormick
Megan D. McFarland
Nicole A. McNeal
Andrew N. Nassau
Michael J. Nealis
Nantale J. Nsibirwa
Alexandra S. Peters
Piervincenzo L. Russo
Stephen J. Shanahan, Jr.
Ann V. Spofford
Lindsey E. Wilkinson
Samantha C. Williams
Class of 2008
Kelly E. Burke
Timothy J. Carson, Jr.
Rachel M. Chung
Caroline R. Constable
David R. Fell
Alexandra C. Jahnle
Robert B. Jones, Jr.
Brendan D. Lawrence
Loren B. Mead, II
Mark E. Nakahara
Adrian J. Peskin
Alejandro D. Rettig y Martinez
Blake B. Shafer
Edward S. Spofford, Jr.
Alexandra H. van Arkel
Michael P. Whalen
Brian R. Young
Class of 2009
Meagan K. Berry
Rebecca J. Brinks
Christine J. Chen
Taylor J. Durovsik
Stephen J. Faulkner
Erin F. Flynn
Emily M. Forgash
Christina K. Haack
Caroline D. Hanamirian
Todd B. Harrity
Cody C. Isdaner
Kraig K. Lunkenheimer
George C. McFarland, III
Jonathan M. Morris
Sarah Mumanachit
Michael J. Picciani
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Britton A. Potter
Caitlin S. Powers
Patrick B. Rapuano
Hallie C. Snyder
Connor J. Sullivan
Edwin Wee
Class of 2010
Stephanie P. Bernabei
Lauren F. Berry
Callie R. Connors
Eliza H. Crawford
Avery A. Curley
Elizabeth E. Eyre
Bridget K. Gribbin
Kelsey A. Gula
Winston C. Hamilton
Margaret G. Heil
Charlotte R. Kelly
Sean N. McIntyre
Kirsten E. Petrocelli
Clayton T. Platt, Jr.
Kristen L. Robinson
Gerald K. Smith, IV
Victoria S. Spofford
Timothy A. Suspenski
Lauren A. Wilkinson
Class of 2011
Chandler N. Aitken
Edmund L. Dana, IV
Cammerin T. Davis
Marimargaret S. Forker
Lia R. Gentile
Haley M. Habenicht
Bradford J. Hahn
Kaila S. Hamdani
Brigit L. Knaus
Alyssa N. Kutteh
Marian S. Lurio
Michael J. McDermott
James J. McEntee, Jr.
Sarah H. Mezzanotte
Elizabeth A. Picciani
Angira S. Pickens
Paul Riley, Jr.
Robert W. Svigals
Hilary V. W. White
Class of 2012
Jill E. Barton
Alexandra V. Bilotti
William D. Blommer
Chandler W. Burke
Charles B. Caraher
Zachary V. Caraher
Christine E. Davis
John M. Forgash
Katie M. Gallagher
Jonathan P. Garino
John A. Heil, Jr.
Katherine J. Howlin
Charles G. Kinzig
Kathleen A. Kneizys
Kyle M. Leidheiser
Sarah P. McKay
Brian P. Metzler
Helen Y. Miller
Kira A. Nakahara
John E. Nickolas
Sean M. O’Reilly
Nicholas G. Paolino
Andrew H. Peters
Caroline M. Rando
Joshua L. Raphaelson
Mohammed A. Toure
Xuechen Yu
Senior Gift Fund
Class of 2013
The Class of 2013 reached
98% participation in the
Annual Fund in their Senior
Gift Fund effort. This year,
seniors made gifts to the
Annual Fund in honor of the
programs and people that
impacted their Episcopal
experience. The Senior Gift
Fund was led by Co-Chairs
James Costalas and Robyn
Farrell. In addition to their
Senior Gift Fund effort, the
class decided to contribute
their remaining class funds to
the Annual Fund in support
of financial aid so that other
students can enjoy the benefits
of an Episcopal education.
Jameson Charles Achuff
Dante Anthony Addona
Schuyler Inglis Aitken
Matthew John Angelos
Jake Solomon Aronchick
Dean Evan Avgerinos
Michael-Aaron Antranig Ayjian
Patrick Jerome Bernhardt
James Alexander Blumenthal
Keri Lee Boyce
Connor Ward Boyle
Thomas Dadmun Boynton
Luke Anthony Brooman
Laurence Milton Brown
David Sebastien Burke
Nicole Helena Carolin
Tyler Christian Chambers
Karen Electra Christianson
Gordon Geoffrey Clarke
Paul Chase Connors
James Konstantinos
Costalas, Jr.
Mary Catherine Curran
Peter Joseph Cusack
Clara Margaret Davis
Zachary Connor Deasey
Gonzalo del Peon
Kaitlyn G. DiMarco
Alana Morgan Dumas
Alexander Ross Dupre
Kellen Christopher Edmondson
Sean Aloysius Fahey
Robyn Anne Farrell
Julia Elizabeth Fay
Edward Christopher Fenimore
Alec Altman Fertel
Kevin Douglas Flannery
John Domenic Florio
Charles Robert Fox
Elizabeth Morgan Foxman
Sydney Mills Massie Francis
Willow Star Frederick
Carter Jean Gantt
Kevin Harris Gayhardt
Caroline Crandall Giles
Peter Starr Green
Rohan Dewan Gulati
Daniel Milton Hager, V
Christina Jean Halcovich
Maggie Elizabeth Haraburda
Kristen Grace Hinckley
Catharine Brooke Hopkins
Meghan Cameron Hubley
Christian Edgar Humann
Joseph Robert Ibarguen
Rory Edward Isdaner
Allison Nicole Jacoby
Annabelle Louise Kielty
Megan Pauline Kilcullen
Mikaela Katharine Kilmer
Claire Ahrens Kneizys
Julia Jennifer Lake
Kathleen Stella Larkin
Margaret Burton LeBoeuf
Matthew Laurence London
Chelsea D. Lowe
Jacob Aloysius Lowe
Steven Michael Lucey
Najah N. Majors
Alice Mae Maltby
Francesca Gianna Matarazzo
John Wilson McAvoy
Michelle Myrtetus McCann
Erin Kathleen McCarthy
Patrick Cook McCarthy
Daniel Anthony McCormick
Alfred Charles McGowan, III
Devin Hayes McLaughlin
Matthew John McLaughlin
Nicholas Alexander Mead
Nisha Stephanie Meyer
Lynda Eileen Michaels
Lauren Elizabeth Murray
Briana Marie Narzikul
Meredith Lenore Nelson
Michael Joe-Sheng Niu
Walter Nelson Norley, V
Anna Murphy Ochsner
Tara Shannon O’Prey
David Joseph Palumbo
Avery Vincent Patterson
Anthony David Perretti
Ciara Marie Pettinos
Timothy Elliott Pope
Megan Maureen Quinn
Shreya D. Reddy
Lindsey Elizabeth Reder
Audrey Carolyn Regillo
Curran Elizabeth Reilly
Rachel Layne Repke
Alexander Harmon Rice
Robert James Ruggiero
Matthew James Rushton
Daniel A. Saedi
John Charles Saile, III
Victoria Rose Sarmiento
Daniel Joseph Schlaff
Stacey Elizabeth Sloate
Bennett Wesley Smith
Casey Lynn Smyth
Ian Patrick Strain
Adam Marshall Strouss
Markuan Kelly Stutts
Kelly Casimira Szafara
Anthony Thai
Alexander Benjamin Tillery
Douglas Aldrich Trimble
Alix Vadot
Grace Kenworthy van Arkel
Nicholas Alexander van Veen
Matthew Jeffrey Vegari
Garrett Campion Walling
Leslie Cameron Fitzgerald Williams
Stephen Nicholas Backus Wojdak
Katherine Kuan-Li Wu
Top 10 Alumni Classes
Dollars Giving to Annual
Fund Only
Senior Gift Fund Committee
members in bold
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout
this Annual Report indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving
to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Annual Fund - Alumni Class Participation
Donors Percent
Donors Percent
$1,785 1
$4,575 12
$2,000 1
$29,725 18
$150 2
$450 3
$10,010 11
$21,196 20
$625 3
$18,638 21
$365 5
$43,005 14
$2,472 5
$7,905 15
$1,900 7
$6,898 17
$8,061 6
$17,770 17
$33,281 11
$11,375 25
$2,895 8
$21,975 16
$3,210 15
$17,275 18
$17,680 20
$6,295 16
$7,780 19
$31,945 18
$14,644 21
$14,334 20
$11,365 13
$10,521 20
$6,740 17
$10,139 14
$10,033 18
$13,603 20
$9,430 33
$22,989 23
$3,675 11
$27,620 24
$39,380 20
$7,320 17
$7,720 17
$24,986 21
$4,943 28
$6,600 19
$19,096 22
$2,675 14
$2,707 18
$5,815 25
$3,740 13
$5,234 16
$3,360 16
$10,341 18
$1,710 16
$3,105 18
$2,050 20
$8,155 22
$1,375 18
$4,040 22
$2,425 22
$7,400 15
$1,080 19
$6,020 22
$1,890 19
$13,855 16
$475 16
$4,325 9
$3,185 23
$18,060 22
$545 19
$16,965 22
$880 19
$36,720 14
$1,569 26
$14,705 29
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy Class of 2013
Jameson Charles Achuff v
Dante Anthony Addona
Schuyler Inglis Aitken
Matthew John Angelos
Jake Solomon Aronchick v
Dean Evan Avgerinos
Michael-Aaron Antranig Ayjian
Patrick Jerome Bernhardt
James Alexander Blumenthal
Keri Lee Boyce
Connor Ward Boyle
Thomas Dadmun Boynton
Luke Anthony Brooman v
Laurence Milton Brown
David Sebastien Burke
Nicole Helena Carolin
Tyler Christian Chambers
Karen Electra Christianson v
Gordon Geoffrey Clarke
Paul Chase Connors
James Konstantinos Costalas, Jr.
Mary Catherine Curran v
Peter Joseph Cusack v
Clara Margaret Davis
Zachary Connor Deasey
Gonzalo del Peon
Kaitlyn G. DiMarco v
Alana Morgan Dumas
Alexander Ross Dupre
Kellen Christopher Edmondson
Sean Aloysius Fahey
Robyn Anne Farrell
Julia Elizabeth Fay v
Edward Christopher Fenimore
Alec Altman Fertel
Kevin Douglas Flannery
John Domenic Florio
Charles Robert Fox
Elizabeth Morgan Foxman
Sydney Mills Massie Francis
Willow Star Frederick
Carter Jean Gantt
Kevin Harris Gayhardt
Caroline Crandall Giles
Peter Starr Green
Rohan Dewan Gulati v
Daniel Milton Hager, V
Christina Jean Halcovich v
Maggie Elizabeth Haraburda
Kristen Grace Hinckley v
Catharine Brooke Hopkins v
Meghan Cameron Hubley
Christian Edgar Humann v
Albert Edward Ibarguen
Joseph Robert Ibarguen
Rory Edward Isdaner
Allison Nicole Jacoby
Annabelle Louise Kielty
Megan Pauline Kilcullen
Mikaela Katharine Kilmer
Claire Ahrens Kneizys v
Julia Jennifer Lake
Kathleen Stella Larkin v
Margaret Burton LeBoeuf
Matthew Laurence London
Chelsea D. Lowe
Jacob Aloysius Lowe
Steven Michael Lucey
Najah N. Majors
Alice Mae Maltby
Francesca Gianna Matarazzo
John Wilson McAvoy
Michelle Myrtetus McCann
Erin Kathleen McCarthy
Patrick Cook McCarthy
Daniel Anthony McCormick
Alfred Charles McGowan, III
Devin Hayes McLaughlin
Matthew John McLaughlin
Nicholas Alexander Mead
Nisha Stephanie Meyer
Lynda Eileen Michaels
Lauren Elizabeth Murray
Briana Marie Narzikul
Meredith Lenore Nelson
Michael Joe-Sheng Niu
Walter Nelson Norley, V
Anna Murphy Ochsner v
Tara Shannon O’Prey
George Trupert Ortlieb, Jr.
David Joseph Palumbo
Avery Vincent Patterson
Anthony David Perretti
Ciara Marie Pettinos
Timothy Elliott Pope
Megan Maureen Quinn
Shreya D. Reddy v
Lindsey Elizabeth Reder
Audrey Carolyn Regillo
Curran Elizabeth Reilly v
Rachel Layne Repke v
Alexander Harmon Rice
Matthew James Robinson
Robert James Ruggiero
Matthew James Rushton
Daniel A. Saedi
John Charles Saile, III
Victoria Rose Sarmiento
Daniel Joseph Schlaff v
Stacey Elizabeth Sloate v
Bennett Wesley Smith
Casey Lynn Smyth
Ian Patrick Strain
Adam Marshall Strouss
Markuan Kelly Stutts
Kelly Casimira Szafara
Anthony Thai v
Alexander Benjamin Tillery
Douglas Aldrich Trimble
Alix Vadot v
Grace Kenworthy van Arkel
Nicholas Alexander van Veen
Matthew Jeffrey Vegari v
Garrett Campion Walling
Leslie Cameron Fitzgerald Williams
Stephen Nicholas Backus Wojdak
Katherine Kuan-Li Wu v
 Cum Laude Society
2012-2013 Alumni Society
Board of Managers
Peter W. Duncan ’53
Harry B. French ’73
David L. Grau ’93
James H. Griffin ’95
Edward L. Jones, III ’87
William G. Luff ’73
Ashley K. Lunkenheimer ’92
David B. McMullin ’55
Alvan Markle, IV ’61
Karen S. Marston ’86
Robert L. Mayock ’68
Brett T. Meyers ’03
Christopher A. Morris ’99
Clayton T. Platt ’73
Vincent W. Powers ’84
Edward S. Spofford ’77
Kellen (Heckscher) Vengels ’97
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Parent Gifts
The Episcopal Academy is grateful to these parents who appreciate that the
financial needs of the school reach beyond those met by tuition. The names
found in the following lists are based on all gifts to Episcopal received during
fiscal year 2012-2013.
Parent Annual Fund Volunteers
Class of 2013
Gary & Rita Tuma P ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Addona
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Aitken 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ayjian
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Bernhardt, III
Mr. & Daniel J. Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Boynton
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke 
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Carolin 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Connors
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Ms. Caroline E. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
(Janet S. Cusack, Hon.) 
Ms. Barbara W. Davis
Mr. William R. Deasey &
Ms. Donna E. Altenpohl 
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Dupre 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Fenimore, II ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Fertel 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Flannery
Mr. Earle B. Fox, III ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Francis, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt 
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Hager ’81
Mr. & Mrs. Metro J. Halcovich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hinckley, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Hubley
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Ibarguen
Mr. & Mrs. Bart M. Isdaner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kielty
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Kneizys
Mr. James W. Larkin &
Dr. Judith B. Larkin
Mr. & Mrs. John M. LeBoeuf
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lucey
Jeff & Enna Allen P ’18 ’19
Andrew Brenner ’87 P ’16 ’19
Lynn Butts P ’11 ’14
Catherine Chiang P ’23 ’21
Angela Cooley P ’16
April Crockett P ’19 ’21
Jim & Lauren Curran P ’13
Toni Cavanagh DiMonte ’87 P ’25
Kay Dugery P ’19 ’21
Karen Ernst P ’14 ’17
Joe & Betsy Fay P ’13 ’19
Jack & Mary Flynn P ’09 ’12 ’14 ’17
Sally Francis P ’05 ’13
Pam French P ’16 ’18 ’21 ’24 ’26
Debashis Ganguly P ’19
Patricia Bazán Garrubbo P ’18 ’21
Kerstin Humann P ’13 ’16 ’19
Mike & Kathy Jacoby ’83 P ’13 ’15 ’19
Loraine Jones P ’23 ’21 ’20
Bill & Allison Keffer ’84 P ’14 ’17
Cate Kelly P ’23 ’24
Linda Kinzig P ’12 ’14
Bruce Konopka P ’14 ’16 ’18 ’21 ’22
Bryan & Anna McDermott P ’23
Akiko Mitsui P ’23
Joe & Pat Palumbo P ’13 ’19
Teresa Regillo P ’13 ’14
Lauren Royer P ’15 ’17
Karen Sarpolis P ’22
Megan Sewell P ’24
Victoria Silbey & Tom Hogan P ’18 ’20
David Smith P ’17 ’19 ’20 ’22
Ted Stone ’78 P ’16 ’18
Patsy Stouch P ’15
Amy Walling P ’11 ’13 ’15 ’19
Vanessa Weisman P ’18 ’20
Mr. & Mrs. David Maltby
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. McAvoy, IV
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Ms. Susan Myrtetus McCann 
Dr. Marie McCormick &
Mr. Patrick McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. McLaughlin
Dr. & Mrs. Philip S. Mead
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Sied J. Narzikul
Dr. Kian T. Niu &
Ms. Raphaelina S. L. Loke
Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Norley
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Ochsner
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. O’Prey
Mr. & Mrs. Trupert Ortlieb, Sr.’82 
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo 
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Pettinos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julius E. Pope
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Vinod K. D. Reddy
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Reder
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Regillo 
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr.
Dr. Amy B. Rowan & Mr. Paul L. Sloate
Dr. & Mrs. Scott A. Rushton
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Sarmiento
Dr. William Schlaff & Dr. Lorraine Dugoff
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Smith III 
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Strain
Mr. Brett M. Strouss
Mrs. Jennifer J. Strouss
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara 
Mr. Benjamin Thai & Ms. Ruichang Yan
Mr. Vincent Vadot &
Ms. Veronique Bonnet-Vadot
Mr. & Mrs. William A. van Veen
Dr. Matt M. Vegari & Dr. Sheila B. Vegari
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Ritner S. Walling ’83 
Mr. Michael C. F. Williams ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wojdak 
Drs. Gary D. & Elizabeth F. Wu 
Class of 2014
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Alden 
Mr. & Mrs. Tilahun Amera
Dr. Sisira K. Andrahennady &
Dr. Anne D. Fernando
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Archambault
Mr. & Mrs. R. Donald Avellino, II
Dr. & Mr. Aba Y. Barden-Maja
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer 
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Power of Your Gift
“It took extraordinary means for my dad to get out of
Vietnam. He had to go through lots of government
checkpoints without arousing any suspicion because
the government didn’t want anyone to leave,” said Thai.
“And then once of out Vietnam, he was on a boat for
four days to Thailand and had to deal with pirates and
stuff like that.”
Despite the bravery and perseverance of his dad, Thai’s
magical Harvard moment still might not have happened
without some help from some other outside forces. The
Steppingstone Scholars program saw his tremendous
promise as a middle schooler in Northeast Philadelphia
and paved the way for him to attend The Episcopal
Academy. Jay ’47 and Kathy Sherrerd established a
scholarship fund in 1983 to support highly motivated
and qualified EA students, like Thai (who held the
scholarship for five years), in need of financial aid.
Meet Anthony Thai ’13
From the time he was a child, Anthony Thai ’13 dreamt
of attending Harvard University. He just had to wait
a half-hour longer than he would have liked for that
dream to come true.
“Harvard tells you that they will send an acceptance
email at 5 p.m. on a certain date,” said Thai. “On that
day, I was sitting by my phone a few minutes before
5 and there was no message. So I kept waiting and
waiting … 10 minutes passed, then 15.”
A bundle of nerves and tired of waiting, Thai left the
room and took a shower. Once out of the shower, Thai
noticed that his cellphone was blinking. He checked
his messages and there was one from the Harvard
admissions office. His dream had come true.
“The message didn’t come until 5:30. But once I
received the message that I was accepted to Harvard, I
jumped up and down and hugged my parents,” recalls
Thai. “Just thinking about that moment still gives me the
Thai’s road to Harvard, where he will study biology
in hopes of becoming a doctor someday, reads like
something out of a Hollywood script. His father is
Chinese but was born in Vietnam. In the early 1980s,
Thai’s father decided to escape the grip of Vietnam’s
Communist regime.
“I’ve sent the children of Mr. & Mrs. Sherrerd thank you
letters every year, but I’ve never had the chance to meet
them because they live pretty far away,” says Thai. “I’ll
never forget their family’s generosity as long as I live.
“The Sherrerds’ generosity made all the difference in
the world to me. I can never thank them enough for
the gift they gave me, so I just dove in and tried to take
advantage of everything that EA had to offer.”
Mission accomplished.
During his senior year at EA, Thai was recognized as
one of EA’s 10 National Merit finalists and was one of
two Philadelphia-area high school seniors to receive
a $5,000 Sun Life Rising Star scholarship. Thai was a
member of Episcopal Academy’s student council, wrote
for the school newspaper, received a Harvard Book
Prize, participated in Key Club as a school host, and was
a two-sport high school athlete.
In addition, Thai volunteered as a student tutor in the
Steppingstone Scholars program, was accepted into
the Global Youth Leadership Institute to participate in a
leadership program, and was a member of the Model
United Nations.
“Anthony is just a great kid,” said Sarah Baker ’01, the
Form Dean for the Classes of 2013 and 2014. “He’s a
superstar in math and science but is also a fantastic
writer. Plus, he’s the model of ethics and kindness.”
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Bonella
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brumbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, III ’78 
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butts
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Carolin 
Ms. Karen C. Coleman
Mr. Michael Curry &
Ms. Catherine Town
Dr. & Mrs. Darren F. DeVoue
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Donatucci, III ’83
Mr. Fernando Dones &
Dr. Janice A. Kelly Dones
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. Kamal Dua
Mrs. Rupendra Dua
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV 
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn 
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey 
Mr. Ramon I. Gallegos &
Ms. Nicole Murphy
Ms. Marcia Geary
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims ’79
Mr. Kurt A. Haab ’82 &
Dr. Jean E. Haab ’84 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Henson
Mr. Weiming Hu & Ms. Yuhong Zhou
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hunter, Jr.
Dr. Robert Hurst &
Dr. Marilyn Hurst-D’Hollosy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Jannetta ’82 
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson 
Mr. Robert S. Kane & Dr. Paula C. Ko
Mr. William W. Keffer ’84 &
Mrs. Alison N. Keffer, Hon. 
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Kinzig
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Langfitt ’75
Mr. James W. Larkin &
Dr. Judith B. Larkin
Mr. Aloysius T. Lawn, IV
Dr. Ernesto A. Lee &
Dr. Lyn Ann M. Mastaj
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Leidheiser
Ms. Dione Lomax
Mr. & Mrs. David Maltby
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. William R. McDermott
Mr. Kevin J. Meaney
Dr. & Mrs. Garo Megerian
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Morgan
Mr. David E. O’Brian
Mrs. Karen M. O’Brian
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese
Ms. Luann M. Petrellis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Pratt, II
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley 
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Radcliffe 
Mr. Dilip Rajagopalan & Ms. Lini Kadaba
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape 
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Recktenwald
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Regillo 
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Rhoads
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rhodes, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smerconish
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tankle
Mr. Benjamin Thai & Ms. Ruichang Yan
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen 
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Zappala, Jr.
Class of 2015
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Ayjian
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Becker
Mr. & Daniel J. Boyce
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Boyle
Mr. Charles W. Bryant, Hon. &
Mrs. Kempley A. Bryant, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Burman
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Carpinello 
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Cassidy ’86 
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Caviston
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Crager, III
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
(Janet S. Cusack, Hon.) 
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89 
Mr. & Mrs. John Eringis 
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Farmer
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey 
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Garino 
Mr. & Mrs. Rex R. Gary ’73 
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Hahn 
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Harrity
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hinckley, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. James W. B. Hole ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Hopton
Ms. Linda Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson 
Dr. & Mrs. Yongkun Kim
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King 
Mr. Eric Li & Ms. Deana Wang
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Long, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Lucey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey 
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maritsis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Mathisen 
Mr. & Mrs. David Mayinja
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr. ’78
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Ms. Susan Myrtetus McCann 
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy, Jr. 
Mr. Kevin J. Meaney
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Minicozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Morgan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Nickolas
Dr. Kian T. Niu &
Ms. Raphaelina S. L. Loke
Mr. & Mrs. Trupert Ortlieb, Sr.’82 
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany 
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Palazzese
Mr. & Mrs. Guy N. Paolino
Dr. Jun Peng & Dr. Li Li
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Pettinos, Jr.
Dr. Michael Picariello &
Dr. Irene B. Darocha
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pickell
Mr. & Mrs. Julius E. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Reder
Mr. & Mrs. Shantanu Roychowdhury
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr. 
Dr. & Mrs. Scott A. Rushton
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Shore
Dr. & Ms. Mark E. Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Smith, III
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stouch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Street
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Toner
Mr. Vincent Vadot &
Ms. Veronique Bonnet-Vadot
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr. ’78 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Viscusi
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck 
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Ritner S. Walling ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Warchol
Dr. Liping Yao & Mrs. Ming Zhu
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Zappala, Jr.
Class of 2016
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Archambault
Dr. Yuchen Bai & Ms. Bin Luo
Mr. & Mrs. W. Bradley Baturka
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Becker
Philip & Catharine Bell 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Blommer 
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Brenner ’87
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brumbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Burman
Ms. Cielo F. Castaneda
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Croney
Mr. Michael Curry &
Ms. Catherine Town
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dawejko
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Decker 
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. DePillis ’83
Dr. & Mrs. David P. DiGiallorenzo
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French ’82 
Mr. Gerald S. Frey & Dr. Kelly J. Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gayhardt, Jr.
Dr. Peter L. Glidden &
Ms. Nancy Glidden
Dr. & Mrs. William T. Grizos
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr. ’78 
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hartman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hondros 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. Robert S. Kane & Dr. Paula C. Ko
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney 
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell E. Kick
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Kneizys
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Mahmood K. Ladha
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Langfitt ’75
Mr. & Mrs. John Lindblad, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Z. Lotsis
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Madey 
Dr. Nancy M. Major
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. David Maltby
Mr. Jeffrey S. Marchant &
Dr. Frances E. Marchant
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Maritsis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. McCarthy, Jr. 
Mr. Christopher F. McConnell &
Ms. Stacey W. McConnell 
Mr. & Mrs. Slade H. McLaughlin
Mr. Dmitry Melnik & Mrs. Elvira Belova
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Mr. James N. Mordy &
Dr. Rhonda Lahue-Mordy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Morgan
Mr. Scott D. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Neilson 
Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Norley
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pagano
Parent Annual Fund Dollars Raised & Participation By Class
VI Form
V Form
IV Form
III Form
Mr. & Mrs. Guy N. Paolino
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson ’84
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Plotkin
Mr. & Mrs. G. Jeffrey Pompei
Mr. Andrew D. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau 
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Q. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Rodio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smerconish
Mr. Joseph Smith &
Mrs. Elizabeth Barczak-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup
Mr. Michael Stein & Ms. Rose Faralli
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone ’78 
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sustersic
Mrs. Amanda R. Swope 
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Tarte
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Teti, Esq. ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Thornbury
Mr. & Mrs. Emilio M. Valdes, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Viscusi
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Woods
Class of 2017
Dr. & Mr. Aba Y. Barden-Maja
Mr. Richard Baxter &
Mrs. Frances Baxter
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown 
Mr. Charles W. Bryant, Hon. &
Mrs. Kempley A. Bryant, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chupein, II
Mr. Craig R. Conlin &
Dr. Elizabeth G. Conlin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote 
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Costalas
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. D’Ambrosio
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard deLisser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeSantis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Donatucci, III ’83
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Dzwonczyk
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. John Eringis 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV 
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III 
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn 
Dr. & Mrs. Gary D. Foster 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Frazier, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey 
Mr. Ramon I. Gallegos &
Ms. Nicole Murphy
Ms. Marcia Geary
Mr. Ben B. Guo & Ms. Rose Y. Hu
Mr. Kurt A. Haab ’82 &
Dr. Jean E. Haab ’84 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr.
Mr. Andy P. Horbowy &
Ms. Lynda T. Talbot
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Howley
Dr. Daniel Jorgensen &
Dr. Xilla Jorgensen
Mr. William W. Keffer ’84 &
Mrs. Alison N. Keffer, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. David Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King 
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. John Lee
The Rev. & Mrs. Jeremiah H. Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Manion, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Maple
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Maras, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Collin F. McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Prim
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Royer, Jr. 
Dr. & Mrs. Scott A. Rushton
Mr. Melvin A. Seegars &
Ms. Maureen C. Edozie
Mr. Jay H. Shah & Dr. Susie Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Donnell Sheppard
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Smith
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Wingfield, II
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Woodville
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold T. Wright, Jr. 
Mr. Wei Yang & Mrs. Hongyan Gu
Mr. Michael Zanolli & Ms. Alice Patton
Mr. Richard Zhu & Mrs. Wangfang Hou
Class of 2018
Mr. Richard B. Aldridge ’85 &
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Archambault
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Barber
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Brumbaugh
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Christos, Jr. ’86
Dr. Steven E. Copit ’80 &
Dr. Debra S. Copit 
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Crager, III
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. D’Ambrosio
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. DePillis ’83
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89 
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III 
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick, Hon. &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Dr. & Mrs. Gary D. Foster 
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Foxman ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French ’82 
Mr. Edwin Garrubbo &
Mrs. Patricia Bazán Garrubbo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Herman, III 
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins 
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan &
Ms. Victoria E. Silbey
Mr. Craig A. Hoogstraten
Dr. Zhongping Huang & Dr. Jie Cai
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Julicher
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney 
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Kelly, III
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kemmerer
Dr. & Mrs. Yongkun Kim
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Dr. Carrie Kresge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kreuzberger
Mr. & Mrs. Mahmood K. Ladha
Ms. Carter S. Learnard
Dr. Jason B. Lee & Dr. Susanne N. Lee
Mr. James S. Mackey
Mr. John Gillespie & Ms. Sara Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Dr. Francis S. Matarazzo &
Dr. Anita M. Milici-Matarazzo
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Ms. Susan Myrtetus McCann 
Mr. & Mrs. Eric McElhone
Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooke McMullin, Jr. ’82 
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Moriarty
Mr. David Nathanson
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Pacera
Mr. & Mrs. Adam H. Pasternack
(Alla Frenkel ’89) 
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson ’84
Mr. Alexander C. Pearson, Hon. &
Ms. Kristin A. Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Radano, III
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Rodio
Mr. & Mrs. Shantanu Roychowdhury
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Sablich
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Sando, Jr. ’89 
Mr. James C. Sargent &
Ms. Paige K. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Silvi, Hon.
Dr. Arthur Simen & Dr. Brigitte Simen
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone ’78 
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sustersic
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Tuma
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg, Hon. 
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck 
Mr. Qi Wang & Ms. Shuyan He
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Warchol
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Wingfield, II
Class of 2019
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed M. Ali
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Barber
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Brenner ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Calastri
Drs. Jessica Kim & M. Alexandre Cho
Ms. Christina M. Conroy
Dr. Steven E. Copit ’80 &
Dr. Debra S. Copit 
Mrs. April C. Crockett 
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme Dow
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Dugery ’87 
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr., Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. C. Henry Fischer, III 
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick, Hon. &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Franklin
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey 
Dr. Debashis Ganguly & Dr. Rita Ganguly
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt 
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Giordano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Glaser
Mr. & Mrs. Ken A. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hennigan, III
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby ’83 
Mr. & Mrs. Terence F. Jarman
Dr. Daniel Jorgensen &
Dr. Xilla Jorgensen
Mr. Insoo Kang & Dr. Sarah Kang
Mr. & Mrs. David Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. King 
Mr. & Mrs. John Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McMeekin, II ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Pace
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Pacera
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pagano
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo 
Dr. & Mrs. Christian Peters
Mr. Andrew D. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Q. Reilly
Peter & Megan Rohr
Mr. John R. Sices & Ms. Carolyn A. Sekac
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Smerconish
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Soukup
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Spellman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szafara 
Mr. & Mrs. Cherubin M. Vedomey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Viscusi
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner Ritner S.
Walling ’83 
Mr. Jeffrey G. Weil
Mrs. Lynne M. Weil
Mr. David Xiao & Mrs. Helen Shan
Mr. Michael Zanolli & Ms. Alice Patton
Drs. Joseph & Lauren Zebrowitz
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Zomber
Class of 2020
Dr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton 
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Bassett
Mr. Richard Baxter &
Mrs. Frances Baxter
Mr. Jonathan S. Bernabei
(Colleen G. Bernabei, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Christos, Jr. ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Craft
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. DePillis ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. DeSantis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Franklin
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan P. Garino 
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr. ’89
Dr. Hans M. Haupt
Dr. Holly L. Hedrick
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hershey
Mr. Thomas P. Hogan &
Ms. Victoria E. Silbey
Mr. Andy P. Horbowy &
Ms. Lynda T. Talbot
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Hummer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III ’87 
Ms. Joyce E. Koh
Mr. David R. Lee &
Ms. Patricia A. Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. Bryant D. Lim
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Manion, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Mr. Scott D. Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Adam H. Pasternack
(Alla Frenkel ’89) 
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Powers ’84 
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Radano, III
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape 
Mr. & Mrs. Jean-Paul A. Rebillard
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Singer
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Snyder
Drs. S. William & Lata Stavropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson ’79 
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Tuma
Dr. James F. Vander & Dr. Janice A. Gault
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg, Hon. 
Mr. Jeffrey G. Weil
Mrs. Lynne M. Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Weisman
Mr. Brandon A. Whitaker ’91 &
Mrs. Rory S. Whitaker ’92
Dr. Ed Y. Woo & Dr. Irene J. S. Woo
Mr. Wei Yang & Mrs. Hongyan Gu
Mr. Joseph S. Yi
Class of 2021
Mr. Richard B. Aldridge ’85 &
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Michel A. Arabia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Archambault
Mr. Eric & Ms. Janet E. Chung Bickhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bramwell
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown 
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder, Jr.
Mr. Charles W. Bryant, Hon. &
Mrs. Kempley A. Bryant, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Buccini
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. Ken M. Burns &
Dr. Margaret A. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Chiang
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Corrato
Mrs. April C. Crockett 
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dankanich
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Dugery ’87 
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Engelman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Frazier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French ’82 
Mr. Edwin Garrubbo &
Mrs. Patricia Bazán Garrubbo
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Geczy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Giles ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hanssens
Mr. & Mrs. Derek T. Harrar
Dr. Hans M. Haupt
Dr. Holly L. Hedrick
Ms. Lisa L. Herbster
Mr. Craig A. Hoogstraten
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III ’87 
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Mr. Timothy Lawler & Ms. Amy T. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Lederman
Mr. & Mrs. Bryant D. Lim
Mr. William L. Lo & Ms. Bonnie G. Lo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Masse, II ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. May
Mr. & Mrs. Eric McElhone
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McEntee, III 
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McMeekin, II ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Morgan
Drs. Sanjay & Neenu Nayak
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Patterson ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Robertson, III
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Semmer
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson ’79 
Dr. James F. Vander & Dr. Janice A. Gault
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Vetterlein, Jr. ’78 
Mr. Daniel W. Wallick &
Ms. Jennifer L. Mogck 
Mr. & Mrs. Darren C. Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Woodville
Class of 2022
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Albani
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Auchincloss
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Bishop ’89 
Mr. & Mrs. John H. A. Bomberger, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Eric Y. Cabral
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Colket
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Corrato
Mr. Gregory Davis &
Mrs. Jami D. Fair-Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Ken A. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan H. Gureghian
Ms. Kristin C. Haines
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendrickson
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Blake P. Hug
Mr. Aaron d. Hyman &
Mrs. Tania B. Isaac Hyman
Dr. Daniel Jorgensen &
Dr. Xilla Jorgensen
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Kearney 
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell E. Kick
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Kline, Hon. 
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Mrs. Ana Maria Lenfest
Mr. H. Chase Lenfest
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Mr. J. Eric Lynn & Dr. Jennifer R. Lynn
Mr. David C. Madeira
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Mark
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Masse, II ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. May
Dr. Andrew H. McMeekin ’91 &
Mrs. Heather F. McMeekin ’91
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Memmo
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. John Negrey
Mrs. Cynthia Negrey
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Powers ’84 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Riley, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph S. Sando, Jr. ’89 
Mr. James C. Sargent &
Ms. Paige K. Turner
Dr. Karen Sarpolis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Sheehan
Dr. Arthur Simen & Dr. Brigitte Simen
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Spangler
Mr. Timothy P. Staley &
Mrs. Marie-France Prud’homme Staley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Vukasovic
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Dylan J. Walker
Dr. Megan L. Werner
Mr. Brandon A. Whitaker ’91 &
Mrs. Rory S. Whitaker ’92
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn C. Whitmire
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Zomber
Class of 2023
Mr. Richard B. Aldridge ’85 &
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon. 
Dr. & Mrs. Sayed M. Ali
Mrs. Sandra K. Baldino
Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Beardell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Bonner
Mr. Panos Boudouvas & Ms. Cate Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bramwell
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder, Jr.
Mr. Ken M. Burns &
Dr. Margaret A. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Allan F. Campbell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Chiang
Mr. & Mrs. Warren I. Claytor 
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Clemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Collins, Sr.
Jeff & Laurie Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Paolo P. Costa
Ms. Kristine Dankenbrink
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Ebmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Gerardi, Sr. ’89
Mr. Michael Hanrahan
Mr. & Mrs. Derek T. Harrar
Ms. Akiko Mitsui & Mr. James Heath
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Henderson ’92
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Holsten, III
Mr. & Mrs. Zaheer T. Husain
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, III ’87 
Dr. & Mrs. Breyon Justice
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Kline, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Knox
Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Kotapka
Mr. & Ms. King Lam
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Levinson
Mr. William L. Lo & Ms. Bonnie G. Lo
Dr. Rose Monzo & Mr. Ralph Mazzeo
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. T. McAndrews
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Dr. & Mrs. T. Patrick Murray ’89
Drs. Sanjay & Neenu Nayak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Newbold
Dr. Xiang Ni & Dr. Jennifer Su
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. O’Hair
Mr. & Mrs. Roch Parayre
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Pettibone, III
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Radano, III
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Spofford, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brett C. Thibodeau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Trala, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Darren C. Wallis
Dr. Alberta Wister, V.M.D.
Class of 2024
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Albani
Mr. & Mrs. Adam S. Barrist, Esq. ’94
Mr. Eric & Ms. Janet E. Chung Bickhardt
Mr. Panos Boudouvas & Ms. Cate Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Stephane E. Bouvel
Mr. John J. Brunetti, III &
Dr. Marissa A. Brunetti
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Cassidy
(Anna Morgan ’94)
Mr. & Mrs. Wain M. Churchman, III
Dr. & Mrs. Gary S. Daum
Mr. Gregory Davis &
Mrs. Jami D. Fair-Davis
Mr. Ishet Dhar & Mrs. Shivani Raina
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Esterhai
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French ’82 
Dr. Bjoern A. Ganzhorn &
Mrs. Soledad Alvarado Ganzhorn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Geczy
Mr. & Mrs. Erik L. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendrickson
Ms. Lisa L. Herbster
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Kline ’92 
Ms. Joyce E. Koh
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Lederman
Dr. Jason B. Lee & Dr. Susanne N. Lee
The Rev. & Mrs. Jeremiah H. Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. McHugh
Dr. Andrew H. McMeekin ’91 &
Mrs. Heather F. McMeekin ’91
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Memmo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Murphy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Notaro
Mr. & Mrs. Adam H. Pasternack
(Alla Frenkel ’89) 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Riley, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Robertson, III
Mr. & Mrs. Jason S. Rozes
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Keven P. Shanahan
Dr. Vijay Shankaran & Dr. Yamini Durani
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Spangler
Dr. Jonathan Stallkamp ’92 &
Dr. Christine Stallkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Szoradi
Dr. & Mrs. Michael K. Taylor
Mr. Brandon A. Whitaker ’91 &
Mrs. Rory S. Whitaker ’92
Mr. & Mrs. Tjun Wong
Dr. & Mrs. Allen M. Yang
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yearley
Mr. Joseph S. Yi
Class of 2025
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. M. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ashton
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Auchincloss
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Baggini
Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Baumholtz ’90
Dr. & Mrs. Pedro K. Beredjiklian
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Biddle
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Buccini
Drs. Jessica Kim & M. Alexandre Cho
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Clemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Colket
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dankanich
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. DiMonte, Jr.
(Toni Cavanagh ’87)
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Engelman
Mr. & Mrs. William Forbes
Dr. Catherine J. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Blake P. Hug
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Dr. Rose Monzo & Mr. Ralph Mazzeo
Mr. & Mrs. David Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Notaro
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. O’Hair
Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker J. Powell, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Spangler
Mr. Timothy P. Staley &
Mrs. Marie-France Prud’homme Staley
Dr. Alan R. Tessler & Dr. Dee Kim
Ms. Lisa Turner & Mr. Preston Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Vukasovic
Mr. & Mrs. Dylan J. Walker
Dr. Megan L. Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Yearley
Class of 2026
Dr. & Mrs. Pedro K. Beredjiklian
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Cassidy
(Anna Morgan ’94) 
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Collins, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Dimopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Ebmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ewan
Master Tucker W. Ewan ’26
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton G. French ’82 
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Goebeler
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Johnston
Mr. Timothy Lawler & Ms. Amy T. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. T. McAndrews
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. McMenamin ’76
Ms. Nakiia Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Roam, IV ’95
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Rorer
Dr. Clinton M. Rutherford &
Dr. Eva Sum E. Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. Keven P. Shanahan
Dr. Vijay Shankaran & Dr. Yamini Durani
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Slattery
Dr. & Mrs. Michael K. Taylor
Grandparent Gifts
Episcopal thanks the following
grandparents who made contributions to
the school during fiscal year 2012-2013.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr. ’51 
Mr. & Mrs. Philocles Anthopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Avgerinos
Mr. & Mrs. Armand J. Avicolli 
Dr. Nicolas Bazán & Dr. Haydee Bazán
Mr. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Blynn ’45
Mr. & Mrs. George Boehm
Mrs. Aeolus Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cassidy, Jr.
Mr. Ronald Christianson
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison H. Clement, Jr. ’61 
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cline
Mr. & Mrs. Tristram Colket
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Collins
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57 
Mrs. Ellen Decker
Dr. Vincent J. DePillis
Mr. & Mrs. William DeSario
Mrs. Sandra Dugoff
Mrs. Sarah N. Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French ’44 
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glassman
Mr. & Mrs. Bayard M. Graf
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Guckes
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Gustafson
Mr. Frederick C. Haab ’55 
Ms. Julia Hanson
Mrs. Carol Hemseri
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Herbster
Mr. Charles W. Hitschler, Jr. ’43 
Mr. & Mrs. E. Paul Hoop, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Humann
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr. ’53 
Mrs. Paulette Jones
Mr. & Mrs. August Kaufhold
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq. ’47 
Mr. Brian Kelly 
Mrs. Rosemary F. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Kreuzberger
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt 
Mrs. Mary Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Letts
Mrs. Lillian D. Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mandeville
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McCombs
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McHugh
Mrs. Clifton McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter B. McMullin ’58 
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Milks
Mr. & Mrs. Del Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan ’57 
Mrs. Anne C. Nimick 
Dr. & Mrs. John Notaro
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah O’Grady
Mr. † & Mrs. James W. Patterson
Mrs. Laura P. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Patton
Mrs. Stephen Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro ’60 
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pitt
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Rammel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Reape
Mrs. Laura Reape
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Redden
Mr. & Mrs. John Riley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rorer
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rosenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ruggiero, Sr.
Mrs. Ann F. Schellenger
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Schnabel 
Mr. & Mrs. George Schoenstein
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schusler
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Silbey
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Somers
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stallkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Harold P. Starr ’50 
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stetzer, III ’57 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Street
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Swope, IV ’52 
Mrs. Karen Szukalski
Mr. & Mrs. James Talarico
Mr. James Tetzlaff
Mrs. Ann H. van Arkel
Mr. & Mrs. George Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Werner
Mr. Rainer Westphal 
Mrs. Rita Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Whayland
Mr. & Mrs. A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Williams
Mrs. Ethel B. Wister
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wolcott
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wylonis
Mr. Michael Yesenko
Mr. & Mrs. Don Zajick
Mrs. Jane Zirnkilton
Parents of Alumni Gifts
Episcopal is fortunate to have many
parents of alumni who remain committed
to the school well after their children have
graduated. The names in the following list
are based on all gifts to Episcopal received
during fiscal year 2012-2013.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Adomanis, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Todd J. Albert 
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Henry J. Albrycht, Jr., Hon. &
Mrs. Janet T. Albrycht, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Aldridge, Jr. ’51 
Mr. & Mrs. Pannir Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Alfano
(Michelle Alfano, Hon.)
Dr. & Mrs. H. Franklin Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Roger M. Allen
(Mary Allen, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Ammon 
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Antico
Mr. & Mrs. Armand J. Avicolli 
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bagnell ’82 
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Ballard 
Dr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Beck
Dr. & Mrs. Martin L. Beller 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett 
Mrs. John C. Berkey 
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Berry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Billmyer, Jr.
(Lee B. Billmyer, Hon.)
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Birdsall 
Mr. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Don K. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Blenko 
Dr. & Mrs. Walter M. Bortz, II ’47
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Borum ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Breskman 
Dr. Charles B. Brill &
Ms. Lynn Godmilow 
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Brinks
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bromley, Jr. ’54
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Brown ’71 
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bruder
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55 
Mr. & Mrs. William Burdick, Hon.
Mr. James B. Burns &
Dr. Marion C. Childs
Dr. & Mrs. James B. Bushick ’80 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Butler 
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon 
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Cannon
(Susan Cannon, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cardone
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Carver 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cassidy, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Cave
Mr. Charles B. Chadwick ’50 
Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Chagan ’60
Dr. Hung-Chun Chen &
Dr. Li-Ling Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Chikowski
Dr. & Mrs. Whan S. Chung 
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ciccotti 
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon. 
Mr. Thomas H. Clark ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Birchard T. Clothier ’54 
Mr. & Mrs. William Coale 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Colen, Jr. ’57 
Mr. Pascal Collard &
Ms. Gabriella Collard-Medves
Ms. Margaret Connell 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Connelly 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Contino
Mrs. Patricia Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond D. Costantini, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Coughenour
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Cox 
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Crawford, III 
Dr. Carolyn S. Crawford
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57 
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
(Celia W. Creskoff, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Crockett, Jr. ’75 
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Crockett ’53
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Curley, III
Mrs. Jacklyn D. Daddona
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana P ’11 
Mrs. Joan M. Davidson
Mrs. Pauline H. Davis, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Davis
Mrs. Evangeline S. Deacon
Mr. Carl I. Denlinger, Hon. &
Ms. Arcenia Rosal
Dr. & Vincent J. DePillis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeSanctis
(Marguerite DeSanctis, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Devall 
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty 
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Donnelly, II
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dugan 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Duncan, IV ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dziewit
The Hon. & Mrs. Ralph Earle, II ’46 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Eichert
Mr. & Mrs. Jay W. Eisenhofer 
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Ervin, Jr. ’50
Mrs. June S. Evans 
Katharine & William Eyre
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Faust
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fell, III 
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Taylor Fernley, Jr. ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’S. Floyd 
Mr. Francis C. Forbes ’37
Mr. & Mrs. Leighton B. Ford ’53
Mr. & Mrs. E. Michael Forgash, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Forker
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel W. Francis ’72
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Frederick
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. French ’44 
Mrs. Mary O. French, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Fryman ’81 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden 
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib 
Mrs. Edith B. Gardner
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Gartland, Jr.
Rev. Timothy P. Gavin, Hon. &
Mrs. Joyce A. Gavin, Hon.
Mrs. Carol Ann H. Gelder
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gentile
Mrs. Suzanne K. Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher K. Giles ’84 
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Giles
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Giuntoli
Dr. & Mrs. Julian L. Gladstone
Dr. John H. Glick 
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce H. Godick ’71
Mr. Joseph K. Gordon ’43 
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Graff 
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Grandbois
Mrs. Elizabeth Ament Greenwood 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Greenwood ’67
Ms. Mary G. Gregg & Mr. John M. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Gribbin
Mr. J. Tyler Griffin ’41 †
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Gula
Mr. Frederick C. Haab ’55 
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Haack, III
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Habenicht 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M. Hadden
Mr. & Mrs. Rush T. Haines, II ’61 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.
Mr. Lenard M. Haley, Hon. &
Mrs. Edna M. Haley, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Hall
(Anne L. Hall, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Hallenbeck, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Hamlin, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hanamirian 
Mr. John M. Hanson ’78 &
Ms. Lisa Dustin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Hare ’77 
Mr. & Ms. Anderson L. Hartzell ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Hassett
(Linda H. Hassett, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Havens ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hay
(Ellen M. K. Hay, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Heavener
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Hebard, Jr., Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Heckscher, II ’60 
Ms. Anne Marie Heil
Christine & George Henisee
Mr. & Mrs. John Henn
Mr. & Mrs. V. Steve Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Hess, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hilberts
Mr. & Mrs. Crawford Hill, III ’70 
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Hill, III
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hillyard, Sr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle 
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge ’62 
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hoffman ’77
Dr. Richard W. Hole, Jr. ’66 &
Dr. Anita V. Hole 
Mr. Charles H. Hollinger, II, Hon. &
Mrs. Margaret McG. Hollinger, Hon.
Mr. David M. Howard ’77 &
Ms. Dale P. Schomer 
Mr. Stephen J. Imbriglia ’73 &
Dr. Nancy R. Imbriglia 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. E. Ivey, III
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Jackson, II ’63 
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jahnle
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta 
Mrs. Sally M. Jarvis 
Dr. & Mrs. Norman A. Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Jones, Jr. ’53 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Jones 
Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Justi ’51 
Barbara & Rudy Karp 
Mrs. C. James Kavle
Mr. & Mrs. E. Brooks Keffer, Jr., Esq. ’47 
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Keller
Mr. Brian Kelly 
Mr. & Mrs. John Kelly 
Mr. Thomas D. Kent, Jr., Hon. &
Ms. Maude Wood Kent, Hon. 
Mrs. Carol Kilbourn
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kittleman
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Koegel, Esq. 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn 
Dr. & Mrs. Walter A. Kornienko
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kossuth, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kratz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kratzinger
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp, Hon. 
Ms. Andrea C. Kupprion
Mr. Charles Kurz, II 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh 
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Lally
The Hon. & Mrs. William H. Lamb ’58 
Mrs. Carolyn P. Langfitt 
Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Laskaris 
Mrs. Carol P. Lawless 
Mr. & Mrs. D. Christopher Le Vine ’75 
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee ’79 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lee, Jr. ’52 
Mr. Peter E. Lenard ’79
Mr. & Mrs. Dana T. Lerch ’55 
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Leto ’79 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Leto ’77 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Lewicki ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Linker, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Lippincott III ’70
Ms. Merianne Lorenzen Watson 
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty 
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lubell 
Mr. & Mrs. A. Lee Lundy, Jr. 
Mrs. Patricia Ann S. Lunkenheimer 
Mr. & Ms. Douglas M. Lurio 
Mrs. Eileen Lynn 
Mrs. Jane C. H. MacElree 
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. MacIntosh 
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72 
Mr. Harry R. Madeira ’44 
Ms. Zandra L. Maffett 
Mrs. Jane Malatesta 
Mrs. Margaret Maloney 
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Manning
(Mary H. Manning, Hon.) 
Dr. & Mrs. Roger A. Marinchak
Mr. & Mrs. Alvan Markle, IV ’61 
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Marston
Mr. L. Mario Mascioli
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Mattoon ’49 
Mr. & Mrs. Mark I. McCallum
Dr. & Mrs. David M. McCarthy 
Mrs. Mary E. McElwee 
Mr. Scott R. McElwee
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. McGay, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. McKeon
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin ’55 
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter B. McMullin ’58 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McNeely
Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan
Mr. Robert A. Melikian &
Ms. Susan J. Hohnsbeen 
Mr. Fernando Mendez &
Ms. Ana Marie Roca
Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Metzler
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Meyers 
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Dr. & Mrs. William S. Mezzanotte
Ms. Johanna C. Mickel
Mr. Stephen P. Mihalek &
Ms. Louise A. Hand-Mihalek 
Mrs. James H. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Miller 
Mr. & Mrs. C. George Milner
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick 
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Mirabello
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mitchell, III 
Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Morgan ’57 
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morris ’67 
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Morris ’51
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Morrison ’74 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Muir, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Munder, Jr. ’57 
Mr. & Mrs. Britton Murdoch, Sr. ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Carter W. Murdoch ’82
Dr. & Mrs. Winslow W. Murdoch ’78
Dr. & Mrs. Roger K. Murray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara 
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Nealis
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson ’56 
Mr. & Mrs. A. George Newnham, III (Deborah L. Newnham, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nicholas
Mrs. Anne C. Nimick 
Dr. & Mrs. R. Barrett Noone 
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norrett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Pakradooni ’57
Ms. Lynn S. Palmer
Mr. † & Mrs. James W. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pearcy
(Dona H. Pearcy, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Pearson ’43 
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Petrie
(Paulette M. Petrie, Hon.) 
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Petrocelli
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Petrosa
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Pettit 
Mr. Michael J. Picciani &
Mrs. Elizabeth Naismith Picciani
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro ’60 
Mr. Clatyon Taylor Platt, Sr. ’73 &
Ms. Pamela Hansen Plat 
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Polett
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Pope
(Nancy Pope, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Porter, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Potter 
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Powell, II 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Powers, III
Mrs. Celian B. Putnam, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Raiken 
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Rando
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Raphaelson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rapp ’56 
Dr. & Mrs. F. Douglas Raymond, Jr. ’44 
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Rea
(Jennifer F. Rea, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Reape
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mrs. Laura Reape
Ms. Krista Reichard
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard
(Nancy E. Reinhard, Hon.) 
Mrs. Candace B. Richards
Mr. Donald H. Roberts, Jr. 
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rogers ’70 
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Rosati, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Ross, Sr. ’56 
Mrs. W. Klaus H. Rother 
Dr. & Mrs. † Karl F. Rugart, Jr. ’41 
Ms. Laura D. Russell, Hon. &
Mr. Frank A. Moltz 
Mr. John M. Ryan & Ms. Mary G. Gregg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sabat
(Jacqueline B. Sabat, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Sacchetta, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Schaeffer
The Rev. Anita L. Schell-Lambert, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Schneider ’48 
Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr. ’67 
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Schusler
Dr. & Mrs. Heatly D. Sebring ’58
Mr. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr., Hon. &
Mrs. Cannie C. Shafer, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Shafer, Jr., Hon.
Mr. Stephen J. Shanahan, Sr. 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Sharpless
(Mrs. Virginia W. Sharpless, Hon.) 
Mrs. Henry Sherk
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Sherwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shields 
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Shooster
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Shugrue
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Smith
(Linda M. Smith, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Snyder 
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Spear, Jr., Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Spofford ’77 
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spofford ’74
Mrs. Virginia S. Spofford, Hon. 
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Squire, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stallkamp
Mrs. Blair D. Stambaugh 
Mrs. David T. Stebbins
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bertram Stiff, III ’63 
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Stinnett
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Stone ’76 
Mr. Robert P. Strauss ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Strawbridge ’62 
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Streich, Sr. 
Mrs. Ann P. H. Strong 
Mrs. Caroline Stuckert
Mr. & Mrs. William Z. Suplee, IV ’72
Mrs. Henderson Supplee, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Suspenski &
Mrs. Charlotte Stellwagen-Suspenski 
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Dr. George H. Talbot ’66 &
Dr. Sheryl F. Talbot 
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. TenBroeck ’52 
Mr. & Mrs. Page Thompson
(Jane R. Thompson, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Tierney, Sr. ’75 
Mrs. Mary B. Tilghman 
Mr. Joseph H. Tozzi
The Rev. & Mrs. James A. Trimble, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trumbull, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Tucci
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Turner 
Mr. Norman Vadner ’56 
Elizabeth E. R. &
Duncan W. Van Dusen ’54 
Mr. & Mrs. Donald van Roden ’42 
Mr. & Mrs. John C. van Roden, Jr. ’67 
Mrs. Cynthia B. VanAmburgh 
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Waldron, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Walker, II ’60 
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Watters, III ’61
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Wattles, Hon.
Ms. Deborah Holt Weil 
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Weiner
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh 
Mrs. Albert J. Whelan 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Q. Whelan ’74 
Mr. Wendell R. Whitlock
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Williams, Jr. ’75
The Honorable Constance H. Williams & Dr. Sankey V. Williams 
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. N. Wilson 
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wineland
Mrs. Ethel B. Wister
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wolitarsky
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Wood, Jr. ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woodring ’42 
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden ’57 
Dr. & Mrs. Pratap M. Yagnik
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Yaros
(Mireya V. Yaros, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Yost
Mr. & Mrs. † M. Curtis Young ’54 
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Young, Jr. ’68 
Mrs. Roma S. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zoll 
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug, Sr. ’78 
James W. ’58 & Debora C. Zug 
Faculty & Staff Gifts
Episcopal thanks its many faculty and
staff members who generously gave back
to the school by making a gift to the
Annual Fund. This year 85% of faculty
and staff participated in the Annual Fund.
The names in the following list are based
on all gifts to Episcopal received during
fiscal year 2012-2013.
Faculty & Staff Annual Fund
Joanie Giancristoforo, Hon.
Len Haley, Hon.
David Knox
Cheryl McLauchlan, Hon.
Tom Novak
Anonymous (4)
Mr. Henry J. Albrycht, Jr., Hon. &
Mrs. Janet T. Albrycht, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Aldridge 
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Alfano
(Michele Alfano, Hon.)
Ms. Chris J. Anderson
Dr. Paul B. Anderson &
Dr. Melissa Neubauer Anderson ’86
Ms. Patricia Aznar-Supovitz
Ms. Sarah D. A. Baker ’01 
Mrs. Mandie Banks, Hon. 
Mr. Aaron Barras
Mr. Joe Bayer
Ms. Nicole Becker
Mr. Eric Jones & Ms. Catherine Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Bernabei
(Colleen G. Bernabei, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Billmyer, Jr.
(Lee B. Billmyer, Hon.)
Ms. Samantha J. Bloom
Mrs. Nancy Bond
Mr. Douglas Borgerson
Mr. Aubrey Branche, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Brown
(Eileen M. Brown, Hon.) 
Ms. Buffy Brown, Hon.
Mr. Charles W. Bryant, Hon. &
Mrs. Kempley A. Bryant, Hon. 
Mr. Joseph Buches, Hon.
Ms. Regina E. Buggy, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Cannon
(Susan Cannon, Hon.) 
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon 
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Capuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Castiglione
(Deborah L. Castiglione, Hon.)
Ms. Corinne A. Catania
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cates
Mrs. Karen Celia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Chaga
(Linda S. Chaga, Hon.)
Ms. Juliet Choi, Hon.
Ms. Cristy Chory
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon. 
Mr. Daniel Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Clemmer
Dr. Steven Cochrane &
Dr. Helena A. Cochrane, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Collins, Hon.
Mr. Jackson Collins
Mr. Craig R. Conlin &
Dr. Elizabeth G. Conlin
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff
(Celia W. Creskoff, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack
(Janet S. Cusack, Hon.) 
Mr. John Danial & Dr. Andrea Danial
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dankanich
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DeNatale
(Elizabeth J. DeNatale, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeSanctis
(Marguerite DeSanctis, Hon.) 
Ms. Solidea DiFelice
Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Doherty
Bill & Bridget Doherty
Mrs. Peggy Donnard
Ms. Maureen Doyle
Ms. Ellie Duffy
Ms. Margaret Dunn
Ms. Kelly Dunphy
Mrs. Heather S. Dupont
Mr. Alan Duprez
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Eripret
Mr. Matthew Essman
Mrs. Diane Fahy, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Familetti, Jr., Hon.
Dr. Julie A. Faude
Ms. Heather Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark O. Fifer
Ms. Annette Fimple
Mr. James Finegan
Mr. Brendan A. FitzPatrick, Hon. &
Ms. Mary L. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. William Forbes
Dr. Steve Grupp &
Dr. Sheryl Forste-Grupp, Hon.
Dr. & Mrs. Gary D. Foster 
Mrs. Lisa Fox, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Fratini
(Annelle Fratini, Hon.)
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey 
Mr. & Mrs. William Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Garrity
Rev. Timothy P. Gavin, Hon. &
Mrs. Joyce A. Gavin, Hon.
Mrs. Joan Giancristoforo, Hon. 
Mr. William Gibbs
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Goebeler
Mrs. Lauren Bowes Golden
Mr. Erik Goodroad
Mr. Peter M. Greenhalgh ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Greenwood ’67
Mr. & Mrs. R. Victor Haas, Jr.
(Nancy Haas, Hon.) 
Mr. Lenard M. Haley, Hon. &
Mrs. Edna M. Haley, Hon. 
Dr. Catherine J. Hall
Mr. Jeremy Hark & Ms. Kimberly Steiner
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Alan F. Hassett
(Linda H. Hassett, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Hay
(Ellen M. K. Hay, Hon.) 
Ms. Katherine Hazelton
Ms. Lisa L. Herbster
Mr. Michael J. Herron, Jr. ’98
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Hess, Hon. 
Mr. Charles H. Hollinger, II, Hon. &
Mrs. Margaret McG. Hollinger, Hon.
Mr. Thomas Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Quincy Hyson
Ms. Sharon Interrante
Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgang Jaeger
(Carolyn Jaeger, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. Breyon Justice
Mr. Jonathan Kagle
Ms. Cheryl A. Kalodner
Ms. Alicia Keating
Mr. William W. Keffer ’84 &
Mrs. Alison N. Keffer, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Keith, ’70
Mr. Thomas D. Kent, Jr., Hon. &
Ms. Maude Wood Kent, Hon. 
Mr. F. Michael Kerns
Mr. & Mrs. John Kistler
(Marilyn E. Kistler, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Kline, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Knox
Mr. Bruce D. Konopka, Hon. &
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. Konopka, Hon. 
Ms. Melodie Kosman
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas Kossuth, Hon.
Mr. Martin K. Kupprion ’03
Mr. Damon Kuzemka
Mr. Adam Lavallee
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Leach
Ms. Carter S. Learnard
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lee ’79 
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas LeGrand
Ms. Kelly Leight-Bertucci
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lesher
Mr. Michael Leslie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Letts
Mr. Andrew Levine
Ms. Gloria Lopez-Pesini
Mr. Mark C. Luff, Hon. 
Ms. Jennifer Lutz & Mr. Jack O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Dr. Mary Agnes Malter
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Mammele (Michele Mammele, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martin
(Phyllis P. Martin, Hon.) 
Ms. Alix Mayock
Mrs. Patricia McAleer
Mrs. Kathleen A. McCullough, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Eric McElhone
Ms. Cheryl McLauchlan, Hon. 
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Ms. Frances S. McLaughlin
Ms. Celeste Melanson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Memmo
Mr. Terry J. Meyer
Mr. Justin B. Brandon &
Ms. Angela Miklavcic Brandon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Milewski
(Ellen Milewski, Hon.) 
Mr. Bernard Miller, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Morris, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Muir, Hon.
Dr. & Mrs. T. Patrick Murray ’89
Mr. Steven Musacchio
Ms. Grace Na
Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Neilson 
Mr. & Mrs. A. George Newnham, III (Deborah L. Newnham, Hon.) 
Ms. Cindy Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Notaro
Mr. Thomas Novak
Ms. Julia Ottaviano
Mr. Travis L. Henning &
Ms. Stephanie M. Ottone
Mr. Edwin Overton, Hon.
Mr. Doug Parsons
Mrs. Sharon S. Passarella, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pearcy
(Dona H. Pearcy, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Pearn
Mr. Alexander C. Pearson, Hon. &
Ms. Kristin A. Lindgren
Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Petrie
(Paulette M. Petrie, Hon.) 
Mr. Paul H. Phelps III, Hon. 
Ms. Kimberly Piersall, Hon.
Ms. Kathleen Pizzi
Mr. James Polk, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Mr. & Mrs. Whitaker J. Powell, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Powell III, ’70 Hon. (Kristen E. Powell, Hon.)
Ms. Margaret Powers
Dr. & Mrs. Philip A. Rea
(Jennifer F. Rea, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard
(Nancy E. Reinhard, Hon.) 
Mrs. Elena Riccione, Hon. †
Ms. Christy Rheam
Dr. Christopher Row
Dr. & Dr. Ronald Rubin
(Susan F. Rubin, Hon.) 
Ms. Allison Schultz
Mr. Edwin H. Shafer, Jr., Hon. &
Mrs. Cannie C. Shafer, Hon. 
Ms. Charlene Shingle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Silvi, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Simmonds
Ms. Lauren Smith, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Smith
(Linda M. Smith, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spofford ’74
Mrs. Virginia S. Spofford, Hon. 
The Rev. & Mrs. James R. Squire, Hon. 
Mr. John Strand †
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tassoni
(Carol A. Tassoni, Hon.) 
Ms. Nancy S. Taylor, Hon. 
Ms. Alex Thompson
Miss Jennifer M. Tierney ’91
Ms. Rachel G. Tilney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Trumbull, Hon. 
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Tsafos, Jr. ’02
Ms. Lisa Turner & Mr. Preston Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Vasaturo, Jr. (Kathleen Vasaturo, Hon.)
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Vos Strache
(Amanda Billmyer ’99)
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg, Hon. 
Ms. Joanne Ward
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Wattles, Hon.
Mr. Tennesse Weah
Ms. Elizabeth Welch, Hon. 
Mr. James F. Wellman
Mr. Edmund Wells
Miss Jennifer Wentworth
Mr. Samuel A. Willis, III
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore V. Wingfield, II
Mr. George Wright
Mr. Wei Yang & Mrs. Hongyan Gu
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Yaros
(Mireya V. Yaros, Hon.) 
Mr. CJ Yespelkis
Mrs. Ellen J. Young, Hon. 
Mr. Brian R. Young ’08
Mr. P. Perry Zanki
Ms. Feng Zou & Mr. Jianchao Li
The Rev. & Mrs. Albert E. R. Zug, Sr.’78 
Gifts from Friends
Episcopal is fortunate to have friends in
the community who share the school’s
dedication to providing a superior
education within a caring environment. The
names in the following list are based
on all gifts to Episcopal received during
fiscal year 2012-2013.
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Albed, Jr.
Ms. Michelle Altenpohl
Mr. David M. Amaro
Mrs. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr. 
Mr. Bart J. Axelrod
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Barker, Jr.
Mrs. William S. Baugh
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis T. Bedwell
The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Charles E.
Bennison, Jr.
Ms. Colleen Blejwas
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bloch
Mr. Brad Bricker
Ms. Leslie R. Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Cameroni
Mr. Brian Campbell
The Rev. Peter M. Carey & Ms. Lisa Plog
Mrs. James C. Carey
Ms. Amy Celico
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Cheek
Ms. Deborah Chiumento
Mrs. Lewis H. Clark, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Coale
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton M. Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. James Cockerill
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Davidson
Ms. Ann Deleon
Ms. Hope Dennis
Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon 
Ms. Carter C. Donovan
Ms. Leigh-Anne Dornberger
Ms. Eve Dryer
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dye, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mr. Robert Falk
Mr. Thomas Farley
Ms. Rebecca Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Flatley
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Fossum
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Foster
Mr. John Francis
Mr. & Mrs. B. Graeme Frazier, IV
Anne & John Gerbner & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Gianforte
Mr. Jonathan Goldberg
Ms. Jan Goplerud
Mr. Samuel D. Gordon &
Mrs. Susan Gross Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Graham, IV 
Mr. & Mrs. James Hagn
Mr. & Mrs. J. Marshall B. Hamilton (Elizabeth B. Hamilton, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hamilton
Ms. Pauline Han
Ms. Ann Harris
Mrs. Edward I. Haupt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hipp
Ms. Laurie Hodrick
Ms. Martha Hodrick
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Hoffman
Ms. Catherine R. Hoffman
Ms. Caroline Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Holt
Mrs. Susan B. Hopf
Mr. Paul Howshall
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hudome
Mr. & Mrs. David Hurwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Hyson
Mrs. Joseph N. Ingerle
Mr. John W. Ingraham
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Irish
Mr. Ralph Ives
Mr. & Mrs. M. Roy Jackson
Ms. Carolann Jacobson
Ms. Nancy Johnson-Velazco
Mr. Eric Jones
Ms. Lee Darling Kauper
Ms. Jamie Kebely
Ms. Mary E. Kenealy-Barbetta
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Kent 
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence B. Kirschner
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Kopp
Mrs. Helen P. Koskinas
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Kulp
(Carol N. Kulp, Hon.) 
Ms. Deborah Lafountain
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Landers
Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Larsen
Mr. Terrence Larsen
Ms. Annette G. Lasley
Mrs. E. B. Leisenring, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Lobb
Miss Rebecca B. Lovingood, Hon.
Mrs. Virginia A. Mace
Mr. Peter Mandeville
Ms. Mary Catherine Mantho
Ms. Alice R. Marti
Ms. Jacqueline A. Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mayer
Mrs. Virginia E. McConnell
Mrs. Robert McDonald 
The Family of Mary McGoldrick
Mrs. George B. McNelis
Mr. Thomas J. Meehan, Jr.
Mrs. Binney B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson L. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Judith Millsaps
Mr. David G. Nagle
Mr. Steven Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Naughton
(Mary Catherine C. Naughton, Hon.) 
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nolen, IV
Ms. Joan M. Novino
Mr. Stephen F. Novis &
Ms. Diane L. Novis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. O’Donnell
Ms. Michelle O’Donovan
Ms. Nissa O’Mara
Ms. Swannee Park
Mr. Charles K. Plotnick
Mrs. Marjorie Fixter Randolph
Dr. Frank Rauscher &
Mrs. Melissa Ludwig-Rauscher
Mr. Stephen Raynes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ritchie
Mrs. Deborah C. Robbins
Ms. Susan B. Robertson
Ms. Elizabeth Robins
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rowan
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rubesin
Ms. Eve Sauter
Mrs. Sally Scorzetti
Mr. & Mrs. Scott T. Sheffer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Silverberg
Ms. Jocelyn Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Slack
Ms. Lisa F. Slinkard
Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stockton Smith
Ms. Eileen Snider
The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Speers, III
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Spinelli
Mrs. George Stanley 
Mr. Dana H. Stewardson
Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart
Ms. Harriet Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Stratton
Ms. Annita Tedesco
Mrs. Robert Toland, Jr. 
Mrs. Harry G. Toland 
Mrs. John W. Town, Hon.
Mr. Stephen Ubl
Ms. Jane B. Umstead
Ms. Alexandra B. Voris
Ms. Maud Walker
Mrs. Andrew C. Warren
Mrs. Christine H. Weeks
Mr. Samuel Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Weidner
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. T.H. Wentz, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie E. Wetherill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Winters
Ms. Tami Yamashita
Please note that the  symbol following a person’s name throughout this Annual Report
indicates 10 or more consecutive years of giving to Episcopal. We are grateful for the support
of these loyal donors.
† Deceased
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Memorial & Honor Gifts
There are many occasions in life that provide opportunities for giving.
Making a gift to The Episcopal Academy is a wonderful way to memorialize
or honor a student, alumnus/a, teacher, family member, or friend.
Gifts were made to Episcopal in
honor of:
Annenberg Library
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Keith ’70
Miss Eleanor D. Anderson ’25 Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. M. Anderson
Mr. Henry J. Albrycht, Jr., Hon. &
The Wood Shop
Mr. Andrew J. Torre ’98
Mrs. Donna H. Deasey
Ms. Michelle O’Donovan
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon.
Mr. Rohan D. Gulati ’13
Mr. Joseph Buches, Hon. &
Mr. Ryan Dankanich
Dr. Samuel H. Galib &
Dr. Grace M. Galib
Ms. Regina E. Buggy, Hon.
Miss Victoria R. Sarmiento ’13
Ms. Sarah D. A. Baker ’01 Miss Sydney M. M. Francis ’13
Classics Department
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57 Pierce Earl Buller, Esq. &
Ms. Amber Brooke West ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Haldeman ’98
Christine & George Henisee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry ’54
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop ’70
Mrs. Celian B. Putnam, Hon.
James O. Robbins Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II ’52
Mr. George E. Stanley ’39 †
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey K. Wagg, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Wineland
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden ’57
Mrs. Celia W. Creskoff, Hon.
Mr. Lenard M. Haley, Hon. &
The Rev. James R. Squire, Hon. Mr. & Mrs. Won Shin ’85
Mr. Rush T. Haines, II ’61 National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls
Mrs. Margaret M. Hollinger, Hon.
The Asahel P.H. Bloomer
Caroline D. Bloomer Trust
Mr. Peter Jones
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Barnard, Jr. ’63
Mr. Brian S. Kline, Hon.
Miss Brigit L. Knaus ’11
Mr. J. Maxwell Kelly ’06 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Leidheiser
Mrs. Mary Sarah V. D. Konopka, Hon.
Miss Erin F. Flynn ’09
Mrs. Roma S. Young
Lower School Music Program
Women’s Board of Lankenau Hospital
Mr. Charles G. Kinzig ’12
The Lower School Library
Master Tucker W. Ewan ’26
Mr. Alexander R. Dupre ’13 Mr. Sean A. Fahey ’13
Mr. David J. Palumbo ’13
Karen ’86, David, Jr. ’88 &
Lt. Michael A. Marston ’90 Mr. & Mrs. David W. Marston
Mr. Daniel J. Dougherty, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan D. Devlin ’97
Mr. Hugh W. MacDonough ’63 Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Lloyd F. Sammons ’63
Miss Ashley H. Eyre ’04 Anonymous
Mr. Stephen H. Morris, Hon.
Mr. Michael Zanolli & Ms. Alice Patton
Dr. Sheryl Forste-Grupp, Hon.
Miss Angira S. Pickens ’11
Mrs. Jennifer C. Maier &
Mrs. Kris W. Aldridge, Hon.
Mr. Clayton T. Platt, Jr. ’10
Miss Amanda C. Chikowski ’11 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Chikowski
Mr. Kevin D. Flannery ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Flannery
Miss Amelia S. Cabral ’22 Dr. & Mrs. Michael Eric Y. Cabral
Mr. Michael J. Herron, Jr. ’98
Mr. Michael J. Nealis ’07
Mr. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Bachman ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.
Mr. Todd Fairlie
Eagles Youth Partnership
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Lenard M. Haley, Hon.
Mr. Joe Bayer
Mrs. Christele A. Furey
Miss Nicole H. Carolin ’13
Mr. John W. Goens, IV, Hon. &
Mr. Douglas Borgerson
Miss Kelly C. Szafara ’13
Mr. Crawford Hill, III ’70 &
The Rev. James R. Squire, Hon. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Saland ’89
Ms. Cheryl McLauchlan, Hon. Miss Lia R. Gentile ’11
Miss Haley M. Habenicht ’11
Mr. James J. McEntee, Jr. ’11
Dr. Frank O. Nagle, Jr., M.D. ’38
Mr. David G. Nagle
Mr. David J. Palumbo ’13 Mr. Alexander R. Dupre ’13
Dr. Lee T. Pearcy, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’S. Floyd
Zachary James Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Phillips ’71
Dr. Susan F. Rubin, Hon.
Mr. Jason O. Brown ’03
Mr. Ian P. Strain ’13 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Strain
Mrs. Linda M. Smith, Hon. Mr. Andrew J. Torre ’98
The Rev. James R. Squire, Hon. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Kiley ’88
Mr. M. Curtis Young ’54
Gifts were made to Episcopal in
memory of:
Mr. Paul J. Altenphol
Ms. Eve Dryer
The Family of Mary McGoldrick
Ms. Annita Tedesco
Mrs. Ana Maria Lenfest
Mr. H. Chase Lenfest
Mr. & Mrs. James Maguire, Sr.
Ms. Mary Catherine Mantho
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Marshall
The Family of Mary McGoldrick
Mr. Stephen F. Novis &
Ms. Diane L. Novis
Ms. Michelle O’Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Ms. Annita Tedesco
Mr. Wayne R. Evans
Mr. Andrew S. Evans ’02 &
Mrs. Caitlin McKenna ’02
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Evans ’96
Mrs. Wayne R. Evans
Marc T. Mandeville, Hon.
Miss Rachel M. Chung ’08
Mr. Frank M. McAlpin, Hon.
Mr. Peter B. Tedesco ’01
Mr. John E. McConnell ’49
Mrs. Virginia E. McConnell
Mr. Robert McDonald ’36
Mrs. Robert McDonald
Mrs. Beverly R. Meaney
Mr. & Mrs. Bayard M. Graf
Mr. Kevin J. Meaney
Mr. Thomas J. Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Clevens
(Tracy Demorest ’93)
Mrs. Catherine M. H. Ryan ’99
Hope Willard Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Brooks ’76
Mr. Samuel H. French ’56
Mrs. Mary O. French
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Scott ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bispham
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bispham ’63
Mr. David S. Gerber ’57
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Silverberg
Robert & Lily Moore
Dr. Robert M. Strippy ’52
Mr. Brian E. Breskman ’06 Anonymous
Mr. Albert Edward R. Zug, Jr. ’06
Mr. George F. Greenwood
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Parker ’70
John Muir
Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Gilson ’74
Mr. Harry C. Grau
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Manion III ’93
Miss Maura C. M. Murphy ’96 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kittleman
Mr. Robert German
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Lloyd F. Sammons ’63
Dr. Warren C. Nagle ’45 Mr. David G. Nagle
The Hon. Albert Herring Weeks
Mr. Samuel Weeks
Miss Margaret N. Orr ’07 Miss Meghan M. McCormick ’07
Mr. Clayton Taylor Platt ’73 &
Ms. Pamela Hansen Platt
Miss Lindsey E. Wilkinson ’07
Mr. Khari K. Baten
Miss Carolyn T. Crawford ’05
Mr. Shane M. Isdaner ’07
Judith W. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. F. John Myers, III ’84
Class of 1959 Deceased Classmates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bush ’59
Class of 1963 Deceased Classmates
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr. ’63
Mr. Lewis J. Hart Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Hart, Jr. ’63
Mr. Jeffrey A. Coale ’88 Mr. & Mrs. William Coale
Mr. William M. Hamilton ’90 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Devlin ’89
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hamilton
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Lally
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. O’Donnell
Mr. Joseph J. Coffey ’87 Mr. Erik O. Strid ’87
Jay N. Ingerle ’57
Mrs. Joseph N. Ingerle
Miss Michelle B. Deasey ’17 Ms. Michelle Altenpohl
Mr. William R. Deasey &
Ms. Donna E. Altenpohl
Ms. Eve Dryer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Ms. Rebecca Fish
Mr. William Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Kopp
Mr. Walter Konopka
Ms. Nancy S. Taylor, Hon.
Mr Richard G. Crockett ’82 Mr. Karl R. V. Mayro ’84
Mr. E. Lance Cave, Hon.
Mr. Mohammed A. Toure ’12
Mrs. G. Lloyd Kirk ’41
Ms. Annette G. Lasley
Mrs. Madeline H. Lamb
Mrs. Amanda L. Griffin
(Amanda Lamb) ’84 &
Mr. Reginald B. Griffin
Mr. Walter P. Miller, III ’55 Mrs. Binney B. Miller
Mr. F. Gardiner Pearson ’32
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. R. Cammann ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Geyelin ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Hart, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Park, Jr. ’63
Mr. Tyler A. Pride ’87 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle A. Wallace, Esq. ’87
Mr. Byron Prusky
Mr. Benjamin A. Prusky ’92
Mrs. Lilian Schultz
Ms. Martha Hodrick
Ms. Laurie Hodrick
Mrs. Helen P. Koskinas
Mr. Charles K. Plotnick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Simon
Ms. Jocelyn Simon
Rosenfelt, Siegel & Goldberg
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. Kenneth C. Smith, Jr. ’50 Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rettew, III ’50
Mr. Stuart H. Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. S. Hilton Smith, Jr. ’59
Mr. George Stanley
Mrs. George Stanley
Mr. Thomas C. Stellwagen, III ’42 Mr. Timothy A. Suspenski ’10
Mr. William E. Stewardson ’54
Mr. Dana H. Stewardson
Mr. Dave Surbeck ’60
Mr. Robinson M. Truitt, II ’60
Mrs. Carlyle Swope
Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Swope ’73
Mr. Robert Toland, Jr. ’40 Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Gager, Jr. ’40
Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Walton
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Walton ’51
Mr. Lawrence E. Weisheit
Mr. Andrew Mera & Mrs. Tanya E. Mera,
LCSW ’93
Mr. Richard Q. Whelan, Jr. ’00 Anne & John Gerbner & Family
Mrs. John A. Jarvis, Hon.
Mrs. Albert J. Whelan
Ri Jung Yang and Turner Library
Mr. & Mrs. Belin Robertson
Ms. Susan B. Robertson
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. J. Brant Singley ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Albed, Jr.
Mr. David M. Amaro
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis T. Bedwell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bishop ’58
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bloch
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Brown ’71
Ms. Leslie R. Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton M. Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Davis
Ms. Carter C. Donovan
Mr. & Dr. Kevin E. Dugan ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dye, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Evans ’96
Mr. Andrew S. Evans ’02 &
Mrs. Caitlin McKenna ’02
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mrs. Wayne R. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Flatley
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Gianforte
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims ’79
Mr. Kurt A. Haab ’82 &
Dr. Jean E. Haab ’84
Ms. Anne Marie Heil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hinckley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Hoffman
Mr. John W. Ingraham
Ms. Carolann Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Ms. Nancy Johnson-Velazco
Ms. Mary E. Kenealy-Barbetta
Ms. Deborah Lafountain
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Landers
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, Jr.
Mr. Peter Mandeville
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Ms. Alice R. Marti
Ms. Jacqueline A. Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr. ’78
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Ms. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Ms. Judith Millsaps
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Trupert Ortlieb, Sr. ’82
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. J.Radcliffe
Mr. Stephen Raynes
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rubesin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sabat, Hon.
Mrs. Sally Scorzetti
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Ms. Jane B. Umstead
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Winters
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Line Systems, Inc.
Expert Technology Associates, LLC
Paul L. Pratt ’14
Mr. Bart J. Axelrod
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Barker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Caspar Bentinck
(Hazel Imbesi ’93)
Ms. Colleen Blejwas
Mr. Brad Bricker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Butts
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Cameroni
Ms. Amy Celico
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Cheek
Ms. Deborah Chiumento
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff, Hon.
Miss Christine E. Davis ’12
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Davis
Ms. Ann Deleon
Ms. Hope Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dordelman
Mr. David R. Dugery ’86 &
Mrs. Erin O. Dugery ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. Robert Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. G. Fay
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Fossum
Mr. John Francis
Mr. & Mrs. B. Graeme Frazier, IV
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Furey
Mr. Jonathan Goldberg
Mr. Samuel D. Gordon &
Mrs. Susan Gross Gordon
Dr. & Mrs. William T. Grizos
Mr. & Mrs. F. Christian Haab, Jr. ’78
Mr. & Mrs. James Hagn
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Halpert ’89
Ms. Caroline Holland
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Hopton
Mr. Paul Howshall
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Hudome
Ms. Linda Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Humann
Mr. & Mrs. David Hurwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Hyson
Mr. Ralph Ives
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Jacoby ’83
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Julicher
Ms. Lee Darling Kauper
Ms. Jamie Kebely
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Konopka
Mr. James W. Larkin &
Dr. Judith B. Larkin
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Lobb
Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Locke
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losty
Mr. & Mrs. David Maltby
Mr. Loren B. Mead, II ’08
Dr. & Mrs. Philip S. Mead
Mr. Dmitry Melnik & Mrs. Elvira Belova
Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson L. Miller, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Morgan
Mr. Steven Nash
Ms. Nissa O’Mara
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. O’Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Owsiany
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Palumbo
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Radcliffe
Dr. Frank Rauscher &
Ms. Melissa Ludwig-Rauscher
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Recktenwald
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ritchie
Ms. Elizabeth Robins
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rorer
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rowan
Mr. Piervincenzo L. Russo ’07
Ms. Eve Sauter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Slack
Ms. Eileen Snider
Mr. Nicholas C. Sommer ’97
Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stone
Ms. Harriet Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Stratton
Mr. Stephen Ubl
Dr. James F. Vander &
Dr. Janice A. Gault
Ms. Maud Walker
Mr. Doug Watson &
Mrs. Merianne K. Lorenzen Watson
Mrs. Christine H. Weeks
Mr. Samuel Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Weidner
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. T.H. Wentz, Jr.
Mr. A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Woodville
Ms. Tami Yamashita
Mr. Brian R. Young ’08
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr. ’64
Adolescent Advocates
Advanced Medical Technology
The Boston Foundation
(The Hourless Foundation)
Conestoga Crew Club
Hartford Financial Management, Inc.
The Malvern Preparatory School
EA Class of 2014 Parent’s Group
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing ASSOC
The Shipley School
Saint Augustine College
Preparatory School
Staritch Foundation, INC.
Other Restricted Gifts to Operations
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Kathryn L. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Chambers ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Chikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Fahey
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Frederick
Dr. Norman A. Johanson &
Mrs. Brenda J. Johanson
Mr. & Mrs. Vahan H. Gureghian
Herbert C. Rorer Trust
The Smith Family
Robert C. White Trust
Gifts to Support EA’s Sister School,
St. Marc’s, in Haiti
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Aldridge
Mr. Richard Baxter & Ms. Frances Baxter
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Bell ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Cusack, Hon.
Mr. Marc Eripret
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Espe
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ewan
Drs. Debashis & Rita Ganguly
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy P. Gavin, Hon.
Ms. Jan Goplerud
Mr. David B. Grossman ’95 &
Ms. Katherine Tomford
Mr. & Mrs. Blake P. Hug
Mr. Scott Douglas Morrison
Mrs. Karen M. O’Brian
Mr. Andrew D. Rau &
Ms. Courtney G. Brinkerhoff-Rau
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Eric W. Swanson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Gifts from Corporations,
Organizations & Foundations
In addition to direct contributions
from corporations, organizations, and
foundations, many companies match the
charitable gifts of their employees. We
encourage all of our donors to ask their
employers to match their gifts to The
Episcopal Academy.
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Advanced Medical Technology
Adolescent Advocates
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Allied Mortgage Group, Inc.
American Express Fnd.
ARAMARK Corporation
Arronson Foundation
Automatic Data Processing Inc
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bachman Foundation II
BAE Systems
Bank of America
The Bank of New York Mellon
Barclay Investments, Inc.
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
The Asahel P.H. Bloomer/
Caroline D. Bloomer Trust
Boeing Company
The Boston Foundation
(The Hourless Foundation)
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Estate of Henry & Corinne Bower
Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc.
Burke Family Foundation
The Charter Foundation
Chevron Corporation
Citizens Bank Financial
The Clement Company
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Conestoga Crew Club
The Connelly Foundation
Corporate Office Properties Trust
Cotswold Foundation
The Crebilly Foundation
The Dietrich Foundation, Inc.
EA Class of 2014 Parent’s Group
Eagles Youth Partnership
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fluidedge Consulting, INC.
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Expert Technology Associates, LLC
Frenkel Family Foundation
GE Foundation
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Foundation
The Glenmede Trust Company
Goldman Sachs & Company
Granite Run Buick GMC Inc.
Griffith Family Foundation
Haldeman Family Foundation
Hannah S. and Samuel A. Cohn
Memorial Foundation
Hartford Financial Management, Inc.
Harweb Foundation
Hess Foundation Inc.
Hollingsworth & Vose Company
Horizons National Student Enrichment Program
The Christian Humann Foundation
The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust
ING Foundation
Innisfree Foundation of Bryn Mawr
Jay W. Eisenhofer Family Foundation
John L. and Grace Soldoveri
Foundation, Inc.
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
The Kohn Foundation
Larking Hill Foundation
The Larsen Foundation
The H. Chase and Ana Maria Lenfest Foundation, Inc.
The Le Vine Foundation
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
Line Systems, Inc.
The Malvern Preparatory School
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Thomas J. Meehan Memorial Fund Foundation
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Merck Company Foundation
Merz Family Foundation
MHB Foundation
The Moody’s Foundation
Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.
The Mordy Family Charitable Fund
E. Murdoch Family Foundation
National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls
National Philanthropic Trust
Nationwide United Way Campaign
Neubauer Family Foundation
Nine Nickels Inc.
Northwest Translations, Inc.
Pantheon Technology LLC
The Pencoyd Foundation
The William Penn Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
The Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Scholastic Rowing ASSOC
The PIMCO Foundation
Pine Tree Foundation
PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program
Pompei Insurance Agency
PricewaterhouseCoopers (Truist)
Quaker City Fund
Razoo Foundation
James O. Robbins Family Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
Robert C. White Trust
Herbert C. Rorer Trust
Rosenfelt, Siegel & Goldberg
Ross Family Fund
Saint Augustine College Preparatory School
Saint - Gobain Corporation
The Schusler Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Shipley School
The Shouvlin Foundation
Silverpoint, Inc.
W. Percy Simpson Trust
Staritch Foundation, INC.
Strauss Foundation
Suzi and Scott Lustgarten Family Foundation
TE Connectivity
Teleflex Foundation
TIFF Advisory Services, Inc.
Robert and Carolyn Turner Family Foundation
Turner Investment Partners
Turner White Communications, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp Foundaion
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
United Technologies Corp.
United Way
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Vanguard Group (Matching Gifts)
Verizon Foundation
Edward H. Vick Foundation
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Womens Board of Lankenau Hospital
Wright-Cook Foundation
XL Global Services
PA Educational Improvement Tax
Credit & Opportunity Scholarship Tax
Credit Corporate Support
The Educational Improvement Tax
Credit Program (EITC) and Opportunity
Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTC)
provide companies in Pennsylvania with
substantial tax credits while benefitting
Episcopal’s scholarship fund. Supporting
Episcopal through the EITC and OSTC
programs allows the school to make its
educational experience available to the
most capable students regardless of their
financial circumstances. The businesses
listed below made contributions through
the EITC and OSTC programs during
the fiscal year 2012-2013. For more
information about the EITC program
and scholarship at Episcopal, please
contact: Brian Young ’08, Major Gifts
Officer, at 484-424-1777 or byoung@
Colonial Chemical Company
Daniel Martin, Inc. (Wilkie Lexus)
First Financial Networks, Inc.
Gemini Capital Group LLC
Gregory A. Hillyard
HSC Builders & Construction Managers
IMC Construction
Manufacturers & Traders Trust Company
New View Gifts and Accessories , LTD.
Norris Sales Company
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Philip Rosenau Co., Inc.
Reliable Copy Service, Inc.
Robert J. Kratz CPA
The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
The Henson Sales Group
Vertex, Inc.
ViroPharma Incorporated
Warren Claytor Architects
Capital Gifts
General Capital Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin W. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Simpson
W. Percy Simpson Trust
Episcopal appreciates the donation of
books, classroom materials, items for the
EA archives, and other items that enhance
the educational experience. Such gifts-inkind reflect the Episcopal spirit of giving.
The Richard Guild Crockett Award
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Auch, III, ’82
Dr. Stephen B. Lewis ’82
Marc Mandeville Memorial Fund
Mr. David C. Madeira
Dr. Megan L. Werner
The Beverly Meaney Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Bayard M. Graf
Mr. Kevin J. Meaney
Mr. Dilip Rajagopalan &
Ms. Lini Kadaba
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Quigley
Meehan All Stars
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon.
Eagles Youth Partnership
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spofford ’74
Dr. & Mrs. C. A. Wayne Hurtubise, Jr. ’49
Mr. John A. Meehan ’86
Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan
Gifts to the Stanley Family
Tennis Pavilion
Mr. & Mrs. James Cockerill
Corporate Office Properties Trust
Dr. Steven E. Copit ’80 &
Dr. Debra S. Copit
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell E. Kick
The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust
Dr. Donald M. O’Rourke &
Dr. Maureen M. O’Rourke
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stouch
National Philanthropic Trust
Corporate Office Properties Trust
Ashford Land Company
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Celentano
Down the Line and Beyond Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McMullin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
EAPA Starfest
The Episcopal Academy Parents
Association recognizes the following
leadership gifts-in-kind made to support
the annual Starfest auction.
Gabrielle D’Annunzio
Gonzalo & Annette del Peon
Edith Robb Dixon
Paul DuSold
The Giles Family
Liseter by Toll Brothers
Chris & Gina McHugh
The Nickolas Family
Brian & Miriam O’Neill
Steve Musaccio
The Philadelphia Phillies
Portico by Exclusive Resorts
Rees Jones, Inc.
Kurt & Suzanne Shore
Lee & Fiona Yohannan
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Endowed Funds
Endowed funds play an important role in Episcopal’s overall development
program. The annual income from these funds enriches the educational
program and provides tremendous benefits for Episcopal’s faculty and
students. These are active funds to which contributions may be made at
any time. We ask you to consider your support of these funds in addition
to your Annual Giving support. For further information, please contact
Paige LeGrand, Director of Development, at 484-424-1785 or plegrand@ The donors listed below made a pledge or
contribution to an endowed fund during the 2012-2013 fiscal year.
n Scholarship Funds
The Aldridge Family Scholarship
Established by Alexandra and Fred
Aldridge ’51, income as determined
from time to time by Episcopal’s Board
of Trustees shall be used to provide
tuition assistance to deserving students
in need of financial assistance who are
of outstanding character and who excel
in academics, athletics and community
Susan D. and Richard M. Armstrong,
Jr. ’56 Scholarship Fund
The Susan D. and Richard M. Armstrong,
Jr. ’56 Scholarship Fund is an endowed
fund, established in 2008, to enable Upper
School students with aptitude and desire
to benefit from an Episcopal education
with the understanding that they will
apportion time in their adult lives for
service to the greater community.
Kennith R. Balsley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1980, this fund honors
Kim Balsley, Master of English (1930-66),
by offering tuition assistance to Upper
School students in need, who demonstrate
promise of academic excellence, concern
for others, and an appreciation for or
interest in literature.
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Maxwell ’48
William Scudder Baugh Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1981 by family, friends and
business associates of Bill Baugh ’47 to
provide financial aid to qualified students.
Mrs. William S. Baugh ’47
Prof. & Mrs. Daniel A. Baugh ’49
The Meagan K. Berry ’09 Scholarship
The Meagan K. Berry ’09 Scholarship was
established at Graduation on June 11,
2009 to honor Meagan’s positive attitude,
her quest for excellence, and her courage
which distinguishes her amongst the very
best of the graduates of The Episcopal
Branegan Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2012 through a bequest
from James A. Branegan, Jr., father of
James A. Branegan III ’68 and a long-time
supporter of The Episcopal Academy, the
fund will provide financial assistance to
students in need who have demonstrated
aptitude in the sciences or environmental
The Shelly and Larry Brown Student
Scholarship Fund
The Shelly and Larry Brown Student
Scholarship fund was established in 2006
to provide tuition assistance to a deserving
student who demonstrates the qualities the
Episcopal Academy stripes represent.
Buckley Scholars Fund
Established in 1999 by Walter W.
Buckley, Jr. ’55 to honor his family’s ties
to the school which extend over several
generations. Fund provides financial
aid and summer enrichment to talented
students. Grants are reviewed and
renewed annually based on demonstration
of financial need, academic performance,
and citizenship.
Ms. Alexandra B. Voris
The Gretchen H. Burke Scholarship
This fund was established in 2013 by
Steve, Danny ’07, Kelly ’08, Seanie
’10, David ’13, and Hallie ’15 Burke in
honor of Gretchen H. Burke, a former
Board Chair and passionate supporter
of The Episcopal Academy. Income
generated from this fund will provide
financial assistance to students in need
who demonstrate the strong character,
warm spirit, and incredible leadership
exemplified by Gretchen. Preference
shall be given to Steppingstone Scholars
or students who live in underserved
neighborhoods in the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55
Mr. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72
Mr. George E. Stanley ’39 †
The Honorable Constance H. Williams & Dr. Sankey V. Williams
Burke Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2004, by Stephen and
Gretchen Burke, this fund is directed
toward scholarships to attract talented,
diverse students to The Episcopal
Academy with priority to be given to
Steppingstone Scholars.
Mr. Michael J. Ross ’84
Ross Family Fund
Christopher W. Church ’72
Scholarship Fund
Established in 1999 by a couple in
memory of their close friend Chris
Church ’72, in appreciation of the lifelong
opportunities Episcopal had given them,
their family, and Chris’s other friends.
The fund provides financial aid to Upper
School students in need who exhibit
academic excellence and enthusiasm for
the experience presented by the school.
Class of 1940 50th Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Presented on the occasion of the Class
of 1940’s 50th Reunion, in honor of the
deceased members of the Class, this fund
provides scholarship aid to an Academy
student, preferably in Upper School,
whose family has suffered a sudden loss of
income or a severe financial crisis.
Class of 1941 50th Anniversary
Memorial Fund
Presented to the Academy in 1991 as
a memorial to deceased members of
the class of 1941, this fund is to be
used for a student or students who has/
have both great promise, in and out of
the classroom, and need of scholarship
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund
This Class of 1950 50th Reunion Gift is a
perpetual fund to provide need-qualified
students with leadership potential the
opportunity of an Episcopal Academy
education. The Fund’s purpose, to support
leadership in academics, athletics, and the
arts, will enable Episcopal to continue
to attract the highest caliber of student
regardless of need—a goal which lies at
the heart of Episcopal Academy’s mission.
Class of 1955 David R. Haslam 50th
Reunion Fund
Dedicated to the memory and life of
classmate David Ransom Haslam, this
fund was created to provide financial
support to talented students, like David,
who would otherwise be unable to attend
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Master, Jr. ’55
The Class of 1958 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The Class of 1958 Memorial Scholarship
Fund, created in conjunction with
the class’s Fiftieth Reunion and the
Ever Episcopal Capital Campaign,
commemorates the lives of deceased
classmates. The fund will support the
School’s mission to provide access to
deserving applicants with preference given
to students in Upper School.
Mr. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Geggis ’58
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hill, IV ’58
William H. Lamb ’58 &
Mrs. Patricia Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. McLean ’58
The Rev. & Mrs. Rudolph J. van der
Hiel ’58
The Class of 1960 Scholarship
Fund In Honor of Kennith R. Balsley,
Anthony W. Ridgway and William P.
The Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund In
Honor of Kennith R. Balsley, Anthony
W. Ridgway and William P. White, gifted
communicators and educators who
helped to form, influence and shape lives,
was established in 2010 and provides
scholarships to Upper School students
with demonstrated communication skills. The income from this endowed fund
supports students with financial need
who exhibit talent in written and/or oral
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Chagan ’60
Mr. & Mrs. George A. David ’60
Mr. Daniel W. Dietrich II ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Fricke ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Hallett ’60
Mr. & Mrs. F. Wayne Jarvis, Jr. ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Jones, III ’60
Mr. & Mrs. I.W. Morris III ’60
Mr. & Mrs. E. Barry Pinheiro ’60
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Poole ’60
Mr. D. Nicholas Thold ’60
Cotswold Foundation
The Dietrich Foundation, Inc.
The Class of 1961 Scholarship Fund
in Honor of Randy Stone ’43
In 2011, on the occasion of their 50th
reunion, members of the Class of 1961
established an endowed fund in support
of Upper School students who have a need
for financial aid and have demonstrated
aptitude in the discipline of mathematics.
Their intention is twofold: first, that this
fund will provide opportunity for young
learners to benefit from an Episcopal
education and, by so doing, hone this
important skill set, and, secondly, that
their legacy will pay tribute to the
mathematics teacher, mentor and coach
who inspired them, Randy Stone ’43.
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison H. Clement, Jr. ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Irving ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Maxwell ’61
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Shay, Jr. ’61
The Clement Company
Class of 1973 Scholarship Fund
Established in 2009, the Class of 1973
Scholarship Fund was created during the
Ever Episcopal Campaign in response
to a challenge by David Haas to his
classmates. This scholarship provides
financial assistance to qualified students. Jeffrey A. Coale ’88 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 2002 by family and friends,
this fund provides financial support for
the Academy in memory of Jeff Coale
’88 who lost his life in the World Trade
Center (NYC) on September 11, 2001.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Coale
Mr. & Mrs. William Coale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
The Ham & Ceci Clark Scholarship
The Ham & Ceci Clark Scholarship Fund
was established in 2013 in recognition of
Ham Clark’s outstanding tenure as The
Episcopal Academy’s Head of School
and Ceci Clark’s gracious dedication
to the community from 2002-2013.
During this time, Episcopal strengthened
its academic program, increased its
diversity and accessibility to all boys
and girls, incorporated experiential
learning and global education into the
curriculum, and focused on hiring and
retaining the very best teachers. The most
notable legacy of the Clark tenure is the
relocation of Episcopal to Newtown
Square and the completion of the $100
million Ever Episcopal Campaign.
The Ham & Ceci Clark Scholarship
Fund will provide financial assistance
to students in need, with preference
given to students who demonstrate the
outstanding leadership skills, endless
energy, and focused determination that
Ham Clark exemplified as Head of School
and the warmth, kindness, and strong
character that Ceci Clark shared with the
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan D. Bachman ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mrs. Kathleen M. Cannon
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana
Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haldeman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Haldeman ’98
Christine & George Henisee
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kutteh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry ’54
Mr. & Mrs. George C. McFarland, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Asuka Nakahara
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop ’70
Mrs. Celian B. Putnam, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Siegel, II ’52
Mr. George E. Stanley ’39 †
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey F. Worden ’57
Arronson Foundation
Bachman Foundation II
Burke Family Foundation
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Haldeman Family Foundation
Crebilly Foundation Fund
Established in 2009, the Crebilly
Foundation Fund celebrates the gift
of education and life experience one
receives at The Episcopal Academy. The
Fund will provide tuition assistance to a
student in need and an endowment for
the support of faculty, mentors, coaches
and staff. It is hoped that each recipient
seeks personal growth in mind, body, and
spirit and embraces “Esse Quam Videri”.
The student will demonstrate a passion
for personal academic achievement and
integrity. Leadership by example among
his or her peers, and excelling in effort
of achievement in athletics, the arts,
or furthering academic interests, is an
important consideration. The endowed
support for faculty, coaches, mentors
and staff is in celebration of all who, by
example and purpose, seek to develop the
full potential in each and every student
with integrity, honour, and respect.
Crebilly Foundation
O.R. Croasdale ’61 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established by family, classmates and
business associates of Art Croasdale ’61
to honor his memory, this fund provides
financial aid to an Upper School student
based on both demonstrated need and the
qualities of scholarship and leadership
as exemplified by Art during his years at
Episcopal and throughout his life.
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison H. Clement, Jr. ’61
The Clement Company
The Michelle Deasey ’17 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The Michelle Deasey ’17 Memorial
Scholarship Fund was established in
2008 in memory of Devon Lower School
student Michelle Deasey. Michelle’s
humility, character, competitive spirit
and grace continue to inspire her peers,
teachers, and family each and every
day. This scholarship fund will provide
financial assistance to students in need,
with preference given to lower school
students who embody these same
Ms. Michelle Altenpohl
Ms. Eve Dryer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Ms. Rebecca Fish
Mr. William Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Kopp
Mrs. Ana Maria Lenfest
Mr. H. Chase Lenfest
Mr. & Mrs. James Maguire, Sr.
Ms. Mary Catherine Mantho
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Marshall
The Family of Mary McGoldrick
Mr. Stephen F. Novis &
Ms. Diane L. Novis
Ms. Michelle O’Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Schellenger, II
Ms. Annita Tedesco
Philadelphia Insurance Companies
ARAMARK Corporation
The H. Chase and Ana Maria Lenfest Foundation, Inc.
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
GlaxoSmithKline Beecham Foundation
Episcopal Parents Association
Scholarship Fund
Established in 2003 by the EAPA, the
purpose of this fund is to support current
Episcopal students who, due to a sudden
family hardship, are in need of financial
aid and would otherwise not be able to
continue at the Academy.
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
The Edward E. Ford Foundation
Scholarship Fund
This fund provides need-based financial
aid to deserving Upper School students in
an effort to increase the school’s socioeconomic diversity.
Clara Bell Freeman Memorial ScholarLeader-Athlete Fund
Established in 1981 by Dr. Frank
Freeman ’27, this fund is a tribute to his
mother, Clara Bell Freeman, and provides
tuition assistance annually to students
characterized as scholar-leader-athletes.
The Gadsden Family Student
Opportunities Fund
The Gadsden Family Student
Opportunities Fund was established in
2006 by Tom & Beth Gadsden, and their
children, Michael ’03, Steven ’06 and
Kate ’09, to provide assistance for student
opportunities (arts, athletics, social
service, travel abroad and special projects)
not covered by financial aid. The Director
of Diversity and Community Life will
administer the funds, in close consultation
with the Head of School, Unit Heads,
the Chaplain and other appropriate
Haas Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007, the Haas Family
Scholarship Fund provides financial
assistance to qualified students.
Hamlin Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2008 by Clay and Lynn
Hamlin in honor of their daughter,
Elizabeth (Liz) Hamlin ’08, a member and
co-captain of The Episcopal Academy
Girls Varsity Tennis Team and later cocaptain of the Tulane University Women’s
Tennis Team. The income from this fund
will support one or more female students
in need of financial aid who demonstrate
outstanding character and athletic ability
and possess the intellectual potential
to benefit from an Episcopal Academy
education. Preference in the allocation of
funds shall be given first to female tennis
players. If there are no qualifying tennis
players, then preference should go to
female squash players or finally female
athletes of another sport. Mr. & Mrs. Clay Hamlin, III
The Percival van Roden Harris
Scholarship Fund
Established by Ann B. Harris, Lawrence
C. Harris, and the late Percival van Roden
Harris, Jr. as a tribute to their father,
Percival van Roden Harris, Class of 1910.
The Fund’s annual income will provide
tuition assistance to students in need,
with preference given to individuals who
participate actively and successfully in
athletics and music and involve themselves
in community service with concern for the
Mrs. Ann B. Harris
The Havens Family Endowment Fund
The Havens Family Endowment Fund
was established in 2008 by Peter H.
and Louise A. Havens to support the
scholarship of young men or women
attending Episcopal Academy who have
need for financial aid. The scholars
supported should have at least a “B”
average in their studies. The donors are
also especially interested in individuals
who participate actively and successfully
in activities outside of academics—i.e.,
varsity athletics or theater or the arts and
who participate in community endeavors,
giving time to support a charitable cause.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Havens ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Gadsden
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Hoplamazian Fund
Established in 2008, the Hoplamazian
Family Scholarship Fund provides
financial assistance to qualified students.
Jerry and Raye Johnson Student
Diversity Fund
The Jerry and Raye Johnson Student
Diversity Fund was established in 2006 by
the Johnson family to provide assistance
to deserving students. The fund’s annual
income will be used to enable students to
participate in school activities and projects
not covered by tuition. In addition, at the
discretion of the Director of Diversity and
Community Life, income generated by this
fund can be used for speakers or other
special projects. The Director of Diversity
and Community Life will administer the
funds, in close consultation with the Head
of School, Unit Heads, the Chaplain and
other appropriate administrators.
The Harold and Edith Kohn
Scholarship Fund
The Harold and Edith Kohn Scholarship
Fund was established in 2008 by their
children and grandchildren, Eva Francesca
Kohn ’06 and Elias Anderson Kohn
’08 in honor of Harold Elias Kohn and
Edith Anderson Kohn. The intent of the
fund is to provide the opportunity for an
Episcopal Academy education to needqualified students of good character who
have demonstrated a commitment to
Kurz Family Scholarship Fund
In response to “The Challenge to Lead”
articulated in the Strategic Plan for The
Episcopal Academy approved in the year
2000, Charles Kurz, III ’00, Catherine
B. Kurz ’95 and Charles Kurz, II have
established an endowment fund that will
benefit qualified Upper School students in
the IV, V, or VI form who have previously
demonstrated commitment to the
Academy and currently have a need for
financial aid.
Ms. Catherine B. Kurz ’95
Mr. Charles Kurz, III ’00
Mr. Charles Kurz, II
Thomas J. Meehan Scholarship Fund
Established by family and friends in 2004,
to honor the memory of much-loved
Episcopal coach Thomas J. Meehan, this
fund is used to support Upper School
students with demonstrated academic and
athletic promise.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Clevens ’93
Mr. John A. Meehan ’86
Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan
Mrs. Joan M. Novino
Thomas J. Meehan Memorial Fund Foundation
Meyers Family Scholarship Fund
The Meyers Family Scholarship Fund
was established by Barbara and Howard
Meyers, and their sons, Matthew (’97),
John (’00) and Brett (’03), to provide
tuition assistance to Upper School
students of outstanding character who
are expected to contribute positively
to the Episcopal Academy community
through high academic achievement and
participation in extracurricular activities,
including athletics, arts and cultural
organizations and community service.
Mr. Matthew H. Meyers ’97
Mr. Brett T. Meyers ’03
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Meyers
The William Penn Foundation
Amanda Moses ’94 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
To honor and perpetuate the memory
of Amanda Leigh Moses ’94, family,
classmates, and friends have endowed a
scholarship fund. Amanda Moses Scholars
will reflect the creative and leadership
talents of this extraordinary alumna who
was an actress, a jewelry maker, a poet
and a volunteer firefighter.
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Established in 2008 by Britton H.
Murdoch ’75 and family, this fund will
provide tuition assistance to a current
student based on demonstration of
financial need due to the loss of or
incapacitation of one or both parents.
The purpose of this fund is to give a
student who demonstrates promise of
academic excellence the opportunity to
continue to pursue his educational goals.
Grant consideration will be reviewed by
the institution and renewed on an
annual basis.
Mr. & Mrs. Britton H. Murdoch, Jr. ’75
E. Murdoch Family Foundation
Florence R. C. Murray Scholarship
Established in 1984 with initial and
subsequent grants from the Florence R.
C. Murray Charitable Trust, this fund
provides tuition assistance to deserving
students who otherwise would be unable
to attend the Academy.
The Robert ’57 and Melissa Reed
Scholarship Fund
Believing that a quality education is the
most important common denominator
of success and that a values-centered
school like Episcopal can provide a
positive rudder to guide a student’s
future, Bob and Melissa Reed established
this permanent fund to provide tuition
assistance to qualified students in need,
with preference given to students from
single-parent families.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Reed, II ’57
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Hallenbeck, Jr.
Ms. Martha Hodrick
Mrs. Helen P. Koskinas
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew H. McMeekin ’91
Mr. Charles K. Plotnick
Ms. Jocelyn Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Simon
Rosenfelt, Siegel & Goldberg
Ridgway Scholarship Fund
Greville L. Munger Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established in 2007 by Bruce and Anne
Robinson and their children, Courtney
’02, Kelly ’05, Stephen ’08 and Matthew
’13, this fund honors Jim Farrell ’82,
coach, teacher and mentor to countless
Episcopal students. In appreciation of
Jim’s commitment to the academy, this
fund will provide financial assistance for
students in need who demonstrate strong
character as well as commitment to The
Episcopal Academy community.
Established in 1965 in memory of
Greville Munger ’56 to provide financial
assistance to sons of EA alumni, who
have demonstrated talent or ability for the
good of the Academy.
Mr. & Mrs. M. Roy Jackson
The Murdoch Family Scholarship
Established in 1988 with a gift from Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Ridgway, Jr., this fund
provides ongoing financial assistance to
students who otherwise would be unable
to attend the Academy.
The Robinson Family Scholarship
The Power of Your Gift
A recipient of financial aid, Majors says words can not
fully express the gratitude she has for the Markman
family who funded her scholarship.
“The Markman family changed my life completely with
the scholarship, and I told them that at the Scholars
Luncheon and in the thank you letters I sent,” said
Majors. “I can’t thank them enough.
“Because of the scholarship, I was able to study at this
great school and grow as a person, to attend diversity
conferences, and to travel to Haiti for a community
service trip.
Meet Najah Majors ’13
It’s hard to believe now, but when she first arrived at
The Episcopal Academy in ninth grade, Najah Majors
’13 was actually super-shy.
“This was a completely new environment for me,” said
Majors, who came to Episcopal from nearby Chester
after excelling in the Project Forward Leap enrichment
program. “I was out of my element, and I just needed
some time to adjust and find my place here.”
Little by little, Majors found her comfort zone at The
Episcopal Academy—crediting many of her teachers and
her own growth as a person as the reasons that EA went
from feeling foreign to her to feeling like home.
“A number of things changed,” said Majors. “By my
junior year, I was really, really comfortable here. My
teachers really helped me a lot, but I think I grew up and
just got smarter too. I was narrow-minded when I arrived
here. All I knew was the Chester lifestyle. But thanks to
the teachers here and my classmates, my perspective
widened over my years and my hopes and dreams grew,
too, because of this place.”
“That Haiti trip really transformed me. The people there
are incredibly poor, but you’d never know it. The entire
time we were there, I never saw a person with a frown
on their face. That trip changed me forever. It made me
even more grateful for the opportunity I had to attend
At EA’s commencement this past June, Majors’ leap
forward from a shy ninth grader into a confident young
woman was rewarded as she captured two major
awards—the Jefferson Shiel Prize (for greatest general
development in the sixth form) and The Episcopal
Academy Art Prize (Majors was a co-winner of that prize,
along with Annabelle Kielty ’13).
Majors will attend the University of Maryland - Baltimore
County where she will major in criminal justice/
psychology with an eye on being a lawyer. “I wouldn’t
be who I am today without EA,” says Majors. “This
school has not only opened doors for me, but it opened
me up as a person. I’m excited about going to college
and what the future holds for me.”
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Sherrerd Family Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1983 by Jay
and Kathy Sherrerd to support highly
motivated and qualified students in need
of financial aid.
The Michael Shouvlin ’50 Scholarship
“The charismatic leader gains stature
solely by proving his strength in life. It
is his spirit that gains the victory.” The
Shouvlin Scholarship Fund acknowledges
a genuinely charismatic leader, Mike
Shouvlin, Class of 1950, teacher, coach,
trustee, benefactor, and friend. Endowed
in 2007 by an admiring alumnus who
worked closely with Mike and shared
his enthusiasm for the school, the fund
recognizes Mike’s tireless efforts on
behalf of The Episcopal Academy and
in particular his focus on its students
whom he firmly believes will be leaders
of tomorrow. More importantly, this gift
celebrates Mike’s extraordinary ability to
relate to his fellow alumni with sincerity,
sensitivity, and selflessness. The fund
will support students at Episcopal who
embody similar qualities and who show
promise as scholars, leaders, and athletes.
Esse Quam Videri
J. Brant Singley ’80 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The J. Brant Singley ’80 Memorial
Scholarship Fund was established in 2012
by his sister, June Evans, and his nephews,
Jamie Evans ’96 and Drew Evans ’02, to
honor Brant and his warm infectious love
of life, family, friends and EA. This fund
will provide aid to students in financial
need due to the death of a parent, divorce
or financial reversal.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Adelizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Albed, Jr.
Mr. David M. Amaro
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis T. Bedwell
Mr. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bloch
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Brown ’71
Ms. Leslie R. Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton M. Cochran
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis G. Creskoff, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Davis
Ms. Carter C. Donovan
Mr. & Dr. Kevin E. Dugan ’02
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Dugan
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dye, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst, IV
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Evans ’96
Mr. Andrew S. Evans ’02 &
Mrs. Caitlin McKenna ’02
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans
Mrs. Wayne R. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Flatley
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Gantt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Gianforte
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Grims ’79
Mr. Kurt A. Haab ’82 &
Dr. Jean E. Haab ’84
Ms. Anne Marie Heil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hinckley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Hoffman
Mr. John W. Ingraham
Ms. Carolann Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Johnson
Ms. Nancy Johnson-Velazco
Ms. Mary E. Kenealy-Barbetta
Ms. Deborah Lafountain
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Landers
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Leaman, Jr.
Mr. Peter Mandeville
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Marino
Ms. Alice R. Marti
Ms. Jacqueline A. Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. McAvoy, Jr. ’78
Mr. Michael A. McCann &
Ms. Susan Myrtetus McCann
Ms. Judith Millsaps
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Trupert Ortlieb, Sr. ’82
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Purtill
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. J.Radcliffe
Mr. Stephen Raynes
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Rubesin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Sabat, Hon.
Mrs. Sally Scorzetti
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Turner
Ms. Jane B. Umstead
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Winters
Episcopal Academy Parents Association
Line Systems, Inc.
Expert Technology Associates, LLC
Edward L. Stanley ’33 Memorial
Scholarship Fund
The Edward L. Stanley ’33 Scholarship
Fund seeks to put an Episcopal Academy
education within reach of students from
modest circumstances who demonstrate
high character, proficiency in scholarship,
and interest in athletics. The fund is
named in memory of Edward L. Stanley,
who exemplified Academy ideals in
character, scholarship, athletics, and
leadership. Eddie was President of the
Class of 1933, Captain of the 1932
football team, and recipient of numerous
prizes including the Class of ’77 Prize
and the Nelson Scott Deasy Prize for
George E. ’39 and Marjorie Stanley
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011, the fund honors
George E. Stanley ’39 and his wife
Marjorie. George Stanley was an
outstanding athlete, student, and leader
who deeply valued his Episcopal Academy
education. The fund provides scholarship
assistance to students who demonstrate
financial need, ability in the classroom,
and leadership potential with preference
given to students who embrace the
challenge of competitive athletics.
Mr. George E. Stanley ’39 †
John K. Tompkins, III ’49 Memorial
Established in 1982 to perpetuate the
memory of a student, alumnus, and
trustee of the Academy, this fund provides
tuition assistance to Upper School
students who demonstrate leadership.
Mr. & Mrs. David O. Maxwell ’48
Lewis H. Van Dusen, III ’57 Memorial
This fund helps support a student if his
or her continued enrollment is threatened
because of financial difficulties caused by
the death of a parent.
Alexandra M. Wake Scholarship Fund In 2002, this fund was established in
memory of former Lower School at Devon
student Alexandra Wake by her teachers
and fellow students and their families to
provide financial assistance to a student of
color in The Lower School.
Mrs. Cannie C. Shafer, Hon.
Tobias V. Welo Memorial Fund
The Tobias V. Welo Memorial Fund,
established by his son, Tobias W. Welo
’90, his family, and friends, honors a
trustee, and true leader who loved The
Episcopal Academy and chaired the
Academy’s Development Committee from
1991 through 1998. His advocacy and
oversight resulted in the establishment
of The Bishop William White Society
for Planned Giving, the initiation of the
Advocate Council for Annual Giving, and
the creation of the 1785 Bowl award for
Philanthropy at Episcopal.
Mr. & Mrs. Tobias W. Welo ’90
The Richard Q. Whelan, Jr. ’00
Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2005 by the
family and friends of Ricky Whelan ’00
to honor the memory of this good citizen,
athlete, and scholar. The Richard Q.
Whelan, Jr. Scholarship will be awarded
to Upper School scholar-athletes who
strive for personal excellence while
encouraging and supporting others
and who exhibit demonstrated promise
and involvement in a variety of school
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Fryman ’81
Anne & John Gerbner & Family
Mrs. John A. Jarvis, Hon.
Mrs. Albert J. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W. Whelan ’87
Jesse R. Wike Scholarship Fund
In 1987, the Jesse R. Wike Charitable
Trust established a scholarship fund to
provide financial assistance to students in
need, with preference given to students at
The Lower School.
The Williams Family Scholarship Fund
Established in 2006 by Betsy Williams
’93 and Jenny Williams Weymouth
’96, income generated from the Hess
Foundation gift will provide assistance
to deserving middle and Upper School
students of promise with priority given to
Steppingstone Scholars.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore
(Elizabeth Williams ’93)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Weymouth (Jennifer Williams ’96)
The Honorable Constance H. Williams & Dr. Sankey V. Williams
Hess Foundation, Inc.
Zug Family Fund
The fund was established in 1984 by
various members of the Zug family,
including Tom and Lenore Zug, Harry
and Anne Zug, their children James W.
Zug, ’58, Thomas V. Zug, ’64, Graham
F. Zug, ’70, Albert E. R. Zug, ’78, and
Wendy Zug Brown, ’85. Income from
this fund will support highly motivated
and qualified students in need of financial
aid, with preference given to students
who have suffered a family crisis (loss
of a parent, loss of a job, divorce, other
financial hardships) and need assistance to
be able to continue at EA.
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr. ’64
n Faculty Funds
Brian Edward Breskman Memorial
Fund for Faculty Support
Established in 2007 in memory of Brian
Edward Breskman ’06, this fund pays
tribute to the many outstanding teachers,
coaches and mentors at The Episcopal
Academy who impacted Brian’s life.
Income from this endowed fund is
intended to supplement a starting teacher
salary. Geared to encourage talented
academicians to remain in the profession
as they continue to gain experience,
this fund will focus primarily on young
teachers who meet certain professional
and financial criteria determined by the
Head of School and Dean of Faculty.
Stipends will be presented each year at
the final faculty party to one or more
promising members of the faculty who
have demonstrated excellence. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Maier
Class of 1940 Faculty Enrichment
Presented in 1990, on behalf of the Class
of 1940, in honor of the teachers who
have devoted their lives to the Academy,
this fund provides a stipend to faculty
members who have made a significant
impact on students and who have
stimulated students’ interest in academics,
athletics, and student activities.
Mr. † & Mrs. Robert T. Toland ’40
Class of 1944 50th Reunion Faculty
Enrichment Fund
This fund acknowledges the great debt
owed Episcopal and a generation of
Master Teachers, and serves to strengthen,
rejuvenate and retain the school’s most
precious asset: its faculty. Annual income
funds graduate studies, research and
opportunities for faculty enrichment,
continued education, and rejuvenation.
Mr. Harry R. Madeira ’44
Class of 1948 James H. McK. Quinn
Faculty Fund
The 50th reunion gift of the Class of
1948 was dedicated to the Academy’s late
Headmaster and teacher in support of the
enhancement of teaching excellence at The
Episcopal Academy. The fund assists and
encourages faculty, in particular younger
faculty, to pursue advanced degrees and
graduate education.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Arndt, Jr. ’48
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Quinn ’74
Dr. & Henry H. Sherk ’48
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Class of 1959 Fund to Enhance
Faculty Salaries In Science - in
memory of Richard P. Boekenkamp
Members of the Class of 1959 understand
that ensuring the quality of an Episcopal
education is directly related to the quality
of its faculty. They also acknowledge
the significance of science education in
preparing young people to be informed
citizens. In recognition of the particularly
competitive environment in the science
field where schools need to compete with
industry as well as with each other to
attract quality professional educators,
the class of 1959 has dedicated this fund
to support the enhancement of science
faculty compensation-specifically to
elevate the salaries of science faculty
above the levels prescribed in the budget.
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Brown ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Bush ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Clyde ’59
Mr. William K. Griesinger, Jr. ’59
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Pillsbury ’59
Dr. & Mrs. Shaler Stidham, Jr. ’59
Mr. Rowland L. Watson ’59
Mr. & Mrs. Curtiss D. Wiler ’59
Boeing Company
Class of 1951 50th Reunion Fund
The Class of 1951 50th Reunion Fund
provides endowment for faculty salaries.
Members of the class hope this fund
will assist the Academy in attracting and
retaining teachers who will continue
Episcopal’s tradition of academic
Class of 1962 Fund for Inspirational
To commemorate their 50th reunion, the
Class of 1962 has established an endowed
fund to help faculty seek innovative ways
to make learning truly inspirational.
The purpose of the fund is to enable
teachers to pursue the optimal balance
between challenging and nurturing that
leads to teaching that inspires students
and helps them thrive, build confidence,
and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Recognizing that early development is
the key to development as an adult, the
Class of 1962 proposes that preference for
resources be given to faculty who teach
students in their formative years through
Middle School. Mr. & Mrs. George W. Emlen ’62
Dr. & Mrs. F. Laird Evans ’62
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gouge ’62
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Hodge ’62
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Shaw ’62
Class of 1963 Fund to Advance a
Global Perspective
Recognizing that globalization is a
fact of life today, the Class of 1963
commemorated their 50th reunion by
creating an endowed fund to help the
school expand its efforts to provide
students with a foundation in world
languages, an understanding of cultures,
and a growing knowledge of international
issues. Income from the fund will be
used to train faculty leading student trips
abroad, support professional development
in any aspect of global studies, and
provide financial aid to increase student
participation in international studies.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Austin ’63
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ayers ’63
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Barnard, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bispham ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Sergeant B. Brewster, III ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. R. Cammann ’63
Mr. Dwight Chalker ’63
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon.
Mr. Norman A. Cocke, III ’63
Dr. Richard B. Devereux ’63 &
Dr. Corinne K. Devereux
Dr. Peter H. Dohan ’63
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Earle, V ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo F. Escayol ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Etherington ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Foster ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Geyelin ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Haines ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Hart, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Harvey, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Jackson, II ’63
Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Katzenbach, Jr. ’63
Mr. Curtis A. Lauber ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. MacDonough ’63
Mr. William D. Machold ’63 &
Dr. Lee Ying-Yuen
Cmdr. (Ret.) & Mrs. Michael A.
McLean ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Ogelsby, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Orr, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Park, Jr. ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner P. Pearson ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Raker ’63
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Richards ’63
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Rooks, Jr. ’63
Mr. George P. Rouse, III ’63
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Lloyd F. Sammons ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Simonson ’63
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Sleeper, Jr. ’63
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Spellman ’63
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bertram Stiff, III ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Tilghman, Jr. ’63
Corrigan-Beinkampen Faculty
Enrichment Endowment Fund
The Episcopal Academy has a rich
tradition of excellence in primary and
secondary education—a tradition that
owes much of its vitality to the Academy’s
greatest asset: its faculty. The Trustees
of the Challenger Foundation view the
Faculty Enrichment Endowment Fund
as a vehicle to stimulate still greater
excellence on the part of the faculty by
providing financial support to deserving
faculty members to pursue academic and/
or research projects outside the classroom
that will broaden and deepen their
skills and experience thus enhancing the
education experience of their students.
The selection of the faculty members
who will receive grants will be made by
the administration of the Academy, with
preference given to projects and initiatives
in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Crawford Hill Fund for Faculty
Initially endowed in 2007 by a gift
from Crawford Hill ’70, this fund was
inspired by Crawford’s thirty-three year
relationship with a Science Faculty that is
dedicated to excellence, values collegiality,
and has exemplified the teacher, counselor,
coach model. The purpose of the Hill
Fund is to provide faculty with funding
to pursue professional and personal
development opportunities that will
inspire excellence, innovation and balance
in teaching, mentoring and coaching.
As well, the Hill Fund aims to enhance
the collegial nature of the teaching
experience at EA. Each year a committee
will entertain proposals in support of
creative initiatives involving personal
challenge (i.e. NOLS, Outward Bound,
etc.), professional growth (i.e. travel,
fieldwork, research, coaching clinics,
mentor/mentee relationship, etc.) and
community development (i.e. departmental
retreat, guest speaker, etc.). Stipends will
be awarded annually to proposals which
best reflect the aims and priorities of the
The Hirtle Center for Innovative
The Episcopal Academy Mastership
Established by the Hirtle family in 2012,
this fund supports educators in innovating
in their classrooms. The purpose of the
fund is to provide faculty with resources
to allow them to increase their exposure
to innovative practices, to enhance their
classroom teaching, and to encourage
a dynamic educational environment in
which students thrive and the quality of
the learning experience constantly grows.
Funds will support The Hirtle Innovation
Prize, awarded annually to a faculty
member who demonstrates innovative
teaching, and The Hirtle Program for
Educational Innovation at The Episcopal
Academy each summer..
The Episcopal Academy Mastership
Program, created in 2010 and endowed
in 2013, provides a professional growth
and leadership development program
for Episcopal faculty members. The
program improves the Academy by
deepening the “bench” of instructional
and administrative leaders who work
effectively together to advance the mission
of the Episcopal Academy, by building a
large cohort with a shared institutional
vision and by modeling, at the faculty
level, the very educational ideals espoused
institutionally: challenging and nurturing,
teamwork and collaboration, transparent
communication, experiential life-long
learning, and creative problem solving.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle
Jay and Rosemary Crawford
Endowment For Faculty
Inspired by and in response to a challenge
issued by Walter W. Buckley Jr. ’55, the
Jay and Rosemary Crawford Endowment
for Faculty Compensation addresses
one of Episcopal’s highest priorities —
investing in the faculty. The endowment
will address a number of needs, including
attracting and retaining quality faculty,
salary increases, expanded educational
opportunities, independent research and
travel, and enrichment of benefits and
retirement program.
Mr. Lenard M. Haley, Hon. &
Mrs. Edna M. Haley, Hon.
Egan Endowment for the Arts
Established by Patrick and Michelle Egan
as part of the Ever Episcopal Campaign in
support of both curriculum development
and faculty support. It should generally
meet the needs of the Arts departments to
help ensure that Episcopal is providing a
superior education in Music, Visual, and
Performing Arts.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Egan
EE Ford Foundation Faculty Summer
Study Program
Established with a grant from the Edward
E. Ford Foundation, this program
provides financial assistance to Episcopal’s
faculty for summer study.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. S. Northrop ’70
Mr. David J. Reape ’80 &
Dr. Kathleen Z. Reape
Talbot Family Faculty International
Study Fund
As The Episcopal Academy prepares
students for their roles in a global society
and marketplace, the school’s ability to
afford its faculty with opportunities for
global study and enrichment becomes
an imperative. In recognition of this
need and with appreciation to the many
teachers at Episcopal who have so
favorably impacted multiple generations
of their family, George Harrison Talbot,
MD (Class of ’66) and his wife Sheryl F.
Talbot, MD have established an endowed
Fund. The Fund’s objective is to provide
support for the school’s faculty to
participate in globally oriented, advanced
study programs or academic projects that
are directly relevant to their respective
academic discipline or JTerm course
Dr. George H. Talbot ’66 &
Dr. Sheryl F. Talbot
n Endowed Chairs
Class of 1952 Reunion Fund
The Class of 1952 50th Reunion Fund
is a perpetual fund which endows a
departmental chair
for Technology in the Arts and
Greville Haslam Head of School Chair
The Haslam Head of School Chair is an
endowment fund that will support the
compensation of the Head of School
at Episcopal. It is named in honor of
Dr. Greville Haslam, Head of School
at Episcopal from 1921-1957, who
shepherded the school through its first
move west from Philadelphia to Merion,
the Depression and a World War. The
fund was created by Walter Buckley ’55,
Jay Crawford ’57, and Bill Lilley ’55
and also supported by Charles Lee ’41,
Dick Lowry ’54, David Maxwell ’48, Jay
Sherrerd ’47 and several other Episcopal
graduates who greatly admire Greville
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Martin ’49
Mr. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55
Richard Lounsbery Chair in Classical
Established in 1981 by the Richard
Lounsbery Foundation, this fund
provides income toward salary, benefits
and support of the Classics Chair of the
Howard E. Morgan Chair for Creative
The Howard E. Morgan Chair for
Creative Writing was established in 2007
by the family of Howard R. Morgan ’57
(including wife Betsy, two sons Carl G.
and H. Randall and daughter Anna ’94)
to honor the memory of Mr. Morgan’s
father, a former executive and civic leader
who placed great value on education
and on strong communications skills.
The holder of this chair will enhance the
efforts of Episcopal’s English Department
by continuing to encourage students to
write with clarity, creativity and humor.
Anthony W. Ridgway Librarian’s Chair
Established in 1984 by the Hon. and
Mrs. Walter H. Annenberg, this fund
honors a man who inspired the thrill
of learning at Episcopal for over four
decades. The fund provides annual
income towards the salary, benefits, and
support of the Director of Libraries at
the Academy.
Mr. John C. Bonan ’72
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1947 50th Reunion Fund
This fund was originally dedicated to the
maintenance of Ryan Hall at Merion in
memory of C. Richard Ryan ’47, who
served as teacher, coach, Director of
Admissions, Director of Development,
and Business Manager for the school
before his untimely death in 1988 and
will serve the same use on Episcopal’s new
Class of 1949 50th Reunion
Endowment Fund
Presented on the occasion of the Class of
1949’s 50th Reunion, this fund assists the
Academy in building its endowment and
is unrestricted.
Judith S. Diamondstone Memorial
n Other Endowed Funds
Class of 1940 James L. Crawford, Jr.
Discretionary Fund
The Marjorie B. Buckley North
Carolina Outward Bound School
Mr. Walter W. Buckley, Jr. ’55
The James L. Crawford, Jr. ’57 Fund
honors the former Head of School, a
member of the Class of 1957, for his
devoted and exceptionally talented
service over more than a quarter century.
The fund recognizes his special efforts
to “open the door” to more and better
alumni involvement on behalf of The
Episcopal Academy. Initiated by the Class
of 1940, it is established as a discretionary
fund for the Head of School. Income
from its principal will be available to him
or her, with the approval of the Finance
Committee of the Board of Trustees, to
advance the best interests of the Academy
—its students, faculty, administrators
and plant—in ways not funded or
insufficiently funded by other sources.
Taylor W. Cole Book Fund
Class of 1945 50th Reunion Fund
Presented in 1987, this fund provides an
appreciation by Mr. Cole’s children of
his dedication and service on Episcopal’s
faculty (1967-87). Annual income is
used to purchase books on mathematics
and computer science for the Annenberg
This fund was created to support an
identified need of the Academy for
renovation of the Administration
Building. It also serves doubly by releasing
bound funds to new uses in faculty
enrichment and curriculum revisions.
The class was honored by the naming of
the building’s board room, “The Class of
1945 Board Room.”
In 2006, The Episcopal Academy initiated
a North Carolina Outward Bound
experience for all incoming 9th graders
thanks to guidance and support from
Marjorie Buckley. In 2013, this program
was endowed by Walter Buckley ’55 in
honor of his wife Marjorie. This fund
ensures that generations of EA students to
come will spend several days each August
developing their leadership skills, learning
the value of teamwork, and making
lifelong friendships in the hills of North
Mr. & Mrs. Clement T. Cole ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Cole ’73
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Jessie B. Cox Community Service
Launched in 1986 with a gift from
the Jesse B. Cox Charitable Trust, this
endowed fund provides support for the
Community Service Program.
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Class of 1946 50th Reunion Fund
This fund was created to endow
maintenance of the Class of 1946 Bates
Eno Sharp Athletic Field. This fund
is dedicated to the memory of Bates
specifically and to all the deceased
members of the class.
This fund was established in 1988 in
honor of Judy Diamondstone, a teacher of
history (1984-88). The income is donated
to a community service project selected
each year by the recipient of the Judith
M. Diamondstone Prize for American
Dora Khayatt Art & Music Prizes Fund
Established in 1990, in memory of Dora
Khayatt, artist and wife of the late John
Plant, former Chairman of The Episcopal
Academy Classics Department, this fund
provides annual support for student
awards for excellence in the fine arts and
General Endowment Fund
Gifts to this fund are unrestricted and
support all Academy activities.
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bennett
Mr. Robert R. Bishop ’58 &
Mrs. Sally B. Bishop, Hon.
Mrs. James C. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Devlin
Mr. Erwin Fiero ’50 †
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Jannetta
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Lally
Mr. Harry R. Madeira ’44
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Madeira, Jr. ’72
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Minnick
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. O’Donnell
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Spellman ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Page H. Thompson ’79
Mr. James A. Welham, Jr. ’54
Larking Hill Foundation
Faculty Fund
The income from this fund supports
faculty salaries and professional
Mr. Norman A. Cocke, III ’63
Forrest L. Gager Fund for Junior
Forrest L. Gager, Sr. distinguished himself
as an Episcopal Academy administrator,
teacher, mentor, and coach from 19131959. In 1923 he and Head of School
Greville Haslam founded an athletic
program for the lower grades. The ever
resourceful Mr. Gager invented the
football for small hands by cutting down
standard-size footballs, and he often
donned white knickers and shirt to referee
at EA games. To honor his father, Forrest
L. Gager, Jr. ’40 established this fund in
1992 to help defray the cost of officials’
fees, athletic equipment, and team gear
used by Lower and Middle School
students. Mr. & Mrs. Forrest L. Gager, Jr. ’40
The Huston Family Lower School
Chapel Program
In 2010, The Stewart Huston Charitable
Trust provided funding for an endowment
to establish a lecture series in support of
the Lower School Chapel program and
religion curriculum. By providing this
opportunity for Lower School faculty and
students to host on an annual basis an age
appropriate guest lecturer, who could be a
member of the clergy, a child psychologist,
an author, a sports figure, or story teller,
the Trust underscores the importance of
and impacts directly this earliest stage
of our students’ spiritual journey. The
endowed fund will also provide funding
for the procurement of hymnals for first
grade students each year.
Miner Merrick Lecture Fund
Dedicated to the memory of an Academy
teacher whose service spanned four
decades, this fund, established in 1988,
subsidizes visits to campus by professional
educators trained in ethics, government
and history.
Maura Clare Malone Murphy ’96
Memorial Fund
The Maura Murphy ’96 Lecture Fund
was established by her family and friends
to honor her memory. This fund brings
speakers to the Class of 1944 Chapel
to assist students in their moral and
emotional development. Speakers address
questions and concerns that young people
confront daily as well as those issues they
may encounter in later life.
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kittleman
Ms. Megan Irish
Granite Run Buick GMC Inc.
John B. Muir Fund for the Arts
Established in 1987 as a tribute to a man
who dedicated his life to arts at Episcopal,
this fund provides annual support to bring
professionals engaged in the fine and
performing arts to the Academy.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Urbani, Jr. ’78
Prize Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Stone ’78
John Plant Scholars Program
Begun in 1986 with major funding from
the Richard Lounsbery Foundation, this
fund honors a man who guided the study
of classical languages at Episcopal from
1966-1993. The program offers annual
financial assistance, based upon need and
merit, to four Upper School students to
pursue their interests in Latin and Greek.
Prof. John C. Yoo ’85 & Ms. Elsa Arnett
The income from this endowed fund
supports the numerous prizes which are
awarded throughout the academic year.
Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Huffman, Ph.D. ’78
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Morrison ’74
Benjamin H. Read ’43 Lecture &
Award Fund
The Stewart Huston Charitable Trust
Established in 1993 to honor the
memory of a statesman, peacemaker,
environmentalist and scholar of world
affairs, this fund sponsors lectures by
distinguished figures in worldwide public
affairs, and presents an award to a V
Form student, to support an original and
worthwhile public service project.
G. Lloyd Kirk Memorial Fund
The Stone Fund for Civic Engagement
Established in 2003 by the family
and friends of G. Lloyd Kirk ’41, this
fund provides monies for the rental of
instruments for student musicians at
Episcopal who have demonstrated need.
This fund was established in 2013 by
Ted ’78 and Liz Stone and their family
to support the exposure of students
to a full spectrum of principles on the
topics of political science, economics,
jurisprudence, public policy, and civic
awareness. The Stone Fund recognizes
that Episcopal students will have a
Ms. Annette G. Lasley
Mr. Henderson Supplee, III ’47
head start on their peers in interpreting
the events around them if they receive
a balanced exposure to conservative,
moderate, and liberal viewpoints with the
notion that supporters of all viewpoints
are committed to improving society. In
addition, the Stone Fund also supports
the efforts of teachers to inculcate in
students an ability to interpret the validity
and perspective of information they hear,
read, and watch, and an ability to think
critically about how that information
is impacted by the viewpoint advocated
by its source. Funds will support JTerm
course development that exposes students
to the aforementioned topics, as well as
student and faculty involvement in clubs
and activities that encourage students
to consider a broad range of political,
economic, and civic viewpoints. The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
Horizons at The Episcopal Academy
This year, Episcopal introduced a new outreach program that benefits
Philadelphia public school students, Horizons at The Episcopal Academy.
Horizons is a six-week, tuition-free, summer academic enrichment program
that addresses the achievement gap and summer learning loss that impacts
students from low-income families. The EA Board of Trustees recognized
that Episcopal has available space during the summer months and looked
for a way to use this capacity to advance its public purpose. Horizons
National, an organization with a 50-year history and affiliates operating on
33 different independent school and college campuses across the country,
was an obvious partner. Episcopal donated the use of campus facilities for
the summer, but all other funds to support this self-sustaining program are
raised privately from individuals, corporations, and foundations who are
listed to the right. The program also offers community service opportunities
for some Upper School students who serve as teacher’s aides and summer
employment opportunities for some Episcopal teachers. In June, Horizons
launched the first summer with 30 Kindergarten and First Grade students
from the Young Scholars Frederick Douglass Charter School, which is part of
the Scholar Academies network of schools run by Lars Beck ’89. The program
will grow each year until it serves students in Kindergarten through eighth
grade. This year’s students will return each summer until they complete
eighth grade, and the program will add a new class of Kindergartners each
In the first summer, students participated in high-quality academics with
cultural enrichment and confidence-building activities. A typical week of a
Horizons student is full of experiential learning and purposeful exposure
to new environments. The students learned the life cycle of plants and
were introduced to healthy eating through organic vegetables and garden
education. Transformative artists such as Van Gogh or Picasso unlocked
the children’s creativity in personalizing their own interpretation of cubism
and impressionism. In science, the mixing of two different types of liquids
that resulted in a solid left the students still questioning the experiment
and eager to do it again. Above all, the students’ greatest achievement was
the resiliency in overcoming their fears to become capable swimmers. This
integration of academic content and hands-on learning has provided new
meaning and increased engagement to their world of learning.
Gifts to support EA’s Horizons
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Archambault
Mr. & Mrs. C. Lars Beck ’89
Mr. Karl N. Beinkampen &
Ms. Elizabeth A. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. L. Hamilton Clark, Jr., Hon.
Mr. Jackson Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy P. Coote
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Dana
Dr. Andrea Danial & Mr. John Danial
Fluidedge Consulting, INC.
Mr. & Mrs. Derek T. Harrar
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Hirtle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hondros
Horizons National Student
Enrichment Program
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas LeGrand
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lesher
Nine Nickels Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Marc D. Portlock
Razoo Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks D. Reinhard, Hon.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Semmer
Dr. Alan R. Tessler & Dr. Dee Kim
Mr. Thomas V. Zug, Jr., ’64
Horizons at The Episcopal Academy Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Executive Director
Rowena Lesher
Ann Semmer
Vice Chair
Peri W. Higgins
Donna Archambault
At Large
Courtney Portlock
Lars Beck
Ham Clark
Susan Coote
Andrea Danial
Kim Harrar
Margaret Hondros
Paige Peters LeGrand
Nancy Reinhard
Beth Corrigan
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy Alumni &
Development Office Staff
Samantha J. Bloom
Carter S. Learnard
Director of Data Management & Research
Director of Annual Giving
Kathleen M. Cannon
Theresa McElhone
Major Gifts Officer
Development Office Manager
Corinne A. Catania
Stephanie M. Ottone
Development Assistant
Assistant Director of Annual Giving &
Alumni Relations
Winton M. Doherty
Director of Special Events & Liaison to the
Board of Trustees
Alumni Assistant
Jennifer S. Fifer
Brian R. Young
Campaign Director
Major Gifts Officer
Lenard M. Haley
Alumni Associate
Carolyn M. Jaeger
Director of Planned Giving
Bruce D. Konopka
Associate Director of Development &
Director of Alumni
Paige Peters LeGrand
Director of Development
Nancy S. Taylor
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy 2012-2013 Annual Report
The Episcopal Academy
1785 Bishop White Drive | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073-1300
484-424-1400 Tel | 484-424-1600 Fax |